Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OiMAIIA DAILY FRIDAY , MAY 1 , 1891.
Nnturo'g Rival Is Spanish Court Fnco
po\MloriililniK bcnuty bojond detection.
Tlio receipts nt the customs ( illlco XCH-
torclny Included twentj-ono cars of tin
for Armour-Ciifltiliy mid Iho for Lee-
CInrke-AmI rcson.
The tompornturo ycstordny ns re
ported by the local Hlcnul service olllco
unarm follow H ! At 7 a. in. , fH ' , lit 10 u.
in. , fiV ° , nnd at 1 p. in. , 02 = " .
The comptroller hns figured out the
bids for printing the amended pity
ohm tor. The I'okrok SCapmlu wnfl the
lowest bldclor and captured the rontinct.
Curpontors union No. r > 8 will hold an
open mooting at ( Jrcon'a hull next Tues
day uvonlng. All carpentois nnd the
inoinhorB of other labor orgiini/iillotiH
nro Invited.
The mon who nro nt work rodlstrtct-
inj'tl o city \\lll complete their labors
Hiiturclay night nnd the books will bo
tnibmlttml to the council at the tegular
session 'J'ucHduy night.
A pnpor to bo known as the Irish-
American Associate u111 ho started in
this city by Messrs. J Kelley nnd V , A.
Kennedy All arrangements have boon
mndu for Its publication to appear next
aTho police ycstoidny rccovorcd n
couple of watch chains and small trin
kets Biippoicd to have been btolcn by I2d
\VilllatiiH , the ciook arioated foi hold
ing up I'd Manning. The iouelry awaits
an owner at the Central station.
The jury in the dlstilet court will bo
( lisi'hntgeu todny and 'the business
of the February lorin will practically
come to nn end. The judges will liow-
o\orHlt in chambers ml of next nook
for the utirpoBo of hearing motions
Deputy Sheriff Lou Grcboont lo
Lincoln yostoidny in rhitrgo of A.
Kirkmtrlck\\ho | has bucn onlorcd taken
to the as.vlnm. Grebe will Itilnjj b.iok
three or four Douglas county Incurables ,
who are to bo confined nt the county ho&-
The closing entertainment of the S ira-
toga Ljceiun association \\ill bo plvon
next Tuesdaj evening. The club Ma.\
imity will bo hold tninorion e\onlng
The annual meeting of-tho Htoc-khohlors
of ttie association will bo hold on Mon
< lii } o\cuing , Mil } 1.
LiiHt ruhtuaiy , Hi ewer & Sullivan ,
fin iiitmotlcnluiri In boulh Oinahn , fnikul
for $10iJ'i. ! Theiooio ninot\-six crod-
itorn. An assigninont wtis made and
Judge Shields hns just coniploted the
\\oik of figuring up the dividend. The
stock imolcod $ L',88S , and after piing
expenses , will pay ii. , cents on the dollar.
Secretary .T M. Ifa/elton and Assist
nnt Seciotaiy T. . ) . Hollander of the
Young Men's ChiiBtlan association , left
ycHlottlny for St. .loo to attend the
general confidence of Young Men's
Chiistlan association socrotmics of the
United States and Panada that moots
this oveiiini. and continues until Sunday
coning. . The dolocrates will also attend
the inteinational eoiuontion of Young
Glen's Christian associntion secretaries
at Kansns City.
\Vlint it Costa
Must bo carefully considered by the great
majority of people In IniIng even" necessities
of Ilfo. Hood's Snrsatmillliicommenils Itself
with Hpocial force to the ( treat inlJdlo classes ,
becnuso It combines positive economy with
Brent mcillcimil power. It is the only medi
cine of which can truly be said " 100 doses
one ilollur , " and n bottle taken nccoidiiig to
directions will average to last u moatti.
The N. A. S. E. convention commit
tees of arrangements and finance will
meet on Friday evening. Business of
importance. W. B. Austin , secretary.
Au'tlou ! Auction !
Entire contents of 8-room house nlcolv
furnished , 023 North 17th stioot , corner
Webster , Friday 10 n. m. , May 1. Wells ,
fill : l'AXTONriKi : WAMj.
Duililing SiipcrintcMidontliltlock
DcelarcH -Must Conic Doun.
BiillditiK Inspector Wliillock hns donned
tils wnr paint nnd hns given it out cold that
the Paxtou hotel annex that was ilninnRCcl by
the recent Jliu will hnve to como down.
Ho condemned the building ns tlanpcrous
and ordcicd it torn down , but Mr. Kitchen
failed to obey , claliniiiR that the builJInp inspector
specter had no authority to condemn build
ings , as that was the province of a court. Ilo
nas arrested for maintaining a dangerous
buildinK nnd lined by .luUtfo Helslcj. Ho
appealed to the dlstiiut court uncl the walls
uru still standing. The tiuilulng inspector Is
ciunpIiiK on Mr. Kitchen's trull mid this
morning had him nrrcstcd again on the sumo
charge. The cnso has not jot been set foi
Queen of the Jlay.
Sny ma , the girls sny if my face want so
speckled up with pimples , thuj'd in.iko mo
"Qucon of the May. " tt'lwt shall 1 del
Why , pet u bottle of Holler's sursapaillU and
burdock , of couiso ; it's the most wonderful
blood purillor of the ago.
Thn 1'axton Hotel Kiro
Did not ofToct the hotel proper in any
way BO no to intorfeio with the operation
of the house. Only the annex \\iuj damn -
n od nnd guests luuo been caiod for
without the interruption of n blngloduy.
Iteot SiiKitr Iliitorprlne.
- ' - .r'VO ) > Frr.tlfvlii [ ; success that has attended
the nianufa'ctu"to"o ! ' & ? oiOo'Jm J.ij th.fe ,
statojms necessitated tlio publication of nn
orsfiin ilovotcd to the interests of this rapidly
growing Industry , so Hint the advantages
that will ncciuo from a moio oxtoudud culti
vation of this vnlunbloogotablo In Ne-
biaskn should bccomo wluely known. Such
n iinpor lias iccently nocn btartod nt Guntil
Island under tlio immo of the licet Sugar
Knteiptlso In Mr M A Luiin , a contlaman
eminently llttcd to conduct n publication of
this klnil , us he hns iniulu the subject of
EllKiir beet cultuio a special stuily foi several
.velirs. It is published monthly and the sub
scription pi ice is only Ml cents a j oar.
Sin ill In size , erout in execution : DoU'ltt
Uulii Karlv Ulsors. licst pill foi Constlpa
( Ion , boat for SicK Headache , best for Sour
rOO'flHiHFN AMt fOVl.JK.
Mr. ( ioorpo 0. Stnloy , who 1 veil known
In Onmhn , nnd who , sinceho left this cltj ,
tins gained a great icputntlcn as u Cermin
dialect artist , and now comes to us nftor
having boon in the business for n number ol
jcnrs , and accomplished all that is worth ac
complishing in his line of business. Aslilo
from Us nbilltlos ns a dialect nitlst , Mr
Stnloy Is endowed with a wondeifully hoiiu-
tlfnlolco , and his singing is pron'ouiuca
better than either Scinlnn orUaulner's Ills
romnntlo comedy , "A Hoynl Pass.1 was
writinn expressly for hitu , and llUnlmtoa
nicety , The ongaconunt ojwns ot the I3oyc
on tomorrow evening , continuing till Sun
day inonnii : . Tlio snlo of seats will com-
mouco toniono\v inoinlnc nt 0 o'clock ,
"The Lilltla Tycoon" will afford n to
lovers of light oporn at Bo.d's . the ilrst pmt
of thu coming week , ns v.ell us for these who
delight in fun , nnd thn pii ductlonlll bo
looked forwnrd to by our tboator-CMiia will
n \ lu\v of cndiavoring to nscorlaln what it Is
tl'al lias iniulu It so poimlnr with the gicn
intiLSs nf umuscitK'iit siukurs eUuwhoro ivi wel
n& In Umahn. The opurn will bo presented
\ \ Hli that dogrco of nttuntlon us Is seldom nf
folded onorii productions horototoro of a siin
liar character , HS thu ontno production is
under the watihful cjro of tt.o author , Mr
WHInnl Sponsor , who has been \cry lavlsl
in his collection of thu proper material thn
KOOS townuls m.iliinir coinlo opciu a success
OL'lio company Is in uxicilont and n liuno one
carr > liiK their own orchestra , which will bt
used In addition to ttin regular oiol.ostra o
the thentor.
Oosslor'sMagloHcalucho Wafers. Curesal
At nil
cooit'H Mior : HIOIU ; .
prclal Cm 1'rloi' Snlo orimillcn' Pine
HhocH I'rldajand Kntiirila ) .
Friday wo will plnco on snlo T2 pair of
teynolds Bro ? . Utlcn , Now Yorkladies'
no Idd. hand turned , button shocs.wlth
latent leather diamond tip and patent
eathor lieol fovcd. This shoo isclieap
tI.OO , our rcpniar price , but IViday
nd Saturday wo will sell it at $3.00 ;
vldth , A lo LH : ask for this shoe.
UG pair ladies' flno hid button , hand-
owed patent leather \uuikenphnat
hoes , ntftl.OO ; reduced fiom $ .00.
18 pairs ladles1 flno kid button shoos ,
vidth A to C , r t $2.50 reduced from
1.00 , either opera or common sense
ast. 00 pair of Koynolds Bros. , hand
urncd button shoes at S.'t.OO a jialr ; this
s the best valno in Omaha. SI pair
no kid button Bhocs with patentleathor
Ipit2uO : ! , cut from $350. ! ! ( ! pairs
miles' line kid button hand tumod shoos
itii.pjO , out fro.n $ : Only will bo
old 1'ilday and Saturday at Hint cut
tn July wo will move up town into the
ow stoio now building on the coiner of
5th and Douglna sticots , and I must ro-
tico my immense stock before moving.
Friday and Sat in day wo will sell leO
> aiis of ladies' kid 6.\foul turned low
tit shoes , with patent leather tip , at
1.00 , mlueed from $1.0. .
1500 pairs Indies' kid oxfords at 75c , ro-
ti rod fiomSl 00.
I ook out for bargains now at Cook's
hoe stori > , K112 Fiiiiiain utrcot , fiom
ow on till wo mo\o up town Into our
ew stoio. My stock iscrv laijo ( and
lust bo i educed. G. W C001C ,
1312 Furmunsttcot.
i'lic Union I'neillo Test Dcpnrttiicnt
Al > nllnlied Kail NotvH
The test department of the Union Pacific
ms been ordeicd abolished , the order tnko
rfoct.Tuno 1.
This order will result In the disclmrpo of
11 attaches of the douarunent , Including the
irofcssoi in ctmrso. two chemists , two
ncchanlcal engineers , one machinist , stcu-
irnpliPi , porloi ana boy.
The cxponso of the dcpaitment 1ms been
bout ? DOO i > or month during the
ast few months and the now
naunuomont was of the opinion
lint thocxpemlltuio was not warranted by
lioiesnlts. 'Iho opcrntion of the depart-
nont was \erv fully investigated by Air.
> lurk , and IUi Gould liiqulicd into it work-
HKS durlin ; his inspection of the shnpi. As
result It decided to discontinue the
vork at once , and an outer to that cllect was
ssucujesteiday nfteinoon.
The statistics g.ithcied by the department
\illbontthocoiumnnd of the manndomont
f the load uud will bo of some us > o in making
of material.
Will Hnidly Hullil.
Supeilntcndcnt J.ijncs of the Chicago , St.
'mil , Minneapolis & Omaha road stated
ostorday thntthero was not niuch probacllity
if that load extending its line from Hartlng-
on to oitlier Viinktoa or Niobrara this
Otison. Nolhing him been done in that till co
lon and , In his opinion , nothing would boone
ono for the present.
Kllclmrii Improvements ,
Commencing early in May the HlUhorn
vill rcp-ilr its own fteiqht cars at Omaha on
ho now track prop.irod for that purpose
loith of Nicholas street. This work has
loictoforo been done by the St. Paul &
Omaha road.
The superior merit of Acer's Cherry Pec-
oral nsaa nnodyac cxpcctoiant Is duo ton
killful combination of the most powerful In-
rtcdlents. Nothing like it has over been nt-
cmptcd in pharmacy , nnd its snccosj in the
cine of pulmonary complaints is unparal-
Don't forgot the "Calico Ball" which
la ghou tonight by the Cuttlor Itoliof
corps at Motiopolltnn hall. Two prizes
will bo ghen for the neatest calico
suit which can bo soon in the window of
.Vhitnoy's shoo store on the corner of
( Hli and Chicago.
riit-y Plj Hiclp Culling Mitli PioHt
and \ \ Ithout Molestation.
S S DurRstrom , the Farnnm street cloth-
cr , met with a sticak of bad luck jestculay
\ eoOn \ Sunday list he was uiifortjnato
enough to lese $ JO ' , for which ho offered a
reward of § 100 , but was uuiblo to recover the
At 3 o'clock yesterdny morning a burglar
effected an entrance into his residence , 1TJ7
South maims of n I'nlso key nnd
n.ido awnv with his pants , contnlning'f-l.iNi
and his wife's puiso in which liaUlly theio
wus only a small sum of money. Mr. Berg.
stiotn made nn attempt to capture the thluf ,
jut before UoiiiK so thought It piudcut to cot
Ills ie\olvcr and while doing this the buiglar
iianagcd to mnko his escape. Neither ho nor
tils wife wore able to sco the man's ' lace , but
ho was a tr.ll mnn , woioii derby hat and dnik
coloiod sack cont.
It was piobably the sumo burglar who vis-
iteit the tesldcncoof .1. U Saitelio , on Ninth
sticot uotwocn Hickory nrid Center , about 2
o'clock. Ho was aUo seen nt this place , but
as ho vvoioamask no description of his
foituicH could he gl\oii , although his gonoial
nppcninncu resembled the man been l > y Mr.
Burgsuom. Ho secured Mr. Saitcllo's
watch and chain , a quantity of his wlfo'n
Jowclrv and sovonl toilet 'cases. He ovl-
dentlj thought the lattorweio jewel cases.
ns ho loft them in the front j ard. He had
no opportunity to oxntnina them in tho.houso.
Mis. Saitcllo's sister uwoko nnd gd\o the
nlnini , ulicioupon the bmglnr snatched uri/
oNorjthing on the diesscr and hastily 'i0'
camped. Tlmt ho was of n icligious i'jj" , , Of
mind was shown by thofact _ _ " Iftfl i,0 took
" \\TtVrmin n piajci'1u6oi : th"a"t"V\'fis In a llttlo
veluct cabo , and failed to deposit it in the
fior-Mnrd with thn other property ho did
not w ant.
Dr. Birnov cures , catarrh. Bee bld't' .
Itlll he Apprupi-iati'ly Observed by
Oninlin A' 'tt'riins.
The menibors of the Grand Anny of the
Republic posts of Omaha aio iii.ikuii. prop-
mat ions to celohrato decoration day In a
io ) nl stylo. In addition to the regulation
piogiamino the services of Hon J. A. O.
Yeoman ha\o been secured. Ho will bo the
oi.uorof the day , Mr. Yeoman is from Toil
DodKO , In. Ho is a brilliant bpealicr unil has
n most enviable wnr rciora , being ono of the
captors of Jeff. Da\Is.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used iu Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
Discuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
and Wholesome.
L Mo other baking powder does tucu work. _ ,
On Fire With Eczema.
Torrlblo SufTorlnga of Lit'lo Baby.
Seven Doctora and Two Hospitals
Fall.J Ourod by Cuticura.
My baly boy. Smonlluold. bro oout wllhfczcnift
The llchlnit ant hurnlni ; irim Intense ; the eorcum
prend to hli limbs , brenst Inco nnd heiid , until ho
wnsnently corercdi hli torturliiK n onle wcro pill.
Able totieholdi he hnd no
penio nnd hut Illtlc rest
nlKht jir ility. Ho was
miller trentinont at inner-
cnltluotnt two hosltiils |
nnd by novc-n doctors hi
thltclty without llm least
lionollt , every pfcucrlptloii
of the doctors wns fnllh"
fully tried , but ho ( trow
oono nil the tlmo 1-or
months I expended nhout
tl per wick for inedlelncs , nnil wi B entirely dlscnur-
need I purchased t'lniCUHA , CUTICUIIA SOAP
onUCUllCUltA Uisot.Vi.NT : : nnd followcit Ihodl-
rectlons to the letter llollof wns Immediate Ills suf-
furlnm were eu eil , nnd rest and s'oop ' p.Minltted lie
sleadlly Improtcil , and In ulna weeks wns entirely
cure I , nnil 1ms now ns clear n tkln nnd Is as fnlrn
hey ns nn ) inothor ootild wish to eo I tosoiumcml
every niothor to use It for every II iby Humor
ftcst llrookllne SI , lloston ,
Cuticura Remedies
Are old overywtiere Price , CtJTICtllt \ , the Krcnt
Hkln Cure , Me , CU'llUUUA SM1' ' nn exquisite Skin
1'iirlllcr nnd llenutlllor , Cjc , CtTlCtUA Iti : uii- the new mood Purlflcr , $1 I'repirrdhv
IITsc-nd for ' How to Cure Skin DlJca o . " Ct
| > nfce9Wlllustratloii , and 100 tcniuioiilals.
Baby One ? Solid Sore.
Tried Everything Without Roliof.
No Beat Night or Diy. Our.d
by Giitlcxra Romodioa.
My tnby , when two months old , hail n brraklnu out
with what the dotter ntlltil crrcum. Her liond ,
nriui , fool and Imndi itoru enrh onu rolld eoio I
filcdoverythltiK.btitiielllifr thoduclors nor nny thine
clioilld her nny good Vic
could get no rcil ilny or
nliilit with her. In mr c > -
troinlty 1 tried Hie CtlTl-
H'lM HMirniiH , but I con-
ftii ! 1 had nn fnllh In them ,
for 1 hail never oin them
trloil 'lomy uruitBurpil-c ,
In onu week's tlmo after lo
FlnnlriK to u > o tlio Cl'TI-
Ct'HA IIKMHIIH" . tlio fOfOI
wonwellbut 1 lOnllnucd to
n o thu III SOI M NT for n
little trtillp , nnd now licl n fut nimby n * you would
like to no nnd in mantl n.i n dollar. 1 tiellavo my
bnby would liitoilloil If 1 hnd not tried Cimiunt
Itl.MiniiM 1 wrlto this thnt cTcry mother with n
Imby like mlno can feel conlldent Hint ihfrolsninul-
kino that nlll euro the worstvcrinii nnil thnt modl-
clnc H the C'lrru iniA iu Mrniri
Mils IIUITIK HIUKNini , I.ocLlmrt , Tolas
Cuticura Remedies
Cure every humor of the skin and tcnlp of Infancy
nndchllilhood , whether torturing illnllcurlni ; Hcll-
lIU' , burning ncnly crusted , plnipl ) or bloUhy , with
lo iof linlr , and eor ) Impurity of Iho Mood whether
simple Hirotiilou , or hereditary when the best i > hy-
Blilaninnd nil other rcmotllci fill 1'niintn , nave
your children > eais of inontnl nnd ph > t lcnlBUlTerlnt ;
111 Kin now Curus niailo Iu ihllUhooil uro pormn-
A Scrofulous Boy.
Ruuulnff Sores Oovorod Hia Body
nnd Hcnd. Bcnos Affectod. Cured
by Cuticura B3mcdtoa.
V.lion sit montln old tlio Ic-fthmid of our little
sramlciiilcl bwaii to swell , unil bail cvc'ry mpcir-
nncoof n Inrccbolle poulticed It , but nil to no
nr | ( e About tuomontlnafter. It bocau.o n run-
nlni ! orc Soon otber soroi
forincil. He then linil two of
them on OTCI ! linnd , nnd , n hli
blood bc'ciiino more niul more
Impure , It look lens tlmo for
them to bicnk out A sere
came on the cliln , beneath the
under lip , wliloh wns > gry of
fcnslvo Ills lioid was one
solid ac.ib iHclmrilnK ! n Krcat
dcul 'Ihls wns lili condition nt
twenty-two months old , when I
undertook Iho cnro of him , his mother having died
rvhcnliowin a llttlo moro thann ycnrold , of con-
Biunptlon ( icrofiiln. of course ) Ilu could wnlk a. lit
tle , but could not get up If he fell clown , nnil cou'd
not raovo when In bed , liaylns co ue of hliliands 1
Immediately commenced with the CtiriCUllA HIM-
nut" , ualnif all freely Ono sere after nnothor
healed , n Uonjr mntter formlnu In cnch ono of these
tle deep oncijuit bcforo henllni ; , which would fin
ally prow loose nnd were taken out : then they woflld
lienl rnplilly Oue of these iulr 1'one formntlons I
preserved After tnkliiRn dozen and n half bottles
lie wu > completely cured and Is now , at thu ago of
elx years , a tironR and hc'tillhy child.
Mllb K S. DHKifiS ,
C12 K Clny st , llloouiluUon , 111
Mny9 1WU
My ( tnndaon remains well No nlgns of
eciufnlii mid no sores MRS K B DHH.CS ,
March U , 1S91. llloomlnxton , 111.
Cured for All Time
The above Is onu of tlio most crallfylnc of Iho
thousindt of euros made by llui CunciMlA H > ME-
Dusonrt Is conoluslvo evidence that ihey not only
euro tlio wortt ci cs , but euro them for all time
llinco It Is not siirprMnK that inothim and children
bleiatho Curtuiu llauKD its.
Raw as Beefsteak.
Bnby's Fearful Safforlng from Skin
DIsease Oovorlog BitiroEody
Ourod by Outcura.
M ) baby wns taken tery sleknhen lewis tlirco
mouths old nnd In n fo > d lys bmun bnakhiK out
\\o employed both of the homo doctors , nnd they
could do notliinu for him. Tien vie vent for the
best doetcr In Union
llnplds , Midi , and ho
ilccloio.l him for two
weeks , and ho not wor o
all the time , and then I
took him to Jackson , to a
doctor who attends es
pecially to skin diseases ,
nnd then ho tot nor ethan
than eer Then I told
my hunband wo hnd bet
ter try the CtiriCUllA
HKM12l > lKnny way ; did not hnvo nny Idea they
would do nny eood , hut In less than two iionths
from the tlmo wo bairan ulvlnc thorn lo him he was
entlicl > well and notn spot on him , Jllli hair bcKim
Krowlnc rljiIitolT , nnd wo thoiiRlit he would always
bcbnldlu-aded There was not .1 spot on his nliolo
body , fnco nnil hond , only hh nose and Cci , but
what wns ns raw ns beefsteak , bo poor there wns
notanythlnRbut bonc iindpo noik he could rulso
neither Imn I nor hold t
MIIB UlAMvllAIUtnTT , WlnCokl , Mich.
Greatest Humor- Remedies
It I * ono thing to claim to euro those great skin and
blood diseases , but ijulto another thing to do It No
remedies o or coiupoiiudea In the history of uiedl-
cine Imvo performed the wonderful cures dally nmde
by the OUTICIMA 111 MUUE3 , which tire In truth the
( trentCMt skin cures , blood purifiers , and humor rcmo-
illu of modern tlmos'o enrnettly dcnlro those
whohmo suffered longand hopclo sly from tortur
ing nnd dNIlgurlliK humors nnd diseases of the skin ,
sculp and blood , unil who h ivo lost faith In doelora
unil medicine to make at least ono trial of the Cun-
Oinulia Ijnborcis Will DlhpeiiHU With
IMuy Day DciiiiiiixtrntioiiH.
Some tnno ago it was il\on out thnt the
laboring men of Omaha would indulge in a
monster demonstration today , the eluy
upon which the custom liibor assemblies arid
Knights of Labor have decided to oufoieo
the oicht hour law. v
This proves to bo a ml'tako , and as fnr ns
nny demonstration is concerned , tomoirow
will bo ns quiet , " < s today. The laboring nirn
will oain U'.oir dollars as usual and not a
rlnplo of excitement will bo wafted over this
poy'.On ' of the commons cnltb.
Tlio Central Labor unlou held a special
meeting Wednesday uiuht and decided upon
thU course.
Local labor lenders aio in sympathy with
their eastern biothron , but will refuse to
strike or demand nn eight hour dny ,
They will , however , demand thnt the laws
of the state bo enforoed on July 1 , when the
eight hour law goes into effect. To cairy
out the piovislons of this law committees nro
woiidng with con tractors and man
ufactures mid Sn most instances report
considerable success , thouRU they ad rail , tlmt
in some cases they have mot with failures.
A confeic'tico has been hold with the Union
Pucitio people iclntlvo loan eight hour day
nt the shops , but an answer has not been 10-
cel\ed. At the smelter success has not at
tended the labors of the committee , The pro-
piletors of thnt Institution absolutely refuse
fuse to establish tin eight-hour
day on July 1 , stntlnp ; that it Is not practical.
They claim that ttio Chicago , Denver nnd
other smelters are working on twelve-hour
shifts and to dccreaso the hours here would
odd 50 per cent to the expenses. This would
place thein in n position where they could
not compete with rival companies and would
foico them to shut down.
'Jho Central Labor union will go Into the
courts with the matter , merely for the pur
pose ol testing the validity of the law.
Haller'sbaib wire Hutment has mot with
extiaoidlnary fnvor , and cases pronounced
incurable have been treated with success.
Kvory farmer should keep a bottle of this
justly colubrated remedy ; ready for instant
use <
Auction ! Auction !
Entire contents of 8-rooin house nicely
fm nihlied , Oil North 17th street , coiner
Wobator , Friday 10 a. m. , May 1. Wells ,
_ _
An Indian Itiind.
Supcilntendont W. B. Backus of the In
dian school at Genoa , has offered the services
of the I'idlan band to the Omaha committee
appointed to arrange for President Harri
son's reception and entertain inent. The band
1s composed of eighteen llttlo uniformed In
dians with silver horns and are pututlon for
good music ,
They Got It of * ; oiirHO.
.Ilinl oh Jlml I say , Jlml Ycup comln' ,
main ; what's or matter ! Why buby has got
the cello ; run do n to drug store and got u
bottle of Ilallot's pain pamlyzcr ; quick , now.
Wo ik'siro issues of the MoilNlNQ Hui :
of November 8 nnd December 2 for our
lllos. Anyone having a copy of cither of
these inumbors will confer u favor upon
this oftlco by mailing them to Robert
Hunter , 13 eo olllco.
'Some merchants get the
best they can ; some get "the
meanest they can.
Your dealer in
Reys-what does he get for you ?
There are common glass and
tough glass.tough against heat.
There are foggy and clear.
There are rough and fine.
There are carefully made and
hap-hazard. *
You can't be an expert in
chimneys ; but this you can do.
Insist on Macbeth's " pearl
top" or "pearl glass" which
ever shape you require. They
are right in all those ways ; and
they do not break from heat ,
not one in a hundred.
Be willing to pay a nickel
more for them. "
To euro nillonsnets Blck Headache ConUlpatlon.
JJalnrlo. Liver Gumplalnu take the tale
anil certalai remedy , SMITH'S
Usothe8MAIISIIB ( < 0 llttlo aosoiooU
tie ) . Thoyiro thouaatcanTOilent : suit all MBJ.
1'rleaof cltbcr elio , Jiflconu per bottle.
KISSIIMC2 > t)717 ) \ * 70 : fboto irraruns.
rkia\JII V p eel ltoof tlib picture for 4
snt3 ( coppers or eUupe ) .
n. r BMrrn ACO.
Makers of "tlllo IJc-anj , Su Loula Ho
Graduate Dentist.
A I < ull Set of Teeth on Itubhcr ,
for HM ! lei HUM A perfect
ntKunrnntoiKJ. Teeth ostracle-cl
without pain or danger , "nil
without nnaosthetlci ( Jold and
Hllver nillnm at IOWIMI raeti
llrlduo nnd Crown Work 'leelh
without pinto * All work war-
Kntrunco , ICtli ilreel elevator. Open OTCnlnK *
until S o'clock.
It rm he vlv a U u up ( * * UV ur tru. r In ar.
< el of food , without ibl kuowlodge ol lh > p iunt.
kf n ot * * ry. It la abaolutcly barmltaa and 'wtn cfltol
a p rnnu at and lp * dr car * , wbuhtr Ibo jp4tlinl la
Qed < r4igdrlnk r or an aloouolu wr ek. IT A KVKU
{ A U.S. It oporown ao qautly and with cnoh otr-
lalni/ilitl tb * patl at und.riooa no lueonTaaltnoa.
and ra hi la w r , bli ramplata riloriniUca u
airao < d Sp f bookotp rtlouUrtfr4 Tocccidol
KUltN 01 COT lOttt < c > oualu , c Ulbi-CurningUtM.
03Tradi luoplltd br IJCAKli. JiUUCE It U ) , iii < J
10iUlUlOt < DBUO co-Oman * .
Bad Eczema on Baby.
Hond O o Solid Scro. Ithl-g Aw
ful. Had to Tie His Hnndi to
Cradlo. Ourod by Ou icura.
Our little boy broio out on Ills htnrt with n had
forraof oiicinaftheu he was four monlln old. Wo
tried threoiloctor * , but thpy ill.l not help htm o
then used your three CU11CUUA HKMlillUS , nnd
nftcr u lni ( them fle\cn
wtcln exactly nccordlnK to
illrctlon , lie began to
iteadlly Improve , nnd nf
tcr the use of them for
roTfn months hla head nns
entirely well \N hen wo
login uslnjj them his head
win n solid Biiro from the
crown to Ills eyebrows la
wnsnlionll over his e r ,
most of hln fnco , and simll
plnccion dincront purls of hl body Thcro ncro
nlzlccn tici'ks thnt we had to keep hit Immls tleil to
thofrndlonnd hold thum whin ho was taken up , nnil
hnd to keep mittens tied on his linnd * to keep Ills
linger nulls out of hit sores ns ho noiilil crutch If
horouldlii nny wny get his hnndJ loose \\cknow
yourCl'l'ICLMUHiM15l ' : > llW cured himo feel
mifo In recommending them to others
\\ubstcr , hid
Cuticura Resolvent.
' 1 honen lllood I'urltlcr Intirnnlly ( to clcnnso the
blood of all Impurities and poisonous elements ) ,
nnd Cl'TliC'HA , IhoKioit Skin t'uro ami Cum I'll \
SOAP nn ix julilto Siln llenutlllor , I'Uorniill ) ( to
olenr the kliinnd scalp nnd rc toro llioliilrt hu\o
cured tlioimands of cases whrra the shoddliiK of
sinlcH nitiiBiircil n quart dully Iho skin crackeil.
bkedlnir , bitrnlnK nnil Itchlnx almost beyond endur
ance , hnlr llfoltss or nil Kuno flUlTeitn terrible
Vt hat other reuiiillcs hnvo iiindo euch cures ? '
Terrible Itching.
TJsod Eve ythirg Five Months.
Cured in Tr.roo Weeks by
the Cuticura Romodl s.
\\lieniny baby was 3 months old hti checks and
forehead bctran to break out with whlto pimples on
red surface In n few days ItchlnK commenced
which wni i < rrlble After he would rub It matter
would oo/o from the
points In a short tlmo
Ituprcndover the top of
his head then scabs soon
formed on hcnd and luce
\\cuscd everything wo
could hear at for nearly
live months It crew
worfconil the time 1 saw
your ndvcrtl eiiicnt of
In the Chlcito Weekly
Wo purchased n box of CI'TICI'IIA SoAI'nndnbor
of turiruiiA. and commenced their use In three
weeks' time tn"ro wan notn sere or plmplo. not even
n pear on hcid or fnce. lie Is 19 months old now.
nnd bus no signs of the disease. Ills sculp Is
ncnlthy and lie hits a bo iiitlfut hcnd of hair
Wood ton , Hooks County , Kan
Mothers Do You Realize
How your little ones miller when their tender skins
arc literally on tire with Itching nnd burning rcicmii
and other Itchlnu , scily and blotchy skin and scalp
dlneaies ? lo know that a sliiKlo application of the
CUTICUIIA IlrMl nits will , In the great majorlt ) of
canci , arTord Instant nnd complelo relief , permit re t
nnd sleep , and point to n permanent nnd economical
( bccauic so siecdy ) curennil nollo u o Hem with
out a moment's dolny , Is to lie guilty of positive In-
liunuinltv > OKrcutcr lt.iioy | can lo bestowed upon
a child tin n n skin without blemish and a body
Iiourlbbicl with | mro blutd
The .Jttirrnu , tor. * l//i niul
if tlif tnont mibtitiiitttnllu cannti'iirtfit
Hotel Mliillillna ' Ointilm , Hvi-erttl
lirni'u lirlrli fire nail * rtninlnu from
b ncinrnt tu roof , All tin" rflllnuH nnil
ttuoi'M Itnvil tilth AubfHtoHIro jiruo/
iiilnil , tutiltini/ iiiiiiiiHMlliln tn burn
< /iii < 7.Flru earn lie * unit Jtra iiltiriiiH
tltrontilioitt tlin ImtltltHii. .s/cinn lii'iit ,
Itot it nil lolil iintff unil Miiiixliiiu-iH
etcrurount. 'tnlili : tiiiMiirjuiascil HHJ-
Corner Mth and Capitol Avenue.
JuBt completed , hat 100 roams ,
stalrwayo , from the top to the bottom , hai
fine elevator and cllnnui- ; room ser/iaj , ; s
fire proof throughout , flno IjillarJ rooina anI
thu llnest toilet roo.ns In th-j tlty. Lar o
Bample rootna , Suites with bath & 3. Co-
14th and Caoltol Ave. Street car sar vice In
all directions. Raton , from $2.00 to $1,00
Worst Form of Eczema.
Bnfflod Best Madloal S'c 11 for E g it
Mo.tthi. Cu-oJ IT T vo Montaa
by Cuticura
TUIs l < to fortify Ihitn chllit of mine hud Kcjomi
In lt § worn ! form nnil wlilcli bailled tlio best uiuillcal
kill tlmt could biH'uiplojcil lioro
Tlio lllllc sultoror n s irrnp | > e < l In nitonjr for i\t
Ion 5 1 right inohtlii bit
nicnlln of Hint time It * i > uf
firing KOI Hlmply untold
I , iiiiil thfn I Ix'cm Iho u o
| of the ClTli l HA IU Mr-
nil 4 , nnd In Ino month *
nnful illJl'.no hud
-i cd llnciiKcinco , mil
in ) ilntlh t boy linil rest
_ nnil to nil npppiranco the
' illiunio hnd jlpldrd tint 1
rontlniiol tlio rauillrlno
for eoTornlmonthinftcr no trace could bo tuna of It
on nny imttuf tlio lo ly
The doctors here wntilioil the ill < pn < o with much
InUrost , and lould only mi ) ' \Ncll \ ilono" The
cmowiu known fur nnd wl < U < und u\tryboly nan
much 'iirprlseil Hut thnnUs to you nnd your rom
pdy Could there bo an ) lhln on i irth thnt noiild
f u < o n father to rcjuko It inroly would bo when
the llttlo lnnoi.ont ono coulil limnutli a remedy at
hind. Very truly ,
J A MCOI.K3 , llunkor 11111 1ml
Only Relief and Cure
\\oril < can scnrfoly do JuMlicto tlio o'lcoin In
nhlcli the < e Krcnt Uln cnrc't blond iiiirlilcm nnd
lirualpit of humor ronicdli'i nro held by the tliou-
Blind * upon tliou unillio hnvo found them the
only BOiirieof Inunidlnto relief uud uf ppiedy per-
uinnont nnd oconoiulcil tine ol sl'ln scalp mid blood
dlicnies , nhlcli have render il lilo nliuost unoiiilur
nblo by renron of pcraulial dhlltureiiiLilt nud
Baby's ' Face Was Raw
Bistro s ng Iteming : Sk n Diaoaso
Ouroi iu Om Month by to
Ou'icura Romodiog.
hen our boj wis six weeks old he 1ml u rnsh on
his check Itspreid on both chciks nmlihln Ills
face was rnw 1 doctond with varlo is rcmollcs ,
but It ot no bettor My mother idvlto I mo to try
tao ( .UIKCHA llrMi
Dlh" Itiheil them fnlth-
f Jllv , nnd In ono week
the boy looked licit r
In unu month ho was
cm oil mil now ho Is
three ye irs old and no
lMis of It retaining
Iho ihlld wns ao bad 1
hnd to tin him In a pillow
ci o , i n I pin hla Imnils
> J down BO that ho could
not Bcralch his fiee 1 cuinot speak too hMil ) of
thoCinicmiA KiMEUiES I recommend cumins ,
nhenovorI can.
Cojlesvllle , 1 on I'0 , N I.
N It My husband Is president ol Hie 1'iO'Ch
ManufnrlurlnK Compiny , proprlcloru of Iho "Ilu
plex" nnd "lilplei11 Pliutoiirnphlc Shutters , rfiO
llroomo strevt NowVorkclty He dislikes unJeslr-
sblo notoriety nnd nsscnti to this testimonial to en-
Why Suffer One Moment
Ironi torturlnucnd ilLMIcurlnK skin dlncnscs when n
slnizlo application of Iho CCTUinu ItEMEDlt f will
afford Instant relief nnd point tu a speedy , pcrmn-
ncnt nnd economlcHlciiie , when the best phMcl ins
and all other rciucdkM f ill ?
Sold ever ) wbote I rko , CiniciliA.lhotroit Skin
Cure Me , ; CUTiruilA ho M'.ni exquisite' kin 1'ur-
IScrand llcaiitltli-rSJc , tUTicuilA llLsoitr , the
new lllocid 1'urlllcr ( I
Prepare Iby Purlin Duuo AM ) ClluilCAi. Cou-
I-OUATION , lloston
ryfcend for 'Hon to Cure ' kin I l-caacs , " C4
p ion , U ) llluHti itloiia and 11XJ tuillmoiil its
We have facilities for the
prompt and careful reproduc
tion of engravings , letters ,
sketches , etc. Sketches or other
work reduced to any required
size. Half tints furnished for
book work. Designs of all kinds
prepared. Electrotypes fur
nished. Artistic work of all
We publish 50 Artistic sug
gestions for Newspaper Adver
tisements , Circulars and Cards ,
which will be sent upon receipt
of 4ets. in stamps.
ALDEN a FAXON , iksp r Advertising Aga&ts , 66 a 63 W , Third Si , , Cincinnati , 1
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
1409 and 1411 Dod e St. , Oinahi , Nab.
P7irsli Glass GarriaciBS ,
The I eaclliiR ttylos. 'Uio I.owcit I'ri
1'AiuoNAnK sojioirii : > .
HA.NIUI.WIM ) ! ) C'AI'HUI.KS are th
DOCUIAS only cupiulo * prencrltivd by
ruituUr pliyilcUni for thu euro of
OOEOrlicei , and dliehurvui from tba urinary oruau
or uiuli l li.Jl i > or
More tluiti H TOIIM cxH > rlpnri' In tlio tronlmont Of
I'luvvn : nisi : \sK-4
A euro Kinir.uilcH'il In I to ' ilnjm without liolossof
nn I oiir'n Ilino
The moat complt'to nnil nluoluto euro for ( [ loot mirt
nil minoliik'ill < cliiir ii' ' v\cr known lo Ihn tmillciil
prufi n-liin Tlio moil Mtililorn chronic mill IOIIK
elnndlnx cmca IK riuiincntl ) cun illn froni5 to 10i ! n
Or fnlii In relict Ini ; tlin hlndilcr I orninnently rurcd
Klthoiil piln or liiMrnmcnU nuiuttlnir , noilllnllni ; ,
IlioiU'i'i ttmiirkiihlorainctl ) Uioiui tu moilern tcl-
euierlto lor clnulnrn
I'litoil In "flloMitujri l > r MdJrow'n Ircntinont for
Ihls terrible blooilillsonohni hoon | irnnoiuireil lha
inii'l miccotjfulrunioily i'virill po > pr 'il for the aba
solute i ro of the illncisp Ilia HUCCCH nllhi hl-
ill < ip lm < nic > r bran muiillol A toni | < lcto cur , '
Anil nil woTkiici o of II n o.\lml or nn' nor\ouj <
iic-s Ilinlilllr nnil ( lc | ) inlLMioy nbiululoly cllicj.
'llic rulli'f l linint'illuto anil cotnpU > ti >
UliriitiKitlMn nn < l nil ill < rn oi nf the Mood , llvef
kldiurt nnd blnililer pornmni nil ) turinl
\nd nourul ln nprroiMne i and dl onxoa of tha
loin irh cnnd Ihodoitorn Homo Iro.itinont' ft r
Indlii li pronounced hy nil who Imvo u i III to lo
thi'incut complt'to nnd c uivi nlcnl rcini-d ) cvir uf
find fur tlidlri'itment of fein IIM | | | < PIIV > It N lru
ly it > Muulcrful ri'incidjr Nu Instrununti , no piln.
Hunts lei IndlcH , Iroiu 1 to i enl )
Marvellous success in the truutmnnt of
piivutc diseases lm von for him n rep-
ntiilion which in trill ) nntloniil in cliur-
ucter , nnd his grout army of jritiunta
rcnchcs fi om tlio Atlantic to the I'.icillc.
The doctor is a jjiaduato of "regular"
inodicino nnd 1ms had lout : nnd careful
experience in hospital practice , and id
classed among the loading1 specialists in
modern science. Treatment by cor
respondence. Writp locelrulars about
each of the ivbovo diseases , froo.
Office Mth and laniam ? Sticcts.
OMAHA. NT. ! !
Hntranco on Either Street.
The Groatoat Ever Qlvoiil
lr ) I II Moorn-Dciir hlr , In reply lo youi letter
of Inquiry unto our opinion of your uooil * un I moda
nr MihorlKInK lo thu Irinle y < Mii lo crcato a demand
[ orthi'm nlllity Itslioiildcuniinend ton arid your
rciiKMlli H tnthn retail trudciind pcoplu lni.cnernl ,
In imr tonltorr they Imvo chiiiLiitlro entlsfactloo
when ) they Imo been Hold Vmrn truly llnrluut , ,
\ \ inl \ ( o DCM Miilncs la , 1' Huiinon , Slum CIli
la llornltlr , lie" ) i. Alore , lonx ( Ity la , 1
'Inn , V lo Om.-ilm. Neb lllihard > i < ii Drii
Omnlin Ncli , II. r Clark DrilK ( o l.lnuiln Nub !
llbiH I II inline h. sro'yl ( liuichlll urns > n , llf-
llniiloii lii.Hltifftr & WliPiK-r , 1'eorln 111 Van
hnttiilDiils lltiuTn , 81 Jne Mo I W I ! Icorly
A , to , Ottumwi , la. Mollllt West lruR ( o , SU
l.oul < , Mn llili Is thu Kreiti st tcitlinonlil over
k'trin n pitint mcdlclnonnd w will forfeit tl.OCXI for
c irli nnd ii\e-y Imnluro of Ihh letter whlih Is nol
icn line and vrh'cli ' U not In out poMUHplon
J. II M001113
Mooioa Irco of Llfo n po ltlvn ruro for Kidney
and Mvor ( otnl lint nnd all blood dlte 101 l > oe > ) It
ny lo Duller wtmn you ran l > o cured hy unlnR Moore s
'Ireoof l.lfu , Ino droit l.lfo Ufiiioly ?
DISIt.i. V nnllincoi for Oufonnltloi nnil
3ruasocM i * -MHr'itui f nil lloiuedlm
for uccoi9ul i form of dliean
requiring Medleui . MM I If
HOOMS I Oil I'Alj )
llo-t Accoimnoi ! itlcini , , i
Jlcforniltloi nnil llrncuf , 'I r.
turiM of bplnr , I'lloi , Tunioi i ,
llrmiUiUli Inli.ilntl in lilortrlrlt > i ; u . , . , iu-
cysy Kldnoyn , llhiddor , Kye Knr , Skin and Illoo L
nnd nil Hurklciil Cpornlloni IIISHABIS3 OK WOMI.N
nrpcclnllo Hook ot Dboanui of Women hron Via
hiu * lately iid l ( d u lylntr Iu Dopirtmnnt for Women
Unrlnt ! connuemint ( Strlttly I'rlvnte I Only ItolU-
lih.Mmllol In'lltuto Maklnx a Spaclnlty of 1'Hl-
Al' III led l l n i e > micconfully trontod. Modlclnt
3r liKtriimcuti sent by nnil or eiproit tuouruly
picked no in irki iu Indltnto contonti or onler.
Unu persona Interview preferrud Call iin I conaull
iiHiir Mind hit ory of your cn n mil wo will mid la
lain wmppor .ur HOOK II ) MICX I HICW.
rnte ypeilnlor Vurrom lilxuim , wlthnu
Address nil littiTilo
Di * A r. McLaughlln , Prasldarx
Kth und llarnoy bin cits. Oniuhu.
"SANAT1VO , " tt
Wonilorful hpnclib
Hi nirdy , la told with a
Wi IlloiuiunruntKO
tn cure all Ncrvou Uli
eatci , tucli aacnlc
Tleluorr , tan of Ilraln
1'owcr , lioadachf ,
\ \ nl > < ( ulncm , liiit Man-
howl , No r > ounm , lj\t-
elludc , nil dralsii and
DcroroA , After Uso. Inn of power of tlio
aplie. 1 from life. ( lincratho OrRant , la
rill rr 011 , CAiued ty
o r cicrllin , jouthful Ic'lfcrptlnni , orthp picurlva
u > e or tohacco , opium , or ttlmiiUnta , which ul'lmatdy
lt.nd to Inllnnlty , Coniumptlon and Iminll ) I'm up
In conveuli nt form to carry In thu > en pocket. I'rlcu
It n packngr or for3 With cury C1 order wo tlya
a uritUn Kunrnnt < ii to cnrn or rxfunil tliu
iiuinnj- . Kent Hy mall tn any addrtu. Clrculir free.
.Mention tlili pnprr Addrcei ,
MADRID CHCMICAt CO , llranrh Office for U. B. A.
417 llrirlmrn SlrcM CIIICAdd II U
I'dis HAI.K in OM MIA. NIUI , ur
liulin & < ii , Cnr. ISIIi .V ll..unl < Mi
J A I nil r , t < o , Cnr Mth A IXnu-Ul Stl.
A I ) I , , Urr it ( o . Council lllutT * U
Ubi'liii : runifdy lor nil lh
iinimiuint dlucharKei &nel
prlvnte ilheari'aof mfn A
crrtnln cur fnr tindebllt. .
to wi.rnin. .
1 1 rearrlbeltnnl fool iaf
In reroninimiilnt It W
al1 uirerr * .
J STONfR , M 0 , Ot5Ann.ltl
Noli * l > v ItriiirKliW
I'ltK'E 8I.OO.
. -r li'r.c ,
lrii . It hnirurriltliou > and > l It you nantth *
lll'.nleoii'l loin tami > ( orfrrol'AmphlttlSo. 1.
JUfciiello lil : llc 'Iru.a Cu. , bau J'juucUco , C' J ( ' .