1 TFTR OMATTA DAITA" BEE MOfCDAV. MAY 11. 1801. SPEG1HL NOTICES , A\ | flsTI'-I-Mr.NTH fortht ocolun.ns will IIP ikcii until 12 Op. m. , for Ilio oven ng mitten nnd until M Op. in. , for Ilio morning cil lion ninl s-tNt > AV lire. rpKltM' i .ikh In advance. ; T > ATF9-AiHertlsrmrnt * nn this paer wlllho J clinrpnl fnr nt tlio rateof 1'i cents per nc.rii fort lie llr llnf > ertjon. nnd I cent pc-r word fn tntli Mii"niiont Insertion , nnd tl.'M I'1' line ix-r mfintli. No ntlvortlM-lMCiit tnken for U-vs limn T , cents for tinllrit Insertion. IN ITI AW. flgurcs , " ymboK etc. , countcach i snnu wnnl. rpllLbE ndvrrtl rmonts mint run con'tcu- J lively nnd under nn r'riMiimtnnrj' * "III they I o tHkon or dlvontlnuc-d by telephone. TjAltlirw ndvertMnirln thr o columns and J having tliplr mnwrmifiiirpMptton"num- IptPil litter In cnro of TIIK Hi r will receive a jiutnl oicd check to enable tliptn to gel their loiters Answers will bo cictllvortd only n presentation of tills chrck. I ndoso answers Jn rut elopes propcrlv uddrcised. 1.1 niHortl omrnts umlrr fho head of A " "pcilnl Notices" nre published In tmth tlir inorn'ni ' nnd evening tdlllonsof THK HF.K. the olmilntlon of which aggregates morotlrin tf'.ron papers dally , nnd gives tlio advertiser tlir ln-nolH not only of tlio Inrco clrrtilntlon nf Tin ; llri. In riinnha , lull nKo In Council IIIufTs , I Inrnln nnil otborclHrs nnd tow us In the mil BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thc c co'uwns will tin tikpn on tlio nl o croud It Ion * , nt the follnwlns busl- ne .v bou f i who nro niitborbnil lo tnkp iiPfial notices , at the same rntis us can bo bad at the ninln oflli" . _ fH'TII nM"\7ll\ ITICK-No. 11.51 N ' treot , strr llbx K. T IIN W HELL. Pharmacist.20SoutliTcnlu slreet. 0 PAsf A iDDV : , f-tatloncrs and Printers ll.C-outh Ifith ftreet. II 1 AUV-WOItTII , Pharmacist , 2113 * inning street. i lll'lfr.s , Phnrmnclst , C24 North ICtb stfiot fF V > PAHIt , Pbnrmnclst , 17H Leaven- V I w 01 th treot. 7 T 1 ( .III .v PIIAUMACV. 21 tli and rarnntn. SITUATIONS WANTED. 2Vtin ( , fir. , ttrtnpu/fittttitiiinnnn tilt * page. \\7ANTI. D-P ( ) ltlo'n ns rollcctor. book- it ' ooporor nnv kind of oflleu work ; cnoi rofpri-n.'fs. I , 4r , Hen. 220 At.IV of evpcrlence desires n ] iosltlon It seliool or family. Can trnrli the iinini KiulMi brambes , mathematics , ifymnnijtlc nnd dimming. Uefereneos Addio s ills' ' Mnrv IItnart. . llacorstottn Md. yl'A\i \ ! . > ' OtIMPI TiNT nursn would like position to i are for Inval d or take o ire of children : no oblei t nn to thn country. Call on or ad dress Nl : South 2Id street Mi 'i 12 * PlTTUlN WAVrl.H-llV inlddln aired man as collector or examiner forrcnl rsl.ito lonns Hood refen net's. Addre-s S stoekvllle. Neb. Jl M M * , / ItJTTKIt wants situation ; oMierlenced man ; /nood refcronces. Address , L .VI , I lev y lr'l I'll " ( million * for coed clrls ; my 'i waltinc rooniH nro always full from n a. m todp in Canadian l.mployincnt ollli'c. 'Ill't' ' " I'lli Telephone ss | Tin WANTED MALE HELP. J til i itm rlr. . rtc tnpnf Hr t inliimuoii thl j Af-rNT1 * Wnnted I.lfo of Itnrnum. In prop- n rut "n ftirenrs. . An Intensely Intorest- 'nc ' bioRinphy of tlio cri1 itest shnnmnii of the world 11 } nn Intimate friend : IM juses ; spli ndidlv Illustrated- low urlces ; iiiilol. sales lilir | ) rnlls ( ! out fit 25 eta. Hums Hook Co . M. ( . .nils. Mo M.fU II * _ \ \ ' ANTI'D Two llvci. enersetio solicitors ; ' fiiNiil line , pxtrn Inducements , noe'invas- Inz. Cull room 203 , southeast coiner Ifith nnd Dmlirc streets Mt'fl : * 15 * _ \\TASTKI > Mnn and wlfoonn farm ; ( lorlst ; it ( arm bands ; hotel butcher ; waiters ; bakers , dishwashers ; porters ole. Canadian Olllee , 'ill , < . I'tb. 2IT o * TV A NTKD-Two _ waiters at l.oulo .V i ( tor's. r > 2Jllroadw ay. Council Itiuirs. SI373 \ \ ' A.vrrn TWO llrst emss snoo B-uesmen , T none need npplv lint those having expe rience In misses'and chlldnn's shoos. A. D Morse. 14th nnd l''nriinm streets. 22-9 \A7ANTED Two good enrrlago painters nt _ > _ 1100 and 1411 Dodge strcnl. 21.1-9 \\T'ANTED-Salesman for line of cigars. ? I03 per month nnd expenses paid. Address with slamus , .Sumatra Clgnr Co. . Ch'cnco ' III. MJ77 14' " \\r A STEP A rollablo and energetic mnn of ' llnaiK-lal ability nnd a favorable eastern ncqimlntanco to net as secretary nnd manaeor of an extensive company for tbo promotion of the Industrial Interests of ono of the most piomlslng cities of the northwest. Inferences ctoslrrd nnd correspondence solicited. Address " \\"o. re of American Mortgage Co. , Yank- ton. S. I ) . 2S7 15 C1OOD coat maker wanted 2G21 N streot. J South Omaha. 207-11 * " \\7ANTED-Stato innnusor for a ilrst class . . . ' jusiiranco life company , salary or com- iilssloii. Address , stating oxpcilenco , LM Hee. _ 201 13' \\r ANTED A flrso-clnss tinner , who umlor- < < stands somelhlng of plumbing , for lloisc fit v , Idaho ; wages I.I .VI per day. Don't np- plv unless von menu business and can 1111 the bill Kt-etnr.t Wllhclm } Co. 2SI-11 l\rANTIU ) A few roll ibln aentstl > at can t" write fraternal or assessment Insurance. Adduiss L llcooni _ 0. 210-11 " "YyANTI.D-rirst-olass enrrlaso blaek- ' ' MMI I Mi , pointers nnrt trimmer ; good v/ngos ; steady work. J , U. O'Dounoll , biiel- don. Ia. _ Eill13 " \\7ANTi-I ) Coat nnd pint.iloon mnUors to ' ' work lu shop. Ooutlneni.il Clotblnc llouso 177 ID : 200 railroad Hborers , tenmstcrs , sbovolors nnd trackmen. Albright's labor agency , 1120 rnruam. MJO JM I. N with good address. Met. MTg Co. , 1C09 Howard st. , Omaha , or n N 12th. Lincoln. WANTED A mnn with ? IOOoash can secure a big Investment. Itoom 4VJ Pnxton block. 133-U * AY r.VNTRD Men to travel for our Canadian nurserle-i btonoA , Wellington. Madison. W Is , TSUI \\T AN 1'I.D Energetic v on ng ma n to take or- i dors. Address .Manufacturer P. O. box 2ii7. l-m 1C WA slT FE'MALE H"EL'P JT'oi rntrt.etr. , tee ( OJP o/flint column on tltt/ipagt. \\7 > \ , ! D--A flrst-clnss girl for genor.il i Imusowork. 1CCJ bouth aoth avenue. \ \ > AM'I D-A girl for general housework , i I must bo a ulaln cook. lnijuiioL05S 2Hth 2.10 0 * " \\F \NTEn--Acompetont peison toflohouse- ' T wet k 111 a prlv atu family. Call at SIS Ni. Wtbst. " \ \ ' ANTl'D An oxiit-rlenced girt for general l > housework. No. 2sW Hickory st. 1' . 11. bal- moii 31j ' \\rANTl D-nermiin or Dnnlsh girl for gcn- > uriil bousowork. Must bo u good cook nnd laundress. Jtoforencos required. Mrs. Charles II lliown. 122 N. 22d street. M165 12' AV ANTil-A | : good fioiond girl , ( Icrmnn > * iitcferrcd , Apply at221U Dodge street AX'ANll D-A good coolc and laundress ; M peed wages. 2212 Tartuim streot. MI.V ! \\T AN 1 D-Oood girl , good wages , 721 bTwii IT mr l.eavonwortb _ 410 FOR'RENT 'HO usEs7' " fur le > " ' . lle . tfflop of ( Iriil roJiimn cm t/u tnat I OK lil'N T 7-room dwelling , all modern J conveniences. Imiiiiro Nethertou Hall , room/.1 ! ) . 1'lrst Nat. bankL _ _ 221 U irt'K ItTNT 9-nxiin modem house , largu J. yard. Ilin.ulro Ncthirton Hall , room 0. llrst Nat. bank. IK ! a JTtOK Kl.NT S-niom house , n. w. corner IHth mid l.aUo , 2 lots , cltj water nnd cistern ; very slclitly placo. stnblo. eti. D. Keuilnll. & 24 North lth st , or Hoggs A Hill. ICKW u * . . . . . . UENT-K5.00 , 14-room brick bouse ; JGO.Oii , | D loom brick : J.vi.00. U-room brlckt J.VUW. 10-room brick ; JftlOO , furnished bouse , 10 rooms. I urn.Mn su ; KiO > . ll-riHini lirlck dwell ing. 1'hoso uro all conveniently located mod ern houses Inquire Nuthurloii Hall , room 10) ) , Ursl Nat bank. 221 a 1/1)11 ) KENT 5 room houte Enqulru KM S. ? If.tb st. 2f > 6 U "VtU'I. Plat. 5 rooms , for rent corner Cumliiz A > and Vista sta. . 113. Hloks. N. Y. I.lfo. fX 9 Alive-room cottaro In rood repair , city Hater. Ac No. Sic ; 11 ul f Howard , wlthlu n fuw minutes walk of postonii-o. Star Loin A Trust Co. , llrit lloor N Y. Lifts 2iU . - Ill NT C-room cott.ivp , bath , etc. irr | . ? tu'Jur ' l < lrcllV' , A Ply. u S. Kliruttcr. 10V I lr > t National ban ! . . M s-j "J lK room huuid , 114 , Slil S. llthTtrteT 111574 m 25 FOR RENT HOUSES. Ferrate * , etc. , ret top of frit column cml/ib / jxtfle. -HOOM hotisct , nlco ynrd , sbndo trees , city ' nnd cistern water , elegant neighborhood , 3 "locks from street car , 1111 H. 7th areliuc. or Hell's phnrtnncr , cor. lltb nnd Mason , : f > J TjlOll ItEN'l The 8-rcKiin house and barn 810 X1 S. 27th street , near Loavenworth Key at I'etorsou'H Rrxery : , 2711 I.onvonwurth M'Ol 8UOOM house with burnall modern conven iences. 1802 bouth IHd streot. HundyACo. Kill Capitol live. MUV ) F MINIMUM ) -rootiicnttaeo f for ront. refer- rncoreiiulrod. Ki2bo Will street. M.II9 12 * l/OIl Itr.NT Twenty-live dollars per inonlli -L modern eight room corner brick , \\lll sell cnrpets and rnnge. Call 24w : Ersklu street. Take IGth strict motor. M215-H * TT'LEOA'Vr 2-lloor bonsoi all modern 1m- li < provemenls No. 40- * North -Ird street. Apply at I SOU Pnrnnm street. MM.1-U "T/1OH KENT S-room house , bath , ens , sower- Jago. . etc. . 21st nve. . near t. Mary's. W , \\cishnns , K-JOO'i N. Y. LI to bid g. ICI7 TI1O LI'.T-Por the Hummer months lit Old J-On h ird boncb. Me , n finished nnd fur nished cottage , l-or particulars apply to Mrs. W. H. Emmons. M bummer street , Hath. Me M : ill-IOf O'jl2 Cap iivenue. n nlco 8-ioom cottagt' _ wllh J bath. Ini | . 2515 Cap avenue. M27't ' 11 * IilOIt HUNT M houses and stores. Apply ' room I , Barker block , U. T. Taylor , irol ! It KNT 10-room houso.cont rally located. J- modern Improvements. Inijiilrv , Tr.'N. IDth. "I7M.AT for rent nnd furniture for s-ilo ehenp -L I'or Kroiti r part cash. Every room rr nted Parties will take out payment In room rent Address 1C 17 , Hoe. MO-It * I'T oiTTcENT l.niio numborof hou cs."slores Hats , ote Vi no pur month and up. Now list 1st of ouch month , ( leorgo J. I'niil. 1TOI 1 'n mam slrei t. ' " 'I ' J y 2 . . KENT I'list class uoiv 7-rootn cottico , J- gas and all modern conveniences. Mi N. 27th avo. , til. Inquire C. Erlckvui , UK N. 27th live. "HI l | _ iflOlt KENT No. 541'l Capitol avo. all modern conveniences , u moms , Urst class condi tion. The O. T. Davis Co. 7s7 " \Tr.\V 8-room brick house , eholco location i- ' only } . ' . ' > 00 a month. Como rarly , for this Is a snap. 11. C. ( ole. I ontlncntal blk. MJO'-MJ _ J31OH KKNT llandsomo ll-room modern bouse ; all conveniences ; In perfect ordei ; p.i\ed streets ; motor , nnd within 5 inliinteH walk of postolllce. Nnthnu fcliolton , 1G1I I'nr- nam street. MI51 7 Jil * ' > r for rent ll-room house , modern Im- 1 J piovomeiits , corner20tb and Dodge tiossis- slon given Immodl itcdy. Enqulie. 4U.1 Paxton block M.J. . l.'iiodiir. 741 1POK UENT Houses with all modern im- -L lirov ements.ICMIII boat : 1 block fiom high selinol ; W100 lo JVIOO poi mouth. Also stores. ' . ' 4lh ami Davenport. H. II. I ley , 2dd N.Y I Ife 1S.1-J1 KKNT-Ilrlek bniisi ! 11 rooms , bath , liiundry , furnace , rod oak llnlsh , south and east front , finely dcooialod. ( i mlnuteswalk from I' . O. Kejs at-"UJl Capitol u\e. . adlolu- I n 'M IZ. Jl' you wish to lent n house or atom sco II 12. Cole. Continental block. 7J4 " 171OH Ur.NT- elu'lil-ioom brick bousi s with A- eltatnr. . bnth and sower. UH fei t from cnblo lino. 1' . P. William * , 1'lrsl Nat. Hank biilldlne. K5\ \ Dnvenport st. . n looms and all comenl- ences. J.'iO.W ; "VS ) Ii.i\enport st. , II roomsnnd all convenleni'es , < 700i ( : .11''Noith ITith st , II rooms and nil lonxoiileiiecs. JfiS.oa These houM-s are In the best residence portion of O'luiln , two blocks fst of lilirb cliool. I' II Chnpm.in. .VI I'.iTtou block , owner. .MO KENT I'linr 0 and 7-room n it- > with bath , hot water , etc. ; iiatd streets ; near business ; all Improvements : only i."i per mo. Hoferences re < | ulred. The .Mead Investment Co. . J4J Itef ImlldlnK. ' plolt KENT The 10-room house. No. IdlJ "iroK KENT 10 nnd 12-room new mo'lern Jhousos.ln vorviloslr.iblolocation.on p-ived stiects. W K. lloman. looms 8 and 10. 1 ren/er bHc MW 15 FeT ; ItENT 1'1-itof 0 rooms ; water , b-itli ; pnpeied on the thlnl lloor. Llnton block , coiner of Mason and Kith stieets. J > per month , Kniiulit ! of John Hamlin. lueut. t'l ' , In the block. ( b3 "I.IOt'SB for Itent-rurnlshed - or unfur- I LnKhed ; allmodcrnlmpro\emonts lei itod cm West llarney street. Iriuulro UW N. Y 1.1 fo bnlldliip. M4CJ 171011 ICKNT House , 8rooni4. 211rt California st. House , 10 rooms , I'arlvuvo. O. 1' . Davis Co. l.'iOS I'arniim st. ! J 13 J71OK IIKNT T o 10-room brick residences , nil conveniences , just completed , " > 371l Ocorgla avc. ItcnttlO.OU for llrst year , llonnl- son A. Ilros. 7 ( JEVKNTKKN' f-It. brick houses with bath. V _ soworape , etc. , * i block from Phermaii a\o. Motor on Ky nor street ; fJ2.V ) nor mor Water paid O. V. Harrison. Dl , ' N. V. l.lle. : iSj "JjlOU KENT Sovcrnl F-room nouses atJO.Oo' U J. 11. Tutf , H. 15 , Chamber Cominorco. MJJmll FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS rorratrt , ctr.reetnj > nfflrt nilumii on thd pmc. FOH HKN'T Neatly furnished fiont room , east , south nnd north exposure ; nil con veniences. UM 8s. 20th streot. MXT , 13 f ) 1'IjEAyANT rooms furnished comulote for housekeeping. II2.0J. W7 N IGth street VM'll 1 ' ' KENT I'urulshod roouis.l.uo n month , ' 2.14.'Capitol aveuuu , 12s 0 * 411 North Nineteenth , ono fiont sulto for 4 gentlemen , also single looms with board , llonta reduced. M-te" 1,1 * A LAKGE modern south loom wllh alcove 2020 Hurt st. M.17a-12 * TjM'UNI'illED rooms for light housekeeping ; J- two for * I5.01 or thieo for $ i1.00 ; southern exposure , gas , Ac. MI91 12' FL'KNlHIini ) rooms ; also rooms furnished and unfurnished for housekeeping. KL'I C-ipltol avenue. MJJ33 II * IJHIK iii. > i j uriiisucu trout room. nii s. L1 Kith n v. M..s.- > -l T/UHNISIIEI ) rooms , referoncos. 231"i Doug- -L1 IHS. ( .11 17 * FllHNISllEU rooms , ItMS Caplloravcnue. MU7I 12 * rp\VO rooms one south and east front with i- alcove : furnished or unfurnished. "Tho rren/ur. " 110 North l lh street. M.1UI 12 * KENT Two nlcoly furnished rooms , j llarney street. * , I2sO 11 * O I'l'.ONT rooms { 700 und J .OO per month. J _ lSJOKnrn. in. _ MJ07 14 * O I'tlllMSHKD rooms with gas and bath ; -Jprlee 7 und JA 11HU Douglas. 1LO-12 * HA"NTsO ) > TKL\ " furnished suite , aNo single room for man and wife or two gentlemen. Modern conveniences. 2001 lluit. 1)0-11 ) * N'U'ELYfurnished lurgo south IIMIIII for rent ; modern conveniences , 2UIO Hnrnoy street. MW1 KENT Purnlshol rooms , IUJ7 Dougiiis 746 rpllK trcbilr European hotel , cor. Uth nnd -1 l > odic , will hereafter make low rites for rooms b > the week or month , either with or without board , 7s 1 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. ForrnfM.rtf. , leetopofflrft column nn thti ] ig' . XMCKLY furnished fiont room , sult.ible for . * - > goiitloman and wife three or > oun.r men. ' I'lrst class bo.ud. 172. Capital live. M.KJ U * A LAKUE. neatly fiirnlsliod front room nnd board for 2.11 | \\eek.Mil llarney st not , _ . _ _ M.CM 12' I/OH KENT With lioard , largo second story J front room , dosiriblo locution ; all con veniences. 201.2.1th avonuo. 1OK IfENT Punilsliod room with board , 2019 California st , Kl r. " nlry rooms with first class table. Inferences , lsJ2 Chlcauwsl .M-124-11 * 1 ) l.i\S\NT : furnl-hcd room with boanl. lieferences. 8211 rnruam. .W-15 * 1Fk' Fk' HN1SIIED rooms anil lodging house , 1416 IGth. opposite JelTurson Miuare , MBuS-mlSO * ITH'UNISIIED roonn with Or t class board. JtJ 25 1 gt. Mnry'i avu. 2 > 'J 15 * TT OU UENT-A Tfliioly - lurgi > furnished nxiin - - with boanl , toaman and wife. The mos pleasant part of city , and prlv ute family j n oilier boarders ; reference * . AdurcssD4 , , lleo. 745 TjiUUNISllED rooms unit bo ird , 11CJ Dodgo. IJULLMAN boims 1JIO Dodges M. for good J- board , nlco roon > , modern Improvement * , rates i location cannot booxcalloJ. Mrs.Horn , 22Uml7 * DRESSMAKING. Kor rot ei , fie. , ' < ttop ojfrtt rolurnti on thlt N I ! A n E M K NTt udo d rosMiia k I n gin I uin" Illc. ollflled. MU Sturajr. M10 llarney street. FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED Forratr * . etc. , ttr top nfflrtt column on tMt pigs ' ' rooms , . IJ MH20 12 * L'Nrt'IlNlbllED looms , llrst floor , modern Improvements , range. In kitchen. 310 S. Wth st. Mil" .14 * HINTI'lnc , small family apartments , nil outside rooms , best locality , modern mprov ements. Inquire KM Par ton block. K > i FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. 'onate ete.rtttnitof jintcnltmn onlhiipjge , IJ OK KENT Nice store wltnr > room Hat. cor- X1 nor Cui.ilng . andYlsta sU. Illeks. N Y.I.Uo . , 220 11 A liOOD opening for n nlco stock of c'oth- ' Ing. Ono side of a No. 1 largo business room can be rented bv a responsible party ou very favorable terms Location cannot bo xcelled. Address Henry A. Ulbsuii , UedOak la. MIffi ! IP [ roll unNT'-lllsand 1120 North sotli Mtvut ; L rooms''xCO fo't. eo l location for drug gist , feed store , cai pouter , tmtchur or grocoi : : il o nny wholesale busmo's. MU2U-11 * Fol : itKNT-OllIco over NorrisX WIU-oxX IHJ TlOll UENT-Tho 4-story hiick bulldlng.wlth - or without power , formerly occupied by the lleo Publishing Co. , DIG Hi main st. The build ing has a fireproof cement basement.comploto ttoam-heatluj fixtures , water on all the lloors , K , etc. Apply nt thootllcoof The Hco. 01,1 _ . j'ol ! IJENTOr salt1 , my building on .Tones st. bet. lOtluVllth. U.A.Mnihi' IPOIt ICCN r Dusk room , tit Gil N. V. I.lfo L1 bide. K'O ' I OIS lir/.NT Tlio three-story brick build- JIne , HlO Douizlnsslreel , suitable for whole sale iiiiMHisfH , J1IO per mouth. Chas Kauf- maun. IJj-J Donul-is st. u' . . ' FOR rttN -.VAR HJJ5 . jjioll I5ENT Hrlok vvnrohouso. Iwo stories ; X' lil.'h basement , hvdraullc elevator , track age : bo t loc'ttlon in city. A. C. I'owell. U21 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. , etc. , netop ojflnl column nn titlepius \\M' ha\o the best bor-e piston ) In this ' st ito. nt ullnmre st itlon. three miles south of Oninha ; I&i norcsof blue craxs. sprltiR water , board fence ; have acood one-half mlle track on the farm ; ill take a few horses or cells to break or train , llarton A. 1'hclps or A.V. . 1'helps .1 Sou. MJ5J K A LAUCil' bain for rent , apply si',1 S" . litli.Jl . Jl s' IIIAVn a peed pasture , tivo miles from South Omalri. for horses and colts ; blue , timothy and clover crass , horses called for. ( ! eo 11. fians. South Omaha MM I-.M2V RbIN I Al ALitlNUY. } irrnlr' fir rrf dm > ' ft" ' , a ( timiKni Ihlt tviy . i ; . LOl.U risnUI ngeiu-y , Contlnpnt.il blK 74 ( H It JULY , rental agent , 2vfl N. Y. l.lfo. , M. > < V9 m21 WANTED TO RENT. I'oi iatr.i.ctittc top nf Hi ft column nn thii ptgt. \\7ANTI.D-Hoom and board for pentlemai ii nnd wife , mu-1 bo peed neighborhood und pie isantly located. State ti'inH and nar- rs ; loferente-i. Address L , W , Iteeolllco M.lM-11 * \\7ANTKI ) To rent a five to seven room i fuinlshod house by srontloman and wife. Noehlldien. AddiessM 1. lleo olllee. MM1 11' " \\TANTiD ; Milto of fuinUlied rooms by a i prominent yoiinp business mnu. Must bo llrst-elass and located between 17th and2."ilh. Howard nnd Chluapo tieet . Uoaidln ? houses need not appl > . 1 , ( * lice. WAN'l Ono furnished room for p-ti'i wlf nnd lov. Heferoncos If rooulred. Addievj L 1C. lleo olllee. Mid 12 * \ \ 7 A NTHD To rcntOor 10-room house , modern - ' ern conveniences , no row preferred , Ad dress lock hoi1 ( ! Mil bTORAGb. J "or i nf ri , fr. . fcop ( nfflrst column nnf'iu BEST storage building In Omaha , goveru- ment bonded warehouse ; household goods oared for ; lowest rates. W. M , llusbman , 191' Lonvonworth. 1M > IIiAl'I : > T nnd best storage for furniture , 1111 I'limam . KTOUAtiE of household goods ; clean , dry place , privately stored , terms moderate wo also store stoves during the summer ; wo will get them from the houses and deliver them in tlio full in good trim. Tel. MO. 12ir Douglas. Omaha btovo Itcpalr Works. FOR SALE : FUHNI I URE ETC. Fur rale * , etc , nt top nf first column nn thli past. W1 ! SAil > -rurulturo of a 10-room hou e. Cheap. House for lout. Imjuirc. lUVJ Uodue , FOJR SALE HORa S WAGONS ETC. fr'urrtitn ete .fee top of Jlr > t column tin thii pige. IjUM HAIr.-MldKOtt. the finest dilvlnir ami JL1 ridlns pony In Omaha , J. L. Klic.ttt ! N" V 1-lfe. 2.J U bALU-A ponv cart. 1K4 N. 22d st. 8100 * IIIAVK 4 Morgan stallions for sale.nl some Morgan inures , Keldlnirsand trotters , Addiesa I. II , ltodieiilntit , llureaii county , 111. MAW 12' "ITlOIt > ALK I double cirrlnue , 1 nlneton , 2 -L horses , l double harness , 1 slnclo harness , 1 fresh milk cow. Imiuiro nt the llostot stoie , 111 S < inth IGth street. 1J on PALi-l'amlIy : carriage. Leo & Nlch- ols. stable .fitb and Lcavenworth. MMKl FOR SALK--riio finest cnrrhwo horse In Omnha , 7 years old , weight 1,2.10 pounds nny lady cnn drive him , ImiulroofO. II. I' , Hale , saa lloo Udg , or Wood's livery barn , 14th and Howard. Mil : 1.1 OKPR auction every Saturday. 2 p m. . nt 1 1 1'loncer stables , Uth nnd Ilariicy. Horses , wagons harness , etc. lluycrs nnfl sellers should nttcnd thcso sales. H. lloman , 1'rop. It. Wolls. auctioneer. a)2 FOR SALt COWS. rorratci.ctc.eee.tfipofKrtl column cm Hits page. HAVE always on hnnd a lot of first class milch i-ows for sale or will trade for dry ones al barn. b. IX corner 10th and Leaven- worth b. .1. Montgomery M4110 Ml , FOR SALt MlisCtLUANtOUS , KOI raits , etc. , rettop offlrtt enl tmnontht1p yf. FOH bALE Two double sets of harness , nearly now , for sale at half price. Co-op erative Land and Lot Co. , 203 N. loth strict. M.H5 12 Arol'Mi horse. 1.200 poundsvv 111 take piumh- L In , : In part payment , llutchlnsonVead , 1.V.M Douglas IVi-ll bAl-r No. 2 FOU - liemlngton typewrllor : good as new , with oak desk ; cost flX > : will take ilM Meadlmber pliHoton , blncK mnro nndood' harness ; eost ? 42. > ; will take ? JOO. M. A. I'ptonCo. , room 204 , lleo building. ITS \\T ANTED--A purchaser for the furniture. ' tixtuics and least ) of n restaurant cen trally located and paying patronage. Address N. P. Toll , lleo ofllco. FOK bALE An elegant Ore proof sifo with burglar chest. Phil Stlmmol , 911 Jones st. , Omaha , Neb , usi V/ANTED TO BUY. for rate * , etc. , rtctt > i > ofjirit column on this page. \VANTEPto Huv-Munition filing cn-e. 1C IT or moro drawers. Address L 0. , lleo.M205 M205 It A WANT to liny Second-hand hay press. ii CJIve maker's numo and name of pif > - , with particulars unit lowest price on Loarii curs al jour nearest station. Address LKl , care Hee. 2.VJ-14 1OK bALK Cheap , 1 full platform oxten- 4. sion-top carriage , homo make , cost J4iO. prUoflliO , ' ' uno cxti'iislon-top > platform ciir- rluge , 1121 ; ono extension-top carriage , ucw cloth lining , 1100 ; one side-bar , canopy-too surrey. { 35. Address W It , DruwmondA.ro. . carriage n anufuctory. 1W F f'HNlTUKE ! bought , kold. stored.ul \ \ . .Ill 1'urnum street. TJ HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. t'urriiUtelc..itetopofflrit roliimn on thU pag' . B1 > T line hutrcoodi lu wen ; nalrdressing , wl/s. switches , bangs hair chains , etc u apeclalty. Davtcs , bulr goods and mllllupr , opposlto postoftlcv , HI lath St..Omaha. 730 PAWNBROKERS , JjIKED Uohle , & E. corTFarnam and 1Mb.f MISCELLANEOUS. forr > ttt. etc. , fft top ' ? $ > j > t rolumn on lhl p-igt , VoHlvi . . etc Work guaranteed on Uttn and uuullty. llrlg- lam. boutb Omaha. > MtW \\ANTEI-TondolitT ) inilo Infant I or 2 * montnsold of AuTqcan parentage. Ad dress. L 57. IUt ftV 2l ) Il GAHDEN furin tolit. * . T. Murray. homo for Inrtjitt during confinement , ImiulrontMrs. JfvVJ asll , 1170 youth Ifith. MI21J1 troltlng stwjllims at Omnhn fair grounds wolghlrff .from 1,000 to I.IWOIbs. omprlslnitlhebliMHl lit Iliimbletonlan , Amorl- niiMnr , Mambrliio'11ef | , Ethan Allen , Al- noiit and Pilot , jr. Terinn from (1.1 to fvj for ho season. Call and sco the horses and their olts. A. Thomson. KI7J2 MISSMAYEIt. ! 6bheeloy bk cburopodlst mnnleuri1. beHtc'iimpped Indies' balrdress- liiEdop-irtineiittn thoclty. Ladles'halrbloaeh- lUgclilltl roll's hair cult Ing gpeclalty. M 2iiIMlS * M AH AUEt real nientolectro-t hormal b-iths. scalp anil hilr treatment , miinlcuro and chiropodist. Mrs.l'o-sUltn , S.lStb.Wlthnell blk. 741) ) " ] ) KMOV A L-Antliiuarlan book store removed JAto 4' . " . ' b. 15th st. , near HowardKarbacb blk 17SMI6 * "IJAHTt'KE Larco blue grass pasture at I llellovuo nnd r.lkhorn Cltv for rent. II. T. ( lurke , room 11 > , board of trade. lf-1 MlQ TTHJlt door and window screens.get Hamilton - IIlros. . prices ; carpenter jobbing done ou short notice ; lit ? Isth street. Tel. 1170. 1170.fX ( fX M12 AY ni.I.Isi'OY. house mover , 51.1 South 17th street , and blJ South -.Hh uventio. l.W-May2. > * MONtY TO LOAN RtAL fcbTATe . rlt.rrrtntof ] flnttalumniiHtliti $ .VOOOtoloiinon ) Improxod Omaha business property ntflpor cent Inteiest Address , becuilty lincitment Co. , Lincoln. Neb , M 154 TTONKY to loan on Improved city property IiJLat curieut rates ; funds on Irmd ; no delay - lay , ( ieo. T. Illust&Co. . 2111 Kanik'o bldK'I OH. A C. M. Anthony. 3HN.V. IJfobulldlni ? lend mum yon farms In choice counties In Nebraska and Iowa , nlso on t'ood Omaha rosl- denco property ; lowest rates ; host terms ; no dolnv ; money ready. Titles and values passed on here. 75T > I UILD1NO LOANS U At lowest rates. Klmhall. Champ X Hyan , 120.1 l'iiinam street , 1X114 BIMLDING loans 0 to 7 per cent ; no nddl- ttonnlchnrcesfor com mission or at tornoy's fees. W. 11. Jlelklc , Klrst Nntlonal bank bide. 7M IJUIVATI" monov to loan. J. I ) . X.ittlc , 1114 N. V Life. 757 " \fOUTOAtiK loans wanted. McC'aKiio In- -i-'l vestment company. 7M MONTY to loan on Onmlin nrojiorty ridel- itv Trust company , 1GI4 I amam. * 7.V ) EASTI'ItN taoney to loan at very low rates II. II Iroy. 2JO N. Y. Life. MM T7MIM' and secoml mortrfaso loans. Alex J-1 Moore , 401 lleo bid ) ; . fflJinlS * MONKY on unimproved or Improved city propertv low rale of mteiost fromprlvato Investois. It M. Webster , 101 N. Y. Ufo. 125-M15 * CIIKAP Money PI lln. MortK RO nnd Trust Co. . wnnts cllt cYltro loans. Ooo.V. . P. Coates , representntlvft 7 Hoard Trade Out MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. M , etc. , nclop of. Jtrtl colitin i on ( M * j > tge. MONHY toloan byj ) . P. Mastois on chattel and collnternlsecutltles for anytime from 1 to 12 months , In 'Ajiy amount to suit bor rower. \ Loans made on housuhold Roods , pianos , or pans , horses , mules Ijouses , leases , warehouse ieeelptsotc .at the lowi'U ' tales possible with out publicity or lonuivnl of property. My loans are so urr.inpcd that you can mnko n pa ) nient of any amoupt at any tlmu and reduce - duce both ] > rlnclple nnd Interest. Ifvouowon balance on vour property or haven loan that youiwintcliaiuod 1 will pay It elf nnd carry It forjou. If you find It more convenient enll up telephone 1G2I and your business 111 lie arrairrdd at home. Money always on hand. Noileliiv. N'o pub- lli'ltv. Lovrest rates. It P. Masters. Koom4ltlinull bile , J.'tli und Ilniney sts. V , ijr.'t. , * TGI HA. DAKNKK loans money on ohattol sc eurlty , Hooin & 4Chnmborof Commorco. M.r > s J p 1 MATTEL bank , : tlO S. 1.1th St. . loans money Am chattels or collateral nt reasonable rates M ONHY on furniture , horses , etc. Keystone Mortgage. Co. , room 203 Mieely block. MONKY loaned on furniture , live stock , etc. . from 1 to ; i months , without publicity : lowest rntes. Dull Green , room 20 , Continental block. M4W in'- : C IIATTLR loans at lowest rates , fta N. Y. 1lfe.l A. Morris. a-t-M20r LOST / or rtitf.ctf * rr tti ) of TOST A vouus roan ma o mule , two years J old , vvltli halter on : small silt In one en r. Address H. r. lloncwlu. 2U2U Le.iveuvvortl street. J12T4 11' ' LOST Knsllsh setter bltcll pup ; wblto and reddish brown ; finder rewarded. U. A. C'lnrke 2J17 llatney. M CHANCES. Forratct , etc. . tettopof Jlnl column on ttib p ! Jt FOll SALCore\clnnKo-IIalf or full Inter est lu A 1 patent. Owner has not money to push It. life h'irpain to rlRht party. A. I , . Ilo > d. AK't I' . I' . U'y , Leona. Kan. M iiU-12 * OWNKHS of vacant lots within two block , of Center nnd south l > > tli streets who desire to sell at n low valuation will | ) lease address M 4 lice olllee , giving description nnd price. i A SNA I' forsomo drueglst. $ ' . ) ,5nO stoc-lc. Clay Center , Kansas ; April cash trndo Jl.SOJ. Kasy terms. Ueorco D. llutchlnson , f,20 I'ax- ton block , Omahn. .M.CW 11 * "I71OU SALII block of drugs and drup sun- -L dries , well assorted. Invoice nt ono thou sand dollars ; for sale If taken nt once for seventy cents on the dollar of wholesale prlcoj Will trade for clear property. Address. T. It , Clawson York , Neb , 214-Jli IT1OK iALn A partnership or an established - Icoal buslncsi In Omaha. Address li 44 , lice olllee. MI9.-11 HOTKIi Luiso nnd furniture of forty room hotel doing good business. Must bo sold , oven ut a sacritlce , as proprietor has other business. Centrally locntetl In city of.10,000. Address vV. fc. Cooper , No. 16 , Mnln street. Conuell liluffs , IO\Y.I. lTOJ4 T/iOKbALE A rare ch.ince to ston Into a -L established clothliv , ' and tallorlti ; busl- ut'3 In southwest Iowa. Address LtM Hee. 171-11 * l71OHiAI ' < K--I'urnllure. fixtures and lease of X' u restauiant centrally located Uan bo bought verv ebonp. Kor particulars address N. 1' . fell , lloo ollleo. FOI : SAM' Cheap , photograph Kallery and Instruments , In good Ioc.itIon In city. Call ornddrcbs luaiN , V. Ufo lus. building. _ 132 12 BANK If you waitt-toonfraco In banking It will pay iou to Investigate this. Address. Lock KXMlmliiijfrjKl , Nob. hi 5 11 IPOK bALP runflturo und undertakln.- JU business In good rown , with or without store building ; purft-ash , balance gilt edge paper or clear real -cmiio ; Invoices about ? 0.uou. Hov 012 Llncolu ! _ 7tiS FOi : bALK An oldnestablUhod nnd good paying elgnr stor\vgood reasons given for selling. 1C IS ) lleo olllyy _ 5. ' . ' LAC KSMITII andjwagon shop , with cTwofiT Ing ; splendid locatluu ; write 'or particu lars ; reason for sclllni , poor health. Taipo | llrothers. Verdou. K&d PERSQNALb t'oriatt , tte.t < etoiof'i' tci > lu'nn on thli "IXTANTKD to oorrivuond with u lady of > fromto K years of a o , Object nint- rlmony. Address L 51 Hee. 24S-11' pKKhONAL-l'iiyslolanacoe ] 40 desires uc J uu.ilntnuco with lady w 1thsome moans and no liicumbrunce. Object marriage. Address In eoiilliieiice with particulars LUi , lice. 1S1-1J * GOKHL I'UM > A correspondence bureau for ladles nnd gentlemen. I'uitlrulurs In pliilu sealed envelope for2c stamp. Look llox Xti.lJmahn.Nclx 770 ni'Js * _ PATENT SOLICITOUS. I or rota , etc. , tee topofjlrtl coumn on thlt "pATENT lawyers -id"sollcltor , G.W.Sue -L Co. , lleo building. Omaha , Ilrnnch oflleu nt Washington , UU. Consultutlon free. Til MASSAGE , BATHS TC. l'orratt , ttt , , tre top of ftnt column nn L I A AUK-Madam Delzler , ever CIO B. nth ' 20J-JO' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Formica , tit. , let tnpiif lint column on Ihtt A VENt E II Is being paved Prom Eleventh street to Carter Lead Works , In East Omabn. Electric motor linn will bo runtilnff to East Omnha Wltliln sixty days. lots M\I23. Within two mlles of postofllco and Only ono block I'tom Ilio motor line and street being pared , above referred to. ut J760.00 cash. Lots In 1'ottor , \ George Company's Addition to East Omaha 132.1.00 lo ia'0.00 , Only 1100.00 cash , Ilalancovlthln reasonable time at 7 percent. The streets In this addition nro already graded. rOTTErt (1K01IOE COMPANY. S. W. corner IGth and rnruam street" . IN AMEs PLACi : You can bavo your eholco of M ft. lots ou grade , 2 Hues of motors , residences churches schools nnd business already tboro. ' Price il.WO n lot. > 4 Cash. Itnlnnco In 3 and " > yonr * . This Is the cheapest Insldo urojicrty lu Oinnhn. A MI'A 1507 I'nrnnm. 212 11 SOUTH Omnha Laud company's New Addition. Adjoining Spring hake Park. City water nnd sidewalks , rincst resldenco lots In the city. 70 sold in 3 wcoks. Insldes , MxlM foct. Corners , oj\lffl feet. Prlco Inside * . JiV ) toOJ. ! . 1'ilco comers , } I3) to JI.200. One-fifth cash , balance easy. I'd Johnston A Co , Agents. MIM7-16 FOK SALE--A corner In Walnut Hill nthalf price. H. A. McEnchroit , Koom 'd , Ch-iiubor Commerce. M204 11 KANCII 1,12) acres , four miles from county seat Holt cnuntv , 323 acres pasture. 400 meadow , bnlanee vtoik lund. lnrge groves , rood fences and buildings. Sell whnlo or pait 310.00 per acre. Address s. II. Howard. O'Neill Nob. Mil.l : 14 * I71OKSALE On monthly pnymoiits , lot and -L two houses on S. 13th st. , near Dorcas. O. P. Davis Co. . 1.103 I'limam st. IW1 2J JL , nice , real estate , 022 Life building. 2.M.I7 * FOH SALE A line Impiovod firm of 200 acres ; 100 under cultivation ; shade tiees ; fruit , vvlndmlll , wagon scales , etc. ; 191 mlles vvostof Omaha ; JA ) per aero. Adi'rcss C ! 4sloe. 7B7 TjlOIt bouth Omaha property , mislness , track- -L ago or residence , go to tbo leading real es tate dealers In youth Omabn , Ed Johnston & Co. . cor. 24th and N sis. M7I3 T71OU bALE E\tra bargain , eholco OOxKO. L with building ; lents flUOper mo. ; ono hloclc from now P. O. U. L. Uioon. K 47 , Barker block. 7CI 1 022 No. 10th t . 10-room house , brick , all J modern Improvements , S.10.00. Omubu Heal Estate X Trust Co. , room 4 , Hoe bldg. Osl 171OK SALE Lot .ma ) for Jd,000. Emiulro JLJ 1011 Capitol ave , 12.1-lh * riYE-room houses lu Orchard Hill , II.MO each on monthly payments. Thomas P. HallJill Paxton blk. 742 FOU SALE , eheiip.easy payments : m-story now G-room bouse , with oath , cellar , etc. : full lot. N. Hiolton. 1HI4 1'urnum. 001 J.T. OIIlsON. solo ngont ICountzo Place. room II , Cretghton block. PM T71OK SALE A nice home , Uth and Leavcn- J- worth ; new , price low , and terms accom modating. ( eo. W P. Coates , reproscnt-ittve 7. Hoard of Trado. 000 MU "I71OU bALE-S aero tracknu'o property cheap , JL1 16th and Williams. A. Plouler , N. W. Cor. IJlh and Williams sts. ICO .Mill * BAKOA1NS ! Ilargaln1 ! Olllee open every night , btar Loan nnd Trust company , first lloor N , Y. Life building. Mill M1.1 * FOH SALE IfiO ncros land 2 miles west of city limits , to close uu estate. Tbo O. r. Davis Co. 8M.M14 ACHE- irlies f rom P. O. , J1..VK1.00. boutb front coiner In Hunscom Place , bargain , r-.7l)0.oo. ) Neat cottaco and corner lot In Oichnrd Hill. Ifl.&oo fajO.oo cash ; JJO.UO month. llutuliln-on Wead , 1.121 Douglas. 290-11 DO you Intend buying or building an ele gant homey If so , the. reading of this add may mivo yon fiom MtjOJ to M.030. The nd- vortiseioilers nu elegant 12-room house on the finest resldomn street , paved , In thecltv , 1 mlle from P , O , Iuttlxl40 ! , > t block fiom mo tor line , house hns every modern convenience ; price very low and would tnl.o a good resl denco lot us part payment. Address L U7lli'0. ls7 FOR EXCHANGE. , etc. , ect top of nut column on this page , GUOCERY stock for trade. Part cash. Good lo'-atlon. block In good shnpo. Imiulre of Hlchardson & Dcll.ince , llfth lloor , Now York Life. 247-U * 1 CO acrosof land will trade for condemned J street marcs. Address M , , lleliiiont. Neb. MM ) 12 * EXCIIANO'v-lui acres improved farm land In central Nebraska with light liieumh- ranee to tiado for piopcrty In a small town In Nebraska , lovv.i or Ivans is. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. . 2u,1 N. pjth street. Mui : 12 TTIOK LXCIIANtJE-ciioTciroToar faniis ami -L cash for city pniperty. Will ussuiuo light encumbrance. Addie&s Hue ollleo. boutb Omaha. Jl.'xrj 11 * AN old established restaurant to trade for boarding house. Co-operatlvu land and lot company. 20.1 N. Itlth street. M.'O.1-12 GOOD land nnd cash for stock of goods ; nNo lots for land. Western Exchange Co. . Co lumbus , Neb. Mf71-18' rro KXOIIANnE-l.h"0 stocKof drugs for l- stationary and fancy goods ; 0 clour lots In Denvei foreleur lots In Omaha. Hutchi son , PaMon block. M.srn-tl * E.XCIIANfiE-J 1.005 CfiuTty In moderii h-room brick hoiifie , now. for clear out- sldo lots well located. A , P , Tukey. New York Lin * . M 2il : FOlt EXCH ANliK-s'ploiidld rental projiertles for farms , vacant lots , stocks of moichan- dlso , oto. I nNo linvo olenr lOOO-ncro Unoly Improved ranch to ovehnngo for good Omaha acreage or buslnis.s lot and nssumo Incum- brance. W. IL lloman. rooms 8 and 10 , 1'rou- zer bit , . sio 15 CLEAN general stock of mori'handTso "Tfir farm and money , llox 2U.1 , 1 rankforl , Ind. "tJH Ti OK SALIVA handsome family her < , 10- ' JHablo and Kontloi good for iloul/lo scaled rigor limles1 dilvor. Enrjulio Hffl Douglas UH9 MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. Forratet , etc. , irelop n/ftitt roltimn on thli GEO. I * , licllenbuck. teacher of thu banjo , with Hospe. 1511 Douglas. 849 BEI'OHE buying a piano examine tbo now scale Klin bull jilano. A.IIospc,1513 Douglas. 770 A OKNUI.NK MICltOUEKll.I.BH i KIDII M UKUVI KIIAIUCATOI ! Cures all cllHHo > kccnuie It kllli thu wltrobo or Eerm. I'm uu nd rettlleJ lu 13. It and K lion , Ilio Utter 1 1-2 trnllooi Haul anr * xliore prepaid nn recclut of price orC , O II. Wa Itiue a nuanioleo torure. The public , trade and tobberi tuppltea thoUoudtuio Uruc Co. . Oia b Till- CAUSE EXPLAINED. Why So Many Woilt Men nn.it Women nro Seen on Our Streets To-day. Tliero socm tobomorowenk.doblllt itrdniul broken down peoulo In Amorlcii to-dnv tlinu over before In the history of tills pnuntry. H It n fact tlnil tlio American pcopto nro growing wonkor , or Is It diietosonieloonlcnusi' * Tlu ro cnn be Illtlu dunlit that It IsovUng almost ou- tliol ) to the fearful nftcr effects of tlio tlrlp. This Icrrlblo nnd in ) Merlons complaint start- Ins unaccounlably.and running sovotely , In- Mirlabl } leaves tlio person In wc-ik , nervous mid run dovv n condition , from which It requires much tlnio to recover. Whrn people nro In such n state , when nnturtt Iswo.ik and bro.ou ! , wlint ould cuiiiinon souse dlctnto should bo done , \\t \ : assist nature , .stlintiliito horlagglng faculties , build lior up. lion ? lly using u pure medicinal Mlmulnnt , nnd for tins purpuso there is mulling equal to pure whiskey. Doc tors , scientific inon and tlio trading thinkers of tin- land have declared tbls and have mi- hesitating ! ) agreed tliat tboro Is no whlskoy MI pure nnd elllelcnt us DulTy'i 1'uro Malt. It stimulates honlthllv nnd builds up wasted IN- sues. It renews tlio nervous orgniilrntlou nnd nsslsts to health. It N popular because It Is so ollloloiil. llroat onro should bo taken Mon- o\or ti > Hoouro only tlio funiilim t ) | liu t nny donlor ivlio for any reason ocK to luducocm to buy Miniptlilni ! "Just us KiKd. " lly tbojudl- olous n o of Ibis piiio sttinulant and tlio nflor ulTorts of tlio linp may bo rrnioM'daiid lioalth nndslioiiKtb put In place \M-.iKnoH3 and debility. CLAIRVOYANT rarrattf.ttr.rtf Infinf flul roliinui iiiilAfi ply ? . Ml ! ! * . \\Al.LAlK , clnirtoy.tnt ; naturally irlflrtl ; tolls putt and fuliiro , lo\o troubles , all-out friends , oban us. travel , busl- uov * . inns riiriiain siroi-t. U34 Mb * ° j\ 11S. ( Nitnnlt ) \Vnrron.oliurvovniit. . trancn -t''vno.TKliu' , nrllin nnd loliafile tii-lii.s tiiudliini , four ji-iirs In Oninli.i. Hi ) i > Ilitli. 7.VJ M UE Madam Dolxlcr , over 010 S. Uth. SUO-J'I ' M15S. Poftr. palmist fortune teller , tolls p isl and future from lines of the hand In old gypsy noj ; ladles only ; fi-o } 1.0J ini't ' N. 24th. _ MAW M17 * MUS. DIt. DEbAN may bo eonstilto.l at her parlors on all alTnlrsof life , bhn Is aeelc- braleil business medium and lias : i reput it'.in throughout tlio world for accurate and truth ful readings of the past , present and future events of jour life Every bidden mjstery revealed ; heltis all who are in trouble ; never falls ; gives ndv lee on all points of Interest , business transactions , love ntln.rs , fam'ly ' troubles , stock speculation , lawsuits , absent friends , lottery numbers , lucky days , lutei- prets dreams , luea'os diseases , hidden tioas- un-s and stolen pood- ; restores lost affections , brings thu separated together , makes speedy and happy marriages wltn the ono jou lout by propel advice ; tells If the one von love Is true or false ; glvo-i lucky Komaii-Egyiitlau talisman to help all out of trouble ; perfect satisfaction guar.intoed bv mall ; send two stamps for Illustritcd circular. : cU North I'.tli slice ! , Omaha. bl'JMII ' * PROPOSALS. pioi : > ijAj > roit iiicTioN : ; : or Jbulldhi ) : . I'nlted States Inilian seliool ser \ let' . Genoa Industrial seliool. tifnoa. Neb. , May h , l 'll. ' Sealed propns ils. ondor-ed "I'ro- posals for erection of srliool bulldln : . ' nnd aildre seu to Ilio unilerslKiiMl at ( Jonon. Neb. , \tlll be iL > cel\ed at tbls school until I o'cloek of Juno 1 , Ifjl , forfuriiishlii thn materlnl nnd fiufllnu a RirN' brick dormitory biilldlni ; on the si h < ol Krotinds In nccoKlnnco lth plans nnd spi'diKatloiis that nny bo examined nt tlio olllee of the "Hue ' nt Omaha , Iseb. nnd at tills school , Tlio necessary oxrn\atloii and KrndlnK will bo done by tlio school nnd tlio uri\l ruiulrrd in concrotuorUfurnlsbcd. . unscreened on the ground , without < est t. ) the contiactor. fertllled ChueKs. Kuch bid must bo nceompnnlcd by a certified cheek or draft upon some 1'iiHed Mntc depos itory or solvent nation il b ink In the \ Iclnlly of the bidder's place of business , madu pay able to tint order ot the commissioner of In dian nlTalrs. 'or at least 5 per cent of the umoiiiilof the prupo-nl. Khluh chock or draft will be foifoltcii to the Unltod States In ease nny bidder or bidders iecfl > ln nnuuard shall fall to piomptly execute n oontrict lib Kood and sulllciont sureties , otherwise to bo leturneil to the bidder The rlsht Is reserved In l lmf utiv null nil lililu fit utiv ti.ii't nf ntiv/ bill If deemed for the best Intertsts of the service. W. II. llnckiis , Superintendent MlOd'JIlin Notlco to Contractors. Notice Is hereby clvt'ii that -'ilod bids will bo received by the board of public lands uu ! bulldliiKsnt the olllee of the secretary of state at Lincoln. Neb , until the 2nd day of Juno , 1SOI , at 4 o'clock p. in , for the erection , construction ami completion of a two-stoiy brick and stone bulldlim known as "The Stiito Industrial School for Hoys nnd tiirls , " to bo erected at Geneva , 1 illmoro county , % eb , as pel plans , speellluatIons and dosisns now on tile In the olilceof the commissioner of public lands and buildings nt Lincoln. N'eb. Contractors will be reijulii-'d to conform to rules nnd regulations as sot forth In speclll- fatlous adouled bvtho board. The board reset vcs the tight to reject , any und nil bids. Dated nt Lincoln , Neb. . May 0. 1M1. A. ll III Mriiuiv ; , President Ho nil Public Lands nnd Itulldlnss. Attest ; Joit.s C. Al.l.KN , Secretary of Ht-iti > . Mil 1211 rpIlHSt. Joseph K. Urnnd Island railroad -1 company. M ickbolcleih meotlnt : . Tlio an nual moctlnpof thost < ) uklidders of the at. Jo seph & Urand Island lallrond comnany , for the eholco of directors for the ensiilni ; yenr , und the transaction of any other business which nmy lo.'ally como ueforo the ineot- iiiK , will be held at the ollleo of said company In lawood , Kan. , on Tues day , the fill day of Juno , Is'JI , nt 10 o'clock a. m The stock tinnsfor books will bo closed for this purpose thlrtv davs before the date of the meetlni ? . Alexander Minor , secre tary , Iloston. Mass. , May U , 1MU1. Mll-ls-2. ) J3 Notice. The annual meotlnir of stockholders of tlio Fremont , Illkhorn A Missouri Valley lallioad eompnny will bo held at the olllee of thu com pany In Omnhii , Neb , , on 1'rlday , May -J , Ib'ii , nt 2 o'clock p. in. for the election of dlreclori nnd for the transaction of such other business us may bo presented. Dated May M. 1ml. J. II , KMIHKI.D , Secretary. MUillJt ConlliliMitiiil liiilucil. A youmr woman from the north who was making hop fifht visit in the south rwently found the conlidonlinl wuv feonthcrnors huvo of outrustinp ; you with sei-rots very aiiuisintr. Ono inorninp ; she received a call from u girl who was u preat hello , nnd who vasulmoslan ttttor htrnncof to her , .says tlio Atlanta Con stitution. Dtuiii"1 her conversation this girl told her the real and true history of bovoral love affairs , rci'otinte' the num ber of tunes she had been engaged find displayed all the rings , wliich bho was fallll wearpig. "And now , " she said , "how mimv titne.s. huvo you been engaged ? ' ' 'Never , " ronlicd the northern girl. ' 'NovorJ Didn't you over oven huvo a propostil1 this in liorror-strickon tone. "No , never , " laughed the non-cointnital northerner , to whom this waw ugieat jol.'o. Hor.fair vihitor wont uwiiy in inuuh iioriili'.xily , hut the cream of'lho joke caino when this eonvorsation was related to her hostess. 1 > O , my don r child"sho exclaimed in dismay. "If you never hud a love affair why didn't , \ on pretend j on hadV That horrid girl will toll every ono in tovwj tnat no ono over proposed to you. " Decision In Favor or tlio C'lihijo .Mihvniikco ft St. I'niil Ky. The now J'alaco sleoplng care of the Chicago , Milwnukoo & St , Paul Ky. , with electric lights in ovcry berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , at 0:10 : p. m. , daily. Passengers taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil Bluffs , and arrive in Chicago at 9:30 : a. in. , in ample timu to make all eastern connections. Ticket olllee , 1101 Fartmm ' .trcot. P. A. NASH , J. K. PHISTO.V : , General Agent. City I'ttrtsongcr Agont. Oon. U'lilliicu Was Original. Can. Low Wallace oneo meted out a queer punishment to two soldiers who hau shot n cow in the face of orders not to shoot block It was warm weather , observe * u Uoston paragraph , nnd put ting them under guard , they were given branches cut from trees and told to take turns about every two hours keeping the Hies oft" tlio carcass Thov were kept at this nearly three days , most of the time being compelled to hold the nose with ono hand whllo agitating tlio fly brush with the other. The sipht was a laughable - able affair toallbui the sufferers and the example hud a good ollcct on other would-bo disajiorailooj. A puo.vrnnt 111:110. : The Forlorn l-'lglit l-'cllx Knox JUutlo Against tin * Apiu'lios. Wo worosittlng ono night at n freight er's camp lire tirotmtl which were drawn half n seoro or moro freighters , who , with their outfits , were in camp for tlio night , writes tx frontiersman in tlio Ari zona Itopubllcan. Stories of old times , wlion the Indians were bad , and the bravery of tlio wlilto pioneers hud gene around the elrolo until it enmo to old nmn Wilson's turn , who said : Tali ; about Band in a man ! 1 tell you it takes sand in a man to try and stand oil single-handed forty or llfty Apaches , when ho knows just how the scrap will end , and that the end will be ills own death. Hut that was just thu kind ot sand that \vas In I'el i.Ivnov when ho was killed bv the Apache * . ' You see Knox wa an all-around gambler , atieh as the tenderfoot from Ilio east eorm so mueh and knows MI little about , but ho had a heart in him bigger than any tenderfoot's head. Well , it was In the spring of iKSi Knov , with his wife and babv and a Moxii'an driver , woto coming from Silver City to Clifton. They cot to Fork's raiieh , which Is on theU.i ( ! river , about thirty miles from Clifton , nil right , but vvero told there that signs of Apaches had been soon and thai they had better go in camp there for a few days , but Knox who had fought the Apaches dozens of times and didn't know what fear was said ho untiled u miike Clifton that day. "They drove on , and were about twc miles from York's ranch when Kno\ saw an Indian come from behind a low , round-topped hill , and feeling assured there were more of them , nnd that It was a light to the death , ho filled hH pockets with cartrlgcs , kissed his little sleeping girl baby and his wife for the last time , and with a 'gooil-bv'to them be jumped fiom the wagon and quickly turned the team and told the Mexican drlvur lo whip them back to the laneh. and that he woul 1 stand the Apaches oil. As thu wagon turned , ind was furiously driven awav tlio Apaches , who now came in sight , fired aolley but killed no one. Then Knox faced his foes and pumped the lead from his Win chester into them. The Indians gradu ally circled around Knox and the end camo. The Mexican driver lashed his team back totho ranchw hero both of th'1 horses foil doatl from rounds received from tlio Indians' first , volley. "A party , after a little delay , was made up , and returned to the place where the light took nlace , and there they found KnoxV body , and the Indi ans contrary to the Usual custom , had not mutilated it in the least , but had taken a clean pocket handkerchief from Knox's pocket and carefully spread it oy r his face , and had fastened it tln.ro by putting a small stone on each corner of il to hold it in its place and keep the Min from the dead man's face. Thai was their tribute to the hand in Kno.\ . Seventy empty .shells were found that had been emptied from Knox's Win chester , and ono of the raiding Indiani afterward said their parly numbered forty-two and that Knox had killed bo\en of them. " Itoainoil the Sea Cor Venrn. An interesting instance of the strange wanderings of derelicts nt son , wliich throv s light on the old stories of drift ing relics carried from America to the coast of the old world before Columbus snilod. is fornislieil bv thn Atlnntio illicit. On November SO , 1SSO , tlio Port Uovnl buoy , having gene adrift , Dogan Us ca reer of adventure oil Charleston harbor. Drifting out into the Gulf Stream , it remained in the warm waters of the current during the remainder of tlio year , gradually moving north ward in a xg-/.iig ! course , probably un der the influence of conllicting winds. It was last scon in the ( Julf stream on December 4 , iShfl. Three months later it was discovered floating olT the oa.storn edge of the Gulf btroam. gome two hundred miles north of the IJorinudaa. Then it started for amore moro southern latitude , -ind during' the month of May voyaged along past the southern side of the Bermudas. For moro than a > oar it was lost sight of. but although it had boon in and near the traclv of the great hurricane itvn been in good shape on Juno 4 , 18SS , six hundred miles northwest of the Bermudas. It remained in that neigh- hood , always drifting , but never ventur ing moro than ono hundred miles in any direction. It was scon by passing voa- scih several times during this period. Alliibt it took another trip south and according to the latest advices , Septem ber Ii3 last , it bad again got below the Irltitilflfi nf tliti ltfii niti < lrtQ lint l.n/ i\l til ? flvo hundred or six hundred mlles to the eastward of the island. It WMS still in good condition when last seen. Will Witness Christ's Comliiir. Hov. W. P. Brown , a prominent Lat ter Day Saint , is rapidly disposing of his Salt Lake real estate and olTets for cabh , with which ho purposes going to Jerusalem and there witness the second coming of Christ. Do ha attracted considerable atten tion among members of his faith recently bccauM ) of Ills strong belief. Ho says Hint the second coming of Christ Is not far distant ; that the Jew * nro fast ro- turmng to Jerusalem and ho takes this as Indicative ol the great ovont. Ho belongs to the Whitmorito branch of the Mormon ohurch.and has been latnly studying the original manuscript of the book of Mormon foi the purpose of study ing out the oxacl ditto of Christ's re turn. Kichard Whitmer is the present guardian of this manuscript. IKis. the ton of David Whitmer , who sat on ono sldo the curtain and wrote down , whllo Joioph Smith , tbo prophol , lead and Iratiolatod the book of Mormon on tlio other side , by moans of the spectacles made of stones known as the Urim and Thummlm. From this manuscript Hov. Mr. Brown hns figured out this grout ovont. IIo will go to Jerusalem the early part of tliih summer. Ho sa.\s lie does not know just what day Christ will como , but thinks it won't bo very many months , and wants to got there lii time , * \v hy"\ot ? Cliltagii Tittttme. "Should actors murr ) I" Why , of cotirso.i How else could tney over Get a Jivorcel Bflany Clergymen , hlngcrs. actors , nnd public speaKers use Ayer's Cherry 1'ccUirnl. It it Ilia favonto remedy for hoarseness and nil affections of the vocal organs , throat , nnd lungs. As nti anodyne mid expectoinlit , lliu clfects of this preparation are jiromptl ) renllr'-d "Aycr'H Cherry I'octoral has dunonie great good. It Is a splendid remedy for nil dis eases of the throat nnd lungs , and I ha\o much plcnsuro In testifying to Its merits. " ( Itev. ) C. N. Nichols , No. 1 1sbiiry , .Mast. " In iny profession of nn uuclloiicur , any affection of the voice or throat Is n scilom matter , hut , at each attack , I have been re lieved by a few doses of Ajer's Cherry 1'ectoral. This remedy , with ordinary care , lias worked such a magical tiled that I lm\u suffered very little liiconvenlenco. I liavo nlsu used U In my family , with very excel lent results , In coughs , eolils , &c.-Wm. U , Quartlj , Mltilatou , So. Australia. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , nr DH. J. C. AYEH 6 : CO. , Lowell , Moaa , Bold by all VriugUu. 1'rlce (1 ; * U Loult'.Ji