Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Nothing but a Chip of Warm Qoro Would
Satisfy Him.
Disgraceful Scour * In tlio OITlcn of the
Hoard of I'tiullo Work * Tlirco
Fights Nnrrowljr
The office of the board of public works was
' the sccr.o of a most disgraceful row yesterday
' 'doming.
FoterV . Blrkhnuser , the venerable and
Vulnerable chairman of the board , appeared
in the leading role and entertained the rrowd
in a manner that would hnvo brought the
blush of shame or envy to the cheek of a
Third ward pugilist.
The trouble started early and was brought
bout by Charley Fanning , n former street
sweeping contractor , but now the builder of
tbo North Omaha sewer , slipping his bolt
and entering the ring to light the asphalt
company and the present street swooping
Fortunately for that contractor ho was not
present , but Assistant City Engineer U rover
Was. Fanning Intimated that Grovcr was In
, lbo employ of ttio Barber company and at the
feamo time was drawing pay from the city.
Orovor donlod this lu the most omphatlo
terms , after which Fanning turned his nt-
tontlon to THE BKK reporter , saying :
"What is the use of the chairman trying to
Rot good results when THE JJin Is upholding
* . . _ the street sweeping nnd paving steal I"
About this time Birkhausor's Inspectors ,
Who tire supposed to bo out earning ttielr
money , came in n drove. They all had n
Word to say , but as their chief was not pres
ent to glvo them the cue their remarks
were scattering and not aimed at any particu
lar mark ,
All this time the crowd had boon Increas
ing , such men as President Tom Lowry ,
Councilman Klsassor and others helping to
fill the room.
Thcro was a rustic near , the door n moment
later nnd Ulrklmusor entered. Ho proceeded to
bis private room , laid oft his tlio and ,
rolled up his sleeves and ro-ontorod , with
clenched lists and 11 ro Hashing from bis eyes ,
forking oft his gold bowed spectacles , ho
pranced up nnd down the room as nimbly as
it school boy , now , and then stopping
before TUP. Deis reporter , and at each stop
cased his mind by such ejaculations as :
"D n him , lot mo lit him I" "This Is the
man who wrote mo up. " "I can whip him ;
yes , I can whip my weight In wild cats. "
"D n Tim BIK : , It has never treated mo
with duo respect. "
"Tills pleased the crowd nnd the people
urged him on. Ho did not need any urging ,
und champing bis bit , made n tour of the
room , while everybody got out of tbo way.
Tin : lii ! : man had taken advantage of the
momentary cessation of hostilities und
climbed upon the top of a desk. Blrkhaiibcr
Raw him nnd made another dlvo , but the man
wa-s out of his reach. The chairman was
besldo himself with rage , and In
n tone of volco that caused the statue of
Oustlco on the doino of the court house to
turn pale , bo yelled :
"You O a , como down hero
nnd lot mo get after you. "
. . The small boys In the audience howled with
v delight. Poormastor Mahoney stuck his bead
inside the door , asking If it was ono of his In-
eana patients that had got loose.
Bravo men shuddered , for they smollcd
blood , warm , rod blood.
The chairman stormed around for a few
moments , hoaplug the foulest epithets upon
tTiiB BEE and every person connected with it ,
from the editor to the Janitor. Suddenly
bo darted , into his room and was scon no
Every person present was willing to bet
that the cruel war was over , but It was not.
The facts wore , itiiaci just opened , as devel
opments showed.
Assistant City Engineer Orovor made some
remark about street sweeping , and it was unfortunate -
fortunate for him that ho did , for President
.Lowry took Itup and referred to the fact
tout tno streets were in a most filthy condi
tion , intimating that to u certain extent the
fault lies in the engineer's olllco.
Grovcr denied that statement , but tno
Bound of hiit denial had not proceeded two
foot when Lowrv brought up his right arm
nnd was upon the point of smashing Grover
in the face.
Tom Fltzmorrls , who happened to bo In
the room , und Councilman Elsnsscr acted as
peacemakers. Fltzmorrls grabbed Lowr.v's
nrm and Klsassor whispered iu his car :
"Tom , for God's sake , for the reputation of
the council , don't fight. "
Lowry did uot fight , but ho applied fully
fifty names to Grover , none of which can bo
found In any book that was over circulated
In refined families.
Most of the people present thought the fun
vros over und wore willing to go uwaj , but
Bomohow a few got an idea that ttioro was
moro coming , and It did como.
C. K. Squires had strayed In , as ho said , to
\find out what street Blrhhausor
\vautcd swept at ouco. Having spied
lilm , and 03 his wrath had
iiot reached the zero point , Squires was put
upon the rack for a roast. His entire street
Bwoopjng work was discussed , with Panning ,
the sewer contractor , pointing out times und
jilacos where the work had not been well
"Yes , " said Lowry , "Micro Is the south
end of the viaduct where the mud is six
Inches deep "
"But Tom " and Squires tried to explain.
Lowry did not want nny explanation and
once moro planted his guns and prepared to
Hecluro war , this time on the contractor.
Again It was n good thing that Tom
VUtzuiorris andj Elsasser were present.
Tom Insisted that lighting would
not bo the proper thing to do ,
and that work upon the streets instead of n
fight would please tlio taxpayers. "In the
high position that you hold , Tom , you cannot
Hffonl to light , " said Fitzmorris.
Although small , Elsassor again got In some
good work aim clrulinir around the president
of the council , exclaimed , "Tom , you must
have some respect for us. What a terrible
blow it would bo upon the council if you
should engage lu a knock down , oven If you
I got the host of the bout. "
f Lowry thought so too and declared the
trouble at an end.
Squires said ho opposed fighting and would
tuu Dtiforo ha would stand up and be knocked
down by a councilman or unv other man.
That ended the trouble nnd the crowd dis
persed , whllo these having business with
lilrkbauser bearded him lu his dcu.
ftlictun itiHtii.
Few diseases cause more pain and suffer
ing than rheumatism ; parsons n ft iiot eel with
that disease , or who have friends troubled by
it , will , wo believe , bo delighted to learn that
it can bo cuied. Thu following , from Mr. J.
A. Stum , Dos Mollies , la , , is only ono of the
many severe cases that have promptly violdcd
to Chamberlain's I'nln Balm. Mr. Stum
says : ' ! suffered with the terrible disease
for four weeks and used everything 1 could
think of without success until I commenced
using Chamberlain's Pain
Balm , which gave
luo almost Immediate relief. I am now per
fectly well from It. For stiff Joints 1 never
saw its equal and tnl < o great pleasure In
recommending it to my friends and all others
Who my be utllictod with rheumatism.
Kent Kstnto Men DiHeu s Several Im
portant SulimncH.
At the session of the real estate exchange
hold yesterday morning , the listings and sales
wcro not culled , tbo time bolnc devoted
to the transaction of other business.
Notice was served upon tlio exchange that
If the weather is line the members will go on
an excursion to East Omahu next Saturday
H S. Berlin of the Omaha driving park as-
Boclutlon was before tbo exchange with n
proposition. Ho asked that the exchange In-
vestlirato the affairs of the association and
take $125,000 of stock or assist In floating that
amount. The association owns 151) ) acres of
land whlcn Is being put In shape for fairs
and races.
The president appointed a commlttoo con-
tslstlug of George N. Hic\s D. C. Patterson
and J. B. Kvans.
Colonel Champion S. Chase addressed the
exchange upon the subject of the pan-ropub-
llo congress , Ho road n letter from Secre
tary McDowell , who recominoudoii thn holdIng -
Ing of the next oxocutlvo session in
Omaha. This meeting will .bring together
00delegates , who will remain at least two
weeks , To work for the accomplishment of
tliU cud II. O. Clark , U. K. Allen nnd C. C.
UoorKO wore appointed n commlttco.
The moinberi reported considcrnblo actlv-
Hy In the ronl ostnto ranncot and Will report
tholr stiloj at the next mooting.
Thorcls | nothlns ttint will so thoroughly
cloanto nnd ronovnto the \vholo system as a
dose of St. I'ntrlck'3 1'llls.
Sanitary Commissioner Morrlssdy DC-
nlcuClmrKCM Made AguliiHt Him.
"In the Interest of Justice and fair play
why doesn't ' TUB BKR ask fnrtlioothor sldo
of the question ! " said Sanitary Commission
er Morrlssoy , alluding to the Interview with
John Nelson In yesterday's Issuo.
"Tun line Is always fair , " was the ro-
"Then print this amdavlt , " said the com
OMAHA , April 10 , mi , I Prank H. Morrlntoy ,
H.inllurjr cmnml'Hioncrof the city of Oinalin ,
do solemnly swonr that the sl.iloincnu mntlo
liv Johnson Nelson la an Interview prlntod In
TiiKilnK of April 20 , are uniinallflutlly false
seriatim , us follows ;
John Nolum never tit nny time p'lld mo in
for 11 hook of dump tlcKcts , Tim most hu
o\cr puld Iniinv twenty-four hours wna 14.50
Instcitd of $14 tin lie suites , mul ho lius not
nvor.iBOd II per night since I have buon In of-
1 rotuscd to sell him n hooc ! for two reasons.
In tlio Ural pliu'o tlio-bonk system has boon
abolished ovi-r slru'o the new charter wus
P.IMSIMI. And secondly , lionixnso Nelson con
stantly violated the olty ordlniincos.Vlion
the city council InvujllKUtod my olllco last
fall , the only abuse they discovered
wus that of overcharges for cess
pool olriinlnff. They especially Instructed
mo to niiiko the tnun onuiio ( < l In that business
cuim : > overcharging. The only iiiiui whom I
caught overcharging was .lului Nelson. Ho
overcharged Matt Olalr , of the Hock lalnnd
rend , ? . " > . which I made him return to Mr.
Clnlr Then ho ovcrclmrtfed H. H. 1'Mttlo ,
man.iiliignilltorof the Worla-Iluiald. I pro
tected Mr. I'oiittlo In this also. Then when
ho took the foul matter from the Walnut Illll
school and dumped It on the mound within
the city limits , In violation of the ordinance
and Imperiling the public health , I thought It
time to shut down on him nnd I have done so.
1'iUNKlt. Moimisshv.
Subscribed and sworn to hoforo mo April
SI , 1S9I. U. W. SiitKMis.
County Judge.
"I toll you John Nelson Is neither truthful
nor honest , and has Imposed on Titc Ben.
Ho can't Impose on mo any longer , and ho
will mvcr turn a wheel while I nm sanitary
commissioner , " continued Morrissoy.
"As for the absurd allciratlons made re
garding the bonanza receipts of the ofllco , I
was an applicant for the position of state inspector
specter of oils , which pays (3,000 per your ,
which 1 would scarcely scolc If I was making
$1,000 a minute , as alleged. In f.ict , If it
were necessary I would make an allldavit
that my compensation has not oxcoodcd an
average of $150 per month since I have been
in ofllre.
"It is true , as I have stated , th-xt the pres
ent garbage system is wronu , but the pro
posed ordinances do not bolter the situation ,
indeed , life council , under the now charter ,
cannot trass the proposed ordinances because
they are In conflict with the charier.
"And now further us to the charter , " ho
continued. "I claim that TUB BKK'S state
ment Is Inaccurate , or , at least , contained
vital typographical errors. I am a member
of the board of health and T have exclusive
control of my oflico under directions of the
board. As for curtailment of tnv compensa
tion I would respectfully refer TUB
HCR to section 103 of the city charter and assure -
sure It that any attempt to redtica my pay
would take it to the courts for settlement.
"And now permit mo in conclusion to say
that I think the repeated attacits upon me ,
made upon misinformation , should cease. I
nm trying to do my duty and make the odlco
rospcctuDlo as well as remunerative. Whllo
1 hold the oftlco I propose to bo saultarv com
missioner and stand for my rights. 1 do not
drag my coat-tails on the ground soliciting
warfare , but when 1 have to have it , why I
am in U without flinching. "
Tried It On HlH Son.
I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm on my son
for rnoumntlsm. Ho had been unable to work
for over twelve months , nnd was unable to
walk to school , until after I usej the Pain
Balm on him. Ho has since occn walking ono
and n half miles and back to school every day
for about two months. M. D. Pussor , mer
chant , Gibraltar , Union Co. , N. C.
llcllevuo College Trustees The Pres
bytery The Missionary Society.
The trustees of Bellevue college mot nt
the First Presbyterian church yesterday morn
ing to consider several matters pertaining to
the interest of the Institution.
Dr. Kerr , president of the college , Kov.
Asa Laird , Kov. J. M. Wilson , H. T. Clarke
and several others wcro present. Dr. Kerr
said the great need of the college at present
was moro room for students In the dormi
tories. The recitation rooms , Dr. Kerr said ,
were largo enough nt present , tmt the board
ing accommodations were crowded.
The trustees then talked over some plan by
which now buildings will doubtless bo secured -
cured at Bellevue to accommodate the stu
dents. It is understood that there aio several
parties in the cast who are willing to as
sist Bellevue by the donation of
several thousand dollars providing those in
terested In the Institution hero in Omaha
will put up $3,000 to ? 10,000. If the local sup
porters of the colloiro will como to the
iront the institution will probably secure
n snug gift that will erect another fine , largo
dormitory. It Is raoro than probublo
that the amount required at homo
will bo raised nnd the buildings
put up during the coming summer.
The trustees fool very mucii encouraged with
the outlook. There are nt present sixty stu
dents in Bellevue college , ami with ample
facilities for boarding , this number might bo
doubled next year.
The board of directors mot during the af
ternoon to adopt n constitution and elect pro
fessors to till the vacuntohalri iu the faculty.
There were about twenty directors present.
The committee , consisting of Dr. W. W.
Harsha of Tecumseh and Hov. Dr. Milllgan
of Omaha , appointed to see Dr. Mcado C.
Williams of Princeton. 111. , with reference to
his accenting the chair of Now Testament
exegesis. in the seminarv , reported
Dr. Milllgau said ho bellovod tliat Dr. Will-
lams would accept the chair and If so ho
would bo an honor to the seminary. Dr.
AVilliams was unanimously chosen.
Dr. W. W. Hitrshu of Tecumseh recom
mended Hov. C. G. Sterling , pastor of the
Walnut Hill church as uu able Instructor In
Hebrew and Hov. Sterling was accordingly
Kov. Dr. Sexton , the missionary' '
for Nebraska , was elected to deliver n series
of lecturei on foreign missionary work bo
fore the students of the seminary the coming' '
Dr. Gordon , chairman of the committee on
constitution , reported that the committee
had decided that the constitution ot the Me-
Cormick seminary of Chicago wus about the
thing needed for the Omaha institution , and
had proposed a constitution very similar.
The name suggested nnd Dually adopted was
"Tho Proshvtcrlnn Theological Seminary at
Omaha. " The constitution was adopted.
The prominent clergymen and other gentle
men present ? were Dr. 'W. W. Iliir.slui of
Tocuinseh , Dr. 12. H , Curtis of Lincoln , Pres
ident W. F. Hinglond of Hastings college ,
Kov. H. O. Scott of Hustings , Dr. Stephen
Phelps of Council Bluffs , Ur. McConaughy
of York , Judge S. P. Davidson of Tecumseh ,
Hov. Dr. Kerr of Bellevue , Kov. William
Henderson , editor of the Central West ; Hov.
T. L. Sexton , synrdlcal missionary ; Hov.
Asa Lulrd , Kov. J. M. Wilson , Dr. J. C.
Denise , Hov. Dr. Milllgan. Hov. Dr. John
Gordon , Kov. H. V. AtkUson of Omaha.
Presbytery Convened.
Last night t > . tbo Second Presbyterian
church the Omaba presbytery was opened.
About twenty ministers and thirty lay
members wore present. The opening sermon
was preached by the rotirlng moderator ,
Hov. J. V. Griswold of Columbus.
It was a plain gospel sermon upon the res
urrection of Christ nnd vital doctrines of the
Christian fulth.
After the sermon Hov. J. T. Copley was
elected moderator for the ensuing year. Hov.
It. D , Wells , of Waterloo , was ro-olcctod to
the position of secretary of the presbytery.
The presbytery will meet today at hUO : p.
in. for n servlco of prayer which will last
half an hour. The business session will be
gin at 1) ) a. m. today and will continue until
evening. A lunch will bo served at noon in
the basement of the church ,
'I ho Missionary Soolcty.
The Woman's Missionary society of the
Omaha Presbytery will hold Iti annual meet-
lug at Bellevue Thursday , April 23. Trains
leave union depot nt 0:30 : a. re. , 4:30 : p.m. ,
( special Atop ) , 0:50 : p. m. , returning by special
train at 0:30 : p. m.
Moro serious and chronic diseases from
which txMJplo tiovor whololy recover , nro pro
duced by constipation than from any other
ono cause. Hcmombor this and keep your
bowels regular by taking n dose of St.
Patrick's Pills whenever required ,
William McCarthy Dies Alone nnd
Unattended In n Depot.
William McCarthy Is the latest victim of
the dlsruto between the city and county
odlclals as to who shall take care of the tran
sient sick. Ho came in on the Missouri Pa
cific Monday about noon add was assisted
Into the waiting room at the Webster stront
County Commissioner Timmo was on the
saino train nnd informed the officials about
the doirot that the man was very sick and
needed immediate assistance. Depot Master
Llttlelleld telephoned at once to the pollco
station for assistance and after n wrangle
over the telephone was referred to the county
physician , on the ground that the case was
not ono for the city.
About thirty minutes was thus wasted and
meantime McCarthy was suffering untold
agony , complaining of severe pain and griping
lu the stomach and bowels. A messenger
was sent for Countv Physician Kcogh , who
came nt ouco. Ho felt the man's pulse nnd
Inquired as to his condition. The patient
stated that ho had boon troubled for a long
time with paroxysms of the breast and had
been suffering for about lolghtcon hours with
pains nnd griping in the bowel * and stomach.
Dr. Keogh concluded that the man should
bo removed at once to the hospital nnd on-
doavorcd to have a haclcman take the nun to
that place , but ho refused to take an order on
the county for his pay. The doctor then at
tempted to telephone to the poor. farm for a
conveyance but the wires wcro in bad order ,
and the doctor went to Sixteenth nnd Web
ster streets to use another telephone. Ho
finally succeeded In calling up the poor farm
and the wagon was started after the man.
Dr. Keogh then went to dinner ns ho did
not think anything could bo done for the man
until ho was taken where ho could have rest
and qulot. In about ton minutes , however , a
messenger cumo for the doctor , saying that
the man was dying. Ho started at once for
the depot , but when ho reached there th
man was dead ,
The coroner was notified and the body re
moved to Honfey's where an Inquest will bo
The deceased was n strnnccr nnd nothing
was known ns to his residence. A bill of lad
Ing for a box of tools which had been shipped
from Auburn to Omaha was found in his
In speaking of the matter yesterday morning
Dr. Kcogh stated that thcro had been consid
erable talk because ho had not doped the man
with modlclno. According to the man's story ,
ho was subject to paroxysms of the heart and
the best thing for him wus rest nnd not modl
clno. When ho was summoned the .second
time , the doctor said , ho was prepared to
administer a restorative for the heart trouble ,
which ho supposed was the cause of the
attack , but when ho reached the station the
man was dead.
The body Is lying at He.xfoy's nnd shows
evidence of poisoning. It is badly swollen
and discolored.
A very small pill but a very good ono. De-
Witt's Little Eurlv Risers.
Ills Hold Is Harness.
Gcorg.0 Harper was arrested by Ofllcer
Bloom last night. Harper Is probably the
greatest harness thief lu Nebraska , and has
boon ordered out of the city many a timo.
George cannot sco a harness anywhere but
ho feels as if bo must possess that harness.
Times Innumerable has ho boon arrested for
such offenses. Ho spends all of his time
tonco for the larceny. George is an old time
lodger at the pollco station and when brought
in lost night greeted the ofllcors with n
hearty "good evening. " Patsy Hnvey
showed Harper to the best room In the house
and It Is safe to say that the judge will
"lloat" him in the morning.
Dr. Blrnov euros catarrh. Boo bid's1.
Gone with the Pony ,
C. Dietrich reported to tbo pollco last
night that ho rented a pony to a man Sunday
wlio had so far failed to return the property.
C. Dietrich & Son are the proprietors of a
livery stable at 1809 Sherman avonuo. Sun
day afternoon a well dressed young man
entered the stable and wanted to biro a
horse to go a short distance into the country.
A line black pony with heavy mane and tall
was given him nnd since then neither manner
nor pony have showed up. A description of
the man and animal was loft with the pollco ,
who will look the matter up.
DeWltt's Little Early Klsers for the Livor.
James Brady of Lincoln is at the Murray.
F. E.Vhlto of Plattimouth is tit the Mur
A M. Johnson of Curtis Is a guest at the
F. E. Mattcsoi ) of Sutton is a guest at the
E. W. Hayes of Beatrice Is a guest at the
Mrs. A. C , Manchester of Lincoln is at the
George M. Martin of Kearney is at the
P. vV , Collsoo and A. K. Day of Tckamah
are at the Casey.
Frank P. Ireland and wife of Nebraska
City nro guests at the Paxton.
Bint C. Wukoloy loft Jacksonville , Fla. ,
Monday nnd Is expected hero dally.
Charles F. Pierce and Ester Sworson of
the Suntco agency are at the Casoy.
Mr. E. Langcn , formerly with Havden
Brothers , loft last evening for Philadelphia
where ho goes to accept a flno situation.
The Harkor Hurry Smith , Washington ; K.
P. Urcgor , Chicago ; Charles Musou , Jothoy
UltyT. ; I ) . Lone , Oes Maltu-Hj John S. Hann-
son and wlfo , St. Joe ; Joseph I'lts-corald. Mll-
Wiinkooi A. Edwoston , Lowlston. Idaho : Miles
McAIoor. Nebraska Cltv ; 8. 11. I.onxbrldun ,
Llnuoln ; c. 11. Cunpolinr , Atlanllu ; 1) . W ,
Faulkner , Anltu ; V. 11. Stone , Ord ; J. P. Smith
and wlfo , Dourer.
The Merchants P. S. Capron. P.V. . Hurlow.
J. Gloiihon , Wlllliim 11. Hanson. K.V. . Mason ,
Horton , Kun. ; A. Koohlcr , Geneva ; H. R Jor
dan , lloono : V. M. WiUlit. Lincoln ; J. li.
Suhnuiibor , Crobton ; C. M. Urcon. Culhoun ; G.
W. Irving , Lincoln : Mrs. Oroy , Dos Molnos ; L.
W. Jtnnlmnl , KltUburj ? , In. ; II. I ) . Mosuloy ,
Hot Sprint ; A , Hoormun , Gritslmm ; K. A.
1'rt'scott , Topeka ; A. K. .Hnndull. Milwaukee ,
The 1'uxton A. U ICoueo , Omaha ; O. II.
PaKKrtt , Ilostou ; Harry Williams and wlfo ,
Kiitio Kmmott , Now York ; K. L. Ayois. Chi
cage : 13. 11. Crowded , United Stutcsurmv : A.
I1 ' , bliiok , Junlatu , Noh. ; T. 0. rish , W. II ,
I'uulki's. Superior WIs.
, ; Ilowunl Cnmi'ion ,
Di'MMir : K. O. Stanley , Now York ; A. K. Snm-
ner. r. K. Wulton , CUnoluml ; II. r. llui.tlnit.
Cinlur Itiiplds , la. ; L'lmrlos O. Unorgo , Omaha ;
I. II. .MuUieudy , bt. Louis. Mo. : A. S. Ouriot-
son , fclnuv Olty ; Henry Loolikor. Huntings ,
Noh. ; W. O. Kurtz , Oimiha ; W. U , htoddurd ,
Chlcuso : Charles O. Whoudon. Lincoln ; 0. O.
Kiihin , t-ohnylor ; J. A. O'Hi'Riui , Now Vork ;
II. M. Meiir , I'orln ; 1' . 1 < \ La Chappoll. Ot-
lowa. III. ; John Wilson , Kearney , Nob. ;
Dunlol MuKtlionnoy , llmtlncs , ol ) . : O. O ,
Hush , Cincinnati , O. ; Mis. Otlilan Ottthrlo ,
ChluiiKo ; Kiunk D , Stooln. HuHlliiR : W , l\
Snivoiy. I'ittsbun , ' ; W. W. Musplio. Sioux
( ) ty , Iu. ; II. a. Corroll , OrolKhton , Nob. ; L.
W. Ornltr , Kunius Olty : Mrs. Uuorgo Trator ,
Lottu 11 Jones , Thurmnii , In. ; O. O. Kills
Kunsas city ; J. W. Wultz , Charles Dulhor.
llultlmoro ; H. H. Smlloy , OhlcuKo ; UoorKrfW.
bocvors , Osknloosu , Iu. ; K. W. Week < , Outhrlo
The Casey H. J. Pullman , Council IllulTs ;
E. Hatnour. WccphiR Wutor ; MM. S. N. Snell ,
I'lurktton ' , Mloh.i Albert Kroltus , Gruml 1s-
lanil. > el ) . ; . ! , I ) . Cole , Atohlson ; H. Weaver ,
Dickinson , N. I ) . ; J. J. llalllriKor , llnstlnca ;
Mrs. Henry /aim , Mrs. Johnston. Chl-
ouifoi A. 1' . Laeoy. Cliurton , Ia , : W. W. Iloiin ,
Hponoor , lu.i I * . R Kmlnrly , llarrlsburR ; II ,
D. Mlllor , W. L. Lohmiiii , btunton , Noh. ;
Jos. llurnnrd , Sloan , In , : T. J , llarluoll and
wlfo. Juelison , Neb , ; H. A , Wear. Hyraciun , N ,
V. ; J , PIINCO , rnmiont : 0. S , Kuynolds , Pro-
inont : W , tlurst , W. Cnttvdnoif , Ohl-
OIIKOV. : \ . P llltuhi-ock , Alllunvo , Nob. ; 1.8.
liimuii , Oscolu ; H , H. ICri' i'o , Nebraska City ;
MH. M. R Oomstock , Mllfonli J. O. Meek ,
buporlorj J. U t'aroy , Mansllold , O.j Chan. I ) ,
drlir , Lincoln C. U ,
; Uuymondund ludv. Di < n-
M'r ; T. J. lloss , lleiitrluu ; John Mcllrliln and
daushUT , O'NollI ; H. C. MoKvony , O'Nolll ;
.I.Kiiw Wull. Lincoln ; W. L. O.nuily , Now
jerk ; K. Tnylor , llroKou How ; fjoo. P. Hulms
Hooper , Nub. : James Connor , Chicago ; K. A ,
Hull , Ore < to , Wnslilnetoii ; M , H. Drcxhor.
! -iinlniryll'u. : O , A. Ivuufmiin , Avonii ; Mr and
Mrs. II , i : . Hand. I.onx Pine ; J. P. Jones ,
Trlnldud.Col. ; John A. llradloy. LoitpClty ;
( fin ) . II llimulng. Long l'lni > ; elms. W. Ornm ,
Mrs. i : . W. Orinii , UurlliiBton : A. M.
luttorand wlfr , Utlca , N. V.j A. C , AltUon ,
Omaha Elevator Mop Have Been Invostl-
gnting the Subject at Otlior Points.
1 / ,
i *
) IsoiisBlnK tlio Unst GrndhiK for Cora
and Wheat Knnsns City ntul
1 hem
Fnvonilly >
C. H. Fowler of the Fowler elevator com-
> any nnd A. U. Jaqulth of the Omaha olova-
or company have returned from n trip which
ncludod n visit to the loading grain markets
of the country. They have taken n great In-
crest in the stops looking toward the build *
IIR up of a grain market lu Nebraska , and
low that the warehouse bill has bccomo n
aw , they regard the next most important
object to bo attained Is the establish-
uoiit of n proper grading of the different
cereals. They carefully examined the
grades at Kansas City , St. Louis ,
JhicaRO nnd Minneapolis , and came to the
conclusion that the best thing Nebraska
could do would bo to adopt the Minneapolis
grading of wheat and the Kansas City grud-
np of corn.
In explaining the reason for tholr decision
ho gentlemen stated that Nebraska ought
lot to have a too rigid Inspection. For this
reason they did not approve of Chicago's
rules which nro all well enough for that city
but would not suit Nebraska cereals.
Bald one of them : "If we wcro to have
our grades based on Chicago , It would knock
our market into n cocked hat. "
In Chicago If wheat is peed enough to
grade No. 2 , but is u liltlo dirty , it Is rejected
and sells -'M7c per bushel below tlio market
irlco of No. " . This is a dltcct loss to the
irodurer , and ono that Nebraska fanners do
lot Ilko , as shippers have to buy their grain
n the country Just so much lower.
At Minneapolis If the grain Is good onourh
o grade No. 2 they so grade It , but carefully
cstlmato the amount of dirt It contains and
report a shrinkage sufficient to cover it , as
lor example four pounds per uuslicl. This
uirmlts tlio farmers who have no adequate
'acllltles for cleaning their grain at homo to
narket it for what it is actually worth. That
s the mnlu reason why the gentlemen will
recommend thoMlntipapodsgradlugof wheat.
It may bo added that the system employed
, hcro bus boon satisfactory to producers and
elevator men alike.
The Kansas City grading of corn is recom
mended because it is so rigid.aud would bet
ter suit the grading of corn grown In this
All that the grain men can do Is to glvo
tholr ndvico founded upon a practical Knowl
edge of the business and Its requirements.
The warehouse bill provides that the chlof
inspector shall hjvo a general supervision of
Inspection ot grain under the ndvico nnd im
mediate direction of the board of transporta
tion of the stato. Hence the final decision as
to what modes shall bo adortod will have to
como from that quarter.
So much of the success of tno grain market
will depend upon the action and ability of the
chlof inspector that gram men nro very much
interested iu the question as to whom the
governor will appoint to till that position.
So far us can bo loarncd the grain men of
Omaha have no candidates for thu plauo but
they have a pretty clear idea of
the kind of a man they want.
Said ono : "If the governor will onlv give
us n thoroughly practical man wo will bo sat
isfied. " Another ventured the hope that the
appolntco would bo a'fh'orough business man
and not a polltlcianj''ftn'd ' added that where
nnllHna hnd honn nllnurnil t/i ntitnr Intn annh
an appointment t hero .was always certain to
bo moro or less dissatisfaction.
Alt lor Sister.
How much rronoy uav.o I got in my bank }
Forty-five cents , strau'gor only want flvo
cents moro. What will I do then , stranger !
Whyyou soc.sistorliassuoh o tetrlblo cough ,
nnd people say it will bo bad on her If she
don't get bettor soon , and the folks toll mo
Bailor's sure cough syrup will euro It right
up ; so you see flvo " cents ! Thank you ,
stranger. " , ,
He Talks About Kallroad Affairs and
tlio City's Growth.
Mr. Jay Gould and party put in the time
yesterday morning in visiting the yards and
shops in this city and then crossed over to
Council Blurts , where the transfer depot and
yards were inspected. The tram bearing the
party was then run to East Omaha , where
the trackage nnd grounds wcro surveyed.
Leaving there , the party proceeded to South
Omaha via the Bolt line , taking In the pack
ing houses , and afterwards returning to this
city over the Union Pacific tracks. Nossrs.
W. II. Holcomb and T. L. Klmball went
Alter taking dinner on the train Mr. Gould
was seen by a DKB representative and cor
roborated what Mr. Clark had said regardIng -
Ing the story sent out from Denver , which
had called forth a reply from President
Cabloof the Hock Island.
Mr. Gould stated that ho know nothing
about the reported absorption of the Rock
Island except what ho had soon lu the news
papers. Ho denounced the report as being
In reply to a question about the cut rate
on sugar made by the Missouri Paclllc , Mr.
Gould smiled and said ho had ! > coti no sugar.
Ho evaded the question , but Mr. Clark re
marked that the freight agent of the Mis
souri Pacific had only done openly what the
other Hues were doing sccrotly. Ho had re
ceived a lengthy communication from Freight
Agent Leeds on the matter and was satisfied
there was no cause for all the uproar.
Mr. Gould was asked If It was true that ho
had any sinister designs against the contin
uance of the Western Traflic association , to
which ho replied that ho had i ot.
"Do you tnink the association is a success
In Its practical operation I" ho was asked.
' Yes , I think it Is ; it has served to equalize -
izo rates nnd has resulted in a better feolins
generally In railway matters. I think it wil
continue ) in existence. I was unable to at
tend the meeting in Chicago on account of 11
"Thoro are a great many changes In your
city1 continued Mr. Gould. "I notice a
great improvement since I was here last
The changes which have taken place since
was here for the ilrst time , In 1874 , nro mar
volous. At that time wo started from the
depot to the hotel In a carriage which go
stuck lu the mud up to the hubs and wo were
obliged to walk. What appeared to bo a
payed sidewalk proved * to bo only a gutter
illlod with water , so that my Ilrst Impression
of the town -vns not very Haltering. "
Mr. Gould Inquired about the actual popu
latlon of Omaha nndvarious other data , am
seemed to bo favorably impressed with the
icports of the city's progress ,
About 2 o'clock the 'party ' took carriages
and were driven about the city , visiting tbo
various points of interest. They visited Tin
HUB building nnd took n blrd's-oyo view o
the city. - *
This morning Mr. Gould and his immodlato
party started for NAMV York via the Nortn
western road and wilKp | , directly through.
Do not take any clip'nco of being poisonei
or burned to death vyUli , liquid steve polis
paints or enamels Ifj uottlos. The "Hlsi
Sun Steve Polish" is s/jfo , odorless , brillia
the cheapest and bcstjS eve polish mado. aai
the consumer pays f no extensive tin o
glass package with oyq r purchase ,
Story of Domestic InlVllulty from tlio
Capital City.
The arrest of A C. Cope at the Union depot
pot by Officers Boyle and Fleming last evening
ing was the means of revealing an inter
astlng state of affairs In a prominent Llucoli
Young Cope was arrostcd as a suspicion
character , but when arraigned before Jud
Holsloy ho tola a story that won the Judgo'
sympathies and ho was released .
The facts in the cnso are those :
CoMj | , who Is a senior In the scientific cours
at the state university and a lieutenant I
the university cadets , Is a son of J.V. . Cope
a prominent grain merchant in the capita
city , who rooms In the Apnlogato blouk , Fo
so mo time pjst family mallow have not pan
along smoothly In the l/ono household , and o
late MM , Cope has bceu keeping
oardcrs at Sixteenth and O streets.
Ytnonp her boarders wa.i Grant Barker , a
ilg , husky follow In the full tldo of health
ind qulto the reverse In every way of Mr.
Jopo , and rumor hath It that Mrs , Cope
ound much pleasure In young Barker's
oclety. At length Mrs. Cope concluded lo
cave Lincoln nnd go to Crcston , la. , and last
evening was the time sot for her departure.
This was to bo the final separation between
klr. nnd Mrs. Copo. It so happened , how
ever , that Mr. Barker took It Into his head to
como to Omaha , anil as luck would have It
hey both happened to take the same train.
Cope , sr , , dltl not Ilko the looks of things , but
concluded that inasmuch as thcro was to bo
n separation it might bo well to look up a
Ittlo divorce material , so bo said to Cope , Jr. ,
'My boy , Just put on a dlsgulso and follow
hem to Omahn , and see what you will see. "
That Is how It happened that young Mr ,
-opo placed a few blonde hairs in position
under his nose and screened his ayes behind
n pair of glosses and boarded the tralu with
ho eloping couple. All would have been
veil , but the conductor mistrusted that ho
md an escaping convict on bo.ird his tralu
and as BOOH ns lie reached Omuhii ho called
ho officers and pointed out the suspicious
ooklng young men. Mrs. Cope and her com-
lanlon had loft tbo train nnd started up town
md the embryo sleuth was following about
mlf n block In their wake , when ho was ruth-
cssly nabbed by the millions of the law and
ent to the station.
This Is the story ns the youthful prisoner
old It to the Judge , and ho was very happy
vhon ho was released. The Judge , however ,
confiscated a uearl handled derringer of 11
allbro that the young man carried.
When Cope left police court he declined to
ay whether ho would at ouco return to Lin-
oln or strlko the cold trail nnd endeavor to
oc.itc his mamma and her well developed os-
Dwyoi'iTnry Fulls to A rco mul Is
The case of the state against Joe Dwyor.
vho Is charged with having murdered John
Conner on the night of February 15,1s settled
until tbo next term of the district court.
The case was heard and the Jury locked up
ast Friday afternoon. Yesterday morning ,
after having bean out eighty-nine hours , the
wolvo men were brought before Judge
Cstollo. They said they could never
agree , after which they were
lisctiargod. During the time they were out
10 ballots wcro taken. Since Sunday nftor-
loon the Jury stood eleven for conviction and
ono for acquittal.
Their Silver Wedding.
Mrs. P. S. Downs was treated to n pleasant -
ant surprise last evening. Twenty-five years
ago Mr. and Mrs. Downs came to Omaha
ind Joined tbo First Methodist Episcopal
church. Since then Mrs. Downs has been
actively cnpaced in the work of the Sunday
ehool. As last , evening was the twenty-fifth
anniversary in the work of the Sunday
school her present class decided upon 11 sur-
) riso. About ono hundred invited guests
fathered at the residence of Hov. P. S. Mor-
111 , the pastor. When Mrs. Downs arrived
she was presented with an elegant purse con
taining 70 in gold as an evidence of her
worth and appreciation by the church nnd
icr class. Mrs. Downs was takou comploluly
jy surprise , but responded in a few heartfelt
Hofreshmonts were served at the parson-
ngo nnd n very pleasant evening passed. Tno
credit of the entertainment belongs to Mrs.
F. D. Wilson and Mrs. Cyrus Hoso.
A Boy Accidentally Sliootnllls IJrotlicr
ami Then HulolilcH.
LOXDOX , April 21. | Special Cablegram to
Tun J3RK. ] Two young sons of ox-Mayor
Stafford of Leicester were nluvlncr with a
revolver yesterday In a bedroom. Cecil , the
older , ignorant that the weapon was loaded ,
pointed It at his brother Roy and pulled
the trigger. The pistol was discharged and
the bullet struck the young boy in the head ,
inflicting a bad wound. Cecil , thinking ho
bad killed his brother and overcome with ro-
inorso , turned the weapon against himself ,
llrod and foil a corpse to the lloor.
The mother , alarmed at the detonations ,
rushed to the bedroom and found both of her
children woltorlng In tholr blood upon tbo
floor. Uttering a piercing scream , she
fell upon their bodies nnd fjilntcd.
The entire house was aroused and the ox-
mayor was sent for. On his arrival a sad
scene was presented. Ills eldest son was
dead , Roy showed sinus of life , but ho is
hardly expected lo hvo. Thu mother had not
been i estored to consciousness and she Is iu
a precarious condition.
Vanilla , \ Of perfect purity.
Lemon -I
Of g BtrenBth.
Almond -I Economy in their uso.
Rose etc.yj Flavor as delicately
dellolouslv n tv.o frnrh
The Original and Genuine
Iiormrts tbo mwt delicious Ueto and zoat 0
TLEMAN at Had- liti brother pitm ,
May , 161L IIOT A : COLD
LEA & PEN It IN 8'
that their nance la
hlKhly o.UcciuoJ la GAOlIii
India , and In in niy
opinion , tlio most U'KI II-
palatable , as vrcll
iw the most whole. UAKIIUTS : ,
Koine niiuco that ia
made. "
Eewargof Imitations ;
Bee that you get Lea & Perrins' '
BlgDoturo on every bottle of Original b Gcrmlna.
Baron Leibig
The Croat chemist pronounced the
well known I.clblu Compiinx'a Kxlract
of I leef , made of thn lineal Itlvcr
1'lnlto rattle. Inllnltely superior In
flavor anil quality to nny mnao of cattle -
tlo Rrnwn In Kuropo or ulsenlioro , Ho
authorltcd the uiu of
well kno'n ' trade mark
signature of
IiEIBIG Extract
IVrdullclous 1'or Improved nnil
llt'of Tun , Kcimomio I'ookory.
VV A . NITRIC , AKOIItS , , . t < > SUll . tl.O I'ltllCHi
olot.s | ijlu. t1Q | oniy
line ever Invented that holds thu ulothui with
out pins ; a porfuut Hiicci's-ii imtcnl leeontly
Issued ; sola only hy iiKi'nts , to whom tlio 01-
cluslvu rlulit U Klvi'n. Uniuiiullit of McunU wo
will send UKumplu line hy iimll ; also circu
lars ! prlcu Hit und tornm to UKOIIU Suoiire
your turrltnry ul nncn. Addrcnn T11R I'lN
LKSS OLOTllIb LINK fJO. , 17 Iloriunn w
Oonornl IJoivliunlu ! ' . llutlcr Ortloi-ctl
lloinuvcd from Con ft ,
BOSTONMasi. . , April 21. A week or no
ago Ucnoral Benjamin V. Duller , noting as
attorney for Mrs. Johnson , convicted of per
jury lu a pension case , had n dispute with
United State * District Judge Carpenter , as n
result of which Butler was forbidden to ap
pear before the court. This rnornlnp , however -
over , when the case en mo uo 13 u tier came
In and Insisted on addressing the court.
Judtro Carpenter declared him disorderly nnd
ordered the marshal to remove him from the
court room , The marshal and his assistants
escorted him out. The old trctioral was much
nITcctcd and his eyes llllod with tear * as ho
exclaimed ! "I yield to force. " When the
marshal released him in the corridor ( .cnernl
llutler Immediately returned to the court
room. Judge Carpenter mid loft the bench ,
and the general , alter looking about and sco-
lnp the bench vacant , exclaimed : "Well , the
room smells a llttlo bettor now than It did a
few moments ago. "
It Knilcil In n Ilntluir Hoiiumtlu AVctl-
ditiK nt AtohlsiMi.
ATCIIIIOV , Kan. , April 31. [ Special Tolo-
cram to TIIK Bui : , ] Sauiuel LHoag of
Great Palls , Mont , , and Ada H. Laird of
Chilllcotho , U. , woio married hero this
morning. They had novur mat until last
night , although they had boon engaged
for a year. Tholr courtship was
conducted by correspondence , nldod
were ready to bo married they agreed to meet
at thu residence of an aunt of thu bride hero.
Hoag traveled 1,700 miles and she 1,000. It
was tholr original programme to bo married
within an hour aftar their Ilrst mooting , but
ho arrived too late last night to get
a licoiiso. The woman , who is an
Intelligent school teacher , was Inclined
to hack out when the hour approached this
morning , but she summoned ceura o and
went Into the llfo contract for hotter or for
wor&o. They will leave tonight for
Falls , where Hoag has a homo already pro
As fjood as new
that's tlio condition of liver , slom-
ach and bowels , when Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets have done their
worl ; . It's a work that isn't fin
ished when you've stopped talcing
them , cither. It's lasting. They
cure , as Avcll as relieve. And it's
all done so mildly and gently I
There's none of the violence that
went with the old-timo pill. Ono
tiny , sugar-coated .relicts a gcntlo
laxative three to four act as a
cathartic. Sick Headache , Bilious
Headache , Constipation , Indiges
tion , Bilious Attacks , and all de
rangements of the stomach and
bowels , are prevented , relieved and
cured. As a Liver Pill , they're un-
equaled. They're purely vegetable ,
perfectly harmless the smallest ,
cheapest , and easiest to take.
They're the cheapest pill you can
buy , because they're guaranteed to
give satisfaction , or your money is
You only pay for the good you
get. Can you ask moro ?
That's the peculiar plan all Dr.
Pierco's medicines are sold on.
lid and Spiral
For the treatment of all CHRONIC ! AND StmniCAr ,
DIdKAHIJrf. Unices. Appllnncoi for Deformities nnj
Trueseoi. Roil Facilities , Apparatus cn.l Huniodlui
fornuccesBful treatment of arory form of dbi'a-io
requiring Meillcnl or BiirKlcnt Treatment. MI NIC TV
HOOMS KOU 1'ATllS.NTd , llonrtl nnil AltenUnnca
Host Arconimoilutlom WoaU WHto fur rlrcuHra on
Deformities uml Ilrncos , Trusses , club 1'oot , Curva
tures of Hplno , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Cntnrrh.
IlronchlUs , Inlintntl.m. Kldctrlclty , I'urnlril , Kpll-
t'ysy , Kldnoya , lllmtdor , l.'yo. Knr , Skin nnil Illonil ,
anil all Puntical ( Jpomtloni. D1HKASIM OK WOMKN
nrpeclnllo. Hook o > Diseases of Women Free. Wo
have lately nildecl n lyliiK-ln Department for Woman
Durlnn confinement ( Strictly 1'rlvnlo. ) Only Holla-
liloMoillcnl Institute Making u BpoclnUy of I'KI-
All llldort 1)10.1809 successfully tronlo.I. . MmUolnj
or Instrument * cent by mall ur express eocurely
iwckeil , no marks to imlloato contents or ecnder.
One poraorm' Interview preferred. Call nnd consult
unornontl hlfory of your rnso. nnil wo will Bond In
lain wrapper our BOOK TO MK.X FIIKB : upon Trl-
Tnto. Special or Nervous Ulieiao , with quoitlou IliU
Address nil Ittlen to
Dr. A. T. McLaughlln , President
Oth and llnrnoy tHroolu. Omuha.
Chinese Physician
1643 Larimer St. , Denver ,
To those eullorlnji from the
Directs of imy of tlm following
dlfeu'p1 * , nnil closlro ho iltli ,
should nrltoLou Wlngatoiicu.
AlldlicimM peculiar to wom
en , falling we.ikiii'1 * , lint man
hood , iicrTiiuiKtlnai'ioi.rotuiil '
rtlson o , Hunilnnl weaklier ,
youllifiit folljr , urinary trouli-
lei , kidney nnd liver troublm , lienrt disease. Imllj.-
ostlun , iliutt aiul Iniu troublo. ronsuni | > tlon , briin-
cliltlv.eouiih , rolili , ustlmui , catarrh , nltillsoiiHosof
tliu bloiHl. MTufilla , nyiililllx , illti'iisun uf 11 Pllvnlo
nature , Kunorrlio.i , Kleot , piles * tumors , cancer , .ilt
rheum , rliiminiillstn , pnralytla , nil kln Ulcascn , 101-
thenean , I | > P < IIHU , neutulalii , iKnfiieii Inhlnun
hnru oyuH , eruptions , tiipowonn , Ills , malaria , HHI !
Ilseasosof the Kunoratlvo matter of how
IcmcMiinillnir. A cure Bimrnnti oil In every cnso or
inonoy tofiiniieil If you ham fulled to Ret curoil
clienheru , do not flojiinlr , but nlve l.KK WIM ! n c ill
nnil hnvo n i hat with him , wlil < h l > ntrlclly contllilcn-
Hal Coimullntlon exnuihmtlon tree. Only a mnall
fum for romiMllin. 'riioiiHitnitH Imvu been cureil of
dlirnri'tit rtl ea e by Lie Wlnu tlilnono Vo -
ctahle roineillix , Many luitlmonliiU can be foun > l
and moll In his olllce , or Denver piim'ri. Address ,
1543 Larimer St. , Denver , Cole ,
Kncloso ntnmp for reply.
Who use our eoli inns to plure Uiclr goud-i
bcforo tco public w II ( ell ) ou Unit
our of
Auxiliary School Journals ,
nrc not mirpn'Noil by nny ( pitchers' pnbll-
cntlui In the mstas an auVrtitiliiK nit > tll <
urn. Kates furnished on iippllratluii.
Ncbr. Teachers' Pub. Co.
Fremont , Nclir.
1) ) . V. Stephens ,
Dr. Ln IMio'H Pmloilii-al I'illn.
o Thlirrt'iicli rmnedr ucta illrvctltipcn thu cnno
TU urcnnii nnil curin iiiin.iiliiii | | uf Iliu IIICIIH
or Iliri'i ) fur M , mul can l > o inullixl. Hliiiulil nut
t il ilurlnu iirntnimcf. Jubbun , itruvvliti nnd tli
public upilucl | | bjr ( iouilinan DrilK Co , Unmlm. K
J. J'uykuru nnil IIOMrnrcl MoyerH. South Uuialiut
M. b. Kill * aud A. U. I'oitur , Council lllullj.
From Eozomn or Eryslpaltis , SwellIng -
Ing Drondful. SufTorlutf Fearful.
Ourodby Cutlourti.
Gutloura Cnnnot bo Improved. Will
Cure Any Skin Dlaotx'o. Not
Excepting Leprosy.
Porno two ypurs ngn I irn < ntlnrkcil with itlinltb
iloi'or.icnllo ( < lccionmororj li'cln , i < t'llliii. fnrtinuil
nock , niul ! ) ( < ello.l . nlniI , nnd 1 coiilil mil trll ) ou
wlml 1 unlTcri'il , U vrutilil lint Abuut t o ook
Ilioii crust over nnil mrk oil In dUTpri'nt > lin | > cs Ilko
Hour. I nni thn mint fnrlnrn spoclnulo > uu ( Hi'r
M > W. t
imiiiilit UfTirttnv IUMHIIM nml comnioa-
0 * > i t < > late them iis ilorrlt'cil ' , nnil 1 ooou foumt tuy-
self Improvlnc. 1 tooksovi'ii iM.ttloi . niul iiaivl HID
imp , ami the remit 1 < n rermnnrnt ruro. tiotl lilo
Ton mill yoiir , I Imvo liveil In ilils jiimn for orcr
lirtr-two ) 'i'"r. , nnil nin , low | , , tllr ni < vi > nlr-tlilril
jrnr. Am In good hrallli. Do not cuiorlimMil on
the Ct'Tiri'll x , jrnu rnu't Impniru thorn , Tliof lll
cilia nny nkm Ohon-o. not I'xrt'iitliiu Ipmsnr. 1
Imvu uruat fidlli In tliviu. THOMAS U I1HAV ,
Dcnvortonn , Ohio.
I foiimt yunrCtni iinv llr. > lKDl > s the only ruio
for unit rhonm. Hn\o UTOimin'inlod tliom IOKOVITII !
l > nitli < s wltli most bcncllclnl rvoilti Will niiilliina
lotto id. n. IIUOKKNSIIAIt ,
103 S-oiith Court Hlrrot , Ottumnii , In.
Cuticura Remedies
1 fleet dally ttioroim'nt euro * ( if humors nnil illi-
r.wi of tlio skin , sonlp , unit blnuil tliiui nil utliur
rjinpitlpi n lulilnml. t'fTiri'HA tliuKrontsklnciiro.
ainliiir-iu | | HiniMm nxuiiMtn nklii piirltlor nnrt
t-oiiitlllor uxtornillr , nnil ri'TluiHU ltksoi\KNT ,
tlio IIPW iiiuuii purliloriinil sri'itiKl of liuinor r iu
villo * , Inlcrniillr , euro i'\crj Kprtlos of llclitiift biirn-
liik' , < rly , plnipl ) . nnil liliitrlir illioiKon of tlm nkln ,
soilp. nnil blood , from Infancy li > iiuo , from i > lim > le
lu m-r.ilnlii , whun thu buit iiliyskl.ins niiil other
rciiii'illcn fnll.
' Sold evoryw hero. Price , ( M'l it'ltli * . fiOoj SOAI *
2'ic ; Prupixroil by the POTIIMI
DllUO ANIlCllK.MII'M.Clllll'lllMTIIIN , llostoll
Jf/'Send fur "How to Cure Skin Dlsemev
(14 ( pagos. 60 lllnstniiior.H and 10J tostlmonliUa.
PLP.S , black honiK rod , ranch , chapped
and oilv jKlu cured by CUTIUUIIA SOAI' .
J'ull of comfort for nil pnlnn , Inllnm-
imitlou and weaknesses of tlm AKOI ! Is
tlint'UTIft'UA ANTl-1'AIN I'l.AHTXIl ,
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( nlllblo
Used and proscribed by the loadlofl
Physicians of the Worldl
Has stood the t'st of tlm ? , and
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neutralizes and dissolves the UBIO
ACID wh'oh Is the prlrao caitso oi
As a Mod'clnal Ta'lo Water , the
bocorao "tho Fad" at all the fasbion-
able Clubs and Hotols. The flavor
Is dollo'ous and wins for It a preferred -
forrod place on thousands of private
The sa'o of Londonderry Lithia ia
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Waters combined !
Call or eond for Pamphlet con
taining Testimonials of wonderful
The st 11 is put up In casoa of 12
half ga'lon bo'tlos. TnospirklingIn
cases of 6O quart , or 10O pl.tbot-
Distributing Agent- ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
A positive euro for Kidney nn1 Mvor Complalnti
nnd nil blood diseases. Poo'ltpuy to surfer whun
you can bn cured by uslnit Mo iro's Treu of l.lfu
thodriMt l.lfo HomelyI'rlco tl pjr bottlu. 1'ro-
pared nnd put up by Ur. J II. .Mojro.
Emerbon , Ia. , Dec. 2 , ' 77.
Dr. J. P. Moore , Dear Sir : It is with jiloas-
uro that 1 add mv toulnonlal to your great
Kidney nnd Llvor Uomuclytho Tree of Lifo.
I dorlvod great benefit from its HBO , and
many others who have usel it say they have
not fult so well Jor yeara I bollova It to 1)3
unoriunlnd as a restorative. To all who are
BUllurlni from kldnoy troubles or a torj Itl
liver , I heartily recommend "Mooro's TroJ
of Life , " and bollove it wllldvu batUfactlon
In the moat obUlnito cases.
Pres. H. S. Abs'n , Mills Co. , Ia.
It I'uni'truttijf , llu-