THE OMAHA DAILY BEE-LvVFDNtiSDAY , MAY 6 , 1891. Bears Again on Top ou tbo Chicago Board of Trade , THE RANGE OF LEAD.NG FUTURES , IJttlo Interns ! in fie Stook Mnrkrts- Now York. Ornln Vnlucs .Slightly I.oivcr-Tho Worltl'i kbt o , M.-.y stnrlrd out weak but niado a very rtapictabtn showing for tbe irreatnrpartof tliu day nnd tbcn eolliisped utter'y. It was ovldr-nt before the day closed that the hour crowd had jtlven the market thu only stronutli tliut It li.ul and that tbo bulge was simply to shako out tbo Iroiibknumo tallers. to entrap more bulls , and to K O the bearsach'incu to sot out. The plan \\oikod like iicharm. New Yorker * wired that Paris wns hlKher bocaii e of corchlntr winds In IlunRary and soul In n few buyltiK onlors This iironscd considerable bullish enthusiasm and started ( jullu u wave of buying. Itcam , Umi , SehwiirtCiiiluliy mill I'urtlrldpo. all of whom had bought wheat at the outset sold licnvlly but quietly nn the bul ohlth fol lowed. Thn bulls Kept hoping and wall- IIIK until thn ollli'lat cables camn In when they all bcxan lo throw their wheat otorbnnrtl. Not only were the London , Liver pool , Tails , llorlln and Antwerp mar kets In ademorall/ed condition , but the quo tations on British consuls and Trench rantos showed that the money markets abroad were a llttlo exercised. This created almost a panic , but .luly wheat started tit lri'ir .Jl.00'4 niiilust ll.OJVi at the close yesterday and sold up on thn bullish loports to ? I.OI with very llttlo reaction. The bulls felt secure In the face of a decline of lie per bushel within the last two week * . Then the beats boxan to un- oad and prices biolio to tt.OI , then halted nnd dropped toI.O ) , and then stumped on llio bearish cable tepoiti and tliu bear raid went to the lowest point of the day. 97'ie , closing at frtWikViu. A ureatdeal of wheat held ou a nariow niiiiiilii and Htop loss ordeis was thrown over In the cliMlng. I'art of this. It Is said , was llntchuison wheat , held In the hopj ofKettlnj ? hltfhor pi Ices. Corn was depressed early by the Immense receipts for this time of the yeir , j % etr loads , besides : i,000 bushels by canal , nnd by the fact that at Mverixml prlcei were : id lower , then rallied with wheat , and be- eausu of the estimate of'but -W cms for tomorrow and lln-illy broke with wheat and because of sales bv the bear crowd , llart- lott , Tra/er , Lamson Brothers and a few oth ers were oiitetly ollliu all tha morning fur the various bear traders. Thu weakness In corn , heavy receipts and the sale of a line of Ions propeity causo.l an rarly break In oats , July opened at 4tl'c. ' sold off to 4H4e and then on RooU buying rallied to 47e ! , but It milled off later and closed at The prices of provisions weru highest ut the opening and lowest nt the clo'-o. Cniliihy and Iteain wens icporlud to lo : buying and M'llliiK on a considerable scale , lint In n scalplin ; way. The crowds Marled to sell and on the icstill In the hrniik Itunm was a llborul buyer aitulnst HiihH ho madu yosterdny. lie sold again on reaction' ' , The lesult of the tr.idlims show ti loss for the July option of Mo ) In pork. I Jo In lard mid I7'ie ' In ribs , comp.irud wllh the clos- Inir prlees yesterday. Tlio leading futures ranged as follows : Altlirl KM" WIIEAT-Nli. 2- f 1 01 June i in MS Inly 1 DIM COIINNo. . 2- Mny r.m ; ra Juno WM raM OATS-NO. 2- ra fid .lunu raMM M Julr MKKH 1'iiuic ! 2 55 1225 11 10 11 W July 12 iti 1' ' Ci n u : > September. , 12 W 1.AIMI-- .Mny U .V ) Ii M July ( i H ) U H ) n 70 8 72 Heptenibor. . 70. ' ) 705 H U7 7 DO IIIIIH-- n u r.m 6(0 ( Jnir I ! 3U II 21) ) G 20 Beptenibcr . II Ki UC.'i u i < a liW ( 'uuli ( | nolntlons nro as followiir PI.OUK llaUers , /ao i lower. WIIKAT No.SIIIIM wheat , We ; No. ! I spring wheut , IMe ; No. 2 red , W'ie. ' COIIN No. 2 , We. OAIH-NO. ' . ' , r > ( ) iO5lc ; No. 2 white , 54 ® . " > ! ! c ; No. y white , ! V'l'J ' < fti. > o. ItrK-Nn.i..Klc ; HAHI.KV No. 2 harley. nominal ; No. : i,707."o ; No. 4. nominal. KI.AX UKRI > No. I. TIMOTII v SKKD Prime. ' $1.29. POIIK Mess pork pur barrel , $ U.S7'jailiO ' ! ; lard per cwt , fiC.Vr Hhort ribs sides ( loose ) frU'fi ' ; dry Halted shuiildcrs ( hoxnd ) , J. > . ' . ' ( > Ii."ii short clnnr sides ( boxed ) , td.VUi'1.70. ' WIIIBKV Dliitlllors' finished qoods per Kill- Ion , tl. 17. HIKIAII Cut loaf , nnchancod ; Krnnulated , unchnii''ed : standaid A , unchanged. " llurrnii llnehansed. KIKIH llkJMIi' . Itccuipts and hhlpments today were as fol low n : New Vork MarkutH. Nr.w YOIIK , .May 5. Fi.ouu-lleeelpts , 12,001 tmckngt's ; nxpoits , 7.KVI barrulK , KIT suuUs ; ilull , heavy ; s.tles , 11,100 bariols ; low extras , M.tiflSil.W ; winter wheat , low grades , 4.0XfK ( ( ; fair to faney , J4.7WTCI.M ; patents , 5 , ( ifii.r > K1i ; Minnesota olear. * 4.ii ( ( < rt.'i. ft : straits. 4.8.vrR ( 65 ; liatents , Ki.l.VtdL'JJ ; rye mlxtutes , ( I.T.Vt.Vjj ( , OoitN riti'iidy. \VlliAT : Hecelpts , 151,20 ; bushels ; exports , 18.400 bushels ; sales , 7U1HO. ! ) Inisliels futures ; 1CHOCO bushels sot. | Spot market 2'4ITW14C lower , moderately active ; No. a red , * llua In Mnru ; * l.r. " , alloat ; tl.liuirni.rjii f. o. b. ; iiiiKradcd ted , * l.ttftl.l ! > ; No. I northern , ; No. 1 northcin to arrive , M.ll ; No. 1 hniil to arrive. $1.14. Options advanced early ? 4o through stronger cables Hiul a numberof acceptances by shippers for future delivery , became weak and sold off 'J , U4u on 1'rench cables coming tomorrow , and nn extensive reallrltiK movement which Kit In closing at tl.u.1 ; October. Jl.lKKBI.W , , eluslni ; nt t.U2 ; December. JI.Kl tttl.W , ! ; , closing til 11.01 ; May ( IMr,1) ) , l.Wffl.ui ( ( , > d. closing at JI.UA HAIII.KV MAI.T Dull. CIIIIN Heeelpts , 4KV : ) bushels ; exports , 0.2.M bushels ; sales , sM.OOO bushels futures ; 8- DOO bushels siiot. Spot market lower , iiulet Hiid we'ik. No. y , 711'io In elevator ; fOt'filn iitloat ; ungriuled mixed , 7ixilhle. Uptlons Vii I'.o lower , wholly through the rush of miu- tilles to thu western market and seaboard ; May. 7l'jif67. :1ic. : closlna atr. c ; June , OSIJ ® Uic , closliiK at Chiic ; .Inly , CiOcBU7.c ? ( , clos ing at Wise j A iigust , r 07'io. ' OATK-ltecelpts. l\.Wm \ Unshols ; exports. KW1 bushels ; Miles , I.IA.OOJ bushels futures ; X > , WI bushels spot. > ! > ot market dull and lower ; ontlons lower and dull ; May , ft'c , elosliu ul 67uJune ; , A.VuVU i' , closlni : at Mo ; July , 5414 CuViSii ! , eloslim at Wo ; spot No , s red , nJifuy.a' ' western , A'ftf&'et white wexteru , I it7lo ) ; No. : Chlcagii. ( IXiMle. llAY-gulet , llrm. lloi'M Dull , llrm ; state , common to good , 2.1 RX'c ; I'aclllo coast , 2M i2lic. rofi'Ki ; Options opened steady nnd mi- chnugu 1 toft points advance , closing Qrm anil Me 10 points up ; sales , 2lOtX ) bags. HUIIAH Haw , dull , nominal ; rellnud , dul und iinehanged. MOLASSES 1'orolgn , ( | iilet ; New Orleans. itnlct. HICK Quiet , llrm. 1'KTltoi.KUM United closed at fl.71 < 4 for June. COTTON SKKD Oiu Strong ; yellow off grades ' . KIUIA Fairly active , llrm ; western , lOei re celpis , U.Nkl paekiiges. POIIK Quiet nnd steady ; old mess , f H.7.VT I'J.'i'i ; new mess , * ii.wxiiu.-.1 : ; extra prime. 111.75 ( P12.-5. CUT MEATS Quiet anil steady ; oleklcd hel- lies , 5 > i4tl ( ; pleKled hhouhlcrs , 4W-V ; pluklei hams , lOiilU'iu ; middles , active ami llrm ihort clear , $7.0) . I.AIUI l.owor , but fairly nctlvu ; wetteri itonm , W.K'1 , ; cnles , l.ioo tlcroes , at HA tt IKS'i ; sales of options , ( LOOO tleroos ; July , MlWil.U' ' , closing at 'J7 ; August. * ? . ! ( OT.h. closlnz ut 17.Ui t-eptemuer , * 7,2.Hi7.w : closing nt iT.'JS , Hun Kit -In gix'd demand ami llrm ; weateri dairy. iMf-.Vi wusierti creamery. ' western fa-tory , I.V'cWKi ; Elgin , : Wnlc. CIIKKHBIn fair ilciiiuiiU nnd Bloadyj Iiiverpool ( irnln. LlVEitroou Mny B. Wheat Quiet nnd In poor demand ; holders ottering inoderntely Uullforulu No , 1 , t 6d pur cental. Tlio receipt f wheat tlio pint three days were 349,000 entuK litiMiidiiii ; IJH.lioo Anicrlcnn CiirnOtilct mid ilrmand poorl mixed we t- rn , tin 0(1 per cental. Itcoulptsiif American urn Mm pant thrco dtiyR , 45,000 eonttiK Uncoil Long ntnl short clour , 55 I hi , 3ii Cdpnr wt ; long clear , 4lln. . ills. MliiiicnpolN Mnrknt. MlNMKAl' , Minn. , Mny 5.-\VlliAT-rmrly irting until noon , when prlcci iii'sun to rn o IT from ll.lttjt iiDdprnrtuully foil. A deslro o oill was tliun noted ntitl prices fell rupldly nun ! I.WJ ! to tl.tiS'i. ' cuusliiK iiliwHt n panic. ntid It win Itnposslhln to close out trades oil lop older * . Then , uftor 11 little rully , nnothor irruk totl.Olii iinil In ti inltiuto unntlicr to 1.00 , tins slmriiust hrcuk of llio H inon. Close : No I hard Muy. JUG : truck. Jl.i OI. ! 'J | ISo. ! inrthcrn , Mny.Wffi June , PHii'l track , WJc J No. ' . ' northern. Mny. liTej tr.ick , Oiit'JJe. tccclpu f jrtho di\y. IWJciirsj shipments , CO u rs. _ _ St. I oiils Market. PT. I.num. Mo , Muy 0. WHEAT Lower ; tiili , il.o > i : July , i 40. COII.N KuMcrs ensli , (12Uci ( July. Oi'io. ' D4TH Lower ; cnsh , Ma : July , 42'io. PniiKVoiil ; lit tK.y\ I.Alin-lk'tivy ntM.'j. \SIII KV Stuiidvutll.l9. lIUTTKlt I'lrnii unchiinKcd , KniiMiiH City Market. KANSAS OITV. Mu.Miiy 5.-\Vnr.AT WdiUor : No. 'J hum. cash. IKVBUTo ; No. - ' ruil , cnsh , UJcffl l.uo. COIINLower ; No. 3. cash. fiOclilill Muy9ii < & ! 0 * e. Own- Weaker ; No. 2 , cash. I9c bid ; Muy. Orchid. _ Milwaukee Mar1' ft. Mii.wAtiKKKVN. . , May 6.WIIHAT Lower. No. ' - ' sprlna. cash , f I.IK ) ; July , 07c. COIIN Stciiilyi No , II , fiTe OAiH-Hlcady : No. 2 wlillo , 6fic. I'ltovisiD.vs-Qulet : pork , July , Ciiit'iiiiinfl Market. ( 'INTIN.NATI , O. , Muy 5. WHEAT Lower to sell ; No. U tod. 1 1. IK c'oiw lli'iivj ut 7 < > ii7le. ? OATIriiin at iVi < ti.'i7c. ifKr-il IT. Toledo Market. TOM. no. O. , May S.--WIIPAT Lower ; cash , Lta'i. ' 'OIIN - null ; cash and May , TOO. OATS .N NKW YOIIK. MuyToday tln'io was llttlo Inti'irstliiK In tliostorl. niarKet outsldn of Chi- CIIKO OIH and i-t. Paul , although the Wlieelln & Lake \\ornstroiiKOiiliKliL liunsiictloii" , and Cleveland , Columbus , riilcmjoA HI Louis continued Its movement ( if yi-jti'idiiy diiilnc the foiunoon , Slhcreertlficiitcs wi-io wu.iUur and Ihu Industrials went ( | tiltM neiflectoil unlit late In tlin day , when they Dceanie artlvu and wcnlc with tliu Koncral list The mnrliot openi'd llrm but quint , mid while a few spi-uial- ile.s HKo ClilcnKo Has leered material gains Lhe general marl , el f.illcd to ndvnticu mom linn .small f i aetlons beyond the level of flist prices. London sold Its specialties , and this inoulpltatcd a soiling movrmenl by the local ipcr.itois , which soon wiped out the early ; iilns. The aftcinoon , however , brought wltn t thu announcement of a further engage ment of $1.VHOUO ) Kold for shipment abroad and the sellliiK became general for both > -ldis of the iiLTount , The selling was vlRor- mis while the nftoi noon lasted , und material losses were suffered In all the loading shares , though the losses of thu day aru iu > iiorilly : conflni'd to fruetlonal amount a Amonx the specialties I.or.K Island sold dnnn about 3 per cent this morning on thu death of Mr. Pratt , whose late acciiinuliitlons of the stock will bo divided and In all probability will come upon the mui ket. The Htouk afterwards rallied 2 per cent , however. The llnal dealing * were It'ss aetlvo and marked by u quieter tone , but the elosi ; WHH heavy at about tlm lioi torn Ilp mi's. The In-won of note Include Lnckawanna lit. hiigai' 1 , Silver certificates , 1 per cent , and Isoilhern I'aelfle 'i , while Chicago Gas. whleh was the stroiic foatuie all the way out. Is ac tually ill ) 1 per cent. Kallroad bonds weio attain dull , the sales of all UmicH bulnt ! only fUHVOO , whllo the tone was generally steady but sympathized with the stock market later In thn d > y and bccaino heavy under the effect of realisation. The llnanclul clian cs an * in- slunlllcant , however , and thu business was widely distributed , tbo market developing no feature of Interest. Uovernmnut bonds weio dull , steady. State bonds , dull and fe.itun- Icss. Petroleum opened steady but became di.ll and fell U under light sales , then became dull and lemalned so until the close. Penn sylvania oil options closed ? lt. ! .May options opened Tla. Iiluliest7l4. lowestTI , closing 71 ! | . Lima oil. no Halen ; total sales.'O.diNI barrels. . Nr.w YoitK , May 5. The Post says ; Just now theio Is a halt lu the rise In prices of stocks which has t.een In progressttlncothu Ilistweek In Miuch , notwlthstaniilng a number of sim ilar halts lu that time. The reason gl\eu by n good many speculators for this halt Is a "mys tery" about the gold exports. Hut thu fact of thu mattur Is thuro Is really no mystery of tlio exports of gold whllu there Is such a de mand from Importers for exchange on Kuropu that tBoy are ready to buy all thonxchahgo that Is madu against tliu exports of gold and at anch rates as now glvo thu bunkers wliosoll thu u\chanio a prollt. Hankers bring the gold from the United States because the United Status owe It to Kuropn for goods I ounht , but there Is no mystery In all this , the gold Is not going Into any hole , but Is merely moving In thu usual channels for settling the balances of tiado between different countries. The only legitimate bourlng that thu k'old exports have on tliu stock market Is thu temporary depict'on of Ihu banU reserves and the const ) . iiuent tendency to stiffen thn monoy'markot. Hut there Is no reason to doubt that wo shall export wheat more largely Ihun usual and also that Kuronu wants to invest In American rail roads and other securities and that these things will turn thu exchanges In favor of the United States and malic money plenty here this summer , _ _ _ The .Monoy Market. NEW YOIIK , May 6. MONKV ON CAM , easy , ranglni : from ( ! to 10 pur cent , closing olfercd at ( i pur cent , last loan : i per cent. PiiiMKMKiiOANTii.K I'Al'Kil 4tfftlh per cent. bTKiu.iNU KXUMANIII : Quiet nnd steady at * lKlli for sixty-day bills and JI.Niy for de mand. STOCKS Total sales of blocks todav weio ITH.lirj shares. Including : Atdilson , "IH.IXH ) ; lielawari' , l.nrkawanna & Westiirn , HAW : l.oulsvllUi .V Nashvlllo , | ) . > t75 ; Missouri Pa- I'lllc. % 73I ; Northurn Paulllu , a40 ! ; Northern Puclllu prefoned.R.27Itlchmond ; it Western , 4. : H ) ; St. Paul. ( L'riO ; Union I'aelllc , 17.200 ; Wnbash , I..V.KI. Thu following wcro the closing orlcci on bonds ; U. H. 4s , reiititered. . . ! ' . . ' / .M. K , XT , lien'l Hi , 101 U B. 4s. ouupnus. . . .I2d'i do &s. . . . . . , 77 j 4 stelitered. . . . .lu ) Mutual Union Us lu.iu 44 < , ( . . , . , , , , . N , J. Cent I nt Cert. . . IIW Pnoltlodiof 1)4 ) . . . , .lli : Norlhern I'nc. IsU. ,117 l iulslann Stniup 4s , , tri do second Ill Mlisourlla 101 Norlliwe l'neoniolsiai | Tennessee N. S. Us..101 do debentures * . 105W do OuuunTrani. . IU. , M ilo Ht. L A I. M. lien. 5i.1Uii1 ! I ) . * West IsH , KIU T. P. II. tl.Tr. llcts..liw'/ Krlu seconds. . . J7IUnion , I'aclnu Isls . . 10."i It ink ClcarauccM , I'AIIIM. May 5. Thrco pur cent rentes , Ulf IiOo aoeoiuit. NKW YOIIK. May V Hunk cloiirliiK twluy ' IIAI.TIMOIIK , Muy .V Hank clearlnus today , ( .V.4I.11I ; biiliinccs. 43iC4f ; < . Money , 0 per cent. I'liii.tuKi.i'iiiA , Mny & . Hunk elcnrlnisa to day , * IOp0UOOj bnlances , < I'J1'UIM. Money. 5 per cent. .OHU'AHO , Mny S.-llnnk cloarlnuu. tl7,000.000. Now orU uxchaiiKU wan 70o premluiu. Unto for money , fti ) < 36 par cent , ) . , Muy 5-llank clearlugi today , UO- Denver Mining Stookn. DENvr.n. Col. , May r , . A sensation was cre ated on the ' econd call today by brokers run- nlni ; Claiidhi J tin from R'i to 1) ) cents. Tbo movement was unexpected and throw the pit Into ireat excitement , Schmidt WIIH a rampant bull on ( lotlysburc. and nut the pilce up n couple of fractions by liberal pilichases. Klmto ailvaneed thrco nolnts , with Mori IB tiiklnuevcrythlnK oirercd at in cash. Iluyois worn after Diamond II , but sellers held back , not taking kindly to bids under 7 cents , while- thereat of the market showed no particular Improvement. Total ftiili-s. 40.00 hhares. _ 'Uio folliiwlni ; uio the closing PI Ices : Alleuhnny IVSii'.hnt'co ' li1 Amity 4" " . Li-Hal Tender 4) ( ArKiinnut , . 15 l.lttlu llulu KM llnllarnl 100 Matclile B 2SA " - - 8 May .Ma/oppn 120 Hunter 70 MoriilnKlilliu 41 lllK Indian sio Ore HlKSIx 14 Payllnck .1 llrowntowr 51 Pototl 7 Calllopo 17'u Park con SU Century 2ii Heed National 55 Clay County 109 Itl.ilto H5 Caihlni ; II llunnlnit Ixxle 25 Diamond II ( , Sl.eavon ! ortli ! " ' < Dcinorliai AO1I. . . . IS'dl.lolm.l ' pfil i ! l.mmons | ' > { Puzzler l' < H ( lold'I reasure 1liu ! Clnuilla .1 U Iroii'-lad 4 ltieUi biirn 21 Nr.w yoiiic , May 5. Tbo iiiluliiB quotations are as follows ; Ad.inii ton 177 Iron Slli i > r 100 Axpon lll.'i Mount Dlnlilo UK ) ColorndoCjn 1(10 ( Unlnrlo 4WU Dc.idirood JUO Plymouth I .Ml KureknCon 3M ) Htnnditrd 1UO ( loiildA. Curry iKU Union Con 4.0 HunicMuko ( .75 Yellow Jacket 275 UoriiSllvrr. . . . ' , J'fl MnrkctN. NKW VOIIK. May 5. HOSI.N Quiet , firmer : strained common to Kood , 11.70. TUUI'KNTI.NB Dull , 39c. 1'KI IKON ( jllll't. Uiii'i'KK Nominal. LKAII Dull ( unsteady ; domestic , $4.25. Tl.v-Qulet , llrm ; straits , J20.05. LONDON ( Jalcutta linseed. 41d per quarter ; llu'cod oil , 22s ( id per owl , TrmlcrH' Talk. CIIICAOO , May 5. Loian it Co. to Toncray k Hryan : The wheat inarUet closes panicky. The market sold up to $ I.OIJi and the sudden decline from that prlco to O7'ie ' no one can Klvo any reason for. The weather has been and will ho the great factor for the no\t few days. Cables am weak and foreshadow lower prices abroad. Our own crops continue all that could be desired. NKW VoitK.May 5.--Konnett.llopklns&Co. to P. A. MeWhorter Continued shlpmontsofKold and lnrji ! ; * elllir. ? In this market for English account have had a depressing effect upon prices today. Tlili sellfn for English ae- countMaa not. uxpecteil , Inasmuch its early prices recoiled from London for American securities wore above a parity of this market , and It was on tlm strength of these prices that our market opened llrm , and for thu llrst hour made more or less advance. It was apparent , however , even during this time , that there were a good many stocks for salt ) and that or ders wore being bandied Judiciously , for tbo market was comparatively active , stocks being forced upon It , but being peddled out at ni good prices as could bo obtained , Shipments of gold , which today amount to } l,5 oOOU , In addition to the $700,000 of yesterday , are causing some uneasiness In llnanclal circles , and In a great moaauro be cause they arc not understood. Even those who are shipping the gold ate apparently Ig norant of the causes of thu demand. There was a report current of llnanclal troubles In Berlin , but this was denied. The stock mar ket closed unsettled and rather apprehensive , both n to the outcome of tomorrow's railroad meeting and the probability of further gold shipments. CIIICAUO. May 5. W. 0. McCnrmlck ft. Co. to V. U. Swartz & Co. The bear wheat market of yesterday developed today almost Into a panic. Outside of very weak cables theio was nut llttlo noivs to airout It either way , tint a steady outpouring of long wheat caused weakness. Buyers for long account wore scaicoand the only support of the market to ptevent Its developing into a genuine panic was the buying of shorts who wcro takliu big piollts. The eloso was very weak and wo do notseo as yet the coming of the "Bliicher" who Is to stop the rout. , Heeelpts at the eleven primary points were fKi7,000 , shipments 1114,000. Clearances from tbo seaboard were small , Now York sending out 15.01K ) packages of Hour and li , COO bushels of wheat , Corn and oats partici pated In the general panic under the Inlluencoof beautiful weather and largo re ceipts. There was but llttlo news In either deal , tbo cause of the decline being , as In wheat , general unloading on the part of out side longs. Provisions weak and lower. July pork declined nee from last night's close and closed at bottom prices. Itlbs and lard were weak , butdld not meet with so Inrgea do- cllne. Some traders who have been OKI prin cipal holders of provisions nru becoming dis couraged and seem Inclined to get out of their long deals , Wo do not beliuvo the bottom tom has been reached. CltiOAno , 111. . May 5. Kcnno'.t , Hopkins & Co. to S. A. MeWhorter The big shorts In wheat coveted freely at the outset und there was aso fair Investment buying which rallied the market about 2c. At the top several largo commission houses filled the pit with their sales , doubtless for account of piomlnent bcais. and when the market started ofT It was hammm-cd furiously on all sides , snaking out morn long wheat on stop orders. 1'rlces are nowabout where they stood weeks prior to the recent sharp advance , hut wo aio that much nearer the new crop. With flatterIng - Ing prospects thu bull ( over has disappeared and buyers for Investment will lie moro cautious lu the fuiuie. It Is by no means settled that the boars aio to * liavo smooth sailing henceforth. The situation Is just as bullish now as It was when July touched (1,14. Koielgncrs keep taking wheat as fast as they can get It. Thcv have stripped the eastern seaboard of available stocks and contracted for nil that Is likely to reach that coast from the old crop. There Is a good de mand everywhere for cash wheat. The de cline has apparently gone far enough for thu present end wo bellevo conslder.ibly higher nrlecs will bo scon before they go materially lower. Corn and oats were weak and lower , but exhibited none of the panicky feeling ills- nlayo.l In wheat , There were no big lines of long stuff to ooiiiu out anil prices declined more on selling than anything else nt cur rent prices. Wo favor thu long side for quick piolllH. Holders of provisions aru thoroughly discouraged and were selling regaidless of prices , when July pork touched $12.115 It dropped with scarcely a halt to t2 < ' , { . ( Judahy was a prominent seller. The market will cer tainly follow grain In any further depression , O Ji.i 11.41 / , IVK H TO Vli. OMAHA , Mays. CATTl.r Olllclal receipts of cattlu 1.U22 ni compared with 1.IMI yesterdav and 1,510 TucMlayof last week , Desirable beeves were aetlvo and steady to strong , heavy and com mon grades were slow and much urged. I'ccd- ers were slow. lions oillurUl receipts of hogs 5,201. as compared with 2,201 yesterday and 5,721) ) Tuci- diiy of last week , I.U'hl hogs weru active and steady , heavy hogs steady to So lower. The range of the prices paid was fl.5Dtftl.hO , the bulk selling at JI.O > iJt. . Light , R.WiO 4.75 ; heavy , * I.704.SO ; mixed , * 4.GO4.G5. Thu average of thu prices paid was H.ikl : ! - . > us computed with ll.utlycsturdar and } l.o2vrucs- day of last week. MiiKKl' Olllulal receipts of sheep 505 , as compared with 'Ml yesterday and Ih2 Tuesday of last week. Thu ni'iruel was ac tive and arm. Natives , tU.OO&U.10 ; west erns , J..riwa5.0V HoicltH | uiid DlHposttlon of Stook. Olllulal receipts and dlspoiiltlrii of sn.c' : as shown by tin ) books of the Union stockyarus DISPOSITION. 9TJISIH. No. Av. I'r. No-JAV. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 1. . MO tl 25 40. J'itt } . ' , 15 18 .1415 15 40 | . 870 4 33 21 .jM 680 . 1240 r , 40 i..1000 4 M 10 UTS 5-r 33 11.12 ft 45 1 . ORO 4 ffl 7 lllj fi 25 171200 fi45 10 HS.I 4 IW 8..UIVI 525 20 ,1SI5 R 45 11) ) . 003 4 00 17 lfti'1 f , 23 50. 1849 r , 45 IB . 10 < 4 W ) 10. liSS fi ! 41) ) . I.'RK ! ft 45 20 iow ft co fi 35 n. no ftf > o n..moo n 10 in.,11,4 5 ; ii so..12111 SKI 3f ) HKIO fi 10 4V.1IM fi M 20 141'J ft 70 17. 1090 ft 10 ) T..IXIl 640 33. . 1303 5 SO i . nio 2 15 o. . , r.oa 3 10 in. OKI 400 II. . 7711 215 1 " 00(1 ( 38,1 3. . Kin 400 0 . 7R5 a 15 l.'ftio 325 fi..7UI I SI 2. . 030 225 I. . Oil ) II DO 1..040 425 2. . 8(11 ( 210 4. . 017 360 ( ! . . Ml 425 1. . ICO 2M 4..1(105 ( 375 1..1040 4115 1. . 11)00 ) 850 I..121J 403 4.1210 440 2. . KS5 2G5 8. . UIJ 100 1..VI30 440 8. . 1155 300 1..11V ) 400 1.1000 450 14 7tI ( 300 1. . 720 4 CO 2.1881) ) 475 15. 10M3 301 1. . OJO 400 11..1080 4 00 0. . MM ) 3 10 AM ) FRKIIKItR. 11 508 2 00 fiO. . K0 ! 300 IK ) . . 715 350 . . 3.1(1 ( 275 13.477 3 ( W 3.I..078 II61) ) 1 710 8 75 0 . SIO 3 85 4 6 7 3 Ki 8 f,2S 273 6. . 44S 385 2. . 1)15 ) 380 35. . GDI 300 Kl. . OK ) 333 21. . 897 305 1IUI.I.H. S. . 183.1 250 3..1350 875 4..1505 300 1..13UJ S 75 1..KH ) 375 1..1580 450 , HTAUS 1..KKX ) 300 iiKimts. 2 . 483 2 00 CALVES. 1. 2SO 300 mis AND notion. 1 . : X ) 250 ( W . 131 ICO 425 U . 125 375 BIIUKl' . No. Av. I'r. 150 westerns , wethers . Ill fit (0 ( 22J weslein.s , wetheis . 11.1 000 New Vork Live Stock Market. NKW YOIIK , Mny 5. IIEKVKS Itccelpls. ipvij heail. All for export anil slnuRhtur ; no trailo : feeling steady ; oreiseil heef , sluu , KtlOo per IHiiiiid ; shipments tomorrow , 150 beeves mill : > M > < | Uurteiof lieef. . i CALVES Keeelpts , 279 head. Market steiuly : veiils , * . -.40a5.75 pojCHt.i buttermilk. J3.40 ® HI'IKEP Hecolpts. 1.145 head ; market steady ; cllpncil sheep. 5.t01ifl.37 per ewt ; ullpDeil lambs W.507..V ) ; ilrv-suil mutton llrm , llM ) & I''c per pound : iliceil Jninlis , Ktoaily. ll > . ' , < &H\o \ HOES Heeelpts , 1MU4 , consigned dfreetj nom- Intilly .5C4 1-0 ] ) er.ont. Ijlvc Stock Market. ClIIcAdO. May Ji'-i-Oattlo Hecolpts. C.503 ; hhipinentH 1.500 ; market slow. Irregular ; prlmo HteersI.OO(2C.3 ( ( : > ; heifers , Il.50a5.00 ; cows , M.OO . . Hogs Heeolptsl7,0008hlpincntrtS,001 | ; mark et steady ; eommon. tl.WKif I.7U ; paeliers , and ml.xed S4.80i3t4.1H ) ; pri'ue boavy anil hoteliers' weights , J4.055W.a'i ; plirs. $ I.W1.80. ) .Sheep Kccelpls.M.OiO ; sliloinontK.4,000riuirk- ; ct stroni ; ; natives , J5.40i . ( i.5"Te.xans. ; J5.50 ; western , $5.5.Vt : i8. ' > ; lam St. I.otilH Mvc Stock. ST. I.OUIH , May 5. Cattle Hceelpts 2,000 ; shipments 1100 ; sloady : L'OOvI lo fancy natlvo Nteeis , $5.10@3.bO : Tcxans and Indians , JI.U03 > 5 M. lions Hci-nlpts , 4,400 ; rdilpmcnts , 7,100 ; steady ; heavy , tl.805.0 < ) ; mixed , } I.354.UO. KansnH City Ijlvo Stock. KANSAS CITY , Mo. . May ft. Cattle liecolpts , 4.000 ; shipments , Ukl ; hleady to hUlier ; bleers , J.I..VX1J5 s.i ; I'owHf8.500(4.1X1 : stoekcrs und feed ers. fJ.474M.lKi. lions Kecelpts. 12.000 ; shipments , 1,700 ; steady ; all grades , t.i.50 < ft4.85. OMAHA WMlOLEHAitK MAItKETS. OrocrrlcH. StiOAn Granulated , ft'se ' ; cubes , 5Vic : cut loaf. 5Ue , nowdeied , standard , 51ic ; XXXX , powdered. 7e ; yellow O. 4'4c ; eanary , 4i' ' u ; lliht extra C , 4'e ; confectioner 1 A , r > c. WOOIIK.NWAIIE Per do/en Tubs , No. 1 , $7.50 ; No. 2. tn.M ; No. 3 , { 5.50 ; keeler , oak grab ) , ft In , beat , gl.50 ; white cedar. 4 In. best , * 1.25 ; palls , 3 hoop , ouk Drained , tl.75 ; 2 hoop , tl.M ; syrup tl.75 ; dowell , II.M ; paper , metal hoop. f..Vl ; cellar , 3 brass hoops. No. I. all red , K.'KJ : cedar , 3 brass hoops No. 2 , led , J5.0 , ) ; cedar , 3 brass hoops , No. lHtrlpod$5.10 ; dur , 3 brass hoops. No. 1 , Htrlped , $ l.r > 0 ; horse. vlra'boiivy. No. I , J2.75 ; well buckets , K183. Ilutterivaro Tubs , ash , 3 Inch , per nest , 7.'ie ; ash , 2 Inch , 2 larno size , per nest. 45c ; butter ladles , hard wood , 70e ; bnttor paddles or npades , 70c. Wash boards Single , $ l.4Ki203 ( ; double , $2.5033.25. Ulothesplns 5 gross boxes , ( We , ( JoKKKK-Grecn-HIo , 2223o ; Java , 27e ; Mo cha. 2Ho. Honsted Arlosn , $ J5.GO ; Mul.aiiKhlln , -\X.\X , . ' 5.CO ; Ilnnola. $ iVllO ; Usriniin , 25'ie ; Dllworth'H , 25 ! Je ; l.lon , fl.VIXIi l.'ordovla , $25.X ( ) ; Moehn.30ot O. U. .lavn , > e. ColTee essence ! i isro. boxes , tl.iV3il.5J ; ; chicory , 7'ia6e. ( NUTH 1'er pound Almonds , Itie ; llra/ll.s , 16o ; filberts , 12c ; pecans , i : > Tll4e ! ; walnuts , 13c ; peanuts , fanov white , lie ; roasted , He. DitlKti I'niiiTH Turkish prunes , less than lilids , 1MK ) . niie ; apples , ovapoiated , new ring , eholi-o. 14e ; apricots , laney. In hacks , sou ; blackberries , now , He ; raspberries , 25 Ibs to box , IlOc ; currants , new , Ce : Votl/zl cm rants , extra , In boxes , ( Pie ; peaches , Cal. , choice , 15u ; C'allfomla dried grapes. In bags , Cu ; seedless Knltanas , sacks , Ou ; mnsentels Co ; now Valencia , Tliu : Ondiirn , layer. Rliu : HRS , layers. 1420o ; citron , Leghorn , 2Je ; lemon peel , 15c. OI.IVKH Quarts , per iloz , 14.51 ; pints , perdo/ , $2.75 ; bulk , per gal. $ I.4U. Olive oil. ' / pints. 2 doperene , II.SWK.V.U , . , FAIIINACI-OUB ( loons llarley , 4o ; farina , kegs , $5.00 ; split pens. 3Su ; isreen peas , 2c ; oat meal , Dills. $ O..MXit5.75 ; half bills , $ .I.3VK4.50 ; macaroni , 12e ; vermicelli. I''c ; sago and tapl- ooa , IWitl'.i" ; Mnia beans , 5' e ; cereallne. $1.24 ; linked hominy , 3o ; pearl hominy , $3..5 per bin. riAt.T-Iulry,2S01btflll bills , bulk. JJ. 10 ; best erudt'H , Ii05s , $2.40 ; bist Krade. lH)3s ( ) , $2.50 ; best grade. 28 Ids , $ J.4l > ; rook salt , criibhed , $ . ' .10. llAKiNn I'nwiiKit Hoyal. rtltnn cans , per do/ , iK-u ; 'i'lo cans , { 1,4:1 ; ! i-iu cans. * - . . ( > > ; 110 runs , $ .1.00 ; 1'rlco's ' 4-lb ; ' /-lb i-iuis , $2.50 1 1-lb cans , $1,75 ; othorjdnds , 1-lb cans , per do/ . $ I.OiKit3.K\ . . ) WiiAi'i'iNO I'Al'Kil 1'i-rlb. best straw , l.ixlS to3.'x44 , I'ic ; dry gooiln , 494'o ; extra iiiallty | manllla , ) ! ( ; miinlllu to.i , 12x18 , Oo ; dark rag , hardware , 2o. . ; . Oii.s-ir.Uiiiliiie vliltcJllo ; 150 water wlilln ll4e ! ; headlluht. U'PT-14 gasoline , lllic. OJ onus 1 gal , t.'I.OO&l/AiM - Kill. $ .t,75Q3.hO ; gal. * ; i..vxa5.uo. HOIIA Packages , 50 Ibs to box. 5'&o & ; keis , } { u. TKAS .lapan , 1msUotllied,2o 5.Hsiin : dried , : iV7445e ; green , axftvioaKunpowdor. jv .viu ; Kn- Kllsh breakfast , : i5'rt7&iiyonnir | Hyson , 2oa.'fici Oolong , 25Q ISc ; 2-1 b pitekage dust , 15e. AXI.E ( IHKASB I'nriluross | , nuhir'H largo tins , $ .1000 ; meilliinrtliiH tu'7.lH ) ; small , $ M.OO ; other makes , wood , $ V XS W.5 . lli.ACKlNd 3doIrrlim , IiKii75u ! ; ladles' shoe nresslnir. 45cQ$1.00 flUlvo pullsh , per gross , . .i. lll.lMNd l.lqulil , 4 o3 dor In box. IWoOil.75 ; 8 o3 ilot In box , tl.MOS.Ta ; dry , small , Mo : SlMClN I'eppor yingupori' , hlfled , I.VBIRci shot , 22c ; afUplfu , lee ; eloM-s , I'enang , su- leuled , ikolDo ; cassia. China , 4-lb mats. IN : ; iiutmeL's. No. I , 75e ; niaeiihsor , U. " > c ; plekltiiK bplres , 1D-1I ) boxes. 25c. l'IHCl\TK. ) l'TC.-12-lh boxes. 3lrtiVi : ) fler- man HHIIUI. 22fttlo ; cocou. II'WIOo ; Ilioino , 32 . C'ocoASiiT I.V.UIUUI.IM. ) i and ii-lb packages , peril ) . IMWTuj bulk. 15-lb palls , 25. ' . MAPI.K. rlmiAii l'iir lb-5d cakes , Iio-lb boxes , I3o ; lOe cakes , 3-lb ) boxes , I2 ! e ; 1-lb bricks , ai' : r. I UKtie. ) ; . . $2.75 ; 3-tle. $2.25 ; 3-tie. plain. * I.NJ ; wuruhoiise , M.IX ) ; toy , $1.2 ; whisk , * I.OJl.tH. i-OAi'-fiiKtlli' . mottled , peril ) , I0o ; do "njle. imr Ib , Ho ; laundry , per IW ) bars. Ul.Vifr 5.IID ! shaving map. 5t7.Vi per ui | toilet nap ) , per box , fiOuSlW . I.ViLewis' : pivfniiifdl.5l ! lied rioss. 4.25j American. * 1.25 ; J-HiHinlller. tl,2.'i ! Merry \ \ ar. ' lU'Wf Ktar , borubblng , II.W : Ulllutt's pow- M7LK CondenKcd--Kaglo , $7.40 : f'rown. $ fl.25-t Anglo HwUs , $7.00 ; lllh'liluni ] , $0.15 ; "Hl l , " TWINES , COMDAQK , Kia-Cotton twlno , "nibb. " very line , > Hb bales. 2-Jc ! cotton twine. XX brand , U-lbbales , Ifc : hemii twine , 'i-lb bulos , icci nail twlnu , 20o | eandlo wick , . vc : 411-foot cotton clothes line , $1,40 : (0-foot ( cotton clothes line. tl.U5 | Rl-foot slsil lines , II.W : to-foot Jute , l.85 | wool twinesfdfr-t man- Ilia rope , all sires , from 7-10 to I in , llei rope , all sires from 7-lfl to 1 In. Sc : "new pro- cess. " all sires from 7-10 to 1 In , i > Jo ; cotton rope , U-ln. I5o. IMontN anil I'rovlHlonfl , IlKKf To.MllItR Sweet 1'lckle'l ll.irtolsSOO lls. $ ' .M.OO ! Half bartels. ItO Ibs. $10.50. I'nilK To.Mlt rs-.Sweet Tickled-Half bar rels , 1H ) Ibs jrvi ; Quarter barrels , 50 Ibs. $ | .oo. I.AMlis1 ToMluils-Sweet tilckli-it Half bar rels , lee Ibs , $7.00 ; Quarter ham-Is , f.l Ibs , $1.00. Si'ifBti : PHIS' MOCKS ( Cooked ) Half barrels , N ) Ibs , f4.70 ; Quarter Illinois. 40 Ibs , $2.ll > ; Eighth , 20 UK , $ I..V < ; Kits. t.Mbs. $1.05. Hi'icr.n Pins' To.Ndi'n ' * ( CooKiMll Half bar rels , 80 Ibs , $11.50 ! Quarter. 40 Ibs , J'l.ou ' ; I'.lKhth , JO Ibs , $ . ' 1.00 ; Kits. IT , Ibs. $ , ' .50. HPICBII I.AMIIS' ToNOOK' ? ( cooked ) Half barrels. Wlhs. $ IO.M ; QiiarhT narrols. 40 Ibs , fV.V | r.lghlhbairols , 20 Ibs , t..Mj Kits , 15 Ibs , PirKtii : ) Tini-R Itarrels , 200 Ibn. II.M : Half banels. t-olhs. * 2.00j Quarter banels , 40 Ibs , 11.001 Klulitli barrels. 20 Ihs. O'lciKlls ' , 15 Ihs. We , I'H'Kl.r.D Pins' rnKT-llirrolH : , 200 Ibs , W.20 ; Half barrels.K ) Ibs. fj.n ; : Qnarler barrels , 40 , ! Klghth banels , 20 Ibs. 5Jc ; Kits , l.ilbs , 5.V. HMOKKII MKATSllanis , medium , 14 to 10Ib averagu , 10'ius heavv. Si to 2. ' Ib average , tiiN Hi nvurimo. TCI boneless ham. Se ; spiced boneless rolls , Sc ; breakfast bacon , clear , 5 to 7 Ib strips , H'ic ' ; breakfa t bacon , rib. 8Ue ; centennial beef tongues , 12c ; dried beef hams ( setsO'io ) ; dried beef , regular , Scs dried beef clods , 7jc ; ; fancy lean baeks , T'c. ! Special hams , 12 to 15 Ib axerago , llej breakfast bacon , 1'intn IIAC : I.AiiD-Ilest Kettle Henilerod- llerces. Se ; barrels. K'iKi ' half hairels. si o I'liliB I. Mil-Tierces ) , 7Ue ; barrels , T-'aCi ' half hariels , 7'4c. SAUSMiK llologna , 4"je " ; I'liinlifiirls or Wienerwursts , 7'ic ' ; ; blood , Sc ; liver , 5eiiead ; chei"-e.5o ; Polish , 7csninmer ; sausage , r.t1 ! pork saiisagollnks7c ; pork saiisaao meat , In tin nails , 7c ; coined beef ( compressed and cooked ) . I2ic. OILS. TAI.I.OW AND STCAIII.NB I'IIIP Neat's , foot oil , nou per gallon ; pnro Neat's-foot oil , 5 gal cans , Mo per gal. i Al tallow , SUe peril ) ; . n-C per II ) . KIIKHII MBATS l < 'rusli hams , 20 Ibs uvir. R'ie ; fresh hams , id Ilia uvg. Do : flesh hai I , 12 Ihs avg , li'ie ; fresh shoulders ( i c ; perU loin- . , ! i'je ' ; poik tenderloins , lie ; leaf laid , not rendered , Ue ; spare ribs. , vjc. POIIK A.M ) III.KIPer bbl New nippi pork , per bill , $12.50 ; prime mess pork , $1150 ; extra lirlmo pork. $11.00 ; clear hack pork , heavy , $13.50 ; clear back pork , medium. $ I3.K ( ) ; short cut clour pork , $ I2.K ( ) ; pig pork , $ I3.H ( ; new extra muss beef , $ ' ) .50 ; new extra plate beef , $11.00 ; new plate beef , $10.00 ; ncu tolled bone less beef $10.00. Diiv SALT MIIATS Kat backs , O'ic : lean backs. O c : extra short cleais , tilgc ; bellies Kito20 Ib avg , 7'o ; short ribs , il'.o ; short clears. G'ae : long clears , CJJc ; shoulders , S'tc ; Foster backs , .l 'c. SMOKEII MKATS Dry Salt Cured llacon. longele.irs. 71Ho : short clears , ' ( Jc ; extra short clears , 7 ? e ; bellies , clearstrlii" , THc ; bellies , clear wide.7J4e ; short libs , 7'iu ; shoulders , 5 * > e ; fut backs , 7' o ; lean baeks , 7io. ! , Country I'roiluco. There Is n visible Increase In the receipts of butter , and especially of grats butter. This causes some dealers to piodlct a decline In prices before many days. Still the market Is holding up well now. Them ( s nulto u wldn range In Ihu egg market , strlct'y fresh and bright stock helm ; at a premium. The bulk of the sales are midway between the two ex tremes. Poultry Is not at all plenty , and re ceipts are moving very freely. The market on hay Is lather Heak and receipts llbeial. The following quotations nru based on yci- terday's sales : llAV-llcst upland $13 per ton. KiUIH General market r.lRI3c. IliiTTiiit-Ilcht country scarce at202.1-'o ; fair grades , 18U200. FINIS OenpraHiinrket. I2@l2'jc. ' I'oiii.TitrI.lvo hens , fancy. * 4 D ; mixed , $ .1.75584.110 ; roosters , $ .l.Y't43.7r ) > . Uvu liirkeys , Hu per II ) . Docks , medium , $ .1.0 33.25 ; laigo and faney , KL50. The potato market Is very weak and good stock uan be piirebii'-ed consldeiably lower than a week or so ai-'o. Thoapnaicnl reason IB the largo amount of slock being offered for Halo just at present. Thu following iiuotatlons aru based on yes terday's sales : I'OTATOKS Homo crown slock , 00c$1.00 ; Coloiado stock. tl.Oiai.IO. CUCUMIIUIIS Per do/ , $1.50(31.75 ( OAIIIIACK California stock , per Ib , 2 > 5c ; southern , per crate. fJ..piOft3 75. Pu : I'l.ANT-Per Ib , 2lOc. ! : ! TOMATOES bonthern stock , bushel boxes , $5,00 ; fancy , crates , U baskets , $ .V.5&5.5 ! ) per crate. SOUTIIKIIN HKANS Wax. $ ' .03 per M bufchol box ; strlnir. tl.255il.50 per M bushel box. NKW POTATOHS Per Ib , : ic. SOIITIIEIIN CAtn.ti-'i.owKii-Perilor. . tJ.OO. Toi > bunch , 20c. Ni'iNACH Per lib ) , $1.50. IiBTTUUK-Clioleu ttock , 40c. HitTMiAUAS-Mlchlgan stock , | > er bu , 50c. llEirrs Per bushel , $1.0) ) . OAIWOTS- Per bushel , $1.00. HADISIIIS : Perdo/ bunches , 41X3,450. 1'AitSNii'h Per ! , $1.00. llKANH Mediums. t.MO ; navy , J2.75. Asi'AMAdiTB - Iliiiiui grown stock , 50u per dcu. MINT Per do/ bunches , 40o. KrultH. Yesterday's berry market was not well sup plied as stocks aio at present arriving from localities that do not maku .Sunday shipments which affects Sunday's lecelpts here. Tlio following iiuotatlons aiu based on yes terday's sales : STllAWIiBlllllliH I'IT case of 24 ( | ii.irts , $5.50. PiNKAi'i'i.KS Per do/ . $ . ' .5l't'l.K ( ! ( ) . OIIANIIKS I.os Angeles , $2.75 ( < S 1.00 per box ; Diiiiitit , UOO ; Hlveras , $ .1.00 ; Hlversldos , $ ,1.50 ; Navels. iV5n@G.OQ. I.K.MONH Cholco stock , per box , M.OD ; fan uy , $ (1 ( 50. GllAl'K Vltuur Per box , $ .1.00. llANANAH-Per biiueh TI.5Ci.Oa : Ai'i'iiBH The supply llghtand stocks hold at ( iirrentH orcoiniiieruo. Allen llrothors , thu wholusalu groccis , re- reived yesleiday a consignment of granu lated beet sugar Imporlcd f mm ( iormany. It was apparently of very excellent quality , and It Is said to bo the llrsl Gorman sugar of thu kind to arrive In Nebraska. AHE YOU TKOUBLEO With an old sore , ulcer , 01 gun shot wound thaf refuses 10 ] \ I For Five years up. If , i 1 liitd ; i sere leg , which so take woulI ( ylujll to nu tlclt. ! S.S.S. , im'tit unt 1 1 took t ( o and bc- bilk'K : ( oT S , S. S. , wli cli prompt y cured it , ) nil c o m e thei-i ! has bo , n no Ign of o urn ; tills was in 1880. your K. H. HOS-TNewton , N. C. former self. S. S. S. , has curec many such cases after every other remedy had failed. ' 00X3 OH BLOOD 4fiD 3X1/1 DISCUSES f\tr. \ | , n WvH t f.0' Cl tl n " BONDS Total WANTED I uo of CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL Mr WB IW W1 DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , ST. R.R.COMPANIEStlfl. Cnrrespondtncf ) pollcit d. N.W.HARRIS aCOMPAHY.Bankers , Ii1.i03 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 15 W 'l Street , NEW YOIIK- 70 SIBla 8 - - BOSTON , P. T. HUGHES , WIIOAF.rtAl.K CASH COMMIsaiON MKHUIIANT I .Mnikutl.trect , Denver. Colorudo. Kluln , 111 , , und Western ( 'leanicry llulter ( heeie III.UUO A 1 eniiity i-tK caien , with Illlcrs lo loan to niT shippers and others lo bo II I led live enses nnd up. Khlp by lint freluht liood , clump llutler In di'innnd iliirlnK .Mny. llellablo for quotatlolm on do- ninnd. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED. LIVE SrOOK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Co - Mulldlilk' . M-W Ki'-luiniio Hoillh Oninha. S. J. Coffman , Smiley Iluntur & Green , ' 30 Kxchaniio llulldlnj : e Kxchinuu Iliilldliu Hulllli Oma Koulh OiDiuin. "i'ld POIIK-lloriuTuds-lJiirrun. ' . ' 00 Ihs uacli. ll.VfiOi half hiirroln , luo Ihs t'lic-h , li.OO ; niiarlor burruU , ) Ibs ouch , M.Wi eighth barrels , each , t-.Ti. OMAHA i DIRECTORY. BIOYOLES. A. n , Porrigo&Oo. | All Maloi , All I'rlco , All I'lcyclci ' 3o1 < l on Mnnthlr ' , ' . t'ntti I'njnicnti. 13li DortyoSlrti-t. ICOJ { 1'nrnniii tn.,0iunls. BOOKJBIl DBUg < fc STATIONERY Omaha Republican Printiiig 6oi ! lnir brluf , bmik mppllos niut evcrrllilnit In tlio . tOth nnd Itniuhs trccti. Ackcrmnnn Bros. & Heintzo , Printer" , tjlniiprs , rlectrotrpurj , Mi.ik biKtlc mnnn- ( m turvrs , HIS Honnrl i-tri'ct , nniihi. BOOTS AND SHOES. M. E. Smith & Co. , I ' Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry ry ( roods , fnrnlnlilnir Goods Oo , , Koods , notions. jl'ry Roodsnotionsnoiits " " ' Cor , llth and Howard nti. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. Illustrated Cntalouus tree. 1014 Cnpltol ATCIIUP. FARM MACHINERY , ETC. Parlin , Oremlorff & T. G. Northwall , Martin Co. , General woitcrn iiRon Corner Join's nnd Utli ati. Slnndln I'low Co , O ualm , Nub. I34 ! > .1W1 Shernnn im ) . FLOUR. FURNITURE AND OARPE PS. Dcwoy & Stone Fur Ohas. Shiverick & Oo. niture Oo , , Kurnltiiro nnd Carpoti Furniture nnd cnrpoti , llli-111'J rarnnm street , 12IK1-12IO Knrnam St. Boebc 4 ; Runyan Fnr- nituro Oo. BuceosAura to O.A. Ilecbe \ Co. . Ornconnd Mill Ht . GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Schneider & Looinis , J. T , Kobiuson Notioa Oo. , Jotiboisnnd Importers of ( ienln' fiirnlstdne iroodi notions and furulsliUu m'fV < ' * l hr.iul lioods , "lluckskln" ivoralU , punts , nldrts , ro Ui. olc. 1111 Howiird street Cor. 12th and llowunUH. GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. Kcnnard Gliiss and J. A. Fuller & Oo , , Paint Co. , . HtUP.mutu HtrJJl , 1IOS-H12 llarnuy strojt. Omaha , Neb. Onmlia. Williaii' OumuiiugB , Blake , Brucs & Oa , C17 und Clll South lOlli St. , Omaha , Neb Oniulit , Neh. GROCERIES. Paxton 4i Gallagher , Meyer & Raapko , 705-711 S > . 10th stieut , Il'ji-I10i ' : Ilurnoy Onmlin , Net ) , Omalin , Neb. l M. Steele & Oo. , Sloan , Jolmroi & Oo. r.ijl-l'.U ) Jones utioot , till and slreels , Omali.1 , N l > . Omnlm , Neb. Allen Bros. , McOord , Brady & Oo. , 1111 llnrnej struut , I.lth nnd I/oarPnwortti , Omulin , Neb. Omuhii , Nebraska. GRAIN AND PROVIjSICNS. _ " " "lonzray &Biyan , | S. A. McWhortor , llrokers , itruln , provlidons all l t Null Hank llroku' . nnd ftuik . 315 H. Ktlii Prlvnlii whe to Now H. Private wlru In ClilVork , Cldenxo nnd rlt. . ht. lxiul ami Nuwl Unil" . riuli Kraln I loiiulilfor ull luarketn. Oockroll Bros.1 llrokcn. I'rlvnKi wlnn lo Now Vork , LhlcaKO > V bl. Louis , bpcelul Htlun * lion Klven to truck bid * < jugr lo. litNkt'lUnuk. QUNl'OWDER. 0 , Olnrk. OunlVc t < > rn Ajnit iif Duponl's SportbiK llun- powder , Allss hiKio ) plO' IrdltlnvlInK mpsf mo , 1318 Illiriiej ulreot. PAPER. Carpenter Paper Co. , Carry n lull stock of printing , wrnpplnit nnd nrllliiK piper , card | in- per , olc. PUR , WOOL , HIDESTALLOW. Goo. Oborno & Oo. , J. S. Smith & Oo , , 513 S. 1.1th , ulrect U03-I4U I.oiTcnworth it. Omaha. Oniahfi. IRON WORKS. Pruton & . ViorUns I Omaha SafiT& Iron . Iron Works , Works \\roiik'tit tin , ) east Iron , biilldlnn nork , ( > iuiln < Mnmit'n flr nnd hr.i nork , uonoriil proof nfp , Miult , Jnll fotindr ) , macliliii ; ant notk , Iron liutlcr inul hliirkvnillh work. U. 1' . tilt * r rnpn (1. ( An- Ity nn droi'n.lUh A .Incksonstl Acme Iron nnd Wire Wilson & Drake , Work ? , M'ft tuliulnr nuns , IIro Iron , nlro midtinm w'kj. box liollori , tnnks , cto. filVS liithstrpct. \ \ * llouhl , - rroprlutor. 1'lerro nn.l IPih itreets. LITHOQRAPHINQ. Hcos Printing Oo. LUIiournplitni ; . I'rlntliK nnd Illnnk Itouki. lllli and lluwmlSt' . LIQUORS. Ilor & Oo. , William D.irst. I.liinnr Slcn-lnnH. Wines , Liquors niul I'l- 111' ' Iliiriic ) itrcot. . . ' ' tt : > rt. .Mnnur.nrtur'r Ki'nne ly's llnsl India Hitters. HI1 Fninnm St. . E. E. Grotte , Frank Diillono & Oo. , .Importer mid .lulibi'r of uoMnnd ( icnulnoNo * Wines nnd Liquors. lO.'O nnd IUW riirnnm SU ' Stirut. 1'rlce ll t o L. Kirsobt & Co. , A. Friok & Co. , WhuiO'iito I.lqiior'Dcnlcrii Wlialctnlo MquorPealc 101)1 ) Knrnnni Street ROI-OSS ( lOtliSt. LUMBER. G. W. Douglass & Oo , John A. Wakefield , lull nrlpil.American.1'ort. Hardwood Lumber , land Ci'inpiit , Mllwniikoi llilraiilli Cement an4 1310 North inih Street. " ' Whlto l.lmo. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stouehill , I. Oberfeliler & Oo. , Millinery , Notions Importers nml Jobber ) In Cloaki , Ktc Milliner/ . 503,210 nnd SI2 South 11th lie-USD. Ifith St. , Onmlo Mreet , MU3IOAL INSTRUM BNTS , ETC - Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A. Hospe , Jr. , M'f'Ejanulnrs , dcnlorn In rinnos imiMcnl Instruments , , Origins , Arllsti1 etc. , Mnterlnl" , ICtc. , I'lirnnm nnd Idtli , I.M1 I > OIIIIK < Street. CEMENT AND LIME. J. J. Johnson & Oo , , 218 B. 11th atrmt , Onintm , .Vorx OILS. OYaTERS. Consolidated Tank A. Booth Packing Oo , , Line Oo , Oysters , IHh nnd canned IteDnod nnd hihrlcntlni KOOU9. oil' , axle Krciuto , etc. A. H. lllihop , MnniKar. 1.10S Ixiixvonwortli. HARDWARE. Rector & Wilholiny Oo LeelarkAudreesen Cor. lOth nnd Jnckson at ) Hardware Oo. , 1IOS-I110 Ilarnciy a Otunho. Oiilabu No ) ) PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Kibbel & Smith , Sclirooder k Oo. , Penler * In country prod Cnsli bnjers liuttur an ! \iee , fruits , vuKUtabl van' , an I Keneral cou- : etc. million incrclmnti , 12U7 Howard street. r.M South llth street. ! Handazzo & Son , 211 South ISIhSlroJU l-oruliiii Allompitlc Krulu HorlihiOrnnzi's A HIcllr Krult . llrjiii-h hnunoj .N. I'vtcrt St.Now Orl'ns. RUBBER GOODS. ETO. Omaha Rubbar Oo , , Jlnmifnoturlni : anil Job ber * nil klnd > rubb ; K'lH t . IOCS K.irn.tiu troot. SEEDS. Enursou Sio.l Oj. , ivvl ciMweri , deilori Ii K.inl u , ir. , i , 111-1)1 South ISth. SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , ETO. M. A , Bisbrow & Oo. , Bohn Sai ! & Door Oo. Manufacturer * of rf\ . Manuf.ietureri of inouU- door * , bllndi nnd l tf * . bhn ti , Jjar , Moulding llruiu-liot- etc. tK-e , l.'lli nnd liar.lstt Icili nnd Cl.irk stroott. SYRUPS. STOVES. Farrell & Oompviy , Stovj V stdTiii in I 1'lpX TEA , OoKPKliJ , SPICES , "OIGARS. Uonsollil.itoil Ooifoa lUrnoj U. Nplt STEAM AND "WATER SUPPLIES" U. S. Wind Engine it A , L. Btnii ! ' & Pump Ot ) . , llnllldar wind milt * PIS ltw'-l > JI Knrmm itreoU und WJ Jouui > l. II K IU , nctlni : mnniitfvr. Uuulia. Neb. TOYS" BILLIARDS , K. * ( H. Uardy dc Co. , - Toyn , dolls , nlbiliuifuller . Collendor Oo. liouds , liousofurnlshliu IllllUrd liiHretmndUu , goods , chlldrun'l c r M OS 8 Kalooti , lOlu slronu flituroi Ouiob.1.