Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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ini'l MimlHy , ODD Vi-ur . ! ' "
ix Niriritlm . . . . . ' "
limn ( n < intli . . ? ; ' '
iiMrtnr | IM > . Onn V'mr . . . Jy >
v lii'ii , Dim Viiur . \w
llut.Ono Vi-nr . . . . . 1W
f'ii nin , Tlm lf" ! lliill'lliiK-
tmitii ili.ihliu. ( nrniir N mid Vr.lli Mrrrl *
i omiHI lllnlTn. I I'miilHIrnnl.
N w 'JarV. ( ' 1,1,11 mid ivrrlbiinii llulidlnff
V/UlllllllKlOlli MJI I'ullllPI Mill htlMll
t' < niiti HI'ONIH.M'I :
All I'liiniiiiliilfblliiiiN rnlulline I" ' " " ' 1
Mlllmlnl Mfilli'i Nlinillil tin uil'lruwiinl tu tin )
J.ill I Kriii I Di'purliiHilil.
IHIHINliH ! MTTI'.llu.
All llllHll'tSIlllll4 | > rK H'I llllllltlllll""llllllltd
Im Bddrmwml In 7 lin Ili-ii I'libllBlibm ( ' ( iiiipiiny ,
Oirniliii , llruftM , rii'i'l | < niiiiil iKwKitlliiKirilnri
lo Im iiindn iiuyiiblii to tlin iiiilur nf Hit ) com-
llic Bee Piilillshlnu Company , ProDrlclors
TIM ; 111:1 : : IIIHI.DIMI.
Ciiunty nf
liriiri'i' II 'l/ni'hni'K , ni'iTjitiirjr of Tnr. llrr
1'iilillnfiliii : I'limpiiiiy , do'H Miliuiinly itwiinr
Ilinl llinnctmili'liriilnlliiii of Tin. IIAll.r llrr.
( or Km ITCUK imilliiK Muy 'J. "M > l. nan UK
Hiridiiy' ' Alirll''rt ' . Sj.Jjjj
Miinilbf. Aiiil'7 | . " ' . 'M
/ ni'Mlii'v AlfU'W . I'.HI
TU Im-Mliiy , AnrllVU . W.iif * !
Tlinrniliiy. April , .i ) . S.i.1 "
I'Hiliiv , Mny I . A"l ;
Hiitiinlny , May S . _ ' " ]
j\viin > i ( ' ) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . " " 'i I I "
( ir.diioi : it. 'f/wniuoK.
flnnrii ID Imfnm nu > null nulmcrll i l In my
tin mini o IhUUil ( lay of Aluy A II ( Mil.
. r ivn.
Not my I'nlillii.
llnlriif Niiliriinhn , I
ClIlllllV Of MdllullIN , l
( .cure" II. 'I rliiii'l < , I ( 'Inn duly nHiirn , (1t ( > -
i HUM mill hiiyn Ilinl Im IK i-eii'liny nf Tin ; UKI :
I'lilillKlilnii i un INCHV , Unit I In' iicnml IIVIIIIIKI *
( I inly i li < iilnlliin nf 'I nil IMII.V IIK.I :
fur Iho iiKinlli iif Mny , IW I , i'4 ' ! * ! )
iiiilcH | | fur .hum , IMHl , 'Mm niil | < in |
fnr.hilv IMHl ' „ ' ( ) . l il'J miiliiN ) fur AIIIMII , ! , IHIH ) ,
111'MI ciiili'n | | fur l'l ' | | mlii'l , IH" ) , ! ! nf7H I'oplimt
Tnr Oi'iiiliiir Ifm. ii''W ' inpH'Hi for Niivnin-
lirr , IMNI , ' . " . ' , I'lil riipli > N | for Deriunhnr , IH i ,
1V.47I I > IIIID | | : fi r .liimmry , IHH. i'f.Hfl ( imlcNi
fin I'l'liiiinrv , IMII , ! tf > , : M ! ! ( iiilrn ) , fur Miui'li ,
IWU , IM.iKift HipleH fur Aiirll , IWH , "IMf-'H rnili | < H ,
( Illllll I' II T/HI'IMICK ,
Kniirn In I I'Tdin ' inn. mid nnliNi rlliod In my
IHH im' , tlilH''dilnynf Mny , A. II. . IMU
N. I1. I'Vii. '
lllllrv I'lililla
\Vic MiAiiiMi ; wo can Imnr Cluirc.h
Iliiwi ) oMilaliti : " 'riiatilc ' ( ioil , It mm not
Maliini ! "
'I'liAVKit will now
al llio IroiiHiiry door and draw IIH ! liuclt
pny for four inoiilliH.
Till' iiioiiiniiloim quodllini of tlio hour ,
wluithnr HID old ( 'unj , ' ( if ( ill liiHiHUfH | ) )
roNtiiuo lliuli' Hiifl jolisV
No\y Hiippohn tlm Miiproino c.ourt of Iho
Unltoil iSlatoH iilioulil ii'ri ) , : ) with .Indjjo
Maxwnll a few innnl.liM
I'nor , I'AIIMAUK. ; wont < uit
lee noon , but I'rof. KakoHlraw will fool
about UN uiu'omfm tulilu IIH a eat in it
itraii'o | irarrut.
TIIK wlilrllul ) , ' of llniti lirln ti HH ro-
yoiiM. ) ) TlilH IH what , lohn Kau'iui
un ho road Iho orilor of ountor ,
by the Huproiiui uourl.
Tilic Ainorlran ; | | - -
( ; niili | ( ' ( iinpiiny him fiillod. If HH llablll-
tUm are an heavy IIH HH iiaiiio , llio
ormlltorri will not roall/o lOountfl on the
Unromc the your oiuln there will 1m
mivnnil lar o tln-plato planU In full
lilaul In Ainorlna. Kn llHli cnpltal IH
bohlnil ono of UIONO , and Kn llHlinion
tire the prlimlpiil OWIIOCH of liotlt tlio
niaolt llllln and Soutlioni ( Jullforiilii tin
llllllOH ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tint Mlllliifjton mnnlor ( rial .In Denver -
vor romillod In the iii'quittul of the
ilhroo ilofondanlH , but It cotii llio titato
Hourly Ufty llioiiHanil ( lollarH , llio do-
ftniHo JilO.OIHI and danniKo HuItH npfalimt
the pntHcuiitlni ; wlttiOHsin Involvlni ;
$ riOOOI ) have boon hmtltutoil.
lill llio alllaiu'n
, cainllduto for jjov-
ornor of AlalianmVIIH \ cominlsHlouor of
i\rluuluro ( ( prior to the olootlon. An
iiivoHllpitlon HhowH that ho and hln two
olorUn , ouo of whom was u son , travohul
about the Htntu on railroad ( IUHMCH , hut
ohiuvoit up Iholr fiuvs a j'iln t the wtato
with unorrlnjr uiiiliirlly. |
ATio iiownpapoi-H , to ho con-
lntont. inuHtohnrKO all the labor riots
mid Htrlluw on thn ICuroponn ooiitlnont
to the MoKlnloy hill. Hut tlioy will not
Iw ooiiHlstonlyol there has boon tmuhlo
every day for u year hi Oonnany ,
AtnUrln , Itoli iuni , Kranno anil ItiUy ,
niul troinoiiilous though j'u ' > i'ally ponco-
ful dinuonHtrntloiiH in Kujjlimd.
r.\-ovKUNOit ; CuirrK.N'tK.v of Mis-
bourl is very 111 in Kansas City. The
ox-uovornop l host roiuoniboi-cil. because
it \ viwsniiur \ his admtnlsirallon thnt the
itifaiuous Jiinuvs K' ' J "f train robt > ors
WUH tirokoit up anil the loader kill ( Hi. It
IH no npiu'Ial orodlt to Missouri to say
that Oovornor Orlttoiuion has MilTorod i\
loss of popularity slneo the Jnino.s hi-oth-
ors wont poniiaiunitly out of business.
Or.s'r.UAi. AI.OKK
mayor uuiy not l > o a
cnndldutu for the prosldotioy. If ho
were i vo\\odly \ In the Hold his friondi *
huvo cut his boom loose too early In the
HotiHtw. ll will luvtik lu foiH > \\\x\\ \ \ \
wutor oomos to carry it to the Whlto
lloimo tunrknt , Nothlnj ; hivaku to
plows ho coniplotoly as a Inwm which
Htm-ls iMtforo the wind har * iux > llooilod.
The ( jonoral in too old u politician not to
ivaUro the situation , llo N not now a
I'.MUiotMC iiMuivM the clttyoiiN of
and Nohraxka that ho Is still a
immli for tlio Nowlmrry hill a > ho o\or
was , Uut heeled \\ltli Any liwild and
Sldnoy Ollloti nt the dlivctorV incotlnjj
to uhrojrato the contract with the Kock
Itdand und Mlhnnkoo railroads
Solicitor Dillon pronounced the contract ,
which ho hud hlmsolf hoi pod to driuv ,
tllotfiU. and hooauso furthorinoro U
\voiihl linpali * the Intoivnt the ever
incnl hohls In the ivml hy nlunit halt
inUllon a jour , Thin ou 'lit tolw iv vor.v
Matlsfactory explanation to the friend
and ohiMiiplntiN of Iho Nowlwrry bill , ; vl-
tlioii ti ooiiie of thoni tuny hu\o\ery
1'ravo doubts alnnil the overninent cot
llntf * .MKMXXi a year out of the Union
I 'mil llo road o Ion ? an Cum Id and Dllloi
ll ,
Four moiilliB < wi > tlio HIIITOUIO court of
NubruulmVIIH Itivolt'id hy Jotui M.
Tlmyf-r , WIOHO ! torni JIB yovornor Imil
ox til rod to IFHIIU UN tnn-ndiiUi to bur
.IiirntiN K. Hoyd , who had IWJH ulccled
; IH ) IH ) HtivcoMor from taklnj , ' powHooalon
of Iho oxttuiitivu olllco on the ( { round
that } io win mi ulliin. The court do-
dlluod to lnhiio Uih mi onlw. Thereupon -
upon , Tliayor vniuitud the olllco , and
.lainoD ! * Uoyd WHH duly In-
Htulltiil un ( , 'ovonior. AimUiur pro-
cc H V/HH Itiulltntcd before llio Hit-
tiroino court ( ilmlluiiKltit ; ln' ' > olllbIHty (
of fiovortior floyrl to 1111 the poHillon to
which ho had hoon oloulcd und uHHortliitf
thill In , ' had not Ixinn n clf.l/on of the
United BttituH for two year pruci.'dliif , '
llio liotl goMurul olcijllon im roqulrod by
the coiiHtltiilloii of tlilH Hlatxj.
Tlio fatilH ollolloil diirlnjr Ihu liunrliif (
hoforo Iho Niinroino courl are HO uun-
orally known and have boon HO
fully ilUcuHhud Ihnl wu do nut drum
It noi'i'NHiiry lo repeal thuin. Aflor
tnoi'o Ihan two inontliH1 dollhonillon
the court IIIIH rondoi'cd a doolHlon do-
( iliirln JimioH M , Hoyd lnoll > ; lblo- and
roliiHlalln/.Iohn / Al. Thaycr In llio olllco
of ifovoriioi' cm the jjrounrt thai Iho pco-
plo had failed to nlucl a wiccuHHor who
waH lu condition lo ( juallfy. Thin liolni ;
the dncHlon of the Hiiproinu court , all
pnrtluH couooriiod intmt ylold obodl-
OIIDO lo UH maiidato , aUhoiil ( >
It IH by no inoami In accord
wllh the broad vhiWH ontorlulnod by
HOIIIO of Iho inoHl onilnonl jurlHtH In
Ainoi'lca , Inrluilln .Iimlico Maxwell ,
who In locoKuIxod nt the bar IIH by far
llio of Iho thiro jiiHllcim that con-
Hllluto Iho Nubniflca Hiiprcniij uourl.
In vloiv of Ihu fact Unit an apiioal will
probably ho allowed that will take Iho
cimo fur Una ) adjudication before the mi-
promo uourl of Iho linilod KlaluH , coin-
iiioiil on the ruHpoullvo vlown of the ina-
jorllvand minority of Iho htato court
would bo out of pbico at thin tliun.
l''roiu ' u political Hlandptiinl Iho COIIHO-
< | iionctH of Ibis dotilslon will ho very far-
roachln . H IH rojrrotablo that a ioiub- ]
Mean courl IIIIH bnun called upon to oimt
a dciiiocratlo ( jovornor who had boon
dnlj olcctod for llio milo jiurpOHo of iflv-
Intr bin place to a republican who had
not bi'on volod for. Lllco the dccinlon
rondorud twoyoatH n/ro / on the prohibi
tion ainumltnonl bill , lint courl him HOII-
loncDil Hovoral very proniinuut repub
lican oIlli'liiU lo a Hlnlo ; term , and many
acplraiitH of our parly to "no 1orm. "
iSlori thail Unit wo are not deposed to
Hay nt thih tltno.
Qovurnor Tliayor of course IH fully
apablo of ( llnohurlii ) | ; the dutluH of the
ixw'iillvo olllco and ho will no doubt , on-
ilnavor lo Horvo Ihe people to the bast , of
IH ! ability. Hut he has inriiltdu'd a life-
Ouj ; rupulalion hy uouutoiiaiieln nnd
lending hluiHolf to iKjouU'nt which woclcs
rank ItijuHllce nnd IH mire lo brliif ? dln-
mtor upon Ihe ropubllnin parly In ( ho
not very dlHtiint fuluro. There are wlho-
icroH who think that republican Hiiprem-
: ioy In NohraHkii could only ho rolrhwud
ly ouHlliij , ' Hoyd. Thai c.lnnn of Hhort-
nl htil ! polllielaiiH will realiro hufoie
Ihey are much older that tholr pressure
'or Ihu deelHlon
toousllloyd wan a monumental
mental blunder.
The republican leaders of Iowa have
lecd to kcop a vigilant watch upon the
dciuecratlu Bchumo in that Htato to in-
nurato an independent movomunl and
draw fopnhllcan farmers to its uupporl.
1'liero Is ample ovldeuco that a pro
gramme of Ibis character has been form-
ilated and thai well known democrats
are actively eiiaj'od | in carrying It out.
A "call" bus just been Issued , signed by
o'loui * democr.itH and renegade ropub-
UcaiiH , which starts out with the declara
tion Hint ' 'Iho period hns at lusl arrived
when the friends
of industrial reform -
form in Iowa should a.ssoclato thoiii-
lvos for Indopondunl political notion , "
and snuuc-itlujj an early state conven
tion of roproMmtatlves of farmers and
labor organizations. The aim Is to induce -
duce republican farmers to commit
themselves to this movemunl and by an
early convention to put them in a posi
tion where they can bo made to eorvo
democratlo IntorosK The trick is
transparent enough , but it may easily
mUlead men who are nol familiar with
such political u.xpodlent.s mid those who
me readily attracted by nny inovemont
projected In the name of "reform. "
There can Iw no reasonable doubt of
the domocrntlo origin of this tiuhemc ,
and It is highly probable that It had its
inspiration in the same source that con-
cchcd the plan of working the southern
alliance In lotva , a plan which the Intel
ligent members of the alllanco in that
state have very generally rcfnsiul to
coimtenance. Hut wherever inspired it
is unmistakably a democrat lo move , and
Its exposure as Mich ought to onahlo tlio
icpubllcan managers to ehcckmato It
with very little diniculty.
The democratic leadcirs In the country
are not without hope of carrying Iowa
this , \car. They regard it a * a doubtful
Mate , warranting a vigorous olTort on
their part to win. They will undoubt
" edly make such an elTort and the repub-
"llcans of the state may count on having
to battle not onlya alnst a-l the schemes
and oxpiMlinnts which the local demo
cratic leaders may devise , but against
the plans o ( the shrewder managers else
whoie. These fully appreciate the pros-
tlgo which demooratle success in Iowa
thU j ear would glvo the narty , and they
will SJKICU no oflort of labor and no use
of monev to win succc-x. It will not be
wise to oneouraRO overcoulldciiiM among
republicans. It Ulwtter that they should
understand Unit tlioy have a tn k IKV
fore tliem that will call for un
ivaslng vigilance and untiring
work. They cuipht to \\ln ,
and It they ninko no serious mistakes
they can win T.vcry argument thnt can
ln t weight with rational men is on
their tddo. The country Is fairly pro > -
poroiio , nnd new nmrkotu nro opening to
incruaHo HH prosperity. The nnllonal
lulinliilHtcatlon IB cloati , ubljj and jirac-
tlcal. Tlio iiKrlciiilturnl Inturuil him
fownr rcimoiiH for complainl than for
many yoai-H , and thu outlook for It wan
no\or moro cheering. None of the pro-
pbiclf ! of ovll tnado by the opiionontuof
Ihu republican party liavu boon vorlllud ,
ThoHO nro hoino of thu gnnural faclBUjion
which Iho ropubllcatiH can nuciiruly basu
tholr claim to popular support , whllo
HO far IIH Ihu admlnlHlnillon of
Hlalo ulfalfH IH concurnud Iho dumocrals
will hardly vunluro lo Invilo comparl-
HOIIH wllh iirecudltig adinlnhlralloni.
So fur , Ihon , an the factti and argu-
inuiitH are concornud. thu wltualion IH
Htrongly In favor of tbo republicans of
Iowa , and Ihoy hnvo bill lo UHO thorn
wisely and vlgoroiiHly to rujain full con
trol of thu Hlatu govurnmunt. Uut Ihoy
iniiHt oxpccl lo oticounlur nuiro of Iho
machliiaUoiiH of Ihu onoinv than ] > ur-
bairn over before , of which llio dual now
In iirogremi IH a Hamplu , and In order lo
dofcal llioHo coiiHtanl vlgllanco und ac
tivity will ) > o mio ! Har.v.
iMi't > itT\Kci \ : or Kiciti ;
liMboHii iliiyn when ontorprlHlng , jmb-
Ilc-Hptrltod men are deeply oiigagud In
] irlvalo bpHlnoHH it IH qullu linpOHHlblo
for thonf lo glyo lo public alTatrs the at
tention they rot ] ulro. They cheerfully
contribute Iho fiindH for advancing tlio
IntorcHtH of Ihu conununlly al largo and
ulluiul mcotlngs dovoled to thu discus
sion of public mallorH with a milf-abnoga-
lion and p.iticnco thai Is cominondablo.
The dolallH , however , muni be lofl lo
Homo oxi'cutlvu ollleor. llo IH usually
donominalod the Hccretary.
The board of Irade , the real onlalu exchange -
change , llur grain and produce ox-
chan/o / nnd Ihu real oslato ownurn' asho-
clalloiiH are all roprcHontcd or
lo bo roprcHonlcd by Hccro-
tarlcH. The HIICCCSH or failure of
those Hovural InslllutloiiH depends
almost entirely upon Ihu IndiiHlry , fidel
ity and ability of Iholr roHpccllvo HOCIUI-
tnrlcH. A book-keeper Is not the style
of man required though a knowledge of
business forms Is essential.
Whiit each of those associations needs
In a live , onlliuninntlc , HtroiiL' man : a
man of vorHiitilu aUnlninunlH , ferlilo In
oNpodlcnlH , and tjuick lo appreclalu thu
vaiying conditloim of biislnoss ; ono who
known opportunity without waiting for
an Introduction ; an executive who can
dlHputch businosH and dirccl it In Its pro
per course. Ho miisl bo a man of good
address , well Informed , a food corre-
Hpondent and n worker who never grows
either Indillorenl or discouraged. A
good Hocrclary can put life Into a dead
organisation and keep a live ono useful ,
llo IB worth IIH ! weight in gold ; hard to
llnd and dllllcult to keep on a small Hal-
ary. Men of ability are always lit de
mand. : M..V ; H.U\VS .tin ; nvtA77z > .
The olTorts of newspapers and doinu-
goguos In Ihu oasl lo kcop allvo Iho do-
uand for grantor rcHtrlclluiiH upon 1m-
nlgrallon moots wllh rebuke from Iho
south. That soollon , or a very la go
part of It , is prepared , to give hearty
welcome to people from foreign lands
who will eo there with the capacity and
willingness to work. A Texas pupor
charaotorii'us the anti-Immigration agi
tation IIH a craze , and says thai so far as
ho Houlhern slates are concerned they
need immigration of people who can
work nnd want to work , regarding it as
to Koine extent a misfortune that the anli-
iinmlgrallou cra/o comes up. "Let
JOuropoan Immigration , " says this jour-
mi , "bo directed to southern ports.
Farm hands are mosl needed. No man
or woman would bo rejected whoso handn
are used to manual labor. " Texas Is
capable of sustaining live times Its pres
ent population. There are extensive
areas of productive land whoso develop
ment would add immeasurably to the
wealth of the state and to Ihu general
prosperity. The same is Iruo of olhor
slates of the south. The people of that
boctlon have become strongly imbued
with thu sentiment of progress , and
they understand that development ! ,
must bo retarded if it is
in ml o to depend upon thu natural in
crease of homo labor. They want people
plo who can work and who want to work ,
wherever they 'may como from.
There is a like feeling in Iho newer
states of the west In all of these Ihoro
is room ami opportunities for more people
ple , and moro are necessary to the devel
opment and progress of these states.
Europeans who como bore with a knowl
edge of agriculture and a desire to apply
that knowledge will have a cordial wel
come to the west. The people of the
south and west are nol le.-s desir
ous than those of the east that
the objectionable classes dollnud
in the law shall bo rigidly excluded
from the country , but as Senator Fryo
recently said , wo are not yet in a posi
tion to shut oul industrious and thrifty
'Knropoanii whoso labor would Increase
Iho productive resources and wealth of
the nation. Lai the law bo enforced
against cnminaN and paupers who may
become a public charge , ami the insaiin
and persons under contract to labor , but
the time has not come for closing our
ports to aliens who have the capacity
and wllllngno < . to work and desire to
make homes bore and become good and
useful clti/eiiN. On this question the
oulh and west will cordially unite.
Kx-Sui'KKi.vrr.xnENT WODI.LUV has
fiuorod Tin : HKK with n very long and
very vindictive tirade of abuse against
members of the board of education who
summarily ordered him dropped from
the payroll. Mr. Woolley evidently
imagines his served would operate us u
\ indication , but thu taxpayers of Omaha
would scarcely look upon it in that
light. The fact is Mr.Voolloy has
boon handled with kid gloves by the
Ixtard when ho should have been pitch
forked from his soft perch for inatten
tion to his duties und collusion with
dishonest contractors. The most &en l-
bio thing Mr. Woolley can do under the
circumstance ; ) is to drop the discussion
of his gritnancu and go lo work at his
TitK legislature of Xow York ad
journed without making nn appropria
tion for the world's fair. A bill was In
troduced early in the session providing
that f200XX ( ) bo appropriated , but it
fallcO , and thus the great Empire state
placed In"Th"o category with Arknn-
a nnd Tunnitttco , whoso democratic
iituron refused the money neces
sary to have llit'so nUite.1 roprcsonled In
thu Columbian oxpoilllon. Hul Iho fail
ure of the southern HtotcH to do whal
every riu'hl-udiulud man rogardtiiH a pa
Irlolleduty [ it ilt matter IB of Btiiull
COIIKoqilUllt'O I comparison with Iho
failure of Ui\ \ Nu\V York loplfi-
luluro to iiinfpil nn iipproprlallon , boo -
CIIUHO Ihu Inllu ; 0 o of Iho lallor will bo
fell abro.ul. jrultfti couutrloH tuny
naturally foul j-'f/i / 10 distrust of llio olor-
prlnowhon llio llrttt nUito in the union
lu wealth , population and commercial
Importance ) does nol tflvo il Ihu ] ) raullual
and Hubrflntillnl undurBoiuont which only
an iidiiiito ( { aiproprlallou | can irlvc , and
ll will ho no Hiirprlne to 11 rid lltal thu
fnlluro of an appropriation IIIIH lhl
oflcct. The reipotHlhlllly for llio fail
ure IH upon Die democratic liotiso , and
iiiHuiHllonahly [ ! pirLlnin ; ; feeling had
HoniuUilui , ' lo do wllh ll.
OWINO to the ) xcoahlvo
awurdud projiurty OWIUII-H iillootod by the
] ii-opoHod chiin o of grndo on St. Mury'n
iivonno mid ndjiu'utit Htroots , thn report
of the iipiiralHer.H was rojuctud rind ft now
appralHiil ordered. Tlio Importance ) of
tlilH iniprovniiKuit not only to properly
liiiuuidliitoly mljncont hut to the unllro
central part of Omiihii , win hardly ho
ovorostinialod. Nothinp nhouhl ho allowed -
lowed to Inlorforo with thltt work.
Properly ownurs within the district hn-
itiudlatuly hutiodtod can alTord to walvo
'J'ho linprovomoiit In valuoo
from a proper ( r''ido ' ' will moro
than mnku up the oxpoiiso of the 1m-
Tun HUUUCHS of tlio Koal Ksluto Own-
orw' ansoclatloii dopundH very lur/roly /
upon HH Hocrutury. The hoard of diruol-
OI-H Hliould not ho hasty Jn HoloctliiRHUoh
an ollleor. Hy Inking n httlo time tlioy
will ho alflo to hoc-.uro a yountf. uhlo und
ontorprlMiiiff man. M'lio Hillary nhouhlho
Hiilllcicnt to onahlo him to ilovolo him-
holf oxchiHivuly to the dutlon of the posi
tion. A irood soi'i'ottiry will umko u HUO-
COHH of the iihhoclation , u poor ono will
contrihuto to its failuro.
SK.VATOK C't I.I.OM'H nutf oHtiori thnt.
Mlnlsluf i'ortor ho culled homo und that
furtliur pitrloyitin with Iho hniRfjarl
ll'illan ' pi'umior ho uhandonod is worthy
of HorioiiH coiiHldoralion. The tone of
Uudltii'H I'oiiiiiuinicatloiiH und hi ln-
Htrui'tioiiH im ( Unclosed in Iho green hook
are .so iiiHultlii ' that this nation cannot
with dignity rucognlxu him further.
Tim hoard of lice and police commiH-
Hlonefri will tulto' notice that when the
umhHiijr ostahllHlunctitH were raided
last Saturday flight the throe host known
hoiiHOH .wore hprinetictilly healed. The
hoard might lliitl It interesting to wpocu-
late tion this clrcuiiiBtaiioo. Someh'jdy
gave thoHo people Iho tip und they were
out of biiHinosH , for the ovoning.
are laking no nd-
yantapo of the > dL'ino.nili/.od condition of
the hoard of health. Tlioy hiivo no rea
son to suppose tlnjt orguni/atlon will in-
turforu any with -tlioir hus ness even
after their rules , regulations and person
nel are tire H.xud.
IXSTKAn of locating now hydrants at
an oxpoiiHo of $10 each and $00 per an
num rental , the council bhould relo
cate some of those for which the city
now pays rent hut which have boon und
are useless.
Snot'LO nny chtingo in the hoard of
park coministUonois seem advisable , the
district judges can find hotter material
among private citi/ens than in the legis
lature for lillinir vacancies.
Momjissnv is no longer guard iiin of
the garbage dumps at $1 per load. Ho
is In the dumps himself.
HamlNumo Yield.
[ fvdiixM Ulttt Sir , ]
Ex-Senator In ' all's ' potato crop promises a
handsome yield'of Saratoga chips.
Uojeoteil the Opportunity.
[ Kew IV'i ' Sun. ]
Mny day would have been an excellent time
for the Parnull envoys to have gone out on a
Additional Hardens.
A Gorman nonius lias invented cast-Iron
building brick. Tills will prove nn addi
tional burden to the man who utilises his hat
for a hod. '
Slioulil He Interviewed.
.ViininijiolM Trtlntne.
A Milwaukee reporter has Just lutorvlewoj
iKiiatlus Donnelly on tha political situation.
The political observations of the sapo should
bo published as regularly as tbo weather
bulletins they are jiwt us elmnteablo and just
as interesting. _
Silk lint
ChtMiio I lcr ( Man.
In the Florida senatorial fight. Senator
Call's followers nrn k lown as the "wool hat
bo.s . , " und those advocating the election of
Millionaire Chloley , rs the "silk hat cor-
ponitiou apcnts. " ! The funny part of the
tight Is that the fnt mere' alliance is In the
silk hat brigade.
Mruuk for li Ichor
Horace Chilton , tvnw1'11011 ' to "ll lno " "ex
pired term of MtintcnRiiii In the United
States , senate , will tjfl' the tlrst nntlvo Toxau ,
It is asserted , to oobii'jiy a seat In that body.
Mr. Chilton bocan'his ranker in a printing
oftlco. which ho t. after working a year ,
because the boss wqnldn't raise bis wages
which were $1 a vroek. This was la 1N' > 9. and
bo was then sixtofn years old. Ho is a
' ' ' '
lawyer. , , ,
AX OltK tllfl'
Hit , Vtn n tii H'did
Willie Walter YOXtoi has loft us ,
And no tale of him wo hoar ;
Ho bos joined the "silent number , "
Who were always full ot beer.
When ho played ho always gamboled
On the grass around lint base ;
But he's gone to Join the angels
And no moro we'll sea his fare.
All the "I./xnibs" have stopped their bin
But they gambol n * of yore ;
On their chest * thev wear deep mourning ,
\ \ Ulle's on the golden shore.
Crape year hats and dr\pa your windows ,
Lot your hearts In Midnoss stnnd ;
Willie u it tenor angel ,
Brer and pretzels in bU hand.
Bend yourknee * and fold your dibits ,
Do not try to think , but pray ;
Willie has uot joined the angels-
He's rusticating now on hay.
Dugrnoeful Eceuos Etmctwl I/ the Trustee ?
of a Now York Ohurchi
T en 7lioy Dragged Him Out of ( lie
I'uljilt l > j the llnlr and tlie
I'ollco Called on to
SminiiTir- . Y. , May 5 Trouble has
bran brewing for some time in the lluptlU
cluircli at Mndallna , Jliichcas county. tilghl
months ago when the churcli was without u
pailor , the trustees engaged the Hcv. J , II. , promising him that ha could hold the
position for'ono ycur. During the past
iiiutitli cortnln of the tiustcos wished u
clmtirc , and Mr. Boy c received notlco that
| IH ! rcslgnallou was desired. The reasons
worn merely of a nature , and not
HUfllclent to oven hearken to. Ho refused to
consider tlio inattor , and wont right along
with his religious duties. But the trustees
became persistent , and said tboy would
bring the matter before the courts , The pas
tor tnudo no objection , believing that his
position would bo sustained by such a move.
So It was done , nnd Saturday of this week
wiis the dny sot for the trial.
Notwithstanding the fnct that the law had
been appealed to , the energetic trustees de
sired to proceed In their own way , and so
Kov. Mr. Wood , a fonnor pastor of the
church , was engaged to (111 ( the pulpit on last
Sunday. Thin imivo , It was said , was iniulo
without Mr , BOJ'MI'M knowledge. Tl.eroforo ,
on Sunday morning when he appeared 1m
found the pulpit occupied. Mr. Bovso is a
man of very determined character and the
Longicgatlon xvore surprised to BOO him take
a scat In a paw among the auditors. Hut
when they attended t > crvlcos that evening
Mr. HO.VHO was seated behind the pulpit.
Word was passed around the congregation ,
and those present were nsUod to disregard
the pastor's raquesta , as lie had usurped the
place. When the bell Mopped tolling , Mr ,
15ojso rose and gave out hymn No. III. Then
he read , with a steady voice , two stnii7asaud
Mopped. The choir , however , didn't slnir.
Nothing daunted , the clergyman lifted his
volro and sum ; the Hymn alone , the congre
gation remaining silent.
The hymn finished , the pnstor took up the
bible and commenced to icad thotefrom , but
ho hart hardly finished a verso when ono of
the trustees , Hobeit Worthlnglnn , ran un the
aisle , mounted thn Blew amf snatched the
book from the reauer's tinmis. Not coiit"nt
with that , ho soiled the Hov. Mr Hoyso , Ml
him over the head with the bible , and
dragged him from the pulpit by the hair.
The oilier trustees ran to their conficro's
assistance and Ofllccr Force , who was pres
ent , was asked to arrest the usurper , but ho
Jly this time the church was In an uproar ,
Sever I women fainted and the childicn wore
scrcai , ing. The moment the trustees reio.isod
the clergyman ho rcasconded the pulpit and
lomurkiug that the services bad better come
to an cad , began to pronounce the benedic
tion Only three words , however , of the
sacred prayer loft his lips , for Trustee
Worthlngton again jumped upon the olatform
and again dragged the pastor down. This
time Fred Hos . Charles Moore and Ofllcor
Mlnklo sol/ed Worthlngton and prevented
anv more hostile demonstrations ,
Hcv Mr. Boyso loft the church fol
lowed by nearly the whole congregation ,
whoso sympathies had hccomo enlisted In his
favor. During the disgraceful proceedings
Mr. Uoywo did not offer the slightest resist
ance , but submitted to the Indignities with
out complaint. It-is not believed that Mr.
Oornn will ciiuso Mr. Worthlngton's arrest ,
and It is equally certain that the popular
volco Is now with him , ho having won ovory-
ono's respect by his action. It Is sold that
the action of the In trying to got rid
of the Kov. Mr Boyso was duo to the in-
Jlucnco of a Mr. Pcdo , who wished to got rid
of the pastor in order that his son-la-law ,
Hov. Air. Morris , mlirht ho recalled to the
church as pastor , from which ho resigned a
few months ago.
THE .1 A.1HV I'HISttXIXfl.
Evidences of Arsenic. Dostrojed in the
Disvin : : , Col. , May 5. Prof. Hcaddcn has
reported to District Attorney Stevens that
ho has received for analysis a piece of liver ,
the empty stomach , some klduoy and some
mi mi to pieces of bruin of the Into .losophlno
Bnrnaby , The amount of viscera , bo says ,
might umko It very dlfllcult to determine the
presence of nrsoulo under the conditions
which surrounded the case. Mrs. Barnuby
was treated by her attending physician in
such a way as to eliminate this poison from
the .system.
Prof. Headdou says : "Ills unfortunate
that the stomach was not opened during the
post-mortem examination. It subsequently
burst during the process of decomposition ,
and whatever contents there wore mingled
with the fluid In the jar In wnlch it and the
other viscera wore placed. The kidney was
cut open during the post-mortem. This was
entirely proper , but the coatings of the
stomach wore not examined to sec whether
tiiey were Inflamed. The llyor should have
certainly been given to me for investigation.
I expected also to tinrl the brain , The mlnuto
uarticles of that organ were not larger than
the end of your linger and nro not of auy
utilitj in making an analysts. The spleen
should ill so have boeu preserved and given to
me. "
Prom this statement It would seem that no
nrbunlo was found in the viscera. When the
grand jury commences Its Investigations into
the canso of Mrs. Bumaby't. do.ith It will
have u dlfllcult task before It , slnco nil the
necessary uvldoaco has hoon removed.
Mrs. Iliiriinlij'ti Will.
I'liovtnr.NCK , K , I. , May 5. The principal
features in the Barnaby poisoning cns > o ycs-
tenlay were the arrival of Mrs. Kdward Ter
rell of Chester , Pa. , ammipunlod by Lawyer
Rose , who drew up the will , and the disclos
ure of what is in tbo will. The will which
Attorney Ho o presented In the municipal
court today , is the ono which ho drew up for
Mn , Bnrnabv last winter. It makes Dr.
Thutoher Graves her executor. The .sum of
SimU out of the PAVK ) , comprising her es
tate , is bequeathed to the doctor on account
of uniform kindness to ttio tostutor dining
their relation ! ) , and his effective and successful -
ful treatment of her iniUnJuv > : also out of regard -
gard of motives of friendship and o tceni
which the testatrix entertained for the les.j-
toe. Twenty thousand dollars are bcqueatutM
to the Worrell * out of motives of friendship
and regard. Twenty thousand dollarapieeo
is left to each of hoi daughter * , Mr * . Coimut
and Miss Mabel Barnaby Provision U mndo
for n suitable tonili and lot nt Swan Point
cemeteiy , a * the will of thulato.l. B. Bar-
naov provided. It is stated that thn inter
ment should not bo in the same tomb with the
bodv of her husband.
The thiik in which the poison was sent isn
pint ] > orter bottle of bucli * t.\le as is manu
factured bv James { e Son for uottllnj , * the
beer of Sctiiitz & Co. . of Milwaukee.
Knocked Out ol'Utonsliip. .
ST. Lot'is Mo. , Muy . * > . As an outgrowth
of the nnturalliation frauds of 1MW the
United States circuit court has declared null
! and void the natural.raUoi paper * nf seventy
pornoiu | on the charge that they were fiaudu-
Jrullr obtained , Thoru are Ufty more C M >
pending ,
ftOH t'Olttlll'K HKIt StXI.
A rnllon TVinnnn'H 1'r.iyer Over Her
llrrliiK hlcter'H Corpse.
NMV YoHK , May 5. The funeral of Georgia
Arlington , the young woman who Iconimlttcd
ulrlao last Saturday night at her sister's
on West Kortj < 1rsl street bvtaking [ carbolic
acid , took place from the bouso vostordny at
4 o'clock. Only two mourner * followed' the
dead girl to her but resting plnco In Ever-
gu-ou cemetery , her sislor Annie and Mrs.
William tMiuon , who hud been u schoohnato
of ( icorgui's In Chicago In eaillerdays. She
had not seen the girl very often dutlnc the
past tow yours because of too freu life the
mili'ldo had boon leading , but whan Mrs.
Mason heard of the gill's death she Kent a
Jmudsomo Moral gift to bo placed on the coflln
mm decided to follow her to her grave. Not
ono of the men who had associated with the
girl during her llfetlrno cared anough to sue
her burled , or clsu they feared the possible
publicity which might follow their appear
ance at the funeral ,
The Inquest will he held nt the house to
morrow. Mrs. Hlehnrds , w'ho lives In a flat
on the same floor xvith the Arlingtons , yes
terday wild : "CJoorgln was a Catholic and no
church service was of course held over her ,
being n suicide , but theru was a short ser
vice , nevertheless. Jlcloro the body was
taken away Annln throw horsclf passionately
on the collln and said , 'O , God , forglvo
Ceoigla her sins and bo merciful. ' That was
service enough I bcllovo , don't you ? "
Word llcucivrd from Explorer Turner
In AlaHka.
SAX FJIANCISCO , Cal. , May 5. [ Special
Telegram to TnK BIK. : ] The first letter to
reach this city from G. Henry Turner , sub-
assistant in the United States coast and
geodetic survey , since his departure for
Alaska In June , ISMt , was received by Prof.
Ooorgo Davidson yesterday. Mr. Turner
was lu chargu of n party of
ten which was to co-oporato with u similar
party under bub-Assistant McGrath In de
termining the location of the 141m meridian ,
the boundary line between Alaska ami
British Columbia. The latter Is dated at St.
Michael , September 10. ! lbK ! ) , and was en
trusted to the cnro of the WollH party ,
by whom It was sent to
this city. The discoveries of Mr.
Turner in the hitherto unexplored region
which ho traversed are very Inteiosttng.
Ills observations will cause a change in the
map of the country between the Arctic and
the Porcupine rher , In which ho found
rivers , lakes and mountain ranges where
before was supposed to be only n
vabt nliiln. Incidentally Turnericfcisto ; the
experience of Wells , who wim forced to eat
his own dogs. Turner's camp was located on
the Porcupine river llil ) mllosfrom the Arctic
ocean and 1,000 miles from the mouth of the
Y ukon river.
An Alliance Ofllulallo Clunked
O < liiHt tlio Mime.
Ala. , May fi. When the
gubernatorial campaign was on In Alabama
last year , the Advertiser , the democratic
organ of the state , waged n savage warfare
against commissioner of agriculture , U. F ,
Kelb , who was the alliance candidate for
governor. The commissioner was charged
with rendering lalso bllU of expense to the
stale. Certified copies of vouchers were
published which showed that the commis
sioner had charged up fares on railroads over
which ho had free passes. Ono ot the llrst
acts of Governor Jones upon assuming ofllce ,
was to instruct Public Kxaminer Heaves to
Investigate the whole subject. The result
was mode public today. Kxaminor Heaves
finds : "The commissioner and two of his
clerks. towit.John Cheney and Houbcn Kolb ,
have charged the stuto with and retained cer
tain amounts for railroad faro at different
times when the proof shows that said trips
for which fnio was charged und retained ,
were uiado on free annual-passes. " The ex
aminer has charged against Commissioner
Kelb all the items in which he had charged
expenses against the state wheu ho had trav
elled on free passes.
Terrible Crime of a Doctor ami ills
Alleged I'arainonr.
NAMIVULK , TUNS. , May 5. A special says
that Albingdon , Va. , is in a fever of excite
ment over the arrcs.1 of Dr. Baker and Mrs ,
Gllmor , prqjument and widely unown , on the
charge of murdering Mrs. Baker und attempt
ing to murder W. K. Gilmor , the husband of
tbo woman under arrest. Mrs. Gllmor con
fessed that she killed Mrs. Baker and also
acknowledged that Dp. lialtnr sent , hnr
poison which she gave her husband , but his
life was saved. It is &aid that Baker and
Mrs. Ullmor were criminally intimate.
Shattered by Dynamite.
LIHOE , Mayfi. A dynamite cartridge ex
ploded in front of the residence of a well
known capitalist of this city , demolishing the
doors and windows and causing a panic. The
explosion is said to have been the -work of
extremists of tuolubor party.
- *
Lowell Courier : There Is ouo Industry that
has sorao simp to it even in dull times the
whip industry.
Now York Recorder ; Isn't It rather sin
gular that the preacher that no ono cat es
about Is the only liind that is not scut to Eu
rope on o long vacation by his congregation ' .
TIH : oxcsTGit-i or THE onovr.
How cheerful nro the .summer birds ,
How careless of life's ills.
They sing away the suuuy hours ,
No'cr thinking of ttieir bills.
New York Hecorder : There n number of
society women In this town who have owned
their silk dresses longer than them have their
family silver.
"Ho cariles a pocket judgment seat Jn tbo
pocket of hU gown , " is the w.iv the poet of
the Hartford Courant
describes coruiln people
ple who go about in thine latter davs think
ing lho\ know moro and nro better than any
body else.
roiu. :
With mnd pies now the urchin doth
HU leisure time employ ,
And now the goat lets oyster cans
With his digestion toy.
isew Orleans Picayune : A spanking breeze
may como from a war cloud no bicper than a
man's band.
New York World "What can have hap
pened ! Old Soak is sober todav. "
"Guess ho must have lioen
New York Herald : MayA girl doesn't
like to bo grabbed ami Iwgpetl her
Frank No ; but my khlrt front isn't anv
girl's w ill.
Philadelphia Journal : Tommy ( reading
alonu ) And the sorrowing noighlxn- - and
friends , as they guthonxl t the fun-vral
Tw'icher Stop a moment , Tommy , The
u In this case i elven the long Mnum You
are not-reading funeral.
Yonkcrs Blade HeAre jou
MSsGctumld !
I SnoYes , and ( falnth )
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Billjr Barr Sued for Ten ThoanauJ Dol. s ,
law bj a Widow. *
TJic Iibicoln Mayor nnd City Council
nt Suord'H I'olntH Over tlio Can
didate Ijndj- School Trim-
teen .News Notes.
Neb , Mny . [ Spoclnl to Tun
Jlr.n.J Mrs , Jlnttlo Nlms nf this city luv
cotnmonced suit npalnst Hilly llarr , Iho well
known bachelor capitalist , clmrglnp Hint bo
has been guilty of broach of promise. The
plaintiff U a rather ordinary appearing
widow upward * of thirty , bho alleges thnt
over n year nito she was wooed and won by
Billy nnd thnt ho promised to inako her hi *
bride ns soon IM ono of his new bride blocki
was completed. Mrs. Nlms declares thnt
the bloolc was llius'jca n year ugo , but Billy
has grown forgetful of his promise , and in
fact shows ft disposition to shun her. She
therefore usks the court to totco Hilly to glvo
her f 10,000 from his bank account ns n salvo
to her wounded feelings.
There appears to bo a disposition on Iho
part of n number of the council to keep L. J.
Byer in ofllco ns struct commissioner , and
this was shown last night when Mnjor Weir
handed In the nomination of S. S. McKInney
for that position. The council rofusca to
confirm. Mcssra. Archibald , Brown , O'Shca ,
Volth nnd Wlttman voting In the negative
Mayor Woirsalil he believed that Mr. Hyer's
term of ofllco expired April 15 , and it the
council would not confirm hit nominee ho
had the power to appoint a man to 1111 ttio
vacancy , Archibald and Vclth took ox cop
tlon to this ruling and on motion of Klco the
vote was reconsidered Again , however , the
appointment fulled ( if confirmation , and
Mn.\or Weir remarked very emphatically
that under no consideration would ho ap
point the present incumbent , nnd therefore
named Mr. McICinney to 1111 the vacancy ,
nit : Miir K'liooi TiifsTHi : " .
At the meeting of the school board last
evening Messrs. Marshall , \Valllngford and
Cox retired and the nuvvly elected members ,
Miss Klllott. Mrs Upton and J. S. Dales were
inducted Into o.'llce. ' Mr. Jones made the fol
lowing report ns to expenditures for thu
period from .July IH , I MM , to April ! tu , 1801
Ttachors. iM1'M ( ! ' . " > ; janitors. W , ! 1.8I. lucl ,
fJ,4Hi. ! 0 ; supplies nnd furniture , $ ( ! .0'H.10 ' ) ,
hullillngi niul sites , f. itCi7.10 : ; topnlrs ,
f.till470 ( ; itilscclluneous , $5,850.70 , total , $ ' , > , ! . -
SW.lls. !
At the meeting of the state printing board
the contract for printing thn icpoits of the
expciidlturos and appropriations' the last
legislature was nxvurdcu to the Ktnto Journal.
The bids and sworn circulation were as fol
lows : OMAHA Her , circulation , 21,101 copies ,
bid , $1 per square. World-Herald , circula
tion , 10ir ; S , bid < ; cents per square. Statu
.Ionrniil , circulation , 15,001) ) ; bid f > 0o per
square. Tbo State Journal company was
awarded the contract. Bills for publishing
the state printiiiL' were awarded the follow
ing papers at $ Jr.50per notloo : OM UIA HEK ,
Beatrice Express publishing company , News ,
Iscbraska City , Htato Journal , Lincoln Call
and Fremont Fla.l publishing company.
1 his morning in the .supremo court Gen
eral J. U. Webster asked that tribunal per
mission to lilo n bill of exceptions to the de
cision of County Judgn Stewart of Lancaster
comity , who discharged the twenty hall
plavers nirested for playing ball on Sunday
C. O Wcdon , the counsel for the bull plaj en ,
objected to such lillng on the ground that the
supreme court bus no appellate jurisdiction
from auy but district courts. The court took
the matter under udvisemont.
onus AMI exit * .
The petition of butchers to the city council
to have all markets ordered closed "tho year
round on Sunday has been refused , the opin
ion baing that if any of the butchers had con
scientious scruples they could close.
Although ex-Marshal Molick and Detective
Malouo uro no longer members of the Lincoln
polius force , they kcop up tholr guit in ar
resting badly wanted criminals , and this
morning they arrived on the same train with
two men in custody. Dutcctivo Malone had
In charge J F. Carlln , who is wanted hero for
forgery , uud who was just released fioai the
Iowa state prison at Anamoosa , whllu MelicJc .
had no less n personage than E.V Ilutchluj'
son , the vvould-bo murdcicr. * r
J. J , Byers is still ofllclnting ns stiutt cojn r
uifuclnnitt * Hnanlfn thn ntmnlntti i n * nf K. tW
McICinney by .Mayor Weir.
The case of Wilson and Castor vs S , S. Bell
and others , tin notion to recover money paid
on a note forged by George Coy. now serving
time In the pen , was sotlt'-d nnd dismissed In
the district court today.
The case of Stevens vs tbo Burlington , a
suit-over excessive rates charged plaintiffs
for transporting merchandise , was trioa b
fore Judge TibbetR in district court today. A
verdict of $48vns given plaintiff.
relates thnt when Do-
moblhones was asked what was
the principal thing in public
speaking , he replied. "Action. " When
a > ked the second in importance , ho re
plied. "Action. " The third ? "Action. "
In the same way if you want to know
the most Important thing in the pur
chase of a piano , it is "QUA.Li-
ITV. " TIO next in importance.
"Q UA.lx I T V. " The third ?
The price is an after consideration.
JuM. think u moment. ! The purchase of
: i Piano is nn important m/Uter. You
cannot ntTorJ to take risks with so largo
an outlay. You want n thoroughly tine
llrM-chii-9 SnftrumonU
Roforc you decide it. you really noert
to know just how much wo offer you , and
in order to know this , you should visit
our waroroonis. and 0,3 the fine
BRlCiCSe PIANOS that wo
hnre just received from the makers.
Ihov nre inarvGlsot power. Miporblv
made throughout , fud of the rich. # inir-
ing quality of tone x > widely dostro.1.
and oqulpjxsd wllh the ivitontrd
stop which rotlucoiM > und so tUat it i
barely nudiblo in uracltcinr. M
lite vrivir aiul uinKinc it ( V.1 > 1 < teat
at nny time , without inronvdnieiico
\\ilt\oiinol cnnd \ \ K > O ihoso tine
Pianos ? Then vou OAH ( Kirch a e or nol
B * you tnivr ixMl s Uul if you fail to
< > thorn , jtxi irmj nBr t ftern. irsis
j ihnl ou wa.ln > vur ) tni\4i i Wfo-ro ui-
nigh \ > h.-vrxoir < U tlm
C. HKIC.GS tfe CO. ,
MAX > IK\TR : imo. co. .