Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    G TH.E OMAHA JJA1L.X . inUDA.Y , MAY 1 , 181)1. )
Good "Weather imil Excellent Orop Conditions
Oauso a Weakness in Wheat.
IliitclilnHoirH Trades Tnkon Care OC-
No Activity In I'rovlsldim H
ItuuclptH Unlit and
Ten Cents Hlalicr.
April Telegram to
TUB IlhKl Wheat was ( inlto weak on the curl )
before ulllclal tr.idlng begun , but the an-
noiinpemcnt that Congilon. * . Co. would assume
allot llutchliisuii's Irulcs nridc opcritors
forgot the boarhh nuns nml eave llio
iniirkot n , hotter tone. Tlm causes forthonist
bcirlsh feelln'we-ro loner IiUcrpool cables ,
fine weather thrmiehout the country , ottol-
Icnt croprondltlonq.-uul liberal receipts. A *
tlicfiO slon advanced It wns ovldent that I.inn
and sovcral others of t ho elevator people vvoro
buying In thi-lr short May In nrdei lo avoid
dullv i ring on Muv contracts tomorrow and
( luring the balairi' uf tlio inoi.tli The be..t
crowd also seemed disposed to look , fur higher
prlies. Illooin , Kcam , Cudahy and Kocbo
wco all billing July nullo freelj
Hinall ti iilors of thu professional s > ort were In-
cllnod to look for a bro ik In prl' i's , but It did
not come A cable siyliiz tlio crop liiAustiin
anil Hungary was damiiKcd considerably bv
rust Ktirted many of the early sellers to buyIng -
Ing hick their wheat. luly st.irtnrt out it
II Ol5 ! Improved to S'.tl'i ' , foil back to $ l Ol'i
anil then Improved steadily to JI ( KiTf. Heal-
Izlng Mies on thu udvaiue carried .luly Incl.
tojl. < )4' ) , bid. Itscloslu , ' lulce On the cult )
ted ly puts on Inly whcit for tomouow were
II15" and calls l OTI $ .
I/o'-al receipts of corn were ! lc irs morn than
cxiici'lcd Then ) nro estimates of ho.i\y ar
rivals for tomorrow , unit runny other points
rported heavy rocolpts Nevertheless the C'onzclon > V Co would , is-
Miino Hiitehliison's tiaihs lifted a load fiom
tlioshoiiliioihof onciatois and Inaugurated
quite a llttlo bull cimnaun. bpoculitms
vvlio had sold short In antlolp'i-
tluii of scclu : tlio inirKot bieak under
Iliitolilnson offirliiKS wiio scrambling hard to
gut a shore The dcmiiinl for cash ( orn was
MI coed that tlio old bulliiovvd slatted In and
helped to advanuo values .Inly started at
t',4 ' < ! sold momentarily at GJ'i1' , and advanced
to Ul , c The close wns .it i.tiJll'iC ' Thn
privileges for July corn for tomorrow were ;
1'utH. Cl'ac. calls , We.
A filr ; d ly's business was done In oats with
options closing fiom "iC lo lo aLovo the laic
limitations. May delivery started at SMic.
kolil up to M'ic , but lost Ic before thu tip of
thu liull and ( inilly closed at ' > -'lc July
opened at 17c. dropped ton c , advanced to
Id'ic. and closed lo easier nt 47'ie. August
ranged from .I7c to , isi4e. thu last sale being
inado tit J7''ii1. ' ciilcinbi r closed at ,10'ic aftei
having touched I7o.
Provisions were not espoel illy active , but
prices ruled hlgln r In svmpathy with the ad-
Mtni'o In hogs Kxtrumrly few hogs aio novv
arilvlm : dally and prices ate coiisoiueiitly |
rNIn This being the I ist day of tbo month
tliurc was a good deal of changing prov slons
fiom ono month to another , and May pork
vuis particularly active , Aimour and other
luickois weio IHIJ ( > ts of both pork and lard
llio dllleroiico licluicn May and Julv purl ,
wns iciliiccil Tic , nnd thn dllleretico botwocn
Mny nnd bopteinbor lard w ns only > lc ) , Insle id
of iiOc on the forinor rani'o On the otbei hand ,
tin dlireionce botwcc'n May aii'l Juli ribs was
in.idu .C.c , when as It baa boon , Bc.
Showing thoolllclul rinco of prices In the
leading options , ab reported by Cockioll
Iliot hers ,
toy'IQlim ? | Open | ItlKu | l.ii < r | Ulino | Vu-i'y
Mny . . . . 1 D'lH I tt's 1 Ci l cii.u ;
July . . . . 1 UljJ I OM [ 1 Ol'fi
Mny . .
May. . .
41,11 47 > 5
Mny. . . 1J70 12 8S 12 07 1S7S 12 R6
July. . . 1,103 13 IS 1UO- 1305 12 1)7 )
Mny era 0 23 (1 ( 27 C 2' .
July UU ) i , w 1.67 IS 00 0 . ' > , ' >
Julv I'.TS 0 77 t.75 0 77 0 7S
May 7 (16 ( 7 OU 7 W 7 W )
1'iucm KC t.oilts.
Not OH nnd
Dulutli receipts , Xioars wheat.
Mtiinoiipolls rocolpts , Sll cars \vlicnt.
Vstlin itodc.usiit Ohii..igo : Whu it,4J ; corn ,
625 ! outs 215.
Now York ole-irs , G,572 piicUages Hour : 3I,4' , 8
busliolH v hunt.
St Louis hhlpniuiits : Wheat , 24,000 ! corn , 57-
CK : o'lts , lu5 000.
Oniclal loporlsostlniixtn the ( lum.ifo to the
1'ruiiL'li who it ciop at b,000ox ) ) .
Chlciik'o car lots : \Vhoat. CO cms , S No. 2 ;
corn , ( ill ) cars , 1,11 No 2 ; o.ita , 212 c us , lw > No 2 ,
ik'iiKO receipts : Whu it,20,58)icorn. ) 8" > D,8.K ;
oitH. III'I.IOI Shlpinontg : , 15U,5'lj corn ,
1M.IM : oats , lUfll. ( )
Iti'orhohin'H cnblu : OnrsocsolT coast \ \ lien t
( lull , corn nothing olVoihiL ; ; ( m a.'o , huvors
holilliiK oil for conci'sslous ; No 2 club I'all-
fnitilii.issltl ) ; Aiistrillim , 4ls.lcl ; W.ilhi W.iilu
on i-oist , 44s. Liverpool , U.l : ) p in. No I
California , 8s 7id ! , a dofllno of Id from
y ( sturdily.
Ln nii A. Co. to Toncray .t ilryaii-
Thu wheat null Kct IIIIH had less ox-
ciloiiH'iit In It than foi t-omudays. July opened
at .fl.041 ; . sold up to } 1.03'i , nnd oleos at
II 04 V ' 1'lm nlisoi lilnir topic of the oaily morn-
hiK WIIN thu tr.uisfcrrlni ; of all opun trades of
Mr. II. 1' . llutchlusoo ti > the linn of Con cloi\
fel'o. If ho has dlHiinpoiiruil tor peed his ab
foiico will bo felt In the iimrKut. TorolKii ail-
vlcuH aio wonk nnd lownr. Crop rroipvots nro
all could hu wlslad for. The prlco Is
v"kli , wnthlnl , too hlx'li and hulluvo In sullIiiK
Iton-i'niiurjuiirtut.s Thn old bull party hu\o
In on acjlvo In corn au-1 uiidlet hUlier prices.
July opened lit UJ u anil ci-od nt ( U'Sc. It
tulil up to BJiJe , Oats , no the , with lluclua-
tlons sollliiB hlgli with corn. products
IConnett , Hopkins St Co. to K A. MoWhoilor
\\licatwiisweak on curb holllin ; , as low as
H 04K , for July , but the secretary's aiinoiinco-
incnt fiom the nailery just prior to thoopoii
IIIR that lluli'hliiBun trades would bo pio-
tutod ( by CoiiKdoii Inspired shorts with n dc-
t-irii to cover ami opening HKUICS wtiro about
tl ( > r . 1'iuo sales fur n few minutes cnirled the
prlco do\vn tol.U41i , lint eel buying both for
loiiK nnd short ticcount Kuut tlm market
rutlier stroni ; inostof lliu day Closlui ; cables
( iiintiiK In lower and doprcssud dlsconrauod
holders and Induced free renlUlnir , undnr
which the nuirkot closed heavy. Thorn are
loino reports of iliun.ixn liy Insects lu ICansns
but otherwise crops aronollolf. The tout ) of
forolcn advices 1st giouliiK less eiicoiirat-'lnu to
holders nud the outlook Reuor.illy favors
lo\\ur inlces. Muv whent hold at $1.05 after
'change. Conuind oats wuro decidedly stronn
at times and shorts were se\oiuly punished In
oats , but the strength HUH not iiialut.ilucd to
Iho close. Tlicro Is inoro oiicuuniKiiiiiunt to
buy fet a turn on KIXK ! breaks , but the toud-
eni-y Is toward Iowt > r prices The market In
pie > Isions bus ruled hlshor ou account of the
itrenulh lu Krulu and Imus , but llttlo business
was done nslilo fmm chiiiiKlng , Thd closing
\viis tame ,
\V. n. McCo rmlck .V Co. to T C , Swnrl/ . Co ,
The wheat innrUet was much nioiu iiulot
than \estordi\y. t-ome streiiK'th caused
early by thn hiiyliu of sluirtx by the boar
imrty. who Irixo been attiicklnK the market so
vigorously fortho week , but thu market
was heavy throughout and closed at about
the bottom price , which was rather a Miiprlsu
to Loth bulls uud . The early cabins
fiiiin LI\erpiH > l were a penny lower , but our
prl vnto cable from I'arls says the market Is
advancing , owliiK tothe lure ; demand from
Fii'culatiis | nnd unfaMir.'ililo crop prospects.
Diir local bulls SL'oni thoroughly whlppiul and
fhowed but llttlo dhiuosltlou to buy who it
cvon on lo lay's t > reukVo should K it homo
upturn , as men thu hours seem willing to
hn > o It , but prospects are curtnlnly not en-
uouraKluK , Kcinliits ut eleven urlmary pulnts
cro .II5KK ( ) ' , HlilpiiUMits 4W,07J ) , Corn was
i\ilet | \ , but showed a lulr iiinouut of fttreiiKtli ,
'I his was caused liy an actho ilomuud for cur
lotn , us n consldorablo nhortnu'e for April was
( lo > tioped. | Oats were rather weak oat ly , but
liulli'd later In t > yiiip ithy with corn. Thu bull
rltiiue , who limit been norklnx In oats , seemed
to lie making cspeelul effort to nilMincit the
iirk-o today and tliov wuro partially Hiiccess-
fill , nlthouKh Ihoy did not Indue much life. In
the doiil. I'rov Minis were Ilrm and a\erniml
hlKlier. Thuio hoemcil quite an urKuntdn-
miind for .May pork and lard , wnlch hnllcated
considerable ihortiiKU for May In both uitl-
I'los , Hlhs , on thu lontrary , wuro rather n
drug on thu luurkvt. May IICIIIK freely olCercd ,
CHIC.K10 lira RTOVK. SlAltKKT.
CIIICAOO , April30. [ Spoolr.1 Telegram toTn
DKCiTTUilt coIpti , O.WO , Uualnesi wa
notl\onm1 | irlco < r'xthcron the upturn
than otherwise on anything nl nil dc lriblo In
the tut sttor lino. About overythlni wns pold
out at an early hour ( ind the neniiinl mnrkct
clo cd Ktionir L'oiv stocks of all ( Uscrltitlons
weio In nooil demniid and sold a nhado bli-'lier
111 in > rslcrd'iy , yet values wrro lower than
Ht wcuk. Stockers were steady. Todny s
wciu for nrlnid fitcers , Ki.'J ! peed to
i-liolLo fVT.Vjnrjd ; others. ti.Ti&A&Ui heifers ,
11 M a\00 : row s , W.fiOft ) .7- > .
lions Uec.-lpts wcro lluht and the demand
iietUo with an up turn of loc , and everything
useful sold out enrly , Iho ninrkot Kciierally
eiosln , , ' "lioni ! lioiiuh and common , * l OOin
4 i i packers. tin.Vfol.iiO : prlmo heavy and
butcher weights , ? lU > A.\10i llgjit. fl.WJjM.
s i o t'Jfa A\l > lie \I > N.
NMV YpiiK , April .W. ISpocInl Telosram to
TIIK IILIAlthoupli : ] tlio weekly statement of
the Hank of KiiKltml showed nultu heavy
losses lu the rcsei VCD , tl.u dltoetors did not
clniiKo the discount r.itc. The money IlKl't-
ncssiii Lo-Ion Is duo ihtolly to the How of
fund ' .u Scotland and trul.iud Thu bullion
In the bank ilocieased i'170,000 nnd the reserve
dccroa'cd JL'785,000. The tcportof the national
bunk of Iliionos Ayrcs just , published In Lon
don , wns ruyardod ns a bid ono and c.iUM-d
a heavy decline In thu stock of the ban k ,
'I hesu f icts together mndo London prices for
Amerlci'iiH weak , but the iiKirnlnK market
was Strom ; nevertheless and pr ces advanced
vciy matoilally fiom the eloslnsof yestor-
AllhoiiKh Komo of the boarscl'ilmod that the
I'nloii 1'nelllo leporls were uven vvorso than
had bein o\peeled tlm prlco of the stoci was
v.cll iiKilnlaincd today. 1'rom Ilostou tin 10-
noit eunio tin t Mi tlould and the Kiiultahlo
life Insurant o company would tnko all of the
I'li'ou ' I1 icllle tit'v 5 per cents trust
bonds ni'cess.irv to ciuu-ol HID lltmtln , ' debt.
I'lom the same souicn came the st.ituiMunt
that.i hid of 'I pel cent was undo on HMHO
Mi ires ofu ar common for July dlv Idend
iore Hold was ordered. The jiosted r.itis for
liorlln etch IMKO "ns loneied tod.iv Thu
bond iiuukot VMIS active nud stions. Thomt-
able fc itures of thi ) market wuio He ulliiK Is
sues. Oregon liiiiirovcinciit "PS nnd 1C ins is &
Trxiii , wlili-h wire all actively dealt In and
advanced shaip'y ' Wisconsin In
comes \vino nlso strong and udMiuccd ovur2
pel cent
Kunuett. Ilonkius A. Co to S A MeWhortcr
-Tindeis wild the List , hour jesterlny e\-
DeelliiK a weak London m irket this iiiiiinlnk'
with thn hink r ito of discount advanced
When London cnnic stroni ; 'ind the hank i ito uuchnnKed the whole situation wns ro-
veiicd nnu tiieio wnsnn e'ncr j-ciiunble to
buy stocks .it theopenliiK t-t I'aul been
the luaderof the market aUhoU''h ( Jlilcaao ,
Itiiilliulou . . Qulucv and L.ick iwanna line
been L'ood seconds The fcelli.4 on hu I'aul Is
veiy bullish , Its | ule Is belli c computed with
what Itv is a yeai ace when It was sellhiK ten
points hlKlidand the londlllon of the com-
i ) my Is iccardcd by all puths .is
liellir then , bolh ns to Its
condition .mil Its prospect for business
foi thu jcii. lustwhit lias o-e isloned the
sttenctli In Delaware , Laeic.iw.iniri . , West-
ein , mil In fact all thu coil sbaus It H not
easy tost'ite. I'rlKsof coal aio Ion01 than
thev ha\u l.ton In m my years at this season
ind the companies are obllied to roitilct pro
duction ( .onstaiitly to avoid unwieldy accu-
mul'itloiis , htm the comp uiles hold well to-
Kcther nnd show thuinsilvcs masters of tlio
situation SH rlliu eMihance has been vveakcr
and no uldillouat amounts of Kold have been
H ported for e > poit bv S iturday's steamer ,
and as London has Its jiosltlou by
1)11 ) } liu stncKs fieely It Is probahlu that
thu necessity of oxpoituig KOld has.
for thu time helm : at least , bei n
.iMMleil. 'I ho neither In all portions of the
west Is icporled us most favor-
nblu foi all kinds of ciops. This has hid a
liunellclal olFucl upon the m ukut tod.ifoi It
Is the crop situation whl h Is the strongest
Inlliioncu In brliiKln , ' buyers In thu m ukct at
present for rallw y sloclis Mono ) has been
lu better ( lemniid lonnlu , . ' as hl h as C per
cent , but It si ems likely that It Is a li mporaiy
spasm , duo to the piep ( ration of Institutions
of dineioiil kinds for their May 1 disburse
ments ' 1 he stock market closed stioni ; . but
vvllh some react on from the bcsl prlttsof the
cln\ . Total s lies , : il.,079 shares.
The following are thu C'OJMU ' cjuot itlons :
* 13x-dlvlitend
MONEY ON CALL Easy , closed offered at 0
pur cent.
I'ltlMK XlEllOANTIt.E I'Al'EH 5'i ! ' tier COllt.
btEiiMNT Kxcii\NOK-iuletflim ( ; :
bills , tl 8aunmnd. ! ; . SI H9.
g Stoo'cs.
NEW VOIIK , April 3J [ Spo-slal Tolorun to
TUB HUB. ) The following irj thu mining
stock quotations :
Horn Sliver . . ' . . . , J40
Con ITO IronHIIvcr 100
Ontario ISJU
lloillo . 115 Ophlr 1,75
Co. ) Col , i Va. . . . 140U Plymouth 18o
Deidtvoott . . . . 110 * * av IKO * . . . . iMM )
( Uitld \ Curry . IJ5 sierr i Nevada . . J2)
Ilu'oX ' .N'orirosi , . .I- . , Standard 100
llomoitako . 875
Coffee Options.
NKW YOKK , April 33. ISpoolul Toloiram to
THE Iir.B.l Coi KIK ; Ontlons opened sto uly nt
1 points down to 5 up and closed sty.idy at 5 ®
20. Sales , 21,0-K ) bias , Injludlns Mny , J17.7" ®
17.80 ; Juno , $17.7)17.7) ) ! July. J17Uil7 ( ( 0" > ; An-
Biist.$17.20(317.25 ( ; Soptomlorlll ) ( > ® ( B5 ; Outo-
bor , SK.O Iti l' > ; November , $1540 : Ducotnbai ,
$151jr .5. Hpot Uloquli't lint iluii ; fair oar-
goes , $ ,000 ; No 7. ii7.50
o , Aprll3) ) Thn following were the
closlnj ; prk-in : Kasy ; cash , May ,
tl.m * ; Jnly , 10- > .
Coin 'tuidy ; uisycish ; , OS io ; May , Cfi'io ;
July , < * ! u
OatH H.isy ; cash,5J'jo ; July , 57'jc.
11 } o Mo
I'rlini ) Timothy $ I,2II 25
Kl ix- l Ih'i.
WnlsUv $1 17.
I'oik Steady ; cash Tl..7" ! luly. t30 ! >
Liird tu.-Kly : cash , $1.75 ® ' ! 77) ) i ; .luly7 02' ' J ,
frliort Ulbs btoady ; cash , 8 < i25 ; July , $ fi 571i.
riour 'ito idy and unchaiiKod.
Hulk Mo its Shouhlors , 1521C45.25 ; short
ole ir , $ ( ' > . ; 5148 S5 ; shoit ribs. JB .IKS'i'lO.
Huttor llasler ; urc.irnury , ISii-'il'io ; dairy ,
Ohposo Lower : full cream cliortdais.
10i/tmic ; VOUIIK Ameilcas , llUVio ; Hats ,
KBITKSlpady ; fresh ,
Illdiis Unchaniii'd ; noavy and light uroon
suited , 5'iutt5U ; croon saltud , 4Ul'io : KiUtod
bulk , 4 > 4u : ercunsaltud calf. So ; dry Hint , Ka ;
drvsiltod , ( , o ; dry calf. 8SOc.
Tallow IJuch inucd : No , I. bo'.ld packed ,
4Uc : No. 2niocaUo ; ; , 4io. !
Uocclpts Shipments
Plour . IK K ) 11.000
Wheat , hu . 21X ( > 1 lr > 7OJO
Cum , Ini . 2(10,000 ( 1MUOO
Oats , bu . . . . . IDJ.OOO 105000
NEW YOIIK , April 30. Who'll Uocclpts.l 1200
bushels ; inports. , IIF)00 bilshols ; spot woaiiui
No. 2 rod , * 1 IS In elevator : tl.lHy nllont
* l IS'.ai.-'OU f o b Options lowui , but ral
lied and iidvanced l'BHic. closlnt ; tcady aiu
'aOlcoioryusterdiiyi No 2 red , Mnv oloslni.
at $1 li' ( .
Corn Kccolpts , 3,900 bushels : nxports 930
liiishuU ; spot weaker : No , 2 , 8lc In elevator
8''c alloat ; ungraded mixed , Wiio. Options
followed whont , hut closed me utiovc yester
day. May closlns at 7Sl5c.
Oats Uoeelpts , 101,000 bushels ; oxpoits , 1000
IniRhtils ; spot hlcher ; No 2 white , Gl'iftO.'o
mlied wuMtiiin , . "iTu iiJo ; white western , U ) 70c
Options stron ; or May closed at M"o.
HiiKiir Uaw nominal ; rctlutd iinltt nnd mi
I'etrohnim raster.
KKKS rirnii wt'btern , 15 ! c.
I'ork Steady.
l.ard btroiiKt'r ; western ste.vm , J7 00.
lluttor I'lrini wi'htcrn dairy , ll24c ; west
oin cie imery , 22-Ne ; Klein. 2i'/Jc ; .
Oheoso-htoady ; fanuy now , ll'iSH'ii sUIms
0'Jo. ' _
ST. Leung , April : X Wheat Lottci ; cash
! icoylt,7 ti July.l w .
Corn rirmer ; cash , l iUo ; July , C2c.
Oats lllijhcr ; ciihh. Sl'ic ; July , 4534c.
l.atd-l'Irmnt M 4V
Whisky Meady atJI.17.
lluttcr htcudy nnd unolianscd.
MiNNKAi'OMS. April 30. Wheat Northnn
wheat M > ld fairly , but No. 2 and Kradea below
\ery dull , liecelpts , 2tt : ours : hlilpments , 70
cars. Olosu : No. 1 bard , April , ( l.lkS ; on track ,
tl.flS't l.OO1 ; ; No 1 northein. April nnd May , ) ; on track , tl.OuStl ( Ki > 4i No. 2 northern ,
April , $1.03 ; on track , Jlal.0t. )
niNCiNNATt , April 30. Wheat Stronger ; No.
5 red. II.IIWOI.1S.
Corn UlKlier ; No. 2 mixed , 7273c.
Oi.ts ririncr : No. S mixed , Me.
KAN8a CITV. April 30. Wnont May , 90o
asked ; No. 2 bard , cnt-li. tl.OCKiM.ui ,
t'orn StroiiKort No. 8. cash , C5u ; May.O.'l'.e.
Oau Weak ! No. S cubh , Ko asked ; May , AOo
i Anrll 30. Wheat Utillj Call-
forulu No. I , 8s 7U I per cental ,
Corn Kaeyi lulxud wcsturu , Si 11(1 ( per
/ . / 1HTOClf. .
CtltCAOO. Anrll .T.-Cattlr UccolpK 0,000 [
market Rtrons ! uteers , tl.7&Q(125i ( heifers , 11.60
( < ? - " ' 10 ! cow s , tl.UiOtt.n.
HORS llicclpto. 18.000 ! market Btronc ;
roimli and common , ll.ixniilw : packers. jir > 5
® I.W ! heavy and Imtchor wulghts , l > 35.10.
Mieep Krcelpts , fl.nofl ! matket steady !
iiatlvcs. M 7.va5.U > \\ihteniB j , $550al50' ( Tex-
ns ,
ST. I.ottio. April m.CattleItrcelptR. . 10.000 :
hlpmcnts , fioo : mat kt steady ; fair to fancy
iithosteors , | 4.oua575 ; Tovans and Indluns ,
.1 0 < a5 20.
llo s-Hecolnts , 5,900 ; shlprnontu , 1,700 ; tnrir-
( etstroiiKer ; hravv , H.WiJI.95j mixed , J4.40 ®
.HO ! IlKht. tl.00ii4.75.
OITV. April 30.-r.ittlc
,40 < > t shlpnienls , I.soij ninrkut stromt nnd
ilBhcr ; steers * .l.755 00 : cows. t..40M'0 ' ;
lockers and feeders. Ji l)5-\00. (
Hoes Kecelpts , 4/100 ; slilpincnts , 3,900 ; mar
ket higher ; all ( trades , } ,1 50d4l 85.
. . ! MIA 1.1VK SlOCli.
OMAHA , April .10.
OATTI.K Ofllclal rocolnta of cattle 1.257 , as
omp.ired with 1.H7.I yeslerdnv and 1,185
'hnrsdny of last wenk. The rccclplu diirlnit
iprll h \ \ ( i licen 'MWti. ns conui.ired w lib f > ' . ' ,778
\ J'ho market was acthe on
\eiythliiK ! steer * weio lOu higher : butcher
lock strong ai.d fcedors fully steady. Ono
'o.irneo todny thu iccolptH were hca > y , 3,105
attle 5,417 link's and til sheep. Thu limit
( tichul that ilny was $1 ( , ? > , for Hteers , $ j.SO
or t-ows and W id for feiders ,
Hoes Olllclal receipts of hoits 3,111 ns com-
mod with 4 , ' Ml yestmday and 4l\l Thnisil iy
f IiHtweek. The net Iptsdmltie Aiirll wete
OfiS51 , ns cuni ] ) nod with ir- . l Apill of last
car. The matki't was actho and i-loso to 1 Ic
owet All Hold. 'I ho rame of the prices
iild WIIB * I.V > ( iM 8D , the bulk soiling at SI OM4
.70. I.luMit , Jl r.ViJ4 75 : heax v. } 4.701M.Ni ; mixed ,
4 ( kVtl.7i ) . The axciairo of the prices paid was
I 07'j. as Lomp.ircd with $ l7'8 jestenlny and
I M ) , Phursdii ) of litHt week. Ono year IIKII
oday $4.0J wns the top , thu bulk &VJU&J > > \ and
ho a\eraeel.9l.
Sin Fi' Ollluui receipts of sheen 177 , ns com-
i.iled with IM ) ji sti'iduy nnd 19JThuisd.i ) of
ast week The receipts of li"i p during April
voie I8-'J. ( ns compared with 11.90' ) duilliK
\prlllast 1 hn demand continues KIUK ! and
irlces ilrm. Natives , J.I.OOJJ5.75 ; wtstenifc , $ -.50
r. 5J.
lcU'lptK ! and DlHposltlou ol' Stock.
Ofllel il recclpls and disposition of stocl' as
houn by thu books of the Union Btockynrda
omp my for the twenty-four hours utullnx
o'clock p. in , April 'H , IfiJI :
Kcprescntntlvi ! S.ileH.
40. ) 4 5J 4C5
G 210 4 55 4o (
91 175 100 4 55 4 ( ,7'/
87 184 ' 4 f > : > 470
no I'-'O 4 CO 470
hi 100 4 U ) 470
70- 185 240 4 M ) 470
17 in 4 I/ ) 470
7tl If2 120 4 1.0 470
dl 191 40 4 CO 470
.212 240 4 00 470
act 200 4 r1 ; ; 470
80 204 120 4 ( > Wt 470
111 2.U 100 4 C- 475
( i'J .1-0 4 C5 475
1)J ) , , .200 120 4 ( . ' , 475
7(1 ( 184 120M 4 ( > 5 475
70 , .184 M ) 4 05 4 77"
70 KI7 100 4 ( W 480
IJ , 210 40 4 ( o 480
07 197 SO 4 05 480
78 , 210 l.'O 4 05 211 4 SO
GS , .197 80 4 b5
, . 71 : i oo i ,250 425
, 101 - - 3 50 1 . . . . , lli ) 425
, .1.10 ; i 7r s ,14J 425
, 180 4 25
O. II. ill A MAKKKT8.
II I'OIIK 1'urk loins , t > 'i ' ( < ; tuiuluiloliis ,
llo ; ai.nro rlhi , Co ; snoulileis , ( M ; hocks , Jo ;
tr'imntiiKs ' , 60 ; h.ick IIOIIPI , 2 > iu ; ilirssoil ho s ,
B34oi oluani-d piss fc-ot. porilo/un , .IDuj luiuli
iiiioloiinc'd p as' fi-ut , pordo/un , 'Me ,
MUTTON Olioic'0irissc > il mutton , Do : rncUs
of inuttnn , lie ; sulillcsuf niiitti.n , lOo ; lirc-.i ts
of iniittoii. 4u ; lep of mutton , ll < c.
1'lithii llvtf Ci'Th Kolls iui U't-f tfiulor-
icilns. llio ; sirloin bints , he ; liotiulu s 8trlii | , IU |
btrlp loins , bo ; rounds , runip oil' . 8'Su ' ; ruiuitls ,
rump on , * ' , ; lonnds , h ink ; bonolcss
rumpfx > ; eliucko. S'iSyic1 ; plulos , Ho ; h.iek
li ilM-s. 7'io ; sliouliU'r clods , l.'iu ' ; bcof lolnt
No. 1 , stours , I8o ; biM-f loln > No. ' . ' , Ifiu ; Ut-nf
loins No II , r.'o ; beef ribs , tuitllc ; bcof tits No.
1 , Iftc ; H i > ct blonds PIT doz , 7 , " > c ; Uldno > s onc-li.
Ho ; ox lulls iMdi , ! lo ; ll\ors IMUI | , 15o ; bcof
lioiutHCMCli , So : licet tonu'uos oucb , 45o.
r-AUSAOE Smoked s'liisuec , 7o ; bolosnn.
4'ic ; blood siiusiiKo , r > cll\c ; > rHiiusnuo , r > u ; licuil
I'liocse , So ; fresh poik BUIISIIKO links. 7'to ;
fresh pork HIUSUII : bulk , To ; smoked pork
sunsaco , iMjo ; rrnnkfurt snusnuc1 , fa ; smoked
jieiid clicoso , o'io ; I'ollsh hiiusaisn. 7' o ;
knobluuc'li sausuKe. 7to ! ; tongue S.IUSUKO , lie ;
, .
' 1 huuboNo prices uin for lots of fifty pounds
nnd upHiirils ; a less iiunntltr a buff cunt
KVIOKMI MEAM-Susnr Ourod Hums , 14 to
lOlb nvcniK'o , lUi'o ; liiuiiH , ' 'J to 2. Ib nvoruRf.
lOc ; bums id to I. 11) n\iniic ! > , 10 ! , c ; hklnn d
liiiniN , 10l4o : bboulders , lUio ; clcnr broukfiist
bacon , nurron htrlps. D c ; uloar bruukfutt
bacon , wide strips , n\v ; boneless broiikfiist
bucon bucks , S > iu0u ; llfornla or plcnlaliiim ,7a ;
boneless hum , Hc ) ; dried beef hams ( sots ) , o'io ;
drlod beef clods , S o ; short snlcod rolls or
ham roulotto. 8iJo ; smoked ncof toiiKiics ( per
doiun ) , I6.SO ; spoclul bams , IL' to 15 Ib mer.iKo.
lliic ; special bouclcas breakfast bacou , ll ! o ;
iclcPtc-d dried beef Tmnis. Inxtdes nnd knuek-
lo , lie ! solcotoilvidc \ < ulcir breakfast bacon ,
Duv HALTED MI.AM1'iincy Unlit welitlit
short elciirM. 7(401 ( < liln clears , 0\c | short
clenrs , ( l' < ci ihort rllM-o' c | shoulders filio ;
clcnr bellli'i , 7ct olnnr tnclfs , O'lO.
SMOKti ) MHATS inly SALT Uimnn-rnncy
lUht wolKht bucon shart clenrs , 7c ! bacon
short ribs , 7 0 ; bncop ibort clears , 7'io ! bsieon
lonn clc.iM. 7afiobneoii : clear backs , 7Sc ! ; bacon
clour bellies , 7 e ; Iml-Aii shoulders , f > He.
SWEtT I'lCKl.KIl JIliVTSllnlllS , tlOICIH , Oyoj
shoulders ( N'cw York VOt ) tierces , fiyes belllu .
tlcrccs.Hp ; CiillfornU Biinis , tlcrccs , Oct bcof
hams bbls. , JIN 00.
I'tCKl.tli lln-P Tri.N'Aups-llbls. tX.OO ; half
bbls. , 100 Ibs. * OMjiin-lltcr bbls. , 50 Ibs ,
ululitli bbls. , Si Ibs UM.
luiiiu.i.pu I'oiuc Asiijliiup Mess pork ( now ) ,
iicrbbl , Jl.'SO ; fn in fly , pork , JI1.SJ : luii'k pork ,
* 1 1 W ; short cut clcariiOrk. Jl,1 oo H oo ; prlmo
mess pork , Ul.UOttUiVj ; boneless | il pork ,
fancy , * lfl 6) ) ; oxtrn mess beef WOO ; pinto licuf ,
JIOOO ; extra plate lieef , Jll.OOj rolloil Vcof ,
bonol ss. HI.M ; boneless rolled bcuf. ! i bbls. ,
M.oo ; o\tra fiimllv pinto bcof , M.V ) .
OILS I'rlmo hud oil , winter stinlnrd , fx'.o ;
extra lard oil , ulntor hlnilnod , .VJci nxtrn No. 1
lard oil. 41c ; No. 1 lard oil , .Wo : No ' . ' lard oil ,
; i o ; extra neit'H-footoil. Wet tallow oil , 4Uo.
I'Hl I'OIIK Itoneless It Is inado of the best
cuts of choice plus , his n bright , fresh color.
llarrcls , ICO Ibs ench. Jl" > 5) ) ; half birrels , 1(0 (
Ibs piicli , HOO ; niinrtor barrels 51 Ibs , each ,
* l.fiO | elKbtb barrels. ! B Ibs , each J-.75.
LAHII Ooiniiounil , per Ib , tleruu basis , ri'Bo ;
pure leaf , per Ib. tlerco basis , 7lic ! pure lard ,
jioi Ib. ticreo b.isls , 7Uc ; kettle rendered
laid , per Ib , tlorco b isis , ( -'ic' ' .
Country I'rudiioc.
DTho receipts of cups \\\\o \ been a little inoro
fieo but not enough to ehan i < iiiotatlons | on
the market. lluttor continues > cry senrco
and although deiik'H ha\o breu looking for
IIIIRO y Incro.isiMl lecelpts for some tlmo and
a correspondliiKly loner market U has failed
to imiterlnllro thus far. The bay miiiket "us
a 111 tin llrmor and the best uns Mo per
ton blKher than tlui ( lav before.
HAV-llest upland. $14 0I500 per ton.
Ht'iTHi llest countiy scarce at uoa''c ; fair
Blades , INif.'Oc.
1 ( ins Oeiierat market. 12 < 3l2'5e. '
I'oin.THVMe bens , fancy. * l 00 ; mixed ,
$ l.7.V&l.iO ( ! roosteis , JuiKJll7r. hlvo turkeys ,
lie per Ib. Ducks , medium , M.OJ&J..U ; IIUKO
and fancy , J.1..VJ.
A few cbaiiRcs will bo noted In the list of
M-irotablob irlvcn below , i-oiilhoiii cnullllower
has about taken the place of C'allfornla but Is
quoted higher Hemiida onions and ealery
.ue no longer to be had. Aspar.icus and pin
plant are quoted ower. Tomatoes me added
to the list lint they aio scarce and It Is hard
work to fill oidcis btrlni ! beans and peas are
quoted , but they mo not plenty.
The follow IIIK quotations are based on
yestor.lay's close !
fcOUTIII UN t'Al'LULOWKIt- (107 , $ I W.
Ct'Cl MHP.lth 1'ei do/ , fancy , $1 5 G'-.OO.
Tot1 O.MovH-l'er bunch , JJc.
SPINACH I'er bbl l.7" > .
Li.n L' ( n-t'liolce stock , 40c.
ItUTAiiAdAS Michigan stock , pel bu , ( .Oc.
llFMS-l'ui bushel , * ! . ' .
UAltnors 1'ei bushel , 11.00.
lUlilsiiiH 1'erdobundles , 40S45C.
1' MisMi's Per bushel , iJI.ttO.
I'ALIKII\U ) C'AiuiAui : 1'er Ib , i'lffWJc.
llhANM-Medliinis , J. < ( ) ; navy. $ . ' 7 : >
Asi'AHAOl'S Homo Krown stock , Mo perdoz
I'll ! I'LtNT IVr box of 5(1 ( lb , Jl..ViJl.JO.
l > or\iolH lldtno Krown , tl.urjffi.1.10 ; foi west
ern stock. JI.L'KSl..1' . ; Colorado , Jl.iOi4l.lo ;
MINT 1'or dobunches. . 40c.
NhW I'OT1O1S I'el 11) . .IliC.
r/UTlliilN TOMATOM Ifusbol crates , Jr. 00.
feoiTTiiiiiiN Iti\ : > 8 Wax , $ .OJ per la biibbol
box ; strlni : . l.'J.vai..Vpei ) 'i bushel box.
KrcHJi FruKrf.
The lemon market \oryllrm , nid ns the
demniid Improves still hljjhor prices .ire pro-
dieted Oiannes .lie lo at this point i.s eom-
ii.ned with the prices In Callfoinla. Straw-
bcirles aioery scarce and coming only In
sc.itterlii ! ; and small lots Chicago wired jus-
tonlaj "berries scarpo and cannot ship , "
wbllobt. Louis prices weio ! fl ( 007.00 pcr"4-t ( |
cases , Hhii'hastoo litph to justifv shipments
to this m.iiket. Apples are very se.ueo. and
/ood shipping htoeK Is practically out of the
Tlio following quotations are based on jcs-
tcrdaj's sales :
hTii\win.iiHiES-l'er case of 24 pints , $1.00 ©
: i a'i ; per ease of L'4 ' qurts , $ 'l 00.
OiiAMlts Los Angeles , W.fiOiJ2.7ri ( per box ;
Duaite , * .IOO ; KUora. W.OO ; Uhorslilos , $1 50 ;
Naeln. $ . ) 5Kiil".00. ( ,
liKMo.Nb Choice sLocJv , per box , J350 ; fancy ,
Won. . ,
( iitAvn FIIUIT I'or1)ox. W 0-3.25.
HANANAS Per bunch fl.MXS-'luo.
ATI-LI s1 Thn supply light nnd stocks hold at
J.-.500iOperbll. ( )
ia Pcrdo'/ , , $ .100.
Omalm Milling Co-Hollnnco Patent , I ) 10 ;
Inrlnelblo Patent , Ji,80 : Lone bhir buperla-
tl\e , JiSOi Snowllakc , J2.10 ; I'lrticv Tamlly ,
Jl.liO.K. 1' . Davis Mill Co. , High Patent No. 1 and
Cream. $ J.8i ; Hluo 1) . full patent. 8. CO ; Hawkeye -
eye , half patent , * . ' .40 ; Special Unyul , patent ,
No. 10 , J.UO ; Minnesota Patent , W.W ) : Kansas
Hard \\hcat , patent , J2.05 ; Nebraska Sjirlng
Wheat , patent , $ -.00.
Oskamp's ready to rlso buckwheat Hour ,
4.1.r perciiRo of 50Mb packaRes ; buckwheat ,
In bblB , N Y. . W ( W ; i\celslor brand , 15.50 ;
Slap Jack , ! . 75 per case of 50I1) ) pack-
aces..K. . Oilman's Gold Medal , $203 ; Snow White ,
J2.I.O ; f-nowllakc. $ , ' .20 ; low Rradc , tl.03 ; bran ,
J.'l 00 ; chopped feed , JJ7.00.
I No 1 I Nil 1 INo I 1
I I.nria ! Medium I Htu.ill. .
II aril w.i re.
HELLS Lleht , brass , hand , dls , 70c ; Ken
tucky cow , dls. 7Uc.
TAUK * . HiiAiis , lic. American lion carpet
tacks , dls 80 ; steel carpet tacks , all kinds , 1,0 ;
Swedes Ironcariiottacks , nil kinds , 00 ; Swedes
Iron tacks. U ) ; Swedes Iron upholster-'tacUs
CO ; tinned Swedes Iron tacks , 50s Amerhnn
Iron cut tacks , 75 ; copper tacks , M ; copper
linlshlui : nud trunk nails , 45 ; cluar box nulls ,
4't ; lliiishliiK nails , 70 ; IluiiKarlaii nails nnd
miners' tacks , G5 ; ( 'lnip and Inco tacks ; 70 :
tinned Rlmp nnd Inco tacks , 50-10 ; trunk nnd
clout nails , 70 ; tinned trunk and clout nallfa ,
: s5 ; basket nail" , .15 ; chair nails , :15 : ; common
nnd patented brads , 70 ; tinned capped trunk
nulls , ill ) ana 10 ; looklng-L'lass tads. 25 ; plc-
tuiu fi .imo points , 2"i ; leather cm pet tacks , 4'J ;
biush tacks. 25.
TAi'fs , MKAstmiNO American , dls , ari1 ,
'I HhllMOMJThiis Till u ise , dls , 75.
TliAi'S-Onme , Newbouso , dis , 40 ; Biimc.
Onolda pattern. 70 ; moiihu. wood choker , pur
dorvii holes , 20.
TUOWKLS Itrndes' brick , dls , 10 ; Dlsston's ,
20-10 ; Kardttn. notperdo/ 00.
TIUICKS ( Warehouse , uto. ) , llowo's K. J. &
Co , dls. 50.
Vtshs Parallel , t'AVkor's dls , 10 ; pirallol ,
oval slide , : ) ; saw IIKjrs , Wcntwotth'siVc.
WitUNCiiPs-coes * 'couuliie , 51 ; tilr.ird. CO ;
ART. 70-10 , llemls A. Call's patent combination ,
15 ; Alken , jmc-Kot ( bright ) WOO. II' .
Ill.ocKH Stanluy Hdlu A , Luv ol Co's now list
CO. l
Jloi.TS Common t-nrrlase , ills. 70-10 ; H , A. ? .
M'fK. Co's stove , dls. 4-10 ; plow , ills. 50 ; ma
chine , dls. 70 ; tlru hortH. 50-10.
CAHIBUS lied , dlBviSO ; plato and shallow
rockets , dls. M. l n
Ilirrr * llrass , wrought , dls. ' < 0 : loose pn
cast , dls. 70 ; loose pin , japanned , dls , LO-10-10 ;
loose pins , Jap.inncd/'wrouKht , U ) ; Clark blind
butts. 75-111 , -fiii
C'IIUN Trace. O'itlO-2 , per pair , net , 40c ;
trace , bVJ , Amurlcnu.1 put pair , net , 50o ; ( ier-
inan h liter chain.xllbt of December Ul. 1881 ,
dls.50-10 ; Amcilciiul halter chain , list of le- )
cumbei III , 18SI , dlsjfiMO ; ( Jenniui cell chain
list of December .ili il s | , ills. 50-.0 ; Iron jack
chain. ! i5 ; brass Jack clialn. ! ) > .
COCKS llrass , nuvrdlst. July 10 , 1S80 , dls , 50.
( , ' ( Hti : MIM.S L'arUer'h board und box , ills ,
50 ; Amurlcan ( Knlel prlsu .Mfu Co ) , dls , 2ri.
DliAWiM ! K.MVfcSMl' . y , A. W. Co. , dls , 70 ; ad
justable , dls. 20.
1'oiiKS Hay , maun ru nud spndlnir , dls 00-10-
10 ; plated , A I , Huu-er.S. Ilios. , W ) .
I'litiiTS AMI J M.Iv I'ui8srs Jlnterprlfco Mf
Co. dls. 15.
COMrAKh > s , Div iiiKitH , I'.TO Compasses , dls
50-10 ; dlvldeis. dls , 50 nud 10 ; callipers , dls 50.
I nv 1'ANs Common , dls 70 ; Acme , dh. CO.
TAUCE 1'rary patent petroleum , dls. M ;
Kntorprlse self-im-asiirlnf , per diu , JJO.CHJ , dls
I'II.BS-Heaver .11)lsston'sCO-10 ) ; horse rasps
Heller llro ? . , dls. 50
llAMnr.ns Muydole , dls25 ; Atha dls.V ) .
HAit.NLhS SNAi'ri baiRents , dls 7u ; Cicrmnn
dls M.
K.NOIIS Door knobs , bronze , 50-10 ; door
minerals , door par. Jnpancd , door por. plntei
door por. now lUtdU. M-iO ; poiccluln bhulter
dls 70.
llATCiirTH DUcoiintH 40-10.
HAV KMVKK-LlRhtnlng. per do1900
Epenr I'olnt. pur do/ . , (8.5' ' ) ,
LOCKS Cabnuts nnd chests Cabinet , I'&l'
Corbln , clU25 ; trunk , dls 20 ; Vain lock com
pany , Hat and corrugated key , dls : tl4 ,
MAIJ.KTB II Ickory , U5 iier cent , lignum v Itue ,
25 nor cent ; leather head , 25 pur cent.
UINOLS Clarko's Nos. I , S und .1 , unto , dis
count CO ; screw book uUU strup , 8 to 12 , per 1UJ
ili. 4Uc : 12 and upwards , per 100 His , 3cs
Strap and T Hut. reliriiury 14 , 1191. W percent :
flnn.inrd I ) , A. , No. 5. ! 150
HoilSK NAU.s No .4 5 6 7 B B 10
I'porlr" , per Ib lie \lo \ Wo not
Northwestern. " 28 VI Kl 2J 21 in dlsSO
Champion , " 28 25 2,1 IS 21 I1) dls20
I'lltnnm , f,0 20 23 21 20 11) ) 10 dls 10
KhTTi.Ks.-Urass , pur cent dls , 15) ) rntimclcd ,
) er cent clK CO.
MKAT CtiTTKlts-Knterprlse , Ah 25 ; lioof
fclini < rs , ( Kutctprlso Mfs Co ) dls 25.
1'MiMiis ANI Lr.VKi.S"Htnnloy U. A. I/ . C'o.'u
intent adjustable , dls 70 ; Stanley It. .V L. Co.'s
lon-ndjiistalilo , ilia 70 ; pocket lovuls. dls Mi.
I'tlNciiM licit or drive , per doz , { i.OO , f.2. > ,
IJ50. dlsWjsprliiK , $ . ' .50.
f \n IKONS 1'rom 4 to 10. per Ib , flc net ; self-
icHtlnB , per doz. $10.50 not ! Mrs. I'ott'H lrot.ii.
10'is Ido ulilo pointed.
llaedor .V Adnmson's Hint. 00 to
I'i ' , $5.25 per ream ; llaedcr A. Adam on's Hint ,
. ' ,2'i ' and II. 9575 per ream : llnuderjc Adam-
son's star , tl 21 per ream ; llaedor & . Adamson's
emery. M VKU11.50 per team. List. HIM oil.
SASH CoiiP lVr Ib Common , 15 net ; patent ,
18o net : USIlvor Like ; hump. UOc. C vvhfto cot
ton , braided , 28c.
SAWS Olsstoii'd circular , mill und cross-cut
Us 45 ; Dlsston's hand , panel and rip , dls 20-
> .i5. !
.i5.SCAt.KS Howe , dls2"i pni cent : llulTalo ,
per cent ; 1'nlrb inks , dls 40.
STO.Nh ( IrluOstones , per ton , fldOO ; grind
stones , mounted. "Mimpson , " Nos 1 , 2 , a , JJ.75 ,
* J 25. $ . ' .OU.
WlitK llrass.Oc and copper .l"c
list ; market. brlKht C < ) c ; market , coppered.
Wand 10 pur cunt : tinned , broom wire. f > 0c ,
innealed fence , Nos , 8 nnd U , per 10(1 ( Ibs , J..C5 ,
japaiinud linrb fence. M.25 ; vnlvanlrcd barb
fence , J.1 80 ; picture w lie , T. S. A. .1. , ( Us. 20 :
clothes line w Ire , | .uvanl7i d. pur ocoll. . $1 W ) :
vvlro elotb , KI eon , drab and black , per UO sij
ft , 1 1.4-i.
| iost hole , pel do1 1 ! ) 59 ; Champion post hole
au urs. 110.50.
SAhitVnmiTs Solid eyes , per 100 Ibs Jl 20.
S\iN\ir Hrun-hiis oil I'll iHs ( I'erry. dls
15 ; Knturprlso manufacturing companj , dls
ST t' I'enco Kejr , (123
HQUAUKS steel , dls TVIO.
Arm-its AMI llirs-t' , i : . Jcnnlnc" . die ( A' , ;
Hussell Jennlni-s , dis'Sj bit stocn drill , Cleve
land X. Moise dls , .V ) .
A\D Llpiilneutts , per do ? , } S25 ; double
bitted , J14.00 ; Hunt's , } 8.25 ; Llpplluott's
bioii7ed axes , t-s 2' > .
Doou Lot KH , Lie List pi Iocs ns icvNid
1) ( cembui Jd , ISM , , h ss 50 10 per cent ; p id-
locks , new list dls , 70
HOOKS Sargent .V Co , harness list , ( V ) ;
wioiinht staples and hooks and st iples , 7"i ;
Stanley's list , wrought staples 75 ; hooks and
eyes , wire sciow , 75.
IANTLHVS lluckexe , sr , ! C50 ; lluckejc , Ji. .
r > rO ; Ilrllllant. J500
Monsshs OATI s-Stehben's p itterus , dls , 70
DII.KIISlnc and tin , new list , ills W.
I'M us Itallrond , ad/o eye , dls. ( fl.
UIVI.TS Wagon box , 8 ; lion and tinned , new
list December 10 , lfSL dls JO , copper rivets and
burrs , ffl.
Sc'in.vva-ri'it head Iron , 70ft7"'ei round head
now lint , blued , die ; Hat head bra--s. nevv list
7Xf(75c ( ; jaiianued. It ! coach , common or la' ;
CO10. .
! -iiovris AND SI-AUKS Ames' , dls , 15.
Quotations aru foi car lots on board cars at
Omalm :
12. 14 & ,
It , ft , IP ft 20 ft. 22 ft. 24 ft
2x4 .Jlr > 50 tlb 00 $ li ( 50 81700 JIS ( K )
a\d. . 1500 11 .V ) 11.00 1700 1800
2\8 . lr > CO T > 50 K. ( X ) 17 50 IS OJ
2\10 r > 00 1550 11,00 , 1750 Ih 00
2\12 1C 00 1C 00 17 00 Ib 50 ID 00
4x4 to
8x8. 1C 00 17 00 18 00 16 00 19 00
ItATTt ss. WLM , TOIIINO. KTC. O ( J. 21/f-lnch.
C5c : > / xl. sis , Jiu ; 2-Inch well tubing. I ) . .V M.
and bov , WIOO ; pickets , D. JL II. Hat , S.'JO ; D.
Jt II. square , $ J , > .3n.
rj.vci.NO-No 1.0 In 12 and 14 ft , if.JOOO ,
No. 1 ( . lu , 1 ( > ft. tlO.OJ ; 4 In. til ) 00 ; No. 2. fl In.
12 and H ft , if , } 14 00 ; 4 In , $11 00 ; No 2. C In , K ,
ft. HI , ( HI ; 4 In. $1000 ; No. .1 , I , In. 12 and 14 ft
} UOO4 ; In , J1.JOO ; NIL I ) , U In , 10 fl , tlIOO4 ; In
$1:100. :
Slll.Nn-A. 12. 14 and 1C ft.'JU.OO ; C. J17.50 ; H ,
12. 14 nud Ib ft. $ X ) 50 ; 1) ) , ? 14.V ) .
HoAlios N < i I com , JISrO ; No 2 , com , $1500 ;
No. II , com , ? l UiO ; No 4. com. til 50.
STOCK IloAiiii . A. 12 In , sis , $48.00 ; 11 , I.1 In ,
slh. $1"(0 ( ; C , f400 ; I ) . J.500 ; No. I common. 12
In , sis , 10 , 1. , uud 18 ft , J.'l.OO ; No 2 , tlb r > 0 ; No I
common , 12 in , sis , 14 ft , WMli ; No. 2 , $17. "iD ;
N < i 1 common , 12 In. sis Id ft , tl"50 ; No 2 ,
$17.00 : No. 1 common , 12 In , sis , 2J ft , $ , ' 1.00 ; No
2 , JSIC.50.
biiii'iiAl' No. 1 plain , 8 und 10 In. J10CO : No
2. $ K ) UO ; No. 1,0. G. . 8 In. Jl'JOO ' ; No 2. $ lj..V ( ) ;
1U In , giooved roollnc , 12 , H and 10 ft. ! ! ' ) ifl.
Istand2d , cl. , 1 In , s.'s , tl'MiO ;
Ui and 2 In. Jl'ioi ' ) ; .Id clear , 1 In , s2s , * 4'.00 ; U4.
I'/ and 2 lu , J47.00 : A. heloct. 1 lu , s''s fll.Ofl. I'4 ,
I'/j uud 2 lu , jr. 00 ; II. select. 1 In , s''s , J.ll 00 ; 1 > 4 ,
U4 nud 2 In , $10.00 ; C , bclcct , 1 In. bJs , $ .T.OO ; Uj ,
Hi und 2 In , I15rjti ,
A. U or C select , nil IG-foot. 11.00 extra.
tfouiiituN YGM.OVY I'INK 1st nnd 2d i-on i
flooring. ll-Hi star , $21.00 ; H-ll' ( ' ) 00 ; common
Hoorliu , 11-1C , jnoo ; rift clear. 1,1-18 , J.'dO.
1st and 2d ele ir , \ ccillni ; . JI4 50 ; 1st and 2d
uleiir. ? . colling , J1U rfi ; 1st and 2d clear , coll-
Ing. $2500 ; 1st und 2d clear , llnlsh. s.'s , from 1
Inch , $27.00 : 1st and 2d clear , finish , s2s , froml'i
Inch , M.OJ ; 1st and 2d clear , finish , J > . fiom 1" :
und 2 Inch , WOOD , 1st und 2d clear , y , p. casings ,
$ .1000 ; buse , t-ti.aa.
1'oi'LAH LnvtiiKii S-lnch and tip , 1st nnd 2d
clear , 1-liich sJs , fli.OJ ; 8-lnch und up , 1st and
2d clear. V Inch p incl. U ) 00.
Stsil , Doons , I.TC. Tar board. JI 50 ; sash , 55
per et. ; doors , 5) ) per et. ; blinds , 50 per ct. ;
moulding , 5J per ct. : taried fell , per cvvt. .
$ . ' .10 ; straw board , tl.l" .
ri.oouiNO A. 0-Inch , whllH pine. $1800 ; C
} 2iM ) ; II , ( V-lnch , white pine , J.00 ; n. t.0.10 : L
C-lnch , whlto pine ( self-fencing ) , il7.uO ; drop
siding , 50o per .M exti.i
SIIIMILVS. LATH Extra "A. " pine , $ JfiO ;
standard "A , 12.4' . ; extra. "A , " ccilar , t..M\ \
( , -Inch clear pine , JI.OO ; clear redwood , $1,25 ,
lath $100.
I'OHTS White ccdui , ( i-lnch , ' s , lie ; 'l-lnch
qrs , lie ; whlto cedar , 5'5-lnch , 'is , 'Ic ; b-luch
qrs , DC ; vvhltu cedar , 4-Inch round , He ; split
oak , 8c ; Tennessee red cedar , split , 14c.
WOOL Kansas , Nebraska nnd Teriltory
Unwashed : I'lne , u\cragu , 1to l"c : choice. 15
to Kic : medium , uvornge , IS to20c ; choice. SJ to
24c ; ( ( Unrtei blood , average 17 to 2 e ; choice.
20 to U'Jc ; coarse , uvor.ipo , r > to Idc ; choice , 1C
to ISc ; cotts uud iniu'h , avernRe. U to He ;
choice. 14 to I5c : seedy ot buriy , choice , U to
14c ; black , choice , 15 to 17c ; bucks amiciy
heavy line , choice. U to 12u. run ashed comb-
iiig and delaliiu I'lnu delaine , im'iago , 11 to
Klc : choice , 1C to ise : medium dolnlno. tooiago
20 to 21c ; choice , 20 to - ' Jo : medium combing.
uveragc , 20 to 21c ; choice , 20 to 2-'c ; qnnrlei
blood combing , uveia/e , 17 to lvc ; choice , 18 to
20c ; couiso combliir' , nvoinge , 1" ) to 17c ; choice
17 to IHc ; braid , meianc , 1. to 14c : choice , 1" . to
lic. Tub wuslied Cho'ce , 28 to UJc ; average ,
2" ) to ' . ' 80 : coal se. 20 to T.c
TAI.I.OW AMI Ciiti. ASH Tallow No. 1 , 4'S4 ' V ;
tallow No. 2 , : iji6i. ) ' c ; gtease , whlto A , .H-f&i
: i54e ; L'le.isu whltu H. .l'4 ' < 4i'l' > u ; grease , yullow ,
yo ; giea c. dirk , 234e : old buttei , 2 < & 2'je :
beeswax , prime , 2JSJ'c ( ; rough tullon , l',44ii
If they had merit , they '
would not c aim to be MS
good ns something o so.
Hooks on Illood and SMn dlsea es free.
Total Itiues or CITIES ,
Correspondence policitHl
IPI-iOS Dearborn Street , CHICAGO ,
:3 : We'l Street , NEW YOIIK
70 Ktate St.BO ! > TOt.
KHAD1UATUUCnrra all bcciuvu II kills
tlm uilcrobu ur Kurm 1'nt up nnil icliillc'J In I. , M
and n lro , tlio latlor . ' .I-Z calloin Hint any-
win-re prupaldon reti-lpt 01 prlco orO o I ) \\o
IBKIIO aiiuamiiKe to iuro 'lliu , trndo and
jobbers Buppllud by the Klnnlcr Drue Co. onuba.
A , D. Boyer & Co
l -ia Eichanne llulldlnir ,
Boutli Ouiaha.
8 , J , Ooffman , Smiley Hunter &
& 0o , ,
3 gichacga UulUInf
Uulldln *
BoutU Oiuaom.
A.H.Porrigo&Oo. , a DAXOH ,
AIIM ke , ' nl < ltrlc > So111 on
, All I'rlcci , AU
1'firl. . I 1'nymci.t. .
1J15 Uodco Street. | KO ' < I i.rnnin bt Omhft
Omaha Republican Printing Co. ,
i w brlofi , b\nk uiillo | | , utii eror/thlng In the
rrlntlnu Una.
10th unA DouKlai stro ti.
Actormaun Bros. 4 ; Hointzo ,
Mnder * . t loolrotTpori , blank book msnu-
fnctureri ,
John L. Wilkio , Louis Holler ,
Omithnpurerbox factory , nutcbon' ana I'nckori'
1317-1319 IXjiiBlii , Tooli A fiuppllni Hoof ,
Orden hnu A hooi > < .i < lnji.
promptly nllol
1HC-H13 Jiick-on HL
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatriok-Kosh Dry
Goods OD.
Drj noodo , furnliUlng
goodi , notions Dry goods , notlonn.if'nti'
furnUhlmr uooils
Cor. llth nnd Howard sU. I Corner tlth nn I Ilarnar
Dewey & Stone Fur Ohaa. Shivariok & Oo.
niture Oo , , Furniture nnd Carpati
Knrnlturo and carpati ,
1115-1118 Karnam itreet , , 120C-1210 Knrnim St.
Beebo & Ruuyan Fur
niture Oo.
Successor" to C.A , llcebo
A. Co
Griicounit llth his.
Schneider & Loomis , J , T. Eobinsan Notion
Oo. ,
labben iind Importer ! of ' .
nenti' furnlslilnx goofli.
notions and furulihlng m'fK relobritud brand
goods , "lluclnkln" overnlli ,
panti , nlilrU. coiti. eto.
1111 Howard atront. Cor l.'tb and llunard t < -
Kennard Glass and J. A. Puller & 03. ,
Paint OD.
, Strjt ,
H03-HU Ilarnor itre t.
Omahm , NuU Omaha.
V.'illiair Oummings , Blake , Bruce
UOD-'XM iMar
I17andei9 South IClh 3t
b Omalm , Nch
Omaha , N
Poxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Raapke ,
TO&-TII B lOlh ilrujt , HW-K06 Harnojr atrait ,
Omaha , Neb Omaha , Nub.
D. M. Bteelo & Oo. , Sloan , John'on & Qa ,
Hlh and I-cnronworlb
UOl-UOi Jonoi tlruoU trcuU ,
Omalia , Neb Omaha , Neb ,
Allou Bros , , McOord , Brady & Oo. ,
1114 Uarner ilroet , ISlhnnd Lcaicnwortb.
Omaba. Nub. Omaba , Nobra.ka.
Tonray &Biyai , I S. A , MoWliorter
Hrokiir" , uruln , jinivUlnns al'J l t .Null Ilnnk lln.kor
.mil vtuikii .lift H Hlli I'rlrutu wlrca ID , S'uu
hi 1'rlintuwlru to < 111- \iirk , Cliliano and HI
o. ht. I/JUla and .New U.uli . t * li irraln
\ork. liouxht fur nil inarkclK ,
Oookroll Bros.1
llrokiri 1'rlTBto wlre
lo Now Vurk , Clilcuvo A
hi. l.ouli. Hpvclal alli-n-
lion iilven tu truck btdi
en itralo. Ul NH'I lluuk.
Hugh 0. Olark.
( lonl Wtfitorn A fnt
nupont' HpoftlnK Hun.
powrtar. AIM * hlnhoiplo
tlYi > , l < lnstlnif ctpi.f me.
HIS llarnu } itroot ,
Oarpentor Paper Oo. ,
Carry a full flock of
printing , wrapping nd
wrltlnn piper , o rJ pa
per , eta.
Qco. Obonio tc Oo. , J , S. Smith < fe Oo. ,
SIS 3 13th street , UOS'1113 t.carentrorth > h
Otinlin. Omabv
Paxtou & Viorling Safe & Iron
Iron Works , Works
'V0.1'11 ! l"ul cnt Iron ,
building work , onglne , Mnmif'r * flro and hurclai
brn work , uonenl proof nafoi , rrvulli , jail
foundry nmchlno ant work , Iron nhuttcM inq
Mnokiiulth work U i > Dro rucipe (1 ( An
liy andith u drcou.lltli A JuckionsH
Acme Iron and Wira Wilson & Drake ,
Work ?
, M'f ( tnbulir fluoi flr
tron wire and brai w'k box boilers , tanki eta.
tits ICtli.lri-nt.
rT Ilocbl , . Troprlator I'lfco an I 19lli slrctti.
Roes Printing Oo.
LlthOBraphlng , Prlntlai
and lllnnk Hooks
llth andllowirdStt
Her & Go. , WilHim Darst ,
I.lquor Morchnnti \Vlncs , Liquor , anil CV
1112 IIorn y utruol
MnnnfMCtur ri K'jnnad gun
KnitllidlnlllUurj 1311 Fr.rnftm St Omahi
R. R. Grotto , Frank Dellono & Co
Importer nnd Jobber of I.lquoraand Gonulno.S' * '
Wine * and Liquors
103) ) nnd 102' ' 1 arnam St. Tada Cigars
I'rlcc ll ls on appllcatloii 1N , ' > llouklns MireU
L , Kusoht & Oo , A , Friok & Oo. ,
\ \ holc'dlo I < IquorDeiler Wholesale LlquorDcilir *
imi Kirmm Slrii-t W4 W38 lOlhSU
Q. W. Douglasa 4 ; Oo. John A. Wakefiold ,
In. . ported , Americanl'ort <
Hardwood Lumber , landCemonOtllwaukcj
] ) ) driinllo Lament an (
1310 North ICth Strait. ( julncyMillo l.lrao
Oharles R , Lea , Wyatt - Bullard Lumber
Hardwood lumber , wooJ
carpet anil parquet ber Oo.
9th and Douitlaa. iOtli andIinrJ Street * ,
Oady & Gray. Louia Bradford ,
Llmo , Coni-nt , Kto , ' ? Lumber , lime , comont.oM
Cor ! > th n 3 Donglai Btreot-
0. A. Stoneliill , I. Oberfoldor & Oo. ,
Millinery , Notions Importer * nmt Jobber. It
Cloaks , eta Millinery
S08,510and JI2 South UU
IIC-118S. ICthSt , Omaha itreet.
Ma Mayor -5c Bro. Oo. A. Eospe , Jr. ,
ftl'f K JowclerK , dealers In I'lanos , Organs , ArtlJtV
niUBlca ! liutrumonts ,
UP , Materials , Klo ,
Farnam and 1M1 Uonolai Strbot , -
J. J. Johnson & To
UBS. 13th strjJt.
Onrihn , Nub.
Consolidated Tank A. Booth Packing Oo. ,
Line Oo. Ojsters , tWi nnd cnnn
Iloflned and luhrlcatlnt
oilff , axle Rre'c , eta. 1S03 I/cnYcnworth. J
A. II UUhup , Manager.
Rector &WilhelmyOo Loa-Ohrk-Androesaa
Hardwara Oo.
Cor. 10th aail J action sU , ,
ort i n in n.iiil St.
Ouiabt , Oin h \ '
Ribbol & Smith , Schroeder & Oo. ,
nenlors In country proil- Cosh linyori biittnr nnfl (
ucp , fruits , vegttnblo3 , eng anl fronoral ooiik *
etc mlsalon merchant ,
1207 Howard itroot 4.13 Bouth llth street
0. Rosso & Oo. , E. B. Branch & Oo ,
Foreign , Cnllfnrnln anil I'roduco , frulti of ali
troplrnl fruits , kinds , oyslors ,
1211 HovMiril BlrooU 1311 HowarJ utrost
Porter Bros. Oo , , Kob'rt Purvis ,
California , Klorldn and 1217 Howard HreeL
tropical fruits Write for price ? on but.
t-fll 811 .101103 ulruet. ter , eitus poultry nnil
O. W , Hulls , - Miinaxor , KMDC.
Omaha Eubbor Oo. ,
Manufacturing and job
ber * all rubber
1009 Kuril MM nlrooL
Erairaon Sjol Oa. ,
Heel ; Kronen , deilari In
KirduD uriii , Kralnaad
trun * na li ,
43l-13ISoulh nth
Wholit'nlo manfnctiirori Stova Minnfao'g Oj , ,
yrupr molaHMOi and
TlnuKnn , Mntiufiiotiir'K storesiinX
stnro plpi
217-219 HuutliBth Mroot. I2H-12I5 l/saven turtli st
U. S. Wind Engine & A , L , Btran & So.ii ,
Pump Oo , ,
10H.1Q ] | rarnam street ,
Hallldir "Ind > Ui ! OH
and VS-I .Innui t ( I V
Hun , nctlnK mananor. Omaha , .Neb.
II. Hardy & Co. , The Bninswiok-Balkq
Todolli , album * , fanor Oollender Oo.
go dilioii9ufarnlihliu , nilltnrd merchandise , I
Hnloon fliluren
Koudi , chlldrun's car- IDT. M H lOtb i\tmt \ , |
rlii'O * . 131'J KarnauiiU Omaha. <
Wliolcsalc Casli Commission.
Elgin and Wcilurn ( 'rcaiiiory roll buttvr and
PICK * IOXj ( A 1 ouiptr exit ciuei , wllh niluri. ( Of
alorhcaii or miiliiuige for titit at market i rko.
Wrllo fur parllcuUr * . iva iwa 13 0 UUi tit > l
IJcurcr. Culumdo.