THE OMAHA 'DAILY ' TWENTIETH YEAH. OMAHA , TUESDAY MOlllSJGSTa APRIL 21 , ISM , NUMBER 302. FOUND NO TRACE OF POISON , Report of the Chemist's ' Investigation of Bheetly's ' Murder. THEORY AS TO THE CAUSE OF HIS DEATH , A iVe ro's VrlKhtfiil Kail Hank Rxain- iiicr Itrliik Hcslsns A Fractured Skull Died on the Street State News. lixcoi.v , Neb. , April 20. [ Special Tcio- gratn to Tin : Bnn.J The chemist at Ann Arbor to whom was submitted an nnalvsls of tbo contents of the stomach of John Shcedy , the murdered man , has finally completed his work and reported. The result Is ono that will probably save Mrs. Shcedy from a felon's punishment , us the chemist declares that thcro Is no trace whatever of poison In the stomach of the murdered man. Ho adds , .however , that morphine might have been given , but ns the evidences of that drug pass nwny In n few hours of COUMO ho could llnd no trace of It In the stomach. It lj therefore thought that the death of Shcody was caused cither by morphine or by the blow from the cano In the hands of Monday McFnrlnnd. Ono or two of the physicians who saw Slieedy before his death declare that ho showed evidences of morphine poisoning. As the imyslclans who held the post mortem found no blood clot In the brain the mor phine poisoning theory Is thought to bo the correct one , but as there Is nothlnc to prove It Mrb. Shecdy will probably go free. Charged with Criminal lilhel. NKIWASKCITV , Nob. , April 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Ben. ] A warrant was Issued today for Al Ewan , n Talmage news paper man , charging him with cnmlnullibel. - The Kansas City Sun and Vanity Fair pub lished scnsationnl matter about L. W. Lloyd , n grocer , and the wife of Lund- lord Kidd of the Wutson. The articles , according to these interested , nro Infamous lies and scandnli/o and libel n woman who for years bus hud the respect of this commu nity. Landlord Kidd has taken legal steps and will prosecute every person who is mixed up in circulating and advertis ing these sensational reports. His attorneys who wilt prosecute the matter to the bitter end uro Hon. John C. Watson , Mayor Frank P. Ireland , Judge Hnywnrd of this city and General Colby of Beatrice. Mr. Ktdd wont to Lincoln today and endeavored to ascer tain from Mr. Cotton of the Vanity Fair who was the author of the article , but could not. Cotton said the man's name was Whllo but ho evaded giving any satisfactory information. These libelous ar ticles have caused much feeling mid talk and some persons have gone so fur as to state that the correspondents of those sensational papers If dUcovciud world bo of short lifo In this cltv. Late tonight Chief of Police Wheel Ing and Mr. Lloyd drove ever toTalmugo as It was understood that Ewan was there. Hank Examiner Brink Gun Mi RAI-IHH , Neb. , Aprll20. [ Special to Tnu BEE. ] A. P. Brlnlr , having been offered a better position , has resigned his oftlco of bank examiner , to tnko affect imme diately. He has boon offered and has ac cepted the position of cashier of n now na- i . baali South .O , _ - , 1 tlorjal lustpriraiilzcd ilat paha * * * ' ' ' ' I * Itr will on'Xvith a'very'lnrgo'capital and will bo backed up by the packing house firms of South Omaha , which assures for it a substantial basis. This is the second ofllco Mr. Brink has resigned in the last two years In order to accept a moro lucrative place. About two years ago ho resigned the oftlco of representative of Banner county to bccomo bank examiner nnd this ho gives up to bo- coino the principal manager of a largo bank. Fractured Ills Kkull. Surrov , Nob. , April 20. [ SpcctalTelegram toTiinBnn. ] In an altercation this morn ing between William Wloden and Johnny MclCeaguo ever the settlement of an account the latter struck Mr. Wleden with n crutch nnd fractured his skull. Mr. Wlodon is an old nnd respected citizen and has been for n lonir tlmo In the restaurant and grocery tr'ado. Ho is In neomtitoso condition from the effects of the Injury and is not expected to live. MclCeaguo Is n crlpplo from the ef- fei'ts of rickets , but has heretofore boon con sidered au inoffensive person. Ho is under jxrrcst. Not Guilty of Aison. Ciurmov , Nob. , April 20. [ Special Telo- g.'um toTnc BEE. ) In the district court At torney McCnuloy was acquitted of arson nnd the case against his accomplices , Milton and Hamilton , dismissed. These are the cases to testify In which Convict Porrln W03 brought hero from the penitentiary. Thostutovs Williams for an at'omptod criminal assault Is now on trial. The details of thocrimonro tcrriblo. The defense Is a \plea of Insanity. ' A FrlKlitful Fall. Ltxcoi.x , Nob. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] A negro named McWH- llams , whllo cleaning windows in the third story of the block north ot Temple hall , fell to the pavement beneath and was terribly hurt. His right nrm was broken , his Jaw split open and his knco mashed. Ho also re ceived Internal Injuries. Ho was taken to the hospital where ho Is lying In a orecarlous condition. Dloct lu the Street. Covixorov , NUM. , April 20. [ Special Tola- pram to TUB BEI : ] Col. C. D. Martin of- Da kota City fell In street of South Sioux City this afternoon , dying In a few minutes. Death resulted from appoploxy. The de ceased was iigod seventy-live years , and was nn old settler , hemiestcadiug hero In ISr-il. Ho was formerly editor and proprietor of the Argus. Pushing Toward Niobram. Niomun * , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] Information comes from Bloomlleld that the Omaha Hue Is urcpnrlng to push out from there for a short distance northwest. It ls believed that they fear the Sioux City Northwestern and dcslro to control the right of way to Brazil creou , ever which route both roads must como to rench the mouth of the Nlobrara river. Damages from llalu. NKWVUNGKOVI : , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to Tin : Br.r. ] Yesterday the heaviest rain- full for years visited this section of the coun try , continuing through the night. S. O. Dlmack's mill dam wont out , and the county line bridge was badly damaged. Farmers report their grains on the high lands nearly all washed down Into the valleys. Death at Gretna. QHBTXI , Nob. , April 20.--Speclal [ to Tnc BKE. ] Mrs. McKcnna , wife of C. L. Me- Kcunn , the pioneer merchant of this city , died at horhomo this morning nt 0 o'clock nfter a nort Illness , aged twenty-eight years. The deceased was well known and highly re spected , She leaves a husband and two chil dren , ono nut two weeks old , Vnilau"CriiknaTTii Jail. CUT CKXTnu , NED. , April 20. [ Special Telegram to Tue Bie.J : The sheriff of Nuck- ols county brought to this place yesterday nnd placed In Jail for safe keeping Alfred . Crakaal , the party who la charged with criminally asiaultinx boveral llttlo girls at Superior , an account of which was given In Bntunlay's BEE. Measles at Talmago. TAUUOB , Nob. , April 20. [ Social Telegram - gram to Xus BB . ] M a le are prevailing * < . In town mid tHe surrounding country to tui alarming extent , nncl a number of qulto serious cases nro reported. Illegal Liquor Selling. Nr.niiAiKA CITV , Neb. , April 20. ( Special Telegram to Tun Ben. ] Sheriff Wlllonon nntl n court ballfT named Warren Simpson went Into a bawdy house conducted by Mag- RIO Lindsay Saturday night and bought beer. At least thnt Is what they will testify at tliu next term of the district court. On the strength Of an Informa tion tiled by Simpson this landlady was arrested today ami taken before .tustlco \Vhlto who placed her under S.VIO bonds to nppeur In a higher court. The bond was Blven. This Is the lint raid of the sort tnat has been made htro for yfcars. Taken to ( lie Asylum. NcmnsKA CITV , Neb. , April 20. [ Special * Telosraui to Tnc Bel : . ] Low Louis , an old resident of this county , was examined by the board on Insatio today und pronounced a lit subject for hospital treatment. Ho has n very vspcctablo family living seven tnllos from the city. Ho will bo taken to Lincoln and placed In the asylum , Hound for the Pen. TBKAMUI , Neb. , April'JO. [ Special to TUB Bcn.j Sheriff Monroe loft for Lincoln thli morning with a young negro scnlonced for a term In the penitentiary for burglary at De- catur. _ _ _ No Ij > n guru Cliiiiiiiilon. Tu.Mvon , Nob. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BFIE.J The Talmage Champion has suspended and the editor , L. P. Boyd , Is looking for a new location. 1H1.ItWMX SKT PitEE. His DylitR Victim's Story Remorse lessly ! ' ! uUK Aside. OrruMvla. . . April -Special [ Telegram gram to Tin : BUB. ] The famous case of the state against Lavvson .T. Baldwin at Falrflold has boon concluded , the Jury , after thirty- sU hours' deliberation , acquitting Baldwin. This case Is ono of the most noted over fought In JoffoMon county , The charge was that Baldwin was the cause of the dc.ith of Miss Mattlo Rodubaugh , July S , ISbS , by means of n criminal operation. The case was tried In September , IfibS , and Baldwin convicted and sentenced to ten years In the penitentiary. In ISi'J ' the supreme court reversed - versed the decision of the lower court , on the ground that a dying woman's testi mony was Inudmlssablo. The second trial , Just concluded , occupied ton days. County Attorney Hois and Messrs. Loggctt and Mc- Kerny prosecuted , and Messrs. . Work , Wil son and Hinkle defended. Miss Rodabautrh was the daughter of n wealthy fanner of Van Burnn county and Baldwin was a farmer of considerable means before the case was brought againsthim. . It is said that his long light has about bank rupted him. A Female In Male Attire. DnriAN-cn , la. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bnc.J A sensation was created hero today by the arrest of a comely young woman in inalo attire who is charged with burglarizing a store at Panama and appro priating the garb she woro. It is said she had been waiting some days at Panama for the appearance of a lover , but ho came not and she resorted to this means to search for him. When arrested she was trudging through the mud with her pants in her boots in true masculine s ylo. lies Moines' I < 'lro Chief. DEsMoixns , la. , April 20. | Speclal Telo- gramAto.TuB JJEB j jThpclty councIIjtoduy ' ' ' cleclea'Slartln'MSlander'cfifof ofTth'e'firo de partment of thi city ever R. C. Johnson , whohas been chief the past ten years. The council has been dead loclccd for several weeks on this ques'tion , but the tlo was broken by the recent election of two now members to 1111 vacancies. The retirement of Chief Johnson is understood to mean a gen eral reorganization of the department and tlip correction of some gross abuses which have crept In. rriie Imht of the linoncs. Dis : Moivns , la. , April 20. George S. Boone , solo remaining lineal doscendcnt of Daniel Boone , was arrested by United States authorities and brought to this city for trial today. Ho is charged with pension frauds. Boone served In the confederate army \vhilo tils father was n Union soldier. The father Is dead and the son for some time has been drawing a pension allowed to the former. Boone has been living in a cave on the Dos Moines river about forty miles below this city. city.An An Operator Mysteriously Missing. Sioux CITV , la. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to TUG BEE. ] Lou Monnott , a tele graph operator who has been In the employ of the Sioux City Jc Northern railway , drew his month's salary last Friday and has slnco been missing. There scorns to bo no cause assigned for his disappearance. The police are en deavoring to locate him , but nave thus far been unsuccessful. Ho has been employed here for the past ilvo years and his family arc greatly worried over his unexplained absence. Unitarian C inference. Dus Moixns , la. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BUG. ] The state conference of the Unitarian church began in this city this evening with a welcome address by Hon. B. F. Guo , a response by Hoy. Eleanor Gordon of Sioux City , and a sermon by Hoy. Marv A. Safford of Sinus City. Tbo meeting will continue three days. Declined to llond. LF.MAIS , la. , April 20. [ Special Totfgrajn to Tin : B KG , | LoMars today decided by "a vote of 414 to 143 against bonding the city In ? -M,000 for the erection of an olcrtrlc light plant. The people want an electric light , but will probably grant n franchise to a private company. Senator Shoa'h Condition. Dis : MoiXE" , la. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bnc.J Word received from Colfax states that Senator Shea of Omaha , who has been quite ill thcro for three weeks with rheumatism , was some bettor at noon today. _ The Doiilh lloll. BUFFAT.O , N. Y. , Aurll 20. Justice Corlott of the supreme court died hero last night. NEW HU-EX , Conn. , April 20. Dr. James 1C. Thatcher , professor of physiology at Yale university , died suddenly this morning of pneumonia , aged fortv-threo. ( lUvxn Ru-ins Mich. , April 20. Ex-Con- pressman M. H. Ford , who represented this district In the Fiftieth congress , died sud denly today of apoplexy. \VoiiCKSTKii , Mass. , April 20. Mrs. Mary E. Gough , widow of the late John B. Gough the creat temperance lecturer , died today li : Hovlcaton , aged sevonty-ono. . HOME , N. Y , , April 20. Rev. Henry Dar ling , president of Hamilton college at Clin ton , N. Y. , died today of bronchitis. Condemned Murderers ICnO.ijio. EU.TAI.A , I. T. , April 20. News has been received that the execution of Hess Rollly JolT Brown , Douglas Brown , Cudgo Barnett Pare Johnson , Lake Andy and Prince Haw kins , In the western portion of the Wewaka district of the Crook nation , which was sot for today , was frustrated by the escape o tno prisoners. Jeff Brown , Prlnco Hawkins and Pare Johnson were recaptured , but they had been pardoned by the chief. Tllf.IE.ITUER FOltKUAST. For Omaha anil Viclnit-j Shaicen ; ttation aru fempciature , fur AVftrasVu ind Iowa SHoweri 'l"uenlay louthtilu u'diJi ; jtatfoti.ny ( empmiturc , creep tc < mtr in Ntbraska. For South Doteta Shovcn ; ; \carmtr , WILL BE A LIVELY MEETING , Independents Preparing for a Big Straggle at the Cincinnati Conference. CHICAGO DEMOCRATS HOLDING ON , Another Slmlc-sncrcan Cipher Discov ered \Vhlch Proves that Ilauoii murdered the I'nnl of Avon- All Omaha PUK Paralyzed. CHICAOO Omen OF Tun Bnc , 1 CHICAGO. April 20. f It is qulto evident that the so-cnllcd Indus trial conference to bo held In Cincinnati on ho lUth of next month Is going to bo more of success than the leaders of the great alll- uco bodies expected. The aftalr Is In the innds of a llttlo crowd of grcenbackers , but hey have played their cards well. They ave taken advantage of the strong Indcpcnd- nt feeling In the west and have anticipated he proposed conference next year , which Is rdcrcd by the national alliances und Knights f Labor. Finding that they nro likely to bo > alked In their effort to prevent the orgnnlza- lon of n , new party , the alliance leaders have oncluded to attend the conference and , If > ossiblc , control the action of the convention , John II Powers of Nebraska , president of hat body , Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesota , and 0111013 who are well known In the west and northwest will oo there. A PKCUUVUIJEtAT. It was expected when the canvass of the ro- urns closed on Friday , that the election commissioners would issue a certificate of election so that the newly elected city ofllcers night bo sworn In at the council meeting to- light , and tuko their seats tomorrow. But t is said there was an agreement reached on Saturday between the republicans and demo crats which was in effect If the demo crats would abandon their avowed purpose o resist the seating of Washburno the ro- Hibllcnus would glvo them seven days moro n which to step down and out. lust what the democrats want to hold on an- ither week for Is causing a good deal of con- ccturo. Some assert there are Indications .hat the books ns well us the funds In some of the departments are not In proper condi tion for the turning over process. TKOum.KS OF TIIOTTIXQ HOUSE iincnnniio. John H. Wallace of New York , who Is hero to attend the national convention of trotting horse breeders which opens nt the Wellincton hotel tomorrow , says ho will sell his twenty-year- old register for the option price $200,000 and Is ready to light ttio breeders and go on with the register If his price isn't paid. The general sentiment among the delegates is that the prlco Is too high , but thov do not want two registers. The result Is likely to bo n smaller price than $200,000 , and ono register founded on Wallace's and operated by a stock company made up of breeders , but having no connection with the National Breeders' asso ciation. The register earned ? 1,7SS. 07 last year. The National association will , how ever , bo reorganized , the standard remodeled , uid much importantlcglslutlon accomplished. There will bo moro than a score ot million aires In the convention. DID IIACOX MUiinr.n sniKr.srF.AncI Dr. Orville W. Owen of Detroit claims to have discovered in the Ilvo trreat works of Lord Bacon a cipher confession of the mur der of William Shakespt-'am , the so-called Bard. of. Avon. The .cipher ptatos tha taking "advantage "of his' position , ho threatened to reveal to King James the real authorship of the plays and blackmailed Bacon to the extent of 20,000. Ono day Shakespeare became too insolent in his de mands , the nobleman drew bis sword , and In the blindness of Uis rage struck the actor dead at his feet. Bacon then severed the head from the trunk , embalmed It , inclosed It In a leaden box with a written parchment , and burled it at a crossroad , where , by the English law , it could never bo molested. In the cipher uro found the most mlnuto direc tions us to the locution of that box. Dr. Owen has worked for years continually to bring about a full demonstration of his discovery , and now ho is going to publish the whole thing in book form. Ho declares that when ho makes public the cipher a child can cosily read tbo story. AN OMAHA rCaiMVT KNOCKED OUT. Charles Wickort of Peoria and Joe Tansoy of Omaha , middle-weights , fought n battle with skin gloves at Selby park , In the lower end of that city , about 2 o'clock this morn- Ing. The light , was for n purse of $500 and the gate receipts. The battle lasted two hours and nine rounds were fought. At the end of that tlmo Tansoy fulled to too the scratch , and the money was awarded to Wlckert. A TU\N"COXTIXEXTAI. 1IICYCMST. Nelson A. Bradt , twenty-four years of ago , left Now York City ten days ago for San Francl'co on n bicycle. He arrived In Chicago cage last evening at 5'iO : o'clock , and will re main hero a day or two for n rest. Ho ex pects to reach San Francisco in less than three months. I.AKH XWICUTION OPHNCD. The steamship Harlem of the Now York Central line started for ButTalo early this motnlng. It was closely followed by the Syracuse of the same line anil the Tlogn of Erie. The Lehigh of the Anchor line loft soon after. Tills 0/5ens for the season of 1891 Chicago's lake and rail connections with the seaboard. A r.uixm.i , MASS Mr.r.Tixo. It was decided at a mcctinir of the Pantoll sympathizers at a gathering held at the Grand Paclllc yesterday , to hold amass meet ing about the middle of May to bo addressed by Irish envoys. A telegram was read from James J , O'Kelly , M. P. , stating that John O'Connor ' , M. P. , William H. Redmond , M. P. , and himself would roach Chicago about May 14. TUB ixnu nunnr.n SUPPI.T. Carl Van Bulaw is at the Richelieu , on his way to Mexico as the representative of a Gor man company with largo capital which proposes to cngacro In the cultivation of the rubber trco there. "Tho prlco of India rubber Is going to advance , " said ho this morning. "Tho supplv Is not equal to the demand. In the island of Ceylon where considerable Is grown they are turning their attention to cultivating the Jungles , or rather making use of their Jungles. The ccara trco grows very rapidly from the seed , and thrives in the Jungles , and in a few years the supply from Ceylon will bo double whut It Is at present. But wullo this Is being done in Ceylon wo propose cultivating a largo plantation in Mexico. From investigations made by careful ex periments wo have learned that the rubber trco will grow and nourish and thatn trco of average size will yield about twenty gallons of milk , which amount Is equal to forty pounds of dried rubber. " si us. I\\\K \ a. III.AIXC , Jii. Mrs. James G. Blalno , Jr. , wlfo of Secre tary Blalne's son , was at the Richelieu today , accompanied by her maid. Mrs. Blaine is on her way to Washington stnto and It Is said that she Intends to reside thcro long enough to got u divorce In that stato. She will leave tonight for the west. It Is said that a certain doctor who treated Mrs. Blalno for rheumatism Is to bo tbo successor of Mr. Blalno when she secures a divorce. WOXTAXA'S CHOI' I-UOSPBCTS. Hon. 0. W. HofTmpn of Bozeman , Mont. , Is nt the Leland hotol. Mr. Hoffman repre sents the Bozcman district in the state sen ate. ate."Politics "Politics Is very quiet In our state Just now , " said he , "peoplo uro moro Interested in the good ctlccts of our winter. The fall of snow has been extraordinary , and the Chi nook has mcltod it so nicely that wo are as sured of abundant moisture for crops , graz ing lands and water for mines. " CAPITALISTS' COXKIDEXCB ix OMAHA , E. S. Rowloy passed through Chicago this evening on his way back to Omuha after u short absence In the cast , "It is very gratifying , " said Mr , Rowloy , "to find with what confidence eastern capital- tats look uxm Omaha and her future. While thcro have been ttirco hcivy ; bank failures In Kansas City In the past HX months and n score In the state of Kansas , Jhcra have been none In Omaha and vcr. few In Nebraska. Moneyed men know thU * nnd consequently when they got ready , to Invest they will put their money in Omaha In preference to hflr western riv als , The tcudcnc/r Is to bo rather conservative for'tho present , and I don't look for as much activity In building In Omaha as thcro was last year , but I know of ono syndicate which la forming in Now Yurk for Investment In Otnaha.roalty , and they al ready have their eyes on a piece of property in tbo business part of the city which Is hold at $12.VHX > , " t wF.smix pnori.ujix CHICAOO. Among the western people In Chicago todav wcro the following ; At the Grand Pncltio P. W. Corbett , Omaha ; Charles B. Kcoler , James H Doug las , W.F.Hutchison , Cedar Rapids , la. ; J. H. Swan , E. R. Kirk , Sioux City. hi. ; J. C. Savory , Dos Molnes , Iaj H. G. Rand , Salt Lake City , Utah. & ' At the Leland Mr. end Mrs. Charles G. Ettinger , Butte , Mont. ; H. E. Tcsehmachcr , Cheyenne , Wyo. > At the Richelieu Mr. " " and Mrs. Sol.L. Degen , J. H. Sahler , W.'R. Vaughan , D. H. Vaughan , Omaha. : . At the Auditorium Gcorgo N. Hicks , Omaha ; M. E. Downs , Helena. Mont. At the Palmer Mr. and MM. C. D. Bib. bins , T. J. Despechor , Omaha ; Joe Eaton , Mrs. G. H , Champ. Council Bluffs ; II. C , Algcr , Sheridan. Wyo ; ; Miss J. Plumb , Omaha ; R. B. Wlndhnm. Council Bluffs ; Johnson Brlgham , Mrs.'W. C. Blake , Mrs , N. O , Lawton , Cedar Paplds , In. At the Trcmont Mrj. Condon , Dos Molnes , la. 4 At the Wlndsor-L. O.-Hlbben , Mr. and Mi's. H , Munscn , Omaha ? Ai the Goro-C. M. Lctz , R. Williams , Omaha. I' At the Brevoort J. W. Bowman , F. C. Lataurctte , F. H. Polgman , W. J. Pilnce , J. Vandcstecs , Omaha. * S ATKIX OX. STJlIJCEJtS HTILL ItlOTlXd. They Make it Very Lively 1'orOwnerH of the Cokt-j Works. SCOT ui : , Pa. , April 20. Today was pro lific of excitement and small riots throughout this region. Women were generally leading and the most bitter In tholr attacks upon the deputies. Heretofore they have been silent , but when the evictors attacked their homes the foreign women especially wcro driven wild. During a squabble , today two\leputies wcro painfully Injured. ( But few ovlctlous were made , ns the sheriffs fear opposition and are gathering largo forces of deputies. UXIOXTOWX , Pa. , April 20. There was con siderable rioting nt Leith and Leisenrlng No. 2 today because of an attempt at evictions. The trouble was nil cntjSed by Hungarian women , who fought lllco ! tigers against the sheriff's forces. At one' time the sheriff called for troops , but the trouble quieted down and the order was countermanded. Twenty-six of Saturday's rioters wcro arrested today. When the constables took thorn to the tram to bo broucht hero their wives and other women to the number of forty or fifty poured Into the coaches and took possession. The women re fused to pay tare , and thfe trainmen , after ineffectual efforts to eject them , ran the coaches on n sldo track ano going to Vuiicos Junction reported the situation to headquar ters. Nothing has slncol been heard of the train load loft behind. Late tonight a telephone - phone mcssaco was sent from Lemont to Leiscnrlug No. 2 , notifying tbo deputies and company odlcials that 850 strikers had Just left Lemont for Lclsenring and a riot was imminent. They Must . . CincAoo , April 20. TJntCal tates Attorney Gitohrlst'-todiy jJicoiij'plalnt'beforo Judge Jenkins In the federal court that cer tain employes of Swift < k Co. , dressed meat shippers , refused to Answer certain ques tions as to discriminations in railroad rates in favor of that llrm put.'to them by the fed eral grand Jury on tao ground that by so doing they miRht incriminate themselves. The Judge ruled that they must answer. Indiana Midland Strike Settled. IxiMAXArous , Ind. , April 20. A Lebanon , Ind. , special to the Sentinel says the Indiana Midland strike was settled at a conference tonight and the men will resume work in the morning. L World's Fall- Laborers Strike. CHICAGO , April 0. 'About ' six hundred men employed In grading Jackson park in preparation for the world's fair today struck for an advance in wages. IX OKL.UIO.JIA , Narrow Kwcapc of a Party of Hunters "While Prospecting. AUKAXSAS CITY , Kan. , April 20. [ Special Telegram to Tnc BBB.J Henry Buchanan , a gold digger from Oklahoma , arrived hero Friday last and told marvelous tales about the rich gold Jlelds In n certain portion of the new territory. Ho declined to give the loca tion of the Held , and Sunday , eluding the vigilance of his friends , started back to his diggings. A party of six secured a blood hound and followed his trail for some distance In the territory. Yesterday - day while encamped In a gulch a cloud burst over them , The gully was flooded and the gold hunters barely escaped with their lives , many of their horses wcro diownod and all their outllt was lost. The adventurers re turned today a disconsolate-looking crowd. llOItltlllLV VEXOEAXCE. Tennessee Mountaineers Kill Six Ne groes and Wound Ten. CIUTTAXOOOA , Tcnn. , April 20. A report has reached hero from. Hoekwood , seventy- eight miles from Chattanooga ou the Cincin nati Southern road , that twonty-sovon miles from that place Sunday a party of native mountaineers rode Into n tan bark camp in the Cumberland mountains and without warning shot and killed six negroes and wounded ton. The mountaineers , It is said , had been discharged for Incompctcncy and took this method of vengeance. ,1.V E.Ut'MlO.V < llt.B SX UTAH. Inhabitants of St. . George liadly Shaken and Very Much Frightened. SU.T LIKE CITV , Utah , April 0. [ Special Telegram to Tur. BEC.J A special from the town of St. George to tu Tribune says that a distinct shock of earthquake was felt thcro thU morning at 0:55 : o'clock. Several chim neys were shauen down and the buildings rocked badly. The Inhabi tants were very much frightened Knocked Out hy an Explosion. ST. PAUI , Minn. , April 20. The electric system of this city was paralyzed today by nn explosion In nu oil tank adjoining the St Paul city railway cloctrio power houso. A stcamflttcr who descended Into the tank with n lighted candle was kllled by the ex plosion and sot on lire. Ono urmaturo in tbo power house was at onoo burned out , thu ; stopping the system. The power house wll probably bo saved. The Fire Itccord. MoxTiinAi , Oat , April 20 , Ono building of the Canadian Pacific railway works al Hocheluga burned this morning and many valuable puttorns were destroyed. Loss SW.OUO ; Insured. ASIILAXD , Pa. , April 20. The stock house ot thn Norton Iron works was damaged to tbo extent of $30,000 by lira this morning. In surcd. Huinnno Punishment Ordered. ST. PAUIMinn. . , April 20. The spocla committee appointed by tbo house to Invcstl gate the reported brutal treatment of con vlcts In the penitentiary at Stlllwntcr reported ported this morning. As a result of the report port a resolution was adopted Instructing the prison ofllcials to Institute a huuiauo sy tom of unUhment , tANSAS POLITICAL MIXTURE , Representatives of Throj Inclopnilent Fatties Denounce Each Other. OPINIONS ON THE THIRD PARTY MOVE , .The Kansas Senate In Session as a Court of Impeachment IJotkln the Defendant The Charges. TOPEK , Kan. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BGI : . ] Lovl Dumbauld , chair- nan of the people's party central committee , uts added a now complication to the already nixed political situation , which the call fern n third party convention has brought about , > y addressing an open letter to the Kansas armors In which ho denounces Frank Mo- Grath , president of the alliance , In the > lalnost possible language. The letter Is the outgrowth of the circular Issued ono week ago by McGrath In which he demanded that ho southern farmers leave the democratic > , irty and Join the Independent movement. Pho reply of President Livingstone of the Georgia alliance declaring thut McGrath had 10 right to dictate to the southern farmers , ms provoked a great deal of criticism. Mr. JumbaulU takes for his text the statement nado by McUrath that unless the south would desert the democratic party the north- vcstem farmers would go back to the rcpub- lean party , and savs : "I nm authoritatively Informed that Mr. \IcGrath mute ; this announcement without nstructlon or authority of the Kansas alli ance and without the approval of his fellow ofllcors. Neither has ho any authority to speak for the people's party of Kansas , or for alliance voters on this subject. ' . therefore feel called upon to state that the people's party of Kansas is In the field to stay and has'no Intention under any circum stances of abandoning their third party novoment und returning to the old party lues. " President McGrath refused to discuss Chairman Dumbauld's letter , stating that lie lad not scoj It In print and could only know of it through others. For the same reason ho refused to answer questions concerning the notlves which prompted President Living stone's ' reply. "I myself was opposed to a third party movement , " ho said , "but the people I rep resent demanded It and I could" only speak for them. I believe the people of the south ire as ready for tno third party movement as > wo are , but many of their leaders oppose it. : hope to see President Llvlngstono at the Cincinnati covention on May 19 , but there will bo enough representatives there to assure - sure the success of the conference. " A Kansas Judge on Trial. TOPEKA , Kan. , April 20. [ Special Tele- { ram to TUB BKE.J The Kansas senate con vened this afternoon as a high court of im peachment to try Judge Thcdosius Botkln of Lho Thirty-second Judicial district. Judge Botkln is a republican oOlcoholdor , and the .ndlctment brought against him by the alii- auco house contains ton counts , charging htm with drunkenness , gambling , profanity while on ttfo bench , and a denial of Justice to his personal enemies. Judge Boticin Is ono of the best known men in the stato. Ho ac quired D.natlonaLandMuinjnviablo , reputation. la , Denouncing , , Jefferson ' , Davis , at a banquet tendered 'visiting Kansans - sans at Paris , Tox. , by the ex-confed erates. Ho was forced to flco the town and on returning homo announced himself as n candidate for the republican nomination for congress. At the beginning of the legislative session the alliance caucus decided to make a shining mark of ono republic in olllclal and petitions were sent the legislature from the counties which compose his district pravlng for his impeachment. The house investigat ing committee was in session ton days and the indictment returned contained the same charges made in the original petitions. The cost to the state by the impeachment trial will not bo less than $50,000 , requiring n twenty day's session of the senate. The board of managers appointed by the house to prosecute the case is conlldcnt tnat enough direct testimony has boon procured to remove Juilk'Q Botkin from the bench. This is the bconii Impeachment trial in the history of the stato. Governor Clailcs Rob inson was tried by the senate In IbO'J on charges of having entered into a scheme to defraud the state in the sale of bonds , but was acquitted , but his auditor was removed from otlluo. The district ever which Judge Botkln pre sides is in the extreme southwestern corner of the state , and has been the scene of the many disgraceful county seat fights which Uavo so advertised the state. In many of thcso Judge Botkin has been forced to take a part and personal enmities enter largely Into the prosecution. VKEGIEU GIVES VP. He Acknowledges the Klection of Jlempstcad Washhiirnc. CHICAGO , April 20. Mayor Cricgor through his attorney withdrew this morning all ob jections to the canvass as completed last week and asked the canvassing board that Hompstcad Washburno ( rep ) bo declared elected. Radical Bills Ki'lcd. ST. PAW. , Minn. , April 20. The legislature adjourned today sine die without having passed any of the radical bills which hud so aroused the fears of the business community and caused so much unfavorable comment throughout the country. The bills for the taxation of mortgages , providing severe pen alties for usury , and lowcrine the rate of inteaest , hostile railroad legislation and all measures aimed ntcorrorntlons pf all sorts in fact about all the semi-communistic and oggrariau measures died in ono house or the other. Ilepiihliuun League" Presidency. CINCINNATI , O. , April 20. The candidates mostly spoken of for the presidency of the national republican league are J. S. Clarkson , Senator Spoonor , General Nathon Goff , lion , T. E. Byrnes of Indiana. Major E. S. Slow- art of Philadelphia. W.V. . Tracy of Illinois , Judge Joseph A. Blanchard and State Sena tor Fawcott of Now York. Ex-Governor Foraker has been mentioned , but expressed n wish that his name bo not used. It Is un derstood that Elliott F , Shcphard's friends In the Now York delegation nro for that gen tleman. IlloomlnKlon'H Klcction. BI.OOMIXOTOX , 111. , April 20. Captain Daniel T. Foster ( rep ) was elected mayor todiy by 452 plurality over D , S. Dyson ( dem ) und Q. O. A minis ( pro ) . The rcpuo- llcuns lese an alderman. Florida hcnaiorlal Fight. Assr.E , Fla. , April 20.--Tho Call men in the caucus Insisted on the two-thirds rule. Two ballots were taken without result. 1TALUX 131.11 tGlt.lXTH. Fifteen Hundred of Them Arrived at New York In Ono Day. NEW YOHK , April 20. [ Special Telegram to THE BEC.I Another largo batch of Italian immigrants , 1,5.S In number , wcro landed at the barge oftlco today. They arrived last night on the steamer * Alesla and Alexandria. Two of the Italian Immigrants that arrived on the Alesla have been debarred , It having como to the knowledge of the b.irgo oniclnU that they nro ox-convicts. Olhson Indicted. CuiCAno , April 20.Tho federal grand Jury returned n true bill this mornlnp again M Gcorco J. Gibson , former secretary of thy whisky trust , ou the charge o ! aUuuinUug to bribe n government agi : to blow up Shu- feldt's dUtillcry. A cai * for Gibson's ar rest was at once issued. ] ' / , JMtry. . Given an KnthiiH as'Z. ' Hoc-option at San A ut ! 3 ) . Six ANTONIO , Tex. , A. " 20. The presi dential party arrived her , II o'clock this morning. Notwlthstnudl the heavy ralti which was falling the j. ptlon was most enthusiastic. The proaL was received with n military salute o. 'cntv-ono guns. On leaving the train the party was taken in carriages to the Grand oncr.i house , which was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Addresses of welcome wcro made by Governor Hogg and Mayor Callahan , am' responded to by the president. Secretary KuiU and Postmaster General \Vanamahcr. The president In his speech referred to thcgivat industrial capabilities of To. as , Its boncllcent climate , its great variety ot productions , eto. , spoUo of the addition of mochttnlcal pursuits. There can bo no reason , ho said , why a very largo proportion ot the million b.tles of cot- ten now produced should not bo spun In Texas , and ho hoped the people will mote and moro turn their attention to this matter , for Just in proportion as n state or commu nity divides Its attention among various In dustries , so does It ictaiii the wealth it pro duces and increases in population. Tlu > president then held a public reception. A short visit was atterward made to the mili tary post at Fort Houston , where the party was cntot tallied by General Stanley and stuff. The party joft hero at noon for Kl Pnso amid the cheers of an enthusiastic crowd. Svxnmisox , Tox. , April 20. The presi dential party passed through hero at 10:1" : tonight , enrouto to El Paso , where they aio due tomorrow nt 10. itV3toitEi > The Deadwood Central to Ho Pur chased by the H.t SI. Company. DKAiinoot ) , S. D. , April 20. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BIB. : ] President Perkins of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad , accompanied by Messrs Wlttnm and Callcn , directors of the same company , arrived in the city yesterday and spent this morning In specting the Dc.uh\ood Central railroad , which has Just completed Its line to the mining dhtrict-s of Bald mountain and Huby bvstn. It is rumored in local railroad circles that a deal Is pending by which the Deadwood Centi-al and all Its rights of way are to bo sold to the Burling ton & Missouri , a part of the Chicago , Burl ington it Quincy system , anil that the visit of the ofllcials of the latter road U really a preliminary to the conclusion of negotiations. The consideration for the Dead\\ood Central will be $1,000,000. , Cahlc'fl Opinion of Gould. CHICAGO , April 20. The attention of Pres ident Cable , of the Hock Island road , was to day called to what purported to bo aa Inter view with Jay Gould , telegraphed from Den ver. In this , Gould while denying that ho is seeking to disrupt the Western Trafllo asso ciation , says such a thing has entered his mind but it would not bo policy for him to do so. Referring to the fact that the Santa Fe and Hock Island are pointed out as great rivals of his , Goaldis quoted assaying : "It is bosh. Neither ono of these roads can make n move without consulting mo. " President Cable said-tho announcement , that Gould had considered n ills'runtJJthoiVcstorn V-rrafHo , assOciatlonj would surprise nobody In the railway world. Neither would nnyono question the reason which ho assigned for refraining from it. Nobody questions his couratjo , added Presi dent Cable , in attacking n contract when it in terferes w'th ' his Interests. He ought not assume , however , that the managing ofllccrs of other railroads dare not make a move without consulting him , especially as his attorneys are now defending suits vieorously prosecuted by tne Hock Island and St. Paul In connection with the Omaha bridge con tract. ' _ N emulating for the llondbed. ST. PAVI , Minn. , Ar.rll CO. A Pierre , S. D. , special to the Pioneer Press says : It is stated that negotiations are under way for the purchase of the Jamestown ro'idbod be- twcon Aberdeen and Oakoa by the Northern Pacific railway. Locating Engineers at Work. RAPID CITT , S. D. , April 20. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKK. ] The locating engi neers of the Hapid City & Missouri , fourteen In number , start today for Cheyenne river. Three preliminary lines will bo run and the best taken. A. Pullman Dividend. Nr.w YonK , April 20. Tno directors of the Pullman palace car company today declared n quarterly dividend of 2 per cent. 8I31t'I , A HT K\ . The Grave Did Not Furnish Kvldenco for the Phillips lloli'H. BIIOCTOX , Mass. , April 20. ( Special Tele gram to THE BIE. : ] Tno northeastern corre spondent of the Enterprise furnishes some facts regarding a sensational story to tlio effect that a family bible was recently taken from a family tomb In Euston which , upon examination , furnished needed proofs as to the heirs of the estate of Isaac Phillips , which is valued at ? 1,000,000. , Ho says It Is an old story revived after sleeping twenty years , and the 1'hlllips Heirs have heard nothing now about it In that space of timo. The fact Is the bible was taken from the grave of Mrs , Susie Handall twenty years ago this spring at which ttmo It was desired In order to complete the pedturco of the Plill- Hps family , It having been ascertained that It had been buried with Miss Handall some time boforo. The record was then searched , hut the book was never returned to the grave. l.OUICii ) IX K.I Cll OTIIKH'H .1 K.T/.ST. Suicide of a Young Couple in New York City. NEW YOUK , April 20. A youg couple reg istered at the Union hotel , Forty-second street and Fourth nvenuo. Sunday morning as P. Behrand and wife and were assigned tea a largo room on the third Moor. Tonight they were found dead , locked in each other's arms. Thov had employed the old familiar method of inhaling gas through a rubber tube held In the mouth. On the woman's breast was a largo and beautiful bouuot , evi dently purchased by the young man for the occasion. No ono about the hotel know who the couple were , but they were evidently Germans. They left four letters , two to Mrs. . Miller of 210 East Ninth street , ono to the coroner and ono to a woman In Williams- bure. Mrs ) . Miller refuses to state who the sul- cldi's aro. The other letters have not yet bceu opened. General Glhhon Kclircs. SAX FUAXCIBCO , Cal. , April 20. BrUndler General John Gibbon went on the retired list today , and Brigadier General Thomas H Itugcr assumed command of the dcpartmnir of the Pacific. Two Italian * Killed. NomttsTOWx , Pa. , April 20. Yesterday whllo removing nn unoxplodcd charge o powder In a stone quarry near here , It ex ploded , killing two Italians and wounding another. Hanged by n Mot ) . Miss. , April -Charles CartU u negro buy In Jail for assault , w.u tukou out and hauled by u uob. Angela Oaboth'a Greed for Gold Transforms lliui Into n Fiend. TRIED TO KILL HIS WIFE'S ' FAMILY , Ho Succeeds In Murdering 1II Jfothci"lu-Im\v , Stalm UN Father- In-Lavf , and In Then Slid ! Dead. Nr.w YOUK , April 20. [ Special Telegram o Tin : Bin : . ] In Hobokcu early this morn- ng Angelo Guboth , aged thirty-live , mur- ercd his mottior-ln-law , dungoioiislystabbed its father-in-law and was then shot and tlhed by Couaqulto Chinchella , a son of the nurdcrcd woman. A general fight followed , n which Guhoth's wife was stabbed anil Iso her brother. Antonio Chinchella , his wtfo and their wo sons , Conaqtilto and Ansctcm , aged Ightecn and twenty years respectively , Ivoil in three rooms at No. Itti Grand street , lobokon. The house Is a tono- uent. The Chlnehcllas' daughter anil icr husband , Angelo Gaboth , wcro Isittng the Chlnchollas last night. Gaboth vas a shiftless fellow , of ovll disposition. Mi . Chinchella had saved tip some nonoy and there Is no doubt that luboth know about this mid wanted t. It looks ns If his visit wcro ihinned for the solo purpose of securing It , ml it Is suspccti'd thut he , contemplated nurdor when ho went with his wife to visit mr family. When the retiring hour came last night Jaboth's wlfo slept In ono room vita her mother mid Gaboth li'jrt in the second room with ho cMer Chinchella. His father-in-law and Chlncholla's two sons occupied the third oom. At 12iO : ! this morning , whllo all of ho others were soundly sleeping , Gaboth arose from his bed and with a stlllotto lu his bund went into his nothor-in-luw's rooms. The next Instant a brick ranc through the apartment. It lasted nit nu Instant , nowover , for Gabotli , with ono blow , had sunk his stilletto in the abdo men of his mother-in-law. The cry of the dying woman slightly aroused icr husband In the next room , but the sound lot being repeated ho rolled over In boil and wont to sleep again. Guboth's wlfo , sleeping with her mother , made 10 sign or motion , remaining > erfcctly quiet. The blood from her mother's vouml ran over her , but still she did not stir. t scorns , therefore , that she was well aware of what her husband was doing and It looks is If she were a party to the plot to murder tor own mother. Gaboth stele again Into the room In which old Chinchella slop } , and a moment later ho thrust the stilletto Into the icck of tha latter. lie meant o end the old man's llfo with ono blow , bub 10 missed the vital spot. As the blow descend ed Chinchella gave a cry which woke up Conn- qulto , his son , who was sleeping with ils brother. The two brothers armed thotn- bolves and rushed uiwn the murderer. A lo/cn shots were 11 red and then Gaboth fell to the Iloor dead. ox Tin : VKIIGK or Father Craft's Opinion on the Situa tion i\t ,1'iiio Illdgq. . cAj-K yORTn Itjin , 5AprilCO/ " ' ' ' ' [ Special Tclcgram'tb ! Tiin'BEi'I'-2'Fftther : ] Craft , the Catholic priest who was so sorl- ously wounded in the b.ittlo of Wounded Knee last December , baa written a letter from Pine Rldgo agency to a member of the hospital corps , In which ho says : "Everything looks quiet Just now , but so long ns Interested pirtlos have a chance to stir up trouble and the Indians arq foolish enough to bclievu thorn , It feels as If wo wuro sitting on a powder keg with dan gerous sparks unnleusantly near. Wo have a military agent hero. Everything may bo safe , but I know tbo situation too well to feel qulto sure of anything unless the war depart ment can huvo complevo control of nil the uKcncles. It Is the only sure remedy for all the Indian troubles and the only hope for tha Indians. The Sioux delegation , whllo nt Washington , was thoroughly manipulated by the Indian bureau. Some of tbo Indians were made to say what they know to bo fnlso about the army , and others claim they were silenced when they wanted to give facts. Many things were published which they never thought of saying. Captain Leo called up Hollow Horn Bear , one of the delegates from Rosobud. The Indian denlrs all thd statements uUrilmted to him and said ho never .spoko a-r.ilnst the army. The Indians who returned from Washington say they went thereto ask for military agents , but were badly treated by the Indian bureau and wuro prevented from saying what they wished to say. I got my share ot ubuso , too. The Indian bureau begins now to rcall/o that In blaming the army they have walked Into the largest and liveliest hornet's nest In the country. I am ontiioly well now and will soon leave to finish my work at the mis sion. " Double Murder In Maryland. OLD TOWN , Mi. , April 20. Garrett Lulo- man , a clerk in the store of John Carder , this morning shot and killed William Foley and mortally wounded William Car.ler. Ho pro fesses the utmost unconcern und his friends think ho is insane. Ho had not been on good terms with the men ho shot for sotno tluio. Horrlblo Crime lu Cuba. April 20. At Mocatlua a mad man attacked and killed his little brother with n knlfo. mutllatlntr him in the most tor- rlble manner. Ho then proceeded to cat portions tions of the body , and had devoured th ling- el's , llvur , heart and oycs when discovered. 9 Tough TOVIIH Cyclone. PiTT.siiUHG , Tex , , April 20. A severe cyclone cut n swath through this place at an early hour this morning , completely destroy ing two icsldoncos and badly damaging half a do/i'ii others , Mrs. Crowcll was fatally and her daughter bovoioly hurt. \VyniuliiK National Guardn. EVAXSTOV , Wvo. , April 20. [ Special Tol- ecram to Tun Bin.l : Lleutcnat't Colonel Horace C. Christmas , of the Wyoming Na tional Guards , mustered into service com pany G , nt thlu place. The company starts out with flfty members. Nellie Grant In 'Now York. NBW YOHK , April 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BP.K. ] Nolllo Grant Sartoda , accom panied by Miss Vivian and Hose Mury Sar- torls and Lhnnl Sartorls , arrived here on the steamship Auraniu this morning. They cam * to vlblt Mrs. Grant. Cashier's Account * ( 'o.'ifiiscd. Aunt'it.v , Me. , April 20.--Tho accounts of Mi C. Porclvnl , who , owing to Illness , retired from his position as cashier of the Shoo and Leather bank , uro according to the directory , lu I'oufusion and tha bank examiner li at work on the books , Another Victim of PoUon. LOUISVIU.B , Ky. , April 20. Another vic tim U counted to poison at the wedding feast at i.lndon. Ky. V. B. Snooks , father of the groom , W. B. SnooUs , dlod at Emit nonce today. Half a dozen other ) are itlU in danger , _ Gold Dlbcovery I" Month Dakota. PIBIIHK , S. U. , April 20 , Great excitement has been cnusod by tt report that gold has been found along Sago Creek , In Plebaok county , 110 mile * wc t. A lurud number ot people will UH at ouco.