THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : -TUESDAY , MAY 12 , 1801. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OI-TICK : No. 121'KAllL STHKET , Delivered hy Carrier In any port "f the City. H. W. TILTON MANAGKH. TKLICPHONKS ) Builuoss Oftlco , No.HI. . Night Kdltor. No. iil. : JIlMllt Jlilb'floX. N. Y. I' . Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , 20-1 Sapp block. Heal Hock Springs coal. Thatcher. 10 Main If you want water In jour yard or homo go to IIIxby'K , : Men-lain block. ICncampmnnt No. * , Union Veteran Legion , meets tonight at its hall on Pearl street. The ICnlghts Templar of the BlulTs will go to Gienwood this morning to attend the funeral of their comrade. W. H. Anderson , They will meet at the Burlington depot. Judge H. C. Hubbard , the newly appointed deputy rlty clerk , took his place yesterday morning In the superior court room. C. A. Fox , thu outgoing deputy , will remain in tbo ofJteo until tno now man .gets hold of the rene * . The Indies of the Mrs. Phil Sheridan post , Daughters of Veterans , gave a dance last evening In the Grand Army hall. It was well attended , and the members of the young or ganisation showed themselves to bo adepts in the , irl of ( m'.ertmnlt r : Wrs. W. N. drown , wife of William Brown , died Sunday night of dropsy nt the ngo of forty-six years. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at the residence nt thooornur of L nnd Klghth street , Hov. .loslah Flsk olllcintUig. The rlty council mot last evening ns a board of equali/.alIon and received the books from Assessor Hardln. All the work of assess ment has not yet been completed , the non resident property owners still being undis posed of. This work will bo done In the course of u few days. The board spent the evening Iu looking over the books , but made no i h mge In the llgures returned by the as sessor. In district court , yesterday the case of Witt against Lodge \ . Henry was on trial. It oc cupied thu whom tiny up to ! o'clock in the nftornoon. The plaintiff rested his case at that time , and thu court then took the case away from the Jury mid instructed them to bring in a verdict for the defendant. The case of M. Seiplo against J. U. Snydcr , In which the plalntllT sues for damagoi for wrongful attachment of n store nt Neola , was then taken up. The jury was empanelled and the trial will bo taken up this morning. Go and sen the beautiful books in the library In thu Presbyterian parlors. Boys wanted as news agents for trains , Apply utT''O , Seventh street , Council UlulTs. Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , MS B'd'y. Young ladies desiring to fit themselves for nurses can Imvo all instruction frco at the Womens' Christian Association hospital , Council BlulTs , la. Bring credentials as to moral character. Apply to Mrs. H. J. Osborno , tl''U First avenue , Council BlulTs , la. Go and near the popular singers , Mrs. Shermat. and Miss Oliver , Thursday oven- lug. i'KHNO.\t I. IM It.t ( ilt < t I'/IN. I M. Treynor started for Des Molncs last evening. L. C. Dowitt , engineer of the water works at Neligli. Nob. , was in the Bluffs yesterday , the guest of Marshal J , L. Templeton. F. A. Shaver mid Walter D. Stillman went to Dos Molnes last evening for the purpoio of taking an examination before the supreme court of Iowa for admission to practice law in thoHtatu courts. Dr. Montgomery left last evening for Dos Molncs to attend the meeting of tlio llahuo- mann State Medical association , where ho will read n paper on thu popular epidemic , In grippe. Ho returns Thursday morning. C. W. Schwartz , assistant secretary of the Young Men's Christian association , returned last evening from Kansas ( Mty where ho has been attending the International convention of the Young Men's Christian associations ; Ho stated that there wore fiftO delegates present , and a most eulhusiastio time was had. President in Omaha Wednesday , May 111. Motor trains will run every live and one-half minutes between Council Bluffs anil Omaha , Icet Ice ! l : e ! ! ! If you want It pure and a And nt a reasonable pr Follow no now dev loo. Hut send to us in n tr Atour olT Mulholland it Co. , No.I I'carlst. , Tel. 102. 1'i'CNldi'iit in Omaha Wednesday , May Hi. Motor trains will run every llvo and one-half minutes between Council BlulTs and Omaha. Union Park races , Omaha and Council BlulTs , Juno tl-1'.1 , $ IMX ( ) ; Sept. S-ll , JtlntW ; Oct. UU-'J'J , $1,1)00. ) For programmes address Nat Brown , seo'y. , Merchants' hotel , Onmhu. Hallway < General Manager W. C. Brown of the St. Louis , ICeokuk & Northwestern and the Chicago cage , Burlington .t Kansas City railway companies has issued n circular announcing the appointment of Mr. A. C. Dawos of St. Joseph , gcnern'i passenger and ticket agent of these lines , with an olllco nt St. Louis. Mr. Dawes was formerly general passenger agent of the Kansas City , Hannibal & St. Joseph. In his capacity of general manager of the Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs , and the Hannibal t St. Joseph com panies , he has Issued another circular an nouncing his appointment of Mr. Howard Klliott general freight agent , with head quarters nt St. Louis. Mr. Klliott has been general freight agent of the St. Louis , Keo- kuK & Northwestern. Pri'Ntilenl In Omalin Wednesday , May 111. Motor trains will run every llvo and one-half minutes between Council Bluffs and Omaha. Malr has all sorts of fruit , shndo and orna mental trees , Broadway , opposite postolllcu. Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Juice tablets. They are delicious. Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ; -ovitliin one ami one-half miles of the P. O. ; all In bearing ; good buildings ; possession given at once. Call on D. J. ilutchinson & Co. , Ul ? Broadway. Closed on a Writ The Council BlulTs branch of the Union Paclllc tea company , located at Ml Broad- waj , was closed up yesterday afternoon on a landlord's writ of attachment issued from Justice Hummer's court , in favor of the land lady , Mrs. A. K. . Brown. This attitJhmuut was thu result of the failure of the company which took place iu Now York last week. The suit was for i'M.Vi. ' Mr. Novin , the western manager for the company , was In the city yesterday and saw Mrs. Brown about the matter. Ho paid up the rent that was due and made arrangements for the re opening of thu store at once under the mime of the assignee of the company , In Now York. Mr. Nevln states that the is solvent and will pay up every cent of Its In debtedness ns soon as possible , so that It is iirobablo that the company will bo reorgan ized In tno near future , President in Omaha Wednesday , May ll. ! Motor trains will run every llvo mid one-half minutes between Council BlulTs and Omatiu. Library party Thursday evening1. Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car riages , stoves , crockery , ami all house fur- nlshlng goodt , cash or on easy payments , ut Mandel \ Klein's , Always get the best where you can got it the cheapest. The Boston store , Council BlulTs , Is selling wall paper ut Just hall price , now Is thu tlmo to buy It , beautiful patterns forH\c , 6c , 7'joaml ' lOc. pur roll , Just one- half what you liavo bocn In the habit of pay- Intf. Ucsum Store , Council UluQs , la. Dan Onrrigtj Turns Prohibitionist and Nearly Gets Shot for His Pains. EXPERIENCE OF A NEW REFORMER , lie Oets n Search Wnrrnnt Served , Hut is Chased Out with u Pistol hy tlio Victim. Dan Carrlgg lm entered the ranks ol pro- hibltiontsts , nt so far ns William Mnlo- ncy , the proprietor of the "Onico" is con cerned , llo had : i search warrant issued in Justice Cones' ofllco last evcuing nt about 5:1(0 : ( o'clock , alleging that ho oclioved the sale of Intoxicating liquors was being c.i'-ried ' on nt Malonoy's place. The warrant was served by Constable KVHIM. Kvam entered thu place and commenced to read the war rant to Mnloncy. In the course of the read ing Carrlgg came sauntering In leisurely. Maloney caught sight of nim , nnd reaching under his counter , ho drew out a revolver nnd leveled It at Carrigg's nose with a quick movement , and the next thing that was seen of that gentleman ho was Hy ing through the door. Kvnns , having finished the reading of the warrant by this time , went to the back part of the room to muko the search. Klthor Malonoy's place had been very much maligned by Carrigg when ho made his sworn statement , or else somebody had been busily nt worK hustling out the forbidden stuff through the hack door , for when ISvnns had llnlslioil his work and was ready to go lack to his ofllco with the conllscatod prop- rty , ho had only llvo or six suspicious look- ng bottles. The trouble did not stop tlmro , however. Jnrrigg had left the saloon with so much ilacrlty , ho had gone to the oflieo of Justice Jones once moro. Whim Constable Kvans re- .urned In his olllco with the contraband goods 10 found another Job awaiting him. Five ninnies Inter ho was In Mnlonoy's place iignln , reading a warrant for Muloncy's ar rest on a charge of assault with intent to commit murder. It was sumo minutes before the nrrost was nadc , and in the meantime a lanio crowd issemblcd In front of the saloon ami Olllcor Murphy's presence was the only thing that weventcd n riot , or at least n light between Jarrigg and Mnlonoy. Maloney was taken to the oOlco of Justice [ Jones , where his bond was llxed at J , > 00 , and ho was allowed to depart. Maloney says the trouble Is the result of a dispute which ho had with Carrlgg a few days ago , and ho thinks it is moro spite work on Carrigg's part. Carries , however , insists that he has turned over n new leaf , and will dovotn the rest of his days to seeing that the irohihitory law is enforced , at least so far as M Itdoney is concerned. Lace curtains cleaned from 5Uc to $1.2o per pair , at Twin Citv dye works. Dinner and snppor for the bcnellt of the Christian home , by Berean temple , this even ing at i-O Broadway , Dun forth block. \ delightful evening can be spout In exam ining lovely books with lovely bindings. SCIIOJIj HOARD MICIJTING. Talk of Imnrovini ; the Hill School Grounds. The school board met last evening with all the members present. Member Hunter presented a resolution pro viding that the regular meeting bo changed from the fourth Frldduy to the second Mon day of thu month. The resolution was adopted unanimously. A communication was read from II. G. McGco offering the board lots 1 , „ > , , ' ! and 4 , block ! l , Suunysldo addition , as the situ for the proposed Harrison street school , the price stated being $1,000. Mr. McGco's oflcr was placed upon file. Mr. Schoeutircn moved that n committee , consisting of Messrs. Wells , Waite and Stacy , to enter into negotiations for the selcctiou and purchase of n lot suitable for thu location for the high school houso. The motion was carried , Messrs. Shubort nnd Hunter voting no. A petition was road from the teachers in the schools , stating that the teachers ap preciated the kindness of the members of the board in wanting to free the teachers and pupils from the work of the year before the beginning of warm weather , but that in view of the fact that there were to bo two months of vacation , tliov preferred to teach the full forty weeks instead of thirty- nine as had been decided upon by the board. They asked that they boat lowed to teach up to Juno " 11 instead of the touchers , The action of the school board at lllth. The petition wussigned by soventv-two Its last meeting was reconsidered nnd the petition was granted , A petition was presented by Mr. Schoont- gen , bearing the signalmen of a largo number of property owners ndjacont , nsuing for the making of improvements on the Hill schoo" grounds , such as the removing of undorbrusl laid trees , and the making of terraces , Mr. Schoentgen then made n speech lr. which ho not only advocated the granting of the prayer of the petition , but he urged tiiat the Hill school building itself bo so remod eled ns to bo suitable for high school pur poses , ns formerly. Mr. Hunter coincided with Mr. Schoontgen in his views , hut ns the tilling of the grounds would Involve a largo expense , ho thought ar investigation ought to bo mndo of the prob able cost of the improvements mentioned Ho moved that the petition bo referred to the committee on grounds with instructions to report nt the next meeting. The motion was carried unanimously. Superintendent Sawyer reported that the attendance during the past month has been much better than during the preceding , and that It had almost been cijtml to what It was before the monsels epidemic. On motion of Mr. Schoontgen the election of a superintendent , for the coming year was taken up. Prof. Sawyer modestly rotlreO from the room , and when ho returned lie was notllled that ho had been unanimously chosen ns his own successor. Don't forget the Sunflower chorus. Seed oats , corn , millet and seed potatoes garden seeds of all kinds , at H. L. Carman's , MX ) Main and Ml Pearl streets. Trees , all kinds , guaranteed to grow , price : . cheap , ut Mull's' , Broadway , opposite postof lice. Mnslciile. The mnslcnlo arranged by the young ladles of the congregational church will occur thi evening nt the residence of L.V. . Hess , < 11 Willow nvcnuo. The following splendli programme has been arranged by Mrs Guynor , planoist of St. Jo , assisted by Mrs Sherman , Mr. Uorilck nnd the Mandolin club Mandolin club . 1st No vcl let t ii Schumann . Mr. liny no llasssolo Selected . Mr. Derrle1 ) a Serenat i MoszKowskl . Ib llnttatullo Soharwenka . Vocal solo Selected . Mrs. Hieinin i'iinlaslo Inipioinptu t'hopln'J ' . Air do llallet Chamlnado . Vocal solo Sol t'otud . Mr. Derrick l.a riliuiso KalT . Mandolin t lun . Uoudo Hillllanlo-Weber . All are cordially invited. For lovely books go to the entertainment Thursday evening. For neat bindings go to Moorehouso .t Co. , Pearl street. See our lie r. ition counter. Kvcry article worth from : > o to U'ia'c , for fto Monday nt the Boston Store , Council BlulTs. Consisting of hair curlers , combs , elastic , beads nnd 100 and other useful artlcloi. Boston Store , Coun cil Bluffs , la. When about to build don't fail to set prices on lumber of Thu Judd it Wells Co. , Sia Broadway , Telephone 'Ji7. Taken Hack lor Trial. Sheriff MencKo of Washington county , Nebraska , came to the Bluffs yesterday morn- lug to tuko charge of Kdward Fulls , Jnmcs'.K. Uaulelaaud James Kichards , who were ar rested on Sunday night on suspicion of hav ing stolen n team of horses in Nebraska. He looked at the men In the Jnll and nt once sail that ho thought they were the ones he wanted. The men ngrced to go without n requisition and the quartette started for the west yesterday afternoon. Mr. Mnncko stated that William ColTman of Fort Calhoun , Neb. , was the man who had lost the team. It had been traced ns far ns Omaha. H had been driven over an em bankment , the wagon wrecked , and the team had been abandoned , Dry storage nt low rates , stoves and house hold goods. J. H. Snyder , Pearl street. The Kticrlir Takes It. Mr. A. B. Crane ha ? been in possession of ho Losoy wall paper store for the past few ays ns the representative of the holders of ihnttcl mortgages that were given by the wncrs last week , but ho holds It no longer , 'tstcrday afternoon SnerllT O'Neill appeared jpon the scene armed with n writ of attach- cent that hud been stic.l out in the district 'ourt by the Council BlulTs oil nml paint 'ouumriy. ' There were two attachments , no for 8211.1 nnd the other for ? > 0. Mr. Jrano gave up the Held , but he stated that o had not done so for good. Just what he itcnds to do he did not say , but he stated bat ho meant to Imvo back that stock of .roods If he had to replevin It from the sheriff. Up to n Into hour last night nothing moro had 'icon done In thu matter , and it was still in he hands of Sheriff O'Neill , Hall Cor Kent. Ou account of leaving town I will ren t my oil. togothcn with parlor room , dining room , . 'Itchen , with stove , city water in the kitchen , 'or one veiir or moro. It ls the most convon- ont hall In the city ; nil In llrst-class order. iiUlro ( | J. F. Peterson , lJii ! Broadway. For an evening's enjoyment go to the Pros- lyterian parlor * Thursday evening. Char ty Concert. The Council BlulTs Maenncrchor g.ivo a : onccrt last evening In the Broadway theater , assisted by the Arlon sangerbuml nnd the jutorlus Mandolin club of Omaha , Han Mbert , the violinist , and Herr Gahm , th . ianist. The programme was excellent , the. , furious parts being well sustained , especially' n the chorus work. I'ho proceeds of the concert are to bo ilivlded between the Christian home and the Woman's Christian association and the St. Jornard hospitals. Thorn was a good : mdiencc present nnd there will boancatsum eft over above the expenses to bo divided. Snugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk Held , guidon and flower scous In the west Catalogue and samples by mall. Preparing to Decorate. As May ISO is drawing around the old soldiers are beginning to lay plans for the celebration of decoration day. The prepara tions , as usual , are to bo under the super vision of Abe Lincoln post. Grand Army of the Republic , and no efforts will bo spared to inako It up to its usual standard In point of interest. The best speakers are to bo pro cured for tno occasion , and specially line imisio will bo furnished. The arrangements uro in the hands of a committee consisting of F. S. Thomas , H. C. Hubbard , J. B. Dries- back , George B. Mills and Mrs. Anna Campbell , Committees Imvo been appointed to take charge of the various departments. Drs. Woodhury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High grade work a specialty. tlroko a Leg. Willie Hnrrincton , the thirteen-year-old son of B. S. Harrington , who was formerly connected with the police force , met with n severe accident last Sunday afternoon while ruling horseback on avenuj G. The saddle turned while the was going at n rapid gait , aim the boy was thrown to the ground. The horse stopped on his log nftcr ho had struck the ground and fr.ictured it between the knee nnd ankle. The boy was taken t o his homo and a surgeon was called. The bono was sot nml at present the victim of the accident Is resting ns veil as could bo ex pected. DeWltt's Little Kurlv Hlsersfortho Liver. HANGMAN'S liOIUtOWlNG. It A\'IIH Illw Quondam Sivcothcart'H .Jewelry , and tin Pawned It. Harry Bargman , n sewing machine agent , was arrested yesterday at the instance of Miss Fannlo Goldstein. The young laay claims that Bargmnn paid considerable attention to her for a while , and after gaining her conlldcnco began to borrow small articles of Jewelry. At one time Bargman Induced Miss Gold stein to lonn him her gold watch and chain. A diamond ring soon went to keep company with the watch , and then a plain gold ring followed. Ono hundred dollars Is tlio value of the Jewolry. Alter obtaining possession of the plunder Bargman suddenly ceased paving attention to Miss Goldstein and wont to Lincoln where ho was married ton Miss Blooming. Upon the return of Bartrman to the city a demand was nmdo by Miss Goldstein for her property , but as it was not forthcoming the arrest followed. Bargman claims to have panned the property to n man named Miles. Pozzonl's Complexion Powder produces a soft and bountiful skin ; it combines every element of beauty and purity. AllUSKI ) UY A imUTIS. Pitiable Condition of the Fnmi'y of I ) . O'Connell. The wife ami children of D. O'Connell , liv ing nt2221 South Seventeenth street , are in very straightened circumstances. O'Connell is reported to be a worthless fel low , who will not work and who frequently abuses his family. Mrs. O'Connell has been sick for a long tlmo nnd unable to support her children. For a day or so past the family Imvo had absolutely nothing to oat. The cruel hus band threatened to beat his sick wife if she told the neighbors of their condition. Yesterday the little ones cried so pitifully for bread that the mother could stnud it no longer. She sent word to tbo neighbors that they were starving. Food was immediately sup- tilled and aid from kindly disposed persons is asked. Dr. Dlrnoy euros catarrn. Boo bldjf. Union Tailors. The local branch of the tailors' union , No. 02 , hold an open meeting In Green's hall last evening and invited the members ot the inde pendent union and all other tailors in the city to bo present. The mooting was for the purpose - pose of discussing trade and such other mat ters as mtuut bo of bcnelK to the union. About forty tailors wore present , with Presi dent PotoMon in the chair. No dclinlto stops were taken , but It Is desired to sttongthen the union , which now numbers eighty-six members , and another meetlne lookintr toward n consolidation will bo held in tbo near futuro. _ _ A very small pill but a vorv goodone. DJ Witt's Little Karlv Hison. I'r mile Pra/.y Charles W. Prlndlti spent yesterday in making purchases In several down-town stores , asking in each place to have the goods held until ho called later wnen ho would pay for them. In strolling around ho brought up nt tbo imlice headquarters , where ho started to tell a long tale of woe. The tnle was iden tified as being the same one ho told over a year ngo to the police when ho was an oiled for being insane. Prindle was again placed behlhd the burs cm ! will be examined as to his sanity today. No griping , no nausea , no pain when 1)1 Wilt's Little Knrly Hirers eve taken. S ale 111. Safe pill. Best pill. Polly Tlilim-H. J. Pompsoy and Jack Brer.nnn were ar rested yesterday afternoon and charged with sand-bagging .loo Wlrt on South Thir teenth street Sunday night , Martin Croff , n thirteen-year-old boy , was arrested yesterday suspected of stealing sev eral curry combs and brushes from Dr. Slo- man , ThlrtecutU uud Howard btrtcta. CROVER SPEAKS AT BUFFALO , He Addresses tbo Youuts Meu's ' German Association of Hi * ( Id Home. HIS FIRST VISIT IN EIGHT YEARS , Tlie Kx-I'rpslilciit OroWs HeiiilnlnciMit nml Acknowlcd 'cf ! That Ho IH No lioncjcr A VOUIIK Mint. DrrrAi.o , N. V. , May 11. The German Younp Men's association of Huffnlo , cole- bratcil Us fiftieth anniversary liorc to-nlpht In .Music hull. A remnrkahlo circumstance was the presence of O. A. George ninl Dr. Hohnucnstcln , who were president and vice- president of the association holt a century npo untl liolcl the oOlcc.s today. The principal event of the festival was the presence and speech of ex-President CIcvo- and. It was his Ilrst wiuhe appearance hero n almost eight ycni's. He received an ova- ion whan he appeared on the platform , and ho enthusiasm of the ( -real audience was ilalnlv pleasing to Mr. Cleveland. Mr. t'lovc- , and said in part : Mr. President and I.iidles and Gentlemen : 1 am clad to meet lieio tonight MO nititiy old friends nnd ariinnlntanee . mid to loin them In felicitations whleh luvo called us together. Atthli iiioiniMit I H'call with | > cr- fci't vividness another evening ni'iirly elulit yuais IIEOlienlnii Loantlfnl building stand ing on tliIs spot and t lion just eumpleted.we In- nnmirnted with Mings nnd lejnlelnj ; a Kiand iiutlonitl saiiK'irfi'sl , This was a piuiid ( lay for llnllitlo. and n tnonder one still for < mr tioriiian fellow townsman , \ \ lutliiMi welcomed iistlielrtue tsii ItirRc and noluhlc assoin- filiiKo fniin many slates , renre eiitliik' their national linn of music , and at the same time , were permitted to o.thlhlt to tliuir visitors as a monument of the enterprise and activity of the ( icrman Young Metis' assoelatlon , the iH'timl and IniDosliiK music hall In wlik'h their festival of Mina was held. ,1,1m disaster which soon overlook the asso ciation. InxohliiK the destineIon ! of their splundid liulldlnp. Imtucht nodlsaiiiniL'oment to the members of the organization. Tonltfht we mci'l In another and more imienlllceiit Music Hall , liullt upon the ashes of tin' llrst. to celclirato the close of llfty years In the life of an association , that exhibits to eu'iy ol > - server the courage and determination which Inevltalily lead to usefulness and success. As this association crosses tin- threshold which liemldwny In the llrl century of Its existence. Its member * may well recall with pridoand coiiKratiilutloii what It has thus far done for the promotion of a knou ledco of ( Jcr- iiian literature and the cultivation or Herman character ; ami as they outer upon the second half century of organl/cd olfort. they should ho more than over determined to pursue tlieso purposes not only because they may thus keep alive a fond remembrance of the lather- laud , but because they may thus. In a higher , better spirit , aid In the cultivation of these s.intlmcnts which purify and strengthen a Kcnulnc and patriotic Americanism. After the anniversary of the German Youac Men's association in Music hall a com plimentary dinner was riven in honor of ox- President Cleveland at the Hotel Iroquols by his personal and political friends in Buffalo. In his remarks in response to the toastmas- tor's welcome Mr. Cleveland was reminis cent. Ho bewail by suyinp : My ft lends. I have boon striving for several years to hclievo that I am still on the brlflht and sunny side of the time which separates middle age from the last declivity In life , but now and here , amid tlm memories of early manhood and rccallltiR.'thu ' scenes of thirty- live years ace , I yield the .stmi. lo and enroll myself among tlioso who are no longer yomi ) ! . I have reached the limn In life when I bet-In to enjoy the compensa tion of advancing yours which Is born of retrospection , whou Itdls.-ards all past Irrita tions and dwells only upon thothlniis in mem ory's keeping that are pleasant and consul Inc. My mind at ibis moment Js full of the recol lections of the o.NperliSrees connected with rny early life In Huiralbl Some of these experi ences were rimmed. Init they were healthful , and they appear to bo how robbed of every- thine save tlio features that make thorn wel come memories. Kuferrim ; in n Jocular way to his former law partner , Mr. Bissel , who , was. present , Mr. Cleveland said , ; I am glad to know'that ho has grown to ho a vorv fair lawyer and Is a respectable citizen. 1 understand that ho has lately mauled , which Is something that for the last ( ivo or six years I have thought was a very proper thing for a man of his ago or oven my ago to do. Mr. Cleveland referred to Buffalo's first mayor , Joseph Elliott , who held cilice in Ibli- , and said that after nil ho could scarcely speak as an old resident of Buffalo , for ho did not remember Elliott. Then ho added : I iceall distinctly , however , the celebration of the city's semi-centennial , llfty year's af terwards , and I was very well acquainted with the man who was mayor at that time. I believe he dabbled a little afterwards In state and national politics At any rate I know ho had a Job for four years It the government employ. and then , like others In public position , when there came achangoot administration he lost his place , He was accused , I am told , of talk ing too much about the tarltr and wuschargcd with attempting tornln the country In sundry and divers ways. In point of fact , however , I am convinced that , notwithstanding all we hear of civil service reform , ho was discharged for purely , partisan reasons and because some one. else wanted his place Ho did a gieatdeal of hard work and wa > much perplexed and troubled , but I know that his greatest trial was his alienation of many personal and political friends In making ap pointments to olllco. It was Imposslblo to avoid tills , and It will continue to bo Impossl blo In all cases so long as the applicant for olllco and the man who' Is charged with the responsibility of appointment occupy sncl entirely dlll'eront points of observation. am just so long as public duty may sometimes stand In the wiy of personal friendship. * Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children ron teothinp gives quiet , healthful rest. 2 , ' cents a bottle. t ov itKV. ititjijs. Chargoil with Heresy hy tlio New York I'rcsl'ytory. Ntw : YOUK , May 11. The committee of the New York Presbytery appointed to consider alleged heresy in the address of Hov. Dr ( Jharlcs A. Brings heforo ttiu Union thcolog ical seminary on January " 0 last submlttci reports hoforo the mooting of thu proshytory Ibis afternoon. The majority roporl oponlj accused Dr. Brlggs of heresy and radica divergence from belief in the church n' ' stated in the confession of faith. It was sipnod bv Uov. Drs. Birch , Forbes , Lampi and Prof , Stevenson , The minority repor was presented solely by Hov. Dr. Mcllvnln Mr. Walter Edwards , a lawyer , who was also on the committee , declined to eigi cither report. Ho agree ) with the majority rooort ns to its first , article , "sources o divine authority , " and agrees with tin minority report ou the other two recom mondatlons. , , When the presbytery , mot today Dr. Hast ings offered n resolution declaring that the presbytery of Ctiestor , . Pa. , In making the original overture , had violated the rights o Professor Briggs , that ] gentleman not bcint , In that presbytery's jurisdiction , nnd that tin presbytery of Chester , bad violated the eon Rtltutional rights of the jjresbvtory of Nov York , which bad solo Jurisdiction eve Professor Brlggs. On roll call the resolution was rejected , r > for nnd 44 against. Professor Briggs then , , rrad a protest do during tbo appointment of a committee litho > the Now York presbyfpry to consider hi Inaugural address as , , n violation o usagi ) nnd a breaclj , of Justice am sound discipline bocnu Q.of . the lollnwlnu facts : 1 , He haU had ,110 , Intimation of mu no opportunity to meet , the , motion for the appointment of the committee. : . ' . The com- mllteo was uppoiutrd iu his absence , caused by 111 health , and wa * also appointed with- "FAMILIAR IN MILLIONS OF MOUTHS AS ANY HOUSEHOLD WORD , " 'llie Times , London. "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " "Delightful and refreshing" HKITISII .MKDICAL JOUKXAL. SOLE EXPORTERS : THE APOLLINARIS COMPANY , LD. , out his knowledge nnd consent , tt , Ho had no opportunity to maUo any explanation to the presbytery which might have tnado the appointment ot n committee unnecessary. 4. The committee was appointed In April to consider nn address delivered January 20. Such committee , If appointed nt all , should Imvo been appointed within n reasonable tlmo. 0. The committee had not been up. lolntcd for the purposes provided for in law itid nccordlng to the processes of law. Dr. Birch rose to n question of privilege. Its right to speak was questioned again nml again , but ho kept the floor and dually was iccordcd n hearing. Ho said that ho haj icrsonnlly notllled llr Hrlggs of the meeting if the I'ommitteo and tind Invited him to be iruscntiind explain matters and avoid prose- . ution. He said that Dr. Briggs had replied , lei-lining to attend for two reasons , llrst , ill iralth , nnd second , because the committee \vns not a legal one. Dr. Birch was going to continue , but do was Interrupted. Finally .ho presbytery accorded Dr. Ulrch nnd Dr. lirlggs llvo minutes each to speak. Dr. llircti continued uy saying that when ho complained against seven young men who were nbotit to bo licensed , one on tlio ground of Inerrancy , Dr. Briggs said to him , "Try me , sir ; I'm the person.1 Then Dr. Briggs admitted receiving a loiter from Dr. Birch , but said It was not olllcliil and that iny protest ho might wish to make must bo based upon ofllclnl communication. Then followed an unintelligible mlnpllng of motions. At last Dr. Van Dyke was recognized .md his motion to adjourn was carried unanimously. After prayer tbo presbytery adjourned to 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The report of the committee was made the llrst order of the day. DoWltt's Llttlo Early Hlsers. Best little pill ever made. Cure constipation every Lime. None equal. Use them now. I'OIISIOIIH ( iflllltl'll \ \ rStlM-IH'I'S. WASHINGTON , May II. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bir..j : Pensions were granted today as follows : Nebrnsna : Original--William 1C. Ilum- nhle , Loron/o Hines , Andrew Sccry , .loseph Spuihen , Hnmnnzo Haven , Joseph L. Stuart. Navy John K. Harbour , John Tuft , \Vuko- man' Hesseiiuie , John W. Nations. Ira J. Hunt , Daniel Moorgenatern. John McICirnen , Thomas Morlov , Thomas MooiFitJ.imes Durkco. Additional Benjamin Dexter , Lorenzo Preston. Increase- John (5 , Hop kins , John W. Lumndue. Francis M. Pen- nington. Itcisstio nnd Increase Amos W. Gaudy. Original widows , etc. Sur.ih E. , widow ol Huston deeper. Iowa : OriginalWillard Thaycr , Heason B. Hcddcn , John G. B. Harp , Philander F. May , William Hahm , Abrum Hampshire , David G. Hummel , Peter Lacey , John Sehwagler , Jacob F. Marfnott , James H. Aticnn , Lafayette Miles , August Sclimidt , Jacob W. Erb , John H. King , Anthony Mar tin , Ttiomas C. Mcllorter , Henry C. Hump- shlro , fjilcad Simpson , Ole Pasthrnm , Chris tian Walter , E. H. Wood , Ames Adams. Additional Benjamin Trnclson , Abraham Full-man. Christian Hlno , William Parkin. Hostoration and reissue Gcorgo St < 'rritt. Increase David Coffen , Jacob E. Wilson. William M. Wilson , Thomas Grcon. William H. Foster , Thomas L. Strong , James S. Tay lor , VUlliam Hawkins , Truman W. Ilnzlcton , \SilllamD. Forbes , Orlando S. Hartman , Phincss H. Kctchum , Shepherd Poland , Henry Trairer. Original widows , navy Minnie L. . widow of Jostph Greene ; Lu- clnda , widow of Joseph Footer , Small in size , great tn results : DoWItt' Little Early Hisers. Best pill for Constipa tion , best for Sicic Headache , host for Sour Stomach. _ Only Ono Itcscucd. HALIFAX , N. S. , May 11. The Swedish bark Helgn , in ballast , from Tonsburg for Quebec , was struclc on Hcnows Island during a dense fog. The crew clung to the rocks In perilous position. No boat could reach them and one after another they gave up and drifted out into the angry so.i , until but one was loft. Ho was washed within reach of the people on shore and rescued. Be wise in timo. You have too many gray hairs for one so young looning. Use Hall's Hair Henoxver , the best preparation out to cure them. 'Cry it. Will Not H Allowed to Imml. CITV or MKXICO , ( via Galveston ) May 11. Foreign Minister Murlscal soys that all nec essary sjops have been taken so that if the Itata reaches any Mexican ports she will not bo allowed to land. She will , however , ho allowed to purchase small quantity of victu als , but no coal. The government , the min ister says , is resolved to observe strictly the treaty obligations with Chill and t.ot to har bor insurpeuts. They Got it of Jim ! oh Jim ! I say , Jim 1 Youn comln' , mam ; what's or matter I Why baby has got the colio ; run down to drug store and get a bottle of Hnllor's pain paralyzer ; quick , now. Ordered from St. I ST. PinT.nsiirwi , May 11. The czar has ordered the Jewish banker , Baron Ginsburg. to quit St. Petersburg and to close bis busi ness for making an open attempt to instruct the minister of the interior to ameliorate the condition of the Jews bv offering to vote 1,000,000 , rubles to charities. German WarslilpH Hoiiiid for Chill. SAX FitAXcicco , Gala. , May 11. The Gor man flagship Loislg and the cruisers Alexan- derino and Sophie , under command of Hear Admiral Vnlols , loft Yoltohama May 1 for this port. They will lake iu coal hero untl will then go to Chili. Cloidl ; > iirst in New .Mexico. Dcsvwi , Colo. , May H. A special from Liberty , N. M. , says n cloud burst near that place and washed away n party of campers tonight. The water came down the draw several feet high , drowning E. J. Wilcox. The others hud a narrow escape. Shannon Si 'iN ' Tralllcy. Manager Shannon has evinced the best of judgment In the signing of Catcher Billy Trallloy at this critical juncture. The Lambs were greatly In need ol a man to help ' 'Old Cy" out behind the bat and now they have him. Trallloy is an old Union Pacific boy , and a favorite here. Ho will probably catch in this afternoon's game at Sioux City. Christian Young .Men Adjourn. KA.NSAH CITV , Mo. , May 11. The Interna tional convention of the Young Men's Chris tian association adjourned sine die last night. Hl'XIHMVX DHIl V 1 HUS. epic Tuuklod hy the Orators Last KvcnliiK. About one hundred members of the Sun down club sat down to n very palatable din ner at the Paxtnn hotel last evening. The question for discussion wn % "Should immigration to the United fcitntos ho re stricted I'1 The speakers who had agreed to open the debate were Mr. G. M. Hitchcock tind Mr. T. J. Mnhonoy. Hoti. John L. Webster presided ns master of ceremonies , nml ho prefaced the discussion with u few remarks about the recent difll- culty ut Now Orleans and the controversy now going on betwcon the United States ami Italy. Kvcnts of this character , Mr Webster said , were calculated to arouse general Inter est In discussion upon the question of re stricting immigration. Mr. a M. Hitchcock of the World-Herald advanced arguments favoring the aftlrmuUvc. Ho held that the question of philanthropic liberty for all the world should not overtop the consideration of pencil and happiness for the ulll/uns of the Unllod .Stacs. ! The time had como , ho held , when the people ple of this nation should look with grave concern into the great problems that confronted a self-governing people. Then ) was no need , he said , of inviting In the millions of the old world as they wore In the past. The cities had grown from ! l to over : H > per cent of our population , and the greater part of vice and crime and poverty was found In the cities. The greater portion of the vicious elements in the cities , the speaker said , win made up of raw mitturhi from the pauper erowdo I countries of the old world , and for tin si > reasons the time had como when n limit should bo set upon the immigration of people from all for eign countries. The spcaKor was applauded. OMr. T. J. Mnhonoy took up thu negative. He maintained that the United States was yet largo enough to furnish homos for mil lions more. He had noticed that In the dis cussion upon the bill Introduced in con gress last winter to restrict Immigration that the members of congress , unanimously , expressed It as being their belief that the country could with advantage support a great many more people , nnd that tno only pressing need , at present , was the strict en forcement of the laws prohibiting the land ing ot imported Idiots , paupers and criminals. Mr. Mahoney held that the statement made by Mr. Hitchcock to the effect-that the Immigrants who had como to this country recently were of a more vicious and ignorant class than those who oiuno forty or llfty years ago , was not : i fact ; but the con trary , ho held , was the caso. Many of the immigrants of the present were bettor edu cated mid better qualified to make good citi zens than those who came several decades ago. The talk about this country being nmdo .tho swill barrel for all creation was , in the speaker's estimation , a great exaggeration , for ninny of the poor immigrants who had recently como over would doubtless muko good citizens , just as many of these who had como over poor and Ignorant years ago had become. Mr. Fred McConnell , Clement Chase and several others spoke upon the subject and the discussion was continued for fully an hour. I'nneral of .Mrw. Mc'Sliune. The funeral of Mrs. Alice McShnno took place nt 9 o'clocic yesterday from her late homo at the residence of Major John B. Furuy , 'MSoward \ street , to the lunch of the Holy Family. The serv ices were attended by mi unusually largo concourse of friends , who tearfully gathered to pay tliBf last tributes of respect to the memory of the dead. The offerings wore rare and beauti ful , and were sent In In such profusion that it was absolutely impoislolo to remove thorn to the church. They were arranged In a mound about the casket , and were piled in great hanks on either .side. Their beauty was striking , and their rich fragrance extended far beyond the outer wulls of the bereaved homo. The church was filled with sorrowing ones who had known and loved the deceased , mid every so-it In the spacious edlllco was occupied , The services were very impressive , solemn high mass being celebrated by Hov. Fattier Hlllnmn , with Hov. Father Klnsler as deacon , and Hov , Father ICoopman sub-deacon. The full choir assisted in tno services , and Mrs. Schonck very fecllnglv sang "Host , Spirit Host. " The remains rested in a beautiful rose wood llnished rolled steel casket at the head of the main aisle. The pall boarcrs were John G. Lee , V. Burkloy , F. C. Morgan , Thomas II. Dailoy , M. Donovan , Andrew Murphy , Louis Schroeder - der , Kd Mcadimbcr , Thomas F. Mulligan and C. V. Gallagher. At the conclusion of the mass the caskol was upain borne to the hcar.s'o , and a very lengthy cortege followed it to its last resting place in the cemetery of the Holy Sopuicher , SiGK HBOACHE ' Positively cured by these Little Vills. CARTER'S They also relieve Dla tress from Dyspepsia , In ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty iVER Eating. A perfect rcm edy for Dizziness , Nausea , PILLS. Drowsiness , Had Taste In the Mouth , Coated Tongue , Tain In the Side , TOUPID I.IVEII. They regulate tSo Dowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. 31. n. t'ii.i.iiai-itfr\ . Kjrc , Knr , No o nml Throat Siifclnllit , Council lllutTs , - - IOWA. Sore cyo\ cross i-yei , pnlnful unit wcnk vM I'arnclio , donfnufs , < ] clinrifct from the i ira , . tnrrh. liny fever , intlnnti" nml nil ticnto mid chronic ntTi-ulluaiuf thu tliriml fpeclulty. { .Inn * i3v < M tit led nlthont pain , ( iliimoi Rcciirutclf iiroicrllJOil In illtllcult r.'ncM , often curing chronic iiuar.ilh'H an I nick heailnchr. Snrulciil operation * , wliun nocoi- unrr , palnlooly perfornic'd , miurlnj bo < t nun Hi ( Juice.Slniciirt-llenu block , ruuiul Council HlulTa , UTe To Bee-Keepers I curry n full line of neokoopers' sup plies , including comb foundation , huu oy knives , smokor.s , sections und ti supplies for the apiary. M. S. HOOP 6'JO K. Urotidwuy , Council HlulTa , loival srwcr/vL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 'iron SAliB tinrfluo fatn7lT hme ! , u"Unbla -f for rhlltiRur driving. Apply to KM S , Oth Mioot. fl'O huors of horso- < - The lart-esl lot of 1 ami the llm < * t In tlio cltyi aUo huy feed id nil klniln , ul H.CohNlvin V Co * West llrnadway. NTUSH KJrl wanted Imnu'dliitoly. Uood nu cs. Cull ut ' 'II Vine street. J/i > H KKNT--ltiirn near court house. Apply _ to II. W. Tllton , . lien olllce. _ LOST Hy A. Hlotcky , on Pony creek , flvt mites from city , satchel containing notions. Itetnrn to Illllert's and get reward , CI.AIUOVANT and psychometric , iirehnr- acler readings ! also illiinnoils of dlieiiso , Solid lock of hair for ii'mlltmi liy luttcr. Hun- ( InNiinil ovciilmjs. Mrs. 1' . lloon | < r. MVJ Avo- nne I' , near corjirtr Illth si. , Coniu'll II ulln , irums A'or Hi-lit- Wanted -If yon want -1' to buy , sell or rent iinvtliliiK In the real estate llnr don't do tt until yon liuvc MUMI out IIITKO ' 1st of lurKalii" . Swan \ Walkei. No. 1U Main anil ll.l I'earl streets ( . 'uuiu'll ll.iilli. IjVJlt S.M.K or Trade A line imported .1 ? riydesiialo stallion , ( . 'all on 1) ) . J. llutch' IIIMIII X : I'o. . HIT Hroaihv.iy. _ _ _ SO.MK line residence property for runt bj liny & Hess. , u Peart street. " _ _ IjlOltSAI.K-llotol centrally "loi'sifmi. clolnj J- peed business. Or will exchange for Kood farm In western Iowa. Hotel lease , funi'turo ' and fixtures ) an A No. I elianoeto sti'p Into a good pa > ing biut- ni'-s Keasons fur M'lllng , other Imslucss ro- qulilii1. ; all owner's attention. It.'irKalns In reslilnnen and business prou- ertv. It. I' . Ollli'or , real estate an I insurance nielli. No. I'.1 N. Mnhs . . ( ojinrK llliilTs. /1AUIIKNS Some i-holro Burden land neai V \ Council IlinlTs ( or sale uneasy terms , also vineyards and a largo list of Ion a farms. John-ton \ . Van Patten. _ _ 1/ilM'IT farm for sale or trade : well locntod -1 and all In bearing ; goo I liouso and ham. Will take seine good city property , and good tlini'glvet. on balaiu'c. Call on or address I ) . J. Iliilclilnvin .V I'D. . 017 Itroadway. 1/H > ! 1 KENT The Mi-Mahon blook. II s tory JL brick , with baseinenl and olevalur. J. w. Siiilii' | , tut IVarl stnvt. FOHS.V1/K or Hutu CUr.lou land , with houiai , by J. It. tlloa. nil Main U. Uounoll UlutTt Gas Heating Stoves. No Asncs ! No S.MOKB. Just tlu thine for bath rooms , bed rooms , tito , I'all and sou our large assortment * C. B. Gns nnd Electric Liqht Co. ? ll Pearl ami ' . ' 10 Main Street. CITIZENS STATE BAM Or Council Bluffd. CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.00Q TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 I. A. . Mlllor , F. O. ato.i < rm , M f * BhuKiirt. K. E. H.irt , J. I ) Kdiniindion , Chuloi : It. llnnnnn. Tr.insaot banklnt butl- neii. LartaU suul nirpluj ot auy bnnkln Southwestern IJ\TL \ 1NTERESTON TIME DEPOSITS , GrRAND , Council Bluffs , In. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel is Now Opsn , Crcigin & Co. , Proprietors. COUNCIL BLUFFS STUAJl DYE WORKS I All kinds of Dying and Uleunln ; ilimo In tha HlKhcslStyloor the Art , Faded and Stalnod ( 'aurlcs made to look as Kood us now. lied I'cathers Cleaneil Uy Steam , In I list CRHI | .Manner. Work promptly douo and delivered In all parts of the country. end for prlca 1ISt O. A. MrtOIIAN. I'ron. . 101J Uroadwav. Near North wi : urii Uopob , COUNCIL lli.iif F.S. U. \llim1nre < AtloI'ml'sat law. Praoj tt OallllllllS nuo | U llm state and federal courts , liojnis : i. 4 and 5 tihugarl llcno block , Council HlulTs , la. HI rinuiliorc Attorney nt I.nvr , No. tt . J , UhllllDUS , I'uiirl street , over Hush , null's store. Telephone No. > 'l. Iliislnosl hours , b a. in. toy p. in , Council Illnlls , lit. Electric Truss33 , Belts , Chest Protectors , Eto. AGENTS WANTED. DH. C , II. JUDD , OO6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la TUIU-HMIONKS. OI'TIOK. ' V. KRSt.D'ONJS ' COUNCIL BLUFFS Medical and Surgical Institute , IK8. HKl.MNOEltS , I'ltOl'.H. Chronic diseases of all Units mid defonni Itlcs specialties. Nos. 'Mil nndOji ; Hroiuhvuvi Council Itluirs. hi. ADVANTAGES OF BUYING M-I-S-P-I-1 - - - - - It would not pay tlio ttiilor to make up poor matorinl ; therefore , in liuiiif ; inistlts you nro nhvnyscertain to L'ot cloll lhnt will give uood siUiBfncUor. and lon hprvieo. 'I'iiun tlio tailor takes fur morn euro with ) ii wor'lf tlinii ig bustowud , i factory work , where the iaea is to hlifjlit tlio irnrineiit ns iniiL'U us possible iu order to turn out worlc clionp. Another in'eul up nlvinttii.'u : is Hint , nmonu our line inifcllth , you will llnd the hnlf nnd qimrtor nixes , and really bolter Httuiu L'oodn than rrn bo found in oBtiitihbiimcnts Dial deal in ready nmdo elothliif ' . Tlien bv niislltH , buying you are really puttinj , ' in your pookel what the tailor losus. for you tfct as jjood as the tailor would make you'for just about hull what the tailor would chai'L'o. AH alterations done free of eharpo to insure a jjooil lit. BARGAINS THAT SAVE DOLLARS , - - F > RIGR / RIGRLvIST. . " SUITS. OVERCOATS PANTS. 25 ru Mrrehnnt Tailor made at t2 ! (10 ; u OuMeirhant Tailor niudn at 14 10 5 00 MerchantTailor iiiado at JI1 tn I 0 00 Merchant Tailor nmdo ut 130) IIS 10 Moreliunt Tailor made at Hi oil M (10 ( Meicluint Tailor iniido at II M 8 (0 ( Mniclmiit Tailor Hindu 41) ) Ou Merchant Tailor made at 18 ! 3 40 to Merchant Tullor miiilo at 403 at II 7i < 5 CO Meiehnnt Tailor at Ill U ) 10 00 Merchant Tailor mndo at 5 00 M ) 00 Merchiint Ti-llor inuilu at ' 'I W 45 ( X ) Muruhlint T.illor iiiitili at 'JJ 0) on oo.Metchunt Tailor mailo at'h OJ U ) U ) .Merchant , Tailor niado at ' . ' . ' ( X ) 13 00 : Merchant Tailor made at 60) 15 ou Mi'iuhiint Tailor mailo at ; KI 00 fO 00 Merchant I'allor made at MIX ) ir > OU.Merchant Tailor miiilo at 72) 'A WJ Merchiint 'tailor made at as IX ) TO to Muivhiiiit Tailor IIIUIID ut u 0) ) la CO.Morclmnt Tailor nmdo at 8i4 A iicrlect lit warranted , and all goods fcold on their merits. A guarantee in every case just as represented , at U > ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309.