0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , 'SATURDAY. APRIL 18 , .L891.-TWELVE PAGES , PI ? Roirmrkablo for Strangth and ild and Ex cited Trndo , UNUSUAL TR4.NSACTIONS IN WHEAT , AnollicrK \ Iltilwc lit All tlic Corrals Provision * Quid , Catlo ( Stoutly mid HOKH I'Mvc Cents CniCAon. April ST. [ fpoclal Telegram to THE llic. : ] The opening of the board u ( trade markets was remarkable for tlio strength iliown and the wild uml excited condition of thutriido. Tlio foie : which win carrying tlio 111:11 : kuti r.ipldly higher : it tlio close yesterday Hlmuly expended Itself In n burst of trading tlio llrst few minute * , wlicn prices wore marked up to somewhat surprising flguros. In wlicnt opening tbo bulge took Miy : to Jl.OJ at once , wltb scattering trades claimed as high II 0V/ . July opened at Jl.07' ' } to 11.0. ' . There wns a dip to tl.09'4 for May and JI.OG'i for July , and on the second rally went to J1.03H for May and JI (17'i ( for July tlio drat hour , followed by nn raster fueling towards II o'clock. May corn sold nt In over the high closing price of yester day , going to 7.I1 ; < ! anil off to 7ii : ! < ! the first liniir. May o.ils roio to . 'i ' ? ' } " . 1'ork opened at I0c to l.rie iidrtini'U. rlln.'m up and laid slightly higher. Kroo offerings by local parties caused prii'os toBottle back to thti olosln , ' figures of yesterday The Chicago wheat market passed through an unusual day'.s transactions. Trade took up HIP cri-at Dull market where It was broken off nt tin- close yesterday , and tmirko'l prices up very sh.irply. What , might havn taken a wlnili' 'I ly or a wholb week under other circumstances was accomplished In a few iiInutes. , Tlii-io was a great rush at the start by follows who were short , or had no who it aiid wanted some badly. The firmness of -Liverpool ' { 'I uti and spot wheat very Iriii. ( London I < f illllng higher on cargoes forte prompt shlpm ntonly addu 1 to tli' ! In-.sal bull feeling. Mnnoapoll.s idvlcfs were unite bullish on Hour. Shorts and bulls and outside orders all conspired to foivu prices at the first , in iniont. The niiirkut opened with a rush at t.i9 : tn fi.uu'i for Mny , and 11.07'i to JI.08 for July , Unyors of yesterday saw an excellent place to unload wheat , and there was very free selling by Dunn & Co. . llutchlnson , S. V. White k Co. , Baldwin & I'nrnuiii , and many o'hcr house ! . Now York also sold wheat hero. This caused nshatii drop In prices to ll.OSH for May and 11.00's for July. In tlio hour whloli followed there was a Ilttlo rally to II.Osjj and ? I.07'S ' for M ly and July , ai\d a suJ.md drop to fl.CH'fi ' and } l.l1.i. ( At this point a second buying wave struek the market , helped on by later cable" , and ( n a Croat bulge prices went , over the morning figures , toiiphlns Jl.00i ? for.May aiuHI.OT'.i for July. At lU o'clock prices wore holding pretty llrm around fl.OO and { LOT for May and July. Tlio receipts and clearances container ) nothing unusual. Minneapolis and Ihiluth had Irt7 ears. The former point re ported all products of the mills for the week hold. Later 1'lttsbur.f reported patents marked up 4'o ' ) fr.im J'l.ii ) to J'i.'X ) a barrel. 1'lilladelpbla and Ilaltlnioro clear ed 27,000 . .Uushols of who it , and Now Orleans " ! ! 5JOO ( bushels for Liverpool. New York cleared no wheat 21,000 sacks of Hour. Toward the clew news was less positive and the market showed signs of subsiding , but prices hold llrm. A few minutes before the close all calculations wore upset by the sud den upturn In prices on the I'aclfle coast dis patches. May sold up to $1.1055 and July to M.03'6. The close of the wheat market was even more sensational than of yesterday. The price of May was forced up to $1.11 and July to $1.09 with tbo close of i o under at $1.10 ? ; and ll.OS'j , or again from last night at the best prices of : i ? o for May and Wto for July. April was ( [ noted at $ I.OS'i ' to $1.10 ! $ . On the curb thu excitement In wheat continued , 1'rlvllosos In May for Saturday sold atfl.USW nnd tl.iau , anil July tit 51.0CU and Jl.lOJi at II o'clock , The corn market was greatly unsettled. There wore quick turns both up and down. There Is a disposition among many moderate traders and scalpers to keep near the shore. They buy quickly on breaks and soil quickly on bulges. As on previous days , the strongest point In the market was made on cash demand , and when No. 3 corn sold above 74e. The receipts hero wore 20i ; ears , and for Saturday the estimate Is 210 cars , showing a gradual Increase. This had Ilttlo Influence In the pit. At the start May sold at 7.l3 < o to73ic ? , or loover the hlpli closing price yesterday. July sold atG9Sc ! to Kl'io. At the Riimo moment there was a reaction to ? J'.ie In May and CSHo In July , with the first drop In wheat. The second advance , due to the lu- lluence of Hample trade , was oven stronger than the early movement , and prices went Hy ing away above any former figures , going to 74e for May amlfiOUo again for July , l-'roo offerings put prices baek to MO ! for May and GDc for July. On the third bulge before 1 o'clock prices moved up to 7.1'io for Slay and ffl'-io for July. At the close thu extreme prices for the day for the leading months In corn were : May. 72'io ' to 74c ; July , fiS o to CO'.iC. The last few minutes of the session brought fiou selling and less support , and prices dropped back to 7-Je for May and ( W , ! c for July at the close. This loft May ? io ami July % c under the close of last night. In the deferred months August sold for fi"3iu and OMJc. and Suptuinburat .t'iie ; and ( VS' c , both mtmllis closing at thu low points for the day. Oats followed the example set by wheat and corn and ruled stronger. May delivery opened at Miic , sold down to fitUic , advanced to J73.io and closed finally at57'8e. ' or ! io above yester day's closing price. Juno sold from .MiHe , to Diii1. tofii&u , to W o at the close. July started at5l4c , declined to SIBC , room-red toM4C and closed at fil c. August bold from 40o down to ; iV. ! ) closing at IWiie. Hoptember closed at U' c. after having sold as high as ' Compared with the grain markets the pro vision trade was quiet. The highest prices for the session were made at once after the opening , when the advance over thoelo- yes terday was ir > c to 'JOo In pork and 2' o to5o In other products. The close , compared with Thuisday's closing , pork was f c lower for May and steady for July ; lard was ' 'iio lower for May and 2'Jo higher for July. The action for May was as follows : Pork. Jl'UO ' , to.M'.S.'i tol'.MHl at the close : lard , J7.00 to$7,03 > i to laiHtoJO.'Jili ' : ribs , $ U7'i ' to W.50 to0.4. ' to M.WH. miCES AT CIIICAUO. Showing the range of prices In the loading options , as reported by Uockroll Itrothors. Not OH and ( Josslp. Chicago oash No. S corn , 7Jo ; No. 3 corn , 74o : No. Myollow , 7.V- . St. Louis rccnlptst Wheat , 15,000 | corn , W.WX ) ; oiitH , au.COj. l'stliiiiH'l : ( cirs : for i Saturday : Wlit'ut , ' . 'I ; fain , LMO ; outs. 147. Cl uran'cs ( four ports yesterday : Wheat , c irn , ; ai,47-1 ; outs , 11.M45 ; Hour , III.'US. ' Chicago receipts : Wheat. 12'I7 : corn , 1SI- KHij oats. Ki.'U' , Khlpments : Wheat , 17'J-U : corn , b'.Uil ; oats , 0uii : ) . Liverpool \i'M \ ; p. m , Wheat firm , demand Improving , Itecelpts , wheat three days , iw- IXU centals Including HUWO Aniorlcan. Now Vork'H close : Wheat. May ? 1.2) | July II7'4 hi DecoinberJI.il b. Corn. May bikes' July70Sc. Oals , May Clo hi JulylUob. 1'rlvato cable : London-Whoat market 3s 4d hlgiier asked , but buyers reserved Liver- jMol Wheat market \ , to Id higher blnco CiirKOCHorf coast , wheat uml fort ) , notnliiv oiruriul ; on pasiucu wheat mid corn very strong. .Mark l.nnu whuut turn ( Jcuiur , corn turn dcuror. Off eoant No. l Oull- lotuU wlju l iJjW , Auitrulluu 4ai CU , No , 1 , California prompt shlpinont 4lH M , I-lyorooj | wheat spot very linn , corn In strong ( loniund larxo business done , Iitfi : cables steadu tojtronu , Knsll h cables coinostronKcst , branch cables broiiKhtsollliu orders , ( | iiitlni ; niarUot there ralhor easy In tone though not inurh olTorniK. S. V. Wlillo bought o.OX,000 ( ) of oats this nuiPiiliiB ut 57Wc. thought tp bojhort outs. This ACi'ounts ( or the stmiirtli In May and thu weakness In uthur option * at the oponlnK. > V Co. lo Toneray ft llryan Wlintit ouuned Hlruiu with sonm oulsido miylnii , but IIIIIKS nuirltotcd so freely that a break of a cunt ri'iiiltod. l.atur slronjf Llvuriiool ud- vices starto I anolhur boar panlu and Ihu mir kottinlukly advaneod to thu liltfheit point of the itay. Thu advices from 1'arls ' woru to the uiruet that there was no truth In the rutioi t of the remission of OKI duty and reporting their market o.ulur on line weather. If public tin- vices uonllrm this after thu uxtcnslvu coverlni ? of today's tmirkut wu think It likely to react. The shorts In corn and oats were treated to another unpleasant oxiiorlenen , but top prices broimht out sonio sulllnn whleh subdued thn market. The strength In prdvlslons seemed to bu borrowed from the era In nits and they closed steady at a decline from opcnltiK liiruros. W. IJ. McCormlck ft Oo. to V. C. 3wi , rtz .t Co. The wheat market has benn wild and ex cited , with trmllnx of very lur u niriKnltiide. Oruat neivousness was shown on both sldos and the market nuutiiati'd 1111 and down with n rapidity that tit times rcnuorcd thu execu tion of orders H matter of Kt-eat dllllctill.v. The boom was it.utml by thd riiiuur which eamo yesturday that thu i'runch duty on thu Importation of wheat would ho ill 01100 ru- moved. Our private advices from Purls today state positively that this rumor Is unfounded. but thoorfctit had already been experienced and thu crowd were nut Inclined to o back wards. i-ome export trades weru reported , but wo cannot trace It lo a reliable source. Koenlutsiit the cloven primary pnlnls won ; 2.l'i,700 , shipments llOi. . The market closed llrm , but predictions as to thu tmiiiedlato futures are useless. It Is a runaway market and may turn ellhei way with Kior.t nnldity. In com at the onmlng ihtiro was a iroit du- slro on the part of shorts lo oovur , showing tliu great buoyaitey and Mdllirj at 71'so. ' July respiindud to the e.voltcment also , the market belnK very nervous and the Hurt nations at times very wild. The casU dom mil contluuos to set the pai'o for the futures and we see no immediate pnispt-ut for n lot-no In the ship- pin ( 'emaiid. At the close , however , the. market seemed ilooldu'lly tami- and there were liidlcathuis that thuro had been very heavy reill/.lu : on this morning's Inline. O.its opened wildly e\elted , M.iy selling as bluh as fifiie. The trade during the day has boon very larne. the n.iirkot llucttiatlni ; rapidly. I.ike corn , hnwover , this market shows the result of conslderalilo leall/.latr. Trade has KMIUJ largely out of May Into July and Au L-iist , I'r.ivlslor.j opened strong and higher. The market has shown largely Increased ae- llvlly. 1'or some riiiisdii Iho ouniniUslon honsi s ropieMMillns an outside business have been heavy sellers of long ntnir today , most of It going Into the bands of local bulls and uackers. If corn should weaken materially It may break provisions a little , but we con sider them a purchase on all soft spots. Konnett-lloiiklns tn H. A. MuWhorlcr There has been another volcanic eruption today and shorts can sympathl/.o with the urowd caught at 1'ompoli. Some time ago wheat cables were only moderately strong nnd when thu market opened I'/.c higher It was u grunt temptation to bears who eoveicd yesterday to put out a fresh line , which they did. There was also conslilerablo leall/.ing by longs , who had good ptollts , but their oll'erlngs were absorbed by shorts. Under liberal s lies prices gave way le to I'ie. but at the bottom fresh buying orders weio encountered and on a show of strength shorts tried to get back their wheat and their frantic bids forced prices up nearly i'e In n few moments , longs accepting jnoflts on the bulge. Closing cables shows less strength than expected. the bears renewed their assaults , hammering the market down about , a cent , when the bulls again came In the front and put up prl-'os U cents , closing them at the top. Them Is one factor In our market which should not be overlooked im porters at the sea coast have secretly sold to foreigners for summer shipment a vast amount of option. In the aggregate running up In the millions. It Is Improbable exporters would accept such orders without hedging In the markets , Chicago and Diiluth helm ; the only points where stocks are liberal. Their purchases would naturally be made hero. In this way a very considerable part of our slocks have been taken out of the market. Western parties who have both cuimotsafuly rely on the foreigners whohold tholrcontrncts and become solleisus they doubtless will If crop prospects should become as favorable as anticipated , That , however , U not a matter to be determined very soon , and meanwhile the bulls will have a llrm grip on the market and dictate prices. The market closed amid considerable excitement and It would be r4llll < .Mtlt to give the exact figures. Corn and oats shared In the general tumult today opening wild , strong and oxeltotl but the pace proved too active and a sharp de cline followed , There was another rally that carried prices to the top but liberal realizing sales by llutchlnson , Hoyden nnd other holders held prices In chock und corn closed compara tively easy. In provisions theru wns a mod erately active nervous market not receptive of the buoyant feollnz In grain but Irrognlar on account of It. The close was steady only In sympathy with grain. CHICAGO Mtirti STOCK 3HIIKET. CIIICAOO , April 17. [ Special Telegram toTnn HEICattle : ] Wo again note Ilttlo or no ehungo either In Iho character of the demander or In price ? , lllg heavy stoars , any way at all coarse , wore haul to soil at atoady prlcca , while on the other hand light averages , de sirable In every respeot.weroscarce and there was the usual scramble umon ; buyers to got just what they wanted , and for such values were as high as any day this week. Cow stock of all description was rather scarce and sold at high prices. .Stockers were steady. So far W.i5 : was the top price for steers , yet J1.40 to W.OOhas been paid for 1,000 to 1,1100 pound steers , and on such values are ! WIOo higher than last week. Cow stock was scarce und strong , lions Huslncss was again brUk and values a nig 5c higher all mound with nutirly every thing bold at the close. Hough and common. & .00@4.70 ; packers , ifl.Hlii.V.'Ojprlme heavy und butcher weights , t.VJ.Yft.'U.'i . ; light , $ j.004iJ.a ) ; skips and pigs , $1.0021.75. STOCKS AXI > llt\US. NEW YOIIK , April 17. [ Special Tolezrarn to Tun HKU.J The report cabled over yester day to the ollect that the I'rcnch government was about to request other European govern ments to suspend the duty on cereals before August caused u great commotion among the grain men hero and In Chicago , and wns also a matter of much Interest to bankers and dealers In railroad securities. Wlillo no ono apparently believes that such action will betaken taken , the fact that It has been oven sug gested confirms what wo Americans , from a sordid point of view , have boon hoping to bo the ease that the Europeans are liable to bu In sore straits for brcadstulfs this .summer. Of course the suspension of the duty would mean a tremendous loss of revenues to the covornmont taking such a course. No Euro pean government can all'ord to cut down their revenues tlrs summer. That such a thing Is oven hlntiul at shows that an oven greater de mand for cereals Is expected over there than .what . America had supposed. It scorns strnnso that the manifest absurdi ty of the statement did not Immediately Im press Itself on everybody. In the llrst placu tJront Britain has no duty on cereals. In the pocontl place , why In the name of common sense should the Fronoh government forward requests to the llrltlsh parliament and the Herman relchstagV What business Is It of Kriincu what Uioat llritaln and ( lermany do ? &IIDPOSO the United States should wish to sus pend the duty on rullned sugar. Would It for ward the request to some foreign countries to do likewise ! ? It requires only a moment's thought to see the absurdity of the thing , but though It Is a rnio ana highly prl/cd commod ity , the solemnity with which the small fry ofall street swallows anything and everything In the way of absurd rumors thrown to them , and greedily IISKS for more , Is a sure temptation to thu brainy stock ma nipulator nnd the practical joker. There was a brilliant opening to the railway shares on the Now York stock oNChango to day , and notwithstanding the fact that a fur ther K 00ooo In gold coin was ordered from the sub-treasury for shipment to Europe thoontlro list of prominent stocks moved In an upward direction , lluslne.ss assumed ( juttu lively proportions right at the start , and tbo demand was good all around. At the end of llrst hour ( speculation wns much loss active than at the commencement , and the market wait about steady. The .specialities for the most part were llrm and on the rally , hut transactions In them were nut heavy. The Industrials as a rule displayed no particular animation In the early sales , hut never theless a llrm tone wax In attend ance and the leading Issues registered ndvnnces. led by American sugar rellnlng common , whleh sold up 1 point to 01. This stock , however , afterward reacted to UOi ) < a'.W'.i. The preferred rallied ? , to ir.'i ; . National cordage common and ptoforred ouch rose ! J to 83iJ andJl.OJH respectively. Also those snbsu- qnently icceded toWi > t und * l,0'l i , Chicago gas moved un \ to 48s , and later lost the linpiove- moiit. National lend mild ' , higher at 111. St. 1'anl was weak after the o.irly dealings , Iturllngton and Itoek Island were the btroiig features of the afternoon. Ivennutt Hopkins fc Co. to S. A. MoWhortor Iho market hua been strong toduv , but the activity has b.jeiicontlncd to a smaller range of stocks than some day past , nor have the movements In prices been uniform. A few Blocks Imvo advanced , but many others have no other Improvement. It looks as If the shoi t Interest hail boon responsible for a largu part of the buying which has put up the Chicago. .llurllngton&Qnlnoy and Itook Island , Thu former was clearly a loader of the market to day. The market lias had some adveri-o con ditions to contend wltn In the engagement of J.VXUKX ) In gold and rumors from 1'arls of the f allure or llnanclal troubles of a bank. It is Blho quite thu fashion to predict that there will bo a bad bauk itatetuout tomorrow , but If there Is It will reflect the condition that Ihu banks vero in a week ngo rather than what they are now , for they have gained ilncp last Friday In dealings In the subtroas- ury il.S'AOOO. which about offsets the cold which has been shipped , There Is consid erable current talk that the relations be tween the western roads nnd thn Gould system uro strnlncd nnd that the Chicago k Northwestern will extend to Ugdon beoiinso of the treatment that the company Is receiv ing from the Union I'nclllc. H Is seml- otllclully given that the Lchlgh Valley rail way will refuse tn reduce tolls as ordered by the Interstate commerce commission nnd that the power of the Interstate commerce com mission to order such reductions would bo tested In the court * . When this was given out I.ackawatina , which had been weak , rallied 1 per cent. Money has been easy at 3 lo Il'i ' per cent Market closed Irregular but on the whole firm. Sales ail/JW. It Is slated on good authority that the Van- dcrhllts have gene west to consider the ad visability of oxlundlng the I'romont. Elkhorn fi Missouri Valley loOgden , Utah. Tlio .Mis souri Pacific now gets all of the tralllo nnd IluiU Itself In the way where It must take active measures to protect Its Interest. London cable ! There are rumors of finan cial dllllrMiltlcs In 1'arls , but nothing Is dellu- Itely known. Credit industrial bank shares fell 70 francs. The following nro the closing quotations : U.S. H rcxt'terodTi \ Northern I'aclllc U.H Hcoiipuin'tl \ do proforroil B8 > ti U.S 4'iji ' rL''I'toreil .lon < C. ' , N. & W IO.SU U.S. < coilpons..lOl > ( iliiprofd ( ( ) . . . : ( t'ncllloiiiof 'M 113 Now Vork Central..10.1 Central I'aclllo M I' . . I ) . \ K 21 Chlcinir , , V Alton 121 Hock IsUnl Chlcavo , llurllnxton t'.M. , VHt. I' I1IK A Qiilnoy. ilo prnforroil 11ZW 1) . , L A W. .St. I'.nil .V Oninli.i. . . . IllinoisUcntr.il U7 iloproforrocl 81 I..1I. , V\V I Union I'aclllc 49 Knn < nstTxai ( it'JV. : ' . . St. l > . fi. 1' W l.nkoMliorn llli ( : ilnpruforroil ! ' . ' ' < .Michigan Central . . . 1154 Wostcrn Union Bl .MlasoiirH'nclllc. . . , 7J I MONKV o.v CAl.t , Kasyj closed offered at 3 per cent. I'IIIMB MKIICANTII.K PAPKH Unehangott ; , " > ® 7 per cent. bTKiu.iNO RxciiAsni : Qulot , steady ; sixty- day bills , II.H.V , ; demand , tl.8S' { . Th(3 Wool iMarlcer. HOSTON , Mass. , April 17. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hun. ! The demand for wool during Ihu past week has been moderate. The sale.s foot up , . 'JSOl ) ) pounds of domestic and . " -i-.OJ ) pounds of foreign wool. The market has been steady. Ohio X sold atlDS'lte , XX at UWile , and No. 1 at , 'irftl-ic. Michigan X has been ( inlet atJe , with one sale at L'll'jc. ' No , 1 combing wool has boon llrm at 402c ! , Ohio Ilnodelalnnati8-n : l7c. and Michigan line do- lalno at IIVK'I'iC ' , ITnwashod combing wool has been sold at 27 ® - > o for one-quarter blood and at SOS'Jte for three-eighths blood , Considerable Indl'ina one-iiuarter and one-half blood clothingMMII has been .sold atNOT.'Tc. . Unwashed Ohio and Michigan fleeces have been s.ild at U'0i"ia. Territory wool has been linn at fiOiJT > c clean for line , biJil''e for line medium and K "ta for medium , Texas , California and Oregon wools have been quiet at previous prices. I'ltllcd wools hnvo been In steady dciiiatr.l , choice supers selling at 40ft4.V' , fair to good sutlers at UOit'Wc , and extras at 2JS'Oe. ! Aus tralian wool has been In good demand , choice selling at MI.V , and good at Hlftl'Ic. I'orolgn carpet wools have been In fair demand , GofT'co Options. NKW YOIIIC. April 17. [ Special Telozram to THE llRK.l-Copfr.K Outlons opened dull and unchanged toll ) points up , closing steady at ! > up and dull. Thusales were 10.5JJ bags , ncludlnif April , 4:7.40 : ; May , $17,49 : June , tl7.WiJuly. 17.0)17.10 ; August , JHhfili Sep tember , illi.iritftlU.L'O ; November. J 1.1.50. Spot Klo. iulet | ; llrm ; fair cargoes , J2J.OJ ; N'o. 7 , $18.'J3. Mining Stocks. New Vouic , April 17. [ Special Telegram to TIIR linn. ] The following are the lulnlng stock quotations : Alice 115 Horn Silver .Ill ) lloillc 110 Ontario 8NJO Denilwuoed I1U I'lymouth IN ) Kuri'kn. Con 'tt > ) StnndurU 1UVO llonitstuku 4TA CHICAGO , April 17 Wheat Close Klrmor ; flash , Jl.tmjai.lOjf. ! May , il.lJUl.lOMi July , Corn -Steady ; cash , 75c ; May , 721/J7- ; July , O.s ic. Uats-Mrm ; cash , 57o ; Jlay , 57r)78c ! ; July , 5PM'5c. I'ork-Steady ; cash , $12.80 ; Jlay , 812.024 ! ; July. * II.KM. : : Lard-Steady ; cash , $0.8714 ; May. M.97K ; July. * 7.U7'J. Short Hlbs Steady ; casli and May , $6.50 ; July. W.82'/ ' . Hyo-OMMtte. llarloy bOo. Flax-l.j. : Timothy 1'rlmc , } I.3t. Whisky1.10. . Flour Strong and unchanired. Hulk Meats-Shoulders. J3.103.15 ; short clear. $0UOd.70 ; bhort ribs. J3.50. lluftor Unchanged ; creamery 025c ; dulr1 l-fi'jc. ( ( : ! RKVKUnchanged ; fresh. 12@l2 < , { c. Cheese Unchanged : full orcam Cheddars. Young Americas , lUl3io ! ; llats , ll'i15o. ' Hides Unclianged ; heavy and light green saltod. ! > lic.Vj ! green salted , tUcffiPi ; salted bulk , 4ic ? : green salted calf , Scidry Hint , 8c ; dry salted. He ; dry calf. MWc. Tallow Unchanged ; 1. solid packed , 4'c2 ; , U'Jc ; cake. 4Ho. Whtsky-lllgher. $1.18. Receipts. Shipments. Flour . 10.000 4.000 Wheat , bu . V..OOO 17.0)0 ) Corn , bu . , . 122,000 KJ.OOO Outs , bu . . b'J.OOO ( lil.OOO Nuw YOIIK. April 17. Wheat Itocclpts , 21,000 bushels ; exports , none ; spot ! J'i Jiyo : higher and unsettled ; No. a red , tl.2H'ijH.211/1 ( ) In ele vator ; ll.'J.V.i alloat ; $1.22@1. ' . > G f. o. b. Options opened excited , advnnclnz lUc , then liroxu ? vffi'io ' , advanced I78&2'.i on foreign buying orders and closed strong at 22 e over last nlsht's prko ; Mnv closed at tl.SO. Corn Hecolpts,7S,0' > ' ) bushels : exports , 1.VS03 ; spot hlgner ; No. 2 , blije In elevator ; 845ZS."ic alloat ; ungraded mixed. MXQsi : > ic. Options XGll'ie higher ; May closing at 8P4e. Oats Hecelpts , ai.OJ'J bushels ; exports , 1,035 : spot higher ; No. 2 white , t > lf.fir > c ; mixed western , COSPklc ; white western , ( I'lSJOc. Op tions stiouger ; May closing at ( lie. Sugar Haw , muscovado , 111 test , Il'oc : ( hit centrifugals , no test , IPJc ; rollneu , higher ; standard "A , " 4 U-lOo ; out lo.if , 5'.ie ; pow dered . ' > e ; grannlateil , l" c. I'etroleum Kaslor ; United closed for May at Tie. Ivttgs Klrmer ; western , ll'jc. I'ork Strong ; new mess. $ li,7. ; > till 50. Iiard Firmer ; western steam , $ rl.r > . lluttor Steady ; western dairy , I2S32c ; western creamery , 21'iTe : Klgln. ' 'I'/ic. Cheese -Firm ; skims , ij10c. ! ! ST. Louis , April 17. Wheat Excited and higher ; cash Jl.tWi May , tl.ll. Corn Higher ; cash , 70c ; May , 7lc. Oats Higher ; cash. .Wte ; May , fu'ic. I'ork-Stronger-at * l2.7.T l2.87i. ! Laril-Klrinnr at , M..V. / j'J.7 : > . Whlsky-l'lrm at * l.lll. Ilutter-Flrm ; creamery , 2itt25c : ; dairy , IBo. MINNKACOMR , April 17. Wheat Good de mand for sample wheat today ; markelstrong , higher. Receipts. 12) ) cars ; shipments , 70 cars , Close : No. 1 hard , April , $1.111 ; on track , il.M'Jj ' No. 1 northern , April , $1.0i ! ; May. * I.09"B ; on track , $ I.10'J ; No. - ' northern , April. $1.07 : on tr.ick $ .OPii April , tl.U7 ; on track , Jl.07'i ' ® MII.WAUICEH , April 17. Wheat Kxoitod ; No 2 spring , cash , JI.WIiM.IO ; May. 11.11 , Corn Firm ; No. ; i , 74c. Oats Steady ; No. 2. white. .lO'.Jc. ' Provisions Quiet ; pork , May , $12.85. CINCINNATI , April 17. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 red , $1.11.12. ! Corn Strong ; No. 2 mixed. 777Wc. Oats Higher ; No. 2 mixed , 50c. Whisky-tun. KANSAS CITV. April 17. Wheat Market , higher ; No. 2 hard , cash , IMcQtl.oi ; No. 2 red , cash , $1.0:1 : 1.01. Cnrn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , CSiJe ; April , CS ! c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 cash , 5ia,3"0. . April 17. Wheat Vltm ; de mand Improving. Corn Strongjdomand fair. " Zifr/j STUCK. ClllCAOO , April 17 Cattle Hecolpts , RO.OOO ; market steady ; steers , Sli.a.'i for top prices ; M.1IMM.OJ for others ; stockers , $ J.fi.val.2 : > ; Tcx- ans , $ J.UO ) ; cows and heifers , * I..YXTt.t.uo. Hogs -Hecelpts. iH.iKH ) ; market higher ; rouah and common , } l.xwtl.7i ( ) ; packers , $ I.NH& > 20 ; iirlinu heavy and butcher weights , * > - > .2.vai,45 ; llglit. M.oott5.2iii skips and pigs , : i.uO-S4.73. SIIKEP Receipts , itftoa ; market active. Ir regular ! westerns , $5.tl > at.00i ! lambs. tiOuO.UO. ( ST. Louis. April 17. Cattle Receipts. 400 ; shipments , l.tUMmarket strong ; fair to fancy natives , tl.HXiJO.IO ; stookors and feeders , $ XOO ( S4.10. Hog * -Recolnts , , ' 1,200 ; shipments , 4,200 ; mar ket higher ; heavy. JJ.lOi.Vlj ; mixed , ia.70 ® 8.15 ; light. 4.UKi5.1D. _ KANSAS CITV. April -Cattle Receipts , 2,7iW : shipments , ILV ) ; steady to strong ; steers , M.&UU.I.HCOWN , $1.75a .a5 ; stockers and feed ers. ii'j.v.6i.M. : Hogs Hecelpts. 8,430 ; shipments , n.RIO ; mar ket higher , closed weak ; all grades , $ J.X5.1U. ) O. U.I 11. 1 lIl'K HTOVIl , OMAHA , April 17. CATTLE O.llntal rocoluta of cattle W. > . ns compared with KVS yesterday and 1,0. ' > 8 Friday of last week. Thu market 'ran active with bund fat grades of beeves and butcher stock stronger : others fully Mcady. 1'eeJori are active uuu lu dciuaud ut llrm prices. The market'MiVmd with u wank frel- Ing on beeves , moru ninounced and iiuiiicroiii on heavy beovcs. , lloos-oniclnl roiiMipU of hozs iUJK. n compared with : i.niu yesterday and : tfll.l Friday of last week. The market wns active and fi to ,100 , higher. All wild , The range of thu .prices paid wai JI.W M.13' ' { . the liulk Rclllili ntfl.UJWWa Light. * l.7S\nSt heavy. H.OViM.12H ; mixed , II.1KWM.05. The average of tlio prlijos paid was ILHi im compared with fl.oni VEsiorday and ( I.1U I'tl- day of last week , SiiKKi'-Jlllelal roceVpts of Bhuop 427. as compared with 4'CI vcstcrdiiy and IW ) I rl- day of last week. Nuilves , $2.7.VB.\50 ; west erns , I2.00O5.50. Disposition of Htoulc. Showing the nninoor ot o'ltlle , hogs mid sheep bought by the packers anil other buyers on the market as shown by the boo'ts of the Union stock yards cnmp my : CATTLE. Hnynrs , No. Pwlft&Co 478 Thod. H. Hammond company 'M ' ' \ ho Cudahy packing comp.iny H Thu Omaha packing company H Shippers , feeders anj other buyers ! 8i Leftover f > ! > Total , 'lTio MILKEItS AND 1 milker fjo fie 1 springer - , oo 1 springer 30 00 WKSTKllN CATTLE. No. Av. I'r. Gage fi Italcom 1CO cow hay-fed . io.V ) J,1 00 CO steers , Iiay-fed . lo.Vl 4 5D 10 steers , hay-fed . ] 12J ( 4 00 ! I7 steers , hay-fed . HIG ; 000 steers , hay-fed . 120 ! ) 525 .steers , hay-fed . ll ( 5 HO cows , hay-feu . 1021 350 J. M. Hrett steers , hay-fed . - . . 10fi5 405 feeders . HL'7 3 ( W feeder . ( . . 050 250 Marsh & Cooper feeders , hay-fed . 8M 385 feeders , hay-fed . in ) , ) 3 txj hteers. hay-fed . ' . 1051 450 Amos Llllv & < " ' , ) . 1. ) steers , hay-fed . 1210 4 .V , Icow.hay-ied . 8W ( 335 2 cows , hay-fed . 1170 3:15 : 5 cows , liav-fed . 700 335 Sands llrothers 0 steers , hay-fed . ] OI1 410 7j heifers , hav-fed . 12W 405 HOGS. No. Av. rili. I > r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. ,1 . 220 J4 50 31 . 24(1 ( 12J $1 05 10 . 142 40 450 01 . 225 12) 4 07J ! 100 . 150 40 480 75 . 101) ) 80 500 B . 2KI 40 483 74 . 1U3 120 500 - . 157 80 4 W 77 . 204 ' "W 500 95 . 181 100 485 70 . 214 80 500 Kl . ICO 240 4 dS 07 . 20 500 50 . 105 12J 4 00 74. . . .217 160 500 5(1 ( . 312.210 400 50 . Ztt 500 08 . 215 120 4 IJ ) 81 . 101 500 US . UK ) 120 4 OJ 09 . 200 500 74 . 212 1GO 400 48 . 243 80 500 ( W . I7B 101 400 80 . 201 80 500 01 . 2.-I2 80 4 IK ) 70 . 195 240 500 02 . 202 1(10 ( 400 72 . 2tU 80 502'J 19 . 275 200 400 03 . 219 120 505 1 . 174 4110 14 . * 2 &u 505 07 . 272 340 4 02 ! $ 71 . 222 80 505 42 . 31S 10' ) 4 03 03 . 220 505 32 . If2 bO 405 G3 _ 22. ) 80 505 32 . . . .12S 4 ! I5 08 . 217 80 5 01 3. ) . 203 80 4 flj 00 . 2it ) 200 505 70 . 215 200 405 G3 . 2)4 10 505 Kl . 221 4 10 83 . al 505 78 . 200 40 4 05 C4 . 202 5 07J ! 73 . . . .198 60 410 CO . Of ! 120 510 f8 . 198 H ) 4 id 41 . 397 410 75 . 213 40 4 K Kl . 284 - - 4 12J ! I'HIS AND HOLHlll. 1 . 320 2 21 1 . K | ) go 400 0) . 94 40 323 , 1 . 270 425 .8 . 107 3 40 SIAMIKETS. I'rovlsioiiH. S.MOKKD MEATS-Sugar Cured-IIams , 14 to 10 Ib average , Olic ; hams. 2J to 2'i Ib average. li'/ic ' ; hams , 10 to 12 Ih average , lOc ; skinned hams , IDc ; shoulders , 0Je ! ; clear breakfast bacon , narrow strips. 8"e ; clear bieakfa't bacon , wide strips , 9c ; honeless breakfast bacon backs , 8c : California or picnic hams. To ; boneless ham , S c ; dried beef hams ( sots ) , 9.ic ; dried beef clods , h4c ! ; short spiced rolls or ham roulette. 8'4c ; smoked Peef tongues ( per do/on ) , iHi..V > : special hams , 12 to 15 II ) average , lie ; special bonolo > s breakfast bacon , lie ; se lected dried beef hams , lusldes nnd knuckles , llti ; selected wide clear breakfast bacon. Ue ! Diiv SALTKD MKATS Fancy light weight short clears. 7Ue ; long clears. ( i'4e ; short clears , 0V ; short ribs , tj. c ; shoulders , 5.'ie ; clear bclllc" . 7c ; clear backs , O'sC. SMOKI.II MRAT& Dry Salt Cured Fancy light weight bacon short clears , 7Vb ; icon short ribs , 7'iiC ; bacon short clears , 7'c ; b-icon long clears. 78C ; bacon clear backs , 7'c ' ; bacon clear bellies , 714e ; bacon shoulders , li' e. SWIET : I'tcKLEi ) MKATH Hams , tierces , 0ie ! ; shoulders ( N. V. cut ) , tierces , 5lic ; bellies. tierces , 734c ; California hams , tierces , lie ; beef hams. ImrreK $18.00. PiCKi.ini HKKF TONOUKS Hiirrels. $20.00 ; half barrels. 100 Ibs , $10.50 ; nuartcr barrels , 50 Ibs. $ (1.00 ( ; eighth barrels. ' > Ibs. 1.50. LAUD Compound , per Ib , tierce basis , fi'ic ; pure leaf , per Ib. llorco basis , 7-ic ! ; pure lard , tier Ib , tieico basis , 7 > 4c ; kettio rendered leaf lard , per Ib , tierce basis , 8'iC. llAunr.T.Ki ) 1'oiiK ANII HKKK Mess porknew ( ) , per bbl12.00 ; family pork $11.M ; baek pork. 13.50 ; short ent clear pork , $ 12.00 ® 14 HO ; mess pork , { 11.50 ; prime mess pork$11.00ii.OO : ; boneless - less pig pork ( fancy ) , $15.50 : extra mcbs beef , $9.00 ; plate beef , $ II.OO ( ; extra plate beef , $1I.OJ ; lolled beef ( boneless ) $11,50 ; boneless rolled beef , half bbls , i-il.uu ; extra family plate beef , $ fi.50. I'K ) 1'oiiK lloncless HarroK 200 Ibs each , $15.5'j ; half barrels , 100 Ibs , each , HOO ; ijuartur barrels , 50 Ibs , each , $1.50 ; eighth bariols , 25 Ibs , each $2.75. OILS I'rlmo lard oil , winter strained. 55c ; extra lard oil , wlntersrrained , 52c , extra No , 1 lard oil. 43c ; No. 1 larl ( ) ll , : t < 3c ; No. 2 lard oil , 32e ; extra noat's-foot oil , 49o ; tallow oil , 49e , BAi'SAdKS llolognu , 4(40 ( ; blood sausage , 5c- liver sausage , 5c , head Cheeie , 5o ; fresh pork sausage , In link. 7iCiresli ; pork sausage , li bulk , 7o ; smoued pork .sausage . , O'io ' ; Frank- furl sausage , 8e ; biuokcd head cheese , ( lie ! ; 1'ollsh.sausage , 7'-te ; Knoblauch sausage.'He tongue sausage. Do ; slmmier sausaije , 12Ho. Tiieabovo prices are for lots of 50 pounds and upwards ; a less .quantity He more. MUTTON Choice dressed mutton , 8'io ' ; racks of mutton , lilc ; saddles nf mutton , Uc ; breasts or mutton , 5c ; leg of la'utton , lOc. FIIKSII 1'oitK l'rk Joins , 9o ; tenderloins 15c ; spare ribs , Ce ; shoulders , Gc ; hoeUs , ; iu trimmings , 5c ; baek iMines. 2140 ; dressed hogs O'uc : cleaned plas feet , per ilo/cn , 33e ; rougl uncleaned pm ' feet , per dozen , 20c. Fnusn HEKK CUTS-MHolls. 9c ; bcof tender loins , ICc ; sirloin butts , 80 ; bonclcbs strips , Uc ; btilp loins , 8e ; rounds , ( rumpoITi , 80 ; rounds ( rnmpon ) , 7o ; roundR , 'shank ' off ) , 7'ic ; lione less rumps , 5e ; ehuckH , 5o ; plates , 3c ; bacl halves. 7o ; shoulder clo ls , Utc ; If0f ) loins , No 1 ( steer ) , 1517c ; beef loins , No. 2,12c ; bee loins , No. 3 , i15c : ! ; beef ribs. ! > IMIc ; beef ribs No. 1,123.I4C ; sweet broads ( per doz ) , 75o ; kid neys ( each)3e ) ; ox tails ( each ) , 3c ; livers ( O'ich ) 15c ; beef hearts ( each ) , 5c ; l.oef tongues ( each ) , 45c. Country l rotlnoc. Thu receipts yesterday weiu not heavy butter especially being In light supply. Kniis flio market was about r.'o at whlcl price tlio most of the eggs were Mild. lIUTTKii The supply WHS very light am prlcex correspondingly high. Thu best conn try roll went ijnltt ) readily at 20'J. ' . ! 1'oULTiiv It Is getting ratlier late fo dro.-.sed chickens and lOo was about the out side for tbo very bust stock. Live chicken hell ut 3.7.Vf64.U ) per doz. Hardly enougl geese , duoks or turkeys art ) arriving to miiKo I iniiniet. HAV The receipts were somewhat larse but the best upland could still bo ( juotcdia I15.UO per ton , Flour. H. T. Davis Mill Co. . high patent. No. 1 am Cream , 12.80 ; Illuc D. full patent , ( . ' .55 ; Hawk c.vc , half patuut. U1U ; special royal , patent to. JO , f.1.00 ! Mlnnrsota palnnt. e..Wli Kaium innl wheat. | iati > iil , $2.65 ; Nebraska spring vlinal patent , lira Oskamp'M ready lo rlso 1)uelwhcnl flour , l.25prrcasu of 53'-lb Packages ; buckwheat , n bills. N. Y. . M.OO ; i\celslorbrand.J.VMi : lap-Jack meal , 13.75 per case of 60 2-lb pack- ge . 2.M ; Snowllakc , $2.10 ; iow grade , $1.00 ; bran , POTATOIW Homo grown toek , 11,23 ; Colo- ado , tl.IL'i per bu , I'm PLANT Per dofVMJ7e. . ( 'Atri.tFLHWKH I'urilot.50. . Si'lNACii I'er bbl.$2.fl ( , LiTTii'i--'holeo : ) : stock , 4VI'ic ( ( ' , RtiTAiiAOAS Michigan slock , tier bu , COo. Hr.iTi"l'er : bbl. K.WI.OQ. ONKNH"SpanIsh , largo crates , J6.50. CAiinoTS I'er bbl , $ ' . ' .25. CcLiniv-Mlchlgan stock , 40tH' > c ; California , icrdo/ . $1.00. SWERT I'OTATOKS Cliolce stock Is held at 4.50 per bbl ; seed potatoes , fcl.OO per bbl , RAIIIKHIIH 1'erdolinnelies , IJo. I'Aits.Mi'.s I'er bid , J.UKI. iiH 1'ur do/ . tl..vi2.00 , CKLKIIV ROOTS'IT \ < lii ? , 75c. HllANH-Choleo stock , t'.OO. Raccoon , No. 1 , largo , 75cs No , 1 medium , MCI No. 1. small. 40oi No. 2.40c. Mink , No. I , largo , $1.00 ; No. I. medium , 75c ; No. I , small , fiOes No , 2 , 50e. Skunk , black , cased , No. 1 , largo. JI.OO ; No. I , medium , 75c ; No. I , small , mo. Skunk , short stripe , eased , No. I , largo , 75c ; No , 1 , me dium , 500 ! No. I , small , 2.V. Skunk , narrow slrlpo , cased , No. I , lingo , 40c ; No. 1 , modlnm , 25c. Skunk , broad strlpo. ousod , No 1 , large , 20o , I'ox , cross , dark. No. 1 , largo , ti'.50 ; No. I , medium. tJ.tiU ; No. I , small , 11.51) ) ; No. 2 , tl.50. I'ox , rod , No. 1. largo. $ I..V ) ; No. 1 , medium. Jl.ooj No. I , small , 75e ; No. 2 , liic. I'ox , gruy. No 1 , largo , Mi" No. I , medium , Mies N" . I , small , 20c. Wolf , inouiil.iln , No. I , large. if'.W ) ; No I , me dium. $1 25 ; No. I. small , 75oj No. 2 , $1 00. Wolf , prairie , No. I. largo , $1.00 ; No. 1. medium , 75c ; No. 1 , small. Mo ; No. 2 , lOc , Heaver , prime , per skin. No I , largo , $7.0.i ; No. I , medium , 45.00 ; No , I , small. $ : i.5 ( ) . Heaver. No. 2. per skin. No. I. largo. $0.00 ; No. 1 modlnm , if.'l..V > ; No. I small- $ I.X ( ) . Otter , No. I large , $700 ; No. 1 medium , $5.0U ; No. I small , faon ; No. 2 , if'.Sl. Lynx , No 1 large , t'-.OO ; No. I modlnm. fl.2" > ! No. t small 75c ; No. 2. $ ! .OJ. Wildcat , No. 1 largo , .Vo ) ; No. 1 medium , 3o ; No. iMiiull. Hc. ) Opossum. No. 1 large , r.'c ; No. I small , fie. lladuor. No. 1 large , ( Vic ; No. 1 medium , l"e ; No. 1 small , 'IOr. WoHoiluo , No. I Inrgo , $1.01 ; No. 1 medium , $3.00 ; No. 1 small. $2.00. Hour , black. No. 1 large , MO.OOj No. I medium. Jln.tK ) ; No. I small. $5.00. Hear , crb/.ly. No. I largo , $10.00 ; No. 1 medium , $0.00 ; No. I small , $1.00. Hear , blown. No. 1 largo , $1.00 ; No. 1 medium , $2.50 ; No. 1 small , $1.00. Hear , cubs. No. 1 largo. il.ii'J ; No 1 medium. $2.50 ; No , 1 small , 81.00. Marlon , No I hinio , . ' .00 ; No. I medium. $1.00 ; No. I small , Mo. l-'lshor. No. 1 largo. $5.flJ ; No. 1 medium , it.00 ; No. 1 small , $2.50. Huckskln. Indian drosM'd , per Ib. , No. 1 large , 5'.o ' . lo 75i' . Deer , summer , per Ib. . No. 1 largo , 20c to 25o. leer ) , fall , per In. . No. 1 large. l. > e to20o , Door , winter - tor , per Ib. , No. 1 largo , 12e to I8c. Deer , uroeii salted , per piece. No. 1 large , 25c to 75o. A nte- lopo. per Ib. , No. 1 laro , r.'c to Inc. 1'lk , iicr Ib. , No. 1 largo , So to 10c. Muskrut 111. . WIs , la , Winter. No. 1 large , 17c ; fall. No. 1 me dium , lie ; fall. No. 1 lar o. He ; fall , No. 1 mo- dlum , llojdamagedspeared or shot.Do. Muskrat - rat Southwestern and territory Winter , No. I largo , 14c ; winter. No. 1 mod.um. He ; fall , No. 1 large , lie ; fall , No. 1 medium , So ; dam aged , speared or shot 7e. Ijiunbcr. Quotations are for ear lots on board cars at Omaha : DI.MHNSIONS 12. 14 & Hi ft , 18 ft. 20 ft. 22 ft , 24 ft. 2x1. . . } 15 50 Jill 00 $1 50 $17 ( K ) $1800 2x1. . . . 15 00 1550 1000 1700 1800 2x8. . . . 15 CO 1550 Hi 00 17 TO Is 03 2x10. . . 1500 1550 10 00 1750 IS 00 2.\12. . . 10 00 11)00 ) 1700 1850 1900 4.\4 to h.\8. . 18 00 17 00 18 00 IS 00 10 00 HATTHNS. WUt.I.Tl'lllNn. KTC1. O. O. 2'J-lncll ' , 05c : V4\3 , sis , : c ; 2-lncli widl lulling. I ) . , t M. and bov. , WUK ) ; plckels , D. .t H. Mat , f-'J.50 ; D , & 11. imiuio , $22.M. KK.NCI.NO-NO. 1,0 In. 12 and lift , rf , $10.00 ; No. 1. ( i In , 1(1 ( ft , $10.00 ; 4 In. $111.00 ; No. 2 , 0 In. 12 and 14 ft , rf , $14.00 ; 4 In , $11.00 ; No. 2 , (1 ( In , 10 ft. iin.H ( ) ; 4 In , $1(1.00 ( ; No. 3 , (1 ( In. 12 and II ft. 313.00 ; 4 In , jii.OO : ; No. 3 , U In , III ft , $13.09 ; 4 lu , $13.00. 9IWNO-A. 12. 14 and If. ft$22.00 ; 0. $17.W ; II , 12 , 14 and IU ft , $20.50 ; D , $14.50. HOAIIKS No. 1 com , $18.5(1 ; No. 2 , com , $15.00 ; No. 3 , coin , $13.50 ; No. I. com , $11.59. STOCK lioAHDS A. 12 In , sis , $18.03 ; 11 , IS In , sis. $15.10 ; 0 , $10.0) ) ; 1) ) . $ . ' 5.00 ; No. I common , 12 In , sis , 10 , 12 , and 18 ft , $21.00 ; No. 2. Ih.5'J ; No. I common , 12 In , sis , 14 ft , $20.00 : No. 2 , $17.50 ; No 1 common. 12 In. sis , Ifi ft , $19.M ) ; No. 2 , $17.00 ; No. 1 common , 12 In , sis , 2J ft , $21.00 ; No. 2 , $ tar > o. SuirLAV No. 1 plain , 8 and 10 In. $10.00 ; No , 2. $ l'i.OO ' ; No. 1O. (5. , Bin , $19.00 ; No. 2 , $10.50 ; 10 In , crooved roollng , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $19.50. FINISIIINO Istand 2d , cl. , 1 in , s2s , $19.00 ; H.i , I1nnd 2 In. $49.00 ; 3d clear , 1 in , s2s , $45.00 ; H't , li ! and 2 In , $47.00 ; A , select. 1 In , s''s , Sll.OO : 1 > 4 , li ! and 2 In , $15.00 ; H , select. 1 In , 2s , $31.00 ; 1 > 4 , l'/t and 2 In , $10.00 ; O , select , 1 in. s2s , 27.00 ; Ih , I" and 2 in , JIB.OU. A. It or 0 select , all IB-foot. $1.00 extra. SOUTIIKIIN YELLOW I'INI ; 1st and 2d cona flooring. 13-1(1 ( star , $21.00 ; 13-10$19.00 ; common lloorlnii , 13-1(1 , J15.W ) ; rift clear. 13-Ifi , $2.io ( : Island 2d clear , 3 colling. $14.51 ; 1st and 2d clear. ? 4 celling. $19.50 ; 1st and 2d clear , cell ing. $25.00 ; Island 2d clear , Mulsh , s7 , from 1 Inch , $27.10 : 1st and 2d clear , HnMi , s2s , froml'.i Inch , $ ; )0.00 ) ; 1st and 2d clear , llnlsli , s2s. from 1'i ' and 2 Inch , $30.00 , 1st and2d cleary. p. casings , $3i.OO ( ; base , $ . ' 10.00. I'oi'LAH Lu.MiiEU 8-lneh and up , 1st and 2d clear , 1-Inch s2s , J.'H.OJ ; 8-lneh and up , 1st and 2d clear. ! i Inch panel. $29.00. SASH , DOOMS , KTC. Tar board , $1.50 ; sash , 53 per ct. ; doors , 5'J per ct. ; blinds , 50 per et. : moulding , 53 per et. : tarred felt , per cwt. , $2.10 ; slraw board , $1.15. Fi.oouiNd-A. il-lnch , white pine. J.ts.00 ; C $29.50 ; II. C-lnch , white pine , $ 'li.UO ( ; I ) . $ . ' 0.50 ; K G-lnch , white pine ( self-fencing ) , $17.00 ; drop siding , 5flo per M oxtra. SIIINOLKS , LATH Uvtra "A. " pine , $ .80 ; standard "A$2.4" > ; extra "A , " cedar , $ -.f > 5 ; 0-lncli clear pine , $1.90 ; clear redwood , 81,25 ; luth.i.OO. : I'OSTS White cedar , C-lnch , fjs , lie ; 0-Inch ( | rs , lie ; white cedar , 5iiinchis ' , lie ; 8-Inch ( | rs , 9c ; white cedar , 4-Inch round , 15c ; split oak , 8c ; Tennessee red cedar , split , 14c. IIS. HONKV Choice. 1 Hi frames , ISSJ'JIe. LI.MI : , C'UMKNT , IJrc' . On board o-.irs at Omaha 1'or bbl Ash lirovn lime , l ) > c ; C'hamploii llme.83c ; Qiilncy white , SOe ; l.oulsvlllooomont , $1.5' ) ; Milwaukee cement , $1 15 ; Utica coinont. $1.40 ; Kngllsh Portland coinont. t.'l. 15 ; Now Vork planter , $2.25 ; Jllchlgan plaster , $200 : I'ort Dodge plustor , $1,03 ; white sand , 1' . 1' . hair , per bale , Jl.tX ) llilKS--l'ro/on hides , fie ; No. 1 green salted hldes,5'.tiilo ( ; No. 2 green salted hides , 1'ie : No. 1 green salted hides , 25 to 40 Ibs , ftGlifcll-1 ; No. 2 green sailed hides , 25 to 40 Ibs. 4'ie ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs , 7c ; No. 2 veal cult 8 to 15 Ibs. so : No. I dry Hint hides , 7c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 53c ! ; No , 1 dry salted hides , 5 jowii mil , ? ; . ( ) ' . TAI.MIW ASK OHCASK Tallow No. 1 , 3i'g > lo ; tallow No. 2 , 3' . < a3'ao ; grouse , white A , li'ilo 3'4e ; grease white 11. > tf > il'io ; grease , yellow , 234o ; grease , dark , 2'ic ; old butter , 24i''tc : ' ; beeswax , prime , IMMOc ; rough tallow , lt ! < < ! j.v0t HONES IN CAU LOTS ONLY Dry bnlTalo , per ton , $10.0'j < /il8.0j ; dry country , bleaclied , per ton , $10.XVi6ii.oOj ( : damp and meaty , per ton , i8.OiK10.00 , Those prices are for bones weighed and delivered In Chicago , The Baby's Health often glvoa fond parents very great anxiety md caro. S. S. S. , Is tlio popular remedy for chil dren. Itl3 safe , palatable nnd does , of Independence the work. David Zartman dependence , O. , says : "S. S. S. rUIJKI ) MV HAHY OK Till : WOIIST CASI5 OF CATAHHH I KVKU SAW A CHIU ) WITH. TIIKXASVr , DlSrilAIUlK WAS vr.uv iAUn : AND OlTlISSIVi : , S. 8. H- i : A IT.UMA. NKSTCUUI : . " tni ITlooil anil Skin ilUea c free , Tiiia\virrsi'iciFicco.ATi.AXTA1A. : : ( } SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. . LIMITED. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Co C -E > 9 Kjclialik'O llullJln. , Boutli Ouiaha. S. J. Coflunn , Bmiloy Hunter & Green , SO lUchanvo IlullJIng JO UichanKO llulldlng BuuUi Omili * BOuUt OMAHA Maoiifactuws' Jofa' DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. j DTOYOLEST3 The Brnnswiok-Balko A. n. Pcrrigo&Co. . . Oollomlor Go. [ HUlanl nierohimlUn , All Malei , All Prlci'i , All Saloon Qiturei 1'nrts. ttn. 4M H. lOtli utruot , Umnhix. 1315 Hodce Street BOOK BINDERS & STATIONERS. Omaha Republican Printing Co. , t. w btlufj , bunk uppllej , aim OTCf/lMiu In tha printing lino. 10th anil PouU 11 strooti. Acfcermann Bros. ft Hointzo , Printers , tlnJcrs , tloctrolTpora , blank book inanti- facturi > r , 1MB IlowaM iitroat , Oaiih-v. Manufacturers flnoclgnri Manufacturcra' Agouti , Jobbers of loaf tobncco * . CllBIM. 1011 Parnam itrcot 505S ISIh Bt. . Olimlill.Nl'b. COAL , COKE. ETC. Omaha Goal , Ooke and Ooutant & Squires , Liino Oo. Uard and soft coal ihlp- ' , Hard nnd > of t ooal pt'M 1208 Fnrrnm root , S. K. Cor. 10th and Uoa j- Omaha Ui itrootJ. Hulbert & Blum , 1' . n. Mahoney & Oo. OhloumpUock | Sprln ? ! , Hard-Coal-Soft. Kxcelslor , Walnut bloa < , screened nut , anthracite , OBIccs 613 N. 1fith nnd cor. ' "o&Virsthrt.iothani1 iouKias " American Fuel Oo , Howell & Oo. , Bhlppors and rtealars li S17 8. llth street , nnthrnclto and bitu minous coal. Omaha , Neb. 215 S. 15th street. Johnson Bros. , Nebraska Fuel Oj , , [ 14 Karnam Btrcot , 2138. ISthatroot , Omnlm , Neb. Omnlm , Nob. Mount & Griffin , 0. B. Havens & Oo. , 113 S. lUtiatrast , arnain street , Omaha , Nob. Omaha. CORNI' ' B. Eagle Oornico Works F , Euempinij Manufncturersof Oalran- Galvanized Iron cornices. Izbd Iron Cornice. Dormer windows , door Window caps , motiillcslcy caps , llnlals , etc. Tin IlKhU cto. 1110 and 1112 Iron and slate roofer. DodiceSt. 811 Farnam St. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatriok-Koch Dry furnishing Goods Oo. , Dry Roods , , notions gents' , goods , notions. Dry goods furnlihlux k-oods. Cor. llth and Howard sts. Corner llth and llarney ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. Illustrated Catalo U9 free. 1611 Capitol Avenue. FARM MACHINERY , ETC. Parlin , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall , Martin Oa. , General western agent Corner Jones and 9th sts. Skandla How Co , Omaha , Neb. ISl'J-IMl Shcrmin nro. FLOUR. Broken Bow Hollar E. T. Davis Mill Oo , , Milling Oo , . C. G. Underwoo.l , Ofllcoand warohouio , Manager at Omaha. 1012 N. IClh street Cor. Stli and Jaokson its. 8. F. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp , ' ' M'f'g of ready to ralsn Mi-nl. tlnuil Blnp Jack 1011 N. 10th street rnki > 4 In the world. C.E. lllack , - Manager. 12U7-1S11 S. iJth utro * Omaha Milling Co , , Merchant Miller. . OlUco and mill , 131.1 North ICth Stioot FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Fur Ohas. Shiverick & Oa. niture Oo , , Furniture and Carpets. Furnlturo and cirpoti , 1119-1119 Farnam street , 1200-1210 Farnam Bt. Beobo & Ruuyan Fur niture Oo , Successors to C.A. Iteebo , V I'll Grace ami Ilitli Sts , GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Schneider & Loomis , J. T. Ilobinson Notioa Oo. , lobbcm nm ! Importers of ( ! cnt ' furliUhlna goods. uotlons nnd [ urulslilnii m'f'K cjlulir.itotl tiranl "IliickHkln" ovoralli , , liouds imntH , Hlilrti , coati , eto. till Howard street. Cor. I''thnnd How.irdstj. GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS , J3BAIN AND PROVISIONS Toncray &Biyan , I S. A. MoWhorter IlrdkerH. grain , | irovl luni'il ' : Ut Null Hank. Broker iind Mock * BIS H Ulh 1'rlvato nlri'a to Now M. I'rlvntuwlru to I'hl- York , Chicago nnd Kt. iiitii. St. I.ouli and NOH l.oulb. Cii h train Vork. bought for ull market * . Oookrell Bros.1 Ilrnkun. 1'rivnto wires to New Vurk , IhlcuKO fi Kt l.oilU. HlM'flid n He'll- tloiiKlvun to track 14da OUi'alu. ' GUNPOWDER. Hugh Q. Olark. Oonl W < - torn Agent Dupont'i Spotting Dun- powder. Atlas huhaiplo- iy . .UIiutlnCftpiuia. ( 111 ! ) UatlH'y strait. "llARDWAKia. Rector & Wilholuvy Oo Leo-Olark - Androosoii Hardware Oo.f Cor , lOlli n 1 Jackjon its 11M-IHO Ouiahft. Mutt. S , TALLOW. Qco. Oborna & Oo. , J , S. Smith & Oo , , 613 S. 13th slrost. IW-H12 I.c.ivcnirorth il Omati & . Olnnh.v IRON WORKS. Pnxton & Omnlia Safe & Iron , Iron Works , Works iv roiiilit nnd cn t Iron , liullillnit mirk , englnoi. Mnnuf'rs nro nml linrcHf work , piuof rt\tf > , TAIIIK. Jut ! i , maclilnd nn-l - work , Iron liutK > r atM Miicksmllli work. t ) . p. fire ixrnpej. II. An- Itjr. nndl'thst , drecu.lltliAJackKinsti Actno Iron nnd HViro Wilson & Drake , Work ? , MTf tulnilnr dues , : lr 'ron. wlro nn I bran w 'k . bor boilers , tanki , oto. 6TJH. llllhstroot rt' . lloehl , - I'roptlotor. I'lfconmt loth lro5tJ. LITHOQRAPHINQ. Rcos Printing Oo. Lltliojtrnphlnij , Prlntlni ntul lllank tlooki. llth anil Itoi LIQUORS. Her & Oo. , William D.trst , I.tquor MiToIianti. Wines , Uiguori nnil Cl- 111 ! llnrnuf troot. . Cirs. ' ( ttnniiriirtiir'ia K'.Minei Kiistlmtlaimturs. ISIS VnriiMn HI. , Ornih * H. R. Grotto , Frank Dallono & Oo , , Importur nml .lobbur of Liquors and OunulnoNo- \Vlnp nn.t Uquori. IMi nml lurj rarimm St. vndn ClKnra. 1'rlcu llJts on npplleatloii- \y \ > ' > Dougliu SticcU L , Kirsoht & Oo , A , Friok & Oo , , \Vhole nIo I , IquorDe.ilcr \Vbole9aIo l.lquorDcateri imi l-'T-n'im Siro'i' . SOI-80S t ) . 10th 31. LUMBER. Q. W. Douglas ? & Oo. John A , Wakefiolil , Imporlcil.Anierlrnn.l'urti Hardwood Lumber , liinilCi > mi > ntMllwniiKc lljdrnullc Cvmt'lit nud 1310 North ICth StrosU ( Julncy Whtta I.lmo. V Oharlos R. Lee , Wyatt-Bullard Lumber Ilnrdwood lumber , wood cnrpet' nnil pnrguot ber Oo. lloorlnir. Ptli and JClli andlinrd StrccU , Oady & Gray , Louis Bradford , Mme , CO'iinnl. KM. , ' , Lumber , llruo , coment.oH Cor. 9th nnl I > oulai itrcoU MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stonehill , I. Oberfelder & Oo , , Millinery , Notloni Importcrn nnd Jobbers la Clnukf , Eto .Millinery. 203,210 nncl 212 South llth IIC-I13S. ICthSt. , Omaha etrcct. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , ETC Mf.y Meyer & Bro , Oo. A. Hoapo , Jr. , M'f's Jewelers , dealers In I'la'nos , Organs , Artlsty musical Instruiuunts , etc. , Materials , I to. , Farnam and ICtrx. 1513 Douglas BtrooU CEMENT AND LIME. J. J. Johnson & Co , , 218S. 13th strait , Omaha , Nob. OILS. ! OYSTERS. _ _ Consolidated Tank A. Booth Packing Oo , , Line Oo. Oyitcrs , fish and . canned lioods. Iteflned and lubrlcntln ? oils , axle pro * * * ! ) , etc. 1S03 1-oavonworth. _ j A. II. Bishop , Manager. PAPER. | PIATING. Oarpenter Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'ka ' Carry n full stock of Gold , sllror nnd nlekel , wrapplnR nnd plntlnx on all metals , printing liililuware , ctc.rcplatoi wrlthiK paper , card pa 1'nlUhlntibrais A ohail * per , etc. dcllernork. 1111 Dodija. PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Eibbel & Smith , Bchroedor & Oo , , Dealers In country prod Cash buyers butter an4 uce , fruits , vegetables , CKKS , an t Kcnoml coiu- etc. mts lon merchants , 1207 Howard street. ( H South llth street. 0. Rosso & Oo. , E. B. Branch & Oo. , Forclcn , California and 1'rodura , fruits of all tropical fruits , kinds , orators , 1213 Howard struct. 1211 Howard street. Porter Bros , Oj. , Tlobjrt Purvis , 1217 Ifoward street California , Flnrldi and troplral frtilH. \Vrlto for prlco on hat ffll-811 Jnnei street. ter , o t ; * , poultry and O. W. Hulls , Mnnwor. Kainu. Kirschbraun & Sons , Olark & Oj. , lluttor I'i'Rs and poultry. Duller , cheese , e i poultry and game , 1203 Ilonard street. COM South 13lh stroat Bites & Oo. , Williams & Oro33 , Country produce , friilti , I'roduco and fruits f poclalllu * . toa1 * , t plcoi , etc. m-ll'JH. lithHL 1214 llarnoy stroot. RUBBER GOODS. ETC. Omaha Rubber Oo. , Manufacturing ant Job- t rubber 100-S Kuril. un straot SHSD3. Emarsau Saed Oo , , Seed Krowcn , datlnri In giirdun , ifr.iu , urala vail true Dee 11. 4'I-UI South IJth. SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , EJ.'O. M. A , Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Saih & Door Oo. Manufacturers of caih , Manufacturer. ! of in oil U- it ours , bllnili and IMKI , bllnli , door ) , Mouldings , llrane'iof- oto. tice , I''lli and Izar.l at ) . ICtli mil ClnrkstroJtt. SYRUPS. BTOVES. Farrell & Oompiny , Duffy-Trowbridgj VVholnsalo minfnct'irori 3tov3 Munxfao'g Oj. , nyrup * , motansui anJ ' vliliiKiri , Maniifaitur'g stnraiaal Ntiire pip ) . 217-219 South Dili itrnot I2I1-121S I.oaTimworthtl. TEA , COFFEE , SPICES , CIGARS. Consolidated Ooffaa Company , UU and 1I1G llarnoy it Omuha. Nob. STEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. String 4 ; Pumo Co , , lOUMT ) ! Farnam IlnllMay wind mills. OH nnd'/ . ' ) Jonoi > t. G K. Itoss , acting manager. Omaha , Nab. TOYS. | TYPE-WRITERS H. Hardy & Co. , Typo-writers. Toys , dolls , albumsfancy foods , houxif urnUhlng A. H , I'errlna ' & Co. , i-ntnlojue frei. goods , children's c r- ' 1311 Uodgo Struct. rlutci. 13I'J Farnainat P. T , HUGHES , WHOLES ALB OASH COM MISSION Klxln unit Woitorn Crcamurjr roll Uuttur und , ( TK . 10'Xlj ' A I ( Miiptj t-Ktf c-uica , with Ollors , fa * u.ilu cheap or exchange for cvtfi ut market urtoo. Wrlto for particular ! , lili ui4 I'M ) 1UU Htrtioi UguTtir , Culoradu.