THE OMAHA DAILY 13EE : : WEDNESDAY , APRIL 22. 1801 THE CITY. Preserve the complexion hy using Spanish Court Cream ; all druggists sell it. J. B. Kitchen yesterday took out a permit to erect a f . ' (0,000 ( residence on \ Vent Farnam street. George Hvans will bo kept out of dan- per ( or the next thirty days nml Jerry Kernan will go him thirty hotter. Both nro vagrants and menaces to good seel- Harry Iloush , the ambitious youth against whom three charges are pending ing , waived examination on the charge of grand larceny and was held to the district court in the Mini of $500. Molllo Smith has brought suit and asks to bo divorced from her husband , John W. They were married May 121 , 1883 , and Molllo avers that six months later John skipped with a younger and bolter looking woman. The Ohio club contemplates a change of programme this year and a strong sentiment is growing among the mem bers hi favor of a basket picnic for nil Ohioans bomo Saturday afternoon in Juno in Council HlulTs park , Ohioans from Council Bluffs to join the company. The scholars of the St. Timothy mis sion were given a free entertainment at the Eden Aliiboo ycbtorday afternoon. Once every month the management has kindly opened its doors to these poor children. Mrs. Pratt has just donated a large number of magazines for this mitwlon. Books and periodicals will bo gratefully received by Allsslonary J. J. Heady. How to Cure n Cold. It may bo a surprise to our readers to learn that a sovcro cold can In many Instances bo completely cared In ono or two days' time. To do this , however , prompt action is neces sary. The first symptoms of a cold are a dry , loud cough , n profuse watery discharge from the now. and n thin , white coating on tlio tongue. If. Chninbcilaln's Cough Ucmcdy Is taltcn In double doses every half hour after the ilrstappearance of these symptoms It will counteract the effect of Jho cold and restore the system to a healthy condition within ono or two days time. In almost every case , and when the cold Is not com pletely cured In this time Its severity will bo greatly lessened and a complete euro Insured In n very short time. When no uctlon towards curing tlio cold Is taken the dry , loud cough Is followed hy n profuse watery expectoration , and that by a tllfelculty of breathing , a peculiar tightness of the chest and a slight expectoration of very tough and tenacious mucus. Few persons pay any at tention to a cold until In this condition , that Is , until the cold has become settled In the svstom. The first action should bo to relieve ttio lungs. This Is best accomplished by the frco use of Chamberlain's Cough Hemcdy. This remedy liquifies the tough and tenacious mucus and causes Its expulsion from the air cells ot the lungs , produces a free expector ation and opens the secretions. A complete euro soon follows ; In some cases , however , several davs nro required , but the experience of thousands of persons In the use of this remedy has been that It will euro n severe cold lu less time ttian any other treatment and that It leaves the system In a natural and linnlMiv nnmlltlnn. 'Phn nrnmntMns mill cnr. tnlnty of its cures of severe colds has given Chamberlain's Cough Ucmcdy the iiauie oi being tlio best inado. April Wcntlicr Predictions , If a peek of March dust is worth a king's ransom , and April showers bring forth May llowors , is it not right to pro- diet that every day in the month the electric-lighted , steam-heated , vestibuled limited trains of the Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul railway will continue to ' run on tlio short lino'between Omaha nnd Chicago. The electric reading lamp in every berth of their palace sleeping cars is their own patent and cannot bo used by any other company. Ticket olllco , 1601 Farnam street , Omaha. Neatly Swindled. A ncnt confidence game that cnmo near ending In n fatal tragedy and should have given a surgeon or the undertaker a job oc curred at the Union Pacific depot last night. Hcrnord Boyle and a friend of this city went to the depot intending to go to San Francisco. A confidence man wanted to sell them cheap tickets and cot ? 10 of Boylo's money. The rogue was not satisfied and went back to get the balance. Uoylo's friend interfered and prevented him from trusting moro nionev. Suspecting crookedness tho'two followed the rogue Into the ladies' waiting room , whore the return of the money was demanded by Boyle , nt the same time pointing a revolver close up to the head of the confidence man. Boylo's partner seized his arm , and while the two friends were tussling the confidence man rushed out and was lost among the cars. Starch grows sticky common powders have a vulgar glare. 1'ozzoni's is the only complexion powder fit for uso. A A XO VXCKJ1EXTS. "A Unco for a Wife'1 with Mrs. Bouscaron , who is quite well known on the professional stage as Miss Coualliio , In the stellar role will bo produced at the Boyd ou Friday evening , The play Is described as a musical comedy and has been presented to flattering business throughout the state. It now cornea to Omaha with the benefit of Its state experience and It is anticipated will create as great an impres sion hero as in the towns visited. The cast has boon Judiciously chosen and with Mrs. IJonscnron In the stellar role It deserves a full house on the evening of Its presentation , A number of bright musical gems are Introduced , now to the stage which , with the clover comedy work shown in Its construction , "A Unco for a Wife" ought to prove n success. Tlio anticipated exhibition concerts of the famous marine band of our country will take place this afternoon nud evening nt the Coli seum , when the real intuits of this celebrated national orgaubntlon will bo demonstrated. The band will arrive at 0:110 : a. in. They will bo in the regulation fatigue suit of the marina corps , but at the concerts will in full dress uniforms of red , white ami blue. Thu uniforms are all now nud were fur nished by the covornmcnt only n few days before the departure from Washington. Mr. Sousa , the conductor , has all of his music in-ranged In such a way that these who Imve hoard the finest bands before find now beauties oven in the standard music , and much that no other organization presents , Tlio grand description of Bon Hur's chariot race nlono Is enough to stamp tlio leader as a master and ills band as an incomparable or ganization. Add'to this thoromnrkablo sing- lug of Mile. Decca , the finest high soprano and Incomparable , the prldo and enthusiasm of all true Americans Is aroused. I.lrzlo lerious Duly , who plavs the part of Clmrlty Hanks in Paul M. Potter's farce comedy , "Tho Fakir , " which appears for ono night only at the Boyd next Thursday evenIng - Ing , Is ono of the best known nnd most pop ular soubrettes this country has known. Kosa Frnnt-o Is a talented vocalist and lias appeared In the best organlatlons. Alice Carlo has boon a prtma donna In comic opera cast and west. Dudle Tracy has boon seen in burlesque and extravaganza. Helen Kclmcr was for several years ono of Hoyt'H most valuable women , aud has been soon' al most every where In the union in "A Kag Uahy , " Lillian Markham , n remarkable con tralto , and Molllo Sherwood , n wlnsomo soubrctto. complete the roster of ladles. The tnnln portion ot the cast is relatively a able and will kcop un their end of "Tho fakir. " Thu sale of scats will opcu tomorrow morn ing. _ Mr. C.TTTCllne , general representative of the great oper.itla spectacle , "Bluebeard , jr. , or I otlnm and the Fairy , " Is In the city. Ills attraction will open n four night's en gagement at the Doyd on Sunday evening next , Including Wednesday mallnco. "Blue beard" Is oven larger and grander than it WRS last toason cad Its success has been much greater. _ _ _ _ Two moro performances of the melodrama , "Tho Waif * of Now York , " will bo given by Miss Katie Kramott and company at tbo Boyd , thi evening and tomorrow evening. I'ho mBtliiea which wa prorlouily announced tor WedtiettUy afternoon will Dot bo given. INCIPIENT FORESTS RISE , As a Consequence of the Observance of Arbor Day. HOW WHOLESALE TREE PLANTING BEGAN , Universality of the Custom , the Itono- ( Its Whloli Acoruc It nnd How They May bo Ktijoyudi This \Vcdncstlay Is Arbor day. The simple nnnouncomcnt will causa thousands of trees to bo planted In the stnto of No brnslcn. It is n tiny specially dovotcil to the planting of troes. To this practlco , the farmer who lias the money with which to buy a.few trees , takes as kindly us ho does to the shelterlnpof his slock. It may bo that ho Is located on the prairie , that n river , stream or rill does not How within mlle * of his farm. With nil the moro earnestness does ho contribute his inlto to arboriculture. It will servo In some way to protect him from the winds of winter , tlio scorching breath of summer , and purpctunto If it does not also raise the brooic or creak which Is at once the llfo of his landn and his herds. The llrst trco planting done In this state was on what uro known as tree claims. Tlicso abound In central and southern No- hrnsica , and plenty and profit huvo attended the lifting aloft of their brilliant leaves. Nebraska had been almost treeless. The annual pratrio lire had destroyed the seed which otherwise would huvo blossomed Into forests. The tree claim was therefore a wise provision of congress. However , It could bo planted but once. The benefits It conferred , It was desired to extend to all. This could not bo done without the planting of trees by the thousands of farmers who had bought their land outright and who had escaped the bur den of planting u claim. To icacli these people , , f. Sterling Morton of Nebraska City suggested the inaugura tion of Arbor day. Ho aid it at the annual meeting of the Nubraslca state board of agrl- culturu hold In Lincoln , January 4 , lb , by he introduction of the following , which was adopted : Itesolvcd , That Wednesday , April 10 , 1872 , be , and tlio sarro Is hereby speelally sot apart for tree pliintliiK In tlio stute of Nebraska , and the Mute hoanl of agrlcultuie hereby immub It Arbor day : and to urge upon the people of thostuteof Nebraska , the vitalIm- pottanuoof tree-plantlnjr. hoioby oilers u.spe cial premium of Jlou to thu agricultural society of tbat county In Nebraska which blmll , upon that day , plant properly the largest number of trees ; nnd a farm library of Js : worth of books to that person who , on that day , shall plant properly In Nebraska thu largest num ber of trees. Some time afterward , the date of arbor day was changed to the 22nd of April , the date of Mr. Morton's birth. The day , later , became a legal holiday , nnd has been observed in every city , town and hamlet in the stute. The wealthy farmer has planted his trees by the thousands. , The laborer has added n few saplings to the row before hh cottage. School-children ha\o decorated their playgrounds with youthful poplars and elms , nud graduating classes liuvo described circles and squares and diamonds und triangles with a tree for each of their members. The custom , however , is far from using too widely practiced. It is most cultivated per haps where it is least needed. It should bo extended to the west and north. There arc some counties in this state which are ubso- solutoly without u trco. There are some of these counties also In which trees would llounsb. It is to bo regretted , however , that in some of these places the farmers nro too poor and trees too distant to render a satisfactory observance of ttie day to bo made. This dlfllculty , how ever , could by overcome by donations of trees by these who have an abundance of themtho sumo us the physical needs of the drouth suf ferers were recently so gladly supplied. It might also bo obviated by the monlcd men in every locality the bankers who depend upon the harvests of the farmer. A train of trees would cost nn Insignificant sum to a number of capitalists who could dlstributo them among tueir customers. The county commissioners , also , it has been suggested , liiight buy trees or issue bonds for their purchase the same as they were allowed to do by the late legislature , to buy seed gram for needy farmers , and these distribute the trees pro rata among the settlers of the district. Unless this bo done , some counties will have tho' unenviable record they have had the past season and may continue to have until the Increase of trco planting in other sections affords them the relief which their moro thrifty iioichbora have long enjoyed. The subject is ono which demands moro than ordinary attention , especially from these who have planted trees In the fullness of enthusiasm and hope and who have seen their trees flourish for a time and then pine and die. Such people , and especially these planting for the first time unon virgin soil. should ascertain the best method of deposit ing their trees nnd the tree most adapted to the soil to bo benelitted. Thousands of trees have died oven In Omaha where almost every species may bo said to find an abidinc place. What Is true of this city is true of tlio counties whoso sur face has been baked for years under the suns of the prairins. The benefits accruing from tlio planting of these trees are almost innumerable. There is a reproduction of the original condition of fertility nnd beauty. The humidity of the ntmospnoro where such humidity was needed would bo increased. This state , once con- considered sterile nnd dry , has , in certain sections , a rani tall more regular that that of Illinois nnd only a little less regular than that of Missouri and Ohio. As a consequence , the climate has been greatly modified , there has been n maintained Increase of water power , and the surface has been invested with increased bcautv and jcrtillty. There has as yet been little done in the way of denuding the state of its forests. In Nebraska that would bo considered a sacri lege. Hut the condition of these sections which nro treeless is similar to these which have been robbed of their trees , i'ho atmosphere - phoro Is dry nnd CCORIH In Us healthy action upon animal nnd vegetable llfo. There Is nothing to preserve the mulsturo of the soil nor to attract or detain the rain-clouds as they roll across the sky , while Increased cold follows in the unrestricted sweep of the angry winds nnd storms of all seasons. Arbor day Is now observed In thirty states of the union nnd annually witnesses the plant ing of millions of trees. Whether or not the number planted atones for these \ > hlcli are rudely cut down for a variety of purposes , may not bo said. The Increase In cultiva tion , however , was not too early undertaken. A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder does ptch work. It cannot bo strongly encouraged in Ne braska and for many years to como. Arbor day Is now observed oven In Canada , the first I'Vldny In May being sot asldo for general observance. In this city , as also In nearly all the larger towns of the state , the day Inn heretofore been observed In n modest manner. This year It will likely witness the planting of n couple of thousand trees around "littlo cot tage doors , " the effect of which will bo to beautify tlio little abiding spot as well as to contribute to the wholesomcncss of a climate which tr not to bo excelled In any part of the globe. In Douglas county the practice of tree- planting has been studiously observed. A drive through the precincts will bo rewarded with the view of many a shady avcuuo or hedge or windbreak which shows gradation In years and development from IbOO back , perhaps , to the day on which the custom was first observed. These little evidences of good taste and wisdom are grand companion-pieces for the majestic groves of cottonwoods , now of glnlit heights , which hedge about hundreds of the hnopy homes of the thilfty farmers of Doug las county. Trees nro cheap. They may bo had for n song. The nurseryman has them displayed nt your very door. Ho will tell you what kind of tree Is most needed , U most adapted to your sail. Ho will tell you hoiv to dig the hole.set the tree , watch over It while It Is taking root , look after It when It has become wedded to the earth , shield It from the rigor of the llrst winter and protect it from the heat and In sect of summer. If you once become enthusiastic over the practice , It will not bo dlfllcult for you to plant on every vacant spot and nt every leisure season during fall and .spring. You will plant for shade , for shelter , for beauty nud for profit. You will plant both for the present mid the futuro. In this manner the humblest cltl/en may do a crcat deal In diversifying arid plains with beautiful groves and , at a trilling cost , contribute to the pros perity , snlubriety and wealth of both city and stato. It Is very Important In this n o of vast ma- crlal progress that remedy bo pleasing to the tosto and to the eye , casllv taken , accept able to the stomach nnd healthy In its uaturo and effects. Possessing these qualities , Syrup of Figs is the ouo perfect laxative aud mostgcntlo diuretic known. Loans of $1.000 to $50.000 mmlo on choice improved city property. Low rates. No dolny. Central Loan & Trust company , 1203 Farnatn st. We are a patient people the ox is nowhere in comparison. Webuy lamp-chimneys by the dozen ; they go on snapping and popping and flying in pieces ; and we go on buying the very same chimneys year after year. Our dealer is willing to sell us a chimney a week for every lamp we burn a hundred or more a year and we plow for him , pay him for goading us. ' " " Macbeth's "pearltop"and " pearl glass " do not break from heat ; they are made of tough glass. As likely as not our dealer would rather his chimneys would break ; " it's good for the business , " says he. He buys the brittlest ones he can get. " What are you going to do about it ? " . I'JttsburR. OKO. A. MACBETH k Co. CONSULT 322 S. 15tli Street , OMAHA , NEB. Mil curoi all stubborn lonn-btnmllnn < lls- cases nf thn blood und nervous svtuin , uNo cainrrh , all stoinitoh , llvur and Ultlnoy ilU- oini'S , pllos uml till rectal troubles , old sort's , uk'ura und abscesses , syphilitic unYotlons , pcnlto-urliKiry Doubles , and all dlxonU'ra of a l rlvato nuluio. Also all illsonscs of wo- lima I/allforor.seiul stamp for vuhmblobook DitONKENNESS XalQXJOU HABIT. IN ALL THt WORLD THERE IS BUT ONE CURE DR , HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , U < n to vtrea In eup of oUV or tea , or In itr. juilee of foeu , wuhouv the knowledge ot IUA patient , it neoeiiarr. It te abaolutelr harmlea and ul elluol a permanent and ipeedy our * , wueUtrr the patient te a moderate drluker or a looUolio wreck. lTM"\iu Ir'AILK. It operate * eo quietly and nub aueh oer * Ulutjr tbat the patient undergoaa no tnoonTenleuoa , and ere he la aware , bta complete relormntlcn le . ' " " efTeoled. 48r MitJlJtuuuc nowicct ; a medy ( ralltb unualuial tllocharree ami private dlacanct ot nisn. A cet lncurf > orii. ' fating neakum peculiar . . . . -I. , . . . ion crlbeltandfotliafa omen. lTHElv HlCHlUiCUCo tn recommeudloe U Ui K - - - > - < " > - " " all l eufTerera , A.J.8TMR.MDOfcn,1u ( , Hold by DrneirllUh fBlCU 11.00. Tlio IIcHtmiut GlicnpcNt. Doginnincr wltlil Sunilny , April 20 , nil cnrrlor delivery .mibscrlbors In Omaha niul South Omahnjwlll ho furnished with Tire UVUNINQ BriE nnd SUNDAY DISH , or the mornlnrf ddltlon of TUB DA1IA BEU and SUNDA\vBKR for 5 cents per week dollvorcd In any part of tlio city. Parties desiring to nvall thomsolvcs of this cut rate should send in their sub scriptions at onco. Twonty-flvo cents will pay for five weeks. Fifty conta for ton wcoks. Ono dollar for twenty -weeks. Trco-l'lnntliiK nt The pupils of the Luke school have Just completed tlio planting of ten flnu mapto trees , the gift of John 1. Kctllck , in the school yard. Dr. ( . ! eorto U Miller offered to furnish nn equal numburof cntnlp.t trees , but fc.irliiK tht tiioy would not live , tbo generous ofTor wits declined. The tcnchurs itnil pupils of the school nro making preparations to cclobruto Arbor day In it most appropriate manner. In addition to planting thoclois trco by the eighth grailo , the trees recently planted will bo properly dedicated. Thi-y Cot It f < Jim ! oh .Mini I say , , Iiml Yeup comln' , mnm ; what's cr matterl Why baby has got the colic ; run down to drug store and get a bottle of Ilullor's ' pain pnndyzer ; quick , now. Wo desire Issues of the MOHNMNO Bin : of November ! 1 and December 12 for our ( lies. Anyone having a copy of either of these muinbers will confer a favor upon this olllco by mailing them to Robert Uunter , Bee olllco. DeulR'cin ' tu t-avor oi the Mll\vnnkio Jt St. Paul 113- . Tlio now Palace c.\rs of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul lly. , with electric lights In every berth , will continuo to leave the Union depot , Oinithn , nt 0:10 : p. in. , daily. Passengers taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil BlulfH , and arrive in Chicago at 0:30 : a. in. , in ample time to make all eastern connections. Ticket olllcc , 1501 Farnam street. F. A. NASH , J. E. PIUSTO.V : , General Agent. City Pashonger Agent. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1873 , W.IJAKER&Cfl.'S Breakfast Cocoa from which the excess of oil has bcon removed , is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nml is therefore far more economical , cosiiny less than one cent a ciij ) . It is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , KASHA" DIGESTED , and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crogors ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & ) CO. . Dorchester. Mass. tOetteu. "SANATIVO" the Wonderful Spanish Itemed ) ' , la Bold w Ith a Wrtttoiuluarnnti-o tu euro all IJcrvoun OH- CMOS , eucli ns Wcnlc Memory , ix > ( of Brain 1'owor , Headache , Walcef uluctt , Loit Mar- hood , Korrouincei , Uu- HtuJe. all drain and Doforo St , Aftori Uso. loss of power of the l'hoto raphed froni.Ufc. Ueneratl\o Organi , lu either MI. cauied by ortr-eiertlon , vouthf hi IndeecreUons , or the cxceftlrc use ot tobacco , opium , .or itlmulanW , which ultimately lead to Infirmity. CoMUinptlon and Inaanltr. 1'ut up In convonleut form to carry In the vent pocket. I'rlco II a pacUiRv. or 6 for * s With every 5 order we jr ve a written KUiirnnUe to euro or r fuml tliii monny. Sent by raiU to any aaarc s. tlrculu free. Mention thu paper. AilUreix. MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , n ! 1 once for U. S. A. 417 le rliorn Slrri-t. < ! IIIOAOO M i. KOH HALK IN OMAHA. NUU. , IJlf kuhn A I'd. , Our , uth * DiiiiKlan bU. J. A. I tiller * Co. . Cor , Mth A Douglas St . A. IJ. rmicr & Co. . Council Hlul'ii. [ * JP& ChltliMlt.r'e Fnillih IM.momtllr.Ba. ENNYROYAL PILLS Original and OnlrOe.ulne. " " " . . . IT. nlt Me taDl .art , , . . rtl < ' r * * ' ' * ? ' | ) .t.l hr / . , , , ? . < . Ml " 'J uy'\ ' , - * ra.iJ In He < l " % ! I WtyaUt ! Dr HUU. .MkaucUa'uiMiluTrueiiVu'.i ban I' , C i PRICKS1 On Spring Suits and Spring Overcoats ; , Quoted this week in our elegant show windows , glue people to the glass. They ain't use to itj 3 i they can't realize the possibility to dress so well , and at so little cost. Our show windows ar r but an index , a mere figure mark to what's going on inside. For Spring Overcoats The weather is right , the prices are right , and the assortment the largest ever brought to Omaha $10.00 , $12.50 , $15.00 , $18.00 and $20.OO. No trouble to select what you want at such price. Our Children's Department Grows dearer to the hearts of the public clay by day. Novelties constantly arriving. Stocl , always complete and prices always in keeping with the times. TWO-PIECE SUITS. $2.50. $3.00 , $4.00 and $5.00. N. B. Mr. J. A. Robinson { Into with Robinson & Gnrmon ) , hns accepted the position of manager * nnd buyer in our extensive Furnishing Goods nnd Hut Department , where , on nnd nftor April 2Oth , he , together with his former nnd nblo nsslstnnt , Mr. E. B. Weeks , will glndly welcome nil old custom4 ers nnd friends to their new quarters with B. , K. & Co. Money Cheerfully Refunded when BROWNING KING & CO. good do not satisfy. , . Send for Illustrated Catalogue. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. CHEAP SUITS. In advertising our immense lines of spring clothes for mcns' wear , we possibly Have not paid the attention to the cheaper grades of suits that our stock demands. There are a great many men who can't afford to pay fifteen or twenty dollars for a suit , no matter how good the suit may he. Again , there are men who can't afford to pay even ten dollars for a suit , simply for lack of the ten dollars. Again , there are men who buy a cheap suit , wear it one season , sell it or give it away , and then buy another. Buying a CHEAP suit in most stores , means buying a POOR suit. With us its different. No matter how low a priced suit you Uuy of us , the suit will be GOOD , People often wonder where we get suits to sell so cheap. Perhaps we "pick 'em off the trees where they grow. " Perhaps cheaper than the average merchant. Perhaps we're willing to make smaller profits than most stores , and , perhaps well , perhaps you don't care how WE get them , WHERE \\Q get them , nor anything about US ; //0/Fand WHERE YOU get them that interests YOU. Our buyer recently closed out several hundred medium-priced suits. They will be placed on sale to-day in two lots. "You never saw the like before. " LOT ON E Three hundred and sixty-four Men's Fancy Cheviot Suits , in two handsome shades , in sizes from 34 to 42 , cut in style , made in shape , and well trimmed : suits worth seven to nine dollars At Four , Dollars and- Ninety Cents. LOT TWO Three hundred and ten handsome Fancy All Wool Cheviot Suits , sixes 34 to 42 , in a " half dozen handsome styles of stripes anil plaids , well cut , well lined , well trimmed , well made , suits worth from nine to eleven dollars , at the low price of Five Dollars and Ninety Cents. TO BE EARLY , INSURES EXCELLENT SELECTION. Nebraska Clothing Co. , Corner Fourteenth and Douelas Streets. KSTAOIilSIIElD 18D8. KU.SIMPSONl 1409 and 1411 Dodee ; St. , Omaha , Nob. .ItiJ * pa , -IIUII.PIMIS OF First Glass Carriages , The Lending Stylos. The Lowest Pricoi VUUU 1'ATUONAGE SOLICITED. NEBRASKA National Bank U. a DEPOSITORY , OMAHA. N33 Capital , - - - - $400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - Oii.BOO Ortlcors nnrt Dlrcctora-Honrr W. Viitej , I'roililont : Lewis B. llooil , Vlco-1'roMiloiit ; Jntnui W S Tauo , W V.SIomo , John S. Collins , U. U Cunhliu , J. N. U 1'utrlck. W. H. S. Uunlioi , cnililor , THIS IRON BANK. Corner 12tb nutl PuniiunSt * . A Uiiuklns linslnoii Transactor HOTEL. SHirrHu , Cor. t-tth nnil in the. inoHt HiiliHliintlullu coH Hotel MltllltUnil In Onmltti. IH-IITU brick /Ira ir < illn runnlnaV m biiHfiin-itt to ruaf. All tint rfllintiH unit floors lined irltli AnbentoH lire itront Inlnu , tintblnu it / i | uWfcfo to burn qnlvk. riraem-Hin'H inttl Uro ttlnrnttt tln-oni/liotit tlia luiHilimr- Meant ln'ut , hot uiul culil miter untl MiniMfifiinm everut'ooiit. 'luulu iiimnrimiiiieU iinu- c icrc. B SILLOWAY , Prop. HOTEL DELLONE. Corner 14th and Capitol Avemua. Just completed , ha ? 100 rooms , throi stairways , from the top to the bottom , hai fine elevator and dinning room sorvloa , I flro proof throughput , line blllarJ rooms ana the rlnest toilet rooms In tha city. Larga Sample rooms , Suites with bath tea. Cor Uth and Caoltol Ava. Street oar sorvlo 3 In alldlrootlons. Rates , from ( B8.60 to $1.00 JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL. PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. , THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , NO GURElt NO PAY. 1816 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen ypirsoxporl'n'o. A rotulir Rr.ilu ito In inert clno nt illplomM "how li'till treating wltH tbccioitest Bitcccn" , all Norvou , Chronic nnrt I'rlvato ll onui. A lurnmiiont euro guirnntoal fur Catnrrtx Fpcrnmtoirlmvi , Ln l Manhood Seminal Wenknun. Night I.o es , Impotency , Sr | > hltli , .stricture , and nil nil- Ca ea of the lilood.Skln unit Urln iry OWIIH. Nil. 1 Kiiar.intoo SVXtfiir ovorr caia I tunlortilio ami fall M euro Consultation free , llook i-Myiterloa of Llfo ) sent froj CMIeoliuun-'J a. m. toS p. m. SanaaId n. m. to 12 m. AM U S EM E NTS. BOYD'S. 3 Nights. Monday , TiiCMlnr anil Wednesday * April 20 , 21 anil 2-2. KATIE EMMETT In her great play. V' ' I 1 1 1 I Under the management of Mr. IIAKItY WIL LIAMS. A POWRliKUU OOMlJNY. . mtiABORATm SOENBliY. GIII3AT KI11I3 SO1SNI3. Don't fall to see the Great Harlem Railroad Bridge Scene. Prices as usual. Omaha us , 8t Pafll Game Called Week Days 3:30 : o'clock ; Sundays 3 o'clock. THE GRAND TONIGHT Ijirito nnd growing : iudiCnce , uprnnrluu * wltli IniiKhtcr , nttoit tlio coimantljr Incro.i3lnf popular ity of THE LAUGHING EVENT OF THE SEASON. Hypnotized mibjoct * Intoroit nrloatlflo minds and f\irnlili | iii ru fun for tlio mirthful. I' prices 8Jc. liou-incl 15c. _ DIMJG EDEN KOTSEfi. WKKK Al'lUIi 20. IK I'KTIT KHKIHHK tlio ( iront Child Clmiactor Artist his lust nppo.irnnct ) rilHTTY JHS.NMK yUKll.UV , the MlUgot Soubrctto , lull of Kriico and lioniity. T11K CONV15IITUI ) CANN111AI.S. NUW KAPKS NH\V SOXUS. ONI : imti : ADMITS TO ALL. Coliseum Wednesday , April 22. AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Two Grand Exhibition Concerts by the Colo- britf : < l linen antes Man of Washington , D. C. The great na tional band of Amer ica and the finest government band in tlio world. Sent out by tbo president to exhibit its excel lence to the Amer ican people. MR JOHN PHILIP SOUSA , Conductor. Mile. MARIE DECCA , Soprano. The Most Ilrllllunt C'oloratnro Soprano In Aim-ik'ii. I'rloos Itoinrvod , T5 unil $1. foals now on sale nt MJXV Mi-ytT.V UIO.'H muMc sloiu. BOYD'S ONgJNIH"ONLYT THURSDAY , APRIL 23. HAMLIN'S ' FARCE COMEDY CO. W.M. P MACK. AI.K HAMI'TON , MAX AUM > M > , riiuia. limit.Kit , JOIINlllI.lltlV. HI Kit. IIANKI.N' , ' h K. TIMINHU. IlKUiOUM IIAJ.Y MOI.I.IKHIIKIlWOnl ) , AuaycAui.i : . UI.UA.NMAIIKIIAM ! IHHA KUANl'M , HOS1J CAHIIW. BTItO.Sl.KsT COMl'ANV KVI3H OHOANIXUD 1'n'at'ntlnu 1'AUI.M I'OTTKU'H I'AUCirAI. SUIII'IUSU , THE FAKIR. Ilnx ilivota open Wodnoulay inornlnKat ri'KUlnr prlcaa , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JOODBURY'S ' FACIAL SOAF I'or tlio SUn nnd Sralp. Prepired by a Dermatologist with S for eciumi , raldh d. oilr > kin ( jl ( loll orm > , cha | I e < | handt , excel- " tlv rer > | 'lr ' < tinn , ugly com ) Inilon , etc. An unfilllne remedy for all f > cal | > affection * , anil a euro prcTOUt- ira ol all form * of iUu illioatci. For Sale \ > j Druggisti or eent br null , Frico U ) conti. 1i ! . Itlniiiiclinc 13S-ra n fioolt eo D o < < JHCIHlHllt'S. . . . . i'UCIUl tilery. .lll. ol,51.t.l.l.n ) , llla'trat.lfle til ikln Bd icilp tffMtloin J tb lr trttminlM&t ( ! . ! ) r. r ] 0o , U 'i ' lullill.n fin , il illir. rr \ > 1 Ml" . JU1I.N II. WOOIHIt'ItV , nerinitoloeitt , IBS AV. 4 a at. , New York City. nfTnTfTef HANDAI.WOOI ) UAIMUI.Ki ure III * Illllill I A buitiuid only ciiuiulea pruialtiad hy UUUU I n roiiiiir phyilcliuu fur the curuot Uunnrhcaa and illtcharvoi from tha urlnnry or i > n uriwuulraj. ll.W nar ' - - " ' THE SPECIALIST. More than 15 years' experience in treatment of PRIVATE A cure guaranteed in 8 to 6 without the loss ot an hours' time. GLEEI1. The most complete and absolute cura for gleet and all annoying discharffejL over known to the medical profcssionV The most stubborn chronic and lon { standing cases pcrmantly cured in fror 6 to 10 days. > STRICTURE Or pain in relieving the bloJdor per * mancntaly cured without pain or instru ments , no cutting , no dilating , Tha mo t remarkable remedy known to modern science. Write for circulars. SYPHILIS. , . Cured in 30 to 50 days Dr. McGrow'f treatment for this terrible blood dis" ease has been pronounced the most successful remedy over discovered fo ? the absolute euro of the disease. IIi success with thisdiboane lias never beet ; equalled. A complete cure guaranteed * Write for circulars. LOST MANHOOD And all weakness ot the sexual organs , iiprvoiifaiipss , timidity and despondency absolutely cured. The relief is immediate diato and complete. SKIN DISEASES , Rheumatism , and all diseases of thq blood , liver , kidneys , and bladder per * , manently cured. FEMALE DISEASES And neuralgia , nervousness and dig * oiif-es of the stomach cured. The dee tor's "Homo Treatment" for ladies ig pronounced by all who have used it to bo the most complete itnd convenient remedy over olTorod for the treatment of female di.-oasos. It is truly a won. dorful remedy. No instruniontH , no paln Hours for ladies' from 1 to I only. DR. MoGREW'S Marvellous siu'coss in the treatment ot private dinoabos ban won for him a rep * illation which is truly national in char * after , and hie great nrmy of pationls roaches from the Atloi tlo to the i'acido. Thu doctor is a graduate of "regular1' ' medicine and has had long and careful experience in hospital practice , and U clashed among the leading specialists in modern science. Treatment by cor * robpondoneo. Write lor eirulars about , ouch of the above dibcascH , freo. Office Mth and Farnam Streets , OMAHA , Ni : . Kiitriiiico on Kithor Street. DR Graduate Dentist. A Pull Hot of Teeth on Hubbcr for HVIS IIOI.LAIIH. A I'orfec lltiiuurantuo'l , Tuulli oitract without pull ) or UaiiKer , n without nnaonthntlc . Hold llvor Illlliii.1 ! nt lovToel n llrldnu and t'riiwn Work , 'Icetli without phitui AH work naw " " " tuntud , OFFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM I'nltnticu , 10th ilruet olcrator. Op u uT olng | luck.