Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Dcllvtrtit by Currier In nny pait of the City.
IJuslue s Ofl'tr ' , No. 43.
Editor. No. ! i3.
juxou .M/-AT/OX
N. V. P. Co.
Council Uluffs Lumber Co. , coat.
Ciaft's diattcl loans , CO ! Sapp bloc ! : .
Heal Uock Springs coul. Thatcher , 10 Main
If joii vumt water In jour yaidor house
to to IJlxby's , i0'J ; Men lain block.
-Tho ladies of Broadway Methodist church
will have ( i * oclul ut thu resldonco of MM II.
If. Jones , WO Washington uvcnue , Thursday
The Council UlufTs gas and electric light
company 1ms contrarteu to put In ten tire
lights nt Mnunua , \\IHcoiniiicnco at once
to string wires to that plane.
Interesting meetings are being held every
night tins \\eolt nt the Young Men's Chi is-
tlnn tmcji'liiticm rooms jjt 8 o'clock. W. 1C
Miller addressed a large comp.ui > on Monday
nnd Tuesday evenings.
Amended articles of Incorporation weio
filed jestciday In tuo pflleo of thn county
rceoider , of the Centennial mill company of
Avoca. Ilv iho amendment thn capital stock
Is fixed ut fJ'J.HOO. They ino signed liy 12.
12. Conslgney , president , und II. I'otcrs , sec-
John M.vers , Pat Nugent ami Untlio ! f-.vtlo
wcio nirested vcstciduy morning by Ofllccia
ltos\\ii/Uand Kcllv on n ctiareo of having
boater , their way from Missomi Valley hcru
ever the Noitlmestern railway. They were
tuken to the pollco station , wheio the charge
' of viipr.tnvy was cntcied against them.
Preparations are being made for u gj mnas-
Itiin exhibition under the auspices of the
Young Men's Christian nssoei.itton , to bo
civen Mav fi In the Masonic temple. The de
tails of the programme have not been ar
ranged , but It will consist of boll and tlub
( twinging , tumbling and hoibontal bar prac
The huniano society mut in the Young
Men's Christian association rooms yesterday
nfternoon to trinsact rotltlno business unit
iiiriingo for the more rigid cnfoicement of
the liiw in ri'gnrd to cruelty to animals. Thu
fcocletv numbers among its mcmbcis many
leading citizens , and the } diclaro that the
law Hindi be cnfoicod in Council Hlulls at
In pollco court yesterday morning Kd Sad
dler unit.I. A. 1'leimon , who insulted bomo
ladles who wcio on the sticet alone about
hall past 0 o'clock Monday evening , were fined
JSI.ifO for diunkcnncss and disturbing the
peace. Walter Welch , who celebrated his
ui rival in the city from the backwoods by
Irving to clean out South Main street , was
assessed with a tine of Slfi.TO. Samuel Hous
ton was lined ? 10.0 ( ! for drunkenness and dls-
tuibing the peace.
The Chicago Times. Tiibuno nnd Herald
Biiivo In Council Bluffs fi:10 : p. m. on day of
publication , and nits delivered at mica to nil
p.uts of the Llty by swift nnd careful carriers
nt only 'JO cents a week , including the mam
moth Sunday Issue. The Saturday or Sunday -
day isuo nlnnofi cents c.ich. P. H Nugent ,
agent , postolHco box 1151.
Dry storage at low rates , itocs nnd house
ld goods. J. U. Snjder , Pe.ul street.
( cilis ! Culm ! Cobs !
Plenty of them nt L. O. ICnotts , i0 ! South
Muln street. Telephone "OH.
Drs. Woodbury. dentists , 30 Pearl sheet ,
. next to Grand hotu Telephone 14" . High
\ciado work u specialty.
I When about to build don't fail to set prices
on lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. , 811) )
llioadwny. Telephone 2S7.
John Luult Is In Illinois on business.
Miss Stella liullard will go to Chicago next
JudKQ W. C. James returned from Chicago
J. N. Cnsndy loft yesterday morning for a
tiipln Nobrnska.
Captnln II. L. Henrv loft yesterday lor a
trip to the I'nclllc coast.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wells of ftt. Louis are
In the city , the guests of Mrs. Wells' parents ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. P. Huttcnhauor.
Miss Lizlo McEvitt loft yestordny morn
ing for Urcoklyn , N. Y. . after n six months
Visit \ \ ItU her cousin , Mrs. P. Auwerdo.
A. K. Stone , mamiRer of the motor line ,
has gene to Burlington after his family ,
whom ho will bilug to tholr new homo In the
Newest styles in furniture and tnrnots ;
best cooking stoves In the w odd nt Mandel ft
Klein's installment house , 820 Uroadway.
Do you want an express wauon or boy !
Rmp up the A. I ) . T. Co. , telephone 170 , No.
11 North Main street.
The Boston Store. Council Bluffs , will clo o
hereafter at (1 ( o'clock Tuesdays , Wedncsdiiys ,
Thursonys and Friday oven in pa. Mondays
0 o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock. Boston Stofe ,
l Blults , FoUiorin&batn , Whltelaw &
Tor tlio
A meeting of the directors of the Union
Driving 1'ark association was hold yesterday
morning , at which it was decided to hold two
fall meetings on the grounds this season.
The first meeting will bo held September 1 to
4 nnd the second October SO to 2.1. The fol
lowing programme was agreed upon for the
September meeting !
Tiii'siliiy , September 1-2:50 : und 5Kl : trot.
Kmmlnn rneo. two-yciir-olds. Ihe-'elnlillis of u
mile , purse tua. llnrtllo race , one mile over
four hurdles , jmrso JMO.
Wednesday , September 2 2:10 : trot and froe-
for-all puuliu ; . ItiinniiiR , threo-foiirths of u
ntllo. iiursvltAO. llurdlu rnce , one and ono-
fourth miles over four hurdles , puren MK ) .
Thursday , Sotitumbur a 2IH : puce , freo-for-
ull trot nud 8:37 : trot. Unnnlng , one mile and
repeat , imiso , JJOfl.
f'rldny , teptember 4 2:21 : pneo and 2w : :
trot. liiuinliiK. ono und oiio-clghth miles ,
. .
In eneh trotting and paelns racu u purse of
t K > will liOKHen.
Kntries to trottlni ; nnd tiai'liiB races ivlll
rose Atipiibt 24 , and to running races boptem-
ber 1 , _
Kvcrythlng in house furnishing nt Maudol
A. Klein's on easy payments. a.'O Broadway.
Kor w Idow shades , curtain poles , lace cur
tains chenille curtains , brass rods , dr.ipory
silks , wall paper , try the Boston Stoic ,
Council Bluffs. Got their prices before pur
chasing eUowhiro. Boston Store , Council
Bluffs , la.
B _ _ _
For Sale Two hundred tons of looseiiud
baled hay. Inquire of Ben Marks.
Manuel & Klein bell fuinlture , carpets and
stoves on easy paj incuts. 1)20 ) Broadway ,
Tor DniiiiK ! < ' < .
C. K. Stouo Hied tin amended petition in
the district court yesterday In the case whicli
hocommencco against the city to recover
damaged on account of a change in the grade
of the street. The case had a partial hearing
before Judge Thorncll at the last term ol
court. In his amended potion ho stutos tnul
the raising of the grade , which was
ordered by the city engineer In
1M& , nt the corner of Vine street ,
unit Bryant streets , nnd nt the corner of Vine
nnd Tirststi cots , caused the water to However
over his promises and to ledge there , on ac
count of the fact that the catchbasins and
manholes were not of suniclcut slzo to carry
off ttio surplus molsturo thatuns compelled
to come down Vine street from the streets
nbovo by the clmiigo in the sowcrago sybtom.
Ho claims that his property hns boon dam
aged by the cbauiro lo the amount of f.1,000.
lor ! Ice ! Ice ! ! !
If you want It pure and u
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no now dev Ice ,
But send to us In u tr
At our oft
s MulholUnd &Co. , No. 4 Pearl st. , Tel. 102.
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within ono and one-half miles of the I * . U. ;
% 11 in bearing ; eood buildings ; possession
tivcu at once. Call ou D. J , liutchlusou &
Co. , 017 Broadway.
Singular Suicide of the Snloonkcflpar Pete
Beagle at Supper Timo.
People Who Think llio DentilVns Not
Hell-.MuriltM V hut It Now
Known ut' llio
A tragedy took place nt about C o'clock last
evening over a saloon located at 711 Broad-
way. The victim was Peter Ileagle , the
proprietor of the place. Some domestic diffi
culties have been taking place In lioaglo's
family for some time past , and it was these
tnnt led to the uffulr.
Mrs. ilcaglo was busily engaged in getting
supper Insl evening , when she heard the
sharp icport of a rcvolxcr In the adjoining
bedroom. She rushed in the direction of the
report , and was honltled to see her husband
l > lng on the bed \\ith the blood oozing out of
n small hole In his lelfcxsIJe , directly over
Ills heart. Ho was gasping and in ti few seconds
ends ho breathed his lust.
Mis. Be.iglu wns Interviewed as to what
she knew about the nffulr that might indicate-
what had led her husband to the net. She
could give no information. He had told her
in the mottling that ho was tired of living
nnd had about made up his mind to kill him
self She though' , no moro nbout whnt ho
liad said until she heard the icport of the pis
tol. It then Hashed upon her that ho had
meant what tie said , and she ran to his side ,
but It was too lato.
licnglo tias been In the saloon business for
some time Ho ran n saloon on Cut-off
island for n time and one on Twelfth street
in Onr.ha up to about threu mouths ago His
saloon thi'te wrts a popular reset t , but It bore
a touch reputation with the police. About
thrco months ngo ho closed his place there
and moved to this city and started up n sa
loon at "I t Broidway and this , too , has berne
ahaidnamc. Ills known as the St. IClmo
and lias been headquarters for all sorts of
disreputable doings Heaglo was a printer
and lie wotked in a numbcrof printingofllcos
on the other sldo of the river before ho tmd
gone into the saloon business.
As .soon as thu shot had been fhed Dr.
Hcllli gcr was notified , but before ho anived
on the scene Honglo had breathed his last.
Coronet1 Waterman was also summoned , and
bv his orders the bodj was moved to the un
dertaking establishment of W C Estop ,
wheio an inquest will bo held this morning
nt 11) ) o'clock.
When the body was lifted from the bed the
ball dropped upon the sheet nnd was picked
up itnd kept by the undertaker. It had evi
dently come from the hut'O bmlth tVes on
which was lying by the sldo of the dead man.
It had entered the leftside within nn inch of
tha nipple , and had come out of the right
side , nbout six inches farther down , nnd
uhnnt. fciv im'hoft from thn qtiiniv
Last evening , after investigating the affair ,
the pollco came to the conclusion that it
might not hnvo been a suicide , after all.
Ofllcor O'Connell ' was detailed to work up
thu case. Ho made a thoiouirh investigation ,
but owing to the diftoient and oftnn Lontra-
dlctoty stoiics which were told bv the neigh
bors about the affair , but little was learned.
It was found that there was no powder mark
ing around the wound , or on the undershirt
which the dead man wore. This fact , it Is
thought , is good evidence that the gun was
Ilred from n distance. Another thing that
causes some suspic Ion is that there uro pow"
der maiks on the right hand of the
dead man , between the thumb nnd the
fore flngo" . The theory of these who believe -
lievo that hovas the victim of foul play is
that ho was attacked by someone with the
gun , nnd that ho made n grab for tlio weapon
just as it went off , catching thn charge of
tiovvdor In the band. One of the neighbors
stated that she heard Beagle say a few seconds
ends before the report of the gun , "Oh , for
God's sake , don't do that. "
Who the shooting could bo laid to , providing
It Is found that the c.iso is not onoof suicide ,
is hard to tell. Mrs. Beagle und her husband ,
it Is stated , have quarrelled ( i good deal of
late , and so mo ate of the opinion that tbc
Hhooting was the outgrowth of their quarrel.
She disappeared last evening shortly after
thu body had been removed from the house ,
nnd w hero she went could not bo learned , as
the men about tbo salcon did not seem to
The Boston btore. Council Bluffs , will close
hereafter at 0 o'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays ,
Thursdays and Fiidny evenings. Mondays
fl o'clock. Saturday 10 o'clock. Boston Store ,
Council IJluffs , Fotheringhum , Whitclaw &
Stiugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk
Held , garden and ( lower seeds In the west
Catalogue and samples by mall.
District Court News
District court was occupied yesterday with
the trial of the case of Krueger against the
city. Krueger sued the city for $10,000 ,
whlih ho claims as damages for the death of
his wife. It is alleged that Mrs. Krueger
fell on a defective piece of sidewalk at the
corner of Main street nnd Washington
avenue , that bad been unsafe for some time ,
and had been allowed to go without being re
paired by the neglect of the city ofllclals.
She afterwards died. Monday night the de
fendants filed a motion for a moro specific
statement , and this was argutd by
the attorneys nnd submitted. Yesterday
morning It was overruled by Judge Deemer.
The defendants then Hied n demurrer , and
this was overruled. The Jury was then em-
pannclled , and the ttlol was proceeded with.
Ttio defendants claim that the death of Mrs.
Krueger was not caused by the fall , as it did
not take place until a year and a half after
the fall was had. All the day was taken up
with tlio evidence on the sldo of the plaintiff ,
and still there's moro to follow. The attorneys
state that it will bo several dujs bcloro tbo
case is completed , as they have only fairly
started. _
The Fall-mount fie cigar at the Fountain.
Trees , all kinds guaranteed to grow , prices
cheap , nt Mntrs' , Bioadway , opposite postof-
llco. _ curtains cleaned from 50c to $1.25 per
pair , at Twin City dye works.
lie Is Insane.
John J. Wright , who , vns arrested Monday
oniichntgonf insanity on n complaint tiled
by his brother , Cluules Wright , was brought
bcforo the insane commissioners yestoidny
for tin examination. His brother , who lives
on txteonth stioct near the Indian creek
bridge , stated that the unfortunate man had
bien ill for some limn nnd that ho thought the
illness had unbalanced his Intellect. Monday
ho took a knlfa und threatened to kill himself
with it. HU friends disarmed him , but a
few minutes later ho sel/ed nit ax und rushed
out Into the yard , saying ho w ould end his
Ufa with that. After considerable difllculty
the ax was gotten nway from him and the
sheriff was called upon to take him in charge.
The commissioners ordered that ho bo con
fined In St. Bernard's hospital temporarily.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco
tablets. They uio delicious.
J.C. Blxbv , steam ncailnj , sanitary en-
clnecr , 202 Merriam block , Council U lulls
Mulr nas all sorts of fruit , shade and orna
mental Hues , Btvadw ay , opposite postoflice.
Seed oats , corn , millet and seed potatoes ,
garden seeds of ull kinds , at H , L. Carman's ,
MX ) Main and Ml Pearl streets.
Kelly Out on Hull.
J. C. Kelly , w ho has been under arrest for
several days past on suspicion of having been
Implicated in the robbery of the postofllco at
Albuquerque , N , M. , in which 115,000 was
taken , was brought before Commissioner
Hunter last evening for a heatlncr. Ncithcc
the district attorney nor tha Denver detec
tives were on hand as had been expected.
Kelly gave an account of himself that , it la
stated , proved satisfactory to the authoriUc *
nnd ho was released on & > 30 bail , or n charge
of detaining the United States mull. This
offense is alleged to have been committed
when ho took the letters which
were addressed to the other J. C.
Kelly nnd foiled to return them to
the po toftlco whim ho found that thcv were
not intended for him. District Allotnoy
Miles Is expected to arrive this moinliiL'
without fall , nnd Kelly will then hnvo n pre
liminary hearing on the charge of detaining
Die mnll. It is thought by some that ,
although the postal authorities claim lhat
they are satisfied that Kelly is not the man
wniitcd. thu case ngnlnst nlm has not been
dropped for good , but will be renewed ngnlnst
htm , provided the Inspectors , when they
arilvc , leave tiny doubt ns to hla innocence.
Prof. S'uDrrinlil's Sticuria.
Prof. McDermld , who last year left his po
sition in the dcnf arid dumb Institution in
Council Bluffs to accept the superlntcndency
of n UUo institution in Winnipeg , has been
winning his way and thus meeting Iho ex
pectations of his many friends. The minister
of public works , in his uunual report , says of
the institution :
The cmeriuiipiit was \ory fortimito In
buliu nbin to secure iisucro ser to Mr. Wat
son In the person of Prof. I ) . W. Mi'lVrmld Ji
pcntletniinlio , from tbo ruconiiiioiidulloiis
obtained , promises to be ei ilncntly ( | ualllk > d
fur the position , nnd Hlnce hli appointment
II.IH proM'n hlniHolf to lie In c\cry respect a
coin ) L'tent and olllclont ollleer.
Thu Interc-t in the Institution has Increased
to such nn extent that the number nt pupils
IIHS more than doubled. At the present time
the attendance Is thirty-two , mm It Is fully
nntlrlpntrd tnat tlio number will t > p Increasid
to forty If not mote beroiu the close of the un-
sulnt : junr.
The wife of the principal. Mis. MoDcnnld , Is
eiiKiiitcd as uss'stuut tcuehor. bho has n larjjo
oxpci fence both as a pupil ( graduating at the
Ontario Institution of the deaf rud dumb ) and
as a teacher for many iears and her HOI vieis
tlu'iufoiecaunotfall to hoof great benefit to
tbc Institution.
Owing to tin' lucre iso In the number of pu-
plls during tlio ) I'ar.aiid the prohuhlu liicicaso
In the future , fiirthi r assistance In teaching
will be required.
It is to your Interest to consult Mnndel ft
Klein before you buy your furniture , carpets
or stoves. _
The Boslon Store. Council Bluffs.wlll close
hereafter at tl o'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays ,
Thursdays and Pildny evenings. Mondays
! l o'clock , Satutdavs ID o'clock , Boston Stoic ,
Council Bluffs , Fothorlngham , Whitclaw &
Co. _
llonrt/ ' Hail Hoy.
A warrant was Issued in Justice Hammer's '
court yesterday against a fourteen- } car old
son of William Boarlz , ch irging him with
committing nn assault nud battery on a nine-
vcar-old daughter of Clurles Adams. Young
Boartr , It Is cl.limed , picKud up a brick nnd
throw at the little- girl , hlttintr her in Iho eye
and inlllcllug a terrible wound. The bov
had cone llshltig when the warrant was is
sued , nnd ho was not , arrested until last
evenitiK. The ftequencv w lib which cases of
juvenile depravity are coming before Justice
Hammer Is convincing that gentleman that n
Judicial spanker would bo a convenient addi
tion to the court apparatus , for the purpose
of meeting out punishment to these who are
not old enough to go to the county jail and
lee unruly lo bo controlled by their patents.
Furnished rooms for rout , sightly located
and convenient to center of the tity. Address
A , Bee ofltco.
Fiolght for li > 0 miles piopald on all goods
bought of Mandel It Klein , ! ) JO Broadway.
Tlio K\Idcnoc All In.
The taking of the evidence in tlio case of
Henry against Evans , was completed jester-
day by Hcfcreo Ho3s. The heating was had
in the library room of the coutt house. C ! .
F. Wright appeared for the plaintiff and N.
M. Pusey for the defendant. It now remains
for the uttot noy.s to make their arguments if
they cheese to do so , but it Is stated that Ihey
will let the case fro to the referee without
any argument. The verdict of the refcrco
will bo made in u few days.
It Is very important in this ago of vast ma-
crlul progress that n remedy be pleasing to
the taste and to the eye , easily titkon , accept
able to the stomach and healthy in its nature
nnd effects. Possessing these qualities.
Sirup of Figs Is the one perfect laxative nnd
mostgonllo diuretic known.
Gilbert Convicted.
In the case of the state against John Gil
bert , on trial In Iho district court , the Jury
yesterday afternoon found the defendant
guilty andflxcd the value of the property nt
The trial of tdo case of the state against
George Heed , who was charged with having
stolen two gallons of whisky , was closed and
submitted to the Jury.
A SpccHlc for tlio Cou h Following Ini
Many people who have recovered from the
Inilucii/a are now troubled with a persistent
cough. Mrs. A. J. Alien , wife of the editor
of the Scott County , lown , Blade , snvs
Cnamborlnin's Cough Hemody is a speclllc
for the cough which usually follows an attack
of la grippe. For sale by all druggists.
The Fire llcoord.
CTICA , N. Y. , April 23. It Is estimated
that the loss at the Harrlsvlllo flro yesterday
aggregated $100,000 , with an insurance of
about half.
FiitMii.ix , Pa. , April 28. Earloy this
morning the Center block and a number of
stores buruod. Loss , $110,000.
Qiicon of tlio May.
Say mn , the girls sny If my fuco want so
speckled up with pimples , ihoy'd make mo
"Queen of Iho May. " What shall 1 doj
Why , get a bottle of Hallor's snrsaparilla and
burdock , of course ; It's the most wonderful
blood purifier of the ago.
A Virginia Tragedy.
HOAXOKK , Va , , April 28. A terrible trag
edy occurred in Marshall's cafe today. Nick
Flood , son of Mayor Flood , and n prominent
citizen , and Charles L. Rose , who recently
Terrible Skin Disease
Hem ! , Arms and Dreamt n Solid Scull.
Cured b ) Cutii'iira Itcinedlcs
At n Cost of if : } . 75.
1 u crt two bottles of ttio Ct'TicuiiA I.vrvT ,
Ihreuboxo ttf CUTK IMIA , itiulnno cnki1 of CiniclMtA
ho M' . anil am turt'il ef n tcrrllilo klu und iup | ( | | B-
viiie known ns | orlu l 1 luxltt turelitlit r.iitrt It
would ttt't bottnr nntl woi'so nt tltm'4 ! jiimetlnio my
heud would ben 'Olid soab , and nasntthotlinu 1 bu-
linn the nxe uf tint Criu I HA Hhnnius. My arms
wcrucovi'to 1 with 9onb < 4 fruiu tujr elbow H toshouldort , ,
injr breast wns nltudxt onn follil scab , and my bHck CUT-
ereil with noroa vnrylim It Ue frnui a iiunny to a
dollar. I liuddoitdred wltli nil thu bo't doctors nltli
no ri'llcf. nml used ninnr dllTurcnt iiieiUrlniH ltli.
outenict. .My lutto waa licruditur ) , nud , I bouniito
think. Incurable
IncurableAlU'lIKIl HUSSin.I , , Doslilrr.Ulilu.
Prairie Scratohos
Two jfnrt neon form of s' < ln < ll ea < n wa < proTnlotit
In tlil < Uclnlt ) , anil vnrlouslr named "prairie div , "
' i > imt < hi1 , " < 'lc. , butwa * probably bt'ttpr named lm-
iiloluh iTuminy owncxpiTliuue I cnnsay Ibat two
bllttlf of L1lITICIIItAUVs < ls\hVT. lbo us of CUTI-
itiinmidtwoiaki's of CITTICUIIA 8OMeffvitvil a
euro fern tamlly of > otvii , nU tla-ro IIHS been no re-
tvrnot tliodl"unsu ,
A. 8 I'EACOCK , WnKeeney , Kan.
Could Not Scratch Enough.
1 ntpilniip box of ( HlTICtilU , one rake of ( MfTI-
and liavo liadKlntKahmnutli , rufi > khiHi > iin > one I
IMIK belli tioubleil lor about four ) fnr nlih vtlnit
tliuil < tn.B iilliiil teiima I win troubled mostly on
my wrj l , lioiildcrHHndamlankk > H hy tint a lar.tu
we It rlxliiK. afterward a Imrnllik' . ItolllliK t-ciiMiUuu
Ibttt I iinildiiot xrntdiln rlvuoiuh
\ \ K.IIDAII.K\'Ktl-o.5t'iM.1I )
Outlcura Romocllos
Are olrl every wlu-ro. ivirn. Ct'TIl'l'HA , ttio crcnt
h kin Cure , Mi ; CUT UUIIA Slut * , nn I'i'lUlMtn.klii
iuirllU > raiidbeautllltrIVlUriCUItA | ltKHlli.vr | :
lic ni'W IMooil uurllicr. H , I'rvpaiut br tlio I'D I'l Kit
tt"tend for "llonr lo Cum hkln llbi'usi'9 , " Gi
piik'oa.Wllluslrutloin jn 1 110 tuilliuonlnln.
MPI.r.S , blackhead" , red , rouxh , chapped
and oily skin cured by CUTICUIU so.\r.
Hack , Illp , Kidney
and Uterine 1'alns. und HheninutUni
eatno hero from WashlqRyjn. cn npod in n
duel. Itoso wns killed , and Flood was shot
in the mouth and breast , but will probably
recover. The shootlti r "was the it-suit of n
quarrel at gambling n sl ort Imo nu'o.
Afill" VOKilM Vi\V J.OSH.
Tlin Mntli Nnttonul t-itlTorN
n Former I'remtlont.
Nnw YOIIK , April Ii8.--Huiiiors wuro cur
rent Into this nfternoon that the Ninth Na
tional bunk was in trouble. Investigation
showed that Bank I'.xnMlWcr Hepburn and
the clearing house coilmlttca were making
nn Investigation. TonlghliHcpburn made n
statement to the picss to the effect that tbo
Investigation reveals n tihortugo of f 100,000 ,
chin gcablc to a former president of the bank.
Wlillo the loss is serious it does not Imp-iir
the bank's solvency nor Its ability to tn'io
care of its customers. The assets besides
the loss mentioned nro of good character nnd
the discounts of exceptionally peed character.
"Tho bank , " added Mr. Hopmirn , "has been
unfortunate , but It Is perfectly sound and
entitled to the support of depositors nnd the
The clearing liouso committee issued a
statement of similar purport , endorsing tbo
solvency of the bank.
The Into president rofcncit to wns John T.
Hill , who died in March last of consumption.
It was only u fuw days ago that nnj thing
wrong was dlscoveicd.
To keep the beard from turning gray , and
thus piovcut the nppoiunnio of ages , use
HuckniKhntn's djo for the whiskers , the
best do } made.
Hail a Hard lime in .Mexico.
IUro\Kofoi : , La. , Apill 28. UN-Secretary
of Stnto Strong , who walked out of the couit
room nnd disappeared thico j ears ucohllo
on tnul for embezzlement , returned today and
surrendered. Ho said ho had been in Mexico
and had n hard timo.
Field Ilcporteil Inirtrn
Ni w \ OHK , April 2S. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BEE. ] David Dudley Held , who wasTe
To cure nillouincss Blck Headache Constipation.
Uularli , I.Ivor Coaiplnlnu , tnka tlio tafo
and coitaln remedy , b.HlTll'S
Use the 8M ALT , SIZE (40 llttlo bfnn to fho bottle -
tlo ) 'Ihey nro the must convenient ; suit all auss.
I'rlcoof ltber die , US cento per Ixittto.
KJSSRI < ' G Bt 7l , 7' 70 : 'l" > to Kravtiwt
paneleliuof Uib plcturo for 4
cents ( coppers or stamps ) .
J F. BMtTn&OO ,
Makers of "into titans , St. Louis J IP
orRlvorelief liko" J r. I'lorcc'a ilacnctto l.lantlo
Trti n. ' " JtlnaruredtliouBaijils I If yuunnnttho
IllCbr.pcncl Ictuntampa lorln eI'.uiiiiliUt V > . 1.
Maunrllc lilnstlc 'Jru Co. . Krniuliro , C'nl
OITIun , 41' , Hroadwny , Council muffs , In-
Gas Heating Stoves.
No Asnca ! XO S
Just the thliiR for bath rooms , bed rooms , etc.
Call and seoourmrgaassoitment.
C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co.
211 1'o.irl and 210 .Main Street.
WANTED A girl to do housework
In n family of three ; good wanes. 020
1'lrst avo. ;
OH KENT House , ISOStutsnmii St. ; $18 per
month , Inquire of Cooper & . McUce.
FOH SALE or Trade A line imported
( Jlydi-Mlalo stallion. C.ill on I ) . J. liutch-
Inson ft. Co , 017 Uroadway.
WANTED Competent girl In f.unlly of
two ut M2 High t-chool avenue. Jits. L
H. Odcll.
SOME tine rusldoncu property for rent by
Day A. Hess , ! .0 1'eurl HtieoU
"I71OK PALE Hotel centrally loc.itcd , doing
J- good business. Or will exchange for good
farm In western lown.
Hotel lease , furniture and fixtures ; an A
No. 1 chance to stop Into a good puylng hnsl-
nc'-s. Unisons foi selling , othci business re
quiring ull owner's attention.
Iturgulns In residence and business prop
erty. It. I' . Ofllcor , real estuto und insurance
agent , No. 12 N. Main St. . Council Hinds.
GAHOENS Some choice garden land near
Council IllnlTs for sale on easy terms , also
vineyards and a largo list of Iowa ( arms.
Johnston A. Van I'qttcn.
If OR SALE A flue family horse , 7 years old
J- this spring , uolgha 1Q.V ) pounds , color
orrol. Ilred hy Robert MacGregor , Address
II , T. lluttonhutior , 27 to Jt J'oiirth hticet.
Council lllulTs ,
HAVK cush ciistoinor for four lots hntwoon
21st und 20th sts , hetwcon Ave 1) and 4th
uve , , J , 1 * . Urccnshlelds , 01J llto.idwiiy.
furmforsaloor tr.ulos neil locuto.l
- und ull In bcurlng ; good liouso und b.irn
Will tuUo homo good city piopoity , und good
ttmnglvui. on balance. O.ill on or uddress 1)
J. Hutchlnson & Co. . 017 llroadwuy.
OR KENT The McMuhon blouk , I ! story
brick , with baioment und olevator. J.V
e , 101 I'eurl stroet.
FOHSALE A burguln ; now modern liouso
with ull tlio late Improvements , seven
rooms ; will sell on easy payments ; located on
the Fifth uvenuo motor Hue. 1) . J. Hutotiln-
son , 01 ? Ilro.idwuy.
THOK 8XLE or Kant Qirdaa Und , with
f hauiea. by J. U. lllos. 10J Main it , Oouaoll
Bluff *
A True l'ollotlin ,
Wo told our patrons last season that the
old style gasoline steve was a thing < f the
past. This year , by paj ing n $1,000.00 royally -
ally to the makers of the Now Process Vapor
Stove Co. , every other vapor steve company
can make n steve under their patents. Wo
are the exclusive agent for the original Niu
1'uochss steve with Its great Ib'.ll impiovo-
inents , also fortho Quick Meal Now 1'roccss ,
the best of ull the others. Our last year's ox-
porlenco bos enabled us to select the best
stoves lor our 1891 trado.Vo will sell on
K\SY PA MBVP * . Wo will send stoves on
trial and guarantee satNfuction don't pur-
chaao before seeing Us.- Cole ft Cole , 41
Main street. „ /
HclVlKcrutortioii 1'aynnMits.
Gicatost bargains 'over offered. Lawn
mowers , BulK giuidcn seeds. Victor bi
cycles , Cole & Cole , 4rMaln ! sticot.
on licyuli's. {
There will bo hundreds of wheels sold in
Counc'l Bluffs nnd vicinity this scanoii , und
no purchaser can uffora tamako experiments
at his own cost , whlch'lio will do when ho
yields to the temptation to buv anything else
than the world-fumed ( tolumblnu Notothuso
points of uiiquostloimblQ'suporlorlty over all
other machines ; '
The Steering Ttio Columbia spring fork
has no "lluinudelV tb itntoiforo with the
steadiness of steering. Abkold riders nbout
"bands off , " m
Weight Don't tnko tbo catalogue wnluht.
Ttio Columbia weighs 4b , ' pounds on the
scales. A few pounds of unnecessary weight
is a ton up the hill.
Simplicity The Columbia double diamond
finmo combines lightiio&s , sticngth nnd
Cushion Tires "You pay your money nnd
you takes your choico. " The Columbia is
inudo either way , although the solid tire is
without doubt tbo most durable.
Jli-frlunratora ,
The World's best , the North Star and the
Leonard , range in prices from M.ftO up.
Onhiiiiiio htovcH.
The Reliable Process Evaporator steve is
the best in the market. No sub-humor , con
sequently bums less gasoline.
TIi ItcHt I. a uii Mnxxcr ,
Genuine Philadelphia lawn mo\\or. Do
not buy inferior imitations when you can got
the real article for tbo same money.
taken lit on Saturday at Mnmaroncck and
was yesterday brought to his Itomo In this
cltv , was reported today M somewhat Im
proved , Ho Is suffering from n complication
of diseases , Intensified by old ago.
No griping , no nnu ca , no pain when Do
Wilt's Uttlo Harly Hl ot9 arc taken. Snmll
pill. SafoplU. Best ulll.
Qfiscv , 111. . Apill S3.-J B. Tcnipe , super
visor , who wns shor. In his nrfouiits 7,000 ,
lias lied llio city. His bondsmen offer n re
ward for his nppiohcnsloti.
The tl. S , government nro using laronuin
bora of the Improved Howe scales. Uoulcn
& Sellcck Co. , ngents , Chicago , 111.
Heportcd Snlcnl'ttio Anaconda.
BITTP , Mont. , April 2S. It is reported
hero tonight trnt the Anaconda mine has
been sold to the Hothchilds.
Oosjler'sMngloIIeadacho WnfcH. Cures all
headHchcs in 20 minutes , At nit druggists
TniniiNOsi ; Dead.
Mrt not'irsr , April S3. Advices received
hero from Samoa stuto that ex-King Tnmaseso
is dead.
Is of gtoat beni'llt In tinnporaty and
constIp itlou , Iher und kldnuy diseases ,
chronic catnirh of the stomach and bowold ,
rheumatism , gout. > 1o. , and should bo used In
the mornlme before brciiUfust Obtain tbo
itnmilno article' . Imported In loniul liotlle" .
Wrlto for pamphlet. Illsnot .V Mundelson C'o. ,
Agents , 0 it.ucla ) bt , N V ,
Ilitrlioat cush price , paid for rntja and
nil kinds of scrap inettils.
Country ileulord und murchnnts will
find it to tliolr udvixntngo to coinmunl-
cutoxvltli us before disposing of their
stocks. G1L1NSKY BROS ,
Union Hrondwixy Depot ,
Tol. 301. Council'minn. , In.
linley Burke. Tlios. B. Casady.
Attorn Law
Offices : J. J. Uiowu llulldlnz , Council UlufTs.
Council Blulfe , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
Crag in & CD. , Proprietors.
To Bee-Keepers
I carry a full line of Ucokeopers' sup
plies , including comb ( oiiudiition , hon
ey knives , smokers , sec tious and till
btipnlios for the nniarv. M. S. ROOP ,
520 K. Bro.uhvny , Council lilulTs , Iowa.
Of Council Bluffs.
DlllECTOHS I. A. Miller , P. O aioaxon. E. I *
Bhus'nrt. E. K. Hurt , J D Edimuitlson , Uliarlei
It. Ihuinan Transaofc. geiioral Uatililu { bull-
ncis Lar est capital and surplus ot au ;
bankln Southwestern
Ere , , No o nnd Tliront
Spetlillst ,
Council Hums , - - lown
Sere ojo1 ! , crows * ' ) eti
painful nnd weak Tl lon , *
cnnichc , denfue B , d
clmr 03 from tlio i'.ir *
tarrli , huy finer , nntlimi
nndnltncutn unit rlironlc
ntTectloni uf thu throiit u
xpeclnlty. Gli\'i CO' tt- !
tcil without pnln CliiHrot xcciirntpfjr prtsorllicil In
illlllcult riiici , ofU'ii inrlim tlironlo ncui ilKli nml
nick hcndnclip. SurKknl opurutlun , ivhen ni'coi-
nnry , pnlnlci'ly porforniod , ntviirlnu bo < t iKitilti
Olllco. bhiiKiirt-llinu bluck , loom I , Council llhltTv I
Medical and Surgical Institute.
' DKS. HiiJ.INGiilH : , I'UOl'3.
Chronlu diseases of all Kinds and deform
ities special ! ii's Nos. 2U01 and 20JJ Itroad\vay ,
Council Illuirs. Itu i
The Shah of Persia
Though mh.inrcil In > cnr . lir.1 hair nf raxen
! me dray hairs am Mrlctly piohllillcd In
.its dominion * , and liotico thu laiRO .ship
ments to that connliy nf AJCI'J Jlalr Vigor ,
by the use of which ilc ; Shah's niibji'cts sa\o
not only their lulr but their hcnils. Ajer's
Hair Vigor restore ! thu natural color of the
lulr , It should be on etci ) toilet-table.
"Some limp ago my hair began to fade and
to fall out so Kul ! ) Hint 1 thought t should
bo b.ildj but the tuo of A > ei's Hair Vigor
lias restored Mie original coloi nnd made my
lulr .strong , ihimdant , and healthy. It dots
not fall out any more.- Addle Shaffer , MO
K.U'1 ! st , Cincinnati , Ohio.
"My hair ( which had pirtly tinned RUJ )
\\M rt'stiitcd to Its jouthdil color and
beauty h > the u cot nfow bullion of Ajci's
Hair Vigor. 1 shall continue t > USD It , M
there U no I'cller drying for the h.ili. "
( laldo ( lapp , ( leoi , Ala.
Ayer's ihiair Vteor ,
C3 '
li.iiv.nuii : n\
DR. , T. 0. AVER A CO. , Lowell , Moss.
ioMii nit DntKtftits ju.l . I'crftmiurt.
Corner Mutn inn Broiiliriy ,
Dealers In foreign uul do nettle xihuuk
Collection in.ulo anJ Interest uild on tl ita
27 MAIN STliniJT.
C. H JuciUcmln | .V Co. , Jewelry Stort
The Now Osdoa Ilotal , in Co.wll Ulutft ,
hnti boon complotnl rafui'ilsioJ in mD.lorn-
ized thruu. Uout , and U3vr m of the bast
hotels In thustato. ItU .uait llti tlubuiU
uobM partot tan city an 1 tl\i oloot-i ) motori
pass the door uvory lour mtnutji. Kjrj os-
capea .tint Urn txl\rini throughout th i b til I-
ing. Stoim hont , hot tu I cell wxfir in I
miiuhlno in every roam. Pa' > lo irp xssil
ntxyxvhrro. U Ues , $ 'J.OO a d xy.
. WHITNEY , Mauaor.
Buiics , Waps , Spring Mipis , Carls , Road Mips ,
Gives Better Value Tor money than any liouso on Missouri Hlvcr. j
Hamilton Grade Vehicles , Columbia Cnr'i'Inge Co "s Buggies.
Surries and Phretons , Bonanza Buggies nnd Phrotons , Spring
Wagons , all styles , Michigan and Van Brunt Road Wagons , Carts
and Harness in great variety. Correspondence solicited and cata
logue and prices on application.
G. A. Scnoosdack , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council
Bluffs and 1521 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and refinish goods
of every description. Packages received at either office or at the
works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Rheumatism , Grave ! , Gout , Dyspepsia , Albuminuria ,
And ail Kidney and Bladder Troubles , nothing else has yet been offered the public that has had a
tithe oi the success of Londonderry Lithia Spring Water , It is being prescribed constant
ly by all our best physicians. What others think of us :
From An l.'nilncnt Roxton Surgeon. | Walton Illumcr Ciiretl of G nvol.
Ithrmimllc ( ioiit. I ha\o tested your lilthlu A\ntrrln niiiiieious I 172 Livi.NdhTOv AVI : . . Ar.iiANv. N. Y.
Office * of In. T. . II. MOIIKV , 1'liyslutim and I cahPRliuio acid Is not well eliminated ( torn Occupation : Put ton of Tiihcinnolo llaptlst
, WAVKIH.Y , N. V. , lieu : il , li-'K ' ) . f the system , nnd find that It nets excudliiKly riiureh , All any. N. Y.
Mirseou well. I hclli'tu that many cnstis of urlu neld At the mipKi'stlnii of my phyHlcian , Tlr. L. B.
GENTI.KMKS : I wish to report to you what dmthcHlH. which Rl\orlsu to UlinUMATISM , Itlulr , who wast rontliiK inn formally months.
seems to mo u remarkable euro of tlio most UOUT , nnd , sooner oi Inter , that foim of kid with Imllirnrunt suicess for cruvol ana
of rheumatic uotit tluttlhavo ney and hluddtr disease dependent upon urlo liloody iirlno. IlM'Uun thn nsn of I.ONDON-
aggravated case ' acid , will tin cieatly lienefltted litho frto nso DiitUY : MTI1IA WATnil In April lust. Hlnco
ovcrspon. The patient , Mr. Tied I'lt/Rcrald , of I.OMIONDIMMtV LirillA WATKIt , and to ushiK the wulcr I have hud hut ono uttuclc of
need tihout'8 years woltrlit 115 pounds , nor- Mleh would reooiiiinend It as a 'I'AIH.i ; my old I'ompluliit , which fonnerly seldom left
VOIIH tcmperument. complexion blonde , hitlilt WATnit "IK MQUOUS AKKTU HU : inn und kepi mo In almost C'ON.STA.NT BI1H-
sparp , by occiipatlnn a machinist , pipscntcd watvi It ) at once so iiL'teenblo for illlullnf ; UltY The SOUTH iiuiir.ilnlc pulns of a cut-
himself for tii-atiiioiit AUK. IB. IS'K ' ) . Ho tiad them , and so pnuontiitho of the liiul conso- tlni iiutnro peuiillar to Iho dlseuso. tOKnthur
contracted KliniT.MATISMboinollvo veiirs IIKO nuuncos following tholi use. " l.lthluntei Is with the lurj'o iiinonut of blood I was voiding
while 11 % IIIK In Kansiis , nnd since that time the w.itor iiio\u | nil others for thu man who with iny urine kept mo In u wt'iiKened and
1ms been practically laid up c\uiy ( all and lives well und drinks KOOI ! wlnu. dubilltiitcd condition so that I ciinld Hcurcnly
winter with this disease , which did not full lo Voty tiiily. do my work. I must honestly say that I have
mnkn Its apiieariiiii'o with the cold and damp 11. M. JtHNWlAN , M. I ) . not hi en so well or felt so stnmi : In yc-iiM ns I
weather. Ho complained of pain In the loft 700 Trcmont St. hu\e I eon tills summer , und nolliliur else hits
knco , ankles and joints of thu truat toes , p ir- done It tixiept the use of thn I.lililu Wutnr , ns
tlciiiarly the 1 ft which WIIN much Inllamul I liavo taken no othui riMiiidv I huvu
and consldor.ibly dcfount'd fioin pruvlous at- UAIiNHD In rir.HHand STItC.NCTII. and fenl
t.icks. The piln WIIK almost unlicainblo. I us though 1 liutl n new lensoof life. I a iimot
trli'd siioccs- > iolvarlons remedies for this nxpicss mysplf siiinolunllv onoiuh to thunk
complaint without uny nnpi.ruiit bonollt as ha A Lim Druggist Cured ( if Grind. III. llhilr for recomineiidin- mn jour most
was hunrcoly abbs to walk Heroes the lloor . \ ulimhlo Aatiir. I shall aluays Klvu It the
much less to lesnnio his wink. To ho In Icf , I TorvrarsI hnvo hoen I'AhMNO STO.NT.S iiiistlnted iiralsu whlnli It merits
wiotii to you iiliont the casi > . and at your suir- ritoMTIir. KIDNEYS. UUo thosu I sent WALTON HI.OOMKII.
L'rstlon ordi-rod thirn still LONDON. you N Y. Oct. . ' ) .
' nc-is . 1 bo been Informed thut tliiwMirn of nrld Albuny , , 0. l > )0.
dnlhoiixltoMr. JIKKUY I-ITHIA rit/u' SI'UlNll WATHH. ' . MAHKEI It WHS ) acltl formation. During ull thlH time I li.ivo .TOK. Muss. Jan ni , 1(00.
' Mlllorrd from a most distressing cyst It In , Induct - I.OSIIOMI ! IIIIV MTIIIA Hl'IIINd l' ( ) !
i.Mi'itovnJicNi : iintJAN AT o.\cr : . and i
his duct tl , no doulit. liy tlio lire-cm o In the tirlnu Sirs : I Tor Iho or slveiispusl 1 hnvo
about month ho loturncd to work In the
a into AOinOUYSTAl.b. .Mtdlcliio betin HIIKH TUUltl Ili.i '
KIM u only at KiitTerlng . : I'AINH
. Vullev ' , bomo time before
ho I.oliUli exhausted t'lir shops of water ho told temporary rullt'f At tliosn'cstlon of a phv- IN MY KIDNKYH. I huve 1 . n under thii
hud ho h-ul AUtKADV liNMipplv ( MINI.I ) VI 1'ONNDh Hlelim I hi'irnn ihuuHisof thi > lOMONIKilUY ) ) caru of doctors , and \ > y thulr dliiotlon used
LITHIA WATI2K 'Ihuutlo-t was most MM- various lemellc sand naters , hut I h'iMi ustMl
. and still uulnlnz.
IN wr.KillT. Ily
WHS pilhintt. The Intcnso KiilTeiliis : . tin ; bloody none from whicli I tleiUt d so nincli hennflt ns
hu about well
time tlio water was KOIIO was as tilt ' . tiilno nml nil the old " "
' mociis , ) k'r.uolly from the "i-ondontlorrv MthliiViiter. . I
ha had doul of
us o\er. though wo > u a k'leut symptoms of UHIO AC1I > . OKVM'AI.S and consider l u "suro eiiio " when freely ,
nnfu\orullo woither
und much
rain this fall \
for of rhiMiiiiutlc dlntliKsls. ) I lia\o ( lAI.CITM lin\n tllsipi oiirnl I ; nn convinced and I would not bo without II. 1 wlllln W
persons a that tills wutiir lll cuio any cnso of Or.iMd ciimiiieiid It to all persons biilTerliiK from kidney
not IT SPCII n K'o.itiir chunKi for the fcood In a '
or ( stills , and dcslm to miiko this statumunt ney troubles.
man In fo hlioit u tlmr. foi the bunollt of any who may bo thus uf- Elncurnlv yourt ) .
Mo-,1 respectfully , K. H. Moucr. M , I ) . Illcted. W , I' . IlK.CKioni ) . II BV. jAMtH N fcUI'l'I.E.
WC pnlilUli iiono but irlbible njilnlotiK and stand ruatly at all tlmm to produce the cvltlciicr of Ilirli ueinilnfiictii ,
Jsmil'iiulrrni IMhlu Is nrpsrrlhcd by Itriltiuil'liulrlnim of the country , und wo are ready to gho thulr names. It Is In dally iibo In all
thu h'adliu ; < ] lnl > * ni\ \ < \ lintel * undo nro pidpiued to iiiimtt them.
It Is used liy the mostfmliiciit eltttenx , from the \'tcr.l'ic \ tilt \ of tlir lliittcil Ktntc * down , and thulr mimes uro on our books.
Our testimonials are nil vrrlflnl by riiii tclnnt of u ell-known Ht.indhn. , and mi ullirrt iccr te tlie lit/lit.
OiirhiiuccKs IIIIH i ecu so notnblu that the country has btou Hooded with MANUKA < .TIJIIH > " | .ITIIIA WATEIIR" claiming to bo superior to tha
nork of natiiru !
bend foi our circulars and become ucfjiiulnted with all the facts , so Unit yon may know thn utinnlno I.O.NDONDniUtV when you < ci > .
PAXTON & GALpAGIIUIt , Uisti-ibutiiiff AKonts , Omnhn , Nob.
CHARLES B. PERKINS & CO. , Selling Agents ,