THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . APRIL 2fl. 1891. SPEG1HL NOTICES. * Tn Vl1 TIHlTMKNTS for these columns will - x to taken until J2:0 : : : p. m. , for the evening edition , and until f.Op. ) : m. , for the morning edition nnd SUNDAY BEE. rp' RMS Cash In advance. : KATES- Advertisements on this pagowlllbe ( .barred for nt the rate of IH cents per worn for the first Insertion , nnd Ici'iit tier word for each fculif-ent.ent , li.M-itlon , and tl.Vi per tllno per ii imth. > o ndviTtiM-niont taken for 'it > H thnn 'ft cents for the IliM Insertion. INITIALS , f cures. ; t > ymLols , etc , , counteach bsriie word , . rpllKhE-ndvortlsernonU roust run conseon- J tlvHy nnd under no circumstances will they lc taken or discontinued hy telephone. " 1DAR7 II H advertising In theo columns and J having their miswersiiflnresM-d toa"num- Uioil letter In eareof Tin : 1TK. will receive a im 11 lercd chn-k to enable them to git their letters , Answers will 110 npllvered only on presentation of this check. l.ncloso answers in em elopes propcrlv addressed. , advertisements under thn head of ALl Notltes" arc published In liotli the tnorn'na ' and evening cdltlonsnf Tlir. HMI the circulation of which segregates inorntliiin 'r.OOO papers dally , und pl\i- the advertiser the benefit not only of the large circulation of Tnn HKI : In Omnha. but also 'n Council Bluffs , Lincoln und other cities and towns In the west BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these co'timns will bo taken on the abo\ conditions. t the following busi ness lioti cs who am nulliurlrotl to tnkes > eclal the SHUIO rates as can be had at the niuln ofllce , orTii O'MAIIA liitTNni crKicn NO. R SC23N. htreet , Lister Hlin-K. ; W. BELL , Pharmacist , t20 South Tenth street , 1HASE & EDDY. Stationers und Printers / 113 South ICth street. H. PARNSWORTH. Pharmacist , 2115 . CuirIng street. J Hl'OllES , Pharmacist , C24 North IGth street. EOW PAKK , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven- worth street. TT PIIAKMACV.24th and Tarnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. I'orr' fcj , fir. , iff fop of firrt column on f/if page \\J ANTHD-SltUritlon as collector or light outside work. Addiesa 1C M , Heo. M71030 * " \\TANTED-Posltlon as bookkeeper and cashier by lady with 3'/i years' experi ence. References given and requested. Miss Hague , 2sth and R ntrcot , S. Omaha. MCSJ-- ! ) ' wanted In a loaning establish ment Have had experience as cashier of country hank and In placing loans on country und town propely. Address K 00 , Bee 701 , SITUATION By young married man to drive delivery wagon ; good reference. Address - dress K M. Bee MM M3 \\r ANTED A position B stenographer by a ' young woman of experience ; can furnish references. Address K 44 Bee C43 28 * " \A7ANTED Situation , experienced nurse. Call 1013 Corey htreet. Ur 3-2 J * \\7ANTED Work In some wholesale house T T by a young Iran of 21 with fair education and good cltv references. Wages no object to start with. Address 1C 34 , Bee. 010-23 * " \\7ANTED-SltuatIon a s nursery governess ' or companion for elderly lady. Refer- rncs given and required. Address Mrs. - A Phillips , 5" > East Seventh street , O wego , N. Y , f)21 1 ll\7 ANTED Situations for coed glils ; my X waiting rooms are always full from 0 n. i m. toGp. in. . Canadian Employment olllre. * 3I4' { S. 13th. Telephone f84 , IIIO WANTED MALE HELP. tyriatrtetc. , eectnpoffiriit column on thin page ' \\TANTED A collector. A young man who * ' Is experienced. Best references required. Address K M , Bee ofllcc. M72J-)0 : * \\7ANTED-Old Line J'lro Insurance Co. ' > wants experienced solicitor ; 13.000 expira tions ; must be uUo to furnish bond and tcum and begin at once. Address. K 65 Bee. 70428 T\7 ANTED Assistant In real estate olllco ' In South Ouiaha. Mustlxi a rustler and good penman. Address KB' ' , Hee. MGM-30 SALESMEN Wanted 118 P.iMon block. MG93 M4 * \\TANTEn Persons of either > ox to do wrlt- TT Ing at their homes ; pleasant occupation ; good pnv t-enn lOo forpuper , etc. . M. EMoore. 177 McDougal street. New York City. 713 30 * \\7ANTED Young man 17 years old for " light otllco work ; wucos small to begin ; references required. Room 19 , Continental blk. 707 28 " \\7ANTEO-To meet demand for competent T bookkeepers In May , three persons , re ceive Instructions. J , B. smith , 915 Now York Life , fai--l ) * V\7E OFFER agents big money in exclusive i territory. Our new patent safes sell at sight In city or country. Now agents first in field actually getting rich. One agent In ono day cleared jbd. to can you. Catalogue free. Alpine Safe company , UC3-371 Clark street , Cincinnati. Q. OhNTtf , S3 to 10 per day collecting small _ , pletuies for us to coppy and enlarge. Sat isfaction miarantccd and a 84 outtlt free. A. Dunne & Co. , 50 Roude street New York. BAKER wanted ; a thoroughly competent and kober man , capable of making ull kinds French , Vienna nnd other breads , rolls- , pastry , plain and ornamental cakes , creams " " \ lee * Address , statins nationality , refer- 1 wages wuntedBo.Y415Yunkton.S.D. 4U3S8 * \\TANTED-A registered pharmacist to t serve ai hospital ( .toward at the Nebraska So.dlers' Homo ; application * with recom mendations will bo received until 10 a in. Way 4 , Mil. Address Captain W. C. Henry. commandant. Grand Island , Neb. 425 28 i W ANTED Enorcctlc young man to take or ders. Address Manufacturer P.O.'box 2G7. 173-m 1C AGENTS wuntcd everywhere for newly pat ented automatic pocket letter copy In iiuiclilno. Fortune forbrlirht men. Scndstamp far circulars , boini , 223 West 42d St. , N'o York M3SI1 3 * \\7 ANTKtl Men to travel for our Canadian ntirscrlcs.ttoneiSWelllngton.Madlsou.Wi.s 394 WANTED-FEMALE HELPer or i < ) fc .etc icetop of flirt column on Mi page " \\7ANTED Ladles who have good homes , * wo guarautou constant home employ ment. Interesting and profitable. We honestly inform those In indigent circumstance * , that they cannot earn an Independent livelihood : only good plu money. Work can be done at home. l.\ery lady meaning business address with stamp , for particulars. Etruscan Art 7o. . 2S Teiu plo Place. Hoston , Mass. M203-30 * T\7ANTED Young lady for ollleo work TT must give good referunce and must bo i fcood penman. J. J. Wllklnhon , 01S Pa.-cton blk _ MKSO 3 ( " \\7ANTED-Good girl for general house- work. Apply at once. 3225 Cumlng ht. . MuSliO * LADY Agents n dally ; new rubber under garment , Mrs. N. H. Little. Chicago , III . Miiiii2 ; * IJOODrollabloglil for kitchen and dining VJroom work , N. W. cor , Ibth and Dodzc. TV7ANTED A neat Indy like woman to do the housework for u small family. Call at 17VO Capital ave. ci'J ' "Vy ANTED A capable young lady forsteady JJ worn Iu a pleasant ollico. Address 1C 45 Bee. 04S CJOOn cook and launan-ss ; small family ; large wages. 1S24 Wlrt stn-ot , Kountz 1'laco. 474 TVTANTED-A good girl for general house- TT work. 4(12 ( S. 24th uvenua | M717M1 G11IL Wanted German preferred. N. e. t-orner Ibth and Howard. M715 Ml l T\7A > 'Tl-D-C ; < irapetent girl to cook , ash T and iron ; best of wages ; S40S Farnum. 497 . KD Waist and i.klrt flnUhen. . Mrs. - i 11. C. Moses , 2233 Farnam. CDI-JJ * \V ANTEO Good girl , good wages. 724 S.lSth cor. Leaven worth , 4VK ) STORAGb. > 'i > rroif , cr. , tettopofjtnt ruluinu utitftu paoe , /"MIKAl'LST and beVt nujrage for furnlturo V\VcUs 1111 Farnain at. 327 BEST trackucQ und storage building iu Uuiaho. United tiutcs covernnient tionded warvliuime. Household KiKXiii storra and cared L for. Lowest rate * guaranteed. W. M. Bu h- - iunn. 101J-1Q15 Ixtarenworth. U29 STORAGE of household goods ; clean , drr placr , prlvatelr lorod.term * moderate ; w e also More stoves urlnf the kuioiuer , wa will eel them from the bouuis uud deliver them la the tall iu good trim. Tel. UGC. ISO ? Douglas , Dmiha Stove RtpsJr Work * . ? U FOR RENT HOUSES. Forratei.etc. , tctlnpo/jtr f .column onfifi p 17 OO8Y four roomeil cottage ; hard and soft water : lawn all around. 001 , corner Jack- * on and 33tb sts. M721-tJ : * "fi"OR RENT Eight room house with modern JL' Improvement- , corner lUth and Spencer sts. , Kountz Place. W. N. NKSOII , board of tmdo M722-M1 Ol'SESof all kinds , from .S rooms up. Wilbur 11 bur and Rathbun , 1'JIO Capitol avenue , M 070-31 * 17UVK room lieu e. U. 213 * S. llth street. Jc 11)574 hou--o. oil finish , city water , clezant lociitlcin : two motor lines within three blocks HIM Ninth ll'llh itri et ; rent reas onable. Cull on piemUos. or II. E. Cole. Con tinental building. Ot > KENT Ten roe i house , fully modern , FOit bent locution In the city. I , . S. Skinner , 1014 riirniini stitfct. M347-2U irOR IIKNT 10 room house , modern Im- JP protements. 1721 Dodge street , liuitilro next door or 131S I'arnam. Samuel Hums. Oll-'S rOH RENT ElcgantS-floor house , al ! mort- crn Improvements. Corner 2-ld nnd Chi cago. Apply nt 1.IW rarnam street. < W2-n ; FOR RENT ; i-room bouse , city and clMcrn water. } 10. to small family ; reference re quired : cor. IMIi and Pacific sts. C'JI Or * FOR KENT in rootn house 1721 Dodee.nowly imlntcd and papend. Inquire next dooror 13lh I'arnain. Samuel IIurns , 714 IE ) Ij OR RENT Cheap A flue house , suitable Ifor hotel or boarding house on 27th. IVT from depot , neat N st. So. Omaha. Ap ply to Win. banlfeldt , proprietor , ubutu ad dress. 7uo-3U * RENT ' . ' -room house furnished. In- IfOR ' mitre 21121 Farnam street. G0l-2.s ! * 171OK KENT 13. a two-story furnl.shed i- house , eight rooms including bath room.for six months or ono year : references required. Apply 1 K South 34th sticct , Winder Place. : 70S 2S O304 Davenport st. . n rooms and all convent- enees. ? . " > 0.iU ; 230S Davenport st , 11 roonisand all eonvenlinces. J7i.0 ( : 312 North 23th st. , 11 rooms and all com enlenei-s. fG. i.00. These icu-cs are. In the best residence iwrtlon of 3mahu , two blocks west of Iilzli school. 11 H. Chapman. V4 ! I'axton block , owner. KENT Two nice G-room houses 23th IpOR avenue and Leavenworth sU IJ2.30. The O. r. Davis Co. KB KOOM flat ; moaern Improvements. 1136 O N. ISth .st. M517-2U * FOK KENT 10-room house with birn : , three blocks from high school. T. J. beard .t llro. , 1410 Douglas street , 4CC-30 FOK KENT Now brick 8 room house. 1817 Jackson ; laundry , bath. cas. all conven iences. Enqulieon premises or room 442 lleo bide. 018 N. 17th St. , cottace 0 rooms , city water , painted and papered. Call afternoons. FOK KENT Our residence : all conven iences , on motor. Apply C. si. Elcutter , 407 First National bank. SaS FOK KENT-Two splendid Inlck flats , bath , water closet , gas , mantle , grate. 7 closets all nicely papered , six looms each , well lo cated , $1X1 per mouth. T. C. llrinnicr , room 1 , \Vnro \ biock. 702-3 7j > OK KENT 0 room house , OS2 N 23th avenue. J- Modern Improvements. InouiroK. Kallsh , merchant tailor. 211 N ICtli street. 70:1 : FOK KENT Two 10-room brick residences , all conveniences , just uomuleted , S07-Wa Gcoi gin ave. Kent J40.CO for llrst year , llennl- MII & Bros. IW7 SEVENTEEN C-R. brick houses with bath , Vsowernpe , etc. , M block from Sherman ave. Motor on Kynor street : J22.M per mo. Water paid , a F. Harrison , lirJ N. Y. Life. . 38j K-liOOM house , nice yard , shade trees , city J and cistern water , elesant nclchborhood , 2 blocks from street cars , 1411 H. 7th avenue , or Hell's pharmacy , cor. llth and Mason. IKW JTANDSOMEl.Y fiirnMiefl house on S. 28th J.J. axeuiu * . all conveniences : eleht rooms and barn ; vacant May 1. IJundy & Co. . 1014 Capitol avenue. IWl-uilS FOK KEN'l The b-room hoube and barn BIO S. 27th fctreet , near Leavenworth Key at Peterson's gn > cery , 2711 Lcaveuuorth > I.i04 FOK KENT I'our C and 7-room Hats with bath , hot water , etc. ; paved street ; near business ; all improvements : only li'i per mo. llcfercnccs required. The Mcado Investment Co. , 442 Dec building. 312 FOlt KENT April 1C. one of those clefmnt flats In the I' . E. Her-block , cor. ICth and Jackson streets , has all conveniences. Call nt 1112 Harney street. M 03 I/lIiAT for rent and furniture for sale cheap. JL Tor greater part cash. Every room rented. Parties will take out.payments In room lent. Address K47 , lleo. ( V4G-2S * FOK KENT May 1,10-rootn house , centrally located , modern Improvements. Inquire 712 N. lUth st. 4W F I OK KENT 5 rooics , one floor , 17J2 Jackson btreet. 317 TJIOK KENT Several f-room bouses at J20.00. -L .1 , 11 , Tatc , K. 15 , Chamber Comnicn'e. MTiUmll * OK KENT 0-roora brick house , 120 S. 2.1th St , , all modern conveniences. Possession May 1. J. W. Orirath , U. I' , headquarters. 180-30 1ST Your houses for rent or sale with J. J G. Cortelyou , 40 Chamber of Commerce..M102 .M102 HOUSES 6 to 11 rooms with all modern con veniences for rent J. G , Cortelyou , 48 Chamber of Commorco. M100 F iOK KENT Housen ; all kinds. ( Ilvo us a call. Hundy Jt Co. 1814 Capitol ave. 740-mS IN Hi-own bulldln ? , corner 54th and Cunilng , elegant apartments of 7 and B rooms bath , kitchens supplied with ranges and Trailers. Ladles , are Invited to Inspect these apart- mentR. Koferencoa will be required. Enquire Cltlzunii' Hank. 4J4 ml TTlon KENT 0 and 4 room flats In the Clowry - - ' building and Chicago sts. Those flats are directly opposite Jefferson square giving them a line location. Huberts 1613 Chicago st , 1J7-29 * STEAM boated flats at 709 & IGth , Thos , r. Hall. 311 Puxton block. 313 H Ot'SE for rent 11-roomhouMj.modorn iin- provemenU * . cornur'Jitb and Dodge , pos session glen linmodlatcly. Enquire 4U3 Pax- ton block , M. L. Itocdor. FOK KENT-Dwelllng. 37th and Dodge , 110. 2 stores. iSth and Lake , oaah KM. 1 More. 14th and Capitol , { 33. lUt'd A. Balby. It. 13. board of trade. _ 679 IT you wish to rent u house or store see 11. R Cole , Continental block. 311 _ 100 cottages , tenement houses , flats and stores wanted for customer * list for rent , Mile or exchange , with E. r. Kluger , ground door. 151U rarnam. 220i2 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. For rate * , etc. , rrr top of first roitimn uii this pngt. FOK KENT-riirnNhed roouis"wHh" class board , 1J1 Davenport st. f > 34 1 * ITIUKNIS1IED rooms and board , can accom- -U modate few day boarders. 1722 Cupltol avenue. MC73S12 * _ " 17 > l'KNISIIED rooms , modern con'iemences -U G21S Sl'Jlh. KI130 * FUUNlSllEl ) room and board,1821-3 rarnam. 7PO-- ! TAKGE south room wltn board. Suitable for three gentlrmen or gentleman and wlf.i , ut the Hilhlde , N. W. comer Islli and IKxlgo streets. MCJlil-ml * FOK KENT-l-'urnlshed room with board. 2011)California ) street. B.YJ-3 * A NICELY furnished front room and board for2 , J500 per cek. 2011 Hartley street. M333 21) * irirKNISHED front room ; east bay window ; modem coiixeiilenceH ; cliolco location : bourtl It desired. 70H N. l th. K > 4 2 O NHJEl.Y fiirnlkhed rooms with board for 2 -Jgentlrmen each or men and wives ; ull mod ern convenience * ; S. E. cor. 23th a\n and H arncy. GC4n : ) * Tn > On RENT A Inrcc , Hnely furnished room -L with board , to a man and wlfo. Tim most pleasant part of city and private family ; no cither bourderk ; refercncci. Address D 17 , lleo. 313 FOK KENT Koomt with board , en inltc or tingle. Mrs. Churchill , 411 N , Itnh kt. kt.4K30 4K30 * ROOMS and board suitable for gcntloman at 1C1I Uouifla * ktret'l M4T5 ml * TTMlKNISirElTrootns with board. 4rt7 N. IKthZ -C Paul block. M477 l * rpWO nicely furnished rooms , with board , n. Jc. . view. IX * NortU 17th meet , M4a02ii 'fpUKNISriEU rooms and board , 10VJ Dodge. --1 M268 PULLMAN l.oimo , 1310 Dodgea t , tor good board , nice room * , modern Improvements , rates & location cannot be excelled. Mrtllorn , FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS _ For rate * , tlc.ttttctpofjlrrt column on thli page. 13LEASANT furnlshwl room with gas and J. bath at 1014 Chicago , room II , Inferences exchanged. M72i3j _ FOU KENT One furnished parlor and one nicely furnlshi-d front room. Inquire s. e. corner mil and Davenport. M71B M3 * light housekeeping. 12 20tU. MC17 _ LAKGE south room for rent at 8100 Douglas st reel , Mfi7.r.-.M4 * _ "UVW KENT One elegant furnished room , JL ? 2nd lloor. modern conveniences , fio.tifl per mo. ; must have jofcrenccs. Mrs. II. C. Moses , 22:11 : Karnain. _ 041 2il * 1OU KENT Elegant furnished rooms , eor. - ? lllth and Jackson t-ts. CT > 7 3 _ " \y ICELY furnished room with ga.s and buth. - Keteronces re < | Ulrcd. 2C10 llarney. 645-30 * 171OKKENT-A largo well furnished back Jiiarlor also tno slnglu rooms. Modern conveniences and board ; reasonable. 22i > > I'luntunst , 6C9-4 * FTKNliJllED rooms ; references. 2315 Doug- _ las. _ | _ 6443 * S I' ITE of rooms , furnished or unfurnished , all conveniences. Plcasautest lu cltv for the price. 2220 Hurt. ( V.4-2t > FHONT nnd back parlor f 13 to one or two gentlemen , bath , etc. , cool and pleasant. Good loc-itlon for clerks In wholesale house , 6l7'j S. 13th St. . 2d lloor. M3ti8 2' 1710K KENT-In private family , furnished -L room , with gas and bath. 44S S. 24th uvo MS60 30' "VT1CELY furnished rooms In prlvato rcsl- i > drncei northeast corner 10th and Howard. All modern conveniences. M2S3 M2 \\7ANTf.D-Twoyouna men to occupy nlce- ly furnished modern room. 200 Hurt street. MBI2 2U * i rooms. Gil North ISth 430-1' rp\VO furnished front rooms , 310 South 2fith JL street. M161 2U * rpIIESt , Clalr European hotel , cor. 13th nml JL Do < lge. will hereafter make la\f rates for rooms by the week or month , cither with or without board. 7s 1 VMl'HLY furnished room , 18 per month , 1900 ' 1'arnam st. 3HJ FOK HENT-rurnlshed rooms , 1C07 Douglas 314 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED For > afc" , rtc.tectop < ifjlrnlcoluinn on tilts pnge FOK KKNT 3 or 4 largo , pleasant unfur nished rooms with gas. bath , hot and cold wntor , to man and wife. On Park avenue. Address K 40 , Hee. C47-2S * MAY 1 , Apartments for small family , near business. No flat. Host locality. Inquire KM Paxton block. M 431 FOK .KENT 4 unfurnished rooms , suitable for housekeeping : modern Improvements ; 1702 Webster street. Price 1S.OO. MttC FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. Fondles , etc. , tecliip of jirst cofrmii on thlt page. STOKE for 113 ; good location ; groceries , drugs or any light business. Addiess K in. lloo olllce. Jlf > M 10 * FOK RENT Largo storeroom and base ment. IMS Chicago bt. Apply to H. E. Itoberts at the building. 132f ( > * FOK KENT A store nnd two rooms , 221 North 13th st. Inquire 524 S. 26th ave. M 683-M7 * ' KENT-The brick build- f'OK - three-story - In ? , 1110 Douglasstrcet , suitable for whole sale purposes , 1110 per mouth. Chas. Kauf- maiin. 13U2 Douglas st. i2 T7IOR KENT The 4-story brick building , with -L' or without power , formerly occupied by the Hee Publishing Co. , 910 1'arnam t. The build ing has a llreproof cement basement , complcto fcteam heating fixtures , water on all the floors , pus. pin. Annlv tit Itin nfllon nf 'Thn 111. * * ( lirt FOK RENT Or sale my building on Jones Bt bet. 10th & .lltb. U.A. LIndquIst , 316bl5th. U20 QTORE6 at TOO S. IBth : steam heat furnlslied. OThomas K. Hall. 311 I'axton block ; 31l ! FOR RErJT WAREHOUSE. WAREHOUSE on track to rentwell ' .ocat- A < > d for jobbing or implements. Koom Mb N. Y. Life. COS 4 * " T71OK KENT Brick warehouse , two stories ; -L1 high basement , hydraulic elevator , track- age ; best location In city. A. C. Powell 321 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. Forrafen , etc. , seetop of first column ouHilepaoe , I HAVE n good pasture , two miles from South Omaha , for horses and colts ; blue , timothy and clover grass ; horses called for. Geo. G. Cans , South Omaha. M54J-M23 * HOUSE for Kent rurnlghod or unfurn ished : ull modern improvcmcnUilacatecl on Wcct llarney street. Inquire UW , N. Y. Life building. M 464 QAKDEN FARMS to rent. T. Murray. M513 WANTED TO RENT. T Forrate * , etc. , fee top uffirtt column on tM * pige. \\7ANTED-At once , 2 unfurnished rooms ' without board in vicinity of l-'anu unc 23th streets. Answer. K f > 9 , Bee olllco. j.M72320 * A GENTLEMAN wants room and bourrf It strictly prlvato family , Address , irlvuig full particulars , 1C 41. Heo. M71S 2U * \\7ANTED-To rent bain largo enough for ' six horses. Peoples' Manimotb Install- luent house , 613 total N. 10th st. Mr.4-iU : * _ ANTED for the summer-Well furnished house of eight rooms in good location with modern conveniences , for small family with no children. Address postollleo box 41U MC70-30 * RENTAL AGENCY. Vorratrt , etc. , rtt tiijt of frtt column on tltli page. HE. COLL , rental agcncy.Contlnental blk. ai : HJ ! . IKEY , rental agent , 203 N , Y. l-lfo. " LOST For ia.trr.cte. . CT toy or frit cofumu on M * iia-jt T OST Black silk umbrella ilondn > % ox- J-'Idlzed silver handle. Return to ( ijs. Raymond mend and rocolve liberal reward. il725-2tt TKAYED or stolen Young Hronzo gobbfer Uonard for return or Information to : UI ( Patrick avenue UXWJ * LOST 1'ox terrier ; whlto. one black car ( tub tall , collar. Howard for return to 23CO Hamilton or room 210Sheely block. 6S2-23 * FOUND. Forratef , etc. , rce top of first column on J/ifct % vige. rpAKEN UP Large red and whltb cow deL - -L horned , ono and one-half inllos ncsto So. Omaha on Q st , a % ii)5-32-10-26 MISCELLANtiOUS. ' ; . For rnff , etc. , tee top affirtt column on Uit page , BALDNESS positively cured. No mistake about it , Send for descriptive clicular Address "Anti-Bald , " txix at ) . Davenport , ] a 1SS MAYER. 'JOeSheeley bk. cheropodUt nianlcuru , beat equipped ladles' linlrdicss lugdepartmentln the city. Ladles'lmlr bleach lug children's lialrcul ting Hiifclully. M 2ti3Mls ARTIESde lrlng to stock cattle JL will do well to correspond with us. Hurrel A Daughertv. Ll\o stock utid real estate deal cr& , Marble Tails , Hnrnet co Tex. 711 3U * DK. HATFIELD , S. iTcor , 13th and Douglas bts. Practice limited to dlbeasos of women . _ M MO Mi * KEMOVAIj-Antlquarlanbook store removei to 422 & lithtt. , near Howard , Kurbut-h blk _ ITfiMlG 13ASTUKE Larze blue grass pasture a llellevuo und Elkhorn City for rent , H. T Clarke , room Hi. hoard of trade. 164 31K TJ OR door und window screcns.get Hamilton JBros , prices : carpenter jobbing done 01 khort uotfco ; 414 S Ibtli street. Tel. 1179. _ 020 M 12 MASSAGEtreatmenteliCtro-therinul ) baths , sculp and hnlr treatment , manleuro anc clilropodUt , Mrs.Poitai ! > i-i t. 15thVithncll blk 32J _ \\riLLlSCOY , house mover , 613 South 17tl 1 ktrcct , and b3 South 2Jlh avenue. _ _ HAIR GOODS WIGS. ETC. ForrMctcte. , rolumn oil thtt picje. "DEST line hair gocxls In west ; hair dressing -I- * wigs , switches , biiiES , hair chains , etc. , u specialty. Darlrs. hair coeds and milliner opposite postoaice. Ill S 15th St. . Omaha , M PATENT SOLICITORS. t'orratuelectee topoffint euuinn on { hit page PATENT U wy ers und soHcl loirs , O. W.Tut-iX Co. . Bee bulldtug , Oinnha. Branch ofilcoat on , D. U Consultation frtxs. ULW FOR SALE FURTTTTURE ETC. r rates. rtc.tertctpoffirtl rolicmri on fhti pig * . uti i AL < r. Kn-rooin-.ivirnisnoo. flat. Flat for rent. Thl Is ( ho greatest bargain In Omaha. S. E. Hopowcll. 403 North IGth street. 2dU.or. M726-M1' "I71OR SALE HousohoM goods and carpets. JJ 312 South IHh street. iil-2j C1OR SALK lfon ehold goods and carpets , J 312 South J3th street. 401 1ORSALE"Furnlttireof a hou o. House for rent. Inquire llgl Dodge. 269 FOR sALE HORSES VAGONS ETC. ' 'orratet , etc.reetnpof firrt roliimn on Iht * page , I7IOR SALE Sldobitr buggy , almost gucnl as JL ! new ; 3-sprIng phaeton , good as new. Both \ . J. Simpson's make , and ulll be sold cheap. S. E. Hopewcll , 408 North IBth street , 2d lloor. M727-.M1 * _ 171OK HALE Cheap team of ponies on easy JL1 terms. 1SII N. IGth street. MAMS ) -A f ubooded black Shetland pony , a perfect little beauty , sound and gentle , less than 3 years old ; having no tiso for It ill sell cheap. Call and sou It , 2024 N. prucc st. 630 2S T7\OK \ SALE Reliable and perfectly gpntlo JL' faintly liorse , sntmd In every respect , with larness and new phauton for each. Inquire ut Windsor stable , 14lh and 15th Davenport streets. MUU3 M2 * _ FOR SALE Family carriage. Leo i Nich ols , stable 28th and Lcavenworth. MWM FOR SALE A young family horse also Lox buggy. 171bCas st. 432 FOR SALE Pliu finest carrln borso In Omaha , 7 years old , weight 1,230 pounds any lady cau drive him. Inquire of O. H. P. Halo. VUG Heo lldg , or NVood'sllvory barn , 14th and Howard. M371 HORSE auction every Saturday. 2 p. m. , at Pioneer stables. 13th nnd Harney. Horses , wagons harness etc. Buyers and sellers should attend these sales. 11. Homau , Prop. IL Wells , auctioneer. 3 , > 2 FOR SALE Handsome , New York hand made , square box buggy ; used ono sum mer , r. B. salmon , Pacltlo hotel department , Dth nnd Jones. 016 HOUSES for sale. Stallions In service at Mlllwatorstockftmii. Send forcataloguo. H.J.Kendall , room 40J Brown building , Omaha. : M M4 FOR SALE COWS. Forralcf , etc. , scttopoffirtt column on this pjge. F Oil SA'LE ATot of"N TT fresh n7lTk"cows. Cull , afternoon , at 25th and Hurt st , 705 30 * HAVE always on hand a lot of first class milch cows for sale or will trade for dry ones at barn , S. E. corner 19th and Leaven- worth. S. J. Montgomery. M430 Mis * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Forratef , etc. , reelap offlrtl column on IM page. F OK HALE Three No. I lire proof safes ; one i- lurso and two medium hlyo : have been u ed by Washington Co. ; will bo sold for what thov will bring. Address Thomas Wilkinson , orV. . J. Hanlson , Hlalr. Neb. J1CS8 Ma \ \ LfANTED A purchaser for the furniture , fixtures and lease of a restaurant ccn- trally located nnd paying patronage. Address N. P. Poll. Hee olllce. AIIOUT DO feet of good lawn hose for sale at a bargain , with patent nozzle coupling , etc. . complete. Address J CO. Hee ofllce. 204 FOK SALE An elegnrit fire proof safe with burglar chest. Phil Stlmmol , 911 Jones st , . Omaha , Neb. 84 IT you want to soil or exchange city prop erty , farms , wild lanus , llvo stock , bank or other stocks or merchandise , see E. 1" . Klnger. ground floor. 1.M9 Farnaio. 222a23 * WANTED-J- BUY. Forralea , dcn tee top ofjlnl'column on this page. WANTED-Stock clbthlng or gents' fur nishing goods. Will pay $ .1,000 cash , bal ance clear lots. Wish with owner dl- rcet. < V. 11. Ctabh. Ul l-'urnaniBt. COiW WANTED Six i-ords hickory or a h wood Inquire 4M Pa\tonhulldlng. M511M2 * " \\7ANTED-To buy a ! liorse that Is broken T for a lady to rldo.t > Ollve Urauch , 1H ( N. Oth. MM2 FUltNlTUKE bounhtiiioia , stored. Wells. 1111 1'arnam street 3I U'7 FINANCIAL. For rates , etr. , KC top ofjlnl column im tMt page. T71IHST mortgages on va'cant and Improved J- city property. County and city warrants wanted. K M. Ulchatdspn. 813 N. Y. Life. UOJ MONEY TO LOAN RtAL ESTATE Forrqtai , 'etc. , ffcttip of first column on thU page TT ASTERN money to loan at very low rates. 'JJ 11. 11. Ire200 N. Y. Life. MttiS nGMKST and .second mortgage loans. Alex J ? Moore. 401 Heo bldg. 692in3 * vestment company , 001 lleo building , Omaha , Neb. Mm in9 MONEY on unimproved or Improved city pioperty low rate of interest from private investors. 11. M. Webster , ! K)1 ) N , Y. Life. 125-M15 * MONEY to Loan Omaha and South Omaha , from $ ; tOO to $ . " > O.OIX ) , Gorman American fcav- Ings bank. Commercial National bank build ing. 747mS CHEAP Money Pldla. Mortgnge/ and Trust Co. , wants gilt edge loans. Geo. W , P. Coatcs , representative , 7 Board Trade 001 ONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate , : > OUS. 13th street. A1382AUO * MONEY to loan on improved city property at current rates ; funds on hand : no de- lav. Ot-o. 1Ulust & Co. 20T Kamge blo'g. 1KG OE. & . C. M. Aiitliony.318 N.Y.LIfo building lend money on farms In choice counties li Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Omaha resi dence property ; lowest rates ; Ijest terms ; m delay ; money ready Titles anu values passes on here. V BUILDING loans t > to 7 per cent ; no addi tional charges for commission or attorney's fees. W. U. Mclklo , Klrs.1 .National bank bidICC. ICC. MONEY to loan on city property eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa farms ; lowest rates. List your property for sale or exchange with E. F. Ringer , ground floor 1519 Farnam. MONEY to loan. Midland Guarantee and Trust Company. 1C14 Fariiam street. 70S 30 RIYATE money to loan. J. D. kittle , 014 N , Y. Life. 331 ORTGAGE loans wanted. McOague Investment - vestment company. 7G1 MONEY on bund to loan on Improved or un improved property. Cha& . W. Ralney. Omaha National bank bldg 544 M 1 * MONEY to loan on Omaha property. Fldel- ity Trust tompauy. 1C14 raniam. 278 " " " "MONEY"TO LOAN CHATTELS. Forrata , etc. , tcttopof firrl column on thlt page. /"lALLo&II. A. Darnl-w room M Hoard of V Trade uutldlng , for Umnson chattels. 401 30 MONEY loaned on fuRttluire , live Mock , etc. from 1 to il monthH ; ltliout publicity lowest rates. Duff G ree < irtrporn 20 , Contlnenta block. _ , ; ss _ M440 ni'A HATTLE loans at latest rates , WIN. Y Life. K. A. Morris. , : , _ / U.S1-M21) ) ' pUATTEL bank , : n i'lRth } ! st. loans money v ou chattels or collateral jat reasonable raid1 _ "hi. _ LI MONEY to loan by II. V. Masters on chatto and collateral hecurlpcs for any time from 1 to 12 months , in anjC/jntiuunt to bult bor rower , * ' Loans inado on bousolToM goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , honsteS , leases , warehouse receipts , etc. , lit the lowWk rates possible with out publicity or removuLof property. My loans are so arrantliat you can make a payment of any amount at any tlmo anc reduce both principal aiM'intcrest. If you owe a balance n ; your property or have a loan you wanfJHyitiKod , I will pay It off and carry It foryooV" If you tlnd It more convenient , call up telephone No. 1G21 auc your business will be arranged at homo. Money alwayti on hand. No delay. No pub- Hcltj. Lowest rates. It. r. Masters , Kooni 4 , Wlthncll blk. , 15th and llurnoy us.M MASSAGE , BATH& ETC. For rattt , etc. , tee top offint rolui/ui on tltii pige. \ \ ABsAGL Madair UeUlor. over 110 S J'lth " * - _ af > 8M 6 MASSAGE bath at Madame Smith1 * parlors. 3d Door , 420 A. Ulh Urcet , A21-29 DRESSMAKING. "P NO AO E M EN TS to d o d I rens ir a U I n g I u tani -LJlllen KoUclttHl. Ul blurdy , ftllO Uurney kt , ' PAWNBROKERS' TJUtEl ) Mohle , i. c.cor. Farnam & . lllh , 34 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. : t > rror * , etc. , rr < tup of ftrrl rotiimn on thin pije WILL sll S-room house , modern , f.VK ) cash , balance monthly payments , cheap and well located. Kooni fr)3 ) > . Y l.lff. Ofoy POK SALE Ixit nnd threw small duclllnici. lo"ated on 14th "Irprt between Pierce and AYllllanis. Eniiulro No. U17 South 14th strcrt. MSff 30 * [ 710K ? ALE f-rtxin house , city water , bath , L ? large lot , near Han cbtn Place , bargain. K K ) . lice. M C77-3J AN extraordinary opportunity to gel a first class farm of ! Wi acres. 44U acres under cul- hatlon , Imlanco hav and pasture Innd , the -ntlro farm Is fencvd and in line condition , , ircc brick duelling house , larzu hi sheds , corn cribs , feed j'ards , etc. . 2 wind- nllls , runnlnc water , large spring un.l lake of resh water. This farm If unexcelled for stock raising. 1'or prices and term * apply to ' . t-onnoiisclu'lu. West Point. NV1 > . MH11IM2 \ \ * IliLspll n Tor * room hou'C wull located ' mrxlern , for f.Vl less than post for cash und paper , want money. UoomTiOSN. Y Ilfe F OK SALE- Tour brick houses and lots , and three frame houses and lots. Mnull cash iMVinrnt and balance to suit. J. W. Harris , icrnian Atncrlcan Savings bank. 234-1 FOK Sou tu Omaha property business tracK- ageor rusldencr co to the leading itial e- ate dealers In South Omaha , EJ Johnson ft 'o. . cor. ' . ' 4th and N sU M7J5 T71OK SALE-Extra bargain. Choice COxlSO. JL with building ; rents tioaol per mo. ; ono ) lock from new P. O. G. L. Green , K 47 , Uar- ker block. 340 _ 17HK KENT Acre property with buildings. JL * M. 0 Maclcod-UKi N. Y. L. Hldg. 710 M for an actUe man with $ > , uOi ) to Ajiosltlon InxestmeutbuuUlng business. Ad dress lv 12 , lice oflico. _ M442 FOK SALE li-room house , all modern con veniences ; corner lot : very cl-.eap at.OOJ ; icrmstosult. Address K 12 , llec ollleo. M44U Ol'NTZE Placullargalns- 2 modern liousosb audit rooms cacb , price ( j3) to K.'M , KMO cash. tXt per month for 2 years. 140 per month for 2 years. W3 per -nonth for 2 years , Balance 7-year tlmo , 0 per cent , J. J. Gibson , solo agent Kountze Place.Koom X Orelghton block. _ 221 TV/ANTED 1'or cash , one section smooth ' prairie land , south of Platte river In Ne braska. Address A. H , Coleman , Ulller , Neb. 212-2 * FOK SALE Ilrlggs Place lots on motor lino. Also acre property , 1' . M. Klchardson. SIS N. Y. Life bldg. MJ SALE The most comfortable S room J- modern bouse In the city , every conven ience , bath , gas , electric bells , furnace , laun dry , etc. I/nnso stable , room for 4 horses , city water Intable , concrete floor , full lot In Lalf mile limit , convenient to 4 lines of cars , shade trees , etc. Price. 110,030. Address F 'A Heo olllce. _ 4M FOK SALE A nice homo , 24th and Leaven- worth ; new , price low , and terms accom modating. Oca W. P. Coates , rcpiesei.tatlvo. 7. Hoard of Trade. _ Ut-0 Mia "IT OK SALE ! ! acre trackace property chi'ap , J-1 Ibth and Williams. A. Plouler , N. W. Cor. Kith and Williams t-ts. _ ifiu Mlb * BAKGA1NS1 Bargains Office open every night. Star Loan and Trust company , first lioor X. Y. Llfubulldlng. illll Ml. . * /1OKNEK IWth and Amas 104x127. price jToOO ; v pcrfect title. Address C. H. Shaw. 47:13 : N. aath. _ M 21)0-2 * FOK SALE A fine Improved fnrru of 2 acres ; 100 under cultivation ; shade trees fruit , windmill , w agon scales , etc ; 100 miles west of Omaha ; SJO per acre. Addius , G 4S.lH n. _ OsO Tf > OU SALE Quarter section land , two miles JL' from Sprlnglluld. Sarpy county : eighteen miles from South Umahu. John J , Knlley. St. Joseph , Mo. M75s tn& * OK SALE Lots 1 and 2 , blk 0. Hrlgps' Place add. price 13.300. Enquire of G. K. Davis , bt. Clair European hotel. 78J FIVE-room houses In Orchard Hill. $1,500.00 each on monthly payments. Thomas F. UalliUPaxton blk. 290 TTOK SALE ICO acres land 2 miles west of JL' city llmltfi , to close an estate. The U. K Davis Co. ESCMH _ 11' you want la sell or exchange city prop erty , farms , wild lands , live stock , bank or other stocks or merchandise sec E. T. Klnper , ground floor , 1119 Farnam. 222a28 * 120 acres line farming land adjoining good Netn-asku town : nearly clear. 100 acres llnelv Improved land 24 miles from county seat In Nebraska ; lightly encumbered. 120 acres good land In Nebraska.S miles from county seat ; 2 , ! > 0 Inhabitants. House and lot In town In KunBa feloar. Clear lot In-Rood Nebraska town. 4-rooia house and lot , barn , well and cistern. IGth street. Omaha ; slightly encumbered ; will trade for Omaha pioperty and assume encum brances. II. E. Cole , Continental block. 100 BUSINESS CHANCES. Forratw , etc. , Kdopof Jlrtl mlurnn fin tht * page. ' | 7 OK SAL E Jbrasku for the mofct useful and best sellIng - Ing article ever invented : never before offered in this state : good agent can make J20.000 In the next twelve months. Address W. ( i. care Hee. MB78M2 _ TflOR SALE Nursery stock , bulbs , seeds. H. JL KrcnzenJ 2915 Martha or Dupont school .house. - 700 M * TNTEKEST in old established real estate -Land rental agonoy for sale ; good chance for some ono. Address K M , Hee. GU22& * FOR SALE Kestaurant best location in the city. Gco. b Halley. Wayne , Neb. 71230 TT'OK SALE Harness shop , tools and Mock ; -L good location. Good paper or real estate. Addresa K 22. Hee olhce. M50J M * F OK RENT Or sell hotel , oua of the finest locations In the city. Adcrcss P. O. Pox 515. York. Neb.-- C39tO : * TirEAT market In the best town in Nebraska J-'J. for sale at a very low tiguie , 2-story brick building , best location In town , fully equipped with machinery and appliances for packing , etc. , slaughter house , Ice house , etc. , with 15 acres of land adjoining town , Tbo above property will be sold at a very low price on account of owner's health. For par ticulars address I" . &onncnscheln , AVe t Point. Neb. _ MpOm2 ( OK SALE An oltl cstnblhhod and good paying cigar sUiro ; good reasons given for belling , K 20 Heo olllce. &J2 "cioll TKADE or Sale The Hawley house , J- North Platte , Neb. , will take clear laud or other property. Address John Hawley , Ninth Platte , Neb. _ M-2 * TT OK SArLE l'urnlture , fixtures and lenseTf J-1 a restaurant centrally located. Can bo bought very cheap. Tor particulars address N. P. Kfll. Hee onice. LAOFCSM1TII and wagon shop , with dwell- ins ; splendid location : write for particu lars : reason for selling , poor health. Tappe llt-others , Yurdon. Nob. MlUJmls * FOK SALE 1'urnlturo nnd undertaking business in a good town , with or without store building ; part cash , balaucu gilt edge paper or clear real estate ; Invoice ! about t.U03. llox 04 : . Lincoln G3 _ FOR EXCHANGE. Fwratei , etc , , nee tup < if .tint column on thttpage. MOHEKN residence and barn well located to exchange for lots and payments. Koom COSN. V Life. Gte4 ! * _ OK TKADE IdO acre farm. 73 acres In crop now , ' . [ mlloii fioni good town. Ono clear lot. good piano taken In part pay. Address K 48.Jlee. ( . .01j' Ec I lANGIt.'lear farm to trade for rental property In a small town. Call on or ad dress to-opcratlvo Laud and Lot Co. , 2J3 N. JlCM-2a _ THLHOANT corner. Mxl42 feet. ifiTuscioni -LJ Place : good eight-room house , clear of en cumbrance : both streets paved. Will trade for brick block and assume encumbrances Address K . _ llee. _ 4 , 7 i" , * WAN T E D I'orgooa clear city lot a high Bradu safety or byclcle. Address J. 1(1. ( Heo. K'4 lauds to exchunzo for city ptoperlV ke Borne lucutnbrunco. Koom 5T > N Y. Ufe. _ c ijj * C LEAN general stock of merctmndlke for 'farm anil money. Hox293 , Krankfort , Ind. _ HV clear lot worth t3U ) aud take good upright piano us part payment. Address I'M. Hoe. 475 MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. Furralcs , etc. , teetnp offint column on thtt page EO. F Gellenbeck , teacher of thu banjo , wltn lUny-e. 1J13 Douglas. i > u BEFORE buying a piano examine the new &calu Klmbullpiano. A. Hosue,13U Douglas. 341 Ifs n sign that you need help , when pimples , blotclios , and oniptions begin to ap pear. Your blood needs looking after. You'll have graver matters than pimples to deal with , if you neglect it. Dr. Picrco's Golden Medical Discovery prevents and cures all diseases and disorders caused by impure blood. It invig orates the liver , purifies the blood , and promotes all the bodily func tions. For all forma of scrofulous , skin and scalp disease , nnd even Consumption ( which is really lunij- scrofula ) in all its earlier Htngcs , t is a certain remedy. It's the only one that's guaranteed , in every case , to benefit "or cure , or the money is refunded. It's a matter of confi dence in one's medicine. It is the cficapcst blood-purifier Bold , through druggists , because you only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more ? The " Discovery" acts equally well all the i/car round. CLAI'RVOYANI rorralfffte.ttet pof fir l column im ( Mi ptge. MRS. WALLACE , clairvoyant ; naturally trifled : tells past and fiituir , love troubles , absent friends , change-is travel , busl- nebs. IJtte rariiamistreet. UU Mil * MKS. TOKT. palmist fortune teller , tells past and future from lines of the hand In old trypsy woy ; ladles only ; fee il.OO. KM'i N. 24th. M20CMI7" MRS. DK. IE SAN may be consulted at her parlors on all affair * of life , Mie U a cele brated business medium and has a reputation throughout the world for accurate nnd truth ful roadlncs of the past , and future events of your life. E\ery hidden mystery revealed ; helps all who are In trouble : never falls ; givi-a advice on all polut . of Interest , business transactions , love affairs , family troubles , stock speculation , lawsuits , absent friends , lottery numbers , lucky days , Inter prets dreams , locates diseases , hidden treas ures and stolen goods ; restores lost affection" , brings the separated losclher. makes speedy and happy mairlages wltli the one yon loui by proper ad vice : tells If the one you love Is true or false ; gives lucky Itomun-Epyiitiiin talisman to help all out of trouble ; perfect satisfaction guaranteed by mall : send two stamps for Illustrated circular. 322 North street. Omahn. 849 M11 M ASSAGE Madam Delzlcr , over 010 S. nth. 6WM 0 * MKS. Nannie V. Warren , clairvoyant , trance speaking , writing and reliable business medium , four years In Omaha. 119N. IGth. 3.18 Baron leibig The Krrat clieral't pronounced the well known L lliU Company's Kxtrsct nf Beef , made uf tuu Uru-l Hirer I'lntto caltle. Infinitely superior In flavor nnd qnnllty to nnj uiuue of ( lit tle drown In Kuropo or clscwlicre. He authorized the use of bis OB the -rail kno'n trade mark signature of LEIBIG Extract GOMPANY'Sof I'ordellclous Kor improved and Hecf Tea. Economic Cookery Dr. l > e DUC'H 1'ci-loiliL-ul ruin. Tlil trench remi-dy ncU dlrectlf upon llieFt-ncrn- tl TO ortnns nnil cure : nuppresilon of the mt-nnpi. Kor three tor K , and can lie mulled. Should not be uned durlnir iirecnanrr. Jobbora , rtriiKKl t-i nnd th Sublloupplled by ( ioodiunn Dratt Co. , Omalm K . Poykora nnd lluward Meyers. South Omiihu , M S. KIlli and A. 1 > . Ko tcr. Council UlulT , RKILWRYT1MEGRRD Omaha. Depot 10th nnd Ma on Bts. | Omnh a. 'l..Vi n m'.Knnaas ' City Dny Kxpreis. . . . ! ri.10 p m ? . < 3 p mK. | ( XXIghtExp. TlaU. 1' . Trans.l C.45 it m I.paTf ! . UNION PACIFIC , Arrives Ornabn. 1 Dfpot Huh iinrt Marcj fit. Uninha 10 10 a ra .Kansas City Express ( ex SnnTT. 4M p m 10.31 a m IH-nver i"xpreui . . . 400 p ra 2.50 p ra Overland Klycr . , . . DU.S p m 4.110 j > ru .tirnnd Inland Kxp ( or. Sun ) . 11/iS it ra 7. 0 p 101 Tactile KxproBB. . H.iO : p iu Leaves ICHICAIIO , Mil. . A. ST. I'AULTl Arilves Omalm. | U. 1 _ . depot , 10th nnd .Marry tals.l Onmlm. lUO p m.\ Clilciuto Kxpros I 945rp ru 11.15 a lui . . . . . . . .CLIcuk'O ExprcsK | U.CO a m I.OIITOI i ClTlCAlJO , lirt."Jk l-ACIKlS TArrlTCs Omaha. | U. I * tlcptit. 10th nnit Marcy Sts.1 Omaba. Leaves BIOUX C1TV A. PAC1KIC. I Arrives tOtnnlia. I Drpot 10th and Marry Stu. I Omiilia a ml . . . .Sioux Llty PaiieuKcr I 4.30 p ml at. 1'uul lxpr s. . . . 110.10 a m I- aveT blOUX C1TV A 1'ACIHC. I Arrlfcs IOm aha. I Depot llth nnd Wt'bBlcr hn. I Omnlm. " ii.OOp mi M. 1'aul Umllod. . . . . . . . | p.a u Leaves TCHlOTG rNmtrlnVESfKUN.I Arrives Onitthu. | U I' , elf pot , llllh anil Msrey bt . I Ouialia. 913 ix ml Chlmsn l" pre i mo p"m 4 SJ p m , Vi-Mllnlle l.luiltu.l VW a m U.1Ui \ m\ \ Kiintern 1'lyt-r 2.15 p m 0.10 p mLocnl | Enst Kx. ( except Monday ) 7 10 a m I.eatoi | OMAHA A. hf LUL'lb . , . | Arrl ts Oraaha. | U P depot , 10th and Marcy'Sts. ! Omalin. 4.00 p ml . . . St. Louis Cannoq Dnll. , , , | iao p'ra I.rave 1 K , K A MO VAI.LKV. I Arrive Omaha I Depot 15th and Webster Hta. | Omaha. soon ml Illack Illlls Kxprc B ( , . " 0 p ra JOO n ml .llastltiKs Kxp , ( Kx. tondnr ) ( . . | L.'M p in i 10 p mi Waboo A Uucoln I'as ( Kx Sunjlll l'i n m 510 p ra ! Norfolk ( Kx. Sundny ) IllJa a m O. . HT 1' . . XI. A O I Arrives Omaha. Depot lHh ana W b tcr His. 1 Omuhn. 810 n ra ! .Slour Cltr Accomniixliitlnn .1 'JJA p m 1.00 p m bluux City Kxpress iKi. Sunflar ) .K 40 ; > ra 6.00 p mi. . . S"t " Paul Mmlted . 93. . u m S li p rallnncrolt | I'uMgnimr llCxsiiniln ) | | k tl n m l * frs' | " Mlt-SOUfll I'AtlKIC I Arrives" Omaha . I Repot 1Mb and Wobtteri-U I Omnha 10-JIO a as ] rSt. lxiuls A. X. C Kxprcm . . .I Mo p"ra V.lJpir.l. . .hu Ixjuls A. K C. Uxprr | C : J a m IClllCAf.OA NOUTUM tSTKHN I Arrives" Transfer , Union I > epot , Council ItluOs. j d.40 a DIJ ChlrtiKO Kxpruis . . . C.IU p m 50J p nn VeitllMilu Umltnd f 3'J n ra lOOUpra Kastorn Flyer . . 2U p in H.UI p m . . . .Atliintlo .Mull 7.u : a ra y ra Icma Acommortillun sal , only ) C..IO p m IKAtiO , S1IL. t T. l-Al'l. . ) Arrives Transfer Union Iiepot , Coaucll flings. I'l'ransler C(0pml ( . Chlrnco Biproi i H.l&am . .Uilcatfo K pre . _ K.I. at jun A L. it Arn < t > Uii enl _ put. Counc'U illuns. Traiisler Kan > ai Cltrl > ii7Kxpreii I H3 p in Kansas City Mytit hiiirms t V'J p Leaves OMAUA ft bT LdP ' B ( A l e TrsDsfts UoluaIiiputCoiinrllllluOs , Tr usler 4.40 p mT..r. | .ft , IxjJjs Canon Hall , . ' . | H.5 | m leaves jCIIlfTAno7fUKl7N"ft"QttSCT ( ) FIFrlves" Traniferl Colon Dspot. Council BluOs | Tranil f > 10 s ra . , ( tlrsgu Uiptrss . . .TTfirvu p In 1000 p ml . Chicago Kxpreis . I .W a u fOPt _ _ l iv _ . . . .CresUin laetl . . . .Ill.Wa ra leaves j BlOlIX CITr rriveT Tftaslerl Unltia D s t. Coniirll ulum. iTranilcr K ml tloux lit ; AroommailtUon I 40 a m p ml St. Paul Kiprnii. . . . . . (10(10 ( ( p m Mr. Smyth of Omntia , atlorucv for .tarvl In the cnso that wa < before the I'nltod SUtos court , told n very flood yarn In the course of his argument to show that Justice wan tie petrified out hero , accorJItif * to the Choy- cnno I > cadcr. A frlond of his cumo out here seine years ntro on a hunt mid vrhon ho ro- tiimcd to Oiiniha had a plowing dascrlptlon of his hunt. Ho was out on the nlnlni ono morning nnd saw n HUP buffalo bull Rolnp ever B hill so ho followed him. When ho reached tlio top of the hill ho was astonished to six ) the buffalo standing there head down , tall over hN baclc mid every tnusdu rlpld as If for n cluirRO. AjipronctilnK hliu ho van surprised to see that the buffalo was putrlflod where ho stood. Mr Smyth rcinnrkcd to him that ho could bollovo the story IfltVUH not for tlio part nbout tlio tall bt-itic up ever hU back in hq know that \\liwi the bulTulo Uvniuo pctrllUul that bis tall would drop from tbo force of univlty. "Why , Snyth. " cxclalmoil his friend , "oven the force of pravlty It i > otrineil In Wyoming " Mr Bmvth said It was coinpluta uviduncc uud ho bad to bollovo the story. The rosy freshness , und n velvety softness of the skill Is variably obtained by Ihoso who use PczzonlVoudrous powder. 'fin in Fiivtir ol the Chicago Mllwnukoo . .VSt. . Paul lly. The now Pttlnco slcojiinp o.irs of the Chicnsio , Mllwuukco it St. Paul Hy. , with electric lights In ovorv berth , will contliiuo to Icnvo the Union depot , Omuhn , nt 0:10 : p. in. , daily. I'ntmuiigura taking this train avoid trnn.ifer at Coun cil HlulTs , nnd iirriro in Chicago at HSO : a. in. , in nmpletltnu to make nil eastern connections. Ticket ofllce , 1501 Karnam street , R A. NASH , J. E. PisnsTOK , General AgoiiU City I'nssengor Agent. 1HK lUSAl l'V TNSTRUMENTS placed ou record April IM , WAHIHNTf DEEDl David Anderson and wlfo to John Koo- Can , e. CO feel lots 4 and 3 , blk 1. 1'irst add to South Omaha . I 2..MO I E Hurdlck to C C 'D-oxoH , lot 7 , blk M , Kountze 1'lace . 10.000 O V ( luthrlu to I N Watson , unil ' 4 lot U , blk 4 , Imnrovenient AsMii'latlon add. . 1 A M Hammond and ulfe to 3 C llr.idy , lot in. bik L1. Bogus < V Illirsmlil . 3,004 Flora Hcninger und husband to Cather ine Bronii , lots 7 and s hli > 4 , Waterloo m ) E (3 Humphrey and wlfo to Tied Cuod- ! rlch , . * U.\ii3 : feet at | ) t 4111 ft e of ii cor s n l.V5'ii | : . . 4,0,0 K 8 Humphrey and \\lfo to W.ICalib , Sll.VB feet by M feel In no cor lot II , blk ! ! 4fi. Omaha . 3.000 E M HlcRltii to C W O Downs , lots 11 and 12. Hike , Jerome Park . C.003 I ) l.Jolmton and wife to J A Witt urn. lot II , blkfi. Melro-e Hill . l.--OO N A Knlin and wife to E M Williamson , lot S. bile I. Miuth Exchange I'liicn . IlfiO Isaac and Myron Kulin to .Mis C 1'ruy , undlv H lots 2 and U , Bcnton's tub In blk M. South Oninha . 1.S73 Chrlxl Ktich and wlfti to II J l-'rahan. lot 7. blk 2U , Mlllard and au Incsular tract In tin sw 7-14-12 . . . 030 Llnwood 1'ark land company to John Keecan , lot 10. blk 2 , Llnwood 1'nrk _ 2"0 J L McCtiemi and wife to M S Coo , lot 3 , blk 3 , West CumliiR add . (1,000 Chrlf-t IVtoisoii and ul.'o to E .1 Cool ; , lot IN blk a. Walnut Hill . S E Roscrs and wlfo to L C S-eldeii. mid 'i lot 1. blk U , Improvement us oi-la- tlon add . DOO W I. r-olby and wlfo to C ! H T/schuck , lot III. Motter's null . 1,100 W .1 bmlth to Auc DlcUnnu , lot 4 , blk 1'A fouth Omaha . 1,030 L M frackctt and husband to A R Dick- son , lot 10 , blk C. McL'ormlcK's ' 'd add. . J.MQ Total amount of transfers . t 40,070 FOR INDIAN SUI'I'LIKS ANH PROPOSALS Transportation Dcp.irtnient of thulnte' rlor , Office of Indian Affairs , Washington , April 4.1SI. ) sealed proposals. Indorsed "Pro posals for Beef , ( bid * , for beef must bo submit ted In separate envelopes ) , bat-on , Hour , elotti- Ing , or transportation , etc , " ( as the case may bei and dime led to thoCmiiiulssIonfrof Imlla'i Aflalrs. No0 i and 07 Wooster street , Now York , will be received until 1 p. m. of Tuesday , Mays. IH81 , for furnishing for the Indian ser vice about UOO.UOJ pounds bacon , ; ( ( ] pounds beef on the hoof , Irailki0 ( pounds net beef. ItfiO.OOO pounds beans. fcl.wM pounds baking powder. 2.1UO.OOO poumU corn. 'iVi.000 pounds cotfee.10,0 ( j.oojpounds Hour , 11U.O 0 piinnclwfeed Ifl.WiOpounds hard bread. 40.000pounds hominy , 3 < WKV ) pounds lard , CM I ) irrels moss pork , Si.003 pounds outmeal , 8)0.00) pounds ii.iti. 11IHJ1 ( ( jxiiinds rice , 2.OftO pounds U-n. 117'jiiu pounds coarse salt , ICU.UOJ pounds line halt , : iW , . ) J pounds R < ) ap. I,1HIKO ( ) pounds sugar , and 412- TOl pounds rtlu-iit. Also , blankets , \\oolcri niitl cotton goods , ( consisting in part of ticking 17.IKIO yards ; standaid calico , yuids ; drilling , LV.lKlQ vards ; duck , free fiom all sirIng - Ing , 34.0JO yards ; denims. 20.UOO .vaids ; ulnc- ham. : CIO,000 yards ; Kentucky Jeans. I4.WO vards ; cheviot , 2.1,000 yaids ; brown sheeting 2.'tnOWyanls : blenched sheeting , 4S 00 yards ; hickory shirting. l. > .ooo yards ; calico shirting , B.WKlya.Os ; winsey , 4OJi ) yards ) ; clothing , gr1)- coiles , notions , harrhraic , medical supplies , school books , etc. , ami a long list of miscella neous urtli'Ies. such as harness , plows , rakes forks , etc. . and for about.r > 7.'i uagont for the MII vice , to bo delivered nt Chlcaco Kansas City , and Sioux City. Also , for such wagons as may bo rcijulrva. adauted to the climate of the I'aclllc coast , with Cal ; ifornla biuUos. delivcied at f in rranelseo. Also , transportation forsuchof the urtlcles Koorts and sunpllcs that mav not bo contrai'i- , ed for to bo delivered at the AKOIICIUS BIDS MOST HE MADE OUT ON" flOVrn.NUEXr III.ANKS. ScheUiiles showlin ; the kinds anil quantities of subsistence supplies required foreach Aucney and School , nnd the kinds and iiuantltlcsln uross of all other Bonds , and articles , together with blank jiropostils , con ditions to bo observed by blduors , time nnd place of clelheiy. terms of cuntruut , and p-iy- inent , transportation routes , and all other necessary Instructions will I > H fuinlslKul upon application to the Indian Olllrit In Washing ton , or A'o. C3 (1)1(167 ll'i oiler ttrret. A'if ) ' ( ir/f / , The Commissaries of Subsistence , U H. A. at Cheyenne , Chicago , Lcavimuorth , Omaha , Saint Lonls.galnt I'aul.aud Hin rranclscnthu 1'ostniHSter.siit Sioux City. Iowa ; VitnUton , b. Dakota ; Aikansas City , t'aldwell. Topi-kit , and Wichita , Kansas , and Tucson , ArUona. The rlcht Is rL ei veil by the Kovoriiimnit to i eject any arid ull bids , oratiy put of any bid and thesf ) pinposals re Invited under proviso that appioprlitloii : bhall be nude for tlio Mipplles by eonsres' . Bids will bo opened at thu hour und day above Mated , and bidden nro Invited to be pivsent at thn opening , CriiTU-iKD CIIKCKS. All bids muit bo accom panied by certified checks or drafts upon some t'nlted lates Depository or tic l'lr > t National Bank of San 1'ranelsco. Ca ! foi at least il\o per cent of the amount of tlio pio- jiosal. T. .1. MORGAN. Comnil loin.-r. A-Bdailin _ ficneral olllcis of the Chlcazo , St. I'niil , Mlnneapolla & Omaha Railway Coniuuny , Sc. Paul , Minn. , Aunl II , 1KJI. In conipllancu with tjie statutes of the fitnto of Nebraska , we , the unilenlgned , president and a majority of the directors , iiereby slvo notice that all the existing debts of the Chicago cage , St. Paul. Mlnnuaptills .t Omaha railway company , on the "nth day of February. IMtl , amounted to the xum of if J I.MI.UI2.IVIA ! : Per bonded Indebtedness , $ J3,3'J7lJ.r > .l ; floatIng - Ing debt , tJfa2K > 3.42. AlAltVlN IIl'flllITT , I'icsldcnt. ALHKIIT KFKI- , E. W. WIXTKII. J. A. Hi'Miiiui ) , jAMKi ) II. IIOWK , M. L. SVKhf . DAVID 1' . KIMIIU.'L , WILJ.IAIJ L. SCOTT. A ' "kilt Scaled Pealed proposals will ho rceeiverl by lli Hit In liiiaul of Drlntlnt" at the ollk-u oflhe sec retary of xl.ito any time before Wt'ilnentlay , Muy .0. IsOl , at 2 o clock p. in. , for the printing and binding of l.UOO copies of Ihi ! ruiuii l of the commissioners of labor census aiid ktatlstles , fur thoyeais | H-.Uind | a ! j. o.ilrt re- putt to bu iiilnted ou 4i ) uounJ bank p | iitr and uound In cloth. Hamples nl the work may bo seen dt the of- fiio of ilm spcietnry of state. The board ic-tcrteb the njrht to reject utiy uud ull bulb. Jens r. AM.UN , Sec. of Slate , .1. C. HIM. , Miitu Tnar > urcr. T. 11. BK.NTON , Auditor p. A. . State Hoard of Printing. a2SdlOtm _ rpHE WheU-M eloctrle railway fcystntn. -I Warning The public. U cautioned that all the patents uud Inventions nf Malonu Wluilcn for overhead and underground rail way HjrMein * are ouuod and coutrolleil exclu sively ! > y the \Vliuless oloetrlu railway torn * puny of VlrRlnla , olllco Washington , D. C. , and that any company using either of uld In' volitions IN liable to action for lufilncotuunt , Special notice U hereby Kit en that no license ! have be n granted and that no person In em- jioxtercd to grant lk-t-n es. Thn Wheles > ( eloo * trio railway company. D. F. Merrill , Jr. , cio tary , Washington. D. 0 , \V to .ell tlio l'lnl iJ > ' . / , ( | , , thr Llni'i the onlr line cir iit holds the c'.olhot wltliout pln , A | 'iir < fuel surt-ais. imlent rrceniljr ItsiuxJ , xilil 011)7 ) bf nk-rntn. t < i ulioni th < ! ' lu lrn rlllil Is t-lnni : on ru. mlpt ( iftOcenU we will st-iiil n naiuiila linn hjr roull ! ) circulars i ( jrlrallut und l roi luniicnts ; rnur Icrntorr > t unr ArnlrrnsTIlK I'l lOTIIKri LINE CO. , IT lloruun 81Vorc .lt