Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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fie Jvcrmi by Carrier In any part of tbo Cltr.
Business , Office , No. 43.
Klcht Editor Ko. S3.
V. Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft' * chattel loans , 204 Sapp bloclt.
Heal Hock Springs coal. Thatcher , IGM&ln
* " Marion Killlun and i conn Trubo , and
Thomas A. Pilling and Jeiste V. Sweeney ,
I of this county , were married yesterday by
Justice Hammer.
A suit for a divorce was filed In district
court yesterday afternoon. Mrs. M. E. lloth
bclrjR tbe plaintiff and Charles J Uotb de
fendant. In her petition Mrs. lloth asks for
a divorce and f&r a Judgment for tbe costs of
tbo suit.
Wortt was commenced yesterooy on the
Improvements on thr. Sbugart-Beuo block.
The building is to bo raised to n height of
four stories und the two uptter floors are to
bo mnde into ofllces. AVben tbe buildinir is
completed it will bo ono of tbe finest office
buildings In the city.
Contractor M. E. Moore will resume tbo
paving on Knit Pierce street next Mondny ,
and will push it on to completion as fast us
possible. Tbo work was commenced lait
jear , but was stopped rj the approach of
winter AfUsr Piercv struct is finished tbo
puvingof Washington avenue from Main
street west will be taltcn up.
Alvan O McCallistcr and Miss Mary D.
Monroe were married yeMerday morning at
St Francis Xuvler's Catholi ; uhurch , Kev.
H. P , McMonouiy offlciatlng. Both parties
are of thio city , tbe bride having been orpnu-
Ut in St. Francis Xuvier's church for some
time past , Mr and Mrs. McCaUislor left at
once for a trip to Vancouver island.
Alfred Fuller died Monday afternoon at
Burlington , aged thirty-eight years. His
death took place very suddenly. He leaves n
wife and several children The remains -will
bo brournt to tbo Bluffs , this moniine ut 9t' < 0
o'clock , "and will bo interred in Fain-lew
cemetery The deceased was a brother of
Mrs. .1. W Martin and Mrs. Walter Seeley
of Council Bluffs.
In the police court yesterday mornlnc
\Villiara JcuniuiTS was lined 110.70 for
drunkenness , and E. H. Egan $15.70 for tbe
same offense. Eatnel Ly tie , Pat Nugent and
John Mejcrs , who had been arrested on a
charge o'f v&crant-v. their offense having
been the beating of their way from Missouri
Valley to tbo Bluffs cu the Northwestern
railway , werp discharged , the officials of tbe
railroad , who had them arrested , failing to
appear against them.
An answer was filed in district court ycs-
tordny In tbe case of E. A. Wickham acalnst
W. W. Coties , which was coin-
incuccd some tln.o ago and which
caused something of a sensation on
account of the fact that it threatened to undo
all the work that hnd been done by the Jus
tices of the peace for years hack. The main
ground ou which the plaintiff is attacked is
that the law provides for the determination
of the succession of the justices only by the
auditor Incuses of dispute. It is allceed
that in the present case there was such dis
pute , but that an amicable settlement of the
niatu-r had been reached by the justices
themselves , thut the services of the auditor
were not required.
The Boston Store. Council Bluffs , will clo e
hereafter at ( i o'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays ,
Thursdays and Friday evcniups. Mondays
) It o'clock. Saturdays 10 o'clock. Boston Store ,
I Couudl Bluffs , Fotherintbam , Whitelaw &
Co. _
Everything in house furnishing nt Mandel
& . Klelu'i , on easy payments. 8:20 : Broadway.
For widow shades , curtain poles , lace cur
tains chenille curtains , brass rods , drapery
filks , wall paper , try the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs. Get their prices before pur
chasing elsowtnre. Boston Store , Council
Bluffs , la. _
W. H. M. Pufcoy left last evening for Dos
John Schoentpen and Emil Dnerr have ro-
tnrned from a short visll lo Des Molucs.
J. JVI. Lane , Kcueral ugenl of Ihe Mihvan-
kce , has cone lo Milwaukee , Wis. , on n brief
John Short was appointed delegate from
branch " ! , Brolherhood of United Labor , to
Ihe convention of labor orcauizations which
was hold in Atlantic yesterday.
C. A. Goodcow , division superintendent of
the Milwaukee road , wus in the city yester
day. He leaves for Milwaukee this morning
in company wilh a number of officials who
are ejcpocted to arrive from "Kansas City.
Drs. Woodbury. dentists , 30 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone Ho. High
> radevork a specialty.
When aboul lo build don't fail lo pel prices
on lumber of The Judd is. Wells"Co. . , b8
Broadway. Telephone i-'S7.
Newest styles in funiiluro and carpets ;
* jest coolnnc cloves in the world at Maudel < k
Klein's installment house , 820 .Broadway.
Do you want an express waoa or bov !
Rmp up the A. D. T. Co. , telephone 170 , Ko.
11 North Main street.
Mrs. Aliny on llie Warpath.
"Mrs. Almy called at Ihe office ol Iho city
marshal yesterday morning and complained
that a blue satin dress was stolen from her
by n girl named Mary Partridge , who hr.d
been stopping at her house. She said ine
girl hud moved lo Omaha , where she -.vas
now liviucr , and thai she wanted a wa'raul
Issued for her urresl , BO lhal she could be
held in case she came lo Ihis side of Iho
river. She was referred lo ihe city clerk.
Hull fur Kent.
On account of leaving lown T will renl my
hall together with purior room , dining room ,
kitchen witn stove , city wnler in Ihe kitchen
for one veur or more. Il is Ihe mosl con
venient nail in the city ; all in first class
order. Inquire , J. F. Petcrbon , 180 Broad
Manocl & Klein sell furniture , carpels and
cloves on easy paymeuls. 8 0 Broadway.
The Final
Tte injunction rn e of L. M. Turner apainsl
Rink & Schullz will bo completed this morn
ing in district court , Judge Tbornell having
made arrungsmenlb to como to Council Bluffs
lor the et | > ocal ! purpose of hearing the argu
ments of the ntlonieys. Attorney Seabrook
will make Iho case against Hint : \ Schultz n
test case , provided the decision of Ihe court
is against him.
- The Chicago Times , Tribune and Herald
nrrlre in Council Bluffs 5:10 : p. m. on day of
publication , and are delivered at once to all
paru of Ihe city by swift and careful carriers
at only 30 cants a week , including Ihe mam-
mo h Sunday issue. The Saturday or Sun
day ibsuo alone 5 cents eucU. P. U. Nugent ,
agent , poztoftioe box 104.
Dry fclorago at low rates , itovcs and house
hold poods. J. K. Suyder , Pearl street *
Cell * ! l oti * ! Cobs !
Plenty of ihcm at L O. Knolls , 29 South
Main blrccU Telephone 'JOO.
A Now Jury.
The following are the names of the Jury
men who were drawn yeslerday morning for
the May term of superior court : John W.
Dickey , L. A , Gray , O. H. Lucas , G. D.
Brown , C. Slruub , John Dobancy , H. S. Har
rington , Frank Poton > ou and L. Zuriuueh-
lenk. _ _
Joel Ice ! ICP ! ! !
If you want it pure and n
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no new dev ice.
But ) > oud to us in a tr
At our off
Mulhollana & Co. , No. 4 Pearl sU , Tel. 102.
Prull form for sole on reasonable lerms ;
within ono and one-half miles of the P. O. ;
all in bearing ; rood buildings ; possession
{ riven at once. Call on D. J. Hulcbi&fcou &
Co. , Cl ? Broadway.
Inquiring Into the Death of Peter Beagle
by the Coroner ,
No Krldrnce Discovered to
I'oul IMny llio Jury Decide *
to.Wnit for Full Informa
tion However.
Coroner \Vaterman empanelled a Jury yes
terday morning at the undertaking establish
ment of W. C. Estcp and held an inquest
over the body of Peter Beagle , who was thot
Monday ufuruoon. . The jury consisted of
E , T. Wat > rman , John Hammer and C. E.
Mary Beagle , wife of the deceased , took
the chair bofor tbe Jury with a fare that
bore evident traces of tears , and proceeded to
tell what she knew of the affair. She stated
that her husband hnd been very ill slneo
Friday , with an attack of fever. Several
times on Monday he showed signs of delirium ,
bhe prepared his bed for him , and then went
to get supper. She hnd iust reached tbo rear
end of the building when she heard the re
port of n pistol and rusnod'to tbe other room
to see what was the matter She was accom
panied by Cburles Whitney , the bartender at
the St. "Elmo. They found the deceased
Iving on the bed gasping , and in n few min
utes be was dead. She stated that he had
mot with n great deul of financial trouble ol
late , and she thought .that micht have un
balanced his mind.
Charles Whitney testified that Bengle had
been losing money lately , in fact , ever since
be left Cut-Off island He was aln ays hon
est in his business transactions. He cor
roborated Mrs. Beagle's testimony as to the
circumstances of the Uilllng.
Dr Bellinger stated that he had been
called to the house soon after the shootinp ,
and found him dead when he cot there. He
described the position in whifh the dead
man V-A lying , and bow he must have beld
the reroi 'er when hofircd.
Hey DeBarr , a bov who plaved n flute at
tbe St. Elmo , testified that Beagle and his
wife had ulwuj s cotten along most pleasantly.
Whenever he came upstairs she always
kissed him. and he bad never beard a cross
word nass between them.
Tbo" Jury then took nn intermission until
this morning , when another session u ill bo
held. The evidence , on tbe whole , was of
such a character as to leave but little doubt
that it was a suicide
Tbe remains of the dead man were taken
to Flint , Mich. , last evening for interment.
They were accompanied by Mrs. Beagle.
Trees , all kinds , guaranteed to crow , prices
at Main , ' pobtof-
cheap , , Broadway , opposite
Lace curtains cleaned from 5'ic to $1.25 per
pair , at Twin City dye works.
Try Duquette & Co 's Pomona fruit Juice
tablets. 1 tiey are delicious.
Muir has all sorts of fruit , shade and orna
mental trees , Broadway , opposite postofllce.
Points Dnninjrinf : to Kruefrcr's Ca'-e
Against I lie ity.
In district court yesterday the entire day
was occupied by the triul of tbe case of
Krueger against the city. The mam feature
of the day's performance was the introduc
tion of the testimony in behalf of tbe city.
If all the things are true that , were told as
true by tbe witnesses , Krueger must bo a
very bad citizen. Among the witnesses were
Mrs. Hall , the matron at the Woman's Chris
tian hospital. She testified that Mrs.
Krueger was ordered brought to the hospital
by her physician some time before her
death. When she had been brought there
she was in a horrible condition , as she had
evidently boon neglected in the most brutal
manner by her husband. She said that she
was in such a filthy condition that it was
throe days before she could be made pre
sentable. Several ladies who had called
upon the woman at her own house corrob
orated the matron's statement as far as her
condition was concerned.
Dr. A. B. Hanchett had attended the
woman in her lust illness , and had ordered
her removed from her home , us it was no fit
place for a human being to dwell in.
A number of physicians were put upon the
stand to testify to the probable cause of her
death. It appeared that her disease UIOK on
a tuberculous form , and this , it was said ,
might have caused her death independently
of all other causes. Several of the witnesses
also stated that the general neglect of the
husband no doubt "had a great deal to do
with hastening her death.
One interesting feature of the afternoon's
testimony was a fuct which was gotten out
of the plaintiff himself , by the city attorney ,
in spite of the earnest protestations of tbe at
torney for tbe plaintiff. That fact was that
Krueger had married a second time within
four months after his wife's death. In tbe
opinion of tbe city attorney , that did not
snow that the company of the first wife wus
so indispensable to the plaintiff's happiness
as to bo worth $10,0(10 ( to him. It went , how
At the time of adjournment the testimony
on the side of the city was nearly all in. and
all that now remains is the testimony of one
or two witnesses that ma3 * possibly be intro
duced , und the arguments of the attorneys.
The case will probably be submitted to the
Jury before this noon.
The Boston Store. Council Bluffs , will close
hereafter at Go'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays ,
Thursdays and Friday evenings. Mondays
Si o'clock. Saturday 10 o'clock. Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs. Fotheringham , Whitelaw < fc
Co- _ ! _ _ _
Stiugart & Co. carry largest stocii of bulk
field , garden and flower sceas in the west
Catalogue and samples by raalL
Seed oats , corn , millet and seed potatoes ,
garden seeds of all kinds , at H. L. Carman's ,
MX ) Multi and 501 Pearl streets.
A New Entry in the Ring.
To look at Judge Aylesworth no one would
ever dream of his being a pugilist. Yester
day , however , be startled his friends by
pulling up his shirtsleeves and walking into
a young man with a reckless abandon that
played sad havoc with the fautless arrange
ment of his shirt collar.
In Justice bwearincen's court yesterday
afternoon the case of Sallie Stlllman , admin
istratrix of the estate of the late Dr. W.
D. Stlllman , against J.V. . Lalng , was
on trial. Tbe plaintiff's side of the case was
managed bv F. A. Shaver , und the defend-
ant's by E. E. Aylesworth. Walter Still-
man , son of the plaintiff , was put upon the
stand , and testified to a number ol things in
connection with the case , which Involved
about f s. At the close of his testimony a
subpoena was culled for for Mrs. Stillman.
"What will she testify tot" asked the
court ,
"Well , " Ayleswortb repllod , "if she tells
tbe truth , I supttose she will sav that this
bill was paid , "
Walter arose , toot a heavy cane in his
hand , walked around tbe room to the place
wboro Aylesworth was sitting , and asked
him what he meant by that remark. What
Aylesworth repllod evidently did not suit
that vouug man very well , for he said :
Uf you want to take thut back , all right :
but if you don't , I'll have to make yon suffer
Tor 1L"
" 1 don't take back anything , " was the
Vouug Stlllman then lifted his cane and
was about to strike the attorney , when that
gentleman's hands descended upon the throat
of tno pugnacious youth. For a few seconds
confusion reigned supreme. The first thing
to succumb to tbo force of the onslaught was
the stove pipe. The Move , a rather unwieldy
affair , rame next , and was followed in rapid
succession by t larce table that stood in the
center of tbe room , and .vouug Stlllman him-
self. By this time the Icelanders began to
boo that Stlllmau was getting the worst of it ,
and they interfered KO as to prevent , if pos
sible , his Utter auulLilatlon. In a few seconds
ends time had been called and the fight was
at an end. Several mlnuves were occupied
with plcklns up tbe debris from tbo field of
battle. The trial was then proceeded with
as though nothing bad happened , but Judge
Aylesworth has won for himself a reputation
as a pugilist that will be of considerable
value to him in tbo bourse of a good many
democratic caucuses in the future.
It is to your interest to consult Mandel &
Klein before you buy your furniture , carpets
or stoves.
The Boston Store. Council Bluffswill close
hereafter at 0 o'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays ,
Thursday * and Friday evenings. Mondays
o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock , Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , Fotheringham , Whitelaw &
Co. _
Freight for 150 miles prepaid on all goods
bought of Mandel & Klein , 8:20 : Broadway.
Failure to nMnWIsh Chnrces Drcmelit
Acninst J. C. Kelly.
T. C. Kelly , the alleged pastoDlco breaker ,
murderer and all around bad man generally ,
was Drought before Commissioner Hunter of
the Uuited States district court yesterday
afternoon for a preliminary examination on
the charge of detaining tbe United States"
mail. The charges of murder aud robbery
which It was nt first supposed could bo proved
against him , were dropped completely , as the
prisoner had given so good evidences of
his innocence that lucre was abso
lutely no ground whatever for the pushing
of tbo case against him. District Attorney
Miles of Corydon , reached the Bluffs at 10 . ! (0
a m. and took the management of the prose
cution. The inspectors who were to bo hereto
to idenllfv the criminal failed to show up ,
they having been notified that it would bo a
waste of ihe nallonul funds to come and try
to prove their case.
The only charce upon which Kelly could
be held was that of detaining the malls , -and
even that is regarded by his friends
ns being made against him more for the
purpose of serving" an excuse for the long
imprisonment to which ho bus been sub
jected than to send him over the road as a
convicted criminal. The only way In which
the charge of detaining Ihe mails can be sub-
stantialed is by Ihe fuct thai ho look letters
out of Ihe oflice which \\ere intended for the
other J. C. Kelly and neclected to return
them to Ibe offlco when ho found out his mis
take. Mr. Kelly admits the truth of this
charge , bul claims In extenuation that he had
not bad time to Hike the letters buck
to Ihe office when he had u
visit from the police and was bun
dled unceremoniously off lo Ihe police hta-
lion , where be was pul Ihrough an iuquisi-
lion. afler w hlch he was taken lo the coumy
Jail. The authorities huve como to ihe con
clusion lhal Ihe whole Ihing is simply a cose
of "The Two Johns , " with the comedy ele
ment left out , aud lhal Kelly's main offense
is in having Ihe same name as Ihe real crim
inal.Kelly waived his examlnalion before Com
missioner Hunler on the charge of detaining
the mail , und was bound over to tbe grand
Jury on n charge of detaining Iho mail He
was admlltod to bail in the sum of S.YK ) , and
was released until nexl September , when Ihe
federal grand Jury will meet.
For Sale Two hundred tons of " 131311 !
baled hay. Inquire of Ben Marks.
The ladies of the Broadway Mctbodisl
Episcopal church will enlertain a sociable
nt the residence of Mrs. H. R. .Tones , 549
Washington avenue , corner ol Sixth street ,
this ( Thursday ) evening. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all.
Fanner Allies Goes.
At the convention which was held in
Allanla yesterday John E. Abies , Iho prom-
incnt labor agilator of Council Bluffs , was
appointed delecate from Pottawatlamie
couuly to Ihe Notional Farmers' alliance
convention , which will be held ia Cincinnati ,
O. , May 10. _
J.C. BlxBy. steam neating , sanitary en
gineer , 202 Merriam block. Council Blutts
The Falrmount 5c cigar at the Fountain ,
All the Trappings Bear the Brand of
American Manufacture.
New YOKK , April 29. Five hundred guests
tonight attended the bauquel of the American
Protective Tariff league at Madison Square
garden. The dining room was handsomely
decorated und everything about the affair
was emblematic of American industries.
The dishes , cutlery , table cloths , napkins ,
wines , cigars and even tbo tin menu cards
were of American manufacture. Many
promlnenl cenllomen were present , including
Major McKinley , Secretary Noble , Senator
Hiscock , ci-Congressman Dolllver of Iowa ,
Senator Aldrich , Senator Dolph , J. S. Clark-
son , Senator Carey , Congressman Farquhar ,
IJupert Porter , Colonel E. F. Shepard , Cle
ment Studebaker , ex-Senator Plan , and
\Villratn Pent ) Nixon. The llsls of toasts
provided wus a lengtny one. Cornelius N.
Bliss presided in place of President Ami-
dow n , absent by reason of illness. Bliss in
his remarks said : "Itlssuidbj- some edi
tors and public men thul Ibe evenls of lasl
November hove shown thut the so-called ed
ucational campaign of the opponents of Amer
ican politics has borne fruit and
that , protection has been deserted
by the people of Ihe United Slates. II
appears to me , thai Ihe assumption by a few
\vuo have usurped Ibe title of tariff reform
lhal really belongs lo us lhal Ihe intelligeul
people 01 mis country require education on
economic questions by a body of the closest
studenls , who , however bonesl in convic
tions , are wilhoul practical exjierience. "
Secrelary Noble responded to Iho toast ,
"Tho President , " saying , in part :
"This is an auspicious time for Ihe mem
bers of the republican party to assemble.
Protection of our iuduslnes is uniting our
couulryraen everywhere. There is , indeed , '
a prosldenl of the United Stales und you will
agree with me in saying thai he is a good
president. Let us maintain pence with
honor , looking nol abroad for directions or
Bliss proposed the health of Vice Presi
dent Morton , iho briefly lhanked Ihe as
sembly uud was loudly applauded.
Major McKinley was then introduced ns
Ihe nexl governor of Ohio , and ihe cheering
did nol subside for five minutes. He made a
brief speech , in which he said : "We will
have a luriff so long as we have u govern
ment. If 1 ever regreltod Ihul I was a pro-
loclionisl Ihul regret does not exist tonicht.
I am glad lo belong lo a party advocated by
such men asVcbster , Clay , Lincoln , Grant.
Hayes , Garfield and Harrison. [ Cheers.J
McKinley further said thul Iho
couulry is prospering , aud wbui
is wunled Is to go on prospering
and no "monkeying' ' with Iho lariff. " He
predicted thai Iho tariff law will not be
changed in the next leu years unless by Iho
republican party on protection lines.
Senator Aldrich spoke to the text. "Main
tenance of a Protective System Indispen
sable to Profitable Commerce. "
Senator Jones of Nevada sent a letlcr in
which he said Iho Chinese wall of protection
was precisely wlijit was needed in Ibis coun
try to keep oul Ihe squalor und distress thai
attends loxv wages abroad. Popular govern-
moiil resls upon Ihe nffe.clions of Ihe people ,
und men nave no affection for a government
under which ibey starve.
Addresses were also mnde bv Messrs. His
cock , Deliver , Dolph , Farquhar , Sheridan ,
Porter and others , continuing unt.l a lale
DeWiu's Liltie Early Uisers. Besl little
pill ever made. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use tnom now ,
Queer Money.
There is ono peculiarity about nil
counterfoil ' notes , Bays an expert. They
are b'maller than povernment bills.
Government plates are made a little
'larger ' than the finibhed notes to allow
for the bhrinkage of the paper. In
counterfeiting money a now note is
pasted on a polished steel plate and
transfer puper placed over It , The
work is then traced with n fine pencil
and afterward marked through on the
Btoel plate with a sharp engraving tool.
The plate thus made is , of course , just
the mze ol the note , and the bills made
from it when damp shrink and are there-
lore a trifle smaller than the genuine.
DeWiu's Little early Ulsers j only pill to
cure sick headache aaa regulate the bowels
Ernest Morris , naturalUf , died in Indian
apolis last night.
Three more ballots without result were
taken in the Florida democratic caucus last
night. <
A thorough examination of the affairs of
the Ninth National bank ol New i'ork show
it Is iicrlectiy solvent with good surplus.
A decree has been Issued ordering the en
forcement in St. Petersburg of the same
measures against tbo Jews fcs in Moscow.
A dispatch from ChJJi says a dyuamlle
bomb \vas thrown at PnuRideni Ualmacnda's
pulnco yeslerday , but dlJ no serious damage.
The executive committee of the league of
republican clubs met in New York yesterday
lor a conference. The meeting will continue
A dispatch from Iqulque says the parlia
mentary forces have occupied Copiapo. Five
hundred of Balmacoda's friends who were
defending tbo town fled.
The attorney general of Wisconsin yester
day Instituted suits against a number of ex-
slate treasurers to recover the interest re
ceived by them ou public funds during Ihelr
M. Kouslan , French minister to the United
States , is to bo sent to Madrid and Counl do
Monlholiu succeeds him. M. Herbelti- goes
from Berlin to SI. | Pelen > burg and M. do
Billet from Home to Berlin.
The suit brought by Charles S. Holmes in
New York shows lhal Arthur C. Glllmau of
Ihe firm of J. H. Larraboe A : Co. . U-a mer-
chanls , who died suddenly lusl December ,
was n dedefuuher in the sura ot fi i.OOO.
RevDr , Bridcman , for thirteen years pas
tor of Iho MaJison Avenue Baplisl church ,
New Yoru , has resigned the pastorate because -
cause ne renounces tbo docttiucs of eternal
puulsbment uud does uol wish lo disrupt the
F H. Hagorty , Dakota commissioner of
immigration , wus arresled yeslerdav at Ab
erdeen , S. D. , ou complaint of the Keystone
mortgage company lor misappropriation of
funds. The case crows out of the failure of
Hugcrty's banking bouse last fall.
Fire in the Thresher company's paint shop
at the state prison at Stillwater , Minn. , lasl
uigUt caused u loss of nearly $100,000. There
was considerable excitemcnl for u time and a
company of militia wus called out to guard
Ihe prisoners in case of an emergency.
The Ohio coal operators yesterday refused
to accept tbe proposition of Iho Untied Mine
Workers' executive board for 70 cculs per
Ion aud a nine hour day tbe coming year.
The slale miners' organization will be in ses
sion al Columbus tomorrow and a compro
mise may be reached.
Advices from Point Pleasant , N. J. , sn the
fire starting at Herbertsville bus spread
northwcsl over seven miles of couulry , do-
slroyiug 15,000 acres of timber and muny
barns aud oulbulldlucs. A grcal number of
men were oul righting Ibe flumes yeslerdav.
Hcrbertsville is penned in and much nnxiety
is felt ,
Tbo roof of ihe opera house al Troy , Ala. ,
collapsed yesterday while a party of young
people was rehearsing an amateur jierform-
unce. Miss Annie Foster and Miss Fannie
Slark were killed , Iwo young girls were
probably falally injured and a dozen others
painfully bruised. The roof was intended lo
be self-supporting , but was faulty in con
The fountain and slalne erected in memory
of Henry Bergh , founder of Iho society for
Ihe prevention of cruelty lo uuimals , wus un-
eviled ycslcrday ul Milwaukee in Ihe pres-
oiice of several Ihousand j > eople. Addresses
were made by Governor PecK , Edwin Lee
Brown and Henry Bergh , Jr. , of New York
and others. This is the'only Bergb stuluo in
Iho counlry.
II is learned lhal at a secrel meeting of
railway employes last Sunday in St. Louis
the conductors , firemen , trainmen and switch
men's orgunization formed a federation and
took steps to induce tfie brolherhood of en
gineers to Join. An arrangement is said lo
have been enlered inlo wilh Ibe engineers for
mulual support in case of Irouble. The ob-
jecl of Ibe federation is lo prevenl slriKes
and settle differences by arbitration.
Affairs in the cote region were very quiet
yeslerday. The Keislor plant came lo Ihe
coker's lerms , making the/ourth. in Ihe dib-
trict , and the men seem confident. The
operators report increased forces and men
arrlvinc on every Iraln. The sensational
advices of socialists has had little effect , as
Ibe men are very quiet and peaceable. The
cost of the coke strike-up to this , the twelfth
week , is estimated al aboul $3,500,000.
Mrs. Ashby B. Leidler , nee Florence L.
Dunmead , daughter of Francis Dunmead ,
was found deud wilh a bullet hole in her
heart in her bedroom at tie residence of her
parents In Baltimore , Md. , last evening. Her
husband , who is a traveling salesman , was
auscnt from Iho cily. The couple were mar
ried secrelly Ihree'years ace and uflerward
were remarried. The famtlyjtay me shoot
ing must huve been accidental und thai she
had no cause to take her own life.
Agate bearing scales , coffee mills wilh fool
power , grcoers refrigerators , bulter coolers.
Catalogue of Borden & Sellock Co. , Chicago.
Phoebe Ci.uzinh1 Case Postponed.
CHICAGO , April 9. Judge Tuley postponed
nctiou until lomorrow on Phoebe Couzius' pe
tition for nn injunction lo prevenl her ro-
movul from Ibe secretaryship of the board of
lady managers.
How She Resist * ; ! Arrest.
They are telling u slory that the tax
collector down in New Gloucester , a few
days , ago , felt compelled to arrest a
young woman for non-payment of taxes ,
aud that he attempted to make the ar
rest when on the highway , says the
ije-wiston ) Journal. The
jMe. . . young
woman , being in excellent health , by no
moans fragile or ol inbignificant avoir
dupois , sal right down on 1he bnow and
refused to make any exertion to help
herself. The las collector is not a giant
an4 he couldn't lift her. It is not re
corded how hard h lifted , but he didn't
move her and un arrest was lost by in
sufficient constabulary.
DeAVitl's Little Early Risers , best pill.
A HonFcli ! Id Il-cipe.
On a recent trip south John H. Inman ,
the southern millionaire , stopped off at a
small town and entered the little barber
shop , which was the only thing of the
kind that the place sported. It was
kept by an old darkey who evidently
managed to get some pleasure out
of life. While the negro was shaving
the millionaire the latCer asked : "Say ,
undo , what is a good thibg to keep one's
hair trom falling outV"
' 'Get married , sah , an' yoh wife'll pull
itout , Dai's my spcrionce , boss. " .
Concregallonallgl : The propriely uud wis
dom of establishing a Congregational fire in
surance company will be discussed ut the
next meolinc ofhe English Congregational
union. If Ihey wore Baptists , would it bo
marine insurance )
' Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia , in
ITTLE Olgtstlon and Too Hearty
iVER Eating. A perfect rein
efty tor Dizziness , Nausea.
PILLS. Drowsiness , Bad Taste
in the Mouth. Coated
Tongue. I'ain In the Bide.
TOItriD UVER. They
regulate tlie Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Salt < d 1'r
Fealod proposals will be rt-oc'Ived \ > y the
ttute board of urlntlnc at the office oftlio MIC-
rt-tary of fctato uny Utiui before Wi-aiK-sduy ,
MUT 10,1MU , at 2 o'clock p. m. . for the printing
and hlimluK of l.UOU copies of themx > rt of the
coiniiilKsloniTt of labor wnsu and Indui-trlul
MHtUtlcs , for the yean , ItoU and 1WW. Suld re
port to l > e printed ou 4U pound bauk paper and
bound in cloth.
Sample K of the work may IKJ HIHUI at the of-
C < e of tbe Hticrelury ot hlutu.
The board reserve * tlio richt to reject any
aud all bids.
Jens C. > t.t.iN , P c. of t-tntc ,
.1. C. HILL , btnto Treasurer.
T. II. liisTON , Auditor I' AM
State Board of 1'rluttnc-
That's what the average and fair minded customer demands at the
hands of the dealer , in exchange for his money. WE ARE MANUFAC
but reliable garments , materials carefully selected and made up right.
They're always the cheapest to the consumer. When you're offered
MEN'S SUITS OR BOYS' SUITS for less than your own judgment de
clares the making worth , there's a "nigger in the woodpile. " Let 'em
alone. Common sense , when used , gives every man a fair knowledge of
values. Time is money. We have neither to w-ste in making up trash
to gull the public. A selection from our $7.50 line of MEN'S SUITS
will give you full value for every cent. Our $1O.OO , § 12.50 and $15.OO
Suits are made up with every care , well trimmed and durable ; they're
worth every nickel we ask and are profitable and economical suits to
buy. In the higher grades , such as Spring Overcoats , Business and
Dress Suits our lines were never so complete. For RELIALE CLOTH
ING at REASONABLE prices see
Money Cheerfully Refunded when BROWNING KING & CO
goods do nol satisfy. ,
S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas , THE RELIABLE CLOTHIERS.
Of Council Bluffs.
DIHECTOBK I. A , Mltlcrf r O Oleason , E. U
EhUk-B.rl _ E. E. Hart , J D Edmundson. Charlei
K. Hann&n Transact general bankln ; bunl-
ncit Largest unj surplus ol ILQT
tan kin Southwestern Iowa.
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just the thlnp for bntb roomi bed roomi , etc.
Cull uud see our large ussoitiuent.
C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co.
211 Pcatl and SID Mulii Street ,
More than 15 vpnrn MtKTlpnre In tlie treatment of
A cure cunruntcod In K to ! > da > . Itbont he losi of
un liour't time.
Tbp most romplvte and ulinolnte cure for elect nnd
nl ) nnmijlnc diHuhnrcfn ever knovn to tlie nicdlcul
Jinifcu'lon. Tlie luunt * tul > t > orn chronic nnd lone
fctaudlne cum i > permanently cured In trow & to 10 dur >
Or pnln In rcllprlnE the tluddcr iiormnnently rnred
wltumit pnln or lm.trumeutn , no cuttlnc , no dllntlnc
Tin1 mo t rtinarkuble remedy known to luouurn fccl-
enoe. Write lor circulars.
Cured In HO to 50 dnjiPr McGrew'n treutment for
thin terrible lilooddUca IP ban Ixtn pronounced tlie
mom iiuocc ! ifulr < 'tned > ever dlitcuiTcrHd for the au-
imlutd cure of the disease. Jll nil cess , wlthi til
dlRcon-has never been fquulloJ. A toaiiiluto cure
guaranteed. Write for circulars.
And all ne kne e5 of tl e exuul onnni. nervous-
tit-UK , timidity nnd di-ojiondeucy alit.olutely cured ,
Tbe relief In luiniodlute and complete.
fni arid nil dl en-.e of the blood , liver
kldn < : ) and bladder permanently cured.
and neuroljrla , nc-rvouknens nnd dlnen u of the
ptomach curt-d , The doctor t "llrme Treatment" lor
Indies IB pronounced by nil who have lined It to he
th * mint complete and cjnvi-nlont remedy ever of
fered for the tn-ntiueut of lemule dlm-iiki-H It IP tru
ly a wonderful remedy. No limtrumeuu , no jmln
Hours forladlen , Ironi 2 to 4 only
Marvellous success in the treatment of
private dibeuses has won for hirn a rep
utation which is truly national in char
acter , and his great army of patients
reaches from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
The doctor is a graduate of "regular"
medicine and has had loup and careful
experience in hospital practice , and is. .
classed among tbe leading specialists in
modern science. Treatment by cor
respondence. "Write lor cirulars about
each ol the above diseases , free.
Office 1-tth and Farnam Streets.
Entrance on Either Street.
Beet Sugar Enterprise
HI Cents a Year.
Ix > cuct and Third St. , - Grand Inland , Neb
Devoted to the development of tbn licet mcur In
dustry I" thr Uuited Maten. Muuufwcturiuz nuuni
from lieeU , ! m proven a CIKCCBS both In California
and Nebraoka The averaco per lent of uiur In Nl-
tiranka Ixwtn Ik Id 8 per cunt. In Germany li.iu.
Germany manufacture * annually l.MiO.OUO tons , more
than any other country to tbe world. The r B tm-
port annuallyl.WJUUOton of nupar , which at lire
centB per pound , would amouut to H.WOUU/XO rlmll
tbe L' b manufacture her own mctir'f frct'dlnp
cultivating , liarveotlnc nnd manufacturing the rucnr
Ucunedln the licet Bueur Kmcrprlte. rend
n for nauiple copy * Grand Inland. Neb ,
. T. FELIX coruirii'R III\TAI.
_ CUEA.M , OU MAtlCAl. Itl'.Al lim.K.
K -iMjve Tan ( I'lmplr * fr ck
In , Mutti 1'iilUim , lauUmd buu
In e MCiuid mury bldmnh un
siuut , ami a , n
ijllUltltluu. It 1.0 tlie tent ul id
} ini . Liid o
bAflalr ujlf It
to luprot-
* rly uiad .lirrpt
no ruuttterfvit ot
Umllur name. llrX.
A. buytr kutd tu a
\u6y vl tltrluiut-uin
UlMiUenti "AkTfiu
laoir * .1. UH. ihtm ,
1 mnmntenuUitu -
Irut harmful ut all
Hip Pile prrimn.-
UOM. " Fiiriutirliy
. U iJrvcrpUU nut !
> ur uuudt Xto-
i RIAU * . Canada * and Burin *
r.CT Un t Junta St , K.T.
Highest cash price paid for rags and
all kinds of scrap metals.
Country dealers and merchants will
find it to their advantage lo communi
cate witn us before disposing of tlieir
Blocks. G1LIKSKY BROS. ,
Union Broadway Depot ,
Tel. 301. Council Bluffs , la.
Finley Burke. Thos. E. Oasaty.
Ofllces : J. J. Brown BuIUlliiK. Council 111uffa.
Council Blulfs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
Cragin & Co. , Proprietors.
The Ne-wOgdeaHotal , in Oouaill BluTi ,
has been ooinpletad refarnisaei anmoie-n-
ized throughout , anil ? now on * of the b33t
hotels in the stats. It is located in taa bail-
ness part of 110 city an 1 Ui' elestnz initori
pass the door every four mtnntsi Fira 9J-
capes and fire alarais throujaout thj batll-
inc. Steam heat , hot an ! cold nratsr all
Bunslilne in every roam. Tabls uns j.rpxss Ji
anywhere. Hates , $2.00 a day.
GBO. M. WHITNEY , Manager.
a. II. CIIA.11HERI.IH , JU. D.
Eye , Ear , Nose nnd Throat
Council Bin flu , - - Iowa-
bore ejes , crcns c-yen , f
painful and vlb
earache , dcafncHB ,
charceH from the ears. ru- | .
tarrli , bay lever , anthrna
and all acute and turonlc
anectlous of the throat n
iieelHlty Gla 0 eyen fit
ted withoutpuln , Gluitie * accurately preBcrlhed In
dinicult ca es , often curing chronic neuralcU and
hick headache. fecrElcnl operations , when neras-
nary. palnle Bly performed , uurln : hoit re nlt
OUlccbhucurt-lleuo bluck , roouil. Council lIluOn , la
OITIOn , U ! > Broadwny , Council Uluffb , la-
Electric Truss 33 ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
< 3O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
OrriCE. 17. RC5ID2.\31 !
Corner Main ana Broidwar ,
Dealers -foreign anU doniettlo xchanjk
Collection uud Intereit paid ou tl.ns
Over C. n , Juciiutinln A. Co. . Ji-wclry Ftoro
All kludi of DvlnR aud Cleaning done In ths
nighbfctbtyleuf the Art , TuduJ und fctainod
rubric * tnudo to look as peed as new Itud
reuthtrb tiiMlniu lly Meani , In 1'irht < ' 'HH '
Mnnner. Work promptly done and dellrnrud
la all paru of the sou u try beud for price
O , A. MACHAN. Prort.
IOU uroadwav. Near Northwuktera DODOL
COUNCIL liLt'rri. It.
V\f AXTKI ) Two plrli for
t Cool > prMfGeo. . 1C Main struct.
FOK SALn Tor Ktmt Wkiitud If you tvanl
1obujKill ot rent ativlhing In thu real
ftntiline don'l do It until yon have soon oul
lnrso. 'In of Imrgitlns. fcwanV ll.or. No. Ill
Main und lia IViirl strot-ts Council
" \\TANTKI ) A clrl to do general hounowork
I ii in a fiiinlly of UUCP ; peed wages. 03
[ First a\e.
"l Ol ! KENT House , 1M Stutsman St. : t6 ! pet
JiiKinth. . Inquire of Cooper & . Mi-Gee.
FOK t-ALK or Trade A Clio nuported
Clydesdale stallion. Call ou 1) . J. Hutch-
lusou 3k. C'o. ( > 1 ? Ilroadvruy.
\\7ANTEO Competent clrl lu family ol
> two at ul ! ! lllgli fechool aieuuo. MrsH
II. Odell ,
SO.Mn fine rt < ld iicti property for rent bv
Day i. Hess , M ) 1'earl struU
FOU SALE-llotcl centrally loesited , dolns
coed bushiest. Or will exchange for good
farm In western lowu ,
.Hotel letise. furniture and fixtures : an A
No. 1 cliuncti U > stop Int'i a peed pnytni ; busi
ness Ki-iikons for Milllnc , other business re-
qulrluc nil owner's attention.
llargulns In rcsldunuu and business prop
erty. H. 1' . Odii-er , real estate and insurance
apt-lit , Xo. 12 X. Main sU. Oouncli ItluHs.
GARDENS Some choice pirdcn land neal
Council HIuHs for sale oncat.y tvrniK. also
\lneyurtls mid a large list of lova farms.
Johnston & Van Patten.
IJHH SALE A flue family horse , T years olfl
X ? this sprlu ? , weight pounds. 00)01 )
orrul. llred by Kobort MacGrecor , Address
H. K. liuttcnhauur , i.7 to ill Tourth btroet.
Council lllulTs.
BA VE cash customer for four lots between
ilst andlillth st between Av 1) aud 4th
avc. , J. I' . Oreenshlelds. C1J Ilroadwjiy.
TJIKCIT farm for sale or trade : well located
-i- and all In boar Ins ; Reel house und burn.
Will taku some Rood city property , and gund
thneclvei. ou balance. Oull on or address IX
J. Hntchlnsnu & Co. . Cl ? Hroadwuy.
O } { KENT Tbe McMahon block , 5 story
brick , with basemunt and elevator. J. W.
Pquire , 10i I'oatl struct.
FURSALE A barculn ; now modern IIOUNO
with ail the lau > Improrcmcnt , soron
rooms : will suit on cany payments ; located on
the rifth avenue motor line. li. J. llutchlu-
son , ( U ? liro.idwav.
FOU SALE or Kent 9ird8n Itnd. wlto
bounji. OT J li. .loa. 101 Jliln it. . OouaoU
A 'J rue I * dilution.
We told our palrons lasl season lhal ina
old style casolino slovo was a lliinfr f Ihe
past. This year , by paying a ( AKK1.00 ( roy
alty to the uiulers ol the New 1'roccss Tupor
Slove Co. , every olher vapor slovo company
can malic a stove under their patents , we
are the exclusive ngoul for Ihe orifrinul NEW
Pitoccbs slove with its preal Iblll improve
ments , also , forthe Quick Meal Now Process ,
Ihe bcsl of all ihe oibers. Our last year's ex
perience has enabled us lo selecllho bust
sieves lor our 1891 Irade. U'e will sell on
EAST r.M.MEvr.s. Wo will send fttoves on
tnal and uuarauleo satisfaction don'l pur
chase before faeelng us. Cole & Cole , 41
Main slreot.
Itt-fridcrators on Payments.
Grcalesl bargains ever offered. Lawn
mowers. Bull ; pajOen seeds. VIclor 'bi
cycles. Cole it Cole , 41 ! Main hlrcct.
Pointers on Il-c-yclt-i.
There xvill be hundreds of wheels sold In
Comic * ! Bluffs and vicinity Ibis seaaou , and
no purchaser can afford lo make cxpoiimenls
nl bis own cost , which he will Oo when he
yields to the temptation to buv anything else
than Ihe world-famed Columbian. Nolo these
points of unquestionable superiority over all
olher machines :
The Stccriup The Columbia sprinc fork
has no "flumadels" lo Interfere with the
steadiness of Blooriug. Ask old riders about
"band.s off. "
Weljrht Dou'l lake Iho caialoguo welcht.
Tno Columbia weighs 4S J pounds on Ihe
scales. A few pounds of unnecessary weight
is a ion up Ihe hill.
Simplicity The Columbia double diamond
frame combines .lightness , , strength aud
Cushion Tires "You pay your money ana
you lakes your choice. " The Columbia is
made either way , nlthouph ibu solid lire Is
without doubt the most durable.
The "World's best , ibe North Star and the
Leonard , range In prices from tt.Ti'J up.
CiiMi.inu r tove .
The Italiable Process Evaporator Btove Is
Iho besl in Ihe market. No suit-burner , con-
sequeully burns less gasoline.
Tlie IJ < " .t Ijau'n * 'OW < T.
Genuine Philadelphia lawn mower. Do
nol buy Inferior Jinilatious when you can pot
the real urtlcle for the sumo money.
Sims & Saunflcrr v.
federal courts. Kooms 3 , 4 und & bhugurt
Ueuo block , Council Hiuffs. la.
HI PrnmhfTC AUnrnoy at Law , No. ID
. J. lUdlUUllb , i.eari vt , over Hush-
nell's t-torc. Telephone No. "VI. llutlnosj
hours , b u. m , to Ip. . ui. Council UluUa , l.u
To Bee-Keepers
I curry n full line ot Beekeepers' sup
plies , including comb foundation , hon
ey knives , fcraokers. suctions and all
fcupnlicb for iho uplary. M. S. HOOP ,
6'JU ! * Broad way , Council Bluff * , Iowa.
" D. HT"McDaneld & Coj
Butchers' aidFactors' Suppi33 ! ,
Market Fixture ; , Casing ,
Hplrrs and Fuuuace Maker * ' Machinery , K23
bi Main tu. Council Uluffi , U. A.l o Uualun
n llldei uud 1 ur .