Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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A Judicial Opinion on the American Live
Stock Commission Company.
The Producers llnvo thcIllK"tt < > Com
bine to Prevent Kxtortlon on tlio
Part oft ho Stock Yimln
The questions nt Issue between the Ameri
can llvo stock commission company nnd stoelc
exchanges nt Omaha ami Chlcaso nro still on-
piping the nltcntion of stock men throughout
the west. The following correspondence on
the subjects inuler discussion by the con
tending parties Is self-explanatory and Inter
esting :
Hovnn , 111. , Mnrch 20. Hon. C. 15. Smith ,
Judge of Appellate Court , Ottuwn , 111. Dear
Sir : I tnko the liberty of colling your niton-
lion to the enclosed cuttings , giving n synop
sis of decisions of Judges Tuloy of Chicago
nnd Snyder of Belleville ngainst Iho Atncrit
can llvo stock commission company , nnd In
wlili-h tlio position scorns to bo taken that the
company is unlawful lu its undertakings , unit.
has no rights In court because , by > op-
cratlvo features it may becoming * popular
among the stock misers nsJLgriJitcrfcro with
the present condition.
If you candor/consistent with yourscnso
ofjiSrernrniTty , I would bo pleased to hnvo
" nn expression on these matters , as they nro
of vital Interest to our fanners. If. by our
efforts to establish co-opcratlvo business
among us In llvo stock , grain , nnd other mat
ters of trade , wo nro wrong doers and forfeit
our rights to nsk our courts for redress of
grievances , wo should know it , nnd the people
ple are interested in the vlows of their
judges who interpret nnd apply their laws ,
as tlio positions of Judges on these great
questions which are pressing upon the minds
of all classes for solution , are of supreme
importance at this time.
1 remain , yours respectfully ,
M. D. Copfiix : : , Commissioner.
CiiAMpAtnx , III. , March 20. M. E. Coffccn ,
csq. , Trade Commissioner , Homer , 111. My
Bear Sir : Your favor enclosing mo a printed
synopsis of two opinions recently announced
by two of the circuit Judges ot this state ad
versely to Iho American llvo stock commis
sion company , and requesting my vlows of
the question involved , is just received ,
nnd I hasten to comply with
your request. Although your letter Is
n purely private ono , I lind the ques
tions involved In the litigation nro of such
( 'roat public Importance that i feel Justified
in asking your permission to make my
answer public. H seems from the synopsis
of these decisions yon enclose me , that the
American Live Stock Commission company
was held to have no standing in n court of
equity in the courts of Chicago and East St.
Louis In a suit with tno Chicago Live Stock
exchange. The American Llvo Stock com
pany is n corporation organlicd by stock
raisers , with a view to selling their own
jtocU in the markets through Its own agents ,
at the least possible expense to themselves ,
and with a view of dividing the prollts
among Its patrons the stock mis rs nnd
with n direct purpose of avoiding the extor
tion of the Chicago Stock Yards company
and other like corporations. It appears from
the decision thnt the stock raisers and farm
ers of Illinois who have formed co-operativo
associations through which to sell their own
tock und grain through their own agents at
less expense than herotoforocannot bo hoard
In a court of equity against the Chicago
Stocks Yards company , who seek to exclude
them from the mnrkot because , as the court
held , ' 'they do not coino into ttio court with
clsau hands , " and "because they nro them
selves wrong doors nnd monopolists. "
These opinions rendered against the Amer
ican Llvo Stock association , organized to en
able stock raisers to sell their own stock by
tholr own-ngents , and thus save the great expense
penso heretofore attending such sales
through others , presents questions of no or
dinary Importance to stock raisers and far
mers in tho-west.
While I cannot with propriety , discuss the
particular decision you enclose mo , 1 have no
hesitancy in expressing my opinion upon the
rights of the people upon the great public
questions involved in that kind of litigation ;
oceauso they reach far beyond moro private
judicial questions , and become questions ol
public and private right.vital to tno Interests
of thogretit producing classes of our citizens.
I confess my inability to understand why the
stoci ; raisers and farmers of Illinois nnd the
agricultural regions of the west , may not
form any kind of lawful co-opcratlvo associa
tions for the purpose of facilitating and
cheapening the sale of their cattle nnd corn ,
nud save to themselves the enormous prollts
realized by the trust monopolies nnd stock
yards corporations , which have robbed Iho
people so Ion got their rightful prollts on their
stock nnd eraln.
The rights of every man , or set of men , to
sell their own produce by themselves or
agents , In any market In the world without
the intervention of commission or third per
son , it seems to mo lsself-evlapntanditmust ,
bo equally true , that it is the duty of the
state ana the courts to protect the citizens in
thnt right. The refusal to protect these men
in their plain and undeniable rights on the
pretext that they are monopolists , is in my
. judgment , a manifest error , neither consistent
with reason , Justice or public policy.
Too long already have the stock raisers nnd
producers submitted to robbery nnd plunder
without relief from the extraordinary extor
tions and unjust tribute levied against them
by the greedy horde who stand between
them nnd the consumer. If there Is no law
to protect the people ngainst these cormor
ants , then it IB time there should bo ono
framed. But the people are not without lav *
nor adcquato remedy in the courts to protect
them 111 tholr lawful right to sell tholr own
stock nnd grain through tholr own ngencj
und upon such terms ns they may determine
that they themselves may share'tho prollts
The people found a v ay through the courts
to put n stop to railroad o.Mortlon nnd the
road is equally plain nnd clear for them to bo
protected iiaulnst all forms of monopolies nm
trust combinations which seek to fattei
themselves upon the labor and hard earnings
of the common people of this country.
The great reforms now demanded nnd
pressed by the produclngnud laboring chuse.
of the people against all manner of oxtortloi
and oppression , which deprives labor of It
Just reward , have now and always have hac
my earnest sympathy nnd support , and so fa
us It has been in my power , as n Judge o
private citizen , to promote and protect thi
common people against extortion and injtis
tlco I have done so , and shall continue to dc
so , so long ns I shall have any power or
voice to make myself felt In that direction.
Nor , on the contrary , would I ncprivo the
rich of a penny of tholr honest money , nor
deny them a single riurht conferred bv law.
And so. answering your question , I bellevo
there Is ample and full power In the courts to
protect the people and the American llvo
stock company in their right to soil their
stock and grain in the markets without
hindrance from others , and In that rlirht they
should bo heard nnd protected , if need bo ,
by the courts by any appropriate rented v.
Very respectfully yours , C. B. SMITH. "
For nearly half a century Aycr'a Cherry
Pectoral has been the most popular cough
remedy in the world. The constantly In
creasing demand for this remedy proves It to
bo the very host spocltlo for colds , coughs ,
and nil diseases of thy throat and lungs.
April Weather Procllotlonfl.
If a peck of March dust Is worth a
hlnc's ransom , and April showers brine ?
forth. May llowors , Is It not right to pro-
diet that every day In the month the
limited trains of the Chicago , Milwau
kee & St. Paul railway will continue to
run on tno short line between Omaha
nnd Glilciitro. The oloctrlo reading
lamp In every berth of tholr pnlnco
Bleeping cars Is tholr own patent and
cannot bo tihod by any other company.
Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam struct ,
Hurtled Dick
Pat Ford , Jr. , and William Clifton were
nrrcstcd yesterday and charged with burg
larizing the saloon of Itlcbard Burdlsh. En-
Iran co was effected through a rear window
iml 25 worth of liquors and cigars stolen.
In Hart ! litick.
An Arabian giving his name as Joseph
unrated yesterday charged
with stealing the suit of clothes ho was
wearing , Joseph claims ho bought them mid
emphatically asserted his Innocence.
Mrs. Snoudcssn went to tno polloo station
carrying a baby in each arm and begged plt-
cously for her husband's release. Judge
Holslcy finally allowed the man to go upon
his own recognizance.
Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh. Boo bldff.
Kim Iintl by ti Fi-lslcy Holt In Edward
Tntpp'B I Ionic.
The house of Edward Trapp In Clifton
Hill was struck by lightning during the
storm Saturday night. The lightning bolt
struck the chimney , completely demolishing
it , and passed Into the room In which Mr. and
Mrs. Trapp and their Infant child were
sleeping , The bed posts were splin
tered and ull the castors torn from
tholr sockets. Mr. Trapp was stunned
by the shock and was unconscious
for some tttno. The oloctrlo fluid also shat
tered the mirror on the dresser , throw down
the steve and cracked the glass In a picture
fratno , besides pulling several nails out of
the lloor. It made its escnpo by passing
through the side of the house.
Mr. Trapp suffered n severe loss by flro
about two months ago , his house being com
pletely j destroyed. Pending its reconstruc
tion tlio family have been occupying-a stnitll
house i on the " , v UoToVntid It was'this
! v"J " ! i-'trtlio victim of the angry elements.
lTto pelting rain which was falling at the
time was all that saved the dwelling from de
struction by lire.
After suffering horribly for years from
scrofula In Its worst form , n young son of
Mr. If. L. King , 7UO Franklin st. , Klchmor.d ,
Vn. , was recently cured by the use of Aycr's
Sarsaparllla. No other medicine can approach
preach this preparation as a cleanser of the
IIccsVantcil. .
If any ono having a MORNING BER
of November 3 and December 2 , will
plcnso mall it to Robert Iluntor , care
leo ? ollico. Wo are short these num
bers for our files.
Decision in 1'nvor ol the Chicago
Milwaukee * St. Paul Ity.
The now Palace sleeping cars of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ,
with electric lights in every berth , will
continue to leave the Union. depot ,
Omaha , at 0:10 : p. in. , daily. Passengers
taking tills train avoid transfer at Coun
cil BlulTs , and arrive in Chicago at 9iO : !
n. in. , in ample time to make all eastern
connections. Ticket olllcc , 1501 Farnara
street. F. A. NASH ,
J. E. PUESTON , General Agent.
City Passenger Agent.
Max Meyer's ItiillilInK Again Visited
by the lOlcment.
About 0iO : : o'clock last evening Ofllcer
Kcos discovered smoke Issuing from the top
story of the Max Mayor building , corner of
Eleventh and Farnara.
The llro was in' the front room of the
Omaha Photograph and Engraving company.
Ladders were quickly hoisted , ttio windows
broken in , and two streams of water soon
had the blaze extinguished and the building
The loss to the engraving company
will not bo heavy. Probably S. Jonascn ,
a Jeweler who occupied the ground floor will
bo the greatest loser. The water poured
down through the floors , doing considerable
damage to the stock of musical instruments
and jewelry. The stock In the store Is worth
probably $5,000 , nnd the loss will not be over
fr..OOO. If there had been a salvage corps It
could probably have saved $1,000 of ttho loss
by covering up the pianos , clocks , etc.
It Is understood that there is some insur
ance on the stock'but just how much could
not bo nsccrtaincdras Mr. Jonasen could net
bo found.
The Omaha chemical works occupying the
basement for storing some chemicals suffered
some loss by water.
Thrco hundred dollars will cover the loss
of the engraving company.
The building Is fully insured and the loss
will bo about $ J. > 0.
This Is rather an ill fated building as sev
eral disastrous fires have occurred there.
Holler's barb wlro liniment has met with
extraordinary favor , and cases pronounced
Incurable have been trcaled with success.
Every farmer should keep n bottle of this
justly celebrated remedy ; ready for lustant
SHKD POTATOES Early Ohio , $1.7/5 /
Ettrly Hose , $1.00 ; Enrly Sun Rise und
Early EvoroUs , $1.40 ; Bui-bank. Prolific ,
Beauty Hobi-on. Pcnohblow , $1.40. Cash
with orders. Poycko Brothers , Omaha.
Loans of Sl.OOO to 350,000 made on
choice Improved city property. Low
rales. No delay. Central Loan & Trust
company , 1203 Furnam st.
Both Arc to he Secured Nightly In the
Grand Opera House.
Dr. Davis , one of the leading scientists of
the country , is entertaining people in a most
Interesting nnd innocent manner at the urand
opera house. The entertainment opens with
an Instructive discourse upon hypnotism , and
is followed with interesting Illustrations as
to the effect It has upon mortals susceptible
lo it.
The professor calls for volunteers
who may deslro to bo hypnotized.
Generally , n largo number responds , but all
of them are not considered good subjects. A
sufficient number , however , is always ob
tained for the purpose. Once under the pro
fessor's power , the subjects do any thing ho
tells them and bellovo everything ho lolls
them. A slight suggestion loads them lo bo-
llovo that , nt various times , they are catch
ing dollars which are raining through the
air ; that they are pitted against John L.
Sullivan or some other listlo hero ; lhatthoy
are fishing upon Iho banks of some
beautiful stream : that tholr hands
are covered wllh soot and that half a dozen
handkerchiefs are necessary to clean them ;
that they are freezing cold or roasting hot , or
that they nro President Harrison , Emperor
William , Francis Murphy or some ether
These nets occasion n number of ludicrous
episodes , which nro enjoyed ns greatly ns
would bo play. There Is nothing done , how
ever , to wound the sensibilities of any of the
As soon as they emerge from the trance ,
they are then generally among the first to
laugh nt their antics.
Lastnlghttho doctor gave , among many
olhcrs , Iwo very amusing aels. In ono of
these ho led a young man to bellovo that ho
was the father of a sick baby , The latter
was another young man perhaps twenty
years of age. Ho was picked up by the hind
lather nnd tended and fondled and nursed ns
If he wcro but a dozen months old.
A doctor appears on the scene , the
baby is announced to have the fits
nnd forthwith falls upon the lloor with his
father clinging lo both of his hands to make
him keep quiet , while the audlcuco fairly
Another feature was the Impersonation of
Francis Murphy by ono of the subjects. The
latter became convinced of the fact that tie
was the great temperance advocate and de
livered a short Jerky discourse to some hard-
looking sinners whom hciclatmcd ho saw on
the benches before him. 'Iho address
occasioned the laughter of the au-
dlenco in the back part of the
house at the expense of the unfortunates who
occupied the front rows , This was Increased
all the moro when the pscudo apostle took a
small whip for a pen and a palm-leaf fan for
a pledge and rushed down among the front
rowers to secure their signatures. Ono of
the parties selected as needing regeneration
sat beside Judgu Hopewcll , and tha , judge
himself seemed to foal that ho might bo called
on to take the pledge ,
The doctor will remain hero during the
week at the Uraud opera house , giving mail-
noes and night performances , and will un
doubtedly attract largo nudlencos.
Spanish Court Cream Is being used by
the ohto everywhere , and why ? It IB
the only preparation that stands the test
and receives the endorsomontof the best
men in the medical profession.
' PltOl'OSKlt.
G1.0111OVH TItll'H .
Enviable Opportunities for Rummer
Kxcurslons Offered to All.
A trip from Omaha to Denver nnd Manltou
includes n ride through the famous Platte Val
ley of Nebraska and Colorado to Denver , the
largest and most beautiful city of the Hocky
mountains nnd along the foot of the Hocky
mountain range from Denver to Manltou. The
panorama which U laid before the eye of tno
traveler In n Journey from Denver to Manl
tou , includes la ono sweep of the eye 800
miles of mountain peaks , snowy range , foot
hills and canons. Long's peaic , away to the
north ; Gray's peak , the dome of the conti
nent ; James" peak , the Arapahoe peaks ,
Pike's peak.'tho most famous of all moun
tains of Colorado , nnd away to the south , 300
miles from the point of observation , the thrco
forbidden mountain tops known as the Span
ish peaks , nro all In view for n part of the
Manltou Is the most attractive of the many
resorts of Colorado. Lying nt the foot of
Pike's Peak and nt the untniiieo of the
Garden of the Gods , It invites tlio tourist nnd
sigbt seer to the most remarkable formations
and the grandest and most picturesque
sccncrv of thnt rugged range. Its mineral
springs and pure air give now Hfo to the do-
bllltatod. The Ptko's Peak railroad , n
marvel of engineering skill , conveys p'lssen-
gors to the very summit of the lofty old
mountain. From the ton ofPike's ' Peak all
the great mountain peaks of Colorado are
distinctly visible , while to the cast its tree-
lined avenues at right angles , looking llko a
checker board in tlio distance , lies the pretty
llttlo city of Colerado Springs nnd beyond
the great plains of eastern Colorado. A
volume could bo written , Indeed volumes
have boon written , of the glories of Mnnltoti
nnd Plito's Peak.
A ticket covering this tour Is offered for the
seventh largest list of subscribers.
There Is no American tour which combines
n greater variety of scenery nnd a wider in
terest o the traveler than ono from Omaha
to SanFranclsco and Los Angeles , Cala.
The t rvcler passes through the states of Ne
braska Colorado , Wyoming , Nevada nnd
California und the territory of Utah. This la
the great bu slness belt of the west and nt
every step of the Journey something of inter
est presents Itself , whether the tourist bo
student , business man or merely plcnsuro
Nebraska and its prairies ; Colorado and its
mountains ; Utah nnd its wonderful Salt
lake ; Nevada and its arid plains and Cali
fornia with Its innumnrablo attractions , are
nil compassed In this trip. Omaha , the most
prosperous city in the union today ; Denver ,
the queen city of the Uocklos ; Salt Lake , the
Xlon of Mormondom ; Sai Francisco , the
golden gate , und Los Angeles , the City of
Our Mother of the Angels , form a string of
Jewels of rarest water.
These are all prosperous cities ; they are
all beautiful cities ; they are all wonderful
cities. Each is remarkable for some particu
lar reason. No two of them nro
alike in attractions and no traveler
can afford missing to sco each nnd
all. In the months of Juno , July , August
and September the prairies of Nebraska , the
Ilocky mountains , the valleys of Utah and
the great Sierra range nro seen to the best
possible advantage. It is the fruit season of
California , the sight seeing period of nil the
mountain countries nnd the pleasurable part
of tin ? vcar for travel.
The ticket ottered by Tun BKU In return
for the second largest list of weekly sub
scribers obtained bv Juno 10 , 1S91 , allows
stop-overs at all points of interest between
Omaha and Los Angeles. A week or n month
may bo spent at Denver visiting the pictur
esque mountain rcsortsndjaccnt nnd another
week can likewise bo enjoyed nt Salt Lake in
hunting , fishing , sight seeing and bathing in
tlio great inland sen. As much time as the
passenger likes may bo enjoyably spent lit
San Francisco nnd other points in California ,
not oxcontlnir tlio lovely orange groves and
fruit orchards of southern California.
Niagara falls , the world's grnatcst catar
act , needs no glowing description. It cannot
bo described. Pouring over n precipice IGO
feet high , the immense volume of water of
Niagara river , the outlet of the great lakes
finds Its way toward the ocean. On cither
side of the river are splendid views of this
tremendous waterfall , above it and below it
and all about it are ether scenes which have
attracted travelers from all parts of the
world. Goat Island , the burning spring , the
whirlpool rapids , the suspension bridge , nro
Incidents merely to a visit to Niagara falls.
Thoficld'on which the battle of Lundy's
Lane was fought is within a few minutes
drive on the Canadian side. The facilities
for visiting all points of interest on either
side of the river nro superior. The regula
tions controlling access to and from the sev
eral points now prevent the exorbitant
chnrces which were formerly almost ns fam
ous as the cataract. A day or a few days at
Niagara falls Is ono great event in an aver
age lifetime , and no American should ever
think of visiting tourist resorts abroad until
ho has seen Niagara'falls. Ho can have no
appreciation of power , of grandeur , of awe-
inspiring beauty , who has missed a visit to
this world renowned spot.
The attendance nt the Grand last week In
creased every evening. It was nearly double
Friday evening what it was Thursday even
ing , nnd Saturday evening moro than doubled
Friday evening. Last evening showed up In
the same proportion. The growing Interest
has warranted n continuance of the hypnotic
Illustrations every ovoningdurlng the coming
week , and ns the deeper influences are ob
tained , the entertainments bccomo moro
Interesting and amusing. The programme is
marvelous and incltlvo of the moit hoirty
laughter during the entire programme. The
experiments ore changed each evening.
Amy Ames , who was the feature of the
"Tin Soldier" and "Natural Gas , " will play
the Irishwoman In Katie Etntuett's "Waifs
of Now Yorit , " which opens for a thrco
nights' run at the Boyd this evening. Miss
Ames is the highest salaried artist , and is
considered by good Judges to bo the host char-
uctor artist on the American Kago , and the
salary sue receives weekly ( S'MO ) for her sup
port , of Miss Emmctt is certainly moro than
most stars got. During the Trinity church
scene in "Tho Waifs of Now York , " the
tones of the largest and most costly set of
church chimes over cast for stngo purposes
will bo heard. They were manufactured spe
cially for Miss Emmett by n famous maker
of church chimes in Brooklyn. Miss Emmett
gives n Wednesday matiuoo for ladies and
PA farcical pleco such as Harry Hamltn's '
"Tho Fnitlr" takes its character largely from
ttio artists engaged in the presentation. It is
therefore necessary to obtain the best talent
in order to make performances bright nnd
superior throughout. Mr. Hamlin has recog
nized this principle lu organizing his company
for this season. There Is no company travel
ing containing so many talented men and
women who have made plays successful and
entertained hundreds of thousands of pconla
from Now York to San Francisco. " 'Tho
Fakir" will bo seen nt the Boyd on Thursday
evening next for ono night only ,
rurnell I'loascil.
DUIIMX , April 10. [ Special Cablegram to
Tun BEE. ] Mr. Parnoll delivered a speech
In Athlono on Saturday. Ho denounced Mr.
McCarthy's ' opposition to the land bill , which
measure ho assorted conferred great benefits
on Irish farmers , and ho expressed his pleas
ure at the defeat of tno opposition In the
vote on the bill. In n speech in Irlshtown ,
County Mayo , today , Mr. Parnoll repeated
these sentiments.
Each Season
Hits Its own jiccullar malady i hut with the
blooil maintained In n state of uniform vigor
anil purity , hy the use of Aycr'a Sarsaparllb.
the sjati'in readily adapts Itself to changed
conditions. Composed of the hcstaUcrr.tlvca
and tonics , and being highly concentrated.
Ayci'a Barsaiiartllii Is the most effective and
economical of ull blued medicines.
"Tcirsoino years , at tlio icttirn of spring ,
1 had serious trouble with my kidneys. I
was unable to sleep nights , nnd stilteicd
greatly with pains In the small of my baclt.
J was also nfillcled v Ith headache , loss ol
appetite , nuil Indigestion. These sjmptoms
wcro muchwoise last spiliiR , especially the
troutilo with my back. A fiiend persuaded
me to use Ajer's Sarsaparllla. I began
taking It. and my troubles all disappeared. "
Mrs. ( lencvni llelangcr , 21 Urldgo sU
Bprluulleld , Muss.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
DK.S. O. AYEH & CO Lowell ,
Held l > y UrugvliU. * lil * 4. Worth | 4l l U .
Or a Whirl by Bhil to Six American Pleasure
If You Want toXnlco n Trip This Sum
mer Without ExpoiiHo 1'nr-
tlcl | > nto In Tlio lice's
Mututilcss OfTor.
Arrangements tmvo occn cflrctcil by the
publishers of Tun Bnn which enable us to
innko n novel nnd. nttrnotlvo offer to parties
who nro disposed to devote thclrtlmo nnd en
ergy toward procuring new subscribers tor
Tun OMAHA. WKCKJ.V lnn or Tin : SUNDAY
BEE between this date and the 10th day of
Juno next.
This offer will bo open only to parties so
liciting subscribers In Nebraska , lowii , South
Dakota and Kansas.
A careful record will bo kept of all sub
scriptions fowarded , and the awards will bo
nmdo without partiality.
To the person that Avill sceuro the largest
number of cash subscribers tor Tun OMAHA
Juno 10 , 1891 , will bo given FIIBB OP COST A
ticket will include first-class passage from
Now York to Europe nnd return. ThU In-
ludcs also all hotel and
traveling , sightseeing
ing expenses. The trip will bo made with an
excursion party gotten up by Mrs. M. D.
Frazlcr of Boston , and will be In charge of
competent quldcs. The traveler has no cares
whatever. The tour covers nil the principal
countries of Europe Kngland , Germany ,
Switzerland , Franco , Bolgluin.ltaly and their
principal cities , Including London , Pum
Brussels , Berlin , Homo , Florence , Venice ,
Milan , Genoa , etc.
The partv starts from Now Yorl : Juno 27
and returns to thnt city by September 11.
Taken by nnv Individual alone , this Eu
ropean trip would involve on outlay of at
cast J700.
For the second largest list of subscribers
Q offer a frco ticket from Omaha to San
Francisco and Los Angeles nnd return.
Magnificent mountain scenery , ttio boautifu
Uolden Gate , the land of sunshine , fruits and
( lowers. "Who has not seen California wil
not die happy. " Travel is an educator , and
to proporlv appreciate the vnstncss of our
great country ono must sco Its beat features.
For the third largest list of subscribers to
the WBBKI.Y or SUNDAY BBC wo offera ticket
from Omaha to Quebec nnd return. What
could bo grander than a trip down the beau
tiful St. Lawrence in mid-summer ? To con
template the beauty of Thousand Isles is de
lightful. How much more delightful to visit
them when in verdure clad.
And all this pleasure for obtaining sub
scrlbers to the WBBKLY and SUNIMV Bus.
For the fourtn largcstllstof subscribers wo
offer a free ticket from Omaha to Now "x on *
Philadelphia. Washington and return.
Thcro are noi points on tnis continental
greater general interest than these thrco
cities. An American citizen has not com
pleted his education until ho has seen , the
scat of government. The persons and points
of interest in Washington are innumerable
and to the intelligent observer n visit there is
full of interest. Now York and Philadelphia
as the commercial < md financial centers of the
country are always interesting.
All this sight seeing and traveling given
away for obtaining subscriber * to the
For the 11 fth largest list of subscribers wo
offer a free ticket from Omaha to Niagara
Falls and return. Eversiuco your childish
wonder was aroused by the description in the
old school readers of those wonderful falls you
have desired to see tliom Hero is the op
portunity. A most delightful excursion nnd
ono without expense , given for securing sub
scribers to the WBEI.KY or SUNDAY Bic. :
1 or tnc sixth largest list of subscribers wo
offer a free ticket from Omann , to Salt Lake
Citv nnd return. The famous Mormon city
is fast becoming a Gentile citv , and will , in
time lose much of interest. Now. this sum
mer woula bo a good time to visit the boom
ing city. Gnrllold Beach Is of course In
cluded In the trip. This summer resort on
the lake is a delightful place to pass a few of
the hot summer days. Why not secure a
number of subscribers for the WBBKLY or
SUNDAY Bci : and take the trip.
For the seventh largest list of subscribers
wo offer n frco ticket to Denver and Manltou
and return. While n shorter trip thin any o
the others It combines many pleasant foa
tures. Denver the queen city of the plains
Is always worth seeing while the health
and summer resorts of Manitou are delightful
indeed. Health-clvlng , inspiring ) restful
amid subltmo scenery what trip could bo
moro restful ! AH this pleasure for scouring
subscribers to the SUNDAY or WEEKLY BKE.
Now what are the conditions upon which
these tickets are given awav ? The securing
of the largest list of subscribers to Tun
WEEKLY or SUNDAY Ben. No newspaper in
the west is so well and favorably known and
solicitors h : vo always found it an cusy mat
ter to Bccuro subscribers. TUB Ben's sub
scription list has always kept pace with Its
reputation and It deisres tondd now names to
Its long list of friends. Being at nil times a
people's paper It make * friends with all
The subscription price of THE WEEKLY BEE
Is $1.00 per year postpaid to any place in
this couutrji or Canada , or & .00 If sent to a
foreign country.
Tnu SUNDAY BBE Is $2.00 per year , bill
Omaha subscribers for Tin : SUNDAY Biu
will not bo counted In this competition.
Get up ullst. Have your friends subscribe-
for the paper. Sample copies forwarded
free on request.
Persons desiring to compote for one f
these prizes wlllploaso ay so when sending
in their first orders.
Kemlttanco in full must accompany every
Two six mouths subscriptions or four
thrco months subscriptions will bo counted
as ono order.
' In advertising our immense lines of spring clothes for mens' wear , we possibly have not paid
attention to the cheaper grades of suits that our stock demands , There are a great many men who
can't afford to pay fifteen or twenty dollars for a suit , no matter how good the suit may be , Agair
there are men who can't afford to pay even ten dollars for a suit , simply for lack of the ten dollars.
Again , there are men who buy a cheap suit , wear it one season , sell it or give it away , and then buy
another. Buying a CHEAP $ tik in most stores , means buying a POOR suit. With us its different.
No matter how low a priced suit you buy of us , ' the suit will be GOOD , People often wonder where
we get suits to sell so cheap. Perhaps we "pick 'em off the trees where they grow , " Perhaps we buy.
cheaper than the average merchant. Perhaps we're willing to make smaller profits than most stores ,
and , perhaps well , perhaps you don't care how WE get them , WHERE * \\v get them , nor anything
about USitsO \ and WHERE YOUgtt them that interests YOU. Our buyer recently closed
out several hundred medium-priced suits. They will be placed on sale to-day in two lots. "You never
saw the like before. "
LOT ONE Three hundred and sixty-four Men's Fancy Cheviot Suits , in two handsome shades , in
sixes from 34 to 42 , cut in style , made in shape , and well trimmed : suits worth seven to nine dollars
_ At Four Dollars and Ninety Cents.
LOT TWO Three hundred and ten hanlsome Fancy All Wool Cheviot Suits , sizes 3-1 to 42 , in a
half dozen handsome styles of stripes and plaids , well cut , well lined , well trimmed , well made ,
suits worth from nine to eleven dollars , at the low price of
Five Dollars and Ninety Cents.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
Governor IJoyd Anxious to Hear from
the People ItCKUi-illiiK I-
Governor Boyd returned from Llncol n
Saturday night and was called on yesterday
afternoon by n BII : : man nt the residence of
his son-in-law , Mr. E. L. Biorbowors , on
Thirty-second avenue.
Ho was nskcd If ho had yet decided to call
a special sc ssion of the legislature for the
purpose of apportioning the state into repre
sentative and senatorial districts.
Ho said that ho had not. The question re
garding a special session was whether the
people of Douglas county would bo content
with n joint ballot of twelve votes where
they were entitled to eighteen or nineteen
when a senator was to ho elected. The same
was true In n different ratio , however , with
Lancaster nnd other counties , which
vero entitled to greater representation
han they now enjoyed. Thcro were
lomo counties which wcro satisfied
with the present apportionment , because a
new distribution would not afford them any
advantage. Thus far ho had not heard much
from the people , although he had received
several letters from parties throughout the
state. Ho supposed before long tlio people
would begin to talk about it and the papers
also would discuss it. Ho had road what
Tin : Br.i : had said on the subject , and ap
preciated the view which held that It was in
cumbent upon him to call n special session ,
because of the failure of the last legislature
to pass an apportionment bill. Ho had no
doubt that tho'suprcmo court would hold , because -
cause of the failure of the legislature
as specified nt the last session ,
which was the first regular ono
after the enumeration , that a special session
of the same members nnd before the expira
tion of their term ot olllco , would bo legal.
lie was asked what method ho proposed to
employ nnd wnat means ho would suggest to
ascertain how the people felt upon the sub
ject. Ho said that ho thought it was a mat
ter for the papers to discuss and that Tun
BKU might bo able to got some opinions on
the subject.
The governor said that the Impression had
gone abroad that ho had declared ho would
call a special session , But ho said ho had
made no such promise or statement. Ho had
been in Iho house of representatives the
uight the apportionment bill hud been Killed ,
and when ho heard of It said that ho re
gretted it , bccauso ho thought it might ne
cessitate the calling of a special session.
This expression led to the alleged positive
statement that ho would call a session. He
regretted thu failure ot the losislaturo lii this
respect , but If it entailed expenses upon the
pcoplo. the independents could blame only
The governor was asked bow the stipromo
court could pass upon the legality of the spe
cial session und replied that before calling
the representatives and senators together
again ho would submit the matter to tlio
court for Its opinion , if the apportionment
could not bo made by the present legislature ,
it could not bo done by the next ono , nnd
then the matter would have to bo deferred
until after the next enumeration by the state ,
nnd in the meantime n United States senator
would have been elected.
Tlio governor was asked If the report
which has been in circulation for several
davs past wore true , namely that Dr. G. F.
Johnson of Fairmont , in this state had boon
appointed to succeed the present incumbent
ns superintendent of the asylum for the in
curable Insane at Hastings.
His excellency said thnt the report was un
founded. Ho bad-lint , ho said , made any ap
pointments since that of Mr. Louis Hoimrod ,
who had been appointed oil inspector of the
Another Cargo of'Mnfln.
INinv OHM : INS , La. , April 19. The steamer
Olymplu , from Pnlmero , arrived nt the quar
antine station this morning with ' 150 Sicilians ,
who will bo cast adrift in this city Monday
from the northeastern wharf.
Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Years.the Standard.
"SANATIVO. " the
AVotidorful Spanish
Ituictly , la gold with a
to euro nil Jlcrvou * His-
caie > . tucli as Wcik
Memory , uott ot llralu
I'owor , lion cl tcli c ,
WaUelulneei , Ixjst Mar-
hooil.NcrvoufncBS , Las-
( Ituclc. all dralL > nj
Doforo&Aftor Uso. lota of power of the
Photographed from life. Gcncratho Orfmti" , lu
either BCX , caunil by
oTcr-ciertlon , youthful | nu > iertloni. or the r tlvo
0/.l9.V cA0. . Pl.yL ! KH1JSf ! Sr"1tS
ithlipaper. Addrc ,
ID CHEMICAL CO , , Urauch Offlco for U. B. A.
4i7l ) .iflnVn ! Str&'t. HIICAOn , . llj.
Kuhn & Co. , Cor , isth * lidiwln" t = w.
J. A. Fuller & Co. . Cor. 14th * > Douulai BU.
A. I ) . Fouler & Co. . Council lllntfc. Jfc-
CAI'HUnKS are t'lo '
UUbU I A ocitand only cap.ule. hod by
UUUU I n ruulir | , | ijr lclant for tlis euro of
Qonorhosi Rd , UlJchartfOJ from the n',0',1" ' "
, , ,
box. AUdruifiiUM
nucrltea or acquired HM vat
Corner 14th ami Capitol Avonus.
Just completed , has 100 room ? , thro >
fctalrways , from the top to the bottom , has
flno elevator and dlnmns room sorvlos , i
flro proof throughout , fine blllnr.1 rooms an/a
the finest toilet roonu in tha city. Lars )
Snmplo rooms , Sultai with bath & 3. Co-
14th nnd Canltol Ave. Street oar sorvloa In
alUUractlons. Uatea , from S2.00 to Sl.OO
Tlia . .THIJrtlfor. . t-HIt " ' '
iVfiitn nt MitbHtiintttillti cHH
Jlotet ItiilliUnu in Oimilirtt
hravu lirli-li / / intlltt iiiiiiinfrom
bOHVinntt tu roof. All f/i wil inn * iintl
/loom lined irltli AnbeHtoHIra jn-nat
liiliiii , initlliit > it hniniHMl.'ilit to tnirn
tllti bitlllltllttf < llll lli'ftt ,
lint unit fulil ifdti'f iintl
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Seventeen yonrs oniprlonjc. A rojulnr urnliiito In mrdlclno nullplomii slioir. lutlll troitlnn wltlj
Iho ifrontoot uccoi , nil Ncrvotn , Chronlonml I'rlvnto Dlioum. A parnmnont euro ijunrnntool for Cntnrtft
Epcrniatorrhien. l.o t Mnnliooil , Seminal Woaknmi. Nlitht l.oiiui , Impotonoy , SrphWi. Ktrlcturo , and ail nil *
cn cs of tlio Illooil , Skin anil Urlrmrjr Orzins. .V II. 1 nar.inl < jo * Vj ) for ororr case I unlortiku ami f.tll M
euro. Consultation frco. Hook ( Mysteries of I.lfo ) scat froj. U.llco IIOUM 'J n , tu. ted p. m. Sunday lj
a. in. to 12 m.
Drs.Betts& Belts
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tno most widely and favorably known spec ,
lallstalntno Unftoi States. Thulr lone ex *
porlcncc , remarkable skill and universal suo-
ceis In the treatment and cure at' Nervous ,
Chronic and HurKlcal Dlsnasrs , entltlo these
eminent physicians to the fu I conlldoncoot
the allllctod everywhere. They guarantee :
the awful olTccts of early vlon and the numer
ous evils that follow In Its train.
spnodlly , completely and permanently cured.
OliUEUS yield roadlly to their skillful treut-
' "
guaranteed cured without puln or doteutlou
from business.
nently nnd successfully rurcd In every ciiso ,
matorrhoa , fcemlual Weakness , Lost Manhood ,
Night KnilRsIone. Decayed 1'iiuviltles , 1'emali
Weakness and ull delloato disorders peaullai
to cither sex positively cured , : is well us all
functional disorders that result from youthful
failles or the excess nf mature years.
C I'DIfTlIplJOiinruntcod ; > ormuno ntlj
J 1 IxIVjJ. VJ 1XL. cured , removal complete
Without onttliiK , caustic or dilatation. OmM
effected nt homo by patient without a mo
ment's pain ur annoyance ,
A SURF riTKT T1" ! "Y"1 ? frnot8 0 |
, , , ,
n. OUIVL , L.U1VL early vlco which brlitRi
oru-anlo weakness destroying both mind and
body , with all Its dreaded Ills , permanently
HPQ ni7TTQ Address those who have Im-
LMw. Ilk ! 1O puirod thuiui Ivea by Im
proper Indulgence nnd solitary nablts , which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for
business , stmlv or inarrlaRO.
MAHHIED MEN or these ontnrlnK on that
happy life , uwuro of physical doblllty , quickly
assisted ,
Is based upon facts. First I'ractlonl experi
ence. Second Every case Is specially studied ,
thus utartlni ? rlplit. Third medicines are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to Hiilt
each cat.o , thus Directing cureswlthout Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
. . . ,
10 Years' Kxpcrlonci.
Cured In 5 to i day without the Ion of an hourj'tlmi
from lU lru > . ' 1 ho mo t ut elute euro fordIMWt
undnllnnnojInKdl.chark'MCVur known to nioilleal
clenco. bVl'lHMS , u warranted euro In 30 toW day *
The tno tpow rfiilnmiody yut known for a perma
nent euro. hntICTUHKorulnlnrulloTlruthohl | J.
cler , cured at homo , without Initrumuntti no cuuinir ,
tin pain , no diluting , l-oit of .Manhood \Vetknoii
noHlllvoly curudi Iniunt relief. Hkln tllfoanei and
ti'maladfioanin permanently enrol , Hr Mclro ( 'i
ucrtti ) In the treatment of 1'rlvnte Dlieitini Imi
noverbuoii equalled , and hli itreit army of patlouti
rcachvi from the Atlantic to tha 1'act tic. Hook * anj
Circular * ftuu. U-idlc from t to 4 only. lUtt and
Karnam itrceU Omaha , Nab. UDtranaa on elta r
T RI T Ain r Ti Fr"
A pnnlllvo euro for Kidney nnd I.Ivor Complaint *
mid nil liIuoiltllifMftoa. lee < It pny to minor when
you cm lia cured bytnx \ \ Mooro's Trao of I.lfa
the ( I.Ifo llomoily ? 1'rlro * l pur botti ) . l'r -
lured unit put up by Dr. J , II. Mooro.
E.MKHSO.v , In. , Dec. 10 , ISEft
My Dear Mr. Moore. I'cir many years my
wife IIIIH been a Kicat sulVerer from the very
wotst kind of sick headache , ami has tried nu
tfiuul iniiiiy so-called lemcdles , but wltlinftir
any ( food results. A neighboring lalnlafjZX'
who hud been cieatly benolltlcd by It hlln
self , advised the use of your Tree of Llfo. tilio
tit once procured u bottle , and now after 8
months , can conscientiously locommond It ivS
a valuable medicine uhlch according to tha
natuio of thociise , will ward oil' , ureatly ro *
llvu or radically cure sink headnche.
Pastor PicsDytcrliin Church , - "
Kortho troitmnnt of nil CHHONIO AND HUHOICAr ,
DISKAHIOS , Unices , AppIlMncoiforI > 3forintla ! > nn < i
Truouo . Hoit Fiiclllllus , Appurntui end Uomudlo *
foriuccossful trnatiuont of every form of dUcasfl
requlrlni : Medlcnlur SurKlcnl TrcntiuunU MNliTX
IIOO.MS lUlt rATlKXl'd , llunrd unil Attundnnoa.
llo t AccDiiimoiliitlons 'A'oit. WrIUi for clrcul ir on
Dcformitlm unit llrncoi , TriM ci , Club Fvut , Currn *
turui ot t-plno , Hlos , Tumors , Cnnci > r , Ciitnrrb ,
HrOMClilHi , Inhtilntton , Klectrlclty , 1'iiralyilJ , ipll
cynr , Kldnoya , llliulclur. ICyo , Dar , Hkln Mini Illooil.
nnd ull Huriilciil < lpcratloni. ! > I.SiAHIW : \VOMUN
n ppucldllo. Hook o Dhcnton df WnniiHi Kroo. W0
have Inloly milled n lylntf In Dwp irlmorit for U'omoa
Diirliw conllnuinont ( Htrlclly l-rlvnlo. ) On\r \ llcUvf
hlo .Mi-illcnl Inntjtula Miiklutf & Hpoulalty of i'lll-
All Illjo'd iilioAVoj uccoiifully trontoit. Modlclna
or Instrument * mnl by nmll or ox pros , loourolr
pncXud , no uirkt to Indlcato coiitonti or nondar.
Umi pc-rioiii' : . Inlorvlew preferred. Cull nnl coniuK
ii or > und liltory of your C.IHO. nnd wo will end la
Inln wrnpiierour IIOOKTO MICN' FIIKK ; upon l'rl
vnlc. Kpuulnl or Norvouj Ulteiiiai , irltbquoitloallib
Aditri'ss ull Icunri to
Dr. A. T. McLnughlln , Pcesldont
fith and llarnoy btrcots , Oniuha.
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Put of Tcctli on Ilubbea
for rlVI ! IHil.l.AUH. A pcrfeo ]
litKUnrnnlecil , Tucth itxtrnctoi
wltliout pnln or dannor , unt
without nnuiutliptlo. ( iold an <
tllTor IIIMnxH nt Inwoit riltol.
llrldiiu nnd Crown Work. Teotlj
. , . without plutoi. AH work wur
Kntriincu , IlilU ttreut clovator. Open ovculnid
until b o'clock.
It can be aUril IH.U up ' " ' ' . ' ' " 'A"
t4iniyih t ( bo n ilent unUorgoo uo InoonvanUiiO' '
anil ore ) i iiwum , bli compltta rclormatlon L
cltfotudIB ptiii ) boot ol ( rllouluro Tree. Tab * bad a.
KUItN If CO. . l&th If I > oi'2l il , c IMhOL'umlngBU.
Cj-Trlda applied by II AK . HUUUK & COand
t'm\ ' A
or lvo relief Illto" Ur. IMorco'a iraKnetlo KlMtl3
Trill * . " Itliascurrdthouiauni I Ifyuuwantth *
. ' utaiiip * tor free I'mnphltt JNo ,
Muiintllo lilajtlo Truu Co. , U u fraucUco , t