Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1891, Part Two, Image 9

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Attractive gains are
Store Day After Day.
c/ c/
* r
Silk Department.
Special for Monday.
10 pieces China Silk nt f.5c for r. > .
20 pieces plain China Silk at 7.r.c for
10 pieces 24 inch Cheney Bros. Indias
nt $1.00 for Glic.
10 pieces Real Wash Silks $1.00 for
l > pieces Colored Plaid Surahs nt We
for < > .jc.
HI pieces Fro'ich Failles ( new shades )
nt $1.25 for SSc.
3 pieces Black French Failles at $1.25
for 75c.
r G pieces Black Satin Rhadamcs at S6c
for 67Jc.
10 pieces 34 inch Draping Chinas at
ILL'S for 79c.
3 pieces extra Black Surahs at 7oc for
& 0c.
3 pieces 22 inch Silk Grenadine at
n.OOfor Gc. ! )
3 pieces Silk Twist Grenadine nt $1.25
for COo.
3 pieces 24 inch Iron Frame Grena
dine m $1.60 for 81.10.
0 pieces Gloi > a Cloth at Sl.aO for $1.10.
G pieces 20 . ch real Pongco Silk at
60c for 37 } c.
G jiieces 24 inch Pongee Siik at'oc for
Dress Goods.
The deepest cut of nil.
Royal Serge , all colors. 3c } yard.
Fancy double fold Summer Suiting
GJoyard , worth 12ic.
Fancy Homespun Suiting GJc yard.
Double fold Beige Mixtures Gic yard.
Corded Alpacas , all colors , 4Jc yard.
English Cashmeres lOc , 20c , 26c , 33c
nnd 3fc jard. all colors.
38 inch all wool Serges 49c. 55c , SSc
and G9c yard.
Silk finished Henriettas 75c , SSc , 95c
nnd $1.00yard.
A big bargain in all wool Plaids only
E7ic yard.
28 inch wide Plaids 39c yard.
40 inch wide all wool Plaids 49c , SOc ,
_ 65c. ( SSc , 73c and Soc yard.
Fancy all wool Stripes 39c jard.
1A largo variety of Sackings.
Nice line of Dress Flannels 35c , 39c ,
6Tc , 68c , ( ISc nnd 76c j'ard.
Fine colored Mohair , worth 75c , re
duced to 39c yard.
Special bargains in Remnants of Dress
Goods from 2 to 8 yards , at prices to suit
i Muslin Dept-
Lonsdalo and Fruit of the Loom Mus
lin Hi yards for $1.00.
Full yard wide soft finished bleached
Mushu So yard.
Mnsonvillo and Lnngdou 76 , only 12
yards lor $1.00.
Wamsutta , Utica and Now York
( Mills , 10 yards for * 1.00.
x Lawrence LL Brown Sheeting , 20
yards for $1 00.
10-4 Brown Sheeting , IGjc yard.
10-4 Bleached Sheeting , l&c yard.
42 inch Pillow Casing lOc yard.
20x14 extra heavy double Huck Tow
els 0 for $1.00.
Turkey red Napkins ISc a doron
SO Inch turkey red Damask ISc yard.
(10 ( inch fast colors turkey red and
preen , red and \\hito checked Damask
Boc yard
200 bxlO fancy Scotch Lunch Cloths ,
fancy red center , fast colors , at $1.25 ,
worth ? 1.75.
Special bargain on white Bed Spreads
nt G9c and bSc each. E\tra heavy and
full sire , very cheap , only ( i9c and
- -each.
20 pieces of heavy double warp shirtIng -
Ing be yard.
Outing Flannels are lower ; wo are of
fering the best for the monoy. Com
pare our styles , quality and prices , oc ,
8e , lOc and 12jc. For choice all our
Ficnch Zephyr styles 12jc yard.
Now line of fancy Colored Turkish
Tidies Uc ) , ISc and H > c each.
A full line of Colored Selisia only lOc
n yard.
Extra bnrgain in twilled all linen
bleached Crash lOc , 12jc and 15c yard.
500 frincod Monno Lap Robes worth
H.25 , reduced to G9c each.
Best make all colors Lining Cambric
6J iyard. .
Ladies' Knit
Underwear ,
Ladies Jersey Knit Vests Sc each , re
duced from 20c.
Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Vests lOc , re
duced from 25.
Lndies' Wilhmnntic Lisle Vests , nice
ly finished , only 25c , reduced from SOc.
Ladies' Lisle Vests only SOc , abargnln
It 7Sc.
Wash Dress Goods
"Koran Moiro" is at the front. It
is the leadinr wash fabric today. Only
S5o a yard. Nothi ng to compare or take
its i place ns for style , colors and pe
culiarity as to weave. The only place
in 5 Omaha to get it is at Ilaydcn's.
Parisian Silk , new fabric in the mar
ket this season , only 25c yard.
! ! G inch wide Brbtonia Suiting 15e
30 inch Lyons Serge lOc yard.
3'i ' inch Armenian Serge "lOc yard.
8i ( inch best Batiste lOc yard ?
30 inch Batiste be yard.
32 inch Challies , new styles. 12jc yard.
New styles in American Challies at
2c. } 5c and Scyaid.
Fine Sattcens , cashmere ombre styles ,
reduced to Gic yard.
Special bargain in Satteens at lOc
Bebt Pacific Lawns , light or darK
stjles , only 5c yard.
32 inch wide Aveyron cloth 12ic yard.
While checked Nainsook Sc , worth
Fine Lawn Checks at lOc , very cheap.
Beautiful line of white and fast black
ivuns in stripes and checks at ISc and
Oc yard.
Lace stripe Lawns 7c yard.
Remnants of fast black lace Lawns Sc
India Linen Sc , 6c , 7c , Sc , lOc , 12c ,
5c , 20c and 25c yard.
Remnants of Wash Goods at prices to
200 pieces new style Dress Gingham
5c yard ; compare them as to style and
The largest stock of Wash Dress
oods in the west and the lowest prices
on first class goods or money cheerfully
Black Alpacas 8c and 9c.
Black English Cashmere at lOc and
12e. }
Black Union Cashmere , 36 inch , at
25c , 29c and 33c.
Bluck all wool Henrietta , 40 incn , at
4Sc and 53c.
Silk finish Henrietta 75c , S3c and SSc.
Black Silk Warp Henrietta 95c and
Black Mohair Brilli.intine 43c and 47c.
Brilliantine , 46 inches wide , 6&c and
Black polka dot Brilliantine for 25c ,
orth 37ic.
All our black nnd white Plaids re
duced to43c.
Black and white stripe for 35cand 43c.
Fancy checks and stripes in black , 40
inches wide , at 63c , 0-5c and G9c.
Black Serges , all wpol , at 55c , SSc and
Black Serge , 4G inch , at 75cand 62jc
Black Hindo Twills , Ecracthing new
52 inch wide , at $1.17 and Si.25.
Black Grenadine at 3Sc , worth G5c.
Prices for
Having purchased the entire stock of
an eastern manufacturer , closing out
every dollar's worth of their goods in
stocls at about 40c on tno dollar , wo will
commence on Monday the greatest Umbrella -
brolla and Parasol bale ever given in
One case of elegant French Sateen
Sunshades , oxidized handles , only 05o
for your choice of this lot.
Fine Gloria Silk Umbrellas , 20 inch ,
on beautiful handles , only 1.15 , worth
Extra flno imported Gloria SilK Um
brellas , elegant handles , only $1.60 ,
worth $3.00.
Extra fine Serge Silk Umbrellas , 20 }
inch , only $2.60. u bargain at $4.00.
26 inch Rainbow Silk Umbrellas , clo-
gnnt handles , only $3.00 , actually worth
The greatest bargain of all the entire
stock of fine Silk Umbrellas in this lot ,
worth $5.00 , $0.00 and $7.00 each , to bo
closed at $3.50.
Children's Parosols in enflless variety
at prices so low that every child can get
nnc.Mako n note of it that Harden Bros ,
is the place to buy Umbrellas on Mon
day.Ladies' Muslin
100 dozen ladies' Night Gowns only
SOc each , reduced from 760. yc
Wo will mnko special display of 7Sc
Gowns on Monday.
Gents' Furnishing
Goods Dept ,
We arc the lenders of popular prices ,
and prices are what will talk on Mon
day , hauntr received many bargains
from our eastern buyer this week. Ev
er " * thing put on Mile Monday.
"One case of Gents. ' Doniet Flannel
Shirts , full size and perfect fittingon'y
23c each , a bargain at 50c.
100 dozen gents' fine Linen Cuffs go
in this sale at 15t- . reduced from 25c.
Special 25 dozen cunts' large si/o
blacK Surah Silk Hdkfs only oOc each ,
cheap at 51.00 each.
On Monday our great specialty in this
department will bo a line of tine Outing
Shirts , comprising crepe cloths , madras
silk stripes , fine sateens and French
flannels , vour choice of this lot only
$1.00 each' worth $1.50 and $2.00.
Gents' extra fine Windsor Ties only
25c. reduced from 40c.
Gents' fancy Balbriggan i Hose only
Sc per pair , w rth 1-ic.
Ladies' and
Children's Hosiery
One case of ladies' Fast Black Hose
onlv Sc per pair , reduced from 15c.
Ladies' Kichelieu Ribbed Hose , fast
black , every pair warranted , only 12jc.
reduced from We.
Ladies' pin and hair line Striped IIoso
only 12c } , a bargain at 25c.
Ladies' Fast Black Hose , Hormsdorf
dyp , plain or ribbed , only 2oc per pair ,
reduced from -lOc.
An elegant Fast Black Hose for la
dies , high spliced heel , only 35c per
pair , n bnrgain at oOc.
Boys' plain black and gray mixed
Hose only 8c , reduced from 15c.
Children's fast black Hose , warrant-
'ed , every pair comes with double soles ,
only 12Jc , worth 2cc.
Children's Derby Ribbed Hose , fast
black , only 25c , worth 40c.
Corsets ,
An elegant SOc Corset reduced to 19c.
75c Corsets reduced to SOc.
On Monday an elegant Jl,50 Corset re-
auced to $1.00.
Special Reduction
In Ladies'
Misses' and
Children's '
Jackets and Capes
Ladies' Standles Capes in black , tan
and gray , trimmed In gold and silver ,
$5 , reduced from $8.
Ladies' Blazers in black , silver
trimmed. $3. reduced from $5.
Ladies' Blazers in tan and gray , $4 ,
reduced from $8.
Misses' Blazers , from 14 to IS years , in
black nnd blue , $2 50 , reduced 'from $5.
Children's Blazers and Reefers in tan ,
blue and cardinal , gold and silver
trimmed , from 4 to 12 years , $2.50 , re
duced from $5.
Ladies' Dressing Sacks , embroidered ,
with belts , 75c , 9Sc , $1.15 to $5.
Ladies' bhirt Waists and Blouses.
Ladies'calico Waists with belts 45c.
Ladies' outing llannel-Blouses 05c ,
Ladies' cambric Waists with bolts
and pleated , $1 to $2.60.
Ladies' silk Waists nnd Blouses from
$2 to $5.
Children's White Dresses , from 6 to
10 years , $1.SO to $5 , reduced one-half
of former prices.
Ladies' white nnd calico Wrappers ,
OSc , $1.15 , $1.25 to $5.
Ladies'Skirts 9Sc , reduced from $1.60.
Ladies' House Jerseys in black , tan ,
blue and cardinal , OSc.
Ladies' '
Special low prices for fine goods.
Children's School Handkerchiefs , in
plain nnd fancy borders , at Ic , at 2c , at
3c , worth 5c to lOc.
Ladles' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs ,
in plain and fancy borders , atScand 5c.
Ladies' Sheer Linen Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs at Sc , at 7c , at lOc , at 12c ,
nt ISc , worth 16o up to SSc.
Children's Saline Windsor Ties , 5c.
Children's Silk Windsor Ties at lOc ,
l c and ISc.
Children's Superior Scotch Plaid bilk
Ties at 17c. ll o and 25c ; regular price
25o up to SOc.
Millinery Dept-
The reasonable prices and exquiHto
novelties coming in every clay makes
this the most attractive millinery store
in the citv. Nothing but a live , active
trade could make it possible to have the
latest attractions constantly on hand.
The nrices for Children's School Hat"
also Ladies' Untrirnmed Hats- , Bonnets
and Toques , are less than usual whole
sale cost. Special wile- this week on
line Millinery Ribbons , Ornaments ,
Laces and Trimmiugs.
It is worth while to see the splendid
display of fine French Flowers of every
description. It will pay to get prices
for comparison.
Laces. . Laces.
Splendid values and endless variety.
Real Hand-made Linen Torchon
Laces at 4c , nt Sc , at Oc , Up to 25c ; actual
value lOc up to SOc. -
Medici Laces , in fine quality , at 5c ,
7c , lOc up to Soc.
Nottingham Pillow'Laces ' at 1c , 2c , 3c ,
4c and 5c , from 2 to 5 inches wideworth
up to 18c.
Fancy Trimming Luces of all kinds
at reasonably low prices.
Fine black aiid cre'nra Silk Laces , of
every description , 'afSo , at lOc , at 12c ,
at loc , up to 25c. worth 18c up to C5c.
Black Drapery Neta'at 17c , 21c , 25c ,
27c. 33c and 35c. ,
Finest Black Silk 'Drapery Nets , 48
inches wide , in absolutely now styles , at
37e , 45c , 60o , 55c , C3ol7no ; , 87c , $1. $1.15 ,
up to $2.75. actual value'95c upo $0.
1 " * '
* ' *
Fine Swiss and Hamburg Embroider
ies in black , in white , and in colors , in
ulain and hemstitched edges. This im
mense collection of embroideries up to
the finest made , represent the newest
styles and are on sale at surprisingly
low prices.
Fine Hamburg and Swiss Skirtings at
25c , 30c. 35c and SOc.
Fine Hemstitched Skirtings in blacker
or white.
Ribbon Dept ,
Fine Silk Ribbon at Ic , ut2c , at 3c
at 4c , at 5c , up to 15c 'yard. Fancy Silk
Ribbons and Velvet -Ribbons , in all
widths for trimming and fancy work.
and Ruchings.
Ladies' Silk Veilings , in plain nnd
fancy silk weaves , nt 10o , 12c , 15c , 17c
and 25c.
Silk Crepe Lisso Ruchings at lOc , 12c ,
15c and 25o.
Furniture Dept ,
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever , ' '
especially when strength and durability
go with it. Such is the lot of Exten
sion Tables we have just received. For
looks , strength and durability they can
not be surpassed , if equalled , and the
price brings these tables in the reach
of all. Wo offer this week 100 tables , 0
and b-foot. either square with 5 legs , or
round with 4 legs , made of ash and very
line in finish , at the following prices :
0-foot tables , square or round. $3.75
and $4.25 , sold olsowhet-o at $4.50 and
$5.60 ; b-foot tables $5160 , sold elsewhere
at $7.25. If you want 'one of these tables
get it now. }
Wo have also received a splendid line
of new Bed Room Suits , which wo have
marked at prices that wo know will
move them during Jhe. house cleaning
Do you want a splendid Mattress , cot
ton top , made up in tlio best tick ? Got
one of ours ; wo are selling a great num
ber daily. This fact Speaks louder than
3 dozen solid oak Center Tables , lit
tle beauties , finished ' .in antique , old
English , ICth centurfat ! the very reasonable
enable price of $1.86 ; ell worth $2.50.
Call and see our largo line of Sofas
nnd Bed Lounges jOif , received. Up
holstered in Brussels Carpet , $ S.SO and
$9.45 ; in wool pitish $10.60 and $11.60.
and in mohair plush $10.50 , $1260 , $15
and $20.
We have secured the entire line of
Blacking Cases made by the manufac
turer. They ore covered with carpet
on top , finished antique , with casting
inside to place the foot on , also place
for brushes and blacking. We offer
them at G9c and l)8e ) each. Why use the
chairs or bath tub * on which to clean
your shoes when'you can ( jet an elegant
Blacking Cue ui-tho low price of G'Jc ?
Jewelry Dept.
Honest goods and unquestionably low
prices , are making this department very
popular. No jewelry store in Omaha
can show such an attractive line of fine
Ladies' Gold Filled Watches $10 ,
worth $17.60.
Ladies' Silverino Watches $3.50 ,
I worth $10.
Ladies'Siverine Watches SSworth $10
Gents' Coin Silver Watches $10 ,
worth $22.50.
Laaios' Nickel Silvcrino Watches
$2.60 , Yorth $5.50.
22 htyit'b in gentlemen's gold and sil
ver watches , guaranteed 60 per cent un-
ver jewelers'prices. .
Fine ornamental household Clocks at
50e , 75c , $ J and $1.25.
Largo Marblelzeil Mantel Clocks
Large iron Mantel Clocks $5.
Largo ornamental Mantel Clocks , ca
thedral chimes at $0 , regular $10 clocK.
Fine silver Castors at 75c , at $1 , at
$1.50 , at $2 and at , $2.50.
Good Steel Glasses at lOc , loc and 25c.
Best Steel Glasses , fitted , $1.
Splendid Coin Nickel glasses $1.25.
Finest Solid Gold Glasses $2.25.
Ladies' and children's Solid Gold
Flings 25c up to $1.25.
Solid gold Baby Rings 25c.
Baby Carriages.
Wo offer during the week our leader
for $4.25. a full sized rood carriage , up
holstered in cretonne , on Sspring gear.
Our No. 1 Special Fine reed body ,
upholstered in satin russo with plush
roll , lace edge parasol , on A coil spring
gear , wire or wood wheels , wortn , $10 ,
for $7.25.
Our No. 2 Spec'al Worth $13 , for
only $8.45. A fine varnished reed body ,
upholstered in satin russo , with plush
roll , lace edge parasol. Coil spring
Remember wo have the largest line
in the city nt the lowsst prices. No
trouble to show our goods.
Granite Ware.
Wo have purchased the biggest line
of Granite Ware over received in Oma
ha. Our prices tell the story.
Preserving Kettle No. 1G 2-qt. 30o
each ; regular price SOc.
Preserving Kettle No. 20 3-qt. 43c
each ; regular price 75c.
Preserving Kettle No. 22 1-qt , 52c
each ; regular price OOc.
Preserving Kettle No. 2Q G-qt. GSc
each ; regular price $1.13.
Preserving Kettle No. 28 S-qt. 94c
each ; regular price $1.25.
Tea Kettle No. 7 $1.25 ; regular price
Tea Kettle No. S $1.81 ; regular price
Snuco Pans No. 16 2-qt. 30c each ;
regular price SOc.
Sauce Pans No. 20 3-qt. 43c each ;
regular price 75c.
Sauce Pans No. 22 4-qt. 52c each ;
regulnr ptice 90c.
Sauce Pans No. 20 6 qt. 6Sc each ;
regular price $1.18.
Sauce Pans No. 28 S-qt. 94c each ;
regular price $ K25.
And the whole line comprising every
thing made in the above ware at corresponding
spending prices.
Garden Hose.
Wo will sell you a Green Hose at lOc
per foot. This is not made of a lot of
old rags with a thin covering of rubber.
The friction on this hose is capable of
standing 60-1 b pressure , and at the end
of the season will bo as good as at the
beginning of the season , and will bo so
for several years. If you should burst a
length wo will refund you your monoy.
This hose has never beun bold any less
than 17ic per foot. All we were a'blo to
obtain of this hose was 10,000 feot. The
lOc per foot includes couplings and all
ready for use.
Decorated cups and saucers at G2c per
Decorated dinner plates , -42c per set.
Decorated pie plates ! Wo per sot.
Vegetable and covered dishes. S9c
Decorated sauce dishes , 2Cc per set ,
30.000 milk crocks at . ' ! { c per gallon ,
6.000 set * Mrs. Potts' and Mrs. Street-
cr's Flat Irons , 05o per sot.
0,000 Clothes Wringers , SI.75. This is
the finest wringer made.
60 grossCarpet Sweepers at S9c , $1.75
and $2.35 each.
Solid Steel Garden Hoes , loc each ;
worth 05c.
Weeding hoes , solid steel , 20c each ;
worth 75c ,
Garden Steel Rakes , 12 tines , brace
shank. 20c.
Spading Forks 49c each , worth 75 < x
Spades -Ific each , worth 75c.
Snoveis 49c each , worth 75c
Ice Cream Freezers
2-quart $1.15.
4-quart $1.75.
We carry a full line of White Moun
tain and Lightning Freezers.
25,550 Uuhandled cups and saucers ,
2c each.
24,210 Handled cups and saucers , 3c
20,150 Dinner plates , 4c each.
15,430 Pie plates , 3c each.
10,600 Wash bowl and pitchers at27c }
22,090 Sauce dishes , 2c each.
10,210 Platters at 3c , 5c and lOc each.
16,215 Soup plates and bowls at 5jc
18,500 Chambers at 23c each.
Also , thousands of soap dishes at 3c
Cream pitchers at oc each.
Vegetable dishes at 3c and 5c each.
Tumblers at 2ic each.
The above goods are the very best
white ironstone china made.
In decorated ware wo can give you just
as good
No. 1 25-inch wide , 1G inch deep nnd
41 inch high , $9.30rcgulnr price $15.50.
No. 2 20 inch wide , 19 inch deep and
43 inch high , $10.50 , regular price
No. 3 28 inch wide , 20 inch deep and
45 inch high , $12.00 , regular price $20.
We have 30 different stylos. These
Refrigerators are all made of hard
wopd. mineral fibre filling and are the
best Refrigerators made. Wo sold over
600 last year and our testimonials from
these will sell us over 1,000 this year.
Lawn Mowers.
Wo will gall you lawn mowers cheaper
than over before. We have iust re
ceived 500 Keen Kliopers from 10-Snch
to 16th at the following prices :
The 10-inch S. G. Kcon Kiipper $5.99.
The 12-inch S. O. Keen Kiipper 0.60.
The 14-inch S. G. Kcon Kiipper $7.2-5.
The 10-inch a G. Keen Klippor $7.60.
Drug Dept.
Wright's Sarsaparilla , 59a
Dr. Miles' Now Cure for thy Heart ,
Pritnley's Sarsaparilla , GOc.
Mineral water 15e per bottlu
Amonia , largo bottle , lOc per bottle.
Persian Insect Powder , SOo per pound
Medicated Tar Soap , 7ic per cake.
Olive Oil Soap , 7ic per cako.
Scented Glycerine Soap , 7ic per cake.
Imported Castile Soap , 3 Ibs in a bar ,
Pure Cocoanut Oil Soap , 12 cakes in n
box. 29c.
Hotel Soap , 12 cakes in a box , 21c.
May Flower Soap , 6c per cako.
Witch Hazel. ISc per bottle.
Liebig's Beef Extract , 29c.
Perfume , from 19c up to35c per ounce
Vaseline , 3e and Sc per bottle.
Chamois Skin , from oc , lOc , ISc , 30c ,
45c up to 7Sc.
Atomizers , from SOe up to 81.25.
Syringes from 40c up to $2.00.
Letting Down the
Prices on Butter ,
We'll sell a good butter for 15c.
A very choice creamery at 20c Thli
would cost you 30c in other stores. Oui
Iowa creamery will sell at 22e and 25c.
Wo call your attention to this fine but
ter as it far exceeds any j on pay 35c and
40c for. Wo handle none but first-class ;
get some ; jou will out no other.
Evaporated California Peaches 15c ,
worth 2k- Michigan Poaches 13c per
pound ; these are the best value you over
bought. Evaporated Apricot- . Califor
nia , 20c ; California Silver Piuncs 20c ,
worth 35e ; French Prunes 12jo- Pure
Fruit Jelly , put up in pure granulated
sugar , ! )5c ) per pail ; worth $1.50. Wo
will sell you pure Strawberry .Tarns , put
up in granulated sugar , 15o ; this is the
first time in your life that you ever
bought pure fruit jams in granulated
sugar. You can examine these gooda
before you buy them , and if jou think
they are not wnat wo claim foV them do
not buy , and if you do buy and take them
home and then think they are not what
we claim , return them and got your
money. We are the only house in this
city selling pure sugar Jam and Jelly.
Pure granulated sugar and fresli
cream caramels , 17tc per pound. You
know you cannot buy them for less than
40eand our Bon Bens are made fi era pur
granulated sugar and cream , and if you
can prove otherwise by any good autlior-
itv or important judge or chemist w
wil pay for your trouble. XVo furnish
thesugar and cream to make these gooda
and they must bo pure.
We sell you a good Samoa and Ri <
colTeo , crushed , 19c , and Moca and Javi
CofTeo crush , 23c.
Our pure Moca and Java roasted fresh
every day , 35c.
Green Japan , a good tea , 19c , 21c , 25o ,
29c ,
Sundried Japan Tea , loc , 19c , 23c , 29o.
Uncolored Japan Tea , 20c. 29c. 35c.
43c , 50c , SOc.
Basket Fired Tea , lOc , 2 > . 25c. 29c.
35c , 49c.
Young Hyson Tea , 35c. 40c , 49c , GOc.
English Breakfast Tea 35o to 95c.
Oolong Tea 35c to 95c.
This is \\\g \ \ finest line of Tea that wai
ever offered in Omaha. Do not say to
youn-elf that we cannot sell good Ten
for the = o prices. Buy a pound and bo
convinced. If yon do not liito the tea
wo will refund the money. They are all
worth two and three times the prico.
Imported Chow-Chow 15c.
Imported small Pickles lOc per qt. ,
worth 8.r.c
Wo will sell you largo Pickles So
per qt.
Very fine imported Blackberries BJo
per Ib.
Very fine imported evaporated Rasp
berries , 25c per Ib.
Imported Valencia Raisins , very fine ,
Imported Strawberry Jama. 3oc.
Imported Red Raspberry Jams , 35c.
3-lb. can California Peaches , UOc. This
is the best Peach you ever bought
We bell all kinds of California Plums.
8-ib. ran California Apricots , lOc.
Imported Catsup , loc per qt.
Imported English Currants , 7o. }
Sweet Chooolato , oc.
Premium Chocolate , 17jc.
Condensed Milk , lOc.
Sugar-Cured Hums , lOc ; Picnic Hams ,
7c ; Boneless Haini , 9c.
Bologna Sausage , Sc ; Llvor Suusaije ,
5o ; Iloud Cheese , 60 ; Frankfort Sau
sage , 7jc.
Dried beef. lOc and 12c. }
2-lb. can Blackberries , Sic.
2-lb. Preserved Raspberries , put up In
( sugar syrup , 17c.
Muhlard , Sc per bottle.
Absolutely pure Baking Powder SSc.
Oil Sardines , . > c.
Mustard Sardines. lOc.
IIS per cent Lye , for scrubbing , lOc.
SO per cent Lje , for scrubbing , 6c.
Trunks ! Trunks !
Trunks !
Still we keep up our record for soiling
Trunks , and the secret is , wo give you
the best Trunk in the world at a price
which cannot bo beaten. Do not buy a
Valise or Bag until jou hnvo seen our
lino. Romcmbur thia.
Screen Wire
All widths at He per square foot.
HAVDR BROT Sixteenth Streets. and Dodge