Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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A ' TVEirflSEMENTS for these colViiiins will
bo tnkcn until I2i : > 0p. tn , , for the evening
rdltlon , nnd untllBirtlp. m. , for the morning
rdltlon nnd bum > AY llr.r
rpEHMS Cash In advance. ;
"IJATEH Advertisementon thlspnpowlllbo
J > vlmrprd for nt the rnto of HJ cents per
vi-in for the Ilrst Innerlton , nnd Icentperword
for i nch mibfloqunnt Insertion , nnd 11.M per
linn per month. No advertisement takcu for
. lef.s thnn " 5 cents for the Ilrst Insertion ,
INITIALS , flgnics , ' , symbols , etc , , countcach
ft * olio word.
riTIIESE advertisements must'run ron ecu-
J- lively nnd under no circumstances will
thry to tnken or discontinued by telephone.
I3Altl I.H ! ; advertising In these columns nnd
having their nnswrrsntldresied ton"ntim-
tercel letter In cure of TUB HKH. will receive n
HHtiil.L'ri'd cheek to onnblo'them to gel their
-Mtt'rs. Answers will bo nnllvered only on
liifspntntlon of this check , l-.noloso answers
in envelopes propcrlv addressed.
ALlj advertisements under the hrnil of
"Speelnl Notices" tire published In both
tlio morn'nir ' nnd evening cdltlonsof THK llr.K ,
the clicnlntlon of which aggregates more tliun
lO.COO papers dully , and gives the ndvertlsor
1hp Ix'npllt not only of th < > lnrgoclrculntlonof
Tut ; lit : ) : In Omnhn , but also In CouncilHlnffs ,
Lincoln imd other cities nnd towns In the west
Advertising for these columns will bo tnken
en HIP nbovncondition" , nt the following busl-
IIP houses who tire authorised to lake special
notices. t the same rales as can bo hud nt the
iiinln olllce.
tKTJ N. Street , Lister Itlocit.
T01IN W. HELL , I'hnimaclBt , S20South Tenth
' street.
7S11AFlT& EDDY. Ptatloncrs nnd Printers.
\J 113HoilthlCthBticet.
'o iTT FAHNSWO11TII , I'harmnclst. 2115
V , J * Cnmlng street.
' \\T jTTlUOHES , I'harmaclst , C2I North ICth
' street.
( * EO. W. I'AHH , Pharmacist. 1713 Lenvcn-
\l worth Htreot.
IHHIES' PHAHMAOV. 21th nnd Karmun.
2'on-nfr/i , etc. , teetop of first column on this page.
rOLOIUD iiinn wishes n"sltuntlou ns a
coMcliman , Hcforences given. Address .I
63. Hen olllco. 17:1-18 : *
\\T A NTED Position ns stenographer nnd
' typewriter , references given. Address
MKs Anna Perry , 1501 West 3d St. , Grand
Inland. Nob. 128-18 *
" \\7ANTED-A position by n young ludy us
nn assistant bookkeeper , stunngruoher
nnd typewriter. Addiess J 05 , Ileo olllce.
\ \ 7 ANTED Situation by l.idy us slonoarn-
pherund typewriter. Address J M llr.K.
IU23I-20 *
"WANTED .Situation as housekeeper bv a
IndyofSS ; "no objections to leaving the
city ; only good purtles unsucr. 712 S. Uth st.
218 20 *
"WANTED Ily n young inun of 21 with fnlr
' education , work of nny kind ; good cltv
refi'iences. Address . ) 53 , Hco. M207-20 *
\\f ANTED Hv n rellublo mnn n set of
' books tn post evenings ; compensation
tnnclerntt' . Address J M. lice. 103 22
" \VANTED A position ns snlcsmnn ; 8 years
' experience ; speak English , Gorman und
Itohi < mlm : : reference furnished. Address J
UI , Hco ofllco. D. J. Hrimln. West Point , Nob.
M070 21 *
. . .s'TED Position In private fnmlly ns
coachman. Address J. r.,2032 Sownrd.
035-20 *
T\7 ANTED Sltuntloiis for good girls ; my
' \\nltlng rooms nro nlwuys full from 0 u.
m. tofip. in. . Cnnndlnn Employment ofllco.
OH'.t S. 15th. Tolopliono fE4. 310
ftinatei , tte. , tcctiipofflrtt roliimnon tMspnge
\\T A NTED Agents to handle the flrst und
only machine over Invented for upplylng
postage Htamps to mnllublu matter ; cun npply
W stamps per minute ; no llcklrg of htnmps ;
patented Veil. 10 , 1891. Sample machine bv
mull $2.00. Send stump for clroulnr. U. 8. P.
Stump Sticker Co. , Danvorsport , Mnss. 033-18 *
' A GENTS Vanted Llfo of Hiirnum , nn in-
XX tensely Interesting blogrunhy of the
Ercutcstsbowrnunof the world. Ily nn Intl-
mate friend. In preparation for years ; COO
tiagrtt ; splendidly Illuutrntod ; low prices ;
qnlcK Kalen ; big profits. Outllt 25 eta. Burns
Hook Co. , St. Louis , Mo. M273 20 *
BAUHEIl. AVunted nt Norfolk , Nob. ; 813 per
week and steady job. O. E. Ilouso.
. M 310-21 *
SALESMEN , handling other lines of goods ,
In hardware trade preferred , to tuko or
ders for Imported blno nnd whlto enameled
ware on commission. Exclusive territory
given , State territory covered , nnd refer
ences. A good side line for live Salomon. Page
& . Co.,401 Sixth ave. , South Minneapolis , Minn.
208-2U *
\\7ANTED , A neat , clenn boy to work In
T drug store , one nbont 11 yis. old. lloho-
inlan preferred. William Huffvky , nw. cor. of
13th aiid Williams street. M327 20
AOAPAHLEniun wanted In every town nnd
olty to orgunUn lodges for an order p'iv-
kln2 $200 In three years. Ilvo workers iiinku
nifK. pay. Address Guardian Endowment
Society , ISO Fremont street , llobton , Mnss.
200-20 *
\A7ANTED-Salosmon on snlnry or commls-
' ' slon to handle the new patent chemical
Ink erasing pencil , The greatest novelty over
oduccd. Erase ! ) Ink thoroughly In two see-
_ . .Ngtirt abrasion of paucr : 200 to 500 per cent ,
jirolltr Ono agent's Hales amounted to $020 in
MX days ; another JK In two hours. Wo want
ono energetic general agent for each state and
territory. Sample by mall 33o. For terms and
full particulars , address The Monroe. Eraser
Mfg. Co. . Ln Orosso , WIs. 210-20 *
OltGANIXEKS nnd secrotnrles wnnted by
the Duller Order of I'ratornal Co-opern-
tlon ( IICO.M In 3 months ) . This society paid
over $30,000.00 on matured ccrtltloates up to
April 10. 'Llburnl compensation. Addiess
M , Mrlnlyrc. supreme mnuugor , No. 1028 Aroh
Btreet. Phllndnlphln. M 215-20 *
" \\rANTED-12 nrtt elnss stone mnions. 60 to
> H cents per hour , llluek & Duvis , 413
Locust street , St. Louts. ( No strike. ) M 202-22
GENTS wanted for the Munhnttnn Life
Ins. Co. In represent In nil largo tovvnn In
the states of Nebraska and Colorado. Liberal
contracts dtfiirod. AddrebS No. 30(1 ( and 'MS Hoe )
building , Gco. F. Parish , gen. m'g'r , for No-
lirusK-u and Colorado. 070
\\ANTED Enenrotloyoung mnn to take or-
dcrs ) . Address Muuufuoturor P. O. box 2C7.
172-m 10
ITANTED-llotot cook. AddrosII.M.Jmld ,
Lyons , Neb. M781 21
ANTED At once , u good blacksmith ,
fuundlnavlan preferred ; stonily work.
Address box 150 , Newman Grove. Nob. 120-23 *
ETEOTIVES wanted In every locality to
work under our lust motions. Experience
not necessary. Stump for partlcnlais. Wash
ington Detective Agency , bo.x7 7 , Washington ,
Iowa. 130 2U *
"fAf ANTED A good colored eonehmnn ;
* ; must bring olty refercnces.a Apuly IMO
California Ht OS3
OKNTS wanted everywhere for newly pat
ented automatic pocket letter copying
lu-Mlno. I ortuno for bright men. Scndnt.imp
for circulars. Sommor , 223 West'2d st. . Now
York M3013 *
\\7ANTnD-Snlpsmun to tnko line of coffees -
' fees , spices , linking powder und syrup.
None but salesman of experience nnd uu-
qunlnted with elty tr.ido need npply. Hcfor-
cii''u icqulrod. Address J 2s Omnhu lice. UiO
\\7 ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
\V ANTED MOM with good roferoncont Mot-
jopolltnn Jl't'g Co. . 1H/0 Howard st.
131-A 23
J'or totet , etc. , ite top of fit st column on tht page
" \\7ANTr.D An experienced girl for general
T y housework. Apply Ib21 ChlouKO st. M3J7-2. ! *
\VANTED-Good Klrl for general house
IT work In n family of 2 , tun now housu ;
must be n good cook. Apply nt 409 S. 25th ave.
S. Slonchlll's.
130J 8
G 1HL for gonorul housework. Must bo good
cook and laundress. Apply 2211) ) Sponcrr
irANTED-A good nursoglrl , 400 North 23d
> stieot , M232-21 *
WANTED Lady ugonts ; na\r goods.
Twonty-llvo iplcndld oiling nrtlclos.
? * < ! forcBtnloguo. Ladles' bupply Co. , 2s7
V > , Wiuhlngton street , Ulilcugo , M 804-27 *
" \ \ ANTED A. oompotont fororromixn for our
' ' drossmnklng department ; permunent
p ace ; Bood wages. Also wulst flnlshers. Ap-
illy to Madtuio Wulluco. The Morse Dry
tlood * Oo W33J W ) j
Forraten , etc. , ttttirpof flr leoumi \ on ( All pi
WANTED Good girl for dlnlna room work ,
Gorman preferred. Inquire 4123 North Htreot mill Snhlor. M 10i-81 ) *
\ 'i7ANTED A strnw sowing machine opera-
'i Kir of experleneo with referoncC'S. West
Htraw Oo. , 1511 Hnrney st. M320-70 *
WANTED-fllrl for general hou ework
grnnll family. 1317 Corby st. M261-21
\\rANTED-OlrI to do general housework.
V > 2.V.'lC'allfornlant. 213-TO *
AGIHL for general housework , washingnrid
lionlng excepted , N. E. Cor. 51st nnd Web
ster. 222 20 *
"VVANTED A nont young Germnn or Dnn-
' ' Ish girl forcenrrul housework. 720 South
22nd stieet , northeast corner of Leavenworth ,
WANTED A competent cook nnrt Inun-
drcss In.small famlly.roferonco rciiulrod.
fc'outhWL-st corner30th and California sts.
\\fANTED-LndIcs who hnvo good homos ,
' wo gunranteo constant homn employ
ment , Interesting nnd prolltnbie , We honestly
Inform the o In Indigent circumstances thnt
they cannot earn nn Independent livelihood ;
only good pin money. Work can be done nt
homo. Every Indy meaning business nddrrss ,
with stump , for particular" , Etrusenn Art
Co. , 2S Temple Pluco , Ilo.ston , Muss. M203-30 *
WANTED Olrl for general housework. A.
llospp , 315 North 17th streot. M OH
A NEAT girl wanted for general housework.
Mrs. W. K. Stoet/el , 1221 S. toth st. 007
rorrnic'.rfc. , er.tnp of flnt.colmn-t nntMi pig
"I71OH HENT 10-room house , all modern conJ -
Jvenlonces , 1J1 Dodge. Inquire 1318 Fnr-
imm. M3.IG-22
T31OK IlENT Two small cottngcs south of
JHnnsconi ParkJ7.00cuch. Hloks.N.V. . LIfo.
TJ10H HENT Cot tugo barn.well , nnd sovorni
Jncres of land close to now fair grounds.
Hicks. N. V. Life bldg. 121-18
HANDSOMELY furnished house on S. 28th
avenue , nil conveniences : eight rooms
and barn : vacant May 1 , llundy & Co. , 1(114 (
Cnpltol avenue. 301-mlS
171O11 HENT Handsomely furnished house ,
JL' Capitol Illll ; modern conveniences ; special
terms ; reference lenulrcil. Inqulro Nethcr-
ton Hull , Itoom 32 , First Nat , bank. M201-21
FOIt HENT Beautiful modern 0 room
housu ; modern ( . 'onvonienoss ; largo yard ;
! 4mllo fiom P. O. Inqulro Nuthcrton
Hull , room : tx > , First Nutloiiul bank.
I'or Hent 135,00 ; 10 room modern house ; nil
conveniences ; Capitol Illll , Inquire Neth
erton Hull , room 3.0 , First INutlonnl bunk.
For Hent Heuntlful 11 room resilience ; lurgo
ynrd ; best location In city ; special prlco
to small family ; references required. In
qulro Netherton Hull , room 320 , First Na
tional bnnk.
Tor liont 130.00 ; ti loom modern flat ; nil con
veniences. $75.00 : 14 room brick dwelling
near Trinity cathedral. Inquire Nether-
ton Hull , room 32) . First Nutloiiul bunk.
I'or Hent 1(13.00 ( ; 13 room corner brick house ;
C.iss stieet : In perfect repair ; nil modern
conveniences , f 33.00 ; desirable 10-room
dwelling ; conveniently located. Inqulie
Netherton Hull , room 320. First National
bunk. M107-2J
MAY 1. Apartments for small family , near
business. No Hut , Heat locality. Inquire
63ii Paxton block. M2b8 21 *
FOIl KENT The 8-room house and barn 810
S. 27th street , near Leavcnworth. Key at
Peterson's grocery , 2711 Leavenworth MJ01
T710H HEST Houses of nfl kinds In nny purt
-U of the city. Wilbur & Hathbnn , Rental
Agency , 1(110 ( Cnpltol avenue. m213-20 *
rr-HOOM flnt , modern conveniences , rent$30 ,
< furniture cost 150 , will take ( . ' 25 ; on easy
payments. Co-oporatlvo Land & Lot Co. . 203
N. IGthst. 22720
IflOll IlENT A 7-room house with all mod
L ern Improvements , 001 S. 20th. 2-'G
Foil IlENT A newly papered 10-room
house with new range nun laundry tit "OLXJ
Capitol iivonuo. Iniiulro 2520 Capitol avenue
or room : :13 : Omaha National bunk building.
11 , H. Koblson. M 200-21
TTIOH IlENT Four 0 nnd - room lints with
. ' bath , hot water , etc. ; paved street ; near
business ; all improvements ; only $23 per mo.
Hefercnecs required , The Moudo Investment
Co. , 442 lice building. ! 2
TpOlt IlENT April 10 , ono of these elegant
JL1 lints in the P. E. Her block , cor. 10th
nnd Jiiokson streets , has all conveniences' .
Call nt 1112 lliirnoy street. M 043
TT1011 IlENT May 1 , 10-room house , contrully
J- located , modern Improvements. Imiulro
712 N. IDtli at , 403
_ _
POll KENT 0 rooms , ono lloor , 1712 Jackson
sticoU U17
"JjlOIl IlENT Several 8-room houses at 120.00.
JL' J , II. Tuto , II. 15 , Chamber Commerce.
MTOImll *
T7IOU HENT 0-room brick , nil modern conJ -
J vonlonces. Possession May 1. J. W.
Grinitb , U. P. headquarters. 130-30
FOIl HKNT 7 room house 2104 llarnoy
street. Inquire A. H. Gladstone,13IO UOUR- 031
POH IlENT After April 0 5-room house In
coed ' repair. City and cistern w
eln'cicd : scwcniRo ; rent $22.0 } per month. 1411
.Seventh avenue. 2ti )
LIST Your houses for rent or sale with J.
G. Cortelyou , 40 Chamber of Commerce.
TTIOIl IlENT House of 6 rooms corner of 23th
X1 and Franklin sts. , K > ft und hnid water in
the Idtchenbathnewly pipoiedi.0 : per month.
John Humlln , 017 S. 13th Ht. CM
M012 Capitol avenue. 8-room cottaso. 219 No.
' 20th. 6-room cottage. Inq. 2313 Cajiltol ave
nue. Mi05ml2 *
TTOUSE0 to ILrooms , with all modern eon-
4-JL venlences for rent. J , G. Cortolyon. 4B
Chamber of Commerce. Mloo
KENT Houses ; all kinds. Give us a
cull , llundy & Co. . 1014 Cnpltol ave.
IN Drown building , corner 24th nnd Cumlnp ,
elegant npartmentsof 7 and 8 rooms , hath ,
kitchens supplied with ranges und boilers.
Ladles nro Invited to Inspect these apart
ments. Hoferencca will bo required. Enquire
Citizens' Hunk. 4.14 ml
T71O11 IlENT fl and 4 room flats In the dowry
X' building Kith and Chicago sis These flats
nro directly opposlto Jefferson square giving
them u line locution. Roberts IQb Chicago st.
, 137-29 *
STEAM boated flnts nt700 S. 10th. Thos. F.
Hull. 311 Pnxtun block. ,113
HOUSE for rent It-room honse.modorn Im-
provemoiits , corner 20th und Dodge , pos
session given Immediately , Enqulru 40J Pux-
ton block , M. L. Hocdor. 083
TjUMl HENT Dwelling. 37th und Dodge , 810.
JL1 2 stores. 18th nnd Luke , each $20.
1 store , 14th und Cnpltol , $ . ' ! 3.
Heed & Selby , H , 13 , board of trndo. 678
FOIl HENT Kurnlshed room ; private
family. Heforonccs. 2015 Cuss st. 710 5l
IF you wish to rent u house or store sco H. R
Cole , Continental block , 311
0100 cottages , tenement houses , fluts nnd
i fitoro.santed for customers list for rent : ,
sale or exchange , with E. F , Hlugcr , ground
lloor. 1510 Fiirinini. yjflu'js *
T71OII HENT One 11-rnum nnd ono 7-room
JL' house , near High school ; modern con
veniences. The O. F. DnvlsCo. 30J
rplIIHTIKTH Avenue , between Muson nnd
JL Puclflo , half block from motor , nn elegant
now brick icbldcnco of 11 rooms , bath , elosots ,
laundry nnd cistern , lurgo front nnd buck
plazu , oak floors und finish , electrio lighter
or gus , extra well ventilated nnd lighted ,
strictly Urn-class throughout , Inquire on
premises or room 44' * , Hco building , 814
MIfaS Mlnnlck. 1724 Lunvcnworth , has Just
returned from the cast with the latest
spring nnd summer styles. C7J 20 *
ENGAGEMENTSi to do dresstnuklng In fam
ilies solicited. Miss Sturdy. 2010 furnoy st.
Forratatte.ttetnp"/fir1 column ontMt payt
Gr.O. F. Oellcnhook. teacher of the banjo ,
with Hoipe , 1313 Douglas. 241 }
BEFOHE buying u pluno examine the now
scale Klmbull pluna A , Hojpe,13U Douglus.
Formicetc , , tee topofflnt column on ( Altpage.
AdSAGE-Muduir UoUler. over 010 Spilth.
. ( MM a *
i' fopo//Jitt cotimn on ( hit pags
l ATENT Uwycrs und solicitors , O. W. Hues &
A ( Jo. . Bco build Ing , Omnhn. Uranoh onicout
Washington , D. 0 , nouultatlun fr o , tttt
For rate * , tie , , teetop of flrst column on thtt page.
Tpon HENT n or 4 furnished rooms for light
* - housekeeping : nil modern convonlonces.
Mrs. H. Henglo. 223S Fnriinm street. M289 21 *
NICELY furnished rooms In prlvnto rest-
deneot northunst corner ICth und Howntil ,
All modern convonlonces. M283 23
niWO nlco furnished front rooms for two or
JU fonrgunU. llatii , 2020 Fnrnum st.
NICELY furnished rooms , modern conven
ience * , . iD.OO nnd f IJ.Wi per month : nentlo-
inon only. 2HH Hunioy street. M310-21 *
O ItOO.MS for housokceolng for mnn nnd wife ,
Ono children ; ronttukcn In board. 310 N. 17th.
TJIUHNIBHED rooms ; Oil North 18th street.
rn\VO furnished front rooms , 310 Soiitli Sfith
JL street. M181 22 *
TT1OH HENT Two nicely furnished front.
-1' rooms. 2d story , for single gentleman.
Apply to 525 S. 20th st. , between St. Mury's nro
nnd Hownrd st. MIWO SI
TJIUHNISHED room. Inferences 2313 Douglns.
813 24 *
"niOll HENT Furnished rooms. 1007 Douglns
TJIOH HENT-l'urnlshcd looms. 2213 Hurt st.
104-H2J *
For rate * , etc. , stetop of flrst column on thh pagt.
pleasant rooms and good board 403 N.
. 10th Ht , 13-i-lS *
POH IlENT Furnished rooms with board ,
1317 Loavenworth St. , 3id lloor , cast Hut.
M277 21 *
"plUHNISHED rooms and board , 1023 Dodge.
FHONT HOOM , with board , in small family
with pleasant homo. Use ot piano. 2130
Hartley. M 307-21 *
"OOOM und board In n private family , on
J-t motor line ; good location. Address 3 S.
17th street. M303-21 *
FOIl HENT Furnished loom chrup , with
board. 407 North 10th , In U'uul block.M3U21
M3U21 *
T710H HENT-Hooms with board , 201 S. 85th
JU uve. M318-28 *
L.AHOE furnished room nnd board , roasonn-
blo for mun nnd wife , two gentlemen or In
dies , ut 1024 N. 25th St. 210 20 *
IJULLMAN house , 1310 Dodges St , for good
board , nlco roomsImodern Improvements ,
rules & locution cannot bo excelled , Mrs.Horn ,
820inl7 *
"OOOMS nnd board suitable for gentleman nt
JLllOll Douglass street. M 110-22 *
rPHE St. Clalr European hotel , cor. 13th nnd
JL Dodge , will hereafter make low rates for
rooms by the week or month , either with or
without bourd. 781
ST. OLAIH hotel will l.orcnfter . furnish rcg-
ular meals by week nt moderate prices.
TTlOfl RENT A large , finely furnished room
JU with bourd , to n mnn and wlfo. The most
pleasant part of city und private family ; no
other bourdors ; references. Address I ) 47 , lice.
For rates , etc. , sec top of flrst column on this page
TIIIHEE or four unfurnlshcdlrooms.tmodorn
conveniences. 2020 Farnuni st. M 308-20 *
T71OH HENT I unfurnished rooms , suitable
JL ! for housekeeping ; modern Improvements ;
1702 Webster street. Price $1800. M003
FOIl IlENT Hooms , unfurnished , over my
storo. Stootzcl , 1021 Howard street. C07
For rates , etc. , tee top of jititcolvmn on this page.
$18.00 per month for store room , living rooms
und burn , 1318 Saumlcrsst , ; good locution.
Co-opcrutlvo Laud & Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st.
237 20
FOH KENT Largo storeroom nnd bnso-
ment. 1018 Chicago st. Apply to II. K.
Koborts nt the building. 130-20
FOH HENT A store nnd two rooms , 224
North 13th st. Inquire 524 S. 20th nvo.
M 083-M7 *
IfOIl HENT-Tho three-story brlclc bulld-
JL ing , 1110 Douglns street , .suitable for whole
sale purposes , $110 per month. Chas. Kanf-
mann , 1302 Douglas st. G02
T710H HENT-Tho 4-story brick building , with
-L or without power , formerly occupied by the
Hco Publishing Co. , 010 Furnum nt. The build
ing 1ms a fireproof cementbnsomcnt , complete
stonm heating fixtures , water on nil thofloor.s ,
gas , etc. Apply nt the olllco of The Ileo. 015
TJIOH RENT Or sale , my building on .Tones
JU st. bet. 10th & llth. G.A. Lludqulst , 310S 15th.
STORES ut 700 S. 10th ; stcnin heat furnished.
Thomas F. Hull , 311 Puxton block. 319
T"\ESK room , $15 ; Stnr Loan nild Trust Co.
Forratet.ctc , , scetop of first column on this page.
F I Oil KENT H rick wnrohouso , two stories ;
high basement , hydraulic elevator , track
age ; best locution In city. A. O. Powell. 321
Forratca , etc. , teetop of first column on thepag6 (
QAilDEN FAKMS to rent , T. Murray.
Forrnte * . etc. , see top of first column onthu page.
/CHEAPEST nnd best ntorago for furniture
VjWells , 1111 Fnrnntn st. KT
BEST trackago and storngo building ii
Omuhn , United States government bondet
warehouse. Household goods stored andcarec
for. Lowest rates guaranteed. W. M. Hush-
man , 1013-1015 Leavenworth. 329
QTOKAGK of household goods ; clean , dry
Opluco , privately storedterms modoruto ; wo
ulso storostoves during the summer , wo wll
got them from the bouses nnd deliver them In
the full in good trim. Tel. OGO. 1207 Douglas
Omaha Stove Hepalr Works. 71 !
Forrafc.1 , etc. , tec top of first columnon tM * page ,
WANTED-Hy May 1 , u 0 to 12 room house
with modern conveniences ; ono 'will
stable preferred. Ncnr business center. How
house not wanted. Address , J. L , llrandols
114 So. ICth St , 68
Ferrates , etc. , tc top of first column on tltts
TT E. COLE , rontul ugcnoy.Contlncntal blk
KorroJcjt , ctc.seetopaf first column onits ( page.
TT1OU SALE A fine young pacing saddle nn
JL' driving horse , sound nnd good color , wll
be sold clioup. Addiess.I 51 , Hee. 108 Ib
TTIori SALE. Ono hack In good repair , nlso
JSurrny and extension top carriage , and a
good team woi k horses , harness and wagon
Address J G3 , Omnhn Hco. M 300-2 ?
FOH SALL A good 0-ycnr-old family mare
guarantee to work double und single
sound In every respect ; to be sold nt u bar
gain. Also , new top buggy und harness. Cui
ut Petu Persons' barn , 30th and H. So. Omnhn
M323 21
D HIVING team , $230 ; single driver , $150
nenrly now Surrey , cost 1200 , will tuko $100
nice single buggy , $00 ; easy payments. Co
operative Land & Lot Co. . 205 N. 10th bt.
007 o
Foil SALE Cheap Nice side-bar buggy , In
good condition. Used ono year. A. W
Scrlbner , U. P. headquarters. 171-21
TTIOH 8ALE A lurgo excellent family horse
-L Also cnrrlago nnd harness utmost now. In
qulro ut livery barn , 2710 Leavenworth.
T71OK SALE-4-blg work teams , complete
JL Inquire at , G18 Paxton block. 810 2 (
FOH SALE Handsome , New York hand
made , square box buggy ; used onn sum
mcr. F. H. Salmon. Pncltlu hotel department ,
Oth und Jones. 01
O OHSE.S for sale. Stallions In service u
Sttllwntorstookfurm. Send forcutalogno
ll.J.Kcudull , room 40J Drown building , Omnhn.
( WH M
, seetopof first column on thti page.
BEST line hair goods In west ; hair dressing
wigs , switches , bnngs , hair chains , etc. , u
specialty. Duvlog , hair goods and milliner
oppoilto postofllce , 111 S 13th St. , Omaha. 31
Vnr rates , etc , , see tap of first column oitd ( p
fotIND A purse with money Wednesday
Call at 515 N , UUi vtrtttt. M 201-21
'or rates , etc * tte top o/fittt column on this page.
WANTED To doll . ffrfiilturo In seven-room
Btontn Hat ; now. niooma rented. I'urt
lino. I Int for rent , 4 ( * < N. 10thstreet.
M157-20 *
riHEAT snlo of furnltrr > , etc . 20- ) South IJth
xtroot , Tuesday , ulXllTa. in. It. W. WelK
uatluncur. . \ M320 21 *
I71OHSALE Dining rnfTffrnnd kitchen furnl-
L1 ture. 1201 N. U0llrst.j ? | , M31322 *
[ OHSALE--Furnltui ( ( n 10-room houso.
JL1 Honsn for rent. Inntlro 1023 Dodge. 209
I OH SALn-KurnltuWof 7-room lint. Ad
drosH J 01 , lion olllcoj. 20-24 *
'orraletctc.tetnpofflrit column on llittpagt.
" \NE uillch cow for sale. 2J11
15S1S *
HAVH always on hand n lot of first class
milch cows for saloorwill trade for dry
jnes at barn , S. K. corner 10th and Louvnn-
vorth. B. J. Montgotnory. MJ33 Mlg *
'orrata , etc. , ttetop offlnt column on tht page.
A purchaser for the furniture.
fixtures nnd lotiso'Of u lestanrant con-
rally located nnd paying uatronngo. Address
N. P. Fell , lice olllco. .
A IIOUTOO fcut of good lawn hose for sale nt
-ti-a bargain , with patent nozzlu coupling ,
etc. , complete. Address J CO , lice ofllco. 204
Foil HALE cheap , shooting gallerytcnt. iilS :
Douglan st. 2.I1-2U *
T7IOU SALE , cheap , panot , good Talker. 1M1S
J-1 Doiiglafi Ht. 230-20 *
? 00 bushoU of yellow dent scad corn on the
Joar , two years old. This Is an extra line so-
ectcd lot "f need corn. I'or sale at Humphroy
Ires. , Lincoln , Neb. I2U21 *
71OU SAIE An olepnnt flro proof safe with
-1 burglar cheat. I'lill Htlmmel , UllJoncsst. ,
Omaha , Neb. USt
IV you want to soil or exchange city prop
erty , farms , wild lands , livestock , iinnkar
other stocks or merchandise , see K , K , Khmer ,
ground lloor , 1510 1'arnam. S22U28 *
For tennn , tie. , tee ( op of first column onin ( ftagt
A YOUNG gcntwonld like n roommnto ; ref
erences exchanged. Inquire at 71S N. 17th ,
120 18
HOW Old Are You ? 1'orsons 80 years old or
over , who have resided In Omaha for
seine tlmo , nro respectfully requested to cor
respond with the undersigned. Hesldenco
should bo stated. Subjects of mutual Interest
will bo discussed and n society of gonlal
spirits may bo orirnnlzoa. Address II. J , U ,
HoomCOO , lloo building , city.
INFORMATION wanted of the whereabouts
of Josephine and Walter ItuIIurd , supposed
to bo somewhere In Nebraska. It Is of Im
portance ) that they communicate at once with
Kdward K Holster , administrator , Cherry Val
ley , Massachusetts. 214-20
Vorratctitlc. , tee ( op offlnt column on tM page-
\XrANTUO Cheap forspot cash , lot In OrT -
' T chnid Hill or .Satmders & Holmhaugh's
addition to Walnut Hill ; must be well located.
Addiess. with number ot lot and prlco , J 41 ,
lice ofllcu. MHO IS
7ANTED A few first-class farms near
* Omaha for etish or In exchange for llrst-
classcity property. M. F. Koya.H. 7 , Chamber
of Commerce. 123 13
,1.000 toJlO.00,1 In Kood bank stock ; who has
$ It for sale ? Have a purchaser. A. K Ulloy ,
room 11 , Continental b6ok. ! MltH-'JO
WANTED To pnrohaso u residence lot or
lot with now 0-roonled cottage wttli every
convenience , cast or Bouth front , must bo
located on or near paved street and motor car
lines , between Woolworthnvo. nud Hamilton
Rtreot and ml and 40th streets. Apply only
by letter , giving price , terms , surroundings
iinrt full description of property ; address , W.
S. Scavey , Chief of 1'ollco. 220 20
WANTED Second hand tinners' tools. O.
II. Hurlburt , Valparaiso. Nob. 230-24 *
WANTED , real ostato--Any person hav
ing six to eight'room ' dwelling house
with good lot , worth from $2r 00 to 84,000. can
receive quick returns by listing same with us ;
wo have several oustoincrron hand who can
pav from $100 to ? l,000 cosh. Smoaton & Allen ,
1C07 Kuriinm street. WI-20 *
TTIUUNITUHE bought , sola , stored. Wells.
JL1 mi Farnnm street , v 3 7
For rates , etc. , ite top nfflrtl column on thtx page.
MISSMAYEH. SOOShccloy bk. choropodlst
manicure , host equipped ladles' hnlrdtcss-
Ingdopartment In the olty. Ladlcs'hatr bleach-
lug child run's hal r cutting specialty. M 2 < i3 MIS *
JI ) . SMITH , the export accountant , room
QV . N. Y. Life building , Omaha , Ulves
Instructions In bookkeeping and assists In
procuring situations. M2iM-2. > *
DH. HATTIELD. 8. E. cor. 13th and Douglas
sts. 1'rnctlco limited to diseases of women.
M M3 M4 *
EEMOVATj-Antlqunrlnn book store removed
to 422 S. 15th bt. , ncarllovrura.Knrbarhhlk
17S.M1G *
"OASTUKE Largo blue grass pasture nt
JL llcllovue und Elkhorn Olty for rent. 11. T.
Clarke , room ID , board of 'trade. 1G4 MtO
FOH door nnd window scroons.cet Hamilton
Ilros. prices ; carpenter jobbing done on
short notice ; 414 B 13th street. Tel. 1179.
07C M12 ,
MASSAGE treatmentclcctro-tlicrmal baths ,
scalp and hair treatment , manicure and
chiropodist. Mr8.l'ost,319K H. IJth.WHhnell blk
WILLIS COY. house mover. 613 South 17th
street , nnd 813 South 23th uvenno.
138-Mny25 *
For rates , etc. , tec top of first column on tM * page.
FIHST inortgngos on vncant und Improved
city property. County nntl city wnrrunts
wanted. F. M. Illchnrdson.818 N. V. LIfo. 30J
nced promptly upon Omaha
. business property ut lowest rales. Loans
made on approved collateral security. Notes
bought , bchool nnd municipal bonds negoti
ated upon very favorable terms. Klmliall.
Chnmp it llynn , 1203 Furnnm st 603 a8 !
Forrates , etc. , scetop of first column unlhli page
FIHST and second mortgugo loans. Alex
Moore , 401 Hco llldg. 802-28 *
MONEY to loan Lowrntoof Interest , least
possible dclny. Shrlvcr & O'Donuhoo ,
15th street , opposite the postofllce. M2GC-23
MONEY to loan on flrst mottgugo realos-
tate security. United States Loan nnd In
vestment company , U01 Hoe building , Omnhn ,
, Neb. M l in'J '
MONEY on unimproved or Improved city
property low rule of mteiestfrom private
Investors , ll. M. Webs < < w , 001 N. Y. Life.
TI f , 123-M15 *
MONEY to Loan Onihlia nnd South Omnhn ,
from $300 to $30.000 , German American Sav
ings bunk , CommorulaUNatlonnl bunk build
ing , .o : 747m8
CHEAP Money I'ldla-Mortgage and Trust
Co. , wants gilt odpri loans. Geo. W. P.
Contos , roprosontutlve , " ? Hoard Trudo Oiil
MONEY to loan on Improved Omuhn real
estate. ; iOj a. l.Hh stryeU M332A30 *
MONEY to loan on liriptovcd olty property
at current rates ; funds on hand ; no do-
luv. Oeo. F. Hlust& Co.jttl ) Hunigo bld'g. 335
OE. A. 0. M. Ai.tlion$3lS N.Y.Llfo building
lend money on f amain choice counties in
Nebraska nnd Iowa , ulsobn gixxl Omnhu resi
dence property ; lowostirntcs ; Ijcst terms ; no
delay ; money ready TlUCs nnd values pussed
on hero. | , n , 331
BUILDING loans 0 to ? per cent ; no addi
tional charges for COIUT/I / Isslon or attorney's
fees. W. H. Melklo , FlreftiUtlonnl bunk bld'g.
MONEY to loan on city property eastern
Nebraska and western Iowa farms ; lowest
rates. List your property for sale or exchnngo
with E. F. Hlngcr , ground lloor 1310 Fnrnum ,
22IU28 *
MONEY to loan , Midland Ounruntoo nnd
Trust Company , 10U Furnani struct. RltotJ
PHIVATE money to loan. J. D. Zlttlo , Oil
N. Y. LIfo. 331
MOHTGAGE loans wanted. McCuguo In
vestment company. 701
MONEY ou hund to loan on Improved or un-
Improved property. Chus. W. Halnoy ,
Omaha National bank bldg 611 M 1 *
MONEY to loan on Omaha property. Fidel
ity Trust company , 1G14 Furnum , 273
Fortcrmt , etc , , leetnpuffiritc'ilumnon thtivaga
SPECIAL IndueemenU to table bourdon ut I
The Hillside , uw cor. lath A : jJodge.
M S04-23 *
I'or rat n , etc. , itetop of first coliimx on this page ,
HTTTElVlnnkrai .l rMrnMn % o ioy
ouohuttolsoroollntornlat reasonable rates
MONEY to Ion n by II. P. Mnstorson chuttol
nnd collateral securities for nny time from
t to 13 months , In any amount to suit bor
rower. . . . . . .
Loans mnde on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horse' , mules , houses , leases , wnrehouvo
receipts , otc.nt the lowest rates possible with
out publicity or rcmovnlof property.
My lonns uro so arranged , nat you onn make
n payment of any amount nt nny time nnd
reduce both principal und Interest.
If you owe n balance on your property or
have u loan you wunt changed , I will pay It
off nnd carry Itor you. It you Und It more
convenient , , call up tolopliono No. 1CJ1 and
your business will bo arranged at homo.
Money nlwnys on hund , No deliiy. No pub
licity. Lowest rules. 11. F. Masters ,
Itoom 4 , Wllhnoll blk. , 15th und Hartley sts.
Forrates , tte. , teetop of finl column onthti page.
Foil SALE rurnlturo , fixtures nnd lease of
n restaurant centrally located. ' Cun bo
bought verv cheap. For particulars address
N. P. Fell , Itce olllco.
T71OH SALE A complete saloon outfit nnd
JL business ; best location In the stnto. Address -
dross look box 50 , Central City , Nob. M322-20 *
F SALE Stock of fnnoy goods nnd no
tions , or will exchange for cleur property
and cash. Room 17 , Chamber of Commerco.
M 21K1-21 *
T710H SALE. Drug stock nnd store building
Jwith dwelling house adjacent. In good
\vcstern lown town. Good opening. Estab
lished trade. Oboap for cash. Hnrlc. HIIUS&
Co. , Council IllulTs , In. M233-21
IF you are looking for an Investment that
will pay you big money call nt .Metropolitan
hotel , for n few days only. John F , Webster.
MlMI-21 *
BLACKSMITH nnd wagon shop , with dwell-
Ing ; fplendld location ; write for partlcn-
lar.s : reason for selling , poor health. Tappo
Urothcrs , Vordon. Nob. MK-imls *
O NE hundred cash will buy two room house
and barn , with lease of. lot on cable line.
Call nt 131a Douglas St. 232-31 *
TjiOH SALE Confectionery store nnd ros-
J ' tnurant , centrally located and ono of best
stands In city : pnying well. Ilcst of reason
for selling. Cheap If tnken at onco. Address
J17 , Heo. MI4121 *
POU SALE A good paying cigar business ;
good reason given forsclllnz. J 4Sltco olllce.
TI10H SALE Lcnso nnd furnlturoof 23-rooni
JL' hotel In business part of a town of ten
railroads. Uonsons for selling : 111 health.
Address J 15 , Ileo olllce , Council IllulTs. M011
FOH SALE Furnlturo and undertaking
business In a good town , with or without
store building ; part cash , balance Kilt eilpo
apor or clear real estate ; Invoices about
llox 04 ; . Lincoln , 403
Forrates , etc. , teetop of first column on Hits page.
WILL exchange corner aero In Hcnson nnd
lot In South Onmhu , both clear , for house
nnd lot. will ussumo mortgage und give you
some cash. Alex Moore , 401 lloo b'Id'g.M2CO20
M2CO-20 *
TTtOn THADE. Hoy's blcyclo nnd cash for a
JL' good pony. Uenawa & Co. M200-21
IMPHOVED Omaha property for stock hard
ware In country town , ulso new buggy for
sufety. Address owner , J 40 Ileo. MI44 21 *
ANTED-For good clear city lot n high
grade safety or byclclo. Address J. 10.
Dee. 624
CLEAN general stock of merchandise for
farm und money. Uox 203 , Frankfort , Ind. '
T WILL trade good clour lot worth $300 und
-Ltako good upright piano as part payment.
Address F 28 , Ileo. 47&
Vorrates , etc. , sec topof first column on this jiaae
TjUNEST oust front lot In Hnnscom Place ;
J- ' see owner and commission "
- save , "GOB Rew
ard st. 003 IS
" 1J10R SALE Houses' and lots , five nnd ten
J- acre tracts ; cheap trackage property ;
South Omaha lots on 24th street. Ituslnoss
property. Hicks , first lloor N. Y. Life. Ofllco
open evenings. 121-18
T31INE modern residence on Ulnnor street
-U Kount7Q Plnoo. Fine Inwn , good barn , etc.
Also 10-room house on Emmet street. Oas ,
watdr iiid bath.ovcrythlngln flrst-olass condi
tion. JTheso elegant homes nroolTored at most
reasonable prices nnd on easy terms. Good
property will bo accepted In exchange as part
M. F. Hoys. 15. 7 , Chamber Commerce 123 19
WELL : Hero wo come again. A wlso man
owns his own homo , the other fellow pays
rent ; read this list nnd bo ono or the other.
West Omaha. Elegants room dwelling , lot
WlxlSO , hot water , heat , gus , bath , sewer , laun
dry tubs , stationary bowls. In fact every con
venience possible. Including $ lr > 00 mortgage' '
ntOpercont. Will talco clear vacant pioportv
for equity and If choice will pay foomo cash
JO..VX ) buys 50x140 east front. No. 1030 South
30th , 7 looms , water , gas , sewer , furnace ;
41,750 buys 50x150 east front. Ilanscom Place.
0 room cottage , furnace , gas , bath , -sewer ;
very choice and cheap.
M.250 Duys y3.\140 , Park ave. and Jackson , 0
rooms , bath , gas , barn and a great big bar
$0,500 buys 50x150 , 0-room house , barn and
every convenience , east front. In Ilanscom
place ; very choicest in the addition. Choice
of two houses , same price , Georgia ave. und
J4.000 buys50x150 , 7-room house , furnace , hot
nnd cold water , bath , fine lawn , yard nil
fenced ; an elegant place und cheap ; two
blocks from I.owo ave. motor on Nicholas at.
Take clear lot on first payment , balance
$1,800 buys 50.xl23 , Spaldlnsst. , Davemont , 5-
roorn dwelling , mantel , etc. ; dirt cheap ; easy
$1,250. 4 rooms ; 30x120 s. front , 31th and
$3,600. 50x170 , Ilanscom Place , largo 8-room
house , furnace , .sower , water , gas. bath , bolls ,
etc. ; just like giving It away. Come in und
let moglvo It to you.
you.For Trade.
An olognnt piece of Improved ]
IIIB for J..COJ per year , for cattle i or good stock.
bomo good clear Chicago piopcrty for resi
dence or vacant lot In Oinnhn.
Largo list of desirable residence nnd busi
ness property In all parts of the olty. See mo
before buying , D. V. Sholoa Co. , 213 First Nn-
tlonal bank. Mime 31
FEW HOUSES for sale that are bargains
In location , building , prlco nnd terms. On
Hamilton street hlsh , beautiful location ,
about 100 feet from motor car , four modern ,
well built houses , each with barn , that are In
sured nt $4,250 each. Lots good width nnd
donth. Will bo sold upon easy terms nt the
following prices :
These buildings will stand the closest Inves
tigation nnd are us troofl value for the money
as you can tlnd today In the cltv of Omaha.
On I'arnam and 42nd street , u vorv pretty
frame liouse nud burn , full lot ; can be bought
for 17,500.00-
uuon very easy payments.
In K'ount/o Plaeo we have some especially
desirable residences , and near Park live , on u
pa\ed sticet , one of the most complete mod
ern cottage houses of seven rooms that can bo
found In any cltv. This place will bo bold to
the right parties nt a bargain.
In addition to the above wo have the largest
and best selected list of ( leslrablo residences
overotTored for sale In thin city. Competent
.salesmen are ulwnys ready to show you prop
erty at any tlmo.
want to get n homo at n cost of from $1,500.00
to U.COO 00 , and have $ V > 0.00 to pay In oush , wo
will build you u house , fnrmsn the lot nnd
give you three to UTO years In which to puy
for the place. This property U In the city und -
reached by motor can.
1507 1'arnum street.
T710H SALE On easy payments , house six
JL' rooms , and barn ; lot 00x112 on Eiaklno
W. ti. llynn , 1805 Farnam street. 228-21
KOUNT/-E Pluco llargulns-
2 modern tiouse.s.s ando rooms eachprlco
$3,503 to (0,500 , $300 cash.
$33 pur month for 2 yours.
310 per month for 2 yours.
815 per month for 2 years.
Dnlnnco 7-year time , 0 per cent.
J. J. Gibson , solo agent Ko'iutze ' PlucoIloom
3. Crelghton block. 5B1
W ANTED For onsh , ono section smooth
prairie land , south of 1'latto rlvorln Ne
braska , Addresj A. II. Coloinun , Dlllor , Nob.
212-2 *
T710H SALE or trade HOOO farm 100 miles
J- from Omaha. Finest location In best
county in Nebraska. J 00 Ileo. 230-20 ) *
T7\OH \ SALE Four brloic houses and lots , nnd
JL' throe frame houses and lot ! ) . Small cash
payment nnd balance to suit , J , W. llairls ,
Herman American Savings bunk , 234-21
BALE 8 room house , modern linprov-
JL' muuts , 1 block from motor , Dhuruh and
school. Only 3,500.Wut 1341 South 20HT t.
Avoid draught nnd sudden changed of
Do not discard your warm winter clothing
too ROOII , It U better to suffer n little Incon
venience than to take cold ,
Itemcinbor that ono Is especially tlnbla to
contract n bad cold or chill at thlssoasonof
A rough or eold contracted between the Ron-
sous Is the most annoying kind , and may last
through the summer.
If yon feel n cough or cold coming on , take
a drink of pure whiskey nt once. It will keep
the blood In circulation and Is the br < st pro-
vcntntlro against the diseases of the sea on.
Itcmombor that only rinu : whiskey should
bo tnkcn. ' DnfTy's I'uro Malt Whiskey has the
strongest recommendations from the lending
ficlontUts and medical men. It Is the only
standard medicinal whiskey. TaliO no other
rom your druggist of grocer.
f. , tee topofjtrstralumn
K Cheap on onsv torir.t ivO-rooni
- - modern eottngo on South luth street , half
block from Vlnton. SUT1 21 *
FOlt HAIiK An elegant now 0-rooin duell
ing , all modern conveniences , largo Bin-
bio , east front , : ilt nwonuo nuitr I'nrniini , will
be sold cheap , no trade , tihrlx-cr & U'Donahoo.
Sth street , opp. the pnstofllco. M''CB-25
Sil ftl V KK "itTynonahopreol estate and In-
suranco. Homes old on monthly pa ) ' *
monts. Special bargains ( In good riHldonculo *
cations ) tj cash puiehusors. 15th stieut , op
posite the 1' . O. Jl.YiC- ! :
$0,000 for n 873 acre Improved farm In Adams
county , Neb. , yi" > neics In cultivation , or
chard 100 trros , frame building- * , windmill ,
otp. , complete. Choir from Incnmbiniu'e- " .
Oood terms. A. K. Itlluy , room II , Continental
block. .MiClt-al
IjlOUSAMIots ; 37 and ! B and -17 and 48 ,
-L block 1 , Haumleri & llolmb.umli'.s mid. to
walnut Illll. Will suit ohi-an If taken nt once.
Charles U .Mayor. 810 a. ' 'Ulli struct. M'.T4 iil
$ . " > 0 will buy two choice south front hits In
Omaha Heights. Cheapest thing In the ad
dition. j A. K. Klloy , room ] ) , iContlncntal
block. MICH-iM
BAltflAINSI J llargalns Ofllce open every
nk'lit. Star Loan and Trust company ,
first lloor N , Y. 1,1 fo building. Mill Ml * *
OOKN"iu : : lh and Ames 10I\127 , prlco JI.OOO ;
perfect title. Addiess U. R Shaw , 47115 N.
30th. MS93-2 *
lillVB loom cottugo and lot , ten minutes'
JL' walk from court housu for less than J.1,000.
Eusy terms , Alex Moore , 401 lieu b'ld'ir.
51250-20 *
T71OH SALE A line Improved farm of 200
- ! ' acres ; 100 under cultivation ; shade trees
fruit , windmill , wagon scales , etc ; 100 miles
west of Omalm ; J20 per ucie. Addres G 43Hee.
"IT1O11 SALE Quarter section land , two miles
JL from Springfield. S.irpy county ; eighteen
miles from South Omuhu. John J , Kelley , St.
Joseph , Mo. M73S mO *
T71OH SALE Lots 1 nnd 2 , blk 0 , Hrlggs'
J-1 Place add. price M.500. Eiiqulro of G. 11.
Davis. St. Clulr European lintel. 763
SALE Extra bargain. Choice C0\120 ,
with building ; rents $100.03 per mo. ; ono
block fiom new P. O. G. L. Green , 1130 , Dar
ker block. 316
TTlVE-room houses In Orchura Hill , $1,500.00
J- each on monthly payments. Thomas F.
Hall , 311 Paxton blk. 2UO
IF you want to sell or exohungo city prop-
oity , farms , wild lands , live .stock , bank or
other stocks or merchandise see E. F. lilnpor ,
ground lloor , 1510 Fut num. 222a2S *
T71OII South Omaha property business , traok-
J-J ngoor rosidoneo go to the loading ru.vl es
tate dealers In South Oiuuliu , Ed Johnson A
Co. . cor. 24th nnd N sts M735
T71OII SALE Lot 53 feet by 13D deep , between
JU 33d nnd 34th at. , on Hurt st , licnuwii .t Co.
223 20
1 fOR SALE l-room cottugo awful cheap.
l'J01N.33thst. M3I321 *
$ 300 : will inuko 1st payment nn piiichuso of
. ICOaoiQSOf good furm land ut $ S un acre ,
balance to suit , see A 1C. lllley , loom 11 ,
Continental block. M3J1-20
"I71OH SALE 100 acres land 2 miles west of
JL1 city limits , to close an estate. The O. K.
DuvlsCo. ilSOMU
TTOH SALE Southwcstcorncr 23th nnd Call-
-L fornln Htrcots , 132x142 feet , opposite Crclgh-
ton college ; elegant locution for stores nnd
Huts. A. P. Tukoy. Now Vork LIfo. 023
TJ1OH SALE A nlco home , : ' 4th nnd Leaven-
J- worth ; now fence , low , and terms iiccom-
modiitlng. Goo. W. P. Coatcs , ropiesentntlvo.
7 , Hoard ot Trade. OCO M13
T71OH SALE My flnn stock furm of l.tHOucros ,
JL located in the Plutto valley , two miles from
Kearney , n place having 10,000 people , three
railroads , magnificent water power , cotton
mill und more manufacturing Indnstilcs and
bettor prospects thun nny town of Its size In
Nebraska. Such n body of lam' near such u
plueo cannot bo found elsewhere in the west.
Surface smooth , soil excellent , improvements
substantial. All enclosed ; lias 13 miles of
fence , two windmills , dwelling house.bnrn.hog
house , sheds , corruls.Hiid half mlle track. The
meadow land , consisting of about 400 acres ,
cannot ho excelled ; the pasture land Is u per
fect net-uork of the most luxuriant grasses ,
It Is In the heart of the great corn bolt , where
every ceicul adapted to this cllmutocun bo
profitably raised. It will steadily Increase In
value and Is now woith one-third more thun 1
nsk for it. To uny ono desirous of farming ov-
tenslvoly or of raising stock economically this
desirable property will recommend Itself
vhen Inspected. Title perfect. Francis O.
Grublo , Omaha , Nob. 0(5220 (
Foil SALE ! 4 ncro trackage property cheap ,
18th nnd Wllllums , A. Pleuler , N. W. Cor.
13th and Williams sts. 1H ( ) M10'
TI1WO llrst oluss residence properties neur
J-high school , owned by non-resident , will bo
sold before May 1st to tbo highest bidder.
Hoom 20 , Frciuur block , opposite P. O. 133
TmullSALE Ilenutlful ncro adjoining Ccn-
JU trnl Park addition A bnrguln ut SUOO. $100
Four room cottage nnd 30 ft. lot , south front
on Sowuid st. $1,350 , tSVJ cash.
Six room cottage , now , finished In hard wood ,
olty water , sewer , etc. , east front , well lo-
cuted. for $2,75n , $ , ' 50 rush , balance 823 per
month. W. It. lloman , Uoums B nnd 10 , Frun-
? er block. MMI7 2.1
FOR SALE Drlggs Plueo lots on motor line.
Also acre piopcrty. F. M , Hlcliardson. HIS
N. Y. LIfo hlrtg. 303
ITIOIl HALE The most comfortable 8 room
JL modern house In the city , every conven
ience , hath , gas. olectrlo bolls , furnace , laun
dry , etc. Luri < o stable , room for 1 horses , elty
water In stable , concrete iloor , full lot In l.alf
mile limit , convenient to 4 lines of cars , shudo
trees , etc , Price (10,000. Address F 2il , lloo
olllco. 4US
120 ncrcs line farming mnn adjoining good
Nebraska town ; nearly clear.
10J ueres llnoly Improved hind 2M miles fiom
county sent In Nebraska : lightly encumbered.
120 acres good land In Nebrusku,5 miles from
county sent ; 2,500 Inhabitants.
House und lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nebraska town ,
4-room housu nnd lot , burn , well nnd cistern ,
10thstreet , Omuhn ; slightly encumbered ] will
trade for Omaha pioperty and assume encum
brances. H. 1C. Cole , Continental block. WO
I'orrates , etc.KC top of first column nnthli page.
MHS. WALLACE , olulrvoyunt ; nuturully
gifted ; tells pust und future , love
troubles , absent friends , changes , travel , busi
ness. I'm Furnum streot. CO I 20 *
Kuturu Kovouled Written piedlctlon
Jof your life , 25o ; give ugo nnd description.
N. Cooper , box 1320 , Denver , Col. O.W-l' ) *
MHS. KOHT. palmist fortune teller , tells
lust nnd f uturu from lines of the hund In
old gypsy wuy ; Indies only ; fee 11.1)04Si ) N.tilth.
MItH. IK. DK HAN limy bo consulted at her
pnrlori on all aealrs of life , bho Is a colu
bratud biiNlness inndlnin and has a reputation
throuuhnut tlio world for neeurato and truth
ful readings of the past , present and future
events of your life. ICvory hidden mystery
levelled ; holun all who nro in trouble ) never
fulls ; given udvluo on all polntn ot Interest ,
business transactions , love nlfalN , family
trouble : * . Mock ipeoulattoii , lawsnlis , absent
frluntlH. lottery nnmbors , lucky duy , Interprets
prots dreams , locates diseases , hidden tioub-
ures and stolen goods ; restores lost alfuutlons
brines the separated together , makes speedy
and happy rnarrlaKos with thu ono yon love
by propur advices tolls If the ono you love U
true or false ! glvoa lucky Uoman-Kgyutlun
talUmun to liolp all out of trouble ; perfect
satisfaction guaranteed bv malli send two
ctnmpj for Illiutrutud circular , 3 ! North ICth
utrcot. OinaliH. 81020'
ASSAOH-Madam Del/.ler , over 010 H. 13th.
MHH. Nannie V. Wnrrun , clairvoyantfranco
sDoaklnir , wrltlnsf and rollublu tmilness
medium , four yount In Omahn , 111) ) N , 10th. uaa
For ralei , ttt , tie ( OPQJlnt colutnn ou thti pays
' '
. e.cor.raruaiailUh ,
DootrlnoofLtitssoz Foiro as Applied to tbo
Western Rallroids.
GrotmdloNH Propositions ntl Alisiml
InuoiiHlstouulcfl In the Article
by the Union I'nuillo'a
Honored 1'rpsltlcnt.
NRW YORK , April 10. [ Special Corro-
sponaonco of Tin : line. ] The general dis
content manifested by tlio people of the west
ern states In regard to the present condition
of the railroad problem , 1ms plvon rise to
nmny speculations sooittng to explain the
cause or to suggest the remedy. Tlio most
recent addition to the lltornturo upon this
subject Is a paper upon "Tho West and the
Uallroads , " rontrlbutoJ to the current num
ber of the North American Hovlexv bv 1'rusl-
dent Sidney Dillon ot the Union Pacific rail
way. That ho should attempt to sustain the
attltudo ol the corporation Is only to bo ox-
ccted , and though ho nddtieoi no now argu
ments ho dellnes the position now taken by
the railroad magnates. The most unhappy
portions of the paper are these In which ho
gives vent to sotnd antiquated oconoinlo
sophisms which have no bearing whatever
upon the actual Industrial world.
It Is well to keep In mind what President
Dillon Is attempting to maintain. The propo
sition lie seeks to establish U that rail
ways nro not oppressive engines of capital
atid nro not the enemies of labor ; but that
thuy nro. In sober truth , the boat mentis to
day of the American people , and that they
uro In a largo ucgroo the means and the evi
dence of the unexampled prosperity of the
United States. The complaints of tlio public
nro cited , namely , that the roads have In
numerous Instances been fraudulently over
capitalised and excessively loaded with bond
ed debt ; that they nionopoll/.o Iranlo ; that
they charge unjust rates ot freight In order
to pay dividends on llctltlous values of stock ;
that they favor one class of shippers at the
expense of another class ; thut'thoy pervert
the accumulation of unreasonably largo for
tunes nnd tend to make the rich richer nnd
the poor poorer. It Is by showing the
groundlessness of nil these charges that
1 "resident Dillon hopes to sustain his thesis ,
His method Is unique. Ho neither accepts
nor denies the justlcn of the complaints , but
roller ou a lengthy panegvrlo upon the bone-
Ills conferred by the railroads , hi order to
drown the clamor of opponents without drawIng -
Ing upon facts or hlstoryto prove his points.
Any ono can concur In the remarks upon
the wonderful growth of the west simulta
neously with the Introduction of the railroad ;
but to assume that the latter has been the
solo causa of this development Is to Ignore
history and to exaggerate tlio influence of ono
only of the factors t > f the movement. What
1ms caused the inllux of Immigrants to the
great wast ? What has determined the rlso
of our western cities I Answers differ. Presi
dent Dillon's Is "tho "
reply railroads. It Is
useless for a reasonable person to nserlbo it
to any ono clement. The growth of the west ,
while given an Impetus by railway construc
tion , has continued in spfto of the railways.
Take the case of Omaha. It started in the
rnco for behind Council IHulTs , yet In a very
few years had outstripped its Iowa neighbor.
President Dillon would make the reason llo In
the assertion that Omaha is the terminus
of the Union Pacillc. Cut the fact Is
just the rovoisa : Omaha never has been , nor
Is it now , the tormlnus of the Union Pacific ,
nnd Mr Dillon has done more than anv other
man in America to keep the Union PucllTo
tormlnus on the lowa side.
According to President Dillon , many of the
grievances , urged against the railways are too
puerile to be seriously noticed but ho deigns
to touch upon n few although with general
disastrous results. It Is evident that his con
ception of capital has not been the result of
any ' profound study of political economy , but
however confused his Ideas upon thntsubjoct
may be , ho finally arrives at the correct con
clusion that railways are simply n manifesta
tion of capital put to work. If the investment
is capitalized too largely , it merely moans that
It pays smaller dividends. The distinction
between the rate of dividends upon the face
value of the stock and the actual amount of
dividends In proportion to the paid-in capital
is lost entirely in the shufllo. "As a matter
of reason nud principle , the question
of capitalization concerns the stock
holders nnd the stockoldors only.
A cltl/ton , simply as a citizen , commits nil
Impertinence when ho questions the right of
any corporation to capitalize its properties at
any sum whatever. " As if the problem of
reasonable rates could bo decided at all with
out knowledge of the true ratio of earnings
to the capital invested I But President Dil
lon offers Ills own solution to the rate prob
lem. Ho merely calls for a revival of the
antiquated "lot nlono' * doctrine.
To sustain his position upon this point.ho has
brought out from the musty records of polltl
cal philosophy , the old Benthamite theory of
government : "Tho best government Is that
which governs least. " Statutory enact
ments interfere with the business of the rail
way and always to Its detriment. Ho stnto
it ns a proverb that the chief wisdom o
legislatures is shown in repealing th
statutes enacted by previous legislatures.
The logical termination of the doctrine in
extreme anarchism is not followed up. If
the provcro bo true , than that legislature in
wisest which blots out , nt ono fell
swoop , everything written upon the
statute books and thus enables man to return
to his Idealistic stnto of nature.
Hut if statutes nro excluded , what is to
protect the interests of the public ) Competi
tion I Competition Is the catch-word at which
every 0110 may grasp. Compatltlon may , at
Is claimed , bo b.isua upon Immutublo founda
tions , but when tlio action is obstructed , or
when it falls to act at all , something must bo
found to supply its , place. This Is what Pros-
dent Dillon ignores. Delusive rows of ilgurc3
may and dosho > v that freight rates have
fallen , but thpy show nothing else. Every
where the railroad Is by nuturo wholly or in
part a practical monopoly nnd the rates nro
llxed so as U ) bring the largest not rovo'iuo '
without decreasing the tranlo. Competition
in such cuso.s is , at best , but a latent ami po
tential factor. Suppose rnto.s ara so hlgh'as
to induce the construction of n par.illol lino.
In the absence of legislation , the burdensoina
exactions continue until the now line Is put
In operation ; and what then is thu result i
Two lines exist where there U only tr.iflle for
QUO and the sainu trafllo must pay Interest ou
the double Investment.
All this doe-j not dull the fertile Imagina
tion of the railway president. The civil
courts nnd the common law form tlio panacea
behind the bulwark of compatitlon. If n
company discriminates In Its rates , if a com
pany indicts Injuries , lot the oppressed In
voke protection of the law. On papw It
roads very finely but In practice the process
Is not so elllcacious. The courts are slow In
grinding out their judgments nnd In the
meantime the abuses may remain. Under
present productive methods , it needs but n
blight discrimination to ruin n man In n very
short tlmo. Kallroad oftlcials uro unscru-
) ulous nnd the conscience of the nverngo
| uryman Is not proof against their dazzling
nducomonts. The llllcunt must boar the
heavy court fees \vhllo \ the railroad attorney ,
hired by the year nt nn enormous salniy.
lights the case to the last ro-iort. The com
mon law does very well In ordinary civil
suits but as protection to thu publlo njjalnst
rich and oppressive corporations , ! ! has failed
and past experience ) does not promlso any
thing belter from It In the future.
The glowing advertisement of the re
sources of the wost. as pictured by the rail
road's most devoted friend , Hon. Jo.sso
Spaldlng of the government directory of the
Union Pacillc , forms nn elegant conclusion to
n medlocro nrtlclo. Throughout the whole
paper the true railway problem Is Ignored ,
The question now confronting us U not that
of returning to the Jossoz-fairo ( lot alone )
policy of twenty years ago ; It U how to real-
120 the benefits of railway construction nnd
of railway consolidation , whllo nt the same
tlmo remedying the nbusos which every com
plex development Introduces. The present
outlook Is for n continued consolidation , ter
minating ultimately in the ofilolal fixing of
rates by a government commlsilon , ami It
may In duo tlmo culminate In ausaluto
national ownership nnd management.