THE OMAHA ; DAILY TWENTIETH YEAK. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , AP1UL 29 , 1891. NUMBER M9.Q , > MURDERED HIS INAMORATA , Farmer Hutchlnson Bottles His Family ' Troubles by Killing Mrs. Green , SHOT IN THE BACK WHILE RUNNING , DcHtior.ito PuiHiilt of tlio ricrlnii Vies- tlnr by the Delei mined .Mm- doier Ho lumped In the LINCOLN , Neb , April 2S. fSpeclnl Telo- > ? ram to THE Bir. : ] Tbo imbroglio between Mrs. Jcnnlo Orccno and W. 11. Hutchlnson , n wealthy farmer of Saundcrs county , ended nbout 10 o'clock tonight in the probable murder of Mrs Greene by Hutehlnson. The old gentleman called to sco the charming glass widow eailv In the evening In the flat over Ma's stoic nnd the two sat In the pirlor for some tlmo , the cloven-ear old daughter of Mis. Oiccno being the only other person present. Suddenly the other members of the house hold v\cro startled by the reports of n number of pistol shots , and on rushing Into the kitchen , Mrs Greene's brother saw Hutchlnson pursuing the woman with a revolver She crawled under thn table , but Hutchtnson continued firing , nnd while thus c-ouching for the Ihbt time hho was stiuck bv DUO of tlio bullets. The mlssllo pierced her back near the spinal column , nnd the cowardly murdotor held the weapon almost against the woman's body. Mrs Greene dropped helpless after the bul let was fired. Hutchlnson realised that ho had committed a murder , nnd rushed out of the door nnd down the stairway , attempting to commit sulcldo by blowing his brains.out , but every chamber of his revolver hnd been emptied nnd ho was umiblo to cuiyout his puiposo. The biothor gnvo chase , but the murderer dashed down the street and es caped in the darkness. For several minutes the wildest excitement prevailed In the block , nnd it was some tlmo before the police vvcro summoned. It was then too Into to got any trace of the man. A number of physicians wore called In nnd they piobcd In vnln for the bullot. The leaden mlssllo had sevcicd the spinal cord , paralv/lng the entire body below that point , but the couisu of the bullet could not bo traced any further. It Is believed that it has pierced some of the vital oigans und that the woman cannot llvo. There is a story back of the ease which Is hard to got at. But as near as can bo leained . It is as follows : Hutchinson had become Infatuated with the widow nnd has been making frequent calls on her. She finally got into the confidence of the old gon- tlcniau nnd managed to got hold of / 'aboutlOJO , worth of papers belong ing to him. This caused a great disturbance between Hutchinson and his grown-up sons , and the wealthy old faimor evidently came up today to tiv and got back the papers which had been en trusted to Mis. Greene. Mrs. Greene has resided for some years In Lincoln , but formerly lived In Koya Pahu county , where she owns some property. Later she lived in Omaha. She has been re- patcd to bo a females dotcctlvo , but the rumor has never been confirmed. A H'A V ll'/TJl TUB Preparations Tor Putting tlio Meat lu- Hpectlon Law Into Operation. WASHINGTON' , Apiil 28. [ Special Telegram to THC Bi i1. ] Germany and Franco will \vithlnnvoiy fowdnvs no longer have any excuse for maintaining an ombaigo against Amet lean meat , for on Thursday or Friday Tr. 13. D. Sal-iron , chlof of the bureau of nnlmal industry , will leave Chlcigo to super intend the beginning of opcintlous uiulor the now moat inspection law. Ho will take with him tlio micioscopes , tags and seals which me to bo used in inspecting meats , and will locate the Inspectors at the vtnious slaughter houses and inaufunito the svstom which is to bo carded on permanently. The oxpoit \eteilnatlans will bo assigned to each slaughter house to do the ac- ' -Hyal work of Inspecting , and they will bo assisted by men who will handle the meat and do the tagging. The cntiio force of veterinarians nnd assistants will bo under the dliection of n central ofllcer. Most of these who uio to bo engaged in the Inspec tion work are already In the employ of the de partment of ngrlcultuio , and such additional force as will bo necossai } will bo engaged by Dr. Salmon when ho roaches Chlrago The doctor has taken an Important part In the various stops of the meat Inspecting sstem. Tile various voluminous rules and regula tions which woio Issued under the rrnrne of Secretary Uusk weio first drafted by Dr. Salmon. It 1ms been through him , also , that cattle exporters have niudo their recent suc cessful oitoits to get Amcilcan live stock ad mitted to German ports without the former harrasslng restrictions. As chlof of the bu reau of animal industry Dr. Salmon has bcijt all his energies toward breaking down the foreign rcsti lotions put upon our meats nnd llvo stock nnd his elToits have been 10- inarkably successful. Or. Salmon will stay west long enough to got the inspection sys tem working smoothly and then intends to go to Omaha , St. Louts , Indianapolis and other Impoitnnt shipping points , Ho received toda } n number of the 500 miet o copes w hlch nro being made by Bauch kLaumb of Buf falo for t'.io special purposes of meat inspec tion , and they will bo usi d lu this woik. Lund DeeKloiiH. W \Miivirov , April St . [ Special Telegram to TUB th K.J The assistant secretary of the interior today decided the following land contest cases Samuel (1. Peters vs Ferdinand Rclnror , homestead entry of Reimer for the southwest quarter of section Ml , township ( I north , range til west. McCoon , Nob. , district. De cision below affirmed , dismissing contest. Matthew Slo in vs Oscar ICelloy , homestead entry for the southwest quarter of the north- cast quarter and thu nottu half of the south- cast quarter of section 21 , township I ! north , rtiugo.l'J ' west , McCook , Neb , district. De cision below null mod and cash entry nf Kel- lev nnpioved. United States ex lei , Geoigo W. Downs ( contested ) vs the state of Iowa ex rel. Jamci Grant ( claimant ) , swamp land giant of September 2lbM > , for the southeast quar ter of the southeast quarter of section HO , townshlpOri north , range BJ west , Palo Alto county. Dos Molnes , In , dec islon of the gen eral land office reversing tlio decision ol laud otlleen Is affirmed by the assistant secmtarv nnd the claim of the state nf hi wills i ejected1. In 10. William Motrison , commuted homestead - stead entry for the northwest quarter of sec tion H , township 112. Lingo 7-t , Huron , S. D , dlstilet. Decision of commissioner loverscd , thus glv Ing claimant patent to the Innd de scilbcd. IIovv It IH Viovvod in Washington. WASHINGTON , April 2S.- ( Special Telegram to Tin : BKK.J The announcement from Poughkcep'to , N. Y. , today to the encct that Mr , Blarno w ould not bo u candidate for the presidential nomination ne\t } car , would not suffer the use of bis name In connection with the nomination and would soon sny so over his name , whllo cicutttur no sin prise , was the subject of general comment in political cir cles this evening. Such a stop on the part of the secretary of state has been expected for lorno tlrao , und proceedings like those at the CincinnatiIcasuo convention last vvcok will only hasten the day when ho will announce th it ho eould not n'ecopt the nomination The ardor of his friends w ill yet prove the disas ter of their holies. On every hand the ques tion has lieiu been asked duung the past three or four dajs. "If , in ex-Governor For- akcr said , Mr. Blalno's administration Is proving so s-utsfactoiy , why woul 1 it not bo wisdom tncontinuolt for another four } cars 1" Congressm in Boutello of Maine nnd ox- Congressman Tom Hayno of Plttsburg , both most intlnmto fi lends of the becretniy of state , and who haddiaigoof his campilgns lu the last three national conventions , nave within the lust month told their friends In pi Ivnto conv ( Million th it Mr BI line would not only not bo a candid ito for thu nomina tion , but that ho would , If this auitatlott con tinued , very soon announce over his name th it he could and would . .ot accept the nom ination It It should bo tendered to him. Mr. Blaine , it Is weil known lieio. hooei that lie will not bo placed in tbo ombanasslni : condi tion of malting his statement tit this caHy i d ly , but it may as well be stated now and with some posttivenoss , If not authorit } , that If the fiiends of Mr Blalno do not cen o this untlmclv agitation ho will take himself out of the Hue of possibility befoie the campaign for the nomination faiily opens. j'AT.i/j nitii'ic OA in i : n. & o. Two I'nv'IneerH , n I'll email and a Postal Clc-ik Killed. WASHINGTON , April 28. The Cincinnati express on the Baltimore ft Ohio railroad this evening at Warning station ran into a freight train btandlng on the main track. Knglnecr Cuitls Klllott of the cxptcss , Engineer CrofT nnd Fireman Murphy of the ficlght nnd Postal Clerk C. Buidott weio killed. Postal Clerk Peacock and I1 oreman Miller were seriously injured. No passengers were dangerously hurt The oxpioss came nround a sharp curve at a high rate of speed nnd tno encin- cor could not stop. A postal car , baggage car and ono coach of the express were burned and the malls partially wore dostroed. C'HJA.l OllJJ < TH TO ll It NotiflcH Ihis Government of Its Uii- \\illliiKnesi to Itecelve Him. WASHINGTON , ApiiUS. The Chinese gov ernment has notified the government of the United States of its unwillingness to receive Blnlr as our minister to China IM either Sccietarv Dliinu nor the Chinese minister would talk on the subject tonight. The objection causes no excitement ns the United States recognizes the right of a for eign power to express unwillingness to re ceive n minister not ontitoly acceptable. fovvn and South Dakota W \SIIINOTOV , April 23. [ Special Telegiatn to Tin : Bi r.JPensions were granted to day as follows- Iowa Onginal Henr } H. Fisher , Delamour Seymour , Philip S Green , Christopher Lohrman , Henry Dickman , Henry Uced , Abraham J. Snyder , Thomas Monciiof , John Gngo , Jasper Bonslaugb , James F. Belcher , William A. Work , William G. Gore , Deles S. Uengan , Burnt G. Pitman Henry II SehafTer , John McCoy , Fin'oy ' L Wilson ( deceased ) , Thomas J Armstrong , Stephen Fitzgerald , Clnrles H. Coffin , Frank II. Sn } doi , Isaac Lnughrldge , Mcrritt Wat son , Abijah II. Hiatt , Sjlvester Hondryx , George Given , Adam Linn , Gustav Peterson , James Smith , Silas Ilartcrs , Silas M. Camp bell , Milo L Hatch , John W. Gannon , Enoch Scdgwick , Hiehard Stew ait , Wattles W. Wolf. James Prlcstlo } , Aaron Linn , Alex Hulcnlnsou , John Orr , John Burke. Addi tional Anthony Mosor. Increase Jnmos Mackoy , James Beacon , William II. Kroamcr , Joseph Mnrtell , Alien Itobortaon , John W. Elliot , William B. McKornson , Melchoir Fcpl , Joseph. P. Seaton , John Chamberlain. Holssuo Orln A. Phillips. Original widows , etc. Amanda , widow of John C. Parrish ; Belinda , widow of Joseph Arderson ; Bar bara , widow of John M. Seiph. South Dakota : Original Albert D. Heath , Chailos Jahuko , Levi Summay , Hichaid T. Robinson , Clement A. Davis , Andrew Feld- mevcr. Increase James A. Paddock. Oilg- inal widows Florence B. , widow of William J. Soutlimayd. _ Post iimut fiw Appointed. WASHINGTON Apiil 23. [ Special Telogrnm to Tin ; Bru. i Postmasters were appointed to day as follows : Nebraska Bayard , Chojcnno county , J. Ohallcianico Thomas Winter , resigned ; Codv , Cherry county , L. D Barnes , vice A. D. Cole , resigned ; Mlnatare , Scotts Bluff county , T. A. Tw iss , vlco W. B. Sw indoll , resigned , Iowa Ivy , Polk county , William Harvey , vice J. McCoy , resigned ; Soldier , Monroe county , U S Scott , vice , U. Palmer , re signed. South Dakota Bra } ton. Sully county , L K. Snjdnr. vlco II. W. Brajton. resigned ; Fainswoith , Sanboin count } , J. F. Diury , vice J. 1C. Liid , loslgned. Iho Chaises Sustained. WisniMiTOV , April 23. ( Special Telegram toTnc BrE , | The piesbtory of San Fian- cisco today sustained the charges against Hov. John W. Cllis , D.D. , of appropriating to his own use $000 of the funds hold by him in trust , and of rendering false statements concerning the expenditures ot f.i.SOO of such funds. The piesbjteiy resolved that with the understanding that Itov. Dr. Ellis should faithfully meet his promise to make the do- licloncy good , It would bo suttlclont to severely censure his conduct In the matter. Mandersou > ot Goiiifj to 1'ii'ope. WisniNOTON' , April 23. [ Special Telo- ginm to Tin. Bi i .J "Did I understand } ou to say that an Omaha paper has announced that I am about to sail for Uuropol" asked Senator Mnnderson today , The Nobiaskan was assured that such a statement haU been printed. "You will obllgo mo , " said the senator , "bv making public the fact that I am not going to Huiope , but that I shall as soon as practicable loturn to Nebraska I nuvor had the slightest intention of ciosslnc the Atlantic this summer. " Te-Minijn Itii ; Gun. \VASIIINGTOV , Apiil 28. ( Special Telegram to Tin : Brr. ] Ordnance onlccrs completed at the proving ground nt Indian Head , the final test of the thhd ten-Inch , steel rilled gun for the double turreted monitor Mlnnto- noniah. With 2.V ) pounds of Dupont Blown powder ami with fifteen tons ptessuro , the jnojectllo obtained n muzzle velocity of 2,110 feet pur second , piobably the best result on record for this kind of a gun using Biown pow d or. _ Suicide or" the ( Upper. LONDON , April 2s. [ Special Cablegram to Tin- Bn,1Ills reported that the unknown man who committed sulcldo nt Wlmbloton some three weeks ago , by shooting himself , has been Identified ns "Jack the Hipper. " Ono of Iho means of the alleged identifica tion was the finding In the pockets of the dead man's clothes papers Identical with that onwhli'h the various "Hipper" warnings have bui written. InsAiu ; Giinrdlitns in .Session. WASHINGTON April 2s. The , foitv-Ufth an nual meeting of the association of 'medical superintendents of American institutions for the Insane began here this morning. Houtlno business only was transacted. Itupoi t on the Italian LJ i WASHING TON , April 3s > . The attorney gen eral this afternoon received the rcpoit of Dis trict Attorney Grant nt New Orleans or. the Ivnchlng. H will not bo miulo public for sonwdaj.r. Korc-st Tire MIII.VII.IK , N. J. , April 2S.-- The biggest forest llro this section has know n for years U raging about six miles southwest of this city and much valuable standing timber has been destroyed. Tno llttlo hamlet of Bailey- town U completely surrounded and some ouxloty Is felt , The Three Valparaiso Imitators of Jesse James Safe iu Jail , ONE OF THEM MAKES A CONFESSION , In Need ol""Honey They 'Thought the yuiokcst Way to Get it Wonltl Ho by Uob- blnj ; a Bunk. VAI pAKAt o , Neb , Apilt 25. [ Special Tolo- ginm to THU lire. ] A representative of Tun BH : obtained nn lutoivlcw with Jesse Huby , ho would-lio bank robber who was captured icru vcstcrday , and ascertained the follow- ng. Huby's homo Is eight miles south of jicenwoodvheio ho has been farming for hreo years. Ho is unman led and ias n sister keeping house for ilm. Ho appears like nn ignorant 'ollovv , dressed in common working clothes nnd his hands show that ho is a haul working nan. nan.Tho The other two men who vvcro with ilm were captured nt Greenwood , Neb , by D. M. Dcanoand D. W. Barnes , who loft heio atOtfOlnst night by tall , going around by [ jlncoln A telegram this morning announced he capture and that the prisoners would ar rive bore lit 1:20 : p. m. Tlio two nro younger men than Huby , who appears to bo ibout thlrt-tlvo , and one of them , L'mnk Tobtn , is the son of W II. Tobin , living six or eight miles south west of this place and has b"en working on n farm in Huby's neighborhood for the past } car. Tbo other , nimer Nelson , also works with a brother in the same neighborhood. According to Huby's story Tobin 01 igluatcd the scheme nnd only a few dav s past ar- langed Iho plan with the others. They lofL homo jester day morning and expected to get back last night , nnd bad uo dellnitu idea of what they U ould do if they got the money. Tobin being ncmininted with the surround ings acted us loader. Huby sas ho was not particularly hard up but hau nlwus been poor nnd hnd never been In such business bo f oio. Tlio Jill was guarded all night , but tbo crowd that gathered succeeded In making the night hideous to tbo solitary Inmate who ex pected lynching sure. Today ho seems per fectly free to talk nnd savs it would have been Justice only had thov shot him while ho was resisting captuio yesterday. The Uobbei-H Plead Oullty. VAII-VIIMSO , Neb .April 23. [ Special Tele- giam to TUG Bi.r. ] When the train came up from Lincoln todav a crowd of people hud gathered aiound the depot to sec the bank robbers who were captured this morning. As soon as the tt am stopped , the prisoners , who were In charge of D. M. Dean and D. W. Binnea of this place , and Marshal Craig of Greenwood , were hustled off to the city hall where they weio brought before Justice Hlxson. Huby was brought fiom tlio cooler , and the charges of shooting with Intent to kill and of attempting to rob the bank were read to thorn. All pleaded guilty to tno second count , nnd Tobin nnd Ruby pleaded guilty to the first. Kuby's plea on this was made without fully understanding that It was only for the shooting of Mr. Johnson and not for the shooting done whllo bo was being chased , as that seomcd , . to be what ho"\vas thinking of. The * nien waived examination , and in less than twenty-four hour : , after the attempt on tile bank they were on their way to the county Jail In charuo of Shenff Hyan and Constables Griffin nnd Taylor. Their bonds were fixed nt $2,000 , each. Nelson und Tobin think they will bo able to glv o bonds , but It is very doubtful. Tobin is about twenty-five jcais old , dark skinned nnd has n stubborn , sullen look. His father and stepmother live about eight miles south of Valparaiso , nnd aio considered re spectable people. Mr Tobiu * was not at the pieliminuiy tiial today. young Tobin originated the plan of robbing the bank , as ho was acquainted with the place and nouilshed a grudge against Mr. Johnson , who ho supposed still owned the bank. Nelson is rather the bright est and most intelligent ono of the tin eo , and appears to realise and feel his position mo to keenly than do the otheis. Mr. Cialg , who has known him for two or three years , savs ho was consldoied of good character. Nelson is about twenty- four vears old. Itubv is n very Illiterate fellow , dirty and slovenly in appearance , and without any up- rmient distinct ideas of right nnd wrong , looking moio like u genuine tramp than n respectable - spectablo farmer. The men do not seem to have wished to imitate Jesse James or anything of that kind , but being in need of money took what they thoucht to bo the quickest w ay to obtain it. The captuio and Jading of this ganc of cilm- inals show that Justice is not so slow if men act quickly and with some de-Unite plan. No attempt was made to lynch Huby last night , as some feared , but a racket was kept up so as to fi inhton him into a full confession , bUt the poor fellow evidently had told all ho knew. Messrs Dean nnd Bnrnot , who captured Tobin and Nelson , reached Gi"enwood nbout 1 o'clock this morning , nnd enlisting the set vices of City Marshal Ciaig , tboy pro em od n carilago and proeecde'd to the farm wheio Nelson lives with a brother , who is married , Arriving at the plnca about : ! o'eloclt , they quietly drove up , and while ono hitched the hordes the others made n searcli for the team nnd buggy , which they soon found put avvav as carefully ns if the owners had Just come homo from a short drive Then while Dean nnd liinlies watched outside Mr. Craig rapped on the door , which was opened by the brother of the robber. Ho was ordered to carry the light nnd guide Mr Craig to the bedroom of voting Nelson , where the latter was found in bed but awake. By his side lay Tobin , nnd without any show of resist ing they prepared to accompany the ollice-rs , after their clothes had been searched , The biothnrand his wife did not seem to bo in the least surmised at the ar rests , not oven inquiring the nntuiooftho charges The ride back to Valparaiso was without trouble. Mr Johnson's wound Is giving him some trouble but ho goes about nnd attends to bis business The bullet grazed n coid In bis neck and the physicians state that hud the ball Rene a sixteenth of an inch to the right II would Imvo ended his life. All agrco thai not ono man rn fifty would have liadtho nerve to stop to the diawor for a re volver as did Mr. Johnson whllo the muzzle of another gun was aimed nt him , and within two feet of his head , by so vltllanous a looking man as Frank Tobin Had John son's weapon been hi order ho would tfuvo bagged the whole gang as they Utterly fell over each other in theii.hasto to get out ol the bank door. Mr. Chambctlam was taken wholly un- aw in es by Huby , who asked him for a loan ol JMOO , and giving bis name. Mr , Chamberlain vvroto down tbo name nnd asked him vv hat se curity ho wanted to give , and when ho looked up hctgazcd Into the um//lo of a 'b- callbio revolver. The only thing Mr. Chamberlain could dovas to drop ott his high stool nnd dodge under the counter , crawl to tbo other cud and reach up to gel his pistol , but ho was to late too use It as the robbers hud fled. Stock of Goods Attached. NEHIUSKA CITY , Neb. , April 28. [ Specla Telegram to THE Bnn.1 Deputy LJnltcc States Marshal C. W. Tyson came down from Omaha today and attached the F. W , Hill stock of clothing which was being bold by Sheriff William on assignment. This at tachment was made on behalf of D. Kupen icltncr fc Co. who Imvo a claim . . Tim stock was pMced In the custody ol Dep uty Sheriff Wtllmnu. Two other attach- uents were filed In the district court , ono by Calm i Co , for 0.77J and the other by Herseh , Lccsou & Co. for $1,210.75. Both hose nro Chicago llrms. "Messiah" Ilopltlnft Arrested. VALCNTINI- , Neb , April 2S. [ Special Telo- ; ram to Tin : line. ] This afternoon the am- mlanco from Hosobud drove up to the depot lore end Hopkins , 'Iho ' now "Messiah" alighted. On inquiry U Is learned that ho was discovered yesterday at Hosebud. Major Kurnost of the eighth Infantry , the military commander , Immediately had him airestod , nnd this morning sent him hero under cscoit with orders to the forwarding agent hero to see that ho moved on with the utmost possl- jlo dispatch. On his arrival ho made In quiry for Chlof Two-Strikes , who was heio vcstcrday , but who had left. QuueUionod briefly as the train was leaving , ho said that ills homo , like that of tlio former Messiah , could not bo said to bo anywhere , but that he \otvd In Nashua , In ; that ho had come among the Indians to picach pcaco and the acceptance on their part of the treatment ac corded by the government , nnd that there vvoto good tlinos In store for thotn. When told that his presence would nt once arouse the fears of the suttlcrj nt-ai the reservation ho disclaimed any Intention of such a thing , saying that ho had cQtno to preae * peace. Ho seemed to nave plenty of money , bought a ticket for Siouj : City nnd loft on the afternoon train for Long Pino. Asthotinin pulled out ho called out , "good bye , bo.vs , I will bo back to see you again soon. " His return would bo tbo veritable "bad penny " As the excitement of n few months ago has entirely subsided this spilng has been nil that could bo asked for seeding. The fnim- oi aie tailing advniitngo of It by putting In by far the lutgcst acrcaqc of small grain over sown in the county , and anything that would tend to bring about the conditions of last fall would be a calamity. Do.itli ol'nn.UUl Settler. NrtuusK * CITV , Neb , April 23. fSpecial Telegram to TUB BrE. | Nathan C. Flslt , nu old nnd highly esteemed citizen , died at Sra - cuso } cstorduy morning of cancer In the stomach and w 111 bo buried in the church } aid at Helena. Fisk has resided In Otoo eouii'v for twenty-live } ears und came heio iroin Pike county , 111. Work ol' air Ineeii llary. Wi MOUP , Neb , April 23 fSpecial Tele gram to Tin : Bt.r.1 Actual ! dwelling house In the west part of town burned to the ground about 11 o'clock tonight. The house was empty and the flio was clearly of Incendiary origin. y Marshall Guilder IX'CH from InjurieH ltcuoi\cil In ; a Ojtiarrcl. LVONS , In , April 28.pjMarshall Guilder , a laborer , died last night nt Clinton from the ciTccts of n blow on tha head in a street quar rel ton days ago. Will Ilennegan , Dan Con- loy and Cd Crooko nro'iinder arrest charged w ith the crime. An ICxhibltJon'or Art. CLDAU UU-IPS , Ir , April 28. [ Special Tel egram to TUB BrE.J 'lha Mikado garden and exposition , and exhibition of ait , science. In dustry and flowers , opened hoio today. It will continue three weeks and promises to bo a giaiid success. Tlioiniost ? attractive fea ture of the exhibit ls.a < ; ojloctlouof 1150 paint ings by prominent nitis s of Chicago nnd elsewhere. Excursion1 tjraJns will bo run on all the lallroads andbitcrowds from sur rounding towns nro exp tcd. Evangelical Conference. CEDAII KAVIII , lo.f Tvjnll ? - * - [ Special Tel egram to the BFF.I The German Evan gelical Lutheran conference of the southern district of Iowa opened In this city this mornIng - Ing with a largo number hi attendance. The district is n largo one , , ombracincf a part of the German Evangelical Lutheran synod of Missouri , A very profitable tlmo is antici pated. Today was taken up by routine work , A New WIIKOII Bridge. . Siouv Cm , In , Apill 28. ISpecial Tele gram to Tun BEB. | Articles of incorpora tion were filed in Chicago today by a com- nany of Chicago and Sioux City capitalists who will build a wagon und stieot car bridge ncioss the Missouri hero. Donald McLean is undeistood to bo in the company. Bnluido of i Tailor. CI.AIUMU , In , April 28. [ Special Tele gram to Tnr BIT. ] Last evening G. P. Leavin , n tailor , was found dead In the roar room of B. Maids' shop , Iravlnu shot himself in the head with n revolver. Ho has been in u despondent mood for some tlmo. Saloons Were Closed. DLMIUQUF , In. , April 28. [ Special Telo- giam to Tnn BFE.J Sheriff Pfeiffner under took to servo injunctions against thirty sa loons today , but found them closed. The pro hibitionists charge collusion between the ofllcers and saloonkeepers. Unique Gift to Cloiohrnd. SrniNonri.1) , III. , April 23. A unique gift was forvvatded today to ex-Piebidont Cleve land. It was a copy of the "Senator's Woo ing , " n poem describing for the first time in print the courtship aud martiago of Stephen A. Douglass. The book was sent bv the author. Dr. J. II. Beidlnr , of Mount Pulnski , 111 , and bound into the volume is an auto graph letter from United States Senator-elect John M , Palmer. The binding is of heavy antique cherry wood , with n rich oil painting ropiesenting n sunrlso. The woik is ic- gaulcd ns of historic national Interest. Interesting Land Decision. ASIILIND , Wis. , Apiil 23. There is In- tcnso interest heio in the decision tendered today by the register nnd the rccoivor of the land oftlco on a test case of land alleged to have been purchased by John H. Knight of the Wisconsin Central railroad , but which was In the Omaha indemnity lands recently restored to the public domain. Uogistor Cat- rington recognizes him ok a. bona lido sott'or ' , the icccivor dissenting ; iTho land in ques tion has been settled upon over a } cnr and some of it is in the city limits. The case has been taken to the interior department as a test. American Plmrniiieolitleal Nr.OiunN , Ln. , April 28. The Amort ran Pharmaceutical association committee re- portcu in favor of the jnetrlo s&toinnsa basis of weights and measures and were au thorized topiesont n mcmoilal to concioss fa vorlng its adoption. A. E. Flnlii } of Louisi ana was elected president. * Among the other ofneers are W II. Toibori , Iowa , becond vlco piesldent ; L. T. Dunning , South Dakota , thlid vlco president. No More GnnihUnK in Chicago. CIIICAOO , April 23. Consternation was created among the gauibUng fraternity today when It was announced that the first ofilcial nctofMnor Washburno had been to order the police to close all gambling houses at once. Officers were hurriedly sent out with notifications to all the houses that they must bo closed by nightfall or bo pulled. The order was generally obeyed. 1'oKlaI ClorkH Kunrud Out. GOSHEV , lud. , Apill 2Tho resent terri ble accident on the Lake Shore ralhoad , In which seven postal clerks lost their lives , has spread consternation among the clerks of this division , eleven-of thotn having sent in their resignations. The retirement of these to gether with thosti killed in the recent acci dent has badly crippled the service. Compulsory i diiunt'on. IlAiinisiiuno , Pa , April 28.--Tho house to day passed tha compulsory education bill , re quiring that all children between tbo ages of 8 and U must attend school at least sixteen weeks each year , DENVER'S ' MURDER HySTERYj Dr , Grave ? Explains Several 8 sp'ciois Looking O.rcuraatancoi , WHO IS MRS , BARNABY'S ' MURDERER , Tlio Doctor Acknowledges llln Ai'llonweio Not What 1 hey Should lle Horn , but 8 IJH lie is Innocent. BOSTOV , Mass , April 23.Spcclul [ Yelo- cram to'i'itr. BFI : . ] The Olobo Interviewed Mr. Graves In Providence tnl * morning con- coining the icccnt suspicious ( tenth of Mrs. I n Barnaby li , Denver. In the Intel view the doctor is made to sny ho is satisfied It was n premeditated murder , but that ho knew nothing nbout the crlmo himself , cor- -alnly ho did not commit It , as It has been mpllcd in tlio newspipois Ho hnd every le.ison to with Mrs. Uarnaby to llvo , slnco she paid him n very liberal satiny. Ho oft Providence for Denver , know ing Mrs Batunby was dead , con sidering It his duty , as her agent , but uld not notlfv any of her relatives or Jriends In Prov Ideneo. Ho wont to Chicago , then down to Sterling , 111 , to visit on uncle lie had not seen for thirty jcais , spent four liouis with him , then wont to Cedar Kaplds , In , to see another iclatlvc. In consequence bo lost the fast train west ami did not Denver till Friday. Ho did not consider his visiting extraordinary at the time but ad- mtUcct that now It looks bad for him The doctor leai nod vorv llttlo in Denver of vv hat took place at the inquest , being so overcome that lie asked veiy few questions. Consldeinblo information was volunteered , but ho had foigotton It Ho had never Imagined the magnitude of his connection w ith the case until ho lead the local papers this morning. Yesterday ho had promised Mrs. Conrad and Colonel Win- ship that ho would positively make no use of certain Imfoimatlon hn had , but this is now impossible , ho was forced to speak in order to protect himself. Ho then went on to sav that Mrs. Barnabv's will ho had deposited with her other pipois , and ho knew not whether ho had been left 1 cent or $100,000 bv it. Mis. Bninnby told him that ho hart been remembered , but ho asked no questions and never looked at the will. Tills will , together with Mis. Bamab's valuable papers and every dollar of her money , would bo turned over in ten minutes , as soon as an administrator is appointed. When asked ns to his thcorv ot the mur der , the Uoctorsaid he bellevo'd the motive to bo blackmail. Ho has reasons to bclicvo Mis. Barnaby has boon repeated ! } black mailed by people who first compromised her and forced money from her by threats of exposure. The doctor added : "I must admit it looks tearfully as if the murderer know her habits intimatciv. " Ho also stated that ho did not personally know nnv man whoever blackmailed Mis. Bnrnaby out of a dollar , but it was his Im pression that she \\ns obliged to pay money to secure silence. She appeared afraid of something all the time. Hcgardlng ccitnin charges of unprofessional conduct on the part of Dr. Giaves in years p ist , as pub lished in local papers , the doctor character ized them as being full of inaccuracies and libels and declared that lie should sue for libel If the opportunity offered. Mrs , Jiarnnbj'H Remains. Puoviiir.NCF , U. 1. , April 28. The body of Mrs. ,1. A. Bornnby arrived from Denver this morning. * Dr. Tr Thatcher Graver , medical and confidential advisor of Mrs. Barnabyu refuses to rnako any statements conccining the caso. .1 Utah nicthodB That 1lc8cml > lc Those ol'the Old Inquisition. SALT LVKE Cm , UUh , Apiil CS , [ Special Telegram to Tin , Bi.r J The facts of a ter- rlblo piece of business at the county jail leaked out today and the town Is an uproar. On Wednesday morning last the Interior of the Sail Luke county jail was transferred from a bastile , where prisoners are kept , into a branch ot the old Spanish ants do fo with Whltmoro , the Swindled Nophi banker , as chief inquisitor. Not only that , but ho delib erately held up the misoner for $300 , which ho took from him and which amount is now under attachment at Piovo. Prisoner Leon ard was airestod , charged with having plajed the Mexican in the net where Whltmoro , in striving to get $ .500.000 for $0,000 was made a victim. Ho was arrested by Ofllcer Hills of Piovo vvhiloon a train coming to Salt Lake Whitmoio , by the way , was on the train at the time. Leonard is a Jew elry peddler and travels about selling low grade jew elry and watches to farmers. Ho was in Piovo on the da } that Otinker Whit- more played the part of the greedy ruialist and by u singular complication of facts was in the neighborhood ol the pinto where the bloated banner from Nophl paitcd with coed money for some old junk. When the news of the deed reached Provoundit was learned that Wtiitemoio had been played for a ver dant green , the police at onto began to keep a sharp lookout for btiangors. Leonard was watched very closely , and when ho loft the town on the ! IHO : train for Salt Lake City , Hills got on with him. Whitmoio also got on the tialn , but them was no connection be tween them and each was acting independ ently of the other. On the way up , Hills concluded that ho would arrest Lconaid and did so w Ithout any ndv ice or suggestion from Whltmoro Upon his arrival In this city ho ' ( Whltmoro ) became acquainted with'the facts. Notwithstanding the fact that ho had given the officers to understand that the Mexican was n smooth faced man and rather of middle ago , while Leonard was about 00 jeais old and woio a heavy moustache , ho conceived the idea that tno man who had robbed him was before him His choler rose nnd by the aid of copious alee hohc liqulllcatlons with which ho proceeded to soak himself , ho worked himself up to a perfect frctuy. Between the hours of mid- niehtnmiy o'clock Wednesday iroining , In company with Hills nnd Ilurbldiro the night watchman at the Wahsatch building , Whlt moro visited the jail. The objert of the visit was to try and induce Leonard to confess the crime. Thov succeeded but the means used would have dlsgiaced the most bestial nnest that over officiated In the piimv da } s of the inquisition , ho it to ttto i rc-dit of ono of the parti ( Hills ) to say that his manhood prompted him to intcrtoio , and but for the iron ljirs which cnged the prisoners they would have mailo sboit wont of the man that fcrmlttod himself In his soicnes over the result of ills o > vn simplicity to maltreat the helpless being boforu him After pet ting in the jail Whitmoio put thongs of buckskin on the prisoner's thumbs and bv means of an iron bolt twisted them till blood burst , horn under the nails. The ngonUed man shrieked for nelp , and llnallv to save himself confessed and also gave up fcbOO which holmd sowed In the lining of his coat. The district court hero will call the grand Jury together to Investigate the matter. The jailor was outside at the time of the occur rence and did not learn of It till ho found the man after the others had gone. Horrible CIIHO of Crnolty. SVI.T Luu , Utah , April 2.'t [ Special Tele gram to TJIB BEK.I One of the worst cases of cruelty over hoard of In this soetlon of the country comes from the county of BoxEldor , nnd the facts as stated are enough to make tbo blood of the average man boll. Last sum mer a llttlo girl named Carolina Hanson came hoio from Sweden with her graudpaieuts and went to llvo at Cottonvvood , and con tinued to reside thcro until the old people died. The llttlo girl then went to llvo with a family named Koddeu , who reside la the - \ Ninth ward u'cltv. . After stnj Ing thcro n shoil tinV tolks tired of her nnd she w Vent to n family named rernstcint Box Hldor , across I ho Salt LnKu de\ \v hero she lived until a few davs ago , w \ \ V was told to got out ami go somow hero. \ did not earo where , iind not como bick\ . , They told her at the time that she must not uo near sheep hudsorthey would kill her. and with this fear In her heart the poor child started out to trv nnd llnd another mime. After wandering about on the desert and nights , sleeping in sago brush , she was found by n sheep under mid when discovercJ bccged pllcomly for her life , thinking that she was In danger of being killed. The herder had a hard tlmo tnlng to quiet her , and when ho llnnllv did no took her to his cabin and ministered to her wants , She was thoroughly e\hrusted nnd ncrrlv starved , and It was no small task to get her back to a condition whcio it would bo safe to give her till that she wonted to eat nnd drinic Iho Job was llnnlly accomplished , and then ho took her to Hober Citv , wheio ho lives , nnd whoio she found kind hearts and willing Itntuls to attend to her. The roinsteunaUcis have been airested. ii irn JUKI i A it i vo.ur. Funeral ServlooN Over the KoniiiliiH of Count Von Moltkc. Bi-in IN , April 23 The funeral scivicos over the remains of Count von Moltkc took place this morning rn the general start build ing. Emperor Willl rrn , the king of Saxony , the craml dukes of Baden , 3a\o-Wolmnr and Hesse , the piineipil members of the royal families of Gerimny , together with the leading Gorman generals , woio present , flio seivices lasted fortv-llvo minutes. The casket containing the doid Hold marshal's remains was then cuiled to a hoirso drawn by six horses After pissing through the streets lined with tioops nnd packed with spectators the remains nilived at Lohrto station and weio placed upon u railroad car diapcd In black. Dining the ceremony in the general stuff building the emperor was moved to tcnii Bismarck sent an immense wrcatli nnd the following telegram : "With profound soi low I received the tcleginm announcing the irro- p u able loss sustained bv the rathorland. I feel the loss mete acutely owing to the fact that It hid been vouchsafed to mo to cnjov for several decades Von Moltko's glorious co- onoiation and the Invariable amiability ho displajod In our close friendly rclatrons. " Illnody Hnltitin Maiiitttr. SIMM , Apill 2 > The British Saturday attacked a foice of 1,000 Mnnlpurs nnd n sevcro hand-to hand light followed. The enemy was completely routed , losing 200 men. Ono British officer was killed and four- others wounded. Farther dispatches from the British col umns advancing on Manipur confirm the re port that the regent of Mirnlpur ( the .Inbiti ] , or heir to the throne , who , with the senna- pusty , or commandoi-in-chlof , deposed their biother , the mahainjah of Maulpur j has lied to the hills , in compiti } with piominont chiefs who assisted him In the revolt. Great lire has been seen in the direction of tLo capital , nnd a loud explosion , which took plnco during the conflagration , seems to indi cate that the capital has been destiojcd. Dispatches received heio jostoiday stated that the Biitish tioops woio within ten miles of Imphnl , the capital of Manipur , and that Imphal was to bo taken rf possible by assault nt 5 o'clock this morning. The British col umn , whieh was recently at Silchar ( also known ns Cachar ) has engaged and utleily routed tbo enemy at Blsbcnpur. It Is not expected that tlieio will be anv further oppo sition of a serious nature offered to the ad vance of trio British forces. Murdered by Itequost. Buiu PISTII , April 23. [ Special Cable gram to THE Bi i1. ] Mnroslu Gllosoan , a farm hand , has been ariestcd for killing Josephine Krrsoh , a rich woman near hero , who was found dead in bed Sunday. Gilo- scan confessed to killing the woman , but pioduced n letter from tno woman In which she said she bad desldtfU to die en account of disappointment in love and other reasons , and besought him to kill her , us on two previous occasions her attempts at sulcldo had failed. She Bald she would piovido ir quart of whisky w ith which no could ncrvo himself to the deed and would place 2 llouns where ho could get them after the woi k was done He carried out the instruction and choked the woman to death , after tj Ing her hands and loot as she diiected. Thoio is no doubt of the genuineness of the letter. Gllcscan seems to bo of weak mind. Italy Not SatlHliod. HUM P. Aprrl 2S. [ Special Cablegiam to Tin ; Bi.r. ] It is asserted that Marquis ill Hudlnl after several interviews vvitli Baton di Fava , has decided upon the terms of his answer to Mr. Blalnu , which will bo to this effect : Italy will not rest satisfied wrth the reasons given bj the United States. The question is ono of publio rights , and public rights demand political protection for the subjects of friendly powers HudinI declaies that a civilised nation would fail In its duties if It did not demand indonu.itics for the fain illes of the rnuideied Italians and thcancst of the assassins. Coal Paniinc in Germany. Bi IIMN , Apill ' 28. As a result of the coal strrkc n coal famine is nnpc-ndiug. lion foundries In the Sleg valley have been com pelled to draw their Hies nnd most of the steel works along the Khlno have shut down. Attacked Trench Tarlft" Proposals. PAIII , April 2b In the deputies Locioy made a strong attack upon Uio new tnrilf pro posals , which , ho bald , would involve upon Prance the rrsk of economic and political iso lation , iHttn'tMi .1 ci.osi : . Mm drier Plen y Moises ' .VIII Soon Lenru Ills I'ale. Sioi \ FAIIS , S D.April 2S. [ Special Telegram to THE BIT 1 The trial of Plenty Hoises will bo finished tomorrow , the de fense resting 1U cose this afternoon , and the government announced that It Imd no rebut tal to mako. JudgoShlras tendered his de cision upon the dUOfltlrm of the juiisalctlon of the court in so much as the dofensn claimed that war prevailed , ovorrullnc the motion. This decision Is considered an im pottant ono as it upholds the proposition that the Indians have no tight to go to war and that the courts recognl/o them upon the sanio level ns an American citi/ou nnd not as a sopainto nation The tulmlssabliity of evidence showing that there existed war at the time of the muider was gianted b ) the court. Thoontlio day was devoted bv the tinfoiiso In pioducing tostlmonv upon this thvorv He Jog , a chlof of the Ogalla- Ins , Llvinu' Bear , father of Plenty Hoiscs , * Bear That Lays Down ami Phillip ! ! Wells' chlof of the government scouts , all testified to the existence of a belligerent attitude be tween the tioops and the Sioux Indians. J G , MeDniiaiiigli , roriespondent of the Now Voik World , who roppited tire events of the outbreak from the ciound , was on the stand and detailed the events for the defense , as ho aided in establishing the war theory. Plenty Horses was put on the stand , but was with drawn becnuso the court would not allow the use of an Intoipietur. The arguments will bo presented tomor row und by o\oalni : a verdict will bo reached. _ THU WGAlillilt I' Tor Onufiu und Vlclnltu 1'iitr ; wirmtr ttur ; : t'ui Juua raruaimtitouttitrlu ( ; r < n Sout/i niKiita Fnlr ; uttlntu ulntl ; ttattiniai n ( cmptrnture in canton , culiict ( u Hatcrn jioiHcm UVdnc tl'ijliftfit / The Denlh Itoll. CHICAGO , Apiil -lllclmnl ) Cilfllths , founder of the knights ot labor In Chicago , and for a long tlmo worthy foreman of the uatloual orKuuUatiou , died today of tbo crip. BIG STRIKE DECLARED OFF , Minors' ' Contemplated Struggle for Eight Hours Will Not Take Place , ADDRESS FROM THE EXECUTIVE BOARD , Not Deemed Ad\lnnllo nt the Present Tlmo lU-fiuise ol' the I Ight Itelnr ; Waned In the Cokes Motions. iit' * , O. , April 21' A great universal strike ot miners May 1 for cUItt hours was declined off ted u by the cxecutlv a bo ml of the United Mlno Workers of Ameilca The board , which has been heating statements from tno presidents of state oriianUitlons for * several days , which weionlmost unanimously aiulnst ; the movement at this time , Issued n lengthy nddtess to the mombms , In which rofeienco Is made to the stiiko of the Pennsylvania coke woikors "L'ho bittlo waged by organi/cd capital against organ ized labor , " says the address , "can only bo termed a goiy piecursor of a bootningU Inev itable strife lu a goncial and more compre hensive manner. U'hllo the men , women anil childien of that legion h rvo been victims of sheriffs' wilts und deputies' Winchesters , nnd are now threatened with the still moro cowardly methods of dastatdly Plnkcrtoni , it has been the dutv of the United mine work ers to render these people all the financial assistance possible nnd compatible- with the laws of our organlzitlon. Therefore the funds which under' other clicumstaneos would have been available for our purposes on the first of Ma ) have been vui\ materially reduced Kuithermoio , wo loam that there has been within the competitive district n dnfeetluu'oir the part of illsorgnni/cd miners of vniious boctious hud , as custodians of the In terest of the people , who placed us in the po sition wo occupy , wo positively , though iu- luctantly , refuse with our ojesopui and a complete knowledge of the situation , to Jcop.udi/e those lutotcsts. and will not bo re sponsible for the nccompinjing sufferings nnd sacrifices of n strike to our constituents and their families , seeing as wo do the situa tion and knowing that thousands of vampires and v ulturcs are waiting for the 111 st of Muv to feed , as It weic , on the sacrifices of the oi nm/ed minors of the countis " The address adds that the bond icall705 the disappointment to thousands of men , bub sa.\s discretion is the bolter put of valor , unit thej prefer an honoiaulo retreat rather than to have the maledictions of the people after they have suffered because the truth was hopt back. Thorofoio the follow Ing resolution elution is submitted : li" ! > ol\c < l , That the eight honi moxemcnt bo defined ( or thn tlmo boiiiK and th it the tlmo for action bo left In the liuncls of tlio national executive board nnd tlio ptesldent of the various districts. The boaid also makes nn appeal to local assemblies for aid for the coke workers , whoso battle , they say , must bo fought to victory. A Iiet Up In S < orrini r , Pa , April 23 No evictions wore forced today , tuo oporatois being con tent to foiclng resumption of their plants. Tlio fotces at till the vv oiks slightly Increased. The report fiom tlio Columbus convention that the eight hour move had been abandoned was received with n great deal of satisfac tion. Tlio miners' hope now lies in the abundance of money , as sufTodiig is wio- sprcad among the strikers. Detroit Car AVorks s trlko. DKTIIOIT , Mich. , April 28. Several bun dled strikers congiegated in the vicinity of the Michigan car shops tills moininir. The police immediately began clearing the streets. The strikers , armed with sticks and stones , made some resistance. Thu police filed some shots into tlio ground and ono accidentally struck Cli.ulcs Kaintz In the thigh. ' Indiana Miners Sli Ike. WASIIINOTOV , Ind , April US. [ Special 'I olo- gram to TUB Bcr J Plvo hundred coal miners employed In the mines near this city are on a strike on m count of the discharge of n driver. _ Strike of Building 'I radcH. / i\i bv i i.i r , O , April 23 A stuko of nil building trades was made today. All build ing w 01 It is stopped. /IA noiintit. At the Age of Ono Hiindied and Three lie .Joins a PoM. Si. Loui" , Mo , April -Special [ Tclo- grnm to Tin : Brr.j Frank P. Blair post , Oriiiid Army of the Itepublio , hid tin acces sion to its iniks last night of whom Its mem bers ura quite proud The hero of last uichi's initiation was . 'nclclluvncs , a losldcnt of this city who has inachod tlio advanced ago of ono hundred and thicoears nnd who Is doubtless tbo oldest member of the Older. Not fJnllty of Murder. BIHMIMIIUM , Aln , April 2 . [ Special Tol- epiam to Tin : BIM : ] The jury in Uio Martin murder cnso was out only a few minutes this afteinoon nnd relumed n vcidlct of not guilty. The town went wild , the people cheered and hats weio pissed around on th6 sticets and soveial thousand dollais wore lalsod for her. Mrs Mai tin lives In Birming ham , A I.i , and is for the present the guest ot the best people" in the city. utim Tin- Bvin explosion In n dynamite factory near t'.enoa , Italy , \ostoiduy llvo gills were killed and fifty pcopM Injuicd. Fires are i aging fiercely in the woodu ot Gladwinand Claio counties , Michigan , and much propoity Is throatonod. At West Brimflolu , Ma s. , vestetday some school children built a small llro It got , bo- > oiul contiol and a high wind can led It into tlio brush and Umber. About four hundred ticics of land was binned over , Leopold L , indauer , a well known Wall street broker , whoso wife was gianted a dlvorcolntho supalor court of Now York last evening , shot himself at the Cooper Union hotel , Inflicting probably fatal wounds. The commons vcstorday 18i to 111 adopted tholiboial motion reducing the num ber of taverns and giving local authorities larger control of licenses , with the conserva tive amendment providing that publicans bo compensated The Canadian Pacific steamer I'mpross ot India arrived fiom Victoria , B C. , yesterday , having completed the voyage aiound front Liverpool Tlio passoncors will proceed to Now S'oik by rail nnd thence complete the circuit of the world bv stonmor to Lnidand. Lighthouse render Violet found In the bay near Norfolk , Va , the wreck of the schooner Leeds of Somers Point , N. J , with the bodies of two Rtillors , apparently foiolguors , badly bruised and lushed to the rigging The Leeds capped Satin day night and the whole crow is supposed to bo lost. Dispatches from Coifu give pitticulars ot n soiious outbioak of Greeks iij/alrist tha " Jnws , originating over the charge "of muidcff of a child , piofcnrod first against ono and then the other. A military cordon had to bo placed about the Juwlsh quarter to protect them ftour attacks Muny.Iuwa were terri bly beaten. A combination of granite producers WM formed In Chicago yesterday by representa tives nf almost all the largo companion on * gaged in thut Industry in tlio west , south nnd north , The reason for the combine IH not cletitly stated , but It Is Intimated that labor dilllcultles ate at the bottom of the mutter. The combine will bo known as tne United Stales QrsullQ Producers' llou.