8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MA3T 5 , 181)1- ) THE CITY. Minnie Mnrl < P , who wns mlhidiicd In- mini- lust wuolt , will bo tiiuon to tlio asylum todtiy. Mrs. S. declares she owes the bounty of her complexion to Spanish Court I'nuo Powder , sold by till dnifitflsts. The regular monthly mooting of the library board was hold last night. Noth ing but routine business cmno before the board. The in nnit.v board yesterday morning eat upon the cane of Kllon I'rown. She wan adjudged daft and will bo sent to the asylum. The National bank building company yostordiiy lllod amended articles of In corporation , Increasing its capital to $160.000. .loo Sustrick- , who has been in the county lull , charged with infinity , lias Iwcn UiKf'ii away by hi.s friends and will bo placed In a private asylum. HH.a ( Abnlin , wlio resides at 101 ! ) Ioivi-n\vorth ! Btreet. was taken siuk while iittqnding services at a church on Ninth street Sunday evening , and was removed to her homo in the patrol wagon. Uishop Si'iinnc-l administered the rltos 'of I'nnHrnmtioii to u claws of 110 pori-on.s at Holy 'Irinlty church Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Dwyer aok-d 118 sponsors. The bishop wa.s assisted at the altar by Hov. Fathers f'olnnorl. JH'Shryvor , Mninsgesst , Koopmiins and Hillman , The children's choir under the direction of Miss MuncholT , ablated in the service. S. II. IJoyd of tills eity. president of the Nubrnikii Young People's Society of Christian Kndenvor , lius been in the western purl of the state making ar rangements for an excursion from Oma ha to Minneapolis .Inly IMU. Special rates will bo made from all points in the southwestern states to Omaha for all who wish to join the cxcurbion. Mr , Uoyd reports great success in this di rection and expects a largo crowd on the UAl. Ill E41UI1. Constipation poisons tlio blood : 'DoWltt s Kittle ( Curly Hlscrs cuio Constipation. The ctiUbu icuiovcil the dlscnso is t'one. The 1'nxlon Hold I'lio Did not effect the hotel proper in any wayso as to interfere witli tlio operation of the house. Only the annex was dam aged and guests have been cared for without the interruption of a single day. Remember that it only requires $100 cash payment to secure a $ . 'i-o lot in Pot ter & George Co.'s addition , East Omaha. Abstract of title given witli every lot sold. ] 'otter & George Co. , Boutlnvcst corner 10th and Farnam. Rt. Rev. Scannell will hold a recep tion for the congregation of St. Potor's nt o8 ! South Twenty-sixth street , on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock , May f > . The bishop will be glad to meet all the people of the parish and they as well is any others who wish to attend are cordially invited. CHOOSING OFKICI2IIS. Directors oCttio Iteal Kit-itc ANSoeiu- tioiiH OrKanl/.liiK. Tlie llrst meeting of the board of directors of the Heal Estuto Owners' association of Oinnha was liclil last night in the rooms of real estate exchange , eight incaibers being present. Mr. George II. UoRgs was chosen tompoiary cliuirmnii and 11 , J. O'Donauoo temporary secretary. After nemo discussion as to the method of procedure the hoapl proceeded to the election of permanent ofllccrs. Mr. Hoggs was unanimously elected presi dent of the association and thanked the hoard briefly for the honor. ' Ucorgo T. Gathers was elected vice presi dent. dent.Major Dnlcombo was nominated for secre tary , but declined the honor in a speech in which ho reviewed at lenpth the Immensity of the scheme of the association iu > shown by the work of n similar association in Chicago. The Importance of the duties of thesLvrotary v era dwelt upon and the nmjor expressed the hope "that the election of a secretary would be postponed until the propar man could bo found for the placo. A iliscusslon of an hour followed this , after which , on motion of Major Uiilcombo , Mr. ( ) ' Donahoo was elected temporary secretary for ono week. George Hides wns elected permanent treasurer of the association. The hoard then got Into n discussion on ivnys and means of raising the necessary funds to carry on the work of the associa tion , which lasted over an hour , but no con clusion uas reached. A committee on bylaws and rules was ap pointed , consisting of Messrs. Hal combe , J. B. Gibson , Hoggs , Gathers und Ilcmls , to ro- oort at a nicotine to bo held next Friday ivcting at the oxchanga room. For Hilioits Disorder * TTs ( > llorslor.l'H Ai'lil IMiospliatc. Dr. D. Scliaub , Muncie , Ind. , says : "Ilnvo fised it in bilious disorders and It did all that was desired. I think it an luvnluixulo reined ) . " Depends nn Monopoly. The park commissioners are not decided as > ct with regard to thu number of concerts th.U will bo given in Haiiscom park during the summer , because the street car company bas not jet agiced to hear a part of the ex pense. To give three contorts a week would : est about J7. > 0 per month. The board will probably nsk the sttcct cur company to chip in at lenbt ono-thiru of the expense , but whether or not tliostioct railway magnates Kill sec lit to assist in the enterprise Is yet indccided. .1A XO 11 / ; . ! / M-.XTS. Hcrr Jules Kollur , the famous athlete now performing at the Men Museo , has no con- ; rol over his legs. Ho ti'cs his arms and aands alone , and accomplishes feats that sther cymimsts would hosltato before trying , ' 'ho Mali , the mongolian imilget , is a perfect ft-onder. Ho Is the only Chinese dwarf in Vmerica , and Is worth n vast sum of money. -le is forty yeuis old ntiu Is but twenty-eight iii'hcs , tall. In thu Hljou theater the Power * .wins , in sot.gs and ilttnrcs ; the Mills , in n ! unnj sketch , and Fiauliiiii Ida Cordt , the ttmrmlng operatic singer , are the leading 'outmvs , buppoited bj u strong company of ipcclalty urlUU. A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. | fo other baking powder does such work. t WOIUC OI1 A 1'IIJND. Cnycmic I'cpper Thrown in ( lie Fm'o of u AVIlnct-H. The ease of the stnto vs I'ctcr HollnquoU was to have been called for a hearing yes- tcrdiiy. Tlio defendant is chareed with poisoning the wall of Mrs. Mnugio Motcalf , W'J North Fouttcenth street , with roughen rats. The greater part of the evidence was Introduced .several days ago , and the chemist was to report his analysis of the water yesterday. As MM. Mctcalf was preparing to visit pollco court during the afternoon some ono rapped at the door , and , when she opened It. asked for MM. Motcalf. She replied that she was the party wanted , whereupon her c liter daMird a cup of cayenne pepper lu her face. The biting powder lilted her ejo , nose and mouth and almost strangled her , and a physi cian wns called to relieve her. She did not rccognbo her assailant and can not tell whether the dastardly act had any connection with the poisoning case or not. Hcrfacowns biidly swollen and her eyes severely Inllained , but it H not thought that stio received permanent or serious Injuries , although they are very painful. A young lady of Jefferson , West Virginia , declares that she was all run uown before taking Aycr's Sarsapcinlla ; but that now she Is gaining strength "every dav. Ayer's Sar- saparitla is certainly a wonderfully effective tonic for the feeble and delicate. \Vhlskoy on l-'ire. A slight bla/o occurred yesterday at P. K. Ilcr's Hijuor house on liurncy , between Kleventh and Twelfth streets. In lllllng a tank some whlskoy overflowed and run thiough to the lloor below whore a hot coke lire was being used in hr.inding barrels. The lliiuor iit oncu took lire , and what threatened to bo a serious eonllagr.itlon was only averted liv the use of hydrants in the building. The bla/o was extinguished before the depart ment arrived. Dr. Birnov cures catarrn. Boo bld'g. I'latlini ; Ills Possessions. President Perkins of thoUhica go , Hurllnir- lington & Quincy , who recently nmdo oxtoa- slvo purchases of Omaha residence property , is having his possessions surveyed and platted for the market. cur And ( lie Hoard of Heultli Meeting WIIH Iiulellnlti'ly l'oNlionciI. | Yesterday was the day when the board of health should have held Its rccularmeeting to inquire into the cause and effect of diseases that prevail In the city Just at this season of the year. The meeting was a failure , ns none of the members put in an appearance at the time and place. Dr. Gapen , who has heretofore boon a mem ber of the board , did not know Just what to do. In speaking upon the subject ho Bald ; "You sco that after the action of the council Saturday night I could hardly bo expected to call n mooting for todav. as I don't know whether I am the commissioner of health or plain Dr. Gapen. " Frank Morrlssoy said : "Don't see how I could attend the meeting ns the council de cided that I nm Cltl/en Morrl'sey and not the sanitary commlislonor. " Tlio other members did not feel like shoul dering the responsibility , ntid consequently the meeting went over. Queen of the 'May. Say ma , the girls say If my face want so speckled up with pimples , they'd rmiko mo "Queen of the May. " What shall I del Why , gctn bottle of Hallor'ssiirsaparilla and burdock , of course ; it's the most wonderful bloodpurlllcr of the age. Secretary lliilcoinlx-'M Htnloniout. O\mu , Nob. , May-I. To the Editor of Tin : ) : : : In Saturday evening's Uii : : , in your report of the meeting of the board of public works , you sny that Mr. Hirkhnuscr "commenced to flmli fault with Hal- combo's work. " As far as I nm nwaro this Is not n fact. Mr. H'ukhnuscr has never complained to mo In any manner relative to my duties as secretary , or otherwise. His olllclal and personal treatment has always been courteous. U. D. HAI.COMIII : . Gosjlcr's Magic Headache \Vafors. Cures all headaches In 'JO minutes. At all druggists Remember that it only requires $100 cash payment to secure a SUS15 lot in Pot ter & George Co.'s addition , East Omaha. Abstract to title given with every lot sold. Potter & George Co. , southwest corner 10th and Farnam. C ONTINBNTAl Special Sale of Bojs' Knee Pant Suits , On account of recent purchases we are enabled this weel { to offer the greatest value ever shown in our Children a Sbo.OO , . , o c = Z ( ) department. Beginning Monday we will offer several large lines of boys' all wool cheviot suits made in the best manner at the popular prices , $2.00 , $2.50 , $3.00 , $3.50 , less than the actual cost of manufacturing , The sizes arc 4 to 14 years. Come early. We guarantee the values ; they arc just as represented. See samples in our show windows , BOYS' KNREL PANTS- 50c will be the price this week on boys' all wool cheviot pants , all sizes , 50c will be the price of our finest braids in boys' straw hats , the latest styles. 50c will be the price for boys' hats in fine crush goods , all shades. " Continental Clothing House , Oor. Douglas anct ISth Bts. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE WEST OF THE MISSISSIPP WEIEXK : AT GOS : KB Pint Sis 12. Natty little suits that fit well , wear well and are sure to bring people back to trade again : * Pant Suils $2.50. $ Non-ripable Scotch Cheviots , neat , nicely made ; correct for school or knockabout. Pant Soil Handsome plaids and checks in blue , brown and gray , a'll ' knee pants run in ages 4 to H years. 8OO Boys' Long Pant Suits , $4 , $3 , $6 , $6-5O , $7 and $8. at the quality and make we'll show at such low prlcas. Thev're nets s , they're made to WEAR and BUILD UP TRADE ON. SHIRT WAISTS. ' ' ladies'wear. Novelties Not shown . For children's boys'and . elsewhere. See our shirt waist dis play in Douglas street window. Money Cheerfully satisfy.BROWNING KING & goods do not satisfy. , CO , S. W. Corner I5th and Douglas , THE RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. SHND FOR miAUSTRA-TRD IN Al'UIIi. Score of tin : Itiins Made ly Mcnibrrn ol'tlic I Inoht. Tbo report of the city Jailors for tlio month of April , shows 027 arrests , of which 105 were vusranti , 102 suspicious char icters , 101) ) drunks , 01 drunk and disorderly , ! ! 3 Hunting S disturbing the peace , ! ! 0 prostitutes , 10 in unites houses of prostitution , 14 larceny , U grand laicony , 10 petit larceny , it highway robbery , 0 horse stealing , S forgery , 5 fugi tives from justice , and the balance for other offoi ses , There were 3. Americans , nud the Gurmaiis came next with 4'i and bwedes with : i4. Twenty-two cases were sent to the district coutt muter bonds aggregating $11,000. Of the IU7 prisoners 75 were females. Thirteen of the prisonui-s were under tlio aqo of six teen rears. 'I bore were 'J47 convictions and iHll dismissals. During the month , UU pros titutes were listed , 'J7 houses of prostitution , and y houses of asslirnation. There wcro 7 accidents , 5 dead bodies tiiKon to tlio inorguo , 17 llro alarms , li)7 ) lodKors accommodated , ; ! ( ) . " > calls for the pa trol wagon , 145 prisoners taken to the county Jail. Jail.Stolon property valued at $ l,0fl was re ported ana $ j,1UI. < iri rerovercd. Meals were furnished to prisoners to the number of 1.HM.Patrolmen Patrolmen lost 171 days during the month , of which ' , ' 0 wcro on annual leave , . " > excused by board , 5 excused by chief , : t7 absent from accident and 101 by sicuncss. Auction ! Furniture ! Atiiitlon ! HHo Doiiiiliis , Thursday , 10 a. in. Con tents of the entire house , consibtinp of hpilroom Bulls , mirrors , carpets , line Monitor rtuiffo , now process ( 'iiHolino , foUlinpliotl - * , hair mattrcasos , ete. Tlioso u'oodh are undoubtedly the linest over of- furod lit auetlon. 11 Wollfi , aijotioneor. i-uloon li OMMIA , May I , To the Rdltorof Tiinnnn : In a special telegram from Ileatrico published iu Tin : Bur. of April 110 , jour correspondent " $1 , COO Is the largest saloon license charged in tlio state. " The town of nroken How with only about two thousand inhabitants , bus for three years past , collected n li cense of JI'-VXX ) from each of tbrco saloons or rather a license of fiOt ) and occupation tax of $700 from each ono. It would seem that if saloons can pay $1 , 00 la a town like Broken How , they could easily do tlio same in the much talked about city of Ueatrlco. _ Q. X. II. All Tor Sister . How much money have I cot lu my bank ! l-'ortj Hvo fcnts , stranger only want live cents more. What will 1 do then , stranger ! \Vbyyou bcp.slstorbashuch a tcrrlblo cough , and people say it will bo bad on her If she don't get ticttcr soon , and the folks toll mo Haliur'h sure cough syrun will euro It right up , so you sco Hvo cents ) Thank you , stranger. _ Decision In Favor of tlio .Milwaukee At St. I'nul Hy The now 1'alnco sloopln r cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'nul Hy. , with elcetrto limits In ovorv horth , will coutlnuo to leave the Union depot , Omaha , tit 0:10 : p. in. , dally. I'utisonjjeM taking tills train uvold transfer at Coun cil Hluffs , anil nrrlvo In ( . 'hieatro at OHIO a. hi. , in mnplo time to luuko all eastern connections. Tluhot ofllce , l.r > 01 l-'anuun itreot. F. A. NASU , J. E. PitiarON , General CHy Pussoncer A gout , Drs.Betts Betts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14O9 DOUGLxAS STBLEE1T OMAHA. NER Tno most widely nml f.ivnrulily known apoo- InllHts In tiio Unltol Stales. Their IOIIK ox > purli-noc , Toniiirkubloiklll and iinivors.il sue- coit In thn troittiiiont mid curu of Nervous , Ulironlo und Kiirtflc.il DlsniiM's. ontltlo thesa eminent pbyHlclnns to the full rnntlilencn ot the nflllctpil ovi-rywhnro. They cnarnntoa : A OKKTAIN AND POhlTlVK OUKE for the nwlul cffocts of early vlc anil the turner- ur.BovlU tliat follow In IIH tr.'iln. _ rniVATK. III.OOI ) AND SKIN DISEASES Bpppcllly. coinpli'tnly nml noriiiaiiPntlv c'lirud. NRitvnus liiiiUTY ) : AND SEXUAL ms- OHDEHS ytolcl ro.idlly to tholr skillful troot- " ' 'iMLEH. FISTULA ANI ) HHOTAL ULOEU9 ruarnntcod cured without pilu or dotuntlou from IiiiHlnoss , AND VAHITOCELE porma- nnntlr anil gui'oossfcilly cured In every case , BYPHILIH. aONOltlClir.A. OLEET. Huor- nmtorrU s , Nominal Wenkni'is , Lost Munhood , NlRbt EinlssliuiH. Decayed I'.icultleB , Komult \Vnit/nnao iinil 1 , 1 1 tlnllrti * * . ! tllfinrflnr tienilllllf to cither HOX poNllhnly cured. n well as nil funptlonnl dlsonlnM that result from youtti'.l fnlllpaor tlio nxrossof mature years. TK'irTllKMJ liuaranteed piiriiuine n tlj O I 1ML. 1 U M > cnrel , ruinoviil coinploti\ tvlthniit cuttlnif. rauslio or dilatation. Cim cITccti'd ill lu.nm by patient , without e mo- raont's pain or nnnnynnco. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. 0 | onrly vli-o which „ - ' wenknrsH , dcslroyliiLliotli inlnil nnd Crk'tuilo oay. with all lu Ore iluil llli permanently ctifou. m/Q HUTTQ Address those who have tin- 1VI\O. Ill * I 1O palriul thunii Ivcs by Im proper InilulRcnc'j nml Hiilltiiry imblt-i , wlileh ruin tinth mlntl anil hoily , uiillttliiB them for biulnrsi. utiiilr or ninrrliik'c. MAKKIii : ) MKN or thoiio onlcrliiK on t lint luippy life , ttwuro of physical debilityuutokly atiUted , OUR , SUCCESS Is foixsert upon fiictn. 1'lrat I'ractlonl nxnorl * I'liee. Hi'i-ond : ery cn < , isapoflally Httiillvil , IhtiM itarthiK right Third ineillulnc * uro prppnroil In our luhorattiry nxnolly to milt ( acli cnse , tuusullcctliig cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Bctts , H09 OOUGUAS STREFT OMAHA. NEB COMMERCIAL DRUGGISTS commit fraud la eubstl- tutlnj , ' any other jwrou * plaster when IJKSSOS'S la nskPd for , They do no In ordci to mttko rnoro raonuy out of > ou by * eii. I UK you koiut'tUliig ( bat oosla tlicm Iffs , Ikswuru \YortUlm Italtatluna , OdnMcfa ! INSTITUTE ! . Korthotroatmontof Ml CIIKOKIO AND SUHOICAN DIHKASIiS. llracus , Appllnncoi lor Doforiultici.mil Trus oo . Moat Kurllltlus , Appuratus tnrt HomeJIoi ( oriuccosBriil Iroutmont of ovnry form of dliuaie roqulrlnu Moaicnlor Surk'loal Troatment. N1NKTV 1IOOM.S KR I'ATIIINl'rf , llcmrcl ami AttcnUanco He-t AccommodatloiM ' .Vest. Wrlto fur clrculnri on DoformHIos nml llrnrai , Tril. os , Club Tuiit , Currn. turoH of tjplne , I'lloi , Tumors , Cnncur , Catnrrh , llronchltls , Inhnlntlon. Electricity , I'nrulrtli , Kpll- ejff , Klilnoys , lllnddur , Kye , Uar , Hkln nnd Mini ) I. nnilull HiirKlcnlllppritlom , DISHAHDS OKVOMI2N nopi'plHlto. Hook 01 lhn.i ) c ? of Wuinon Krua.Vj bnvolntulr ndiloit n lylnif In IMpnrtmont for Woman Purlnn contlncnicnt ( Strictly I'rlvnto ) Only Itolln- lilo.Muillcal liKlltnto Maklnz a tipoclnlty ot I'UI- VATK DISIIASKd. All Illnoil Dl-onsci nuccoMfillly trcatod. Maitlclni sr Instriuncnti ecnt tiy iiinll or oxpron eocuraly packed , no tnnrki to Indlcnto contunti or * cn lor Unopurionn , Inturvleir profurrud Call nn I cuiiiult uaorsoml hltory of your cine , nnd wo will nund In Inln wrapper our HOOK TO MI3.V KIlCi : ; upon 1'ri- \aln , Specinl or .S'orvous Ulioaaai , vfHh'iuoitloulli : Addrvisnll IttlorJ to Dr. A. T. McLnuahiin , Presldati Hth and Ilarucy btruuls. Omaha. ADVERTISERS Who n o our ( ( ilunuis lit plnro tliclr good * bi'Iure Ice public \ \ ' . \ \ ( ell jou tint our scrlc ; of Auxilliary'Scliool ' Journals , arc not hiir | ii < wl iiy any loaclicis' iiiiltll- cathn hi thu west as an aihcrtlsmi ; iiu'ill- uin. Kates fiirnMieil on application. Ncbr. Teachers' Pub. Co. I'lTiiioiit > cbr. I ) . V. NKBRASKA National Bank u.s. DKPOsrroftv , OMAHA. NSJ Capital , - - - - $400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 18OO , - Oii.BOJ Officer * and IllrcctorHonry W V | OH , I'roildanl. U'wIiS. lluiid , VIcu-lTn'Icloat , Jnmai W Suviu > ) \ \ V. Momu , John h Collliu It U Ouilllnx J. N II I'ulrlck W U S lliiniiu' , cnililor. T1-1I3 11 ION BANK. Corner lth nud Knrnam Sli A Gcnorai llaukluj lluatiiusi Transaotal DR. BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Kill ! Hot of Teeth on Itubbcr , lor MVIJ Hol.l.AU" . A pt-rfeet nluuirnnti'i-O. Tooth eitr-iclud without pnln or dunirer , nnd without nnnoitliutlK , liold nnJ ullriir tllllnm Ht IOHOU rnet llrldito and Crown Work 'levtli _ _ lthoul platui All work nnr- 0FICE , PAXTON BLOCK. 16TH AND FARNAM Kntmnco , ICtb ltect delator. Opcu uollU o'clock. DOCTOR McGREW ; THE SPECIALIST. Jloro limn 1ft PJIM pxpcrlrmo In Hie treatment of piiiVA'ii : DISIASIS : : A cure cuiiranti'cd In ; i to5 iluja nltliunt liulossof nn liour'H time. GLEET. Tlio moit complete and nli iilulc euro for elect "nil nil niinorliiK' itlschariiff cvei known In tlio mcillc il profosMon. Tlio most stubborn chronic mid liilik' Btamllug cases pcrmnnenti ) cured In iiom&to lOilajs STRICTURE Or [ Kiln In relieving tlio bladder pcrmnncntlr cured without pnln or liiMrinnont' . no tultlni. , dilating. Tlio iiu t re mirkablu remedy known to uioilcrn eel- cncc. Wflto lor clrculin. SYPHILIS. Cured In BO to 50 days Dr. Mcfl row's treatment for this terrible blood dl oniolmi uecn pronounced tlio imut sncco f ill remedy ever dl covcnid for tin1 abe solute euro of tlio disease. Ills nucccit with t lil- dlscac Im * never been cquallo 1. A complete cur Ktiar.intoed Wrlto for circular * . LOST MANHOOD And all weaknesses of II o F-cxunl owm' , nervous- neix , timidity and despondency absolutuly lurud. 'the relict Is Immediate und complete. SKIN DISEASES , niicumatl'm and all diseases nf the blood , liver kidneys and bladder permanently cured FEMALE DISEASES And neuralgia , nervousness and dhcni s of the Klomach cured The doctor "llnmoTieatment" for I idles N pronounced by all TCIO have titcd It to bo the most complctoand convenient remedy ever of fered for the treatment of female dNo'i os H IH tru ly a wonderful remedy. No Instruments , no pain. Hours foi ladled , from 1 to 4 only , r ) DR. McGREW'S Marvellous sufceps in the treatment of private diseases has won for him a rep utation which is trulj national in char acter , and his great army of patients reaches from the Atlantic to the Paeilie. Tlio doctor is a graduate of "regular" metlieinn and has had long and careful experience in hospital practice , and is classed among the loading specialists in modern soinnco. Trcatinont by cor respondence. Writp lor cirulars about each of tlio above diseases , frco. Office Htli and Fanmm Streets. OMAHA , MII. : Entrance on Either Street. She Saved Her MONEY , nil no ran every Kood llousokccpor by always hnv K on hand handCAMPBELL'S ' VARNISH STAINS. It IH the only urtlcla Hint hus over boun produced by wliti i n lioiiHokui'per 1,111 unllsfailorlly 10 sum nnd nil nl < h Illi OM npplli-ntlon ml nltliiiM ior nil kind * of Household * iirnlt nro nnil Interior \\ood- w.rkIniiiKiiitt. . WAI.MI , MAIIOHANV , IUir ) eon , I.KIIIT OUi , VI.IIMII ins , ino\V. : iimliln.'it ionic 119 irxodnH neff Tin' oxpun n IH "Hunt in It U put up and Hold In IUI.K l'lvrU4\int ) tt" and In I'isi t ANKnt l < ! . either tlio nboTu sliiden If you ilo nut Und Hilt nt Umr llenler' " n k him to onler It for you I or nlo In Omnlm by Ituhiidion Drill , ' t"- \ Miol.saloiront Thc Best Pill On Earth ! Dr. IIolih'H Llttlo I'll IN nek Kontly yet promptly on the i.ivs : , KIII. M-vspid : ) in > \vi'is , I'u l urn imd < ell , cleacsluttluo eyfttemtlinr * oujilily imd they curt linliltunl conntlpntlon. 'Ihey nro fuftnr contuil , do not srlpo , Miry email , tHf-y to take , ono , . , . dose nnd M PH. * ' pill a , uro purely vcKOtnlilO. 45 pillnlncnch vlnl. 1'sr- loot dlvKftlon follown their utv. They AII * > O K.IITICLV Oritl ! MCK HKA II.K'Illii nnd are Itcroiiirnviiclrtl hy I.endlnt : I'liy hlcluiiN. rorrnloliy ilrmjKlut * nr runt byuall. ! ii tcntulal or S for Sl.OO. Addresu IIOIUJ'S MKDICl.MJ CO.jl'ropi. 6an Francisco , Cal. Chicago , IIL 'WRITE TO ] IER ! "I ii ii t.iiilHtiidn inr Iioi. i' ork fiir 15 jo'in. fi'V't''d ' viiili nmiiy | iliy lilun t"r H'limlo " " ' ' " > ' Jolc"s Vii"'rl | > 't" \li'cim1d me 1.1111 utronu in nvi-r ! I A'd'lro" M.'il\ ' IIBAN II"I Kr U.O N V BoH in ( iomlnun Kriiii l'u 1110 r imam -t 'niuhn ' thllfasca'i iithno Cure n r'i vj fl e a , ur. ( n / la U Ktrit KIJ l-iu.-ri aa- tb < ? i ff u carei btr iltlb ri | 'J , A I trial amnnrii fit moil tluflieal. 1'iitt , 60 et i nd lei.CO. cf l > niliti cr Ir mill. 61 mpit FRIG IniSp. en. R. BonirrMAirw , st ! ; piTiii , MI BATHE THE FACE WITH HEALING COOLING DOES NOT SMART NOR STING. REDUCES REDNESS. CHECKS BLEEDING. JUST AS IT REDUCES ANY INFLAMMATION , IT SENDS BACK THE BLOOD WHICH THE RASPING OF THE RAZOR HAS DRAWN NEAR THE SURFACE , SO LEAVES THE FACE WHITE , SOFT AND SMOOTH , WITHOUT THE SHININESS CAUSED BY OTHER LOTIONS. FOR THIS PURPOSE FAR SUPERIOR TO BAY RUM , COLOGNE OR PER FUMED WATER. BEST BARBERS USE IT. YOU HAVE A BOTTLE. WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT ? WHEN PURCHASING , ACCEPT POND'S EXTRACT ONLY. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES , PROBABLY WORTHLESS. POND'S EXTRACT CO. . NEW YORK AND LONDON. NO GUR.EJ NO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE The Greatest Ever Qlvonl Ir .1 11. Moore llpni Mr In reply to your letter of Inquiry ns tn our opinion of yoiircoodi nml niculo ot mlvortl > lnkr to tlio trinlo no ni to ni'Mo n deiniinil for them will ny It sliuuhlomnm'nil > < m unit jour remi'dloH to the rol'ill tmde nnd people In ( 'cnernl In our tcnllorv they liniu Klvi'n untlro fntlxfncilon whcro they hnMt liei-n fold \oiiriitruly , Ilurllmt , Wnrit&lo Den .Molncs III I' Ilniiion , MOIIX ( lly , In. llornlpk , lloi \ .MoriSiunx ( lly In j Illiku , 'Jriiro A 10 Orailin Null I Ulilinrilson DriiK I'o . Omilm Noli II. T I lark Unix ( o l.lni'oln , Null , ( tlum .1 IMiibncli , scc'yi thiirtlilll nriiKCo , llur- HnBton In , Slniror , \ Wlicelor. I'eorln III , Vnn NattnhtiidH Print Co St Jm > , Mo , .1 W IMiturly \ Co . Ottainnn , In : Mollltt-Weit llnitf I'o , ' t. l , < iuH , Mn 'UiH l 'ho ' Kre.itest l tliiiunlnl ever Klven a patent medu Invnnd un will torlelt $ IKJU ( fur encli nnd morj lt'n ituie of IliU letter whkh h no * ucuiilno and nhlcli U not In our posa f lon Mooro'a Tieo of I.lfo n poslllve euro fur Kldnof nnd l.lrur c'om.il lint nnd nil blood illtiiiu < llout It ny to diHTer wlion ) ou e.in bo cured by uslnilouru'3 Tree of I.lfo , tiiot.ri'at l.lfo ItxinnJjri LINCOLN Floral Conversatory. Couth Enst Cor. G ami 17t'.i , Lincoln , Neb W. S. Sawyer & Co. PLANTS AND CUFFLOWS , ( ii'nPtnl c.illcr'tloti of piunt * .ui'l iit flnwpM uluuys mi Ii.in'l. I loin ! drslu'iis. bdiuiui'ti Imskels iil.f i uiitlo * \\nliliir4S.iinl fun- ciuls ; i l"'c iiilty , n l sent to , iry u.irlof thu sl.itt- 1'ii-i- list fii'ii Hi * mm ! Hi mi lori - i > n funr'iilMiiK Ti li'lilii'iit' .41 FRENCH I A POSITIVt andptrminen where othertre tm nU llt.FulT < iiftction with eieh bottlo. Prlct , on dollir , See ilgnatureol E. U IAHU For ! By All DrugglBta. r - ELEPWNT ON MY HflNDS. " But no man ever says ( his who adver tises thiough ALBEM & FAXON. We help business men to sell their elephants. We never advertised an elephant , but we have advertised nearly eveiything under the sun. Multitudes speak of our remunerative services as Newspaper Advertising Agents. - What part of the earth's nearly 150 millions geographical square miles do j on wish covered ? No newspaper 01 magazine published but in which wo can place an advertisement , and there is positively nothing in the newspaper advertising line that we cannot do. Wiite us. f ALDEN& FAXON , " " " / * NEWSPAPER fitSSy-fa ADVERTISINGACEN fSv P'lUJ - J IP"6ciGBWThirdsi" " ' T ART _ CIHCIHHATI. 0. _ fcJL tJ I _ LVJ _ cur.duloto20d.fi Morphlno llnlill Nopirtnlecr.J UK J aiEPUlNaL.b.Dot O. PURIFIER IH no plonoant * o 'ivko , us It la com posed of all the mocllclnal qualities that Ro to make now and rich blood without oompollinir tlio oouautnor to $1 A BOTTLE FOR ONE-THIRD SYRUP which can bo bouKhf. ti iy wUoro for thlrty-tlvo ouita u unllon , as till f ur- txpurilliia nro. DRaOS' BLOOD PURIrlERu-Hl BLOOD MAKER la coinpoaoil of pure modiolno , nnd ill- Icwa the purohuaor to tvdd ayri' ' wh ch lu iidvlBo.l v/hon fflvon to " . \ \illclron. \ , a uiirdriiKKlildoos not kunp It accept no . . ; ' " , tll'itc. ' liutordur illruvt from HCIU/D Mf'j 9 I'J7 MIchlKun St. , Ulilcnxu. III. unit will forward , exprebi proyulu , ouo bo | II ortlx for 13.