Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEBi MONDAY , MAY 4 , 181)1. )
Homo of tbo Striking Features of the Gannon
Crnnrn AVImfic t'npni'lly HUH Never
llci'ii TiMtcd Tim Giant Bullion
Home ) ( ; - / ) ( ' Monsters
WAMIISOTOX , May 1. [ Corrospomlcncn of
FIIB llni.I : MnldnK tlio big ( 'lins for tno
hnvy nml ctUlppinr | ; tlio now cruisers mill
men of-wnr which are being launched now
nro iinpreaslvo spcrtnclcs.
A morolniproisivo spcctnclo could not eailly
be founil than to behold n ponderous inn-
clilno , weighing forty or fifty tons , clasp In
Its embraro a niani of stool , \vumhlng forty-
five ton1) , twirl Itiibout iisKontly as a feather ,
and trim it to wltiiln ono-hundrcd thousandth
of an Inch of tlio required thickness.
Kvon inoro Impressive It is to huholl n
giant crnno handle as a baby would u play
thing a tremendous gun that could shatter
the armored sides of the Dnlllo twirling It In
iho air and posing It m position as if it
wcro as nlry and fragile ns a soap bubblo.
Very stt mi gt- , also , Ills to twirl In your hand
In a mpo allug u conical projot'tllo loaded
with explosive ; enough to smash the tall
lower , the Washington monument , into
Those are but a few examples of the as
tounding things that any visitor to tlio Wash
ington navy yard may see for himself nowa-
flays. If a sojourncr in any of the countries
of Kuropo wore to approach a gun factory
without an oillcial permit and a properly ac-
ereditod escort ho would bo met at the very
tnrc.shold by u bayonet with : i man behind it
trained to kill. In our capital any one who
chooses can walk unchallenged past the sen
try at the entrance to the Washington navy
vard , and can ramble at will through an es
tablishment which within the lint two yours
has grown to bo ono of the largest anil best
equipped of Its kind in the world. Ho may
note every process , ho may udinlro and lif-
qulro Into the perfection of every detail , ho
may narrowly Ncrutini/o everything , from
the roughest casting to tlio huge rilled
weapon of destruction ready to bo mounted
In tlio sponson uf ono of our now cruisers.
The only restriction ho will encounter are
two palntod signs which recur with great
frequency and uhleh warn him : "No 1'uil-
ill era Admitted" mid "Uo Not Tall : to the
Workmen. "
If the Inquiring visitor bo neither n peddler
nor given In asking Impertinent questions lie
may wander at will through the plant de
voted to the manufacture of implements of
The talk , absurd as It really was , of the
possibility that Italy might send some of her
Ironclad lleots Irom tlio Mediterranean to
New York or Now Orleans had about It a
ring of .suggostlvi'iiess that caused common I
upon the naval possildlitlc.-i of the situation
nil over tlio world. It was shown that wo
have but one Ironclad , the Miantonomoh , at
oil lit to cope with any of Italy's
floating batteries , against whoso tonnage and
nrmamcntoiir new cruisers would bo butogg-
Miolls. It was shown , however , that wo could
bring to bear against an invading fleet ordnance -
nanco whoso qiiHllty and quantity has been
unsuspected by the general public. An English -
glish naval export who recently visited tills
country , was quoted in a London dispatch as
Btatlng that while our navy might still bo
light , our ordnance had already grown to
formidable proportions , and that any invader
might well dread to encounter its missiles.
An illustration of how the facilities for gun
manufacture at Washington have groun may
be found in the fact that two years ugo it
would have required six months from the
time the castings were fiiralshcd to complete
u 11-Inch breech-loading rillo. The sumo gun
could now bo completed in IHty day. Throe
months would now bo required to nmko an
8-inch gun , live months to llnlslt n lU-lnch ,
while the manufacture of a 1Mnch ! monster
would probably require seven months. No
llMni'h gun has ynt ever been completed.
Ono Is now at , the factory nearly finished , and
two others are under wav. The following
tnblo shows in compact fc rm the work now
under way in the yard hero :
The story of a great gun Is for these rea
sons of interest to the whole country. After
n tube for a gun has been forged it must bo
Inspected and tested bofoio it Is received at
the gun factory. From each forging several
pieces are cut to which heads are screwed to
lit the holders of the testing machine. These
test pieces are stR'tched until they are
broken , and their physical condition * care
fully noted. For example the steel for a tube
must have u tensile .strength of from seventy
thousand to eighty thouinml pounds ; lor a
jacket from sovcntv thousand to eighty thou
sand pounds , and for a hoop from ninety
thousand to ahundied thnusnml pounds. The
meaning of terms will appear later on.
Such lias been ( lit ) development in the mak-
Inir of steoi caused by tlieso requirements
that the American steel now oxccods in qual
ity the best article of Hritish manufactuio
Which wo formerly used In mr.klnir American
puns. When broken this Hritish steel
betnns line needle points through
out its texture ) , a symptom of
disintegration. Tim American steel Is
ko though In fibre that vunetlmos a hit ho in
turning the tube for a gun will cut a thread
of steel p. thousandth part of an inch la thick
ness and ' 'Uu feel long \\ltliout u break.
'J'lirmigiumt thoshnp-i are what , appear to bo
cods of bilvor rope , but which are ivally the
tui"ii'n ; < from making tlio rough borings o !
the guns
Imiiglin- buildii'g covering five arres of
gruuiul. tiueli mo nl'out the dimensions of
the main gun fi'iup where the forgings are
Drought toother. linilrnrU tracks run Into
tins ami nil the oilirr buddings of ! h > navy
jarvi When t'ns forging arrive there are
pants reulv to l.n dlo them. The thron
glant.s nro nn > n lrnus cranes , ono of them can
pn-k r.ii IK ) tons 'mother forty tons and tlio
third nftecn ton" . Away up m dor the roof
on a platform stai-ds a blue shifted mechanic
who b > the touch uf tils hand can .send one of
these cranes traveling from ono end of the
shop to another and at the numo time send
the hoistiiig apparatus traveling along thn
crane transversely across the shon , while the
huge block Is being raised or lo\\med.
Lot us accompany one of these lubes from
I'm moment of Its arrival in the simp. It is
first touched by the fringes of one of the
cinnt cranes and Sifted from the carton
lathe. There it must be bored and Its ex-
tenor pared off to exact , dimensions. This is
n work of the utmost nicety. Over In
OIIP coiner of the room Is a machine to adjust
gauges. This machine can adjust the gauge
one oiui huiidrod-thousanth of an Inch. The
tube , which Is the basis of the whole gun ,
must bo bored so that It will be exactly fitted
by the projectile , and its exterior must bo of
just such a diameter that the jacket wlili-h ts
to enclrclo It , will not slip over It.
The Jlrst step In building up thojpj.t Is put
ting on the jaclict. The Jacket has been as
accurately machined as wai the lube and is
now carried by this same giant crane
to the shrinking pit. Hero It I' . Minvlv fi-ited
by furnaces adapted to Its sl/n until It Is ex-
landed bv Iho hoat. wlthou' , hv < nor , allow
ing It to become red. The oiact temperature
Is that dogrco of heat which will melt to'der '
but not lend. Meanwhile the tuVio tins been
iilncod In the pit , breech end up , ai.d tuo
Jnolsot whim hontoil Is raised bv tno crino
mid slipped over tlio In ho. The Rront. sl
nlcetv of mljustmoiit U hero required , for
houfti the J.icKotcatch miywhoro on tuo tube
eave Just exactly wuorolt belongs , It mlgu
mlck fast nnil would Imvo to bo turned away
ami thus lost. As soon ns the Jacket has been
placed on the tube a gentle spray of
eV U .lowlv turned on j t thii DO nt
xvboro It touches the brooch of the tubo.
lbl > aonu tot tbo purpsso of sUrlnklug the
Jacket firmly on the gun fit the point llrst , for
were the water turned on thoontiro Jnukot nt
once It Is qulto ns likely that the jacket
would shrink away from the tube or shrink
unevenly ns that it would shrink toward the
breech , which Is Indlsi onsiblo. When it has
boon properly shrunk nt the breech nnd
gradually cooled until It has entirely shrunken
on nt the tube and lint become to
all Intents nnd purposes n portion of
the tube Itself , which It encircles
with n grin , literally "of steel. " At this
stage of its ininufncture the original tube of
the gun projects far beyond Its thick Jacket
which now surrounds It near the brio.'h.
Successive bands of steel shorter and thinner
than the first Jacket nro each accurately
bored and trimmed nnd slipped over the tube
toward the muzzle. These smaller bands are
technically called hoops. Over them again
other hoops are slipped in such n way that
each hoop covers the Joint between these
within it thus locking the whole structure
together by successive bands of shrunken
steel , the aggregate compression exerted by
these bands upon the Inner tube Is of course
enormous. It needs to bo enormous , for
when In action the circular chamber sur
rounded by nil this metal will be subjected to
n pressutoof mnny thousand pounds to the
scjunrj inch.
After all this is done much yet remains to
complete the u capon. The tube with Its en
velopes 1ms now become n ponderous mass ,
yet the lathe holds it ns firmly and twirls It
ns gracefully as when It was but n single
core of steel. The most accurate part of the
work is still to bo done what Is technically
known as the compressing chamber , which
Is that part of the breech which contains the
projectile and the explosive charge , must bo
polished and rounded with the utmost nicety.
This is especially true of the inch or two of
this chamber Just forward of the breech
mechanism. An error here of the thick
ness of a hair might result in the escape of
gas , the bursting of n gun , the loss of llfo
and the possible destruction of the ulilp. The
workmen who llnish this part of the interior
are skilled and trusted. In another part of
the sbop the mechanism u ed to close and
lock the breech is being made. Its material is
the finest and hardest steel. Its parts nro
too complicated for anything but n technical
description. Their enormous weight and
great si/so do not prevent their having all the
exactness In overv part that characterises
the \\hccls of the finest watch. Thodiflerent
parts of the breech mechanism are all fitted
upon standard guns so that they May bo sent
when ordered to a cruiser in an v part of the
world , with the absolute cortatntv that they
will lit.
While this Is being done , the great gun
itbclf is receiving its finishing touches. Of
these the most delicate and important is
the rifling. This means the cutting of
spiral grooves along the bore of the gun ,
so as to give tlio projectile that whirl-
lug motion which insures accuracy of flight
and n flat trajectory. The machine which
docs the worit Is a marvel of ingenuity nnd a
miracle of mathematical accuracy. It must
bo remembered that these grooves must bo
cut on the Interior of the length of tlio Dore ,
that their spiral twists as first graduated as
ono turn in 1MI calibres , must gradually in
crease as it approaches the nui//lo to ono
turn in twenty-llvo calibres ; nnd that the
grooves must bo absolutely parallel whllo in-
lliuteslnmlly decreasing In width as they ap
preach the muzzle. These problems , which
to the layman may well seem impossible ,
have all been overcome by that marvellous
instrument knpwn as the rifting machine.
Four grooves are cut at n time. The long
rod , on which are the cutting tools ,
is held stationary while the huge
gau slowly turns ns the rifting is
done. The slightest error In this delicate op
eration would entirelv ruin the implement
upon which so much tlmo nnd labor have al
ready boon expended. To obtain some idea
of the money alone which is at risk during
this delicate operation , It may bo stated that
the total cost of one of these monsters of de
struction is estimated at " > cents a pound
for Instance , a l'Mnch gun weighs fortv-sevcn
tons , or SU.OOO pounds , which amounts to
nearly $ T. > ,0 ) .
iMimiir , mo crane transicrs ino nearly
completed gun to another lathe , where Its ox-
tciinr Is polished , the angles of Its hoop and
Jacket rounded , its trunnions screwed on , or
in case of the heavier guns , grooves cut for
the Middle straps. Finally its bights lire ad
As n lust step the gun Is shipped to the
proving grounds at Indian Head , about
twelve miles down the Potomac. Uoforo it Is
iinallv accepted , the gun must .successfully
stand live rounds with service charges with
out showing the slightest expansion or de
terioration. Not until then is the steel of
which tlio gun is composed paid for by the
government. The name of the navy yard ,
the number of the gun , and the date of its
llnal construction are then engraved upon it ,
and with its carriage It is sent to the cruiser
or battle ship for which it is intended. The
live or six inch runs nro most of them in
tended for the lighter gun boats , the eight
or ton inch guns are for the main batteries of
the cruisers whllo the twelve anJ thirteen
Inch guns , nnd also the sixteen inch
monster for which plans nro being drawn are
intended for the battle ships now being built
nt Norfolk and Hrooklvu.
The carriages for these guns , \\ith all their
mechanism for turning , elevating and de
pressing and governing the recoil , are made
in ovorv part In tbo Washington navy yard.
The conical projectiles are also turned Hero
nnd fitted with copper bands , which , project
ing slightly boyqnd the surface of the pro
jectile , take the rilling mid give the pro
jectile its totary motion. In still another
part of the yard the hollow projectiles aio
filled with their explosive charges. When
loaded , painted and packed for shipment the
last stop in preparations to repel an invader
has bean taken. Pr.iun S. HCAIII.
All for Sister.
How much ir.onoy have I cot in my banlU
Fortv-ttx'n rpnl * * . r.triini'in * nnlvvnnt Cvn
cents more. What will I do the'n. stranger !
Why , } on seesister has such a terrible cough ,
and people say it will bo bad on her if she
don't get lietter soon , and the folks toll mo
Ilnllcr'.s sure cough sj run will cure It right
up ; so you tie live cents ! Thank you ,
Auction Hnlo of Desirable ; City Prop
Tlio west thirty-two feat of lot olovc-n ,
in bloc ! : s-ovon , of I'ati'li'lcV .second tulrti-
tion , with the house Uiorcon , will bo sold
nl hhcrill's sale Muy 5 , nt 10 o'clock
u. 111. , nt the cast door of the Douglas
county court hotiso , Onmlin , Nob.
S. A. CioMJSMiTH , Mortgujco.
For itcaling a wedding ring nboul to bo
worn by his sister Hobort LafTortv of Phila
delphia"wai held in ? il)0 ) bail.
TillI'ilAt.Ml Ilotl-l Kil'O
Did not cllnft the hotel pronur in any
way so ns to hilwforo witli the upuriitiun
of the lioit&o. Only thu aiino.x wns ihiin-
nytd nml jjiiP.sts hnvo been eared for
u it hunt the interruption of u bingloiltiy.
t.nst vrarI00 bucks were published in
this country undone-quarter of them were
\\oiks ot llction
A 1'tirt ' Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
. ) o Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry , Licht Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakei , Palatable
and Wholesome.
L Xfa other biking powder does such m\'V. _ ,
\\0 I/A CK.JI VX TS.
Ilcmcmbcrlng the recent success of Hoyt's
latest comedy , "A Texas Steer , " here , the
patrons of thoUpyd who lovogcnulnocomedy
will bo pleased to learn that the piece Is to
bo played again on Thursday by identically
the some company as presented ft in Feb
ruary. The company Is now returning from
n tour of the Pacillc coast , whore the business
wai phenomenally largo. They closed n
week's engagement nt the Murqunm Grand
opera house In Portland last Saturday night
nnd open n long run at the Park theatre ,
Brooklyn , on next Monday cvcnlnir , Omaha
being the only stop the company will make be
tween. The local manngemct.t Is endeavoring
to get the "Texas Steer" company hern for n
niatinco pcrformnjco Thursday afternoon ,
nnd If they nrri\u in time one will be given ,
which , with the evening performance , will
give the patrons of thu Hoyd n chance of
witnessing the great comedy twice again this
sens an.
John L. Sullivan , the great world's cham
pion , Is coming to Omaha next Saturday In n
now role that of a dramatic actor. For the
last swcn months .lohn L. has been playing
the part of James Duly , the blacksmith , In
Duncan II. Harrison's sensational drama ,
"Honest Hearts and Willing Hands , " mid
has attained great proficiency in the part.
Mr. Sullivan nnd company will be nt the
Hoyd for two performances on Satui day next.
The sale of scats for the Wlllard Spenser
comic opera company , which begins an en
gagement at Hoyd's opera house thlx evening -
ing , has been very largo and that popular or
ganization will litioly repent their former suc
cess here. Mr. Spenser Is nt present in the
city and will In person direct the perform
ances. There are lifty-two people In the
company this season Including Miss Telluln
Kvim.s. MUs .lennln Cinldthwnltn. Miss Alien
Hosmer , Mr. Will Mandovllle , Mr. George
Lvding , Mr. Joseph Mcaloy and Mr. Arthur
Paclo. "Tlio Little Tycoon" engagement
will bo the event of the present season of the
The Little Tvcoon company fifty-two in
nil- arrived from Denver by special train
Wo ilesiro issues of the Mouxixo Bun
of Novoinbur . ' ! and December - for our
flics. Anyone having u copy of either of
those mumbors will confer a favor upon
tills olllco by mulling them to Rohort
Hunter , Heo ollloc.
HcHCMitcd tin-'J crin "Uiililiy. "
Ono night in 1.S79 the court stenog
rapher for the 1'laek Hills district was
returning from a visit to the states nnd
the road agontn halted the coach , recalls
a correspondent of tlio Express Gazette.
Ho was a very small man , and in order
to enjov a talk with the driver hud
climbed to tlio seat next to that digni
tary. His foot would not roach the foot
board of the hoot , so to prevent any
sudden lurch of the coach from unseat
ing him , the friendly driver had past-ed
a red biireinglo around his chu&t under
Beet Sugar Enterprise
W rents a \oar.
Ixic-uit anil TMnl St. , - ( irnml Hhiml. Neb
Port ted to Die ilovolop'iient of Iho beet Mtpar In-
clu lr ) in tlio L'ultoil Mute * Mnniirnctiirliu f 111:11 r
In u. ledliui tirovt'ti : iSIHTCIS Imtli III Ciillfiirnln
n ml Nt'tiru'kit Tilt ) nvurucci per rent uf Mlprirtli No-
Imiskn IjCi'U In It ! 'I | > or rent. In liernmny 13 , 'ii.
duriunnr innnufnrluruHiiiiiiuilly l.rMl.UM iiini , more
Itnin nn ) ullior loiintrr In tliu ntirhl. Tlio I ! S 1m-
peru utiiuiull ) l , . ' > 0'JUJUIon ' < of 8iiv r , nlilcU nt tlvu
U1U I'cr iiuuntl. nroulil to JIM WJ.'XOlinll
tlin I' H nmimfiicluro liur emu' M'tdlnn ,
ruii'M.l.ui ; liiirtVKtliiL'iunl nminifaciiirliu the vuiriir
tCfin n.neilln thu licet bilKur inler : | > rUe sauti
tua i" I'ji namjilo t'upy Uruml lalnml. .Neb.
Winslow Wilkes ,
The ( ablest -l-yuar-old pacing at.ilUo.i In th
. World ,
Itrroril ! 141 2 , at t.etlntton , K'r f > \ hcaUiy Illnck
Wllke * . ilnm br Aliuunt .i.1. will nmku Ihu t'a on of
IbJl it 1U ) : Vlnton utrei'l , Omulm , .Sol ) . fcLA o.M IIX )
wuuuu..m-n .
his arms nhd blicblod It nt the bock of
the sent. When "Hiiltl" "
thb wiifvon
the short fltonotfriiphor wns noticed by
tlio robber , wtto ilonmiided the
mall encks and treasure boxer
or plo box c nsvo used
to eall this , "Kovor mind gotllng down.
Hubby" a fnvofit expression used
when mldrcssiiigcii young boy In the
west "wo ain't maklnjf war on kids , BO
you can stay wiitu-o you nro. " This
offended tlio dignity of thocourt ofllcinl ,
who resent the remark by answering :
"If I had n gun Invotilil show you that
I am no kid. " 'Well , then , ' wns the
rohhor'a reply , "It. that is so just hand
down your watch and money , and bo
lively about it. loo. " This domain * , wns
quickly complied with , for the ullston-
ing barrel of u heavy revolver , in the
hands of the road afrcnl , pointed
directly nt the little fellow's breast , was
n powerful persuader. Several months
afterwards this wati'li was the means of
convicting one of that ( jimy and sending
him to thu penitentiary.
Itoniotnbor that it only requires $100
cash payment to bouuru a * 't"i ! lot in 1'ot
ter & George C'o. 'H addition , East
Omaha. Abstract of title Rlvou with
every lot sold. Potter .t ( JOOI-RO ( Jo. ,
southwest corner Kith and Farntun.
Order ol'llic CIHIVIIH I'm ell.
Rome queer distinctions \vcro iniulo In
the early ml11liij , ' days in California ,
writes H.Vall ! in'the Century. One
.Sunday , going to the butcher's booth , 1
found a customer ahead of mo , who in
quired if ho could not Invvo n piece of
liver which was hanging on ti tree in
Illllln Mirllt.
"Don't know if you can or not , " said
the butcher.
"I'd like to know why. I've been
trading with you all along , and never
asked for liver before ; but I wantsomo
variety now. "
"Stand around imd let mo look at you.
No , you can't Imvo any livor.1
"Well , why1
"There ain't enough to go round. I
have to have some rule about glvln' it
out , and 1 have decided that no minor
can have n scrap of liver from mo unless
ho wears n canvas patch on the seat of
his pants. "
Tlio canvas patch was a badge of pre
cedence as well recognlyed in our camp
on the Trinity a < the slur of the Order
of the Garter is in Great LJrltain.
Remember that it only requires H 00
cash payment to secure a MlTi lot in Pol-
tor * c ( icoi'go C'o.'s addition. Hast
Omaha. Abstract to title given with
every lot sold. Potter > V George Co. ,
southwest corner 10th and lAiriuun.
The Italian socialists of CiinadalinveissueJ
a call for a demonstration on May 1.
It is -well known fact that wo never mark goods up. When wo
advertise anything at a price , that's the price so long as the goods last. 1
We don't sell anything cheap for a day or two , or three , and then rt i i o rt
on the price after that. That mtiy be all right from one point of view ,
but not from ours. We sometimes advertise an article for say three
days , ; -we do this as we think that that time will see them all gone.
Should any remain on the fourth day you're welcome to them at the
same price , but that seldom occurs. About a month ago we put in stock
a large quantity of unlaundried
They are not worth fifty cents , but ai'e worth thirty-five to forty. Wo
find that-when a man will pay that price he'll invariably go a little
more and buy a fifty center. When any article in our stock don't sell
as it should , we've got a happy way of making it. We mark 'er down ,
way down at once. These shirts ha ven't sold well. To-day we put the
whole lot , about a hundred dozen , all in one pile , and you can take your
pick for three clays
Atthe same time we will offer a hundred dozen splendid unlaundered
shirts , made of New York Mills muslin , linen bands and bosom , rein
forced front and back , -worth. 78c , at
We will also offer in our shirt department , over two hundred dozen ,
handsome fancy Shirts , in all the new cloths , in Madras , Zephyrs ,
Penangs , Ducks Flannels. Outing Cloths , Jerseys , Stockinettes , Silk
J-VIl LULl and pure [ Silks ; ill a handsome line of colors , in all sizes , with
nonshrinkable neck bands , with soft or stiff collars and cuffs , "just" as
you like 'em" at a range of prices from 35c to $ c3.50.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets.
Special Sale of Boys' Knee Pant Suits ,
SJ'XX On account of recent purchases are enabled this week
to offer the greatest value ever shown in our Children's
eginning Monday will offer several large lines of boys' all wool
cheviot suits made in the best manner at the popular prices , $2.00 ,
$2.50 , $3.00 , $3.50 , less than the actual cost of manufacturing , The
sizes are 4 to 14 years. Come early. We guarantee the values ; they
are just as represented. See samples in our show windows :
50c will be the price this week on hoys' all wool cheviot pants , all sizes.
50c will be the price of our finest braids in boys' straw hats , the latest styles.
50c will be the price for boys' hats in fine crush goods , all shades.
Continental Clothing House ,
Oor. Dcmolas anct IStli Sts.
L'IIHM nil ilNnnlors of Uio Stomac'i , I.hor , HOWPK ! , Kilcnyx , lllmlil.'r , Nervous
DNras , " ! , LiMsofApui'titc , Iloailaohc , CoiMipiitl m , ( . 'ostlvoiii's * , In Uses' ! m , llllioiib-
ness , TOUT , I'ilt-s , Kti1 , , mid renders the system h" s llnljlo to coulract tlhe.isc.
iMAnW , Y'S 'V1'1'1- ' t > < 1"ri > forllilsomliilnt. | ) . Thry HUH. upthc inlornal s"prototis ! to
liPiiltliv action. ro-.Inrr slri-netli In the stniniii-li , mill oualilc It t. > Dcrform Us functions.
I'lIruSiic u lo\ ) . Mitel ! ) > nil tlnigjjlats , or mulled by \lJ\VAV . CO. , ; ti Wurruu Slrout , Now
> urUi on ti'i'dpt of IHU'O.
. ! FA.Y.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
TC.IM oxierl n-a A retul ir k-mlimto In nicrt rlno in illpl'jiim ' itioir li tlll Iroatlnj with
th.i irrpnlpst tt < * t O'i . nil Nflrv.m * . Chrnuli ) and I'rlvnto DUe i4tu. A pjrnmiicmt uuro CD Iran ton I f < ir I'nt'irrh
( iicrniatnrrt'ici. I.OHI Mnnhooil , Sutulnal Weak 110 4 , NUht I.oi e9 , Iinpctunpy , HrpUlll * . Mrh'ture , unit nil nlii.
C.IHII of tlio Hlo.xl.fktu MD'1 ' Urinary Or.ini. . N II. I lai.irAilt'.Hi fHforovuryciio I unlortio nml fill t )
i.uu Caniultatlun fine. Iljok ( Mrjterlei of I.lto ) onv fro ) O lieuhourj * . ux. tali 11. m. riuul.iU
a in to I' ' m.
IroiKUfirc Ms
MuiitifactnriT-j of Iron ntxl Wire IVnccs
Desk ( inaiilH , Iinpnucd AH nlnxs Coil : ami
frttwl Hoti't'iis , IrouHtalrwaj'H , Inin ) ir < tiinl
Sliutturii , Wlri'SlKitH , ui-i > IlMbs Work of uvory
. All kinds of ropiilriu , ' .
217 South 12th Street ,
Opposite Nebraska National Bauk , Omaha.
, Total Inum of CITIES *
bf Ud > B I OS * < * DI8TRICT8 , WATER
CorresponJt nci1 rolicit * < l.
IP1-I05 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO
! 3We'l Stfeet. NEW YORK-
70-Rtata 8U.HOBTOH ,
Floral Conversatory.
South East Oor. G and 17th , Lincoln , Neb
W. S. Sawyer & Co.
General collection of plants and cut flowers
ul wuy mi hand , Floral ilosl ns , boucia | > ts
linsketH. eli1. , for parties. AVoddlii s uncl fiiu-
( rnliu siicflalty , mid scut to any ji.nt of tlm
htatD. I'llri * list fii'O. Discount to unilcr-
on fiineiuluork. Tulvpliunp , 4I.
AVIio II P our columns to place tlielr ; ; ( imU
'C | inlilc'll ! \ tell jun til it
Auxilliary School Journals ,
arc not surtisscil | uj any tcucht'is' pnhll-
catlin In ( lie ut'-t as mi aihi'HiMii' ' , ' tncill.
inn. Jiilc ! > funilslieil on aipicntliii. | ! (
A'.tlri'ss ' ' ,
Nt-br. Teachers' I'ub. Co.
I'ri'iiuiiil , .N
1) . V , St ( > i > licii < t , . " "l-rfr.
SA.ND4T.WOOI > fAI'St'l.KS urn th
DOCUTA nd ' tmlj euijjulei irvicrlbol lir
uuuu i n . .r , [ ) hy < lclinl : fur ( lilt euro if
anl < ll > charuui from tin urluarr orKin
grtc-jutroi ll.ij vat lt z. AllOr uf
The Qroatost Bvor G'voal
Ir .1 M. M. .iro lii'ii Mi In r"i"y I )
( if liMjuliy a M to iiir i1 tu n i < f i u i u < ! < n
of nil\ortlslim t < i tlif * uu I" HO m Ic > ucnto i
Jiir tin in will i.n > IIiluiiUi mini ml 1.1 i
ti > Mm iniiill IniUo t pc > ! < ' '
in our lonll'ir * tlio > 'nro ulicn cu'lri' a I
liuriMlii'v ' lri\o lioon h < il < l. lutirs iiiily l ,
\Viint \ ( , : . lit * Mc.luci | r llaiiion , nl u > I ity ,
iu , Jlurqlck. lien \ Mnr < * , hi > nidlr ! . IHiko ,
Mliui ) A lo , Unithli , Nell . Uuliarilnun Iliui ; f.i ,
Onmlin , .Si'li ; II , T. fluk Dim' < l.lnroln , Nub ,
idiiii I DimiMoli.c'o ) ' < liurililll nrnic i'o , llnr-
jlnvtmi. In : ! > lii 'i'r A U'lioi'lur , IVurln III Vim
tllUllllvuim llllU'it. n . .iv. . ' . . . . ,
t , I'u . iHtiiimn , In. \l' ' > lllt-\\ ! cat Drllu' I n , > t
Ixjiili Mo 'llilH Is Ihu > ; rcMtv t Ivilliii'tiii < l nor
Mlvi > ii , i | iiili > nt iiipilli-liiiMiiiil no will tiirlt'll > ! , i Wf r
t'ltcli fiiiij > \ orv iiUii.ititri. of tM K'ttcr wliii h l i o'
Kin u Ino iihil wlilc'.i IH tint In our iijfcHcs liin
.1 II MO'llll- :
Moriro'iTioo of I.lfn a | > o > lllv i uru fur Knlnor
nn I l.lvttr r.iin ilihit un > l nil lj i oil ilUet o. li > 'Mt It
nr ic iii.rTCIUII ( ) r .n cm iin i-iir.iil tijr mini ; Muuru i
'Jrne t f I , fu , tuoijr.'at l.lfy lluiuo : y >
Hit" OliUivftrJ -
no H-Opt-
Uu' i 'iiiuiii ) for nil It *
unnnluiul ow Imi KIM ur * '
pnuii itini > itici < jr nu'i >
certnini uri * f < r Hie ilchill-
tat UK unkn jiviullivr
to \ > .inifn.
I prusi r bpltnnil feoliafa
in rci om nfiiillni ; It lo
H I nfTuriri
J STOMR , MO D , * "J , tlU
hold liv DriiuulilK.
Tf , I'UK 1C 81.OU.
More than 15par r > | n > rlciiriMn the trcntmcnt of
A cnrcKuaraiiU'Cil In .Ito n ihi > without lielosjol
nn lioui 'n Hutu
Tlio most cumpluto nml nli < oliito euro for Elcet n < J
nil iiano > II > K tlltclinw1 * ever known to tli < > nittillcal
prolrs lon 'llio ino t Ktulitiorn chronic nml lontf
btiuiilliiK casc9 ] > uimiim > nll ) cniril In from ! > to I
Or pnln tn rrllcvlin ; tlio lilactili-r pcrninnrnlly cured J
without pain or inurnment * HIM iittlnn no illlatlnf jf * '
Tlio nuiM icnnrki iiblitrmnuil ) Mum n tu muik'tu ita
uiicu. Wrlto for clical.irN. i y
Cnioil In SO to M iliijn Dr. JUrpw' ( ! trrntment tot
this tmlljlo lilooilillscniclnH buon | ironounrcil th <
niii t iic'T"ilulri'ini'ily ovcTillx-ovori'il for tln > nb
Milntu cnio of the ( Hsu'iin. 1119 Hticcoa wltln hi-
illsr.-ri'Inn ni'vcr lii'cn riiiillu | ! I. A cumpluto cur
laianmtuoil Wrlto riirrliuulari.
And all oiknomos of tl o > i > ort-iin , norvoni.
nrx ilnilitltynnil ik' |' ) ' nli-uliituly curea ,
Tlio it'lluf U linliu'ill.itc anil uunplt-'to.
Hlicnmntl1 ! ' ! ! nrul nil ill cn'Oi of tlio blood , llror
klilnojs anil bliulilcr pivniniiciitl ) cuicil.
And lU'rvoimrifM. nml ill en nn of thf
Ntonuidi fitri'il Tlio ilot'tin H ' llmnu Tru.itincnt" fuj
l.nllos H promMiacoil tif nil \lio Imvo im'it It to bi
thiMiio t romi'li'to ' anil ron\i > aii'nt rtMitoily over of *
Iciril fur the tn'.itincnt of li'imilc ill cn cs It Is tril-
h a Mumlvrliil ruincil ) No Iii truinunt9 , no I'ulu ' ,
Hours lor ladles , trout 2 ID t only r j
Marvellous sui'ucbs in tlio trontmcnt of
private disoiibos liny won for linn ti rop-
uLulion which ib truly natiunal in oliur-
ttctcr , find his fjroat tiriny of piitlunt'l
leiichcs from the Atliuitio to tlio I'iioilic.
The doctor JB - of " "
! i jfi-inUiiito "rcK'ildr" '
and 1ms had lonpr and carolul
in hospital practice , and la
ntnoiiK' tliu londiiif { spoi'lulUtsin
hpionco. Troutniciit by cor-
Wrlto lor oirtilurs about
of the iibovu iliHr-iinos. fruo.
c 1 ltd and l-arnain Streets.
( m \u \ . M..II .
on lOitliiM1 Stf ( et.
\Voiidnrliil Hpaulib
ICi ia > < ly. H fculd Hith a
\t ritlmuiuurniitu *
' tilt- nil Hi MOUJ ll .
> * tfCS. II ' tl AH We Hk
Mrmorj JXJPI ' f IlraiT ? " "
I'u wi Iivn ilachn
noi-rfuii.fii' . Marv
ii MI ) . N'tnoutuiM , Ijii-
t'uil.nil drnlM
Dot ore & After Usa. I ' > f pontr of tbi
J'l i' K > " | IT 'in llf- ( , riii > iatl\D OrKani , In * , ruiiffd by
i ki-rvi'Ttiiin , ) 'iitliful ' 1ml * * ! ri-tlnua , ur Uie cxcciilrc
. . , r tiihaioi , uplniii ir ktiiuulnut. , whirl ) ulMmutflf
li'til t < i InQrinltr. ' -'iiii'itlou ' anil Inuinltf 1'ul up
! n umM'iili nt f' ' rm tn r r-v In tli veil pofkct. I'rlco
jli inn kafcf , or 8 for H With ncry fjorilnr.vetiv
a M rltti'il ( 'iinriiiilci'to rtiro or rcfilnil iho
iiKiiiny. M-nt bjr mill t any HiiJrcM. Olrculir free.
.Mrntlnn thin pir. ; A'Wrm.
MADRIO CHEHJCAt CO. , Ilranrh ORlCf for 'J. S. A.
417 Dfirl.orn Str i-t. rillCAriii. II.K
rim HAI.K IN OMAHA. NJUI. , iir
Knlin .1 iVi , Cur , Ilili i llviila. Kin
J f'llli ' r A , i n , f.r MMi A linu/UiSU ,
A 1) i iwIT A ( o . ( .nml Illuir In
JOOA-t .
Graduate Dentist.
A I nil hut iiF Tcclli un Itubtior.
I. ir I l\ l' , I Ini.A'lt ' A porfi'Ol
lUvuiirnnini.i ! 'Ji-i'ih dilructoJ
nitli.ut pnia or dunirur , end
willi .lit , iniinliullri : ! lioM > r\d \
nlver IMl.ii : Hi lei n rufti ,
Ititil it nnfi i rowniirk Tu tj |
wllliuut 'U' All
pi work wit *
urtel ) rtar. Open