THE OMAHAi - BEE : pTHUBSDAY , APHIL 30 , 1891. SPECIRL NOTICES. " DVr.IITIPRMUNTH for thesecolumns will Ixi tnkcn until 12 : 0 p. in , , for the evening rjlltli'ii ' , und until fl,0 : ; p. m , , for the morning / i d it Ion nnd SUNDAY llKt rpKltMH-Cnsh In advance. : 1JATFB AAvertlscmentson this nagowlllbo Ji * elinrred for nt Iho ralo of H4 cents per voril for the llrst Insertion , and Iccntpprword 'or i-nch MlbPcqunnt Insertion , nnd il.V ) p < ir Klni- per niontli. No advertisement taken for Irm llinn ! fi cents for the first Insertion. TN1T1ALH. figures , ; symbols , etc , , countoach JL us ono word , rpllFSK ndvprtlspinpnts must run consecu- JL lively and under nn clremnstnncns will they I o fnkpn or discontinued by telephone. TAI(11KB ( advertising In tlipsn columns and J having tholr nnswprsufldrcFiu'd loa"nnm- Tlnnl 1 < HIT In earn nf Tun HKK. will receive a iiniiit cttil check to rnnlilo them In get tholr Jpitpm. Answers will bo tipllvrrcd only on jire eiitntlon nf ihls check. Fncloso unsnors in cm elopes propcrlv addicsscd. ALl < ndvprtl pinonts unrtpr thn lipnd of "Special Notlpcs" nro published In both Iho morn'nz nnd ovpnlng cultlonsnf Tim HKK , Iho elrcnliitlon of which nirgrrgnlps innrntlinn lO.ffio piiprrs dally , nnd gives Iho advertiser the benefit not only nf tlm largo circulation nf TIIRIIM : In Umnlm , hut nl o In rcnincUIlliilTs , Lincoln nnd other cities und towns In the west BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these column * will bo taken em the nl ov rondltlon" . at tlm following busl- jiess housCM who are nuthorlred to takospcolal notices , at the sumo rates as can bo bad at the inn I ii nfllcp. OMAHA HKANOIt CKl'lOE-Nc Street , Lister HlncK. TO1IN W. HELL , I'harmacUtr21HouthTenth ' street. " " " "llAPE" & EDDY. Htatloners und 1'rlntors IKlHouth ( flth street. II. " FAllNSWOKTili I'liarmaclst , 8115 ( 'liming street \yT. HUGHES , Pharmacist , C24 North 10th strrot. G lio. W. I'AItn , Pharmacist , 1718 Lcavcn- worih Ktrpot. rUHIIKS1 l'lIAKMAOY.21tli and rarnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. For rite * , etc. , teelop of first column on this pige. WANThn A situation by a young married man who sponks Dninlnh , Danish and Ocrniati. Acldrcs ? K &l lleo olllco. MBOQ Ml * \\rANTKI ) 1'osltlon In good town to work at trnilr- , printing , and to play K flat cornet In food band , or will Instruct nmatour band for small salary. Address Art. M. Warji.Obor- IIn , Kan , 775 SU * / lOMl'HTF.NT stenographer , with c.x- v ticrlencc , would llko a poslllon. Addiess 1C W. lttP.J 772 B * TA7ANTED-aitiiitloii : as pollector or light V > oulsldu work" . Address 1C M , Hce. M71 : iO SITUATION' wanted In n loaning oslabllsh- nu'lit * , Iavo ( had exporleneo as oashler of country bunk and In placing louns on country and town propety. Address KM , llco 701 QIT17AT.1ON Hy young married man to "ITr'ANTKO Hlttlatlon , oxporlonccd nnrso. T > g.tll 1013 Coruy struct. OT > 3-2U * WANTED Situation as nursery governess or companion for elderly lady. Kufar- rnces given nnd rorjulied. Addr--ss Mrs , Phillips , r.-i East Seventh street , Oswego , N. Y. i i r > 2l 1 W'ANTEU Situations for eoort Klrls ; my waiting rooms arc always full from n a. in. to ni. ) m. . Canadian Employment ofllco. 8I4M _ S. 151 h. Toluphonu fM. JI10 \VANTED MALE HELP. Far rate * , etc. , sectopoffiiitt rntumnrin tMspage. Man of good appoarunco nnd ' good habits ; must bo strictly honest nnd willing to make hlmsulf generally useful. Permanent and good pay for sultaulo man. Apply utler n a. in. , 47 board of trade. M701 3i ) " \\rANTED-A8onts and canvassers to neil > the RoUabln PooKot. Lamp , Sells nt sight. Send for price list and circular. Sam ple sent on receipt of Mo. II. W. Maybaum & Co. , S. W. cor Cth und Aioh strootB , Phll- iidolphln , Pa. MS03 ml * AGENTS WANTED-Ladles , I havo. Iho very best line of novelties for Inillis anil ehlidrcu s lisa over made , llnllmltod diliiand. Largo' pro lit. Illustrated catnloztio free. Mrs. n. Oampboll , 4S4 W. Randolph street. Chicago. MfiOt ) 33 * \\7 ANTED-Oreanl/ors by the Friendly Aid ' Houlcty. Pays Its members $100 every Fix months. Him paid S. ) , TO. ) In bonclltx. Jtoervo nnd benellt fund bold In trust by the slate of Massachusetts. Terms liberal. Ad dress 1'rlondly Aid Society , Y/ulthiim , Mats. M 80 ! ) in20 * MANAdERS , wanted everywhere to take charge pf our business. Advertise , dis tribute circulars nnd employ help to sell goods. Wages * 50 to $125 per month. Ex penses ncivnneeoV State experience ; wasos ex pected ; also your preferem-o for homo work or traveling. Hloan & Co. , Mfrs. , 204George St. , Cincinnati , O. M810-m2' \TTA ? < TEOr-Organl7or9 for The Equitable T ' llouollt .association of Scranton. Pa. The "apcJpIMlissiles cerllllcales of $100.00. EII- iis'p fet'i t.00 , Monlhly foes , 8J.25. No jsessirumts. Liberal Indiuomoiils. M812-ml * WANTED , A collector. A young man who Is experienced. Host references required , AddteHS KJ 5P , llco ofllco. M72J-30 \S7".ANTEP A good , sober shoomakor. GO. S " ; T T 10th street. Call at 7 o'clock n. m. 774 20 * \\7ANll2b ! A 'first class harbor ; good wages und mo Sunday iwork. Carl i'ltze , West Point , Neb , 7774' \\7'ANTED Asslslant In real estate offlco Vt In South Omaha. Must bo a rustler and Rood penman. Address 1C 5 ? , Hoo. MG84-30 " \X7ANTEP-Aniannnd wlfo , man to drive toanv woman to make butter , four cows , one ijillo , | iolo\T Albright. Chas. Cbllds , isoil IfC.ivcnworth it. 700 S ALKM1EN Wanted 118 I'axton block.MC90 MC90 M4 * rANTEO Persons nf ellhcr so.x lo do wrlt- . . Ing i ut tholr homes ; pleasant occupation ; peed pav ; sonalUa forpuper , eli . . M. E.Mooro. 177 McDougnl afreet. Now York CJIty. 713 ISO * WANTED-iTo meet domiuid for competent bookkeepers In May , thrco corsons. ro- colvo Instructions. 3.1) ) . Smith , 015 Now York Life. 051-20 * VirANTED man fotako or- i tiers. Address Muniiftiuturur P.O. box207 , . _ 172-in 10 A OENa'S.wnntod every where fonfowly pat- f * entod Jnntotiiatlo pocket letter copyliu niitcnlnp. Fortune forbrlulit num. Sendstamp fprA'Irculors. . Bdnlmor , 223 West 42d st , , Now ork jtaai a * Y\ 7 ANTEU-Mcn to travel for our Canadian ' uuserles.Btouc&WollliigiouMadIsoiiWls | WANTED FEMALE HELP , teetop offinl culiimnon this page AOHAMJE In a life llmo for ftiid gentlemen to booiiio a very pleasant and prolltablo business. Address wllh two- cent vtamp , Consolidated bhou Co. . Salem , > " > < MMI7 iiO * _ " \\rANTEI > Ladles who have good homes ! > T wo guarantee constant home oinploy- lixuit , Interesting and prolltablo. Wo honestly lnormhoso ( , ) In Indlgont eircumstances that they cannot earn an Independent livelihood ; only good pin money. Work can bo done at homo. Every lady meaning business addro-ss , with slump , for particulars , Elruscan Art 7a , 1 * Temple Place , Uoaton , Mass. M20.1-30 * \V A NTEO-A first class cook wllh ox" J IH'rlenco In small family. Apply 1120 H. Will avo. 7SOS10 * ! 7ANTED-Oood girl for general house- work,2125Hurnoy , \V rAM'ii ; > Conipctunt waist flnlshors , 1m- ' iiR'dlatoly , at Aludunio Itoy's , 514 N. Intli. 771 3J WANTCD Olrl for lionsowork In family of 4 , 818 g. aJth avo. half block from \\o-st l.oavennorth motor lino. TJJU * WANThD A good ntirso Kill about 10 years old , Uormuu prefcriod. Innulro . ' 115 Jones su 7W110 AS'l'ltONO elrl forEcnurul housework ; must Do Kond ; ook and laundi-usa ; mnall family ; good wages , ItC4 Wlrtutrcet , Kountza place. J1WI1 * WANTKn-Yonnc lady for offlco work. .Mimt Rlvopood reference , and must bo a good penman. J. \YIIUInson , 013 I'axton blk. S . \\7ANTBl-aood girl for Rcniiral hoiue- i T MCirli. Apply at onco. ! t i Uuinlni : st. _ _ LADY Acontfl 1 % tlallys new rubber under- garment. Mrs. N. 11. l.lttlo , UlilouRO. 111. * / OOOrollabloglrl for kitchen and dlnliiR V room work , M. W , cor. 18th and Dodgo.RTj RTj > trt WANTED FEMALE HbLP. Kor term * , etc. , we trip of first column m WIM page ANTED-A neutTutly flkO woman " " the housework for u small family. Call nt 17iOC'apltal av . 019 WANTED A ohpiiblo young lady forstpadv work In a pleasant olllco. Address 1C 45 Hoc. C4H WANTED A iood girl for general hotisp- work. 4B.8.8IUinvonnc. | M717.M1 * Gilt I * Wanted Oennin prpforrcd. N. o. cornnr 10th and Howard. M7I5 Ml WANTED Competent girl to cook , wash und Iron ; best of wugos ; 2408 rariiain , \\MNTED-Wulstiiml skirt finishers. Mrs. * H. U. Mose , 3 13 rarnam , COI-20 * WANTRI-O ( id Rlrl , good wages , 721 S.lOtli cor. Loavonnorth , 4'jO FOR HENT HOUSES. J''orrnf ( .elc. , icttoi > ofAritcsuinn \ onl/id / ptj ntroot ; city and cistern water. Call or address Ilrownull ball. M703 Ml FOH KENT llrlck house , modern ; south and oust front , Koyg Dr. Swartlander , Snth nnd Capitol avenue. M7UO MO * /1O3Y four roomed cottage ; hard nnd soft v water : lawn all around. 001 , corner .luck- son and 35th ts. M721-30 * FOK UKNT night room house with modern Improvements , corner 19th nnd Spencer sis. . Kountz IMaco. W. N. Nason , bo-ird "f trado. M7M-M1 of all kinds , from ft rooms up. Wil bur and Uathbun , 1010 Capitol avenue. M 070-30 * F1V > 'i : room house , $11,2121 S. llth street , m574 "VTEW 8-room house , oil finish , city water , i. ' olcnnt location ; two motor lines within three blocks. H''O South Ilflth street ; rent ruas- onablo. Call on premises , or H , K. Cole. Con tinental building. C ( TT"OU KENT iiegant2-IIoor : house , all mod- JU urn Improvement * . Corner 2Jd and Chi cago. Apply nt it09 : I'arnam btreot. G9J-W IriOK KENT 3-room house , city and olstcrn water , { 10 , to small family ; reference re quired : cor. 1Mb and 1'aclllo sis. Gal ! KT FOU KKNT 10 room House 1W1 Dodge.nowly painted anil papered. Inquire no.xt dooror 1318 l-'arnam. Samuel Hums. 71430 TIiOK UKNT Cheap A line bouse , suitable Jfor hotel or boarding house on 27th , over from depot , near N ct. So. Omaha. Ap ply to Wiu. Haalfcldt , proprietor ' , above ad dress. 700-30t O" > 04 Davenport St. , 1) ) rooms and all convent- ii-nces. J.'iO.OU ; i. ' . " > OS la\enport ) st > , llroomsand all conveniences , $70.00 ; 312 North Hli st. , 11 rooms and all coincidences. Jd. i.00. Thcso bouses arn In the best , resldoneo portion of Omaha , two blocks west of high school. E. H. Chapman , 5''l 1'axton block , owner , 530 "T71OH KI'NT Two nlco (1-room ( houses 2'th J.1 avenue and I.oavenworthst. $ i..JO. The O. F. Davis Co. 5'18 T71OH KENT. No 211.1 Capitol ave , all modern J-'comenlonees. U rooms , tlrst class condi tion , The O. K. Davis Co. 787 "ITIOII HHNT 10-room house with barn , thrco Jt ? blocks from high school. T. J. Heard & llro. , 1410 Douglas street. _ 4SC-'JO "I7IOU KKNT--9-room hoilso furnished. Tn- JL1 quire Sttil 1 arnain street. C09-1 * FOK HENT New Inlek Broom housn. 1817 Jackson ; laundry , bath. gi- ; < , all conven iences. Kiiciulio on premises or room 412 llco 448 G18 N. 17th St. , cottage 0 rooms , city water , painted und paporcd. Call afternoons. COflSOt _ _ TT1OK KENT Our residence : all conven- JL' Icnces. on motor. Apply C. S. Elguttor , 407 1'Irst National bank. 383 FOK ItKNT Two splendid brick flats , bath , water closet , gas , mantle , grate. 7 closuts all nicely papered , six rooms each , well lo cated , $20 per month. T. C. Ilrunner , room 1 , Warn block. 702-3 _ FOK KENT 0 room house , 082N2Sth avenue. Modern Improvements. ImnilioK. ICuIlsb , merchant tailor , 211 N IClh struct. 703 _ I71OK KENT Two 10-room brick rosldencos , JL ; nil couvonlonces. just comnlotod , .riJ7-.r > 0 ! ) Georgia avo. Kent $10.00 for first your , llennl- son A ; Hros. 387 SEVENTEEN C-IJ. bflolJ. jQUsca with bath , ? sawerago , etc. , ii block from Miorman avo. Motor on Kynor Htreot ! * 22.SOpormo. Water paid. 0. F. Harrison , UfJ N. Y. Llfti. 38j 5-KOOM house , nlco yard , ohado trees , cttv and cistern water , elegant neighborhood , 2 blocks front street ears , 1411 S , 7th avcnuo , or Hell's pharmacy , gpr. llth tine ) Mason , 390 ANDSOMEhY furnished house on S. 28th avenue , all conveniences ; eight rooms and barn ; vacant May 1. llundy & Co. , 1014 Capitol avenue. 301-ml3 FOK KENT Tlie 8-room house and barn 810 S. 27th street , near Lenvenworth. Key at Peterson's grocery , 2711 LoavcnWiirth. M-'Ot .171OK KENT 1'our < 1 and 7-room llats with JL' bath , hot water , etc. ; paved street ; near business ; all improvements ; only } 25 per mo. Itoforences required. The Meade Invobtiucnt Co. , 442 llco building. 312 OK Rl 'T April 10 , ono of those elegant llats in the T. E. Ilor block , cor. 10th and Jaokxon streets , has all conveniences. Call at 1112 Harney street. M OIS FOK KENT May 1 , 10-room house , centrally located , modern Improvements Inqulro 712 N. 19lh st. . 40J _ P OK KENT 5 rooms , one floor , 1712 Jackson street. 317 _ " 17IOK KENT Several 8-room houses nt $20.00. JL J. 11 , Tute , K. 15 , Chamber Commerce. MTPImll * _ OK KENT-0-room brick house , 120 S. 25th St. , all modern conveniences. Possession May 1. J. W. Grimth , U. 1 > . headquarters. 180-30 1ST Your houses for rent or sale with J. * a. Cortclyou , 40 Chamber of Commcico.M102 M102 HOUSES 0 to 11 looms with all modern con veniences for ronU J. G. Cortolyou , 40 Chamber of Commerce. MlOf ) FOK KENT Houses ; all kinds. Give us a call , llundy & Co. , 1014 Capitol avo. 740-mg TN Ilrown bulldlnir , corner 24th and Cuinlng , JU elegant apartmenla of 7 and 8 rooms , nalh , kltubens supplied wllh ranges and boilers. Ladles are Invited to Inspect these apart ments. Koferoncci.wlll boroqulicd. Enquire Olllzons" Hank. 414 ml FOK KENT 8 and 4 room flats In the Clowry bulldlm ; IGth and Chicago ats These Huts nro directly opposite JefTerson square giving them a line location. Roberts 1C1B Chicago st. 1J7-29 * STEAM boated flats at 709 H. 10th. Thos. F. Hall. 311 I'axton block. 313 HOUSE for renl It-roomlioiiso.modurn Im provements , corner ith nnd Dodge , pos session given Inimcdiatoly. Knqulro 40J Paxton - ton hlouk , M. L. Koedor. 1)85 ) FOK KENT Dwelling. 37th and Dodge , IO. 2 stores , ISth and Lake , each { 20. 1 store. 14th and Capitol , W > . Heed & Sulby , K. Ill , boanl of trade. 67J ) IF yoi wish to rent a hoiifco or stbru sco II , E. Cole , Conllnenlal block. 311 CLAIRVOYANT Forratet , etc. , tee top nf flrxt rolumn out/its page. MRS , WALLACE , clairvoyant ; naturally gifted ; tells past and future , love troubles , absent frlonus , ohangpa , travel , busl- noss. i : kS 1'urnum street. 604 M3 * MKS. rOKT , palmUt fortune toiler , tolls past and future from lines of the hand In old gypsy woyj ladles only ; too * I.OO. IWS N. 24th. M203M17 * MKS. DK. DE SAN may bo consulted at her parlors on nil atfalrsot life , bhu U a cele brated business medium and has a reputation throughout the world for accuralo and Iruth- ful rnadlnes Ot the past , present and future events of your life. Every bidden mystery rovoalcd ; bolus all vyho aru In trouble ; never falls ; given ml vice on all points of Interest , business Ir.nibitotlons , love ulTitlrs , family troubles , block apcculatlon , lawsuits , absent friends , lottery numbers , luoky days lutor- prots dreams , located diseases , hidden treas ures and stolen oodti ; restores lost affections , brings the separated together , miiKos speedy and happy marriages witn Iho QUO you love by proper advlco ; tella If tlm ono you love Is true or false ; gives lucky Komun-Egyptlan talisman to help all out of trouble ; perfect satisfaction guaranteed by mall ; send two stamps for Illustrated circular , 323 North IGth street , Omaha. 849 Mil * I ASSAGU-Madam Dolzlor , ovur 010 8.13th. 058M 0 * MKS. Nanile V. Warren , clairvoyant , trance speaking , writing and rolluhln business medium , four yours In Umaha. 119 N. lAth. 333 MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. Forratetetc. , teetop ofjtnt column on thti j > ng GEO. V aollonbpok , Ina-iher of the banjo. \vltn Hoa.o. | 15U Doiielag. 244 BKKOKK buying u piano oxamlno the new scale Ivlmball piano. ' A. Iloapo.UlJ Douglas. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS For rale * , ete.tcetopofflnt column on lh(4 ( page. WANTED Two or tliroo roomt fnrnlstiert for light housekeeping , No children. Address K < V > , lleo olllco. MH14 : * ttlonsant rooms for thrco gnosts nt YKUY ) Cass utrcrt. M813 Ml * _ "filOU ItRNT Ono furnished parlor niul one JL ; nicely furnished front room. Inquire n. u. corner ISlli and Davenport. M710 Mil * rooms , light housekeeping , 12JS N. s ili. M017 T AHOn south room for rent at 2109 Douglas JUstrcol. M07B-MI * T71OK HENT Ono elegant furnished room , JL.1 and Moor , modern conveniences , , to oo per mn.i must have references. Mrs. II. U. MOM ) * , IITM rnrnuin. Oil W T71OK KKNT Elegant fiirnlshod rooms , cor. L Kith mid Jnukson sts. 037 3 "VTIOELY fiirnlshod room with gas nnd lintli. JKcforonccs required. ' . ' 010 llarnoy. 643-30 * | 71OKKEi < T-A largo well fiirnlshod hack JL : parlor alio two slnglo rooms , Modern conveniences and board ; reasonable. 2205 Furnani st. G90-4 * 17IUKNIS1IEU rooms : references. 2)15 ) Doug- JL1 las. 044 a * FKONT and buck parlor $15 to ono or two gentlemen , bath , etc. , cool and pleasant. Good location for olorlis In wholesale houso. 17 S. 13th St. . 2il Moor. M563 fl * T7UK ) KENT In private family , furnlahod JL : room , with gas nnd bath. 44S S. 24th nvo . JIBCO ao : * "VflOELY furnished rooms In private ) rosl- Jdonco ! norlhoast corner 10th and Howard. All modern conveniences. MVftC ) M2 plUKNlSlliil : rooms , fill North 18th 4.VM * rpHK SU Olalr C urn noun hotel , cor. lUth and JL Dodge , will hercnrtcr tnako low rates for rooms by the week or month , either with or without board. 781 yiOiijY furnished room , $0 per mouth , 1000 - > I'arnam st. 3S.J T71OK KENT Furnished rooms , 1C07 Douglas JL 314 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. For rattself. , tcetopofflrtt toliimn on I/if / * page. FURNISHED rooms and lodging house , 141(1 ( N. lUth. opposite Jefferson . . . . \te-l\ * > A ' M803-ni30' T71UKNIS1IED rooms with board ; references. JJ 2214 Kariiam. 78.'l-5 * 171011 KENT rurnlsbod rooms with first J-1 class board , 1J1 Davenport st. 634 1 * IJIUKNISHEI ) rooms and board , can nccom- JL1 modato few day boarders. ir. J Capitol avenue. MG73M2 * EUKNISIIED rooms , modern conveniences Kit. 10 * UKN1HHEI ) loom and board,1821-31'arnnm. 709-0 * IAKGE south room wltli board. Suitable Jfcir thrco gentlemen or Kontlomnu and wlfo. at the Hillside , N. W. corner 18th and Dodge streets. MG30-ml * OK HENT-Furnlslied room with board. 201Calif01 ! nla street C5.I-3 * TjlUKNISHED front room ; east bay window ; JL modern conveniences ; cbolcu location ; board If desired. 708 N. ISth. CQ4 2 _ O NIOEl.Y furnished rooms with board for 2 -Uontlnmon each or mon and wives ; all mod ern conveniences ; 8. E. cor. 2oth nvo and Harnoy. CO I 30 * FOK KENT A large , finely furnished room with board , to a man and wlfo. The most pleasant part of city and private family ; no other boarders ; references. Address D 47 , lleo. 318 _ FOK KENT Kooms with board , en suite or single. Mrs. Churchill , 411 N. lUth st. 48230 * _ _ ROOMS and board suitable for gentleman at 1UI1 Douglas street M475 ml * _ T71UKN1S11EI ) rooms and board , 1023 iJfldgo. PULLMAN house , 1310 Dodges St. for good boaid , nlco rooms , modern Improvements , rates & location cannot bo excelled. Mrs.Horn , 229m 17 * FOR RENT ROOMS.UNFURNISHED Forrates , etc.teetopofflntcnlumn on this page 4 UNFURNISHED rooms , first floor , modern Improvements , raneo in kitchen. 310 S. 20th street. M703 M30 * MAY 1. Apartments for small family , near business. No flat. Ilcst locality. Inquire KIO Paxion block. jit 431 TjlOK KENT 4 unfurnished rooms , suitable JL1 for housekeeping : modern Impiovcments ; 1702 Webster htrent. I'rlco $18.00. MUM FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. Ferrates , etc. , ttctop of jtrttcolvmn on thl > pige. DESK room for rent , 1010 Capitol avoumil M7U7 M2 * TT1OK KENT Sioro room 2U\01 ; been occu- JL' plod as laundry 5 years ; sowor. water and gas connections. Enquire at 1122 Sherman live. , up stairs. 781 3 * KENT Largo storeroom and basement - mont , 1018 Chicago st. Apply to H. K. Koborts at the building. J3U-2 ! ) * "niOK RENT A store nnd two rooms , 22 JL1 North 13th st. Inquire 524 S. 2Gth ave M C8)-M7 * FOR KENT The throe-story brick build ing , 1110 Douglashtrcot , .suitable for whole sale puiposos , JllO per mouth. Chas. Kaiif- mann , Kiir..Douglas ! st. G02 TT1OK KENT The 4-story brick building , wit ) JL1 or without power , formerly occupied by the lleo Publishing Co. , 1)1(1 ) ( Farnum * Bt. The buildIng - Ing has a fireproof cement basement , complete Btcam hoatlnz fixtures , water on all the floors gas , etc. Apply at the ofllco of The llco. 01 ; OK KENT Or sale , my building on Jones St. bet 10th A tltli. Q.A. Lludqulst , UlOBlMh 321 TORES at 709 S. Ifith : steam heat furnlslicd Thomas T. Hall , all Paxton block. 31 ! FOR R NT WARcr > OUS . A WAREHOUSE on track to rentwell locat ed for Jobbing or Implements. Room MS N Y. Life. COO 4 * OK KENT Hrlolc warehouse , two stories high basement , bydraullo elevator , traok- ago ; bust location In city. A. C. Powell. 32 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FarraUs , etc. , t'tetop of first column onthlcpiac. I HAVE a good pasture , two miles fron South Omaha , for horses nnd colts ; blue timothy and clover grass ; horses called for Goo , O. Cans , South Omiib.i. MMU-M2J OUSE for Kent Furnished or dnfiirn libed ; all modern Improvomentsslocatod on West Harnoy street. Inqulro U33 , N. Y Life building. ' 'M 48 ARDEN I'AKMS to rent , T. Murray. M51 WANTED TO RENT. For rates , etc. , sec top of first column on this page WANTED To rent barn laruo enough fo six horses. Peoples' Mammoth Install ment luiUbC , 1)13 ) to 021 N. 10th st. ' M724-M ANTED for the summer Well furnlshei house of ulKlit rooms In good location with modem conveniences , for small famlh with no children. Address postotllco box 410 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .M07-30 ! ) RENTAL AGENCY. ? crratr * , tie. , tee to ) > nt flnt commit on f/il / xioi HE. COLL , rental tigeney.Contlncntal blk . 31 _ J _ _ _ _ H. 1KEY , rental agent , 208 N. Y. Life. i M3C9 ni2 , _ _ STORAGb. Fur rate * , , etc. , tee top of flnt column < m tl\u \ > page TlAOB" for Kent The H rst floor of "ou" warehouse , Ulxl3 , " > fool , cor. llth nnd Nloh olassts. Enquire Columbus Huggy Co. , 313 S HEAPEST and best nlorugo for furnlturo Wells , Hit I'arnam st. ar _ EST tracVaso Hiid storage building In Omaha , United Stales government bondot warehouse. Household goods stored und cam for. Lowest rules guuruuleod. W. M. Hush man. 1013-1015 Loavoiiworlli. aao _ STOKAGE of household goods ; clean , dry place , privately torod , terms moderate ; we also slore stoves urlng the summer , wo wll got them from the bouses nnd dollvor them li the full In good irlm. Tol. l/GO. 1207 Douglas Omaha Btovo Ilcpalr Works. _ 71 HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Fc rrii < , etc. , teetofi of flrtt column on tlilt page. wigs. Bwlichos , bungs , hulr chains , etc" . , : speolalty. Davles , hair ( joodt , and milliner opposite poitotllce , 111 3 15 tU ( . , UiuuU , ill FOR SALE FUHNITURE ETC. 'or ratet , etc. , tee top of jifijjl column on tlttt page. [ TlfJIl SAIiI'8loro > fiid ie * . counters , shelv- JL' Ing , show cases , otc. Address K nn Hoe offlcc. M802 M2 [ 71OK SALE Six-room furnished flat. Tint L1 for rent. This Is the greatest bargain In Omaha , S , E. llopowoll , 408 North 10th street. d floor. MTjK-Ml * 171 OR HALE Household goods and carpets , D 312 South 18th tr < Mtr 481 FOKSAljE--FurnttiiH < nt a 10-room houso. lloiisn for rent. Irifoilro 19Z1 Dodgo. 200 OR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. 'orrafw , ttc.ieetopof Jlrsl column on Hi to page. FOll SALE Cheap , n five-year-old Iron gray borso , weight 1,100 pounds , price ifx.'VOO , teed driver for delivery. Address J. L. Hul- burg , Lcuvonworth , between 45th nnd 40th Bt reels. M709 : M * FOK SALE Sidebar buggy , almost good us now ; 3-sprlng phaeton , good as new , lloth A , J , Simpson's make , nnd will bn sold cheap. 8. E. Hopowcll , 408 North 10th strool , 2d floor. M727-M1 * FOK'SALE Cheap loam of ponies on easy terms. 1331 N. loth street. M72JM2 TT1OK SALE Kollnblo nnd perfectly gentle JL1 family liorso. sound In every respect , with uirncss and new phaeton for eiuli. Inqulro it Windsor stable , 14th and 15th Duvenpnit strcols. S1003 MS * FOR SALE Family carriage. Lee ft Nich ols , slablo 28th and Lcavenworth. MMti FOK SALE A young family horse also box buggy. 1718 ( Juss st. 452 FOK SALE Clio finest oarrli'ff" horse In Omaha , 7 years old , weight 1.2.V ) pounds any lady nun drive him. Inquire of O. H. P. Hale. 200 llco lldg , or Wood's livery barn , 14th tnd Howard , M371 HORSE auction every Saturday , 2 p. m. , at Pioneer stables , 13tfi nnd Harnoy , Horses , wagoiH , harness , etc , lluyors and sellers should attend Ihoso sales. II. Homan , Prop. K. Wells , uuulloncor. 3T > 2 FOR SALE Handsome , Now York hand- mane , square box liuggy ; used ono HUIM- mer. I' . H. Salmon , Pacific hotel department , Uth nnd Jones. DIG HOUSES for sale. Stallions In service at Stlllwatorstookfarm. bend forcatalogito. ll.J.Kendall , room 40,1 Ilrown building , Omaha. 504 M4 WANTED TO BUY. , ffc. , nee top of first column on thtt page. 1'Ivo or ton acres of gardening WANTED easy driving distance of Omaha. Prlco not moro than $175 per acre. A d d rcss K 02 , lice. 773211 * ANTED Slock clothing or gentV fur nishing goods. Will pay $ . ' ,003 cash , bal ance clear lots. Wish to deal with owner di rect.V. . II. Orabb , 1417 Farnum at. 008TO * WANTED Six cords hickory or ash wood Inquire 439 Pu.xton building. M5I1M2 * WANTED To buy a liorso that Is broken for a lady to lido. Olive Hrunoh , UN N. ! Uh. M512 TTUJRNITIMCE bought , soln , stored. Wells , JL1 nil rarnam street. Iff ! FINANCIAL. Par rate * , etc. , Kctop of f rst column on till * page. T71IKST mortgages on vacant und Improved JL : city property. County and city warrants wanted. KM. Klchardsim. 818 N. Y. Life. ItOJ MONEY TO LOAN'R&AL ' ESTATE Forratcs , etc. , eeetop ofhr * t column on 1'iln pags " 17 ASTERN money to lOdn at very low rates. JJJ H. H. Iroy , 200 N. Y. Life. M3 8 _ FIRST and second mortgage loans. Alex Moore. 401 Hcobldg.f < _ B92m8 * MONEY lo loan on ill rat mortgage real es- tatu security. United States Loan and In vestment company , 001 Ilcu building , Omaha , Nob. rt M721 m'J _ _ MONEY on unlmproyed or Improved city property low rate of interest from private Investors. 11. \Yebslor , IX ) 1 N. Y. Life. , ' MONEY lo Loan Omaha nnd South Omaha , fromJU01o JV.000 , German AmcrlcunSav- Ings bunk , Comnierclal"Nutonal ! bunk build ing. _ " t- .747m8 CHEAP Money IM.IlsVMortgaeo and Trust Co. , wants gilt tdire' loans. 'Goo. W. P. Conies , representative , 7 Hoard Trade 001 MONEY to loan on. Improved Omaha real estate. SOU S. 13th street. M3S2A30 * MONEY to loan on Improved city property at current rates ; funds on hand ; no do- lay. Oeo. V. Itlust & Co. . 201 Kamgo bltl'g. 335 E. ft. C. M. Aiithony.318 N.Y.Llfo building lend money on farms In cholco counties In Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Omaha resi dence property ; lowest rates ; Ijost terms ; no delay ; money ready Titles and values passed on hero. . 334 BUILDING loans U to 7 per cent ; no addi tional charges for commission or attorney's fees. W. U. Moiklo , First National bank bld'e. 332 MONEY to loan , Midland Guarantee nnrt Trust Company. 1C14 l-'iirnam slreol. 71M 30 KIYATE money to loan. J. D. ZItilo , 914 N. Y. Life. 331 MOKTGAGE loans wanted. McCaguo In vestment company. 701 MONEY on hand to loan on Improved or un improved property. ChUs. W. Kalnoy. Oinalia National bank bldg 544 M I * MONEY to loan on Omaha property. Fidel ity Trust company , 1014 I'arnam. 278 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Ferrates , etc. , seetop of first column on this page. MONEY on furniture , horses , etc. Kcyslono Mortgage Co. , room 208 Shcoly block. MS01 CALL on II , A. Darner , room 54 Itnurri of Trade building , for loans on chattels. 41)1 ) 30 MONEY loaned on furniture , livestock.etc. . from 1 to 3 months , without publicity : lowest rates. Duff Green , room 20 , Continental blosk. M440 m'a /-UIATTLE loans at lowest r.ites , lei N. Y , V LIfo. It A. Morris. 331-M20 * / 1HATTEIj bank , 3108. 15th st. loans money Vx'on ' chattels or collateral at reasonable rates 337 MONEY to loan by II. 1' . Masters on chattel and collateral securities for any time from 1 to 12 months , In any amount to suit bor rower. Louns made on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse receipts , the lowest rates possible with out publicity or removal of property. My loans aru so arranged tnat you can make a payment of any amount at any tlmu and reduce both principal and Interest. If you owe a balance on your property or have a loan you want changed , I will pay It oil and carry It for you. If you find It more convenient , call up telephone No. 1021 ami your businesswill , bo arranged at homo. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. II. V. Masters , Koom 4 , Wlthucll blk. , 15thand Harnoy sts. ' FOR EXCHANGE. Forratu , etc. . see top o/jfrt column on thin pzge. \\7HO lias a Rood liorso and luiKcy lo ox- clinnKuns llrst p/ivjnoriton a house anO lot ? Address Goo. J. llutjl , IfiO'J ' I'ariiuin. M3 _ _ OU KXOHANOK ( Jli-ar iiioneriy and casl forhlouk niuiuliandfho ; lsli dual tllruot wllli ounur. J. 1 > . llyiugr , 21 Douglas block. _ V ; , M8C4-m2 IVANTKD Stock mnrpliandUo from owner direct. AVill ilvu CilBli and oed nropurty .1. P. llymnr , 2.1 DoiiKlOiffilouk. _ MbUl-ni' OIjKAll properly lo UxicJlinnKO for sooil fain- lly driving rlf. J.'jKllyinor } , 23 Do block. ' " " FOU KXOIIANGt-t3A" liandsomo inoilorn 10-room IKMIBC , buril- lots , on motor , It bostnartof city : wanflilourulty ] iroii | > rty or morclmndlse. what h-.ivo you ? Ownor.s ail- dross 1' . O. bov 790. Omnha. 7TU 5 TVr roslilonco and barn well localt'i .J.TI. IO I'xrliango for lots and payments. Hoon MM N. V. Ufu. CM 4 _ _ T7TOU TKADK ICO ui-ro farm , 75 acres In ere | -now , Umllos from peed town. Onu clear lot , good piano lulioii in part pay. Address 1C 48 , lleo. uil ! iu _ WANTKD 1'or good clear oily lot a hlcl grade safety or byclcle. Address J. IB lleo. f Ol'TJAH lands to oxclianjo for city property wll lake some lucuubruncu , lloom 608 N Y. Llfu. CU74 0 LEAN genera ! block of ntnrohandUo for farm and money. UoxSOJ , I'runUfort , Ind. IK ) I'WILlitrndOROod clear lot worth faoo am take peed upright piano as part payment Address If : . lino. 47 DRESSMAKING. I NUAaKMKNTS to do dressmaking In tain -LUIlloa solicited , Mlis HturUy. Wll ) llurnoy st. BUSINESS CHANCES. , tletittopof flrtroliimn \ on ( BUSINESS clmnco ! an opiwrtuutty Is of fered lo responsible purlin wllh small aiillal lo handlotha Cr.indall typowrltor and ypvwrllor sitpiillos. This U tlm onlyhtfut- lartl tnaclilno tin Iho market selling for IM. Address The Crandall Machlno Uo. . I7 I/a Hallo St. , ChlOORO , 111. _ Mail-ill'.1 * fjlOIt SAhE-Tho right In the state of No- J-1 braslca for the most useful and best sell- ng nrtlolo ovorlnvenlcd ! never before olTored n this Blalo : peed iiKont can tnako tn ho next twelve monllis. Address W. n , pare loo. MU78M3 _ FOU SALE Nursery slock , bulbs , seeds. II. Fronzon , 2015 Martha or Dupont school louse. 700 UO * I OU HAljH Uonfuotlonury etofo anT"Fcs ( lanranl , centrally locateil and one of best hlands In city , paylni ? well , Ilcst of reasons or nulling. Cheap If tuUcn at onco. Address C 01. lleo. 783 4 * T31OII SAIiK Klrst class paying rrtall busl- -L1 ness ; stock f.oooallnow8nllsfnolory ( ) ; run- ROIH forttnlllnK. 1'or iiiirllouhiM address 1/ock llox. 415. Norfolk. Nob. 77S10 * TTlOnSAIiE Hostanrant host location In the J3 city. Oco. B llalloy. Wayne. Nob. 7I3MO FOK SAM ! Harness shop , tools and Mock ; Rood loeallon. Good paper or real i > slalo. Address 1C 2lleo olllco. MM1 : w TTtOItllENT-Orsollholol. ono of the flncst looatlons In the city. Adoress P. O. Dox MS. York. Nob. r > 9 30 * MEAT market In the best town in Nebraska for sale at a very low llRiiro , 2-nlory irlck btilldltn ; , best location In town , fully equipped with machinery and appllanucs for lacking , etc. , slaiichlor house , leo house , otc. , wllh 15 acres of land adjolnliu town. The ilioru properly will bo Bold -nt a very low irleo on account of owner's health. 1'or par- : lcular3 address K , onncnschcln. West Point. Sob. HAlE--An old ostablljhed and Rood JL niiylni : elirar store ; good reasons Riven for sol II n st. 1C 20 1 leo o llluo. fi.-J IpOU TKADK or Sale The llawloy house , JL1 North 1'latlo , Neb. , will laKD clear land or olhor proporly. Address John lluwley , North i'latlo. Nob. iiSi- ) ' . ' * "TT1OU SAIiK Knrnltiire , llxlurrs and Inaso of JU a roslanrant centrally located. Uan bo loiiKht verv clin.ip. 1'or particulars address N. IM'nll. lion olllco. BI.AOKS.MITH and wapon shop , wllh dwell- IIIR ; Hplendld loc.itlon ; write for partlcu- nrs ; reason for selling , poor health. Tnppo llrolhera , Veidon. Nob. MIClin 18 * " 171 OH SALK riirnlluro nnd undortaklus JL : business In u Rood town , wllh or without store building : nurt cash , balance gilt vdgo iiapcr or clear real cstalo ; Invoices about fy.UOO. llox 1)42. ) Lincoln. 403 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Forintfw , etc. , fee topof first column OH this payt HOUSKof Tliirpo rooms , full corner lotwoll and cistern , ulosots , etc. . : iflth and 1'atrlck avunno. jS.riOl ) . Wilt accept clear lot us llrst pay ment , balnneo on 10 years' time. OoorgoJ. I'anl , 1009 I'm num. MbOII-in2 W I MJ sells-room house , mnilorn , $ .V)0 ) cash , iKilrinuo monthly payments , cheap nhd well loeatod. Koom f08 N. V. Mfo. Ol > o4 SALE. Lot and thrco small ilwollliiRS. located on 14th street between Pleieo and Williams. Kiiipilro No. 1317 Hontli lltli street. MliS" HO' FOH SALE 8-room houso. city water , bath , larKO lot , near llansuom I'laoo , bargain. 1C Kt , lice. Nl G77-iJ : AN extraordinary opportunlly to got u first class farm of IHO ncies , 411) acres iinilnr cul tivation , balance hav and pasture hind , the entire farm Is fenced and In line condition. Ij-argo brick dwelling house , liirco lle shells , corn cribs , feed yards , etc. . 2 wind mills , running water , largo soring und Inko of fresh water. This farm Is unexcelled for stock raising. 1'or prices and loims imply lo 1' . Sonncnsclioln. Wust I'olnt. Nob. Mf > llM8 ) V\TII'I'Sell a 7 orS room hoiisouoll localed ' modern , for J500 less limn cost for cash and paper , want money. HoomOOSN. V. lAte TpOH SALE rour brick houses and lots , and JL. thrco frame houses and lots. Small cash payment and balance to suit. , T. W. Harris , Herman American Savings bank. _ 211-1 T71OH South Omaha property business , tracx- JL ! ago or residence 20 tothn loading real es tate dealers In Hinilli Omaha , Ed Johnson Ac Co. , cor. 24th and N sts M735 TTlOlt SALE Kxtra bargain. Choice CCxlSD , JL.1vlth building ; renU $100.00 jicr mo. ; one block from now P. O. O. L. Uroon. U47 , llar- ker block. 310 "fJIOH IlteNT Aero properly wllh buildings. JJ M. O. Macleod.ll.- ) . V. L. HUlg. 710 'JO position for an active man with $3,000 to io DM ) In In vestment banking business. Ad- uress K , llco ofllce. M442 FOK SAI/E 0-room house , all modern con veniences ; corner lot : very cheap at $8.00i ) ; terms to suit. Address K 12 , llco ollloo. M44t : T7"OUNTZE Place Itargalns JLV 2 modern housrs,8 iiiulU rooms cacli.nrlco 85D ! loa,5M. tXO cash. in POP month for2 years. WO per month for 2 years. $43 per month for 2 years , Ualanco 7-yonr time , 0 per cent. J. J. Olbson. solo agent Ko'inUo ' PlaceRoom a. Orolglilon block. . 221 WANTED For cash , ono secllon smooth pralrlo land , south of 1'latto river In No- braska. Address A. II. Colcman , Dlllcr. Neb. 212-2 * " 171OK SALE IlrlgRs Piano lots on motor lino. JL ; Also aero1 property. K M. Klcliurdson. 818 N. Y. Llfo blag. JW2 171OK BALK The most , comfortable 8 room JL. modern house In the city , every conven ience , bath , gas , olcotrlu bolls , fnrniioo , laun dry , otc. Ii r < o stable , room for 4 horses , city water In slablo , concrete lloor , full lot In half mlle limit , convenient to 4 lines of cars , shade trees , oto. I'rlco * } 0OW. Address K 23 , lloo olllca 403 FOK SALE A nlco homo , L'4lh and Loavon- uortli ; now , price low , and terms accom modating. Oco. W. P. Coutcs , representative , 7 , Hoard of Trade. DM M13 FOK SALE ! > aero trackage property cheap , ISlh and Williams. A. I'loulor , N. W. cor ! 13lh and Williams sis. ICO M16 * BAKG'AINB ! Ilargalns Ofllce open every night. Star Loan and Trust comimny. first lloor N. Y. Llfulnilldlng. Mill MB * / 1OKNEKMth and Ames 104x127 , prlco $1OJO ; V-/POIfeet title. Address 0. K. Shaw , 47.15 N. n'Jlh. SI2UO-8 * T71OK SALE A Ono Improved farm of 2JO .JL ! acres ; 11)0 ) under cultivation ; shada trees , fruit , windmill , wagon scales , otu ; 100 miles west of Omaha ; 120 per acre. Addres , O 48llen. 1)60 ) TpOK HALK Quarter seollon land , two miles 4- from Springfield , Sarpy county ; olghtpen miles from South Omaha. John J. ICelloy , St. Joseph , Mo M75ml ) ) * IfOK SALE Lois 1 and 2 , blk 0 , IJrlggs' 1 1'lacu add , jirleo 111,500. Enqulro of O. K. Davis. SU Ululr European hotol. 782 FIVK-room houses In Orchard Hill , $1,500.00 each on monthly payments. Thomua V , Hull , 3U I'axton blk. 2 > J9 T71OR SALt > -100 acres land 2 mlles west of JL ! city limits , to clos > o un cslulo. The O. K Davis Co. C64M1-I 120 acres line farming lumr aujolnlng good Nebraska town ; nearly oloar. ICO acres * tlnoly Improved land - " $ tnllos from county seat In Nebraska ; lightly onciiinbnr ( l. 120 acies good land In Nchruska,5 mlle * from county seat ; 2nou Inliablt.ints. House and lot In town In Kansas ; clear. ( Jlearlot In good Nebraska town. 4-room house ami lot , barn , well and cistern , Iflth Hlroot , Omaha ; slightly iMicumbcred ; will trndo for Omaha property and assuino uncum- brunccs. II. E. Cole , Continental blouk. UUO MISCELLANEOUS. For rate > , etc. , set top nf first ctilumn on this pige. isSMAYEli , nee SiiceToy bk. cheropodlst manicure , best equipped ladle.halrdrcss - Ingdonarlmdlitlnthuolty. Ladlei.'halrbleiieh- Ing children's hnlr cutting specialty. .M'JiSl MIS' "ID AKTI Erf desiring to purohsso btocK cattle JL will do well to corros | > end wllh us. Hurrel Ac Danghortv , Llvo stock anil real estate deal ers , Marble Vails , llnrnot co. . Tox. D K. HATl'IELD.i cor. lIltiTTind Dougias sts. Practice limited to diseases of woman M sjit M4 * OKMOVAL-Antlquurlan book store reran voc : JV to 422,8. 15th st. , near Howard , Kurbach blk i _ _ _ 178.MIC * TASTUKE Larzo blue grass pasturn ni JU Mollovuc and r.lkhorn Oily for rent , 11. T Clarke , room It ) , board of I rude. 101 MU FOK door and window screonsgct Hamilton llros. prices ; carpenter jobbing done 01 short notice ; 414 S Itith btrcct. Tel. 117U. OiOM12 _ MABHAaKtreatmont.olcctro-thrrmal baths sculp and hair treatment , matilciiro am chlropodlau Mrs.l'oit.aiui't S. 15thWlthnoll bll ' its _ _ _ ILL1HCOV. house mover. 513 Hoiith nil * truet , und bU bouth 2Jlh uvonuo. -Mayia _ PATENT SOLTcnrORS. l'orrateiito.icc topof first cottmn OH ( Mi pay ) PARENT lawyorn and nolle ! lore , O.W , Sues * Uo. , lloo building , Omaha , llranoh oftlcuu Washington , 1) , U. Uouaultatlou free. 1WJ O1VI5 Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing tn the taste , nnd nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , demises the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles oy all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAl. lOUISVILLE. KY. HEW YORK. H. C PERSONALS. Forrntu , etc. , icctnpnf first rotnmii tin thtt page nOKKF.iH'OND A correspondence bureau v tor liidlos and gentlemen. 1'iirliciilurs In ilnln soiled envelope for2o stamp. Look llnx 6 , Umaha , Nob. 770 inffl' LOST For ifti.cif. . rretmio' tint column u iftf LOST THO lady's finger rings , mounted ex actly alike , ono with llvo diamonds and 0110 with five rithys Lost Hiinduv afternoon , the i'8lh ' lust , Leave at box olnco , lloyd's opera house and recolvo liberal reward. reward.M704 Ml LOST Fat roan cow , weight about 1,100. Kuwird will be imld for liiformntlon or return of same to Ousman & Dudley It. 4 ! ) . l xcliango bldg , South Omaha. 7 J-yi * STKAYED or stolen Young llronzo itolihter. lleward for return or Information to U407 Patrick avunuo' fflW-'JU * MASSAGE , BATHb ETC. For rattt , etc. , tec tnpofflffl column on ASSAol : Mudair Uelzler , over CIO S. lith. _ OMA10 _ ' _ MASSAOn bath at Madame Smith's parlors. 3d lloor. 4iM S. l.Hli htreut. Kil-'ja * _ FOR SALfc COWS. Forratctetc.i < xt ( > jnfflrtt column on tht > i > aoc. FOH SAIjK A lot of No. 1 fresh milk cows. Call , afternoon QtUStli and Hurt st. 703 SO * HAVE alwayscn band a lot of firtt class milch eows for sale or will trade for dry ones at barn. H. K. corner loth und Leaven- worth. H. J. Montgomery. UJO Mis * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. For raits , etc. , tec topj > f first column on tills page. FOR SALE High grade safety bicycle , almost now. exceedingly cheap. Address room 4IB , llco building. M7U.I M2 * FOB SALE Second hand piano nt great sacrifice. Enquire at 2(114 ( Seward st. 784-1 * TOK SALE Three No. 1 flro proof.Hafos ; ono JL,1 largo and two medium K/O | : nnvo been imi'il by Wushlngton Co. ; will bo sold for what they will bring. Address Thomas Wilkinson , or W. J. Harrison , Itlnlr. Neb. MGS8 M3 WANTED A purchaser for Iho fiirnllure. fixtures and lousn of u restaurant cen trally located and paying uationugo. Addicss N. P. Fell , llco olllee. AHOUT 00 foot of good lawn hose fpr sale at a bargain , with patent nnzrlo coupling , otc. , complolo. Address J Ofl , lleo ofllco. 201 T71OK SALE A"n olpgunt fire pioof Nufo with JL7 burglar chest. Phil Stlmmol , Oil Jones St. , Omaha , Nob. 1)31 ) PAWNBROKERS. IKED Mohlo , s. o.cor.Farnaniitllth. 343 RDVERTISERS Who use our columns to plncc their goods before tec public will tell you that our Kerlo ? of Auxilliary School Journals , nro not surpassed by any touchers' publl- cntlcn in t hottest as nn advertising medi um. Hates fnrnislicil on application. Nebr. Teachers' Pub. Co. Fremont , ftcbr. D. Y. Stephens , Mgr. Phenoline P CURES P Colds in the d Head ยง bjr on * ipplica * lion ; 0 Oitirrh In v iy short nmt ; Hay Fevtr ' ( C fiom three to nv < i y > : . 0) ) Earaohi \ tap IniUniljr , taP SOo ptr Bottlt. P DMtCliOII land * . niitiut flftttittnt Ct. 'IMPROVEMENT THE ORDER of IheAGE/ , / The Smith Premier Tyj > o-Writor , never fulls to convince these who in- voBtlgnto its merits , thnt it is the most durable , has the most perfect iilipnlnont , is the easiest learned , and has moro good points than any other Typo-writer on the mnrkct. TUB Smith Premier Typa Writer Co , , R H. MAYHBW , Mnna or , 10091 Farnam Street , Oiuuha , Nob. IM5KMANKNT SIHKWATiKS. TlioyVIII llo lpiilrcil | on All Pavoil Slroc'ts. \Vlth the now flro hmlU oriltnniico there COU10.S nil ordlnnnca rolatlnp to the ta.vlnir of poTimuicnl sUlownlka within cortalu districts In the city. This ordinance was introduced , road n llrst and second titno and roforrui' ' last nlpht. It nrovhios that within the bouminrlo.s o ( the old flro limits district , on juved st roots , the only nmlorlal that shall bn uspd In ttui construction of sidewalks slmll bo stone or nrtlllclal stono. In this district , on any streets that lira not pnvod , wood , stone or other material may bo used. On paved BtrooUs outsldo of the llro limits sUtowiilxs shall lie const nictotl of stone , nrtlllclal stone or brick , but In nocasu can wood bo uaoil. Stand Voiir Croiiml. When you make up your inliul to tali a Hood'.i Snrsaimrllla , do not bo hutticcd to buy Bomoolhur tiroparntini itistoad. Clerks may clnlm thnt "onrs Is ns pxid as Hood's" nnj nil thnt , lint the peculiar morlt of Hood's Sar sapnrllln cnnnot he ciinallcd. Thorafore Irnvo notlilngto do wlthsntistllntcs and Insist upon having Hood's Sarsninirlllu , the best blood purlllcr and liuildhiK up incdlclno. April \Vcnttit r 1'rnillotliinn. If a pock of March dust in worth n hlnc'a ransom , nnd April showers brlntj forth Mny Mowers , is it not right to pro- diet that every dixy In the month the oleetrli-lltfhtedstoam-hontedvo.stlbulod ! Hinltod tniins of the Chicago , Milwau kee it St. Paul railway will continue to run on the short line between Omah'i ' and Clilcntro. The oloetrio reading lain ) ) iu every berth of their palace sleeping cars is their own patent nnd cannot bo used by any other company. Ticket olllco , 1601 Itanium stroo't , Omaha. Polling Chalrmnn O'KcofCo of the board of county commissioners does nor take very kindly to the Idea of the county helping to slr.tro the expense of of constructing booth's to bo nsod nt future elections. Yesterday ho satil ; "If wo wore Holding on election , wo would .not think of asking the city to help pay for booths , and 1 sou no reason why the county should lu'lp pay for booths that nro to bo used nt the bond election lobe 'icld ' by the city next month. " REMEMBER IS THE NAME OF THAT Wonderful Remedy . , That Cures CATARRH , HAY-FEYER , COLD ic Ihe HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , and BRONCHITIS , I'rlco 81.00. Pint Holtlei. For Bale by leading Druggists. HlErAIlED ONLT IIT Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co , OS JACKSON ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. BLAKE , nnucK & co. AND OTHER TYPEWRITERS THE LAST CHANCE TO MAKE A Tllll' Round the World for $600.00. Tbn Canadian PuclUo Hey a I Mull ) ili"ICiiii | > reiu of China" will leave UTerpunl on urubout Junfllith for u tour Around the World. 'Jlililt the iblrilitnd lait oxoiinloii. Do not uilti II. rauiphlouiilvlnif IidUmitlcul r nmll .l [ r Iq nnr addr n upon aiipllcallon lo J , f3J Goum Clau 81. , CUigaeo.