Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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How an. Operator Tried to Tell That Ho
Had Icon Murdered.
Consignment of ( lie PI-UK Tlmt
Disappeared nt Han l < Vnnclsco
JIimtor'H ! nullflo Other
NortliucHt NCUH.
A half-unconscious operator , with his skull
crushed and the blood pouring from several
gaping wounds , vainly endeavoring to tell
his comrades on the wire of the fata that had
befallen him o'er death's rattle cut short his
life. Such was the picture at the Southern
Pacific telegraph station , Los Angeles , Cnl.
"Is ho drunk ! " asked an operator , as the
Instrument sounded n Jargon. Attempts to
call the operator to his key failed. Tlio un
intelligible click of the Instrument ? ceased ,
J. A. Solffort , the operator , was unconscious
at his key. His vitality had ebbed nwny ,
and none of the boys on the lluo knew that
the rattle of the instruments was the vain
endeavor of n d > Ing man to tell his fellow
workers of his cowardly and brutal murder.
It is probable that the Incoherent dots and
dailies may never bo translated the clrcuin-
Btanccs of the terrible deed never bo ex
plained , but not n mnu on that wlro will over
lorgct the hero who attempted , In the shadow
Of death , to toll of the robbery of his ofllco
and tbo fiendish assault ti ] > oii the dulcnsolcss
' telegrapher. When discovered ho was dead
nnd the pfilco had boon robbed of a few del
lars by burglars.
An Opium Steal.
Collector Phelps has Instituted n closoln
Tostlgatlon Into the disappearance of a quan
tity of opium. The Paclllo Mall steamer
Oceanic arrived hero and ntnouc ; her cargo
were twenty cases of opium , containing
about eight hundred nnd twenty pounds of
the drug , nnd valued at $10,400. Every
pound ot Imported opium undergoes a thor
ough examination in the appraiser's depart
ment. Thcro the cases \vero taken and
placed in the onium room , says the San Fran
cisco Upper Afta.
While overhauling the Invoice Monday ono
of the examiners had his suspicions aroused
by the nppoar.iuco of ono of the boxes. It
looked as If it had been opened. The case
was opened and found to contain four largo
tins , each the size of an oil can , supposed to
: i have each ton pounds of opium , but not an
. tfy ounce of the drug was In them. The tins
were filled with line oil , which took the place
of opium valued nt about $1,000. The matter
was leported to the authorities.
Either the cargo was broached or the case
been tampered with In tlio appraiser's build
ing. If the deed was donn during the voy-
ugo of tbo Oceania tlio Paclllc Mall company
would bo responsible for the loss and the
government would lose about ? 300 In duties.
Pacific county Is n pnr.idlso for hunters.
Down in the Nascl valley two line nntelouo
were recently killed not far from a settle
ment , and several large herds are known to
bo In the neighborhood , says the Olympic ,
1Vash. 1 . , Tribune. Ellc anyilontlful , and largo
animals , such as bear nnd cougar are regular
posts. The rivers and streams abound with
salmon and other fish ; oysters are plentiful.
The soil In the river valley is fertile , and in
the summer time on the beach between
boalwator bay and the oeoan and down
t toward llwaco , there are easily 10,000 visit
ors engaged In ocean bathing. At Sraland.
n big town growing up , the Ilwnco railroad
lias its northern terminus. At South Bond ,
Hear the mouth of tlio Walla , another large
town is growing. This town will soon bo
connected with Olympia by rail. Like the
Gray's harbor country , the \Villapa section is
becoming thickly settled , nnd is a most de
lightful part of the slate to settle In.
A Woman's Rollot corps has heeu mustered
la at Shclton.
- Church Howe has gone to Hot Springs ,
Arl : . , to recuperate.
The Hurt county alliance will moot at
tTckamah uoxt Friday.
The Lyons creamery Is nearly completed
Dnd tha machinery has been ordered.
Rev. J.V. . Bovoo has boon tendered the
pastorate of the vacant Methodist church at
Kearney's now opera house will bo formally
opened May 1 , with the play "Mr. Barnes of
Now Yorlc. "
An Anclont Order of United Workmen
lodge has been organized atVnhoo with
twenty charter members.
There are live criminal and eleven dlvorco
cases on the docket of the Thayer county
district court now in BOSS Ion at Hebron.
Pete Peterson , n F.ilrbury man , has boon
arrested by the United States authorities for
Bending obscene literature through the malls.
Enos Grout , the Uyons man who shot him
self last fall and Uostrovod his sight , is able
3p * o out again and has applied for an In
crease in pension.
A vicious stallion kicked Silas Jonw , resid
ing near Unaallla , In the fa , breaking the
man's nose , knocking out all his front tooth
nnd breaking his Jaw.
Judge A. W. Morgan , ono ot the oldest set
tlors in Nomaha county mid at ono time probate -
. bate Juilco , dlod recently ut tlio homo of his
daughter In Topeka , Km ; .
Thirty-one males nnO forty-one females-
vrcro born in Kearney during the past six
months , whllo fifteen males and thirteen
females dlod during the same period.
A man named Stofor was badly gored by an
enraged boar recently on Hoppo brothers'
ranch In Wheeler county , nnd blood poison
ing followed , resulting in death three days
The spring mooting of the Miobrara pres
bytery was held at Hartlngton last week.
The report showoa a healthy growth among
tbo Prosbytorlau churches of Northwestern
. Ben Young and Frank Russell , farmers
living near Olax , Custor county , bccamo In
volved lu a dispute ovur a tradoand the latter
came out of the dlfllculty with two bad cuts
and a fractured skull. Ho may dlo.
Charier CoaiDs , a brakcuian on the Crete
branch of the Missouri Pacific , came near
being Killed at Talmago whllo coupling cars.
( Too draw bonds passed each ether and ha
Was badly squeezed between the cars.
Dr. Dwyer of Valentino wont out for a
llttlo Urns the other night , and because ho
fancied ho wasn't treated Just right at it hotel
ho insulted a dining room girl , following It
tip with smashing everything in sight , Dur-
lug the melee C. F. Smytho was struck with
pu iron bar by the Irate physician and his
arm was broken ,
A six-year-old son of A. Strawbacker , re
siding near Oilier , tied a rope around his
Bhouldur and throw tbo ether on a over a
cow's horns , The cow ran away and dragged
him about forty rods , and over a pile of ma
chinery , until the rope bccamo outnnclcd and
topped her. The rope had slipped around
bis nock and when ho was released his uock
was broken. Ho died in a few minutes.
A temperance revival is in progress at
Audubon Methodists have adopted pla'ns
lor u $3,000 church cdilleo.
Jefferson Baptists .nro circulating a sub
scription paper for a now church.
A DCS Molnos man advertises for flvo
young ladles to learn how to play baseball.
Oduboltis already preparing for her an
nual poultry show , which occurs next Do-
Ex-Constablo Ploreo of Dos Molnes Is now
doing scavenger work In that city. Hobos
lust boon arrested for operating without a
Tw cnty-sovon young follows of Oskaloosa
were arrested for gamblng nnd paid in lines
the aggregate amount of f.'OO , which will bo
used to holp-pavo some of that town's muddy
In the Linn county district court William
L. Crou has sued Julius Market for f3,000
damages for posting n bill neuinst plaintiff on
a bulletin board. Both are business incit of
Cedar Rapids.
Four ( lumboldt county druggists are being
prosecuted by the Stale Teuipcranco alliance
for illegally engaging in the liquor business.
The alliance asks that their permits as phar
macists bo revoked.
Frank Budor , a Burllnirton butcher , was
arrested at the Instance of State Dairy Com.
missioned Tupper aud fined $30 nnd costs for
selling unstamped clcomnrgcrino. Budar ap
pealed the cuso to the district court.
Phillip C. Hanna , recently appointed United
States consul to La Ounyra , Venezuela , was
presented wltb 'an elegant flag bv the
Knights of Pythias lodge of Eagle Orovo ,
which ho will carry with him to his now
When Jim Miller \vas appointed postmas
ter at Sao City ho sold his eight-logged calf
to a Dakota man for $10 , says tbo Odobolt
Chronicle. The latter sold It last week to aNew
Now York dime museum proprietor for
$ . 5,000.
A man named Clarke will start n chceso
factory at Coming , and It Is thought ho will
make a success of the business , as ha bears a
charmed life. Ho was struck by a passenger
train nt Osccoln , going at full speed , and es
caped serious injury.
Two women , tbo plaintiff and defendant in
n case oelng tried nt DCS Molnos , fought In
the court room , pulling hair and scratching
each other In regular woman fashion. A
bailiff Interfered , and both of thorn turned on
him. A throat to lock them up cooled their
lighting ardor and the trial of tbo case pro
Last fall a young man named Will Goal-
hart , whllo walking along the Diagonal track
near Dos Molnos , discovered that a fire had
burned n section of n culvert. Ho know that
a train was soon duo nnd ho ran back to a
station about three miles distant , arriving
there Just In time to stop the train. In return
for this deed the company ndvaucod him
funds to educate himself and has put him in
charge of the station nt Ira.
Two Cherokee ladles , Mrs. W. B. Chick
and Mrs. W. 1' . Goldlo. met with an accident
the ether day that mlcht have proven seri
ous. They wcroout riding and wore attacked
by n crazy cow , scaring the horse so that 11
turned suddenly nnd broke the phnton ,
throwing the ladles out. The horse became
entangled In the wheels of tbo vehicle nnd in
some manner broke a lug and afterward had
to bo shot. The ladies were rescued by sotno
men working near , escaping from the wreck
with a few slight bruises.
Haley Is to have a $3,000 brick opera house
this summer.
Five different crows nro at work upon the
ditch loading toward Nampa.
In the vicinity of Malad cattle throughout
the valley are In splendid condition.
The Red Cloud mine , employing forty-five
men , has enough ere in sight to run them a
Enough bonds of the Salt Lake , Holloy &
Puget Sound railroad to build ' . ' 00 mlles have
been placed.
The famous MInnto Mooro. Relief and
Michigan mines are sold to an English syndi
cate for a round sum.
The board of pardons authorized by the ro-
rent legislature has been duly organized and
is rcaJy for business.
At no time since the DeLamar mlno has
been worked , have they showed up as rich
as they are doing at the present timo.
The depth of the snow Is about four feet
on the Moro crook summit nnd about nlno
feet between there nnd the Little summit.
The now boat bolng built by the Northern
Pacific company to take tno placet of the
( Juuir d'Alone on the lake will bo ready for
operation about May 1.
An explosion at a quarry at Moscowcauscd
by thawing out giant powder , killed Barte-
mus Swoops nnd Fred Cramer aim danger
ously injured William D. McGraw.
The Pacific Coast elevator burned nt Mos
cow. It had U5.000 bushels of wneat on stor
age. Farmers who owned It will not lese any
thing because their receipts provided for in
Miners in the Coour d'Aleno are much in
terested Just now in the slto for a miners'
hospital to bo situated in ono of the towns in
that section. Wallace and Osborn have of
fered sites for building purposes.
The Blue Boll mlno , on the cast side of
Kootcual lake , sends out flattering reports.
Development work has been done to the ex
tent that 000 tons of ere are now taken out
daily at a not profit of $30 per ton.
Everybody is watching tbo weather in the
direction of the Savon Devils and some of the
most venturesomely Inclined hnvo already
tukon their departure from Welser bound for
the El Dorado of Washington county.
General Superintendent McConnollof the
Union Pacific motive power department was
in Pocatello to review the shops and to hoar
the grievances of the engineers. All is now
quiet nnd serene ; everything is erased from
the slate and all difficulties settled.
A Boston capitalist last summer was at
tracted to Snake river gold beds , and at once
bought up nnd located good claims near
Story's aiid Starrh's ferries. Ills system
consists of wheels to raise the water , and
seven wheels will handle 700 inches.
The wool season has already opened at
Mountain Homo and many wagon loads are
now coming in from the Bruncau sldo. Sheep
shearing will not corao for five or six weeks
yet , but from all reports from sheep men the
crop , when It doas come will bo extra good
In Idaho there is now no suoh thing known
as n retail liquor license , and until July there
will bo nothing to prevent anybody from
selling liquor at ratal ! without license. The
high license law does not go into operation
until July 1 , aud the revenue act repealed the
old retail license law without making any
provisions for the interim between February
aud July 1.
Tlio Dakota ? .
Bismarck will have n baseball club.
The Brown county seed wheat bonds have
been negotiated.
A now bank is being organl/oJ under the
state law at Flundrcau.
Flandroau business men aud farmers have
formed a commercial club.
Minor county Is short $1.178.03 on last
year's seed grain account.
Daniel Gates dlod at his home near How
ard , aged eighty-four years.
The Brooklngs agricultural college is to
receive oxtousioo improvements.
Congrcgatlonallsts at Garrotson have se
lected .tho locaMon for a now church.
Twenty Norwegian families , Just arrived
from the old country , buvo located at Clark.
Lebanon is to have a llmburgor cheese fac
tory , the only ono of the kind in South Dakota.
Undo Jimmy St'irks of Madison , Is now
an inmate of the soldiers' homo at Hot
The Missouri Valley Veterans' association
will bold their reunion in Tyndall the last
week lu Juno.
, The asylum trustees have a largo conuiu
drum to solve how to make 82,400 purchase
$2,500 worth of fuel.
A newspaper union has been establish od at
Bismarck for the purpose of supplying1 "pat-
out lusldes" to country newspapers.
Citizens of Sanborn county complain be
cause the commissioners do not publish the
reports of their proceedings in full.
The citizens of Plorro have been holding a
mass convention to urge the resumption of
work on the Aberdeen fs Plorro railroad.
The trustees of the Methodist university at
Wahpovon have votod-to erect a rod pros ed
brick building with stouo trimmings to cost
The editor of the Alccstor Union wishes the
town was Incorporated so an ordinance might
be passed prohibiting the operation of hey
presses ou Sunday.
Seventeen head of Hereford cnttlo were
sold at mi auction sale in Brookmgs tno ether
day. Calves brought ? IO and cows from $75
to 893. It pays to ralso good stock.
The Mountain tilde coal mlno at Bozeman
closed down owing to some misunderstand
ing between the Northern Pacific railroad
and the Northern Pacific coal company.
The current Issue of the Rodiloid Journal
contains thirteen columns of notices of mort
gage foreclosures. The editor announces
that the paper Is short on news nnd long on
legal notices.
Many laborers have boon Induced by east
ern employment agencies to come to northern
Montana under the promise of work at $3
per day In railroad building , but upon arrival
are disappointed.
Mrs. Rose Belle Conijleton died In Yank ton
Saturday , aged soventy-threo years. She re
moved with her husband , who still survives
her , to Ynnltton In 1S 5I , and was recognized
as ono of the old lottlcrs ,
Some fool turned in two falsa fire alarms
At Bismarck April 1 , presumably as an April
fool Joke. The department responded In both
Instances , and now the chief offers a reward
of $100 In each case for Information that will
lead to the apprehension of the guilty party
or parties.
A Joking Drummor'a Ezporionoa with a
Southern Quarantine Officer.
I'lty tliclloya on the Iloud Ilcnnl nt
tlio Hotels Some Suporstltloiis
\Veakiie.ssoa Coin plaint
Against Pullman.
"It is difficult for a northerner to npprcctt
ate the terror thnt n rumor of yellow fever
cronies among the residents of the south , "
said u commercial traveler recently.
"Tho last time I was in the south , " ho con
tinued , "thoro were a few supposed cnses of
tbo disease in Pcnsncola , Fla. It was
several years ago. In order to pro
tect their cities from a visitation of the
plague the cities of Now Orleans and Mobile
established a severe quarantine against people -
plo coming from Pcnsacola.
"I was leaving Now Orleans with several
commercial men , among \\liom was a great ,
big , Jolly practical Joker , n typical commer
cial traveler , who represented a Troy shirt
and collar manufacturer. Ho was a man
well on toward middle life.
"As the Louisville & Nashville train drew
nearer to'Moblla and had passed the only
available connecting point with Ponsacola it
was boarded by a quarantine oftleor.
"Ho was n thoroughbred southerner , a man
whom you would Instinctively call 'colonel'
whether you know ho bore the customary
southern tltlo or not ,
"Ho went through the cars , questioning
each pnsionecr upon where ho bnd como
from , nud particularly if ho hntl boon nny-
where near Pcn&ncoln. Finally bo reached
the Trojan traveler.
D " 'Have you boon to Pcnsacolal' ho said.
"Tho Trojan hesitated for a moment nnd
then replied , 'Yes , colonel. I won't lie about
It. I have boon to Ponsacola. ' His com-
nanlous looked at the man lu amazement , the
colonel Jumped about a foot in the air , whllo
the ether passengers in the car started pro-
ciptatoly for the doors.
" 'Do ' you know there Is a quarantine
against that place 1" continued the southerner.
" 'Yes , ' replied the other.
" 'Well , you can't stop off at Mobile. '
" 'But I must. I have business thoro.1
" 'It makes no difToronco about your busi
ness , ' continued tbo colonel , positively. The
Motulo board of health has passed resolutions
quarantining against Pcnsacola , and you'll
have to continue on this train. '
' "I won't do any such thing,1 said the
drummer. 'I'm gomj ? to got off ut Mobile.
1'vo ' got an engagement with .Tounto Strauss ,
nnd I wouldn't miss seeing him for a good
deal. Ho expects mo. '
" 'I'll toll what it Is. '
you my man , an
swered the quarantine ofllccr , 'there's ' ' n party
of gentlemen on tbo railroad platform at
Mobile armed with shot guns that will look
after you If you do got off. '
" 'But , Colonel , ' said the drummer , seeing
that the joke had gone far enough , 'it can't
bo as bad as that. It's some llttlo time sluco
I've been to Pensacoln. "
" 'How long Is it ? ' quorlod the colouol , who
had nogloc'.cd to ask that all Imnortant ques
" 'Well , ' replied the other. 'I can't exactly
recollect the day and month. Perhaps you
can assist me. I was in the union navy during
the \var. Wo had a llttlo affair at Ponsacola
and another ono right out In Mobllo bay. D o
you recollect the date of the Ponsacola oventl
If you do , that was the first , last and only
time I was over at Ponsacola. It's about
twenty years ago , now I think. '
"A great shout went up from every ono In
the car. The colonel laughed as loudly us
the rest.
" Til tell you what it is , boys , ' ho said'tho
drinks are on mo. I want you all to Join mo
at the Battle House bar as soon as over wo
reach Mobllo. '
' Thou turning to tbo Trojan ho added , 'I'll
refresh your memory a llttlo about those
affairs at Ponsacola and Mobllo bay. I was
there myself. ' "
Heard at the Hotels.
Mr. A. Gobhart , a Chicago traveling man ,
regaled the loungers in the corridor of the
Paxton hotel yesterday afternoon with rom-
iuL'icencos of his experience In hotels in the
far west. "A year or moro ago , " ho said , "I
spent some tlrao in Ariona , Idaho , Washing
ton nnd Wyoming. At ono time I made a
trip by stage overland fifty miles , and
reached a small town in Wyoming. The
only hotel in the camp was a loag , wooden
building , and the beds were mattresses
thrown on the floor. When the sUe ar
rived wo were greeted by the landlord and a
largo shepherd dog. I remained in town sev
eral days and noticed that the ineat which
was served had a peculiar taste , I also dis
covered that the dog was missing. The land
lord was taken to task , nnd ho finally ac
knowledged that as game was scarce and no
ether moat could bo had , ho bad served the
doc in the highest style of his art. Ho palli
ated the offense by saying that dog meat was
cleaner add hotter than pork at any stage of
the gamo. I do not particularly object to dog
moat , but I think that where it is served it
should bo put on the bill of fare , BO that a
person may know what ho Is catinir. You
follows who kick about hotels in the east
should visit the northwest and then you
would not bo so particular , "
"Speaking about fastidiousness at a hotel , "
chimed in another traveling man , "reminds
mo of an incident which occurred at a hotel
in this state. It was a very hot day last
August and tbcro were four of us at the
tablo. The hotel proprietor's table was
just across from ours. Wo soon discovered
that the butter on our table was strong
enough to have walked in from the adjoining
township. It was strong enough to turn the
stomach of an oystur. One of the boys sug
gested that wo wait a few minutes. When
the waiters were out of sight ho saoakod to
the proprietor's table and deftly exchanged
tbo butter plates. In a short time the pro
prietor and his wife came In and sat down ;
and when the old man tasted the butter ho
grow rod in the face and gave the waiter a
look that nearly frightened him to death ,
Ho then wont for the waiter , swore at him in
English and Gorman , nnd finally told hltn < to
got out. In the meantime , wo fellows stuffed
napkins lu our mouths to keep from laugh-
Ing. "
A Drummer's Superstitions.
Speaking about the superstitious weak
nesses of commercial travelers , a veteran
drummer for a big hardware house In this
city said a few nights ago : "I have bcon on
the rend for thirty years , and I do not know
of u man In my line of business that pays so
llttlo attention to ominous circumstances and
signs as myself. But on my recent trip homo
I must confess to having weakened. I loft
Buffalo last Tuesday afternoon , intending to
stop over night in Syracuse. There were
four ether arummors on the train , all good
follows and friends of mlno. As the train
approached Syracuse I began picking umy
traps , preparatory to disembarking , 'what
are you going todoV asked ono of mv friends.
'I am going to got off here , ' said I. 'Don't
you do It , ' said all of the others in unison.
'Thcro have Boon too many hotel fires In
Syracuse. Better como on to Utlca with us. '
After a moment's rellectlon 1 put my bag
back In the rack and staid with the boys. To
toll the truth , the word flro made mo nervous
about getting off at Syracuse. "
Complaints Ajnlii t Ptilliiinn.
Said a traveler for avell known St. Louis
wholesale house yesterday : "I think a law
should bo ouactod compelling the Pullman
It recently happened that Mr. Gladstone
and Madame I'uttl wore visiting IMInbunrh nt
the sumo time , and tha great artist mot the
great statesman. A question ot the greatest
mportnnco to the ono as a singer aud the
other as an orator , was dlsou Ml at some
length by thcm-tho proper management and
preservation of the volco. It was agreed bo-
twcun them that the H den rustlllus ( troochrs )
were of the greatest benefit to them , not only
as a voice ton lu but us n remedy for coughs ,
colds and hoursmiesx. Huiterors from asthma
nnd diseases of the throat und lungs will nlso
tlnd them of the greatest sorrlco. 1'rlco 60
and ether companies to tnkc some slight
degree of care of tholr hatrons while travel
ing , I recently lostfTO'lh ' near between St.
Louis and Nashville. I reported the loss in
duo time at the proper oOleo , giving a mtnuto
description ot ( ho poekctbook , car nnd locn
tlon ! of berth. Two inolUhs. have now elapsed
since I reported the loss , but I hnvo received
8r 8n favorable word from the company , The
Lord knows Pullman ehnrpcs enough for the
privilege of riding in liU palace sleepers , but
the passenger asleep In nberth , is at the mer
cy of every dishonest person who rides. In the
car or passes through It at station ! * , The
company should bo compelled to provide
every car with n good Irpn safe , ni'd bo hold
responsible for the safe keeping of all money
and valuables deposited thorela. I hnvo
heard the nrgumcnt mnde that n safe could
not j bo so fastened as to prevent Its breaking
loose in case of accident and shooting through
the car to the danger of life and limb , but
that Is all poppycock. The reform has got to
como some time , though. "
The Commercial PllRrlniR.
The supreme council of the Commercial
Pilgrims of America met nt the temporary
Pilgrim cathedral oa Pcnrl street , Council
Bluffs , Saturday ovontng , April 18 , nnd
elected permanent officers for three years as
follows :
E. H. Haworth , S. V. P. ; E. C.Gleason , S.
V. V. P. ; W. B. Lanlus , S. C. ; A. W. Johnson -
son , S. secretary : 11. S. Bllnn , S. treasurer
C. E. Reid , S. T. ; Henry Coftcen , S. 1C. of 1
P. ; C. L. Hammcl. S. A. of O. P.
&Tho supreme council then closed Its labors
nnd opened temporary Council Bluffs council
No. 1 nnd conferred the sublime degree ou
the following members :
H. R. Oborholtzcr , James Pnttcrson , C. R.
Hannon , ( Jeo. H. Champ , J. F. Klmball , H.
C. Addis , R. J. McBrldo. O. F. Martin , F. A.
Sllchtor , W. G. Dorland , E. C. Smith. J. E.
Deau , W. M , Foster , G. W. Randall , F. E.
Shepard , D. J. Clark , J. Bllllngor , W. V. Vie
Roy , O. Sconeld , all of Council Bluffs ; G. W.
Tracy , Omahn ; Oscar Mlllsap , Omaha ; J. D.
Farquhar , DOS Molncs ; H. C. Shepard , St.
Paul , Minn. ; W. C. Hibbs , Foutnnello , la.
Alter the Impressive ceremonies the Coun
cil Bluffs council , No. 1 , was instituted and
the following officers elected :
H. Franklin , W. V. P. ; W. A. Strong , W.
V. V. P. : It J. McBrldo , W. V. C. ; F. Hoi-
lls , W. V. secretary ; W. R. McCollough , W.
V. treasurer ; J. F. Sanderson , W. V. T. ; O.
F. Martin , V. 1C. of I. P. ; O. D , Halgh , V. A.
of O. P.
The officers for the supreme council are
elected for tbrco years , the grand councils
two years , aud subordinate councils one
The commercial pilgrims will have a grand
triennial pilgrimage ovcry three yenrs. The
first ouo it is suggested to bo hold in Chicago
in 1S9J during the world's Columbian expo
sition , and that all pilgrims adopt for the oc
casion a neat uniform to bo worn by all alike.
A beautiful emblem for a badge has been
adopted by the supreme council which Is very
The Council Bluffs council No. 1 starts
out with n membership of seventy strong
and about thirty moro candidates , some of
whom are ox-trnvellng men who are among
the most popular and solid business men of
Council Bluffs , will bo initiated at the Pil
grim cathedral Saturday evening , April 25.
All who have received the degrees speak In
the highest pralso of the good teachings of
the order which designs to make good mon
better. The order moot ? with the approval
ot all traveling men , those only being eligible
to membership , and all members nro working
in its Interest as sincerely nnd earnestly as for
their employes In business , as they feel that
they are working In n godd cause.
There are about three hundred and fifty
thousand traveling men In the United States
and about two hundred ana fifty thousand
ox-travollng mon , and it promises that thrco-
fourths of all will become members in loss
than five years.
The Boys on the Road.
The following beautiful selection was writ
ten In the interest of the man who sells goods
on the road , nnd was originally published in
the organ of the traveling man. The ( author
was at first supposed to be Ed Roe , but later
developments show that ho is Innocent. It
is entitled i
Pity , kind gentle folks and friends of human
ity ,
Sympathy's scarce since the world first
And If you but know It you ought to bestow it
If ever you did on a traveling man.
You may call us all runners , guerillas or bum
mers ,
Agents or drummers , or whatever you can ,
But you'll always regret It , now don't you for
got It ,
If o'er you go back on a traveling man.
Right hero I'd make mention , 'tis not my In
To shield the wrong doings of some erring
pard ;
If ho doesn't USD discretion , some foolish
V > 111 cause his name to bo dropped from the
firra'B business card.
And thorn's no use dissenting , he'll quit repre
The hcuso ho has so disgracefully served ,
And no longer the trade ho formerly made
Will keep for his coming tholr orders re
There's no disguising the fact , though sur
prising ,
Of trials and troubles the boys have tholr
load ;
Our life would bo dreary , Indeed we'd cot
weniy ,
Did wo not have our fun whllo out on the
There's ono tiling quite certain , you charge
us with Illrtlng
With all the cay lasses wo happen to moot ,
Whllo oven the preachers adore tlio dear
creatures , . .
Hut don't you think they'd better bo kept
off the street ?
Ask conductor or trainman , the llvory or dray
Or thothroo-dollar-a-day man who sells us
our "hash. "
Just ask them nulto plainly on what they
count mainly
'Tor the root of all evil , " best known as the
cash ;
And they all to a man , sir , will give you the
answer :
"Wo generally try to make all that wo
Hut of all of our patrons , drummers are fat
ones ,
And the oroflts all como from the traveling
man. "
Now In closing this ditty wo don't crave your
But wo ask your good will , which wo hope
no'or to lack.
Don't blander us blindly , but treat us all
Tor In thirty days moro we'll bo 'round on
your truck.
To the trade , one and all , big dealer and
small ,
Wo moan what we say when wo make this
request :
If your credit Is O. K. and you'ro able to pay.
Just save us largo orders that suits us the
Vanilla , - ' Of perfect purity.
Of great strength.
Orange -
Almond - Economy in their use.
Rose etc ? . Flavor as delicately
and doUolously as tha fresh fruit
emedy for all Ih ?
unnatural discharge * and
Private dlseuteiul men. A
certain cure for tlie debllU
tatlng weakncu pocullar
THCEvMtCHEMlCUCo In recommending U to
1HH ! l,0 HBB all BUfTi-rern.
i STOKER , M D .DirATUs.ta.
Wolrt by nmpscliU.
l'Uft'15 81.00.
TO WEAK MEN BtuTerlng jrouthtul tbo cHecU erron from ol
rarlr does ; , wutlnp weakncu , lott manhood , eta.
I will Bend a valuable UeatlM ( MnU-dl coututnlli ]
full Partlculan for homo cure. F41K1S of chains
A plencllcl medical work ) thoum 1 read Ly rvtr )
man who li nfnrmu and debilitated. Adctrert
1'rof. F. C' . I'O WLIUl , Bloodui , Couu
On Spring Suits and Spring Overcoats.
Quoted this week in our elegant show windows , ghte people to the glass. They ain't use to it ;
they can't realize the possibility to dress so well , and at so little cost. Our show windows arc
but an index , a mere figure mark to what's going on inside.
For Spring Overcoats
The weather is right , the prices are right , and the assortment the largest ever brought to Omaha
$1O.OO , $12.50 , $ I5.OO , $18.00 and $2O.OO.
No trouble to select what you want at such price.
Otir Children's Department
Grows dearer to the hearts of the public day by day. Novelties constantly arriving. Stocic
always complete and prices always in keeping with the times.
TWO-PIECE SUITS , $2.50 , $3.00 , $4.OO and $5.00.
N. B.--Mr. J. A. Robinson ( Into with Robinson & Garmon ) , has accepted the position of manager
and buyer In our extensive Furnishing Goods and Hat Department , where , on nnd after April 2Olh ,
he , together with his former and able assistant , Mr. E. B. Weeks , will gladly -welcome all old custom
ers and friends to their new quarters with B. , K. & Co.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue. RELIABLE CLOTH IE RS.
Colds , Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
nflammatl/m of the Iu nut , Kleiner * nnd Ilowoli , Bclitlcn , Chilblains , Froit llltoJ , TootlmcUo , lloailftClio ,
1'alns lu the Unck , Chest nnd I.llnlo , nnd all the usual
Ono application of IIA7WAVS 11KADV KCMUK , to the parts affected , will InUnntlr rellevn nnl soon euro
the eunorer. Internally In doses of from thirty to nlxty drops. In half tumbler nC w.itur , It wll euro In a
few moments , Crntups , Spasms. Bour Stomach , Colic , t Intulonco , Heartburn , Diarrhoea , olck Hoailncho ,
naunoa , Vomiting , Cold Chills , Nervousness Sleeplessness , and alt Internal pains. W ) touts u bottlo. tor
faalo at druggists. UAUWAf & CO. , S3 Warren at.
. We are a patient people the
ox is nowhere in comparison.
Webuy lamp-chimneys by the
dozen ; they go on snapping and
popping and flying in pieces ;
and we go on buying the very
same chimneys year after year.
Our dealer is willing to sell
us a chimney a week for every
lamp we burn a hundred or
more a year and we plow for
him , pay him for goading us.
"Macbeth's " pearl top " and
"pearl glass" do not break
from heat ; they are made of
tough glass.
As likely as not our dealer
would rather , his chimneys
would break ; " it's good for the
business , " says he. He buys
the brittlest ones he can get.
" What are you going to do
about it ? "
rittaburg. QXO. A. MACBETH & CO.
Dr. IJG Duo's Periodical PlllH.
T hlslfranch remedy acts directly upon tha general
TO organs and cures suppression of tha menses
or three for K > . andean bo mailed. Should not li
used during pregnancy. Jobbers , druggists and th
supplied by Goodman Drug Co , Omaha. K
Subtle and Howard Meyers. South Omaha ;
M.S. Kills and A. U.stcr , Council llluffs.
To euro Biliousness. Sick Headache. Constipation.
Malaria. Liver Complaints , take tbo &afo
and certain remedy , SMITH'S
U o the SMALT. SIZE (40 ( llttlo Mans to ( ho bet
tle ) . They are tbo roost convenient : suit oil Otf 33.
i'rlcoof either else , 25 cent * per bottle.
Kl ftlNf * nt ' 17 > 70 : rhoto sTOvaro ,
IVIOOilVV * panel alia of Hit * picture for 4
cents ( coppers or stamps ) .
J. P. SMITH ft CO ,
Makers of "Ullo Deans , St. Louts. Mo.
Gonoi-i-Iia'i , Gleet and Lcticorrhn-n
cured In 2 days by the I'ronoh llemedy en
titled the KINO. It dissolves against and U
absorbed Into the inflamed parti. Will refund
money If It docs not euro or causes stricture.
Gentlemen , here Is a reliable article. SJ a
package or 2 for $3 per mall prepaid. McCor-
inlolc & Lund. Omaha ; O. A , Aloleher , Howard
Meyers , nnd E. J. Boyltora , South Omnha ; A
D. Foster and M. I' . Ellis , Council Ilulls. )
1400 aud 1411 Dodcca St. , Omaha , Neb.
First Class Carriages ,
The I-oadlnff Stylos. Tlio Lowest Prices.
A POSITIVE andporminent CURE for nil
dlmm hiUfflNARV , ORGAfTs. Cures
where olhertrcatmentUlls , Fulf directions with each
bottle. Price , one dollir. See signature 01 E , U
STAHL For Sale By All Druggist * .
BOYD'S. 3 Nights.
Monday , Tuesday mill Wednesday , Ajirll
20 , 21 and 2-2.
In her great play ,
Under the management of Mr. HARIIY WIL
Don't fall to see the Great Harlem Railroad
Bridge Scene.
Prices as usual.
Largo and growing nuillcnco' , uproarious wltli
IniiKlitcr , nttmttho constantly Increasing popular
ity of
Hypnotized mihlccts Interest scientific minds and
furnlMi pure fun fur the mirthful.
1'opular prlcoi .tic , 2Jonnil 15u.
WKKK Al'llir , 20.
I.E 1'KTIT KHEDD1E. the ( Iront Child Contactor
Artist , hlit lust appearance.
I'ltKTTV JKNMB VUIOLKV , the Mldgot Soubrott3 ,
full of Kraco and beauty.
' ' ' . , .
Wednesday , April 22.
Two Grand Exhibition Concerts by tha Colo-
of Washington , D. C.
The great national -
tional band of Amer
ica and the finest
government band In
the world. Sent out
by tlio president to
exhibit its excel
lence to the Amer
ican people.
Mile. MAUIE DECCA , Soprano.
The Moat Brilliant Coloratura Soprano In
Anioilca ,
Prices -Reserved , 75o and $1. Peats now on
sale ut Max Meyer & llro..s music store.
. . . ,
322 S. 15th Street ,
IIn cures till stubborn lonu-standln ? din-
oases ot the blood and norvons uvstein , also
oatairh , all Htoinach , liver and kidney dis
eases , piles and all lactal troubles , old sores ,
ulcers and abscesses , syphilitic atltctlnnH ,
Koiilto-urlnury troubles , and all disorders of
u prlvato.nuturo. Also all diseased of wo
men. ( Jail for or bond stain p for valuable book
National Bank
Capital , - - - - S4OO.OOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - O2.BOO
Ofllceri and IMroctori--IIonrr W. Vatot , Proildant :
I-owls 8. Hood. Ylou'I'roiidontj Jaraoj W.tiaraia , W
V.Morio , John H Colllni , It. U CuitUru , J. N. II
1'alrlcfc. W. 1L B. llugnoi , caihlur.
Corner 12tb aud I'artmmSti.
A General Liankltu liuilucsi Transacts 1
Winslow Wilkes ,
The fastest 4-yoar-old pacing stallion In th
World ,
Itecord2ll-Z ! , at Lexington , Kr.M hpatl > r lllack
Wllkoi , will uiako the leason of
181)1 ) at IdOl Vlnlou ttrutit , Omaha , Neb bEAHoM 100
wltliuiuilrcl'ira prlrllciccii
' COLLOl'i' .
Manufacturer * of Iron and Wlru 1'oncos ,
Desk Guards. Improved Awnings , Coal * nd
band Screens , Iron Stulrw.vys , Iron Doors mid
Shutters , Wlro Sljrns , also lira s Work ( it ovoiy
descrllitlon. All kinds of repairing.
217 South 12th Street ,
Opposite Nebraska National Bank , Omaha.
Wo Offnr You a Iletetll \
irltteh fniitrct Safety to
H fa of Mother anil Child.
Jtntis Coii/liicmcnf of its
J' In , Jlorror tuid lllsk.
AfteruMnRonobottlcof "nioflier'it Friend" I
stUTorcil Imt IIUlo | > nnnrul ! illJ not vxporlenco that
woikncw nrtrrwnnl mini In micli cases. Mrs.
ANNIB a tat : , I.nnmr , Ho , Jan. 15th , Itfl.
fKnt liy express , charges iircpnlil , on receipt ot
prlco , 81.50 livr Louie. Hook to Mutliun mallvU d uu.
Transportation Department of the Inte
rior , OMIeo of Indian AITnlrn. Washington ,
April 4 , ItCJI. irualod proposals. Indorsed "I'ro-
uui.ils for llcof , ( bids for lioof must hu suliinll-
tud In icp.-iiiitu unvolopps ) , bacon. Hour , clotli-
ins , or transportation , otc , " ( as tlio casu tuny
bui and directed to thoCoinmlsslonurof Indian
Affairs , Nos. IB and C7 Woostor street , New
York , will bo received until 1 p. in. of Tuesday ,
Mav5 , IhOl , for furnishing for the Indian ser
vice about 000/iOD pounds bacon , lU.OuO.OOO
pounds bout on the hoof , l.flOJ.OJU pounds not
beef , IliO.OOO pounds beans , 61,000 pounds baking
powder. S.luo.OOO pounds corn , .ViO.OOO pounds
colTre , 10,00,000 pounds Hour , 110.0.0 pounds f coil
00,000 pounds h a id , 40OOU pounds hominy ,
: tO.X ( > 3 pounds laid , ROD u irrols moss pork , I''i.UO )
poundx oatmeal , H-'W.GOO pounds oats , 110,0.10
pounds rloo , Si.OGO potindn tea , 117.0UO pounds
coals' ) salt. 1GO.UOI pounds linn halt , ; UO,0'XJ
pounds soap. ] , lXunu ( ) pounds Hii ar , and 41- :
OOJ pounds whont. Also , blankets , woolen nnd
cotton goridB , ( consisting in part of ticking
17,000 ynids : fetamlaiil calico , 100,000 yards ;
drilling , S.OUO yards ; duck , free fioinallslz-
inir , U4.0JO yurils ; dunlins. .V.UOO yatds ; clni-
hini. ; cwOoO yards ; Kentucky Joans.
Yards ; Cheviot , 25,000 ymds ; brown shooting
! i30,0ou yards : bleached shrotlnR , 4r ,000 yards ;
hickory shirting , 15.000 yards ; calico Hhlrtlni ; ,
S.OOOyn.ds ; wlnsoy , 4.0JO yards ) ; olothlng , prti-
corlus , notions , hardware , medical supplies ,
school booUs , ftc. , and u long list of mlserlla-
IICOUH articles. Hiich as harness , plows , rakes ,
forks , etc. . and for about 57.5 wacom icqulred
for the service , to bo delivered at Uhlcuo
Kansas Olty , and Sioux City. Also , for snch
wagons as may bo miulivu , ndairfel
to the climate of the I'aclflu coast , with Oal ;
Ifornla brakes , dellvciuil ut San Fr/im-lsco.
Also , transportation for Mich of tlio articles ,
goods linden i > pl lct > that may not bu contract
ed for to be delivered at the Agencii's.
nr.ANKS. Schedules showing tlio kinds and
quantities of subsistence supplies required
for each Agenuy nnd School , and the kinds
and uuantltlcb In gross , of ullothorgoiiils , and
articles , together with blank proposals ) , con
ditions to bo observed by bidders , time and
place of dellvoty , terms of contract , and pay
ment , tiansportatlon routes , and all other
necessary Instructions will be f mulshed upon
application to the Inulnn Olllco In Washing
ton , or Xn. < n mid 67 ll" osier ntvcet. Aiw Yiiris ,
ThoComniMarlos of Subsistence , U H. A. at
Uhoyenno. Chicago , I.cavonunrth , Omaha ,
balnt l < ouKHiilnt 1'nul.tind Han l'ranelscotho ;
' Olty , Iowa ; Vankton. 8.
Dakota ; Arkansas Olty , Uahlwcll , Topeka ,
and Wichita , Kansas , and Tucson , Ailzonn.
The right Is resiorvud by the government to
rojict uny and all bids , or an v part of any bid
and these proposals are Invited under proviso
that appropriations shall bo made for the
supplies by congress , lllds will be opened at
the hour and day "above stated , .and bidders
nro Invited to bo present at the opening ,
OtHTifjHii CIIKCKS. All bids must bo uoooin-
panlpil by ciTtlllod ohcoUs or drafts upon
fonio United .States Depository or tl o 1'
National Hunk of Han Kranoisco , Oa ! for at
least llvo | ) er rent of the nmoiint of tno pro
posal. T. J. MOltGAN , Commissioner.
Foaled proposals will bo received by the
Ptato 1'rlntliig Hoard , at the ollico of secre
tary ; of state , at any time buforo Tuesday ,
April Ul. JWII. iitS p. in. , for printing and blnd-
\ng \ 8,000 copies < moh of the M-mito and house
journals and ! > ,00) ) copies of the M > silon laws of
1MU. hmiuto and hous-j journals to ho printed
on book paper , two pounds per qtilro , hiiiier
royal octavo form , Hinall pica typo , slx-to
plo k leads between the lines , without uniieu-
"ssary blanks , broken iu : oa or pinuraphs.
blanks hclnoen proceedings of each day , and
between dliroiont sessions of the same
day. not to uxcood four pica lines , pages to bo
samohlzoas journals of IBS. ) , blmliiig half
Session laws to bo printed on two pound
book paper , small pica lypu , pagot to bu same
sire and form us the laws of Ihx'i with mar
ginal notes and Index , bound In full hheop.
Proposals will also bu lueulroil at tlio rtiiimi
tliiui and place for printing the Hiipt omo court
repoitsatitlcourlealencler-i and for furnish
ing all b Inn Us , Idunu booUs and ulniiilurj , In
cluding ruvumiu blank * icqmrotl by the olll-
curs of the oxoautlvo dopirtmont of the
state for a period of two years from date of
Humpies and estimates of kinds and quin-
tltly of supplies to bo furnished can bo been
ut the olUcuoftieorcturynf state.
1'ioposalD must htato for whit price the
bidder will furnish all booUs In tlilb class per
imge and for all blanks and circulars per
Kuch proposal inu t In accompanied by a
bonrt In thoMimof J.\,000 with two or moro
Hiirltlcs conditional , that the bidder , will. In
easeofawarJ , within live days lifter iiotlco
onlnr Into contract toito the work ,
Bids to bo marked "Proposals for 1'ubllu
I'rlntliiK , " I'uri ) socrottiry of Htiito ,
thilluy and IIIIKO piouf for lawn anil JournuU
miiHt lie fnriiUluxl tliu Bocrotiiry ot Htutu , mill
all work to bu ilullvcruil In KOIM ! ordur free of
cost at tlm uillco of ilio huiri'tiiry nf hi no
\rltliln ninety ilnys fiom tlm datu of contrauu
HlKlit to rojo't iiny or all bids reserved.
J. K. HII.I , , Hluto TiiMisuror , 1 htato
T H , IIKNTON , Auditor of IN A. , J-I'riMtlnj
JoiiNU. ALLE.V , Hooictury of Blato , ) Ilnara.
. v ) tiu