12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : $ ATTTH DAY , MAY 2 , 1891--TVVET/VE PAGES. MOVEMENTS OF NEBRASKASS , Eocioty HU-AS of a Week TLrougliont the Stale. BUSY LIFE OF THE SMART WORLD. Accurate Information CoiKH-rnliiK the \VllOI fUtOlllM ) ll"JllOHI9 Wllll Visit unit Heci'lve lt iiiN of l to All. Mncoln. Dr Hillings rind wife nro In Boston. Alts O. C. Milliner U visiting l Arnpaboc. Air niul Mrs. Koopinuii uro In New Yorn cityMr Mr nml Mrs. Andruw .lessen nro on their way to Germany , Air .lohn Houil will pass the next llvo weeks in Cullfbriiln. lr KV , Tucker has Bono to Dakota Hot Springs to recover his hcnlth. Air. niul Mrs. T. A. U'llson will nmko tholr fiituru homo In Coticortlln , Kan. The Tuusdny ovenlnir club Is planning for a two\\cuks' outing l Cruto In July. Airs..I AI Muddlns has left for Ht. Francis , Klin , whuro she wilt pass the suiniiier. On Alay il the old settlers will divldo upon tlivdote for their unnuiil picnic tins year. Antrlnpocainp , No. Hill. Modern U'ondmen , held a ploasnnt sorlnl on 1 uesilav evening Hrnosl N Lowe , bookkei'pcr for his oxrcl- Ininy ( iovernor llojd , has resigned hib posi tion. Orion AV. Pifcr has icturtiecl from Kvnii'- ton , 111 , where ho has boon studying tbo- Dlotfy. Mr K Hunpor loft Wednesday for Ocr- iniinv , whcie he will remain for three months. The ladles1 aid society of the ITnltod Hivtli- ren church gave a carpet ball social Wednes day OVCIIIDK , The evening , linuovor. would not have been complotcUTO it not for two very enter- tuliilni : solos rondiMcd by Miss Hoover. ' Miss Hdlth WotBcl'who has boon the ( 'nest of Mrs AI. ( ! Hohnnson , li.is ivturm-a to her home In Kansas. She wasiicconipanied by Airs. G. JI. Aschman. Air and Airs. P A Hrown javo two parties at their homo on Wednesday. The liist was an afteinoon luncheon and the second a hitfli llvo paity In the evening. The Younc Men's Hebrew club , the new social organisation , held a verv pleasant party Monday evening at Harmonic hall , boinu thirty couples were present anil an en- ] o.\able .social timu was had. C'apltul City council , NoTil , National Union , gayo a very nlcasant social at their rooms in Workmen hull Tuesday evening. A pleasing literary and musical urograimnu was rendered , and a gonor.il good time haJ The popularity anil enicipiicy of Mis. J. K. Itlggsiikn hostess was again aomonstrated Fililiu afternoon to a ilclif'hted eompany of lady friends who were permitted to enjoy'the unfailing hospitality of her comfortable homo , 1SI7L street. Those who \\ero per- tnlttod to participate weio Aiesdamo-i Hun- Ion , Hossoliimn , Mauritius , Newmark , Out- calt , Perkins , 1'hmk , 1'ieston , Swan , Turner , Wells. AI H. Wheeler mid Wise , Aliss Stuart of Alattoon , 111. The meeting of the Capital City Chau- tmujim Lltcrarv and Scientific Circle last I'Yidaj evening was ono of unusual interest being rcmlcied so by the prescnco of Prof. Hicks of tbo state university , who favored the circle with an lnterc < ting talk upon the subject " ( Jcolofry. " After his talk the mem- hers availed themselves of the professor's kindness by pionoumling to Him numerous iiueries. nil of wlfleh were answered in such a manner as to linpait a vast amount of in- forma.lon. This meeting siRiialiml Iho beginning of the circle 's study of French literatuiohich. . together with that of geology , will complete the year's course. Air. .1. W. Irish of the circle , wtio two years ago spent a week in the Yosemite valley , read an interesting description of that wonderful work of nature. A vcrv pleasant party was hold at the resi dence of Air. and Airs W. 1C. Jamison , 220S T aticct , last Friday evening. High-live and danrlni : were tbo features of the evening and the Union orchestra furnished the excellent music. Among those present were Air. and Airs. Luke , Miss Luke. Air. and Airs. Mason , Mr. and Air * . Wardell , Mis. Henderson of Wahoo , Air. Head. Airs. Uraham. Air. and Mrs. W. Porter , Air. aim Airs. Klddlo , Air. and Airs. Fred Peoples , Air. and Alts. Alc- Alasters , Mr. and Airs. Jordan , Air. mid Airs. Whltoside , Mr. and Alls. Fader , Air. and Mrs. Walter Harmcr , Air Scott , Miss ( Jriiw. Mr. AI Howen , Air. and Kd Howon.'Air. and Mis. Alurry , Airs. Lamb , Aliss Maggie Vance , Aliss Alice Vance , Air. A. 11. Oleason , Mr. mid Mrs , Quick. At the close of the event a lunch was served of ham sandwiches and coiTeo ami ten kinds of cuUe. All went home piofuso In their praises of Mr. and Mrs Jami son's hospitality. On Wednesday evening Air. P. I. Costcllo was the recipient of a genuine surprise from the Lincoln Hibernians , of which organl/a- tlon ho is tno esteemed piesldent. Walking down O street with a coujilo of the members , his attention was called by them to the fact that thorn was a light In the hall and they proposed going up lor a while. His aston ishment was amusine when , on opening the iloor , ho found the hall thronged with a Jolly crowd of youth and beaut v , all on pleasure bent. Ho had not time to recover from bis bewilderment when the vice president , Frank P. Sheppard , advanced ami , after addressing a few appropriate words of congratulation to Presldont Co-itello on his return from the past and Ills restoration to health , presented him a handsome gold-headed cane. The mem bers all caiiiu forward then to shako hands and welcome back their prciidont , after which the young people danced to the inspir ing music of the Lincoln Union orchestra un til the small hours of the morning. East Lincoln never witnessed a Jollier gathering or more enjoyable evening than ivas spent at the cosy homo of Air. and Airs. J. F Godfrey , HOIK S .stieot , Wednesday evening. Air , and All's , ( .odlrov wor'o married In Now York ditto live years ago last Wednesday night , out in their old homo they were not surrounded b > truer friends , tliiin greeted them In their now western homo , nor worn they the recipient of any eiiioro numerous or useful presents on their wedding day than on this anniversary , Tbo lljno was spent amid music , ( lowers and feasting ami all wont merry as a marriage bell , Tno following wished Air. and Airs. Ciodfroy hanpy returns of the day : Key. U 10. Uradt , Messrs. and Alosdamos E. K. Bennett - nott , J. Y. Consaul. W. II. Frolclgh , Or. J. O. Oawson , K. U. Smith , S. I ) . Woodloy , II. I ) Ervnn , ( J. H. Keller , Robert Ilrowno , U. Khophord , William AleFarmnd , II. Hover Jones , I. W. Lansing , .1. N. Sharpe , M. Bharpe , William Trumbull , S. Hcbenck , J. W Kmorson , ( J. b. Sloss , S. C. Smalls , A. Henclo , C. W. Herdman , A. Lomen , F. L. Koso , W U Ta > lor , F F. Ames ; Airs. Catherine Murptmy and Miss Carrie Alui phy of Cahoos , N Y ; Misses Mate Frcllgh , Ada hclaml , Nettie Badger , Nettle Taj lor , Ellu J. Madge. Hcrtha Lansing , Alma Sharpe , May Ireland , Mid Laura Ireland , Mrs H. W. Watt and son : Messrs , W. F. Ireland. FieU Wouloiiberg , K. A , Duslcr and 10. F. Sayro. In-lit rli' < > , F S. Hamcr of Kearney was In the city Monday. K A Itusscll of Ord was a Sunday visitor In Beatriro. I N. McConnell took a Hying trip UP to Hebron Aloitday. .1. H. Best of Galcsburg , III. , was In the city Saturday , C. J , Potts was itown from Newcastle , Wyo , , Wednesday. L tilted States Attorney Ben S. Baker was In the city Tuesday. C. L. Bacon of Springfield , O. , was a Beatrice visitor Tuesday. J , II. Hamilton of Kearney w.13 visiting friends In the city Krld.iv. ( Jeorpo N. Grahnri of Des Molncs was in the city for a few days , last week , W F. Norway of Chlppewa Falls , Wis. , was In the city during the week. .1. B , Fiieml of Lawrence , Kas. , was visit Ing friends in the city last week , A , C. Buraham of Ctmmpilgn , III , , was visiting friends In the city this week , J. B , Frawloy of Iho Union Pacific pass-en- for department was In the city Tuesday. Charles AI. Hovoy and wife of Topeka , San. , was visiting In the city Wednesday , L.Mrs. J. D. Klljiatrick departed Monday for Ualvcston , Texas , for a visit of three or four weeKS , Hev. O. II. Albright of Lincoln , Is visiting friends in this city during the current week. F. AI. Wotherala of Hebron was renewing old acquaintances In and about tbo city Tuesday. Airs. Georee C. Barker and Airs W. W. Johnston were visiting In Lincoln during tbo week. U. W. Burch and family of Auburn hnve removed to this city to tnavo It tholr homo for the futuro. Commercial Agent John Dwyer of the B. & AI. , has gone to Chicago for a business visit of several days. Airs W. D. Hill and children bavo gone to Nebraska City , for a two weeks' visit with Airs. Hill's parents. Judge S. H. Craig took a ( lying trip to Omaha for a visit of several days and re turned Wednesday. Alesdamos I L. Fisko and George G. Hill gave a very enjoyable afternoon tea at the laltor's residence Saturday. The genial Jack Cassell of the Kearney Hub , was visiting his legion of old friends In this city for a few days last week. Airs. ,1. H Bush and children nave returned from an absence of several months , visiting friends and relatives in Hlversldo , Cal. Air and Airs. L. L. Davis have returned from their sad visit to Cleveland , O. , whence Air Davis was It-idled bj the sickness , death and burial of bis mother. Frank Prophet , the popular city passenger agent of the Union Pacille at Omaha , was visiting his legion of friends hereabouts for u couple of days this week. Mrs. C. i ; ! While , president of tbo Y. W C A , has gone to Chicago. Fiom there she intends going to Scranton , Pa. , to attend the International convention of the Y. W. C. A. The Daughters of Hohekah served an ex cellent and well patroiii/ed lunch in a largo vacant loom in the Nebraska National bank block during Iho Oddfellows celebratio'i ' Alonday. Miss Sophie Slroble , who nearly ended her life In attempt at suicide by shooting hcr- .solf through the breast with a pistol last Fiidaj , is still alive and there Is a vague chance of her ultimate recowy. Mr. I. C. WoodrutI of Omaha , deputy grand sovciclgn counsel of the now fraternity known as the Alodoru Woodmen of the World , was in the city during the week with a view of establishing a branch of tho'ordor heie. The success of the production of "Tho Chimes of Normandy" by the Beatrice Vocal club at the Paddock last'week gayo out sulli- eient encouragement for a like successful re- piodi.ctluu of the operatta at the same place Friduj night of tins week. Ali.Jor 1' . S. Clarkson of Omaha and J. S. Clarkson of Chicago were Beatiieo visitors Tuesday They visited a number of points of inteiest about the city , critically examined tbo paved streets and took a general survey of all tno attractive features of the third city. John Ileasty , Mrs. W. O. Hamboi , Aliss Gribben , Aliss Jesse How land , ,1. C. Luco and wife..I. 10. Mendonhall and wile , and W W. Evans , made up a party from Fair- bury in attendance at the production of "Tho Chimes of Normandy , " by local talent , in this city Friday of last week. flat snrintli. Kd Barker of St. Joe , was in town Friday. F. AI. Cramytou is visiting in Hcd Cloud. Airs. T. M. Patterson was in Omaha Wed nesday. Airs. A. C. Hlcbey is visiting In Lincoln this week. William Smith of South Bond , was in our city last week. Elmer Smith of Denver was in this city over Sunday. J N Wise and son King were Oinahu visi tors Wednesday , Mrs. William Wintorsteen is visiting friends in Iowa , Airs. George Shrevo of Lincoln , visited in the city last week. E. W. Alc.lunkln of Alobilo , AIo. , was in town during the week. Airs. Will S , Wise and children , visiteu in tills city duiitig the week. Charles F. Grothoof Weeping Water , was In Plattsmouth during the week , Airs. A. Skiles of Tipton , was a guest of her brother , Frank Morrison , last week. Aliss Eva Harrison of Omaha , was a guest of her cousin , Aliss Alice Eaton last week , Airs. H. C. AIcAIackcii and daughter , Mrs. Carrie Scott , returned Alonday from Liu- coin. coin.Dr. Dr. H. H. Livingstone of Louisville , , ic- con.panied by his wife , wus in town last week. Thos. B. Gordontho Baltimore millionaire , was in the city last week looking after his property hero. Henry Snyderof this precinct loft Monday for Beverly , W. Ya Ho has fallen heir to quite an estate. Low Alay and wife were visitors last week " In the city" They were en route to the South Bond tish hutchoiici. Air and Mrs. G. F. S. Burton , visited in Nebraska City last work , with their grand- patents , rsir. ami rtira. jacou luepser. Washington PfoifTor of Bologne , Italy , ac companied by his pride , arrived last week from Cedar Falls , la. , to visit with his cousins , tbo young Goring people of this city. city.Tho The Oxford dancing club gave their last select dnnco of the present season , Friday evening at Hock Wood hall. The hull was illled by a throng of spectators to witness the grand inarch. It was the most elegant dress party of the season. ( ient'va. Air. C. L. Hatlibun is in AlcCook. Air. John Fisher was in Omaha this week. Hon. John A. Dempster has eone to St Joe on business. AIv. F. D. Crawford has purchased the postofllco news depot. Air. J. T. Walker and family of Oblowa have moved to Geneva J. Albert Wells and son of AlcCook will en gage in business hero Alay 10. Aliss Bertie Laliin of AlcCook Is the guest of Air. Fred and Air. and Airs. Grant Laliin. Air. A. Koohler has returned from a visit with his parents lu Iowa mid n brother in Omaha. An lOpworth league has been organiml by the young people of the Alethodist Episcopal church. Airs. E Jnyno has boon called to Beaver Crossing by the dangerous Illness of her granddaughter. The Junior society of Christian Endeavor iravo a very enjoyable ice cream social at the Congregational church Friday night of last week. Air. and Mrs. W. U. Lighten of Atchlson , Kan. , arrived in the citv Tuesday and will make this their future homo. Mr. Lighten has become a partner of F. B , Uonistborpe , the attorney. The Genoa high school graduating class of IbW , composed of ten young ladies , have been organized , with Aliss Sarah Fisher , presi- deu ; Miss Virginia AlcGrew , secretary , and Aliss Aland Spear , treasurer. Alr . 10. O. Leininon and Mrs , A. C. Tucker had a narrow escape fiom serious Injury whllo out driving last week , bociu portion of ttio buggy breaking , the horse Immediately began kicking , and both ladles were badly bruised before they could alight from the buggy. About sixty Geneva citizens attended the celebration lu honor of the seventy-second anniversary of the birth of Oddfcllowship at Exeter Alondav. They are unanimous in their praise of Exeter's craclous hospitality and the elegant banquet provided by tbo Indies of the Christian church. A B. A : AI. special bi ought them home , arriving at Gen eva at U o'clock. The Entro Nous club gave a very success- fnl and largely attended ball nt the Audi torium Tuesday night. The nlTalr was a bril liant social event and marked the closing social gatherings of the season , The Beatrice public schools are in active reiuuirsal for a grand Alay festival to bo given ftttho Auditorium on Friday and Satur day oveinhva.of next week. The festival will bo of a musical character , and the pro ceeds will bo denotoi ] to the grammar school library fund. - % . The Beatrice high school { " deservedly elated over the recent acquisition of-S-JUaiiJ' some teloscopo.to bo used in the astronomical"1 studies of the school. The instrument Is of brass , and Is forty-two Inches lu length , The lens 1s three inches in diameter and the In strument is cquatorlly mounted ou a five loot tripod. It has ono terrestrial and four celes tial lenses or eye pieces and was made by Uaucsn & Lomb , of Hochester , N. Y , The Instrument cost tbo school $100 , und was wholly paid for by the scholars. Benjamin Dikes was lined ? J3 and costs In the county court Wednesday for the brutal treatment of a three-year-old adopted child , The child was token away from the couple and restored to tbo city missionary , from whom the child was first obtained. Tbo Dikes are a young couple , the man doing but nineteen and the wlto but sixteen years of ago. They pleaded guilty to the charge , but stated In extenuation , that they were not accustomed to the management of children , The couple llvo near Plckroll this county. NclmtHku City. AIi-s. J. W. Eaton Is visiting at Syracuse. Airs. Ed Allller of Lincoln is visiting In the city.Airs. Airs. William E. Dillon Is borne from Call- fornla. Airs. Joseph Opelt of Lincoln , Is In the city visiting friends. Airs. Hoover arrived in the city yesterday , and is the guest of Aliss Belle Sousloy. Mrs Miller and sou of Oxford , are lu the city visiting at the homo of Nate Curtis. Airs. O. F Johnson of Plattsmouth , is vis iting with her parents , Air. and Airs Jacob Kiopser. Hon. John C. Watson and wife returned homo Sunday from a very pleasant visit to Hot Springs' . Aik. C. H. Dlttebrand and wife who have been in the city for some days visiting his parents , have gone west to select a permanent homo. The Nebraska City orchestra gave a de lightful serenade to Air. and Mrs. John C. Watson at tholr homo on Wednesday evening They were invited In and given refreshments. Cards have been issued announcing the marriage of Dora. McCartney to Oscar O. Thomas. The ceremony will bo performed on the evening of Alay lU.nt the Presbjtoriau church in this city. The couple will bout home at Strung , Nob. , after Alay ll. ! Wednesday evening the Cindoiella club , which has been run so successfully all win ter , gave its farewell party for the season at the Hotel Watson. Among those present were Alisses Lulu Hand , Eda Bachelor , Alice Crow , Edna Blschop , Cariie Vincent , Bessie Goldberg. Barbara Kennedy , Alary Schnei der , Annie Schminkc , Lulu Bischoff , Kate Taylor , Belle Taylor , and Messrs. Halph ( logo , O. Dammon , J. Cliukciibeard , William Barnes , A. Fields , H. Simmons , II Lusk , George Berk , Frank Kennedy , Otto Hupp , John Hershcy and Milt Thorpe. O-i't'oln. Airs. J P. Hcald returned from the north west on Tuesday. A. 10. Walrath , editor of the Democrat , did business at Omaha the past week. Prof. N. H. Snodgrassattended the meeting of principals of the state at Lincoln on Frl- uay. uay.Hon. . E. L. King spent several days at Lin coln on legal business the lore part of the week. Air. .1. Walrath , who has been spending the winter at Gothenburg. Neo. , returned to Osceola on Alonday. Grant Hay , Hanoi's drug clerk , spent Sun day at Benedict , Neb , , looking after Air. Damn's interests there. W. E. Patten has sold the Palace hotel to William H Lyman of Kearney. Air. Lyman took possession on Friday. Mrs , Johnston , who has been visiting her children t Warsaw , 111. , returned to Osceola the hitter part of the week. Airs. A. Baum and Airs J. Baum went to Lincoln on Wednesday expecting to meet Air. J. Baum on his return from Eureka Springs , Ark. Ark.Hov. Hov. A. AI. Tanner of the Presbyterian church changed pulpits with Hev. J. W. Sea- biook of the Alethodist eliuich , and both con gregations were well pleased. Airs. H. A. Scott , who is grand worthy matron of the O. E. S. , was expecting to at tend a meeting of Electa chapter at Lincoln on Saturday , but on account of illness she could not go. Art. Folsom. AI. p. . one of Polk county's boys , just irraduatcu from the Iowa medical college and located at Henderson , la. , was In town tbo fore p'irt of the week. Art. has lots of friends hero. The marrying business has been quito brisk and Judge' Shecsley lias had a number of cases before him the past week. Ho tied the nuptial knots for Morlrevillo Cumnilngs and Miss Cassia Anna Scott , James E. Elliottand Aliss Ada Hyatt , Uriah Clark and Alary E. Van Way. The Judge does most of the mar rying business in tills county , and is a good ono at the business. Ono of the most pleasing and brilliant so cial events of tbo season was hold at the homo of Judge and Airs. T. H. Saundcrs ou Wednesday evening , it being the first wed ding anniversary of their son , Horatio B. Saumlers , to iiello Jnj. A largo number ot invited guests were present , together with the Osceola band , and a very enjoyable time was bad by all. The young couple are living at Long Pine , Neb , , and are hero on a visit to the old folks. Horatio B. is in the railway mail service and is running ou the Elkhorn from Long Pine to Doadwood. Oiote. F. I. I'oss is in tbo cast during the week. E. Y. C 5 re well of Wyoming is visiting with his parents during the week. A. 10. Fowley of Ansloygraduatc of Doano college , is visiting at the colloco during the week. Airs. II. AI. Vines and family have moved from Friend to this city and will make tills city their homo hereafter. Fred Hanson , Uncle Sam's most popular railway mail agent along the H. & M , , is passing his lay-oil with friends in this city. Harry Buchanan islnSedaliaMo.toattend the Initiation ceremonies of Hov. T. C. Brady , the former icctorof Trinity Episcopal church ot this city. W. H. Socord and family have removed from Hebron to Crete. Mr. Sccoid will oc cupy a'nin , his old position as business man ager of the Crete Vidotto. Airs. C. Dunn , Airs. Charles Alison and Airs. Sadllek of U liber are spending a tow days in Omalm visiting their many friends in the metropolis of Nebraska. The ladies of the AI. E. church gave an leu cream supper In the church pirlors on Friday evening. As usual when those ladles undertauo anything , the affair was a grand success , socially as well as financially. The entertainment given at the college chapel by the ladles of the Philomathean literary society was a urand success. "Tho Dress Hehearsal , " as the entertainment was named , was unique. The young ladies of the society understand how to entertain their gues's ' In a pleasing and very happy manner. N. II Galliuit spent Sunday at home. Mrs J. A. Fr.iwley returned Saturday J I ) . Chamberlain was in Grand Island Iho past week. Warren Clough was visiting hero a portion of last week , Mrs. P. T , Huckloy returned Saturday from Omaha. Hon. C. H. Morrlll of Lincoln , was In th city over Sunday. from S.in Antonio , Ti'x. , where she Has been spending the winter. L. V. Haskt-ll and wife , returned Tuesday from Denver , Col. T. O. Clroon was lu Omaha and Lincoln a portion of last wools. C. n. Woods lias gene on the road again as a tr.uellng salesman. ,1. A Frawloy will return from San An tonio , Tox. , next Friday. Captain Brlu Johnson spent a portion of this week with his family here. The ( ir.md Army of the Republic will ob serve Decoration dav hero , May 110. The Ministerial association of tno York district of the Methodist church , convened in this city Friday , and con'lnued for three days. IllllllltiU The Junta ta Insane list lum w. ill bo opened May 1. Ur Kogers , it Is reported , will roino ve to St. Paul , Neb. , soon. The farmers have commenced corn plant ing. Small grain is looking lino. The farmers are selling tholr corn and wheat and are getting a good price. JunUUa will bo u dry town from now ou for one year , the people having declared against license. Mrs , Tristan and daughter wore comlnc to town Monday with n horse apd buggy when the harness gave way and the norse started \to run. The women were thrown out and fho old lady's arm was broken in two plliccs. Her daughter was very badly * * 7 i Continental Clothing House , , Hats Gut to Order. That seems funny , don't it. Clothing is often cut to order , but what do you mean by cutting hats to order ? a buyer asks. We mean just what we say. We are going to Cut the Prices as They Were Never Cut Before IK THE UNITED STATES On a stock of over one thousand dozen of the finest Mackinaw and Canton Straw Hats , ever brought to Omaha. CUT BY ORDER OF A LARGE EASTERN MANUFAC TURER , from whom we have just bought this stock , at less than 50 per cent off their actual value. DO NOT SPEND ANY MONEY FOR A NEW STRAW HAT , for the coming summer until you have seen this stock. Look at the samples displayed at our Douglas street entrance. They speak for themselves : dozens Mackinaw Straw Hats , new nobby styles , the very latest and in regular sizes. Only 2.Q Cents each ; real value 75 cents , dozens fine Mackinaw Straw Hats , new regular goods , three different blocks , Only QQ Cents each ; real value 75 cents dozens extra quality Mackinaw and fine Canton Braid Straw Hats , silk bands , silk tips , Reccl sweats , new Broadway styles , very latest. Only 50 Cents ; real value $1. dozens finest quality 7-end German bleached Mackinaw Straw Hats , Only 75 Cents ; real value $1.50. dozens finest quality Split Canton and Mackinaw Straw Hats , silk bands and superb quality , satin tips , nobby Newport shapes for young gentlemen. Only $1.00 ; real value $2 to $2.50. * Do not fail to see the samples in our store ; they will show at a glance what we mean by HATS CUT TO ORDER. Continental Clothin ouse Oor. and ISth Sts. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI Drs.Betts&BBtts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14O9 DOUGLAS STK/E1E1T OMAUA , NED. Tno most widely and favorably known pee lallslsln tiio Unite I Htatcs Their lonp ex perience , remarkable skill and unuomal sue- cefcs In the treatment and euro ol" Nervous , Chronic and Surgical DUiinses , entltln thuia eminent phyRlclnnn to thr full confidence of the aflltotort everywhere. They Kuarnntcn : A UEKTAIN AND POSITIVE OUKE for the awlul effects of early vlon and the -.unter- or evils that follow In Its train. _ _ rmvATK. ni.oon AND SKIN nisKAsna Bpeedlly. romptetolv nntl permanently cured. NEKVOUH DKHIl.ITY AND SEXUAL DIS ORDERS yield readily to tholr skillful treat- " " "iMLES. FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCER9 euaranteod ouied without pain or detention riYyDuoaeELK AND VARICOCELE perma- nentlr nnd successfully cured In every case , SYPHILIS , OONOHKIIEA , GLKnT. Spur- nmtorrl c5. Seminal Weakness Lost Manhood , NlRht Emissions , Decayed I'uou ties , I'emal * Weakness und nil delle.ito disorders peoullai to either ftnx positl\ely cured , MBvcllns all functional disorders Unit rpsiiltfromyoutbf.'j folllei or the except of mature yearn. f'ri pi ; Guaranteed ; > ertmine ntly 1 U I\L < cured , removal completn , without ( mttlnir , caustic or dilatation. Cure * effected nt homo by pntiont without a iuo inent'H patn or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. ITRJJ PlTPn The awful effects ot OUK.L UU1XL uary vice which brlnm oritnnlo weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all Its ( Ire dcil Ills , permanently cured , < i Rl'TT's ' Artdns those who have Im- O. 1)L < I 1 o pnirod tin-mi Ivea uy Im proper ttiliilK nco and xollt.iry uublf * . which ruin both mind and l dy , unHUIng them for biMlneqo. study or mnrrlaKe. MARRIED MKN or those entering on that h ippr life , anare of physical debilityquickly assisted. OUR , SUCCESS Is tinsert upon facts. 1'lrst Practical experi ence. Hoeond Every ease Is specially studied , thus starting rlnht. Third medicines are prepared In our laboratory oxaully to suit each cne , thus oP.v.ctliiK cures without Injury Drs. Betts & Betts , DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. NEB plnyiMl nut in jnhnotl , uiukui * nclpty n plcn Bum unit niiurU'tt lltuwatlfltnUury In xhort It rt's- tores Unit vitality thnt bolouii * u > n lic ltliy jroimu mini } . ' 11 iiurknxe , or I fur t' > - Stmt pur mull , In n pliiln BcnftMl envHopo frtitn oMcrvntlon. on receipt ufprl'ii. The hlntlur DntK Co Mi-Cornilck A 1\irnl lA'ello A U'lllc. Umaliu A 1) . ru tur , Council llhitt HollJs ) Ncrvo Tonic Pills Ourolniiumgnla.NrroDtuntirtiiiU Tl , c ctllleMllt ] , Vital Kihamtlon.I'aln / / / lnUi UickColdlUncliurrcelItiid I I ( Clrcolttlor , Jllue Linen un.lcr . tlifi I Kj , I'lniplcs.Kndallotlior.NfrTOati H I or Illood 1'liteic. la Either h > r. U 1 Ilobb's Nerve Tonic Pills WAKES HEW HEALTHY BLOOD AMD RESTORES THE NERVOUS SYSTEM TbeyliriDRtboroNf Unt ofUfulth to Iho Hallow check , it youurueulf jrlun from Do- rsiiKemontof the Nt-rvrw , Impure lllooil or I'ust Urror you should nt oncu taks Dr. IIoubM' Ncrvo Tonic IMIH , tbo reul lAo npnowcrUi they will enrich your lilooj in j Ktreni hon your Nerves. Trice , 00 cents ft llu. For ealo ty dxuKglata or tout by tnall , HOBO'S MEDIOINE CO. * N PBAMCI8CO , CAt. CHICAGO. A IB no1 ; plea-ant 'o take , aa it is com posed of all the modioinal qualities that go to make now and rich blood without compelling the co.aauinor to pay $1 A BOTTLE FOR ONE-THIRD SYRUP which can bo bought any Wiioro for thirty-flvo cants a gallon , aa all sr - aparillaa are. BEGGS' BLOOD FTJRI 'IEB and BLOO J MAKER la composed of pure modioino , and al- Icwa the purchaser to add ayruo wh oh is advised when given to children. If your driiKjilHt tloos not Keep It nccopt n-i siilistlliito , but onlur dliu"t fiom lti't s Jlf'u Co. , 19V1U7 MIclilKiin bt. . JMiIoiitfo. 111. und tliuy will forward , oxiireis | iioiitlil ; , one bot- tlu for 81 or-l\ furl" kit. T. FEI.fX ( iOITIIM'll'H OUIAM : , ou MVCIOAL ii\riirnu. : : Iteino > isTnn , I'llilliUffl'itck- 'n.MuUll'iiUlu'H ' , K.iKhnhclbkm iHpasta.aiil [ e\ciy Munich on . lienuty , anil ikfUs Vli I , illon. U has il tliu tot ut < 0 iv. pnil In so tu bttpuiu ItlH PK > [ > - trly iniiili' Atu j t , u coiinu rfilt of n. iuti. Dr.L. A. bu > ir fultl to n liidyortlicluiiit-tnn ( niitlinl | ) "Asjuu 1 nrnniiiit nil 'Uou- .jnflll of nil thu Llli | iiiini- | tluliH. " Forl'iMjy ' mill Dial- She Saved Her MONEY , Ami Hocnncvor > tfouil Hounokocpor bj ulnaya huv- = uii littnU littnUCAMPBELL'S ' VARNISH STAINS. It IH ibo only article tint hai e't ho n pnluiod liywlilihiv iKiUhUkeeper r in ial fiii tunly 10 vtniii and vinnlnli with list applliutlon and nltli M i IIM nil kind of II"Uch..l < l t-urnltnreand InlerloiVc..d . Hulk. In t HKimAIM i. MAIIOI.ASItiisi \umi > , I. lull r OAK. VHIMII ION , l.nosv mablnii t lonk n K > iod as nen 'I In1 ttxpunm la nliKlitini U h nit up and sold In II \i i I'isr < A\s ut iili IH and in 1'IN r I ANSat ( n CIH eltliir tint iiln.vo KIII.II | | < If ) on do not Und this nt \ < nir llenli-r , nik him to older U for > > . u her I'lloin Omahi by UiUmrdom I rui , t u. , \ \ h"l < > .ilu Acunt OFFENSIVE wltb a IfAruleit Remedy Sec4 etamp ( or particular ! . ODOKMTUA MTU.ro. 311 Vine Cincinnati 0 Sou tjr Guitaru.f . ndollns&Ziltier : . In ti/laine uid qutllt ; of tone in Ibalii'M In ih t ( irlil. Warrantee tot 4r In tur climitn. N > ld liy ill IUK ! UIK deilerj lli'autUullr Illuttiatcd , d T > ° rlptlTO catalngna "lib liortriitii o | _ - * ? \ farnuu * .rtlitu * Mill fc'UIIIi. f LYON&HEALY.CHICAQO. BOCTOK , MCGB.EW. THE SPECIALIST. .More Hum I > icarn cxpcrlcnci ! In Ilio trontmont of I'HIVATi : ll ) I.At.is A cuio Ruurnntovil In I tu ' < ilajn without hclufsof an linui H tlino. GLEET. Tim mo t rninikln | nnd nl > elute euro for Kloot nnd nil [ inmiylnK'l cIiiHHi'M ovur knn n In tliu ini'illual | irifi' 'l < in Tliu ino t xtnliliorn cliuinlu nnd lnn "taiHllnninscM pciiunni'iilli curi'dlufruinS to lUdny STRIOTURB Or pnln In ri'llc > \ Inu tlio bl.idilor I criiiiinonlly i un > d wllliinit pnln in In.'tniiiiiM.t" . no c uttlUK. > M dlhitliiK 'I ho lno t rein irknlilurcniiMly known to niuiluin sjl- L'lK'O. Wrllo lur uliriilnrt. SYPHILIS. Cmod hi i'-0 to f > 0 dnys Dr Mi Ire 'H trrntniont for thin tt'rrlbln liIouddl eaHo ) mt ln'tui iironouiicetl tliu ! nit ucci's1till HMiiody uvt r ill"MjOHM ! for tli ( nho Boluto curt * of tiu ! < ll * < oi > 4' > . Hid siucesH nltliltil- ill ? ( ik > u ! mn nori'r liocn uqu illo-t - , A cumi'lotu cur UUJir.uitocil NVrlto for Lliculnrs. LO T M iNHOOD Anilnll wpikiiei c'Hif II o t > vnnl nrkMni. ncrvnui- nv * , timidity nml duii | nilimf ) aliixiliitul ) ciuoil. 'llic rellcl Is liiiiiivdlatci nnd coinpli'lo SKIN DISEASES , Itliounintlim nnd nil dl'cii'Oi of tlio Idood , ll\cr kldnt' ) nnd tJl'iddur puriiiuni'iHlj turi'd , F MALE DISEASES And noiirnlKlii nor\ou nosH nml dl iM < ' 9 of tlio vloniaili cuii'd TliHdoit. i a' Iluin 'lii > ntnit'nt > fir l.idlfB IH piiiniiiiiii I'd liy nil ho II.IMI mu.l It lo lie tliu most i oinplotH nnd convcnli'iit riMiifdr fvcr nl- li'rod fur the Iri'.ilnii'iit ol tenialu dl > a > s It li Iru- I ) a nnmlt'rlul reined ) Nil Inttruiiiciits , no pain Horns foi Indira , rriiiu - In I only. DR. McGREW'S Mui'vollous sui'cobs in tlio trontmont of private di-ioiisos him won for him u rop- iitution win oh in tmlj' nntioniil in cliur- ui'tor , und his tjroat army of pationt-i leaches from the Atlantic to tlio P.ioilk1. The doctor is a jjnuluiite of "rojjulnr" tncUU'ino and has hud lonp and careful experience in hoHital | ) practice , and is cliihsod ( iinoni ; the loading SDooialiatsln rnodurn scinnco. Treatment by cor- rcspondonco. Write lor cirulars about ciich of Ilio above diseases , frco. Office Mth and Farnam Streets. O.M MIA. M-ll. Kntriiiipo on KUhor Hircc-t. REMEMBER IS THE NAME OF THAT Wonderful Remed } ' That Cures CATARRH , HAY-FEVER , COLD in the HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , and BRONCHITIS , I'rko 81.00. I'lnt llotllpn. For Sale by leading Druggistt. riiLI'AHEU ONLY IIY Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co , 62 JACKSON CT , CHICAGO , ILL. HI-AUK , HKIXKA CO. _ _ _ _ CURiSPf ethmii Ouro n TdrA.ili toirlvo la tb ont cisosj laiiLrei com * j fortaUo ' tfi cC'di curei wl.ero all ctlwri ( ail , A lrir.l tmtinett M tnotl thptieHt 1'rlrc , CO rfx and 'ir I ctr.alc lle ntthe mt , tpuvfefful Icrjulertfutatur I'rr * lectly bafci ftrverfatl * f j.i > oitpaiil. Sent ! c ( iumplfoi l > arUculm Addreu I.lOU UKUG CO , , Buffalo. N. Y. Foraalo by Uoo < lm.iu Dru ; < Co , Omaha. MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE The Greatest Ever Qivonl Ir ,1 II. Mnoie IK-iirSIr In leply to your latter of Inquiry .IH to t nr opinion of 5 our kootts and nioilt ) ol mlortlsini ; to the Ira lo so ns ti > crontu u deuuind for them * \lll na > It should mm mend > ou and } iiur retm-dli's to tlin retail trial ( and poiipio In tieni'ml In nur Ic'nUurv thciy Iniui ul\i 11 I'ntlru mtl.'Inc'H.m . where they h no hci > n Bold U ) irH truly llurllnit , V.'nnl \ Co . He" Molnci la 1' lliui nn , Hlon\ City , In , lliirnlrk , Hess , V More. Slim \ Clly In. Illiko , JriuH \ lo Ouinhn , NYli . Hhhiirdnuii llnik' ( o. , Oniilia , .Nub , II 'I' Chirk Drni ; I o . l.liui.ln , Noli , ( ChiiN .1 IJauliiich , xco'y ) . ( hurt hill Itruu Co , Itur- llnclon In , MiiKer & WInvliT , IVorl i III V.m N.itltihl mis lru ) Co , Ht Joe Mo I \V Utterly .1 Co , Ottiiinwii , In : Molllll-West Drin CoU l.oiilMo Thl * IH thu vrc.iU'bt te tlm'jnlal PUT t'Ui'ji n patent iiicdli'liieund we will lorfclt fl.tXXJ for encli and utcry nlh'mituro of thin lultur wlikli Is not Kinnlno nnd which la not lnourpossi > s > lnn J. II .MOOIti ; . .Mooru'H Tice of Life , a ponlllvo euro for Klilnor nnd IJver I enl : tint nnd nil blood dNpattM Dno * It ity lo Htilfor uhon you can hncurnd liy usln Monru's 'Iruiuif l.lfo , thu tirunt l.lfu Homo ly/ Fortho iroitmont of nil rilllONK" AND _ . . IHHKAblM. Hnitm , Appllnncoi fur l ufirnilllosnniV * n TriiHiou * Most I'aulllllOH AppirattM tml Itmnmlluf i foruurcosHful trb tiount of uvur > form uf dlsean \ I le'iiiinn * Muillralor Hiirulcnl Tri'ivtiuunl. NINUTV IIOUMS HH I' VTIK.NM'ri , lloiinl nml AtUuiilunca llo.l Aii'iiniiiiod itliintVnit Wrlla fur clrunliiri on DofurnillloH nnd llriuuj , Triisim , Club I'cot , Cur va. tnrot nf Splnp , 1'llHi , Tuiniiri , t'nneer , I'atnrrli , Ilroncliltlx , lull ihtti.in , Kluctrloltr. 1'nnilrih , Kpll- I'yiy Klilnoyn , lllnililur. live. Kiir , Skin unil Illooil , uinl nil Hnriilinl ( .piTntlnix IIIHKARKd OK WOMKN it iiprclullo llouk os llli ISOH of Women Froo. Wtl im\ii Ittluly ( Kldi'il u lylnc In l > ipirtinont for Women Unrlim lontlnoDicnl ( Htrli tly I'rlvilo I Only Itullf tihi Mi-illral liiHtltuta Makliu a t-puclnlty < ) t I'lU- All III.mil IHxj 1101 niiccoiifullj trantuil , Muillclni } r Inxtrnnicnti cunt by mall or uxprMf nui-iiroly pnLktMl no nmrk4 to inillruto rontunti or Hen l r. Unu pi-rxonii. Interview prufurr.nt C.ill nrrl cunnllt uaoriuml likory of your cnm , uii'l ' wn will innil In Inln wriipporinir HOOK TO MBV I ItKK , upon I'rl- Milf MpmUlor N'urvoui ll oi ; m , wllhuuoiUun' Aildrpoiill Ictlt-n tu Dr. A. T , MoLnughlln , F-i-u i 'Jth und llurnuy btriiiiti. OUKHI.I. HOTEL. jntn-rnii , < 'or > l-ltli tnul ft HlV IIUIMt MHl > Hl < tltti < lllll l-HII lltid'l lltiildinii in Ontnlui. Hi'i-i'ritt liftii'll ln'lilin / ifiillH iiinnlnitrain ItiiHi'ini'iit ti > roof. , ill tin' ci-illiiiiH niul lliiot'H liiiril trill ; AhltfbtoxIru / > ! / mintiniiklnti it i iiin , itliti : tit tnirn ( / ! ( / < / . , / " / ! < ! t'NCdJII'X l tl /CH ( lllllflllH Ilirillll/liollt IllllllllllMl'MW lll'llt , liol unit i-olil imti-r nntl ci'i'j'jyr > ni , 'AiiUlo iiiiHiii'jiiiHHfil D. SILLOWAY , Prop. "FREHCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE and parnnnent CUREJor all rtl.ea. 7th uffNARy | ORGANS. Cure * where othortreatmentUlli.FulTdirectioruttlth each boille. Price , on dolltr. See signature ol E , U 8T HU For Sale By All