THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUliDA\t ! MAY 2 , 1891-TWELVE PAGES. 11 News of the Great West. Crenm of the News of the Northwest is herewith presented in readable form , No other paper makes this news a leudlng feature. It is the week's history of the great northwest. i misVoik. . The nnnic of Annie Armstrong has been nddcd to the long list of losldents of Denver who have died from arsenical poisoning dur ing the past thrcu months Annie Armsttong , the last victim , was n young Swedish girl , vvlio had boon only a fihort tlmo In Denser Mr Hnnscn bo- frifjndcd her nnd took her into his family. About thrco vsceks ago she was token 111 , Dr Loblnser was called in. Ho quickly calloa Dr. Axtoll In for consultation and the two agreed , nft 'r watching thcgltl for a shoit time , that she was suffotlng from ar- scnlcrl poisoning. Tlio plijslclUQS did all they could to saso her , but without avail Directly after , the rase was reported to the coronet but ho took no steps to order an In quest. Tlio phys clans dotormlned to got at the bottom of the matter and hud her stomach ach icmoved nnd given to Professor Hodden for analysis. Ho worked all das jestoidaj and this morning announced that ho had fout.'t arsenic in sulllclent quantity to kill inanj * persons Mstilet Attorney Slovens was notified and ho took ( hargoof thociso Ho vsas sviy In dignant when QO heard that tlio coroner had noc ordered nn inquest , mid is determined that ono shall bo held Ho set Ills dotectlses ntwotk on the case nnd all the machinci" . of tlio lasv will bo used to discover whether tlio girl took tlio poi on with suicidal Intent or whether it was ndmltnsti'ri'd to her A ttliitngo fact in connection with the girl s death Is thnt a worn in whom she was nc -qualnted with is at the pii'scnt tlmo sutler- ing from symptoms of nisi meal poisoning. Her case Is being watched with interest. I'm nlrd tin * Com t. The arrival of the I limn steamer Gn'lio at San I'lancisco rccentlj brought n handsome Chinese girl , apimcntlj not much over nine teen vcnis old. She h id no pincrs and was . clensod on the usual writ of Inboas coipus along with a score of otheis The writ was rctuined a few dajs ago and with it the fair Po Sing She claimed to bo married , and said that her husband Used In San Francisco Hotvvcen herself and an as sistant attorney for the prosecution the fol lowing convoi'sntiou ensued thiough an m- tcrptotoi ' How old may you boi" commenced the attorney. "Ninc'U'on yoais , " was the piouint reply "Aro uni rail tied I" "Yes , s.ii " "When1 weio vou matriedi" "In China , five jens " "Have jon overseen jour husband ! " "No , sir , tie lias alwijs boon in San Fran cisco " "Wc'l ' , well' ' And Is it n custom in China to mnrtj a man without seeing html" "Yes , sir ' "Yon 1mo novev seen jour husband , thon"1 "No. Mr" "Would It bo too much to ask jou to tell tliocoutt how manj' clnldien jou hiuof" "Two " This ansvscr f.iitlj paralj od tlio cotut , and thu nltnond ojod damsel was ordered to oturn to her children Infill iatcd Woman H Poor Aim. Domestic trouble botw een Aaion Bnjdor nnd his vvlfo cumo near resulting in murder at Dons IT , and but for the poor aim of the dcsortoel and infuriated worn in Snjdervsould now bo a rorpso and his wile a muidcress. - Aaron Snjdor , who is emplojcd as a. clerk in n drj" goods house on Larimer stioet , and Mrs Jctinlo Chapln sv 01 e maelo husband and wife tccently. Scaicoti.ul the man iago ties boon solemimed when domestic trouble nroso , and after two weeks of married life the couple separated nnd Snyder took up his residence nt the home of Mr Glldoisleovo on South lOluv until street. DTho deserted wife called several times to sec her husband , but ho refused to see her. When they mot n quart < > l ensued. Mrs. Snyder - dor walked into the stoto wheto Snyder was at work and after qttcring a few wotds of rcpioacu for her husband's descttlon drew a BU-callber revolver and llred at her husband Her aim ssas not good , however , and the b ill Dutored the fleshy part of Snjdei'a right leg just below the hip. Snjdor ihcn giappledlth the ss'oman and Mr. uildorsleevo ran to his assistance. 'Iho two men succeeded invvienchlug tlio gun from lief grasp and held hoi until Detectives Loydea nnd McAndiows arrived and placed her under at rest. _ "y KIIM" Ij ( \o Ael\ornto. / Free love for men was Iho theme of At torney T. M , Patterson's discourse at Den- yor. Ho U lite leading counsel for the defendants - fondants iu the Mllilngton murder trial , aim ( poke in tholr behalf and ns apologist for the Millington social ethics. It VVDS a strange ctovvd for the closing scenes of a rourdor trial. Surrounding the defendants vvoio a gathering oC "ladies of commiseiatlon , " some of them pto- fcssional ; but there svas where the nbanrity came In , us notwithstanding their occupation they \ver all attitcd in Eortof Maj day picnic habiliments , sajsth Times. They had lilacs in their hats and bonnets ; they woio the gnu/lest and lightos of miitoiinls with tlio most glaring of pi hits , and cvciy ono had n botuiuo . The > table ii front qj vvhoio the defendants s-it ssas laden with llowois , anil the sseepei-s insisted thai the di'fominnts should adorn themselves also , Thovoinenin other paits of the building xsoro all out in spring attiro. Almost olio" them came picjured for the emergencies arising from Mr. Pattci son's orntorj- They had scent bottles , smelling salts and haudkor chiefs nil in teadincss. Small Indian War. An Indian tow occurred at Sauibo Bar Ktamatb ilsor , about four miles below Oa Bar , Cal , recently , in w liich tw o Indian is ere killed , nnd some others seriously nounded. The difficulty arose out of a super- itltious notion thnt an Indian known ns Buelling gave an Indian girl some kind of niodiriiio , under thu Influence of which she was seduced from the homo of her patents Knelling and another Indian weio killed by Bambo and his son , nnd another svho tried to stop the trouble ssas nlso sctiously vsoundcd Bonio Indians from the Oregon reservation mndo the attack on tLo Hamburg Bnr In dlans , and ttieio Is likely to bo moio ttoublo unlos thu Oiegon reset vatloii Indians sko daddle , as the Scott Vallnj and Happy Camp I mil ins as well as several linlf-broods , aru coming to settle the dittlculty necoidlng to Indian regulations , ssithout the necessity of thu counts taking any hand In the affair at cnotmous cost to the ta\paje-rs. The In dians ssho shot the others have escaped to ttie mountains , and are no doubt back Iu Oregon gen , vs hero they eamo from. Inde'Htriie't.ilillltj of flold. [ 'Gold Is 0110 of the few things in thJ ss'oild that is practically indestructible , said Albert S. Hilts , a ssoll known nssaor of Denver , Cole , to a News toportor 'There is but llt- Uu to it and even this little arises from friction When n Jeweler m 'Its down u pleco of m muffctured gold , say an old watch , ho eliminate. ) the baser metals and the gold Is resolved aguln Into Its earliest puiitv sslth but u minute loss An ouiue of pine gold Is ssoith toda ) f-'O.M ) , and us gold comes from tlio earth It Is ordlnarUs nineteru twentieths tine , the Impurities beitut sliver , copper , quart ? , sand , etc To rcmov e those , various processes are resorti-d to. dupenu'.ug ' on the nature ) of the Impurities The usual way Is to have recourse to chemical baths , acids being taken , In which gold Is not soluble , but which dissolve uw as the copper and silver , leas lug thu pure gold "A karat Is ono twenty forth of the chosen standard , and thus an eighteen karat ring ssould consist of eighteen paits pold and six parts silver and copper , the latter being the usual ulloj used In Jovselty No doubt there Is gold in our ov er.s etny Jewehy that for- mcrls existed iu one waj or another in the old Konmn das , or oven before , and has come dovvn to us through all these coiiturles. " Trndmii'd III * l"oi IIIIT AVIIV. Hugo Mnusfoldt , formerly a music teacher af Sacramento , Gala. , but now of Oikland , , recently svns divorced from his svlfo and j shortly after the lady was married to Dr. D. i D Growley of Oakland. Dr. Crovvlcy and his brldo wont to Sacramento to ultetid the j meeting of the state medical society. Dur- I Ing their absence from Oakland Munsfcldt published a card in n local paper , traducing the doctor and the lady Dr Crow lev re turned to Oakland and met Mansfoldt on thu street In company svlth a daughter of the latter and another Indv Tlio doctor seized the piofrssor by the coat collir , thresv him to ttio ground nnd struck htm several blows with n light cane , btulsing him about the face considerably , aftct sshlch ho svalkcd nvvav Mansfe-ldt imido no icslstnncc , but picked himself up brushed nil his silk hat svhleh ha-l rolled in the street , readjusted his eve glasses nnd c tiled n cab nnd ssni driven to his residence. 'Iho affair only occupied a fevs seconds Kvpi'i IIIHJIIC .Station' ' . ThoCarbon county ngricultutnl oxperlmont station his been established at S.uatoira Piof McLircn of the Wjoinlng state unl- vorsltj selected the farm site and started the ssork , sslth Captain J H Mulllson in chatgo , sivs ttio hir.tmlo Uoomorang. The Saratoga Irrigation and implement compinles gave foitj acres of good sago biush land Ij ing on the first and second benches of the Platte s alloj' . This land is unttoi iirigatlon nnd the farm will undoubtedlv glvo some vsondeifnl icsults The station is located in the center of the now town situ which Charlie Ik'llirny Is now engaged in laving outHo ssill also do the work in locating the expeilment station Piof McLaren biought back with him samples of ttio soil for chemical analvsis , and also specimens of an interesting h.mcbting ant. Ho says that while theio will bo a few standnid ciops grown at all the stations fet tlio puiposo of making eompaiisuns and experiments , that dilleient cioiis will bo grown at the viuious stations. I'nch station is for Its own com munity At the station ssest of tini is ei in Laramie tticj aio plowing and hallowing nnd getting icidv to plant sshoit , tse , oits , potatoes , bailev and all eaily ciops These \sillboputin the soil this week The in 1- gatlon boxes nio about tcadj , and wltli the nid of water the cxtioiimont latin will soon ptescnt an emerald line Prof McLaren is enthusiastic over the ox- peiirnent stations Ho thinks thu Plutte s alloy is a growing countrv An Acrobat Knjoincd. When the Cleveland mitisttels gave their potloimancc in Oakland , Cal , the sociotj'for the pie. cation of crneltj to chlldten , by means of nn injunction. Dies ented Aithur Ciagg , aged tsvelvo jers the soungcst member bor of the famous Crags lainlly of aciobats from nppeanng in his usual performance Upon the aitisal of tin ) compinv In Sin Pian- eisco , howevet , Majoi Sniidoison , byittuo of antliorits de-leg ited to him bj the super visors , granted Manager Cleveland permis sion to have young Ctagg appear The local society for the pies ontiun of cruelty to chil- ell en immodlalelj made complaint , svherenp- on the major applied to the cltv and county attorney for an opinion ns to his authouty to grant the permit iu question Yosterdaj- Attoinoy Durst furnished the dcsliod opinion , in which beholds that the major has no such nuthoiitv in view or an act of the legislature appiosod Maich 80 , 187S , which nnkos it a misdemeanor for persons hnv ing the cato nnd custodj' of childtcn under six teen j-oiirs of ago to exhibit them ns act-obits and gjmnasts It is undotstood that steps will now bo taken topievont young Cragg Irom further appearing nt the Bush stteet theater during the term of the ptesent en gagement. Horiililv A fatal accident occtit led at the Bust end of the noted Hust-lvanhoe tunnel on the Mid land , near l cadvllle , Colo. Three shifts of men aio working in the tunnel , six men to each shift. Ono of the force named Pat Me- Gow an svas struck in the face bv a falling iiebblo Ho looked upw aids iu time to sou hu whole roof ditectlv over the men coining n. Ho Jumped one side and shouted to thu otheis , but too Into. John Cnrlton of Den \er , who tind not jot worked two shifts nt the tunnel , w is crushed almost out of all semblance. He lingered n few minutes nnd died In great agony. Putiick Mi Gow on ss as caught by the fall of rock and had his tight log and ankle fractured. J. Matson had "ils loft foot- crushed and lost the larco too His right log was mashed to a Jolly from the knee down. It is not known at ptcsciit whether amputation will bo necessary and the doctors defence ! setting the fraetutes until tomorrow If is Coipsc Dinoovereil. Ono year ago last New Year's ev o Charles Bodfoul mjstcriously disappeared from Loadvillo , and though unremitting search was continued for several months , nottacoof him con hi bo found. Thoio was no apoatcnt cause fet his disappearance , thouch the fact thnt when last scon alive ho svns emerging fiom a gambling house witti $ JOO in his pocket , led manj to suppose that he had been inur- dcied. tamdaj * the almost unrecogni/iblo frag' moots of the unfortunate man's beds vvi'to tound in a level in the ringstaff shaft , tlio head ontlicly gone from the bod\ , but a few ftngmonts of fuse at the cop of tno tiunk in dicated that a stick of ginntpossder had beci used to destioj the head. The iciontlllcntloi of the body \sns by means of clothing and r penknife and pockctbook , bj' the vsny , con taining but r cents. Urittr Iooso In Salt Tj.ikc. A depiascd ss retch , whoso identity cannot bo loatncd , attempted to outiago Kll/aboth , the olovon-j oar-old daughter of Thomas Law- lonco , a teamster emploj'od in the tithing ynid , ono evening last week , while the girl \vnsoiiherssaj-homo , near the now bridge over tlio Joidnn in North Salt Lake The git 1 ssas roughly treated bv the brute , svlio loft her unconscious on the giound , and it was nt first bellesed that ho had accom plished his puiposo. but an examination showed Hint ho had failed to accomplish his fiendish designs The police weio notitled of the facts , but too latu to take up the trail , and as they are at n loss for a clew it is bolioyea that his identity tvill never bo known. MioT IliH Mcml bfT. A. C Scrlbnor was shot and killed on Buffalo slough rancli near Pairplny , Cal. , by K O rjffo , the owner of ttioranch Scrib- ner was herding sheep near the ranch by Tj lie's consent , but was to keep the sheep at least a mile nwiijYostoiday PjlTo and wife went fiom Howbort , where they now live , and found it cntltolj tun oser sslth Set timer's sheep. This caused n qjarrel lie- tsseen Sctibnei's holder and l\s Ito , which ssas tenossed in bj Sctibnor appearing upon the ranch in a seiy violent and nngrj man ner , nnd making straight for PvlTc'vlio .stood shouting "Do not come inside tills field , ns I do not ssish to hurt jou , " but Scribiior throw the fence doivn and still ab preached Fjlfo Ho ssas again warned to stop or Tvfto would shoot , buo Scribner kept right on , calling TjlTo a cossnrdlv cur , until ho got within two gun lengths of TjITo , with raised hand holding a largo roe-k , when l\v lie shot htm through the head , causing In stant death. An Unprovoked Mimlnr. A mjstorlous muider occurred at lied Bluff , Cain , in tlio yard In the roar of Hath- Jn's saloon The victim ssas a .voung man named Oscar Crandall , svho was born and raised in iced Bluff Ho and others wort ) plajing caids in the saloon sshon ho vsont out for a few moments , His eompinlons hcarj n pistol sttot soon after but hoard no alterca tion or light , and it was supposed Crandall had flrod the pistol for fun. Ho vvtus found a few minutes later by the proprietor of th o saloon vslth a bullet wouad oser the loft car , the ball ranging downward. There is no dliectclovv to the muuiorur. No ono wit nessed the shooting and Craudall noserspeko after receiving thu fatal wounJ. The mur der was a cold-blooded ouo and clicumstaiiees Indicate that the shot might linvo been flrod from ubov e. Deceased svas a member of Company D , National ] Guard of California , and also of the lire ' department. 'llio UHIIIII Kcmilt. A frightful accident occuued at Black Hawk j , Colo. , by which a Ufa was lost and over ( which the whole town svas throssn into a fuioro of oxcltomc it. Hv some ] sad mistake ! n cartridge of gin povs dor w as placed in the oven of n cook stos-o in the residence of , Fa mes Ilnmblej' , who tesldos on the Dota Hill load. The fit o In the steve become Intenselj- hot , \shlch caused the povsder to explode sslth groit violence , scattering the contents of the room In oil directions and mining the stovo. A piece of llj Ing Iron stiuck the two-J ear- old cnild of Mr. Hnmbloy , killing it In- stnntly Another child who was present in the room nt thn tlmo was also seriouslj' , If not fatally , injured. Vollrd In When J. AV Tabor ssith two men , frank WldttaKcr nnd Kd Montgomerj- , were at work enlaiging the Hnrlan ditch , near Kock cieek , Wjotning , the bones of n human being ssoro unearthed , They were somcvshat do- civ ed , but had been placed In the gtound In n slanting position , the head some six inches below the surface and the lower extremities about thteo foot below Skeleton cxpeits niu at vniiamo as to whether the remains are tlioio of n uhltu man 01 Indian , but is pie- sinned they vveien sshlto man's Ttio oldest Inhabitants do not remouiber of anj ono being missed In thnt localitj and the hlstorj * of the bones is veiled In mjstcrj' . Pi olltalili ; Ot'j an 'irindlni ; . A woman called on Mnislml Mabcn and asked to bo allowed to piny a hnnd 01 gin on the stieets , sajs the Marj ivillo , Cal , Ap peal She was accompinli'd bj' her tins b md sv ho hid n small monkoj- She svent mound fiom door to door , and collected eonslduiablo money Two diuniiaeis who saw hoi on the stieots , said thnt she paid taxes on WO.OOO wortli of pionertv In San Pianclsco , and had such a love foi mones that she tiaseloJ all ov 01 the state with the hand oigan u.ittioilng in fiom $10 to $ JO a daj Many who gave her inonej did so out of chat it j. An Inl'atiiittod Girl. .Too Silva and n man named Blown were nested , charged wltti abducting fiom > hastn , Cal , a fourtoon-j'eat-old gill named lso IVatus. Shodeelaius that she ssent with the men v llj , and that she loves sllsa nnd will love him ns long ns she lives he infatuated gnl is r.'thor handsome , .vtiilo . Silsa is n homols old Poitugueso of illiinous anpcatnnco The trio were found it Holllster , vs hero Sllva and the gill weio 'iving ' together 1'i'i'niiti'li' Indi'i'd. The Walla Walla Statesman owns a hen hat seems able to lay nnj thing. Sometimes > holajslike anj ssoll icgulatcd hen onel.t o , then ag lin she is ns erratic and eccentric as n pohticil crank who is trjing to make ttio icoplo belies o that thes cannot do ssithout him Of Into the hen his been laj ing eggs of an astonishing size and weight : ono of her recent efforts was to lay ono ssoighlng six ounces ; a few days later she laid ono as small , s a pigeon's , and later she outdid all her pro- Ions petformances oj- laying one tbo size id shape of a peanut. I"1. M. Mellalo of Denver proposes to build a $ r > 0,000 hotel at Liramio. The buildings for Georgetown's electric ight plant are Hearing completion. . Theio has been $5,000 to $10,000 wotth of .tees sold lit Bent countj this spilng Klbott county scholars w ere tlio onlj- ones n the state vs hooted for the lose ns u state lower. Custor county school children Invo do- claied the tiger lily to bo their fas otito for the state flower. Monument people are fooling well os-er the rospectiso state losors'oir that is to bo built at that place. Largo bodies of ell : are reported to bo roam ng iu the neighborhood of tlio Marvhio gun ! lub house at Meeker. Key Dun ell , a Union Pacific brakeman , ivlng at Kisvllns , fell tiom a freight tiain at Green Ulvcr. His sKttll was ftacturod. George S. Olls'cr and his corps of survcj'- ors have started to run the prellminoiv line of tno Boulder Terminal tallway company. The shooting tournament to bo held next week on the Broidmoor grounds Is already attracting much attention fiom sportsmen. Willis Brothers , who farm near Sundance , have seeded llvo acres to sugar beets. The ciop svill bo shipped to Grand Island for a tostSalitla Salitla is oiiBiged In a crusade against Sunday saloons , and is taking hold of the matter In a vigorous svay that promises suc cess Sing Lee attempted to clean out the Kvans- ton Kegistcr ollleo. The Chinaman made havoc svith a poker till lie was nabbed and locked up round Canon City the 01 chat ds were never in liner condition for the opening of spring than at tills time , and Intgo crops of all kinds of fruit are looked foi. The papers are earnestly Stirling up the matter of the extension of the Denser & Klo Grande road fem its piesontteiminus at Espanola - panola to Albuquerque. Many of the ranches along the Big Ilotn aru irrigublu for the first tlmo this sptlng , and their osvnois ospect to do some ctain raising on n laigo scale. Major Talbot has planted 15,000 tices on his country place above Tort Uussell , just outside of Chojemio. Ho has set out alto gether this season ii',1,000. A Mormon by the name of Wheeler , ssho has been running the saw mill uearMancos , was arrested on a charge of bigamy. Ho is said to have been enjojlug the luxury of two w ivos. J. T. McDerniott , the Wjomlng man svho used his infant son svith fatal effects as a shield iu a pistol duel on the Madden river , svill recover A laigo bullet was removed from his skull. A good many farmeis from Nebraska who have boon working In the Cambria co il mines nil ssintet nro leas ing and going homo to put in their crops. An agent has gene to Kansas Cits after uo nesv men. In the supreme coutt atChovenne I"1 D. Taggart iittoinoy for Charles Miller , the boy double murdcu'r , was given until Juno 1 to prop ire n brief , and Attornoj General Potter was gt anted to September lr > to make answer. A stoclc compiny has been formed nt Brighton among line horse bieedois. They purchased n line Cleveland bay stallion , Just imported by a Toil Collins firm , fromsshom the horse svas bought. Tno price paid svas JJ.500. A largo number of the farmers of Grand valley nnpreclato the fact that theio Is ngtoat profit for them in the lalstng of poultiy for the mountain nud homo markets , ns well ns supplying these markets sslth ficsh lanch eggsWork Work has been commenced on ttio lofotma- torv at Buena Vista So far the onlj * work being donu Is the election of suitable build ings for the accommodation of guards and convicts Vorj little fteo labor will bo em- plojed this jear. estimating the output of the Lemlvlllo dis trict In IS'.hi nt 14,000OiX ) ounces , the teturns upon it ssill , nt an average valuation of 95 bo I.Inoo,000. Free coinage will give to it u valuation of fl.'J'JSO. ' or | lS,100,000-a dlfler- encu of f l.bOO.OOO. Kanch property Is beginning to move sslth old tlmo vigor near Cheyenne Ono of the biggest sales recorded for some time ssas that in svhich W. D Currier sold his fine ranch of 'J,700 acres near Lookout to Prank O Hntrison for flO.OOO cash. A novs nnd important enterprise Is being worked up at Aspen Capitalists are en- deavorlnc to gain the consent of pioperty owners on south Mill street to permit mining under > iuir property. I'lvo hundred shares of stoc n In tills company per lot U offered for the pris ilcgo. I'd Herndon from up on the Blc Lnrnmlu Is preparing much uatiyo timber for market. Ho lias started up hlsmll , ) nud expects to furI I tiUh the Lnramio market the present year with 800,000 feet of n\lno } limber ns vs as ever cut in the mountains. , Dr. H. Julian Allen IIRS just completed his mammoth ditch , running from the Arkansas river to lib farm three miles above Buena Vlstn. Thu ditch , Including lt tributaries , is forty miles long nnd will hrlgato about l.-HX ) acres of land , ovwiqd evcluslsolj" bj Dr Allen. , Since the last windstorm n strange red de posit on the snow , between Haworth and the Canadian river has been attracting some at tention. It seemed to bo o line led dust , which cut nnd molted the hard crust of the snow. As there Is no wd soil or rock any where near , It created a gient sui prise. There is an unusual waking up among tlio farmers of Prowers county Push and ac tivity Is the watchword , and thov will plant n voiy large acreage of crops. Tlicsscather is line , thu soil In splendid condition , and overj thing points to u j car of piospcrlU for Lnmar and Provsors counties. Notwithstanding thu fact that the signal sorvicu icports the buds in Mesa countj In- Jurea by frost , the fiult grossors say their trees nnd buds nro not injured , nnd thcie Is nothing \snrrnntsuchannsscttionns has been gisen to the public. The outlook for the fruit crop svas never moio ptomlslng The Grand Army of the Kcpubllc boys of soiitheastetn Colorado nio stronglj In favor of Captnin H A. Billow of Latnar as candi date for Junior s ice commindcr lor Colorado nnd Wjomlng dopirtment of ttio Ginnd Armj of the Kepublic nnd will vigoiously pusti las candidacy at the encampment at Mnnitou Springs Hlsllitelj th it at a meeting of bishops to bo held nt Newcastle , I ml , Mas 7 , n state missionary to succeed Key D L Kader w ill ho appointed It Is undei stood thnt Dr Kadei has built a house on his land claim near Uvn , on the Chevuntie .1 Northein , und svill live thcie with his famllj until final ptoof is made Picsldont Johnson of the state university is getting ready to visit the nuileultutal e\- pi'timent stations Locations nroot to bo made In Crook nnd Lir.imie counties Knelt station will have n supeiintondunt and fore man , besides the Inboreis Appatntus svill bo sent on \\nslilngtonami the govein- ment foots all the bills A cow buffalo which had bfon running on the i an go near Kock Spi ings w i tli Ab Luman's cattle for about four ycius was shipped bv expioss in a wooden cage to California The animal ss us tame and brought to town with some cuttle and driven into a coiral She is a fail specimen of ti | natiso buffalo and in good condition , sseighing about tssclse hun dred pounds. Another hoivj tiansfor of roil iM Ue has Ixcn made at Liiramor. involvingcitj Instead of t.mcli propelty. William D Thomas of the Htm of Thomas . \ , Douglas-Wlllnu put- chased of Fold G Barclaj and John W Young , trustees of the Paiille Investment compinj , for the sum of $ r > ,000 , the entile Charles J Gcoigo piopettj , adjoining the citj on the east Kntl Queioun ? fell fiom ttio Union Pacific btidgo spanning Dale cieek and was hoi- nbh mutilated. Ho stiuck on tlio top of tils skull , sshich svas bioken into little bits Ono side of it , the left sido. ciacked open fiom the ciown to the loft temple , and tluougli this houlblu gash the hi Uus tel'ed ' out on the rocks where they laid in n sickening mass The head was flattened until It looked llku that of nn npe A bicu/o of excitement svns cteated in Salida when it was uunminced tli it ShonIT Cijmblo was in town and had swoin In six teen deputies to assist In suppressing what is comnionlj toimed hen ; the "tin hoin ele ment , " sshlcli seems lobe inclined to inn things their wav. Most of the deputies aio said to oo milloul men nnd other citbens of piominenco Two gamblers weio ejected fiom the depot platfoim just bcfoio the trains arrived. Thorn is , hotter known ns Kid White , was almost instantly killed while trying to break n vouiis bionco at the Cede & Parker on Powder liver , i'ho horse was lunnlng rapidly nnd White nulled Him up suddenlj1 , the animal thiuumy itself backwntd and ct ishiiig the i ider beneath the saddle. When nicked un White \vas Head Ho had only been wotking ut the runnh a few dajs A joint stock cotnppnj bns been formed for the purpose of conni'etuig the Hutton and Kound lakes togethcV and placing these \satcrs undei navigation rules Ono bundled thousand dollars ssill bo expended in this im provement It is pioposed bj' the company to cut a steamboat canal through the small ildge separating the two lakes , thcrebj unit ing these ssaters , on svhich will bo placed tv.o or moie llgtit draft steamboats. Coloi.ulo. Coal creek minors has e issued an appeal asking for an eight-hour ssorking daj- . The attoinoy general has directed the land boaid to withhold a deed to the Artro tiact of school land. The United oil companj- Florence Situr- das at well No. 51 struck oil at a depth of about 2,000 feot. Duiango has organl/ed a military club anil uunts to attach it to the stuto militia before the Italian ss ar is over. Subscrintions to date for the Aspen hospi tal amount to fl.KT ! ! > . The building svill soon bo completed and readj' for occupancy. Leadvillo police arrested a suspicious char acter , who is believed to have been connected svith the late robborj In the Midland yard. The management of the Pike's Peak rail ssay has invited President Harrison and pii tj' to ascend the mountain on the now load. load.Tho The Boston Farm compiny have tlio'r ' steam plow successfully nt work near La Junta , They plow tnlrtcon to fifteen acres pot day and has o fifty-Use nands emplojed. 'I ho Son Miguel placer companj has abin- cloned Fall crook as the source of their ssater supply and ssill build a flume lls'o nnd one-half miles long to tauoatei from the San Miguel river. The people of Longmont wore thoroughly shaken up by the tcriitic explosion of the Boulder now dor magazine. Many people ple thought it svas the shocic ot nn oaith- qunko. A number of Boulder fturnors propose try ing trying to raise a half-aero or so of sugar beets that the adaptability of the soil in Col orado for this product may bo thoroughly tested. A Imckman by the name of Tucker , famil iarly knosvn as ' "luck. " was nt rested at Pueblo for stealing a trunk from u passenger whom ho was hauling to the do | > ot. \ \ hen tils faro got out the huckman drove off svith the trunk. The Klo Grande has been going uosvn lately. 1 his is a good sign for the irrlgators. H shows that the snow in the mountains is molting slow ly and the spring rush of water down the Kio Grande is not likoljto como until the ditches and ' to are opened readj' receive - ceivo it. William Bincol , the missing Del Norto Blower , ssas found in .tbo hills about six miles fiom his biossory. Ho was not dead when found , though be had taken iwison that svas fast doing Its svorkt ( ind ho died within an hour aftci being found. Business nnd domestic tioubles caused Blngel's suicide Captain D. H Nichols , of the boifd of penitentiary commissloncrs , , has gonu to Grand Junction to nrraugo preliminatios for pushing the construction of the state ditch as piosided bj tha ItxU ) general assembly Ho expects to crowd tto ) woric with all thu force thu penitentiary can spare Cattle nio now all turned out upon tlio open range , save n fovv registered herds which me being fed anil piobiblj ssill bo until it is known whjother or not larkspur ssill reappear this spring us It did last. The probability is that the "poison j svill not bo us plentiful this year , a3lh0 range escaped llio last fall. The first daj' of May Will bo ono of great interest to the workingmen of Pueblo , as It has been decided to make a general demand for oieht hours on that date. The opening move will bo made by the carpenters and If thej- are not successful thoj- ill bo joined by nil the other building trades organizations in tbo citj in u general strike. J IJ Wheeler has been in Hldgoway look ing out the most fcaslb'e ' route for u railroad vs hlch the Santa Po company intends building - ing at a not very distant period. The pro posed line of reid runs fiom Glenwood Springs to Delta , thou out to Kldgowny , through the San Miguel mountains to Dutun- go and on to the capital of Nesv Mexico. Some excitement was created atAlomosa by the finding of a dozen sticks of giant powder under the sidewalk , near the armory , wrapped In n cloth H Is not hellos-dd to base been placed there vslth nnj evil Intent , but residents ssho have walked over It sev eral times a day would prefer owners of "giant" to store It elsewhere ) , The marshal took care of the powder. A man forty-five years of ago , and evidently n minor , was locked up Iu a drunken condi tion at Grand Junction. Ho complained of fooling \ory sick , but did not request any medical nid. Ho gnvo his nnuio as C. Frank- Hit and said ho svns from Tollurldo. At C > o'clock ho was found dead on the bunk In his cell Ho had f 13 on his person bealdes nn ex press receipt for n package sent from Glen- ssood to Kldgsvny The Ice In the Bear river has broken up , causing largo Jams nnd a larfio portion of the river bottoms nro flooded near Sidney The Ice was piled up In the cuiyon at the upper cud of Nott bottom to , \ height of llftcen feet , completely flooding the ranch abos i. When the dam broke there ssas n mighty rush of waters , convcjing oveij thing mov able sslth it , footbridges , piers and a fovv cattle that happened to bo on the nvcr bank below the Jam Latgo bands of elk nio occasionally coming down off the rimgu between Koutt county nnd Noith park How they ha\o existed on the range nil winter is u pu/zlc , since * the snow near the summit ls reported to bo from eight to twelve feet deep on the level. When passing the elks usuallj head for Whlto liver. Ono band h is langed on Black Tall , west of the Yellow hickot pass all , v inter Thi-io weio soventv t'lieo ' head and only elcht head have been killed out of this bunch The state an lltor is loceiving slowly the anssscri to bis request that the institutions of the state tvduco tholr demands fornppto- prlaltonsv Tucse ate coming In ro slossly that ho believes tlifit ho will bo compelled to cut some of them out of tlio gonetnl appro piiation bill altogether Senator Glider's es timate places the amount of money ut ttio dis posal of the state tteasueernt ? ! tsO.HV ) This , Auditor Hondctson says , is ssiong as , includ ing the intori'st on the ssarraiits , tlio ssiu- Hints thcmsolsc's nnd the bounties , the amount to bo deducted fiom this estimate is * IM)0,000 ) Kx Auilitoi Schssanbeck's estimate - mate ol $1JM,000 is too nigh The total amount nppiopiintod bj the Icgislutuio is ' ' e'allfoi nl.i. At ttio blood horse tac-es in Sa-t Finncisco Homer inn the mile dash In 1 I. . A sosendaj conte-st against sleep is being rinnged to take placu in San Francisco , to jogln nt Irs Ing hull The vs heat mm Uct in San Francisco has lilted ilowu , though vstioat Is still abuse the ate quoted pies ions to tliotlimy. J W limes , state orgnni7ci of the fanners' llianco , is otgani/ing citi/ens' alliances in ho cities and towns mound the bij , Piesldent lluntlngton of the Southoi n Pa ilk1 Is detei mined to do awns svith deadhead idmg on the tialns thiough Oakland. Genotal Thorn is H linger , the i > ovv com- nander of the Division of the Pacific , has Hived in San Fiaiieiseo wltti his staff. Ttio international league of piess clubs will lold its next annual meeting in Sim Fian- iseo on the last Wodnesdaj in Januaij , IV" " . ' At the public leeoptlons to thu piesident in in Finncisco Hun [ son could not "shako" A ith the crown. His tight aim had given nit 1 ho state boaid of health has deckled that icait failuio will not bo incepted as n cause if death heieafter iu a phjsiciun s ccttili- atc. atc.The The pool sellers iccontlv diivon fiom San Aanclsco bv the Illicit oidliianeo hasoabau- oiieilWtio ictea of establishing tlieinsolsos in Oakland. At Sacramento Helen Christen , adome-.tic , upset i 1 imp , svhich exploded. Thu 1)1 ) uing all ig lited her clothing and shu ssas bunied 0 death Fruit interests have dodclopod so lugch it Nesv Cnstle that joo,000 ) Imptos omoiits In ailioad facilities aia ruquiicd to handle the iresont crop ( V pool has been formed among the Biltlsli nsurancii complines doing business in San " "lancisco to raise the charges on wheat car goes shipped to Uuropo. Chatlej Tumor , tin1 colored middlo-vs eight of Stockton , and Aleck dreggains of San Fianelseo will contest for a puiso of $1,000 at the Occidental athletic club. Thn Gentlemen's dttving club of Oakland is ill not unite with tlio lecently organi/ud ockey club , but ssill ituorpoiato bj1 itself , and construct a tiack at Fruitvalo. The Injuries inllicted bj' Dr. Ciowloy upon lugo Mansfoldt in the fracas in Oakland are moio serious than at Hist supposed , though thu'phjsicinns think thu victim is likely to recover. Ex-Secrotarj Stone of the Commonwealth 01 Jesus has been nrrostod In San Fiancisco on the chat go of stealing * J75 worth of fui- nlturo fiom the l.ito quarteis of the common sscaltu. Near Tinne , Los Angeles countj' , Gustivo Ilolmis , a tin-scai-olcl boj' , was bitten bj rattlesnake in the calf of the log and died six hour later. The father tnoa to suck the poison out , but failed. II. L Lovenduo. a pioneer of Amador count ) ' , suicided at his homo , two miles fion Jackson , by shooting himself in the head Ho had been out of employment for sovera jcars and this is the onlj' cause surmised. Iho shipments of California w incs to eist- oru nud foicign markets for the month of March , WJ1 , reached about ono million onu bundled thousand gallons , nenrlj- double the amount for the coiresponding month of last j o ir. Iu the case of J. W. Su ailing , on trial n San Andreas for u. second time for the killing ot his brotber-in-livv near Burson last fall the jurjbioujht In a verdict of muidor h the Hist degree. The prisoner was sentenced to the suite prison for lifp. At La Canjnda twelve miles from Lcs Angeles , a ssell-to do Chinaman named Al Sal was found in his laundrj dead. Hl < wai oil and It is suppcs'ii ho was mur lered and robrod Suspicion falls on a Chinaman who was about the place. A hiimin bodv svas found In the tunnel nt Summit bj- the trackwalker. The coipso was flightfully mutilated and had evidently been stiuck bj > a pissing train The remains were finally Identllled as the bodj of George Millet - lot , who had been employed at Alta as a rail- toad laboioi. On the baseball ground at Jackson a scuflle Declined between A. Badaracca nud V. Bel- luomini , both about tssonty-llso j-cars old. Badaiucca diow a knlfo and approached Bel- luomlni in a threatening manner , sshon the latter sci/ed a bat and struck him over the head , fractuilni ; his skull. One of the chatitles stalled in Los Angeles is a lunch loom for svoiking pitls , ape-nod by the Young Women's Chilstian association. Luncheon majbo brought to the rooms bv the girls and a nominal price of 1 cent is asked for lea , coffe-o or e ocoa. Several prom inent societj' ssomon has'o shargu of ttio lunch room. Sylvester Tjrado and Francisco Olives fought n duel at Cantau cauj on ss Ith pUtols. Olives ssns killed ami Tiuiuo has Leon nr- iQjtod nnd taken to Fresno. The men ow noj adjoining sections of land and had had numerous disputes about trcspa'sing cattle , and finally ngioed that the next tlmo they met they would fight it out. The mssteij of the svhereabouts of An- diosv Heugobeig. the muidorer of Mrs. Pos sum of Sin Francisco , has been cleared at last The dead beds of Mi's Possum was found in a cellar at the Bay , and suspicion attauhod to Hcdgeborg , ssho fled. Being pursued the guilt ) man cut his thtoat and loapea Into the has- . The bodj'of Cliniles French SSMS discovered near Pa/o , San Luis Obispo county , under a tico which ho had felled , He had been missIng - Ing eight dajs. Ho had ovidentls worked nnd struggled duspernloly , but vnliily , to iu- kaso himself with his knifo. Ho Uad dug away nt the bind uaith , and his torn and bloody nails showed the terrible offoits hu had made A wealthy ami tespocted business man of San Francisco went to u vuiiety show tlio other day lor the first tlmo in his lifo and became very much interested in the high kicking of ono of the peifoimcrs. When hu ssent homo ho astonished Ills wife bj trslng to imitate the kicker , and in m iking nn ef fort to kick n gas Jot that ssas SOVIMI feet fiom the floor lie dislocated his thigh and could not low or his leg Australia is nosv supnljlng about till the onions used In California 'Iho Australian onion is Inferior In size nnd appearance to the Callfoinia nrticlo , butwhtlo small It Is very hard and firm and keeps ssoll It comes packed in common box crates holding about ono hundred and ten ixjunds In thu retail nlarkoii Australian onions command about 10 cents a pound To datu 'Mi carloads of oranges have been handled In the jaids at Turay , nguiist n total for all of lust season of 'Jil ! cars. 'Of this year's iccelptssfj cars vsont east , Portland took ' ,11 and Sacramento .11 It is expected that the orange shipments ssill extend to Juno next and that the total shipments via Sacramento ssill reach 1JOO carloads This will bo the largest iccord jot made , tlio nox being in l , sshon 1,100 carloads ssent Wk . -4 IH Character of the Discoveries of tbo Utah Eldorado. IMPAIRED BY SCARCITY OF WATER. Inipi I'Kimti'tl Volim Which llnvo Horn Itiokun Dossil li ; , Dlliutnn Tot- ii'iits lit thu ( ilaulnl 1'ilorto MIIII'M l\lsUnt'o. ] Within the pist few wrchs Tnr HPB has mndo ficqucnt mention of n now mining ox- cltomcnt In w tint Is know u as thu Deep Creek country , situated on the hoinuliuy of Utah niul Nevada Piospcvtlnp In thnt section hits bcou going on for sonic time. Hwasonlj n few sseehs ago , though , that anything definite ssns known loganllng tlio uhiuactur of tlio mineral discos ones in ulo Ihoio. The lotnoto- ness of the dlstilot ftotn the tailroid lius iini- ilerod It ilinicult to got unv thing llko n lolln bio icpoit : xs to the extent and Impoilunce of the finds. It was n stioko of ontcipriso | ou the pail of the Silt Lake Tiibuno to m.iko u special fcatuio of the history of the Deopcieokoxeltoment. together \slth n description of tlio countr ) rind un no- count of \ \ hat had been done to open up the illsttlit Fiom th it souuo the following 111 formation Is elurlsed PiofV 1 * Illnko , nftor nn Inypstigntioii of the now dislilct mnilo an interesting 10- poit In that ho staled that Doopeioitk lies about ono liundioil and luonty-lho inllos \ \ osi and south of bait 1 , iKo citi mis noi th and di.iins Into tlio westoin extension of ttio Salt Luke basin It Is Just east of tlio Nevadnund ft ih line Thu nook Is not so voi ) deep , it is n sluggish little stio mi Unco or lour juidsldu , pet Imps \\ith seine iloep holes nnd u fuvv flinging willow shrubs H is fed In the snow Holds of the high t ingo on ttio cast , called on some of tlio map * "Hoop C'u'ok Mountains , ' but should bo known bv the n.uuo of the princlp il pealc 1 ba pah First comes the Oquiuli lange , sketching fiom Black Hoik ou tlio lake to'lintii The \aluo of tlio pro dm tirm fiom this nugo alone is conntid by millions and tin mines mo In their iiifmcv Blnghum , Stockton , Ophif. nuu'ka , Tintie , nil piodiutlvo distrkts Second , the Ona qulund Ktatmhuis tango , thlul , Cedar moun tain , fouitli Diigwav mid Gtunlto mountnin tango , llfth , 1'ish Kpilng rnugo. sixth , ttio Ib.ipih All thesn langohnvo their Knoi\n niul utilniiMMi itches Being ditlleult to pios- nett uj reison of the titilv deseit suriound- ings , the scarcits of stater nnd tibsonio of transput tatloii , the1 } * has o not roicisod that catoful intention sshich thov Insite. < ; ci > lo < ; iral I'r ukH. IIoio in the lie lit ot the continent Is n not th nnd south r.mgi * , or n scnos of a chnols lolatod inngui , in sshieh the oeeiiiiciuo of gold is so pionounicd us to nnlto a mmkoJ contrast ss 1th the doinlna'it sllvci prodm ing eli.uacteiists ol llio ranges ssest in Nuvada and oist in Utah The Ibipah iniigolsgolu beii ing , and fui thor south on the same line wo have the Oscoola plao is and veins , nil pioducing coaiso gold "Mo niiL'gt'ls of tlio Oscoola aio largo , much i minded anil toll of hcavil ) impiPgnated \\hicliha\obLen oliOti down b ) dllnvinn toirents In the ici il ago before the w01 \\asinutoie.ulj for man , nnd none but the nil seeing oj o could Jmotell tlio present closet t like conili tlons Go east or goest from this aurifer ous tango and von do not find tin } thing com pilable with it in the natuto of Its product until jon climb over the crests of thuSieiia Nevada 01 the summits of tlio Hockies. 'ihe rocks tins o not boon sullloiuntlv studied to make possible , as jot , n compaiison with the caiboniloions and seeondaiy stiata of Cahfoinia Tliero aio poeuliat phononienunt the noith end of the Ibapah nt and about Cano Borings , Clifton and ( ! old IIill , and cold occuis thoio undei ( Oiulllions hereto lore unobserved or not loportod in mlnoia- and geological llteiatine. The foima- tions nro c.ubonlferons limestone tno Old Mountain limestone-mid ginnlto dykes and ip heavy undotlsing fuundit'on musses 'Hie limestones have been caught up , Hftod.tiunod nnd liven bv the gianito , nnd nt the contact tlio litne tone has lost Its blue color and h is assumed n coirso ctjstalli/ation with , in places , the for mation of the soiios ot crvstilllno mineral silicates so charaotoustle ol the altoicd lime- stonss in the ancient piimordial formations Wo thoio iintl such minerals OH garnet , Ido- uaso , tiomolito nnd toiiiiiialino All this is familiar enough to the mineialogist , hut to IIml coarse gold imbedded In tiemolito and in llinostono without quattz is novel and unex pected , but so it is. Goner ill v the gold is ac- compinlcil bv some copper sulphldo and this in decomposing gives n grcon stain , n toloi- nbly ccitain indication of the ptc'scnco of gold And this gold is not low grade , it docs not cat tv much sihcr , it is above the as'ctago of Callfornln gold , being worth % ll per ounce , and beautiful in color. Ono can teadlly concoiso that around such outcrops of gold bearing llmestono ttieio should DO placer deposits , of value , but ttioro is no soutco of water for sluicing , no chance for a poor man to make n day's good wages svlth pidc , shovel and cradle , und really with out some capital and tianspoitation little In ducement to a lieu man to go to work. Storage ol' Water. The scarcity of water is a gieat drawback to the whole tcglon , jot theto ate many spnngs , and many snow-fed btooks and rivu lets from the Ibipih and ottior tniigps. These are to bo utilUcd bj damming at the mouths of the canj ons so as to make storage roseivoiis. Deep crook gives permanent water and doubtless good mill sltos 'I ho iljnks of some of the \allo.vs allot d nn abund ance of overflow Ing water fiom diivo wells nnd ptobably many Dirts of Deep ctcok vnl lev , nvvav from the cicok , could bo watoiod by their dovico. The obsei vatlons upon the gold nnd geologv apply chlollj to the notthorn portion of the Ibapatt range. The central and northoin poition appears to bo largely composed ol gtanito , but it requires exploration. 'J ho other langes are largely mido up of carbon- ifctous limestones and shales , but no good evidence of the occurrence of coal could bo found. The ago of these locks is conclusively shown by such fossils as Productus anil Spirifer. Load ores lorm tno outer baiic or the min eral riches and svill glvo tno bust support to n railway bj' the laigo tonungo. Owing to tlio scarcity of fuel nnd water the natural market for those ores is the smoltoi s of Salt Lake volley Dulch mountain is credited with many lo calities of losv-gtado lead otcs , so also is Clif ton where formerlj Harker of Nus-ada fnmo had a small smelting plant and ran out many n ton of "bullion" of svhleh no tollable rec ords aio accessible Some of tlio mattes seen on tlio dump nro hlghlj aisonlcal and some nio cupiiforous There ate conper ores ol promise In that 10- gion but too low to ship , jet If auriferous they might bo concentrated with prollt nt Deep Creek If cheap rail tiansportatlon svoro provided As described In the Tribune the Deep Cieok country Is within the "Gieat Basin , " which means the hisln occupied bj thoirrcat lake which has in long ages settled down to tlio present limits of Great Salt lake , now ninety miles long nud fortv n ilos ssido iu its meatest , limits Or iginally the lake Huifuio svas 1,000 fcot higher than at picsonl , hcncu m my of the mountains woio quite or nearly covoiod , sshilo the higher ones show the ancient water lines of the soseial csclos of time in sshioli Uiu lake remained at dilToient levels. The east side of the gieat basin Is bounded by the Wasateh range ilslng thousands of tci * above thu vallo ) . The lake itself lies on the cast side almost at thu base of the Wusalch range It Is stated that tlio host -oids to the Dsop Cieok countrs asoid the ssoist portions of tlio desert bv bending southward far enough to t'scapo the dillli nit poi lions , and now the roads aio so ssi'll muiked as to leave no tioublo In hooping the light track Then again the mountains using up out of this great plain or basin , llko Islands out of the sea , form snob prominent land marks as to bo seem at great dist mcos und thus become watch towers to gtildo the ssajfnrer Thin contilies the t hlof dllll cuitles of travel thither by tuiin to llio I" \ of watoi and lood Persons going th > < I bo pronarol fur 110 joirnov wv jury In thj niao cf feed for tholr nnltr > , cruXr nftoinr.oi It t i not saf * to d " * ' . . hoisis Tl " ' ' l 'to 1 9. KMlIt.v of ombez. fur boti' . " " < > Woodrufl'h shortagesvns J4. ! 00 , out fjiiOO S * . us afterward nald In Wordruff attempted to piovo the defalcation svas trnco- ttlilo to Postmaster Oshorno Sh innon In hay- In ? drawn money flora the ottien .sl'.bout charging himself svith it. almost duo vvoit to Chambers nt the point of the mountnin. Hero ttioro Is water nnd food , Tncnco to Unrtlcld Jioach six mlles , to ( Irantsv Ille poventeen mlles This route then goes tiotthwnul llftuon miles to the Dig Springs nl tlio norUi end of Skull Milloy. This wntor is not good , nnd the road hero folks , the tlehthand road going to I.ukesldo district Taking the loft hnnd toad It Is ton miles to Mnskrat Sptlngs , the llrst good water utter leaving Gi.uitsvlllo Jhcnoo ten miles and Kanaka mult Is reached where good water and feed can bo obtained The loul divides into thtvo near the Kanaka tanch 'J ha rleht hand road leads tlitough Uockwlth's pass of Cedar range nnd on to ( Jranlto Kock , a dlst inco of foil ) llvumlios. Thoio is gooii water on both sides of this pass , which is located about hilf way between Kanaka 1,1111 h nnd ( linnlto Kock. The middle toad from Knniikn tanoli goes via White Kock und leaches Gtanlto Kock In a distance ot llfty mlles without aiiv water on tno road The left hand road from Kanaka ranch goes southwaid to the Ccdiu pass mute , and Is the freighting louto , whlM tin ? othci two routes nio stioitei and aio diivcn ovei by persons with light ilgs On tlils loute it Is fiom Kanaka ritirh twelve miles to Hlckmiin cwok , where tlieic is plenty of water , theme to Scrib net's Kanch twelve ) miles , vvhoio thorn in watoi , tluMieo to Dugvvav dlstilct ttilttv Iho milt's , the next vvate'i , theiuo to 1'isli SptlngH , twentj mlles , on to Kenuioj's tuncli twelve miles , vvlieio theio Is plenty of the best nitoslnn water , thence to Clifton tvvfntv miles , wtieio theio is vvatci , and it Is then eight mile's to Deep Crook and good water The above Itineiaty concerns the bliiill Vallov ivnto , mid at the end Is ever the sumo i onto us when going by Stockton , as follows Salt Ualte I'll.v to Gnulold , eighteen miles , when a few miles bovond ( inillcld the left hand to id leads to Tyoelo t lU , distant fiom ( iatllold soventcen mile's , thunco to Stockton seven miles , to St .lohns ten mlles , theiuo to Seiibuei's rancli sovcnti'cn miles making tin' distauco sixtv-nino mlle < to Scribnoi s vi i this ionic , against nmntj-foni nnliivl.iGi mtsviilo and lllir i-prlngs The oh ! ovoilan I stage line tan via Stockton niul ne-arlv over the s uno loute that is now being tutveled mosllj in pitgiiins nnd fielghlois to the Deep Crook count rv Thou Is nnother louto fiom Salt Idkq Citj to lAhltvventj seven nnlos , tlu'iico tu Camp riovd unto miles , on to Point Look out twi'iitj-llve miles , thoneo to n junction with the stage * to id neai Scilbnoi s , nnikliiH tlio distance fiom Salt hu\eCit\ miolhinii elghtv miles Tor the 1'isli Spiingi mei n tains , thev me now trjing to os'.iiollsh a old diioctlv west fiom lionton , I he Hlclii'si I'liulM. P. iglo dlstiict , loctte'd on Kein mountnin , jiioinUi s to DO ono of thu big producers of iichoios Itislwentv live ) miles scnthvve'st nf Deep Cicek or Ibipili poslolll. . o .lolin Vippotts , the rocnrdi't of the dlstint , his boon thfio seven jeirs piosp otlng and Imid- Ing on to liis el urns lie has benn t il.lnft- it oiiough nio to keep nun going d'lrn ' g tlio-m joirs Iln llatrison inino located in irrinlto , lias hoe n the chief shipper fiom a vein tluco to sife'ot wide and cuivlng 010 th it coos fiom Mto \ f > OJ ounces silver His tunnel inn 100 fci-t on tha vein and in oio nil the vvnv except tin1 Hist tenor liftcc'ii feet His Anna , on which ho li is a slmft sixtv feet down , lias jieMed 100 tons In the past that vielded ore up to MU ) ounces silver. The vom live orslfci't < vida is ono h df ticli and the' other Inlf will piy well if rcduc'cd bj a mill , and being chloiidu oiocinnot bo concentrated without gunt loss His Pavmnstur has oto up to lr > U ounces silver and J" > per cent load with some lion 'Phis vein is ton to twelve foot wide Then ha has a number i mining lower in silver an d some which tun high In coppoi 'I ho lion- told bojs , who linvo claims theie , 1ms e Just made a big stiiko of two to sifcot of line galena ore Somooio sent In fiom n stiiko in Kaglo di'trict in a ilnlni belonging to Iho Midland Investment cempiny , gave 1111 assaj equal to $ ' DI r pouud of oio , tins in gold and silver , while a picked sample from n claim belonging to 1. C Kuiiiek assavod in gold ? -n'lli' . II Those instances of small samples nio given as laiitics and to show ttiat tticro are some rich 'UJciinons in that country. John Tippctts tells of himself and compan ion starting to follow up u bndgei hole and being led flftj fce't thronub soft carbon to ere all tlio wnv to llnd thnt it was n big vein with over llftv feet between the walls , ono being lime , tlio other qnatt/ito This find , on which they tiave sank ilfteon fcot in ere , tins not been assnjod vet to llnd its value WhiUi Cloud dlstuct is ton or fifteen m'les ' south of Kagle ncioss the deseit , and on the north end of Mount Moiinh. lloie aio big lodes of gnleim with rich streaks of silver. The inountiin is high and coveted with float , but the mines so far discoveied ate at the foot. Them is no water nnd the camp is idle now. Dugway has been considnied alow grade lead cain'p ueitilvitliln ttio p ist few weeks It is now noted for its high giado ores , of which recent shipments have been made to bilt Knke Dugwny mountn'n U about forty mlles long and from thteo to ten miles vvido. It uses out of thodcsoitto an elevation ot O.SOO foot at tlio highest point , or 'J.r)00 foot nbovotho desert , but most of the mountnin is much lower , ttio mines now being worked Dcii.g about 1 , 10 or 1IOO ! fe-ct nbovo the desert \allov. . Ttio mining i hums nro at tha north end of tlio range , where the veins cariv lead , while in going southwaid gold and silver aio more common. Ills an easy conntiy to mine invlth the exception of a lack of water , but this w'lll soon bo remedied by nrtcsiin wells In the valloj- , or by piping in 501110 of tlio vnuous springs accessible. S II. Gilson wont tlieioin Septi'mher lust nnd made some locations at Dugway and at Indian Springs , five being at Dugway. Some titno in Mirch of this jenr , only six or seven weeks ago , they stni ted a drift on ono of the claims , the Kuckliom. The drift had not progressed far when rlih oio was stiuek and after duving ahead in the oio thirty feet , ( jilson went homo to got teams unit sacks to bring the ere to market. In H few dajs tliovblockrd out a body of oio thirty feet squnro by driving the second cut. Gilson toturnod to Ducvvaj' at once , nnd brought in n catload of oio which told the story of Its vaiuo better than ho could do it. This ere \vas sampled at tlio CoiiKlin sampler , nssiyoa and sold on April 0 , vvlt'i ' the following results : Uot 1 , flrst class , 0,5'M pounds , sold for * 3,701.07. ijuu srrumi ciuss sum mr M , , 1,1.111 puumis , f41i.'J7 ! , making the eight tons and fiSS pounds of ere net ? ! , ! ! . ! 'J1 , making nn nsorigo of $ . )77 ) 'JS , ami jot this ore ssould have brought moro had tlio two grades been loft togoihor In shipping. Since that Mr. Gilson has been out to the mlno again and tiiougtit In another curio id of oru and savs ho has ton cailoids in sigtit and don't know how much moro Just before leaving a shot broke into a chamber of chloride ere , soft as n fiosh ash-heap , from which an assay svas made sslilch mailo the biggest kind of a but ton , shosvlng 1.1,010 ouncofl silver and UIVj ounces gold Of coutso thoj' do not expect much of such oie , prolubly only n small pocket , and vet theio may bo many of thuio The second lot of oio biought bj Glhon from the Bucktiorn , amounting to seven tons and UU pounds , assayed 'I 5-'i ' percent lend , 21(1 ( ounces silver nnd , ' ) ,0fi'j OUIICIM gold , thu value of the I'old being ? i > l .10 The analysis of this oio shovscd the following porc'entngos. Silver , -IDS. lion , 'I , / Inc.I , lime , 10. I'liii d" fn-77j - K off. A miner on Klnmath river , some distance fiom Yreka , Lai. , mot with a tettiblo ucoij dent Whllo working alone dining t'.iu noon hour ho placed a iopo used to hoist grasol out of ttio ditch and reset It on a huge drum , svhich lie stalled to rovolsing , when his log became entangled iu the cell and ho was diawn up to the ilium , ono leg being com plntelj pulled off near the knee , whllo the other was i rushed In a lolly Both legs t ave been nmmitntod , but thcuo Is little hopes en tertained for his life I'oor Indi'i'd. The state of Loluiado is getting to ho n very poor paymaster. Last Rummcu * nnd fall most of the nowspipors published for thu state thu propoied constitutional amend mints , says thu Denver News The bill In oncti ease nmotitu'd to about fls , and sshon the various puhlishois presented tnrlr tills the si'crcturj of state wrote them that thu pi luting fund had been exhausted and they ssonld haso to unit for their ssnriant till the loglslntuiu mudo an iippioprhition fiom svhich todiavs After six months'dolij'tho tegls iutnio finally did , on thu last day of the t > cs Hlon make thu nppioptinlion , but through thu juggler'of bomu $ J commltti-ii clink the oinoigeniy dnuso svus mnillud from the hill , u , d so tlio poor publlshois svill have to sv.ilt , ninety days morn befoio the law can bo opurullvo.