Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAITA7 BEE : jfi&IDAY , MAY 1 , 1891.
Drllvm-it by Carrier In nuy part of the City.
liurlnrM Ofllcp , No. 4J.
Nl lit Kultor. No. 23.
y i I\TI ox.
N. Y P. Co.
Council HlulTs Lumber Co , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , ' . ' 01 Sapp blocK.
Heal Hock Springs coal. Tlmtcticr , 10 Main
John Hanson and Johanna Alberts , both of
PoUnwnltninlo county , wcro married last
cvcnlnir , .Jintluo lliiminor olliclrvtlriK .
A hrldgu Malvorn burned yesterday
morninp nnil delayed the Incoming Hurling-
toti pamoiiKor train for llfty-llvc minute- ) .
Acnrd showing thotesultsof the garner
placed bj the Western nnil American associ
ations and thu National lea uo is on oxliiul-
tlon at the Columbia each ovcnliiff at 7
Mnirlano licences wcro Issued yesterday to
Andti'u Samb.ui niut Kuicn Krlstmo Knut-
sen , both of PoUnwnttanilo county , and to
Edwin V. Wright nnil Ella O. l-'ranhfortcr ,
both ) ( Lincoln , Nob.
The Jurv In the case of Kruecr against the
city , \vhbii was on trial In district court yes-
tcr'duv. brought In a verdict for ? 7K ( ) for the
. 'J'l.o verdict uns sealed and will
o opuiiMl this morning by Judgu Dectncr.
Tlio votcinn llrcnien will glsoiiball this
evening- .Masonic temple. The object of
thu ball is to replenish the fund for c.iriug
for thu sick and dead among tno members of
I the association. A vote will bo tiikon for the
most popular young lady and the successful
candidate will bo crowned queen of May.
-Who coroner's Jury in the Heaglo case
bnought In n verdict yesterday morning sav
ing that the deceased cnmo to his death by
means of n shot IIred by bis own bund. No
cviUenco was brought in yesterday morning ,
ns hud been i"ti > ortcd , to show that thu lelu-
lives of the uece.ised had been guilty of
The social union of the Presbyterian
ctiuich is making preparation for an enter
tainment to bcgUcn in to the church parlors
nn the avcnlng of Muv H. Tlio nnmo of the
rntvrtulnment will bo the "Library ii.irty "
Ono of the featutiM of thu evening will be n
sunflower clioius , garnished with ical stinw-
Charles White , deputy m.irilml , and his
trusty rcvohor wt'in called out yesterday
aftemoon to dispose of n mad dog which
was said tj bo holding filth ut illl I'iorrc
street. Thu dog turned cui to bo suffoniig
from something tlmt resembled raoios , so
that it was dct'ided that ho shout I ho killed
anyway , in older to be on the safe side.
Artlelrs of incorporation wcio liled with
the county recorder jestonlax afternoon by
the Mid-Continent Savings and Investment
association , Thu object of thu association is
to assist the members to save their earnings ,
nnd to carry on a general money loaning
business. The capital stoclc of tlio corpora
tion Is to bo $10,000,000. Tim directors are
S. Alexander , J K. llarkucss , SVJlllam Arnd
C. H. ll.mnan , Tlieodoro Uulltar and Jame
Tbo case of L. M. Turner against Kink .t
Schultwa ; > to liavo been llnlshcd josterduy
in tlio distiiet court , ns it was expected tlmt
.ludgoThoniell would hold a special session
of rouit to bear tbo arguments of his at
torneys in the case. Dining the forenoon ,
however , u telephone message was received
from him In Sidney , saying that it would bo
I' ' impossible for him to"bo here , and that tbo
L further healing of the case would have to bo
postponed until May S , when ho hoped to bo
licio. No reason wns assigned for the
An ularm of llro was turned In yesterday
.nttcruoon at about 4 o'clock from ttio North
western round house. Tno cause of the alarm
was a llro in the barn of Itiibcit Pottibou , on
Avenue O near Eleventh street. Ono sec
tion of lioso burst , and thu extinguishing of
the ilanies was thus delayed , so that the
whole building was n total rum. The ilro is
supposed to have been started either from n
spark from a passing locomotive , or by some
boys who wore playing around the building.
The loss will not exceed $70.
P. Morgcn , the defendant In the Injunction
case In which L. M. Turner is plaintiff , tiled
a motion yesterday asking that the default
which was taken against him bo set aside ,
alleging that bo has a good defence to 'ho
charge. Ho claims that an injunction has
always been secured against him , uud that ,
moreover , S. T. Hurgess had commenced an
other suit against him for the sumo purpose ,
prior to the suit commenced by Turner. Ho
also says , that ho understood from what the
city attorney and other attorneys for the de
fendants said to him before the term of court
began , tbat.hlscaso would bo attended to by
the attorneys for the city oftlcinls , and that
nccordlngly'ho paid no attention to the affair ,
yit'snpposed that ho would bo all right with-
jiut any trouble on hN part.
To Iovers of Horses.
The largest lot of oats ami the finest In the
: lty , also hay and feed of all kinds , at S.
Uoldstem & Co. , 15122 West Broadway.
Dry storage at low rates , stoves and house
hold goods. J. H. Snyder , street.
Cotis ! Culm ! Colin !
Plenty of them nt L. O. Knolls , iiO South
Main street. Telephone ! iOJ.
lurl lee ! Ici-ItJ
If you want it pure and n '
And nt n reasonable pr
Follow no new dev Ice.
lint send to us in a tr
Mnltiolland &Co. , No. 4 Pearl st. , Tel. 102.
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within one and one-half miles of tha P. O. ;
all in bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given at once. Call on D. J. llulchiusou &
Co. , 017 Hroadway.
i't.ltSO * A t , VAHA (1 HA 1'HS.
Samuel Kinyro returned yesterday mornIng -
Ing from a two weeks' visit to Oregon , 111.
L. I ) . Koblnson has returned from Ogdou ,
Utah , where ho has been for the last three
President Sauford of the First National
bank in tills city , has returned from n visit to
his former home In Wisconsin.
Mrs. S. H. Hill , the mother of F. 11. Hill ,
left last evening for Dnlutb , Minn. , where
she will visit several months. She was ac
companied by her daughter , Mrs. K. H , Fish ,
who came up from Now Orleans.
L , H , Ciorbain , the well known stoclc agent
? ( or the Hock Island rallwav company , has
i been assigned to the Salt Lake City territory ,
and will look after the Interests of the com
pany In the vicinity of the Mormon capital ,
but will still inako his homo in Council
The Boston Store. Council Bluffswill close
liproaftorat 0 o'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays ,
Thursdays and 1'ilday evenings , Mondays
li o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock , Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , Foihorlnghain , U'hltolaw &
Co. _
Freight for IN ) miles prepaid on nil goods
bought of Miindel A : Klein , 5UO B toad way.
For Sale Two hundred tons of and
ImleAbn , Imiuiro of lien Marks.
* / Attention Wheelmen.
All bicycle ridel's of Couneli HlulTs are ro-
qua'.tiHl to meet at the Comer Hook store at
7iO : ; p. in. , Fridav , Muv 1 , for tlio purpose of
organizing u wheel club.
H , 1C. CilllMM.
On and nftcr today the firm of Pcthybrldgo
it Son Is dlssolvod , Mr. H. I'ethybridiri ) rti-
tlriufmut Mr.V. . H. I'ethybridge ruinalnliiK
nnd associating with ntni Mr. U. UetalllcK ,
tbo new linn being Pothybiidgu & ItotallleU.
H. I'iniiuiiiimiK ,
W. H. I'l-.TininuiiUE ,
Council Hluffs May 1 , Ib'.U. '
The ladies of tbo Hroadway Methodist
Kpiscopal church will entertain a sociable
at the residence of Mrs. II. K. Jones , M'J '
\Vasblnntoii nvouue , corner of Sixth street ,
tUls ( TliursdayJ evening. A contlul Imita
tion ( s extended to all.
Bced oato , corn , inlllot and seed potatoes ,
panlen seeds of all kinds , at H. L , Cariiuiu'.s ,
UiO Main and Ml Pearl streets.
Tbo Falraouut Co cigar at tbo Fountain.
William Iitwls' Livery Barn Totally Con
sumed by Fire ,
He TnckloM n Jolt During tlio
of tliu Itlnro In ProMMH.'e of an
Ainn/.ctl Throns I'Mre-
men Hunt ,
An alarm of flro was sounded yesterday
morning nt about UsM o'clock ' , calling the llro
dcpattmcnt to the corner of Broadway and
.Tenth strcots , whcro the livery stable be
longing to William Lewis was on lire. When
the alarm eamo In tha members of the llro
department wcro out with their apparatus
for their usual morning airing. The team
which Is used for the heavy truck was
bitched to u light wagon , the truck having
been left at the Is'orth Main street engine
house. It was several minutes before the
men from that bouse could got back to head *
quarters and tn.iku the changes necessary ,
ami in fact , the men from all the houses were
somewhat delayed by being .way from their
When the hose was picked up and the flic-
men started for home , a black and smoking
ruin was till that was lelt.
The origin of the Ilio is a mystery. It
stalled In the rear end , and Is lupposeu to bo
the work of an incendiary. Ofllccr ICoiup ,
who patrols Lower Iroadway , stated that
the llrst thing ho saw of the lire was when
the building was all ablaze.
There were ubout a do/en horses and four
buggies in the stable , and these were all got
ten out undamaged A largo cai rlacc v.ilued
at ftUKI , tlio only'vehicle in the outrtt that was
uninsured , could not bo gotten out on account
of tlio rapidly advancing llaines and was
totally destroyed. The building itself was
valued ut fj.iioo and there was fcl.oUO insur
ance on it.
Clunk's Sanderson , one of the men at the
Upper Broadway house , was dumped from
the truck as It passed over u rough place in
the road , and was nin over by the huge ma
chine. Two of the other men fell oil at the
same tlmn , but they escaped injury. Sander
son struck on his head , and a horrible gash
was eut In his scalp. He was carried Into
the Metropolitan hotel. Dr. A. P. Hachott
was summoned , and he found that the in
juries were not seiious. He took four
stitches In the scalp , after which the ilreman
rushed out to tight the tlaincs as though
nothing had happened.
lioimruT vonic.
Ono of the boldest things In the way of n
daylight robbcrv that has over been com
mitted in Council Bluffs took place duiIng
tlio progress of the lire. When Sanderson ,
the Injuiod lilt-man , was cariied Into the
Metropolitan hotel Co. * treatment , ho was fel-
lowed out into the dining ruom by u croud of
curiosity seoKcrs. Those who had not been
attracted to thoslilowiilk in fiontof the hotel
by thu tire had been drawn Into the dining
loom to see the Inlnred fireman The ofllco
was consequently luft enttrolj empty for n
few minutes.
John Bates , a ilteman from the South
Main stieet lioso house , happened to enter
the olllce suddenly and there ho found a man
nt work trying to opun tlio safe with a hugo
chisel , llo stepped up noiselessly behind the
industrious mechanic , and had him by the
nape of the neck before bo knew that anyone
was on this side of Jerusalem. The safebreaker -
breaker nt oncu to tight. Ho lifted his
chisel and struck the liroman abounding
blow with his chisel , uut It was of no avail.
Bates was soon ie-enfotccd , the lobber was
given a knock on the head , and thu police
wem notified. Captain 13. L. Martin was
soon on thu Held , \vttli the patrol wagon , and
thu thief was given n ride at the
city's expense. As ho was starting ho gave
n vicious kick at Bates , accompanied bv u no
less vicious curse. The Kick and the curse ,
however , alike fell short of the mark and
Bates went bads to bis work In bis usu-il
sticiiL'tb. At the police station the safebreaker -
breaker gave his name as John Hill , Ho
madu no bones of the matter , but on the con-
tiary bo evidently felt that ho was deserving
-'isldcrablo ( credit from the fact that ho
hnu "lowed gull enough to tackle a man's
safe in baord daylight , with n crowd
of people within easy balling distance
of him. On his person wcro found two
other chisels besides the one which he had
been using when detected. All three of them
had evidently been designed mulnly lor the
use of tha piofcssion , and Hill is probablv a
dangerous crook. Ho is confined in the city
Jail , and two informations have been
sworn out against him in Justice
Hammer's court , ono charging him
with having burglars' tools in
tils possession and the other with attempting
to break Into an ofllcc. Thu informations
were Illod by A. P. Langtnado , the propiio-
tor of thu hotel.
Before the robbery was detected Hill bad
broken open the money drawer and had taken
out nil the contents , which amounted to
about W. Ho was about to tear open the
cash drawer In the safe when ho was cap
tured. Ho will liavo a hearing this after
noon butoro Justieu Hummer.
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , will close
hereafter nt ( i o'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays ,
Thursdays and Friday evenings. Mondays
! i o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock. Boston Store ,
Coundl BlutTs , Fothcrin&ham , Whitelaw it
Everything in house furnishing at Mnndcl
& Klein's on easy payments. U-iO Broadway.
Trees , nil kinds , guaranteed to grow , prices
cheap , ut Alalrs' , Broadway , opposite postof-
llco. _
Lnco curtains cleaned from 5Uc to $1.23 per
pair , at Twin City dye works.
A \ow AVatcrHorkx Company.
Articles of Incorporation were filed yester
day by the Greenwood water company of
Council Bluffs. The object of the company
is to construct a system of waterworks for
Wilson Terrace , Oak Orovonud Greenwood
additions , located In the eastern part of the
city , noiir Rilrmount park. Thcso additions
are too high for water to bo brought up by
moans of tlio city system , and tbo ptosorty
owners have therefore formed n stock com
pany for the purpose of getting water by
means of digging wells and putting in n sys
tem of machinery for pumping purposes.
The capital stock of the company Is to bo
tl.lMO , divided Into sixteen shares of $ * i5 each.
The following are ttio names of the mcor-
porators : I-1. L. Doble. IJ. N. Graves , E. C.
Archibald , J. I ) . Archibald , Henry Stevenson -
son , J. H. Kent , D. It. Uoss , T. A. Belt ,
George Griswold , J. C. Jacobs , J. C , Bablcr ,
B. S. Porter , L. Groll , L. a. Smith , A. M.
Juhns'tou and M. A. Porter.
For widow shades , curtain poles , lace cur
tains chenille curtains , brass rods , drapery
silks , wall paper , try the Boston Store ,
Council Blurts. Get their prices before pur
chasing elsowtnio. Boston Store , Council
BlutTs , lu.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 33 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel Telephone Mi. ! High
giado work a specialty.
When about to build don't fail to jet prices
on lumber of The .ludd A ; Wells Co. , 613
Broadway. Telephone ' 's7.
Newest styles In furniture and cornetsj
best cooking stoves in the world nt Mnndcl it
Klein's Installment bouse , U'JO Uroudway.
Tli Marly Closing Movement.
With the coming ot warm weather the
question of closing thu stores early in the
evening during the summer months tins
begun to bo agitated. Messrs , Fotncrlngtmm
V Whitelaw of tbo Boston Htoru have sot the
example and others will probably follow in u
short time.
Try Duquette .t Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco
tablets. They nro delicious.
Mulr bus nil sorts of fruit , shade and orna
mental trees , Broadway , opposite postofllce.
A Dlino Novel Victim.
John Colwoll , a young man of fourteen
winters , started out from his homo In Harlan
yesterday to see the world. Ho struck Coun
cil Bluffs among his llrst engagements. Ho
was mounted. upon the back of a spirited
four-year-old mare and ho presented a vary
gay picture. Ho bad found that If ho was
going to kill wild Indians ho would hnvo to
go furthcrjwest than ho had supposed , nndns
no WRS out of money ho rando up his mind
that the best thing for him to do would bo to
sell his horse to ralso money to carry him on
to his destination. He strucK several parties
on Broadway with n view to selling his
steed , but was unable to find n purchaser.
The last man ho struck was MarshalTem-
plcton. and then ho stopped. The niaishnl
tools him under his wing and brought him to
the stntlor , whcro ho asked him to give an
nccouut of himself. At flrst ho would not
talk , but finally ho let out bis
whole story. Ho said the horses belonged to
his father , but ho did not think there was
any harm In running away with It , because
it was his father's , nnd what was his father's
was his , anyway. The sheriff of Hnrlan was
notified bv telephone of the capture nna bo
sent word that the father of the boy would
be In the Tilulls today to tnko him back homo.
Mnnael & Klein sell furniture , carpets and
stoves on easy payments. 1KO Broadway.
The Chicago Times , Tribune nnd Ilctald
arrive in Council BlutTs fi:10 : p. m. on day of
publication , nnd are delivered nt once to nil
parts of the city by swift nnd careful carriers
nt only 120 cents n week , including the mam
moth Sunday Issue. The Saturday or Sun
day issue alone fi cents each. F , It. Nugent ,
agent , postolllco box 101.
Love's Cotii'Ho ItoiiKlicucd l y OHlcers
of tin ; Law.
A young girl , about fourteen years of ago ,
Dallied in a torrent of tears ; n man with h Is
hair slightly tinged with gray and his faeo
hidden behind n look of vehement dUsatis-
faction , nnd Ofllcer Boswlck , with a sort of
got-thero-ttmt-timu look on his features. Tlmt
was the scene that was witnessed yesterday
forenoon on the s'reot between the Milwau
kee depot and the police headquarters.
Chief Cnmy leceivcd a telegram on
Wednesday from the chief of police of Merrill -
rill , WK , Joseph Downlo by namo. The
telegram stated that a couple had eloped ,
and the fugitives were then on their way
westward , over the Milwaukee , so they
might bo reasonably expected to arrive In
Council BlutTs yesterday morning. The
natnu of the girl was given us Sevoriiia Nor-
caard , nnd that of the man as George Vlc-
Clellan. Accordingly Ofllcor Beswlck met
the train and assisted thu couple In finding
accommodations in the city.
MtfClolhtn was put Into thu city Jail with a
charge of being n fugitive from Justice placed
against him. The girl was taken to the olllco
of the chief of police , where she was asked n
number of questions with n view to finding
out the facts In the caso.
She stated that McClellan bad been workIng -
Ing for her father , A. J. Norgaard , who lives
nt Blonnvlllo , Wls. , for several months
past , and that during that time his fascina
tions had proved too strong for her to rosht.
Shu succumbed to Cupid's wiles , and to all
appearances ho did the same. Ho induced
her to run away from him , and promised that
\vhentheygottoColoradobo would marry
her. Tno idea of seeing the country was too
much for her and she agreed to go. She
stated that he hail conducted Himself with
the utmost propriety nil during
their Journed , and that she was
very anxious to bo allowed to
resume her Journnv. in order that they might
go to Colorado and get married. She nnd her
Homco left the girl's homo on Tuesday nnd
drove twelve miles to Morrlll , where they
took thu Milwaukee train.
McClellan is a man of about thlrty-Hvo
years of ago and to all appearances Is any
thing but ono who would entice a girl of
fourteen nwny ftom her homo with any sinis
ter designs in viow. H Is apparently "a case
of love , and it will not bo allowed to run
smooth , as nn ofllccr will bo hero eitbur today
or tomorrow to tnko the runaways back homo
she to got some paiontal advice , and ho to
stand n trial on the charge of kidnapping.
The Boston btore. Council Bluffs , will close
hereafter at 0 o'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays ,
Thursdays and Fridav evenings. Mondays
U o'clock. Saturday 10 o'clock. Boston Store ,
Council HlulTs , Fothoringham , Wbitelaw &
Snugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk
Held , garden and ( lower scoas in the west
Catalogue and samples by mail.
It is to your interest to consult Mandel &
Klein before you buy your furniture , carpets
or stoves. _
J.C. Blxby , steam neatlnif , sanitary en
gineer , 2UJ Morrlam block. Council Blurts
GetH Another Doso.
George Harper was arrested something
over a week ago by Ofllcer Murphy on n
charge of drunkenness. At that time men
tion was tnado in Tuc Br.K that Harper had
been wanted for about six months on n charge
of larceny , his scheme being to borrow small
articles from different persons on the pre
text that ho bad been sent to him by one of
hts neighbors and then to sell the stuff that
ho obtained in this way. Harper was given
n ton days' sentence on the streets. Yester
day the time o < pired , but us ho was about to
bo released ho was confronted by another
warrant 01. the charge of larceny , which had
been entered against him by Maso Wise. Ho
wus given n hearing in pollen court yester
day morning and was sentenced to thirty
days on the strcots.
Doctors may differ In opinion as to the
causa of that feeling of languor and fatigue
so prevalent in ttie spring ; but all agree as to
what is the best remedy for it , namely ,
Aycr's Sarsaparilla ; It makes the weak
Iron ? , and effectunllj removes that tired
Great damage to Kansas wheat is reported.
About S-00,000 was realized from the salu of
thu Umatilla reservation lands.
W. II. Sneak , a Kentucky bridegroom , was
poisoned at the wedding feast ,
Duiuth plumbers and Evnnsvillo harness-
makers will strike for eight hours today.
All union carpenters inTcrro Haute struck
for u nine hour day and . ' ) cents per hour.
Government Leader Smith in the house of
commons named the Irish land bill as taking
preference over all other measures.
Dispatches from many points on the
continent indicate a peaceful May day ,
although the powers ore preparing for the
A report submitted by the sugar trust In
vestigating committee to the Nuw York leg-
Islatuic recommends legislation inimical to
Tbo deputy surveyor nt San Francisco
madu a sciiuro of 12OJO , pounds of opium.
valued at SJ.'i.OOO , found concealed on the
.steamship China , from Hong Kong. The
owners claim it was to bo sent to Mexico.
A Del Uio. , Tex. , special tells of a Mexican
Jack the , Hipper who visited the house of a
Mexican woman named Sanchez last night ,
killed ncr and cut the body to pieces. After
tbo butchery ho wrote upon the wall with
her blood , 'Tro h beef for sale. "
The rosy freshness , ami a velvety softness
of the skin Is variably obtained by tboso who
use Pezzoni'.s wondrous powder.
Unknown Steamer
LONDON , Apill ! JO. A dispatch from Kin-
nalo says a steamer belonging to sumo trans-
AtUntlo line has gene ashore , showing sig
nals of ulitress and blowing u fog born. No
details yet learned.
Hallway Surgeons In Session.
Brn-uo , N. Y. , April : U ) . The Nntlona
Association of Hallway Surgeons began its
fourth annual meeting today.
SriiiNnnei.ii , 111. , April UJ.-Georgo A.Bal-
lou , a prominent wholesale grocer , failed
todty. Liabilities , ? 50,000 : assets , unknown.
1'nlillo llflit I corctiseil.
W SIII\IUON , April 30. It Is estimated
that the public debt decreased over $1,000,000
dining this month.
( OHO to St. I.IMllH ,
General Manager Clark went to St. Louis
last night and will return to Omaha some
time next week.
The St. Paul and Omaha roud Is enlarging
Its yards at Coffman , about twelve miles
above Omaha , for the purple , # f facilitating
the handling of curs betvjiwn * Oumliu and
South Omaha nnd Omaha nud ho north ,
. Onpcti nnd Motfr'siey Sun-
'jicmhnt by the doithull.
The council met lost ul ht In adjourned
Ordinances on third rending were taken
up. Several minor ordlnailccs * pertaining to
grades , curbing nnd guttering' were passed ,
1'hn contract and bond of lllj Pokrok Zap-
ndu for pi luting wns receive * ! pud approved.
It was signed by Antono 1-V Pokorny and V.
L. Vodlky. > '
The rules portatutng to contagious diseases
prepared by the board of health were sub
mitted and referred to the committee on po
On resolution Introduced by Councilman
Osthoft the dog catcher was Instructed to
catch no more canines until authorized to dose
so by the city council.
Mr. Specbt introduced n resolution In
structing the chairman of the committee on
public property nnd buildings to procure , nt
ills own expense , suitable tags for thu dogs
on the now city hall , nnd that the same be
made ot galvanized iron nnd coated with
silicon plaster.
Mr Osthoff wnntcd the resolution referred
to the committee on police.
Mr. Bcchcl suggested that the committee
llrst ascertain what kind of dogs thaclty bull
decorations loprcscnt.
The lesolutlon was referred to the commit
tee on buildings nnd property.
An Interesting wrangle nroso over n reso
lution asking tbo plumbing contractors on
the city hall to furnish plans and specifica
tions of the plir.nbing to bo done in that
building for tlio plumbing inspector.
Mr. Davis held that those specifications
should bo furnished bv the architect.
Mr. Oitholt held that Mr. Fiw , the
plumber , should fuinlsb the plumbing inspector
specter with n copy of the specifications of
Mr Tuttle said It was high time that thejo
specifications be filed the plumbing inspector
specter , for the contractors might run In sev
eral bundled dollars in u bill for alleged
changes in the plans.
The maltot was referred to the committee
on buildings and property.
A resolution was passed instructing the
building Inspector to null down the old walls
of the Kline & Speiglo building- Twenty-
first and Cuming streets.
The subject of the erection for the improve
ment bonds was then brought up anil it was
the general opinion of the counclluicu pres
ent tlmt the bond election would butter be
postponed until thu full election on nccouut
of the grent expense connected with tlio elec
tion. The matter was tabled until the com-
mittco appointed at the last mcctlni : of tlio
council should have time to confer with the
county commissioners to ascertain if tlio
county would not bear ; \ part of the election
President Lowry stated that It had been
estimated that it would cost not less than
$ > 0,000 to hold thu llrst election in Omaha
under tbo Australian election law
Mr. Spccht thiow a bomb-shell Into the
camp by moving that the appointment of Dr.
Gupen as city physician bo reconsidered ,
Mr. Osthoff wanted to know why such a
motion had been Introduced.
Mr. Specht said there hull been a good deal
of complaint against Dr. Gapcn , ns city
physician , from poor people who claimed
that Dr. Gnpon did not toipond promptly
when called to attend the ! poor who needed
medical assistance nnd immiidiute attention.
The motion was carried ; ' r
Mr. Donnelly moved ( tlmt the vote by
which Mr. Morrissey , the sanitary commis
sioner , was reappointed bcrdconsidered.
Mr. Davis asked how the Council could re
consider those uppointrjonts after they had
qualified. He believed Hint the only way to
get Mr. Morrlssey and _ tr ) Gapcn out of
ofllco was to piofer charges against thorn.
Mr. Bcchcl said that these oftleer's bonds
had not yet boon approved by the council ,
nnd until that time the coumjil had a right to
reconsider anv action previously taken.
President Lowry hold ( hqt Mr. IJ 'choVs
point was well taKoi and' tbo motli in to re
consider were lu oVdor. ' ° Mr. Do molly's
motion Was carried , ' ' "
OniLoUonof Mr Specnt'tho appointment
of city i bysician and sanitary co nmlssloner
was referred to tbo com nltteo on police.
Couniilmen Cooper , Conway , O hoT a-id
Davis cast the only ueratlvo votes upon the
motions to reccn i or Iho two appointment ) .
Both Dr. Gapcn and Mr. Morrissey were
present and seemed surprised at the action of
the council.
The council then went into committee of
the whole to consider the garbage ordinance.
The word license was knocked out in every
instance and the word permit was in
serted , where the wording referred to the
granting of privileges to garbage haulers.
All garbage haulers will have to pay 8100
per annum and furnish n satisfactory bond
for $1,000 signed by responsible citl/ons. The
ordiuunco provides that no garbage hauler
shall charge more than 10 cents per cubic
foot for cleaning cesspools , vaults , etc. Tbo
hours during which such garbage gathcrlni
shall bo done shall bo regulated by the bean
of health.
OAH persons violating the provisions of the
ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ,
and garbage gatherers who violate the ordi
nance shall be fined $50 ,
The leading of this ordinance called
out a good deal of reminiscent discussion
with regard to the abuses that the people had
undergone at the hands of garbage gatherers ,
particularly the Insolence and extortions of
osspool and privy vault cleaneis.
The committee then arose and reported to
the council to the effect that the garbage or
dinance had been considered and the commit
tee would recommend that the clerk be in
structed to engross the ordinance nnd report
It to the council next Saturdav night.
The report was adopted and the council ad
On the plains and In the valleys west of
Laramto the hay crop is exhausted. It Is
said there Isn't n stack to bo found between
Wyoming station nnd the Centennial valley.
A ranchman on the-Little Laramlo has
enough hay left to feed his -.r > ( ) head of cattle
a month longert Ho borrowed $7,000 to help
him through and can pow clean up f 14,000 on
the lot.
another woman
tlio ono who's 1f L'd ' Dr. Picrco'u
Favorite Prcscrmtioii. She's a
stronger and a liappicr woman
ami a licalthy qnc , . The aches ,
pains , anil wcakno oB , that made
life iniscraLlo arojconc the func
tional disturbances or irregnlaritjefl
that caused thcnwb vo hccn cured.
Face and figure bliow the change ,
too. Health ImX restored tlic
channs that rightfully belong to
her. For all the" 'weaknesses ' and
ailments peculiar to womanhood ,
" Favorite Prescription " is a posi
tive remi'dy. No other medicine
for women is yiiarantcal , as this is ,
to give Fatihfaution in every case ,
or the money is refunded. It's pio-
prietors are willing to take the risk.
What it has done , wairants them
in guaranteeing what it will do.
It's tlio cheapest medicine you
can buy , because it's guaranteed to
give satisfaction , or your money ia
You only pay for the good you
get. f
Can you ask moro ?
That's the peculiar plan all Dr.
Picrcc'a medicines are sold on.
Knee Pant Siiils $2 $ ,
Natty little suits that fit well , wear well and are sure to
bring people back to trade again :
Knee Pant Soils 12.50.
Non-ripable Scotch Cheviots , neat , nicely made ; correct
for school or knockabout
Pinl iiil
Idlil ijlll
Handsome plaids and checks in blue , brown and gray , all
knee pants run in ages ' 1 to H years.
8OO Boys' Long Pant Suits , $4 , $3 , $6 ,
$6-SO , $7 and $8.
You'll bo surprised nt quality nnd mnke we'll show nt such low prices. They're not mndo
to advertise with , they're made to WEAR and BUILD UPTRAE ON.
For children's boys' rind ladles' wear. Novelties Not shown elsewhere. See our shirt waist dis
play in Douglns street window.
Money Cheerfully Refunded when
goods do not satisly. , ,
S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas , THE RELIABLE CLOTHIERS.
_ _
W ANTKI ) Tun drls for housework.
Coouoi * L Mctieo. 1G Main slit'C-t.
T7TOU SAM : Per ltf7itVahiedl f you want
JL' to buy , sell or ii-nl auMliliiK In the real
cbtutu II n ( ! ( liui't do it until you IIUMI scon our
ItirKO Hit of li UK ilii M\an & WulKi'r , No. 112
Miiln and 11.1 Pearl strwls Council HUHTs.
1710U UKNT llunsp. IlKStntsnmn st. : Jl per
Jmonth. . Iniiiilu- t'oopei A McUee.
FOR SAI.K or Tiuili' A linn imported
Clydi > MlaU.tallloii. . full on 1) . J. llutch-
Inson A. Co. . M" llroadway.
WANTEU-Comp.-tciit clrl lu family of
tuoat : il lllt'li tulioul iuunuo. Mtv L
II. Odrll.
SO.Mi : tlno icsldiMivu propi-ily for tent by
Duy A llt-ss , .1111'oiul stioul.
TTUJH SAU-llotul : vrntntlly l7 > uiiTrd7doluc
- * - cooii business. Or wil ( uxfliiuuu for good
farm In wostuni lou a.
llotol lease , furniture and fixtures : an A
No. 1 dm nee totop Into a j-'ooil puyhiK busl-
nuss Itt'.ibons for sulllii ; . ' , oilier business ro-
iliilrliiK all owner's attuntUm.
Murrains In resldeneu and business prop-
eitv. K. I' . Olllrer , leal estate nnd insurance
am'iit. No. U N. Main st. Couneli lUuirs.
GARDENS Some elioleu garden land near
Council HlulTs for salu on easy terms , aim )
vineyards and u large list of lo\\a fauns.
Johii ! > um& VHII 1'altcu.
"irOH S.VI/H A , II tie fiiMilly hoi no. 7 old
I-1 this sprliu , wol''ht 10" > i pound ! , , eolur
01 nil. Ilrud by Itobeit MaeOieuor. Addict
II. r. IluUeuliauor , i.7 to 31 Tom Hi street ,
Council BinITs.
HAVH cash customer for four lots
JlKt and Slitli sis. , beincen Axe 1) and 4th
ave , . J. 1' . Uieuiishlelds. dlJ Ilio.idu-ay.
TjIKUIT farm for sale or trade ; well locate I
-L and all In bearing ; ROO ) liouso aii'l bain
Will take some good city piopeity , and geol
tlmogl\ei. on balance. Call on or address 1)
J. Hiitulilnson & Co. , 017 llroadw.iy.
FOU ItnNT The McMahoii block , ' !
brick , wltli basement and elevator.
< iulro , 2UI 1'oail street.
FOKSALK A bargain ; new modern nousa
with all tbo late Improvements , woven
rooms ; will sell on easy payments ; locativJou
the Klftli .ivcniio motor Una U. J. lliitohln-
son , bl ? llro.idw.iy.
TpOK 3A.LK or Ilout air > 1ea land , wtt'i '
houies , Uy J. It llioo. 10J Mala it , Oouaoll
I'KitSOXA Ij I'.l It A OKA I'ltS.
D. Guthrie of Superior is nt the Pnxton.
J. S. Thompson of Fnlrbury is nt the Mur
M. D , Welsh of Lincoln is at the Murrnr.
Walt M. tjcclcy of Uenuott is at the Mil-
Charles J. Daubiicli of Lincoln Is at the
Pax ton ,
E. G. Hamilton of Norfolk is a gucbt at the
H. L. Blass of Grand Island Is n irucst at
the Millard.
C. H. Glover and sou of Long Pine are at
the Paxton.
Howard H. Smith wont to St. Paul , Nob. ,
yc.sterdny morning on letjal business.
Julius Festner journeyed Lincolnward yes
terday armed witli a lot of proofs con
nected with state printing matters ,
Mrs. S. M. Melio Is in Kockford , 111. , where
she wns suddenly called by the serious Illness
of bur father , whoso death is expected ut any
The Dellono A. S. I'reseoH. Lincoln ; C. M.
WeissI. n. I'eiilluld , Wilson I'aikeraud wife ,
IIiiNtliiKs : Charles Ilionn , ( icoi u Johnson ,
Lincoln : tieorco Raymond , Kansas City ; II I/ .
JelTers , .1. \ \ . ( Joodhiud , I..khorn
The Merchants Put Murphy , Minneapolis ;
W. Wiillaee , Coin ; O. W. livlnu. Uneoln ; W.
II. Peoples , Nenark ; Ocor/o Keciian.Madison ,
Wls. ; Alfred llnlslni ; , MnUem : Hi ant , Kast ,
Kearnny ; Hilllp Golovlck , llialnaid ; I ! ,
Lewis , Kearney.
The liurKer W. P. Pom. rioti'liindi John B ,
McLean , A. Lewis. William i : . Cnssldy. J. .1 ,
Smilres , Chicago : O. T Johnson , Woleott. N.
Y. ; J. O. Wells. DCK Mollies ; O M. ( lonrley ,
I'lttsburir. A. A. Philips. Peor'a ; Mad
den , St. Louis ; 11 , S. llauKus and wife. New
The Paxton T. J. Garrison , Donnlson. la. ;
.1. T. Marker DcsMolnos ; W. T. Coad , Hand
Ulfy , H. D. : Hon. .1. M. Carey and family ,
Chfyenne. Wyo. ; II. T. Iliiinutt , Manning , la. ;
K. T. 1'olda , bubnyler , Neb ; CJco L' , llonaid ,
Lincoln ; M. II. C'urr. Atchlson. Kan.V. ; . A.
Heinlck , M. Paul , Minn ; Win. Ileducs , Wlnne-
Ascuey , Neb.
t _ - . . - - - - , . _ .ty ; . . .
L. lliaiiner.'Chadion , Noli. ; J. L. ICiick , lu-ar-
noy ; J. I ) . MeConnell. rremont ; O , N , Miller ,
lesMoliiesII.II. ) ; Mcliolson , Lincoln ; J. W.
Telford , Hapld City , iD. .
The Windsor O 0 Hakes. Dh-po ; W. J.
leiiKen , Illuo Illll ; C. A , Vonmans. .Mllw aii-
Ueu ; Viola M. French , Haulnu ; Joseph IliirUe ,
\V. II. holiim , P. llllsloy , Lincoln ; Louis Ktelor ,
Peorhi ; IX T. Uiihsel ) , U. S lliadshaw. J. I ) .
Moore. K. LnnU ; A. II \ \ r iht. M. V II \ \ 11-
IniMiH. II. \V rliht. Chlnntrn' NlnU Sfinunn I'otn
III. ; 11. llslcy , DciiNcr ; A.ThunipsounCoinlii ! ; ;
Mrs. II. i-oiinentieiK , Mrs S. Ainstein , New-
York ; Sti'phcn Powers , Dayton ; Klelmrd Dol-
lurd. Walnut ; A. U. Mnalls , rremont ; J. O.
Duiidan , Uctuvla ; Q , Gllmore. Museatlim.
Tlio f'usey David Hunter. Doadnood , H.
Dak. ; It. f. McCall. Kansas Oily , Mo. ; II. G.
Holihlnsand wife. Miellon , Neb ; II. K. Hand ,
lo in : Pine ; J. U. Dundiui , Octu\ ; J. A.Ayres.
jr. . David city ; I' , i : Glllnt , (1. ( W. Joints ,
Alnsworth ; T. r Haiiley , St Joseph ; Arthur
I * Cahon , Nuw York ; .Vrs W. 11 , Thorpe ,
D.ivtd City : W D. ( 'rail , Mapli'ton , ! . ! John
P. Olsen. Albaton. PH. ; J. M. llarrutt J. Cot-
ti n. Hloux City ; K. It. llnrrls. Chlcaxoi ( I ( i.
Dhman. Pilfer. Nub. ; K , II , Le.ieh , Humphrey ,
Nei > . ; W T. MoKnlnht , Diinlan ; ( \ M. Whit.
ney , ChleaKo ; Michael Waldron. .North Plattn ;
W. P. s'elbolil and mother , Dunbiii y , la.i .M. D.
Yeatoii. Lyons ; T. I' Itlddlc. Ciete ; V I ) .
Miapeott. TilnUlad. Colo. ; H. G , Genr. Itoelc-
fonl ; W' , N. ( 'ass ' , OhleiiKo ; J. O. Ta miin ,
Philadelphia. Pa ; J. G. MenMincilor ; D. D.
Clark , David Cty : ; M , J. Gahun , liciiiont ,
Dr. Clrnoy cures emtirrn. Boo bid ; ; ,
I'riitcrnul Soulmy "MIIHS I
The Joint coiiiinittce fioin the varous
lodROs of the city will inert nt Iloynl Arcanum
hall attuip. ; : . m. Kriiiay , May 1 , to arrangu
for the mass meeting of fraternal Insurance
societies to be bold late In May.
DoWltt's Ltttlo Karly Hiscrs ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach bad breath.
Susies , Carnages , Spring IVagons , Curls , Road Mips ,
Gives Better Value for money than any house on Missouri River.
Hamilton Grndo Vehicles , Columbia Carriage Co.'s Buggies ,
Surries and Phajtons , Bonanza Buggies und Phnstons , Spring
Wagons , all styles , Michigan and Van Brunt Road Wagons , Carls
and Harness In great variety. Correspondence solicited and cata
logue and prices on application.
G. A. Scnoesdack , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council
Bluffs and 1621 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and reflnish goods
of every description. Packages received at either office or at tlio
works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Blulfs. Send for price list.
or Council Bluffs.
Dimerous I. A. Sllllor , F O Qlaasori , E. L
Bhueart. K. E. ll.irt , J 0 Edmundson. Ulrirlm
IMlunnnn Transact bankliu bust-
nrn Largest capital and turplui ot any
bankln Southwestern tow i.
Council Bluffs , In.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
Cragin & Co. , Proprietors ,
'silllC ' Sr ntinrlnrc Attorneys at law , I'
Ollllj IV tmllliui.1,3 jC | ( ) | , | ( | M ) Htaln and
federal courts. Ito ms : i , 4 and . " > ;
lleno block , Council Illuffb. la.
rimnhnrc Attoiney at I < aw , N'o. 10
HI , UlallllJllS , | ' , url Hlreot , over Iliisli-
nell's Blare. Telephone No - > ' ( llnslne.-H
liours- a. in. to U p. m. Council llliills , I uTe
To Bee-Keepers
I carry a full line of Hookuupurs1 sup-
pilau , including comb fontuliitiiMi , lion-
oy.knivorf , sinokor.s , sections anil all
fupplios for tlio npiury. M. S. HOOP ,
S'JO h. Urotidwiiy , ( Jounoil Ululln , Iowa.
Gas Heating Stoves.
No Asiii" ! No SI
Just the thing for bath rooms , bed looms , etc.
Call and ste our uir o assortment.
C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co.
511 1'o.ul anil 310 Main Street.
Medical and Surgical Institute.
ims. iiiiiiNGi-it. : . Ntoi-a
Chronlodtsoaspx of alt Klniln and doforiu-
Nos. 'Mil and ' 'UjU llioa Jway ,
Council llluirs , lu. '
cash prlco paid for rnija nnd
till kinds of scrap mottils.
Country dealers iind merchants will
find it to their advantage to cointnunl-
cnto with , us before disposlni , ' of tliolr
stocks. GILINSKY BUGS. ,
Union Urotidwuv ' Uopot ,
Tol.30l. Council'UlulTa. la.
linloyBurkc. Thos. E. OasaJy ,
Offices : J. J. Iliown IliilldliiK , Council Illuir * ,
31. II. t'ill3litKil/I.\ . U.
Kyv , Kat , NDKO nnd Tliruat
Hpi'dulM ,
Council lllalTi , - - Iowa.
here ' ) iii , crnsK vfoi t
I'nlnfid niiil ni'iik vision , '
I'linicliu , ( Iciifnuii , illi-
rhurKUi from Ilio IMIPH , cu-
tiirrli , liny feu-r , inthmi
nnil nil iiuuln niul ilirenlu
n lti > o ; In in uf tha tliro t
tiecliilly | HM cym ri-
KM | wlitmiitimln ( iliH.oi aciurntuly proacilbeil In
illniiMiltiaiui , often vurlnic tlironlo nuiirulnlii nnd
elck licnrtiiclio. Hurnltnl oiiuratlnni , wlion rieios.
nry , piilnlonljr porforincd , mjiirliu lioit ronulu
Ullke.tJIiuifurt-Ituna block , ruuml C'uuncll Illutts , la
Corner Main am Ilroidvray ,
Dealers In foralgn un 1 do noitlo xolian t
Colliirtlon inudu uud Inleroit yld ou tln
The Now Ojdoa Hotel , in Counali lIlu.R ,
hus been complutjd rolurnU ted , \n inojorn-
Izod throughout , and I ) now on t oi'tho bjst
hotels in the stato. ItU loaatu.lla thu Imil-
ne part oft lootty an I th olaatria motor I
pas j thi door every lour iiiinum. Fira 01-
capi-sand tlru throu nout thi balU-
Ing. Bteain heat , hot .inI oa'.d w.itsr an I
Eiiiishlnuln nvury num. Table uiva.irnias jl
. Hates $ J.OO -
anywhero. , < a d-xy ,