THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , APRIL 24. 1891 , SPECIAL , NOTICES. ADVKKTIsr.MKSTS for these columns \i\l\ \ \ bo tnkcn until 12Xp. ! ! ) tn. . for the evening Hltlon , nnd until flsr.O p. tn. , for the morning iMtlllon nnd SuNlixr line. rpr.UMS-Casu In advance , "IJATES AiUcrtlsemrntson this pnco will bo J clmrprd for nt llm rate of l' { cents per uoirt for the llrstlnrcrtlon. nnd 1 cent iirrword for rnch nnbpcaurnt Insertion , nnd II.SO per line p ( r tnoiitli. nnlTcrt ( ) ncllt taken for Iffs limn lf > cents for the first Insertion. INITIALS , flcurcs , tiymlols , etc , , countcach r.sonn wonl. rt IirBn ndvortlscmrnts jntist mn con ecu- JL lively and undrr no clrcumstancps will tluy IP fnl > un or discontinued by telephone. "PAIII II.H mUertlsInz In tlicso column * nnd J having their animori nrt'lrt i)0I tnVnutn- 1 rrrd letter In rnro of Tnr. Ill K , will rucch o a nntnl crcd chrck tocnnblo thorn to get their * Jrtrr ( . Ansncrs will lo npll\crcd only on pri'M'ntntlon of this check , Inclose answers in cn\ dopes property addiiAscd , Al > li nd\ortl cincnls tinder thn bend of "Special Notices" lire published In both DIP tnornlint nnd ocnliiX | colllonsof Tur. HIE. HIP circulation of which nfRrepntcs more than 10.(00 papers dally , nnd plxcs tlio tuUertlscr HIP hftipflt not only of the lnrso clrrnlatlon of Tiih llvi : In Unmhn , lint : IFO In Council IllnlTs , Lincoln and othcrcltleg and towns In Ihewost BRANCH OFFICES. Ad c tIslng for thr e column * will bo taken on tin * nlxmi rend It lone , at the following busl- ne's houses who are nulliorbed to tnke special notices , at the same rales as can bo had at the main ofllee. SCH'TII OMAHA HRANCII CITICE-Na IC2II N. Street , Lister HlooK. TOHN . HELL , I'huiniaclstf2a South Tenth ( I ( ttrcet. tc EDDY. Ftatloncrs and Printers , CHASE 1 in South ICtb Rtn iU SH. rARNSWORTH , Phnrmaclst , 2115 fuming street \\r J. llt'GIIES , I'harmaclst , C24 North 10th htreot. GKO. \ \ ' . I'AllK , I'harmacKt , 1718 Leavou- wonrth street. -11 C.HEb' PHARMACY. 21th nnd rarnam. H SITUATIONS WANTED. . dc. , tcitnji of frtt column on WANTED Ity n young mnn , ago 22 years , a position as bookktepcror billing clerk ; A No. 1 nt figures and n peed writer ; 4 years eipmlencn ; Hrst-clasH city icfcrciiue , AildriMi VI ) . Ileuolllce. il 107 24' _ * W ANTED Situations for good girls ; tny waiting rooms nro always full from 0 a. m. too p. in. . Canadian Employment ollico. Illl'i S. llth. Telephone. fM. : i0 ! WANTED MALE HELP. Ivi rate * , ctf , , ttctup of fit * t column on th < ) > ige. "IV ANTED One Ilrst cla s gahanbed Iron ' cornice worker at OIK u ; good w ages and Btpiidy work. Globe cornice works , rremont. Neb. Al 4UI-2 ; * \\TANTED Six carpenters al A\erys. Neb. , 1 on I'nlon I'acllle railway , 1 miles below Poiilh Omaha. Dummy loaves foi A\er.\ . at B I'm. in. and returns atC p , m. Omaha Hy draulic Press HrlckCo. M3ffl-ri \\7 ANTED A young man w Ith some capital ' to learn harbor trade or an experienced baiber. A good chance for the right pirtv. No. 1J04 I'arnam utieet. M 473-21 * TV ANTKD Lho. energetic man , capable of ' * ropiuscntlng , n dealer , a prominent typewriter company for the nt ate of Nebraska. OOlco at Omaha. 1'irst class references nuci's- > ary. Address M 10 , lice. Al 471-74 * W ANTED A s-vlpsinnii at 2Mh and Ohio streets. Hazel Doll Nursery. AllTd 24 * \\TANTED-A registered pharmacist to T T serve an hospital steward nt the Nebraska Ho.Ulcrs' Homo ; applications with recom mendations will be received until 10 a m. May 4. 1KJL Address Captain W. 0. Henry , commandant , Grand Island , Neb. 425 23 lATEH Hangers I v. ant G good paper hang ers at 2048 S. 20th or 4.'d nnd Corby street. 420-23 * \\7AIsTED-HoylG years old und upwards ' 'to learn to make lounges. The E. M. Ilnlso Co. , 1J07 Mcholus st. 41121 * \\rANTED A packer on lounges. Tlio E. T > M. llillfe Co. . 1.IU7 Nicholasst. 410 21 * A GENTS wanted for the Manhattan Lifo Ins , Co. to represent In all lureo ton us In the Mates of Nebruxka nnd Colorado. Liberal contracts offered , Addiens No. UXi and 'MS lleo liullillni , Geo. r. Parish , ECU. m'g'r , for No- inul Colorado. G70 " \\T ANTED man to take or- ' dcrt * . Address Manufacturer P. O. box 267. . 172-m 16 \\ANTED Agents for prominent building * ' and loan company. Popular plan , good pny.etc. Call 601 MJU1-24 * \ \ 7ANTED-At oner , a Rood blacksmith , ' ' Scandinavian preferred ; hteady work. 150 , Nuwman Urove , Nob. 12B-2.1 * DKTEOTIVKS wanted In every locality to nork under our Instructions. Importance not necessary. Htamp for pnrtlculars. Wash- Inttton Detect he Agency , box 787 , Waahlnutoii , Jowa , 1JO 26 * 17 ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian ' nurseries.fat ( > nc& WellingtonMtiillson\VI.s 394 ANTED Men with good referoncoat Met ropolitan M'f'g Co. . 1UD9 Howard st. st.13LA25 ' WANTED FEMALE HELP ot iofc * . rtc. . , itetop of first column on thh rxtge W ANTED A flrnt clafcseook ana laundress ut 20H St Mary's avc. " M470 29 GIRL Wanted For general housework , Gor man preferred. Apply at 20.J3 Sow art ! at. M4 b-IS NEW Employment Ilnrenn. room 40 , Hank building , loth nnd Dodge , directly opposite llujdoii'n. Eight cooks , two second girls , din ing room girls , laundress , chambermaid , housekeeper , nurse girl and fifteen girls for housework. M 472-24 * TV ANTED A lady 40 to W yoarsof age. who T1 wants a homo and is willing to take and care for four chlldiou. youngest child 3 yours. Only u woman of uocxl Christian character wanted. Apply be tween G and 8 p. m. , at 15)0 ) N. Ibth St. Dr. J. 0. Moore. 4ti-23 ) \\7 ANTED-Glrl for general housework , 817 ' > So. lUtli St. 4i3-J3 * V\rANTED ApprontlcH girls , Dunham i ' ' James , millinery , 14U Parnaiu street. 459 23 \\rAISTED-AKlrl for general housework , t 24J1 Ilarnoy. 453-2J * \\7 A N TEIV-A competent girl in family of TT 2. Call mornings. GOt South 2Sth st. 419 \\rANTED-A first-class chl for general ' ' hoiikU work ; ymull family. Apply at 601 Pou Ih nil 11 street. M400 24 * \\rANTED A good girl for general houso- ' work. German or Bohemian preferred , lest w.isos paid. Mr * . J. i , . Ilrnndels. 7-'l S. Ji'i' I * 0. ! : M401 \v rANTKI > Chambermnld. Dim sleep at homo If she wishes. 7J4 South Mth stroot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M40J S5 \yA.NTED-Good girl ; small famliyT MJ ' i Goorgla ave. , bet. Loavein\orth an 1 Ma on wostsldoof street , 3742.1 * \\7ANTr.D-A good girl for general hnuto" work at W JS. 20th st , 37323 7 ANTED An experienced laundress Purest Hill , 1W7 S 10th street. 37U 2J \\7 ANTED Girl for hou&ouoi k , 4 In family , 1715 Oass. Kh-Sl * \l7ANTED-Lartks who have good homes , ' i wo guarantee const int homo employ ment , Interesting and profitable. Wo honestly inform those In Indigent clrcum&tHiiecs that they cannot earn nn Independent livelihood : only good pin money. Work can bo done nt homo. Every lady meaning business address , with stump , for paillculars. Ltruscan Art Co. , 28 Temple Place , lliislun. MUJ.-J. M20J-30 * STORAG'h. Fortulci , tie , , tet top nfflnl column onl/iu pt\Qt \ , CIIEAPKST and boat ntorngo for furniture. Wells , 1111 I'aniam nt. 327 BEST tracVagq und storage building In Omaha , United States government bonded warehouse. Household goods Ktorea itudcarvd for , Lowest rates guaranteed. W. M. Unili- muu. 10U-10H Lf > venwprtli. 320 STORAGE of household goods ; clean , drv place , prlvatolr toredterms moderate ; we l o Moroitovei urlug the summer , we will get tbom from Hie bouses und deliver them In iho full la good trim , Tel. Cwl 12dT Douglas. Om ha to' H p lr Works. 71 * FOR RENT HOUSES. Forratts.ete * , * etopnf firstcolumn onthli pij "TpOR RENT C-rootn cottage , 110 per month. JL ? W , P. Iloyi , R. 7 , Chamber of Commerce. 451 Co OR RENT-NOW brick S room housn. 1B17 Jnckson ; laundry , bath. gn , all conven iences. Enquire on promises or room 412 Heo bldg. 418 OIO No. 2Gth. 6-room cottage for small fam- & \\J \ \ , Inq.2.'il3 Oapltol avenue. M.Of.mU1 * 1J10H RENT Elegant 8 room house , nil mod- JL orn lmprovemcnt ! .corncr 23rd and Chicago. A pply at 1.M ) Paniain tt 420-2:1 : OI8N. 17th st. . cottngo thoroughly renovated , city water , cistern , near business. Call nf- noons. 421-24 * T1OII RENT Pour room honsr. onvenent L for family without children. 822 S isth treet. 4IV20 * " 1I1OH RENT IIou < ref 8 rooms , bay window. j cistern , cemented cellar , barn , Ac. ; JIH tier month. Inquire at ollico of snpt. of plumbing , basement of court house , Mf ! B 2'i * FOR RENT Our residence : all conven iences , on motor. Apply U. S. Elgutter , ( Ii7 I'lrst National bank. ! X > IJUJR RENT Two 10-rooin brick residences , JL ? all conveniences , Ju t comoleted , M7-.W1 Georgia ave. Rent $10.00 for first year , Ilennl- son A. llros. IM7 UEVr.NTr.KN C-It brlok houses with hath , O xowcrtiee , etc. , ' } block from Shnrman a\o. Motoron liynur Hlreet ! WO iiur mo.Vator paid. 0.1' . HarrisonOliN. V. Llfn. 'l-S 5-HOOM house , nlco yard , shadi ) trees , cltv nnd olstorn water , olivant nolsrhlxirhood , 2 blocks from Htiuut cars , nil H. 7lh a\cnue , or Doll's pharmacy , cor. llth and Mason , .KW UENT-Kttvbcn , dlnlnz room and sit ting room , nicely furnished , with 40 steady hoarder * , to parties without children. Address - dross K 1 , Hoe ollkc. 34 ! 20 * TTIOII Rr.NT Part of furnished house , only 2 JU1 In family ; will take board for rent : no ob jection to renter taUlug boarders. Call at ? I01 Douglas st. IHO 2l ! * nANrtSOMKhV ftirntslicd hoiiso on SMth avenue , all coiucnlcnces : ulsht rooms and barn ; vacant May 1. llundy & Co. . 1014 Capltnl avi'inio. IJOl-mlS 1OR HKN'l The 8-mom honso nnd barn 810 S..Ttli strpet , Li-a > enworlh. Key at I'otorson's Rtocory , 3711 Loavcnworth. M'04 iriOIl Hr.NT A 7-room lionso witli all mort- -L orn IniproveiuentH , & ) l U. 2Uth. 220 FOH HUNT A newly papered 10-room house with new range and laundry at JJ Cnpltol n\enue. InnulrciVJO Uapltol : i\cnuo or room III I Omaha National bank bulldlnc. II H. Hobismi. M 2JO-2I T7OR HI'NT 1'our 0 and 7-ioom Hats with J bath , hot water , etc. ; paved itroct ; near business ; nil iniprovcmcnts ; only ? 2T > per mo. Itcfcrcncps required. The Meade Investment Co. 44. lice building. 3U TpOK KENT April 10. ono of those plepant J ? flats In the I' . E. Her block , cor. Ibth nnd Jackson streets , lias all comerilcnces Call at 1112 Harncy street. M 9IS Foil Ill-NT May 1,10-room hou > .c. centrally located , modOMi liiiproycmentH. Inquire 712 N. 10th st. 40J TTlOIl KENT 3 looms , one lloor , 1712 Jackson Jt ; street. 317 IflOII KENT Several 8-room houses at $20.00. J. 11. Tntr , U. 15 , Chambur Commerce. M7U41M11 * FOK HKNT-n-nwm brick house. 120 S. 21th St. , all modern conveniences. Possession Slav 1. J. W. Griffith , U. I' , buadauuiters. LIST Vonrhouses for renter nalo with J. U. Cortelyou , 40 Chamber of Commerce.M10. M10. FOH RENT House of 8 rooms corner of 2. > th nnd rranklln sts , soft and hard water In the kitchenhath.newly paporedf.U ! per month. John Ilamlln. P17 S. nth at , & > 4 HOUSHri Oto 11 rooms , with all modern con veniences for lent. J. O. Cortelyou , 40 Chamber of Commerce- Mloo TTIOR KENT Houses ; all kinds. Otve us a J-1 call , liundy & Co. . 1014 Capitol in c. 740-m3 _ TN Drown biilldlnz , corner 24th and Cumlnc. JL elegant apartments of 7 and H rooms , bath , kitchens supplied with ranges und bollors. Ladles arc Invited to Inspect these apart ments. References will bo required. Enquire Citizens' Bank. " 4.U ml FOR RENT fi ana 4 room flats In the Clowry biilldlnz and Chicago sts These lints are directly opposite JofTerson square giving them a duo location. Roberts 1Gb Chicago st. U7-20 * heated flats at 700 S. 10th. Thos. I\ STEAM Hall , 311 I'axton bloolf. 3U HOUSE for rent 11-room housp.mmlern Im provements , corner 20th nnd Dodpo. noi- besslon nUen Immediately. Enqulro 40J I'.ix- ton block , M. L. Roodor. 0 3 FOR RENT Duelling. U7th and Dodge , $10. 2 store ! . ISth and Lake , each $20. 1 store , nth and Canltol , < M3. Reed & Sulby , R. 13 , board of trade. 73 IPyoi wish to rent a house or store see II. n. Cole.on Continental block. 311 100 cottages , tenement houses , flats nnd stores wanted for customers list for rent , sale or exchange , with E. K Ringer , ground lloor , 151 rarnam. 220aS3 * TjlOR KENT Ono 11-room and ono 7-room Jlioti'o , near Hlch school ; modern con- \enlencus. Tlio 0.1' . Da % Is Co. 'Mi rrHHRTIETH Avenue , between Mason and J. 1'aclllc. half block from motor , an ele&ant new brick lusldcnco of 11 rooms , bath , closets , laundry and rlstorn , largo fiont und back plara , oak floors and llnlsh , electric lighter or gas , extra well \entllutod and llelited , strictly tlrst-clnss throushont. Inquire on premises or room 44. . lice building. 814 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS For rales , ete.stetnpofflrit column on ( Tito page. ffOR RENT A nleoly furnished front room -I ? in private family ; all modern conven iences , 2709 Douglas street. M4C6-IG * flURNISHED rooms , till North 19th 1 * 4VJ-20 TWO furnished front rooms , 315 South 2Gth streot. M181 2l > * f"I1O KENT Ono elegant furnished room. X modern conveniences , f-eeond lloor ; must have references , Mrs. H. C. Moats , S2SS I'ar nam street. 424 24 * rpHE St. flair European hotel , cor. llth and JDodec , will hereafter make low rates for rooms by the wet-kor month , cither with or without board. 781 VTIUELY furiilHhcd loom , &Jper month , 100G > - > Parnam Nt. 3 J blOH KENT Nicely furnished room. gas. hath and heat. 201U Harney bt. MJOO-21 * "VTIOELY furnished rooms In private rosl- 1 > dunce ; northeast corner 10th and Howard. All modem conveniences. M2B5 23 F UIINISHED room. References 231 % Douglas. 8U 21 * 'ITIOIl KENT 1'urnlshed rooms. 1C07 Douglas JU 314 F IOU UENT rurnlabed looms. 2215 Hurt st. 104-a2l * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Par ratesetc. , tcetopof flrt column uti thts page. 1OOOMH and board suitable for gentleman nt -LV 1011 Douglas street M473 nil 1J1UHNI9HED rooms with board , 407 N. 10th. . JU I'aul block. M47720 * LAHGE furnished front room , hay window , line location with Ilrst clans table board to man and wife or two gentlemen. Mrs. buolm , 00. N. 17th st. M471-2U * fTUlKNIbllKD room nnd hoard for two , WOO "or * cek. HI So. 20th street. M < Jfl-2fa O nleoly furnUhcd rooms , with bo aid. n. e. view. 2os Norm 17th street. M4.B)2'J * ELEGANT largo Houth fiont rooms , first clasi table ; If.- ! Chicago street. 40S 24 * A HAND OMELY furnished room and boardw lib use of piano. In private family , to two ladles with good refurouccs ; $40.00 per Mionth ; 615 N 2Jrd street. 400 23 * DKSI11AI1LE rooms at the 1'reiuer. Day boarders can also bo uccomodatcd. lid N iSth btreet. 370-- ELEGANTLY and newly furnisncd rooms , tlrst class board ; also few day boarders solicited ; private family. 1722 Capitol avenue. MJ7020 * FUUNISHEl ) rooms and boird. 1023 Dodge. } | l-0ti F I OH IlENT-Rooms with board , 201 S. 23th avc. 1JULLMAN house , 1310 Dodges St , for good JL board , nlco rooms'modern Improvements , raU & location cannot bu excelled , MrUlorn , 2.irul7 FOR RENT A Urge , flnoly furnished room with board , to a man and w Ifo , The most pleasant part of city and private family ; no other boarders ; roferencet. Addresi D 47 , lice. 8U FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED For rates , ete. , ttt top of first column on this ii.tflj MAY1. Apartment * for small family , near business. No Hut , Host locality. Inquire KM Pox ton block , M 4 : _ 3 OR 4 unfurnished rooms cheap. Alt con venience * . IfUl U'avunwortli. _ : t < ft-2t : > UNPURNISHED rooms at 003 N 13th st. tlJM 34 * TpOll RENT I unfurnished roomi. suitable JL ? for hotidckeeping ! inoOorn Improvement * : 1703 Webster street. Price HSOO. MttO _ FOFrnRENT STORES & OFFICE T For rates , etc. , tee lop of flrtt colvmii on thlt page. RENT Largo storeroom and base FOR . 1013 Chicago st. Apply to H. E. Roberts nt the building. lJb- % * POR RENT A store nnd two rooms , 221 North 13th st. Inquire 6-4 S. 20th ave. M US.VM7 * l OIl RENT-Tho three-story brick build- JL Ing , 1110 Douglasstreot , suitable for wliolo- Hile purposes ftto per month. Chas , Kauf- infiiiii , l.iua Douglas B | , CU2 OH RENT The 4-story brick building , wither or without power , formerly occupied by the Ilee I'ublishlng Co , DIG I'arnani st , The build ing has a fireproof cement basement , complrto steam heating fixtures , vratcron nil the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the ofllco of The lleo. Ul" > POH RENT Or sale , my building on Jones st. bet , 10th i tltli. U.A. Llndqulst , 31CB15th. U20 ilTOHES at 700 S. 10th : sloam heat furnished. 3Thomas 1\ Hall , Jll Paxton block. Ul'l ' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. r r rates , etc. , tec top of flrtl column onthlcpaat ' for Hent rurnlshod or unfiirn- HOl'SE all modern Improvementsilccated on West llariioy streot. Inquire O.W , N. Y. Life building. M 4G4 Q.AKDEN PAHMS to rent. T. Murray. MSI ! ) RENTAL AGENCY. ferrate * , ete , , tee fop of first column nn this page. HE. COLE , rental agcncy.Coutlueutal blk. 311 TL U. IREY , rental agent , 208 N. < lfo. WANTED TO RENT. rorratcs , etc. , ere top of flrtl column on this ptge. V\7 ANTED Ily two gentlemen , comfortable tt room with all modern conveniences In private family , within one mile of postolllce. Address 1C 15 , lice ollico. 4Yi-2l * WANTED Cottngo of four to six rooms , for an excellent tenant ; will go out some dlstincc. Alex. Moore. 401 Heo bldg. Mi W-24 * \\rANTED Purnlshod house. Address 1C V > 10. Heoofllco 4232.1 * WANTED TO BUY. J'or rate * , etc. , tec top of flint column on tltts page. Saddle horso. alsodrl vine horse , WANTED bo perfectly sufn for ladles use. Address with description and lowest price to K II. lieu olllcc. M441 25' \\'E HAYE cush customer for0 room modern - ' * ern house , or desirable lot , near motor lino. Hundy & Co , 1014 Capitol avenue. MJJ.1-24 " \\7ANTED Second hand tinners' tools. G. > V H. Hiirllmrt , Yalparaliio. Neb. Si3-24 * WANTED , real estato-Any person hav- Inirblx to olzht room dwelling house with good lot , worth from twao to * 4,000. can receive quick returns by listing same with Us ; wo have several customers on hand who can pav from $100 to $1,000 cash. Smeatou & Allen , 1607 Karnam street. : m-2b ) * FURNITURE bought , soicl , stored. Wells , 1111 I'arnani street. 3.7 LOST Tor rnfex.clr. . ret top ot flnl column fin ml * rxtjj LOST In or about the Coliseum Wednesday night , small gold scarf pin , shaped like a wlshbonu , with diamond. Under will bo re- warded by leaving at Hoe ollloo. M4GD-24 LOST Itluo cow , no horns : long rope around neck. Plndcr address Geo. Parks , 17th _ and Missouri avenue , South Omabu. 4" > G-2J * Small purse containing CO and caid LOST 1 name of "Mrs. N. G. Phdps. " Re turn to 1702 Parnam st. and receive rpwurd. THAYED Light fawn English mastiff , heavy In whelp , name cnitravcd on collar , nolle. J. H. Day , Jr. , Saybrook , Conn. ; will pay suitable reward for her return to E. L. Marston. 3h40 Decutur street. Orchard Hill , or address care Pacltlo Express Co. 1141723 * T OST A small diamond clover leaf scarf JL. pm between i-outh L-Hh and South uOth streut" . Plndor Icavo at E. D. Prank's. 70.J irouth 29th street and claim reward. M4.1S 21 * LOST About a week ago , a dark brown DOG water spaniel with white breast , wearlnz a brown leather collar , nickel trimmings and brass padlock. Finder will bo rewarded by returning to 12.11 8 2stli street. 41G-2i ! * FOUND. rorrnlcs , etc. , seetop of first column an this page FOUND On Park ave. , a diamond scarf pin , Owner can have same by calling on . ) . E. DIetrlck. architect , DOG N. Y. Llfo , and nrov- Ing property. 445 3 * FOUND A purse with money Wednesday. Oall at 513 N. IHth Jtroot. M 201-24 * FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. For ratct , etc. , tee top of flrtt column on this page. 1710 R SALE Household goods and carpets , JP 312 South 18th street. 41 > 1 SALE The furnlturo of 0-room flat at FOR a bargain ; Hat for rent If desired : No. 4IG So. 15th streot. Mumaugh & Kltchctt , 1501 Howard street. M41) OR SALE Lease and furniture of brick hotel. 40 rooms , 11 ro bov and good business. Enquire J. U. Evans , 30d N. Y. Life. 414-23 F 8AJ.iE Furniture of a 10-room Ilonsn for rcut. Inquire 10V ! Dodge. 2u9 HOR SALE Purnlturo of 7-room flat. Ad- 1 dress J ( II. lloo otHce. 2113-24 * FOR 5AL HOR&ES WAGONS ETC. Fonates , etc.seetopof flrtt column onf/ilx page. FOR dALE A young family liorsc also box buggy. 1713Cassst. 45J FOll SALIA line , well broke , gaited sad dle here : perfectly gcntlo for lady young ana good color. Address , K14 , lice. 4M 20 * FOH SALE I'lno black paolne hoi > e ; has record 2:28 : ; any lady can drive hlmj no is kind and gentle ; rubber trimmed harness ; also good load wagon , cheap at $ 0(1.00. ( Also span of black ponies , platform buggy and double sot of harness for $110.00. C.ill 0 p. in. nw. corner 25th and Tranlclln streets. M.WG 24 * FOU SALK-Diu Ilnest carrlotr" horse In Omaha , 7 years old , wnlght 1,2. > 0 pounds nny lady can drUolilm. InoulroufO. H , 1' . Hale. 200 lleo Lldg , or Wood's llvury barn , 14th and Howard. MJ71 HOUSE auction every Saturday.2 p. m. , at 1'loneer btablcn , l.HU and Ilarnoy. Hordes wagons , harness , etc. Iluynrs ana sellers should attend these sales. H , Homan , 1'rop. U. Wells , auctioneer. 3.V ! FOIl SALE Cheap Nlco slao-bar buggjIn good condition. Used ono year , A. W. Serlbner , U. I' , headquarters. 171-Z1 * FOH SALE Handsome. Now York hand made , eqnaro box buggy ; used ono sum- in er. r. H. Salmon , 1'aoilio hotel department , Utli and Jones. CIO HOHbiS : for sain. Stallions In scrtco at Stlllmiterstoakfarni. bend forcataloguo. II.J.Kendall , room 40.1 lirowu building , Omaha. 504 Ml FOR SALE COWS. Fornifre , etc. , tte tnji of flrtt column on Uiti page. HAVE always on hand a lot of first class milch cows for sale or will trade for dry ones al burn. S. E. corner 10th and Leaven- \uirth. S. J. Montgomery. MIS ) Mis * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Korra < , tic , , tee top of flrtl column onthlspige , FOR SALE A largo safe , cheap. Address , Ilex 77 , Postotllco. 3S l M2U * T71OH SALE Nursery stock. P. R. Martini JL1 3rd bouse west Deaf and Dumb Institute. . 312-20 * WANTED A purchaser for the furniture , fixture * and loasn of a restaurant centrally - trally located and paying patronage. Address N. I * . I'oll. lleo olllcc. AI10UTOO feet of good lawn hoio forsalo at a bargain , with patent nozzle coupling , etc. , complete. Address J CO , lieu oHlce , 204 T7IOK SALE An elegant flro proof hate with JL ! burglar cheat. I'lill atluunul , Oil Jouu St. . Omaha , Neb , Oil IT you want to soil or exchange city prop erty , farms , wild lauds , Ilvo stock , bank or other stock * or merchandise , ten IS. K. lllnger. ground floor * 1S19 Faruam. MISCELLTfREOUS. For rates , tte , , Kttnp nffint column on thU pagt , ENoilAVlNO WiM .hak , etc. UHshaiK SffiSl N itrsa ; . South Olnaha. M4U2S _ " \\7ANTr.D-To trade n New England orBan IT for a good family , horse nnd buggy , will pay ( llfleroncc. Addrq * 1' . O. Ilex No. JPV 412 2I * _ lia _ MI. 9MAYiU. : yOflSnWley hk. choropiMllst tnanlcuro , best equipped Indies' halrdross- Ing department In tlinMt . Ladlcs'linlrbleiu'h- liigchlldrpn'slinlrcuttliiKstK'clany. M2i lMH' Jit. SMITH , the expert acconntnnt , room HO. N. V. Life building , Omnlm , Uis instructions In booUkr plng and anslsts tn procuring situations. _ M21M-2J * II. HATTIEM ) . P. Rrror. nth nnd Douglas sts. 1'ractlco limited to diseases of women. _ _ _ _ _ M rmi M < * EKMOYAtj-Aiitlqtiitrlinbook gtoro remoxcd to 422 S. 15th st. , near Howard , Karhaohhlk 17SM1C * _ _ I > AbTtMULnrco blno grass pasture nt Hello * uo und Elkliorn City for rent. 11. T. Clarke , room II' ' , board ot t ratio. 1C ! MIC _ nVll ) door and window scrcensgct Hamilton -L llros. prices ; carpenter jobbing done on short notice ; 411 S lath street , Tel. 1179. p-M Mia _ MAfcSAOKtroatmont.cloctro-thermal baths. scalp and hair treatment , miinleuro and chiropodist. Mri.l'OsUUOH S. 15tbWlthnclI blk WILLIS COY. house mover. 613 South 17th street , and U tfouth 25th avenun. lJ8-May2j * FINANCIAL. For rates , ett. , HC top of flrtt column on this page. TTIIUST mortgages on vacant and Improved JL city property. County and city warrants wanted. 1. M. Klcliardson.813 N. V. Life. .Ml MONEY TO LOAN RbAL EbTATE rorratc * , ( tc. , tectop of flat column OH tltli EASTHHN money to lonn at very low rat .in H. 11 Iroy , 2JON. Y. Life. MJI.S FI11ST and second mortgage loans , Alex Moore , 401 lleo bldg. S9--2S * MONEY to loan Low rate of Interest , least possible dolav. fchrlver i O'Donalioo. l.'itli sticot , opposite the postolllco. M.jC-2o ( MONEY to loan on first tnoitgago real es tate security. United btates Loan and In vestment company , G01 lleo building , Omaha , Nub. M721 mil MONEY on unimproved or Improved city property low rate of interest from private investors ? . ll. \\ebstor , WI N. Y. Life. 125-M1S * MONEY to Loin Omaha nnd South Omaha , from WJO to 150.000. German Sav ings bank , Commorclal National bank build ing. 747niH 01IEAI' Money n Ha Mortgage and Trust , Co. , wants gilt odpo loans. Geo. W. 1' . Coatcs. , 7 llo.ird Tr.ido 061 MONEY to loan on Improved Onuilia real est-ite. JiOUS. llth strcut. Al.W.'AM * MONEY to loan on Improved city property at current rates ; funds on hand ; no de lay. Geo. P. Ultist A : Co. 201 Rnmgrt bln'g. 3T > OE. & . C. M. Ai.thon > v118 N.Y.Ltfo building lend money on farms In choice counties In Nebraska nnd Iowa , also on good Omaha resi dence property : lowest rates ; Oost terms : no delay ; money icady Titles and values passed on here. 334 BUILDING loans ( I to7 per cent ; no addi tional charges for commission or attorney's fees. W. U. Alelklc , Tlrst National bank bld'g. 3.C MONEY to loan on city property eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms ; lowest rates. List your property for sale or exchange with C. P. Ringer , ground lloor 1519 Parnam. 221a23 * MONEY to loan. Midland Guarantee and Trust Company , 1C14 Parnam street. M7M PRIVATE money to loan. J. D. 2lttlo , 014 N. Y. Llfo. JJl ORTGAOE loans wanted. McCaguo In vestment company. 701 MONEY on hand to loan on Improved or un- ImprovoU property. Chas. W. Ralnev. Omaha National bank bldg E44 M 1 * MONEY to loon on Omhlia property. Pldcl- Ity Trusucompany. 1614 Karnam. 273 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned oil fuflilture. Ilvo stock , etc. . from 1 to 3 months , without publicity : lowest rates. DutT Green-room 20 , Continental block. s M440 iu22 loans at lowest rates , 023.N. Y. \JL\tu. \ 1C. A. Morris. aSl-M20 * _ /1IIATTEL 310 S. r > th st. loans inonoy \Jou chattels or collateral at reasonable rates MONEY to loan by II. I' . Masters on chattel and collateral securities for any tlmofrom 1 to U months , In any amount to suit bor rower. Loans inado on household goo * .pianos , or gans. hordes , mules , houses , foa > cs , warehouse receipts , etc. , at the lowest rates possible with out publicity or removal of property. My loans aru so arranged that you can make n payment of any amount at any tlmo and reduce both principal Und Interest , If you owe a balance on vour property or have a loan you want changed , I will nay It ofT nnd carry It for you. If you find It more convenient , call up telephone No. IG-'l and your business will bo arranged at homo. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates B. K. Masters , Room 4 , Wlthnell blk. , 15th and Ilarnoy sts. 330 CLAIRVOYANT Ferrates , rtc. , see top of first column onthts page. MRS. DR. DE SAN may bo consulted at her parlors on all affairs of life , buo Is acolo- brated business medium and has a reputation throughout the world for accurate and truth ful readings of the past , present and future events of your life. livery hidden mystery ro\ealed ; lielos all who are In trouble ; never falls ; gives advice on all points of Interest , business transactions , love nlfalrs , family troubles , slock speculation , lawsuits , absent friends. lottery numbers , lucky days , inter- pruts dreams , locates diseases , hidden treas ures and stolen goods ; restores lost affections , brings thu heparated tpsothor , makes speedy and nappy marriages wltn the ono you lo\o by proper advice ; tells if the one you love Is true or false ; gl\os lucky Roman-Egyntlan talisman to help all out of trouble ; perfect satisfaction guaranteed by mail ; send two stamps for Illustrated circular. 322 North 151 li street , Omaha. 819 Mil * MRS. WALLACE , clairvoyant ; naturally gifted ; tolls past and future , love troubles , absent friends , changes , travel , busi ness. 1.W8 rarnam street. 004 20 * MRS. TORT , palmist fortune teller , tolls east and future from lines of the hand In old gypsy wayjladics only ; tooil.lKH1 ; N.24th. AI20li-2Ti * I ASSAGE-Madam DcUIor , over 010 S. nth. L G58.M G * MllS. Nannlo Y. \ nrron , clairvoyant , franco " .Doaklng , writing and reliable business medium , four yeirn : In Omaha. HUN. ICtli. XS PERSONALS. For trims , rtc. , we top of flint column on t/im jxiye PKUSONAIr-A nlcr 'Voiing man of good liablts wanted for NUiininatu , clerk pre ferred. All conveniences , central location and reasonable. Address , K. , 17 , lleo otllce. " 5 M407-24 * YOUNG widow would like to form the acquaintance A quaintance of anc61derlv gentleman of means who is willing tn assist her In a Having GA . Address , K IU , lice 417 21 * G ENTLEMAN would IJko to form acquaint ance of young ItulT.-ttAddrcbS 1C 4 , liee. b J , y < ! j 25 * O\V Old Are YouJiKrsons 81 years old or over , who have , rf > > ildod In Oinalm for some time , are respectfully requested to cor respond with the undersigned , llesldcnco should bo stated , bubjiy s of mutual Interest will ho discussed and , ! a widely of genial hplrlls may bo organlfon. Address 11J. II , Hoom COO. lleo bulhlln ? , vHy. MUbIC ART ANU LANGUAGE. rorratcs , etc. , ttetop offtiyL roliiiyiu on this pvjs G EO , r Uollenhcck , teacher of the banlo , \\lln lli)9.e. | 151J Douglas. iw BEl'OIlK buying a piano oxamlno the new scale Kiinball piano. A. Hosuo.lAU Douglas. FOR EXCHANGE. PorralM , etc. , teetopojfrit column on thtsjtage. " ' * " ELirdANT coruor , OxUj'7oetr"ffanscoiii I'lace : good olght room house , clearof en- rumbranuo : both streets jiavcd. Will trade for brick block and assume encumbranves. Address 1C 0 , lloo. 4J7 2s * \\rANTED-rorgoodolenr olty lot a high 11 grade safety or byclclo. Address J , 10 , lloo. H.'i OLKAN gcnaral stouk of ninrcliandlso for farm and money. Ilex 2U3 , I'runkfort , Ind. ' JW * T WILL trade good olour lot worth J.'OO and 4-takogood upright plauo as part payment. Addrckt I'Si , lloe. l t > BUSINESS CHANCES. ror rates. ttett top of flrtl column on lh ( pigt. FOK SALE Mr lntc.rc t In nodn witter busi ness or will trade for real ostnUi or ! 4 Interest In saloon with transient tniili' . ( "oe- gllis. 1U1A tf. IBtll st. M470-23 * HOTEIj Portland. Ore. , centrally located , SObedronins ; hotel completely furnUhrd ; well known house : business long established i large BUiady hoarder trado. uxcellent tran- nlcnt patronage ! housu now clearing from WOO to fAX ) per month. Three years' lease , rent $ .LVI per month , furniture complete , lousoand business. fl.VX ) . Reason for selling , III hualth. This is ono of tlio best piylng "ono dollar n dav" houses In the city , ravor- able terms to responsible party. Addrvan David D. Lynch , Portland. Ore , 3U2I * * poll TKADC or Halo The Hawley house. JL ? North 1'lattc , Neb. , will take clear land or other property. Address John Hawlcy , North Pintle , Nob. tj9-3 * "ITlOlt SALIrumllure , fixtures and lease of JL u restaurant ecntrallr located. Can bo bought VITV cheip. For particulars address N. V. Fell , lloo ollico. T710II SALE-Slock of fancy goods und no- JL' tlons , or will exchange for clear property and cash , Iloom 17 , Chamber ot Commerce. M 2UI-2I * LACK9MITH and wagon altop , with dwoll- Ingi hplcndld loo.itIon ; wrlta for particu lars ! reason for sfllllng , poor health. Tapiio llrothers , Verdon. Nob. MKlnils * ONE hundred cash will buy two room house and bain , with Icaso of lot on cable line. Call at 1'JIS Douglas at. 212-21 * FOH SALE Confectionery store nnd rcs- tauFant. centrally lee itod nnd ono of best stands In ult.v i paying well , llest of rcnsons for selling. Cheap If taken at onco. Address J 17 , lice. MI4124 * "IT OIl SALE A good paying cigar business ; JL ? good reason ( 'lveif forsolllnz. J 4slleu ollico. FOll PALE furniture and undertaking bufdncxs In a good town , with or without store building ; uart cash , balance gilt edge paper or cleir real estate ! Invoices about } Wi J. Uox 94C. Lincoln 4KI FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Forratn , tte , , $ ce topof flrtl column on this paj "I7IO11 SALE-Extra bargain Choice 00x120 , JL ? with building ; rents 1100.0) per mo. ; onu block from now P O. U. K Urcon , 1147 , Ilar- ker block. U4u FOK SALE Iluslnes ? lots , residence lots , acre property. Loins at fi and 7 nor cent , by John Jl block 4oO-tO POH SALE A beautiful In nobby Kount/.o place ; Interior finish oak and bird's eye maple. Inlaid floors , hot water ho it , every modern convenience. In short , a model home. Como and see IUV. . tl' . Hoys , H. 7. Chamber of Commerce. 4 * > 4 2. > SNAP In Oiclmrd Hill , DOxlM , JuM off Hamil ton St.00 cash. Neat cottage and full east front lot In llanscom I'lace , elegant shrubbery and trees , J.IJWO. llargaln In Tarnum street lot cast of Lowe avenue. Iliitehlnson k Wead. 1524 Douglas st. 417 24 A position for an active man with J" > ,000 to Jlii.flPOIn Investment banking business. Ad dress 1C 12 , Iteo otllce. M4IJ FOIl SALE Dodge nnd 10th st , N. W. cor. with flvo buildings , rented. Will sell this lot entire or In parcel upon emy turms. 1IOIJSK AND LOT. 25th St. 7-room brick jn-WO-OO Dnpont Place , Grooms 2.200.00 Mill St. , 0 rooms a.600 00 IlHh St. . 0 rooms 4,00000 Dorcas St. , 0 rooms . 4,000.00 Lake St. , ft rooms . 0,500.00 bm i11 house , full lot , near H.inscom i'aik . 1,900.00 AMES HEAL EsTATE AOENCY. MJCl 1507 Tarnam street. _ "IPOIl SALE Elegant furnished house 0 rooms JL ? very cheap , hplendld location , cheap rent. Terms , part cash , part board and room. In- qulro aViTi bl. Marys acnno. . _ 3J7-2J * T710H &ALE A great bargain. Full lot and JG mom rottago , all In nice sbapo , $1.700. Cash $500. Walnut UIH add. llonawa & Co. M 303-24 _ FOR SALE Soutuvvcstcornor 23th and Cali fornia streeto , 1'CxlU foot , opposite Crolgh- ton college ; elegant location for stores and Hats. A. P. Tukey , New York Llfo. 025 A TEW HOUbEh forsalo that ; tire bargains In location , building , price and terms. On Hamilton street high , beautiful location , about 100 feet from motor car , four modern , well built houses , each with bam. that are In sured at $4,2.V ) each. Lots good width and dcnth. Will bo sold upon easy terms at the following prices : ro.500 oo. iti.0' ' > o.oo. 97,000.00. $7,500.00. These buildings will stand the closest Inves tigation and are aa good value for the money as you can find today In the cltv of Omaha. AMES , 1507 TARNAM STREET. On I'tu mini and 42nd street , a very pretty frame House and barn , full lot : can bo bought for $7/iOO 00 iinon very easy payments. In KonnUo Place wo have some especially desirable residences , and near Park ave , on a paved street , one of the most complete mou- 11 rn cottage houses of seven looms tlmt can bo found In any eltv. This place will bo sold to the right parties at a bargain. In addition to the above \vo have the largest and best selected list of desirable residences cvorofTored for sale In this city. Competent salesmen arc always ready to show you prop erty nt any tluio. want to cot a homo at a cost of from 81,500.00 to $ , ' ,000 f)0 ) , and havcS'iOO.OOtopay In cash , wo will build you a house , furnlsti the lot nnd give you three to Ilvo vearin which to pay for tlio nlacc. This property Is In the city and reached by motor cars AMES1 HEAL ESTATE AGENCY , 1507 1'arimm street. 107 FOR SALE On easy payments , house sl\ rooms , nnd barn ; lot UOxlU on Ersklno street. W. ti. Ryan. 1205 Fnrnnm street. 228-24 KOUNTZE Place Hargalns 2 modern liouses.8 and ! ) rooms cactiprice. $ o,533 to $0,530 , * JOO cash. * J5 per month for 2 years. WO per month for 2 years. $15 per month for 2 years. Balance 7-yoar tlmo , o per cent. J. J. Olbson. solo agent Kuuntzo PlaceRoom 3. Orclghton block. 221 WANTED 1'or cash , ono section smooth prairie land , south of Platte rlvorlu Ne braska. Address A. 11. Colcman , Dlller. Neb. 212-2 * E1OH SALE An elegant now ! ) -room dwell ing , all modern conveniences , largo falli ble , cast front , Hist awenuo near rarnam , will bo sold cheap , no trade , bhrlvor k O'Donahoe. 15th street , opp. the poslolllee. M2U > -5 " 17M-JU > 'ALE llcautlful acre adjoining Oen- J ? tral Park addition A bargain ut i > JW , $400 cash. Four room cottage and 30 ft. lot , south front on bewartl st. . $1,350 , $ s50 cash. Six room cottage now , finished In hard wood , city water , sewer , etc , cast front , well lo cated , for * 2,7TO. * .SO cash , balance $ J" > rcr month. W. 11. lloiunn , Rooms 8 and 10 , 1'ren- 7er block. M897 25 TIOR SALE Ilrlggs Place lots on motor lino. JL ? Also acre property. U 51 , Hlchardt > on. 818 N. Y. Llfo bldg. I * , . ! FOR SALE The most comfortable 8 room modern housa In the city , every conven ience , bath , gas. electric bells , furnaco. laun dry , etc. Largo stable , room for 4 horses , city water in Mablc , concrete floor , full lot In l.alf mile limit , convonlont to 4 lines ot cars , simile trees , etc. Price 810,030. Address V 2J , Heo ofllco. 4US SALE A nlco home , L'4th and Lcavon- JU worth ; now , price low , and tonns accom modating. Uoa W. P. Coatcs , representative. 7. Hoard ot Trade. 000 Mill FOH SALE ' /j aero trackano property cheap , 16th nnd Williams. A. Ploulor , N. W. Cor. 13th and Williams sts. ir/l M10 * BARGAINS ! HargitliH Ollleo open every night. Star Loin and Trust company , first lloor N. Y. Life building. Mill Mli * CORNER IfDlh und Ames lOlxl.1 ? . price $1.030 ; perfect title. Addicss C. R. tjhuvv , 47T > N ItOtli. M Jj2 * "TpOR SALE A flno Improvoa farm of 20J JL1 acres ; 1JO under cultivation ; shade treos. fruit , windmill , agon scales , etc ; 100 miles vtcbtofOmulm ; JJOper uora Addrcs O 4Slli'e. OsO FOR SALE Quarter section land , two miles from bprlngileld , Saipy county : eighteen miles from south Oumhu. John J. IColley. St. Joseph. Mo. M7'rt m'J * „ . - . . SALF , Lntri 1 and 2 , hlk 9 , Hrlggs' JL ; Place add , price UWO. Ennulio of G. H Davis , bt , ClalrEuiopean hulol. 7BJ TTIVE-room houses In Orchard Hill , JI.50000 -L each on monthly p-iymonts. Thomas. P. Hall. 311 Paxton blk. iKJ FOR BALE R room house , modern Improv- ments , 1 block from motor , church und school. Only , MX > .00 ut 1311 South 2Qth st. M1W-31 * irOR SALE- Pour brlcic houses and lots , , and JL- three frainu houses and lots. Small cash piymi'ntand balance to suit. J. W. Harris , Gorman American Savings bank. 231-24 IP you want to soil or exchange city prop erty , farms , wild lands , Ilvo stock , bank or other KlooUs or merchandise too K. 1' . Ringer , ground lloor , 1511) ) Parnnni. 222aJi * " 171OH Sou th Oinalm property 1iustnonstrack- JL ? agoor rusldonco EO totha loidlnit real os- tatodonlerx In South OtuiUiu , Kd Johnson .t Co. , cor , th and N its , FOR SALE REAL ESTATb , M J'or rattn , tte , , tte top of flrtt column nn this page. "I7IOH SALE 0-room house , all modern eon- Jvenlcnces ; corner lot ; very chain ntlS.003 ! terms to unit. Addtess K 12 , Iteo ollico. M4II "JjlOH SAL1X100 acres land 2 miles west ot JL ? city ItinlU , to olosu an citato. The O. I1. Davis Co. PfOM14 1IRIVEH .v O'Douahoe. real estate and In * surancc. Homes raid on monthly pay ments , special bargains ( tn good residence lo- CHtlons ) ki cash purchaser * . 15th street , op- poilto tlio P. O. M2QC-J5 TIIWO first class residence properties near JLhlgh hchool , owned by non-resilient , wilt ho sold before May 1st to thn highest bidder. Room 20 , i'renzer block , opposite P. O. ljt : 120 ueros line farming land adjoining good Nebraska town ! nearly olear. 1GO acres tlnolv Improt eil land 2' ' | miles from county seat In Nebraskalightly ; encumbered. 120 acres good land In .Nebraska,5 miles from county seat ; 2VK ) tnfiabltunta. House ami lot In town In Kansas ; Clear lot In good Nebraska ton in 4-room hou o and lot , barn , well and cistern , Ifttli street , Omaha ; slightly encumbered ; will trade for Omaha proper ! v und axsume encum brances. H. K. Cole , Continental block. WO MASSAGETBATHb TC. , ( tc. , tee topnf flrtl column on ( hit page , M DoUler. over 010H ! llth.U . U * MM M FASSAOT. b-ith at Madame Smith's p irlor * . ad lloor , 4'W H. IMh streot. Wl-2,1' HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. J'orriiM.c/c. ( / , tcctovofjint riittimn on Oili itauc. BEST line hnlrtroods In west : hair dressing , wigs. 8ulcie-i ( ! , bang * , hair chains , etc. , a specialty Darles , lialr goods and tnllllner. opiKislto poslofllce. 111 S 1'tli St. . Omaha. : ill FOR RENr--WARc riOUSd. I'flrrattf.tte. , see tup of first column on tlilt piyf TTlOIl IENT Brick warehouse , two stories ; JLA lilsli li'iMMnent , bydraullc elevator , track- ago ; bust location In city , A. lI'owell. . .121 PATENT SOUCirOHS. L'onateirtc , , itc ( opo/JIrst rimmn on this pie 13ATENTlawyers and sollcltors , O.W Sues * Co. lleo building , Om-ilia. Itr.uicli ollico at Washington , 1) ) . U Consultation free. : iw 17 > NGAOEMENTS to do dressn aklng In fam- J-yilloa solicited. JlUs faturdy. 2U10 Harnev M. . ttfnrt * PAWNBROKERS. , etc , rertnpjif flrtl rohiinnon lhf lRUU Mohle.s. e.cor. I'lirnam i. llth , RRILWRY TIME CHRD I.unvcs jCHICAt.O. lllTliTlMt'lON A. y. , Arrl e ( Jnnlin. I Depot lOlli anil Minon Bts I Onmlin. 4 U ) p in UilriKoiTxprro . 8JMnm 11611 u m Clilcnito Kxin | > H3) ) 1 > m U 10 ( i m ClilcsiRO i\iirem : 100'ipni ( IMliro Iowa Local 1800 m\e UlLMtl.lM.lUN A MO III VKH. , ArrtTe ; Onmha. | Depot lUtli nnd Mq on 8t < I Uninlia To euro Biliousness Sick Iloadacho. Constipation. Malaria. Liver Complaint * , tnkn the solo and certain remedy , SMITH'S BILE BEANS U60thoBJALL8IZE(40 ! little team to fho Dot- tie ) . TLcy are tlio most convenient : bull oJlaijui lrlceot cither tlio , US cenM per bottle. KISSING nt7 V > nfh"to irrnTuro. . , * * * I'onolsUoof UiU ploturu for 4 eenta ( coppers or fcU.mi > ) . J. F. SMITH & CO. Makers of "llllo lloans. St. Louis Mo ALL THE WORLD THEKE IS BUT ONE CURE DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It call bo 01vrn In a rup of rulf ur t u , r In ur * Mtloft uf fuuilTitbout tse kiu > wledco ot ilic > patient X ntoeuirr. Ill * ab olulolr barmlcH and will client a permanent and fpeody euro , whclbtr the patient in noder ftto drlakor or au aloobolio wreak , i r > K \ K It i A M.S. It operatoe to quietly and with > uch oer- t inty that the petleni undoreoea no ttioonveulenoe and era he u ew re , hie complela relorwntlca le etli-otcJ. 48pmceboolLotpiirtl < ! ul > refroo UoCrhadD KUI1N tc CO. , 19th ee DoujiUieSi Uih K CummieUta r/"lr a euppllod by u'\KE. DHUCK & CO. ud JuOHAKDSON IHltfO CO..Om Ii. ( SonorrhncH , < llft-t and I.ftti-iirrliovt eurud ln2dnyH by the I'loncli Hemi-dy on titled HID KI NJ. ( HdUsohf. agalnHt and Is nb < .orbed Into tno tnllamed pin tt Will refuni inonoy If ll does not euro or eiuises tttrictiiru CiuntluiiKin , here Is a rotlabln nrllcle. Hi piukavn or 2 for f" > per mall prnpald. MuCoi mlek i'c Lund , Omaha ; 0. A. Melchor , How art .Mnveis and E J. i < oyliora. Sou Hi Oimili ; A 1) ) . I'0-.torand M. 1 * . Ellis , Council IllnlTs. TYPEWRITERS xiirn or- TUX x N'chrnnkn. Arlington claims tUo distinction of having a haunted house. Tboro Is not a vacant rosltlonco at MllforJ nrt the demand Is for more house * . ' 1 hlrty-flvo seeders for sowing sugar boou ro nt ivork In iho Holds near Norfolk. H. Plnlmor , n ColcrldRO blacksmith , roppod u plowshare on tils foot , severing his bin too nnd severely cuttlnjf nnotbor. Burglars broke Into the Creltjhton donot , > ut the aish drawer wns empty and the lilcres fnllcd to secure anythln of vnluo. Samuel Brlttalu , n farmer ninwood , s necUHca by his \vlfo of boating her cruelly nil turning her out of doors. She will apply or tv divorce. A St. Ilcrnard dog nt HoldrodRO attacked ml badly lacerated nn old liuly named Mrs. forlln. She was insensible ror some time , ml Is now tci'overltiK. Ki-omont boasts of bivliiR had ns a visitor ho only man In the \\orld who could touch ho end of nis nose with the point of his el- raw. His immo U Leo nml \\nsoiilyoii- - nbled to accomplish the feat by having a part f the bono of bis left iirm removed. A strange and snvnpo bnttlo occurred nt ho farm of William Dommor on Sprint ; Iranch , three miles north of the city , sajs ho Norfalk News. One of his dogs 'espied wo Httlo itnlmnls on the bank of thoorouk md nfter watching them awhile csught and tilled both. Mr. DOR after examining them 'loscly decided that ho had captured two ouiij ; otters , and before ho hud Un shed figuring what the hldos wcro vorth the old otter npiwnred on the sccna and immediately tnckieu the canine , whoso cries noon bronchi tiU nmto. llut the otter vn8 too much for thorn , ami In cxactlv three minuteby the \vntch had one dead dog strotclicd forth on the sand and the other leclnp for his Hfo and yelling with the pain of his vvoumls. It mis , bouovcr , a tempo rary victory for the otter , for a man soon lispatcbod the animal with a club and pitch ork. The otter wa * an exceptionally largo specimen , measuring moro than three feet. Kev 11. K. Miller , pastor of the Swedish . .uthoran chnrcti at Oakland , has resigned on account of III health and wilt engage lit uows- taper worn. _ louu. N. S. Klmball of MltthcUvlIle , a brother of Vice President Klmbill of the Hock Island road , died Wednesday of bplnal disease. A wicck occniTCd on ttio Mllwaukco near Mystic , caused by n landslide. Sixteen tars vero thrown from the track , but no ono was njurcd , It took llftecn bouts to clear the wreck up and got the track in condition for trains. Morse was frigbteneil half to death by the ravines and outbreaks of u young man named frank Dish , who leccntly canio to this coun- , ry from llohcinia. Ho went cra/y , and wont caring along through woods and Holds , bare- loaded and barefooted. When he got to Oasis ho corralled nnd taken to Io\\a City. The wife of Peter Croughan , n mechanic , : tcd ! to commit sulcido nt Cedar Unplds by umplng off May's island into Cedar river. tier husband was near and Jumping in saved : ier. She narrowly escaped arowning , hav ing got into water up to her neck , 'iho couple have not lived pleasantly , and she \vas subject to ills which unlulanccd her mind. A verdict for $1,000 damages was rendered l > y n Jury in the case of Owen Hughes vs the r.iilmjid rnmnnnv nt. Mnruhnllfmvn. Wnllo drawing across the track last Septem ber Hughes was run into by the train , being thrown some dlstanco nnd sustaining quito painful injuries. His wagon was demolished , i'bo award was made on the ground that the railroad crossing was defective. The com pany will appeal. A company has been formed for tbo manu facture of class at Lchigh. The company is made up of Corey & Sons , 'J' . D. Ksllck and H. W. Koss of Lchigh , and a couple of glass manufacturers Irom Plttsburg. A rlcb deposit - posit of glass sand has been discovered on the Corey land nt a do nth of 120 feet. The vein Is twenty feet thick. A shaft will bo sunk at once and a largo glass manufactur ing plant put in this summer. The Indians with the Kickapoo medicine company made things exceedingly lively at Shcfllcld the other night. They were crazed with drink , and when their supply was ex hausted pandemonium began. They tool : their war clubs and knives and proceeded to do up tbo town. Tbo autborltios and citizens were utterly unable to control them , nnd assistance was sent from Hampton. With their aid pcaca was restored. No ono was seriously hurt. All lor Sister. How much ironey bavo I got in my bankl Forty-flvo cents , stranger only want ilvo cents more. What will I do then , stranger ! seosistorlias such a terrible cough , nnd people say It will bo bad on her if she don't get better boon , and tbo folks toll mo nailer's sure cough syrun will euro It right up ; so jou sec ilvo cents ] Thank you , stranger. Wo desire issues of thoMouxiNO BttK of November 3 and December 2 for odr files. Anyone having1 n copy of cither of these mumbora will confer a favor upon this ollico by mailing them to Robert Hunter , 13eo ofllco. April Wcatlier Predictions If a pock of Mnrch i'ust is worth n kind's ransom , and April showers brintj forth May flowers , is it not right to pre dict that every day in the month the oloctric-lightedstoam-hoatedvcstibuled limited trains of the Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul railway will continue to run on tlio phort line between Ornah-v and Chicago. The electric reading lamp in every berth of their palace sleeping ears is their own patent and cannot bo Ubed by any other company. ' Ticket olHco , 1501 "Furnam street , Omaha. THE IIU.ILTV MAHKKr. TNSrHUMKNTS plueoU on record April 23. WAHIlVSTr DSBDI Albright land and lot comp my to Mack Hancock ut ill. trusties , lots 15 und 10. blk J , sub lot. ! ( > , AIhrlghtsC'holco. Rudolph Iluul nndlfu to Rudnlp Itoul company , loto. lilk V , Lowe's add . . . 4,000 K II Hoggs lo II J Kloko , lots ! ) and 4.blk U , Oiniiha VIow. . . , U.ODO n O Clark to A O Poster , ion 7 and 6. blk 2. Albrights Annex 2.WX ) W 11 Uhrlstlo und wlfo to It I ) Slaughtoi , lotsH nndu , blk 10 , KounUt ) I'lacti . 12 , ! > JO I'lclollty trust company to V , ' II Uushcll , lot I1. ' , lilk 1 , Uawtliorno ndd . . 2,503 W U liutos anil wlfu toS P Smith , lot s , blk 1' , Snundorsi Illmebnull's add , and lot : i. IjlU n , Saundcrs Si Hlmo- baugh'h add to Walnut Mill UOOO 0.1 George and wlfo to , lot 10 , blk IS. Clifton Hill I 1.000 Mack HiuiLock ot ulto.M Hiiles oi nl.lots niuid 10 , IHk I , sub lot so. AlhrUht's Cholco . . . . I.VW A E Lomnx toC II Havens , lot 5 blk 3 , Hai oem Place ( iQieeorded ) . . . . 1.1V ) Ji \ MiCaguo und wife tn ( 1' Ainatt , lot : i. liIU . " > . West Chiming add 1,000 CM .Nuttlnirur and wlfo to \ \ Wnlch , ot 11 , blk 15. Konnt/o' 3d ad . 5,5'JO O K I'rntt and wlfo to KnUolph Heal k Co. n 40 feet lot.1. lilk lift. South Omnha 023 T It Puttim-on and wife to Pldolity Trust Co. lot 12. blk I. Hawthorne . aooo E II HatoKIn and wlfo to A W Smllli , lot I , Preston * Wllllam'n ad . J I Kodlck and wlfo to KU MuMahon , w 20a nlOa covi lot I. M .On n 4la ) lot 2 and iHOuKOtt Iota , all In 2-11-1.1 . 60,000 South Um&ha I.-ind Co to I' I Rllhut , lots 1 and - . blU l.'T , boutli Omaha . . . . H KSIoin to N Ufclotui , lots I tub , lilk 10 , Clifton Hill . . . . . W I < i-ulliy trustee to 1) ti Slorsun , lot It ) , blk 4.V I , Sulby's HI ad to South Oninlm . . . . , . ; . . . 400 , J r.-oscr and wlfo to Kutlo Pronuel , lot d.llk 4S1 , Urindvivw . 1,400 J J Tu ; ploy and wlfo to W T .Smman. lot a. blkS , llclliniin'H add . D IiThoiuas anil wlfu to M I1 O'Doiuiell , lot I , blk 1 , IHI ail to hontli Onuilia. . . 2,403 W W Wulcli nnd lfo to ( Al Nattin i > r , lot 10 , blk U , Orchard Mill . 5,500 QI'ITU.MM IIKKI13. Slunny Dillon to J M Ham ct al , trs w'i RW and 5Uia In oii , no 0 and wji . . . Hldiioy Dillon tn J M Ham ot al. trs no and o > { n w 1-15-11 and looulnxulll-lu-r. ! M I1 O'Donnoll to John I'lynn , inn ) 14 lot 4. till ; 2 , 1st add to bonth Oinalm . W II Smith to Kord Smith , lot 1. , blk U ) . fcoiilli Om.ihii . 475 IIKKD8. J K Iloyd , bborllT , to J K Super , lot D , blk 4rtl. UrnilOVIQW . IBS J I' Hnrrls to N (1 Sloan , lots 4 , 5 , a T , 8. blk in. Clifton Hill . nit.McMuhon to I'nhllo , dudlcittlou of plat of I'oHer k Ouorjo Co'n add to Una I Omaha . . . , . , . . , . , , Total nicnunt of transfers IISQ..RJ Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syruo for chll drcn teething rests tlio child and comfotli the mother. 25o a bottle.