Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Ptllveretl by Can lor In nny part of the City.
Hii4liic Onicc , No , Vi.
NlKht i'Jdltor. No. 23.
N. Y. 1 . Co.
Council llluffa Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 201 Sapp bloolc.
Heal Hock Springs coal. Thatcher , 10 Main
If you want water In your yard or house
go to Illxby's , iiO'J Mcrrlam block.
Special communication of Uluff City ledge
No. 71 , A. V. and A. M. . this evening for
work in the llrst decree. All Masons invited.
lly order worthy master.
Clmilf.i Carpenter was sent out yesterday
by the city marshal to lookup cattle which
nro ropoi ted to bo running ut largo In the
Various parts of the city.
Leo Klionborgcr wus lined $ . " > and costs
yesterday afternoon in Justice Hummer's
court for committing au ussaulv upon otio A.
Ellis. Kills appeared against him.
lau ) Cnrrlgg and Miss Luclla Manchester
are to ho married this morning at thu rit.
Francis Xavier's Catholic church atS o'clock.
They will reside ut 719 Fourth street.
A message was received yesterday from
Ncoln announcing that Mr. Lahman , the
proprietor of tno Lahtnan house at that place ,
had been sltlcUen with paralysis Saturday
The reinnlns of .1. W. Kllgoro were moved
yesterday from the , vault in which they were
placed after the funeral , which took place a
few weeks ago , mid interred hi Walnut Hill
A. 1) . Cook and S. Salesman were brought
to Council llluffs from Crescent City , where
they were given a ten day sentence for the
larceny of n boat , and nro now li : ronllnemcnt
In tho'county jail. Thoj v.cro convicted in
the court of Justice Hobcrt ICirkUnd.
The arguments In the case of 1) . C. Hod-
niond nguinst William 'alcdcntopf over the
ownership of hevernl thousand ucres of land
nuout ten miles north of Council bluffs were
made by the attorneys In the superior court
jesterday. The case was submitted to the
court ana taken under advisement.
Articles oi incorporation were filed with
the county recorder yesterday aftoinoon by
the Oakland mercantile company , with its
headquarters nt Oakland , Pottawultoinlo
county. The incorporators are M. J. fu- )
Graff , C. 13. ilrucn , A. A Ilrucn mid A. J.
Graham and the capital stock Is $ l.r ,000.
A collision took place Sunday night at the
comer of Hnmdwny and Pearl street be
tween a Fifth avenue and a Hroadway train.
Thonccluentwas caused by the failure of the
ntotor man to turn the switch properly ,
lloth trains were pretty well loaded with
passengers , but , strange to say , no ono was
hurt , although the Fifth avenue car was
badly smashed.
A peanut stand kept by nmnn named Hlch ,
on Main sticet near the corner of Willow
avenue , lost its peanut roaster yesterday
morning by llru Irani the heating apparatus.
The llamc's also played some havoc with the
complexion of a largo wooden Indian that
happened to bo standing near. Otherwise
the block was nut damaged.
The city marshal has commenced his
r.nnual tour of the city with notifications for
property owners to keep their alleys clean.
There are a good many alloys in the city , and
there nrn a good many property owners who
have not the regard for the health of the
public that they might havo. The Job is con-
cequontly a somewhat long one.
John Wright , who lives on Fourteenth
_ .cnuo between Sixteenth nnd Seventeenth
streets , was nriested yesterday afternoon by
'n'deputy sheriff on n charge of insanity. The
complaint \vas mudo by a brother of the
aflllctcd man , Charles Wright. Ho said that
bis brother had boon 111 nnd that ho thought
his mind hud been affected so that at times
ho was dangerous. Ho was taken with ouo
of his spells yesterday ana tried to ralso a
row around thu house , which resulted in his
arrest. Ho v/ill bo examined by the insane
commissioners this morning.
A special session of district court was held
last evening for ttio purpose of hearing the
evidence in the motion to dismiss the Injunc
tion suit that was brought against E. II.
Sherlock by L. M. Turner. The motion to
dismiss was based on the claim that the
"Turf , " of which Sherlock is proprietor , Is
already covered by ono injunction , which was
obtained by A. Overtoil. The defendant ,
therefore , claimed that another HKO proceed.
Ing is barred. The records were produced ,
It was proved that thu Injunction had bcou
granted and the defendant was discharged.
Dry storage nt low rates , stoves nnd house
hold goods. J. U. Snyder , Pearl street.
Colmi Cobs ! Culm !
Plenty of them nt L. O. Knotts , 29 South
Main streot. Telephone L'03.
v To Lovers of Horses The largest lot of
1 'bats , nud the finest in the city , also hay nnd
feed of all kinds , nt S. Goldstein & Co. , ias.3
West Broadway.
Trs. Woodbury. dentists , ! 10 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
; a specialty.
When about to build don't fail to get prices
on lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. , b3 !
Utondway. Telephone 287.
E. A. iiubcock o ( Avoca is in the city.
C. Wcsloy and wlfo Icuva today for the far
west , where they will seek n now homo.
Spencer Smith has gene to Washington to
attend n meeting of the interstate commerce
Wallace McFaddcn returned Sunday from
Davenport , whuro ho wont to take four chil
dren to the soldiers' homo. Ho was greatly
pleased with the surroundings tbcro.
W. H. M , Pusoy and John N. Baldwin hnvo
been appointed delegates uy Governor Boies
to attend the commercial congress of west
ern states , which is to convene in Denver ,
May 10.
Prof. James McNnughton , principal of the
Muyvlllo , N. D. , state normal school , has
the following engagements for thu holding of
teachers' Institutes during the spring : May-
vlllo , April 27 ; Hope , May 4 ; Coopcrstown ,
May 18 ; Pomblna , May 25 ; Grafton , Juno 1 ;
Milton , Juno 8.
l \ T. True nnd M. J. Bellinger have re
turned from Colfax where they have been
drinking water for the last two weeks.
Dr. Bolllngor has evolved a schema for the
building of a llrst class bath ostanllshmcnt
during his absence , and ttio Colfax papers
have uovotcd considerable of their space to
talking over the project ,
Everything In house furnishing nt Mandel
Si Klein's on easy payments. 3.'U Broadway.
The Falrmount Cc cigar at the Fountain.
For Sale Two hundred tons ofl ooseand
baled hay , Inquire of Ben Marks.
Manuel & Klein sell furniture , carpets and
stoves on easy payments. U20 Broadway.
Lace curtains cleaned from 6Uo to f 1.25 per
pair , at Twin City dye works.
Nonruhctl tliu 1'romlmM.
E , Swlgert had a search warrant issued
yesterday in Justice. Hammer's court for the
house ol Amos Clurk on Seventh street , bo-
twcon Seventh nnd Klghth avenues. Swlpert
claims that ho rented a building to Clark and
left a lot of furniture for the use of his ten
ant. When ho loft ho claims Clark teen the
furniture with him , nnd the search warrant
was the result. Coustuulo Nicholson served
the warrant and made a search of the
premises for some of the missing articles. Ho
succeeded In finding a few of them , but ino .t
of the missing were still missing when hogot
through. Swigert claims that ho knows
where Clark disposed of them , nnd ho
threatens to have him arrested on n charge
of larcenv. The value of the missing goods
is said to bo $75.
Furnished i-oonis for rout , sightly located
nnd convenient to center of the city. Address
A , Hoe oflico.
For widow shades , curtain poles , Inco cur
tains chcntllo curtains , brass rods , drapery
blllis , wall paper , try the Boston Store ,
Council niuffs. ( Jut their prices buforo pur
chasing clsowniro. Uoston Store , Couucil
llluffs , la.
How the Authorities Maunged to Bag
Kelly , the Postofflce Burglar ,
Still Hunt of the OfTlo rw-A Decoy
Iicttcr .Ippronult of the i'orors
How the Prisoner
The man who was arrested Sunday aftsr-
noon on n chnrpo of having broken into a
postolllco out west Is found to bo J. C. Kelly ,
who was mentioned in Sunday's BII : : us
having broken Into the postoftlco at Albu
querque , N. M. , and stolen $15,000. Kelly is
the brother of Contractor Michael J. Kelly
of this city. He was called to the Bluffs
from Denver , where ho has been living for
tut past six j curx , by the death of his father
and mother , which occurred within thrco
days of ono another about u week ago. Kelly
Is In the county jail and is held under sti let
surveillance , orders having been Issued by
Commissioner Hunter of the United States
couit not to allow nny ono to sco htm.
When Kelly was llrst arrested the police
were of the opinion that they had the wrong
man. All efforts to tnnglo him up In the
story ho told were unsuccessful. lie stated
that ho had been in Denver for the past few
years engaged In the mining business. This
Is the only point where his story showed any
traces of improbability. His hands nro as
soft us a woman's , ns much unlike those
of a professional miner as could
bo Imagined. When Inspector Patter
son , of the postal department , wus
hero last week , ho said that Kelly
had another name by which ho was known
fully us much as by the ono by which ho goes
when ho Is In the city of his birth. That
niiino Is Charles Gavin. Kelly was put
thruugh a vigorous pumping process In order
to get Him to divulge , If possible , what ho
know of the immo Gain. . Ho protested that
his name was Kelly , nnd nothing clso , but
mid that ho know a man named Gavin , who
ifept ono of the largest gambling houses in
Denver. The police iiro of the opinion that
the si7o of the callous spots on their pi ison-
cr's hands would indicate that his occupation
wus that of a gambler much rather than a
Kelly'sanest ' took placoundor rather sensa
tional clroumstances. H. V. Sleud , ono of the
mail can lors , went to the house of Contractor
Kelly , 714 Bluff street , with a letter that had
como , addressed to J. C. Kelly , and bore n
special delivery stamp. Kelly signed his
name to the book which had been prepared
for Urn purpose , and the mail carrier left the
House. Ho ran all the way to the pollco sta
tion , with the visions of JoOU reward
dancing before his eyes so that ho could
hardly sea ttio sidewalk. Ho finally
arrived at the station , and said that he had
seen the man who , it is said , had already
killed tin oo polli union , nnd was currently re
ported to bo the most bloodthirsty villain in
the country. At the station there was some
thing of a debate as to whether more than
four policemen would bo needed. It was
finally decided that Captain Martin , accom
panied by two mail carriers , each armed to
the teeth , would bo all that were really
necessary to bring the icd-handod monster to
time. Long before the house was reached
the mail curriers com me need to feel in their
pockets for their guns. When the house was
reached Captain Martin mustered his
forces , and the whole company marched
upon his despcradoshlp with their
nickel-plated revolvers , glistening In the
sun. He surrendered without a word ,
and then it was that they began to
suspect that the inspector , when ho had
told them that Kelly thought no moro of
killing n man than most men did of eating
their breakfast , had been slightly rattloJ.
According to appearances , slnco Kelly has
boon in charge of the olllcers , ho is anything
but a desperate man. Onn of the strongest
Indications that ho has a bad record is. in tno
opinion of the police , the fact that no has
mndo not tno slightest effort to
set himself right by telegraphing to
his friends In Denver. They think
that if he bad nny way of proving his good
character to would not allow himself to bo
kept In Jail twenty-four hours without nt
least trying to do so.
The postal authorities from Denver uro ex
pected to arrive in the city today , ns also nro
United States District Attorney D. B. Miles
of Corydon and United States Marshal Miller
of Hod Oak. Kelly will bo given a prelimin
ary examination this morning in the olllco of
Commissioner Htuitur and It Is likely that the
whole mystery will be denied up nnd it will
bo known detlnltely whether Kelly is ono of
the most desperate criminals , or only plain J.
C. Kelly. The police nro tolerably certain it
will not bo the latter.
Seed oats , com , millet and seed potatoes ,
garden seeds of all kinds , nt H. L. Carman's ,
( JOO Main and 501 Pearl streets.
Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! ! !
If you want It pure and n
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no now dev ice.
But send to us In a tr
At our off
Mulholland &Co. , No. 4 Pearlst. , Tel. 103.
Trees , all kinds , guaranteed to grow , prices
cheap , nt Mairs' , Broadway , opposite postof-
Snugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk
ilcld , garden and ( lower seoas in the west
Catalogue and samples by mail.
Fruit farm for snlo on rcasonablo terms ;
within ono and one-half miles of the P. O. ;
all in bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given nt once. Call on D. J. Ilutchinsou &
Co. , 017 Broadway.
Freight for 150 miles prepaid on nil goods
bought of Mandol & Klein , U20 Broadway.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco
tablets. Tnoy are delicious.
J.C. Blxby , steam neatlns , sanltarr en-
f luccr , i.0-i Morriaui block , Council Bluds
A lleuutl 'ul 1) npliiy. .
The formal spring opening of the Boston
store occurod last evening nnd although the
most mcagro announcement was made In the
daily papers about half of the people of Coun
cil Bluffs and many from Omaha visited tlu
big establishment during the evening. The
display wus well worthy of the attention it
attracted. The Indies were especially de
lighted with the brilliant array of hamlsomo
goods and many of them were extra extrava
gant tu their pralso. The new spring
and summer fabrics this season con
tain so many radical departures from
foimer styles that such n display as Messrs.
Fotnorlngham , Whltclaw & Co. arranged fet
the public wa something In the nature of u
surprise to ninny , and the ladles spent u
prolltublo ovonlug in crowding through the
long aisles In the various departments. The
display was by far the linost the Boston store
has yet made. Tlio arrangement of the goods
was artistic and beautiful. In thu ladles'
diess goods department on the llrst floor all
the beautiful hpring and summer fabrics
were displayed in bewildering profusion ,
draped with cunning skill to brine out the
bounty of the goods In both texture and color.
I was a feast for the lovers of the ucautlfu
In all the other departments the masterly
skill was shown , making the display an ex <
position complete in every detail. The ais
play of linens in the department devoted to
them v.'us by fir the 11 nest over made in the
The two upper floors were devoted to
ladles' underwear , corcets , suitings and thi
VTJif n n by was sick , we Rare Ser Cutoria ,
When .the KM n Llilltl , ilio cried for CiutorU ,
When the became MUs , she clung to Castor ! * ,
IttiM iha'hiul ChiUruu , ho c Vd luein Castort- ? ,
opartrnent set apart for the sale of window
hades , draperies , laces nnd wall papers. In
ach of these the arrangement of the goods
vas as elaborate and the display a.i extensive
s those on ttio lower floors. In the pro-
tislon every new and beautiful thing that
ho manufacturers of the world have pro-
need could bo found.
The doors weio opened nt 7 o'clock , but it
va.s not until after 10 that the reluctant
rowds could bo Induced to permit
ho store to bo closed for the night. No
poods were sold duiIng the evening and all
vho attended pronounced the opening to bo
n great success. After the close the ladles
ml gentlemen who constitute the largo and
althful corps of clerks were agreeably sur-
irlsed by an Invitation from the proprietors
o join in n baimuet nt the Grand. Thirty
covers were laid nnd n magnlilcont supper of
e\on courses was served.
Commencing this evening , the Boston store
iroprictors will , In further consideration for
ho social enjoyment of their clerks , Inuugu-
ate the early closing movement that has
jccn agitated in vain each summer in Coun-
il Bluffs , and will close their store nt 0
3'clocK on all but Monday and Saturday
jvenlngs during the entire summer and
Max Botirlclus. having associated himself
vlth the Council Bluffs Music Co. , desires to
.hank the public for the patronage In the
jast nnd bespeaks its good will for the
'utiire. Ho will bo pleased to wait upon his
old friends , as well ns new ones , at the Coun
cil Bluffs Muslo Co.'s place of business , 533
! } roadway.
Newest styles In furniture and carpets ;
jest cooking stoves In the world at Manuel &
{ loin's Installment house , 320 Broadway.
Do you want an express wagon or boy !
King up the A. D. T. Co. , telephone 170 , No.
U North Main street.
The Boston Store. Council Bluffs , will close
icreaf ter at ( i o'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays ,
riiursc-uys mid Friday evenings. Mondays
o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock. Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , Fotherinfcham , Whitclaw i c
DlMrlet Court Not en.
A default was tnkim in the case of Sarah
lart ogalnst Hattw J. Bergcr and Klo.i/or
jVakely , which was brought to collect a note
'or # 470 , nnd to foreclose a mortgage given to
secure the amount.
In the case of K. G. Coonloy ncnlnst L. A.
.Jray , T. J. Kvnns nnd A. A. Hurt , n decree
\7is rendered for $1125 In favor of the plaintiff ,
xnd a decree of foreclosure on u part of lot
.M , Johnstono's ' addition.
In the assignment case of Thomas Green &
Sons , K. K. Hart ttio assignee , filed his pre-
Imluury teport , stating that ho had sold a
part of the packing house product and had
ecelvod cash to the amount of SJO.OOO for it.
; lc asked for moro time in which to dispose
of the rest , and for an order from the court
mthorlilng the distribution nmonir the crcd-
tors of 40 per cent of the cash on hand in
iroportion to each one's claim.
The llrst of the cases on the law assignment
was token up in district court yesterday
morning. Three of the jurymen were ex-
iused , John Langen and J. N. Casey , on nc-
iount of sickness In their families , and U.
Maclain on account of the fact that ho was
suffering from n broken limb. The case of
Jonn York against F. M. Witt and C. M.
Witt was the llrst cuso on the assignment.
It Is a suit which was brought by the plain
tiff to collect n note for * r 0 which had been
made out by the defendant , with C. M. Witt
as iurety.
The Boston btore. Council Bluffs , will close
Hereafter at (1 ( o'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays ,
Thursdays and Friday evenings. Mondays
0 o'clock. Saturday 10 o'clock. Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , Fothoringham , Whitelaw &
It Is to your interest to consult Mandol &
[ Cloin before you buy your furniture , carpets
or stoves.
The Old Story.
A Swedish girl named Lena Hasmusscn Is
stopping nt the boarding house of Mrs. War
ner on Vine street nnd is at present camping
on the trail of a man named Peterson , who ,
she claims , is responsible for her ruin. She
came here from Moline , 111. , and at once re
ported her case at the pollco station. She
was engaged as a domestic at Moline and
whllo there she met Peterson , who com
menced to pay her attentions. It turned out
to bo the old storv of the treachery
of man and weakness of woman.
When Peterson found out that the
girl was going to make him trouble , ho loft
the country and went to Lincoln , Neb. She
found where ho had gone , and nt once set out
In pursuit. When she arrived nt Lincoln
she learned that ho bad cona to Omaha. In
Omaha shn found that a man namel Peter
son was working In this city , in some car
riage shop , the name of which she did not
know. She has settled down hero with a
fixed determination to make her erstwhile
lover como to time.
Itobbcd While
Jim Farley , who keeps a saloon at the cor
ner of Main street and Tenth avenue , was
robbed Sunday nlgbt. Ho loft his place and
went out for a visit. Before going awav he
carefully hid n pocketbook containing ? 05 un
der his pillow. When ho returned ho found
that some ono had aeon there in his absence
and the 15 was missing. The burglar had
entered through a back door which he hod
broken open. There Is no clue to the perpe
Walter Welch came to the Bluffs from the
country last evening with the intention of
getting n taste of metropolitan life. At
about U o'clock ho turned up on South Main
street with his uoso mashed , a largo piece
torn out of Ins lip , and the blood streaming
out of several wounds about the faco. Ho
could not say how ho mot with his misfortune ,
excepting that ho had
boon lighting with n
man whom he did not know , and had gotten
the worst of it. He was taken to the police
station by Ofllccr Wagcck and booked with
disturbing the peace.
The Boston Store. Council Bluffswlll close
horealtcrnt ( i o'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays ,
Thursdays and Friday evenings. Mondays
9 o'clock. Saturdays 10 o'clock , Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , Fothcrlugham , Whltclaw &
The Chicago Times , Tribune nnd Herald
arrive in Council Bluffs 5:10 : p. m. dn day of
publication , and are delivered at once to all
parts of the city by swift and careful carriers
at only 20 cents n week , including the mam
moth Sunday Issue. The Saturday or Sun
day Issue alone C > cents each. F. H. Nugent ,
agent , postotUco box 104.
Muir has all sorts of fruit , shade and orna
mental trees , Broadway , opposite postolllco ,
l.llee ( .
E. E. Pierce , who passed a forged check on
II. J. Hancock a few days ago , was bound
over to the grand jury by Judge McGco yes
terdny morning m pollco court. Ho was un
able to glvo ball and was sent to the county
Jail. Pierce , last full , passed n check on the
proprietor of the Munnwa hotel with his own
name signed to It , when it turned out ho had
no credit In tliu bank.
T. W. Fisher , nrrostod Sunday night by
I'or Dyhpcpsla , InO
Coughs. Colds nnd l.unf Trou
bles. Itjs the bo > erase for
yg - , -ag | the nmin.irAtKi > , and
> n \V4 , WSl
v" Ji-C > f J convalescence ,
Xono Is "Just us good" when
on can obtain tlio genuine
Imported article , which MUST IIAVITMU ; MKINA-
TUiiF.of "JoiiANN Hoi'K" on the nook of eve
' Ofllccr Murphy for bclnUitrunk , was found
to have with him n pair of brim knuckles ,
I Ho I was given n lecture on behavior nnd n line
of fcW.'O.
Ed DcLong was nrrcstwL yosttrday on a
charge of obtujnlng goods under false pro-
onst'3. The co'mplaialng witness was Amos
IVright , who claimed that tno young man had
come to his store and ordered n pair of boots ,
mylng kis father had sent him for them and
voulcl pay the bill. On' ' Inquiry the store-
ccopar found 'hat the fiiUicu : had not sent the
boy to him and that ho refused to pay for
.horn. Ho accordingly Hiidn warrant issued
'or ' the arrest of the youiig mnn inJustlco
Sweariniion's court. Ho gave ball In the
sum of ? 100 ntul was released until this morn-
ns ut 0 o'clock , when bo will have u prcllml-
tary examination.
Support or tlio Hospital Decided on
by tlio ANHocliitlou.
The Presbyterian association of Omaha
mot last night at the First Presbyterian
church and considered several matters of
A report of the progress and condition of
: ho Presbyterian hospital was submitted by
Dr. Henry , who has charge of the Institution ,
lie reported excellent results from the work
of the hospital thus far.
The Institution was opened last August
and has hud thirty-eight patients sent to it
for treatment and care up to dato. Llko all
Infant institutions of the kind the hospital
needs money to make It successful and the
association took steps last night to raise
funds for tno permanent support of the
Tno needs of several of tha mission
churches In Omaha were then discussed and
plans adopted to assist some of them and then
the association adjourned.
Dr. Blrnoy euros catnrrn. Boo bldjj.
Sumlnwii's Second.
The Sundown club met last night in the
cnfo of the Paxton hotel , and after disposing
of a very pnlatnhlo supper the subject of
Ingle tax , as advocated by Henry Ucorgo ,
was discussed.
Mr. C. F. Beckett was the chief speaker in
favor of the single tax idea , and Prof. Homer
P. Lewis was the lending opponent of the
George theory. Mr. Lombard , Mr. Mcintosli ,
and several other speakers took part In the
discussion. There were about eighty mem
bers of the club present and the evening was
very much enjoyed.
the Curs.
The city clerk's oflico wsa the busiest place
in the city yesterday. This was caused by the
fact that thcro Is a great rush to secure doc
taps bcforo the May day slaughter begins. The
clerk is experiencing considerable trouble , us
most of the parties insist upon paying the
money to him. This they cannot do. The
proper course outlined by the ordinance is to
pay" the money to the city treasurer , take
Ills receipt and then tboclcrk issues the dog
license upon his receipt.
DoWitt's Little liarly Hisers for the Liver.
After Highwaymen.
The police nro looking for thrco strangers
who have been operating along the line of
the Missouri Pncllic railroad. They boarded
n train Sunday , and robbed n man whom
they found in a box car. They afterward
left the train ut Weeping Water. The victim
snys ho heard them plauulug to roe some man
at Auburn of $ . ' 100.
Blight on Hunting Wheat.
TOPUKA , Kan. , April 37. The secretary of
agriculture has received a letter from Hus-
scl county stating that 'tho ' wheat tboro is
turning yellow and appears to be dying. A
small greenish insect \\aa been found which
is undoubtedly the cause of the blight. A
similar report comes from Hich county nnd
the secretary has ordered , nn investigation.
SufferInNcgrod * in Oklahoma.
ST. LOUIH , Mo. , April 27 , > A dispatch snys
people arriving nt Paris , Tex. , from points
along the Canadian river in the Indian Ter
ritory say negroes are coming ever from
Oklahoma begging lor something to eat.
Tnelr condition Is said to bo pitiable. Many
nro now trying to make their way back to
their former homos in the southern states.
HlownH Proceed with AMottinontH.
SAC AND Fox AOC.NOV , I , T. , April 27. The
government allotlng agent has induced the
Klowa Indians to proceed with their nllott-
nicnts , promising to try and persuade the
government that payment for the land should
bo made in money in&tead of cuttlo and im
MlnciM Will Strike.
Rnussin.s , April 27. The Federation of
Belgian Miners has decided to strike with
the German minors to obtain laws making
eight hours-a legal day's work and granting
universal suffrage.
Indicted for ! lection Frauds
WACO , Tex. , April 27. The grand jury ad
journed after investigating into the alleged
municipal election frauds. Thirty-four In
dictments were returned against prominent
cltl/cns. A sensation is the result.
Wreck on the S .uthcra Paulllc.
Ei/P.vso , Tex. . April 27. An east-bound
Southern Pacific freight was wrecked at
Strauss this morning. Brakeman Mauley
was killed and the engineer nnd llroman
badly injured.
' Positively cured by I
CARTER'S these Little Fills.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia. In-l
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty I
KVER Eating. A perfect remedy - [
edy for Dizziness , Nausea , !
PILLS. Drowsiness , Bad Tostel
la the Mouth. Coated !
Tongue , Pain In the Side , I
regulate tto Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
t i.
Cures playeil out manhood , timkc noclety n pica
sure ami niurrluil liru satlHfuctory. In short It res
tores tlmt vitality Unit bfloniN to n liimlthy ynuni !
uinn. U uicknKO , or 3 for 15. Sent | > vr mull , In
n plnln si'uk'il unvolopa fnim obicrvatlon , on receipt
of prlco. Tlio Klnnlur Iru Co. , McL'ormlck .V I.uncl ,
l.C'sllo & Jx > llf. Ouiiilia. A. U Foster , Council llhi
nnOllTl SANDAIAVl DAl'sUI.KS aru tlia
Mil IlU I A belt and
UUUU I n op pauloi proicrlbod by
ru < [ llar | . 7'lclan * for tlio uuru of tlio urinary oruum
nliorltoil or acquire J. flij per box. AllUruk'll > u
ornhlno llabll
O r dfnluto3Udtyi
8IIfUEN8L btDOn,0.
Council Bjuffs , In.
This Elegantly jA-ppolnted Hotel
is Now-Open.
Cragin & CoProprietors. .
Over O. H. Jucquuniln & Co. , Jewelry Store
Gas Heating Stoves.
No Asiifsl Xo SMOICE.
Just the thin ; : for huth rooms , hcd rooms , etc.
Cull unu SLO our large assortment.
C. B. Gas and Electric I-ight Co.
Ill 1'oarl uuU S10 Mulu Streut.
Both the method nnd results when
Syrup of Figa ia taken ; it is ploneunt
and refreshing to the tneto , nml nets
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Bowels , demises the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers nnd cures hahitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of i.ts kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the inslc and ac-
ccptahlo to the stomach , prompt in
its action nnd truly hcneficinl in its
effects , prepared only from the moat
healthy and agreeahlo suhstanccs , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all nnd hnvo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50e
and 81 bottles hy all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-
euro it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
in n Kurnpcan fneo promnitUin. Inipirtu n penrly
complexion , look * llku gprlnu water , no U'mt or
InnutRlnK liiKrudlont * * , warranted the be * ! In .America.
UiipuckiiKti , or ! ) for IS. Sent unjrwlioro prrpiM nn
receipt of prlco , or C O I ) . KtUHlcr Dnm Co . l.eillo
A Ixxllu iimH.ooiimun I ) run Co. , Uliiuhn , A. 1) ) . I'oster ,
Council lllnfTs.
To Bee-Keepers
I carry a full line of Uookeepcrs' sup
plies , including comb foundation , hon
ey knives , smokers , sections and all
supplies for the nniary. M. S. HOOIJ ,
620 15. Broad way , Council UlutTs , Iowa.
Olllli , t Ciiinilnrc Attorneys nt law , 1'r.ic-
) tlco In the state and
federal couits. Rooms : i , 4 and 0 bhu art
Hcno block , Council llluffs , la.
HI rh'imliorc Attorney at I/aw , No. ID
. J. tllitlllUUS , i-ouri struct , ever Itnsh-
nell's store. Telephone No.VI. . Business
hours. 6 u. m. to ! ) p. m. Council Hinds , In.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' and Packers' Supjl'm ,
Market Fixtures
, Casing ,
Fplccsand Faus.iijo MakorV Machinery. 823-
KB Main st. . Council Bluff * , la. Also aouloM
n Hides and fur *
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
000 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
Of Council Bluffs. .
DlliEi-rof.n-I. A. Sllllor , P. O ato-ison , K. L
fchmiart , l B. Hart , J I ) Edmunilvm , Uh.irloi
It , llannnn Transact Uaukliu busl-
lien Largest capital anil aiirplu * ot any
tinnkln SouUiwoitorn lotr.i.
Ilijjliost cnsh prlco paid for niRs ntul
till kinds of scrap inotuls.
Country dorUorn and merchants will
find it to their advantage- commuul-
onto wltli us before disposing of t'aelr
stocks. GIL1NSKV BROS. ,
' Union Llrondwuy Depot ,
Tel. 301. Council HUills , In.
.W. / / . I'JIAMUKHi.MX , 31. It.
I'jc , Kar , None and Thront
Hpeel.tllst ,
CouncilIllulTi , lown
Horn i't' < , crcnj rjo' i
pnlnrnl nml nenkhl " . |
vnrnclic , dt'iifiiQoa , Ul < -
( haw hum the ear" , on- ,
tarrh , hay finer , nfthnri
nnd nil nento anil cluoiilo
titTcrtluni of tliu tliruul a
nocljlty. ( la'd CJIM lit-
toil wlilmnlpnln. ( ili < < u4 iircnrntuly prmcrlbeil In
illtllciilt i'n i' , olum cnrlni ; tlironlu nciir.ilxl.i anil
tick lienilnelio. HurBlciil operation1' , when nei.cs-
nary , palnloJily perfor.neil , nsMirlnx liett rebuilt
Oltlce , BhiiKiirt-lleno Wotk , room I , Council IllnUi , In
Pinley Burke. Thos. B. Otwady.
Ofllcos : J. J. Drown Dulldlns. Council HlufN.
The New Ogden Hotel , In Cou'.ialt Ulu.r-f ,
his been completed rufuruli'ioA an mo.l9'ii-
ized throughout , aiul U now on i of tha b J3t
hotels in tna state. His locatadln tha bud-
nesspartof t xo city an I tin eloatrlo m tori
pass tha door every four minutai. Kira oi-
capos ami fire alarms throughout tn3 b ilU-
Ing. Steam heat , hot anJ cold w.Uar an t
bunshlno in every room. Table un * arp wi j I
anywhere. Kates , $2.00 a dv/ .
GBO.M. WHITNEY , Manager.
All ktniUof Dying and Cleaning done In thi
Illk'ltostStyloof the Art , I'-uhnl and Htatuod
rubrics made to look in KOOI ! fti neir. Hod
I'ciitlu'ts I'loaiu'd lly Moam , In Klrst Clint
Matinor.VorUpromptlydonunml \ delivered
In all pans of the sountry b'ond for prlcq
O. A. MAOHAN. I'ron. .
101.1 Ilroadway , Northweatoru UoiioS ,
Corner Main nnl Hrovlway ,
Oralnrs In fornlijn an 1 dnmottlo xoh in
Collfutton Hindu and luleroit uld ou tUuu
_ _ _
\VANTII : ) A Klrl to do general housoHoiJl
In a family of thti'oj good waKi-a. t > " '
F III ltnVI'-lloiiM < . TJO Htiilsman "I. : JI8 poi
inoiitli. Inqulru of Cooper > V Mi-Uoe.
IJlDH SAljfj or Trtiili'A line imnortnl
1 I'lydcsdalosiallluii. Call on 1) . J. Hutch-
Insoti .V I'o. . 017 Iliiiiidvrny
_ _ _
\VANTUD-Cniniiuti'iit Klrl In family of
tx\oni iil'JIIlKli buhool avenue. Mrs. L ,
IfOK ! HAli : Two Komi lotH In WrlKht's udill-
tlon ; will lalio horses in payment. Apply
SO\li ; line losldnnco jiropuily for rent hy
Day .V ) I'oiiil str > 'ot.
1IVJK SAIiH Hotel ci'iitrnlly lovnlud , loie
-1 ? K d hiifliifs" . Or will u.\cliui : i ) for good
farm Inu'stcrn Inn a.
lloti'l Ira-Jo , fiirnlturo and ( IMnres : nn A.
No. 1 vlinncu to stup Into u KOOI ! paying InitU
iir i Itcasons fur > clllnK > oiliur buslnosi ro-
( | iihlii' , ' all owner's attention.
H.iiiHilns In loildoiu'o and hiiilnrvi prop-
orty. It. I' . Cllk'cr , loal rstato and insurance )
No. M N. .Main St. . Coiincli l
GAIIDI'.NSHomo vhnliM ) ganlrn land noa <
Council Itlnll.s for sale Diioaxy UTIIIH. a IRQ
vliu'jurilst nml a huge list of lowu farms.
Johnston , V Vim I'atten.
1POK \Ijli A line fiimlly hoisu , 7 yours old
J- this spring , nolKlH 1U.VI iioinuls , color
orrol. llroil hy Itobort Macdrctfor. Address
II. K. IliiUonhaner to Ul I ouilh btreot ,
Council llluir.-- .
HA VK cnsli custnmor for four lots lintwcim
-1st Miniaith sts. . between A\o I ) aiuMth
uvc , , J. 1' . UrrcnshlulilB , ( UU llro.utuiiy.
1/iKlMT faun forBiilo or trailo ; null located
JL1 nnd all In buarlniti goo I house and barn.
Will t iko vomo Rood elty propoitv. and good
tliiiuglvdi. on balance. Call on or address L ) .
J. Iliitclilnson .t Co. . 017 llroadway.
Tjiol KIINT The McMnhon block , o story
Jb , with biisonient and oluvalor. J. W.
Ire , 101 1'earl street.
l.n A barciiliii nu\v modern honso
JJ with all tliu Into Improvomunt-i , BO vim
rooms : will suit on u.iiy payments ; located on
the 1'lftli avenue motor lino. 1) . J. llntchlu-
hon , ( il ? llro.ulway.
FOKH.\LB or Kant airdea land , with
houiua , or J. It. Itloe. 131 Mala it , OauaaU
Bluff *
WE have just received an invoice of clothing which includes the
entire spring and summer productions ot an eastern clothing
house , The goods are cheaper than dirt , but there are too many extra
large sizes and short and fat men's suits and overcoats. We'll give you
On prices of the goods , and
We'll guarantee to fit a man even if
He weighs 400 pounds , So if
You Large Fellows
Want clothes you'd better come quick.
Our $5 and $7.50 suit table-will get another boost out of this invoice.
And when you talk about suits at $8 and $10 , the world is ours.
Out of about our two thousand 95 cent hats there are about three
hundred left , and they havn't been very good days for hats either ,
We'll get no more when they're gone.
Cause why ? hat tactories don't bust every day.
We are selling four times as many children's suits as we did a year
ago to-day.
As ever yours ,
At the old stand ,
Thirteenth and Farnam streets ,
13th and Farnam
, Omaha , Neb