Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Bnslnora ftr the Week Oponatl with All
Ip'.orcst Oonterd.d lu Whoat.
Corn Kept Within a Moderate Itnnjjo
Ijltllc Trail0 In Provisions Cat-
tin I'rlOBM UllUllllllKCCl HogS
a Slinilu I.owcr.
OIIICAOO. April 2) ) . [ Special Telegram to
Tnr. Hun/ ] Thy week opened on 'cliniiRO with
all the Intorcit ccnturoil In wliuut , Tliu break
In lliocoiirso of thu wild tunrkot covarliiK the
liisllmlt of lust week , occiiMoncd by Sunday
observance , illil tint caiiou tliu uxullamont to
n1m c. Triulo went Into tliu pit IIH nervous
ami a iired over the stti'nKth us If wur liad
brokun out In Kuropo. Tliuro scorned scarcely
aror.son for tliu uxtriiurdlnary tuition of the
inarkut thoflrst May was tl.MSi ami
H.I2'i. ' mid II.I. ' , silmust In u breath. I'niin
ll.l.'ilt ( Irnpiiol to jl.ll wllh a thud , tlion to
11.131 , siKaln , tlion to Jl.lltf In 11 inlniitoand
moved right up to (1.1) ti sucoiul tlino. At thu
end of the hour It wi buuk to Jl.l3aj'aln ,
July was hotwccn Jl.O'l ' ! } and $ l.lli ,
with August and Huptoiubcr sales ut
11.0.1 , or butter. Corn was much less nutlvo
than usua1 , and hold around "Ic for May the
flMthour. Oats were vury stronff , RollliiK at
tliu eloso to 5"i ; for May and at fllo for July
early. Provisions started about steady and
thoraiiKuof urlee-i huforo the inornlni ! call
was tinlto narrow.
Thuto wimu wild and unsettled market In
wheat most of the day , wllh u Kruat deal of
trading oil fo.irs and rumors , und very little-
ttUciillim wiiiKlveii to any news that had Its
origin this sldo of the Atlantic. It was a
Kuropean market vury larjjoly. Shorts al < o
had a pronilnent place In dealings. The mar
ket was so HUIity that the short Interest was
created Ir. a mlnuto and was ellmlnatod thu
next. A long line was taken on onu moment
and liquidated the next. It was u grout mar
ket for the scalpers , but was s. ) wicked Inlts
chants that It muro luuk limit scnso with
the trader who got In and sot out without
beln j nluckcil. There were very liberal re
ceipt * In tlio northwest , with ftaears ) at Min
neapolis and Duluth for forty-eight hours.
Hut Minneapolis public stock decreased 101,000
bushels , and country clovator stocks decreased -
creased .lll.OOJ buihols for the wook. The vis-
Iblosunply report eatno utragigllii ? In ami atone
ono tlmu It looked like tideeroasuof uerhaus
T.'iO.OOO bushels. 1'lnal figures clvo the slim do-
cruasu of l.i",000 bushels tigulnst a decrease the
tame week In 180 of l.iiSI.OOJ bushels. Hut
this was Ignored by the trade as unimportant.
Atlantic ports cleared .M.CM'J bushels of wheat ,
nnd a grout line of Hour. ( WKJ ( ) paokngos.
Cables were closely watched. Liverpool
public cables carlv quoted wheat ! id
to yd dearer , whllo urlvato cables called
Liverpool Id up. London was Is up on cargoes
and Is : td up on Hour. Drum fc Co. had a 1'arls
cable Riving that market oxclted. Cloning
cables were equally strong , The hcavlcst-und
most persistent buying of the day was by
White * Co. Mitchell hoiunt early , but sold
later. I'oolo also bought and sold heavily.
There was a irroat arr.iy of big sellers when-
ovur the market took n bulgo. George Smith ,
McCormlok & Co. , ICennett. Hopkins , Dunn ,
Orr and many others sold at every good op
portunity , The autlon of tlu market , as near
as It could bo traced , was as follows : May
opened around il.CJ , with sales at once at
H.l''U undfl.riti , and a quick Jump to $1.1.1.
Thoio was a quick drop to 11.14 , with sales as
low as Jl.lHJi , and u second rally took
It to 4'.15. lleforo U o'clock the prleo
was baok to $1.1 : ) , then up to $ I.1IM > elf
aulokly tofl.MU to Jl.lltf about 1 o'clock.
July started around $1.10 , sold at Jl.UUSi spar
ingly and at.It ) about the same time. On
ttio early bulge the urleo wont to il.llM , elf
later to JI.IOJi. to if'.i , and on a great burst
of trading lu this month totl,12 ? at 1 o'clock.
The Into showing of strou sth was on closing
contlnenlal cables , wlileh wuro strong and
higher. The wheat market closed wllh excep
tional htrcnxth , and with July very oloso to
the best , point reached at SI.I2U. This was
2Wo over the oloso on Saturday. May touched
fl.H'/i Just before the eloso , and the lust
trades woio around $1.14. April was quoted
with May attl.rJiS , to 81.LI to ll.Ki.'a at the
close. The trade moved Into July very
strongly the last halt hour , giving that month
a big bulge tol.l'i'S ' at the high point. De
ferred months In wheat wuro quoted as fol
lows : August , II.OJ to $1.08 ; September , 11.04
to $1.0tU ; December the same as September ;
year. $1.01 to $1.01 bid at the close. On the
curb wheat privileges sold with u spread of Ro
for July and over Do for May. May puts.
II.UK ; calls , $ l.7i . July puts , $1.10 ; calls ,
The corn trade did not go wild at any tlmo
and the market was kept within a modern to
range. May sold at'IJo toTIHJo to Tie to "li c ,
at I o'eloeu. July sold at iw.'a'o to liOo to ( Wiiu
to Title to OS'Jo ' tousle , at the same time. There
was llttlo pressure In the corn trade all day.
The best strenglh of tlioday , aside from the
little bulge early , was during the last half
hour. At that tlmo May recovered from T''o
to 7J.Sc , July fromCS'.io toCeWo at the eloso.
There was some business In the later months ,
August wiisqnoted at Ic to I''to under July ,
and uiitoml > or So to t ! > 'tO uudor. The local
Block of uorn Increased ll.XUOomishols for the
week. The visible supply decreased fllV'OO '
bushels. The receipts were " ( Tears , and for
tomorrow the estimate Is : t0 ! oars. July com
privileges Mild at iW'io and Cfl.'io at2tO : : p. in.
Although oats wore dull and weak early In
the session , the market recovered before the
tap of the boll , and closed from "i , to "Bo above
Saturday's quotations. .May delivery opened
fitiMlUc , advanced to.lTo , doellned to M e ,
but closed at 'io higher at .Vi'jc. ' Juno sold
from SUfio to Rttlic , to M 'e , to.VI'io ' at the eloso.
July sold from fklJu ) up to Mo , down to Mjf.0
nmlelosod llnallv ut.VIU'o. August closed at
IWioand i oitcmoriituiio. | ) : The receipts ag
gregated ICO cars , of which 101 cars were of
contract grade. Inspecto ; ! shipments from
thu store were K,6ftl bushels. The visible sup
ply Miurosishow a decrease lu oats of 8J.OOO
The provision trade had a moderate day.
The extreme range in pork was lUo between
tM8.iK ) and Jia.00 for May. and * : : and tl'1.49
for July , closing at Jl''H'iJ and * ii.W4ir''Mo ; :
up for May , and Uije olT for July. Lard was
very dull and closed ' . " $0 to So lower at the
low points of the session. lllbs were little
Showing the raiiTo of nrloos In the loading
options , as reported by Cockrell llroth ers :
COMMODITY I Open. I ItUn. I I.'I.T. ' | ilo ! < o. j Sat'y.
Noto4 nnd
Clearances : wheut , 23,342 ; corn , 47,8)5 , : oats.
8S.78S ; Hour , 1W.871.
Minneapolis reports sulea of Hour 15,00. )
neks this morning ut higher prices.
Kutisus City s-iys : Dash eorn here Is solllti"
at UUe , ailrunou of ' 'o since Saturday ,
Chicago dlsputehsnys : Whlto it Co. con
tinue to iib orb most of thu offerings of July
wheat ; they tuko ull large lots.
St. Louis liecclptsi Wheat , 33ill ! : corn. 170-
IM.I ! oats. 41,070. Same day lust year : Wheat ,
MOOj corn , 1.S15 ; oati , fli.ooj. Shipments :
Wlio taiCSil ; sorn. 47,7 i : o its , 8,840.
.Now York SX : ( ) _ eloso ; Wheat. Jlay , $1.24' , '
lild ; .luly , > nsluMl ; Aiiu'usl , Jl.l.l ; Seiitom
lit-r , Jl.lll'ii December. 1.14'a. Corn , Slay , 81140 ;
July. 7lio ( ? ; August , 7U'iu. ! Oats , .May , KlLo
bid ; July. BSho lUl. )
Itcorlioliin's cable ; I.lvcjpool Wheat Im.
proving , lid hlKher , Murk liano Wheut
Htroni : , Hour la ad doaror. Cargoes off coast
very hirong. On passage , very strong. AUS-
trilliiid : : California. Oil higher. Weiitherlit
Knglund very cold , tronuh country market
Kcncrully dearer , Amerleuu corn 'N dearer.
W. I' ' McCormtck it t'.a SwurU X-Co.
The wild bull nmrket | M wheat followed
the Btroug newg rycul'ed 'win abroad.
London fcbowed 1111 ndvuiioo of u nlilllln on
both spot und futures , Liverpool was up a
penny mid llerlln udvunce" MM murks ,
Uhiai-uncos from Now York of Hour wore lurgo
amounting to 4JXK ( ) packages and they also
cleared al.009 bushels of wliout. Kooolpts at
Hoveu primary poluU were I&J,000 busUuU but
nhlptncntsoxRCodcd th m amounting to470,000.
The tnarknt developed quite a nhortugo which
had evidently been put out 01. Saturday on
the order that a reaction was duo and thane
idiurp ) bought heavily , There was also a
largo amount of long buying for both local
and outside account. The market closes
Rlronzand wo do not yet sen a break ahead.
Corn opened ( Inn and higher. butqulCKly lost
Its elasticity and slowly declined apparently
of Its own weight. Kccclpts , although not
large , did not moot with good demand , and
shipping grades wore quoted fully 2o lower
than Saturday , Oats seemed tinder the same
Inllucnco ns corn , Wo incline to thu abort
Mile of both July corn nnd oats on bulges.
Provisions dull and featureless. Thu temper
of local traders Is quite bearish , but docs not
seem to create a break In prices. Wo believe
putchascs on oof ! , spots will pay ,
Logan .V Co. , to , Toneriy ti Dry an.
The wheat market opened wllh ex
citement with Mnv from ll-'S ' to 11.1 and
July from 1011" to III . The closing prlco for
May liiU. : July ll-'U. The changes In May arc
greater and more rapid than July. It Is near
the day of delivery anit wo rocoiumnnd getting
out of thu May option. Thu condition of
Kornpo Including thu United Kingdom ariiex-
elted not for their immediate wants but for
their anticipated requirements after the
growing crops aio gathered. California ! !
e in goes duo about October and November
advanced ono shilling perqunrtor In London
today , say iio per bushel. If there Is to
bo a scarcity of wheat prices now aio
only moderate but with a now
cion In the ground lu all thu principal wheat
glowing countries of the world wllh no great fur alarm , present prices may bo higher
'ere many of the cargoes now puichased
loach their destination. Thohellovers In high
prices havu thu benefit of 7 shillings per quar
ter advance , fay 2lu per bushel from the prlco
current about sixty days ago , nnd to btlng
about a decided uliansu of sentiment towards
lower prices will require arrivals of some of
the supples alloal. Uur own available xupply
up to the nuvt crop , according to llradslieet ,
are not over U'.UOVWi bushel" a'lovo ' consump
tion fur the near future. Wo look for active
trading wllh llueluatlons enough to make It a
profitable scalping maikct. In corn thu
amount of ( railing Is llgnt computed with
wheat. Oats in sympathy with corn. The
Irndowan light and without much interest.
1'rovlslons steady with light lluet.iallons.
K'onneU Hopkins & Co. toH. A McWhoiter
There Is sea teoly a member of the board uf irado
of any prominence who lias not prodli-tcd lower
prices today If helms expressed any opinion
at all. 1ml the market opened suhslantlally at
the bottom and elosed at the top. Olllulally
Julv wheat closed at ll.lS'i , hut It sold at
Jl.lS'i before the pit was elosml. Kverybody
Is amazed at. the strregth of the market , even
those who have been predicting $1.2.1 and II..VJ
wheat , und noliodv can satisfactorily account
for It. Wo havu nominally In store and alloat
hero eight million bushels. butthemarUetaots
as If not onu quarter of It Is available for
speculative purposes' und this Is possibly true.
I.astern exporters In hedging against their
sales to foreigners have probably tied
up millions of It and It will not
be for sale again If foreigners actually take
the wheat they are reported to have engaged
at seaboard. Hence to all Intents anil pur
poses our stock of wheat has suddenly dropped
fioni H.OJO.OOO to atiout luwo.i.oo biiihuH
anil professional trader * , falling to loallzo
the change , are operating as It the entlro
8.000.000 wore available. This Is the only the
ory on which wu can account for thu remarkable -
able action of the markot. The advance has
practically chucked the export business at the
seaboard and we do nut believe phenomenal
buoyancy can bo long malulalneil. Prices
may ultlmaloly go much higher , but a niiito-
rlai deelluo wo think next In order. Corn and
oats liuvo been falriy slronf , though not at all
buoyant , and at times have manifested con
siderable weakness. Hecelver.s liuvo freely
supplied the demand on all rallies and appar
ently would not bo avurso to lower prices.
The situation l.s. still strong anil under tholr
control. Provisions continue to bo neglected
In favor of other markets. They look woak.
1'rlccs appear to bo sustnlncd only by the bull
feeling In grain. Packers were selling more
freely today than for some tlmo past and It
closed tame.
U STOCK 3l.lltK.KT.
OiucAO"prI120. ) . [ Special Tolozrum toTnn
HRK. ] Uiittlo There was u disposition on the
pnrt of buyers to "hummer" the market toduy ,
but. up ton Into hour there had boon no por-
coptlblo change as compared with the eloso
on Friday , rind there were salesmen that were
quoting big stours too lowor. but that was not
admlttoJ by any of the buyer- ? , and all ud-
mlllod Hint nluo handy steers sold fully as
strong us tit tiny tlmo. Cow stook of all grades
was In good demand and steady. Nothing of
note was goliu on In the stoeker and feeder
lino. Steers averaging 1230 und 115J Ibi. sold
at li.83'i.OO , and these averaging H'O to 1203
Ibs. at j : > . : i > a" > .70 ; stookon. $ l.r > 0 ® " .lD ; oows and
heifers , M.51T > ,00 ; ono car of grasa-fod Tox-
uns , uvor.igliijBX ) Ibs. . ut JX35.
lions Huslnoss opened rather brisk with
here and there u few loads selling to the ship-
pare and succulators ut u slight advance , but
after they were out of the way und only buyers
for packer * left , values weakened und closed
a shade lower than on Saturday. We quote
rough nnd common at $4.0U@4.70 ; packers , 81.91) )
© . " > .2ilj prlmo heavy und butcher welzhts , M.2o
© 5.40 ; light , $ .j.00 5.20 ; skips , ( KI.50 ® l.75.
New YOIIK , April 20. [ Special Telegram to
THE UKK , ] The week opened on the stock o.\-
ehango with oulto a promising outlook for
tlio leading railway shares , all of which were
liberally traded In at advancing figures.
The Improvement recorded was equal to
nearly a point , nnd was of u general
character. Kcallzatlons were heavy on Iho
way up. and before Iho end of the first half
hour the sales on this account caused a halt. In
the rising miirkot and some stocks reacted tea
a smull extent. llur.lngton & Quliior
fell olT ' 5 to 88 ! . St. I'anl U to 02 ,
Hock Island ! 5 to 7iiJ Loulsvlllo & Nashville H
to78S ; , Missouri I'aclllc J to 70 ? ( . Now Kng-
lnml } j toI.Sii , Northern I'aclllo preferred U to
KlH , anil Union I'aclllo 'fi to4S. The reaction
ary feeling , however , was of only momentary
durationand the list BOOH resumed Itsupwurd
course. On this rise several things attained u
hl'-'hor lorol than In the transactions ,
IliirllnztDii & ( Jiilncy sold up to 81) ) , Itook Is
land to ' ( i ? ; , Missouri 1'acllie to 7la. ! St.
I'u u I to 02ao und Union I'uclllc to 48 > i.
The specialties participated In the
cheerful temper of the more prominent Issues
und werodeulton u larger settle. Some of the
Industrials displayed considerable animation
at the outset/ and all were strong at
'Improved quotations. American sugar ro-
llnlng led oir with tin advance of 1.J !
to U2U , but tills stock afterward reacted to
l'l4 ' tind Is now within u small fraction of the
top notch. The preferred , wlillo not heavily
dealt In , rose M to inijaiillM. National Cordage
Common was In active request and moved up
? .fto88,7 . Chicago gas also occupied a con
spicuous place In the trading , but the Im
provement In It amounted to only ? , thu price
rallying , following which there was u 10-
cesslon to 4'Jli. ' American cotton oil sold up 1
to SO. ditto newcommon ' to2H. Kdlson gen
eral > l to'is's , and nutlonal lo.ul U to lli'-i ' , allen
on limited transactions.
Governments opened steady ut lOiy bid for
tho-Ui'tf and 124il2.5 ; ! ! for tlio 4'n registered ,
121012154 for -I's registered stamped Interest
paid , I22Q(225 ( ! for tlio 4's coupon and I2I0121U
for 4 d e.\-July coupon.
The bond market was very active and
sti'onx' . Among the prominent features of the
advance were : Texas & 1'aolllu 2d Incomes ,
Heading 1st prnferrod Incomes , Orezon Im
provement.Is. Kansas & ToxusSds , Atehlson
Incomes nnd Chicago & Northern I'aoHlu Ists.
Colorado Midland 4s were weak und declined
'J points. Chicago gas und Richmond Term
inal were very strong. The former showed
the operations of u bull pool which has re
cently been formed. The Utter was ono of
the most prominent features of the market.
Kennel Hopkins A : Oo. toH. A , McWhortei-Tlio
general news of this forenoon favois a more
active und stronger stock market today. The
feeling on Sunday was as favorable us the
bright weather , ami there was a bullish senti
ment In the air. The favorites to buy seemed
to bo St. Paul , Hook Island , Missouri I'aclllc ,
Chicago Has Trust and "Q. " The brokers say
that Keene Is and has been thu main spring In
the cordage movement and It will continue to
advance. A lot of the sugar bulls have
switched over Into Chicago ( Jus Trust , and in
siders say it will go too. " ) probably In thirty
davs. rorolirn houses here have been buying
Wubash preferred , and advUIni ; tholr custom
ers to pick up some of this stock at the present
very low iirlces.
The buying of blocks today has been moro
general and of u moro pronounced olmruclor
than ut any previous advance. There were
no weak spols. Even Northern I'uelllc , which
for two or tbreo weeks under continued sell
ing for long account have move I contrary to
the general current of the market , und to un
extenl cheeked the tendency of other stock I
to advance , r-o fur us volume of dealings
are concerned western stocks exceeded
all others with the exception of
Itoek Island , which has advanced 2 per cent ,
their prices have not cone up in proportion to
the amount of stook traded , whllo Ooluwaro ,
Laekawanna & Western and Lake Shore with
smaller dealings have each advanced 1 ! { per
cent. The movement In Lake Shore came lute
yesterday and appeared to be duo ton scar
city of stocks. Tlioro Is considerable talk that
the coal trade Is wor-Uni In
- : hotter shape , cer
tainly the companies are holding well to
gether and show no Indication of loss. The
LehlKh has not obeyed the orders of tlio Inter
state commission which were given In the
notice sent to reduce ooal rates on the 20th.
The Htreot Is full of points to buy Clrc-igo ( ins
trust for an advance and trailers aio all mak
ing u test of their accuracy. It Js also said u
prominent mukorof prlvllozes who had sold a
largo quantity of calls at M bus been buying
the stook to protect himself. Money Is easy
al ill to 3i * percent. There are rumors of
additional amounts of gold shipments this
month bill nothing lias lieon miiiio pupllo.
Kates of exchange hardly warrant It. The
murkcl closed llrui at iiourlr ho best prices ,
Total sales 4111.057.
London prk'oi NIekjp I'lato proferrqd.
7IS , advance 1'i ' ; Erie , 20U , unchanged ; Lake
Shore. II4U , unchanged ; Loulsvlllo k Nash
ville , 80 > l , advance U ; SU Paul. OJU , advance
Hi Now VorkCeulruI , , uuchauKod : Head-
Ing , 16 ! { , decrease H' Union I'acldc , 4 ! > ! j , ad41
vunco fit Atohlson , aj'j ' , ndvnneo ! ( ,
I/onn market fair demand In Atchlson and
"Q , " on others modarato. All kinds plenty ,
rates mostly 3S ! per cent , "Q" and Hock In10
land 1 percent ,
Consols for.Htiy 05'ie , account M ) .
The following are the closing quotation * !
Nr.w Yoiiit , April 20. [ Special Tolozram to
TUB 1IEB.1 CoFFHn Ontlons opened steady
at 5J'0 points up , and closed steady at MJI.1
points njj and iju'qt. The sales were ' Spot Hlo.dull ami llrnij fiifr "car
goes , feO.OJ ; No. 7. $18.2.1.
CIIICAOO , April 3) . The following were the
closing quotations :
Wneat Casb and May. 11.14 ; July , II.I."I.
Corn Steady ; cash , 7Uu ; ; May , 72'ao ; July ,
Oats-Steady ; cash and May , 70o ; July,73 ? .
Tlmntliy I'rlmo , JI.40.
I'ork--Stoady : CTsh , $12.87'4 ' ; May , J12.03 ;
July. Jii.2"ii.r : : ! : .
Lard Steady : cash. M.S7S3.00 ( ; May.
JO. ! ) : " ' , ! .Inlv , t7.a ) ' a7.S3l { .
Short Ulbs Steady ; cash. $0.53 ; liuy , 0.03
1(1.52' ( ' , ; 80.Mia3.S31 , .
I'Moitr ' Unchanged : spring patents Jl.SSiJ
5.r 1 : winter patents , tl 8'Jp.lO. (
Hulk Moats Shout lers , Ki.3'X < . < .8. > ; short
clear , JO.Soail.M ; short ribs , ta.M&i.X > .
Butter Unchanged ; creamery 202Jc ;
airy , liiS le.
Olitfoso Unchanged : full cream Cheddars.
lU'Wfe ' ; young Americas , 12l2Jc ! ; Huts ,
I'il2c. '
Kstis-'lflrm ; fresh. 12(312 ( 0.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light green
alted.r > ljo3j."ij ; irreon salted , 4ii@41..o : suited
ulk , 4yc : si-eon sailed culf , 8c ; dry Hint , Sc ;
rv salted , o ; dry culf. 80e.
Tallow Unchanged ; 1 , solid packed , 4ic ! ;
, Uiic ; cake , 49u. !
Koeolpts. Slilpmcnts.
'lour 10.000 H.030
iVhoat , bu 1U.OOJ 27.0JO
Jorn , bu IV..OOO 100,000
Oats , bu 11U.003 102.000
The VlHllilo Supjily.
CIIICAOO , April 20. The visible supply of
grain , as compiled by the secretary of the Chicago
cage board of trade , Is us follows :
Wheat 22,187,000
Corn 2SI'.i.WX ' )
outs 2.r > aiooo
tyo 4 : ,000
Hurley 012,0.10
Nr.w Yoim , April 20. Wheat Hocclpf ? , 4" > ,000
bushels ; exports. 21.000 bushels ; spot higher ;
No. 2 red , il.2. > In elevator ; tl.'JO'i In store ;
ll.aoy alloat : ll.27 ® 1.31 > f.o.b. Options were
innsiially oxolted and drifted almost steadily
to advance , the gain for the day being 2 ! (3ii ( : ;
and tlm close strong. Strong cables , heavy
foiol n buvlnc orders , etc. , were Iho causii of
Iho nativity. No. 2 red. Mav , closed at S1.24a' .
Corn liecolpts. 60,000 bushels ; exports , : jOOJ :
spot weaker ; No. 2 , fi2ffiS2'4o In elevator ; 8'IJS
< > tS4c afloat ; ungrtidod mixed , Siasio. Options
loxyor , May olosinz at 8I4c. !
tions firmer ; April closed at OX
Sugar Haw , llmii centrifugals , CO test , 3Sc ! ;
muscovado , 8 ! ) test , 3 a-ICo ; refined , easy ;
standard "A , " 4',4n ; granulated , 4 7-lCc.
Potroloiim United closed for May
Kggs I'lrm : western , 15o.
Pork Steady.
Lard Kaslof : western steam , $7.10.
Huttor Steady ! western dairy , 1223c ; west
ern creamery , 2l@2Jo ; Klzln. 2JKc.
Checso-Quict ; ski
MINNRAPOMS , April 20. Wheat Market
slow at highest prices asked. Hocolpts for
two days , : ilcars ) ; shipments , 85 cars. Close :
No. 1 hard. April. $1.11 ; on track , $1.IG < 3
l.lliii ; No. 1 northern , April am ) May , $1.12 ;
on track , $ I.ii : < jOl.l3'i ' : No. 2 northern , April ,
$1.11 ; on track 8l.
ST. Louis , April 20. Wheat Higher ; cash ,
* ! . . . May , $ I.I4' . - | . - . ,
' ' "
Whisky i'i.'lS.
Huttor Steady ; creamery , 23'U'233 ; dairy ,
KANSAS Orrv , April 20. Wheat Market
higher : No. 2 hard , cash , $1.01 ; No. 2 red ,
cash , $1.03.
Corn Higher ; No. 2. cash , fiOc.
Oats-Sloady ; No. 2 cash , 54JSc ; April , BSc.
CINCINNATI. April 20. Wheat Strong ,
higher ; No. 2 red. $1.1 ( 1.17.
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed. 7.1S !
Ois ; Kaslcr : No. 2 mixed , 33ic. !
Whisky Jl. 18. _
LiVKiii-ooi , , April 20. Wheat Strong ; de
mand fair.
Corn Slrongdomand ; fair.
ClliOAOO. Anrll 23. Cattle Itocolpts , U.QOO ;
market steady to lower : steers averaging 1'IVJ
to I.4.V ) iiounds , Jl.OO'iSl.tX ) ; 1.H50 to 1,20) pounds.
$ , 'i.iJj51.70 : : stookora , * l..riOil.lO ( ; cows and heif
ers , ii..lO't.l.03 ; ; grass Texans , $ .1.)0. : )
Hogs Receipts , 2.1,000 ; market shade lower ;
rough and common , $ I.OJ4.70 ; packers , $1.00
2.120 ; prlmo heavv and butcher weights ,
$ .1.2.Va.l.4u ; light. J3.OtX35.20.
SiiKKi' Hccelpts. ll.nno : market steady to
lower ; Westerns , $ j.53Q5.S5 ; Toxaus , lH.lii4l.7i ( ;
lambs. $ o.7. > ® 7.00.
KANSAS CITV , April -Cattle Receipts ,
S.IO1) ) ; shipments , S.703 ; market steady ; steers ,
K1.7.W.B.2.1 ; cows , $3.0034.73 ; htockers and feed
ers. { 2.00&I.7.1.
Hogs Hecolpts , 3,030 ; shipments. 3,700 : mar
ket steady lint lower ; all grades , $3.,1J3.U3.
ST. Louis , April 20. Oattlo-Uccolpts. 1.TO3 ;
shipments. 103 ! market easier ; fair to fancy
n.itlvo steers , $4.3030.10 ; stookurs and feeders ,
$ ! ) .IO4.00.
Hogs -Hocolpts , 3,530 ; shipments , 4,700 ; market
kot oaslur ; heavy , ifJ.loa3.3J ; mixed , J1.70t5
5.10 ; light , $4.8335.00.
OMAHA , April 20.
OATTLB Estimated rocolnts of cattle l,300as
comnarod with 1.H1I Saturday and 1)17 )
Monday of last week. Ll''ht , handy , fat beeves
aetlvoand fully steady ; all oltior grades slow
and weak lo lee lower ; buleherslookuiid feed
ers active and stronger ,
Hoes Eitlmatod receipts of hozs 3.0UO , as
compared with 5.243 Saturday ' and 2,104
Monday of last week. The marKct
slow and 10o lower. The range of the
prices paid was tl.TOU-1.05 ; the bulk sellIng -
Ing at $ l.8V3l. .l. LUht. $1.7031.00 ; hoavv.
$4i035.0.1 ! ; mixed. $4.8.VUI.03. Thu average of
the prices paid was $4.0S as eomptrod with
} 4.ini ! Saturday and $ I.8'1J3' Monday of last
.Sm-ip--Est'mrUed : : ' receipts of sheen 200 , as
comprred wlt'iM'IMond ly of last week. Thff
market was active and stronger. Natives ,
J2.75'i3.33 ; westerns , $ -.00(23.53. (
Disposition of StoiUc.
Showing the numlior of outtlo , hogs nnd
sheep bought by the packers and other buyers
on the market a < shown by the books of the
Union stook yards comp my :
Huyers. No.
Swift & Co . 605
Thed. II , Hammond company . 103
The Ciidnhy pauklut company . . GO
The Omaha packing company . 21
Shippers , feeders a nl other buyers . 401
Leftover . IK )
Total . 1,375 ,
The Cudahy paeklm coitipany . . . 341
The Omaha p.ioUir ; company . Ml
Swift & Co . 3).l )
Shippers , feeders und other buyers . 4Vt (
Leftover . U5. !
Total . 2,003
SwlftitCo . ; . 1S3
ThuCuduhy packing company . 20)
Total . 3sO
llcprcsan tat I va.Sitlcs.
No , Av. I > r. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
20. . 0174 55 H.IttlO M3) 17..11iU M40
U1..113J 163 S3..1213 5UO 10. . 1009 519
41 ( W 403 HI JI.VJ ( V30 M IIS7 540
21. IOSS 500 ( VI IW 5113 W 1177 515
1..1140 1 500 40. liMV 543 . ' 17 1274 S M )
10.,1020 500 7.1214 540 77..I2X. 550
10 121'J 510 IS .1137 540 I5..1IKI ft 50
3U..1073 523 10..MOO , 540 21..1707 5,10
11..1000 630 12. . 1 4V 540 U.11147 570
1. . 010 150 2. X.V ) ' 250 1.,11(10 ( 400
1..1010 150 1..74D'260 4.1055 410
1. . 80.1 175 1..102(1 ( II 00 8.,1000 423
2. . (00 ( 173 1. . KV ) 'l 50 I..ii50 : 423
3. . 040 200 10..105) ! l 50 2..1013 42.1
1. . NX ) 200 4..1 I7 355 10..IO':0 : 423
: i. . tuo 210 n.11131 ! : iW ( i..u : i 423
1. . HIJ 215 5..1WI .170 10..10(17 ( 423
V..10I3 223 1..10M' ' : i 75 0. . I)1W ) 4 3.1
6. . 750 8 4J 10.73' ' 3 1)1 ) 21..1223 473
3..104(1 ( a 51 1..10101 4 00
1..1IOO 200 1..1.VK ) 400 1..1SCO 42.3
1..14.V ) 223 1..1070 400 1..14IO 423
2. . 1370 3 10 2..1593 4 00
2..1500 S 75
1 mllkor J20 00
41 00
1. . 210 8 60 1. . 210 4 00
2. . CCO 3 60 5. . 881 3 8.1
No. A v. I'r.
Marsh ft Maxon ,
21 feeders. MX ) 12.1
51 feeders UIS 11 23
A. W , Stoner.
I bull IO ) 2 75
39 steers , huyfcd tis2 421
81 steers , hayfed WM 423
11. K. llrewster.
3 strum , hayfed 1170 83
5aleers. hay fed 12.10 83
30 steers , hay fed 1103 83
Marsh & Cooper.
Icoiv , hayfed ll.V ) 00
Istag. liayfed I2.M ) 00
Si ) steers , hay foil lon ; II | io
33 steers , hayfod 1153 4 00
o. Av. rib. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r.
0 201 120 $1 50 ( VI 2S9 11,0 $4 85
3. . .170 4 CO 58 170 40 487
19. . .170 200 470 48 24(1 ( 200 IIKHJ
3. . .20 ; 40 470 IK ) 188 210 4 IK )
' 8. . .172 475 Gfi 2X1 80 400
4. . .177 ICO 475 80 187 IM 4 ! W
3. . .M ) 4 77 ! j (18 ( 221 120 400
0. 2i l 180 47 ! 0 41K )
8. . .201 80 4 80 C2 . . . .27(1 ( 80 405
0. . .188 40 4 N ) 70 253 101 40754
. . .21)2 ) 40 480 C2 251 ItiO 4 07i !
i7. . . .18110 483 SI 402 500
.209 1GO 4 83 CO 218 40 500
.SCO 200 485 0 ! ) 2119 IfiO 5 CO
_ .200 100 483 74 22H 80 500.
0. . 2'iS 20 4 85 CO 247 5 U3
3. . lt < 7 4 83
. . . .IfiO 2 00 07 133 ICO 425
U3 3 50
Av. Pr.
'JO ' westerns , ewes . 80 $30.1
Provisions ,
SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured llams , 14 to
Oil ) uverugu , ? , ic ; hums , 2J to 2i lb uveruge ,
llc ; hums , 10 to 12 lb average , lOc ; skinned
nuns , lOc ; shoulders , OJic ; clear breakfast
uncoil , narrow strips. 8ic ! ; clear breakfast
iiucon , wl < lo strips , Oc ; boneless broakfasl
jacon backs , 8c ; California or plcnlo hums , 7o ;
mnolovi hum , 8ic ! ; dried beef hams ( sots ) , Olio ;
tried beef clods , isUc ; short splcod rolls or
iam roulette. 8ic ! : smoked Deef tongues ( per
Ui/.eii ) , W.50 : special hums , 12 to 15 lb average ,
Me ; special boneless breakfast bacon , lie ; se
eded dried beef hams , Insldes und knuckles ,
Ic ; selected wide clear breakfast bacon , IHJO
Ditv SALTED MEATS Fancy lluht welghl
short eletirs , 7'ic ; long clears , ( llt'e ; short
clears , C ? c ; short ribs , , o4e ; shoulders , 51/o / , ;
clear bellies , 7c ; clear backs , 0'aC.
SMOKED MviATfe Dry Salt Cured Fancy
Ight weight bacon short clears , 7T e : b.icou
shorl ribs , 7io ; bacon short clears,7'jc ; b'icon
long clears. 7ec ; bacon clear backs. 7io ! ;
bacon clear bellies. 71 c ; bacon shoulders , ( I'll1.
SWEET I'ICKI.CD MEATS Hums , tierces , 0ic ! ;
shoulders ( N. V. cut ) , tierces , S c ; bellies ,
tierces , 7ic ? ; California.hums , tierces , Co ; beef
hams , barrels , $18.00.
I'ICKI.EU HEEP TO.NOUES llurrcls. $20.00 ;
iulf barrels. 100 Ibs , $10.50 : quarter barrels , 50
ibs. $3.00 ; eighth barreU , 2.3 Ibs. W.50.
LAUD Compound , per lb , tierce basis , C'ie ;
pure leaf , iier lb. tierce basis , 7Uc ; pure lard ,
peril ) , ticrco basis. 7ie ! ; kettle rendered leaf
lard , per lb , tlerco basis , SUc.
IlAUitKi.Ei ) I'oitK AND IlEKF Mess porknow ( ) ,
per bbl , 112.00 ; family pork $11.55 ; back porlt ,
I1J.50 ; short cut clear pork , fl2.00f&l4.lll ; moss
perU , $11.5j ; prlmo mess pork , $11.004413.00 ; bono
less pit : porlc ( fancy ) . JI5.50 : oxtru mess beef ,
$ ! ) . ( ) ; plato beef. Jln.OO ; extra plato beef , $11.01) ) :
rolled beef ( bonelcssT $11.50 ; boneless rolled
beef , half bbls , W.OO ; extra family pluto beef ,
I'lO I'oitK Honeless Ilurrols , 200 Ibs each ,
815.5'J ' ; half barrels , 100 Ibs , each , $3,03 ; quarter
barrels , 50 lus. each , $4.50 ; eighth barrels , >
Ibs , each $2.73.
OILS 1'rlmo lard oil , winter strained. 55o :
extra lard oil , winter strained , 57o ; extra No. 1
lard oil. 43c ; No. ] lard oil , 'Ma : No. 2 lard oil ,
32o ; extra neat's-foot oil , 49o ; tallow oil , JOe.
SAUSAGES Hologntl , 4J4c ; blood sausage. 5c ;
liver sausage , 5c , head chcoso , 5c ; fresh porlc
sausage , In link. 7c ! ; fresh pork sausage. In
bulk , 7e ; smoked pork sausage , O'.Je ' ; Frank-
furl sausage. 80 ; smoked head cheese , ( S ! c ;
Polish sausage , 7He ; Knoblauch sausage. 7'Jc ;
tongue sausage , Oe ; summer sausage , 1'Jl-Je.
The above prices are for lots of 50 pounds
und upwards ; u less quantity Yc more.
.MUTTON Choice dressed mutton , 8le ! ; raclts
of mutton , l.'ic ; saddles of mutton , Oe ; breasts
of mutton. 5c ; leg of mutton , lOc.
VKESII 1'OHK IVirk loins , Oo ; tenderloins ,
15o ; spare ribs , Oo ; shoulders , Co ; hocks , lie ;
trimmings , 5o ; baclc bones , 2ic ! ; dressed hogs ,
( lie ? : cleaned piss feet , per do/.cu , Me ; rouyh
unclcani'd plus1 feet , par dozen.'JOc.
I'itisu : Unrip CUTS Holls. Oc ; beef tender
loins , IGc ; sirloin butts , 80 ; boneless strips , Oc ;
strip loins , 8c ; rounds , ( rumpoir ) . 80 ; rounds ,
( rump on ) , 7 ; rounds , 'shunk on ° ) . ? ! ju ; bone
less rumps , 5c ; chucks,5a ; plntc.s , lie ; back
halves. 7c : shoulder clods , ( i e : beet loins , No.
1 ( steer ) , I5@17c : beef loins , No. 2,12c ; beef
loins , No. 3 , lli15o ; beef ribs , 0lle ; beef ribs.
No. 1,1214e ; sweet breads ( per dor. ) . 750 : kid
neys ( each ) : ic ; ox lalls ( oacli ) , He ; livers ( each ) ,
13c ; beef hearts ( each ) , 5c ; < beef tonjjucs ( each ) ,
NUTS rer pound Almonds , 18c ; Dr.izlls ,
lOu ; Illberts , Ille ; pecans , iiQ14c : ; walnuts , 15c ;
peanuts , fancy white. ( Ic : roasted , 8c.
SALT Dairy , 2hO Ibs in bbls , bull.- , $2.10 ; best
grades , CO 5s , $ ' . ' .4'J ; host grade. 100 as , $2.50 ;
best grade. 23 10s , $2.40 ; rock salt , crushed ,
HAIU.NO I'ownEii lloyal , dlmo cans , per do.z ,
OSc ; 'i-lb cans , $1,45 ; l -lli cans. $2.05 ; 1-lb cans ,
S3.00 ; Price's U-lb cans. Jl.a'i ; Vi-lb cans. $2.50 ;
1-lb cans , $1.75 ; other kinds , 1-lb cans , per doz ,
WHAiTiNfl r-Al'Elt-I'cr lb , best straw. 13x18
to 32x41 , l.'ic ; dry goods , 4ye ; extra quality
manllla , ( Jiic ; manllla tea , 12x18 , Oo ; dark rug ,
hardware , 2Jfc.
OILS 150 prlmo whlto. Do ; 150 water whlto ,
lljic ; headlight. K'e ; 74 gasoline. 1 1 lie. Oil
can s-1 : gal , $3.0133.23 ; 2 gal. $3.75&3.80 ; gal ,
Oolong , ) ; 2-lb package dust , l.le.
Axi.i : ( JlttiASK-Por gross-Krazler's largo
tins , $ : iO.CO ; medium tins , $27.00 ; small , $1.1,00 ;
other makes , wood , $3.5038,50.
lllACKiNi-3dozinhox. 307.1c ; ladles'shoo
43c < BI.OO steve uollsh , per gross ,
Hl.uiNO-Llqiild , 4 oI I ) doz In box. 00cf 1.75 ;
8 oz , 3 doIn box , $1.50tt2.75 ; dry , small , 25c ;
large. 45c.
Hi'icn.s-1'eppor aingaporo , sifted. l.VQUGc ;
shot , 22c : allspice , lOc ; cloves , renang , se-
losted , 17rJo ; uiishln , China , 4-lb mats , Oe ;
nutmezs. No. 1 , 7.Vsti' ' macusbor , 05o ; pickling'
spices , 10-lb boxes , S5c.
CHOCOLATE. KTC. 12-lb boxes , MJW.o ; Cor-
niiniHncot. SSS4o ; c woa , a'ffilOe ; Itromo , 32c.
CocoANiiT-15-lbcases , U and ! ' , -lb packages ,
per lb , livasTc ; bullcr-15 lb palls , 25c.
OI.IVKS Quarts. purjloz.f4.uOt pints , per doz ,
$2.50 ; bulk , per gal. J1.2J , Olive oil. / pints , 2
doz per Case , $1.50t5.2Q. ( ?
.MAi'l.i : SUdAU 1'er lb 5o cakes. 30-lb boxes ,
13c : lOo cukes , ao-lb boxes , 12Jc ! ; 1-lb bricks , 3'J-
Ibs In box , pure. lie. .
UltooMS 3-tlo parlor , $ ' 1.00 ; 4-tlo , $2.75 ; 3-tlc ,
$2.25 ; ; i-tlo. plain , $ l.8J ; i ' warehouse , $ -1.00 ; toy ,
$1.25 ; whisk , $ I.OJ1.2\
SOAP CtiHtile , moltjed , per lb , lOo ; do whlto ,
per lb. 14e ; laundry Hmp , per 100 bars , } , ' ) .15 ®
5.01).shti ; vln soap. SOfJrtRo per doz ; toilet soap ,
3 rakes per box. fiOcilil.25.
lA'E Lewis' ; lied Cross. $1.55 ;
American. t3.Ss ; Hanpnlller. $4.23 : Merry War ,
(12.W ) ; Star , bcrubblilc ; J1.73 ; Ulllett's pow-
eerod , $4.23. u
Mii.K--Coiidoiiscd"Kaglo , $7.40 : Crown. $ (1.23 ( :
Anglo SwUs , $7.0.0 ; JU.gliland , JO.1.3Hlgl,1' ; '
i-x'TUACTS : Lomon'iSz,55cafl.8Ji ; ( 4 oz , 11.00
$ J1.50 ; vanilla , 2 oz , (15 ( 12.80 ; 4 o/ , $ l.25a3.50 ;
Jamaica ginger , 4 oz. tl.83.
MATCiiES-I'urlor.aiUaud 300 per box , JI.G5 ®
1.7 ; sulphur , :
CANIIV Mixed , M-lb pulls , 0i@7o ! ; stick , 7o :
iwlst stick , 8e ; French mixed , 12o : hourhoiind
slick , 80 ; Jar and ouso candles , 5-lb boxes , l&a
2lo ; extra line goods , 5VJfi3e. (
HIIIISIIES shoe , per do/ . Ji.2531.iO : ; daubers ,
75c'QJl.iK ) ; hcriib briihhes , ( ; 3cffiJ2.00.
Ilini ) HEED Mixed bird. 1-lb pucknges , 5c ;
canary , 4"o ; hemp. 4jc ! ; aiiUe. lie.
OANIII.E.S 40 Ibs to box. Oijo ; mining , 10 ®
10'/io ; wax lie.
TOUACCO l-'lnocut , per lb , 25Q27o ; plus , W
© 7i-o ; hiuoklng.2iQiKe : fancy brands. OOeail.M.
MOLASSES iibbls N. O. fancy , pur gal. 4 < ia
4be ; choice , 40 < 345c : Kood.28iJlWc ; Cuba , baking ,
2.r/jc.Hj ; blnrkstrap , lb2-'o ; syrup. 80 grade ,
bhls , 20 ; m bbl , wo ; 4-gul Uegsftl.24 ; 3-gul kits ,
' '
'c'iDKH-I'er bbl. rcflnod , M.50 ; half bbl , 13.50.
TWI.MS. : CoitiiAOE. KTC. Coiton twlno.
"Illbb , " very line , ' { -Ib bales , 22o ; cotton
twlno. XX brand , U-fbbules. 18u ; hemp twine ,
U-lb bales , ise ; sail twine , voo ; eunillo wlok ,
220 ; 40-foot cotton clothes line , $1.40 ; 00-foot
cotton clothes line , il.03 ; CO-fout btsul lines ,
$1.75 ; co-foot Jute , $1.85 ; wool twinesbio ! ; man-
Ilia rope , all sizes , from 7-1(1 ( to 1 in , lie ; sisal
rope , all sizes from 7-10 to llu , c ; "uow pro-
all sites from 7-10 to 1 In , 7oi ! ( cotton
ne , U-ln , I.V.
VI.NKOAII App'o elder , lOct double older ,
I2 < i ; white wine , 12e ; triple struugth , ltc. )
STAUCII Per lb , OiMc.
PlCKt.KM-Mcdlum , bblf. IC.OOi small (10.00) )
gherkin * , 111.00) ) Huston mixed 112.00.
WoottKNWAHK Per dozen-Tubs , No. I $7.Mi
s'o. 2 , MM ) ; No. 3 , $3.5ii ; kerlcr , oak gra'n , 5-ln.
icst , $1.60j whlto cedar. 4-ln , best. II.V5 ; pulls
jeeps , No. l , striped. $1,00 ; cedar , 3 brass hoops
\'o. 2 , ! liorso extra heavy , No. 1 ,
' 2.75 ; well buckets , tl.i.1. Hut terwaruTubs ,
isli , : i-liicli , per nest. 75o ; ash , 2-Inch , 2 largo
| 7U , per nest , 4.1 ' : butter ladles , hard wood ,
Oo ; liullnr paddles or spadps , 70e. Wash-
loards-Slngle , $ I.HK32.00 ; double , ! : ' .
Jlolhcsplns 5 gio s boxes , COo.
OAX.NKII Kitt'iT California Apricots. tl.K4l
i.0) | peitehes , } 'J.7.VSW.l > 0 | pears , I..fiua2.70 |
trades tl.MOI.dOl cherries , whlto , $2.6 < X < K.7.1 ;
berries , blaekJ.2.V32..0 ; < | ulnces.f..00 ' ! hluck-
lurrles , $2.25 ; riispncrrles. W.OO ) Blrawberrlcs ,
' . ' . 'JO ' ; ciirrann. J2.2.1 ; gooseherrlei.W.23 ; plums ,
ugx , ? I.M3i.ii.l ; plums , gieen gages. tl.fO'ii
t.t.l. ! Eastern canned fruit Pcnchcs , ocond ( ,
> . ' . ' . ' . ( JVapples : ! , 3 lb , tl.15 ; gal. ! i doIn CMHO ,
: ) . " . ' > ; goosebiirrleH , Haltlmoru slnndatd , 2 lb.
1. 10 ; ulrawberrles , tl,31 ; raspberries , $1.50 ;
iluuberrles , $ iiij : ; mil riiNiihiitrms tlfV ) | hlack-
iieriles , $ lKl ( ; churrles , ! i,2.Vtil.C5 ; ulnonpplcs ,
( ' 'IIUITK Turkish prunes , lens than
ilidM , lx ! ) , Do ; iipples , evaporated , now ring ,
iholi'o. l.le ; npprlcots , fanny , In sacks , 20ut
iluekberrlex , now , 8u ; raNplierrle , 2.1 Ibs to
KIX , "JUa" eurr.inls , now , 5u ! { : Voll/zl eurrantn ,
ixtra , In hoxe , li'ic ' ; peaches , Cal. , choice ,
"Vie ; Callfoinla dried grapes. In bags , Co ;
eedh'ss Sultanas saeks , Uo ; miisentels ( iu ;
uw V'alenchi , 7ii' ( ! Onilura , layer , 855o ; llgs ,
ayers. IIQSOut eltron , Leghorn , 2Jc ; lomoii
ieel , I. > ( .
Ccirrus Oreen Rio. SSftSIc ! Java , 27c ;
iloeliu. 2He. Hoastcd Arlosa , KM.X ( ) ; Me-
laughlln , \ \ X.J25.ll ( | Hunola. $2.1.0) ) ; ( ler-
lan , $2Vm ; Dllworth'N , 2.1tie ; Lion , t23.X ( )
ordovla. $ il.CO ; Mocha. 30e : O. li. .lava , 2-ic.
Coffee ' soncu ! i gro. boxes , $ I.X < ai.60 ; chic
ory , 7'ii38e.
I'AitiNAcnotm Ooons-Harley , 4c : farina ,
< ogs. $ .1.00 ; split peas. 2o ; green peas , 'le ; oat-
ueal , Dbls. * fl.5KiJ5. ( ; . ! : half hbls , W.iva4.50i :
iiacaronl , 12e ; vermicelli. I2c ; nago and lapl-
ea , iXitli'ie ' ; Lima beans , 5 e ; eereallne , $1.21 ;
Inked hominy , 3c ; pearl hominy , $3.73 per
Country I'roduoc.
ficcelpts were moderate and there was no
special change In the markot.
KddS-Tho Runeral market was 1-f , but a
'ew ' sales of i slnglu ea'-o lots were repoi ted at
2ic ! and somu round lots at II ! ie.
llurrini The situation In thu butter mar-
< et remains practically unchanged. Supplies
ire moderate and the best grades of country
Hitter sell as high iis''Ooand even up to22c.
POUI.TIIV Dressud poultry is very little
ought after and Is about out of the market.
, lvo chickens sold as high asl.tO for old hens
ind down to $1.50 for roosters and mixed. Live
: lueks. * 2.503.00.
UAMH A few ducks and geese are coming to
ho market , but they urn not In very good do-
iiand and have to sell low. .Mixed ducks.
I.OOiil.2.1 ; mallards. $2.50 ; geese. $3.00 ; brants
lard to sell.
HAY There was no flrat class Iny on track
estorday. The best upland could bo safely
iiuoted atl5.KXi7Jli.OO ( per ton. A good deal of
Iho hay coming to market baa been burned up
nd sells around $10.00 ,
No. 1 I No. 1 I No. 1
I .Moil I urn I Sinnll.
Inccoon , f 7i > S 40
illnk 70 40
Skunktilnck , cnicil. . . . 83 to
Skunk , ahort "trlpo.Cid 83M 25
Skunkniir'iv ptrlpc.cnl M
< k\ink \ , bruml stripecsd 20
'ov , cro i , dnrk 200 1 W 1 00
Vex , red J 25 1 (10 (
Fox , griijr 25M (10W 20
'tVulf , mountain I Wl 1 ( ) 75
IVolf , jirnlrlo 8S 70 75M
llenvcr , prluio.pcrskln 7 00 , 6 (10 ( 3 U )
llonrer , No. 2 , per skin 500 'I 25 1 r.u
Jtter 7 (10 ( 500 0)
.ynx 200 1 25 76
IVIIilcat 200W ) , : iu 10
) piasinn 12 ( iuW 0.1
IniUcr 00 45 39
\Vofverlno 4 (10 .1 OU 2 00
Hear , thick 21) ) U ) 10 CO 6(10 (
Hear , nrl7/ly 10 DO li ( JO i OU
ilear , brown 4 ( XI 2 Ml 1 110
Hear , cubi 4 (10 ( i IO 1 00
ilnrlen 200 1 OU 00Ui
'filler 600 4 00 2 50
IVka'n.lnil.Ur'H'il. per ) b , $ Kl < a 75' '
Deer , summer , per lb . . 25
" ) ecr , full , per lb 15 ® vo
) ccr , wlntor.pcrlb 18
) ecr , r'n s'R'il.pcr pco 25 ® 75
Antelope , per lb. 124S If )
Klk. per lb 8 ® 111
Wootj ICansus , Nebraska and Territory
Unwashed : Fine , average , 12 to 15c : choice. 15
to Kic ; medium , average , 18 to20c ; choice. 22 to
24c ; quarter blood , average. 17 to 2)e ) : choice.
20to22c ; coarse , average , 15 to ICc ; choice , 16
to ISe ; eotl.s and rough , average. 12 to 14c ;
choice. 14 to I5c ; seedy or hurry , choice , 12 to
14s ; black , choice , 15 to 17c ; bucks and very
heavy fine , cholco. 10 to 12c. Unwashed combIng -
Ing and delaine 1'ino delaine , average , 14 to
ice : choice , 1C to 18c ; medium delaine , average ,
20to21c ; choice , 20 to 22c ; medium combing ,
average , 20 to sic ; choice , " 0 txi 22o ; ( juarier
blood combing , average , 17 to 18c ; choice , 18 to
20c ; coarse combing , average , 15 to 17c ; cholco ,
17 to 18u ; braid , average , 12 to 14c : uholeo , 1.1 to
ICc. Tub washed Choice , 28 to 33c ; average ,
23 to 2So ; coarse , 20 to 25c.
HONKS In Car Lots Only Dry buffalo , per
ton , $ IC.OO18.03 ; dry country , bleached , per
ton , ! 10.eo@13.00 : dry country , dump and
meaty , per ton , $3.00 © 10.W. These prices are
for bones weighed and delivered In Chicago ,
HIDES No. 1 green salted hides. Sijasue ;
No. 2. 4 4Ue : No. 1 green salted hides , 2.1 to 40
Ibs , WWia ; No. 2. 4(24io ( ! ; No. 1 veal calf , a to
1.1 Ibs SS'ie ; No. 2. C'/c ' ; No. 1 dry Hint hides
77'ic ' ; No. 2 , ® " ' ! ; No. 1 dry salted hides ,
SIIKBP PIXTP Green sailed ; each 310(3 ( $ ! , 23 ;
green sailed shearlings ( short woolod early
skins ) No. 1. each 5&Mio : dry bhoarllngs ( short
wooled early skins ) No. 1. each "VltlOc : dry
shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) No. 2 ,
each 5u ; dry flint Kansas and Nebraska
buiehor wool pelts , per lb actual weight , 1044
14o : dry Mint Colorado butcher wool polls ,
per lb. actual weight , 10i2jc ! ; dry Hint Col
orado murrlan wool pelts , per lb. actual
weight. 810c ; dry pieces and bucks , actual
weight , 70c.
TAU.OW ANII OIIEASK Tallow No. 1 , 4 > { @ 4 ? 'o ;
tallow No. 2 , IiyCW'sc ; grease , whllo A , 3'ja '
3 ? e ; grouse whlto 11. : PS@i'ic : ; grease , yellow ,
3o ; grease , dark. Siej old butter. 22Jc ! ;
beeswax , prime , 2S23o ; rough tallow , li ) ®
POTATons Homo grown stock , $1.23 ; Colorado
rado , $1.3.1 per 1m.
PIK PLANT Per do/ ,
OAUMKI.OWIII : Per do$2.50. .
HlMNACil-Per bbl. $2,00.
LirrrucK Cholco stock , 4043e.
KUTAIIAOAS Mlclilaan stock , uorbu , COc.
Cui-rcntH orCoiuinerco.
Trade Is reported bettor In many lines of
The Spokuno Spokesman publishes the fol
lowing Item regarding Hob Knssoii , formerly
u very well known business man of Omaha :
Andrew Weber , Junior partner lu the firm of
J. II. Inderrledon .V Hro. , spent Sunday In this
city , the guest of his old friend , Hob Kasson.
Mr. Weber , who docs a business of W.OOi'.WW a
year In the grocery line In Chicago , believes
that Spokane Is a great city , and that Mr.
Kasson Is the best authority on freight rates
In the known world. Joseph S. Indurrieden
accompanied him. Thu mooting of old friends
was the occasion for a big blowout and a
merry social tlmo. The visitors , who have
not mot Mr. Kasson for elghtoon years , came
over seven thousand miles to meet him and
talk over old times.
With an old sore , ulcer , or
gun shot wound that refuses
to heal
For Five years
up. If
I liad a sere leg , which
would yield to no tieat-
S.S.S. , inent until I took t.\o
and be- bullies of S. S. S. , whch :
prompt y cured It , nnd
c om e there Ins bo ; n no Ign of
your o'.urii ; this was In 168(1. (
former U. H. UobT/v'owton , N. C.
_ _
self. S. S. S. , has curec
many such cases after every
other remedy had failed.
100K3 OH BtOOD 4ftD SKI/J / DISCUSES ffffC.
I'll" Sw" < * " ' ' * " n - '
A. D. Boyer & Oo
C8-69 Uxcbango Building ,
BoutU Oiualia.
8. J. Coffin an | Bmiloy Hunter & Green ,
&Uo. ,
30 Eiclianno llullJIng
Id Bxcbaofio IlulMlott
Suuth Omili * . Boulli Ouuu.
dCKIIffi' (111(1 ( (
The Brnnswick-Balko A , II. Pcrrifjo&Co.
Oollondor Oo.
nilllnn ! tncrchni'llo. ' AIIMnkai , All IVIcci , All
HnlivMi fltlurci 1'aili.
07. VH. 131' '
Oninti * . 1311 Dolgo Street.
Omaha Republican Printing Oo , ,
IAW Lrlof , bunk upptl ( , nn < l orcf/lldni In Iho
rrlntlnx lino.
IQIIi < rv1 lloiulu
Ackcrmnnn Bros , & Hoiutzo ,
Prlnteri , tlndorj , tleclrotrporJ , blank book raanu-
UK Ilowanl Jtn-t , Omitiv
I Hugh 0. Olftrk ,
( lanl W < nt rn Agent
Dupont'a HporllnR Oun-
powder. Altai tilboiplo-
ilTC.UIitnllnzcapa.fui * .
12Ullarn f atte U
Rector & Wilheltny Oo Lee-Olark - Androosaa
Hardware Oo.
Cor. lOtb ao1 Jackioa ati ,
1IM-IHO Harnir itrtit ,
Omatia. Umaha N > b.
Gee , Obenio & Oo. , J , 8. Smith & Oo ,
(133. ISlhatrcot ,
UD3-UIJ I.iaronirorth ik
Omaha. Oinahv
Paxton & ViorHm h Omaha Safe 4 ; Iron
n. IronWork ? , Works
nrouvlit and mat Iron ,
biilldliiKwork , ongln . Manufra tire and tnirshr
t > ra work , Konoral proof anfca , vruiHvJulj
fiiiindrr , mncblns an.t work , Iron ihullor > nnif
M.ickimlth work. U , I * . nro ctcnpoi. u. An *
Ilr-andlTlhat. drecn,11 lhV Jackson sll
j Acme Iron and Wire Wilson & Draka ,
, MTc tubular Hue ) , Dr
Iron , wlro . nnd hrni ; w'ki. box Lollcrs , tank * , oto.
RUS. IBIhulrnot.
AMIoohl , I'roprlstor. 1'lfcoand 19th atrecti.
ECC.I Printing Oo ,
Farrell & Oompiny , Dulfy-Trowbrid a
Wholesale ininfacturorj Stova Minufao'g Oo. ,
eyru ( ) , mnla o < and
vlnumri , Maniifnitiir'i { atoroianl
store pip ) .
217-219 South 8th atraat. 1211-1215 I.navcnworth st.
Company ,
UllandUm llarnor it.
Omaha. Neb.
Klgln and Wcitoru Creamer ) ' roll butler andi
egg * . 10,000 A 1 cuiptr egg cuiei , with Uller * , lot
nla cheap or oxcliungo for cgga at market prlco.
Write for particular * . 1323 and IV Uilb. Utti |
Colorado. * r "