12 THE OMAHA DALLY BEE : SUNDAY , MAY 10 , 1801-SIXTEEN PAGES' . 50 pieces Coloicd China Silks , elegant line1 evening shades , all in one lot Monday , 35c yard. Cheney Ilros2'1inch China silks , black grounds , colored fig ures and stripes , at $1 yard. 15 pieces black China silks , just to keep things humming , 4Sc yard. We arc showing an elegant line of'black silk Granadines at 50c yard , and they are all silk. Some of our competitors claim they arc not silk. We guarantee fiber to be pure silk , or money refunded. We buy them right and consequently can sell them , cheaper than others do. We are also showingavery supe rior line of black Silk Grenadines in figures , checks , stripes and plaids , at Joe , 85c , $1 , $1.25 , $1.50 yard , that cannot be beat in this country. We show an elegant black faille silk , at 75c yard. A fine black gros grain silk , warranted , at 79c yard. Big line fancy brocade silks , in light and medium shades , go Monday at 29c yard. Look us over in silks. We can save you money. TRY US. BENNISON BROS A BOUQUET OF MAY SPORTS , Portinout and Impertinent Oommont on the Play and Players. BREEZY BUDGET FOR BASEBALL CRANKS. SpoUe.s IVom tlio AVIii'cl Knmiol ami Poultry NiiteH TcnnlN , tlio CJim untl Hod anil Intercut- inn The Nonpareils , champions of the city league lust year , and the West Omaha team will open the former's now park , Fifteenth nnd Vluton , today. A good athletic pro gramme 1ms boon arranged. The first event will bo nn exhibition by the Bohemian Turn ing society of ten members , uiulor the instruc tion of 1'rof. Porclvnl. Also n standing broad Jump , sack race , running long Juuiii , hop , stop nna Jump , lUO-ytmi foot nut ) between Jollen , Mahonov inul Dunn South Oniului , nud a tug of war iictweon the two loams. The whole to concluilo with a game bctweon the two tennis , The Nonpareils so fur this season have played three Ramos and won thorn all , defeat ing a picked Uinin , the Crane eonipnn v and the N. H , Falconers. They are putting up n great game , and the West Omaha lads will have to hustle to down tliuiii. The West Omaha team has plaved four games tills season , win ning them all , defeating theCranocompanys , N , U , Falconers and Iwustrong picked teams. Hart will timUo his llrst nppoamnco In the LKIX this season and should do good work. Seats have boon erected to accommodate f > 00 people and the admission Is only 10 cents. Go down nml loud the boys some encourage ment and see the two stionuosl amateur teams In Omaha bnttlo for glory and gale n > ceipts. _ Ijnwyrrn v.s. liallifl'-i. Next Saturday nttornoou the long-talked game between the attorneys nnd bnllltTs will bo played at McCormlclc park. Judge Ksiollo of the criminal court will oftlclato as umpire. There will bo no appeal from his rulings , any one attempting it will bo in contempt of court and suujoct to im prisonment. The proceeds of the game will bo for the benefit of the Open Door. Game called at U > it ni. Following Is n list of players and their pos itions Lawyers. Positions. Bailiffs. Sheean . loft llold . \Vallter Goss . short stop . Valentino Daniels . 1st base . Solon Kolby . right Held . 1 Vntzul I'artloo . catohor . Creighton Koehler . 'Jrd base . Ouvjs Morrison . . . . .center Held . Norborg Cnillo . pitcher . Shields Maxwell . 2nd base . Grubo A Matcli ( iimio Today. The Falconers and the Cranes , both of the city league , will come together at MrCormick park at U p. in. today and battle for a purse of $100 and entire gate receipts. The clubs ire very evenly matched and a good gauio is promt iod. The following is a list ef players and positions : Falconers. Positions. Cranes. Strong . First Base . Bowman Stoney . Second Base . Carrlgan Kassmusscn . Short Stop . Purcell Norgreon . Third Huso . Watts Draydeu . Left Field . Butler Sauudcrs . Mlddlo Field . Wigman Bonn [ son . Uicht field . Mounnhan Miller . Pitcher . Williams Gailku . Catcher . S wartz KMVIII llnvn u Team , Hustings is to have n ball tenm after all. Manager Hohrer of last year's team has gath ered together some good talent. The hand' some uniforms of the late Kearney loam have boon piirvhusod , bud the Hastings Hustlers nra ready for the fray. The teuui Is now A 42-inch black brilliantinc , goes Monday at 50c yard , worth ? 5c. 5 pieces M-inch black and white stripe brilliantinc , 50cyd.i worth $1:00 : A lot of ' 12-inch black brocade brilliantincs , at 5 ° c a yard , worth $1. 20 pieces 'Ifi-inch hcnriettas in black and staple colors ; remem ber , < lo inch wide , only 50c yard. Monday , we place on our counters a lot of fine all wool dress goods , odds and ends of 'broken lines , in plaids , slripcs and checks , plain , henricttas , di agonals , etc. All good colors , all at one price to close , only 49c yard1 Hig lot .of colored henricttas and fancy diagonals,38-inch wide. Go Monday , 25c yard. Hig lot black and white cotton jhenriettas.double folds ; in checks , plaids and figures , only IScyard. Best line challis in town at Oc yard. Ladies' Vassar shirt waists , el egant line just arrived , at 75c , $1.35 and $1.50 each. Ladies' fast black lisle Jersey ribbed vest , : ( c each. 200 pieces wide fancy ribbons , Monday , all silk , only 19c yard , worth up to 75c. Black silk sun umbrellas at $1.50 , $1.75 , $2 , $2.50 , all war ranted. Child's parasols , 35c each , BENNISON BROS open for cngagumenl.s to teams in Nebraska. The personnel of Iho learn embraces : W. Bulger , calchor ; Sam Ppwcrs , pitcher ; Mc- Kibbon , second ; J. Koynolti * , short ; II. Al exander , middle ; J. A. Fcriruson , third , all of last year's team. The team has boon strengthened by the addition ot three Cedar Kaplds ( Iowa ) players Houser. loft ; Wal lace , llrst , of the Athletics , and 11. A. Morin of the Golden Eagles. Mamigor Kohrer has decided to cncloso thu old Western association grounds , south of the B. & M. and St. Joe tracks , the grounds being more convenient for the patrons. ' ( ho Poultry Kvlilhlt. The Omaha Poultry , Pigeon and Pot Stock association gave n very nice exhibit of their fowls Monday , May 4 , atJill South Four teenth street , showing what they have done in tho. short spnco of forty days. The rooms wore pacltod from 7W : : ) to 10(0 : ! ( p. in. with ladles and gentlemen as tbo affair was free. There was also a largo number of children admitted. The association Is growing very fast nnd will no doubt some day nrovo to bo a powerful body' in the poultry affairs of Nebraska. At the close of Iho show the pioiidout was called upon to address the meeting. Mr- Maher , president , taking the constitution , explained Ihe object of the association. Hav ing a thorough knowledge concerning the cultivation thu love for thoroughbred fowls , pigeons and other pet stock , the as sociation would bo pleased to have all inter. csted inuko application to the secretary - rotary , ll. C. Bowden , Onialm , Neb. , who will glvo any information required The list of exhibits ; C. Clifford shows u trio of dark Bramahs from Canuda. II. C. Bowden a trio of Silver Spangled Hamburgs from New York. II S. Thomas , Buff Cochins , white Spanish Partridge Cochins , Pokin Buntams , whlto Leghorns and Sim- martryas. 1 { . F. Maher , Sllvzr Gray Dor kings , which were Imported. C. A. Locks , black Minrrvas. U , L. Chiles , black breasted red games William Moldrum , pit games. G , W. Hervcy , light Bramahs. The pigeon functors fulled to nhow their birds and ihore were nouo present. Tlio WiiHliliij Kpn Tennis T.iurni'y. In the open lennls tournament for the championship of the south , which begins at the court of tuo Bachelor club in Washington , D. C. , on .May 15 , entries have boon made- from all parti of tbo north and south. Among those who will participate are O. S. Campbell - boll , champion of the United States ; B , Spauldlng Do Gnrmcdia , who holds the racquet championship ol tbo United States ; A. E. Wright , present champion of the south , and who won the tournament at St , Angus- tlno ; Valentino U. hall , who , whh C. Hobart , holds the championship of Uio United States , nt doubles ; Hall brothuis , C. L. Post , jr. , and Mason F. Prosper , who won the doubles hero two years ago , and E. H. Thomson nnd It. V. Beach , winners of the doubles in the District of Columbia hist fall. AVork for tlio Athletic flul ) . No city in the United Stales of the dimen sions of Omaha U so fur behind In athletic affairs in this same Guta L'lty. There U no good reason for this , and a change should no brought about without further delay. The new athletic club has the chance to make this n Mecca of legttlmato , healthful sport.s. In the equipment of the now gymnasium every detail calculated to place It on a stand ing with those of tlio larger cities should bo observed. Field sports will follow i < orfcct facilities for indoor practice and preparation. Tbo city has a line ball club , kennel snd poul try organizations , and with oroper manage ment the cuibrvo athletic club could bo built no lousinadurd commensur.itcly meritorious , Tlio liiMinol dull. The regular monthly meeting of the Omaha Kctinol club takes place next Tuesday , May 1'J , The president rospoctfullv requests that nil members bo present nt S p. m. sharp , us thuro will IK ) some very important business transacted which U of Interest to each In dividual member. The club has now on tlio all the leading doggy papers of Eurojw and America , Including the Cnnlno World , pub lished in London , England , the Forest and Stream , the American Field , etc. , and cordially Invite everybody Uiu-roited In dogs DOjlSTIGS , 25 pieces striped Outing Flannels go Monday at ' | } c yard. Standard Prints 3 0 yard. 36-inch Unbleached Muslin , 4c yard. i case 36-incb Bleached Muslin , just as oed as Lons- dalc , 15 yards for $ i. i case Utica 36-inch bleached Muslin 59j c yard. 25 pieces blue checked Shirt ings at 50 yard. 10 pieces 36-inch solid black Penango , worth I5c , go Mon day at 7l4c yard. " 100 Feather Pillows , 3 Ibs , at 5QC each. 50 pices Scotch Zephyr Ginghams at iSc yard , worth 25C. Monday we offer a lot of pink Chnmbrays at 6c yard , worth i2 c. 40 pieces 36-inch figured Percales , regular 12 ] 4C goods ; go Monday at 7Ac yard. BLOKES , Monday , ladies' fine quality black silk Gloves f oc pair , worth 750. Ladies' black silk Mitts 250 pair ; good ones. Ladies' black silk brilliant lisle Gloves i5c pair , cheap at 25C. 25C.Kid Kid Gloves ; gc 'pair , worth up to $1.50. BENNISON BROS to their club room , whcro they may read these pauers free of charge. The club has also arranged to procure the leading works on dogs. Such us "Slone- hengo , " "Dalzial , " "Shuw , " and others , so that there will bo no lack of lltcraluro to post its members. The rooms nro atU South Fourteenth , over Mount & Griffin's coal ofllcn. The genial Billy Meldrum will wait on anybody coining to thu club room any tiino free of cost. With Your Morning CoiTop. Spokane Falls has gobbled up Philaco Vlau. Grilllths has struck n losing streak for St. Louis. Hochestor has accepted Tom Sullivan's terms. Dewald is a pretty light man to last through a season , The Western association clubs are drawing big crowds. Big Morrissey is doing the heavy hitting for Sioux City. The southern clubs are now playing In the northern cities. Pickctt is doing only fairly well nt short for Kansas City. The Toledo contingent of the Sioux City team is all right. Larry Twitcholl has hit Omaha hard ; also several pitchers. Minnohan made the first homo run for the Minneapolis team. The Toledo portion of the Sioux City team is doing great work. When Elinor Smith's arm Is all right watch Kansas City advance. * Stearns is hitting harder than anybody in the Kansas City team. Denver has signed George Treadway and released II. T. Payne. Esper has won every game In which ho has officiated for the Phillies. Jack Itowo finds the western circuit speedy enough for any ball player. The Columbus crowd all but mobbed Bob Ferguson , and thu veteran is mad , "Pop" Corkhill has loan moved lute cenler and McGoachy inlo right lor the Athletics. They say that "Grasshopper Jim" Whit ney is ill with consumption at Blnghamton. Schrlvcris Milwaukee's winning catcher Ho has no superior in the Western associa tion. Tommy Poorman is a great Jloldoi' . Ho has played in leagues all over the country since 1SSS. Manning is called "Herman Long No. 2" Kansas City from the way ho plays short stop , Jimmy Donahue jumped Kansas City , but Wll on , the now man , is filling tils place in good shape. The next game of ball at McCormlclc park will bo between Omaha and Denver , Thurs day , May a'J. Harrington is a great hustler. Watkins would give UP a good deal to beat Minneapo lis this season. Dummy Kyn doesn't do any kicking , but ho often frightens pitchers when ho has a day on In batting. Genius Impressed Kansas City as being a great third baseman , and Earl as being a first class catcher. Kansas Citv is In no way alarmed. Man ning says ho Is afraid of no team , and confi dence Is half the baltle. The men who jumped the Western associa tion reserve rule are Mains , Donahue , Cana- van , Knell and Griffith. Knight says Sowders hasn't the spend ho had last year. Knight umplroa In thu Play ers' league and saw him pitch. Minneapolis , Milwaukee and Kansas City will hnvo to whoop thltijfs. They can't win a pennant on last year's record , Sioux City U keeping n boitm * man on the bench than shu ' has In her whole outfield , and his first name Is Bobby lllncic. Shorlstop Walsh has a hold on the Western association. Ho has. boon playing before wttetorn nudioucos for mimy year * , Willie Gaspl | > o Mams seems to be full of chain lightning thU spring. Wally la < it his head when he purlud with Willie , The Louisville papers settled JooGorhardt , Nearly nil fought the Idea of tils rolurnlug to his old love and ho has boon ivleasod. Kansas City , Milwaukee and Cincinnati We carry the largest line of hosiery for ladies , gents and children , carried in the west. Note the prices : Ladies' fast black , opera length hose at 850 andi pair , you cannot buy them any where else less than $1.20 to Ladies' Ijsle thread , opera length hose , drop stitch , high colored tops , fast black boot , at $1.25 pair ; worth $2. Ladies' fast black silk , opera length' hose , at $1.00 pair ; cheap at $2. 25. Ladies' fast black hose , at 350 pair ; worth 5oc. Ladies' fast black hose at 5oc pair , worth ; 5c. 100 dozen ladies' balbriggan hose , Monday , full regular made , 130 pair , worth 25c. 100 do/en ladies' fine gauze balbrigg-an hose , full regular made , 250 pair , cheap at 5oc. A lot of ladies' fancy stripe silk hose at 690 pair worth $ 1.50. We offer Monday a lot of about 100 doxen children's fine lisle thread -"and fine cotton hose , in plain colors , and blacks iormcrly sold , for 5oc toi pair They must go Monday , choice 25c pair , sizes from 5 to S/ . Big line children's fast black hose/all sfz.cs , 5 to 9 , at loc pair. ' . . , . ' We can please you on ho siery. , . , BENNISON BROS I nro all scrambling after Elmer Foster , with tin ? chauca * in fnvor of the latter city. Buclcunbergcr is a good judo ( of ball play ers. \villdosoinotullhustllnpforSioux Oily if the treasury U well supplied with uionoy. Frank Dwyer was virtually released to St. Louis , but such a howl woitt up tnat Chris VonUcrAUoaccoptod Willie Billie McGlll instuacl. Huckcnliergor says ho doosn't expect to win the ponnnnt , but ho exuuits to stand ui > well in t&o race , and ho ouRht to do it with the team he has. Dave Howe played a gatno the other day and came near IcnocUitiKtho cover olt the b.ill. They say ho "roasts" the follow , now , whoso "oyo" is'wltlihiin. achcioeclc is called "She" all through the wcstcra circuit , llo ought to bo able to inalto somebody feel qulto Haggard before the sea son wills. Hcu Mulford. The I'hilllc have Jerked Mr. .rosephusMul- voy Into court to show cause why ho should not disgorge that S1,1U ! ho took from thorn under false pretenses a year flfjo. Old Cy SntclilTo's praises are sunc from the hill tops in and around Onialm. The out pour of woolly west enthusiasm may cause Cy's head to swell. Sporting Times. Elmer Smith , who owned n portion of Kan sas City last season , Is away olt in pitching this season. That wonderful llnimuiit of Elmer's has received a temporary setback. It will bo hot work when Minneapolis and St. Paul rub up against one another In the opening games. St. I'-ul will go wild If her favorites will only win the series from the Minnies. The Wacnor-Sharslg war has been inau gurated and it is liliclv to affect the Athletics' campaign. Lastseason the Lnvo-IIIlt-Fogarty row was disastrous , and history seems about to repeat itself. Hick Carpenter has started oft brilliantly. The old war horse Is Holding beautifully and hitting the ball hard and often. Kansas City no more howls for a successor to Carpenter , "i'is well 'twere so. Norman Baker , old Norman who was In the battle of New Orleans , pitched u gainu out In Omaha the other day agahiHt the big St. Pauls and gave them only two hits , nnd one of those was a scratch. Snorting Times. Undo Anson found Dahlon they call him "Dall"In the Cobleskill club ot the York State league. "Anso" could doubtless take a trip to Alaska and come back with an Eiipumau who would bo llablo to play out of sight. It is iiot true that Danny Stearns is a He brew. His father used to bo a member of the Buffalo police force , nnd Hebrews are very seldom found pa the police department. The Hebrew Is also a rare quantity In base ball as players. Omaha is certainly in need of a general utility man and should lose no time in secur ing one. Bob Glite is in Cincinnati without a job and Tom Estabrooko in Broonlyn In the same llx. Eithermm ] | would be a line acqui sition to the Ormilm team. Cushman has voty- little sympathy with on umpire. Umpire Knight says that when Cushman umpired ho was the "roltenest In the business. " JIu thinks the Milwaukee men should bo chUrj" of blaming the umpire under thecircum < Ujices. Uowald , Sioux City's "star" pitcher , Is a little fellow whoso delivery resembles Kil- roy's. He Is from the Jamestown team of the Pennsylvania-New York league , and ho pitches a very deceptive ball. In addition , no has a very cool head and plenty of nerve. If he were a little Heavier , ho would look like a winner. Kansas City Is In a crippled condition on her present trip and cannot hoixi to do bolter than break even. Conway and SwarUel were left behind and Elmer Smith is in no condi tion for box work. Sawders , Pears. Wooer and Johnson will bo expected to do the work in the box , and judging from what they have already done the outlook for Kansas City Is decidedly Ulue. However , Sowders may yet strlko his gait or tbo team mav continue to hit the Dull hard and manage to come out all right. Several weeks ape our Omaha correspond ent , Sandy tlnswold , got oft the expression , "Ho couldn't hit the earth if bo tell on" a house. " Since then every parrot writer In the countrv 1m * managed to got a whack at It , and they are not yet all heard from. Of course , uono of tlie u second-baud dealers give Sandy credit for bis wit when they steal it. It is as bad us that "Llkivthe-lnUil-ou-tho- CLOAKS. CLOAKS. Closinj' out snlo of all Spring Clonks , in Lurtios' , Missus' mid Children's Jackets , Cii | OH inul Wraps. Now Is the tiino to buy a line spring pit-mont lit tiwiiy down prices. LADIES' OAPElS , $ g.98. All Ludlos' Ciii c3 , formerly scllinpr it $ : . ) , S-4 , ? . ' > : ind * 0 , Monday , choice $12.1)8 ) ench , in blui'k and tun. LxADTEXS' CAPEXS , $5.00. Lndioa' nine Hroadoloth Capes. In all black , ulHO black with frilt brnidinp , IIHO llplit tun and preys , formerly soll- iiitf nt * ( i.50 , $8 , and $10. Cholco Monday only half price So each. Oiiilclreii's Roofers , $1 .38. Children's Navy Kluo ttoofors , trim med in jilt , all sixes , -1 to 12 years , Mon day only , Sl.8 ! ! each , formerly sold at SU'tmd & 2.50. MIQSRS' JAOKELXS , $3.98. Our entire stock Misses' Jackets Mon day , at the low price $3.03 each. Only half regular price. . xTAGKE/TS , . $3.98 , $5 , $3. ) . Our entire stock Ladies' Jaokots , in Reefers , Bla/.ors. also with vest fronts , at only about half prico. Monday $ H.S ! ) ; was 85.00 to $0.00. Monday $5.00 ; was $ ( i.50 to S8.50. Monday $8.50 ; was $10. 00 to $15.00. BENNISON BROS bottlo" chestnut. New York Sporting Times Editorial. "Elmer Thurmanized" was the headline which E. Kickoiogy Uifoimt over the screed which made Cleveland pack his valise and take to the woods. This paragraph Is a sam ple of the hot shot IlreU into the unfortunate victim of circumstances : "When Captain Charles Comlskoy arose from his downy couch at the Park hotel this morning ho probably shook hands with himself effusively ami said to the same personage in a low , musical tone of voice , 'Wo can't lose so long as Elmer Cleveland plays third base for Columbus. ' " AVImt the Anintoiir.s Arc Jcllon Is all right. Crolghton is catching fine ball. Williams is pitching very bum ball. Lacey is showing up well bahind the bat. Fly nn Is holding down llrst base In good shape. Lon. Camp will cover third for the West Omahas. Cnrrignn is. very confident of winning to day's game. The Crane company's team does not appear lo ho In il. KlolTner's hatting Is not ns heavy as It was last season. SUmoy still continues to play bag No. 2 In excellent shape. Peterson and Dolan are doing good work for the Shamrocks. Druxol is b.ittlng like u four-time winner for the Wheel Club. Bennlson will resume Jds position In the Held for the Falconers. The West Omahas wish to arrange a game with the Fremont team. Frank Maliouoy has been changed back to his old position shorlstop. The Falconers are in It and came pretty near doing the Nonpareils. Ben Wellbaum and lam Koycs are playing with the Madihon , Nub. , team. Drayden iscoverlng third in a No. 1 style , and llnding thu ball regularly. Carrlgan and his famous aggregation have not won u game yet this season. Sloney is playing a phenomenal game at second and batting out of sight. The South Omahas go to Blair today. Watch thu Blair "Giants" "do 'em up. " Bolan Is a recent addition to the \Vost Omaha trum. He will cover short field. aTho Falconers would llko to hoar from Blair , Missouri Valley and Nebraska City. The Falconers have lost Buck Adams , pitcher. Ho loft for the co.ist last Tuesday. The Shamrocks have ordered their now uniforms. They are beauties and no mistake. Watts , the Crane company's now "corra phcnom" third baseman , doe.i not como up to uxpciUtions. Windy "Strong" Is windier than over this season. Ho couldn t hit a balloon with u string tied lo it. Limdmn's work with Blair this season will bo watched with interest by Ids many Omal.a admirers. Dan U a good one. Cco. ! Mattorson will manage the West Omaha team this season. He says he will have a winning team or none at all. Tew thinks his team Is a winner. Wait until they run against some of our crack teams. Omy ! Omul Hoxy they will drop. The Falconers hnvo made two changes In their Infield. Strong will pl.iv llwt and Nor- green third , Saundorsaud Dray ton bi-iug re legated to thu outfield. "Soud" Furrlsh , after eight years of ama teur baseball management , has at lust uc > i n compelled , through business , to withdraw from the management of the Muivi. Hn will bo succeeded by his old assistant , Franu KonUton. The Diamonds have reorganized and will piny ns follows : Quintan , catcher ; Lindsav , pitcher and lofttluld ; Davis , firs t ; Howell , second ; C. Frank , short , G. Frank , third. Carmello , pitcher and luftflcld , Hoffman , middle and Weamo , rlsnltleld. The Eden Minoo loam for the season of 1MI1 will be composed of the followluc play ers : Calchers , Mlllett and Crclghlua ; pitchers , McConnell nnd Goodrich on bases ; Wlthnell , Keunl.ston , John McCreary , Van Aruam and Molro.se fielders. Shannon , Bit- longer nnd extra calcher. When Ihe team gels into good playing form Manager Lawler will take tno team to Salt Lane , playing a week In tuo city of salt and thu principal Great bargains in Carpets , Cur tains , Mattings , Rugs , Oil Cloths , etc , We control a 'great many patterns in Body Brussels , Tapes tries , Velvets , Moqudtcs and In grains. We make .ind lay Carpets petsby experienced workmen and guarantee the very lowest prices. We are closing out a great many lines of Nottingham Lace Curtains , Chenille Portieres and Madras Curtains at greatly reduced prices. Straw Mattings at any price you want , CHILDREN'S BONNETS , QRn Ffln 71 < y OUUj JUbjill / , 4)1. ) Monday wo will plit'jo on sale the grusitest Imrfiiiiiis in Children's LSon- npts ever lionrdof at the low price of ! ! " ) C , SOu , 7o and $1 ; worth just 60 per cent inoro. SUMMER CORSETS , 50c. Just arrived , another case of thn.so rocular $1 quality Suinmoi1 Corsets ; come in and see them. On sale Mon day at the low wicu , of 50c. Gamp , Monday will bo the great day to buy Baby Carriages. Never before wore Baby Carriages olTorod at such prices as will bo at our store Monday. Baby Carriages at $ .1. $0.50. $8 , $3.91) ) , $9.SO , $10 and $12 ouch ; they are only 0110- half regular retail prico. BENNISON BROS towns between hero and there. The team will bo ono month on the road. The team will play their lirst game at Lake Munawa next Sunday. Wliinperliifit nl'tlio Wheel. E. II. Smith will leave for St. Louis in a few days. Pcrrlgo received n pneumatic tired safety last week. BlcndorfT and Muntofcrlng rode to Papil- lion last Tuesday evening. The Apollos called run for today : Elk City , Nob. ; start about 8 a. in. \VcrU will do no morn racing for the next six months to comu. Ho has ordered an Eagle. Friday evening. May 21 ' , the A. C. C. will hold their next social at the residence of Mr. Muntofcrlng. Louisville bicyclists are happy over the opening of a new tiack at the Auditorium building there. Muntcfcring Is waiting patiently for that Columbia to come. Tbo Fourth of July will bo plenty of time , Monte. The Atlantic. City wheelmen are to open up their now track nt the Inlet with a big tournament on Decoration day. The ilrst moonlight run of the season will bo to Blair Saturday night. May 23. Thc. < o runs are line and should bo well at tended , If Uocltford draws the prize as the place for the annual meet of the Illinois division. League of American Wheelmen. Several Omaha wheelmen will attend. The Chospoako wheelmen are to celebrate their anniversary in a novel way at Balti more. They are to give a boxing tourney and banjo contest. They call their enter tainment "A Tobacco Burning and Feed. " Ashbury park down in Jersey , is making war on the cyclist mi'l has driven riders olt thu sidewalks. That's right , but the Jersey- lies who have in-imed a dozen people with in the past year are lighting for "their rights. " A big pirty of the wheelmen of Chicago are going to camp out with the wheelmen of the northwest at Nagowieka lake. Wis. , the llrst two weuks In August. It Is possible that some Ohio "bikers" will mane It conven ient to spend their vacations then ) . ( icncrul Sporting ( inH lp. Volturno , the stallion , Is dead. Rolling la very light nt I.oxirgton. Havorford college takes very kindly to cricket. Common won the uroat 2iOii ( guineas stake for three-year-olds at Newmarket. Salllu McClelland was pretty badly hurt at Lexington by falling during the race. Helen Englohardl. Ihe champion lady fencer , is with Lastor & Williams' company. Tom Anderson beat U. .f. Millwood In their quiol match , ' 'I lo IT , and captured the Ualuy medal. Frank Glover was knocked out nt St. Paul last nluht by Dick Moore. Three round * set tled the Chicago pug. J. K. Emmol has sold Pllulimman , his famous St. Bernard , to E. II. Moore of Melrose - rose , Mass. , for f. > , WO. The "Black Prlnco" has challenged Ororrfo Peters of Dutrolt to moot him May li ! for from $100 up to ? IH ( , i side. Long Shot was well named. The specu lators who put up thuir money at odds of ' 'U to I ut Na hvll'o ' were hupyy. Klufiix boat tionil line In the match rare of six and one-half furlongs for i 1.000 a sldo at 'Fruco. A now record was made 1 : JH4. ( G. Stern won the qmirtcr-mllu .huh nt Cottage - tago Grove In tl" seconds. Stern had nftoon yur.ls btart over Barrett , Curran and Cordon. G.wMmlth . Maid's "ofllclal horseshoor"- Charlns Hull has Just died al Hartford. Hn w.u given a salary Ju t to look after the Maid's hoofs. Lee S. Dunn , an Atlanta horseman , was found dead In n cull at Chattanooga's lockup Ho had been jutlod for drUKonnofts and dlivl from alcoholism. Michael broke the mlln record ovur the Lexington track In 111 He U by lmi > orlod Glen Athol out of Verbena and will b < > HCHMI In the Latonln derby. Thu llrst of the get of Gimo to npixnr on the turf U Pescaudero , a tine looking bay colt out of Modn Howur.l , by Sncrnmonto His running at Sau Jose , Cal , , whcro ho MAS .1.000 rolls of wall paper at HP. fie , Oc , To , So. 10 < v- roll. I'lezant. line gilt wall paper at lUJe. So , UV. l.'ie. mil. The prices wu ask you for wall piiiiur. are not half nsii : il nilall prluoj. lira is bird cage springs , lo. Coal hungers , le. Wardrobe hooks Ic. Tea Spoons , le. Calco pat lies , lo. Niitmi'it i nuois , lo. HalilRss Miaps , | o , Milk Skimmers , h ; . Individual Salts , le , Popper Dredges , le. o Ciirpot tacks , lo , Lamp wicks , le. Key rings with tablet , lo. Ciikii cutters , le. Tea strainers , le. 1 pound * , packages bird seed 5J , I'rylng pans. llc ) , l"ic ! , I."c. Lamp clilmnoy.s , ; to and 5o. Toilet pupur. Se. Itolllng plns5c. lido/en elnt lu > s pins Ac. Flour sifters , lUe 1'ot covers .r c. A-hiilugeni pans IDo. Copper Ixiltom lou kettles 2. " > c. Solid ropper tea kettlesl"i. Largi ) .slo dlnh pans'.Vic. 11)1) ) ) wash boards lie , Host clothes wringers 11,7. . \Vostern wnshliig macldno-tl,5D , Decorated chain * I.amp shades fie. Dover eng boaters lOc. Ice picks . " > < and IDo. Haiiglng lainjis il.O * . -foot stepladder .V.'f. Docoralod chamber sets n ploeoi. JI.W1. ( llass fruit dlshoi 1'e and T > c , worth ; i" > o amj T. > o. Plain glass tumblers -'ic ' naeh , Hlown glass tunilcrsc ; ; ! ) but. ( Iliss : water pltohnrs lUo. Sugar sifters I.ic. < Jlass cream sots lUo. o 2-boop palls I Da Huukeye luwu mowers fl.O' . 1,0(1) ) foot lawn lio-e ino fool. Covered lunch baskets 10u and " " > o. Mexican bammouksil.OO and JI.U.'i. llaso balls fie. Sc , Hie. 1.Vsso ot.eb , Huso ball huts. Tic. lOc , " : iT > u. ( iai'don spiidc.s and shovels , l'c ! each , Steel Karden r.ilies * . ' . 'n ; and Me , ( iurden h ( > osi"O ! and Il'io. Hoys' larxo iron a.vlu I'xprnss wagons 50o. Willow doll buggies ! Wu and USe each. Poldlni ; clothes bars Wo. ) Couper bottom wnsh boilers , r > 9c. ( o. Just arrived ; a largo line of picnic lunch basliols. Infants' toilet baskets , Ladiui , work baskets , otc , Urcat bargains In wall paper. BENNISON BROS defeated by a scant neck , Indicated that later : on ho may bo hoard from. The Black Pearl staid before Bob Fitzslm- mons for four rounds at Minneapolis much to the chagrin of the crowd , who expected a knockout in short orJor. Iko Weir , "tho Spider , " says bo will quit the prize ring and take tin baseball , ' -where you get your money. " It Is a good thing Iknv didn't go Into thu brotherhood last ear with that idea in his noggin. 4 Tom Uynn'H visit to Minneapolis 1ms fo > f vivod the tallc of a malch with Charley KOIJV mic. Kyan Is willing to batllu at Ml ) l , glvo-or tnko two pounds and weigh in ono hour before fore the contest. The purse must not bo loss than $ . ' ! , ( )00. ) John E. Owens of Parkersburg has pur chased of L. & F. D. Stout of Dubunuo the chestnut colt Eolian , llvo weeks old , by Nut. vvood.out of Alpha.'J rJII ' .paylng ? Tr > ( N ) . This is said to bo the highest prlcb ever paid for so ' young a colt. Steps will be tauon at once to arrange n scries of International football games. Tim funds necessary to send a team abroad Imvu been raised , butunless games cauboarrangod with the very best clubs of Great Britain tlui team will not go. Big ,11m , the "ringer , " who has boon cam paigned throuch Virginia and Maryland In slow classo- , for two years past , turns out to bo the bay goldlng Editor , by Princess. llo has n record of'J'jii : ; ; ! and used to show hir heels to all rivals. Quo.stloiiM mill AiiMWorn. roi'xrir. Hi.rrrs. In. . MayftVTo the Sport ing l-.dltor of TUB Uix. Will you please Inform mo throngiM Sunday's HIK : where I can pnr- chase a well bred southern biood hound ? Illank. Ans.--J. Wincholl , Fair Haven , Vt. Cniuu Hi.rur * , Nob. , May T. IT. G L't- tocts : Know nothing af any such expedition. STitOMsm-mi , No.b , May ( -To Iho Sporting Kdllor of TIIK UKK : A hols U Dint . .InmeK. . lloyd would lin oloolod governor of Nrtira k.i , and no Mr. lloyn Imlng ousted , vim wins tlio but'C. . A. lYterMin. Aus.A. . OMAHA. Nob. . Mny T.-To HIP Sporting Editor of Tun UKK : High flvo : A nnd m : Cum ! D .11 ; A bids T nnd makes hlil ) , low. ( Ivoj C and I ) . Jiick niul gnmo. Which win1 J. Loiirks. Ans. C and D. NOIITII 1'i.ATTK. Nob. , Mnvf > . To IhoVnnrl- Ins Ivlltor of TIIK UIK : : Plcasa nnsuur the followlni : in Suniliiy'.s UKK : A mnn on sotwul buso. the tiatlcr N hit byn pftrliod l > nlI.Nniun on scconil aMowoii to co 10 I'tn1 or run hold It If ho runs It on the play ? Crank. Ans. ( .1) ) Xo. t'Ji No ; the ball U dond until pitcher gcU ball and rolnrn.s to tBo lx\ . ( ii.KNWoiin. In. , Mny V Toth IMrtlllg lil- llorof TIIK Huu : I'lcas-o Inform nio hon ( imaha'.s second basemun In I.ss7Jlm Uor- lll-t-4. Ans. Al Swift , A. May 6.-T.1 the Sporting Editor of TIIK IIKK : 1'lciiMi hlnlo In Sumliiy' * Uur. w | , , .n , Iho mniily nrl of si > lf-di > fcn tt In tniiKht. tlio IcniMh or time usually n iutn > il to hccmuo pnilK'lont. nud the probuhlc o\pen o ? A > nb- siTlbor. Aus.Apply to Prof. Jacic Davis , care Lou Ilibbon. OMAHA , N b. , MnyS. To tbo ? | xirtlni KM- lor of 1 in : UKK : I'loa-o Halo hi SiiinlnrN UKK frtim nhom Omuba houxlil Kid Nichols , niul wlmt sort nf n rooont did ho Unto bofotv com- liiitto Omthin ! : ! | > rt. Alls.No ono. Su ,1ix > clnlmnd hlai bv reason of their purchase of the Kansas City team , but their claim did not hold gooj. Nichols niiiila a Hint nvonl the year previous wlti ilia Mamphli , Southern longuo toam. OMUU , Nnb. . May 0 To thu Sporlltu 1M- itur of TIIU UKK : I'loa-o Inform mo tlironili Mimli'n IlKit lUiclhcr J cl , Mos-.Hi 1ms boon roloiiM'il by liniivor inul Hlicni ho i pluj Ins. AUo Iho price of iiiltiiUiUin for la llos. at tlui ball | iirk : und "liollior ilioro l a ladloV day. -ub. ! Ans. ( ll Yiw. ( i i Troy , N.Y (81 ( Twenty- tlvo cents all parts of the ground , id No. Si-i'snnm. Nun. . Mny --To tlu > SiNirtlni : I'dlli ref TIIK UHK : HiK-li Hvo. II : i. W 41) . W miiki-s trump HIII | HiMirot hiKh nnd bnth tl\m , U , low wnd Which ' KUIIIU lns'--l\Mimlcni. Aus II. A Sii.-oilli' flir ilit Grippe. Munv p 'r oiisvlio have ivoovottxl from the iiilluunia are now troubled with n p.-ris- tout cough. Mn A J. Alien , wife ut ilia editor of the Scott I'ountv ilowm Biadosays ChaiitH ( > rlaln's C'oiigh Kcmctly l.i n spccitlo for the cough which usually follow * nu nt- talu of la urlpiw. For tolo by ull aruggUu.