G THE OMAHA DAILY BBJB THUJKHDAY , MAY 7 , 1801. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Bulls Take a Turn in the Chicago Wheat Pit. CEREALS GENERALLY QUOTED HIGHER , ItniiRC ori.cndlnir Futures cw York Grain nnd Provisions St. I.ouls nnil KaiiHiiH pity Mar * H rinnnclal. ClltCAOO , May C. It wns the turn of the Lulls In whont , but this wns not nccompllshcd without opposition from the hears and the upward touiso of prkos wns maikid by n numlt'i of sharp renctloiiB. The believers In lower prlconnioHtlll confident In their po l- tlon nml at o predicting n still fuithcr leduo- t'nn In vuliiLsof lOo per iiuhol or about 23o from the top llgurcs of two wwls : URO. The conditions today weni largely In favor of tlio bull movement. I'lrst In Importance lu this lLhalfwm ) the reduction of the rrciuli tarllf on who it nnd lloui In an amount estimated to ho equivalent to ll'jr ' per bUEhol. Then came Iliadstreet's repoit on the \lslblo supply , shottliundiciejiscof 20\0 0 buMitls cait of tlio llocky mount ilns nnd SOO.OCO IIIMI- ) | els west of the ItocUts. The fact of the ri'i-ctit heavy dicllno In prkos was al on factor as fnvorlngn , reiluc- tlnn. Tlioiu irltit no doubt wns Inrtuly ovci- told and buyliu ot nny toiisoquoiito croati d net voiisne'ti among some of the shorts , I'oi- tlgncrs wcro rej/oitid to htvo : bought whent ut the seaboard. Tlioro was lcs ! pressure to ho.l nnil at times the olTerlnirs wore vciy light to that the nun Kit rcsiiondid tendlb to the dcminid. About Iho enl > news favorable to the heirs : was the wcaKor nnd lower foreign imnkets. 'I IIP buj Ing at the start was led by Koohi , I.lndhorA White , Seaveins and Ituatu The soiling on the ( Irst advance v\asby 1'nrd- rltlpo nnil Ilnldwln-rariiiiin. On each I'lcuk , liowevir , Iho bear crowd wns fuel } ' buying nml hut few of them sold v i ry heav lly on the SU'IM qtiont ilscs Kenni , L'nn nnd I'uidildio wcro probibly the only o\ceptloiis. July vhoatKtnrtcd nt'JbUe. spetdlly sold toWJi1 , broke toli8'jc , then Improved to MJiO. fell bnok tolhVc uiiil on the ncxtndvnncovvcnt lotl.Oiii but wcnkencd before the close to tl 00. A much In tier tooling wns manifested In rorn with less prossuio to sell and moro Incli nation to buj the losult being a much stead ier undertone tlnu for sovoial dnjs past , lieeolpts were light , cablis rather bettor and pile , 11n Niw Voik woni hUhui All marKols vvcio lltht. llryunt mndo an inolfectual nt- tempt to 1 icaK pilce , his ollcrln wcrcab- Borbtd by the bulls ind the aiUnnco contin- ULil . 'ill ' } oiened | at fiii3ic ! , and with one or two reactions fold up to Cl c , closing ' { c below that llgure. Oats followed wheat nnd corn and the olose thows nn ndv.inco In the ruling option of lo compared with ycMordny , l'io > Mons opened weak under fice llquidn lion by longs le ! im wns reported to bo soil ing .lulv pork and buyliu f-eutoyibcr Arnioin noiiisoini ) inly Aioiind JI2.on for that option a lot of stop looses 01 dois came nnd their e\t cu- llou dcpti'sscd Iho prlco lo II1.M ) Thereafler , In sy input by wlthocro il thomirket stiin.'th- i ned nnd Inly olksold up to Jl-'l1' ' . hut I'loseil ? ! iu lower titan thnl , tfioiigh 17'/iO unstlie fliisln 1 price. July 1 ird closed U'ht : higher , nnd July libs 17'io hUher. The loading filturos tanged ns follows : Ainu i is Ol'l V 111(111 lovr llosr. $ 1 Ol ) ( .111 III' 1 1)1)1 ) 1 DIM JlllV 1 W > $ to1 ! 1 ( K ) Cons No . ' - f,4 11 .14- J u nn OATH .No 2 ta .lunu MW 47K tllKS 1'Ullk .Mny S'l U 12 00 111 ( Jul ) 12 01 1. M ) 11 80 < 2 a , ' . ' Hoplotnbtr ri to I''M r w ( " jmV.y : : , II 70 I ) K' , Bop eiulcr , 0 U j 7I.-M 1,1 . - Aln > 1100 July , 1 ! 'M G .i'u fi 20 0,1714 Hopiumlii r. 1 , 1.74 U 'M C'nsh iuolntlons | were as follows : 1'l.iuili Quiet : spring. Jl 00 ® . > V ) ; winter , . ) ( X < ZK > 'JO ; sli.ilts , J4 W3 ( H ) ; baker- . , $4.'Vrt4 DO. Win tr No. U spring wheat , ti.niK ; .No : r spring wheat , C-'iVid'tiV' : No. - rid , J1.U1U ® ! 01. COHN No. 2 , liT'tfiid' ' e. OATh No. ' , ' , fl.'o ; No. a while , 55oCo ; No. 3 While , i > 4i55o. ( UYI : No. L' , 83c : lUiu iv : No.'Jhnrlcy. nominal : No.'JTUTJc ; No. 4. f o b , lario. TI.AX SumNo. . 1. $1.14. TIMOTIIV f-i Iii I'rlme. $ I.S8 ! { . I'onic Mess porK pet barrel , 11..00 ; lard per owl , & ) . ( 'jQlt.fi.'i ; short ribs sides ( loose ) 11 I.Vfi tl'.Mi dry suited hhouldois ( boxed ) , 15 2C5'J- . ; short flour tddes tbo\ed ) . ifdllXTK ) 00. WIHHKVDistillers' llnl&hcd goods per gal lon , fl.17. StxiAU Put loaf , unchanged. Hceoipts nnd shipments today wcru ns fol lows : Un the pioduco exchange today , the butter mnrket : i\tinoronmfiy : , 87ffi.te ; extra firsts ; 245'4c ' ! Hists , ai ( S8e ; \lra daily. 2l.5c , cxtia llrsts. "tiUKIc ; llrsts , P cw York StarkctH. NMV VOIIK , May 0. riouit liecolpts , 11,102 paoknges ; oxpoitK , : tijb.irrol& , 3j5J ( sacks ; moderately nctlvo , hlP.idy ; salis,20.15J buirols. coitNMKti. feleady , WIIKAT Hecelpts , 100,8 0 bushels ; exports , 15,018 bushola ; sales , 1i5,7 ( > SUOJ bushol" ! spot mnrkot 8'o < i6-M.Jo higher ; No. 2 rod. $ l.l'i < ! i > 1.18S In eliivntor : tl ) : i'4 In store : iJl.llljiTOI.ll'l nlloiit ; SI.H'iOI.IS ( .pot ; ungraded ted. $1.07 ® l.lli't ! No. 1 northern , nominal , $1.21 ; No. 1 iiorthein to nirlvc. $ t.ii : > ( ; No. 1 hard tonr- rlvo $ | .IO > B ; options stumly , advanced and closed film nl8nl21 o over yosterday's closing , 'J ho chief c.uifio for the advance was the 10- porl thnt u loductlon of 8 Si francs would bo iniide In the Trench duty on wheat. ISishlcti the United Kingdom nnd continent cables wpro stiong and hiought frco buying oiders. Cable acceptances weio fair ; Nix 2 red , t1.1lI.U'i ' , closing $ l.12'i ; Juno. Jl.ia'n Oljo , dosing ntl.lOJ ! ; July. $1 M'4 ® | 08 , closing nt tl.OS' , ; August. II Ol'4al 1 0i. ! closIng - Ing at $1.00 ; September. $1.01 ® ] O.v ; , closing at $ l.01'4 ; ( ktober. $ l04ffll.W , oloslng at $1 OHj ; December , $1 W dtfl.oii'i , closing at $ l,0u'i ; ' > ; Mny ( It-y.'i , $1 ( Uftl.lll ? ! . closing nt Jl.lu,3 , . lUni.i.v Out of season. llAin.bV MALT Dull. Uan'nlu country made tl.lHXI61.05. ( Jens Itceelpts , 12,110 bushel" ; exports , 0,703 snips , 2,3iHOCO bushels futures ; 51- WO hiiHliols Npot. hpot market Irri'guliir. closing steady. No. 8. 7IKa7'4o ' ) In olov ntor ; - . .jnllont : ungr.ided mixed , TNiih.'c : stenmcr inUed , INfiTOo. Options ure l lti-'u higher , as mused by whent and small ollorlngs : May , TJOTUJc , closing at TOJe ! ; June , U > \ < ti n\u , clo-dng nt lusei July. tiO iilisJic. clos , Ing nt uV c ; August , CU ffiflT,1 ! ! . ' , closing at tT'iic : Deeimher , R > e. OATtt HccelptH , 4S.WO bushels ; ovpnits. Ill biihhelsih.iles , 1I5.00J bushels futuies ; 7I.OOJ bushels spot , bpot m irkut dull and Irregular : options dull and tinner ; .Mny , closing nt ix'tOjJuno , 60'iC ' , closing ut .Mlie ; July , fll't ' BM'4c , tloshu at Mlie ; August. .M StW ei ipol No.whlto. . Ulo ; mliid vvestetii , 57ftiiX'Ci nblto vuiitein Ciil7le' No. S C'hlcaco , ( iO'iiJlc. ( ! IIA\-Quiet , Him. Hois Vli in , iiilt't. ) SUUAit Unvv , dull nnd nomlnnli refined , quiet u ml lower : No. II , 4c : No. fi.Il 15-loc ; Mould A , 4llCo : HI iiidnrd A,4 ? c : confeclloiiers' A , lliO ! cut lonf. H' o ; eriibhed , ftUo ; powdeied , lUc ; gianulutcd , 4 7-lie ; cubes , 4 0 , l'oii > lin ; , qitlol ; Now Orleans , jnlct und stendy , Itvv. I Inn , qiilot. Ktins I'utr demand , firm ; wostoin , lOc ; ro- colpts. G.t > 72 packages. HlllKs I'll III , IllllOt. POHK- Quiet land firm ; old mess , , JS.'il | now mess , $1I5C ® 4.25 ; oMru prime , 111,75 S Inactive but steady ; middles iiutut and linn ; pi Uled lollies.S wCo : plekkn hhouldt'rtf , 4 < 4r : ci plukled bums , lxi,0'c ( ' hhorl clear , 7 OJ. IiAitn Strong. ( | iilot : western steniii , 13.00 option sales , IV.UO tlerws ; > IayW.7.vafiliO , olos Ing at fikini ; .luly , ( ajiTU-I.DT , closing at K.U7 Augiiht- . t'.HO'.H , closing ut I",1. ; beplember IT.i'Ta-'S. Closing ut IT. i . llurrwt llrm , active ; western dairy , 15 ® 2Ju ; western eieumery , 'J-Vi Wo ; western fuo tory. Ih4l-Vu : Klgln , y > d-llo. - - - " - " . , eu > .yiBUIiH ! ,7iaiOJo. ) St. I.ouls . Markets. BT. T.OVIH. M ( i Muy 0. I'LOUU btcudlo but quiet. \NnKAT-Opcncil HOle up from ycitordny nnd good buying prices i-tUroned tin a nuarte und wan 11 rm until about 11:30. : With this recession of prices touched the lowest porjoi of the day but soon ronctod ugiiln und oontlu u d " 'ntU late , " ho Immrdlntoclov ; . Nn. 2 cn li , ? l Oi il-iv. ti.ro i , rlosoil Si.Oi'i , nontlnil : .Inly , w , i" " > ic. clo oduve Aitcust , ItlVTt'fii' . CHUN OL'iicil | llrni In xyniiKitliy wltli wliciit , In * IIrat trailrs lut n ( ut nn udnnvt ; of l'4o for Mny iinil lu for July. Cradlnvt wai lltiht nnd hu mnrkotVIIH ijiilut , llucluntlnK wltliln a inrron rinzo until thouloio : cash , ( ilU3 ( > IJict May , CUfC'ihc ; July. DS'i't&Wic ' , olosliiK at ! > 'Jli -IJiillbut steady ; No.2cushMc : M.iy , o bid { July. 4 lc. n\K NdtlifnK done. lUv-Knsji pr.ilrle , tll.OOAI4.OOi timothy , * I5KXJIS.OO. ( ; HltAN-Dllll. I'l , \\si hi > I < owcr nt $1.17. Jirrri.u-ririn. V , HIKV i-toady uttl.ls. I'IIOVIHIONH MiirKot opened ( Inner , but closed quiet nnd dull. Pork. Hlnmlnnl iress , liaa-i. I.nrd , nomlunlly. MS.1 : mil moats , lower : boxed shoulder ) , 15.00 : long" . S5.20 : ribs. 11.'JO ; short cle ir. tl.ll : bacon , oisyt boxed shoulder * . KiWi longs , W.70 ; ribs. i3 83 ! short - - " -ilcur- AIITltlKI UKCIl'TS kllll'ME.NTS Hour , hnrri'ls vim 100JO VMii'iit , hmlii'ln 4UUU ; 'orn , hiiihclft 7H , UXJ ) nts , bushels . llarloy , biiBbols i ooo KIUISUH City ( . 'n v , Mo./'May 0. 1'i.ouu Stendy. ilni'hini.'i d. \ \ IIIAT : Dull ; No 2 ham , cnsh , 00ffl97oi Mny , no bids t-'oiiN Hnslci : No. 2. cash. S&I&M'ic ' : May , 'It' . UtTp Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , fiO'icbld ' ; May , fiO'ti1 bid. H\r.-Quiet. HllKUisTin-is tcndy. unchanged. Steady , unchnnged. Ht'rri.llMeaily , CIIKI sp Sti'.ulv , uticlunKiil. I.cos Mn.iilv nt II Me. l'm > \ lMONUiielnxiiCLMl Villt AT--Hic'lits | , NW bushels ; shlpincntt , 5,000 bushols. _ Minneapolis \ \ licat 31nrkct. iNNFArot. ! " , Minn , Mny n Win AT Pnm- till ) whc.xt slow ; rueoipts , lu ) ours ; sliliinicnts , incurs Ole t > : No 1 liuul Mny , # 1 M : ti.ick. $ l.04'Jttl 05 ; No. 1 niiltlioiii , Mny , Jl.U-'i June , JI.ICM : truck , il ( ( al.n2'i ; No. J nurtheiu , Muy , $1 .10 ; truck , } 1 WxaiOOlJ. lilioi pool Markets. Il\nti'OH , Mnj 0 WIIFAT Dull , holders lli't model ntely ; Onllfoniln No. I. t-s Sd pur euntiili Kims \\lnlci liuul , 8s S'ie. ' Cons -I'll in ; holders otfoi sparingly ; inUod western , P'ts ' per crntal , Puts t'uii.idlan , fi iH iierccntal. \Vls. May C WnctT Steady ; No. ' 'spilni ; , ensli. { l.otHTd 01 ; July , iN'ic. ' COIIN I'lrnii No ' . ' fiT'jC ' OATS htunily ; No 2 white , flOc. I'lioxifiONfl-Qulet ; porK. July , J1J 27' ' . Cincinnati 3IarketH. OINCINNATI. O , Mny 0 Wni.tr Nominal ; No. 1 ! red. KI.1H. Cons l.onot : No 2 mixed. fiO'Jc. OATS 1'lini ; No. mUtd , 5GUu. WlllSKt fl.17. _ Toledo Markets. TOI.FDO. O. May C. WIIUAT lllglier ; cash and Ji.iy. * l 07'4. COIIN- Dull ; ciisb , 70o b Jjowor ; cash , 50 ; c. YOIIK. May C The wiiltlng attitude of the ilook mnrliPl wus moro fully o\oiiipllfed ! today , nnd nlthoiiRh tlioro wns a falily active I'lisliiLS ! , tiiinsictlon In full trading shitrcs , there HUH only tlio usual narrow movements ( if nitcosllhlu n decisive movement. The U'lidoiu-y lit the foii'U'n ntiirKut was dull , but w.is revetted Inter In thodiiy when rcassurliiK uuws from the conference was u-celved. The tcmpoi of Iho room w.isr.ithormlxed throucli- out the uullic day , however , and bidders were content to fuel thu market fiom tlmo to time wltliout uoliij very deeply Into It. whllo tlu lontlniio I sinull liuyltii ; foroutsldo accounts nt lived to steady tint list from tlmi * to n time. 'I ho we.iUness itf iTfJT v Do wns under this f\\ra piessuro ; , \ \ , nun of 11,0 , fo.luros , of I.tjj.-fe.t" ; ) Sll0 tS ! ! streiuth lu the \li5TnB ; and I.nKo Krlo shares ' wns fahVijlltslln ; | ,7f tllo nctlvliy In M. I'aiil.urtJlilutBO Oas nnd Atchlsan at times .Ma Wls ( „ „ other special foitures ot " . ' . ' .fist. Tlio oDon'nu wns easy ut lrroiul ir .minces from last < iv OHIIIK'S MKUIOS and the norfiis tendency of last ovonlne soon became lip irent In the mUnnelnx II.-11105. which , jowuver. tievor K"t fur avny from these of ho oponliiB und the selling bv the local caused i Bharp icfictlon which took price * fractlou- lly below tlio level of the Ilrst sales Louis ville deollned I percent , but \SlicelIne . "i. I.nko > Io iircil'cin.d rosu ullLo amount. 'Ihodown- vurd movement vvtis slioit-lived nnd In thn iftoinoon eonlldunuo became so iironouiiccd hat n full raily for thnt nmoiint was noticed n this stock while all others weio lifted ma- erlnlly. AmoHn these cordiiRn wns most iiomlnent. ilslnz nenrly II per tent from Its onest ( Inures mid Holding must of the Knln o the end. The llnal dealing In the stock niukotworo marked by n few movements imoiiK the low iirliod sh.ires. Hocking Valley jolng piomliunt with n gnln oflii tier cent , nit the greiit list wns content with friiotlon.il uhanees. The n-aiKot , however , vvhlloqulet , losed htroiiK and lonHdont at the highest of ho dny. The final ( hangcs uro Bonorally small racttonnl nd\iiices.wtillethoron fowdi > cllnes. L'herowiiHtho usual ( | nJol business In r.ill- oad bonds , sales tif all Issues lonched 5fvi.\00) ind whllo the miirUct lemnlned llrm there vns little or no foaturoof Interest developed luring the dny Atchtson und Kansas ft Texas seconds were nctlvoand scored only fractional gains with the rest of the list. ( Jovcrnmcnt bonds vvcio dull nnd steady. ronnsylvnnla oil , Juno option : Opening , "Ic'l lilghest , 7I3 0 ! lowest , 71o ; closliu , 71 ? o. 1'otal sn'cs ' , 1KOOO bblH. 'I ho following mo the closing nuotntlons on loading stocks on the Now \ orU stock ex change lodnv : . do preferred l.i ) , Aiianm fxprt'sn . 147 N. V. Central . ' ! ) $ ( Altun .VHrrci Haute. Jl N. V. C. ftbt. I. U do proforrud . . . ! . ' > do preferred U\s \ American Kxpruss . .111 ! Ohio A. Mississippi. . . IS'i H c. II.VN . do preferred IT ) Canadi [ iiclllc. . . thjs ) nturlo .V Wislern . 17 Cnnuda Siullirrn MM , 3rcKon Improve ? i-X ( Cintral I'm I lie .11 .Kon Nnv. 7i H ies. A Ohio IS Kim 'I runs 17)Z dolm prufurrcd . 63 I'acltlL .Mail , . . . IS dojndprorcrrcd . U I'corla , Dec A. KVMIIS 21 liIcaKoft Alton. . .1-5 IMtiburK 1 ) C. II A.U .15W I'lllliMSti I'alnro . . . . .I''O C. O. O. * St. L . I.V ( Heading 3,1 Dclawnrc A IIud > on..1l5 llock Island T'l 1)olI , .1 \ \ - . ! St.I , AS. Klstpfd . . 17'ii I ) A It. (1. preferred. .V > > { bit 1'iiul lil Kant 'll'nn . 77 dnpiefcrred 114 do 1st preferred. . . . M St. 1 * . Minn Hi MKii..l ( , du I'd preferred . HI bt. I'nul.V Omaha. . . . . ' 754 Frlo . 2IH doproforred 84 do preferred . & -U Tenn , foul A. Iron. . . XA ( fort Unjrne . 191 Texas I'ntltlo I4T < Chi. & haul III . ! " Till. .V O. Cen. prof d. HI llocklnu Vnlley Union 1'iu.ltlo M HiiUHton A Texas , . JH U. H ivpri6 : I.I Illinois Central 100 W. bt. 1 * * 1 * 11 M. 1'anlA Iliilutli. dopreforred v.1 Kamits&'lrtn . 16 \ Vellhiiriro ICv 1(1) ) lake hrle.Vest'n. . . Western Union 1 do preferred . 63 Am. Cotton Oil W ( Inku fhore . Ill Colorado Coal J8U llomestillio ! ) i Louisville A.Sow A. . 3d ron bllvcr 100 .Memphis A Char. . . . ill Ontario RHW .MIihiKMn Central. . . . . VI ( Julcksllvor 54 .Mil , I , S .1 W 78 do prufcrrcd ! K > doprolem'd lUiW Sutro 8 .Minn A St. I , 4V Itulnor 35 ilopri'furrcd 1U1 Itlch. .V W I' Ter . 17W Mlisourl rnclllc . . . 71 > \\l eiin ln Centrnl. . .1IH Mobile .t Olrto 4U I i rent .Northern | 'fd M ) .Nnshvlllo Chntt U7 Clilcngodas i2H .S.J. Centrnl 1-1) Lend 'irust U'W ' .Norfolk * , \\oit pfd fill . -K r 'Irust f > " ( .Northern 1'iiclllo . / ! ! houlhcrn I'aclllo. . 3."i doprcfoircd , . . 71X Ore H. K & Utah .Nor 2'Hi U 1 > . Donvur AUulf. t\ \ llto l.rumlo 41 Northwestern Ill ) Nfcvv YOIIK , Mny 0. The 1'ost says : Ono million moro gold was ordoied tolny for expert - port tomorrow , m.iHtu ntolal of U.OO.OOO up to : i o'olooU todny since Monday morning. He- sides Iho M'lHlnient of the exehnnzu sluco yesterdny. there was no mark of the myster ious hole Into whlih tlio exported gold was Immined lobe i mining. On the conlr.iry. thu bull lenders all bc In to recall the "per- s htent government purchases of t" , OuOOW ) of silver per month" und to ll.'iiro up thnt on Muy 1 there h.ul been nn Incionso of currency In the j tin i to the amount of f."Kt7l,0. : coined for Issunuee , a decie.isu ot j-"lV.tLl ] In the treasury and an increase of fl.f1,030 | In clr- eiilallon nnd all Ibis helped to stlmiilaio the speculation and adv.inco the prices of htocks. The .Money Market. Ni.w YOIIK , May 0 MO.NKV ON Gu.i. Easy , tnngliig from .IT(4'i per cent ; last Jo.in , J per cent ; closed olfoied al-'i ' percent. i I'liisii : MhitiMNTH.ii I'Ai'hii 41-i4M'i ' percent. UNO Kxi'ilANOt Quiet and sleady at for sixty-day bnis and f4 b3 for do- ninnd. biOLKS The total s.ilos of stocks today were "d.\7)vS shait's , Including : Atehlson , : cy , : 7 ; Helawiuv. I.ieknwunim A. Western , 4.ti.V ) ; Hocking Valley , J.'JIO ; Louisville A. NnshvIllo , HM i MIsMiurl I'nelllc. 4,8Northern ; I'aolllc , pieforred. W.75U1 bt. I'aul , SJ.l.'J : .Union 1'a- ellle , 1VJJO. The following were the closing pilcci on bonds : V S It , re litere.l.l.iJ' < M. K , AT i 7,1 L t ) 4s , coupons IJUli Mutual Un'oiU 1 . < } { N. J. Cent Int Cert..Ill 44i , rouponn 101 Northern I'nc. Ists . .IPi-lj I'ueJttcds of 15 , , , . ,113 do .Ids * . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ill Loulshiim c'luinp ' 4s. KS Nortliwest'consol.s.ilS5 'lenneiiro N. S i.UT. ) do ilfbcntiirofts . 105 do is IUOV St. U A I. M. lien. 6s. M do .Is 71 St. L. \ b. K. ( Jon Jl lOilirf Tdiiidn Southern 'Ms Ii ; Ht I'aul consols I'-'l ( Vnlrnl I'nolllo | 1 , .1U7M ht 1' Ci IMits..HUV H Alt li.lsts 1I4U T. I' , L. II. ' 1 r. licit . l ( J du 4 , , , b34 T I' . II. O. Tr , Itcti. . , ilj ) I ) . A II (1. Wtit Isls. ! 7 Union I'aclnc Isti " \\estblioro M K.T. . ( ion'l da. 77U Itniik Ulcnrunces. May 0 , Clcarlngi today , Jll,3lk-,78 | brtlnnecs , } 1,5IOTO8. Money < ( . per cent. Nfcw YoiiK , Muy 0 , Hank clearing ! todny. $187,230,7511 b.ilunccs t5MS,757. ItAi.TiMniir , Mnyfl. Clcarlnps lodny , IJ.'IIO- Sff ! , ' bilnnccs. ( K ) 1,700. Money , U poi cent. fcx. hotMH. May fi. Clo'irlngs , I'Uoo.'O ' ; ' " > ' mice * , JJrt'.ife . Money. tVi&7'J per cent. Ex change In > ow York , l"o promlum , HOSTON , May fl. Dank clo irlnzs tndny , $10- 4WVr.S7 : balances , 8l..r.ls7. Money , tl per cent. xLli.inse on Now York , pur to 7H discount. 1'oston Htouk 'Miirkct. HOSTON. Muss , Mny 0. The following woio the eloslu-r ) ) tlccs on stocks In the Ilostou stosk imirk-ol today. Atchl'on ft 'lop , , , . I rniiklln. llostnn A. Albany , .S04' Huron. . . , do .Mnlno. ( hi. llur.yulncy. . . 8'4" ' ' Onceola -W < 1-ltchburKll U , M sanln Ko Copper f-5 Mnm. Centnil MMl rnmirack 1 > > 0 Met. Con. ciim..Sl.VI Annlston Land Co. . . 40 .N. V. A .N Kng . IBM lloston Lund Co Ml do 7s Sin Diego Land Co. . out Colony 1I.7Wcit Knil I.nnil Co. . . Wlt llutlanil | Mf (7' ( , llollTi'li'lion | 207 \\li tent coin WH I.innon Sloro 8 IB ilo pref \\nttrPower , s' < Allciuor.Mln Concw ( ) I'rC. ' Jt p Atlnntlc n IN i : . T . . . . & > Ilo ton. .Mont . , ( I'ilU. ' .V U C 1C Cnluiuct.V Hcili .il ) I Ijondon ConsolH. LONDON , May C.-Closing nt 4 p. m : I on eli , money IOI Connol * , nccount Illlnoli Central . II. s 4 Mexican ordinary 4i W. = 4Us. . . . mm xt I'mil common . . . I N V , P. & O Is .t.l Hemllnn ( .nnniln Pacltlc .t.lKM Mexican U tr I new Is. Krjp _ . _ _ _ ! _ i _ _ _ Hnr silver , 4 " d per ounco. Money , 3 pet cent. Unto of discount In Iho open mm ket foi lolh short and three-month bills , ! IJJ per ceiit. _ Hank orKnulniul Hullion. I.ONDOV. May fi.-Tli amount of bullion drawn from the Hank of Kngland , on balance. Is iO I , OwO . _ I'lll'lH ItelltCH. PAHI May 0 Three per cent rentes , 03f i the nccount. Homer Mining Stocks. DIN : VBII. Col. , May -Century nnd Clniidla , l furnished the oxcllemont on the loc il min ing slock maiUet todny. The former ad vanced about 4 points nnd tlioltittorS cents. Itiinning I.ode o -od oil n fraction In the lib- siMicoof rrendesteln. who Is still In H. I.ouls. Thoiemaliidei of the list vv.is very sick , es- piclallv H.ingkoU nnd l'oto l. which sold at 8 and W bujer'.Mdajs icsncctlvoly. llio following uro the closing prices : XTiTxhnnJ lust co Amity I eKid'lender ArKonnut 15 Llttlu Hnle , 109 llnllurnl . . Mntelili" ! siiiink'cr ! . lUO Mn > Mnzoppn llnngLo'i lUOS'4" ' Morning ISIlm Ilatcii Hunter 70 lOre MlK Indliin . 8 I I'.iy Hock HlKblx llrimnlow . Mf'i'irk ' on Calliope 17'4 Hood National 61 ! ( .iMitury 111 llto . . . 1'j ' Clny ( kiunt ) Itiinning Lode 21 10 Loavonwortli Diamond II lohn I pfd Denver ( ins \ Oil I'uirlcr . I'lntiioni . . ( iolil 'I rvasuru . . ( icttsburK IroiRlud . . . . San FrnnolHco AlinliiK Quotations. H * v I'llMISIO. . Cnln. , Mn > fi-1 ho olllclal closing ( | uotatloiis for mining stocks today wore as follows : Con Lula .v \ n . I in ; ophlr tui Lrown Point 1'otost 624 ( ioiild ,1 Currr .TO llftli'A .Norcross. 41' , Miutln White . . . 411 Union Loll . . , SS Mcxlinn Ml IJtn'i . 140 Nnvnjo lulliiw .Inckct M5 New York Mlnini ; Quotations. Nuw YOIIK , May b. I'ho iiilnlns quotations are ns follows : Adiins Con I7U Uorn' < llv'rf A.MH'M IV ) ' 10) ) Dendnooil iialtinturlo | ShlO KureknCj IV ) btnndard 1W 875 | . Markets. Niw ; YOIIK. May 0 PKTIIOM.UVI Steady , ( inlet ; I'ulted closed at 7la o for Juno. COTTON Sr.Ft ) On. btrong. TAM.OVV btrong. KOSIN rirtu , quiet : strained , common to B < Tuiti'iJkTiNB Quiet and steady atUO'-i ® Via InoN-Dull ; Amcrlc.in , JIGOOOISOO. Coi'i'iu Nomlnil ; Ivko , M ly. * 1I73. l.KAD btendy ; domestic , Jl. 'i. ' TiN-Qulot , llrm ; straits , KJ.OO. hi. l.ouis , Ma , Mnv ( l.-lBAD-Offcred at Jl 00 ; sheltered quotable nt $1 50. New York 1 ry Ooorts. Nnvv YOIIK. May C There was Increased trade with jobbers and the demand was stlmu- Intnl by s v 01 ul II rms Including shirt Ing prints at : . ' 0:4c : , wide prints at 73a'c nnd line ste.idy , nnd no Immediate chnngos ate now looked for. _ , Codec Options. Ni.w YOIIK , May 0. ColToo options opened steady und iinohnnged to 10 points up , .uid closed firm and unchaiu'cd to 5 points moio active , fair cnigoes , Traders Talk. CiiiCAno , Mny a Logan i Co. to Toncray & llrvan : Another active day In the whent iiinrkol. The homo sltuatlonlias notchangcd The demand foi cash wheat Is modoi.ito. Con tinental markets Keen strong , some cables nuotlng nn ndvnnco. I' gllsh markets at the close aio steadloi. With the existing shortnsro Iteould have u sharp advMiiio.ind will havolf n cable comes quoting higher pices. 'Iho demand foi cash coin of all grides Is good. The old bull paity took u h ind In the corn pit from the stint today. Cash grades sold sev eral cents ovei May. 1'rovlslons strong nnd In sympathy with wheat and corn. The weak holder-- , seem lo huv o sold out Cmi'Afio , MavO. W. O. McCormack & Co. to r. U. buurtX Co. The course of the who it trade Indicated today n heavy , oversold vvhe.it mm ket. Many traders who woio buy- lug wheat ut 11.10 orovor on the condition of foreign crops huv u been selling It short under fl.tO , foigoltlng thnt the foreign sltu.itlon Is In nowlsochnnged. The news of n Inrgo re duction In the iTonoii Import duv created quite nstii , backed up ns It wns by a decid edly stronger closing market In 1'arls. llr.ul- htreet loportcd a reduction In the available supply east and west of the Uockles n mount- In , ' to aboul : iUOO,000. These bull points started Mini Is to covering , with thu result of advancing prices ' 'lie o % or lust night's closing. Wo look for a fuithor reaction , as the weak ness of the last few days has undoubtedly In-- duccd a Inrgo shortage , which It will lake moro than n day to eliminate. Hecelpts at elrv en prliunry polnls were 30,000 , shlpmenls tVJ'.OJO. Coin wns dull but hlghei principally on covering of shorts. Iho cnsh demand was only moderate. Onts very dull and the market fonturokss. I'rovls'ons were very weak nt the opening , \\hen July stiuek JUJiO a largo nunibor of Monorders woio i cached nml the market declined In less than u minute toSll.OO. At this prlco there wns some heavy buying by our be ir operators and by the packing fr.itornlty generally. A sh.irp reaction wns the result. It Is evident thut the wonk holders huv o sold most of tholr long stiilTand wooxiiect i further reaction before wo b.ivo a further decline. Tor the present wo believe that provisions bought on breaks will pay good prollts. CiiiCAno , May 0. Ivoimott. Hopkins i. Co. to S. A. MoWhorter Shorts In whent h.ivo gen- ernllv covered , getting their wheat mostly fiom longs who took ndvantngo of thu first r.illv to got out. There bus been u fair nnd nutiir.il .lo nilly. At the iloso the market looks well evened up and the Impression Is thnl the bents will nlug It on any further ad vance Thu situation seoins to he stiongthon- Ing dully. The foreign demand shows no abate ment nnd stocks uro bolng mntorlnll v reduced , Should this go on n scarcity ofvvho.it before the next harvest Is piohablc. On the other band the ciop outlook Is so line hero nndip - patently Improving ubroad thnt the tr.uleis looking at prices In late jours con sider them high and nro disposed to sell hhort on nil good rallies. Tlmp will toll , but wo bellovo purchases on breaks for the piesent will he moro piolltahlc. ( Joinand oats milled sharply with whom nnd held most of the adv ane. . 'Uiohhoit Interest Is small , holdoisrnthor timid and theio Isnoi much encouragement to buy except on good breaks. In provisions j estord ay's weak fei'l- lug aplioiied utllio opening , pork being the pilnclpul nitlclo ulToctLd. Tilends of pro- vhhuis iilacelhelr IOKIIK ! mostly on ribs ami luid. 'I hi in Is u greatdenl moieporlc nlin idy iimdu than will bo consumed this jour an * after Decemborlll what Is loft will not bode' llverablo on contracts , \\hun grain tiiinci upwurd provisions fo lowed Ihoudvunce , nt Iho elo-.o showing the best-for thedny in pork \\ehuvoprobiiblybcen the lowest prices fo thepicsont. The markethowevoi. Is a nerv ous one and continues to bu sensitive lo the course of other markets. . . . . Ni.w YOIIK. May ftIvennett. . Hopkins t Co. to K A. Mo\\hortor.-Tho stock markc has been In u waiting liun.or today , especially ( luring thu forenoon when It was exceedlnKly dull at oinall vuilations In prices. LaterInn * over , truiisaetlons Increased and prices advanced vancod on encouraging reports from the mil rouil mtetlng at the Windsor. Nothing doll nlto has been learned of the proceedings , bu nil act-mints from It are that , MI far. every thliu bus been hurmonlous , und homo of th prominent delczntes said thai Iho results wll Lo entirely satisfactory , bo far , the mul point vv lilch Is llnlilo to cuuso trouble , numeo cutting of lutes by the ugent o the Allssourl I'ae DC , hus not bee touohod upon , und It Is underswo It will bo the last to be roniildcrcd and ma not bo reached today. Iho traders ! m > o. no cuptccl these scuil-oQlclul statements ot fu votnblo results to 1m nccompllsheil mid hnvo bought In 80HIO Srie ( . ThU iiftornoon Ht. 1'iinl Ims been tnlfcrrirrely nnil tliu prlco litii nrlvnnced uvnr 1 Ju'K cent. An additional ll.ooo.ooo In sold ImuMWbn tnkcn for shipment , making $ I.voo.000 miTrtf'this ' week nnil there nro loports cutrcnt thnYforelrtn bourses nro much dNuirbed. llnnkorsi However , do not regard tint situation with amirchrnalon , The mnrkot In tlio lust linlf lioilFUtfnln became dull , lint prices wore well tniilntiilncil nnil nt the close were nbout ttio boU'oriho dny. S > T. Louis. Mny O. LnnRciiljurRnr Ilrotliors toCockrell HrothcrK I'lio news dlspinscd on tlio Uoiird todny wns.vory bullish. There \\i\a a honvv frost hero list night , but wo do not bollov o Hint any ( Infringe wai done to tlio grow ing crop. It looks like whnt ought to bo a | > urcha oou nil good , brcnUs. Tlio following Mtlicofllel.il ' range , of prices , Including yes terday's closing prli'yqi _ _ COiiMQiMTr | upon. I IIUh | IAIIT. I Close.es'r | \VIIBAT Juir B" Avg M COIIN Julv 69 KH OATS . . . .41 . . .41 43 42J1 JtX J'.tCKfM ! railing OiT Notluotl In the Total Number Killed. CINCINNATI , O , , Mny o [ Spcclnl Tclcgrnin to TUB IlEF.l Tiunorrow'H I'rlco Ourront will sny : 'Iho western pncUIng the past week has been 135,000 hogs , ngnlnst 100,000 the proceed ing week nnd X' ' . * > 000 last > om , mnklng u totnl ot 2,00'.000 slneo Mmeh 1 iignlust 2tt ,030l st > cur. Lending plnccs compare ns follows : CltlOL 1KXJ-SI ISS-J-B3 Chlctirn T'-C-OOO f 0 000 Kansas Cltr. . . Sit IOI Oranlm 1M ! UUO 1T4UUU hi Louis. . . . lU.'UUO IK.OOO Indlinapolls . 7 UOU 74'JOU Milwaukee . , CIOIW Cincinnati . . 57 ( WO I-.UIIO Cedarltipldi M.OUJ 7UOI 1 CI'Ti'liud. , . K4IKX ) SMUO \Mdilta 48UUO 4. COO O.J1AI1.1 AH'/ ; STOCK OMAHA. Mny fl OATTLr-Offlolnl rocolots of enttlo I.7.V7 as romnnrod with ldj ; yi-stoidnv and ] , a ? , > \\ednesilnvof I ist week. J'hu mnrUet wns nc- tlvonnd stumger on hiindy fill enttlo nnd stondv on ho ivy mid common grades 1 cod ers were slow nnd unchanged. lloos Ulllelal receipts of hoes 5210 , ns compared With 5,201 icstoidny nnd 4'M1 \\ednoidny of lust week. The market opened slow and r > c to lOc lower. Aftoi Imlf the ho s had ULCII sold the mnrltot became nctlvo and stronger , closing with nil Miltl nnd p ut of the decllno rognlned. The rniuo of the prices pild wns tUIXitU.TMliti hulk soiling nt JJ W W4G3 Light. fl.40 470 : heiuy. U GO'jil 81 ; mixed , $4 V > < ii4.iO ( Thouverngoof the writes paid wns J1 Wi. ns compared with iiM' , j ts- toidny nnd IM f > 73i Wedncsdny of lust week. SHIMuniulnl nueluts of sheep 10 , ns compared with MM jestorclny ind 1S5 Wednesdny of lust wtok. The muruet wasac- tlvo nnd ( Inn Natives. $ J.2j&0.10 ; west erns , ! J.7i ! < a. ( > CO. Itocrlpts and Disposition of Stock. Ofllcl il receipts nnd disposition of sn.ol : as shown hy the books of the Union stockyanlB comp my for the twentv-four houis ending : it 5 o'clock p , m. JIny n , iSai : UI.Ol.'ll'TS. Disvosn ION Uuyers Bhtep Omahi Packing Co rlheci. II. Hammond Co. HwlftACo . . . < Iho Cuilidiy litfu JiP'nothilillitsI. ! . kelson Morris Hhlpi ors nml l-icclerr , . . Left ovir Totnl ISO Representative Sales. HTECHS No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. j.i BO 111. JUS 10 18 12,10 $5 33 1. . S5J II 83 2d. lll)9 ) 5 10 18 nr 540 1. 7CO 4 CO 10 317 B 10 01 1187 r > 40 1. . 810 4 00 21. , ura fi 20 IJ30 540 14 . 4 40 4 h. 1QS3 5 20 21 10SO 540 70) 4 40 44 , ll < )0 ) r 20 10 1Kb 540 in'.o 4 7" 2i.iioso B 2.- ) 1201 545 lu. 1210 01.,117(1 B 2.5 IKK ) 5 II 2" ) . . 700 4 110 62.1100 BS" 18 1100 550 14. . KM 4/or Jl.ll ( 0 25 tfi. l.'OI 550 7. 1004 500 17 JUKI 5 M 15 . IJ4J 5 50 1. ItOO 5 00 18. 1121 B .K ) II I2i5 ( 550 10. . 11S1 5 01 po..i2os r > y. } 57 IJ47 570 IS 5 01 " 17 1J71 571 SO. . 1)70 ) B 10 io".10Jl 5 J5 01 UJ5 581 MI\IU > . 10 713 4 CO 3 1012 B 5 tows , , 841 1 00 32 on : i oo 11O , 877 38.1 KM 1 50 4 * . )3J ) 3 00 11r 1141 JS ; ( , OJ 200 835 3 23 r 810 : IDJ , B01 22"i 3. . . (23 ( n lluO 400 frsj 25J 1 .1110 U 50 3 1UM 4(0 ( DIG 2 50 1. 1010 3 SO 1. ,1UO 100 710 2 M 2. . 040 .1 M , 11JO 410 770 2 M 1..105U : I50 10 | N 423 20. S % 2 53 2. . TOO 3 fiO so 111.1 425 1 Rll 2 GO 4 . ( IV ) ! l 50 20 1140 423 1. 070 2 75 1. 10M 3 60 1. 11.1J 421 1 TOO " 7" : i. U5i a 75 1. .U03 450 1. . UIO 300 W. . 073 3 85 300STO STO ; IKBIH AND 1 420 275 CO. . LTO 3 1) B.V. 350 1 1IJO II OJ 1. . 570 a 25 4b" JftJ 1t : 1i. t 4')0 : i oo 1 4SO 325 17 811 JM ( i. . 55U 3 00 7BJ II 50 741 370 i.i HUM , ' ! . i 1110 2 10 nso : i 25 1010 353 i IJOj 8,10 , r > oo j 21 1I > I5 , IIJ i 1110 , U70 J50 111,10 375 3 .1100 8 75 3i IIKKCHS. i COO 4 25 1 , l.'IO 0 OD 25. . faiJ 500 'J. 4 75 'J.i. CAME * . i. 230 500 L' . . 275 3 75 OVBV. 1300 2 00 2..1M3 4 50 BTAQS. 1. . 1111) ) 3 CO AVESTKHS CATTLE. No.A. Av. Pr. A. Hughes fx5 feeders , Tex .WJil t.l 75 27 fecdeis , Tex bU5 J 10 lone I'attlo Company 22 steers , h ly-fod .1175 4 R-p 50 steois , hay-fLd lltri 4 N5 M ) steers , liny-fed .IM 4 85 fatandard Cuttle Company- IB calves . 1.4 5 PO 22 cows Ml 4 (15 ( nous. No. Av. rih. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. iO. . . . . .174 120 f4 40 01. . . . , 211 240 Jl 1,0 104 . . . .IS. . ) 1IJ 4 40 63 . . . , .211 203 40) 84 . ' ' 40 4 50 no . . . 120 4dO IX ! . ! ! i 'i 120 4 50 70 . . . IRJ 41.J 5 . . 2sO 4 5) 70 . . , 210 10 , SI . . . . .191 210 4 BO 7S . . 110 400 8.1 . . . .200 12J 4 5) ) 01 . . . 2.U 81) 4 ( > 0 70 . . . 172 .OJ 4 5) 74 . . . 1S7 40 400 108J. . . . ISO 40 4 5' ) C'J . . .104 4CO 8J. . . . . .2U 100 4 W',5 20,1 M ) 4(1) ( 7i ( . . . .I'll ' ISO 210 H ) 4 ( a 103 . . 201 400o 4 BJJi 78B7 .203 Va 400 100 . . 170 o 4 55 B7 .201 80 4 M ) 83 . . . .1K5 1GO 4 55 tU . 201 til ) 4 ( fi 87 . . 174 2JO 4 55 M , .201 IftO 4 GO 78 . . 240 4 B5 70 . 204 HI 4 ( a 78W W . . 211 12J 4 55 VIS , .201 320 4 III ) C'J . . 205 40 4 5.5 S .ISO 4,0 . . . .230 1208ff 4 5.5 4n.1 2-0 4 ( ) 85 . . . .2U2 8ff 4 S.V " " n.1GO 25.1 00 4b. ' 7. . .07 1.M 4 B.5 I GO an 200 4G. " , 78 . . . 1W 24J Gl , .271 bU 4 1.5 74 2UJ bO ( .0 IOI 12 . . . .2-W 4 53' ' " ' 7.5 .170 1U ) 4U5 70 . . .2-11 4 55 J 74 B17 40 4 G.5 01 . . .101 I.HI 4 55 , , , | 71 , 221) 4) 4 d.5 09 . . . .21. ! * 0 4 SV . 47 . 240 4M'i GS 270 1 55 I , in - 41.7' , UJ son 4 55 07. . l'M ( 200 470 01 .212 210 ( or. , , .V4J 470 70 . au 40 B5 . . -111 40 470 70M . .221 sou , .2JI 2SO 470 tl . . .212 soufiQ 101 2110 l' ' > 0 4 70 bJ SlU fiQ 4 ( W 51 . 21)7 11,0 470 70 22J 8J 4 _ , , C.1 .3X1 bO 470 l'l ' M1JO \ 4 M : * 57 .2TO 40 4 ; : > 47 8.17 8sO 4 CO r ' . ' W ) 475 „ . . . „ . . „ j .Market. CuiCAfio. May 0 - > ( riitelnl | Tologrnm to TUB HlKl-Cuttlo hold miiio fieely than on yesterday day and woie strong-It anything u shade higher. Itujors nroimnklng u hard llgnt lUiilnbt the advandliijstendoney of prices , hut the logic of statlhtWslls r gainst them. ' 1 hero were nut enough good cuttle hero today to meet the actual needs of tlio trade. Nofuithcr change took place In the values of sliLep. Tindu wnsuctlvotttTucsday'hadvunce. There w.is u good general demand foi e.illle. l.\- porieishuvo not yet rocoveied theli "grip. " bill the dressed beef men und lho o who buy for oasiein account took hold with u free hund. Lo.'ul butchers and | euinors woio also actively cnguged and ihn miiikot was llrm for nil dcserlutlonsof cattle , -pmp of the Bilosmcn quoted prlccw n trllle higher thai foriostcrdny , but whllo there were Instance' where little moro money was paid the genera market was about BteHUy. ' 1 he tendency ap peared to bo upward , however , at. animals for iho remainder of the week piumlsoto show butllttlo If unyliurcuso on thu recent uver- nge. Heavy eultlo contlnuo toholl at prices thut look low when oomp.ired with these ut which light und midlum welshts uro helling The mosts.ilubltf slecis uro thosx weighing from 1.100 to iaw pounds. Quotnllons rang , from $ . ' .OJOI,75 for cows , heifers und Inills t.V S4.75 forstockersand feeders , und U.75 OW for shipping steers. The muiVoton hogs settled back to ubou Monday's prices , or lo ll.i04i50J for light am to 8l.75a50J for heavy and medium WLK ! it * It was actlv e at thcto quotations und the clos wns slightly firmer than Iho opening , Ship * port I'onllnuo to ue freest buyers. They took noirly two'tlilrd of Tuexlny rrcolptp , nnd the hulk of good hogN went to thorn todny , Not much trading wns done below f 4 70 , $ l.7f > f& 4.05 helug the ratiRo nl which the largest part of thoftlulT VTiid weighed. IhooMromes were / . ( 0515,01. Cine-Ann , JIny (1. ( The Evening Joiirnnl re ports ) CTTI.K Hecotpts , ll.ouoi shipments , 4,000 ; market nctlvo. steady to strong inntUes. S4.ivaoii | Texnns , Uuviil.yo ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , JI.IMtlJW. HOIIS Hecolpl * . 850,0001 shlpmrnts , 12,000 ; mnrkot nctlvo to fair ; rough nnd common , tl.roai M ; packers nnd mixed. { I 75l V > ; prime heavy nnd butcher weight * , < l OOlt.i.OT'i ' ; light , .70ii4.W. SIIVKP HecclpK. ll.noo ; shipments , 4,0X1 ; mnrkot active , steady to Rtrong ; western * , 3no3 .C.l ; unlives , WC5 ; Texiins , m-oaaoo ; lambs \00ii7.7"i. NPUVork Mio Stock Markot. NKVV YOIIK , .Mny C. HKKVF < < Hecclnts , I.1W head , Including Tu onts foi Hiilc. Mnikot llrm nnilsluulo higher , Niitlvo steors. J.'iavJW pel 100)iounds ) ! hulls nnd oows , J.'OUUI,7" > ; dressed beef. 8310io ! per pound. bhlpiuonts today , 150 hcov os nnd 5CO halves of hci'f > OAlvr < Rppolptt. 3 Ml head. Mnrkot Uo tier pound hlghoi ! ve ils , | 1005fi2K poi cwl.j butter stock. Jl 40(25 ( 41. &IIKI.I' Hecolpts , fl'rfn head. Mnrkot firm. dishorn M.ecp , M-'ftB 1 " 0 tier owt ; clipped $ fl WiV71 \ ; unshorn lamhs , OWGJij ; ullnpedr tU.10ft7.Mi : spring Inms , * i.MIO.tu ; dicssed mutton firm , lli$12'o ( ' ( per pound ; diesstd IniiiliM higher ntItillf. . llor.s Itoeelpts. 7. > 00. consigned direct ; nom inally stonily , W4WOM perowt. St. I.onlH Mve Stock. ST Louis , Mny n. CATTI.K Koeelpts l.COO ; shipments \ , < M ; miiiket stiongcr ; linrd to fancy natlvo steers , * ! 1039) ) | fair to good unlives , Jl 00 1.11 ( ) ( ; " : 1.117,0 | 0 ; shipments , COJ ; mar ket lower ; fair to choice heavy. H.7.W4.IH ) ; mixed goods. Jl 25l,60i light , fair to host , fl GO © 4 Nl fciitri' Itoeelpts , 100 ; shipments 500 ; market steady ; good to choice , SI ( Ax3"i.81. City | j\o Stock. Om. Mo. JIny 0 Cattle Itetolpts , 8 > ,0 , shipments , l.n.10 ; mnrket Kleiu'y to lOo lower ; steers , $ I V > ( ? .lh3 ; COWH JJ.10S4 8 * : itock- ois nml fecdois , $ .MOiJ4 90. lloos Uccolpts lil.KVJ ; shipments , 4,270 ; mnrkot lOc to 110 lower ; bulk , Jl 41i4'.75 ' ; all gride" , SI1JISO lii.l.t' Itotolpls , 4,420 ; market steady to higher. _ ft it A n'tioi.i'.N ti.i : .w.i There Is nothing especially now today to say regarding the vegetable market. I'rfcts for the most p irt nro about steady , POTATOIS Homo giovvn block , Jl 001 10 ; wostornstock.fi Ijfll.SO. Ct'ct'MiiiintPur do ? , $1 75 CAiuiVdii-Calirornla stock , per Ib , 25o ! ; MiutliPin , pel cinti1. * I W. PlU Pl.AN.T-1'el lb,8'5 ' < a.c. ! TOVIAIOI s outliern stock , bushel boxes. $5 ( X ) ; fanoy , crates , 0 baskets , Jl 8325 V ) per crate. boiniiniN Ili'ASH-Wix. $ ' .03 poi M bushel box ; string , tl SVai.'SJ ' ptr 'S bushel box. NKM Portion Poi II ) , , ! c. Sni'iimi.N t'ti 1.1 i.ow KH Per do$100. . Toi'OviovsPel hunch , 20c. SI-INACII Pei hul , { 1.50. Ll i riJCK-Choli e slock. 40c. Kt'i tiiAdASMli'hlg in stock per bu , 50o 111 ns- Per busliul. tl.oi. C'Aititors I'IM bushel , ll.dO ItAKisni-s Pel dohiincliis , 40J"c. P tllsMi-s Per hi shI. . Jl.tO. Hi ASS Mediums , tj id ; navy , $2 71 Asi'AHAOUS Homo gi own block , 5Jo per do/ FiOHli KriiitH. Thoio were quite a go id many slnvvlioi rips on the market , hut -i coed many of the ar- ilvnls - > hewed tlin olleits of heat and Uamp- ness and good shipping stock was not at all plenty. Iho m irkot bioko most too soon , pi Ices beliu iinusu illv low foi the eason ami .iU'jli | , s antlolpato that the nnturr.l I'onse- uenco vvill'i'ioi.JiNu.iioi77.-K 'iv slilupers .ijid ecreaso the lecelptH at this | olut. i ho her- lesaiont present nrilvlng fiom Arkansas ml Tenncs-eo. The Ilrst California cherries of the season irlvod yestoiduy. It was only a sample , how- ver , of what Is expected to irrlvonoxt weok. 'ho < | iiallty of the fruit wns vei v choice. Uo- ortjt fiom the Paclllc coast Indlento that tlio ropof small f i ults will bo very lingo this ummor nnd that thoio will bo almost no end o the supply of plums , pc.iohoi , nprkots , ears , otc. Naval oranges are scarce and nbout out of he mnrket 'Iho following quotations nro based on vcs- crday'h s I'LS ' : bTliAVVHEIlllIl-S Per case of 24 qu.u ts , $4.00 ® 00. 00.Ari'i.i Ari'i.i s Tlio market Is practically of peed hipping stock. PiSEti'l'l.ER Per do/ . ? . ' .5"1 00. OiiAMlfS Los Angeles , J.7vg > | , nO not box ; lunrto , WOO ; Hlvoras , WOO ; Hlvorsldcs , $1.53 ; N'avolH. $3 5 < X)11 00. Li MONS Cholco block , per bo$003 ; fancy , uw. fiiiAi'i : riiutT Per botlOO. . UANA.NAS Per buiiLh $1 50 ® . ! 00 Country Produce. Itceelpts of country produce arc not largo ind de ilois Und nodilllculty In keeplngstocks veil oleartd up Pi Ices for the mint patt me ibout ste idy. The quality of the buttci irrlv hu shows some fmpiovomcnt. The follow Ing qiiutatlons aru based on yos- erd ly's sales ; Knos Oonoral market 121 le , bulk of sales 2"c. lIUTTMl Hest grades pountry butter , 20 ® 22c ; medium grades , I0320c PomrmMvo hens , fini'y. $4.03 ; niKcd , , I71@4IO ( ; roost IMS * .IBOiJ.l7i. llAY-llcst upland TUOipoi ton. Flour. Oniilin Mllllns Co. Uollanco Patch ! , $110 ; nvlnelblo Pattnt. J.'SO. Lone tar Miperlu- Ivo , U50 ; bnowllako , J.MO ; Tancv ruinlly. il 90. 90.U. T. Davis Mill Co , 11 L'h Pttont No. 1 ami _ re.im.J8 > ; Ifliio 1) . full p ilont.t..OO ; llnwk- eyo. half patint , $ 40 ; hpi clal Hoyal , patent. No 10. f I 10 ; .Mlniusotn I'alenl. $ .Mifl ; Ivans is ilnrdWhc.it , uitont , J.'Ol ; Nobr.ibka bpilng Wheat , pntent. iW. OsUnmp'M icady to rlso buckwheat Hour , 'l..l ' pore isjof 108-11) p ickiiges ; buckwlu' it. u bbls , N. V. . $ .100 ; r.xcelsloi brand , JV > 0 ; Slap Jack Meal , i 1.73 joi ) c i-o of 50 8 Ib p ick- ai.Li.Oilman's Gold Modal. W 01 ; PnovvAMiIte , $2'jO ; fcnowllake. W8il ; low giade , tl.03 ; bi.in , $ . ' 1 00 ; chopped feed , $ , ' 7.00 TAM.OVV tMiHiiKAsK. Tallow No 1 , 4'iil4n ' ( c ; t.illcw Nrf. 8 , 354 ( ( > .l''ic ; grei i' , whlto A. : i'4 © 33 o : gioise whlto 11. 3'il'5o ' ; grease , yellow , to ; gicuso , d irl. , 234'e ; old buttoi. ® : ; iceswax , pilme , 20Joc ; iou-li lallovv , l't ' ® 15 0. Ifo.srs In Car Lois Only Dry bulTnlo , poi on , $ luOOT4IHOJ ; dry count rv , blonehed , iicr ton , f 10 0031) DO : dry coiintiy , damu and meaty , pel ton. $ s OOidlOW ) Thosd prices arc lor hones weighed and delivered In Chicago. [ Use S. S. S. , when jou mo I a tonic , Uyoudjiiot , you should. It stlioxil'- o s t n ii d For Old People. medicine M ) mother who Is a ver > old ni.itlo. It lady , was physical ! ) broken Is jnncly down , The u c of Swift's Hl > cclficS ( S S ) h.is entire ! ) co n t ; i 1 n- restored her health. It. II. DlLWOiini , son ot any Greenville , S. C. kind , nd can ba tak en rafoly liy tlio most do lotto child. Voi it cures all b'oml tioul los from an orillnny face pimple ( o the worst form of contagious lilood Taint. SOUKS OH BLOOD 4HD SKItf DISE1SCS flTE. ThoSwift Sjiccifle Co. , Alhnti , Ga. P. T , HUGHES , WIIOU : UH CASH COMMISSION MKHCIIANT 1MJ 1511 .Market Ltiect , Denver. Colorado. Kljdn , III. and Western Cronnury lluttnr Kugfand rlife o IOOU ) A 1 ciuplj OIIK ( itioi , with Illlirx to loan to HIT alilppeii nnd otliors to ho tilled , live t mnn and up Slilp liv lual frelL'lit ( inoil. < lie ip Ililtler In dumnnd durlnK May. Itulluulu for quotatloli > on do- iii nml. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Co Kxchnnko llulklhu , bouth Onmlii. S. J. Ooffrain , Smiley Hunter & Green , ° ' ' 30 Kzchnnito llulldliitf HiilldlnK fouth Omaha , Hotith Umuliii. Ilonoliss-Hnrreis , 200 lln ouch , $11.501 half buirols , 100 Ibs each , KOO ; qu irlor burrolH. WlUb each , UM ; eighth banulb 51bs each , t-.75.