fi THE'OMAHA DAILY BEE : RUN DA& MAY 10 , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES. ' THE OMAHA BEJD. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : No. IS 1'KAHL. STHKET. Delivered by Carrier In nny part of the City. II. W. TILTON MANAOKU. THLKI'IlONESi IJusincss Onico , No. VA. Night Kdltor. No. 23. N. Y. P. Co. Council UlufTs Lumber Co. , coal. Croft's chattel loans , ' . ' 04 Sapp bloon. Hcnl Hock Springs coul. Thatcher , II ! Main If you want water In your yard or house go to Hlxby's , ! Morrlain block. n marrlngo lloonso was Usnod yesterday to .John Urogiui and Uarbaru Koubal , both of Omaha. Regular meeting of KxeoUiorloigo No. 0.10 , Ancient , l-'rco and Accepted Masons. Monday evening. M y H. VlaltlnK brethren cordi ally Invited. The Council Bluffs Wheel club will leave Hnvllss park this afternoon nt 'Ji0 : ! o'clock end take a rldo to HelluVue , Nob. , eleven miles below Omaha. Frank K. lnlnson' funeral will tnko place this afternoon at t ! o'clock from tlio rcsldonce , nt the corner of ( irnco nnd I'lcrco streets' , Hev. ( i. W. Crofts olllelallng. Attnrnov MctJulgan donloi the report that bo has fallen heir to n fortune of $ ' 0,000 nnd nsserls that ho would not quit the practice of Ills profession to glvo It for n incro bagatelle of that kind. Simon Klscman has returned from a week's tni ) to St. Louis. When asked about the KIs'Miian dry goods company ho said that such n corporation was a possibility and that there wcro fair prospects of thft organization beini , ' formed. A circular has been Issued by J. H. Fur row , piosldonl of the Iowa farmers' alllancn , calling n mooting nt Avoca. May ! is , nt 10 o'clock a. m. , for the purpose of orgaul/.lng a district alllancn for the Ninth congressional district of the state of Iowa. Kach local al liance is requested to send one delegate. B. A. Wiekham returned from Denver last evening after n week's absenco. The Wick- Jiam brothers were the lowest bidders on twei'ty-throo miles of newer aid : were awarded the contract. They already have a year nnd a half's sewer work there , and this now contract will give them another year. Next Thursday owning , May II , there will bo held In the parlors of the Presbyterian cipirch a very novel entertainment. This en tertainment will consist of an interesting musical programme , which will bo followed by the opening of a "circulating library , " and the serving of Ice cream anil strawber ries. William Hey wood , ono of the old settlers of I'oUawattamio county , died yesterday at his homo In ( Junior township , aged forty-nine years. The deceased has lived in this county over slnco 1S5I. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at the residence , Kov. ( > . W. Crofts of the Congregational eliuroh olllcialini. ' . The concert at the Now Broadway theater tomorrow evening under the ausiilcos of the Mnennorchor society , will bo for the benefit of the charitable organisations of the city. An excellent programme has been prepared , and the services of all the performers have been donated for the suko of charity. There fchonld bo n largo attendance. The young ladies of the Congrcgitlonal church will give a muslcalo at the residence of L.V. . Koss ill" Willow avenue , on Tues day evening , May 1U. Among these tnKing part will bo Mrs. Caynor , Mrs. Sherman and Mr. Derrick of Omaha and the Council Bluffs Mandolin club. Refreshments will be served nnd an admission foe of ! l. > cents will bo charged. A. II. Hrano is still In charge of the Losey stock and Is trying to close it out as tast.ns. possible , There have been debts Jilfoarlhed In the last twenty-four hourstg fiM'Ilmoullt of about * l,800 in addition - , the $ ] oK ( , whlcu ' was covered by th.0 'mortgages and It Is iirobublu thjiw * , , , nmOunt will bo swelled far uoyciuii lial UgUro m the course of a few - iuiys , as the accounts ol the foreign houses with whom Losey dealt begin to roll in. The creditors who hold the stcok nro conlldont that tlioy have advantage over the others and that they will bo aolo to hold the property In spite of all efforts that may bo made to set aside the mortgages on thn ground of fraud. John Yergor , an Atlantic gentleman who was arrested Friday for drunkenness , was lined In police court yesterday morning , und was put upon the chain gantr to work it out. He isthc'samo man who was brought Into the Jluffs ! for n hearing before Commissioner P. M. Hunter after having served n term of four months in the Cass county Jail for belling liquor Illegally. Ho was hound over to await the action of the federal grand Jurj' , nnd Dan Carrigg went on his bond. Yesterday morning CnrrlEg tired of his bargain and went off the bond. Ofll- ccr Wyatt was compelled to glvo Yergor up Into the hands of Deputy Marshal Been of Atlantic , who took him back tojall. Go and son the beautiful books In the library In the Prosbytorlan parlors. Mrs. IH. . Sheridan tent , Daughters of Veterans , glvo a dancing party Monday evening , May II , at CJrand Army of the Ko- publlc hall. Music by 17 alby's band. Pianos , drgans , C. H. Muslo Co. , 533 B'd'y. ' CJents' neckties , Ic , only one cent each dur ing sale Monday evening , 0 to U. Boston Store , Council Hinds. I'EHSOXA1. I'A It A ( ill A M'/IS. Mrs. A. B. Knderton and family loft last evening for California where they will spend the .summer with her father. Miss ICssis Cool : , who has been visiting her brother , A. B. Cook , for some time imst , starts today for her homo In Astoria , W. II. Overtoil of San Francisco came to the lllnfls yesterday with ton line horses , which ho kept at the driving park. Ho is on bis way to Chicago. .1. H. Carothors will start tomorrow for Wisconsin , where ho will remain for about two months , llo will bo accompanied uy his undo , .lames S. Johnson of Concoiiully , Wash. , who has been visiting him for some time past. L. A. Dovlno leaves this evening for ten days' seclusion from business at Col fax Springs , and If nny ono mentions Bnckoyo binders to him during that tlmo ho will be promptly shot. Outing nnd knit ovcrshirts dining sale Monday evening , ti to 0 , for 21c. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Union Park races , Omaha nnd Council muffs , Juno li-l' ' , $1,000 ; Sept. Ml , $ oiOO ! ; Oet. UH-sa , $1,000. For programmes address Nat Brown , sec'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha. Always got the best whore you can got it the cheapest. The Boston store , Council lllulTs , Is selling wnll paper at Just halt price , now Is the tlmo to buy It , beautiful patterns fort'c ; , , fie , 7 c nnd lOc per roll , Just one- half what you have boon In the habit of pay ing. Boston Store , Council Blufts , In. It I'ayH to lid Comfortable. And the way to bo comfortable and make these around you happy and cheerful Is to provide your homes with the many little devices - vices that cost nothing scarcely , but nro ab solutely necessar.v to the comfort of every home. These Include the little novelties used in the kitchen , garden and yard. Screen frames that will lit any window , doors that areas ornamental ns they nro useful , refrig erators tliataro faultlois , Ice picks , broad toasters and Iron boaters for gasoline stoves , little garden trowels mid wecders , solid steel grass hooks und most important of oil the quick inoal and new process evaporating gas- ullne stoves that light instantly without timoko. These and all other novelties that make summer Ufo enjoyable you can only llml at Cole ft Colo's , -U Main street. Don't forget the Suullowor chorus. Trains leave Broadway nnd Ninth street for Lake Manawa every hour. The armv of workmen nro about through fixing up the hotel at Lake Mnunwii , Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ; \\Hhiiiononndono-hnlfmllcsof the I1. O , ; nil In bearing ; good buildings ; possession given nt once. Call ou V. J. Hutculuson & Co. , 017 13 road way. SEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Getting Together on the Proposed County Agricultural Exposition , FRUIT GROWERS STILL A LITTLE COY , YcNlci'iIiiy'M Mooting anil Motor Illilo anil KN lU-HiiltH > \ here thu Him : ( JriiHM I'nlnoc COIIICH Uji Heruncly. John T. Stewart was on band at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon with his special motor train , nil ready to tnko the farmers and fruit growers out to the driving park , ns had boon agreed upon a week ago. Only a few of tl'O farmers wcro on hand , but It was Impossible to wait for the rest , and the Journey was taken. The farmers then returned to the court house nnd held a meeting for the purpose of making further arrangements In regard to the palace schema which was suggested n week ago. The llrst thing that was done waste to agree formally to enter the Uluo draw league and toappolnt A. 1' . Cramer and J. J. Steadman n committee to write to the differ ent towns in the county to secure their co operation in the work of making n creditable exhibit. A commlttoj was also appointed conslstlngof A. I' . Cramer , Frank Stilnn and U. F. Clayton to circulate around through the county and raise money to daf ray the ox- pi-usos of Joining the league nnd getting to gether the materials for the cxh iblt. A long discussion was then commenced with reference to the palace scheme. The Ideas of most of the member. ! wore very misty on this subject , nnd A. S. Honhain was the only ono who thought ho know what was the proper thing to bo done. Ho , however , was not able to convoy his ideas to the uudl- cnco so as to make them understand what he wanted , and the result was a misunder standing. Alter about two hours had been taUcn ill witti sawing wood , the meeting adjourned , and thu members were Just as much in the dark at to whether they would vote to go into the palace scheino as when they com menced work In the afternoon. L. A. Cnsper wanted to build n palace nnd he was anxious to have n guaranty fnml raised by subscription , as ho thought that more money could bo raised with less worl in that way than by either the stock com any or the straight subscription plnns. A committee was appointed' consisting of L. A. Casper , J. W. I'eretioy. A. S. Honhain , J. T. Stewart and George IJ Whoclor to look up tlio matter nnd Und out whether It was ad- vlsabln or not to chilli ! a palace. Another meeting will bo held on the Sflnl In the board of trade rooms , and the commit tee will make n report at that time. The greatest drive In supendors over wit nessed. A good 2.1c suspender for I'o ' a pair ( i tu U Monday evening , lioston Store , Conn ell HlulTs. For Kent Drun no\v court house. Apph to W. H. Tilton , Um : ofllce. Seed oats , corn , millet and seed potatoes garden seeds of all kinds , at II. L. Carman's MX ) Main and 501 1'carl streets. Fishing parties have > coj- ; ; ; , ' , , to flocl { to Lake Mnnawa. - - . . . . * - - * lrour IS.Vj'c , ISo and 17c white aprons on sale Monday evening irom 0 to I ) for lOe each ; 2 to a customer * Hoston Store , Coun cil Bluffs , la. _ Kcpnrt on Soliol Itookn. Superintendent Sawyer of the city school has reported to the board in regard to the number of books which will bo required to keep the schools running during the next live- yiars , In accordance with the instructions given him nt the last meeting of the board. The report states that there nro ! ii57 ( pu pils in the public schools at the present time , and that the estimate of the number of sup plies required for the next live years have been tlgured on that basis. Thera will bo about 10,000 books needed nnd other supplies in tiropor- tion. Among other Items , the amount of ink Is estimated nt 100 gallons , the amount of legal cap at lltty reams and the number of slates at 1,200. A larco saving will bo m do to the parents nT school children by the now scheino. It is estimated that by buying the supply by wholesale Instead of retail , as horotoforn , a W ) cent book will bo gotten for about 20 cents , nnd the saving will be In nuout the same pro portion In all other directions. The law under which this arrangement N to bo effected was passed by the legislature nt the last session und Is found In section .1 of chapter21 of the codo. It provides that school boards may advertise for bids for the furnishing of supplies for a slated period , at wholesale rates. The plan Is already in op eration In Sioux Citv , DOS Molncs , Cedar Uaplds , Uurllngton and other cities through out the state and it has met with creat suc cess wherever It has been tried. The mem bers ot the board nro confident that about $ , ' 1,000 will bo saved to the parents during tno year. Uids for the furnishing of the school supplies will be advertised for in n few days and the competition will no doubt bo very warm between the various dealers In such merchandise. _ See our 5o notion counter. Every article worth from f > c to 12 } c , for fie Monday at the lioston Store , Council Binds. Consisting of hair curlers , combs , elastics , beads nnd 10J and other useful nrticloj. lioston Store , Coun cil Bluffs , In. The lllters Lund Hros. hnvo for sale have been true for ten years. It is the simplest nnd cheapest tlltcr In the market , 23 Main street. Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car riages , stoves , crockery , nnd all house fu r- nlshing goods , cash or on easv payments , at Mandol & Klein's. When about to build don't fail to get prices on lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. , 813 Broadway. Telephone 287. Athletic Context. The following programme has boon ar ranged for nn athtotlo conical to bo hold nt the driving park next Sunday afternoon , the proceed * of which nro to bo used in defraying the expenses of the trip of the local lircmcn to the state tournnment at Cedar Kapids : Fifty yard foot race , free-for-all , SIO to WIIIIIUl , C.I 111 aHUllM. Seventy-live yard foot race , froo-for-all , $10 to winner , $ . " > to second. Ono hundred yard foot race , free-for-all , (10 to winner , * . " > to second , Kunnlng broad Jump , $ .1 to winner. Running hop , skip and jump , $1 to winner. Standing three jumps , * . " > to winner. Half mile bioyclo race , amateur freo-for-all , gold medal to winner. Baseball game between the Models nnd a South Omaha team. Exhibition horse race. A regular lOo cake of soap , 3 for lOe , dur ing sale Monday evening , ti to . Boston Store , Council Hluffs. Lund Bros , have the boss niters , nnd no mlsuko. They cost llttlti and are llrst class , bee them anil you will use no more city water until it is tillered. 23 Main street. . Trees , all kinds , guaranteed to grow , prices cheap , iitMalrs1 , Broadway , opposite postof- lrs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to a rand hotel. Telephone 145. High grade work a specialty. Court .N'olcH. In district court yesterday Judge Smith heard the case of L , M , Turner ngalnst ( icorgo Ferk'iisoii , The case excited but little Interest , as the testimony was almost precisely the the same as was introduced in the cttso cf Turner against Ulnk \ Sehultz. All Iho tojtlmony was in , the arguments of tno attorneys submitted nnd tue case sub mitted to the court at the adjournlnt ? time. 'Iho Jury lu thocasoor Schuaber , IJoutual t Co against Peter C. Miller , which was on rial for several days last week , brought In a verdict for the defendants. This throws the osts of the suit on Miller , nnd virtually hrow.s both parties out of court , as the ilnlnUffs sued for tl'-'O on an attachment nnd ho defendant put In n counter claim for 1.500 for fnlso attachment. In the case of William Ueeso against A. J. lieu nnd Sarah Hleo the court Instructed the urv to bring in a verdict tor the defendant. In the superior court the jury In the case of latcholor apalnst Hamilton brought In n ver dict for iho defendant of 3.50. f'uro water Is the source nnd guarantee of good health , and you can only obtain It by islng the now stone gravity llltors , sold by Lund Bros. , 23 Main street. For nn ovcninp's enjoyment go to the Pres byterian parlors Thursday evening. Til 13 IllI'MjH t LUH. It Wanted to Down Knmuhoily with I'oxvdcr and Hall , In the front window of A. C. Graham's jun shop ou Broadway there is on exhibition i magnificent gold badge , which was won by Mr. Wil-on Duncan nt iho regular semi monthly shoot of the Council Bluffs rlllo club nt Uohror's park Friday afternoon. Mr. Duncan has won the badge now three times In succession , and ho is beginning to feel n sort of proprietary Interest In it. His score on Friday showed 07 points gained out of a possible 100. This was a trifle less than on tlio two preceding occasions , which is ac counted for by the fact that it was n very windy day , nnd all the records were conse- llUUllklJ llt > Ul LII1III U3UUU The Council IHiilfs Hlllo club , by the wny , Is quite an Institution. It numbers about thirty members at present , and at least ten of them nro llrst class shots. Shootlni ; matches take place every two weens nnd the winner of the badge holds H each time until deprived of it by some more successful com petitor. Mr. Duncan stales lhat ho thinks a team could bo selected from Iho club that It would bo dlllicult. If not Impossible , to beat In a contest with a like club from any city In Iowa or Nebraska , or , for thai mailer , in the whole northwest. Among the best shots in the club nro Messrs. Tipton , the president , John Oliver , Snckett , Ogden and MulhoHand. Anyone of these , Mr. Duncan says , with becoming mod esty , could beat the scores which ho made on Friday , under favorable conditions , and Iho scores are not to bo sneezed at , either. .There are n number of gentlemen in the club who do some line work when the spirit moves them , nnd at oilier limes llioy drop back inlo Iho ranks without having done any thing to bo proud of. They arc Messrs. llam- lln , Metcalf , Mntthai , 15randy , IIolTmnyr and Nichols. Tno latter Is one of the younger members , and is regarded by the old as a genuine prodigy , oTholliing thai is uppermost In the minds of thu members at the present time , is a pii/e shoot between Iho Council IIlufTs club nnd representatives from other cities. The badge which is now worn by Ihe successful contestants is ono thnt was won from Ihe Omaha club in issil , nhd some wny the mem bers feel as though they could beat Omaha again If they had a chance. An effort is also being made to got the ladies interested in the nrtof rillo shootinir , nnd If the success is nny- lliingllko in proportion to the eagerness with which they are trying to bring about the de sired result , a ladies' annex to Iho Council Uluffs Killo club Is likely lo bo a thing ol the near future. Library parly Thursday evening. Spiritual Sunday 2:30 : and 7:30 : by Mr. nnd Mrs. Perkins , iG ! sr.mtuTil eya 'd'sts ' , _ who wjll eclure anil give spirit messages , at Archer hall , Broadway , Council BlulTs. Our . " > 0c plain and summer corsets during siilo Monday evening for 3.1c , (1 ( to 9. Boston Store , Council BlulTs. Lnkg Manawn will bo all the go this sum- ner. UK CAUGHT THK HAMi. Detective MlHor Took Inn Mner , Hut .MufVcd It. Dotectlvo Miller of the Union Pacific secret service , narrowly escaped being the hero of n serious accident last night at about 9 o'clock. Ho was standing on Iho platform of an east-bound Omaha motor train , with his as- sislanl , Henry Dean. The train gave u sud den luich , und knocked n revolver out of Dean's pocket. The revolver foil on the platform , striking on the hammer , and was discharged. Tno ball entered Miller's loft log , just above Iho knee , nnd came out about two inches away , ploughing n deep furrow through the llosh , but fortunately not Inflicting n dangerous wound. It then proceeded on its way to Iho roof of Iho car. Inking a largo crop of whiskers off the face of another man who was standing near. Miller went to the ofllco of Dr. Cleaver , where the wound was dressed. The car was well filled with passengers , some of whom were ladies , and Iho shot caused something of a sensation .If the ball had gone In a different direction it might havu caused something moro than n sensa tion , for It came from an enormous -14-callbre Colt's revolver. Miller , the Injured manwas formerly jailer in the county jail of Omaha and is well known hero and in Omaha. The latest thing in wash goods , known ns Shnntong Pongee , sold everywhere for 20c. Our pnco IS' c. Boston Store , Council BlulTs , for Monday. Dry storage nt low rates , stoves and house hold gOods. J. U. Snyder , Pearl street. Snugnrt & Co. carry largest stocl of bulk Hold , garden nnd flower scons in the west Catalogue and samples by mail. Malr has all sorts of fruit , shade and orna mental trees , Broadway , opposite posloflice. Maonnerchor Concert. The concert at tbo Broadway Iheator Mon day evening promises to bo a success in every particular. The homo sociely is to be as sisted by Iho Arion Oaongorbund nnd Man dolin club of Omaha. The following Is Iho programme : FIIIST I'AIIT. Concorl overture Conradl Orchestra. "Helm Llobehi'ii Hans , " Pfeil C. It. Macnncrchor and Arion. Honrano solo Uouimod Mrs. Dillon. Duet "Pchln mint-riled" 1'ache Mrs. Iteillr , Miss /.Immerman and sir I ilk' qnartclto. llass soo--"Ior ! ) vcrbannto Polenfurst. " Wledl Mr. P , l.anx. Waltz Vogel C. H , Maenncrchor and Arion. Selections Sulorlns SntnrloiihMandolin Club. "Kaurthnor l.ledi-rinursi-b Pouschcl Mai-nni-rohtir anil Arion. Piano MIsK /.Ininierinan. . I'AIIT SKl'ONII. Selection Orchestra. ( 'horns "Ktlezor'H AhsL-hlud" Attunhofur Maonncrchor , Arlun and Oiehestru. Soprano solo " ( Jnatlen Arlu" Mrs Uedlo Tenor ole "Merrily I Itoum" Schlt'ill'uith Mr. I' . I'erm-lsi-s , with Orchestral Accompaniment. Grand C'mii'ert for Violin and Piano. . .llanscr VIollii-Mr. Ulsehar. Piano Miss llelehe i-chunke. "Die AbfiidglooUent" Abl Arion Main and Fcmulo Chorus. Quartette "Gut Niiclit" Pfell Arion Quartette. Go nnd near the | > opulnr singers , Mrs. Shermau nnd Miss Oliver , Thursday even ing. 100 dozen children's black nose , former price PJ'-ijC , sale price 4 pair foi'250. (1 ( to this Monday evening. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Ice ! Ice ! Ic-c ! ! ! If you want it pure and n And nt a reasonable pr Follow no now dev Ico. But send to us In a tr At our olT Mulholland & Co. , No. 4 Pearl St. , Tel. 107. Church Amioiim'cmi'iits. St. Paul's Kpiscopal Hegular services morning nnd evening. Mrs. Belknnp of DOS Monies will sing at the morning service , and Mr. ICcelcrof Dos Moiues In the evening. Congregational -Preaching by thu pastor morning nnd evening. Subjects , "Tho As cension of Christ , " and "Wonderful Peace,1' Presbyterian -Preaching by the pastor morning und evening. YOUHK Men's Christian association Hov. i i O , O. Hire will leaJ.tUo mooting nt4 o'clock , and F. Wescott winning. English LuthernwScrvIces in the Y. M. C. A. rooms nt U n. in. and 8 p. m , Broadwav McthfiJLstPreaching In the morning by the imtqr. Subject , "Loisons from the Magnlllcnu" Evening , preaching by Hov. J. W. McCoy , Trinity Methodlst-nPrcnchlng In the morn ing and evening by. the pastor. Evening ser mon will bo to young men. Spiritualist society Grand Armv hall , nt 7ir : > p. M. Mr. BNiJrimln Winchester will sper.k on "Bible Spjryuallsm. " 100 dozen gents' 25c neckties for fie during solo Monday evening , 0 to P. UostonStoro , Council Bluffs. Lnco curtains cleaned from 5Uc to $1.25 per | ) nlr. nt Twin City dye works. Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco tablets. They are delicious , Ministerial . \NMorlatloti. There will bo a meeting of the Council BlulTs Ministerial association in the study of the First Presbyterian church tomorrow morning nt 10:30. : All pastors of the city cordially Invited to be present. A delightful evening can bo sponi In exam ining lovely books with lovely bindings. You should see these now Tripoli stone water lllters at Lund Bros. , 23 Main street. / > It. tl'KS ( 'riKti TO It KXI'/It. llo Will Help Investigate the Ilarnali.v I'oiNOIlllIK C'UHI' . Piioviiittxri : , IJ. I. , May 0. The mytery surrounding the botllo of poisoned liquor sent to Mrs. J. II. Barnnby nt Denver , which caused her death , will , it is believed hero , uo cleared up in a few days. Last night Dr. Thatcher Grave * and his wife loft for Den ver , nnd Ibis morning the Pinkcrton detec tives and the Conrad family started , so that they will bo but a few hours later than the Graves party In reaching Denver. Miss llanly , the maid Dr. Graves secured for Mrs. Barnaby last summer , is not to accompany the party , as the Pinkcrton men have not regarded her as of nny Importance as a wit ness. ness.That Dr. Graves should start for Denver to appear before the grand jury caused con siderable surprise , but that he should do this of his own volition was oven moro surpris ing. While ho goes voluntarily , ho did not decide to do so until after a great deal of pressure had been brought to bear to con vince him Hint It was the best thing he could do , considering what had been said and Ihe Information obtained by the detectives , and ho was urged to make some representation of tlio forwarding of Iho boltlo. Tbo public must not bo surprised If the statement Is soon forthcoming thai the botllo when malted contained only whisky , but that it. was tam pered with after its arrived in Denver. Miss Hanly , on account of the unpleasant notoriety attached to her name , has been compelled to leave her boarding place at the request of the landlady , ( iravt-H Tnultly Under Arrest. BOSTON , Mass. , May 0.Tho Globe will say tomorrow : "By order of the Colorado au thorities Dr. T. Thatcher Graves is tacitly under arrest for the murder of Josephine A. Barnnby. Through adroit detective work the necessary evidence to in sure an indictment has been secured , nnd Dr. Urnvoi Is now bound over for the pur pose of giving testimony before the grand jury , but within the jurisdiction of Calorado , - whereho wfil , i > b "fornmlly- - indicted on Tuesday next , If Iho evidence obtained and now in the hands of States Attorney Stevens of Denver Is to bo delivered. Dr. Graves has confessed sending the mysterious bottle to Denver. Ho has confessed writ ing the inscription. lie says the bottle contained pure whisky when it was mailed In Boston and that any poison therein contained must nave been added niter us ar rival. This slaloiricnt was mad to representatives " tatives of the llarnnby family in "Provi dence. The additional evidence tending to show Dr. Graves' complicity is of great moment , nnd ills stated that any attempt on his part to avoid entrance to Colorado will result in n formal arrest by Detectvo ! Hans- coin wherever the remonstrance may bo made. This arrest will bo made If necessary upon order of the authorities of Denver. " HT.ITK XKWS. Nebraska City MIslltM. CITV , Neb. , May 0. fSpecinl Telegram to THE BiiK.l Jelinn O. Palmer nnd her husband , George , wcro married on Christmas day of IbtW. They Journeyed through life and raised a bli , ' family of chil dren , and now a legal separation and cuslody of Iho minor children is what Mrs. Palmer desires. In her potillon she alleges lhat her husband was vicious , intemperate and a man of vulgar habils. Fretl Scbrader and Minnie Schrader have for n second limo ligurod in Iho courts apply- Inc for n divorce. First Minnie asked for n decree but before the case came to trial , upon motion of her attorney the cnso was dis missed. This time Fred shows up with a pe tition alleging that Minnie slashed at him with n butcher knife a'.d then ciuolly aban doned him. a he Plan-month Cut-On * . Nr.niiASKA CITY , Nob. , May ' . ( . [ Special Telegram to TUB Bi'.n.J Mr. ClinkenbeiirJ , a heavy contractor , came In from Cass county today. Ho says the men at work on the Missouri Pacific cut-ofT to Onmha are progressing rapidly. Beginning at Union on last Tuesday an average of ono and ono-hnlf miles of track has been laid dally. At this rate It will only bo a very short tlmo until the road will bo into Plnttsmoutb. Two hun dred men nre at work. A l'iM HOI-KO. ASHI.AXO , Nob. , May 3. ( Special Tcle- grnm toTiiE BKC.J J. W. Granger's Ilnm- blolonian slulllon , Mlko Sprague , trolled hero yesterday on trial , and inado a milo in 2:3ii : against n heavy wind. Frank Edwards , the driver , never drove a horse bsforo for speed. nit : it < t Captain Appol ThlnkH llo Haw Hecii Seriously Mlit-lled. CIIIVINXI : , Wyo. , May 9. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BKK. I Captain Appol , .chief surgeon nt Fort Hussoll , Is preparing papers to bring a suit for libel against Colonel II. II. Mizner , placing damages at ? 25,000. The Incts brought out by the controversy show lhat n war hius been raging vigorously within the Sevonto-'iith Infantry for some time. The olllcors of that regiment claim that Ml/tier , who hs ; ; been ordered to his homo In Detroit | prbparntory to his relire- ment for ngo In August , lias exercised n potty tjranuy over them for some tlmo , and had It not been that relief was soon to be by Ins retirement the men would hnvo united nnd nsked for an investigation bv the war department Cap tain Appel brings suit for the following rea sons : During iho Sioux campaign white Appel was with the regiment Ml/nor , who remained nt FortUussell , directed bun to turn over nil govtr.imcnt property In his charge to Assistant Surgeon Kendall. Appol , under ndvico of hitsunrior medical olllcer , Ignored the order I Mlznor prepared charges of "Insubordination" and Indorsed on them the statements Unit Apr.ol was nn utterly worthless surgeon , inattentive to profes , sional and fO-Mul duties , and offensive to the | olllcors of the regiment. These charges were all Ignored by Iho wardoparlmont , but Appol claims they have Injured him to the extent of the damages ho asks. Coal Mine Shut Down. Ciir.VKNVK , Wyo. , May 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to TIIKUII : : . I No. 7 coal mlno at Almy , owned by the Union Paclllc nnd employing 200 miners , was closed down today for nn in definite period. Shortage of coal order * Is given as the reason. Kmn MUMS .Meeting. The Jolnl committee of the fraternal so cieties met In the Omaha Press club room I'ist evening to make the final arrangements for the mass meeting of Iho different societies to bo held at Boyd's opera house on May 29. The committee was appointed to arrange u programme. Good speakers and line muslo will bo arranged for. Tcu thousand invitations will bo scut out TO RECEIVE THE PRESIDENT , Final Mooting of the. Excctttiyo OommSttco nud Its Oomplctcd Flans. DETAILS FOR AN ELABORATE DISPLAY , Full Arrangomoiitfi Cor ttm lire-option mill Kntcrtnliiment of ( lie Dlotln * ( im-st "Made In tlic Itoutu. There was another Joint meeting of the committees appointed to mnko arrangement- ? for J'reslilent Harrison's reception nt the council chamber yesterday afternoon ntI o'clock. It was decided to send but llftcen carriages to the depot to convey the presidential party and the reception committee , which goes to Lincoln , from the depot to the platform nt the court house. Councllmnn Morcarty said , with consider able warmth , that whoever appointed the reception committees had neglected to ap point n solitary member of the council on the committee Unit is to go to Lincoln. Mayor dishing , who npnolntcd the com mittee , replied vigorously , saying that he had lot intended to sllizht the citv council. On motion of Mr , Con ( iiilhmher the names of Councilman Hcchel nnd President Lowry were added to iho committee that Is tt > co to Lincoln. Mayor CiHhing was then mndo chairman of thu committee , and requested to go to Lin coln , nlthough ho expressed n deslro to re main in Omaha to look nfter preparations hero. hero.Mr. Mr. IIartnian said that Inasmuch na ox ( ovcrnor Hannders had made full propara lion to entertain the entire presidential party , It would be unnecessary to take any of the party to the 1'nxton hotel , as had been provided for In response to the very generous offer of the hotel proprietors. Mr. llartman suggested thai ox-ovornnr ! Saunders should bo asked to say something about the enter- tnlnment of the party. Mr. Haunders said that preparations would bo made to entertain the entire party at his resilience , nnd that nil citizens ol Omaha were at perfect liberty to call there at the proper time to meet the president. The ladles' reception committee would also hold a reception nt his residence and all the ladies of Omaha who dcslrod to meet the distin guished visitor would bo welcomed there in the afternoon. .Secretary Nason read n communication nnd a resolution ronnrding un Invita- tloc to Bishop Hcamiell to have the children In the parochial schools of Omaha assembled on Creighton college campus to greet the president ns ho passe ? that wny. The resolution was adopted. A stop of live minutes will bo made ut Creigh ton college , where the children of the parochial schools will meet the president. The committee on transportation was in structed to furnish carriages to convoy the ladies who are members of the reception coin- mittco from their respective residences to the depot at 11 : ! " > . Chief Soavoy and the entire police force of the city worn Invited nnd requested to > operate and assist in the reception under tin : charge of the marshal of the day. Chief Marshal Weller submitted the fol lowing arrangement for the order of the pro cession , which was adopted : t'hlrf Suiivoy andplatoom of twelve mounted police. Chief marshal and alils. Second regiment bund. Second ro lni"iil I'nlH'd States Im'anUj General \Yliealon cmmnaiidlii ) ; . Presidential narty in uairliu'us , wltli Omuli : : guards us an escort , ( inncrul llrouke und stall' In carriages , Carriages containing the lucuptlon commit tee. tee.Tho Tenth street viaduct wil bo closed to all except the military and carriages for the reception committee at 10 a. in. A platooi ot police will bo stationed at the south end o the viaduct , also a platoon of mounted police at the north end. Chief Seavey will arrange the police to th best advantage along the route. Two .ser goants and sixteen oflloers will have charg of tlio high school grounds. It was decided that tlio reception com mittee , the Omaha guards , the platoon o mounted police nnd all who CM-nr the presidential party from thb depot shal also assist in escorting the presidential party from the Saundfrs residence to the trail when the time arrives for the departure. General Brooke announced.that the mill tnry preparations wore all complete. A salute of twenty-one puns will be lired from the battery stationed on South Twelfth street , a block south of St. Joseph's hospital. The tiring will begin when the presiden tial party starts across the viaduct. Major Clarkson announced that ho would mail badges to all members of the committees on Monday morning. These badges will be the only passport , to the platform at the court house and to the carriages. Chief Marshal Wullcr announced that nil members of the various committees , except ing those engaged In the reception in Tin : Iiir. : building would bo expected to get into the carriages while the informal reception is going on , so that the procession might move promptly. The following gentlemen will assist In seat- tnif Thn mmiihnr-i nf I hpsn rointtiltlPPK In tint carriages : Messrs. Thomas Lowry , Chris Hartman , John A. Waketield , Colonel Chase and Thomas Swobe. The Farnam street steps up to the plat form will no reserved for the presidential party nnd the Seventeenth street st ps for the commlttcomon. The telephone company will bo requested to remove the large polo directly in front of the platform from widen the president will address the people. It was decided to close both the Tenth and Eleventh street viaducts from ID until 12 to all excepting motor car trafllc and tlio presi dential jmrty and ree-ption conimitiee. The route of the drive was changed slightly. Instead of turning noith ut Harney ami Sixteenth and going thcnco to the residence of ex- ( jovornor Saumlcis , the procession will go east on Harnoy to Thirteenth , then north to Douglas , then west to Fifteenth , then north to Dodge , then west to Sixteenth , and thence to the baunders residence. The possibility of bad weather was dls- eussed and the executive committee was authorized to secure the use of Hoyd's opera house , thu 1'axton liotol or Tin : Hii : : building for the reception in case It should bo rainy. The newspapers wore requested to sucgest to the people all along the route of the drive that they should not neglect to decorate their houses , The route of the carriage drive is as fol lows : l.tavo lli.i , building at 1.1. " p. m , , west on Fnrnam to Twentieth , north on Twentieth to Dodge , west on Dodge to Twenty-second , north ou Twenty-second to high school ground entrance , uriivo at high school build ing nt 2 p. m. , leave high school building at 2:20 : p. m. , north on Twenty-second to Chicago cage , east on Chicago to Twenty-tirst , north on to California , west on Cali fornia to Twenty-lifth , .south on Twenty- llfth to Dodge , west on DndeotnTwonly-tlflu nvonue , south on Twonty-tifth nvenuo to Farnnm , west on Farnam to Selden , south on Selden to Leavcnworth , east ou Leavenworth to , south on Thirty- lirst to Woolworth avenue , east on Woolworth - worth avciuib to Twenty-nintn street , north on Twenty-ninth street to .lackson , ea t on Jackson to Twcnty-ulghth , north on Twenty- eighth to Harnoy , easi on Harnev to Twenty- llfth avenue , south on Twenty-llfth avenue to St. Mary's avenue , east on St. Mary's nvonuo to Twenty-fourth , north on Twenty-fourth to Harnoy , east on Marney to Thirteenth , north to Douglas , west to Fifteenth , noitli to Dodge , west to Sixteenth , north on Sixteenth to tiovcrnor Saunders , Sherman avenue nnd ( irncc. TIMI : or AIIIIIVAI. or rAiwiuiK mm : AT VAIU- ( ll'A rolN'IM. 2:00 : p. m. , High school. 2:2.1 : p. m. , Croighlon college. 2Kj : ! ) > . m. , FarnamandTwenty-ilfthavcnuc. yiirtp. m. , Farnam and Thirty-third. 2:10 : p. m. , Selden nnd Jones streets. 2:1.1 : p. m. , Marcy and Thirty-first streets. 2W : > p. m. , Woolworth avenue and Twenty- ninth nvenue. , 2.M : p. m. , Jackson und Twenty-eighth streets. ! lOU : i ) . m. , St. Mary's avenue and Twenty- llfth street. : t:0.1 : p. m. , court houso. 11:10 : ] ) . in. , Jefferson square. Hlfi : p. m. , Sherman nvenuo nnd Paul street , Uil'Op. m. , ( lOvernor Saunders' residence. Will ll UcopciiiMl. The Kestnurnnt Frnncals , on the ground lloor of Tuu Dec building , Seventeenth street HENRY H. VAN BRUNT , COUNCIL I3I..UFFS , IOWA. . - WMOla lSA.Lil3 UKALxIAli IN - Bougies , CiiiTinp , Spring Mpis , Carts , I-IARNE1SS , EXTO. , . Glvos Hotter Vnluo for money thnn nny house on Missouri Ulvcr. Hamilton Grnde Vehicles , Columbia Cnrrlugo Co.'s , Surrlos nncl Phiutons , Bonanza Buggies nncl Phiutons , Spring Wngons , nil styles , Miohignn nncl Vnn Llruiu Bond Wngons , Carts nnd Hnrness in great vnriety. Correspondenoo solicited nnd cata logue nnd prices on application. . . , entrance , will bo reopened tomorrow evening by Mr. Louis | { lche , who , until the insl. , was head coon at the Omaha club. Mr. Klclio needs no introduction to iho club men ot Omaha , ns his reputation us a chef Is al ready established hero. This tlrst class res- tauta'it has been elegantly refitted and nil modern dishes will be fnultle.ssly served to plenso the taste of Ihe most fastidious epi cures. AJIt'SIMIKXTM. Patent nostrums are found ou the stngoas well as in the drug trade. Their entire investment - vestment nnd value consists In ndvertislng. The modern temple of Iho drama is turned into a market place for the sale of notoriety. Yesterday afternoon and last night , lohn L. Sullivan made his appearance on the stage of the Boyd In "Honest Hearts and Willing Hands1' and 'J"iOO people have now an exalted opinion of the champion heavyweight's ability as an actor. It was truly an exhibition worth witness ing , not alone as the basis for future compar ison but as an example of the prostitution of the art which brought Forrest , Booth , Dav enport , McCulloiigh fame on tins side of the water to say nothing of the ability of the men who have Illumined the dramatic page in the ' -tight little island. " Five acts of villainy , heroism , clowning and mock heroics are necessary lo inlroducu a sduntllle sot-to between Iho champion and another fistic follower and when Iho "Knock out" blow is given tl o audience was iiuito willing to cry quits , they had .seen tlio "earnest actor" make ducks nnd drakes of a burly opponent who is carried along for that purpose. The audience cared little for Iho drama. They had conio lo see Sullivan "act" ami as long as ho was on tl.o stage they had eyes only for him. Between his scones , when he was behind the friendly wings working himself up to his heroic task of delciuling the defenceless , the crowd had litlle patience with tlio talk of the oilier characters. In fact , they would rather see John in a monologue enterlainmenl , for then he could have usurped the stage continuously. In composition the audience was the most heterogeneous assbinblago over gathered In Boyd's. Llradcrs in shirt sleeves ' knocked elbow's with legislators , coal heavers exchanged confidences with millionaires , "dead game sports" gave pointers to bank clerks upon the relative merits of Sullivan and his burly antagonist , and throughout fraternity with n capital K spread her bciiig- iniit wings. A tall , lank citizen , with closely cropped mir anil u beard about a fool long , VanDvko brown in color , very suggesllve of frost- touched stains of golden rod Muck into a hammock , remarked confidentially lo a friend at his right , "Uat's do stuff for me. He's a actor , he Is. Why , ho jusl owns do peop' , see' " And that is about the opinion formed by the people iiresent. i After the third net. In winch Sullivan rises to realms of tragedy , remarking lo Iho vll- lian , who by the way ought lo have his voice tiled , "If you say another word I will break every bono in your body , " ho was called on for n speech , nnd in a manner peculiarly Sulllvanesijuo , said : "Ladles and gentlemen , I thank you for your hearty applause and appreciation which you havu shown mo tonight. I nope I shall de.sorvo It in the future as well as 1 have in the past. " | Loud and long continued ap plause. ) But why go on with the recital i Sullivan Illlcd the space allotted to him by a wise playwright. Ho seemed as big as the stage. And at night time when he thinks , which ho has to do In Iho course of the drama , the attendants say It sounds very much like the rumble of a coal wagon over a bridge. S1IMJ \ \ ITU US. Snenlc 'J'hicvcH Mud Oniahiv I nsy I'lllliklllK "t Pl'RHttllt. The police haven't oaught nil the sneak thieves yet , though possibly they may think so. Friday the housebreakers wore at work and yeslorday it was Iho barn and back yard crooks. Some of Iheso professional sncnks probably intend lo slart a llrst class carpenter shop. The barn of IJ. Kennedy at111 North Thirtieth street was broken into some time Saturday nlternoon nnd n line box of tools taken. Entrance was also effected into n work shop belonging to Edward Trapp near the corner of Thirty-sixth and Cumlng | street. Here the thieves gathered together a choice assortment otsaws , chisels , bits , eta. , and de camped. As no ono saw the deeds committed It was impossible to furnish any description of Ihe perpetrators. Tbo police claim to bo working on a clue. Owen Slavetl's residence , near the corner of Tenth and Bancroft streets , was entered during the afternoon or early evening and about ? < > * ) worth of clothing taken. While A. Kahn was riding homo on a IJnilgo street cable car about midnight two men jumped onto thn car , crowded Mr. Kahn n litlle , and aflcr riding a block or so , Jumt'cd off. off.Mr. Mr. Kahn had occasion to look nt Ills watch n moment afterward , but found It missing. Ho suspects the Iwo strangers of having touched him for the ticker. Thu watch is n line gold ono alia quite valuable. The mat ter was reported to the polic'j by telephone. Creighton College 'I he.-itrlcnli. Yesterday afternoon nlt o'clock the "Students Library association" of Croighlon college gave n mullncu pi rformanco of scenes from Iho "Merchant of Venice" and the amusing farce , "Itox A ; Cox. " A largo number of the young friends of the college were In attendance and passed a very enjoyable afternoon. Durinir the rendition of the "Merchant of Venlco" Iho actors were frequently interrupted by the applause , In recognition of their earnest and faithful rep resentation of their respective parts. The humorous situations' In "Box & Cox" af forded much merriment to the audience and proved a pleasant flnnlo to an entertaining day. day.Tho same programme will bo rotated on Wednesday evening , May | ! l , at S o'clock. The members of the "Studonls1 Library as&o- clnlion" expect n largo attendance of their patrons and friends , as they have spared neither labor nor expcnsc to proscnlan agree able performance. Tickets may bo purchased nt Creighton college or from mom burs of the library as soclatlcn. So'illern Tor the force. It was holdlurs * day at the examination for police honors at the lire and | > ollco board meeting ycnterdny afternoon. Out of thu sixteen men examined half of thorn had worn Undo Sam's uluo for from three lo ton years. The commissioners stated at the cloao of SJ'KCrAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. "I > AKKI--WniiU-d ; call toduy at : .smith > A , Co. . .V.'II .Main street. Council Illuils. VM'liSIJ jjlrl wanted liiitm-dlatidy. Oood ! > wages. Cull Hi mi Vine stieut , A ( ir.XTs * Wanted Per \iiteiliniry work of , * 7.'il liases , both Ktigllsli und ( Nt'i.iiiiilir's hotel toduy , or address II. lloiix , I Carson , hi. rpo lovers of hordes The largest lot of nats t-and the finest In the i-lty ; ul-o h.iy and feed of all Kinds , at S. ( loldslcin .t Co.'s , I.K3 West Hroadway. OLAIItN OVA NT and psychometric , or char- actcr readings ; also diagnosis of disease. Send lock of hair for rcudlnis by liitii'r. Sun days and evenings. Mi10. . Hooper. H'JS Avenue - nue K , near corner filth st. , Council It.nils. 17101 ! HA LIC-T'or Hunt-Waiiti-d If you want * - ' lo buy , sell or rent anything In ihi- real estate linn don't do It until you have SIMMI our lame list of ImrgaliiM. Swan & WnlKi-r , No. II ! ! Main and lii : 1'carl strei-ts Council Illullv "IjlHlt SALIC or Trade A linn iniporli'd ' -L1 I'lydi'sdalo stallion. Call on I ) . J. Hutch- bison & Co. . M ? llroiidway. SO.MK line rcsldtmce property for ii-nt by Day , t Ili'ss , : .n 1'iiarl stri-ut. I/OU SALIC- Hotel centrally located , dolnc -L wood business. Or will exchan u for good farm In western Iowa. .Hotel lease , furniture and fixtures ! an A No. 1 chance to stup Into a good paying busi ness llcasons for Milllntf. oilier business ro- iriihlnK all ownur'H atti'iitlon. Hargalnsln rusldunco and bnslnoss prop erty. It. P. onircr , real estate ami insiininco ' No. I : . ' N. Main si. . Council Hind's. ( JAHDKNS Some choice garden land near J Council HlulTs for hale on easy terms. als. "l-yards ! anil a large list of Iowa farms. Johnston. Van I'atttMi. T/MUHT farm for Kale or tr.ido ; well located Land all In buiirlng ; goo I house nti'l burn. \ \ 111 talio some good city property , and K od timcglvoi. on balance. Call ( in or address I ) . J. lliiU'lilnson .t Co. . U1T Hroadway. 1/Um UKNT-Tho MoMuhoii block , 'i story - * - brick , with Imsumcnt und oloviiior. J.V. . Hijnlro , ! ( ) l I'carl street. TpOUil.VLiK or Hunt Harden Uud , wltiT A1 houion , tiy J. U. lllaa. 19i Main it. , OouooU Bluffs CITIZENS STATfi BANK Of Council Bluffs. ' CAPITAL STOCK . . . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 S I. A. Mlllnr , P , O. ( Jlonon ; , K. It. E. R. llarU J. I ) . Cdniunilsnn , Uhticloi It , llnnnan. Transact banking biiHl- ne . Largest capltil and surplus ol any lank In HoiiUiwoslorn Ijrfa. INTEREST ON T I M DE ? O5I _ Gas Heating Stoves. No ASIIE.S ! No HMOKK. Tusl the tiling for bath rootas , bed rooms , cto. Call and see our lur e assort iiii-nU C. B. Gns nnd Electric Light Co. 211 Pearl mid i13 ! Main Kl reel. QR.AND . , Council Bluffs , In. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel is Now Opan. Cragin & Co. , Proprietors. the examinations that no appointments would bo made on account of tho'nb.sonco of Com missioner Gilbert. It was thought probable that the matter would receive atlenllon at the Monday night mooting. No other busi ness was transacted. * ' COMUJCUHIN. Important Mooting to llo Held In St. LoiilH Nuxl Woe ST. Loris , May -Next Tuesday tbero will commence In thliclty n convention of railway employs which from present indications will bo Iho most Important In thu annals of labor meetings , It will bo the twenty-third annual convention of the National order of railway conductors , This organization Is nflllinted with the federation of railway employes and Iho principal ( jiics- tlon discussed will bo the advisability of federation with the firemen , .switch men , trainmen ami the brotherhood of conductors. There will bo In all 'UXJ delegates. Another Important matter to tw decided is that of the location of permanent hcad'iuartnr.s of the order. Indianapolis , Chicago , Kansas City , Omaha , Sioux City and St. Louis are in the race lo secure the location of the ? I < X > ,0W ( building which thn order proposes to erect , and each citv is ably represented by a committee , who mo leaving nothing undone to carry off the pri/e. Out ol' MOIIII * . An nlnrm of fire was sent In from box 28 , corner of Sixteenth and Vlnton strculs. ut 1 o'clock ' this morning. Thu lire was nt the corner of Seventeenth nnd Martha streets In a one-story frame cot tage owned by John Perkins nnd occupied by J. H. Adams. The structure way totally destroyed. Loss on thu building will bo i'MO. ,1. 1) . Adams lost all his furniture ami household effects , valued at 100 , on which thorn Is nn Insurance of f''OO. Un account of the high wind prevailing at the tlmo it was Impossible for iho lira de partment to save either the building or cou * tents. IlondH Korl'HIeil. Judge Irvine was on thu bench for a shorl tlmo ycslordnv nftornoon to dispose of crim inal cases. The following were called , mid ns the prisoners wcro not present the bonds were declared forfeited : John Annls and I'at Keys , grand larceny , bond , fWO ; Will- lam Ilellc , assault with intent to wound. f.WOi William ( Jrcun , selling mortgaged , property , f.lM ) ; A. C. ( irlllln , soiling mort gaged property. ? IWX ) . Suit will at once ba commenced to recover from thn bondsmen. -iiiiiHhl | > Arrivals , " " At Hromerhavcn-'Iho Werra , from Ntvf York. At Hamburg The Augusta Victoria , fion Now York. At Now York The Ulbo , from Uroiuco.