Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Carrier In any part of thoClty.
Busliics Oftlco , No. 43.
Night Editor. No. 23.
K. Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , ' . ' ( H Sapp block ,
Heal Hock Springs coal. Thatcher , 1C Main
If you want water In your yard or house
po to Bixby'9 , i'M Merrlmn block.
Onrrctt A. Frtmplo and Miss Sophia Mot-
tes , both of Omaha , were married yesterday
afternoon by Justice Hammer.
Hawkeyo' lodge , No. W. "Order of the
World , " meets tonlcbt , Wednesday , May 0 ,
18'JI , at 8 p. in. , at Modern Woodmen hall.
In district court yesterday the case of tlm
Mueller music company against Peter C.
Miller occupied the whole uny. It wns sub
mitted to the Jury last evening.
The council will- meet next Friday as a
board of equalization , and will rocrivo the
books of Assessor W. 1) Hardln , The next
meeting of the council will bo held on the
Kith.A grand spiritual test m < v > tlni. nt Omaha
Tuesday , Wednesday nnd Sunday at 8 p. in.
In Metropolitan hull , Koiiitecnth , corner of
Dodca street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Perkins , test
C V. Jones , who 1ms boon keeping a meat
market on Main strrot near the corner ot
Willow uvi'tmo , has been compelled to close
up on account of his inability to mcot the
demands of his creditors.
A meeting of the blcycln riders of the city
wil1 bo held this evening nt the Cirnml hnH-I ,
for the purpose of effecting nn organl/ition.
A committee has been appointed to draw up
a constit'illon , nnd Its report will be made
this nvcnlng ,
Arthur Chambers , a prominent farmer llv-
I p In Hindu township , wns kicked by a
horse last \londnv. It was found that he had
sustained severe internal Injuries , which may
yet prove futal Chambers is well known In
'Council Hluffr.
The conference of the Council Hluffs dls-
tilct of tna Methodist Kplscopul chnrch will
bo "Jrt in Council Ululls commencing Tues
day Juno 110 , und'.tstlng three days. All the
sessions of the conference will bo held In the
riftli avenue Methodist church.
. ( . 11. Daniels returned yesterday mornlnir
'rotn Avoca , whcro ho was taken Monday
night to bo arraigned In district court ( in n
charge of obtaining monov under false pro-
lenses. He furnished ball In the sum of ( tVM
for his appearance when wanted and was
jhon released.
The "Littlo Tycoon" will bo presented nt
the now Hroudwny theater tomorrow even
ing under the direction of tha u ithor and
composer , Willard Spenser. This opera has
been seen In the Hluffs before and has always
played to good houses. The company is said
to bo better this sprint' than over before.
A colored woman , clvlng her namoasMury
linker and with n face us blacu as the ace of
M.ados , applied ut the ofllco of the deputy
county clorn yesterday und wanted adoption
papers made out giving her the right anil
title to u white baby she wns carrying in her
aims. The .adoption papers were imulo out
nnd Mr ? , linker lott the court house with n
face beaming with satisfaction at tbo thought
of how easy she had gotten a white baby.
A wngon belonging to n man named tiilln-
skv , wlio keeps a store near the corner of
llro'idwuy and Ninth street , was wrecked by
the Munawa motor ycsterduv morning nbout
11 o'clock. A horse blind in one eye was
liltchod to the wagon. Just as the train cnmo
up the horse began to get frightened , und us
liii off eye wan towards the train ho wheeled
about n'nd ran directly Into it. Ho was
knocked oft the track and the wagon was
smashed to smithereens.
The committee that was appointed by the
Farmers' association last Saturday afternoon
to consiilcr the Invitation of the driving park
company to unite with thorn in having some
sort of u palace and fair in connection with
the races that are to bo held next fall , had a
mooting yesterday afternoon In the court
house. Not all the committee was present tone
no dellnlto action was taken , it being decided
to wait until next Snturduv , when , it is
thought , there will be a fuller representa
tion. A long discussion was engaged in , how
ever , some of the cotnniltteomen biiing In
favor of accepting the invitation , while oth
ers thought It would bo better to have
some sort of a celebration up town , nndorcct
n line permanent building close to the center
of trade , so that the most benefit possible
might bo derived from the palace by the city
In general. _
TV Wo brllllantcens In all the latest shades for
, vo Monday evening , 0 to 0 , Boston store ,
Council lilu'ffs , fa.
Snugart & Co. carry largest stocK of bulk
Hold , garden and ( lower seoas in the west
Catalogues and samples by mall.
J'RHSOXAI , r.lUA Glt.t 1'IIS.
Samuel IX Hohrer returned from Child-
cothe , Mo. , yesterday noon.
Dr. Lucy was called to Randolph yesterday
to perform n surgical operation thcro.
Mrs. H. Pollock wns culled to Burlington
Monday night by a telegram announcing the
rcrlous Illness of her sister.
D. L. Harcotirt nnd family of Fifth avenue
have gone ou a visit with friends in the east
ern port of the county. They will bo away
nbout two weeks.
Mrs. L. Jacobs of Avenue C loft Monday
nlpht for Mllledgcvlllc , 111. , whcro sno was
called t > v n telegram announcing thu serious
Illness of her mother.
Mrs. H. E. Uekay nnd son Earlo wont to
Atlantic yesterday morning to visit relatives.
After stopping there a few days they will go
to Chicago , whore they will stay for about a
your. .
Mrs. P. H. Sheridan Tout No. 2 , Daughters
of Veterans , will give u dnnclnc party In
tirand Army of the Republic hull May 11.
fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within ono nml one-half miles of the P. O. ;
nil In bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given at onco. Cull ou D , J. Hutchinson &
Co. . 017 Urnndwoy.
/In InU'rohllni ; Point-
A decree has been rendered In the superior
court in the case of Ueoro , Wells & iCo.
against the city. This was n case which was
commenced to collect a Judgment of about
* f 100 which had boon awarded the philntltT In
n suit before the justice of th'o peace ut Oak
land , in the eastern part of Pottuwattamio
county. The Judgment was presented to L.
Klnnchan , the city treasurer , but acting ou
the advice of City Attorney Stewart , ho re
fused to pay It. The ground unon which the
city attorney guvo the advice , was that
the Justice , being east of the west
line of range 40. which Is the boundary line
between the Council BlutTs nnd Avocu
jnciiciai iiistiicts , nan no Jurisdiction over
parties west of the lino. Judge McUco , In
rendering his decision , suited thut ho thought
the division of Iho county In Judicial districts
had reference only to the ilbjlrlct courts , so
that the Justices of the pence still hud their
Jurisdiction In nil parts of the county , us be
fore the law establishing luo court at Avoca
was passed.
Hosiery , the Boston store hosiery and underwear -
derwear departments are second to none in the
west , they curry the finest fust black hosiery
in the world , n small word with n big mean
ing , but nevertheless true. Tha Onyx and
Thlstlo brands uro the linost made , every
pair guaranteed or money refunded. Boston
Store , Council Bluffs , la ,
Tbo annual exhibition of thoclassiHln gym
nasium work In the Voung Men's Christian
association took place lust evening at the Ma-
sonie toroplo. A fair sized audience was
present. An interesting programme of gym
nastic feats was presented and all were ad
mirably performed , hut the best of the evening -
ing were the Indian club swinging by
Philip Pusi'hel , the horizontal hnr'porform-
atico by Messrs. Brookmcr , Martin , Andcr-
HOII and others , and the tumbling bv Bob
Dully und John Klrkland. rSovnrul athtolcj
from Omaha added considerably to the merit
of the programme. Muolc was furnished by
nu Instrumental quartette , consisting of Miss
1-urlug , and 'Messrs. Tulloys. Baruott and
Three Footpads Who Wore Worsted by Their
Intended Victims.
Hey Would Yell I'lrc One of the
i-Mi UHcd Hit I'ln-
f. r a Gag ; and They
Were Illt'cn.
A bold attempt at robbery was tnado Mon
day nlpht about iiilO o'clock nt the corner of
Seventh street and Fifth avenue. Emll
llouscwlrtha coachman In the employ of J.
F. Klmball , nnu Arthur Heed , a boy who
works for .lames As Hnverstook , were going
down F.fth avenue to their houses. When
th y reached the corner by St. francls'
academy they saw four mun leaning up
naalnst the fence. They didn't suspect anything -
thing , out were about to pass on , when sud
denly ono of the men drew n revolver and
held It under Kccd's nose , telling him at
the same tlmo not to make a sound , while the
ether three concentrated their attentions on
ttio coachman. All three pitched upon him
and knocked him down , after which they
tried to go throueh his pockets.
Hausowlrth , however , was not Idle all this
time , but ns soon as ho found that his assail
ants meant business ho raised a mighty cry
of "FireViion ! ho began to wnvo his
voice about In the clear night air the would-
b i robbers took to their heels.
It is supposed that robbery was the motive
for the attack , but as the man only had M
and n silver watch on hU person It would not
have been n very rich haul for them oven If
ihev had succei'dcd in their attempt.
They did not try to declare ft dividend on
Heed's possessions , ns It evidently had not
entered their heads that a boy like him could
have anything worth stealing. As : \ matter
of fact , however , ho had moro valuables
about him than his companion. The matter
was reported at police headquarters , but so
fur there Is no clue to the poriwtrators ,
Heed stated that the man who manipulated
affairs at his end of the line was small , wltn
a heavy dark mustache , and wearing a wldo-
brlirmod slouch hat. Hausewlrth presented
himself at the residence of Mr.
Klmball a few minutes after the as
sault with his face covered with blood.
Ho stated that ono of the assailants had tried
to stlflo his cries by putting his hand over his
mouth. Ho opened' his mouth In an un
guarded moment and the fellow's whole hand
went In , whereupon he took advantage of the
opportunity and nearly bit his fincers off.
That , ho said , was one reason why they made
their escape in such a headlong way.
Summer Millinery Display.
Misses Sprlnk & Ha-jsdalo will give a sum
mer millinery display nt the Council Blurts
millinery parlors , ! WJ Broadway , on Thurs
day , Fridav and Saturday of this week. The
Indies of this city and vicinity will llr.d this
nn excellent opportunity to see n line display
of stylish millinery.
Trees , nil kinds , guaranteed to prow , prices
cheap , at Malls' , Broadway , opposite postof-
flee. '
Malr has all sorts of fruit , shade and orna
mental trees , Broadway , opposite postofllce.
The Park CommlssloncrM Will Spend
$ -l,0O on Itonds.
The park commissioners held a mooting
last Monday night , at which they transacted
considerable important business. A. C. Gra
ham , J. W. Pcregoy aud S. B. Wadsworth
were all there , and the tim was all taken up ,
as the tlmo generally Is when these well
known worthies got together. The delibera
tions were almost entirely with reference to
the improvements which it is expected o-
make upon Falrmount p.irk during the prcs
cut season. There is about W,000 in the park
fund and it is Intended to spend the entire
sum on Hits park.
The main trouble with Falrmount has al
ways boon that the roads were so deep as to
render Ingress and egress equally dlfllcult ,
and as lor driving , after ono gets Inside it
was far from being as pleasant as a pleasure
drive ought to bo. Near the head of Park
Is to be made ,
avenue a twonty-Ilve-foot cut
so that Instead of ascending the steep hill
that is at the head of this avenue , carriages
can leave the road , turn to the loft and reach
the top of the hill by it tr-ilo of about six
foot to the hundred.
Another Job of grading is to bo dpno in the
southeast part of the park , leading by a
similar easy grade from the top of the cast
ridge to the valley below , coming out near
the band stand.
Starting from the northwest corner of tbo
park , n road is to bo laid out from the top of
the lookout down the cast side of the hill ,
leading to the cut on the southwest corner.
After passing ou-tsldo the park the road will
bo continued until It reaches High street ,
Thus forming a means of egress from the
parK without going back the same way ono
came , or descending an almost indcscendiblo
These Improvement ! , will bo appreciated nt
theiv face value by all \ \ ho have over tried to
enjoy n ride through the park.
Nearly 2.OOO New CarrinjjeH.
Yesterday the great carrluiro manufactory
of Keys Brothers In this city had over fifteen
hundred carriages and road carts in the paint
shop and moro than eighteen hundred vehi
cles In process of construction. This gives a
fair Idea of the Immense business this great
house Is doing. U is the largest and best
equipped factory in the west and affords em
ployment to un army of skilled mechanics.
Always get the best wboro you can got it
the cheapest. The Boston store , Council
Bluffs , Is selling wall paper at just half price ,
now Is the tlmo to buy It , beautiful patterns
forit c , Bo , ? ise and lOc per roll , Just one-
half what you have been in the habit of pay-
Ing. Boston Store , Council Blurts , la.
Daniel Come to Judgment.
Mrs. I. Smith was bcforo Judge McUco
yesterday morning In police court on a charge
of assault with intent to kill. Mrs , Wahl-
mann , her neighbor , who thought her life
had boon endangered by the firing of a gun
at her dog. was there , too , and told her sldo
of the story. When the Judeo had heard
both sides ho discharged Mrs. Smith nn the
charge which had been preferred against her
by Mrs. Wahlman and fined her JM.OO on a
charge which he made against her himself ,
of disturbing the peace by firing ott a gun In
the city limits. Mrs. Smith's husband rushed
around and hunted up some friends of his ,
who furnished an appeal bond , so that she
could bo released , as ho swore lie would ap
peal the case to thu district court.
The M. L. S. S. will glvo n supper Thurs-
nuy evening from 0 o'clock till U ut the resi
dence , of Mrs. H. Baird , No. TII'.I Mynster
street. Proceeds go towara furnishing a
loom at the Women's Christian association
hospital. A nniblcal ontcrtali > ment will ho
the feature of the evening. All friends In
vited to attend.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 80 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotti Telephone 145. High
grade work u specialty.
Time Tnhleor the hake Mannwa II. It.
Trains will leave Broadway on the even
hours * will leave the lake on tno half hours.
The lust train will leave the lake ath : 0.
Hrst train in the morning leaves the Broad
way depot nt o'clock.
Kel'iihcd a New ' rial.
In superior court yesterday a decision was
rendered In tno case of I. S. Mucci against
Dr. F. W. Houghton. Tnls is a suit for
it not a mere purgative , it u en alterative
erd a conitititional rem dy Obtain the
genuine imported article ponotkx iropov
ed upon by urvicrupulouj deelen Ire
gtnume must have the iignalvre of
tuner and MendrUon Co , 5ole Aoenta
ftEWftlay St.N.X" every bolfV
damages on account of the alleged defective
setting of a broken arm. A verdict was given
In favor of the plaintiff , and a motion for anew
now trial was asked for by the defendant.
Judge McUco overruled the motion for a new
trial yesterday , and the defendant oxccptcd.
The case will DO appealed to the supreme
Defaults wcro taken In the following cases ,
und Judgments entered up In each case
against thu defendant : William Wray
against . T , M. Palmer , M54 ; Bank of Neola
asjnlnst James Dewey et al , WJT.fM' M. P.
Itohrer against C. A. Thllo , fJ4JI.S2 ; Charles
Muriel against W. W. Bllgor , * JIO ; W. H.
Ware against Henry Anderson ,
The onico of the Kquitablo Life Assurance
association has been removed from the Snpp
building to the Grand hotel annex. J. W.
McCoy , general agent.
The professional nurses of this city have
raised their prices to ( in a weok. Contagious
diseases f IS and $ . ' 0 , from this data on.
When about to build don't fail to got prices
on lumber of The Judd & Wells" Co. , S13
Broadway. Telephone 2s7.
lee ! Ice ! Ice ! ! !
If you want It pure and n
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no now dev Ico.
But send to us in a tr
At our oft
Mulholland &Co. , No. 4 Pearl st. , Tel. 102.
Seed oats , corn , millet and seed potatoes ,
garden seeds of all kinds , at H. L. Carman's ,
WX ) Main and 501 Pearl streets.
Dry storage nt low rules , stoves and house
hold goods. J , II. Snyder , Pearl street.
Lace curtains cleaned from 3Uc to $ l.2o per
pair , ut Twin City dye works.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Juice
tablets. Tliey are delicious ,
Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car-
riagci , stoves , crockery , and all house fur
nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , nt
Mandel & Klein's.
Development of a Nc\v Pluihc to the
OrjfMWA , In , , May n. A new phase of the
minors' strike developed today , yesterday
the minors of the Iliteman and Three Cedar
mines held a Joint meeting and delegates
made a formal demand for an eight hour day
which was rcfuso.1 at Phillip's fuel mine No.
2. At Forbush , Wlllard and other places the
miners who had cone to work came out to
see the other mines granted. Coal operators
think the strike will bo of short duration ,
but these Intimate wltn the minors bcllovo
the strike Is now to bo fought in the Iowa
coal HclJs , slnco there are fewer miners and
these In ether states can better contribute to
their support.
Mangled by a Stallion.
Misox Cnv , la. , May 5. John Pcnfield , a
horse importer of Clarion , was leading two
stallions through the street when they be
came enraged and began kicking and biting
each other in a frightful manner. Ponflcld
seized a club and attempted to separate them ,
when one of the enraged stallions grabbed him
with his teeth and inlllctcd serious Injuries
upon him. The horse would not release his
hold and his mouth had to bo pried open.
Ponlleld is still living , thoueb. horribly
A lonelier In Demand.
Missorm VAI.I.BV , la. , May 5. [ Special
Telceram to Tun BKC. ] This city was today
hodored for the third tlmo this week through
Its professional men. Prof. II. E. N. Oo'.e-
man was todav elected superintendent of the
schools of LeMars at a largo salary. His
recognized ability as a educator is known
throughout the state. He will probably bo
retained hero atu salary equal to that offered
Will Sell a Ilallroad.
Sioux CITV , In. , Muy fi. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BnK.J It can bo authorita
tively stated that the Pacific Short Line ,
now in the hands of a receiver , will bo sold
under foreclosure. All the prlncial parties
interested , the Manhattan Trujt company of
Now York as well as the Sioux City stock
holders , have agreed. The sale will bo made
within n few weeks. It is understood that
the Chicago & Northwestern will bo a bidder.
Fatally Itiirned.
CMNTOX , la. , May 5. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] The llvo-yoar-old son of
Philip Lame was probably fatally burned
this morning wnllo playing with tire , In the
temporary aascnce of his mother. The little
fejlow had presence of mind enough to ex
tinguish the flames with water and creep
back to bed. The upper part of his body is
badly burned.
A Humored Chance.
BniuxoTox , la. , May -Special [ Tele
gram to Tun BKE. | Kumors which are sub
stantiated by parties high In authority say
that the Burlington road will transfer its
passenger division from Galcsburg and Ot-
tumwn to Burlington and Croston. PrObidenl
Perkins today intimated that the economy ol
such a move was being considered , it is pos
sible that the freight division will also bo
moved to the same places.
Heavy Iowa Frost.
WATKUt.oo , la. , May 5. This section was
visited by a severe frost last night. Small
streams were covered with Ice one-eighth ol
an inch in thickness. The thermometer reg
istered 23. Much damage was done to frull
trees , which were in full bloom. Small fruits
nru not Injured much , being a little back
ward. Indications are for another heavv
frost tonight.
A Postmaster Arrested.
DES MOIXES In. , May 5. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKE. J 1C. L. Matnows , post
master at Wellmun , la. , was arrested today
by Postofllco Inspector George M. Christiat
for embezzling fcJ.TOO. The money was ul
recovered. Ho has given bonds for his ap
pcaranco. _
Front UninaKOH Fruit.
D \vfixroKT , I k. , May 5. A black frost this
morning damaged early fruits.
A Sorely Aflllotoil Funi ly.
CIIICADO , May 5. MM. J. M. Motcalf ar
rived In this city tonight en route to St. Pnu
with the dead bodies of throe of her family
Mr. Mctcalf , a prominent grain merchant o
St. Paul , went south with his family last
fall for the bcnotlt of his health. Las
weak , being Informed that ho could llvo only
a few days , ho started north. Kcnchlng Jack
son. Miss. , Mr. Mctcalf died. Ono daughter
suffering from heart disease died before
reaching Memphis , and the aon , also strickci
with heart disease , died Just bcforo roochiut ,
St. Louis ,
Drop In HusHlnn Securities.
LONDON- , May n. On the stock exchange
today foreign securities depressed. Ius
slan securities dropped 2' < owing to the fuc
that the syndicate which is to furnish monej
for the new Russian conversion loan luu
uskbd the Kimian government to defer the
Usue of the loan. Other government so
eurltics wcro affected through fears of po
litlcal complication ! ! . The . amo conditions
picvuiled on tbo bourses at Paris am
CIIICAOO , May 5. Ono hundred recruits
were added to tbo ranks of the. striking
cigarmakers. The number of those now ou
U T.'iO. All the unions outsldo the city have
been notitied of the condition of affairs ii
Chicago und requested to keep workmei
fiom coming hero.
DoWltt's Little Early Illscrs , best pill.
Wi'l Milimlt lo Aihltrnllon.
Lovnrtv , May B.-At a meeting of Me
Carthyltcs to.luy it wus resolved to sulim I
the question of the release of the funds hcli
in Paris to arbitrators , ono to bo appointee
by Mr. McCarthy and ono by Mr. Parucll
with jiower of rofurceco to an umpire.
A very small pill but a very tooJ one. Do
Witt's Little Earlr Klser * .
Trying to Find an Exorm.ifor . the Atsoch-
tion's ' Existence.
Troubles oT Ilio Wcst-fn I'nsspnKcr
Association HciTeUo.l Tnnly
JiiKtloe llcnvrrrtfe Hlo
Grande KnrnlngN.
CHICAGO , May 5. The outcome of thomcot-
ng to bo hold In Now York tomorrow by the
advisory board of the Western Traftlo asso
ciation will bo awaited with much Interest
> y railroad men hero. It is understood that
ho president will give consideration to the
various propositions and plans designed to
strengthen the agreement and put the organ-
zatlon on a safer footing , Ttiero seems to bo
10 doubt that Jay Gould will make another
effort to secure the adoption of his pet
schema of establishing Joint agencies. In
'act , it is the general opinion that unless
something of this kind Is done
thcro will bo no further use In trying to keep
the association alive , us thcro Is no excuse
of its clsU > nco in its present form. The bo-
lef no longer prevails that the Missouri Pa
cific will bo disciplined for reducing the
suenr rnto in violation of Its agreement. Tno
prediction of such men as Marvin HnchlU
mil other ofticlals that the meeting will bo an
lannonlous one indicates that the eompot-
tors of the Missouri Pacific have cooled
down niul will do nothing to ruftlo Mr.
Gould's ' feathers.
The question of abolishing unlimited ticKets -
ets was considered at the meeting of the
Western Passenger association today but it
was finally decided to postpone action on the
subject until the Juno meeting. This conrso
was made necessary by t'io unsettled condi
tion of affairs growing out of the Alton boy
cott. Cienend Passenger Agent Uhnrloton of
the Alton obtained the consent of the asso
ciation to make a rate of one faro for the
round trip for the fanners' ulllunco men yvho
arc to attend the national union conference In
Cincinnati this month. It was expected that
the subject of paying commissions in eastern
territory and the boycottof the eastern roads
against the Alton would bo discussed , but
the mutter was not brought up in any shape.
Chairman Fiuley's order to"ud'Miico the
rates between St. LouU and Chicago does
not takooffcct until May IT , and it Is probable
that the Alton will wait until that time before
declaring its intention to withdraw from the
association. In the meantime the board of
rulings of the eastern roads is laboring with
the Ohio & Mississippi road to induce it to
Join In the embargo against the Alton , but so
far without success.
Chairman Finloy of the Western Passen
ger association Is out with another decision
against the Chicago & Alton road , homo time
ago , after giving due notice , the Alton made
reductions In its rates to meet the competi
tion of excursion rates tnado by the General
Trafllc association lines from points in cen
tral Illinois. The chairman ruled that this
was a breech of the agreement and orders
the Alton to turn over to the association nil
the nivenuo it received from the reduced
Received Tnrrty Justice.
ICis As CITV , Mo. , May'.1 ; . The farmers'
alliance has at last received tardy Justice
from the Western Passenger association ,
wliich today passed a resolution authorizing
u one-faro rata from Kansas City and other
Missouri liver points to Cincinnati and re
turn. It will bo rcmerabcrbd that the first
application for a ouo farfs rate for iho Cin
cinnati lulllanco meeting was voted down.
The Chicago & Alton then asked for
u reconsideration on the basis of
a faro and one-third , which was also voted
down. Nothing daunted , however , the iron-
cral passenger agent of the Alton rca 1 had
the question reopened at today's meeting of
the Western Passenger association and by
unanswerable argument In favor of the
original proposition for a ono-faro rate
finally secured the reduction in the face of
stubborn opposition on the part of some of
the western linos. Only one important line
was not represented nt the mooting , but that
road's vote can bo counted on in its favor.
Denver & Hlo Grande
DK.SVEH , Colo. , May 5. The earnings of
the Denver & Rio Grande railroad for April
were $602,700 , uealnst f.Y31liU ) two years ago ,
being an increase of $ ! lVill ( or 11.73 per cent.
Thcearnings for the present vear to date are
J7t : : > M7. ' > , atrainst M.sW.OrS last year and
fi,344,2 3 two years ago. Ths gain over last
year is $ 'K,497 , or 7.MS per cent : over two
years ago { 1,011,21 : ) , or 15.04 per cent.
One Count Set A Hide.
Nr.w VOHK , May 5. Judijo Van Brunt to
day set aside the counts of the indictments
against the officials of the New York , Now
Haven & Hartford railroad on the tunnel ac
cident , charging the directors as Individuals
with misdemeanors. The other counts Judge
Van Brunt sustains.
Keystone Hank Affaire.
Fnii.AnEi.riiM , Pa. , May 5. By the arrest
last night of two ex-ofllcers of the Keystone
National bank much of the inside history of
the bank was brought to light today. At
the tlmo of tbo run on the bank in.
December last the great sums owea
to the bank came partially to the
Knowledge of the directors. Mrs. Lucas , the
widow of John C. ' Lucas , was notified of the
indebtedness of her husband's cstato and
called upon to make good the amount. At
the time the intention wr a to make it gro-J.
The debt was said to bo fOOO.OOO and Mrs.
Lucas settled for that amount and
was given n receipt In full for
the amount of the bank's claim against
her her husband's cstato. Since then it
has transpired that Mr. Lucas owed nearly
$400,000 more to the bank , but Mrs. Lucas
has declined to pay It , she holding the re
ceipt for the amount of her husband's in-
debtedncs-t. A gentleman who has had an
opportuhity to know the bank's assets said
today that if the depositors were paid U per
cent they would bo lucky.
No griping , no nau oa , no pain when Do
Witt's Little Early Hl ers are taken. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best ttlll ,
Wi-nt nn thcJ-'Wnr Path.
Mrs. Dr. Becket tookpftenso at some ac
tion of her neighbors.the Muldoon family ,
living at Twenty-sixth and Cameron streets ,
last night and Invaded the Muldoon rosldonco
armed with a hntchet and procrodod to make
Oftlcor S. S. Drummy was called and arrested -
rested the woman , but not until she had at
tempted to strike the officer with the weapon.
stviinoKx run : .
I'lttfllmrji'H Department Does Untile
with a nifj Hlazo.
PiTTsnt'HO , Pa. , May 5. A llro that broke
out in this city about 11 o'clock tonight
proved the most dangerous and stubborn that
the city department over encountered.
The first blaze was discovered In
the lower lloor of the great Ar-
buckle building , on Seventh street near
Duqucsno. It Is occupied by the grocers'
supply and storage company , and the seven-
storied CM I lice , 100 feet wide ana several hun
dred deep , was soon n mass of flames from
cellar to roof , The heat was so intense the
Hrcmcn found It Imroislblo to reach the
building with water and In a short tlmo the
luljolntng buildings wcro ablaze and the entire -
tire square was menaced. A high wind was
blowing at the tlmo and swept the flro across
to the Pittsburg Female College building ,
where n lively scene was presented as thu
several score of lady students scurried nliout
nmld n shower of sparks , attempting to save
their belongings , but only bewildering the
firemen. The lady boarders were finally
gathered together by a convenient chap-
urunu nnu uiKcn 10 u nuici. i ney uuu
loft the building Just In time , as the tire flew
from the roof and soon burned the handsome
Interior of the largo building. Then the hii'h
walls of the Arbucklo building begun falling
and the mass of flames , driven by tno wind ,
caught the stceplo of Christ Metho
dist Episcopal church , Pennsylvania
avenue , which blazed like a beacon ,
towering far from the weak streams of water
directed towards it. The church shared the
fete of the other buildings. Many clcctrlo
were broken by the fall of the steeple , and
the electric .sparks added a now terror to the
flro.At this hour fl n. in. ) the firemen are still
working hard and it Is believed the flames
are under control. The losses as near as can
bo ascertclncd tonight foot up ? 7f > 0,000.
At 1 : ; IO n. in. the lire caught up a row of
tenement houses on Seventh street. The
other buildings being completely wrecked ,
the department turned their entire attention
to preventing a further spread and nt this
hour It Is though the toncmonts and sur
rounding buildings will bo saved.
A dry , hacking cough keeps the bronchial
tubes in a stsito of constant irritation , which ,
if not spceully removed , may lead to bron
chitis. No prompter remedy can be had than
Aycr's ' Cherry Pectoral , which Is both au
auodyno and expectorant
Indiana .Municipal lOlectlons.
INIIIAXUIU.K. , Inii. , May -Keturns from
o cctions In the sccohd and third class cities
throughout the stale show ccneral demo
cratic pains with the exception of Now
Albany and Jeffersonvillo , where the repub
licans made n clean sweep.
Font WAY.VK , Ind. , May 5. Xolllnger
( dcm. ) was elected mayor.
Lu'AYi.rri : , Ind. . May 5. The entire demo
cratic ticket was elected here , a democratic
Dr. Birnoy euros catarrn. Boo bldj
To Stop Wrangling.
CIXCINNVTI , O. , May .j. President Kramer
of the American association has Instructed
all umpires to forbid tbo managers , cap
tains and player ) from teams to ques
tion any decision of or engage
in any argument with the umpire. Power to
Impose lines to enforce this rule has been
bestowed upon the umpires. If this does not
stop tho'wrangling President Kramer pro
poses to clothe the umpires with power to
suspend any player , captain or manager for
ten days.
Coke Scarce In Chicago.
CIIICAOO , May 5. The supply of coke In
and around Chicago is almost exhausted and
a coke famine Is threatened. The Illinois
steel company and the Calumet Iron and
steel company hava been compelled to bank
their tires for want of fuel. Already more
than 1,500 men have been thrown out of em
ployment by reason of the long continued
strike in the Pennsylvania coke dUtrict.
Will Match the Iltintains.
Svs FRANCISCO , Cal. , May G. [ Special
Telegram to THE BUE. ] The California
Athletic club lost night decided to match
Abe Willis , the Australian bantam weight ,
and Gcorgo Dixon. the colored champion for
a light. The purse will bo ? . > ,000 , and the
light takes nlaco in Juno.
A ncnutlful Woman's Work.
Mrs. A. II. Ponino , the Alnbunui
woman who helped capture the Fulton
county murderer , .Tim Richardson ,
in Alabama lately , is a remarkable
character , according to the Atlanta Con
stitution. She owns and runs a planta
tion of 4(100 acres in Randall county ,
Alabama , in the very heart of the negro
bolt. Her executive power is something
wonderful. There are few men who
could successfully and profitably take
her plnco as manager. Slip rules like a
dictator. Last year bho ginned COO
bales of cotton , running the engine her-
She is a notably handsome woman , su
perbly made , with a face indicating in
telligence and and masculine determina
tion and nerve. She never has serious
trouble with the turbulent and unruly
negroes upon the plantation , is thor
oughly familiar w'ith every detail of
farm work , works herself and personally
superintends all the labor , and makes
one of the most successful planters in
the state.
Her promise is good for an order of
$5.000 at the store , and her business ob
ligations are always discharged prompt
ly and exactly.
"A stitch In time saves nine , " and if you
take Hood's Sarsaparilla now It may save
months of future possible blckncss.
What Is Hiid'lhlHin ?
The Buddha Gautama , the teacher of
the doctrine of enlightenment , was born
at Kapilavastu , India , about COO years
before Christ. Seeing the evils that
afllieted mankind , ho gave up his right
to the throne of thoSakyas , and devoted
his life to the solution of the problem of
the soul. After a long and intense olTort
and after trying ether religions , ho ob
tained while seated one day under a bo-
tree , enlightenment and spiritual peace.
This tree ho called Nirvana. After this
ho went about for forty years touching
his "gospel of enlightenment and jus-
tjco" ami making many disciples. lie
died in the eightieth year of his age ,
forty yours after his Nirvana.
RBBDI 8o"That ? YoU Wilt Not Be Deceived.
m * mini i c
Unscrupulous innnufacturers of medicines are olTerins to supply the rotai
druggists with an article put up in red wrapper , almost identical in tfonoial appearance
pearanco , and cloel , 'assimilated in every detail to Carter's Little Liver Pills.
In this way theyMiopo to profit by the merit of Carter's Little Liver Pills , and
palm oil nn imitation on thouiibuspccting sulToror and purchaser.
It is a source of wonder to honest people , that there are men ready and willing
to porixjtrato stieh frauds.
Let them beware ; a day of reckoning will surely come ; there are "upright
judges" in the land who will punish such people.
But the moral of it all is this : When you ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills
insist upon having "C-A-R-T-K-H-.S , " and see that you got them.
The proprietors of Carter's Little Liver Pills have spent hundreds of thous
anils of dollars to make their value known. True merit always wins with the
people , Carter's Little Liver Pills have won.
Positive GUre for Sick Headache
Dcnqo I/otulon l-'og .
It in not every city in the world tlmt ,
Hiving usm'iKKl foino hundred square
niles of thu earth's surface for its found
ation , could actually uroato for ifolf an
itmojphoro of its own ; and yet that is
vhat l/Jtidon succeeds in doing , though ,
ndeed , the feat is hardly a matter for
wnstltig or congratulation on the part
of ita citlzcne , says a Now YorK Herald
vrltor. For tbo atmosphere Is not a
; oed one. From millions of chimney-
nits iho smoky vapors rise and
jatlicr , only to bo chilled by
ho frosty air that prevents their
iscapo Into the upper heavens , and
lold them In suspense above our heads ;
htckor nnd moro black the murky
ilouds gather aud close together ,
miigiug llko a pall , and shutting
out Iho light of a January day ,
mil then gradually they slnl ; and
all until they rest upon the solid ground
tself. lllllng' our streets with darkness
and wrapping our houses In the foul
colt of their own ehimnoyH.
Every year wo are plunged into tbo
imo Cimmerian darkness , aud every
car are our voices lifted up
n complaint ; but nothing over
omef of our complaining , save
.hat a few people find
n it nn opportunity for advertising
moko-consumliiL' furnaces and cliim-
leys , or ttednring the advantages of
imokoless coal , or perhaps raising a
ivoly controversy as to the bonu'U'ial
elYcut of London soot upon tlio London
er's lungs * . As a nation \vo are not in
he habit of consuming our own .smoke ,
cither in the literal or in tbo tlgurativo
bonso. Whether the snnoko rises from
our kitchen tires or from the fires of
mrty passions , private bates or public
ioandals , wo view its , rolling col-
nuns with a certain air of complacency :
ind should they envelop and befog us ,
vo wait with an admirable patience for
the wind that will lift and clear them
In many respects tbo Londoner is a
nuch-onduriug and long-biilTering man ;
jut , though those qualities are doorv-
ng of praise , they aro.somotiines carried
too far. The amount of real Buffering
ind loss that is inllicted by our winter
ogs is almost incalculable ; the short
sighted man day after day lias a double
htrain put upon his failing eyes , the
Iclicato and asthmatic cough them
selves into a state of suffocation , and old
ige , in spite of all care and precaution ,
suddenly and incontinently topples over
the grave. Tbo death rate of thu
egistor general tolls its own tale , but
no one can fully tell of the human dis
comfort that survives.
Dreadful Psoriasis.
Govaiing Entin Bo y with Whlto
Scaloa. Suffer ng Foarful.
Cured by'Duticura.
.Mj cll'on'O ( piorlnsli ) Hrst broke out on mjr left
cliook , ! | trenilliif ( ncrom my nine , and almost cover-
ng in ) fni'c It ran Into my ujoi. nnd tin ; ; i1iyidclnn
nns ufriild I would ln < a my ertslKht nltOKOtlior. H
Kprond all over my , nnd my
linlr nil fell out , until I was en-
llrol ) u.iM-liCHded ; It tlivn broke
i ut on my arm * nnd shoulders
until my arm ncrojut ono for o
It cuM'rcd jnv cntlrn body my
( .co , licud lind nhnuldem bollix
the nonit. The while irnbs fell
confitnntl ) frum my , should
ers and nrmv Iho xkln would
thicken nnd bo red nnd very Itchy ,
and would crack and bleed If
scratched After npendlnff many
litindrcds of dollars , I wai | > ronuiincpil Incurable. I-
heard of the Ct'Tlct'liA HKMKUIES , nnd nftcr u ln
two bo tics Cl Tld'ltA HKSOI.VKNT , 1 could scon
chnnuc ; nnd nftvr I Inid t.ikt-u four hollies 1 wns nl-
mnncured ; mid when I hud used slv buttles Cl'Ti-
CfliA HKSOI.VKS-T. ono bov of CUTI I'liA nnd onj
cnkoof CUTlciniA SOAI * , 1 WM cured of Iho dread
ful dlvetico from which I had uITorcd for live years.
1 rnnnot otprexs with n pen what 1 sulTcred before
uiliu the IlKMCiiihi. Tliey fl.ivpd my life , nnd I feel
U my duty to recommend thorn. My hair Is rcitored
ns good nt ever , nnd * o N my eyc luht.
Mils. IIOSA KKlil.V , UockwollClty , town.
Cuticura Resolvent.
Thcnew lllood 1'tirlller Intirnaliy ( to clenn o the
blued uf nil Impurities and poisonous olemonta ) ,
nnd Ci'TicriiA , the xruat Skin Cure , nnd Ci'TU'fUA
8OAI * . nn rxiilsltu ) Skin lliMintlHur. externally ( to the iiLIn and siulp anil ro-loio thu hair ) , have
cured lhnuands of cac * nhcre Iho * ht'ddln , : of
xcalcs measured a. quart d.illy , the * kln crnrkeit ,
bleeding * burning and lulling almost l > e > end I'ndiir-
nncc. hair llfeleH' or nil irnne , nulluilni ; terrible.
Whnt other remedies Imvu made such cures'/ /
Fold everywhere. I'rlen. ( VTlcriiA.Mi1 ; SoAI'.Mc ;
UE orvisr. ( I I'repitTVd b > the I'OT.EII DIIUG
AMI I'llKMICAl , rolll'OUATION , llilKtoll.
fWenrt for"lliiw to Cure SUIn l > l en cs , " Cl
pa.-es , la Illiislrntjuin nnd ICKJ touiiimnlnls.
It r \ri'l.KS , liliick-lirnilii , red , roiixh. clm , > puilnnd
I iiL oily ( kin cured by t't'TH'l'ltbuA I' .
Hack uulie , kidney pain"veak
no-s. rheumatism and muscular
lulus relieved In one inln to by the
Uutlcuru Antl-l'aln I'lustur.Tc. .
UOOand 1411 Uod u StiecM , Oinulia , .Neb
Side tfprlni ; nttnclimcnt , no horce motion.
First Class CarriagBs ,
W. BAKER & Co.'s '
from which the excess of
oil lias buon removed , Is
Absolutely Pure
and it la Soluble.
No Chemicals
are used in Us preparation. It 1ms
more < /I / H three times the strength of
Cocoa inixetl with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , and Is therefore far r.ioro
economical , cosiiny less than one cent
n ciij ) . It is delicious , nourishing ,
strengtheniin , ' , IASIIV DIUKSTKII ,
and admirably mln-ilud for invalids
as well as for persons in health ,
Sold by Crocors oycrywhoro.
W , BAKER & CO , , Dorclieslor , Mass ,
Over 0. U. Jucuucmlu & Co. , Jowulry Stora
OIJA I UOYANT and | i y < * . liomi < trti * . or eluir-
ncler rcadlncuNo ; dlucnnsts of dUoine.
Hoiid UioU of hnlr for leudliiKH liy lutlttr. Sun
days nnil u\fiiln i. Mi . K. llnopor. H2J Avo-
nuu \ . . non r ( ' ( liner HUM st , Council 11 ufls.
YVANTI'U- to do conoral han.owork
_ 'Vl'sij | ) ' wArclior. . 105 Second inc.
\ \ > ANTKI ) Two ( ilrls for
' T Cornier A. M ( Mi oo. ID.Malii sti.'et.
_ _
iriOUSAM : Tor ItontVnnlid If you want
Jtotiuy , sell in mill aiivtlilng In llm real
estate line ilnn't do It until you have MMMI our
liiitie list of b.irgulnx. Swan & Walker , No. 1U
Main uml ll.'l 1'uarl streets Council ll.iilTa.
IjHm IlKNTHouse. . IfttStutMimn M i ilU purL
-L month. Inqulio of Cooper A. Mi'lli'O.
IrtOK SAM ; or Trade A line imported
t'lydcsilalo stalllnii. C.ill on I ) . J. llutch-
ln on \ Co. . BIT lltoadw.vy.
K'DMB line residence property for tfnt by
Day A. Hess. .0 IVurl str-el.
I/UHl SAMC-llotel ocntr.tlly Invited , ilohiit
X pond Imiliu'ss Or will uxoliitu u fur K'HUl
farm In western Iowa.
Hotel leasu. fnni lure and fixtures ; nn A
No. I rliniK'n to stop liil a pinul payini ; busi
ness Heat-oils for "Plllin : . oilier busl-iosa re
quiring all owner's attention
llarKalns In loslduncu and biiMnuts prop
erty. It. I' . OilUvr , real f > t ito an I uiNiiranco
No. I'J N. Main st . Connor , HlnlTs.
GAUDKNH Some choice garden Innd ncai
Coiinrll HlulT fors'ilo on easy terms. al o
vineyards nnd n largo list of Iowa farms.
Johnston , V Vim fatten.
" 1/MtlH'r farm for sale or trailc : well Incited
-L anil nil In bearing ; pool lumso and li.un.
Will take sumo good city | ire | > mtv , and KOIH !
tliiiuKlveu on balun < * r. Call on or address 1) .
J. IliiU'lilusnn \ . Co. . GIT llru.idway.
ItP.NTHit ) Mc.Mahon Itlork. ! i Mory
brick , with hasmiieul utul elevator. J. W ,
SciiilnlOi 1'oarl street.
FOHSVLB or llant a\rden land , wltli
homo * , br J. It. llloo , Ul MAH ! it. Oouaoll
' A True P-iedloilon.
We told our patrons last season that the
old style uasolino stove was n thing f the
past. This year , by paying n fft.iXM.OO roy
alty to the makers of the Now Process Vapor
Ktovc Co. , every ether vapor stove company
can make a steve under their patents. Wo
are the exclusive agent for the original Nr.w
PitoiK > s steve with Its great 1SOI improve *
inenti , also for the Quick Meal Now Process ,
the best of all the others. Our last year's ex
perience has enabled us to select the best
stoves tor our Ib'Jl trade. Wo will sell on
hisr I'AVMi'STS. Wo will send stoves on
trial nnd guarantee satisfaction -don't pur
chase before seeing us. Cole & Cole , 41
Main street.
HolVlKcrntni'H on Payniontn.
Greatest bargains ever offered. Lawn
mowers. HulK gnjdcn seeds. Victor bi
cycles. Cole & Cole , -lit Main street.
1801 1 TOLD YOU SO. 1891
The .Towel Vapor Steve is the best
ponorntintr steve in the market. The
Itallublo Process is the leader in pro
cess stoves , The hot air tubes are con
nected by removable iron elbows , al
lowing ensy aec.ess for elotinlnn pur
poses. The vapori/or is a perforated
brass cylinder hold in plnco by three
brass sprint : arms , and can bo lifted
out and cleaned. Our steve is the only
one so provided. Wo have done away
entirely with thosub-llamo. The flume
can be turned high or low. They are
foinir like hot cakes. The second car
load ordoretl.
Buy the genuine Philadelphia Lawn
Mower. It was unexcelled 17 years ago ;
it is unrivalled now. These nmdo I'J
years ago were good , but those made
now nrc very far in advance of them in
every point of merit.
We have a full line of hardwood re
frigerators at prices that will sell them.
Fly tiiiiis is coining. Go * your screens
up before tbo Hies come and > ou will
Cheapo lots of annoyance. I have the
largest and best line of door and win
dow screens in the market.
P. C. DuVor , .
oOl Broadway , and No. 10 Main Street.
All kinds of Dylns and Cle.inln ; d no In tha
Illchest.Stylo o ( tbo Art , Faded and Htaliiud
( ' 'uliricn made .to look us Kood as now. lied
Feat In1 JH ( 'lea uml lly .steam. In l''irnt films
Manner. Work ( iromotly done und dullvoruil
In ull parti of tbovountry Send for prlua
O. A. MAOHAN. Prop. ,
101J llroadwav. Near North western Uopat ,
COUNUIU Itl.Uf f.S. lA.
Of Council Bluffs.
Dimerous I \ Mllliir , V O Ol iion , K fj.
Bhuunrt. K. K. II irt , J I ) Kdmnmlvm , Uti.irlui
It. llannan Tr.ina ot Uanliliu liiMl-
nen Lar.-e t capital unJ surplut ot aay
b&nkln Sjuthwtiitorn lovra.
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
Is Now Optsn.
Crctgin & Co. , Proprietors ,
M. Ml. < 'll < lMlliiCl.l\ . It.
Kye , Knr , Noionnd Throat
Sp-clnllit ,
Coiinrll llliiUs , - - Iowa
S ro eyt" * , cm-is oyoi
pullifill nnit ni > nk > | > |
( liiirnct frcini Hiu i'.ir , e.i- .
t.irtli , Iny furur , nillmn
iiml till iiciilu iin'l ' clirunla
AlTurtloniof the tlirout u
| iocliilly. Ola t oyoi fit *
lecl wlilinnt pnln. ( ! I w oi cciirat"ljr prt-icrllixd In
( lltTlcult nno , oftiMi rurliiK rlironlo nuiir.iltfl'i anJ
vlck lii'.Til.iLho. ojiorullmii , when neros-
nrjr , palnlonly | iirfur nu'l , nnurlnt liott rmulli
Ollko. ShiiiMrt-lletij lilnck , rouml. C'uuiifll IlluIIt , la
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just tint thing forbalb rooms , lied rooniH , eta
Cull und heo ( Mir inr u assortincnt-
C. B. Gas nnd Electric Light Co.
211 Vo irl an 1 'JIO Muln SlretiU
To Bee-Keepers
I curry u full line ol liuokuopurb' BU * >
plies , including uninb foundutiuii , lion
oy knivus , Biuokur.s , soi'liona mid n
Huppllcs for tbo UDliiry. M. S. HOOl'
CUU KDi'oaJwuy , Council Ululld , luwal