THE OMAHA DAILY BJ3E : SATU1JDAY , APRIL 18. 1801.-TWELVE PAGES. 8PE01HL NOTICES. * " "l VKItTIHKMKNTH for these columns will A do taken until 12 : . Op. in. , fortlio evening edition , iiiitl until 8 : . nt > . 1111 tot tlio morning tditlon mid butoiAY HIK. : - * T ' G'tish In advance. ' "IJATrS-AiUcrllBcmcntson Ilita lingo ur 111 ho . ' ttinrrcMl for nt tin1 rate of 1H rents ] iir vow tor tlio first Insertion , nnil Iccntpcrword foi inch Mibfeqt.cnl Inwtilon , nnd II.M per line per tnontli. No advertisement taken for lus thnn 'f > cents for the llrsl Insertion , INITIALS , figures , symlol.s , etc , , cotintcach i Honi' word. riMM-H. advertisements must run cninccu- J lively nnd under no circumstances will tin y 1 ii I'ikeii or discontinued by teloplione , 11 Alii It.S advertising In these columns nnd having their iinswerstidilresiicd toa"num- 1 mil UUer In enroof Tin : llv.K. will rceelxu n _ imn 1 tvul check to enable tlieni to pel tlielr let tun Ans oifl will I'o unllvered only on i ic'i'iitnllnn ' of this clieck. Kncloso answers in cim.lopeH propcrlv undressed. Al < l , mi\crtl < Tmeiils under tlin linnd nf "Sjeclal Notices" nro published In l > oth tin- morn nir nnd ovrnltiK uiltlonsof Tun Hr.K , tlie cliculntlon of which act ! regales inori'tlinn Sf(0 ( > papers dally , nnd gives tlio iuHerl ! er llio 1 rncili not only of tlu largo elrculntlon of Tin : HIT. In Omaha , lint nl o In Council llluirs , 1 Incoln nnd other el ties nnd towns In the west "BR ANjCH OFFICE57 Advertising for tliein eo'umns will bo taken on tin' al'to > conditions , nt llin following bnsl- lie's houses who lire nut Inn bed to take special not It cs. nt thu same rates 114 can bo bud nt tlio iiiiiln olllee. " < I'TII OMAHA CITICE-NO tCSI N Street , Lister lllocit. T ells \V. HELL , I'hainiacIsMSi ) South Tcnlh t 11 ASK A TODY. S'tatloncrs and 1'iliitcrs. o 113hi > titli letli streel. II. rAHNSWOUTH , 1'harmaclst. 2113 ( inning street. \Y .1. liroilES , I'harmaelht , C2I North ICth . Stll-ct. 7"iro W. I'AUK , 1'harmaclst ' , 1713 I.eaven- v I notth streel. T T I U1ILS11'HAUMACY. 21th and I'arnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. J'oi ruin , rlc. , ttctop nfflnl column nn Ihtu " \V ANTED Position by registered plrirma- TT cist of experience. Addiess P. O. box No SO'I. ' Mlfll-lft * " \\TANTFD Ity a young man of 31 with fair TT cducaMon , work of any kind ; good eltv references. Address J r > ' > , Hee. MS07-30 * Kl PI'ATION wanted by energetic young man ( married ) . l > years experience In paints , oils and glass ; also well posted In uio- eeilcs. Flist class references. Address J 17 , Dec. Ml4'i ID * COLOKEI ) man wishes a situation as a A iMnchiimn. licleienccs given. Addicts J HIM. olllee. . 173-1S * " \ \ * ANTiD ; lly a rcllablo man a set of TT bunks to post menlngs ; compensation modi into. Address .I ftl , llee. 103 ! ! ! ! \ \ \NTED Poslt'niins ' cleric or otlici work TT In store , lEefetenees. Addicss , J 4. llee , M1II18 * " \\TANTED Position as stenographer and T > tviii'ttlllor , refeicnces given. Addiess Miss \nnii Perry , i.r,01est 3d st. , rir.ind Island , Neb. IS"-It * 'At1 ANTED A position us salesman ; 8 years T T experience ; speak F.ngllsli , German and Iliibimiiin ; refcriinco furnished. Addiess J BO , llee olllce. D. J. Hiiuda , West Point , Neb. M07o 21 * \\fANTF.D Position In private family as TT coachman. Address J. I' . , SU3J Soward. U.V.-20 * \V ANTED Situations for good c'rls ' ; my TI walling looms lire always full from 0 a. m. to ft ix m. , Canadian Employment olllco. 311' . S. I.Mli. Telephone iM. 310 " WA NTED M AL"E H lUpr J'orialetetcBteti > pnfftrtt columnon thlnpige. OIIOANI'/.EIIS and scciotarles wanted by the t niter Older of Fraternal Co opera tion ( Jioo.d ) In 3 months ) . This society paid ovei f.VJ.dCO.IX ) on matured ccrtlllcates up to April Id. Liberal compensation. Address M Melntyre. supreme manager. No. 1023 Arch fit rent , Phlladiilphla , "VVANTICD Salesman for our now family TT iiilns of the woihl , containing 813 pages , sVci t'xll. ' giving the new census and all 10- ccnlchnnsos to date. Tbero is nothing to bo computed with it. It sells at Right. Adiless ) Atlus Dupt. of Hand , McNally & Co. ( Jhlc.igo. III. M 1H7 li > * OHOANI'/.EUa watitod-Tho Ohio Henellolal society oilers best features. Pays II.V ) in oneyo r and SIS weekly sick benefit. 3 COO members ; sfl lodges , Addrcvs Supreme lodge. B't ' Eudld avenue. Clevoland. O. M 18U IS * \\rANTED ! 3 llrst class stonn masons , 50 lo TT KI cents per hour. Illank ft. Davis , 415 Locust .stieet , St. Louis. ( No strlko. ) M 202-23 \\7 ANTED Salesmen to soil lightning nvls ; T ospcrienced , Applv to Edw. A. Fey & Co. 51 4lh si reel. Olnelnnatl , O. JIIST ) 10 * \\r ; OFFER agents big money In exclusive TT tenltory. Our now patent safes sell at Mphl In city orcountiy. Now agents first In field actually gelling rich. One agent In ono nny cleared SeO. So can you. Catalogue fico. < Alpine bafo company , 303-371 Claik street , "WANTED Immediately , two persons , ro- VT cclvo Instruetlons , keep books , let" . Now York life building. Good .situations. M 117-18 * \VANTED Experienced clothing salesmen TT forSatuiduys. Call Saturday morning .at s ; n. Coiitlnontul Clolhlng bouse. 175-17 " \V'ANTED Neat nxperlcnccd milker and ' T dairyman. 4115N. Slth st. 177 10' A'I A1LOU bushelmaii wanted at 311 S. llth si 10117 AGENTS wanted for Omaha and every town In Nebraska. Host seller In the market. Hfl per week easllv earned. For terms apply to 1.117 N. 17th at. , Omaha , Nob. Mllillb * ' \ \ * ANTED 3 flrst-clnts machinists on smaU TT brass work. Interstate FIre Alarm Co. . WT , Noi th 17th street. 170-10 AToneo--A first-class tinner. Steady em- plovmcnl thn year round. Only a nun rlcd man . with . . good , . rceommomlutlons need up-1" „ i , , rK ( Aurolli ] Nohi \V f A NTICD Kncriollu young man to take or ders. Address Manufacturer I' . O. box Cfi7. 17L'-m IB \\r.\NTKD-An all around butcher ; must T i * speak Gorman. Apply to UiSS S. 10th. "VToW lieady Most womlorfnl advertising J- > machine the world has ever known ; sells to e ery merchant ; steady work ; big pay. stamp , AruJ , Mfg. Co. , Uaclne , Wls , M1MIS * \ \ TANT1.D Expert rlpsawj01 ; Btoady work TT Omaha box factory J isl Omaha. MJl'l lj * "l\rANTED Good draughtsman ; must fur- TT nlsh references and sample work. Ad- dicss Ceo. E. MuDonald , aichltcot , iGenev.a , Nob. JH ; 1' ' ) * rANTED-Hotol cook. Addrcs H. M.Judd , Lyons , Nob. M7M SI ) At once , a good blacksmith , TT Suiuiliuiivlaii prtifcrred ; hteady work. Add -ess box Newman tirovo. Neb. IW-SIl * DKT1'TIVI'.S wanted In every iocalltyTo work under our Instructions. E\i | rlonco not necessary. Stamp for particulars. Wash ington Detective Agency , box7i7 ! , \ \ ushln ton , low.i. i.n a ; * _ " \ \ AN'l'jD : fpOOmen at I'eoplo'H theater Kitt- TI uiri.iy and Humhiy night ; admNslon f ree. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 121 ! ! , \\7ANTKD A good colored coachman ; T nuiHt brlnif city references. 3 Apply irm Cajjfornla st _ _ _ On4 \VANTIU ) Harness maker , llohomlaii pro- * T fi > i red who can talk Kncllsh ; miiit bo of sober habltsi permanent joh to light kind of mnn. John Miller , Wllbcr , Neb. tviii 17 _ AOKNTri wanted everywhere for newly pat ented automatlo pocket letter copying nmuiilno. 1'ortune for bright mnn , Sundhtamp fornlroulars. Sommer , SS5 West ISdst. , Now York _ Mit3 : * M'ANTr.n-A-onlH to handle the llrst and only miiohlne e\cr invented for applying pestago stamps to mallahlo matter ; can apply iiU stamp- , per minute ; no llckh'.g of stnnips ; patented rob. 10 , 1MU. Sample machine by mall f-.Mic. Send stamp for circular. U. S , P. Stump Sticker Co. , Diinvonport , Mass. KH-18 * " \VANTKD-Salesman to take line of cof- T T foes , hplces , baklns iiowdor and svrnp. None but saleiinan of experience and nc- iiualnted with eltv trnde need upl'ly. Kefer- rnce ri-nulrud. Address J i.8. Omaha lleo. UJO ACiKNTri wanted for the Manhattan Life Ins. t'o. to represent In nil la rue toivnu In the mates of Nebraska and Colorado. Liberal rontr.ict olfnrod. Address No. iiCO and Ms lion bulldliv. . ( iro. F. Parish , gen. tuVr , for bia ka and Colorado. 070 \ \ ! ANTKD Men to travel for our Canadian T i nurseries. itonciVulllngton , Mudlsmi , Wls _ _ _ _ _ _ : 4 \ V ANTKD Mnn with K'Mid ' n-fcreneo at Met- T T ropollUa M'f'KCo. , H-O/J Hu\\ndhU 131A Ul WANTED-FEMALE HELP for rotcetc.teetopoffint column on IMn page WANTKD-dlrl to do general housework for family of three persons. Must bo good plain cook and have clly references. Apply at once , 4IS Horlh ) tli street. Mls.1 11 > * WANTHD-Uood girl for dlnlnz room work. Oeriuan preferred. Inquire 4l'-kJ South CTtli Htn-ut nnil rinlilur. M lUil-.V VWANTED A competent cook and liiun- TT dress In small famlly.ruferonco required. Southwest cornor.'JOth and California sts. WANTED A good cook. Good wages lo a competent girl. Thieo In family. Apply No. n Worlhlngton Place , near South Tenth street , nnar llruwnell hall. Mil" tu * WANTKD Good , tlrl for general house work In a family of S , In a new house : must bo a good cook. Apply ut 40 ! ) S. 23lh au. . 1M ( WANTED Neat girl for housework In small family. N. K. Cor. Ssth and Popplc- ton live , Mlu , 10 * A WANTED Lady agents ; now goods. T T Twonty-llvo splendid selling articles. -end for uatalognc. Ladles' Supply Co. , 2s * W. Washington street. Chicago. M SO -27 I * \\7ANTED Ladles who IIUMI peed homes , TT wo guarantee constant homo employ ment. Interesting and prolltabio. Wo honestly Inform those In Indlgenl circumstances that they cannot cam an Independent livelihood ! only good pin money. Work can be done at home. E\riy lady meaning business addiess , wllh stamp , for paitlciilnrs , l.tiuscan Art Co. , 38 Temple Plaee , Huston , Mass. M203-3U' V\ * ANTED A good gill for general house- TT work. liiiiiilioSSOS Hnnaru , bead of 2il st. | PJJ3-1J' W A NTED ( llrl for Rcneral housework. A. llospe , 313 North 17th street. M Oil rpltlMMKUS. Stonehlll's , J. 130 18 ST.WING girls wanted tit2312Douglas. Apjily after Airll ] 13. IMS JUJ \\fANTKD lilrl for general housework , T T gmid w ages ; 2327 S , Hith st. 771 A NEAT girl wiViTtcd for general housowork. Mrs. W. F. Stoct/el , 1231 S. UJth St. GO" FOR RENT HOUSES. Forratc , etf. , nee/op of fir ttcolumn unt/if / * p J "I71OK KENT-A newly papered 10-room 1 house with new range and laundry at "CM C'npltol avenue. Iniiulru232) Capitol nvomio or room 313Oniaha National bank building. It. II. Uolilson. M 2JO-2I -J1OK KENT lleautlful modern 0 room J-1 hens ( > ; modern conveniences ; largo yaid ; 'imlle from I' , O. Inqulie Nethertoii Hall. oonvIKO. 1'lrst National bank. iMlKJ-20 1J1OK KENT J"i. ) i 10 loom modern house ; L all conveniences : Capitol Hill. Inquire N'othcrton Hall , room 3'JO , I'list National ank. M10I-20 FOK KLNT-lloautlful 11 room residence ; largo yard ; best location In city ; -special irieo to small famllv ; references required , nqulii' Nethertoii Hall , room 320 , l'lr-it Na- lonal bank. MlOi-20 1J10U KENT- r ) .00ioom ; ( ) modern Hat ; all -L convenlem-es. 173.00 ; 14 loom biick dwell- ngnear Inqulio Nether- 011 Hall , loom Ku , I'lrst National bank.M10020 M100-20 IjiOK KENT-W.-.00 ; 13 room corner brlek Jhouse ; Cass stieet ; In peifoet lopalr ; all lodein conveniences. $ .V.00 ; desitablu 10 ooin dwelling ; eomenlently located , lu- ulro Nethurton Hall , room 320. First National ank. ll KENT April 10 , one of those elegant llata In the P. E. Her block , cor. llith nnd JaeUson streets , has nil ( .onvenlenocs. Jull at 1112 llarney street. Jl 01 d-UOOM brink house , all modern convr , . lences , I23.ixu ) montli to desirable parties. H. E. Cole. Continental block. MtC-18 ! 710K KENT Miiy 1 , 10-ioom house.centrally - located , modern impiovemunts. Innulre 712 N. 19th st. "TJ1OK KENT 5 looms , one lloor , 1712 Jackson Jv stieut. 31" fOH KENT Several b-room houses atKO.OO. J. 11. Tale , K. 13 , Chamber Commeice. MTUIiuH TOU KENT 0-room brick'all modern con- - venlcnees. Possession aiav 1. J. W. Girllllth , U. P. headquarters. 1SO-30 171OK 11ENT-7 room house 2104 llnrney t street. Inqulio A. 11. Gladstonc,13IO Doug las. 03' rr-UOOM honso , No. f > ! 7 S. 12th St. , olstorn.olty < water , house In good repair ; and 7-room 'louso No. 110 Jackson St. , city water , cistern. JIOUGC In good repair. Ames , hole ngcnt , 1307 Fnrnamst. 170 19 T71OU KENT After April 0iootn house h JL' good repair. City and cistern water In cluded ; sewerage ; ienl522.0J per month , 141" Scvenlh aM'iiue. 20 JLST Your houses for rent or sale wllh J , G. Cortolyou , 10 Chamber of Commerce..M103 .M103 FOK KENT House of 8 rooms coi nor of 2311 ; and Franklin sis. , soft and baid water Ii : the Kitchenbath.newly papured.JJO per month John HamllnUI7S. 13th st , Ofl l012r'apllol nvonuo. 8-room cottage. 210 No , -J 2ilth. 5-room cottage. Inq. 2318 Capitol ao lino. aiilK > ml2 HOPSES-Cto It rooms , with all modern con veniences for rent. J. G. Coitelyou , 4 ( " Chamber of Commerc'O. ailOi' 1T1OK KENT Houses ; nil kinds. Glvo us JL1 call , llundy & Co. . 11,11 Cnpllol nvc , _ _ 40-m IN Ili-owu building , corner 24th and Cumlng , elegant nparlmi-nlsof 7 and 8 rooms , bath , Kitchens supplied wllh ranges nnd hollers , Ladles are Invited to Inspect these apart ments. Uofereiiccs will bo requlied. Enqitln Ultl/ens1 Hank. 4'Uml FOK KENT C and J room Hats In thn Clowry building Kith and Chicago sts. Thcsolluts are directly opposite JolTerson squato giving them a line locution. Kobcrts 1G1S Chicago st l.7-20 ! STEAM heated Hats ntTOO S. 10th. Thos. V. la"-"i'aMo" block. 31 HOUSE for lent U-room houho.modoru Im provemouts , corner 20th nnd Dodge , pos session given Immediately. Enquire 40J Pax ton block , M. L. Koedor. 083 "ir.OU KENT-DwollIng , JfTth nnd Dodee , 110 , JU 2 stores. ISth and Luke , each J20 , 1 stoie. llth and Capitol , 3.13 L'eed A. Sol by , It. M , board of trade. 6' IJIOK KENT-Furnished room ; prlvnt Jufanilly. | Koferenccs. 2013 Cqsssl. 71021 1J1OU KENT Two small cott-iges south o J-1 Hau-icor. ! Parki7.00 each. HIcks.N.Y. Llfo. 121-1 : 'IJIOK KENT Cottage b.irnwell , nnd several .i-1 acres of land eioso to now fair grounds , Hicks. N. Y. Llfo bldg. 124-1S F you wish to rent a house or store see 11. E. _ lolo. rinithiriinUbloc't. III" ICO cottages , tenement house * . Hats am storot wanted for customers list for rent sale or e\chiinge , with K. F , Itlugor , gronm lloor. l.M'.l I'm 11:1111. : _ 2SOa2" TjlOll 1JENT One tl-ioom and one 7-roon -L houfe , near Hlzh s-uliool ; modern con venleuies. The O. P. Davis Co. 30 TJ OK KENT Koiir 0 and 7-room lints will J- bath , hot water , etc. ; paved street ; noa biislnesi ; all improvements ; only < 23 per mo liefcrenees reqnlicd. The Meaclo In\cstincn Co. , 442 lice building. 31 millUTIETll Avrnue , bcl ; cen Jlason am. JL P.tulllo , half block from motor , an elegant now brick resilience of II rooms , hath , closets , laundry and cistern , Inrgo fiont and back pln7n , lloors and llnlsh , electrle lighter or gas , extra well \entllatcd and lighted , strictly Hrst-class throughout. Inquire on promises or loom 442 , llee building. 811 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS rorrHlt , tte..Mcti > pi > fjlrite < > lumnon tM page. rp\VO furnished front rooms , 318 South 20th .t btrciit. M161 22 * ir OK KENT-Two nicely furnished front ' rooms , 2d story , for single gentleman. Apply tofi23S. 2itlisl. ! , between St. Maiy'savo and Howard st. Miuo ' . .I 17IOK KENT Hack pailor , suitable for2gen- J. tlomcii. 2419 Dodge. 102 10' "IT1OK KENT Largo front room , new furiil- J- tine , jround lloor , for 1 or 2 persons , flO. 827 S. Ibthst. , 1st lloor. _ MlOl IS * T71OK KENT-Nuwly furnished toom. Gcn- JL' llonmn only. 1513 Davenporl st , MI08 10 * "VJ EWLY furnished room , steam boat , gas , J.N b.itli. 711 S. llith. 2d lloor. _ Mead 18 * O NE large , one small room for rent nt 21U9 Douglas street. U33-10 * 171UKNISHE1) room , reference ; 2313 Douglas. J } _ hlJm _ Tj'UKNl-HED rooms , 110 So. 25th street. Lnrso JL' lawn. _ 7-4 10 * "H1OK KP.NT-PuruJshcd rooms , 1607 Douglas - 311 1T1OK KENT-Purnlshed looms. 2213 Hurt st JJ 104-a24 * fill' ratei , etc , ice ( myfirnl cnliimu oil thli page 343 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOAtm J'orrattctc. , tcetopoffirtt column on tltli p < i < # . KOOM and board for three young men , pri vate boiudltiit bouse. Inquliu Davlcs Hros. . : ci4 y. 13th struck Ml.vilO * _ 1 JOOAiS nnd board suitable forRinitloniannt .111 1111 Doughisistrcnt. M ltl > - ' . _ rpWO pleasant rooms nnd Rood board 4ii ( : N. JL lutb si. 135-13 * FL'KMsllll ) front room , cast bay window , modem conveniences , choice location , board If desired. 703 N. intli. MH17-I3 _ irUIl HINT : llnndHomo front rooms with Aboard. Mrs. Chutehlll's,411 N. lUth street. M K77-1S * _ rplli ; SI. Clalr European hotel , cor. Kith and 1 Dodge , will hereafter innko low rates for rooms by tlio week or month , either with or without board. Ml _ ST. CLAIK hotel will boroaftcr furnish reg ular munis by wcok at moduratu urlces. Foil KENT A large , nnoly furnished room with board , to n man and wife. Tlio most pleasant part of city and private fnmily ; no oilier boulders ; rcfcicnccs. Address 1) ) 47 , lice. 313 EfUHNISHED 1 rooms and boarcl , lira Dodge. * (07-alU ( FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNIHED For rait * , tie , , net tnj > of flnt column on thts page _ > NICE rooms , 2312 linrney O M109 10 * Oor4 unfurnished rooms , all conveniences Jlv'I Leavonworth. 170-11 * ' 17HU KENT An unfurnished front parlor. ? Address. ,1 33 , Ilcc. DOS 17 'IjHH KENT 1 unfurnished rooms , suitable Jfor housekeeping ; modern Improvements ! low lent. \\ebsterstroeU MOM IflOH KENT KOOIIIS , unfurnished , over my store. MooUcl , 1021 Howard street. 007my FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. For rates , etc. , tec lop of first column onthlcpagc. GAIEDEN 1'AKMS to lent. T. Murray. M319 FOR RENT STORES & . OFFICES. rorratcs , tic. , fectop of jitttcotvmn on this page , 1T1OU KENT--Largo storeroom nnd basc- J-1 mont. IG13 Chicago St. Apply to II. II. " { obotta nt the building. 130-S'j ' * B1OU KENT A store and two rooms , 224 Noith 13th bt. Inquire 024 S. SCIniue. M Oa--M7 If OK HENT-Tho threo-.story brick bulld- JL In ) . ' , 1110 Douglashtreot , suitable for wholo- alu purposes , J1IO per month. Chas. Kutif- iniin , 11102 Douglas st. jlOK KENT The 4-story brick building , with - or without power , foimorly occupied by the leo L'ublishlng Co. . Oil ) I'arnam at. The bulld- ng has n llreproof eement basement , eomplete team heating ll.stures , water on all the tlooi'4. His. etc. Apply at Ihe olllco of The lleo. 013 [ 7IOK UKNT Or sale , my bullillnxnn Jones A it. but. lOtliilHU. U.A. Mndqulst , UlCblJth. STOKES at TOO P. 10th : sleam heat furnished. Thomas 1' . Hall , ; ill 1'aMon block. U1H \KSK room , 813 ; Star Loan and Trust Co. KV.-A20 WANTED TO RENT. rorratactettcloiofflntcolnmnon ] ( / * " \\rANTEU Ilouso and lot. four to sever V rooms : two to four miles out. Ounor reply. AddiodsJ5l Ilee. M 1&3 10' ' \rANTED lly young business man , room ' and bnaril In private family , with but tow other boarders , ( iood location In south- .vcst . iiart of city deslied. Would take room mate. Address with parltculars. J32 lleo olllco , 171-H ANTED to rent A good house , 7 to 9 looms , with all modem conveniences , I ! ' , Ileoolllcu. A1I35-1 ! ) ' ZJMALL cottage and barn oul any distance O Address H. O. Todd , caroS. A. Orchard. MUIO 19 MAY l.fiorT room modern cottage , goot condition , high ground , moderate rent near27th st. nnd St. Mary's. Address. ) 33 , lice ollleo. M077 IS * V\7ANTED Three nice unfurnished rooms TI for housekeeping. Addiess J 31 , lloe _ . WANTED lly May 1 , a 0 to 12 room housi with modern conveniences ; one will stable preferred. Near business center. Ito'i house not wanted. Address , J. ti DrandoU. 114 So. llilh St. FOR RENT WAREHOUSE. For rate * , etc. , tcctop of first column oilif ( / ptge. | 7IOK KENT Itrlek warehouse , two stories - high basement , hydraullu elevator , track ago ; best location In city. A. 0. 1'owell. : I2 STORAGh. For rales , etc.fectoj ) of first column onthis OHEAl'EST and bust ntorago for furniture , Wells , 1111 rarnam St. " BEST traokngo and storage building Ii Omaha , United States government bender waiehousc. Household goods stored andeanu for. Lowest rates guaranteed.V , M. Hush man , 10KI-101. > LeaveiiHorlh , 32 ! STOIJAOE of household goods ; clean , drv plaee , privately stoiedterms moderate ; wi also store stoves during the summer , wo wll got them from the bouses and deliver tlioin in the fall In good trim. Tel. tryj. 1207 Douglas , Omaha Slovo Hopalr Works. 711 RENTAL AGENCY. tcrratr * . rlc. , t't InyotIrnt column on this I 1ST your property , for sale or o.xcliange .Uwlth the Fidelity Trust Company , 1011 I'lir street. W I' ' TT E. COLE , rental agency.Coiitlnontal lilk 31 FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC , rorrutct , etc. , tea to ) > of first rolxmn on tht * ] > age. HOUSE , buggy nnd harness. Valuable 8-ycn old h ( > ise , kind , stylish , \ery strong uni smart. Clothier , grocer , coal dealer or mer chant making best eash olTcr gets Immodhit and prolable ) continued patronage of u cas buying buslnc.s-i man. No trnde. Address. J 4 Itee. M142 III "I71OII HALE A line young pacing saddle and JL' driving hoiM1 , sound and good color , will be sold chu.ip. Address. ! 51 , lleo. 10018 * T71OK SALE Cheap-Nlco slue-bar bugcy , In J- good condition. ISed one year. A.V. . Kcrlbner , U. 1' . huudquarters. 17I-2 ! ! * "TTIOKSALE A largo excellent fnmily horse. J- Also and harness almost - carriage now. In quire at llverj burn , 2710 Leavenwortli , TJ1OK SALE 4-blg work teams , complete. JL1 Inquire at 618 I'axton block. fcl'.i ' 20 FOK SALE Handsome , Now York hand made , hiiuaio box buggy ; used one sum mer. 1' . It. Salmon , I'aeitlu hotel department , Oth nnd Jones. Ultl HOUSES for sule. Stallloin In service at Stlllwnterstoek farm. Hcnd forcatalogue. D.J.Kcndull , room 40J llrown building. Omaha. M Ml FOR SALE COWS. Ferratesetc. , ice tojioffirtt rolumu on thtu juoe , ONE uillch cow for sale. 2211 Cumlng'st.LVi HA'\ always on hand n lot of first class milch oows for sale or will trade for dry ones at barn. S. E. corner 10th and Leaven- worth. S. J. Mnntgomuiy. B1430 Ml * FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. For rate , ete.fetniofftnt ) column on thl * \\TANTED-To soil furniture TT steam lint ; new , Itooms rented. I'urt time , llatforiuut , 4UO N. 10th street , M157-J9 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS , , etc , , teeing offint column on thlifuge. FINEST cast front lot In Ilanscom I'lace ; see owner nnd si-.vo commission , 2WOSow- ard st. W" > IS KOO bushels of yellow dent seed corn on the -'ear. two years old. This is nn extrn due se lected lot of seed corn. 1'or bale at Humphrey llros. , Lincoln , Neb. 12U21 * FOK SALE An elegant Hro proof snfu with burglar chest. I'hll Stlnuuel , Oil Jones st. , Omaha , Neb. iwl IF you want to sell or exchange city prop erty , farms , wild lands , live stock , bank or other stocks or merchandise , see E. F , Itlngnr. ground Moor , 1511) l-'arimm. S22a23 * PATENT SOLICITORS. Forratttctc.iee topofflnt cotimri on thti i > agt " , . . -L Co. , lloe building , Omaha , llruuch olllco at Washington , L > . U OousuUatlou free. 'JSJ PERSONALS , For termt , etc. , t ( op [ rrt ruliimn on l/iu JKM loffT. 11. " la Unto llth In "S. K. \ , " Livivo here ICth. will bo In "A1A' ' " 21st to 23d. Wrlto mo there care "H. U. " j\ i a 17 OW old Are VouM'prsons 8) years old or over , who linva 'ryjddoil In Omaha for some fine , are respectfully requested to cor respond with thu undersigned , Kcsldcnco should bo stated , Subjects of mutual Interest will bo discussed and n society of genial spirits may be orgnulrcu. Address 11. J. H , HoomCOU. Hoe bullilinjk'clty. CUT this out nii'l l * < Wnt at the Cotlago photo studio , .ttii-2121 Cumlng street , and you will he entitled trr 13 of the very best cabinet photographs ofityonrself. satin finish , gill edged cards , for ISl.wlthout . thlsl. Open Sunday. / MISS iu * FINANC5TAL. For rates , etc. , we top of flnl column on this page- FIHST mortgages on vacant and Improved city property. Counly and clly warrants wanted. K M , Ilchnrdson,8l3 N. Y. Lite. ; . _ l MONEY T 0 LOAN rJEAU ESTATE Kornilf. ' , cc. , ttctop of flnt column onthto paga FIKST and second mortgage loans. Alnx Moore , 401 lleo bldg. SOMU * MONKY to loan on first moitgiigo real es tate security. United States Loan and In vestment compiiny , OOJ lice building , Omaha , Neb. M7SI in ! ) MONEY on unimproved or Improved city ptoporty low rate of interest from private invcstois. ll. M. Webster , HOI N. Y. Life. 123-M1S * MONEY to Loan Omaha and South Omaha , from STO to J.VJ.OOO , Cierman AmerleanSnv- Ings bank , Commercial National bank build ing. 747inS 0 HEAl' Money 1'lilln. Moitgngeand Trim Co. , wants gilt edge loans. Oeo. W. I' . "Joates , representative , 7 lloaid Trade. 1X51 M ONEYtolonii on Improved Omaha real estate. JJttiS. 13th street. Aiw.'A30 : * " \TONEY to loan on Impioveil city property -'Lat current rates ; funds on hand : no de ny. Ouo. I' . Illust * Co. . 201 Kaluga bld'g. 'M OE. .t. C. M. Aiithouy,3is N.Y.LIfo bulldlns ? lend monev on farms In choice counties In S'ebraska and Iowa , also on good Onmlri rcsd- 'ence property ; lowest r.Uosj Ijest terms ; no olay ; money toady Titles ana values passed m here. 331 Bl'II/DING loans0 to7 per cent ; no addl- tionnl charges for commission or attorney's ees. W. 11. MelKIe , 1'lrst National bank bld'c.XB XB MONEY to loan on city property eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa farms ; lowest 'ates. ' llst your property for sale or exchange ivlth E. 1' . Ithigur , ground lloor 1319 Tarnnm. 221 a'S * MONEY to loan , Midland ( juaranteo and Trust Company , 10U Kamam street. M708 MOKTOAGEH placed promptly upon Omaha business property at lowest rut > s. Loans made on appnued collateral security. Notes nought , bebool and bonds ncgotl- nteil upon \ery favorable terms. Klmball , Uhnmp fc Ityan , 1203 Farnam st. H)3 ) nlS KIYATE money lo loan. J. D..title , 814 N. Y. Life. 3U1 M OKTGAGE loans wanted. aicCaguo In- > estment comp.iny. 701 MONEY on hand to loan on Improved or un improved propelty. Chas.V. . Kalney , Omaha National bank bldg fill M 1 * OPEK cent first mortgage loans. U. C. Pallor- ton , IX)7 ) Ntw York Llfo building. 707nl1 MONEY to loan on Omaha properly. Fidel- Ity Trust company , 1G14 1 arnum. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. For rates , etc. , fee top of first column onthis ji'i ' /1HATTEL baiikT lO S. 13th St. . loans moiioy \Joi\ \ chattels or collaleral at reasonable rates 3,17 MONEY to loan by I ! . P. Masters on chattel and collateral securities for nny time from I lo 12 months , hi any amount to suit bor- lowor. Loans made on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse receipts. etc.atthu lotrest rates possible with out publicity or removal of property. My loans nro so arranged that you can make a payment of nny amount at nny time and reduce both principal and Interest. If youpwun balancu on your pipporty or have a loan you want change ; ) , I will pay H olT and carry It for you. it you flntl II more convenient call up telephone No. NU1 and your business will bo nrrangud at homo. Money always on hand. No dolny. No pub licity. Lowest rales. H. F. Masters , Koom 4 , Wllhncll blk. , ISlhaud Harncy sU. _ BUSINESS CHANCES. Forratw , ctr..feetopof firsl column on thti page. A chance In a life time for active ladles anil gentlemen lo secure a very pleasant anil pralliablo business. Address wllh 2-cl. stamp Consolidated Shoe Co. , Salem , aiass. MIOO-IS * IjiOK SALE Confectionery store and res- L1 tniirnnt. centrally located and one of best stands In city ; paying well , llcsl of reasons forfcolllng. Cheap If taken al once , Addnvs J 17 , lleo. MI4121 * FOK SALE A good paying cigar good reason given forselling. J 43 l.ltcooflico J OU SALE or Trade The patent right on i 1 good paving article. Something now. En , qulru at the Letlncr hotel. MUS IU FOK HALE ? 7WXi.OO stock of general mer ebandlse , or will except partner for hal , Interest Hex 21Xi. Geneva. Neb. 13110 FIKST-OLASS location for coal and feed business ; small capital required. E. P ; Seaver , N. Y. Llfo. l 9 1C T7IO1USALE Stock ccncrAl merchandise , JL' best small town location In Nebraska Good trade. Stock liivolcuti $3,00003. Addres' ' box 18 , Johnson , Neb. 007-17 " 171OK SALE Lease nnd furniture of 2J-rootn JL.1 hotel in business pnrt of a town of tor railroads. Reasons for selling : 111 health Addicss J 13 , lleo olllce. Council HlulTs. MM SALOON for sale , only one In the city. Ad diess ai. K. Dunn. 1-ong Pine. Nob. KJ7 al'J ' * FOK SALE I'urnltuio and underlaklng business In a good town , with or wlthou store building ; part cash , balance gilt cdgi paper or clear real estate ; iiuolcos about W.OOO. Hex IMC. Lincoln. 4C. : FOR EXCHANGE. Furratcs , etc. , ice toj > of first cotionn o i ( Aft page , WANTED to trade farm and town property for stock of drugs in Omaha. Addrrb- P. O. box i-Oll. ail'J2-IU IMPKOYED Omaha projicity for stock haul ware In country town , also now buggy fo safety. Address owner , J 4G llee. Mill 21 T\rAM'ED-Forgood clear city lot a big. T grade safety or byclclo. Address J. 1(1 ( lleo. 82 CLEAN general stock of merchandise fo farm and money. liox.O'S , Frankfort , Ind , X \ WILL trade good clear lot worth J. " > 00 tin. JLtnkogood unrlfflit piano ns part payment , Address P 28. lice. II , , 47 : FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. I'orratc * , etc. , tee tojioffrit roliimn on thtt jiajs BAUGA1NSI nargallis Olllce open every night. Star Loan/'nnd / ' Trust company. iirsl lloor N. V. Life Uiilldlng. Jim Ml.i * IJIOK SALE The bvhK bargain on 24th St. , -L1 South Omaha. E , liV.guarur. N. Y. Life. i , DM ) 19 "I71OK SA IE A lino' Wiprovert farm of 2)0 - * - aeies ; 100 under cimlvatlon ; bhailo trees , fruit , windmill , wagonf'scalos. ote ; 100 miles wosl of Oniulm ; * 20 pd ttcrc , Addrcs , U 49Hro. TJ10K SALE QuurtorjufOtlon land , two miles * - from Sprlngllold , Brpy county ; eighteen miles fiom South Uniliba. John J , Kellny. St , Joseph. Mo. , > i M73S ml ) * _ _ If Oil SALL-Lots i'und 2 , lk I ) , J. Place add , price J.i , $ ( > f ) . Eniiulru of G , K. Davis. M. Clalr European hotel. 782 _ 'IJ OK SALE-iood ( house and lol close to * - business cenlor , llrst-clnss neighborhood , way below value ; easy terms. E. P. Seaver. N. V. 1 , lfe. _ _ _ _ _ _ UjPl1.1 1J10K SALE-E\tra bargain. Choice 00x120. J- with building ; reuts $100.0) p r mo. ; one block from now P. O. O. L. Green , K3'J ' , llar- korblouk. 311 ! FIYE-room housert In Orchard Hill , $ | , fx ,00 each on moiitbly paymuiils. Tliomas F. Hall. 311 I'axton blk. 200 _ I'P you want to sell or exchange city prop erty , farms , wild lands , live stock , bunk or other stocks or meruhnndlso see E. F. KUiger. ground lloor. 1310 I'uriuun. _ _ J2n2h * TTtOK South Omuhn property business , traok- -L ngoorrusldenco go to the loading real estate - tate dealers In South Omulm , Ed Johnson , t Co. , cor. SJUi and Nuts _ M733 " 1/1OK SALE Houses and lots , five nnd ten J. ucre tracts ; cheap trnokajo pioporty ; honth Omaha lots on 24th street. Iluslnoss property. Hicks , llrst noor N , Y. Life. Olllce open evenings. 121-13 _ FOR SALE REAL ESTATfc. lorriMf/f. ( / , tee top offlrtt rolumti oti thtt page , POK BALE 8 room house , modern Iniprov- mi'iitfs 1 block from motor , church and school. Only * 3 , : X.00 ) ut 1311 Soulh 20lh si. _ _ _ MlOS-2 > A PEW HOl'SEa forsalo that are bargain * In location , building , price and terms. On Hamilton .street hlnh , beautiful location , about 100 feel from motor car , four modern , well bulll houses , each wllh barn , thai are In sured nt I4s."n ) each. Lots good width and drnth.SI1I ho sold upon easy terms at tlio following prices : RVW.OO. $7.000.00 , ? ? , ! > 00.00. Those buildings will stand tlio closest Inves tigation nnd nru as good value for the money as you can II ml loday In Die ully of Omaha. AMES. 1307 PAKNAM STKEET. On I'arnam and 42nd slix'ot , a verv pretty frame IIOUSQ and barn , full lot ; can be bought for J7.MO.oo- iiiion very easy payments. In Koiint/o 1'laco , wo huvo some especially desirable residences , and near Park live , on u paved street , one of the mint complete mod ern cottage houses of seven rixmis that can ho found In any eltv. TbK place will bo sold to the right parties al n bjignln. In addition to the above we have the largest and best selected list of desirable residences overotTored for s.ilo . In Hits city. Competent salesmen are always ready to show you prop- ortjrut any time. want to cot n homo nt a cosl of from JI.MO.OO lo * . ' , OOO.tO , and haveliJO.OO lo pay In cash , wo will build you a house , furoWi Un > lot and give jiiu thieo to live years In which to pay fortlio place. This pioporty Is In the city nnd reached by motor ears. AMES' UEAL 1 > TATP. AGENCY. 1307 I'arnam street. 107 _ IAND.s Per Sale Choice Nebraska farming i lands nre now consldeicd a moil piotlt- ablu Investment. Katgo or small farms can bo secured al low price * and easy teims. Ad diess lleeolllce , Soulh Omaha. M1M ) 111 * 1J1OK HALE 100 acres land 2 miles west of Jl city limits , to uloso uu estate. The O. P. Davis Co. IWMlt _ ' | ? OK SALE Sou th west coiner 2'ith and CaTT- Jfornla streets , ic.'xl)2 ; ) feet , opposite Cielgh- ton college ; elegant loeallon for stole. , and Hats. A. P. Tukey , New York Life. _ Iffl if OK SALE A nice home , LMth and Lwm'ii- worth ; new fence , low , and terms accom modating. Oco. W. P. Contes , icpiesentallve , 7. Hoard of Tiade. UtO am THOU SALE-My line stock farm of l.siOacics , J located in the Platte valley , two miles from Kearney , a place having 10,000 people , three lallioads , magnificent water power , cotton mill and moie manufacturing Industries ami better piospcets than nny town of Itssl/o Iu Nebraska. Such a body of lane near such n place cannot be found elsewhere In the west , surface smooth , soil excellent. Improvements substantial. All enclosed ; has 13 miles of fence , tuo windmills , dwelling housdbarn.hiM house , sheds , corrals and half mllolrack. The meadow land , consisting of about 400 acres , cannot bo excelled ; the pasture land Is a per- "eel nel-workof the most luxuriant grasses , t Is In the heart of the greal corn bolt , where very cereal adapted to this climate can bo jrolltably raised. It will steadily Increase In k-nluennd Is now worth one-thlid moie than I ibk for II. To any one desirous of farming ex tensively or of raising stock etonnmleally this leslrablo property will iccominend Itself clien Inspected. TIllo pcrfecl. Francis I' , irable , Omaha , Nob. 00.220 7U > U SALE tiiieie trackage property cheap , - Ibth and Williams. A. Plouler , N. W. Cor. 3th and Williams sis , ICO .MIC * [ TUNE modern residence on Itlnnov street L Kount/o Place. Pine lawn , good barn , etc. Also 10-room house on Emmet street. Gas , water jiid li.itbeverything In llrsi-class condl- lon. ITheso elegant homes aroolTored at most , easonahlo prices and on" easy terms. Good > roperty will bo accepted In exchange as part lavmont. M. F. Koys. K. 7 , Chamber Commerce. 123 18 rp\VO first class residence properties near JL high school , owned by non-resident , will bo sold before May Isl to tbn highest bidder , 'loom 20 , Freiuer block , opposite P. O. 133 T710K SALE-Lot 0. blk 18 , Orchard Hill ; JL1 terms to suit purchaser. Address II. O Cheynoy , box 04. Slou.x Cltv , la. 127-10 * FOUSALE lleautlful aero adjoining Cen tral Park addition A bargain at WOO , * 400 cash , Four room collage and 30 ft. lot , south fronl on Sewnrd st. $ I,3.V ) , tsTO cash. Six mom cottage , new , tlnlshed In hard wood , city walor , sewer , etc. , east front , well lo cated , for $2,730. fcBO cash , balance J.'S I'er nontb. W. U. llonian , Kooms 8 and 10 , Fren- er block. M897 23 AN elegant homo on monthly payments , near Farnam street motor. A bargain and must be sold. Smcntou , & Allen , 1G07 Fnr- niitn street. 003-10 T7MNK Stock Farm for sale. I have forsalo JL1 tlio finest stock facm In the west , contain ing l.OJO acres of very fine land , 320 acres un der cultivation , 80 acres of tame grass , 2JO acres of fenced pasture with running water. OCO acres hay and p.istnro land with plenty of waler. First-class buildings nearly new and In good repair. They Include t wo largo dwell ings , stables for MO head of eattlo , with feed yards attached , fully equipped with feed troughs and hay racks , largo liorso barn , corncribs - cribs , hay sheds , etc. , windmill and water tanks , llnlldliijts and feed yards are sheltered by n large cottonwooil grovoon north and west sides , bltuatcd in Cuinlirj county , 70 miles northwest of Omaha In the famous Elkhorn valley , 8 miles north of West Point , tlio county seat , and 4 miles east of llcemer , Prices and terms sent on application. Address F. Sonnensclieln , West Point. Nebraska. 001-17 SI'EMUD Grain and Stock Farm < MO acres , .IbO acres ( ICO fenced ) under cultivation. 200 acres hay nnd pasture land , fenced , 20 nero fruit bearing orchard ; trees around whole firm , 3 dwelling houses , 4 largo barns , hay shoos , yards , etc. , coin-cribs , granarv , &c. , splendid wnlor and close lo mnikol 3 mlUss lo West Point , the county seal of Cumlng county. This Is a rare chance to gel a llrst-elass farm In a locality thai has never had a failure of crops since the grasshopper plaguo. This farm will bn sold with or without stock and Implements. Write for full descilptlon nnd prices , enclosing .stump to P. Sonnensuhcln , West Point , Ne braska. 501-17 FOK SALE Hrlggs Place lots on motor lino. Alsoncio property. F. Jl. Klchnrdson. 818 N. Y. Llfo blag. 302 J71OK SALE The most comfortable 8 room JL ? modern house In the city , every conven ience , bath , gas , electrlo bolls , furnace , laun dry , etc. Larao stable , room for 4 horses , clly waler In stable , concrete door , full lot In l.nlf mile limit , convenient to t lines of cars , shade tiecs , etc. Price * ll,000. ) Address F 2J , lice olllco. 403 120 acres flno farming land adjoining good Nebraska town ; nearly clear. 10) ) acres llnelv Improved land 2V'j miles from county seat In Nuliraskn : llchlly encumbered 120 acres good land In Nebraska,5 miles fion county seat ; -Vn/O Inliabltants. House and lot In town In Kansas ; clo ir. Clear lot In good Nebraska town. 4-room house and lot , barn , well and cistern 10th street , Omaha ; slightly encumbered ; wll trade for Omaha property and assume encum brances. II , E. Cole , Continental block. HOC MISCELLANEOUS. For rates , etc. , rce top nf first column on thin pigc , IF you wish to ndveillso anything anywhere al any lime wrllo to Geo. P. Kowell & Co. , No. 10 Spruce street. Now York. To got com plete ( information you should bo careful testate state your wants fully. M IB'i ' I8 klVOKCES quietly. Advice free. Address ' Lawver , 31 Church slreol , New Vork City , M1SI is * D ,11. , HATFIELD. S. I cor. 13th and Douglas ! > ts. Practice limited to diseases of women. M M3 M4 * " \7"OUK Future Itovenlod Wrlllcn prediction ' - of your life , - " > ; give age and description. N. Cooper , box lilSU. Denver. Col. ai'J-lb' ' KEMOVAL- nt ( quartan book store removed lo4''J S. ISth si. , near HoTward.Karbach blk 17SMIO * IJAhTlJItn Laran hliio grass pasture nt Itellevuu and Klkhorn Clly for rent. H. T. Clarke , room t'J ' , board of trade. Jfil Mill LYOPNO gent would like a room mate ; ref erences exchanged , luqulioul 715 N. I'th. ISO Id FOH door and window screens.get Hamilton llios. prices ; carpenter jobbing done on shoit notice ; HI S IMh streol. Tel. 1171) . ! G MIS \\TANTED-Hunnwals and subscriptions for TT The Ladles' Home Journal , .Miss I * . O. Morroll , 1014 Furnain stieet , Omaha. M353A31) MASSAGE treat mont , electro-lbei m al baths , hcalp and hair troutmenl. nmnlcuiu and chiropodist. Mr6.1'o-t,31'Ji ' ! s. iJth.Wllhnell blk house mover , M3 Ninth 17th T I street , and b3 ! boulh SJth uvenuo. KM-Mny 35 * WANTED Two copies each of the moiiilng and evening Ili'R of November 3rd and ono copy of the morning of December 2nd and three coulesof tl.o ovenln/ December 1,1800. nt the lleo olllco. U7H HAIR GOODS WIG6 , tTCJ. f'orrii ( , etc. , teelop offlnt column on ( Tit * BKri L' line hair goods In west ; hair dreeing , wigs , BWltches , biuiKs , liulr cliiitm , etc. , a specialty. Duvles , hair goods and mllllnor , opposite pcHtotllco , 111 H ISth at. . Omalir. . ; ni FOUND. ITlOl'ND-A purse with money Wednesday. U Cull at 515 N.lBth street. M SOI-- * Each Season Has Its own m.ilady ; but with tlio blood iii.ilntalned Inn stale of uniform \lKor and inirlty , by tlio use o ( Acr > stinr9.imrllli | ) . the sjstcin le.idlly nitnpt.s Itself toclmngod conditions. Composed of the best aUcir.tlvea and tonics , and being highly concentrated. Aycr's 8aisii : > : iillla Is the most cITectlve nnd economical of all blood medicines. "For some jeats , nt the return of spring , 1 had serious trouble ) with my kidneys. I \\.is unable to sleep nights , and snltcicd grcntly with pains hi the small of my back. I was also ullllcted with headache , loss of appetite , and Indigestion. These sjinptoiiu ucie much worse hut spilng , cspccl.illy tha trouble with my b.ick , A friend persuaded mo to use Ajei's Sarsapaillla , I began taking It , and my tumbles all disappeared.11 Mis. Gemma llclanger , SI llrldue 3t. Sprlngnehl , Muss. Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla DR. J. C. AVER & CO , Lowell , Mass. Bold by Druggie * . # l , Uti. CLAIRVOYANT /'orniwcfit. ( , ( ( iji//lrnt cotmnii onthli page. ls'"OKT M past and future from lines of the hand In old gypsy way ; ladles only ; fee Jl. Wl ) ) § N.SIth. ' MltS. DK. DKSAN may bo consulted at her parlors on all agalis of life. She Is u celebrated brated medium and has a reputation throughout the world for accurate and truth ful leadings of the past , present and futuio events of your life.'ry hidden mysti'iy revealed ; helps all who are In trouble ; never falls ; give * , uilvlciMin all points of Interest , bm.lncss transaetloiH. love altalrs , family troubles , stock speculation , lawsuits , absent friends , lottery numbers , lucky days , Inter prets dreams , locates diseases hidden tioas- ures and stolen goods ; restoies lost alTeellons , brings the separated together , malics speedy and happy marriages with thu one you lo\o by proper advice ; tells If the ono you love Is true or false ; gl\os lucky Human-Egyptian talisman lo help all out of trouble ; perfect satisfaction guaranteed by mall ; send two stamp * for Illustrated elicular. : CJ North ICth sti eel , Omaha. Sill Is * M1O know your future satisfactory and for J least money , Slis. Stover , 400 N. loth struct. M1M-1 ! ) * MUS. WALLACE , clairvoyant ; naturally gifted ; tells past and fuliire , love roubles. ab enl friends , changes , Iravol , busl- css. ixw ; Farnam stieet. 00110 * ] \L \ ASSAGE Madam Delzler , over 010 S. 13th. B3.SM II * MUS. Namlo V. Warren , clairvoyanttrance speaking , wilting and reliable business ledlum , four years In Omaha. 110 N. 10th. 3iS : WANTED 70 BUY. 'or rale * , etc , , fee ( oji offlrtl column on this page. V\r ANTED Clu-up forspol cash , lot In Or- TT chard Hill or Saunders tV llclmbaugh's to Walnut Hill ; must be well located. Address , wltlr number of lot and mice. .1 II , 'leeolllce , MHO IS PIT ANTED A few fitsl-class farms near TT Omaha for cash or In exchange for llrsl- lasscily property. M. F. Keys , ! ! . 7 , Chamber if Commerce. 12J 13 " \\7ANTLD To buy house and lot \VaInut Hill for W.W > 0 : will not go west of the licit Line : call Immediately. 0. F. Harrison , ' 112 N. Y. Life. tttt-17 BKICK Wanted to buy 1,000,000 good brleU. S. A. faloman. 1301 Farnam. U'M ' 10 ITIITUNITUUE bought , sold , stored. Wells , J1111 I'nrnam street. 3.T MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. For rate * , etc. , fcetop nfflnt column on tMi GEO. V. Gellonbeek , leather of the banjo , with Hoapc , 131. ) Douglas. 24'J ' BEFOKE buying a piano examine the now scale Klmball piano. A. Hosue,151l Douglas. LOST , etc. , fee top of first column on thtt page LOST Thursday. April 16th , dark brown water spaniel , white breast , went Ing brown leather coflar , nlckle trimmed and brass pad lock. Suitable ruwnitl will bo paid If Under will return to 1231 South 23th st , ISO 17 * MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. Forratcf , etc. , tee top of first column on thtspige. M ASSAGE Mudair UoUlcr. over C10H. nth. 0 * M ASSAGE bath nt aindamo Smith's parlors , 3d lloor , 42J S. loth slrcot. 521-18' DRESSMAKING. I'or rottt.cte. , rtf Inn nf pr < t column on Hit * wilt MISSailnnIck , 1721 Leavonworth , has just returned from thn east with tlio latest prlng and summer stylos. CJ 20 * ENGAGEMENTS to do dressn aklng in fam ilies solicited. MUs blurdy. 2010 llarnuv st. JuO'mT "IMPROVE1IEXT TUB ORDER of the AGE1 The Smith 1'romior Typo-Writer never fails to convince these who in- vcatigiito its merits , Unit it is thu most durable , lias the most perfect nlitniinont , is the easiest learned , and hits moro good points than any other Typo-writer on the market. Tlio Suit Premier Tyne Writer Co , , K H. MAYHBW , Mtinacror. IGOOj Fnrinim Strnot , Omaha , Neb. niOOUMS O\N HTANO IT. Ao\v IJiinolicH of Fees In tlio Htrcot Hwo | iiii ! ; Case. The litigation Dotwoen the chairman of the board of public worlt-s nnd C. K , Hqiyroa of the Harbor usphalt company Is proving a bonmua to the clerk of the district court. Scarcely n day posses when ono of tlio p.irtlni docs not fllo a bundle of from llftuun to twenty pnpori. Kqulros is the last party to como to the relief of the clorlc. Vostordny moriunp ho Illod a do/oii move afildrvvlU , all of which RO to show that hla was porformvct Iu the best poiMblo manner , and that the ma son ho did not complete hU 1SW ) oontnicts was because hovva ; forced U > wait fur the curbcts. All for Slhtor. How much rronoy hnvo I rot In my bmikl Torty-flvo cents , mrniiKor only want IIvo cents moro. WUut will J do then , stifinKorJ scoslstorlmiBUcli a terrible1 cough , nnd people suy It will bo bad on her If aha don't ' get tiottur soon , and the folks toll mo Hallur'st surci cough syrup will euro it right up ; so you see live coins 1 Thank you , ati-auper. tiOUTH O.H.t/M. The I'resliylorluii Spelling lleo. 'Iho I'rcsbytorinn cliurch win full ot friends Thursday ovonliiR at the old fnsh- lonod spoiling beo. Mrs. ( Joorgo R Klsor and Mr. I ) . S. Plnnoy acted as captains and Mrs , Klsor demonstrated her ability to select by winning with several to sparo. The mull- cnco was so well pleased that another match was arranged , Miss Docla Carpenter nnd Mr. M. O. Xcrho seloctiiiR the sides , ami Mr. Xerbo'a Milo won. Tlio entertain cut guvo ccnoral satisfaction. DlHlooutcd Ills Slioiililor. Christ Nelson , ro.Mdini ; nt Drown I'nrk , ivlillo helping sink i\ well at Twentieth and N streets , had hU right shoulder dislecatcd. A surgeon reduced the dislocation and dressed the Injured parts. NotOH illioiit tlio City , Thomas ICIrk Is sick with pneumonia. Oliver Holding of Albright Is down wllh pneumonia. John Cnsoy Is at the homo of his parcmH in Missouri Valley. A son hns been born unto Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sanders. John Mnlloy of Odobolt In. , Is visiting Judge Patrick. ! . King. Kditor Widtor llogo of tlio hhicoln Daily Stock Dc.ilor was at tbo yards. The Cudahy baseball club has been organ ized and pln.\ed It.s llrst practice ; puno today. The young people will glvo an ontortaln- mont in the Albright Methodist cliurch this evening. Oeorgo O. D.iro has bought lot 1U , blooic 128 , on Twenty-third between J ami 1C streets from 1' . S. Casey. J. Naughtoii has taken onto permit for two ? 00 dwellings on Tuciity-clghth street between 11 and 1 streets. Mr. and Mrs. Charles lllock of Atlantic , la. , who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs 11. lloyman , have returned homo. Joseph Mnricel , a peddler , was fined $ d and costs by .ludgo King for passing a counterfeit silver dollar on Mrs Keed of the Third wntil. A Joint blrthdnv uarty will bo > given this evening by Misses Mury loggers and Durtha Kishcr at their home , Twenty-eighth and ICgecr streets Charloa 1C. Morris has taken out a permit for his now residence on J street , between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets , and has commenced work. Kov. O. Is' . D.iwsou ofllclatej at the inar- riago of Mr. Vied A. Martin and Miss Uubto H. Miller at the residence of the bride's mother , Twenty-eighth and J streets. John S. Mullen has commenced lo rebuild at Albright. The building will ho frame , two stories high , Ilx5i ) ( feet with storeroom and meat market down stairs and dwelling partmonls upstairs. Doll Edwards found his watch stolen out f his hour.o some weeks ngo , In Solomon Iroekloy's pawn shop , 110 South Tenth street , Omaha. 1. ( .Joldherg loft tlio watch In pawn , , o Hrocltloy claims. Uov. C. N. Dawson , pastor of the Moth- dlst church , was creeled with and apprecl- , tlvo aiullenco Thursday ovenlng to hoar his nature , "Around the World hi Eighty Alln- lies , " Illustrated by storeopllcan views. A cow belonging to O. W. Thompson , Al- iright , wni caught by the ; i o'clock express going west and was thrown about thirty foot , ip in the air and over the switch Hack , and , -ot got up and walked homo as if not injured. An Ohio lady was so frightened by a snake hat her glossy black hair turnod' white as now. It was soon rotumed to Its original : olor by Hull's Hair Henowor. : ) cclHlon ill 1'iivnp ol tlia _ St. Paul Ity. The now Palace sleeping GAVS of the Jhlcugo , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ky. , vlth electric lights iu every berth , will : ontinuo to leiivo the Union depot , Dinnha , nt 0:10 : p. in. , daily. Passengers aking this train avoid transfer atCoun- ; il Binds , and arrive in Chicago at 'J.'IiO i. in. , in ample time to make all eastern : onnoetiona. Ticket olllce , 1W)1 ) Farnam streot. F. A. NABH , J. E. PUESTON , General AgouU City Passenger Agent Sn list initial Sympathy. Chief ( Jalllcan received n telegram yester day from J. K. HIloy , who Is In New York , In vlilch Mr. Hiloy expressed hh deep regret at iparitiR of the sad fatality and misfortune uttcmtltiB the 11 ro last Sunday night. Mr. Ulloy also telOKr.iphoil his order for Sill , to bo divided among the suffering llremcn , and the wife of Captain Carter. Thomas Downs isle lo Rot $15 , Martin Mllvihill $15 , and Mrs. Carter S'JO. Jt pays to get the best , and liy calling for St. Patrick's 1'llls , and refusing to take any other kind , you are stiro of gutting the best and most rclhiblo pills nude. April Weather L'roiliclloiiB. If a peck of March dust is worth n king's ransom , and April showers bring 'ortli May ( lowers , is it not right to pre dict that every day in the month the ileclrio-lightcd , steam-heatedvcstibulod limited trains of tlio Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul railway will continue to run on tlio short line between Omaha vnd Chicago. The electric reading amp in every berth of their palace sleeping cars ifi their own patent and uannot ho used by any other company. Ticket ollluo , 1601 Farnam street , Omaha. THIS HIOAIjTV IUA.KK.I3r. placed on record April 17 , wAiiiustr Anton Iliichurnnd wife to Andrew Nel son , s ' / lots 1 and 2 , blk 07 , Henson J 600 AnnaCorrlgan tolieorxo I'.uks , ut al. lots 1 and S , blk 1 , 1st add to Ml.soiiil Avenue Park It J Corrlgau to ( icorgo Turks , lots 10 , 11 nnd 12 , blk U , Con l un IMacu 1 " 50 William Col fax to E F Sherwood , lot 3 , blk 2. lot.1 ! , lillc 3. and lot U. blk 1 , Shor- wood'saub In Mlllard & C's add 1 FiancU Uoodall and wife to William McCoy , n 31 feet lots 7 nnd 8 , blk 4 , Isa- bnll add 500 0 A Hen.pnl . and wife lo Michael Sulli van , lot 21. IdkS. Iiempol's mid COO A M Hay w.inl to F L Moose , s l.'u feet of 0 ! 4 w 44 no nw bo U-I5-I.I S3. " ) S 1) ) llowaid to Omaha Merchandise com pany , lot 4 , blk 1. Mnyno's.d add 3,100 .lames Johnson to .1 M NIcKcrson , 4x10 rods o and w In ho cor hw ho2-I."i-ii : . . . . 1,593 8 U Johnson and wife to Frank Muiphv , loin land 2 , blK 2 , Heed's 4th 1 Louis MondnlhMihn and wife to W 11 1 hiisllc , lotsi nnilO , blk 10 , Kounl/.u Place OID Omaha inerchandlso eompanv to K D Howanl. n . ) feet of N W loot lots iu and 11. blk S , Drake's j.dd , fiOO K I1 IVtoisun and wife lo John Weber , loll ) . blk3 , Portland IM.ieo 2,000 E II UaloUIn and wife to S U Johnson , lot II , blk 77 , Smith Omaha 5.080 South Omaha I.ind company to O A Hoaglund , lots 1 to 3 , blk.South Om aha 0,01)0 ) L Schroeder , trustee , to Benjamin Don- ovlts. lots U and 10 , blk 3 , Drown Park. l.HO L Hclnoedor , trustee , to N C Nelson , lot 23. blk 13 , Hi own Park 30J M I' M Wliistanley and husband lo M K liondoc , lot II , blk 10 , Munhall in. . . . CO ) Hiimo to tame , hit H , mime G'JO ' h I' Wllllt to Alvln Maunders , w Y sw Si ft 11 4,001 0 W While toOmah.i meruhandtto com pany , lots 7 and h , blk l > , Wise & I'ar- melue's 2,000 J I' Hoyd , sherllT , to Theo Williamson , lots l.'i and HI , blk ' . ' , Ktovons I'lacu . 100 II F Couhran , spixdal master , to O ( } \Vallaec , trustee , l ts 3 and 4 , blk H , Monmoulh Park . Total amount of transfers . J 40'uil Pohltlvnly cured ' by thcso Dttlo IMIls , CARTER'S They also relieve Lla- trcas from Dyspepsia , In ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy for nizUAeu. Nausea , Drowsiness , Had Taste In tbo Mouth , coated Tongue , Pain In the Side , TOHI'ID UVJtll. They regulate t&o Dowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE ,