o THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATtTJiDAY. MAY 2. -TWELVE TAORS. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Considerable Strength Developed in Wheat on Foreign Advices. SHARP UP TURN IN EARLY COM PRICES. Pli'in l Tiirtlicr Ad- \-nin-o - faltlc SIlKlUly Uaili-r - ItiislncsM Milsk mill Val- IICH a Mukrl IUjjIirr. ClItfAno , Mny I [ "pivlal ToloKMin to Till IlFKl \\hcnl developed .1 Kru.it deul of HlroniMli iMirly liceauso a IjUclpool cilile told of Hilit Mocks thiTO iind high prl'os. Tliu fin I Unit lurgo deliveries of who it oti Mnv contiuets wont Into a ( uw hands and wore nut tillered DII tlin IM irket also served to piovcnt IIHIohsi llllU. lillOf 111 till ! SCSSlon tllLlO VV IIS u fonlier ii'lvancu duo to s in I'r.niclsco ad vices tli it hut winds hud dikin iged the C ill- f ( rnl.i i rep , ind lh.it the dcin mil for wheat by 1'roii'h o\p irters was I irgo und prhos there vn re In | i r cenlul higher. This second ad- van -i Induce 1 heavy selling and was nut fully tn ilnlilnod to thocloin The hfirlsh IK ws In cliiiiil itl'in old not seem lohuvo mu li i IT'rt. ' Tliu wu.itliur everywhere HUM vi ry fuvur.iblo and actual exports ycst'rd iv vvi'iu very vmall Jiny ttln-.it Btor'od ' at II ol'j. ' Junin'il | Irnnadlati'li to lion IHIII. iroiind II 00 tofl.Oi'i IIP iri > all thu for * iirHin und advui'cd to < l Dd'.itl nGU < > n I nit Tnl i iiftts Ittlii'ii roictiMl toJI.Oti1 , on re ixu iiM l > y iii'ODlo who n nl buoii liuv- iiiJ t'irly In tlio Msslnn Hi'.itn I.inn and utlier I ir i trulcM. tthur in iimi illy lie found on tliii lit > irsldoof tlio in ulfi't SCIMIILM ! to bu liny n , ' ti > lav On tlio cur'i ted ly puts on July who U for toinoriutt iio ) } 1 OVj and tails fl > * ' 4 ' hurts ' In ( orn wuro rallu r llbi'ral buj * rs ilurltu iii'ist o' tin1 d ly. It was tlu-lr pnr- ch IMS carlv stroiiL'tli of tin1 cish inarkut , ab- Bi'ii o if di llvoilcs on May ciinti K'ls and tlin Bin n.'th In who it ulihh c.iusud a sh.ir | ) nd- \ ini i in pnros i > irly July t incd .it die and inl'l ' I iiil'i ' > Dry nil sold hu ivlly on this ad- vaii"o Plio inarlii't for * isti corn hue inio wo iUi i and Jul > ir ictod toM' c ltclosod.it Ui'4c ma on M'liuils of a Kood cxnirL | demand at' I I.unls fin L'.ish ( inn UL.IIII was supposed - posed to h.i\u Ixni hl In n IIITKU lllii ofslmrts this in'iinlrik' I'rlvlli os on Inly loin foi to- inuir nv HI n I'uts , Mr , calls. M\c I'ln mil * ni'irUi't opened up strong today on tlie , sti ( nKtli In ttlieit ind coin avul us re- puils lo the elTc"t thnl tlio irowlni ; ; crop has i en injuri'.l lij pi nit tire Tlio s.tmplo in i- ki t w isaNo very III in MIIJ dollvuiy openud" up t < iliovii yesti-td li's closliu at Sit , -old up to ik and closed at ll'io. .luly sold fioni I'l to ( " "nu to I'lc , .mil closed at 4S'i < ' August ranuil ; fimn ,17'je ' to , Wic , tlio last silo holn in.idi ) at 17'jc. Scptcnibur clo-ed at ofi'ic ' I'nulslnns Horn linn at .1 furthoi advunuc. thu market hclni ; alTui'tud by tliu continued PHI.ill Iui4 rcrnlpls hum and elsuwhuru and higher prices for | > lekitu ho s The dulhuilus of iionc lard and illn nuiu only fairly I ir o und pint-bases by shorts not especially lie uy In f.n'l tlio Mliinie of bnslni si donu In thu liriAlslun pit could hardl } bu cillud lar u Dnherlos consliierlnu' tlio stocks , HU'O cer tainly llKht , and th.it Ilimud up prices truly 1/attil } I , iH-on bejainuiiultu i stiller of porl. . and a I , ! ! „ ( p irt of the o.irly .uh.uieu Has lost Inly pnrK closed.it MHO , an uihaii'u for the day of " > c. Iaid and ilbs closed ne irl y thu baniu as the closu > cstmd.iy. I'HIUKST CIIIC\(1O. ( Show Inn tlio olllclal r.itun of prices In the litadini ; options , us rupoilcd by Coukrull lliotbeiH : [ omnium | Open | HUi I I.IIT | Oloto | Vos'y , inn OOUMOIII rv I Opan I ill-li I l.ir , I Clou' j \ost y Xotcw and ( iiissip , Duluth ntelpts , ! i" iurs heat. Jllnneapolls receliils , 'JIJ care wheat. Estimated ho/s at ChlcaKo Satiirdny , ll.COO Kans is City recolpls : Wheat , 41 ; corn , 11(1 ( ; oats , 10. .Minneapolis millers say Hour cables are Im- proNiiiK New York clearant-es four ports yesterday : Wbe it , I.BJ ; corn , bs.5J'J ' ; oats , li.lTJ ; Hour , 17.H.1S , lell\cries lurjio on wheat , 1ODO,010 hushels ; pork , 8.000 baiiels ; lard , ,10JJ tlercts ; ilbs , ll'lHiKKi ; ' ( Ibs ; coin and o its none. St I.ouls receipts ; \\heit , ldi ! 7 ; corn , 112- Jli > ; oils , | soLI s.imo day last vein ! \\liunt , ll'l' ' ) , e llrib > HI : oils , , fl,2.\1. hhlpinents. \ \ heal. 0 , Klcorn ; , 7JKJ ) oils , 11.1100. LMilciiKorecelpth : \ \ lieat , * in lots. M ; corn , 5711 ; oats'J-C.1 Inspected iu4iilai : Wheat M ; corn , 111 ; oils , 110 Shipments , bushels. W heat. sc,77o ; corn , lll,4.'li oats , IS.WI INtl- maled ncolptH for > aturdav , o.u lots ; Wheat , 45 ; coin. d.VI ; uats , 2L1 , ll ( eibohm'H cable ; CaruoesolT coast wheat Bteadlcr ; coin nothing ollerlnt ; On passn ) * * ! wheat and cornsleadler Maik I.inowbeal oulet , steady. Walla Walla whe.it on" coast 41s.Id ; No 1 Callfoinla , 4lslil l.herpool spot wliu.it IIuner ; corn slow , red wlntei , Ssbd. Thu board's hiht cable quotes London wheat curcoesHjd lo er for Maj , M lowei for Jul ) , ad higher for Suiiti'inlui and iinehunuod for December , lleilln Is unchanged for May und Ji maik higher for .September and Uclolier. Liverpool Is 'id higher for spot and IVI to ! ' 4d hvhei for fnliiros. t'orn Is 11 hlihei for i)0tand | ) l\d lo2'td ' blKhei for futures. Kunnetl HI\N ; ' I think wheat a tiood sale. Ciop repoitK In all sections are oMollcnt. In fact belter than 1 bu\o u\ur known them ' 1 hero Is some talk of Insects tlolnn dumiiKu In p irtsof Kans is but wu h ivu such reports tnery jour , and taking I ho whole wheat bull , winter and spring , the piospectsuiu mixer more fu\oiao.e. I think tile whu.it will look hUh butoru thu end of August. " LOKIIII V Co. to Toncrav . . Itryan Inlluenccd bv thu fact that thu liberal delherU'S ot wheat , this nunnliiK were laken nnd paid ( in by the shippers and aiso by thu htroiiKci tone * if u ililiih. commission houses had bnyliiK orders which opened thu inurkut lit thu call prlcu and It closes after \ irlous HiniMiis of weakness nnd stienKlh at nearly the toil , 1'hu foreign situation Is certain ! ) htroiiK iiKaln , poor crop prospects anil Ilkuoiir onn weiu piohabl ) a little oxeisold whllu there are hints fiomsiimeMiuthwustcinpoliits that our own Klowhit ; domestic outlook may b > Insect llfu bo depreciated. DelUerles In com und oils were lUlit and Ihosu markets from thu latter Inllncncu weiu ulTccted to borne I'Ment li ) damuuc stories from Kansas und Missouri 1 ho dellxerles In provisions were fairly liberal and thu market Him. with only a falrsi/ed tiadu Kenuett , HopklnsXCo. toS A MeWhortnr Wheat cables wire unevpecledly htroiu and brought some export onlers. May deliveries WITH not as liiruo as untlclp iteil and wheat apparently fell Into Rood hands. I'risldunt linker probably took mine of It than any onu else anil wheat certalnl ) has no better friend. A few to whom It hud been di'lUcred throw It on the mark ! t as MIOII as possible anil early hales were al about thu sumo price us , In y , but Ma ) cruduiilly udxaiiced ton premium us tlio session wort ) awuy. 'I Ms encouruKcij bulls unit brought them line the market as cautious Imjors I.ate cables weie still lil her and ( hero was ncinie Inllammalory iiitelllKein.ii from I'allfoinla of an aihanee of Bo on hoi dcstiiicthelnds and Trench bin ( UK This was hardly credited UK thu weather limp showed cool , cloud v weather In t ho mom- In i along the coast as far south as s in llco ) ) , but there were enough Kunillnu bulls to alarm nhortH and ihe ) wereiireltv Ktiod bujers most oflheday l.herpool reported irloomlercon- tliiuntal crop reportb As our markets hliiL-e lanicl ) on foielu'n Intelligence wu matet ( omuwhat hhitier prices for adiiv or two If fin t'lvncrn lontlnuu to send us sueli noun as they did today Corn and oats weioer ) .stnniK i'urlv for no apparent cause and uitliouch prices fellolTshurpl ) at ono time , the ) rallied easily and lit Id n Kuod shaiuof their strength to the close. There was a broad cciier.il tradu In both grains , Provisions weiu stimulated by thu streiiKth In uraln but Ihe advance did not hold. ' 1 radurs were wai ) 01 Indlllerent on the u\u of the publication of stocks and html- ntss was llL-bt , Tberre.u depression that was freely predicted when the Mav option should come lo an end hub not appeared Doubtless thu market was largely mencd when t bearcat ml Mince took pluou In March. W , U , McCormtck .V Cu to r. C. SwarU A. Co. There has been u marked Improvement li. tint tindurtonu of our wheat market loday , Cublci rcspoailuU readily to our little udauuu of > oitciday mid showed an Improvomcnt In London aiiil Mvcrnool I'r * nch markets were i ( looted veiy Htroiuf. Onr local bear party who hale lande the money on thu latudeclinu wo o I Hood buyers today , und It Is claimed they not only covered shorts , but linvo KOIIC In for u little bull tin n Wu hclloui tbli will bo easily tniidu us the decllni ot the last two weeks h is induced qtilte u lar 'c shnrtiiRc. which would ( rlthtunui | ! lly If cables uontlnne strong lie- Jond the strength of cables tin re wntury little news Ketolpts at the eleven primary points were ni.Ooo , shipments .Til.000. Thu clearances fiom thu hcaboard of whtat and Hour weiu ttllllnx Coin hasbeeti fultly active and ranitiil hUher under tlio covet Inie of one or two rathu iai e lines of shorts The rash demand although fair was by no means urgent.S o think an iiiiward retctlon possi ble , but advise sellli.i : July on Hood utituiiis. ( J.its sbowtd vciy little InteiiBt. followltiK clo cl ) In the marki t llucluallons tliu action of Kim. Piovlsl.ina , althou li not active , HliuMil considuralde streiuth The olferlnKs were vti ) ilht ( and the coverli. of shorts by oni or two of the ifraln opiintors easily ml- v.inedl prlcu If thn speculation In provis ions rovlvtf us wo ludlovu It will do It wo. lid be v * ry easy to accomplish u sharp advance In price. t'Hic.iva iTn : itTitv'it. 31.1 it it KT. ClllC\tln , May I. f-poclal I'elexr.vin to TllR lln-.l-C TTLK-Uecelpts. s.ooj The matket opened stront ; and a fuw siliM showed a slight advance , but toward the closu the demand felloir and thu Kcncial market closed rather oaslei than the uMiotue hUh tUiue of yester day. lltiyuis In iked upiin thu run here as ( ( iilte struiiK for 1'rld ly , ind the run In Kin- sis Cltv and Uniah.iwus alsol ii o for Prhlay , which would Indie itu a sttllli milt number for the market Mend ly and as a ru ult bu.voM only biituht wh it Ihey could ct aloni ? with until Monday. Cow block , althoiuh soiling siiiiiuwh it bcttei than on Monday. Is ) et lower Ih in 1'ist week 'Iheiu was iiotlnr. . ' new In thoslocker and fccdei U ule. but calves weio ijiiolod f.r ] > lowei thin last uiik KxMa slieis , { 'I'lfin , . ' , ; ulhrrs , SI VKjil M ; helfeis. HHrttiOO , COWS , l iO ( ( . I. VI lions Itei elpts | siO ) lluslness was brisk and piltos uboiit a nicktl blwhi r with no , illy everv tiling sold ut an early houi. Common. ft.'V I 70 , inlvid and iiukets. W "Vftl " " . i lime hi ivy and Imlulii r welahts , iltilKit ,1 II ; lUlit , } 5iwu > .0i , , ) ! „ $1 10U4UO. .s / o cs . w Nrw YIIIIK. Jlaj 1 ( special Telegram to TllhlltV.The ) stmiKthof thuHlooh matket this nioinliu' was so piononnccd as to matei- lall ) deeicase the iiuinbei of le utlmilsls and Incic isu the nnmbei of permanent bulls. The stieet Is now all bullish I'avoiihlu news Is constantly toniliu out. Theb.ukdown of the West siioio frnmr.ii position as a i at e- * , utter In connection with the Cuniidlan I'.u lilt soothid apprehension The baekdonn > v ( s , t i be sure , enl ) lempoi iry , bill the West MIOIC iieoplo seenitd to ainiieclute the weakness of their liosltlon and hopes -no enteit lined tliat Ihe mailer will soon 'iu pcimani ntly settled Mi ar slocks weio strong fesitures of the days tirirkol. ' 1 hu ronoit of. the 111- vesti utln lummlltcu Is Kenerally looked upon as .1 bull argument It Is also bulle-vcd that notwithstanding the f tllnri' of the rceent uttcmiit to shut out ( jcimiii lollncd sugars , tvhlch area menace to any elFoit to advance pilces here , that a comtilnatlon will In ilmu be made Ah ch will enable the siiKai relinliiK Industry tolakua Koodsharoof the iiO ( OMTO yeaily , which the McMnlcy law lakes fiom lliugovuinmcnt ro\- enilis. Kt nnelt , Hopkins A. Co to S. A. MoWliortor - There will bu no London cablu prices until ne\l Monday. The stock brokers slid last evening Hint for Ihti mon.unl leactlons amiinnt lo nothliu CM ept to utlord thu hulls a chance to liny mole slocks and then pi Ices wlllhpecdllv adv. in uat'itn Tboro Is a new and sunned paity In koadini : The junior bonds die lecomnu nded as a KOOI | iiurchasn b ) the blKKcst housi s Inall \ stieet ' 1 he bull pool In St I'uiil common Is s ild 1 1 bo thu bl - ncst and best munaK'cd cllqiiu uver foimed , and It se * ms to be managed b ) one head , w ho It Is lsiiilte | a mvstei ) , lint no one all iches n ueh coiUldenee to the rumor that the Van- dci bills are In It and this theory was prob- abl ) lv un out lo bull Ihe stcx k to hl 'hei ! ! ( , ' - tires. Tliu Noithetn I'aelllc k'aiu' piomlsu u rise In these stocks led i ) Vesterd.i ) the (11- rectois of Ibis compuii ) voled to uppl ) the nrocteds of the I ind lir.iut jud-'iiicnt , amount- Ins to tlsl 000 to thu jiurchase of the prefeired stock and onlers wen1 Kit en , < c ( oidlnn'l ) Thu slock maikel loduv ufter a strong und conlldent opening lost all Its vicoi because of the luiKo eiuiiKomi nts of iolil foi shipment b ) tomoiiow'H steamer I'liest ciiKaKemenls have exceeded cMicctatlons and amounted to nearly MOOO.OuO. It has hi en lakon by promi nent llrms and In a muiinci Indicating that the demand was urgent , Besides this the market shows uv Idences of lar e lo'illzlni ; by prominent boldeis It Is rumoicd that Mi. Could anil his followeis n ivu been liber il sullots and this seems moru than likely In v IfTvV of the possibility of the stormy meeting when the railroad magnates pia lo ethcr no\t Tuesday No doubt at this meetlnz some pointed questions will be asked Mr. Gould nvurdliiL' rcecnt cutting of tales on su ar b ) Ihe Missouri I'acillc , which It will bo hind to aiiHwer , and It Is probable a de mand will liomado upon him to ( lIschurKU thu olllcorof thu load who was ptillly of v lolallnu the teims of the icreement which was entcicd intochlell ) tin otiKb the urgent appi als made by Mi. ( ! ou Id The return I v anlaeomp in y has amiounecd a dlv Inend of .1 percent , p lyablo In cash or stock , at the option of stockholders. This Isacuilous method of making a divi dend , but Inasniucli as the stock sells at a pre mium , tlio stockholders will probably accept it rather than cash , and thu Pennsylvania company miy posslhh thereby KUI its pur pose of Issuing moiu Mock The London block uxchaiiKU Is closed today , and our mar ket has theioforo b * en without the Inllucmu of London prh es , bill It has not been a KCII- eial hollda ) In London and London boiiKlit some In this market at the openln. . The mar ket In the last hour was weak , with Missouri I'acillc and I nlun r icllic , Ivvo rocoxnlzod ( 'otild slocks , us featuKS. Money wus In shup demand , loanliiK uri to and closing at S percent. 'I ho banks are notably strong , but not so much as a wick .mo and the bunk statement tomonow will lie bettor thin theli actuitl condition , because of lui o u'old .ship ments tomoi ion , I'olalsilcs , ksu,0si shaius. I'ollows , Divls and Merion each bought 1,0 01. Paul ; Wales A. Co , Chapin and trad ers sold Hanks ha\u lost through tliUKiib treasury operations since I'rldav til-1' ! ! . Tlio advances foi active Htocks uxtendod lo 1 point and mine. As has been eiistoniaiy of late thu activity was ccnleied in t. Paul. 'I hu bull pool In this stock Is lame and uoll maniiKed , Northein I'acillc preferred was also very strong , ulthouKh thu ieioit | that thu duectors hud \oted to apnly thu appioxl- matuly ( I.2V,000 ) durhul Horn thu safes of lands to tliu purchase of prefened stock was of course Incorrecl. The money has not yet been leculvt d , and moreover thu Manitoba bus oresonled lo the supiumu couit a petition for a rehearing of n part of thu casu decided In favor of the Northern I'aclllo In March of last vear. Thine was quite iiHlroni : movemunt In sllvtu , iluechlell ) to the fact that purchases by thu KOVeminent weiu received today Headliu was notice.iblv strong Thuro nere no prices from London , nor w III there bo until Mend ty , toda ) and tomorrow helm ; holldavs When the nowscamo that f J , MK)0 ) ( ) In cold loin h.id been taken from the siib-lieasui v this morn- lux foi oxpoit to Kuiope there was a heav v dicllno In prices More Kold to the amount of 10WO ( will ho shipped tomorrow also , which was not taken fiom tlin sub-tieastiiy Money was ruther actlvo all day , Iho rale rui4lii4 around A pci cent ow Inu to the e.illlnsof loans to i over dividends und Inteiest checks , Thufollowiiu are tbuclosnm quot illons ; MONEY ON t'ti.i. I'lim ; closetl 10 per ee-nt bid. bid.I'IIIME I'IIIME MKIIIHVTII.E I'tprn MM' ' , nor cent. biHtiiNd i\cii\xu.-ijiilut : und btuudy ; ! > l\tj-dny bills , f ) s'i ; deniund , f , s9. * ; MocUs. NKW VOIK. M ly 1 LSpjjl.ii I'tilo-trum to Tin : llKE ) I'lio ( ollonln { .iro tliu mining slock qiiotul Ions' AVttl ) llosios , Muss , , MIIJ 1. [ specliil Telegram to Tin : III K ] The deni.iiHl ( orool dnrliiK the lust week ! ms btcn nioduriitu und the slies oT nil kinds tinioiiiit lo only 1.710.20J iionnds. Of this umount ( VA',000 ' pounds \\eroofforeluii nnicies Thu lonoof tlio inurketits uboiit btcidj. Siiuill lots of ( Milo X bold ut Jra.lc | , and \ \ und \ \ \ und tiboxu atU2Qcic ( .Mlelil- KIIII \ tins been qulut ut ' N32l.io. C'oinbliiK und delulno uiih In nuideiute iciiucst , No t combIng - Ing iolllnu ut 4 ( < lK'o. Ohio line delulno at : W3 : i7c , und .Mlchljun llnu dolulmi at : i55t.Kk ; . t'n- wushed coiubliiKociU hu\e leen dull ut 2ii ® 2so for one'-niiiirtor und .MviJ.100 for tlircc- ulKlitlis. Territory eels hn\u been sold ut bj ( itOlo for flnti GOQU.u for line incdluni , uiul514 S7o for incdluni. t'ullforiilu , Oregon und thu Tcxus wools uro wltluMit biilea of liutiortnnce. Uuffallied Ohio und Mlcultfau hUMj bccu bold nt2iJ28'ic. . Pulled \\oolsiiro In steudy do- niiinil nllh snlci of siincr ut 4i,4"ic ) ( for choice1 , ! mid ! f < aK < c for fulr to need : oxiriia , .W-Hc. Ailstriilliin wool WIK < | illlo active ut > CkH44c. 1'iirclKn L'lirjictvooU vvure' In Kood aciiiiuul. CiiiCAno. Mnv 1 - CloseWliont : I Inn ; cnsh , I07 > i.Inl ; } . I01U. Corn frliMily ; c isli , C9ii : July , ra' e . I'ork llimyi cash. fl'.H. " ' , : July , JI'l 10. I < urd Kusys c.ish. $ fl.7V/l0.7 : > i July , } 7.02' ' { . fchort Itlbs Kii'V ! cush , M.2CO.Mi July , . U > i-tcudy ut Mtls.c. , IturlcyNoiiiin.il ut ' c. riux ' 'tundy ut fl is , I'rltiioTlinotliy-SHoudy nt JI.2.VSI 23. \\hlskv-ll 17. I'loiir nne'lianurd. Hulk Muils-iOiuillli'rt. 3OT1323 ; sliolt cle ir. f Ki.VlViXit short ribs. Jii..Mffll I ) . Ittittur llriiiur , cie'iuuury , 1S&271 ici dtilry , 15J12IC. Cheese I'lrin ! full croiin rheddiir' . lO'JffJ lie ; Huts lOVillIc ; VOIIMI : Aini'ilcus , lu'i@llc. nuirsI'liPlmiiffeil ; fresh. l.ltlll'iC ' Hides llniliiinpidi hu.ivy und light croen iilte'd.ft'tc'ii. ' ' " ' : tsreun salted , 4'ffll'ici ' Halted bulk , IHc : itrcon s.illud calf , l-c ; dry Hint , "a ; dry s'llted , ( So ; dry e'lilf. swc. ) Tiillow ITncli tniti'ili No , I. solid jmclicd , 4i4e-i No. 2 , . ) " , C ! cake. 4'ie Hecolit | . Shlpincnti. Ploitr . 14.000 D.OOO \\lieiit.bu „ . , . 'Js.UOO 7.0JO Coin , hu . . . : i7i.nvo ) 14MX10 Oats , 111 . 225,000 2.1'J.OOO New YOIIK , May I.Vhoat Hccclpls OO.COO biishtdsi oxiioits. none , | iol lowers No 2 red , JI 10' , In elevator ; il | s , < , l 1M4 atlouf. il 10 % UI uu f. o. 1) ) . Options iiiUanceil l' , Pc. lic- ciiine Irnvulai und declined Vti'iC ' , closing pteadyi No 2 led. Mnv oloslnj' ut $ l.lli' Corn Uccclpts , 10.400 Imshi'ls : o\iorts | , ft'i" > 0 liii hel i spot Irrcmilui ; No. 2. S.V In elmutor ; Me ulloiils ntur idod mixed. 7l ) Mc. Options hUhci , May closlin : ul7li < ie' . Oits-liei elpts , 70,000 bushels : \ports. . .100 husliiMs ; split lilglmi ; No. 2 white. ( if ii. " ci inld wcstein. MiH.lc : vvhltt- western , dUl'Ooj Options Iliin-r MIIJ closi d ut .Ml'ic. buuMii Haw steuit ) at i decline ; fulr rulln- In. . , ! ' , , ( , cunli if UKuK W test , .I'lii1 ' ; tnnsco- Mido I'O test , ,1'jc : niol issessiical.bU test,27jc ; lellned. dull iinil niu bun 'ed I'olroleuin rnllud t'losud , .Iline1 , 00' , c. r.tflis I'liinveslfrn ; , r > 'jc Poik-Slfiidv ; new mess , * II 75TJI4 V ) l..inl K.isler ; western steuin , J7UOJ June , J7.IO llultur ririn ; western diilrv , Hil'JIc ; west ern uiuaincry. 22J2'-'sc ; Ll ln , 2i'caJ'i. Uhcesu bto-ulj ; skims. imJoj nuvv. i.is1 , Muy I Wheat flood deniund for No. 1 northern ; other glides \ci.v slow. I ! * celpls , .Ul curs' shipments , ( , < ) o.us. OlOMi : .No. 1 hurd. Maj , J1.10 ; on nick , JIH IU)1 ) , ; No Inortliein. May. oil 07 ; on liuck , $1.07 ® I OTU ; No. 2 nortlicin , M.iy , $1.04 ; on Hack , tl OVjil 00. PT Lotus , May 1 Wheat cash. tlO't\ ; .Inly. ? l niHLOPi Corn -llighei , ( .isli , 54'2c ; .lull , 4G'gC. ' 1'oikQuiet ill tl-7- > . l.uid Dull at t140. Whisky -Illu'hcriiHl.ls Ilnttei bte.uly ai.d iinchanirod. Cnv. Miy 1 Wheat ste.ulv : No 2 hud , c.ish , lltTc'iyc ' ; May , tfl u hid ; No 2. red , cash. JI OIKi&l.ol. Corn Weikei ; No. 2 , cash , GTiGOle ; May , ( Juts fctoady ; No. 2 cush , oO'jo ' bid ; Muy , 5lc hid , _ CISCISNATI. May 1.hoat Stiong ; No. .2 red. Sl.r.ni 1.1 Corn MIOIIR : No 2 mixed , 7fle. Onls Nonilnitl ; No 2 mixed , 55c. Whlskj-1.17. _ MII.VWUKKR. May t. \\lio.it I'n ottlcd ; No 'Jsprln , ' . ciihh , Jt.ns ; July , { I O4'a. Corn sic idj ; No d. dl'jc Oils-lliKhcr ; No 2 while , fjitj sijc. Provisions Quiet ; poik , Muy , JI-"J7'J. I.ivi ui'ooi. May 1 Wheat I'lriii ; deniund Improving ; Ivans is winter. liaid.fcsudGJssO'jd. Corn fcte.uli ; demand fall. 1,1 IK H'lOCK. Ciiic\no , May I. I attle Uecelpts , 0,000 ; market ste idy : pilmo to e\lri steers , JJ.UO ® ( j.2"i ; others , tl "iiVsio " "i ; helfeis. f'.sviii eO Hogs Hicclpts. I SIMM ; muiKet llrmer ; common , $ l.2"i4 70 ; iul\ed und p ickers , tl 75 ( TH'iO ; prime homy und btitchei wulKhts * 5 ( K W.I' > ! llghl. W 00a.r' ( 05. Mit'cp Itieolpts , O.nifl : maiket steady ; natives , $ b.OO ; 1'eMins , $ 'i5iir ( > lJO ; westeins , S5 SO@G .15. _ ST. I < oum. May l.-Catllp-ltecelpts , l.COO ; slilpmcnts. .100 ; mark * t steady ; fair to fancy nulls ostt vis , $4 UtXii5'iO ! Te\ans and Indians , Sfl S > XSI.70. Hogs -Ueceils | , 4,700 ; shipments , 4,800 ; inui- ket higher ; heavy. UM&Wmled \ , $4.40 ® 4 UO ; IlKlit. { 4.05U4 S' . CITV , May I. O.ittlo HocPlpts. 'I MM ; Hhlpinents , 1,100 ; market lower ; steers , J. ) VXil5.7' > ; cows , $ i.404 SO ; stockers and feed ers. * J.40 < ; H.I)0. ) Hogs Uecelpts , d.700 ; shipments , 2.030 ; mur- ketoiiened highci and closed weak ; all giades , W 5040 1. ' .a OVIAIIA. May 1. OATTIE Oillelul roeolun of e.ittlo 1.241. ai compitred with 1.257 jeslertluv und | X > 5 I'lrduy of lust week. The market was uc- thi ) on e\er > thing ; the best grade of stecia wcro5e. to lOc hlghci , vvlill e other grades were steady. All grudes of butcher slocu were slrongoi : ud feeders were firm. All Mila HOIH Olllclal iccolpls of heirs 4/15. , as compared wllh . ' 1,1 II yestoiduy and 2.500 1'rl- d ty of last week. The market opened uelUo and " 10 higher , hut closed easier. All sold. Thu range of the prices p ild wus tl.40@ 40) ) , the bulk stdlliu at tliniAl.Ti ) Light. { I 40 &l 70 ; he iv v , M.T.'ilil.'HJ ; mlvcd.1 IMtf.l.tt The uveiugo of pilces paid wusf4.l > i us com- purcd with il ( )7'j yestoiduy and $1.7."j 1 iltiuy of lust week. hlinu' Olllelal recelpls of sheep 1S7 , as computed with tn I iida > of last week. I'ho maiket was actlvo und 111 m , Natives , * " " 5.75 ; wesleins , Ji.'iXif'V.Vi. lluuciptH niul liHinition | ol' Stouk. Olllclal iccelpts and illsposltlrn of steel as shown by the books of thu Union stockyards company for the twenty-four hours ondlntf ut .1 o'clock p. m.May 1 , Ib'il ' : HKCIIIITS. llr-)0sllion ] of Stock. ShowliiK thodlsposltlon of slock as shown by Ihoboolcsof the Union stock } aids for the week ending baluidiiv. May I , 10 . . .115 40 3 . ' 0 SHEEP. No Av. I'r. 2 westerns , wetheis . .I'll ' J5 fO 1 buck . . 220 1 50 u.i : ji SMOKUI MutTS-Misjar fined llains , 14 to Kill ) , i\ciaio , 10V. hums , 2 > to 'j ; Ib avenue , 1 ic , hams , 10 to U' Ih u\oi ige , lo'ic ; skinned hums , 10'jc ' , shoulders , ( , J4f ; clear hieakfast b.nun. inn tow stilps Iii4e ; cle.ir bioukfi t bacon , wide slilp * . Ii34c , boneless bic.ikfust bacon bucks , S > , ci.'ullfoiiilai > t picnic liums,7c ; lioneless hum , s'ic ; dried beef liumssols ( ) , li c ; dried beef clods si4o ; short spiced rolls or ham roulelle. 8'ic ' , smoked beef tongues ( per do/en ) . W Vi ; spcdul hams , I.1 lo l" > Ib aver ige , ll'tt'i special boneless bretkfust b icon , ll'ie ; selected dried luef hums Insldesund kniii k- les. lie , selected vvldocleur hie.ikf isl bicon , lil'-if Dm ' u.TT.n MIATS : r.incy lljlit weight shoit eleiis. 7'41' ' , long t leurs ( IV ! shoit cleiirs , ti'm's shin l ribs , ( IV ; slionldcis , 5'4e ; drill bellies. 7c : elc.ii b.ieks , fi'.c. MOKIII Mi\rs-l > ij sill Cured r.incy lUht wtlglil baeini slmit cle.ns T' c' , b icon shin t i Ihs , 7'Bc ' ; short cttais , 7'ic ; long deals 7'ic ' , clour bin ks , 7'fc ; clear bellies , 7V ! hacon hhouldeis. ) ' , ' . Svvf.t r I'IIKI m Miis llain , tlom s. < i 4ot shonldcis ( New Vork cut ) tieices , 534t ; belllc * . tliTies , sf , t'allfornl i hams , tierces , Oej luef hums , bills , fiaoo. I'llM.lli 111 l t I'oviri. Itbls , $ , ' 000 , half bids , lee Ibs. $ ) ' ; ( | utct bids , 50 Ills , io.00 ; eighth hhls. 21 Ibs J.I y > . Hun Compound , | ) tr Ib , tleicchiHs fi'tc ; puio leaf , per Ih , lit no lusls 7'4c ; pure 1 ild , nor Ib tleice basis , 7'ic ; keltic icndered leaf laid , pel Ib , tleice b ibis si r , ItAiiiti i.rn I'OIIK vsi ) Hi 11 Per hhl Mt" = s not k ( new ) pel bbl , ? I2 V ) ; family poik. ill M ) ; li ick poik , jl 150 ; slioil cut cleai pork. } l2"0i6 ( 14 00 ; iitlmo ntss pink ill CUffil I riJvtiont ! less I > M poik ( funeji tfiij ; uMia mess bcer.DOO ; plale beef $1(100 ( , oMr.i plalo beef , { 11.00 : lolled beef ( boneh ssi Jil/iO ; boneless lolled beef half bbl , JO.UO , eMra family plalo heef , h.ilf bbl , ii > .Ml I'm INiitK llonclcss-Baireis 200 Ibs each , Jl"50 ; half bunds. 100 Ibs each. $ JiO ; iii | uler bands 50 Ibs each , Jl " > J ; eighth bunds , 25 ibb each , i7 . SAt'NAiii ! ' inoKcil sausage , 7c ; bologna. 4'C ; blood s.uis igo , 'csilver suisage , 5c ; head e'he'se , 5e ; frtsh poiK sausage dinks ) 7'iC ; flesh poik sans.me ( bulk ) 7c ; smoked pork sausaire'I'jc ' ; I runkfurl s'insage. M1 , smoked head cheesed'gc ; Polish sausage , 7'ie" knobluiieli * iiisuge , 7'ic ; tongue sausage , 'M ' ; snininei sausage , ll'4c. ' 'I he ubov o prices me for lots of fifty pounds und npwaids ; a less ( juanllty a half cent mote. OII.H Prime laid oil ( winter strained ) 55e ; ( 'Mm liu ( I oil l winters ! i aliud ) v'c , extra No I luid oil. 4lj ; No 1 lard oil , Ac. No 2 laid oil , lU'cj e\tl.i ne.it's-fool oil , 4'ic ' ; tallow oil , 41)c. ) aiil fancy , H10. Fi'fsh Ki-nlts. Ptr.inliortli s aie vei ) scaiceand aioijuoted hlKher. lleavlei iecelits | tire untlelp ited foi nu\t week and somewhat lowei pilces 1'lno- upples me ( inoled lower. 1'IM M'l'l.fcs I'ei ilo/f'.V ) . brn\wiintitii s-l'er case of SI ulnts $100 ; pel case of i'4 qinii Is , ft WilS 00 OIUMII s Lot , AnKCles , f..COa.MI per box ; Diliute , WOO ; KUor.is , t.l.lK ) ; Ulvei sides , $1 ,10 ; .Navels. $ > .llXftll 00. 1,1 MOSS Choice stock , per box , J1.VJ ; fancy , Jd.00. ( Ill \'B rilUlT I'ei box , 1.1 0"TI ( " 5. 1U.ss 1'er bunch il .lofaluo. Ai'i'i.m The supply lln'litand stocks hold at J5.103G.OO JUT bid. The potalo miukot appeals to ho oversupplied - supplied lust at piesent and dealeis eomplaln that His hard vvoikto move stock A Croat many homo grown potatoes that have been held back In thecountry liavobcen put on Ibu maiket recently. Thu market IsKlnttcU with I'spaniKiis. bouTHKHN Csl I.I i I.ovv HI- Per doJ.HO. . I'l'ti'Mlii usI'ci do/ , fancy , il J < aUO. TOP OMONH-Per bunch , JJc. SPINACH I'nr bbl , ifl V ) In rtti -Choice htock. lOc. UurAii\\s ( MlelilK.in stock , per bu , DOc. HH-.TS I'ei linshol , tl.n > , L'AHltins Pi i bushel , i I ro. lUiusius Pci do/ bunches , 405,1'c. I'sltsMps Pur bushel , fl.uo. CM.IHIIIMA C\IIIIAII. * Per Ib , 2'iflS'jc. 11 JANS MIM | In ms , tJ'O ; nav.v. K' . .1 Asi'AIUdCs Home KlimnMoc k , ,1lo pcrdo . PlK \NT-Pei box of .1(1 ( ll > . f U'Vftl..U. I'ort itii4 Home Kniwn.fl Oixill.10 ; forwest- ein slock. JI SKi/l.'li I'olorado , * I.IOul.H MlNl-1'ei doIninAliPs , 40u. Nl.w Poi ATOM- Per Ib. ,1'it' . Nl ) Till. us ToviATOm llnshel cralcs , J.I 00 SorTiiutN 111 \Ns-\\ax ? OJ poi ' , bushel box ; string. II iil 10 not li bushel box. riour. Omaha MIllInK CYT. Ttollaneo Patcnl 1110 ; Invlnellde Pat * ill. lAfl ; l.one iir ' "iiperla- tlve , J.Tii ) ; f-iKiHlluke , } , ' lu ; I'liiicv I'limlly H.'r. Davis 11111 Co lllBh Patent Nn. I nml Cream , t.'hi : Illnn I ) , full p itent ) ! M ; Hawk- eye. half patent , t.,40 , special Itny il , iialenl , .No It ) . ( .Lit ) ; Minneoti I'alenl , Mill , Kansas Haul \\hcat. patent , KML1 ; Nobiaska > | uin \\heal , patent. tJ U ) . ( Jskamp'a teadv I" rise buckwheat Hour , il . .1 IK i case of 10 i-lb Ji ickiiKi s ; buckwheat , In bblh , .N V. MOO ; l.xcelslor brand , I.1..V ) Slapjack Meal , H7.1iii | | casu of ,10 I'-lb pack ages . . . r.rillmuii'stinldMiiliil. } J01 ; Pnowhlte JL' . ) ; ' nowllakc. i.'al : low Riaile , tl.liO ; tiiun t.'l OU ; chopped f * ed , J.'T to lllllllllCI * . Quotations are for car loth on board cars at Omaha : ' . ' \0 ' 'Xf ' 'x0 | S\I'J 4xt to h\s in oo K/io / IB oo is an 10 r < lUTTtNi.iitA tiiiiso , Krr t ) 1,2lneh C.V ; 't\.l. his , ' . ; 'J Inch well tulilns D. X M and bev , J.'IW ; plfliets I ) .V II Mat , fJ-'iO ; 1) and II , souuic , tr.1) . I'K.NCixn No I. In U and 14 ft. rf. illioo Not I , ( tin. tOft. fl'ljui ' ) 4 In. il'i.uO : .No. ' . ' , (1 ( In 1. ' and 14 ft , rf. tit (0 ( , 4 in , til Oi ; No 2 , u In. U ft tltl.1i , 4 In $11) ) On .Nn ,1,0 In 1. and II ft IP mi ; I In. tUuo , Jo , ,1 , 0 n , Ih ft , SUOJ ; 4 In . , MlilMI A. 12. li and 1(1 ( ft J2-.OOi C , 117 .10 ; 11 12. 14 und 1(1 ( ft , i.HM ; I ) , til. 10 llovnns .No. 1 cjin , JIB.MJ ; .No. ' . ' com , J1SOO No , : i com , fUM ; } o , 4 com , lll.V ) , STOCK llotliiiS-rA. U In. his , { dOJ ; II , 12 In Hln , * I5 ( J : C , Jio.Mj 1) ) , UIOJj No. 1 comn.on , 1' In , ulb , 10 , 12 uiael lt < It , { . ' 1.00 ; Nu ' . ' , tlb.M ) ; .No , . ecu imnii , I.'In. sq u ft , { .M 0 ; No 5 JIT 6 > i No I common , I1'In. HS | in fl. } inl < , No 2 , tl7.0 ; No. 1 coni'iioil IS In , s a , 'M ft { 'I HOi No V. il M. Niii'i.Ai'No. . ] plnln , Sund 10 In , IOOO ; No 2. flt..rjOi . No. I , O ( J.8 in. flliOOi No 2. JIO.MI 10 In.Kiooved loollnc ! ' ' . II and 1C ft. ; IOli ) . I MMIISUlt and -M. 11. , 1 In , 2 , MiMWtlM MS and 2 In * l'im-ad ' clour , 1 in , . tHOi ; I' ' * ' -iiiul2ln , J4700 , A.seleet. 1 In. s2s (11.00 ; 1'4 'i an I . ' In , } Ho ; II select , I In. s2 , . ll ( K ) | 1 ' , und 2 In JIOOO.c Melect , 1 In , s''s , $ : ; 00 ; IU < > and 2 III.II.IIHI. A II or C select , all tn-foot. ? l W extn. Sol'Tin ' its Vi i.i.ow Pist.-lst and id clear out tloorltij ; . Kl-in. J.'l 00 ; l.l-ir , star , JIO.iO ; common Moorlnc. 1,1-10 iinno ; lift di ar I l-l ( > , . ' ) on ; 1st and 2d clear \J eollln , . ' JI4 M ; Isl and d olem , "i eelllnk' , jlli.il ; 1st am ) 2d cleat. celllnif , } . ' \OJ ; 1st and 2 I clear , llnlsh. sVs fiom Inch. ! . ' 7oi ; 1st and 2d clear , finish , si's , fr < m ' 4 Inch , IW 00 ; 1st and 2 I clear , HnMi , s''s , from 'i and 2inch , } moo , 1st and 2d clear , > . p caslnpi. ir.li.oo ; bii'e j.iooo. I'OPIAH 1 ifvinm s-inch niul uti. it tinil Sd ' .ear , 1-lnchs'Js. Jm.0 ( ) ; > > -liu.i | and up 1st and d clear 'i In * h p inel , I. OO. ySM lloolis I hi' larboirl.JI sash M let ictit ; doois. 61 pet ct , blinds ft ) per ct ; nouldliiK , oOper ut.t tuned felt , pel cwt , 221 ; stiaw boaid , I 2.1. I'Miii'ilMi \ ( r-lneh , wlilto plno , t'AOO ; 0 , 2 . .mi ll.r-lnch , while Jilne. J(10 ( > : I ) . } JI 00 ; I. i-ncli , white pineselffenclni ( ; ) , { 1700 ; drop sid n.10o pir M extia * -msiiM , lviiiitru : "A , " pine , f,1 SD : standaid ' A , " ifj.ll ; extra "A , " eidar , f . ' ( si ; i Inch clear plno , } l.10 ' , clear ledwood Jl''i nth. till i Posts White cedar , fi-lneh , 'js , Uo ; 0-Inch irs , r.V ; wnltecedui. .l'4-lncli ' , 'ts ' , lO'joInch ' : irs lo1 ac ; while ceda" . 4-Inch round , lie ; spilt oak , * u ; Tcnncsseo rod eedar , split , He. .So 1 I No I I .Si ) I .Mod I n in I Hum 11 Hai'iUx , n c. llui.l.s I.lcht , brass , bund , ills , 70c ; Ken tucky iow , ills. Tue I'A * KS , limns , r.ioAnierlean lion earnet at ks , ills M ; sit ol carpet tacus , all kinds , dii , * des Ironcurpet tucks , all kinds , i .ion tiiuks liO ; Swedes lion np'iolslers' ' tacks 4) ) , tinned S udes lion tacks Mi ; Ameiliun ion cut tacks , 71 ; coppi r tacks , ffl : copper llnlshlim und trunk n ills , 4"i ; clisni box nails , 41 , Hnlshliu nulls , 7(1 ( ; ItuiiL'urlan nulls und miners' lacks , ( Vi : ilmp und lace tucks , 70 tli nod , ; liiip and lace tacks 10-10 ; trunk and clout nulls , 70 : tinned until , and tlout nulls , 1.1 , basket 11 ill" , ,11 ; ch.ilr n ills , Ci , coininon und patent * d biads , 70 , tinned cippid lunik nails. Aland 10 ; lookliiK-jluss tucks , , ' " , , pic- luie frame points , L'l ; lo.ithci cupel tuiks4 > ; Inush tacks , 'J.1. TM'ts , Mi tsi insnAmeilcan , ills , ID'S. 'I HlltMOMl Tl it 'I In ciise , ( Us , 71 TliM'S-liame , New bouse , dis , 10 ; RIIIIIP nnelda p itlein , 70 ; mouse . wood chokei pel do/en holes , 'JO I iio\\n.s-lliales' lulcn , dls , 10 ; DNston's , 20-10 ; uaiden. net pel tinil.Kl Tlltli ksuiehoise ( | tie ) , HOMO'S 1C , J. , V Co. ills K- . Vists-l'arallcl. I' ukei's dls. 10 ; piralld , oil slide , .10 ; s i\\ filers , Wenlwolth's.'Oc Will. scill i toes' ueii'iiiio. .11 ; ( .Irani. dO ; KI. 70-10 ; Itomls \ Call s p u * nl coiiibln itlon , II ; Alken , poi'Ket Ibiluhl ) { ( , 00 I' . lli.ocusstanloi ItiileX I.UNC ! Go's acv , list CO. lloi.rs Common c.urhue , dis 70-10 ; II. & K M'O , . t'o's sto\e , dls 4-10 ; plow , dis 10 ; ma chine. dl 70 ; tliu bolls , ,10-10 C\STI us Iteil , dls 5'J ' ; platu and shallow lockets , dls .10. Ill ns lliassMousht , dls iO : loose ji n cast , ( Us. 70 ; loose pin , , apinnel , ( Us ( iOllo , loose pins , japannudrotiRlit , W ) ; Olark blind bulls. 71-10. CHAIN Trace. C't-10-V , per pair , net , 40c. trace , d'j , Amerluin. jiei p ilr , net , Mc ) ; Oer- urui hultei ehaln. llsl of Deceinber .11 , 1 > S | . dls.Mllimeilcan ; haltti eh iln , list of Iu- ) cemboi .11 , issl , dls ft10 ; ( Jcrinan toll chain. list of Dueoniliur.il. lss | , dls ,100 ; Iron Jack chain , .11 ; brass jack chain. .H. COCKS lliass , new list. .lul > 10 , Issfl dis , so. Com i. MII.I.S Purker's bo nd and box , dls , 50 ; Ameilcan ( Hnterprisu Mfu Co ) , ( IN S.I lii\\ ) > i.sii IVSIM.S 1' . t \ . \V Co. , dls , 70 ; ad justable. ills 'JO. roiiKH Hay , inaiitiro and sp idliiu , dls 00-10- 10 ; plated , Al. Ko.'erX llros. . .10. I'uiriTS AMJiiiv ; PiiKSiES llnturiirlsc Mfsr Co. , dls. II. COMPASsfS , IIVI1IKII ) = , I'.TO COHHWSSOS , ( llc , .10-10 ; ( ii\Idurs , dls , M und 10. ealllpcis , ills Mi I itv PASS Common , ill-Til : Acme , dls CO rAULirs I'r iry 11 itent iiutroleum , dls. 10 ; uteipilso solf-incasurln , pel doWO 00 , ills I'll EsHcaer.Ilsslon's , 00-10 ; horse lusps Heller Itios. , dls. W. IIMMi.iis Muydole. dla ai ; Alha d s.10 , HAKM.SS .SNAI'.S h u cnts. dls 70 ; Gorman dls n. KMHIS Door knobs , bron/e , M-10 ; door miner ils , door por. .lapuned , door poi plated door por. nun list dls. 50-iO ; poiculaln shutter , dls 7(1. ( lUil'lll.is Discount MO10. . 1UKSIM s IjlKlitnliiK. pei doJ900 ; Spear Point , per doJS..M. . l.ochsCabinels and chests--C'abInet. I1 xP. Cot bin. dls ' . ' 'i ; ti unk , dls so ; Vale lock loin Ii.iiij , Hut und con tMat ( d ke > . dls , U13 MALI hrs lllckoij1 pu iuiitHiniiiii\Itai' , 21 Durcenl : loathoi bead , 2.1 pui tent Ili.soi.s Clarko's No . i. a and .1 , irate , dis count M ) ; si ten book and stiap. 8 to I. , pel 10 i bis. 4'ie ; 12 and upnuids. pel 100 Ibs , , IV > ; t-trap anil T list rubriiurj 14 , IS'JI ' , .10 pui Lent : stun. aid D. A. . No ,1 } . , 10 llonsfc NAiis-Nos.4 . 0 10net Peeiloss , poi Ib lie Uc I'o net Jsoilhwestuin , " 2s 21 211 22 21 in ills20 Cliumpuui , " 2S 21 21 22 21 I'l ' dls'.O I'ntnum , .11 2i ( 21 21 20 ill UI dls 10 KM ii.K---llr.iss , pci icntdlslj ; ( .naineled , pci ( .cut dls , ( U. illiiiLi. it ii i.'u ; sifiij or iiiui , uniu I * , i lu He ; black , choice , 1,1 to I7e ; bucks and viij heavy line , eliolce , 10 to l'-V. I'nwashed coinb- IIIR and delaine1'lno delaine , meiuKi' . II to Hie : choice , Id to ! St < ; nied I inn delaine. iiMiia.ro , 20 to2lo ; choice , 20 to " 'c ; medium coniblnt , ' . aveniKC , 20 loIc ; choke. 20 to 22c ; ( | iiuilei blood combing , uvt iii e , 17 to Isc ; choke , is to 20c ; eoaiso coinblii , average , II lo I7c ; chdlce 17 to bo ; braid , aveia e , IJIn He : chime. 11 to Ilic. Tub washed-Cholee , 2s lo IlJc ; avcia t , 2.1 lo ' > o : co irse 20 to 2.lc Tsi.i.owMI ( .HI. * si Tallow No 1,1'sC'IV- : tallow No. 2. .IVJ.l'.e ; ure i o , white A. IV" ' : i34c : irionso whlto II .P l'ic ' ; crease , v * How . ! c ; ciease , durk , 21i < 1 ; old butter WJ'ic ' ; beeswax , piliue , 204iJJc ; lou li tallow , V , < it 1 4 J. As A Rule Youro\\n feelings will tell you , when you are in need of a tonic or Blood purifier. A lack of energy , tired feeling , depressed spirits are good indications that the blood is sluggish and your system is out of order. "I HAVE U E ) S. S , S. FOR f E- BIL1TY r-E Ut-T.NGFROvl CHILLS AND FEVER , > N J HAVE FOUND IT TO Bf- THE BES-T TO JIC AND /.PPEilZErt H\M EVERTOOK. TALSOPR VEN.- ED THE F ETURN OF THE CH LLfa. " A. J. ANYL1N. EUREKA , SFR.NCtf. . ARK. Hc.iikH . on lllooil and bklu dUeai-os trie , f ii K ro ATINTA dA. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK Y4RDS CO. LIMITED LIVE STOCK : COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Co 13-18 Hichaniw llulldliu , tkiuth Unnlio. 8. J , Ooflinan , Srniloy Hunter & Qrean , & 0o. , W iiohank-o : IIulUluj M Kictmniia UulMlug BuulU Oaili * . Rgutb Omiuu , OMAHA Maiiiifactiws' Jolks' DIRECTORY. " BICYCLES. _ A. II. Perrigo & Oo , lllo'ile * > M on Monthly > , All I'rlcci , All I'nv uicnlg Purls IllSUodKO Street. I i 'i nriiiiiii "I Qnnlii DOOK DINDBU9 & STATIONBrta Omaha Republican Printing Oo. , iaw brltfi , bank luppllni , nml evof/llilni In tlio printing line ICtti Mill Dounlii stroc'ti. Ackermann Bros. & Heintzo , llnJcr * . cloMrotTpori , blank book mvui- ficttirori , llldHownrl strjot Oni\ht. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ohnrlea A. Ooo & Oo. , KirkendalliJonns & 0o ( Manufacturer * na\ Job \\lioloiilo Minufiictiir'J bers Ak'Ciit' for llonlnn Hub * In r show To UUi HOi , 1109 Ilownr.l ntroL-t niul MOo llnrnur "t Williams , Van Aer- W. V. KOKO & Co. , nam & Harto , Stnp Knrlurr dirtier llth ant Iliiimlt * nto I ) n i 111 : llnrnoy strout , tin Men-hunt ! ! InvHOi ! Omaha , Neb In call nn I t'xamlnu BOXES. I BUTOHEriS. John L. W-.lkie , Louis Holler , Onmlmpnpor boit fuctory , Ilutrhnr * ' i\iit ( PftfXKri' 1S17-11IJ 'loilll t SupplltM llUOf , In a \ nhptip iailiu-i Order * promptly Hllal 1II3-I1IS Jnclnon HI. OARRIAQB3 , BUQQIB3 , ETC. W. T. Seaman , Omaha's I Trno3t Variety \ > AGON'S \M > CMIUIAOKS CARPETS. CLOTHING. Oraiba Oarpet Oo , , Gilmore & Rulil. Carpetn , oil clotln , mil- Mannfiotiircri AVhol tlnuB , curtain goo t , oto rale ( 'liithli'r < , 1M1 DoiiKlai Ktraot. H09Harncr St. CIGARS. West & Fritscher , Manufncturors flnoclKa Jobt cm of leaf tnbnccoL 1011 harnam itreet. COAL , COKE , ETC. Omaba Ooal , Ooko and Ooutant & Squires , Lima Oo. Hard and * oft coal ihli'- Ilnrrt nml soft ooat. PUM , . Ititb and IKri Knrmm rmt , B K Cut. Uoaf Omaha Ui itrort * . Hulbert & Blum , T. H. Mahoney & Oo. Ohio lumpHo Ilnrcl-Coil Soft hicpNliir Wnliiutlilncc. scrci'iioil nut anttiraclle , dlrri 811 V inth and ior Binttlilni ; HtHim 10th nnd DouKlna eta Otllcoms Ulhst. American fuel Oo. Howell & Oo. , Bhlppnn anj ilc ri la 2KB llth street , anthriclto nnd bltu * minima real i Omaha , Neb 315 b 13th stroot. Jobnson Bros , , Nebraska Fuel Oj , , (14 Farnam utreot , 113B. 13th5troot , Omaha , Nob. Omaha , Neb Mount & Griffin , 0. B. Havens & Oo , , S13b Kth.itraot. IKRFnrnam street , Omaha , Nob. Omaha. COBNU B Eagle Oornico Works P. Ruerauins Manufacturers of Oalv\n- Qal\antri > d trou corniims. liccl Iron Cornice Dormer windows , imur Winnow caps , motallcsky caps , ttnlils , elc. Tin llKhts vtc 1110 and 11U Iron and shito reefer llod c-St 611 lornm S' . DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo. , Zilpatriok-Kooh Dry Urj eoodn , fnrnlshlnn Goods Oo. , ' foods , notion ) Dry goods notions Rent * furnlshliu tfoods Cor. llth and Howard ate. Cornurllth ant llaruoy ELEOTRIOAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. Illustrated Cataloicuo free 1014 Capitol Avrmio. FARM MACHINERY , ETC. Parlin , Orendorff & T. 0. Northwall , Martin Oo. , General western auont Corner Jones and Uth ots. bkalldlt Plow Co , Omuha , Neb 11IJ-1 > al Hhormnn nvo. FLOUR. Broken Bow Roller E. T. Davis Mill Oo. , Milling Oo. . C (1 Underwood , Ofllconnd wnrohotua , Manauer at 0-n ihi. 1U12N lull mroet Cor 6th and Jackson Kts. S. F. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp , ll'f K of ready to nils * . Klnii Jack Moil Iln oil . 1014 N. 16th stroot. cakus In tlio uorld. \jjLUUck. - Manazar. 1AJ7-1215H iJl Omaha Milling Co , , .Merchant Miller" . Olhto nnd mill , I 111 North Kith Snoot FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Fur Ohas. Shiveriok & Oo. niture Oo , , Furniture and Carpoti Furniture and cirpots , 1200-1210 Karnam St. Beebo & Famyan Fnr- nituro Oo. Successor" to C \ Iliubo \o Grace and 1 ith ts. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Schneider & Loorais , J. T. Robiuson Notion Co. , lobbertwid Importer ! of ' Oents' furnishing ffoodi notion * and furuUhlaK ra f K ci luiirilod limit 1 "lluckskln ov urn lit , pints shirts toils etc. llll I toward street , Cor 15th aul Howard st . GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. Kennard Qhss and J. A. Fullar & Oj. , Paint OD. , 1K D.iuijUi . StrjIU 1403-Ul Harnoy stroat Ouiuhk , Nuu. Omala. Oumraings , IJlako , Bruce & Oj. Ujil-'jU3 L&TCUworta it. 117 and C19 South loth St , Cnmln Neb Omaha , Neb Moycr & R-vapka , 70S-7II S 10th ilrocit , 1103-1104 Harnar atrojt , Neb. Uiuuha Oiunlm , " * " D. M. Bteole & Slotn , Jobn on & Oo. Hh and lAiivtMlworlb UUI-1203 Jonoi tri'oti , Omaha , Nub Oiuuhu , Neb , Allou Bros. , McOord , Brady & Oo. , llll Ilarnor itruat , I3th and Lciionworth , Omaha , Nub. Omaha , Nu'jr GR.AIN AND PROVISICN3. Tonray & 'Btyan , I S. A. MoWhortcr llroker , grulii , | irovlrlons , )1J ) l l .Null Hank llri.hor . nnd.loiki .ills llth ' . rUnlo wires lo .Sow I'rlvulonlro to I hi link Ihliavo nnd M M I.UUU und Nu < i 1,011)11 ) ( isli irilu houulit for nil imukUii Oockrcll Bros.1 Ilroktrs I'rivatu Mlrus to Snwork ( hluiKii \ r > t l.oulii ripe * lal alien lion iilvun to trai k bl Is III.SailUault. GUNPOWDER. Ilugh G. Olark. ( lent West"rn Ancnt DuiHinl'i Hporllnn llun- tuiwilrr Alias hlKhtiiido- 1118 llarurr ilrctU PAPER. Oarpentor Paper Oo. , Pnrrr full 'lock of printing , wrapping and writing p per , ril p - per , old. .TALLcDW. Qco. Obonio & O J. S. Smith St Oo , , kits UlhstrcoU llM-1413 I.esvtonworth ik Onnti * . Omaha. IKON WORKS. Paxton & Vierling Oiuahn Safe & Iron Iron Works , Works V > roiiuhl and cast Iron , tiulldlnn work , pniclnoi Maniifru nrc and burnlai tin s work Knnnrnl proof safes , vaults , Jail foiindrr unclilno MI I work Iron nhuttors and lil'ir'omilh wnrk U r flrti pncitpos d Au * llr andlillisu drt-tn IUh.VJneli90iitl Aumo Iron and Wire Wilson & Drake , Work ? , M f tuhiilir flues ftr 'ron wlri > an Ihrass w'ki l < oi hollers , tanks oto. US llth stroat. A' lluohl , - I'roprlator. I'll TO an 1 10th itreots. HTHOORAPHINa Rocs Printing Oo. I.Khoriitru | ' ! , 1'rlntlni and Illank Hooks lllh and Howard Sit LIQUORS. Ilur & Oo. , William Dxrst , * Mquor Mtrclinnti Wines , Liquors aut Ct 1112 llnrup ) ntrent nan Innufactur ra KOIIIIO tf'i Knst India Hitters 1113 Fnrnun Ht Orunh R. R. Grotto , Frank Dollono A ; Oo , Impnrtor nnd Jnbbir of und ( ipnulnoNx * > \ Inn and l.ttjnori tO.'O nnd Mfl 1-arnani HU Pi lee Ihts oa nppllcttloii 1.-O.I ctrcct L , Kusolit & Oo , A. Trick & Oo. , \ In le ite I. IquorDeiloi Wholesale MquorDialcri IIHI I iriinn sti.i" 801 MS 8 10th St. LUMBER. a. W. Douglasj & Oo. John A. Wnkefiold , linporlpd Ainortcan Port * Itardnood I.umbor , lnndVmcntMllw > ukci lldriinllo Cuinint nn ( 1310 North ICtli Htroit. ( julncyhlto 1.1 me Oharlea R , Lee , Wyatt-BullardLiuu. Hardwood Iiunher , wood carpets and p bor Oo. fliiorlnit Gth oiul JOlh andliard Strcctt , Oadj & Gny , Louis Bradford , I Imc , Cciunt Ktc- , Lnmbor , lime , ccmont.ctu Cor niii nn | Dm 23 Douglas itreeU MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stoneliill , I. Oborfoldor & Oo , , Millinery , Notions ItnportcrR and Jobbers Iq Clcuki , 1C to Millinery 208iOaud.'l2 South llth lin-IISS ICth St , Omihi ( licet. MUSIOAL BTO MPT Meyer & Bro. Oo. A. Ho3po , Jr. , M'f Kjonclrr' , il"vlor In I'lanoi Ork-ani , ArtlilV musical InitrumeiiU , itc Mntcrlals , Ktc , Inrnim Hnd inih ! : 'dJ llouylai Blroot , CEMENT AND LIME. J. J. Jobnson & Co. S16S. 13th stroll. Omnlii .S'orn OILS. | OYSTERS. _ _ Consolidated Tank A. Booth Packing Oo. , Line Oo. Ojiturs , " 'Jo ina < " " > e < i Ileflncd nnd luhrlcatlnt oil' , ailo ureine eta. IMS Ixjitcnworlh. . A. II lllshop , MunnKur HABDWAKB. Rector & Wilhelmy Oo Loa-Olark - Andreeson Hardware Oo. Cor. 10th aa I Jackson t > , Ouiuha. PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Ribbol & Smith , Sohroodar & Oo , , Dealers In country prod Cash huiors butter aacl uce , fruits , Ti'KUtablos , CKKS nnl Roneral coiifr * ct < - mission mtirchants , ISU7 Howard utroot. Hi South llthitrveL 0. Rosso & Oo. , E. B. Branoh & Go , Forclen , California and Produce , frulUi of all tropical fruits , Undi , ojnturj , 1213 Howard Blroot- 1211 Howard strott. Porter Sro ? . Oa. , Robsrt Purvis , California , Murldt nnd 1217 llowird stroot. Iroplral fruits \ \ rltn ffir prloos on hut- 8UI-BI1 Joncjt Htrnot. tur , ( Kits poultry auj O W Hulls , - Manager Kirschbrnun & Sous , Olark & Oo , , llntti'r choose , PSI llutlcr CURS and poultry poultry and KIIIO IWI Howard s trout. Wi South 13lli utroet. BUes & Oo. , Williams & Ore , Counlry nrmluro , fmlti , ' rKUt'ihloi Kroonrs' I'roduco and frulti , rpuclullUM tua , Hplcioi , etc. 417-1IJ8 llth ML I2U Harnoy strouU RUBBER GOODS , ETO. Omaha Rubber Oa. , Manufarturbu an I Job- bum all kinds rubber Koods 100S ham im streak SEEDS. Enurson Sjo I Oo. , Hcud vroirurs , deilors In Kirdun iirtis , grai tnio M je I * . ( . ' 1-131 South l.'th SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , EPO. M , A. Diabrow & Oo. , Boh i Sash & Door Oo. Manufacturers of nash , Mitniifnetiirorj of i d oo TH. h 11 n d t an d lii i , blln K dojri. .Moulding * llraucli it- tied l.'tli and Uarlat * Mill mil' lirkitrooti. SYRUPS. | STOVES. Farrell & Oompvjy , Duffy-Trowbridgd Wlinlisilo ininfnotiMri Sf57j Minufao'gOj , nynii | * ni il 1101 nil 1 vhuu irs , Man ifa tur'K storot inl Ntovn tilp ) ZI7-2I9 South Kth otrwt l'jll-1215 TEA , COFFEE , SPIOES , Consolidated OofTon Compftny , 1411 and 1116 Harnar IL P. T , HUGHES , Wholesale Cash Cum mission.v Ul.-ln nnd Wtilo.'n Cnnuiorjr roll butlnr nnd * i.'l { < IDUXj A I itmiitjr ivu Lam , wllh nilcru for miUi i In up | or tm hiuik'u for * n ; at uiaiket irlcc , Wiltufor purtUuUri. U.'i uuil IM 1UU tlu ( LJouvcr ,