Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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( ] 1 K f. : l\p. li ! I L'Al.L STHEET.
Pollvcrcit by Carrier In ntiy part of the City.
II. W , TIt/rON - - - MANAU12K.
TKLni'HONES : onico , NO. in.
Nlcht F.dltor. No. a %
juxoit JIJXTIOX.
: ; . Y. p. ro.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 201 Sapp block.
Genuine Hock Springcoul. Thatcher , 1C
The Postal telegraph cnmpanv moved Its
headquarters jestoruay lo the Grand hotel.
A (1 ( hot lunch will be served tit Billy
Mnloncy's nil day toduy and tonight. Every
body Invited.
Miranda M. Thackor tllod yesterday morn
ing at the family residence , corner of Four
tec'iith street and blxth avenue , aged four
teen years. Notice of the funeral will bo
given later.
A suit was commenced in suneriorcourt yes
terday by F.V Sputnmn against S. W Clark
ana Clifford Clark , the proprietor of the Hotel
Gordon , to recover * . ! . " > < ) , wlcb , It Is claimed ,
is due ttic plulntift for provisions furnished.
Miss Deitch , who koaps a dressmaking es
tablishment on I'earl street , Is suffering
from an attark of brain fever , and Ills fcaied
that she \\lll not recover. Fi lends in Uldora
have boon notlllcd of her Illness , and It Is
thought they will bo hero In n few days.
In police court yesterday inorninir John S.
Coxuy was arraigned on a charge of carryltig
concealed xvoapons. He stated that ho was a
traveling man , and that fact \\as , in the eyes
of this Judge , enough to warrant him In car-
rj ing u revolver. Ho was disctmiged. W.
w Hittlcsty was lined JW-'Ofor drunken
ness and ludccei.t exposure , and J. Johnston
was fined ilfi for a plain drunk.
The first annual report of A. J. McClaien ,
poll tax collector , has been handed In lo the
mavor. It shows that 5it : persons have paid
the f'4 required , and OTO have worked out
the srtmo on tbo streets , making n total
equivalent to f'J.IIO. Hut oifc nint was com-
nil-need to collect tax , and that was settled
\\ithonttiial. Mr. MrClnrcu collected cash
from forty tnoro than did his | ) rcdecessor ,
and 157 more persons worked out the amount
Some excitement was caused yesterday
morning at the corner of Pc.irl street and
Hrondwiu by the actions of a lot of linemen
who have been stringing wires for some days
past. A weight attachment is used in put
ting up the wires and this frightened seveial
horses , rendering their diivers correspond
ingly angry , borne warm words passed , and
tl.o linemen were getting their war palntand
feathers on ready to clean out the whole
gang when Ofllcor Murphy happened along
und poured oil on the troubled waters by
threatening to arrest everybody In that part
of town If the disturbance was not quieted.
ThPio were no arrests made and there was
no further trouble with the linemen.
Most of the Grand Army men who wore at
tending the state encampment nt Dubuque
returned jpstcrUny morning In their special
car. They icported an excellent time , nnd
statrtl that they had been entertained in n
royal fashion by their hosts. They stated
that one of ho mail , causes of Colonel Stoad-
man's defeat In the race for the ofllco of di
vision commander was the meagro repre
sentation from the southwestern pait of the
Btato. Of the visitors who have not yet re
turned , .lohn Limit is btill in Uubuque , Col
onel Htendman stopped at Carroll , while Will
McKaddun has gone to Illinois , where he will
visit friends. _
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit julco
tablets. They uro delicious.
Housekeepers , see our line of table linens
from " . ' 1(3 ( up at the Boston Store , Council
Lace curtains cleaned from CUc to $1,25 per
pair , at Twin City dye works.
Finocastile soap , ' 0 cakes for 250 , at the
Boston store , Council Bluffs.
Dr. Scott's clectrli ! corsets , sold every
where for $2.00 n pair , Boston Store price
fl.25 , Council Blufls. Every lady ought to
haven pair.Vorldrenownod. .
D. 1C. Dodson Is In Harrison county.
Chris Boson has returned from a business
trip to Chicago.
Mrs. Clar.i Ward of Oinnhn Is visiting her
sister , Mrs. A. B. Cook , on Vine street.
A. C. Vroman of Hochello , III. , Is stopping
a few days with B. F. Wadsworlh on his
way to the Pacific const.
Mrs. E. M. Chapman of St. Louis was the
guest of her son , D. f'hapman , secretary of
the Young Men's Christian association , ycs-
terdav. " She was accompanied by her nleco.
Miss "Hose Belt , also of St. Louis. They loft
for the east yesterday morning.
AV. C. Brown , genorr.l manager of thoICan-
sas Clt > , St. Joe ic * Council Bluffs railway ,
iind Judge Spencer , general solicitor of the
same road , were in the city yesteiday the
pnests ofV. . J. Davenpoitof the "Q. " Judge
Spencer lias Just been appointed to the posi
tion of solicitor for the company.
> f 0 pieces curtain scrim nt the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , for lo a yard.
Beit cured , odorless , hand-picked llvo
CCPSO feathers for TOe at the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs.
ShtiRart & Co , carry largest stock of bulk
Hold , garden and llowcr scoas In the west
Catalogue and samples by mall.
fiO pieces curtain scrim at the Boston Store.
Council Bluffs , for -le a yard.
Housekeepers' week nt the Boston Store ,
Council B lulls , In.
Fruit farm for salu on reasonable terms ;
within one nnd one-half miles of the 1J. O. ;
nil in bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given at once. Call on D. J. Hutchlnsou &
Co. , 017 Broadway.
Snle of > Iaiiuwa 1'nrk.
Mannwa park will bo offered for sale this
morning nt 10 o'clock from the stops of the
federal building , R M. Hunter , eierk of the
federal court , ofilclatlng with the auctioneer's
hammer. The property In question wns sold
by George . Uobards of Hurrodsburg , ICy. ,
anil James S. Chrisman of Danville , Ky. , to
1. M. Hay , who platted It under its present
name. Mr. Hay failed to pay anything for
the property , although ho sold some of tlio
land to other parties , subject to two mort
gages , ono of which had been given to Chris
man for $ TbOJr > 110 , nml the other to Uobards
for tur.M'ir ! ) > . These mortgages ueio fore
closed nt tbo last term of federal court nnd
the sale Is In satisfaction thereof. The fol
low ing Is a list of the parlies who nro Inter
ested directly In the sale :
llattio A. Hay , I. M. Hay , Chicago
lumber company , S. P. MncConnclt ,
S. K Maxou , 1 > C. DoVol , Cole & Cole , \V.
N. Young , C. , N. S. Harrington. M.
H.Villoy , 13. Mcrrlam , the Boston tea com-
C Stelnrod , 11 H. Odell , I ) . M. Owen ,
nizuboth Odoll , John Gilbert , K. .1.
Carpenter , U 1) . Bright , K H. Utco , G.
P. Guernsey , 1'atrlck Lacy , li , L , Shepherd ,
R J. Day , Star Union lumber company , Jens
Jensen , GV. . Ferguson ft Son , 'Lessor
Franitlln , Kdwln 13. Wise , Krrick Peterson ,
Lucy I. Bolknap , John Wensorer , Harriet M.
Footo , Henrv Horolrclinor , John G. Barrett ,
Mosier 1. Given , Klchard A. Canterbury , M.
S. Connelly , Peter Nostrum , Adamfdu V.
Nostrum , Frank Clark , F D. Miller. Fanny
H. Douglas , 13. A. NordijuistV. . H. H.
Dunn. Kobert H. Doutrlas , Kmllv A. Moore ,
Joseph 1C , Coclirau and G. M , McDonald.
J.C. Blxbv , steam ne.itln ? , sanitary en-
Flnccr , ' . ! " . ! Morrlam block , Council BluQs
Carpets , furniture , stoves , tinware , crock-
cry , In endless variety ou easy payments ut
MuuUel & Klein's.
Best cured mixed otforlesi feathers ( it the
Boston StoreCouncil BlntTs , forfcou pound.
Pine castllo soap , 0 calios for 25c , nt the
Boston store , Council Bluffs ,
Housekeepers' week at the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Grand Jury Ro'.nrns n Job Lot of Indict
ments Against Offenders.
Testimony Concornliif ;
Coyne's Personal Cliarnotor
Doi'Nii't Want to Fl lil Meat
JIls AVI To- United In Death.
The grand Jury mndo Its llrst nnd Dnal re
port yesterday afternoon. The following In
dictments wore returned :
Ous Carlson and Simon Olcson , larceny.
They nro charged with having stolen a team
of horses , a bobsled and a sot of double har
ness from Daniel O'Connor in Wcston on
February 9 last.
Dan McGluuls , cmbe/Mcment. The de
fendant In this case made collections for the
firm of Voogclo & Denning of Omaha to the
amount of JfJOO , which , It Is claimed , ho
lulled to turn over to his employers.
S. Terry , as mult with intent to commit
rape. Terry , It Is charged , enticed n young
girl named Theresa Geigcr Into his photo
graph gallery In Mlndenaud there committed
the crime alleged.
II. D Mack , cheating by false pretense.
Mack is the fellow who got possession of a
number of silver quarters from citucns in
west Council Blulls on the statement that
the city had ordered the numbers of the
houses to bo changed , nnd that hoould do
the Job for 2.1 ( .cuts , payable .strictly in ad
Kli Bro\Mi nnd J. H. Koblcntz , larceny.
They entered a house owned by N. SclrJiv
anil formerly occupied by Koblentz as n rejl-
dence , and took out a couple of wagon lo.ids
of furniture which bail been attached by
SchtiK for rent , and was In the custody of
the city marshal at the I lino. The larceny Is
alloirod to have been committed on the night
of February 2 * > .
13. C. Castle , uttering forged instruments.
Castle Is charged with having passed u note
for $27 on J. H. Martin of Silver Creek town
ship with the names of himself and Albert
Foun signed to it. The iiiimo of Feiin is said
to have been n fotgcry.
luot lic ! Ice ! ! !
If you want It pure nnd n
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no now dev
But send to us In a tr
At ourolT
Mulhollaud ft Co. , No. 1 Pearl St. , Tel. 103.
Got your wall paper at the Boston Stoio.
Why pay double the price you can get H for
at the lioston Store , Council IHuffsl All the
way from % n roll.
When about to build don't fail to got prices
on lumber of The .ludd & Wells Co. , 813
Broadway. Telephone 2S7.
Do you want an express wagon or bov !
limp up the A D. T. Co. , telephone 170 , tfo.
U North Main street.
Host cured mixed odorless feathers at the
Boston Stoto , Council Bluffs , forDbca pound.
Injunction Suits Kesiirrocted.
P. E. Scabiook shied his castor Into the
ring \cstorday morning and It was not picked
up. Ho was on the ground for the purpose
of taking defaults In the liquor cases which
were commenced in the district court by L.
M. Turner , and from the time ho commenced
ho did not stop until ho had added twenty-
elghtscalps to his belt , of those who had not
taken the trouble to come into court nnd pro
tect their headgear from mutilation. The
names of the defendants who refused to de
fend are as follows : William Mad
den , Price Gibson , John Delaney ,
Herman Brugman , Wanzel & Klrby , A. B.
Fornoy , Mrs. Jacob Hownrtb , Horton &
Warner. N. Bluto , A. Stanton. J. Strack , A.
U. Smith , H. Jcrgens , G. L. Gorman , Marv
Scott , John Steilon , Stella Long , Phillips &
Morgen , Peter BOCK. John Bonn , II. II ,
Intnan , Jacob Hownrtli , John Mergcn , Jack
Barton , S. Boysen , Bcllo Gerspacher , James
Fnrloy nnd F. Kennedy.
All the rest of the saloonkeepers who were
mndo defendants hnvo llloJ answers and
their cases will bo taken up nnd tried In the
usual way in n special term of court which
will bo held , with Judge Thornell on the
bench , commencing probably next Monday
In the afternoon Attorneys Burke &
Henry , who have been managing affairs for
the man Burcess , the "unknown" who com
menced suit in superior court n short time
after Turner had made his debut across the
hull , came before Judge McGee and wanted
their sbaro of the defaults. After they had
gotten to work they found that they had not
drawn up their oriirlnal notices in Just the
style they had Intended , and that the mo t
they could get under the circumstances
would bo an injunction against the de
fendants to prevent them from maintaining
saloons on the property in which
they wcro located at the time
the suits weio bionght. The injunc
tions , so the court stated , would not prevent
them from opening up n saloon next door if
they wanted to , nor would It prevent them
fiom selling out their property to other par
ties , who should carry on the sale of Intoxi
cants with as much abandon as thouiju the
prohibitory law had never been passed , and
nuisances hod remained confined to pig pens
ami holes in the sidewalks , as they used to bo
in the olden times. Two defaults were taken
bv Burke it Henry , the defendants being S.
W. Clark and Al Noack of the Gordon hotel
und J. Petersen and C. Hitter. The case
ag'iiust Phil Mergcn and the ono nsainst
Hichard Hoist and Henry Spetman of Kiel's '
hotel , were dismissed at the plaintiff's cost.
Got the prices on wall paper at the Boston
stoic , Council Bluffs.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 3J Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel Telephone 145. High
grade work u specialty.
Got your wall paper at the Boston Store.
Why pay double the price you can get It for
at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs ) AH the
way from a u a roll.
The ralrmpunt fie cigar at the Fountain.
Housekeepers , see our line of table linens
from iKIc up at the Boston Store , Council
Did Not Want to
C. Sanford , the young man who was ad
vertised to light B. Uhodos of Avoca on the
25th , has sloped , and If reports bo correct , the
strip of territory that Intervenes between
himself nnd his competitor , Is dally
widening.Vlmt direction ho took Is tin-
In. own , but It Is n fact that ho has gone , nnd
the light will not como off as expected. Kver
slnco the papers wore slirncd for the light
both parties wcio In active training.
Uhodcs exorcising daily over the Woodbine -
bino , and Sanford In Hawley's place
In Omaha , and n great deal of
enthusiasm had been awakened among local
sports , who thought that an event of more
than usual Interest was to como off. Their
disgust at Sanford'a disappearance knows no
bounds. As soon , however , as the disappearance -
anco was learned of , the parties who had
been Instrumental in bringing Sanford nnd
Uhodos together sot about finding another
pugilist who should match lists with llhodns.
An "unknown" has beun secured , nnd It Is
stated that the light will como off without
fall , not at Omaha , as it was at llrst sup
posed , hut some place within the corporate
limits of Council Bluffs , provided that the
pollco authorities do not Interfere. The
purse will be for the saino amount as the
lirst 5100 aside.
Dr. Scott's electrio corsets , sold everywhere -
where for f'.DO a pair , Boston Store price
* l.Vi , Council Blurts. Every lady ought to
have a pair , oild renowned ,
Seed oats , corn , millet and seed potatoes ,
garden seeds of all kinds , at H , L. Carman's ,
MX ) Main and Ml Pearl streets.
Farmers and Fruit Growcrn.
A special meeting of the Pottawnttanuo
County Fruit Growers' nnd GardencM'jasso-
clatlon will bo held In Farmers' hall at the
county court house this aftcrucon at 2
o'clock. A largo attendance Is desired , as
the question of Joining the Blue Grass league
at Creston Is to ho discussed. It Is also do *
sired that all persons Interested In grnpo
growing nhould bo present , as n crape
growers' association Is to be formed at this
me. cling ,
The Ci'iuiKlo Case.
District court was occupied yesterday nil
day long with the trial of the Cranslo-Maish
case. In the morning Andrew Martin , who
lives on Iho property now in dispute , was
placed upon the stand to testify. Ho wo *
accused of having secured a loan of ? < 5UOO on
his property on account of representations
rnndo by him that the land was worth $ U,000 , ,
and that It had coal veins on It that ho
wanted to develop with the pro
ceeds of the loan. In his testi
mony Martin stated that ho wanted n
loan of $ lXH ( ) , but was Induced by the
linn of Parks .t Pleasants totnko f < ! ,0xi , ( with
the understanding that ho might pay back
the extra $ . ' , OOJ nt any lime. Ho testified
that ho afterwards payed back $ ji > 00 of the
loun to Parks ft Pleasants. There was but
llttlo in the evidence all dav to warrant the
promises of sensational developments which
were mndo by the attorneys In the crimina
tion * nnd recriminations that passed between
thorn l their llllng ! . 13. H. Bowman , nt onetime
time clerk of the district court at Uock Is
land , now living In Oinnhn , was put on the
In the evening nu extra session was held ,
and it was during this c\tra session that
things livened up , nnd It looked for u time as
though Mr. Coyne's reputation would bo con
siderably the worse for wear before morning.
Cone himself was put upon the stand lirst ,
but his testimony did not contain much of
importance , except his denial of the truth of
the depositions of Henry Flucgel , hi which
lie accused Coyne of having tried to buy his
J. J. Park" , an attorney who was formerly
n resident of Hock Island and n member of
the llrir. of Parks . * c Pleasants , now of Wich
ita , Kan. , was asked whether the depositions
that had been Introduced bv Benjamin as
Fluejjol's weto really signed bv Fluegel. Ho
examined the signature u moment and then
snul in n very decided way that the signature
was not Fluegol's. At this point Benjamin
Interrupted I. N Fllekingor , who was doing
the examining , nnd requested him to woduco
the original depositions , that they might
compare ) the writing. Flicklngor replied that
the depositions weio In the hands of Fred
Haas of Hock Island and that ho would not
give thorn up. The questioning then pro
ceeded. Parks stated that ho had
known Co.vno slnco 1S > 72 and that his
general reputation for truth and
voracity was bad. In reply to the question
\\hntmadehimthlnk that the depositions
nbovo referred to were not in the hand
writing of Fluegel , ho stated that the iiamo
was not spelled correctly , nnd that Flcugcl
Know enough to spell his own name. Ho
said ho and Coyne were not friends ; In fact ,
they were not on speaking terms , nnd had not
been since shortly after they became
acquainted. Ho could toll the circumstances
that led up to the trouble between them , but
Benjamin was not anxious to bo enlightened
on that point , and In -hort tlrao Parks was
allowed to step down.
J. K. Cook , who bad been deputy clerk or
the ulrcut court at Hock Island , but Is now In
the Swift packing house ofllco In Omaha ,
was then called to the stand. Ho had known
3oyno for eighteen years , nnd had known
him personally about ton years. His general
reputation for truthfulness nnd veracity was
bad , and ho would not believe him under
oatli where there was any nionov at stake.
Coyne hail been indicted fourteen times for
pcrjuiy , felony nnd subornation of perjury ,
but for some lenaon or other only ono of
these cases had over como to trial. Tn the
ono instance ho was tried and found guilty ,
but on an appeal to the supreme court the
decision of the lower court was reversed ,
after which the case was dismissed. On
cross-examination considerable talk nnd
back talk waslndultrcd In which ciuscd some
amusement among the spectators.
"Do you know anything from your own
pjrsonnl knowledge about Coyne's reputation
since you loft Hock Island , or d ° j ou form
your opinion from what you have already
heard ) " was asked by Benjamin ,
"Well , " was the reply , "I know what the
people in Hock Island have been saying
about him for the last ten years , and I sup
pose his reputation is still lasting. "
"But you don't ' have any personal kuow'l
"No , I know what ho was up ton year ago ,
and I have never had any reason to think
that ho had mended his ways. "
"Where have you obtained any information
ns to Covno's actions since you loft Hock
Island ! "
"I received a letter from my father which
spoke of him. "
"What did It say of him ! "
"It said that there was a probability of a
lot more indictments being returned agains t
him. "
Several moro questions wcro asked by
Benjamin for the purpose of tangling up his
witness , but the result of it all was to show
up his client in such an unfavorable light
that bo at last gave up the cross-oxnmination
entirely. Court was then adjourned until
this mornluir , when the trial of the case will
bo resumed. It Is thought It will bo com
pleted by this afternoon.
W ) pieces curtain scrim at the Boston Store ,
Council Blurts , for Ic a yard.
Our spring stock is now complete. If you
want to bo in style call at Heller's , tbo lallor ,
U10 Broadway.
Hcavv twilled crash toweling LtthoBoston
Store , Council Bluffs , for Ho a yard.
The Second Anniversary.
The members of the Woman's Holtof Corps
hold a very pleasant reception yesterday
atteinoou In the Grand Army hall on Pearl
street. In addition to the ladles from this
city , a delegation was present from the Cus-
tcr Corps ol Omaha. Hofroshments wcro
served , and n line programme of muslo nnd
speeches was interspersed. H. C. Hubbard ,
Judge George Cm-son , Hov , G. W. Crofts ,
Dr. Wblto , nnd others made nddrossos ,
which wore responded to by the president of
Iho corps nnd Miss Emma Clark , delegate to
the encampment nt Dubuquo. Miss Clark
also read a letter of congratulation from Mrs.
Hannah Plympton , national secretary , on the
celebration of their second anniversary , In
honor of which the reception was given.
The hall was beautifullv decorated. Much
credit was given to the members of the corps
and the Grand Army nest for the admirable
arrangements which had baeu made for the
Best cured , odorless , hand-picked llvo
gccso feathers for 70o at the Boston Store ,
Council BlulK
Housekeepers' week at Iho Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Heavy twilled crash toweling nt the Boston
Store , Council Bluffs , at He a > ard.
United in Death.
Thomas Kelly , father of Contractor Kelly ,
died yesterday morning nt ' ' o'clock of la
grlppo , at the ago of eighty yoirs. Mrs.
lilloii Kelly , the wlfo of the deceased , died
last Wednesday , and at tint time Mr. IColly
was lying so low lhat the physicians hid
notified the sorrowing friends that It was
only the question of time , and of n very short
time at that , when ho would follow. On this
account Iho burial was put off for iv day or
l\vo longer than ha I boon at llrst intended.
Yu.itoid.iy morning the husband imsoU aw.iy.
The funeral will tuko place ibis morning at
0 o'clock , anil the two who have Journeyed
together through so many years of life , will
uo carried togolhor lo Iholr last lo-ig roHlng
place In the Catholic comotory. The services
will tnko place In St. Frauds Xavlor's '
A AVICo Heater.
Charles Conlcv , a llrcmin tit No. 1 hose
house on Upper Broadway , raised the neigh
borhood last evening by beating his wlfo. Ho
lives on Vine street , between First and Second
end strocU. Ho came homo last nvenlng
and pretty soon the nclghbars began to hear
n commotion from his houso. In n shoit
time ho wns scon to chase his wlfo out into
the street , where ho began pounding her In
the face with his lists , The woman's screams
for help brought assistance and sbo was
taken nwny to iho house of ono of the neigh
bors and tbu door locked on her pugnacious
husband. According to the statement of
eyewitnesses the trouble was the result of
Jealousy on the parl of Conley , ho having ac
cused her of making arrangements to moot
another man at u place of uueailouablo repu
tation. Mrs. Conloy has the reputation of
being n highly respectable woman. She was
bruised in n horrible manner.
Attorney Oeneral Hart Coiiimciicci
Proceeding Against It ,
Svv FIU\CI CO , Cnla. , April 17. Attorney
General Hart has commenced proceedings
ngnlnst the Sail Francisco public stock ex
change , In which ho asks tfcnt the corporntlon
bo enjoined from doing business nnd its moJo
of doing business decreed , , Illegal nnd its
charter forfeited. The coipnlnlut sots forth
that all the bids and offers made In the ex-
diango nro through the ngoncy of what Is
known nnd cnllod In the by-laws the "main
phonograph ; " that no bid or offer Is , or over
will be , spoken Into the mam phonograph to
bo announced ; that nil bids unit oilers die-
tnted to the phonogrnph city cylinders to bo
announced by the main phonograph for the
purpose of n purchaao or sale are made by n
person dictating alleged orders without the
hearing of other members of the exchange ,
without the hearing of the public nnd with
out the hearing of any person who mny buyer
or sell In nld of the exchange other thnn the
operator. _
Suhshlliiry Coin.
NEW YOIIK , April 1" . Before leaving for
Washington today Secretary Foster said
that the treasury department was already be
ginning the Issue of subsidiary coin. The
idea wns to have It take the place of silver
dollars. Where silver dollars wore used to
any extent In making exchange and applica
tion wns made fora quantity of them , the de
partment would Issue subsidiary com In
amounts of S-'UO or $300 , or even less. In this
manner n great deal of the small coin now in
the vaults of the department would bo dis
! ' < Feed Cutloln Mi-siurl.
Sr. Lon , Mo. , April 17. D. Andrews efFort
Fort Worth , who represents n syndicate of
Texas and Kansas stockmen , is nuthotitv for
the statement that contracts nro contem
plated under which the syndicate will control
over eight thousand acres of land in Missouri.
The idea is to kenp cattle on western
lauds until two years old and then send thorn
to Missouri for fattening ou corn. This
move has been forced upon the stockmen ,
owing to the action of the government in ex
pelling them from the Cherokee outlet nml
other gru/ing districts.
Gesslcr's Magic Headache Wafers , Cures all
headaches in 20 minutes. At all druggists
Money llrnees Up Coke Strikers.
SiOTTD\i r , Pa. , April 17. The exodus of
all but two companies of the state troops ,
coupled \ \ It h the largo consignment of relief
money , has braced the backbone of the 11,000
strikers still out. As the soldiers boarded
the train in squads today bitter epithets wcro
hurled after them. The operators are grow
ing nervous and have doubled guards at sev
eral points. Smill sized riots are now of
nightly occuronco , generally led by womeu ,
who inflict no great damage.
Double Jerk In Indian Territory.
TAIII.KQUUI , I. T. , April 17. George and
Fred Dunawas wcro hauged this afternoon
for the murder of Wash Leo , u Cherokee , last
September , Fred Dunnwas' wiui had circu
lated scandalous stories about Loo's married
daughter. Leo and wife met Mr. nnd Mrs.
Dunawas at a neighbor's housu ono day and
gave them a severe drubbing. Frnd nnd his
brolhcr George returned the next day -ind a
light with Leo icsulted in the lutler being
lllled with bullets.
Do Witt's ' Llttlo Early Kisors. Best llttlo
pill ever mndo. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
All Qui"t nt Illnokruot.
Boisr. CITV , Idaho , April 17. A special
from Blackfoot says everything is quiet nnd
no apprehension is foil by citizens of an Im
minent uprising of the Indians.
Fred Hoycc . formerly editor of the Hast
ings Gazelle-Journal , is doing Omaha for n
few days , * *
Office I'nbtdcnt and 746 Dolphin Street ,
Baltimore , Mil ,
General Manager ,
' 1890.
' Jan'ylS ,
Cmr'nnntl , Ohio
"My foot suddenly "I was bruised bad
turned nnd gu\e me ly Inhlpnudsldo by
a very severely n full and suffered se
! ankle. Thu
Fpminu application of St. verely. St. Jacobs OH
Jacobs Oil H'Miltcd nt completely curtd
ouco in luellef from we. " WM.C.lUnnnN ,
Member of State
iStGcu'lMau'cr. Legislature.
THE CIIARtCS A. VOGELER CO. . Baltimore. M < L
Drs. Belts
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tno moiit widely nnd favorably known spec.
Iftllsts In the I'tilto ! Slates Tliulr IOIIK ox >
porlt'tico , remarkable iklll and mm final suc
cess In thn treatment' and euro ol' Nervous ,
Chronic mil huigleal lIhni\ses. entitle these
eminent physicians to tlu full confldencoof
the ullllctoil ovi-rywlinrn. Thuv eunranti'o :
HID iiHlul rlTects of early lee and the numer
ous in Us thiufollow In ItMi tin.
spoodlly. roinplfliilv and piirinaiii'iitlv cuii'd ,
NHUVOUb IiillMTY ) : AND bi\UAL : DIS-
OIIOKKS yield readily to tho.r skillful treat-
cuaraiitct'd cuitd wttlqut ) pain or dutuutioii
from business
JIYDKOLT.M : AND VAnicociiE : perma
nently and stiL't'Ossfully cured In evyry case ,
SYPHILIS. GONOltllUhA. OI Er/r. Sjior-
ni'itorrliCH. ' ircmlunl Wtiikness Lost Manhood ,
Night KmlmloiH , liucuyed 1'acultles , 1'emalf
\VoaUncBS \ and all dellouto disorder peculiar
to either BOX posltUely 'cured ' , IIB Bellas all
functional dhoiders that ; rcsiut from youthful
follli'd or the oxcussof niutnre years.
Guaranteed yoimano ntlj
cured , ninioviil complete
.ithoiit cutting , caustioor dilatation. Ouri <
effected at linmo by patient without o mo
ment's pain or nimoyniicu.
urcanlo ni aKiicss , destiovlnr both mind and
hotly , with all Its dre dot ) ills permanently
i urod.
| ) PO IWIT's ' Address those who havBlrn-
UI\J. 1J1 < 1 1J piiliod themi I\CH by Im-
prnpor IndulKonco and solitaiy nablts , which
iiiln both mind nml body , unllttlnu them for
business , studv or mitrrluKe.
. MAHUIKl ) MKN or tliLRu ontnrinK on that
happy life , awuru of ph > sliiil : dubllllyiulcMy (
upon facts. I'lrsl 1'raetlral oxparU
cnco , f-ccoml livery cuso la ipe lally htiidled ,
Hum blaitliu rlKht. Third - mudlolnts are
prt'iiart'd In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus ufffctlntf oures without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Bctts ,
Custom-Made Clothing
Wide nwnkc methoda nnd low prices , nlwnyj npprlolntod by the public slnco the "
Offor-o'l the people of Omuhn city nnd vicinity the opportunity of buying line custom mndo clothino nt
half its original value. The wealthy mnn us well ns ho wbo tolls hard Tor his dollars , hnvo como
to us. They como to us because although our clothing is the finest in the land , out' prices are always
the lowest.
PRIOR--- : Lisa ?
? ; . " > fu Mrichnnl Tailor mndo at f 12 00
. . } 2J OOMcrchnntTallurtiiniloiit in 00 $ 00 Merchant Tailor made nt M OJ
; .0 00 Mni-li'iiii Tailor m.idu at 1400
: iT > (0 ( Merchant Tnllnr made ut 11)00 ) DO CO Meii'linnt Tailor iuadi < at II M 8 (0 ( Merchant Tailor made ut 4 OJ
40 00 Mi'ichant Tailor made at lj ( ! U 7.
40 CO Mrnliant Tnllor made at U > 10 ( K ) Merchant'Pallor made ut 500
4"i 00 Mi'tohant Tailor mndo at 20 OJ < > M Mi-rchhnt T.illni made at ! ) CK )
5) ) 00 Merchant 'IVIlm tnuilo at .MM 12 00 Mciulnitit 'Iniloi made at 0) ]
f > 0 (0 ( Mi'H-lmnl Tailor made at 2J 00
(11 ( 00 Mi-rcliiiiil Tailor made ut to 00
' Tailor made at
( tf OJ Mi'ichant Tailor made at 'M IV ) to ( X.Merchant ) 1'nlloi made at " 000 IS 00 Muri'liunl
73 00 Merchant Tailor made at Jo 00 70 10 Muichant Tiillor made at . . . A ) 03 IS wMen-bant : Tailor made at SW
A perfect lit warm n toil , nntl nil tcods sold oti their merits. A puiirinitoo In every case just us represented , ut the
1309 Farnam Street. Omaha , Neb. 1309.
rPO UI" NT I'urnNhPil or tinfiirnlslioil rooms ;
- 1ri < frieii"CM'\ohin4i'd. : ! ! ! ? frutith ? th * it.
lil'.NT Omulrrnm house , JO ! llenton
stirrl ; cond olslirn , rullut , well. Apply
to Mis ] ' . Newton. Joe liuntun street.
M.K--A Hue family horse , 7 ycais nld
this xprliu , vu'Ulu 10V ) pounds , color
oriel , llr'i'd iiy llobeit Mai'CirVior. Address
II. P. Hiittonhaiioi , ' . ' 7 to Jl 1'ourth utiuut ,
Council UlulTa. _
SlTfT of fuuiMicd looms for runt , 12'J ' Glen
_ avenue. _ _
rPUl r.i ) Tor Sal'1 Catalpa , elm , maple and
- * - bovuldur.VII1 sut out and L'uui.intcn
them to Kru , fur Mlc eaeb. < - ' . 11. Mejeis ,
care Hei > , Council lllulls. _
of J. W. Lalns ,
KJjOth street.
17MJKNlMIii : ) ( tout loom on crouiul llcnr ,
-A- quiet , pk'usuiil nel hbm Mooil , tuo blocks
from Main stieul. Millie L'unUomitii iiruferied.
Aildicss T K llco olllcf.
, slock of Knncial meicli.'milKo to i v\-
$0,000 fin .1 faun In mnthwi'stcrn loua.
Mint ho liood laiul. Johnston & Van I' alien
cash customer for four loli biuwocn
HAVE awlStlth sts. , liolHccn AMI I ) tuuHUi
imv JN I' . Oiuonshlolila. fili ) llroailwiiy.
T KLirL farm for sale or trade : \\oll located
-Land all In bcailus : KOO 1 house and b.mi.
Will t.ikosoniOKOod iMty imipoity , and Rood
tlmonlvut. on hnliiuco. ( ' .ill on or atldross U.
JMIutuhlnsim & Co. . 01 * llro.nlwuy.
HUNT The MoM.ihon blorlc , " . stoiv
brick , with liasomcnt and oluv.itor. J.Vf.
Sijulro , iUl I'c-arl stri'ut.
TjUMlSAIjK A bargain ; now imxlein House
J- : with all the luo ; Improvements , seven
rooms ; will boll on o.isy iviyim'nts : located on
llio I'lfth nvi'iiuo motor lino. IX J. llutchlu-
son , dl7 llro.ulway.
. or Hont GKrlen laivt. with
FOKS.VLE , J. K. Uloj. 10 > YUln it. , Oouuull
Never since \vo have been in business Uavo
\vc made such l.irjro .mil low priced contracts
for our summer spociu ties.
Ht'fi ifjeratori.
The celebrated Haclno refrigerators , $ . > .0
up. All hard wood , Tlio bust value eve
O flollno Stove * .
The Quick Meal Evaporating stovo.
The slight ilefcots lu last year's now pro
cess have been oven-omo and the Quick Meal
is the best over offered. Every ono guaran
teed. Wo are selling the old style generator
stoves now nt $7.00 , 2-burncr , and f'.UlO
Si-burners , high stovo.
The Victor , the world's leader , both In
beauty and reputation. The giant line ,
$ J.ri.UO to JlSo.OO. Catalogues free. See us at
11 Main strcot. Com Jj COM : .
IHHt. AVnr with Italy. IHO I.
Never , in our thirty years' experience in
business in Council UlulTs , have wo mndo as
low contiactb for our summer goods , and this
insures lower prices for the season.
The AVoild'8 bebt , the North Star and the
Leonard , range In prices from H5U up. All
kinds of nood.
Gaholiiio htovci.
The Reliable Process Evaporator steve is
the best In the market. No sub-burner , con
sequently burns less gasoline. Old style
stoves almost given awav , from t.i.00 up. A
full line of Garland stoves and ranges. The
World's Best always on hand.
The Columbia Is acknowledged by all
wheelmen to bo the best in the woild. For
bc.mtv , durability and absolute perfection of
workmanship It has never been excelled.
Hoys' nnd girls bicycles from Jl'J.OO to il.UU. )
I nin the exclusive agent for the Columbia.
Catalogues furnished on application.
P. C. IM5VOL ,
HOI Biioum uANII 10 Mviv sr.
Council Bluffs , In.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
Cmgin & Co. , Proprietors.
The New Oden ; ; Hotel , in Council lllti n ,
has boon coinplutad refarnls ial an molarn-
izod throughout , and U now on . of the t)33t
hotels In tlie state. It I * .oc.Uo 1 la th 3 bu .1-
ness part of t loclty aul tin olootrio motor )
pibs thi door every : oar mlnat33. Fira ai-
capes and hr alarms throughout tn i b ill I-
ing. Steam heat , hot and cold witar ail
bunshlne in avery roam. Table uns irpnj > I
anywhera. Hates , $2.00 a day.
GBO. M. WHITNEY , Manqgor.
fiuToyBurko. Thos. E.
omccs : J. J. liroun llulldlns. Council IllutTi.
Over 0. II. Jncuemln | A. Co. , Jewelry Store
All kinds of Dying and Oletnln ; donn in tlui
HlKhostbtyloof thu Art , laded and bt.ilnod
Tabilcs mndo to look its Kood aa new , lied
Ti'iithi'is I'lvaiiiHi Ity , In 1'iist t'lasi
Manner. U'ork promptly dune and delivered
In all purls of the country bund fur prluo
o. A , MAOHAN. Prop. ,
101J Uroadwnv , Northwuaturu IJuuaU
COUNCIL llLurrd , I A.
The grent fire snio at Marcus' will positively close on Saturday
evening nt 1O o'clock. Ai\or Hint hour tht-i o will be no more oppor
tunities for the multitude lo get the gient bargains thnt have been
snapped up so eagerly. I'hore ore a large numbei1 of first class suits
for boys , youths nnd men , only slightly da.ringed by smoke and
wnter. Take them nt your own price. There are n largo number
of fine pants entirely uninjured , fine shoes , shirts nnd underwear ;
name your price and take them. The store will be closed for refit
ting after Saturday night.
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffa , la
01 HOE. o ; . HI : ! : NO s
cash price paid for rasjs
all kinds of scrap inottils.
Country dealers und merchants will
Hntl it to their ndvuntugo to communi
cate wltli us before disposing of their
Union Broadway Depot ,
Tol. 301. Council Bluffs , In.
D. H. McDancld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' and Packers' Sup.ilm ,
Markat Fixtures , Casing ,
Bplcrs and S.umsn MakcrV Machinery. 82)-
622 Main St. , Council UlulTs. I.i. Aha UoiluM
n Hides unil l''uri '
Corner Main an 1 Ilrovlway ,
Dealers In feral n anl do ntntlo
Collection mndo and interest pi ou tl no
Jl , Ml. CH.t.'HllittlIX , .11. It.
Hyp , liar , No e and Tin out
Council IllulD , - lown
Mm > eji'St cross ejoi i
painful nnil we ik vision , ! '
iMirnuliu , iioiiftic s , tilt- ,
( luirKtM Irom the o.ira ca-J <
t..rrli , ln > fever , nMhmi
anil nil aeuto and din nig
nllcitloni of tlio thro it u
sictlnlt ) r.laii cyoi llt-
tiril Hllhontp.iln ( ilisioi aceurntel > prcsi-rlbecl In
illtllcult cn ii , ofti'n curlni , ' ( hninlo nuuralKli ami
hick liuartmlio. hiuxlc'il opur.itloni when neteM-
sarj , pulnloiily pcriurniuil ii iulii | { hott icsults
Ulllce. blamnrl-lleno bloek. looml , ( . 'ouncll lllutta , lit
J. Tianspoit.itlon IHip.irtinent of tliu Into-
rlor , Ullli-u of Indian Atlalis , Washington.
ApilH. Ih'.H. ' Sriilu.l piopnsiils Indoiscd "I'lo-
posalu for l ! ( of , duels foi In rf must hi ) snbinll-
tcil In supaiato i > n\olipus ) , h.tcoii , Hour , clntli-
Inj ; , or tiansportallon , I'lc'us ' the cast-may
bui and directed ( u tlio Commissioner or Indhui
Alliilrs. Nos Cu and iiT U'oostt'r stieut. New
YorU. will bu ri-rulviMl until I p m. of Tnosday ,
Miiyfi , l.s'JI ' , foi fiirnlshliu for llio IntllansiT-
\li'o about IKJJ.OOJ pounds bacon , M.WM.OMO
luiundsbei'f on the hoof. Ii0)lj ( ) ( ) pounds nel
lii'i'f. ifiiiooo pounds beansMMI pounds liaMn
] ) O di'r.Mini,000 pounds corn , rnO.uoo piiunds
colIVe.KI.O U.IXU pounds Hour , llli.O ( i pounds feed
( il.U/0 pounds hitr.l broad , 40.0JO pun nils lioinlny ,
! iM > 0) ) iioiinds laiil , ( iiM li trreN muss pork , I'.VOOJ
ixiuntlb o.ilineul , Mil.tO ) ptuindrt d.itlH'uo
pounds rlco , 'J..OdO puiinils ton , U'.tH'O ' pounds
co us f.ut , Ibo.noj pounds linn salt , 'lui.OiM
pounds so.vp , 1,100,0(0 ( pounds , anil < U'-
UO ) pounds vthcat. Also , lihtnkt Is. nooleii and
cotton Kiioils , ( consisting in put : of tieklu ?
17.100 yiuils ! Mandaid iMllfi ) , loO.ftK ) yards ;
drllllnj : , -'V.IUJ jauls ; duck , frru fioin all NI/ >
Inn.'Ml n yards , denln s. ii''KiUaids. ' ' . KII ! -
liam. .1(0,0)0 ( yards ; KontnrUy JuaiH. H.OOO
vuids ; cliu\ lot , -"Mr 0 yaids ; bicnvn Hht'dtlii
2,0.oouyards ; bluaelied hhi'ollni : , 4VOO y.inli ;
lilckon hlilrthiK. fiOOOyardH ; eulk-o shilling ,
KOOdyu Uslnsc ; ) , I.OJil yaidsi ; clothing , gro-
coiU'- . notions , haidu.uo. ine < lk'.il hiipiillos ,
fii'hool bonks , fit1 , and a ImiK llbt of inKeellu-
noous nrtli'li'i. such ns hnincss , phnss. tuKus ,
folks etc. . and for about 'i ? " > wagons ieiilred ( |
for the serh e , to bo dullveied at Chlua.'o
Kansas City , and H ouC'ltv. . Also , for such
\MI.'OIIH as may bo reulied ] , ndaptcid
totlu > I'lliniite of the I'aulllu roaHt. with Ual ;
Ifonilu lirakcs , dtilUered at San l'i ini'lsco.
Also , tiansportatlun for suehof thn arlloles ,
goods and Hiinpllcs that m.iv not lie conir.ict-
u < l for to bo doll\ered at Iho Ak'enultis
m.\.NKH. buheduk'H Blioulnutlm Kinds and
niiantltli's of snbslsti'iice supplies leqiilied
foruach Agi'iiuy and -cliool , nnd HKI kinds
and iiiiantllle.s In gross , of alt other goods , anil
nrtlcli ) " , together with blank propinilH , con-
( lltions to tin observed by hlddurs , tlinn and
plai'oof dulhoiy. tin ins of contract , and pay-
mi'iit , transportatlim routes , and all othtii
iiuci'ssury liutriiutlnns will hi' fuiulshed upon
application lo the Indian Ullli'i ) In Washing
ton or An. Bl unit I ! ) II'ntei * ti'fi.t , Niw Ynrn ,
The Commissaries of Subsistence ) , II H. A at
C'lieyeiiuc , Chicago. Ieaven orlli , Omaha ,
Saint l < oiilsSulnt nan rianulscothu ;
I'ostmahlursut Moit'Ity ( , Iowa ; Ynnkton , H.
Dakota : Arkansas ( . 'IIy , Culilwull , Topeka ,
and \Vielillit , Kitusas. and TiicMon , Ailioua ,
The right Is rosorvi'd by tlio gnvornmunt to
lujicl any and all bldnor anv inn of any hid
and these piopos.ils nro lnIted under iirovlso
that appruurtutliiiH hhall bo mndo for llio
supplies by congiuss. lllds will ho opened at
thn limn and ( lay ahovu stated , and lildduis
Mro Invlled ID ho present , at thn opening.
t'KIITIFIKIl ' CHICKH. All ll.lls IUU t 1)1) ) aOCOIII'
piuiled by I'crtlllod ulicuks or drafts upon
MIIIIU I'nltoil Mali's Iloposltory or tl o 1'lrct
National Hunk of Sm I'raiii'lHco , Cal for at
lonst ll\ii pi'rrnnt of tlir amount of thu pro
posal. T. J MOHUAN , UommUalouur.
A-td 'tm
Joivcs ll'MICACU , MIL. k tiT 1'AUUI Arrives
Oinnlm IU I' , ilcpot , Ulth and Mnrcy fls I Omaha.
Leaves ICtlK'AiO , MIL. A ST 1'AL'L | Arrives
_ Om ih.i 1 tl 1' . ill-pot. lOtli anil Marc ) jjts | Oiiinhn.
MOpinl IhlenKO i.xpro : a I V 45 n in
9.15 n ml Clile.iiio Kxpruna | dUOpm
Lcates I OMAHA A. ar LOIJlh i Arises
Uniiiliu. | U 1' . ili'pol , 10th nnil Mrircy Kir I Oninlia.
40U p nil . . . . ' t. Louis Cannon Hall . il''SO p"ni
l.eavu I K.H A. MO VALLHV I Arrlvo
Oin.tliit I Depol IStli ami Wohnter 813 | Oinnlm.
Uiivei lUIUAdO , Mil , . A bT 1'AL'L TAirlveT
1 rnii'ferl 1'nli n I'cpot , Coujull Tf.imfor
Lrnll'IIICACl ! ) , Mil. * . ST I'AUI , Arrives
'l'r.Hi re J _ " Union llciMit , Con lullMllrnr. 'lnumfer
Ii40 p m. . . . thlcngo Kxiiruss li 15 u m
040 n in' ' ( liloiL-o KxpiL-Hi . A 5 p m
I.enves I K CS1' . JOII A.C II I Arrives
Trnnnforl Union liepot. Council Illull * | 'l ranalcr
1(107 ( it in ! Kniiiin City Dny Kxpruii. . .I 641 p ra
1025 p ml. Kiinsas City KlKJitlixpre ! I-M n m
Leaves I OMAHA & hi' . LOUIS j Arrl\eV
'lr. njfenUnlon | _ Depot , Cotinell lllults , rininifcr
4 43 p m | . . . .VI Louis C'nnon llnll . r _ \ 12 15 p jq
Loavci IC1IICAOO , MIMiYNTlTyrlNCV i Jfrrlvcr
Trmnterl t'nlon Di'pot , Council lilting I'l'rninfer
. .
- - - - -
040 it ra ( lilinvo Rxpronn TTziT p m
' .i,40 n ra
7.0S p ml ( reston I.ocnl 11 W n m
Leaves | S1OL'CITV K. I'Al 11 1C i Arrives
TninsliTj llnlun Desi t , C.'uunell lllults. I'l'miulof
7 O.'i n in MIIIIX City Arcotnmodntton | ( T < 0 a m
C06 p ml . * H 1'nnl I1 prn i 110no p n )
Or Council Bluffs.
DIKE TOHS-I A. Mlllnr , V. O Ola-is-n. II f *
Sliuu'itrt.'K i ; . lltrU.I 1) Kdmundsoii , Uh irlm
It , llannan Tr.insi.ut onortl UinlUiu
nei'i ltrost ; c.vplt-il nnd aurplui ut any
tanlclu HoiHlr.voiluni lotr.i.
Sf Qniinilrrp Altornoysat law , I'rac-
( X OilUIIUUb tlco In the Hfito ami
federal couits. Itniins : i , -I and 5
Ilcno block , L'utincll Illuffn , la.
flninhnrc Attornny nt I/aw , No. 10
HI , tllilllllJUs , i ourl struct , o\er llush-
ni'll's Ntorc. Tnluphuno No. kl. lluslnesj
horns. 8 a. m. to'J p , m. Council It hill's , I.i.
Medical and Surgical Institute.
D s. iini.i.iNGEua , 1'jtoi'a '
Clironlodisciisus of all UlnilH unil iluform-
ttlns t-pi-olalttus. Nun. " 001 unil ' 'uJJ llioilway : ( ,
L'uunull lllitirh. lu.
To Bee-Keepers
I curry u full line of Itoakeopurs' BUI > -
pliort , includliiK comb ( oundiitioii , lion-
ay knlvoB , tiiuokor.H , soctlons und all
KupnlloB for the iininry. M. S. HOOP ,
62U E. Uroud wiiy , Couucll Ululls , lovvu.