Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Bears Control the Wheat Trade on the
Ohicago Exchange.
Tlic VlHlliln Supply of Ornlii SlookH In
HI ore nnd Iilvo .Slock
Markets-Tito World's
( . 'ommurcc.
t'ntrAno. Mny II. The wlirnt trade wns
quite lii-arHily dl posi-d wlion the boiiril
upcucil but It chniiBcil tutor. Allot thocnrly
nlTcrlnKS wcru nbiorbotl by Now Yorl < mill St.
Lout * pootilu unit by vitrlnus lar u trailori
linn1 Tim early lulling WUH bpuauio of the
bcirlsli Kovcrntiiciit crop rnport * Saturday
iitid bci'iinso of Ihu line wimlhrr. The buying
later was bco.uisi ) of the lUbt rerulpts lit Iu-
lutli and .MItitiDapolla and Ijri'fyisn ot a 11-
portnil alKilltlon of two-thirds of the Spinlsh
Import duty on Hour. Additional dl P itchci
worn n coUud tolllnn of dania/c by hot winds
to the corn and o.its crops of Hungary. Th < >
hints i-rc made nervous ills' ) by tbn fact
Ilia ! the M.iy future wldcnud out oni1 tlino to
aliansl " > r ' uvcr tin1 .Inly future and
by the eirly Indleatlona that tliere
would bo a heavy Ooereaso In the vlsl-
li.o supply , tlioiiuli the IlKnr'JS "hrli
poslia showed only a small one. .Inly
opened ut ! H'l'jyc. ( ' or a shrnlo above Satur
day s i-iiiM . brouo to IN'ti' ' and then aihaneod
toU'n4 , . After hutiKliiK around uu > , fl'W' ' o fern
n loiu time It jillnped to tt 00V then foil back
to'i1 ! ' , ! ' . Kepurts of heavy ilama.'e by bugs In
Kims is feais lor tin ; crop on arcnunt of diy
neither In Mlnnesot.i. and delut loiatlon In
conillllnii In Michigan , sntlleuil to raise the
lirli'i to l Hi' ' , , lint the s-ilosat this lUine ttere
Xilaitfi' tlfit Itilroppeil b.K'k to ! i'.i'c ' It ap
peared 1 tr.idnrs M-nlpliiK tliu
niaruet They 'ivoi w helmed tliu tr.ide with
olTerliiL's at tl 01 * , but \\ern disposed to liny at
iiftili * bi'Ii'U tlmt nrli i > . Toward tbe I'loM1 the
bearx tbre\v don n a lot of HIM In on the market
und bloke the unco to ! iT'e. but It i.tlllvd ! 4e ,
eliisiueis > .
I'orn openLd ncnlc as the result of line cro\v-
InKUeilliei and M eeded for u uhlle. Later ,
\vlnn tthunt aihanced , corn rallied In sm -
jiatby July opened at fiS'so. sold olT toi7 ! * , ' ,
rallied to Vie , rerudvd to thoopenlui ; piku and
cliisoil steady
Oats Mlaiteil ueak with the other KMlns and
then iMii-'nl lilulier llefoiotho clo e. as In
nhe it and corn , all of the a < Uan < es woio lost.
1'iovlslons started ue.iK , beoanso of the
lar c run of hous ni the yaids , hut they had a
feeble- little rully In sympathy with cr.ilns
Ne\erthole < s the undurtone of tbe maiKot
\vashea\yntall tlmus and the tlo o at con
cessions from Salnrd.iv's last prices.
CiiliAoo , May II Konnott. lloiiKlns A. Co.
to u. A McWhortor Wheat we.ikened somo-
nhat at the outset on the more fa\orablo
fio\'erllllent ! letiort.but thesrllliiK was mainly
y loom traders already short. There was
Kood buy mr by eommlsslon houses which ab-
borhed the lloatlm ; wheat , and wncn shorts
came In they advanced the price I' r. The
Miiall iiiM'rtMbo In the visible supply and In
the dlllereut lone of Into foreign advices
ciiustd f rcBh selllni ; near the close and a sharp
reaction Theseaboaid reported a falling oil
III expiitt orders Countij elevatois stocks
In the northuest ihcie.scd hut ir > tilO (
bushels. On the whole the nc'Ws tod.iy
has not been allo othei salKfactory to hold
ers and It would not be surprising If prices
i-hould recedi somewhat further tomonow on
reall/liiK sales , but wo are frlondly to the IOIIK
hide of all Kood breaks. Corn and oatshavo
about hold their own. An ollort was made to
raid 'hem early , but It met with little success
and sales weie Roncr.illv covered at higher
prices. ] , nrpcr arrivals mini the country aio
predicted. Kansas < Ityienorted 'Kit ) ears on
track there tod.iy. Wo look for lower prices
ovontunlly , hut would keep on from the xhott
Kldo until a peed nilly comes. HOKS were In
peed supply. The bull foollnx In provisions
In supported lar.'cly bv a belief that the sinu-
iner nine of hews Mill bo light. Anything In
dicating a dlllcront rusull will be depiehsbiK
to the iimrkot. So ling Kxlay was by the pub-
lie generally , principally holders Ollerlngs
were fairly well absorbed by shorts who were
willing to takn profits. Lower prices wcro
ULMiln at tbe close.
CniCAK ( ) , May 11. W. O AlcCormlric , to
F C' . Hwartr , t Co. The trading today has
consisted cblclly of "snapping Jack knives"
among our local scalpersalthoujh fora short
time on the oarlv neakiie-s there was good
buying for Now Vork and St , Louis ao'ount.
which was Induced bv the news that Spain had
removed two-thlids of her Import duty on
grain. News was mc.igrtt. 'llie tone of the
cables wasdecldodly ne.ikalthough those le *
colved early did not ijuoto pilccs loner.
Traders were much dlsippolntcd at finding
the decrease In the visible snptily only ll'ii.UD ) .
The largo shipments fiom Dulttth have 10-
appeared on the laKes , The govcrnmont ro-
poit which ImpioM'd the condition of winter
wheat from 1MI last month to07.7 wus not un
expected. Hecelpts at eleven prlmaty points ,
8 < iV.l .U ; shipments , Mhl.OOrt ; olcarlncs from Now
Vork and llaltlmoro were 7nUUO hushela of Tbe close of the market was \ cry weak.
Coin bulled early on the covering of shorts ,
1ml was dull until after the noon horn , when
the bieak was Htartod by the docllno In
wheat. The receipts of corn tomorrow , ( > : > J
cai , woio considered Inrco. Wo can see hut
onesldo to this deal , which Is the short side on
bnlgcR. Oats were llrm early , but \ery dull
end broke later In sympathy with corn. Shlp-
jicis say that the cash demand for both oats
nud corn Is less ptesxlng than It has been.
1'rovlslons weio dull and weak ilndertho pies-
IIHI from the bear scalper- . When Ibo mar
ket struck II..OO for t > oitoinl | er pork a lingo
number of buying oiuors worn developed ,
iiianv of which were unlllled at thoeloso , The
linn Let looks hoa\y , and It will take better
outhldo buying than we are having at piescnt
to prevent a somewhat further decline.
The le.idlng fuliues tanged us follows :
Cash limitations \\ern as follows :
ri.otnt Steady , unchanged ; Hnrlni ; . t'l
I.W ; winter , fi.004i3.80 ; straits , J41W33.00 ;
bakers , { t.8.Vif 4..V ) .
WllKAr Nix 8 spiliiK wheat. JI.08 ; No.
iprlni : wheat , O.vafj7e : No. 8 red , ( l.08 < ri > t.04.
t 'DUN So. 8 , BJ4c.
OATH-NO. 8 , ftUc : No. 2 white , STi No ,
8 hlte. > a51'c.
llK No. 8. woe.
lUitt.EV No. 8 barley , nominal No. a , 1'eb-
rnary , ? .MJ7t > o : No. 4. We.
I'nx hmi-No.'l , JI.14.
TIMOTIIV fctKlt : rrlmo. fl.25.
I'oitK-Mess pork per barrel , Jlt.M ; lari
per owt. * .40SiU' ( . ' > 4 ; short ribs sides ( loose ,
t\'KMi.MCi ; dry salted shoulders ( boved ) , J3.20
lA 83 ; Hhot t clear sides iboxed ) , ftt.4iKllt.nU
WIIISKV DUtlllurs' tlnluhcd Koodii per ual-
lon , ft 17.
r-uiHit Out loaf , tinchanEeil.
Itecoipts and bhlpmcnts today ncru as fol-
On the produce oxeh into today , tbo bultor
market was lovvets Kxtra creamery , " 4ii..f > o.
nxtrii Ilists ; "Itt'-'C ! llrsts. ITH-Mc ; extra
dnliy. UUniSe : uxtra Ursts , KiilUcj tlrsts , lift
lio. (
lio.L'lms He.
Vlhllilo ( ir.iin Siiity. | |
ClllCtU ) , Mny IL The visible supply of
gialn , as icportcd for the board of trade. Is as
fo lows :
rtushels. Inorcii'V. Deer'so
Wheat .O.sMtKX ) . . t.'tl.OUO
Corn II.71KIKH ) Putin )
Oats IM.W.UIKI 2lu.tKK )
' ' ' ' ' " '
llai'ley . . . . . . . . . . ti7i'WK ' ) M.UOO
Now ) 4ifk . .
NEW VOUK , May ll.-l'i.oi'lt-ileoelpts. 21,547
tiackaues ; I > \MH | ) , WOJ barrels , l.OJl sacks ;
laaiket dull , iniscttltd ; closed nuuk. May
ales , IWBO banoK
I'niiNMKAii ttoudy , quiet ; yellow western ,
Wiir.ATKecclpts , 12I.SOO busbols ; exports ,
62.7W1 bushels ; sales , 7.MI.OOO bushels fti-
turest ! > , ( KJ ) bushels spot. Hpot market
litabor. with options ijulet ; Isi ) . . - . " " >
11.13 In elevator ; Jl.M' ' , uiloat ; Jir. " , < l.l5 f.
o. UjuriKradedred. JI.IO' ' il.141 , ; No 1 north-
rn. to nrrl\o. I.18V , ; No. 1 bard , to urrhe.
II. 1A. Options pd uncedO8'iO on the report
that Spain hml reduced Itsl mnort duty.uftor-
ward there was u decline ot UU'io on forolKit
lellliiK with only u sllcht decrouso In the v Is-
Klu at
advance for months nnd li < ttt on Iho
Into months No. 8 roil. Mny , 1MOW1.I2' , ,
closlnB at tl II'i : .Itinc. Jl.0"'i4l.0li'i , closlint at
li.iO'i July , ii.w.uwi o m. closlnu at * ! . ( ' !
September. Jl.02't'itl.0i'i. ' ; closing nt II.02V !
) ctuhur il.nvli li. cli ) ' ' . * ; Do-
ember.'4 J.04S | , elosiiiu at fl.l'll ' May
> U3i , ll.07 > i , oloslnn ultl.OS > i.
Mocks of craln In stern nnd alloatt May
vheut , .tSi. . ' ! bushels ; corn , ni 1,000 busheU ;
its , M4.C2I bushels ; malt. 8J.W4 bu bcl9i
cii , 1117 buslu'ls.
I'oilN Hecelpts , 40.avi bushels ; nxporls , 1.4M
jiishelo ; sa'e ' , 1,4SO.OCO bushels of futures ; 19-
0) bushels spot. Spot nrirket dull and lower ,
loslni ; weak ; No. 8 , c'Jflsio ' In nlevator ; 811ft
'o alioati ungraded mixed , 'ms-jo. Options
I'ie ; boplemtier , ( tic , December fti'iji1.
IJAr i--Iccelpls. ! r)8.ti'OliinheM ( ' ; exports 100,000
mshfls ; dales. 10I.OOJ bushels futuies. .Vl.OOT
mshols spot. ! > pol market dull and louer ;
ptlons dull and weak ; May. 60. eloslntf 57ci
.lino. M rij- ' ' ' ' . closlnif B4'4c ; .July. 5iat4 c.
losing if MSI S-eptember , 4Ul4il'tO ! .No. 8
rtbile , .VJ'o.'li'.c ; mixed weslein. .VW.ilc ; white
western. fOyiOf. No. 8 ChlcaBo , toiiftJ'Jc.
IUr I'lrm and ipilct.
lioi's-ynlet and llrm
: ( ( - ( ! , . ; Hcstern , I0'4o ; receipts.
,2lf packages.
I'oitK-joint ( , steady : old mess , til ? .vaiS. ! * > !
irw inriM. si.l..Vii } ( 4,8.Ji extra prime. ill.i'w
SIOAH Iaw. ! tniirn iftlxp. atilrr ; fair refill-
Inc. 2 10-lt.e ; eentrlfURals UO test.Hie. Pales ,
Ml ) hocshe.ids mnscoxado , SO test at 2l.i-tlic ;
! ) I'.s ccnltlfiiK.'il IK ) test , IlUe : I. I.VJ bans
nnlnsses suir ir , so test. Sju and lain h.itnrdav
isi ho.'shi"ids and II'll lines musco\adoMite t ,
'e ' Itcllned. onlol. lower , No. fi , .I'.ic : No 7 ,
I ll-Ke ; Vi. R. : ir-lic : No. O.ntl-li'H' , No 10,11'Jc :
No II. : i7-lRc ; No. 13. Il e ; oil A. ; i 1.1-ir/ ;
lonld A , 4 ' c ; standaiu A , 4 : i-li'c ; confectlnn-
rs A. 4' ' e ; cut loaf , .Vic : crushed , Hie ; pow-
leied. 4'ic ' : k'r.Ululated , I'-iC ' : cubes 4'ic.
Mm.A--SI s - Pin-IL-M. dull ; .New ( Jlleans ,
steady , more artlxe ; Hlo. llrm.
CCT .MIIATS In ictl\c , steady ; middles , llrm ,
I.Aim Wo.ikiT and dull ! western steam ,
[ > 7S"f ; sales , I.IKW tlerei-i : flTOiitl'S'i Op-
Ion HiilesStum tleiees ; May.WT'.i .Inly , K " ' &
I si ; , closing at M.S' . : August , t'l ' 'K closing at
" . " 0 ; S'pti'inbei. ! 7.1.l , closing titfi.lJ bid
Iltmm Quiet , easj ; western dairy , I.VflUle ;
U'stoinicieimeiy. . lM'ii'"Je ; western factory ,
CHI.I-SI ; quiet , easy : skims , 53U'ic.
St. lioulH 'Mill kols.
Sr. Loins. Mav it. WHEAT Unsteady :
ash , Jl.OSi ,1 illy , 1)4'o. ) '
Cons Loweij e.ish ' , siisic ( ; July. Ij0ic.
\TS-Lowcr , cash. Me ; July , 4 So bid.
1'ollK iasy : at HI S.Vitl..UO.
L MUI--Weak at filSj.
\ \ lip-m tl Is.
lit i n it K.isler creamery , 2 < ® ? < ! c : dairy , 19
J..lo , noithcin roll , IS'iiM'ic. '
ST Lofts' , M.ij 11. Langonhurg Iliothers to
'iickrull llrothers The iccclpts al St. Louis
veil"Mieat. . ) ' ) , SS | ; coin. lia.UK ) ; oils , r > ii0i ! ) .
cjlilpjiu'iitu : U heat. Tl.llfl ; corn , s.Jlll ; oats ,
' 0,1IU. The following is the olllc al tepoit of
2o | langoof prices at this point tod.iv :
ovivioiiliy | Opi-ii | Hlxli | I.i7w | Close j Sil'y
" "
July , 84H M'l
July . . . . ti'fi
July 4H < 42 42 4 UK
UrillHli Craln Tra < lc.
LONDON. May 11 The Mark I.ano Hxpress
n Its weekly lev low of the llrltlsh Rraln t ridu
ays l.'nillsh wheat Is a shade to Is lower , i \ -
'ept IInet wheats , which aie still < | noted at 44s
In the principal nmikols the loss Is Is lid per
* uek , and In the London Dd. I'oielRn wheatH
irodeptessed I'rlces fell Is Hubseiuentlj | on
lews of the prospective reduction of the
I rcneh wheat tailir.
Coin , bailey and oats were weaker At to
la v's meet I ni ! Kiiillsb w he its weie dull at the
irevlous decline I'orcUn wheat was ullllcult
.o sell at this td reduction.
1'lour wus dull.
Kansas ) City .MiirltotH.
No.Shard , cash , ! 3'jc ; .No. Sicd , cash , UI5J >
_ Con.v About steadi ; No. " , cash. V > V ; May ,
o'ATs-Woakei ; No , S , cash , 4frsebld ; May ,
ruum-Miill : fiimlly , Jl.lvai.S3 ; choice ,
J.WI ; fancy , * I.701 73 ; e.xtra fancy , fl.'JO ; half
latent , tl.MX&S.UO ; patent , * . ' . " "
Ijivcrpool Markets ; .
LiVKitfOOi , . Mnv IL WIIKAT Moady ; hold-
jrs otTer moderately ; Kansas winter ,
uird , 8sul percental.
CGOHN Steady ; western. .Is G'Jd percental.
HACOS Long and short clear , K > pounds , Ills
1 , Alto Western , 'Us per cwt.
Ii.NSi.Ki > On.2s d oercwt.
MlimrapollHVIicut tnrkot.
MiNMiAi'Oi.iH , Minn , May 11 WIIKAT 1)0-
nand for Nos 1 and 2 not thorn itood , but
grades below that were slow ; 10-
coipts , for two days , ui ) cars : ship
ments , to cars. Close : No. 1 bard M iv , Jl.00 : en
irack. $ l.ufi'ai.u7 ( ; No. 1 northern. May
; iud June. Sl.OI'/t : on track. $1.04'i : No. 8
lorthern , , ' : on t rack. tl.OJ ® 1.03.
CINCINNATI i , O. , May 11. WIIKAI In fair do-
iiiuul ; No. 2 lo.l , tl.tM/Qil.Oii'i. '
Uoiiv Lower : No 2 mixed , oT'jfTHOe. '
OATS In modcrito demand ; ? * o. 2 mixed ,
WHISK v 11.17.
Market .
MILWAUKEE , WIs , May 11 WIIIIAT Easier ;
No. 8sprlni { , cash , JI.Oltoi.oi ; July , USJ.c.
Cons KirniiNo : i , ( lie.
OATS-Meady ; No. 8 white , 52c.
I'oitK July , $ ll.I7'j
'J'oledo MarlcotH.
Toi.cno. O. . May ll. Wiu.AT--Iower ; cash
nnd May. il.07.
COIINN'onlected ; cash , O'Jc.
OATS Dull ; cash , Til' c.
United closed at 71 Vcfor June.
Con ON KKEO On. Klrni , quiet : crude , off
grade. S.Vii'-.le. ; yellow , oil m 'ido , id't'U ; < - .
TAItOW-i5ttoiiKJclty ( } , ' .OJ foi pkgs ) 55-10 ®
HOSIK Steady , cjuiut ; strained , common
to irood , JI.ll.VItl.70.
Ttnil'KNTl.NK Quiet , OTVe.
llioi-.s rinn , dull ; VTct salted. Now Oi leans
selected , 4Vitfk' > pouud.s , Texas selected. .V.iiiOO
pounds , CAtiC.
I'll ! Ino.N-Qulet ; American JI00031SOO.
Cm'i'Kit Nen-locted nominal lake
, ; , May ,
l.nin Steady : domestic , Jl.Sfl.
TIN Quiet and steady ; straits , J19.83.
Stocks anil ItondH.
NEW YOIIK , May II Thostook market today
bojran thn now wcok with pioro activity than
usual of Intc.whou n wenk tone was displayed
by most pronounced strength which reached
almost everything traded In and caused a
dullness which loft the list matcibilly higher
than the closing of last week. The advices
fiom abioad over Sunday wcro not such as to
Rive much eucouraKcment to buy stocks , but
bej end some boar pressure to sell there was
no disposition of conseqiienco shown by hold-
on this HUH nliiK to p irt with tholi stocks , and
the oirlv weakness may bo attributed entirely
to the olTorts of the icactlonlsls. The dcclln-
IIIK tendency lu tbo early dentines was materi
ally bellied also by the weakness In the Indus
trials , and especially In cordage and Chlc.igo
K'lis. The dovvnvv aril moxemcnt In the former
was helped by the publication of an article
showIIIR that most of the inunufacturcis of
coidaio ; me outsldo of that tinst and the pi Ice
of the stouk. unsupported by thu mani
pulators fell away to 1)1 ) after selling nt
101 % lust wcok Chicago pis showed less weak
ness and Its loss wi.s smaller. London
caniu In as .1 buyer of stok however , the pur
chases bclir ; necompanlcd by assurances that
Itnssla would have nothing more to dlstuib
the llnnnclnl situation In 1'urope. 'Ibis en-
counued the bulls again and they showed
tholi hand In the afternoon by htiylui ; stocks
all alonn Iho line , the nuslnc-s ilono being
larger than for many dnvs , nnd the Improvement -
ment In prices most Impoitnnt. The blunts
weio dilven tocoverIn man } of the leading
shiies , the Knitters. LoulsvNc. Mlssonr
I'iiclllc. Wheeling X Lake Kilo nnd some
hpi'cl.iltlcs showed marked .strength. The
maruet gao every appearance of having
turned ImllUh azaln nnd the bujlng vuis ol
the most excellent character lu nil the stocks
mentioned with even the we tk stocks of the
foienoon rallying md closed higher with tliu
exception of corJage. The opening prices
were Irroitilarly changed from tbo close of
last Saturday and the oaily losses In thn
regular list were eonllned to fractional
amounts with the exception of Chicago gas
which lost 'i percent. The advance fiom Iho
lowest figures reached a per cent , and tin
upward movement met wllh no check
during the day , the Ilnal tlcuros bcliik
at or about the highest The feeling
at the close of the day was mud
heller and the bulls are again confident of u
further advance In prices A small engage
ment of gold tor oxpoi t had no Inllueneo upoi
plIces and notwithstanding the minors of
political und llnunclal dlfllcullles In Kuiono
operatois are Inclined to hellovo that the out
ward movement of gold has reached Its cul
mination. The market dually closed nctlvo
aud strong at the best prices of the day. The
Ilnal changes atu almost Invariably fractlona
advances- , but St. Paul Is up 1U and Hook
Island , Iliirllngton , Louisville niul I'nlon 1'u-
clltoeuch l'i , while cordage In down IV
Kallroad bonds \\ero comparatively quiet
and shared not at nil in the Rtrcngth nuovvn In
Mock it , nnd though a few of the inoro HCllvo
I ues are hlnhvr. till the lmt > ortaiit hangc In
< iuotutlou aru ucxillucu , Xtio Lusluo * douu
reached only ! I,070OD3 nnd on u well distrib
uted bnslti"ss ,
( lovcrnmiuit bonds worn dull and steady.
State bonds , ( lull , steady.
Petroleum opened steady , but nflcr n slight
advance In thn forenoon fell 'i In small sales ,
hen Lee.imo dull nnd remained so until Ilia
cio p.
Pcnns } Iviuila Oil , stint , closing , 72. Juno
options opened at7li lilRlii js.t. ? Jlovvest ; | , 7IJ :
closing. 7I > ( . Lima oil closed at It ) . I'otat
Kales. SlU.OOO.
The following nro the closing quotations for
ho loading stocks on the Now Vork stock
jxchnnzo todayi
\tchl9on WtiNortlHTPitcrn leu
Adims Impress . . . IIT i .preferred . . . 11" >
Alton ATerrellnuto M : X V Cent ml . ! U1 | (
do preferred . . ISi ! N \ C XSt I. . II
American llxpre's . . 114 ilo preferred .
II C. II A .V . . . . i' > OhloMI sUslpl > l . .
JanaiH Pachlo 7Mjl ild preferred . . . .
miaila southern Mil * Ontario A Wcttcrn. 17VI
Central I'm Illc .lit ) Oregon Improve . VI
dies A ( lido . . . IT On tfon NIIV . Tl
ilo lit prefericil . H lOrctfon Trans . lii >
do Slid preferred . SI I'jvcino Mull . . . . 7
"hle.ign A Alt < n . . l.'J IVurln. Dec A Kvnll- IBS
. ' ii Ay I'lltsburg . . . IIS
1 U C. A M. L I'nlbiiAii I'.ilare . . l 2
Delannre A Hudson II ' <
Del , li A W Itnik Islnnil . Ti.l ,
I ) , V It. t ) preferred . ' .T > 4 St. I. AH. T IstpfU . I.1 *
Hast Tcnn < ; ' 4SI , 1'nal UU
do 1st prefencd . SI iloprefcrreil . . 1U
do d preferred. . . l > t I' . XI inn A Mnn
KrlB Wide st r.iui.c ( iiiiuii.i. . .
do preferred Wi
Fort Wayne . . . . 151 Tenn Coal A Iron
Lid A Kast III J ) Texas Pacllli1 . . 14(4 (
llocklntt Valley MM IVI AO Cen prefd K )
Houston A I' . . V' ' < t nlnli Put Illc
Illinois Central Vi f si Ktprcss . , . . ( , ! :
t. Paul A Duliith . . . 37 \ \ "I. L A P
Kansas A 'I eras . . . . 141 , iloprefcrreil . . .
Lake Trie A West n 14 Wells-1'nricn lit . . . 1411
prc'erred ftt \\estorii 1'nloii . . .
I nkc * sh'ire n Cotton lit ! . . . .
LoulsvllloANaihk Colorado Coal. . . ,
Louisville A New A. ! KKn llomcstako . . . . II )
Meuiphls A Clrir . , l'i Iron "liver . , W )
Mli lilk'iin Central . . . Wf , Ontario
.Mil , L s ) A \ \ ; ode ( Jnkksllver
do preferred . , . .100 d i preferred . . .
Minn AM. L 4 stum A
dopieferred . . . 10 llnlncr . . . .IS
llsmitirl Pnrltlu . I'l ' Illili AW P 'IIT IT
Mobile A Old. ) . ll't ' Wlsdiusln Central l'"l
Chatt . . . 'i ' | llrent Northern | ifd siii |
.N J Central . II7U Ml'
Norfolk Ao t pfd , 'i.'i < Lead TinM lsl
Northern I'ncltlc T > \ MigBr Tiit t ST
dopreterred i > s > s > oiitbcin Pai Illc STl'4
II P Denver A ( llllf Jim Ore H LAI tali No r Si. sulo of stocks today were Hill ! .IVJ < .Including Atehl'on.S ,44. ; L ick.iWimu ,
iill : : LoiilsvllloA Nashville. ntd" > ; Mlssoui r I
I' iclllc , li.liri ; Not th American. 7.ISJ ; Ni.rthcrn
I'acl'Ie. ' I.SOI ; Noithoin rncllle ptnfened. I.I.-
t''ii : Itlchmond x. West , Point. 11,100 , St. Paul ,
M.'iO ; I'nlon I'acillc , 510 ; Wostein Union ,
Klnanoal llcvlcvv.
NKW YOIIK. Mav II. Tbe 1'ost sa.vs- The
lowest jirltes made this vear were generally
In Jiiiiiiiiiy and Muroh. i'lom these them was
an advance averaging IS points on the llfteen
most aellvo stocks to the highest pilees made
fiom about April S."i to about Sliij 5. I'lom
these high nrlces ther ) lias been an avoiago
ilei'llno In the last ten ( lavs of 5 points. This
leaves them from 1,1 to 14 "points below their
inli os of M-iy 10. 1-tKl. Of couiso It was not
known nt this time last voar Argentine
llnances weiu about tocollapso and tint the
ll.iilnr's weio In danger ot fulltire. Hut what
was known of the rallroul and
crop .situation at that time was
VIMJmuch less tavorablo to an
advance In prices of slocks than what Is
known now o. ' Iho present situation.
At that t > mo It was known that the
coin ciop ot INS' ' ) had been a failure nnd
the vvhont eiop a partial failure , The liank
of Kngl.ind. It Is tine , hud just teduced Its
rate of discount to ! l per cent. Instead of Il'j.
lint In this in.11 ket call mono } ranged fiom 4
loll per cent , and the sutplus reserves of the
lianKs weio less than one-thlid as much as
Iheyaienow. At that time Diiiono bad mil
lions of American securities held In specula
tive accounts which could be pieelpltated
upon this maikct ; now It has veiy few , and
the only active nart I'uiope can take III the
stock mm o/ will be as a buvci.
The Market.
NKW YOIIK , Mav 10. MONEY ON CAM , Easy.
Hinging fiom 0 to J per cent ; last loans ut : i
jioi tent : closing olleicd ut'J per cent
I'IIIMI : MKitf\NTii.n 1'Ai'Eii . ' > © 7 ner cent.
bTKiti.l.NU nxcm.Mir-Qulot at $4.844 for
slxty-dav bills anil Jl. svj for demand.
The follow Ing weio the closing prices on
bonds :
U S 4s , registered ir.i'41 ' Mutual I'nlon i > * . . .
U 8 4s , coupons. . I li' ! N .1 Cent Int Cert . 11IU
4H * . registered .lull Northern Pac Ists I I7JS
l . * , coupons . . . IUI do yds 110
aclllcinof " .i'i . . .HI N'orllinest'consol.s 1oi >
.oulslana hlauip 4s tvS do debenture.ris . . 101.4
lunneasoo N. s Os. . 100 St L A I. M. Ceil 6s h'.l
do is IUI St. L A S P. ( ! eu .M lir ,
do .Is 70' < St Paul consols irt
mmilH Southern .Ms ' .IT M. P C. A. P. l ts. . . .11.
Cuntrul Pacltlc Ists lu ; > ( T. P. L ( I. Tr Itcts . us
1) . , VH ( Lists 114'j T P. It ( } Tr Itcls
ilo 4s 8JI.J Union Pncllle lulu . .
KrleSds. . . . IOU > 1 West Shuru
.XI K. A T. ( .on'I 1,3 Tit Itlo ( J Is .34
Jl. K AT 5s tt
It ink
CIIKMOO , May II. Hank clearings were $1(5- (
15.OUO. Now York exchange was 7.VJSO ? pet
cent premium. Hates for money weie un
changed ut 5'j < ( fl per cent for ordmaiy loins.
Sterling exchange was steady and unchanged.
NKW YOIIK , May IL Clearings wore * " : i,5X-
Kr > ; balances. t4 , 7ll,7.1S.
HOSTON. May 11. Cloarlnzs , JiS.n.M.G'XI ' ; bal-
ancex , $ | .ii8441. Money , 5 per cent. Lxchungo
on Now Yoik , 75Hl'c ' discount.
'liiUDKt.i'iin , May 11. Hank clouilngs to
day. * ltMi , Wi'i ; balances , $1,5J1S8J. Money at
4615'i percent.
1 ! M.TIMOIU : , Md. , May 11. It ink eleailnzs today -
day wcro $8,188 , : , 'J ; balances , J.'y > , , ' > 1 1. Kate 6
pei cent. _
I'ariM I.eiitOM.
I'Aitis , May II. Thicc per cent rentes , OSf
sic for the accomit.
Now York Minim ; QnotationH.
Nuw VOUK , May II , The following nro tno
closing mining stock quotations :
AliTc . " Ontario
llo'iicstake Mv.ige
Horn Silver Slerri .Nevud I . SOU
lion silver 10J Stindiird 100
London StookH.
LONOO.V , May II , 4 p. m. Closing qnotathi
Consols , money . ' .i'i l-p.
Consols , account , 'J't fi-h , Vloxlcau outlnar ) . .
" ' " ' t Paul common. . , .
I ! . -I 4 ( . . . . IUI N V Central . . .
N V , P. A O Ists. . . J.I Pennsylvania
Cumdlim Pacltlc T'.i
Krlo. . . . . . W4
ll.irsilver 14'Jd per ounce , Money
Ht. I.otils Mining Quotulioim.
PT. I.otns. Mo. , Mav tl. Mining stocks were
dull todav and sales limited. I'oilovv Ing bids
woio made on call :
All.nils Is'i l.lltlo Alln-rt KM
AnicrlcHn 'J'l Moiilroso liO
Central Mlver 2Mi M llreon W < <
Kllrahcth ' . ' 'i .siluiriiKo VIU
Cold KliiK I' Mind Hopes HJ' (
Cold .Monnlnln . . 2.VM ) Vuiim SIHi
Hoston Stook Market.
llosros. Mass. , May IL The following were
the eloslu ; prices on stocks In the Hoston
stock market today.
Atchlson A Topekn .t'Jlu Atlnntlu 15
Uoslon AAluuuy .2U | ' { i Hoston A .Mont . . , . ( U'-i '
Huston A Xlidne. I'.l ' , Calumet A llejln . . . ' .V ,
Chi. llur A Sidney STM I riinklln . . ITU
lllchburKlllt b"j Kcamirtto . U
Flint A Peru M 31 Uisccol- . niU
do preferred . , . . 10. )
Muss. Central IH'j Minla Ko Copjier K
.xlexltan Cvn com . ' 'Pi r.iiuaraik , . .144
N V A N. Kng 3T 'Annlston ' Land Co . 41) )
d < )7 I''IU I Boston Land Co . S
llnlliind ( inn , : i .him Diego Land Co Sai
llutland pref ( , 'JHh\e < t Knil Land Co ai2iH
WIs L'ent com pref , Hell Tcliiplione . ' 'On
do prof . . LIIIIIMOII store ti . . . IH
Allouet Mia Co ( new \\atcrPower . . . .
lU-nvei1 .Mining StockH.
IK > vitt. Col , . May IL There was \ery llttlo
intii kel for anything on the mining oxehnngo
today except at pilees so ildlculously low
that holders would not think of entertaining
them. It was a sick miikot , and thoio Is
nothing In the outlook to eiiconra''o speoulat-
ois or Investors to take hold. Total sales ,
IS.IIOO. Closing prices :
Alle lm nr 7T M iJnst'cn ' [ 77
Amlt > 4V Leual 1'ender 4
Arvonaut IS l.ltllo Itnlo 10s
llallaral tt ) { .Malcldesg W ,
Muiitrulur ; .Mny Matuppa . . l.'J
Ilingkok . . . . 7i4MiiriiliiKlilliu. | . . . 45
Iliifs Hunter . . . . 70 Ore
lllkT linllnn st.Pa ) Itock I
lIUMx IKtlpotosI
Hronnlon ( I Park cull UHf
Calllopo llced National . . . 61 ,
Century Illillo is.
Cluy County ItnnnliiK Lode 34' {
I'asldnv Lenvennorth 17
I liniond II II' , JolmJ pfil
Denver ( IKS A oil Punier 7i
Kinmons 41 Cl.iuilla.1 10
( iold 'Ircnsnro 41J. licit ) burk' . . . . .U1
The Cofit'o > larkct.
Hin IH : .lAMi.lto , May ll.-ColTee , good sce-
oniN , O.M3 rcls per 100 kilo ; regular first , no-n-
Inal Itccelpti * diirlni : the week. stioo IIIIKS ;
purchases for I'nited Mates. ai.Uit ) bats ; shln-
ments to thu Tnltcd Mates , 8.1.000 bat's ; stock ,
l < \ Ts ) , May 11. Colfeo , peed avenue , 10'JOC
re.s peril1) ) kiloItcculpts durliiK the week ,
24 , ( HO baK ; purchase , for Ibo I'nlltd Mates ,
4.IKX1 b.iKs ; shipments to the United Status ,
li.UOO baK ; stock , U3uoo bags.
Ntnv Vork OptloiiH.
NEW YOIIK , .May -rolToo options opened
Meady unchanged at 3 points up , clo-ed steady
uncbanxed to 10 points down , bales , 21. IKK
baK9. Incltldlnx May , il7.sOftl7.ltt ; June , f 17.M > it
17.S3 : July. ( ) ; Aiu-ust , * l7.IWM7.40iep -
tonibcr , tlG.I < ttlil.73 : December , II5.1&UI32U ;
( .pot Hlo. dull , steady ; fair cargoes , KV.OO ; No.
7. lie.XXitU.t8ii.
Now York Dry Clootls.
YOUK , Mixy 11. Uunlnoss In dry goods
iponod with luorci/ivtUlt } ' and a better feel-
tie. Trausaet oiuiut l/rol < er < on the spot bad
rcferenci ! chlelly to articles In the fall tratlc.
and In dry itoods fiiuinels and blankets , orclem
were piacod with some freedom. Cotton Ilan-
nels are fairly well uiiKaKed for the season.
\ervfewfalfcliiBlnfti9 tire yut sho\\p , but
Rome orders luno bton placed by buyers , rttn-
lilu cottons , particularly brown colored , weio
n fair demand for prompt delhery. 1'rlccs
aru unchanged anrt more steady.
Ciop reports from the principal winter wheat
stales are good. Kansas toports very tiad
'rum the northern counties , some estimate , as
low as li.ilf u cr"i. Michigan also loports un
unfavorable outUmki and In some parts of
Minnesota cotnplfclnh of wnnt of rain are
lieard. The Immertlilto future IH still n ques
tion of weather und vhat our Invisible supply
Is. Wo tellevo In higher prices until
nir harvest Is secured. Iho earlot demand
for corn Is good. The future vnlun wo think
depends n good deal on the weather. The
sumo remark applies to oats. The gronlnz
crop Is not reported as good.
o Jl. i ii.i ttivK sto an.
OMAHA , May It
OATTi.E-Oniclal receipts of cattle 1.720
as cnmtiated with IUll Satitrdav and lAsS
Monday of last week. The market was slow
iind lOc lower on beincs with occasional sales
1'ie lowor. Deslrablo buteherstock steady
with less dcslriblo grades fie to lOc lower
Cbolco feedets from buyers with other grndes The largest lot of western
teedois over lu the Mttds was on sate today ,
lloos oniclal reeoluts of hogs 1,757. as
. .unpared with . i , , 'tit * batuiday anil 8.80.1 (
Monday of lust week. The market opened
steady with good shipping orden The close
wus slow , and luu lower. I'liiy * tango of
iirlces paid was * I no-ill 70 , the bulk selling at
Mu-lit. lfl.4tvni4.7H ; be.ivv. * 4.d
164.75 ; mixed , il uVfl4 70. Tbonvct.'ue of tiio
| ii Ices paid vv s fi.i.i us compaicd with tltil'n
S'ltutday and fl.V ( ) Moiidav of last week
Hum1 Tboie weie no fresh iccelpts , The
n.itket lemalned active , nlth demand In ox-
ssof lecolpts. NatlvesJ.r > 0iiri.lOi ( wcslcinsi ,
Iti'oHplM anil Disposition of Stock. tecelpts and dlst > o ltlc n of sn.c ! : us
him n by the hooks of the Union stockyards
omitmy for tbe \vontv-four \ hours1 ending at
o'clock p. m. Mny II. t il :
I llims
Cars Cars Held
hi I T20 23 | ill ?
llnjers" Cattle. llots Sheep
) nmhn I'm khif Co 0
I heli. II llaiiiiiiond Co. 0W
Hwlfl \ Co Kit
I he Cudahy IMekliiK Co. l.'J 3.'I
It , He. ker \ lirgen 1
llentoii \ sicpheiis
"hlpiers nnd I lolers. . . ffll MT
I.oil o\tr VI. 3H
Total 1240 l.TUT
JtojircHcntntlvo Sales.
No. Av. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
y..i J4 10 23 HSs$5U5 SI. ! 3 13
. 5-0 4 S3 S3 1171 5 10 IS4'J
710 4 . ,0 Is IS13 5 10
1110 4 75 '
11.KI 4 IK ) 40 ll'lsS 5 IS ! r > s 1:110 : .15
11 SO 4 HO 41 U'O'J ' 15 ( sW. . .UJO 040
.117J 5 00
11. . 703 4 20
COW " .
1. . 7.0 I SO 4 .1040 1 ! 85 .1100 275
1 MO I 50 il lllii : lUlil ) .100
1 7-0 ' 2 00 S 05 ; S 50 .1100 : iio
S K'W S 00 S 1001 S 50 i rjo : : i-s
1 ll-'l ) S IIJ 1 S30 S 50 S ixfl : i 75
1. . ( ISO S S3 1 low S , ' )0 ) b 11(18 ( 400
4. 775 S S3 1 . 1)1,0 ) S 50 3. IT.'O 400
I. 1DGO 2 50 li.LU ) : i 5 } 1. . 400 273
15 . 570 S 75 5 , . 003 . ' ! 75 24. . 618 3 SO
17 . O-'S 4 50 a , . .rj0 S bO 1) ) OSS 385
4 .ISM 3 00
I springer , ! . . . .J12 00
1 cow and calf Ul OJ
No. Av. I'r.
KntncrA. Co.
1 eow . POO } j ir.
85cow . Vil S 1(5
I bulls .1.100 S S7',4
11 bulls .I.J1S S S7i !
' 'iio'os.
No. A v. till. Pr , No. Av. S h. I'r.
5 : U'J 60 } 4 40 rD . 80 ? 4 dl
( i . . . 810 4 40 73 . 42 Sst ) I Ki
4 45 M. . ! . ' " .ISO 4 63
isri IL'O 4 43 62U S-'O ISO 4 l,7'/ ,
185 HO 4 V ) U ) , SsO S0 4 70
IV ! to 4 53 78 . .SI7 11,0 , 47i )
4 50 .123 UO 470
SIM 4 50 76 . . . . 80 4 70
4 55 73 . , .SI.1 40 470
178 i-0 4 35 W . . . , .338 475
Ss'J ' 440 4 55 75 . . , 203 475
SI 4 180 4 fi'i Cl . . , .202 180 475
STI 40 4 to CO .8,14 bO 473
5S . . . S 7 ICO 4 G3
t 100 1 50 10 .127 - 415
21 107 to 3 50
I'ivc Stock Mnrkpt.
CHICAOO , May II. [ Special Telegram to THE
HhK. ] Cattle business was fair , but salosniun
wuro compelled to nicot a docllnu of lc ( ) to I3o
on no. irly men tiling from prlniu steers , cows
and common stock The decline was largely
on Mcers , vet , on account of n run of lifty car
loads of Toxnns , coinmon steers and cows
Hhaicd latsulj In thodeellno. l.lttlu or notb-
Ins wasrfolnKon In thostocKer anil feeder line.
bill dealers look for a fair trade during the
week. The following shows the cnrieiit r.niKo
of pilees for thu slock descilbed : I'xtra. l.olio
to 1'iUO pounds $ > . luiit' ' ) . 13 : jirlmo export * "ii(2. ! (
0.10 ; lou b export f"i 50545.75 ; Koocl ( o ( .j , , , ( .P )
1,500 to l.Yjil pounNf" ( > . ( iO ii.OO ( ; niedluni tottood ,
I.IM ) to 1 . ( . "lOiiounds. } "i4 ( > It5fl3 ; common l.UVlto
l.IfiO liounds , J50 ( Qt'i.83 , fat pony smooth 1,100
to ] , : ijJ ( pounds , K5Ulio5Ki ( ; eholeo
helfets , R2.VU4 75 ; wood cows and holfois ,
J.1.757t4.2"i ; fair to Bond cows , 800 to I.O'.O pounds ,
lKLUt'B1.85 ( ; common to fair cows H2.Vi..75 ? :
pooi to ( rood bulls. 1KX ) to 1,510 pounds , J..Od ®
* . ' ,75 ; cbolco to fancy hulls , l.sjo to 8,000
pounds , $ .l50fioO ( : Htoek stuers , WO to see
pounds , I..TWI 2" ) ! fecdln stL-ers , HV ) to I.230
pounds , iM.a.vjj.i.ift : MM | calves , 100 to Iioo
pounds. .J-IOOttVdU ; mllub COWH pel head , $15 00
0410.00 ; Texans , meal fed , J-LOO/ifUO ; grass fed ,
JI..iJ-SI.-'i : staKs and bullb , il.5it.O'Jeal ; : ;
caUcs inneo from f 1.7'liVlO.
lions There was a straight down turn of
Rtronn lOoon he.ivy and mixed , some sales
men fiuntliiic decline ocjual to lie. whllo llRbt
sorts sold only about 5c lowor. ItnuKli and
common , * r..VB4 10 ; mixed ami packers , ft 70
(61. S3 ; iirlmu heavv and butcnor welcbts ,
* 4.8Vai.few ! ) til J500 ; llRbt , J4.75BI.S5 ;
HltKl.f leeelts. ! | ) 10,000 : shlptnonts , 4,000 ;
market steady ; natives , S3.73 ; Tuxuiis , } 5 OOffi
5.37ii ! webtcins , (555 11.03.
New York lilvv Stook.
Nuw YOIIK. May II. Hitnviis Hrcelpts , 4.C4J
head , InclndltiB 5S cats for sale. .MaiUet
steady. Natho steers , f > 2 (0.50 nor 103 Ibs ;
Colorados , $3.00 ; bulls and cow.s. l. > t)2'iai,5j. (
Dressed beef steady at Mi@l ! e per II ) .
< . 'AI.VIS" : Hocclpts. .I.KS3 head ; market 'i < '
lower ; \eal , } 4utxail50 per owl ; buttermilk
caUes , { .l.iKKttl 00
Sithhf Hecelpls , 'I.nso bead : market lie
per Ib lower ; clipped sheep , $ .iBuoai porcwt ;
clipped laiubs , $0 : wii.iT' : , : sprluu lambs , tr.T.'i
5ii ! 25 ; dressed mutton slow atlOSclllc per Ib ;
diessed lambs lower at I2iik"tc.
lionsHecelpts. . IH.S'il bead , consigned
direct ; market nominally bteady at { 1. 40 ®
KausitM City Ijlvo Stoolc.
KANs\sC'nv. Mo.ilay U.-Cattlc ltecolpts.
3.1 0 head ; shlpmunti ) . , l.8s3 head ; market 10
I5e lower ; steers * I 10 1 1.75 ; cows f..a'iftl.'O ;
stoukurs and feeders , $ . ' .5iXiil.5l. (
lions Iteeelpts , : iH60 head : shipments , 310
bead ; mnikct lOc tuer \ ' ; bulk , fl.4Yitl.05i all
Blades , J.ltKxai70-
liKKf Hecelpts , 1,010 liniiilt shipments , 970
Uead ; ninikut t-ti ; iKi iiiuttoiis , tt 75UUO. .
, l/y/ ; 3l.lltli.KTH.
RftiAHOrannlatlM. . S'lt'i ' cubes , 5'e : cut
loaf. 5 ' 4 11. mnTdorf-d , stan ard , . ' > ' cj \ \ \ \ .
powdeied , 7o ; ycllbW O. t' e ; canaiy , 4' ' C !
llBht uvtia I' , t'to. ' confectioner' , ' A. 5c.
\ \ IIOIUAWHBiVr do/en Tubs , No. 1 , J7.50 ;
No. 8 * ii 50 : No. .1 , V50 \ ; keeler , oak Brain , ft In ,
best. $1 \\blteeedar. : . 4 In. best , n 23 ; palls.
3 hoop , oak Bialinsl , 41.75 ; 8 lump , tl.frO ; syrup.
1 75 ; dowell , Jl K > ft iinr | , metal luxip , t./ii ) ;
cedar , 3 brass hoop'4. rso. I , all red , } 550t cedar ,
3 brass liiiopN No 8. red. 1500 : cedar , 3 bras ,
hoops , No. 1 , Ntrlpcdf3.lO ( ; cedur.3 brassboops.
No 1 , striped , tl > ) ; horse , extra hea > y. .So. 1 ,
J.7'i ; well buckets , M83. lliitterwaro Tubs ,
lisli , 'llncli , per nest , "So ; ush , 8 Inch , 8 liii 'o
sl/e , per nest. 4 * > e ; butter ladles , bard wood ,
70e : butter paddles or spades. 70e. Wash-
boaids-Miirfle. JI4 ( ft8tU ; double. J8. uJ.85.
C'lotnesplns Bro s boxes , doe.
I'lUkhK-liieen Itlo. 82ia l < i.raxa ; , 27e ; Vo-
eba. 8se. Ilo.isted Arlos.i , fi'i.lMel.iiiBblln. ) ; .
\ \ \ \ . J 5.1,0 , ; Iliinolu. JJ dOi ( Jstrnan , 25' ' , e ;
Dllworth'N 23 < te ; I. Ion , J15 IX ) ; I'ordox la , tJ3.t < 0 ;
McK'ba. .me ; O. IS .liivu. a > o. Collee es-onco
it LTO boxes , fl.iViH.5' : ) ! chicory , 7'ilife.
NITS -I'er pound Almonds , lic ; Ilia/IN ,
iKe ; tllberts , l.'c ; pecans , l.diltu ; ualnnts , 13ui
peanuts , fanev white , lie : roasted. He.
DIIIMI I'lllMTs Turkl h prunes , less than
libel * , 1 'Kl. 1iei apiiles , uvajiorated , now rliiK.
choice , lie ; apricots , fancy. In sacks , 80c ;
blackberries , new. K" raspbertles , 81 Ibs to
box , isoej currants , now. UM Votl/il currants ,
extra. In boxes , ii'4n : peaches , I'm , choice ,
I5c ; Uallfoinlu dileil Briipes , In buu-s , Ho ;
heedless Miltuuus , backs , Uo ; miife.ilels txv
now Valencia , 7'te ; Ondiira , layer , S'io ' ; Hk's ,
layers , li 80a ; cltrun , Leghorn , 80c ; lumen
peel , 15c.
, per doz , tl.61 : plntB , per dot ,
J..73l bulk , per pal , 11.40. Olive oil , ' ( plnti , 3
dor per ea e , Jl Wi5.80.
r\tti.s ci.ofs HOODS Ilnrloy , tcj farlnn ,
KOIJS , t : > 00 : split po i. 3'St'i ' etcen pens , 2ci oat
meal , bbls. fi.5 i35.75 ! bait bbls , J.iivJli : M |
macaroni , I2ei vrmlculll , UV ) nio and tapl-
00.1. ( V30'iei ' Minn beans , flVei cereallnc. JI.84 :
linked hominy , Ju ; pearl hominy , M7D per
bbl.f \t.T tMlry , S > 0 Ibs In bbls , bulK , J2.10 | best
pradci , CO 3s. I . ' .40 ; best Brade. 10034 , f.Wj
best grade , 8J 10s , IZ4U ; rock alt , crushed ,
J. 10.
IUKINCI I'owtivitItoyn ) . dlmncnns , per do/ ,
( Helb : cans. Jl 41 ; lt-lb cans. JJ.05 : 1-lb cans ,
J5.UO : 1'tlco's iib cans. } l ; i t U-lb cans. J-1 fiot
1-lb cans , { 1.75 ; oilier klmU , 1-lb can ? , per doz ,
fl.hKttVIK\ (
WitAi'i'iNOt'Ai' best straw , K.xlS
to ; u\tl , l' ei dry Roods , t oi oxtr.i ( | ttallty
manllln , dlici inaiillla lea , 1J\18 , Do ; dark tag ,
hardware. 8 0
Oti.s-irflprlino vlilte. t > e : 150 wnlor white
lUic ; deadlight. 12c ; 74 Basollne. ll'ie. Ul
entis I Bill , JJ.OOS3.25j 8 gal. JJ.7523.isJ ! Bali
SOIKI'ackafirs , 50 Ibs to box , 5'jeUr8 ' ; . ' { o.
TKAS Japan , basket Ilrcd.2ixii53esun ; diled ,
3Vi.4'c : Breen. 80i.Vo ) : Biinpowder , SO'i.'iOc ; Kn-
5 llsb breakfast , H5it75e ; youiiB M > son. 8i 2 l5ei
oloiiB. 8 , < tr > c ; 8 Ib packaBe dust , IV.
AXI.K ( litiHsiI'er : cross 1'r.t/ler's larso
tins. fW CO ; medium tins { . ' 7.00 ; small , J15.00 ;
other makes , wood , fV50'l'.50. '
HI.\OKIMI- / In jT.7.'t' ; ladles' shoe
( liesslm ; . t.'ciiKl.UO stoxo polish , per Bross ,
HI.ITIMI Iliiild. ] 4 o'I doIn box. ' .VlrTtJI 75 ;
8 o3 doIn box , J1.50a ? > "i ; dry , small , B5cj
laiBc , 45e.
M'lt i s- Popper.Mniraporp. . sifted , I.Mltflc !
shot , 28c ; allsiilee , pie ; elo\es , I'enanir , su-
lei'ted , IT'itl ' o ; cassia , China. 4-11) mats , He ;
niitmeL's. No I , 7'ic ; macassor , ( i' > c ; pleklltiB
spleex , 1U-II ) boxes 25c ,
CMOI ( il.uc , I - uI. . ' Ib boxes. 3iai : > ! Herman -
man "weet. .12U2le ; cocoa. .iiHliic ; Ilioino. : te. !
( 01 osM'i 13-lbeast's , ' , und 'i-lb pack.iBes ,
pet Ib , Mnfivbulk. \ . 15-lb p ills , 2.V' .
MAPI. I. SflMII I'el Hi 5ci-akrs , 3I-1P boxes ,
I'lc ; Hie cakes Kl-lli boxi s , K'.lf 1-lb bricks , 31-
Ibs In box , puri' lie.
HIIOOMN 3-tti > ( ritlor , Jin < ) i l-tl ( > , f2.75 ! IMIe ,
K'2'i ; ; i-t'e. ' plnln. * l hij ttarebou-c , HlW ; toy ,
il 2'i ; whisk , fl OKfil 8' .
i-OM' t'asille , mottled , per Ib , I IV ; do white ,
per Hi. He ; laundry soap , per 100 lui" . HI.V < 6 I i shavlna m in 5W/ ( per dololli'l ; soap ,
3 eakes per b < ix. fi e' 4B5
I.M : . ' . . / : Ilcd Cioss. 1(25 ( ;
Ameilcan * l . ' . ' ; ' iinonllliT. tl8'i ; Meny War.
d''lh ' ) : Situ , sciubbliiB , tl.73j ( illlett's pow-
Oteied. ftai.
Mli.k"fondensed"iaBle. : f7.40 : 'rown , K25 :
Anjrln M > lsx , 17i > ) ; ll'Blilnml ' , J 15 ; "Itl 'l , "
< iir , ' .
TWISLM. C'oitlHOi1. KicC'otton Iwlne ,
"Ilibb. " \ery line , 'i-lb bales. J2ej cotton
twine , XX brand. ' 4-lb hales. | s , . ; hcnip twine ,
'i-lb bales , lvnl \ twine. 80c ; ealidlu wlek.
a-'u ; 40-foot cotton clothes line , Jl.tO : 00-foot
cotton clothes line. Jl.i > 5 ; ( Vl-font sisal lines ,
$1 75 ; ( iO-foot | nte. ? i S" > ; wool twlnesS'e ; iniin-
Illa ropn. all sl/cs , fiom 7-lii to I in , lie ; sisal
lope , all sl/es from 7-10 to 1 In. K1 ; "new pto-
cess. " all sl/es ftotn 7-10 to 1 In , * ' c ; cotton
rope , 'i-ln. 15c. _
Omaha .Mllllni ; Co , Itellancn I'atent. Jl 10 ;
Invlnelblo Patent , if..sfl ; Mar -nporla-
tl\e. J250 ; Snowllakc , JMO ; 1'ancy rnmlly.
K , T. DaMs Mill Co. , IllKh I'atent No. 1 and
Cru.iin. f-'t-i ; Itlue I ) , full patent , I.'CO : Hawk-
eye. half patent , ? . ' . 40 ; Special Hoval , jiatent.
No. 10. f.1.10 ; .Minnesota I'atent , J.'Ki ' ; K'ansus
Hard \\heat , patent , J2.03 ; Nebraska Spring
Wheat , patent. f..W ( .
( Jskamp's really to rlso buckwheat ( lour ,
ft 55 per case of BUB-lli p.iekases ; buckwheat ,
In bhl , N. V. . Jiinil ; i\eelsloi : brand. H.fttlj
Ship Jack .Meal , $1.73 pet case of 50 2-Ib pack
. I' . ( illman'sOold Medal , } . ! 00 ; Pnow White ,
f2 10 : Snow Hake. $ .20 ; low Blade , Jl.OJi biun ,
JJI OU ! chopped fec < l7.W ) .
Country I'l'oduco.
A decided chanpowlll be noted In the market
foi eonntty produce. IIBS } made a substan
tial advance owlnc to thu modeiatu receipts
and falruemand. llulter Is weak and It Is
hard work to BOI BOo fet the best. Dealers
look to see It BO still lower veiy soon. I'oultry
was about steady. The bay market took
another dtop and stocks do not move xery
The follow INK quotations are based on
jestetda\'s sales.
i : < ! ( is ( ieneral market HHTItc.
ItuiTKtt Good to choice eonntty butter ,
Poui.Tiiv Choice ll\o hens , $1.00 ; roosters ,
J.1 BOft 1 75
MAV llcst upland , OoaOjOO potton. .
Fresh Kni ts.
The week opened with u fair supply of ber
ries on s.Uu and blocks mo\od oil fictily , lla-
nanas are very hlBh , and this market has
been almost bare of them , but a flesh car will
bo In this week.
I'lNFAPl'M's I'er do ? . 2.Vifnc. )
vSTHAwiiriiiili-s I'er ' ease of 21 quarK $4.03.
AITI.KS 'I ho market Is practically of Bood
shlpplni ; stock.
Ont.NciiisI.os Angeles. $ . ' .7V2-100 per box ;
Duarte , $ .1.00 ; Klvoras , if UK ) ; lihershles , $ .150 ,
KKMO.NS Choice stock , pet bos , $0.50 ; fancy ,
( illAl'K rill'lT I'er bov. $ .1. 0.
IU.NANAS rcrbuni.b , $ . ' .OU < Oil.OO.
Monday's markitdlil not develop any cs-
iK'clally now features. 1'otaloos contlnuo
% eiV dull even at piesent prices.
SgrAMH I'er crate of .1 do/en. JJ.W.
I'OTATOKSHomo Blown stock , $1.00 ; western
I't'CUMiiElis l'er do/en. JI.V ) .
UAIIIUIIK C'allfornia stock , jior Ib , 8'icj '
soutbein , purer He. $1.50.
I'lK I'H.ST I'er Ib. lie.
SotiTiiKit.N OAUI.IH.OWEII I'er dozen , $ -.85
© . ' 50
ToMAiohs Southern stock , bushel boxes ,
$500 ; fancy , crates , (1 ( baskets , $ " > . 85(23 ( 50 per
SotiriiKUN HKA > S- Wax , $ . ' 00 per H bushel
box ; strltiB. $ l.8vai.Vj per ' 3 busbul box.
NKW I'oi AIOI1'er : , b , 3e
To i' ONIONS IV'i bunch , 80c ,
Sl'lNACil I'er bbl , ti.SO.
I.KITIUK Choice stock , 40e.
KI'TAIUOASJlichlB in stool , , per bu , 50o.
ItiKTsI'er hi Mini. 11.01.
( 'Allllils-I'er bushel , $1 (10. (
ItAinsiim I'crdo/en bunches , tVJJI5o.
l'All Nll s-l > o busliel. il.OO. Mediums , f..liO ; navv , $ , ' .75.
A.spAltAillis-lloiae Brown stock , 53i ) per doz.
' : * > I'or bushel box , J..OO ; per ! a bushel
box , $1.83.
Tr.t.o\v AND niiutM : Tallow'No. 1 , 4'Jl'11.c :
tallow No. 8. . ' ® ; ' ; srease , white A. J'tft '
,1J4C ; uieasu whllu II , IPittJ'io ; Brcaso , yellow ,
'lci Brease. dark , 234e ; old buttei , 8f,2'1c ( ' ;
beeswax , inline , 2J < 25c ; rough tallow , 1'5'ii
HONKS In Car Lots Only Dry bnlTalo , per
ton , JIOOOsij | ) ; dry count iv , bleached , per
ton , 510UOi.ii : ( W : diy countty , damn and
meaty , per ton , $ S UlKi/lOH ) Tlu' prices are
for bones wcUhed and dolUcrcd In ChlcaBo.
t'ANln Mixed , ao-lb palls , ( P | ( Tc : slick , 7e ;
twist stick , 8e ; I'lencb mixed , Uc ; hi > , irhoutid
stick , he ; jar and ease candles , 5-lb bo.xes , 15'i ' ! )
Bio ; extra linn B" < 'ds , ft5ju > c.
lliiiiHiiis : Shoe , per doJI.SBftl.dO ; daubers ,
75i < 8tl. u ; sci ub hi ushcs , ( i5cftJ.OO.
O \ 40 Ibs to box. U'jc ' ; mlnliiB. 10 ®
JO e ; wax lie.
TOIIAU o I inocut , per Ib , aSftB.c ; plus , 82
© 7cc ; smoklnB,8'-ile ( ! ; fancy bi.inds.UOc ® } ! 50.
Moi.AhSKS 'ihhls N. O. fancy , per gal. 40 ®
46c ; choice , 4U 45e : BOod.8fe ® We ; Cuba , bnktim ,
; blackstrap , IKfia.'c ; syrup , 80 grade ,
bbls , an ; 1' , bbl , 2tc ; 4.galkcBJl.84 ; 8-gal kits ,
Why will You.
Continue to rse metlleinu rontaliiiii ; ;
mercury and i o ; i It , wlicn you know
that It will millour hca ill , bwift's
hpcoifica.S , S.hilo
S. S. S. 1 contains no root1-
ottiy 01 poison of
atiy k ti'l , it Is the only | ieimnnoiit
euro for con ti lotts Hlood , or
lull lit < ! seioltiln.
IS Ho of !
w are c cap
PURELY imiiatlons aid
VEGETABLE called blood
criclci ring to bo just as ood. Tncio
IB i nl , un i . * . K. Taku notliing ulsc.
' ' ' - ' -I < > ' t > M i ( In.
I.'M. ' I.Vil Market I.lrect , Denver. Colonulo.
niuln , III anil Western Creamery llutter Keiinanil
Chuesc lU.limi A I empty IVK ( asnn , with tlllcra to
lounto uiv Khlppcig anil others to bulllluil llvecuhcii
nnd u | , Ship liy lust frclulit l.ooil , i lump Iliitt i In
ilcniaail UurbiK May. UulluLIu for quotation ! on itu-
. A. D. Boyer & Co
Ki-W Kichaniii ) llulldhiK ,
toutli Onmlia.
S. J. Ooffman , Smiley Hunter & Green ,
30 KiclmiiBcIluiUlluj
fcuutu Ouiuha. Buuth Ouiunn ,
UUUl'ffi ' (111(1 ( (
v * * * + * *
A , II , Perrigo&Oo. M , 0. Daxon ,
- )
All Mnkej. All Pflcci , AII'llcJclr , ' fcoMon Monthly
1'nrts. I'n)1 incuts.
1315 Doitge Street. IfflT'J rarnam Ht.Oniali *
Omaba Republican Printing0o
Law briefs , bank supplies , nnd ever/llilng In the
printing line
10th nnd Doinlii Mrect <
Ackermanu Bro ? , & Hointzo ,
Printers llnder , rloctrutriiori , blank book nianii-
fntiiri'r ,
llinilownrt flroct. Oiinln.
Obarles A. Ooo & Oo. , I KirkemlallJonoi&Oo ,
Manufacture and Job- \\liolera1p Mnniifnrtnr'4
bcri Ak'cnK for llo lmi Hub-
ler huoCii 110. . 1IUI ,
HO1 !
Howard .
nndW \ \ llnrno > > l
William ? , Van Aor- "w"v7Morso& Oo.7
imin & Ifarto , Plum factory iorni > rlltli
IZIS nnd IMiik'I'H ' ( ' dm i.
llarnpy tn-ct ,
lin MiTilmnlii Inrltud
UlllAllft , NVIj toc.ill and etnralnp
John L. Wilkis , I ' Louis Huller ,
Omahapipor box fa'tory lliitohcrs' and Parker * '
1I17-I1IJ Dunlin Tools , V iippll ( ' lleuf ,
IIIIK , \ lici'p rn lnif <
Onlcrs promptly 111I ! IIU , IIH l.irkmn Mt.
W. T. Seaman ,
t Variety
\ \ At.ONS AMI
Omaha O.irpet Oo , , Oilmoro & Ruhl.
Cnrpct < , oil cloths init- Manufacturers AVholo -
tlni ! . curtain inn ids , ou pnlo Clothiers ,
1.M1 Doiiul -trpjt. . IKH llnrney at.
West & Pritscher ,
Manufacturers llnoclcnrs
Jobtinrs of leaf tolnccos.
1011 Fnrnnni street
Omaha Goal , Oake and Ooutaat & Squire * ? ,
Lime Oo. Hard and poft coal ship-
TInrd and soft coil.
B K Cor Pith nud lloiif 1503 Kara mi street ,
his utreets. Oni ih i
Hulbert & Blum , P. H. Mabonoy & Oj.
Ohio lump llock Sprlnn
i\icl : < loralnuttd i-c Ilnnl-Coid- .
rcrccncd ' anthrnclte ,
Ortlrra FIT V ICthmil cor
tinlllilii. IIMIII
Olllco JI4 iJthit 10th nnd Doiitlii ! 'ts
American Fuel Oo. Howell & Oo. ,
Slilppcrs anil .leilsM la
untlir.iclto nnil bitu : iH. 14th rtrcot ,
minous 10 il
Omnhn , Neb.
2Ii S. 15th street ,
Nebraska fuel Oo , , Johnson Bros. ,
213 S. 11th street , J14 rnrnani Street ,
Omnhn , .Vcb. Oninlir , Ncli.
Mouut & GriiTn , 0. B. Havens & Co. ,
213 S. 14thstra3U UC2 Fnrnnni otrect ,
Omnh.i , Neb. Omnlm
Cornice Works F , Ktiempin j
Maniifnctnrprs ofCinlran- ( Inlvnul/cd In n cornice * ,
licit Iron Lurnliu Dormer window * , door
Window cup" , iiiet-illcskr- raps. Mil I ds etc Tin
IlKhts etc 1110 anil 1112 Iron anil "Into roofer
hit I arnim bt
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatrick-Kooh Dry
Dry furnishing , Goods Oa. ,
s , notions Dry ttoodsnotions iteiits
Cor. llth and Howard sts. 'Corner ' lllli and Harnej
Wolf Electrical Oo.
lllnitrntcit CnUlojiiu
1C14 Capitol Avcnup.
ParTin , Oreudorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo. , General western iiKen
Corner.lout's mill llth sts bkanilln 1'low Co ,
Oni ihn , Neb. ni'J-llJl Slicrinin nvo
Broken Bow Roller R. T. Davis Mill Co. ,
Milling Oo , . C ( i Underwood ,
Oltico ami warehouse , Manager nt Omaha.
\Ull \ N. H'th atrueL Cor 6th and Jackson nts.
S. F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Co. ,
Mcrilinnt Miller * ,
1014 N. loth stre3t.
| Olllieaml Mill HIJ Nultli
C. i : . Ill.ick - ManaKor llth Micct.
Dewey & Stone Fur Ohas. Shiverick & Oo ,
niture Oo , , Furniture end Carpets
Furniture anil cnrpots ,
1115-1110 ! amain iitreet. I''O.-rjlO 1'arimiu Ht.
Beeuo & Runyan Furniture -
nituro Oo ,
Bucco > for In C.A. llcebo
A < o
nrnci * ami Uth Sl .
Schneider & Loorais , J. T. Robinson Notion
Oo. ,
and Importers of
C.cntu' fnrnlslilnB pools
uoUonsum ! furnishing m f u ci'lMliratcil br nut
Kooils , "Hnckskln" overalls
pint * ( .hlrtH , * outs , etc
1111 Ilowanl ntrcct Cor l.'th unil llow.inlsts
Keniunl Glass and J. A. Fuller & Co. ,
Paint Co.
HIM Duusili
llOb-UU llarner utreet.
Omalik .Nub. Onialii.
Oumraings , Blake , Brnca & Oo ,
South Kith St , WW l unruaworlhst.
Omaha. Neb Omnlm .Svh.
Paxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Raapko ,
.05-711 S lOllintruot , 141U-I405 Ilarnuy "troat ,
Onnlia , Soli- Onmlia , Nili
D. M. Stcele & ; Oo. , Sloan , Johnson & Oo.
1AI1-1205 Jones utreet , tith uutl M'aTfnwurtli
trecti ,
OiiiuhH , Noli Oniidi.i , Not ) .
Allen Bros , , McCord , Brady & Oo.i
1111 llnrnur "trout , Uth anil U-iivenworth ,
Omnlm. Nub Omaha Netirankn
Toncray & Bryan , I S. A. MoWhorter ,
llrokers , iiruln , pruvl luns M l l Nail Hank llrnkni-
unU tock .ill H Mild I'rUnto wl - to .Sow
M. I'rltutowlru to nilork , , Chliunii nml ft
nit" SU 1/jul * nnil .Sow ! Ixntl 'n li unUn
l.oiik'lit fur all nmrkrl *
Oockrell Bros. '
llrnkuri. PrlTiilo wires
to .Nuw Vork , Lhlctuto A
hi I.oiiU. HpiTlul ultiMi-
Uun iiWeu to 1-nck blii
< ! enl \\oslern Aural of
llllponr * Sporting llllll-
| > u ili < r , Atlns hltfhiMplo-
Itp.ltliiMhiirrnt. ' * fm
Uh llarncy Mroot.
Onrpcnter Fnpor Oo , ,
Curry n full Mock of
prlntlnir. nrni'pltig nd
wrltlllK f\fat , CAM pa
per , etc.
Oco. Oborno & Oo. , J. S. Smith & o
(139 Hth street , ' '
HM-lll' Lcirennorth it.
Otwahiv Oainliit.
Pmton < fe Viurliun- ° Omnlm Snfo & Iron
u. Iron Work * , Works
H raiiiilit nnil cunt iron ,
nullillni ; work , engines , Mamif'rs tire nud tuiriilxf
brass woik it en orl proof safes , mulls Jail
runiiilr ) iimhliio nn 1 work iron nhtitters ami
M icksmltli work U 1' lire CM-apes 11 An-
II ) Mil. . 1 Kill It. dieiu HlliA Jntksonsti
Acme Iron nnd Wire Wilson & Drake ,
M'fR tnhulnr
flues nr
Iron fl Ire nnil bnss w'k * bin boilers tank. , cto.
.M.'S IMhMropt
\V lloi hl - I'roiirlotor I'lcrcn nnd IPIIi MrePti.
Kccs Printing Oo.
niul tlouks
lllli niul HowanlSts.
Her & Oo > , William D.irst ,
Lligiior Mcrclnnts. \Vlnc . l.lquorj nnd Cl-
111. ! llnrtic ) utreet
Mumtfiuttir m Kennedy's k-ar *
Hint India Illtturs. Ull Knrnniii 8t Onrilii
R. R. Grotto , Frank Dellono & Oo. ,
Importer nnd Jobber
of l.liiuorsiinil tipmilnoNO'
Cousoli dated Uoli'oti
Company ,
1414 and 1418 Hitrney it.
Om.ibit Nub