Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Try Spanish Court Fnco Powilor anil
you will us noothor , driiKglstH soil *
Judge Holsley Is dolnjf his best to
crowd the nuinbor of prisoners In the
county jnll toW. \ . Ho sent up Uovorly
Klolda for t-Ixty dnys for vnjjrancy nnd
Victor Llndliolin , I'utsoy Uooloy mid
Fred Drown for ten days cucli.
The chief of police of Davenport , In. ,
writes to know If William Glcamm Is
wanted horo. Gloiifloii wns arrested In
that oily Sunday and just II led olT a pair
of lotf Irons which ho had thrown Into
the rlvor. Ho said that ho hud been
Bent up for ninety days In Omaha and
had escaped , le Irons and all. No such
man has been arrested Imro , and no leg
Irons are reported inlsaliifr.
Moios Alexander was arrowed yoalor-
day afternoon for alt omtitlnf , ' to puts a
counterfeit silver dollar. Moses Is a
vegetable peddler and claimed that the
coin came to him by exchange for pota
toes. Antonio Scon , an Italian peddler ,
Is the complaining witness. I'ondlni , '
the hearing before .ludgu Helsloy. which
will bo hold this morning at 10 o'clock ' ,
Mo-os was released on SHOO ball. Ho
bignod his name to the bond in Hebrew
characters. Judge llolsley directed the
police to notify the United States
authorities of the arrest.
Clciui ( ) | i.
As the Rood housowlfo proceeds to cloansu
anil rcnovnto the fitfully domicile , roinovitij , '
tlio winter's nccunmliitlons of dust nnd im
purities nt tills particular ounson , so should
every Intelligent iiurson cloatiso and renovate
their Interim ! person , and miiko it a liunthful
Imbitiition , for it's ttio homo of the soul.
Thuro is nothliiR that will so quickly and of-
foctlvelv arcomplifh this as n dose of St Pat
rick I'llli. They not only physic , but clear
the bofoKKcd mind anil uloansu and lunovato
the wliolo system , making ono fjcl hr.m now.
The I'axton Hold Klro
Did not effect the hotel proper in any
way HO as to interfere with the operation
of the house. Only the annex was dam
aged and guests have been cared for
without the interruption of a single day.
Mclniir.-'H Death.
An inquest to dotonnino tlio 011190 of the
death ol CnurloH Motc.ilfo , the old man who
died rathnr mysteriously on Sunday morning ,
at the house of Hounds , on llunioy
itrect , was held ut lioaloy'a yesterday
morning ,
Mr. Kounds and William TloxforJ , n neigh
bor , worn examined , but their testimony
elicited nothing new.
Dr. UoHowater testified that ho had made a
post mortem examination of the body and
found death was caused , primarily , by an
blood . had evidently
Biito-mortom clot. The man
dently been suffering for some time from
phthisis , a form of consumption.
Nothing has been learned of ttio dead man's
relatives fuither than that a sister lives in
Now York state somewhere near Syracuse.
The Jury returned a verdict in a'ceordanco
With Dr. Uosowater's testimony and the body
will bo held for a few days until something is
learned of the relatives of the deceased.
All for SIM or.
How much money have I cot in my bank ?
Forty-live cents , stranger only want live
cents more. What will I do then , stranger !
Whyyon soosliteHias such u terrible cough ,
and people say it will bo bad on her if she
don't i ; < ? t bettor soon , and the folks tell mo
Haller's sure cough syrup will euro it right
Ip ; so you bee llvo cents I Thank you ,
Wo deslro issues of the MoiiNlNG BKK
of November It and December 2 for our
Hies. Anyone having a copy of either of
these mumbcrs will confer a favor upon
this oillco by mailing them to Robert
Hunter , Boo oflico.
ICcal Kstato Mutter
At yesterday's .session of the real estate
exchange Mr. P. L. I'orrlno spoke at some
length on the proposed organization of real
estate owners for ttio purpose of advancing
the interests of Omaha , and offered a reso
lution to the effect thai ttio members of the
real estate oxetmngo wcro in hearty sympa
thy wltti the movement. The resolution wns
adopted unanimously.
A resolution was Introduced and passed ex
tending the tnnuks of the exchange to Col
onel .1. U. Findloy for his letter in the Kit-
tuning Times on the resources of Omaha.
President Hartimin called attention to n
small pamphlet Issued oy Campbell & Co. of
Pltt-sburp , Pa. , in which the resources and
advantages of Omaha were dwelt ou nt
length. This linn handles Omaha real es
tate , having recently purchased eighty acres
adjoining Uenson place.
Doctors may differ in opinion as to the
cause of ttiat feeling of languor 'and fatlguo
10 prevalent In the spring ; hut nil agree as to
what is the best lemedy for it , namely ,
Aycr's Snrsupniilla ; It inakos the weak
trout' , nnd effectually removes that tired
Two Nervy Tlu'lTtn.
\Mlllo \ Watts , n colored youth was ordered
out of town yesterday under n thirty days
lusncndcdscntonrp , but will bo hold ono day
to see If ho ran bu Idcutllled. Ho is suspect-
pit of being the thlot who entered the house
of Mmo. Charity F. Hlrkman , 0711 North
Twenty-seventh avenue , last Sunday morn
ing while the family was nt
church , and stealing about $100 worth of
lowolrv belonging to Mmo. Iliukmau and her
Dlceo. MrMitchell. .
The thief was seen by the children of a
neighbor , Mrs. Proctor , nnd they will sea if
they Identify Watts an the guilty party.
Mmo. Hickmnn is also out ono load of lum
ber , which wns stolen from the promises
Baturday oy u couple of white men , who
Urovo up and coolly took possession of it.
DoWltt'.s UtUo Early Hlser * . T.est little
pill ever mado. Cure constipation every
llrao. None equal. Use them now.
.t .Y.VO UX < ! ti.nK.V m
A matinee performance -'Bluebeard .ir. "
will DO given at lloyd's today. The engage
ment of the piece terminates tonight. Mr.
John D , ( jllbort\vho\\ns uimblo bv reason of
tidiness } to conclude his impersonation of
Ucnzlnl , Sunday night , is appearing In each
performance and is irieslsilWy funny In the
To witness the exciting scene of two loco
motives racing on double tracks , with all the
attendant nolso and startling effects , Is some
thing of exciting interest , but when wo see
nd realize the same perfect picture In its
itartling vividness on tlio stage , und to say
that such a scone Is now being uroducod is to
lay u good deal for the ono who Is responsi
ble for it. lint such Is ttio lact. This scene
Is the work of George C. Staloy , a very
clever actor , who Is to appear at Hoyd's
Opera House for thrcu nights mid Saturday
matlnoo , beginning Friday , May 1st. Seats
ivill ho put on sale tomorrow mornlnjj.
Mr. Willard Sponsor's very popular comic
opera success , the "Tlio l.itllo Tycoon , " will
bo warmly welcomed nt Uoyd's ' next Mon
day nlithtk The opera was very much lilted
ivlien lust hoard in Omaha. Its muslo is al
most classic , yet simple. Hoys whistle it ,
piano maldons pound U and niuslo boxes have
been sot to It. "Love Comes Like a Summer
Bleb , " "Whon I Was a Hoy'1 ' "Toll Mo
Daisy , " and "Tho American ICaclo , " are all
beard in "Tho Little Tycoon. " Mr , Spenser's
companv this season. omDraees tlfty-two poo-
pic. Miss Tollula Uvnns , whoso reputation
ns a soprano Is of the very first quality , is the
prlnia donna of the companv. Jcnnlo
Ololdthwaite , Alice Ilosmor , Will Muniio-
villo , Josopli Mcallov , and George Lydlus are
also with the com piny ,
Tills will bo the closing week of the hyp
notic cnterln.lnmn.its at the Grand. Hun
dreds of pcoplo attended them during the
past two wnoks , and the wonderful perform
ance given Is the talk of the city. Thoiv Is
jnoro laughter In ono evening at the Grand
this wonU than hi an oatiro week of farce
comedy , nnd Urn cost Is only ? 5 coats for the
best orchestra scats.
Tlioy Got It of Course.
Jim ! oh Jim I I say , Jim ! Youji cot."itn' ,
mam ; what's crmattorI Why baby has got
luacolla ; run down to drug store und get a
bottle of ilallor'b pain paralyicr ; quick , now ,
fin : DOUOIAH on AUK.
Preliminary ftlcpH Ilcln Taken for
t utlliiK Down tlio H ( > K llaok.
The question of gradlni ? Douglas street Is
rapidly taking shape , with a prospect that
the cutting down of the hilt will be ; ; In before
the end of another month.
The ordinance as passed by the council has
now gone to the mayor for bis approval. As
soon as this Is attached It will go back to the
council. The mutter then ROCS to the board
of public works , nnd that body will adver
tise two weeks for proposals to do the work.
In the meantime the city engineer will pre
pare ttio prolllo that It may bo completed bo-
fora the time for receiving bids expires.
Upon the return duy the board of public
wonts will open the bids nnd award the con
tract. This body will certify Its action to
the council and unon the approval of the con
tract the work can begin.
City Knglnecr TIIUou in speaking upon
till' subject , said : "Ily diligent ef
forts the usual course can bo pursued , so
that three weeks from tonight the contract
can bo approved by the city council. If this
were domi grading could begin on the morn
ing of May LU"
The engineer lias boon working on the
prolllo for some ) time , and has It so near com
pleted that he Is enabled to give figures that
are almost absolutely correct. He estimates
that to grade Douglas from Sixteenth to
Twentieth , and the cross streets , Seven
teenth , Kighteenth and Nineteenth , will re-
ijulro the removal of IIO.XK ( ) cubic yards of
earth. Figuring this at till cents per yard ,
the city's share of doing the work will bo
close tol2. ! K ) .
The cut of the street Is of Interest. The
prolllo shows n cut of llvo feet on the west
dido of Seventeenth street ; twenty-two feet
on tlio west side of Kiu'liteonth street ; twen
ty -seven fecit In the center of the block be
tween Kiphtocnth nnd Nineteenth ; twenty
feet on tlu west sldo of Nineteenth ; eigh
teen feet on the west sldo of Nineteenth ,
with a gradual decrease to Twentieth.
In order to give n comparison this will give
a grade considerably less tliun that of Dodgu
stieet from Sixteenth to Twentieth und a
trillo heavier than that of Fnrnam street be-
tweoii tlio two streets above mentioned
Where the surplus earth will bo placed Is a
matter that gives the engineer something to
think about. It was tbe Intention to have
taken It onto St. Mary's avenue , but owing
to the delay in getting that street In shape
for grading , this tins been given un and an
other place will have to bo found. The loca
tion of this earth will cut some llguro in the
bids , us the overhaul will have to bo figured.
The nearest plnco for dumping the earth is
on Dodgu street , botnccn Twenty-seventh
strc t and Twenty-eighth uvonuo. An
other pLico is ou Thirty-first street ,
between Farnnm and "Dodge , but
as this Is a long distance from
the gr.ule , ICngincer Tlllson thinks it will
hardly bo considered. Still another idea is
to haul It down Douglas street and dump It
In the river. Should the contractor bo able to
sell his dirt , there Is a chance that the con
tract may bo taken below ! W cunts per cubic
In speaking of grading the engineer
furnishes some figures that show the amount
of grading done last year.
In tlio llrst place the amount was greater
than the previous year. Taklnc the entire
year there wcro IJ.OOO cubic yards of earth re
moved each day Including Sundays. Had
the to.ur.s doing this hauling been in a string
during ten hours of each day , ono would
have passed u lvon point every two min
This seems like an enormous quantity of
earth , but with the Douglas street grade , the
engineer stales that this year the amount
will bo much greater than last. This of
course , will include the grading of Walnut
Hill , where the property owners uro paying
the entire cost and in other ports of the
city where the contracts are let under the
threo-llftl.s clause.
"If pointers como in your line , " said a
gentleman well postell in state politics at the
Millurd hotel last night. "I lend you a
fow. It H rumored , and I think tlib matter
Is sottlcd , that W. S. ( Jnrbor , who has boon
a member of the state board of trahsporta-
tion , will succeed Mr. A. P. Brink as bank
"It Is also said that Senator Kountz
has written a letter to the oxccutlvo com
mittee of the alliance m which ho said that
If ho could bo of any service to
ttio alliance ho would accept n
place on the board of transportation. The
board , you Know , has to bo made up of mem
bers from the two dominant partitis and the
republican party nnd the alliance will bo
counted ns the dominant parties.
It Is pictty definitely settled that Governor
lioyd will call n special session and It will
probably bo called between tho-Kb and 7th
of May.
There will bo u conference nt Lincoln next
week of republican wheel horses for the pur
pose of petitioning the state board of trans
portation to lower the freight rates nnd to
place ox-Judgo M. H. Hoes in nomination for
re-election to the supreme bench so as to got
In ahead of the alliance convention , wl'ich
will in all probability nominate Mr. Hcus for
the same olllce.
A Sure ; Cure for ItlicumntiRiit.
I have a personal knowledge of cases of
rheumatism In this vicinity that have been
Immediately relieved anil permanently cured
by Chamberlain's Pain Halmaftorothcr rem
edies were used without nny benefit. I have
been handling the Pain Balm for the past
five yo.irs. and have never had any customer
express anything but words of praise for the
medicine. It hat boon my experience that
any customer who once uses Chamberlain's
Pain Halm will have nothing else , when
again in nond of such n niedleino. 12. W.
Potter , postmaster and druggist , Elm Creek ,
Sanitation Under DIIUimlticH.
The police are notifying property owners
at the r.ito of several hundred a day to clean
up their promises and remove nil garbage and
rubbish U.ich patrolman is expected to
notify the property owners on his bout , and
a special detail of six men is looking after
the so who are overlooked by the r guiar
men , and making n tour of the alloys ns well.
The general sentiment scorns to bo In f.ivor
of cleaning up , hut there Is a dlftlculty en
countered In securing wagons. Tlio only
wagons to bo had are these regularly in the
employ of the garbage department and there bo a very short crop. Tlio sanitary
commissioner has civun it out cold that ho
will arrest the first man not employed
under him who Is found c.irtlng garbage.
Notwithstanding this , a low teamsters have
the temerity to respond to the call , and no ar
rests luno resulted ns yet from this
Mrs. Winslow's Soothnic Syrup for chil
dren teething relieves the child from pain.
! io cents a bottle.
Mrs. Gcorga W. Tlllson has gone east , hav
ing boon called there by the aeath of her
father , who resided at. Lancaster , NJ H.
A i'nre Cream , of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry , I.lcht Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
\Vholetome. .
, No other baking powder doe * such vvoik. ,
Mary Nelson Displayed It In Coolly
Htoppiuga Kiimuvay Team.
An Incident occurred In front of the Pax ton
hotel on Four too nth street about noon yes
terday In which a young lady displayed an
amount of bravnry and heroism not often
seen in these prosalu days.
A team of heavy draft horses attached to
an omnibus , \\hich was standing In front of
the Murray , started north on Fourteenth
street while the driver was off the box. They
soon broke Into a run and the passengers In-
sldo the 'bus got badly scared.
As the team ncarcd Fnrnam street a slight ,
demure looking young lady stepped quickly
from the sidewalk and grasped the flying
steeds bv the bits. Hy tugging fiercely nt
the horsas sha quickly brought thorn to a
standstill and turned them over to the
The brave young lady hurried ntilckly
through the crowd and disappeared , but not
bcforo It hud boon learned that snu was a
Miss Nelson and lived at Seventeenth and
Charles street.
Do not take any chance of being poisoned
or bullied to death with liquid steve polish ,
paints or enamels In bottles. The "Hising
Sun Steve Polish" is safe , odorless , brilliant ,
the cheapest nnd heat steve polish made , mm
the consumer pays for no extensive tin or
glass package with every purchase.
Apr I Wcntlirr IViMltctlonn.
If a peck of March dust IH worth a
king's riitiboin , and At > rll showers bring
forth May Mowers , Is It not right to pro-
diet that every day In the month the
cloi'trlo-lightcdsteam-heated , vostlbulud
limited trains of the Chicago , Milwau
kee & St. Paul railway will continue to
run on tlio short line between Omah'i
and Chicago. The olootrio rending
lamp in every berth of their palace
sleeping cars is their own patent and
cannot bo used by any ether company.
Ticket oillco , 1501 Farnain strcot ,
Itutlicrford Couldn't AVIn.
George A. Rutherford wants Harry Hobln-
son arrested for assault and battery. At
some stage of the game Rutherford drew to
three loose teeth und got u pair of black oyc.s.
Still his hand wasn't ' a winner , and now bo
wants to play oven through the court.
Some merchants get the
best they can ; some get the
meanest they can.
Your dealer in lamp-chim-
neys-what does he get for you ?
There are common glass and
tough glass.tough against heat.
There are foggy and clear.
There are rough and fine.
There are carefully made and
hap-hazard. " *
You can't be an expert in
chimneys ; but this you can do.
Insist on Macbeth's " pearl
top" or "pearl glass" which
ever shape you require. They
are right in all those ways ; and
they do not break from heat ,
not one in a hundred.
Be willing to pay a nickel
more for them. *
I'ltUburg. OEO. A. MACCBin & 00.
National Bank
Capital , - - - - 400,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - OiJ.BOO
onlccri nnd Director-llanrr W. Vntni , 1'roil.lenf.
. . , ' Jnnies W. . W
I.twl > B. Ucuit Vlco-1'roililont ; Haraiin.
V.Morio , John H. I'olllrn , U. IX Cuitilru , J. N. U
1'atrlck. W. 11. S Mughal , cashlur.
Corner 18th nud KnrnnmSti.
A OcncralHunkln : ItuolnRss Transaota I
Winslow Wilkes ,
. &UIllo.i la th
The fastei.l 4-yoar-old paslni &
World ,
Itcoorrtl'll 1 % nt I.oilneton. Kr. , Scl Illnck
WHU'i. tlnm t > f Aliuniit XI. will inako tlio e on nf
1KM tit liUI Vltilun ilriHit , Omnba , Nob. Eir.AHoNt 100
" " " " " " " " " .
A. ipWilId medical worlci ahould Ui read . by even
man who ti nrrrrmi and drblllutfd. Addrer *
Prof. if. C. VO WliUBt Bloodui , Ceoa >
llio Old ItQgiHtration Clerks Arc
lilouUltiK Tliotn Out.
The old rcgtstrmu who served last fall In
registering the voters for the general election ,
mot lu the council chamber yesterday , and
under the direction of City Clerk droves
commenced the tnsk of rcdistrlctlng the
wards of the city into voting precincts.
The work will occupy several days as It Is
a somewhat dlfllcult matter to arrange the
voting prcclncUaa that none of them shall
contain to oxcoetllltX ) votes. The work nus
ns yet hardly been commenced , but the Indi
cations are that not less than seventy voting
precincts will bo established. No reference
Is being paid to former precinct boundaries
lu dividing up the territory.
The men who are working out tbo scheme
are going through the old registration lists ,
locating the voters by house numbers , and
when two hundred nud seventy-live to three
hundred tire found in any locality , n line is
drawn about that portion of the city map und
It Is designated as a precinct.
Mayor Gushing is taking n lively Interest
In the sub-division nnd has suggested that In
order that the rcdlstrlcting shall bo valid ,
nnd do for some time to como , not to oxreod
liV ) votes should bo in any ono precinct. This
is to provide for any emigration that
might tnko place between now nnd
the time of holding the fall election , thus
preventing the necessity of a rcdlstrlcting at
that time.
The mayor rogardr the Australian ballot
law as a good ono , but believes that it Is
going to prove a costly luxury. In
speaking upon this subject this
morning ho said : "To put everything
in shape and hold th s election , will cost not
less than fr.,000.
"Wo expect to vote bonds in the sum of
3110,000 , but have no assurance that ttio
proposition will carry. If It should not the
city would bo out on enormous amount.
Under the old system wo could bold n bond
election at a cost not exceeding IViOOO , but
thcro is a great deal lu having a fulr ballot
nnd on honest count.
"My idea is that hereafter wo should hold
but ono election n year. Wo must make up
our minds in tlio fall and dccldo upon bonds
that wo will need the following year for
carrying on strcot Improvements. Then wo
must combine all the propositions nnd vote
upon them at the general elections , at which
times the county will have to stand Its share
of the expense. "
' UoWItt's Llttlo Early Hisers , best pill.
1409 and 1411 DouVo St. , Omaha , Nab.
P7irst Class Carriages ,
The Loading Stylos. The Lowest 1'ricoi
.Win-mi/ ; , < ' ' * 4ttt ' " " ' "r'1''l/
HiuHt HtdmtHittlHllH conHtructeil
Hotel UtiiliUua ' < Otiiitliti. Mcivjvil
liciti'ii ftr/rfc yira twin * riiiiiifn// from
tinnetnent to roof. All tlin a-lliin/N iul
floor * Illicit with. AM > ' to flt-o in-ouf
inlilil , ttiuMitn it tiHitoinIMn to burn
the unllillnutttenmlieiit ,
hot < IIH ( t-olil > wuter timl mtiiHlitnriu
et-eruroont , SCublo nn < iitrj > nnnuil tiny-
if/i ere.
33. SILLOWAY , Prop.
Corner 14th and Capitol Avemi9.
Just completed , has 100 roomi , throj
btalrwnys , Irom tha top to tha bottom , luu
fine elevator and dlnnms room eat vise , Js
flro proof throughout , fine blllarJ rooms ana
the finest toilet roomi In ths city. Larao
sample rooms , Sultai with bath & 3. Co-
14th and Caoltol Ave. Street oar lervlos In
all directions. HrUes , from 2.60 to Sl.OO
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Sot of Teeth on Ilubbcr.
for MVK DOI.I.AIIS. A perfect
ntcunruntooil , Tuvtli cmracttxl
without pnln or ilunnur , mil
without unneitlictlci. Uolil ind
llror Illllntrt nt lowest raeti.
llrldvo nnd Crown Work. Teeth
wltbuut plntus. All worx wur-
Entrnnc , ICiu drcet elector. Open
Bnlll 8 O'clock.
That's what the average and fair minded1 customer demands at
hands of the dealer , in exchange for his money. WE ABE MANUFAC
but reliable garments , materials carefully selected and made \ip righf -
I They're always the cheapest to the consumer. When you're offered
! MEN'S SUITS OR BOYS' SUITS for less than your own judgment de
clares the making worth , there's a "nigger in the woodpile. " Let'em
alone. Common sense , when used , gives every man a fair knowledge of
values. Time is money. We have neither to waste in making up trash
to gull the public. A selection from our $7.50 line of MEN'S SUITS
will give you full value for every cent. Our $1O.OO , $12.50 and $15.OO
Suits are made up with every care , well trimmed and durable ; they're
worth every nickel we ask and are profitable and economical suits to
buy. In the higher grades , such as Spring Overcoats , Business and
Dress Suits our lines were never so complete. For RELIALE CLOTI 1 *
ING at REASONABLE prices see
Money goods Cheerfully do not Refunded satisfy. wlicn BROWNING , KING & CO
S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas , THE RELIABLE CLOTHIERS.
There are two things to bear in mind in buying a suit of clothes. 0 ne is to buy a ooocl ; article , and
the other to buy it at a right price. The English language has many queer kinks and turns in it
and many a plain sentence in plain common every day English , is susceptible of being turned around
into an entirely different meaning. Take a blackberry , when it's green , it's red. Take the average
man in search of a bargain in a suit of clothes , lie walks into a store , walks up to the smiling salesman
and says : "I want a cheap suit of clothes. " Now that's just what he don't want ; he wants a suit of
clothes cheap. They sound a good deal alike but they're two mighty different affairs. Some stores
make a business of s'elling Cheap Suits. Our business is selling Suits Cheap. Time and again have we
demonstrated the fact , to your satisfaction , that when we advertise to sell anything cheap , the goo.'ls
are always good. A week ago , we advertised between seven and eight hundred suits at four ninety
and five ninety. Did we self'em ? Well we should smileWe sold so many and sold 'em so quick
that we were broken on sizes before we knew it. To insure another big week in our Men's Depart
ment , to accomodate the dozens of customers , who could not get fitted , on account of coming too late ,
we will put on s.tle this week , six hundred suits , just as good as gold , at prices you never saw named
for these same goods in your life ,
In a lull line of sizes , guaranteed fast color , , and every thread wool , cut to fit , made to stay , lined with
good Italian and trimmed in first class order , suits made to sell at ten or a dozen dollars , jit the re-
marbly low price ( the lowest ever known ) of
In all sizes , every thread wool , a fine dressy spring suit.cut , lined , made and trimmed in first-class shape
in every way , Suits that would bring twelve dollars just as easy , at the sensational price of
"Suiting" you will certainly suit us.
Nebraska Clothing Co. ,
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
Mat. To.lny nt L' .
Prices , Me and 73o.
All the Great Ballets.
All the Super ! ) Scenery.
All the Clever Comedians.
Friday , Saturday , Sunday , May 1,2& , 3
Ainurlua's Krproiuntiitho Gcriiinn Dlalout
Coinedlun ,
Mr.Geo , G.
In his beccessful Coniedy-Dnunn.
Sec tlio Great Loroiiiotlr Itncc.
2-ItcaI Working KntliiPS.-2
Hrnr Mr. St iloy Slug Ills Litest SongH.
linlieetsoion | Thiirhduy moiiilir-Mit usuul
Tliu T.nuuhlni ; Hvont of the Fnnsnii , A
lirtlllant nio rainiuo uaoh uxcnliiK ( uliuniji'd
dlslitly ) . Two hours of uprouiuiiH lauglttor.
Orchestra , & " > < : ; balcony1 i' < o
WKKK Al'llllj' * ) .
I.K I'KTIT KKKDIlli : . tlio ( irojl Cbllil C'himi-tor
ArtliU liN lu > t appciranco.
I'ltinTV JKNN1K yUKil.HV , tlio MldKOt Soubrclt } ,
full of urace und beauty.
with a Rarmlfii R.miily. B od itamp for particular ! .
OUOItU'UUA 31 r . CO , 93T Vim , Cl&clnaatl , 0.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Seventeen jctn oxperl n" A rojulir Kr.ilnito in tnncnclna nnllpIoiiM < ! IOT I * tlll troitln * with
the Ktcatcil incciM" . nil N'orvom. ( 'hr < inli < anil I'rlvati ! > l on < . A | ii > rnmnant euro ijilnrnrilea 1 for Lntsrrli
( pernintorrlunn , Ln l Mnnhood. Scmlnul Weaknen , Mulit l.onoi , Inipotoncr. Srphllls. ! "lrlftur , anrt nildlif
MSUI of the Blood "klniind Urlnnry ( JrKins. N II. I irimrtnteu JVJJfor ororr caio I unJorttka nnd f.ill ti
euro Consultation frco. Hook ( MystBrlos of Llfo ) ont froj. O llcohouri 3 a , m. to a p. m. Hundar 19
Moro than 1.1 > rnr i"ci > crlcnci In tlio ticiitmcnt ot
I'liiVATi : ntsKAffi ; * .
A euro Kiiar.intccil In : i to . ' > tliiy.ltliont lioUssnf
mi tiour't time.
Tlio mo t romploto mill nbviluto rnre for rect ! nnd
nil finnoylnt ; itlcclutrKL's over bnon n tn tln > nieillcal
prufes lun. The mutt stubborn chronic nnil Innn
stanillnc cnscs permnnpntly mri'd Inlrom5 to lOUayt *
Or naln In relieving tlio hlndilor tiermnnentljr cured
without I'nln or Instrument" , no cultlnc. no dilating.
Tlionio l rimirkublorornedj known to modern tcl-
ento. Wrllo lor circulars.
Cured In .10 to 60 ( liiyn--Ir ) > U'irpw's treatment for
tills terrlUlo bloodillroa'elm bi > cn pronounced the
most Bucce fill remedy ever for tin1 uli-
solutu euro of U"J ill ea i' . Ilia Mtcct'is i\lth l hi
dlst o lm ncni-r been eriwllo | I. A complete euro
uuaruntccd. Wrlto for Urculnr .
And nil we ikncnes of tl e sexual oru.un , nervous
ness , timidity nnd despondency absolutely cured
The relief Is lnirneill.ite and complete.
Hlieiinintltni nnil nil rtl'on e * nf Ilic blood , liver
kldncyi and bladder permanently cure * ! .
And neuralgia , ncrvouiness nnd dlKon * of the
stomach cuied Tlio doctor H "Homo Trcntmimt' lor
ladles ti pronounced by nil who have used U to bo
the moit complete nnd comonlent reuiiMy ever of
fered for the treatment of female dlea CH H la tru
ly n wonderful remedy. No Instrument : ) , no pain
Hours for ladle * , from 2 to 4 only.
Mnrvollous success in the treatment of
private diseases has won for hiir > a rep
utation which is truly nalioiial in character -
actor , and his great army of patients
roaches from tlio'Atlantic to the Pacific.
The doctor is a graduate of "regular"
medicine and has had long and caruful
experience in hospital practice , and is
classed among the leading specialists in
modern soirsnco. Treatment by cor
respondence. Wrlto lor clrulars about
each of the above diseases , free.
Office Hth and Fanmin Streets.
OMAIINfill. .
Entrance on Either Street.
from v.'litch the CIOPRI of
oil liau been romovotl , Is
Absolutely Pi/re
and Itla Soluble.
No Chemicals
arc used in its propnrutlon. It han
more than three times tltc strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd Is therefore fnr nioro
economical , ros'ing Jess than one cent
u cup. H Is delicious , nourishing ,
Btrcnglhoalng , JIASILY DIOKSTKD ,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well ai for persons in health.
Sold by Qrocors ovoryvvhoro.
W. RflKFR R CO. , PorrhsstPr.
II r be u4l n IN cup of ruirre or leu , cr In ur.
U U uf r vtl , withoui tli kno vMJff9 ol the p tint.
Un > a or ; . It Uktwoluuly harnliti n < J will * n cl
p rtu ji nt and up > ! > - mirr. whplhrr tb jp iln < i n
ETajJeraKiUlnUr or o loonoll.-4r ok. IT.Nk. > Kit
VAJI.M. II op r U o quutlir and willi lueb o j-
uiuty Ui l lh pallcnl un rca DO InoaaYcmeno * .
and re & U itwaie. hl poniltitt * relo./uctlc J !
tf < ci l. 4Upair * bo-jc of partlouurifret. Tor ri del
JCUKN Ii CO. . Iftth tc Uo.lclm , . * Hth t CuiuluiHIi ,
C.j-'lrnJ. upplltd bv BLAKB. DUUUJ3 U CO , and
Floral Conversatory , *
South East Cor. G rmd 17th
. , Lincoln , Nch V
W. S. Sawyer &
General collection of plants and cut flower !
always on hand , Floral duslani , bouquets
baskets , etc. , for p-utles. Weddings and
cruls n bliocliilty , and sent to any part o (
stale. I'rlcu list fieo.
al.crson funeral nurk.
uiiui luumuai a
rorthotroatmonlof all CHIlO.m1 AND 8UHOIOAI
IHSEASI'Id. llracoi , Appllnncoi furDuformltloganup * I
Trumco * . Unit 1'ncllltlni Apparatus end Homodloi
fursuceosnfnl treatment of every form of dlnoui
mqiilrliiK Mudlcalor Treatment , NINKTlf
ROOMS I'Olt I'ATIKNl'H , lloinl nnd Attendance * .
ll ! t Accommod itloni WIM ( , Wrlln for circular ! oa
Doforniltles nnd HracoJ , TriM'oi , Club Foot , CnrrA *
tiirm of hplno , I'llns , Turnon , Cnncor , Catarrh ,
llronchltli , lull ilntKin , Kloctrlrlty , I'uruljrsli , Kpll
I'yuy , Klilnojt , llladdcr. Kyo. liar , Hkln and Illood.
nml nil S'urKloal liporallom. DISKASia OK WO.MKN
n pfcl'ilto. llouk o Pl oaioi of Wiiinun rroo. W
luivo latolr added ft lylnu In lcp ) irtniont for Women
During ( o'ndnument ( Strictly I'rlvato I Only llolla-
f > \leilli-iljnjtjtuto Jlnkliu n Specialty of I'lll-
All ill mil iil oi 'e auccoMfully troatol. Modlcln *
ir lintiinni'iiti ncnt by nmll or oxpruJi ocurolr
rncki'd no in iru ! to Indlcatu conlunH or ender ,
ODD iicrsotn. lntr-r loiT proformd Cull and roinull
. , ami wlll'oiin In
n nr i > nd hliory of your r.iij wo
tat"wr ? P"r our HOOK TO MKV KIIIJB upon ITl-
"litlSpVilnl or Sorvoiu Dlmu'ot. wlthquMtlunlUI.
A'ldicsiall litti-r to <
Dr. A. T. McLuughlln , Prosldoti
ttli und llarnoy btrooH. Oiii.tna.
Chinese Physician
1543 Larimer St. , Denver ,
t ole
To tlioxci > iifTeriD4 ' " , " " tlS
etTpt of HID t.riim fi'llowing
ill t'n nH , uu I clc-ilra lluallh ,
hiiil < lwrllol.t-cw neiit'Uioe ,
AIIUI ivi wi pcci to worn.
n , fnllliiCWii.iKiii' " " Imt iminj
liuiiil , nurvnmili'iii'ti oiuul
16.13 Larimer St Uonvor' , Cclo.
Kncloio tnmp fur reply
nilcliMUV. KnslUh IlUi.ond IliaJld.
Orlclnal and Only Otuulnc.
Diu/l'l.l f r C i tiitir't Kuilfi * HI *
, n > nfra Mn Ittd fWlwiulUt
( iiti. HI llli ! ) ' rlMo T ke
'noothrr.ffWi ' itdiiffircui lutifllu * -
luni ai.d Inllallonf. it Uru lili , r | > D < 4.
la lunin < a > .tU l.ri , u.Uuionl.ll ,
"tlfll.f fur l.nill ii,11lnlimr. by f.ltl
III.UOU fi '
BoU t ;
nnniin HA.SD.VLWOOII I'AIMUIiRlt r lh
uuuu I A t > > t nud only capiuloi prescribed bf
i n
euular pliytlclant for the curouf
. . _ llicunrtfo * from th urinary orga
DU rltttJ ur C'ulrl II.W pi