Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1891, Page 12, Image 13

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    ' [
Personal Paragraphs and Other Items of In
tcrcst to Alii
I nt-ly Spring Ilrlnics n Stjtuon oriloo-
roatlon to [ Many Throiijtlinut
tlio VnrloiiH CIMcH of
the Stilts.
Tlio society world In Nebraska has passed
through n busy period during tlio past week.
From every portion of the stnto visitors hnvo
been busy , Inning advantage of tbo early
spring weather ,
Mra. 11. H. Foreman is In Chicago.
Mrs. W. H. McCrcnry is-ln Topoka.
Dr. Charles K. Spahr Is In York , 1'n.
Mr. Snmiifl Hcnt-lilcr Is In liurlington , In.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II , Uorgan tire In Ar-
Mr. W. B. Hose was In Kansas City over
Sunday ,
Dr. C. O. Link returned from Chicago
Mr. W. T. Van Daw has been In St. Louis
this week.
Mr. John D. Knight has returned from
Now York.
Mr. W. II. Woodward has been In Sioux
City this week.
Mr. W. B. Hester has been In Falrileld , la. ,
the present week.
Miss Nellie O'Brien hns been visiting In
Columbus this week.
Miss Kiln Urlndlcy has returned from nn
extended visit with relatives in Iowa.
Mr. Joe B. ImholT graduated this week at
Jefferson medical college of Philadelphia.
Mrs. H. I ) . Stearns has returned from Battle -
tlo Crook , Mich. , greatly Improved In health.
Mr. II. II. I } . Uo.vloof Omaha succeeds Mr.
John Hoonoy as stenographer to Governor
Mrs. J , II. Hcdd has gene to visit her
mother at Mat-on City , Mo. , and will bo ab
sent two nion His.
Miss Joslo W. Blair , who hns been enjoying
nn eight-months Jaunt In the west has re
turned to Lincoln.
On Saturday Mr. John Schmittcl and fam
ily left for Denver , were they will make
their future home.
Hon. W. J. Bryan has been in attendance
this week nt the Commercial congress of tlio
west held nt Kansas City.
Mrs. R A. Bachmer has been In Wnrrcn-
ton , Mo. , tnls week , whither she was called
by the Illness of n relative.
Prof. J. S. Kingsley will lecture at the
Marino biological laboratory at Wood's Hall ,
Mass. , the coming summer.
Miss Mlttio Smith of Plattsmouth Is visit
ing with her friend , Miss Kiln Olcson ,
Twenty-eighth and O streets.
Mr. Urnnt Campbell ot Hawllns , Wyo. , Is
back visiting his relatives hero after an
absence of seventeen months.
Mrs. Llva Angel lias gene to Spokane Falls ,
Wash. , to Join her husband , who is now
established in business there.
Mr , A. Hurlburt loft Tuesday for and ox-
tomlcd business trip that will include New
York , Boston and other points.
Mrs. Nellie Wnlker of Panhandle , Tox. ,
who has been visiting her brother , Mr. Ira
T. Jones , 1ms returned to her home.
Mr , J , K. Smith has censed his studios In
Germany at tlio university of Zurich and has
gone to Australia on a pleasure trip.
Judge nnd Mrs. A. W. Field were at homo
Wednesday evening to a partv of friends ,
who passed n pleasant ovenlng at raz/lo
The ladies of the First Presbyterian church
pave asocial entertainment on Tuesday even
ing at the residence of Mrs , Mason Groeg ,
14'J1 H .streets.
Mr. Henry Newman nnd Mr. Charles
Stcelo , both of Now York City , wcro in Lin
coln this week for the purpose of attending
'tho Newman nuptials.
Mrs. J. .lohnson , Mrs. J. B. Glover , Mrs.
J. W. Stewart , MM. Henry Marshall and
Miss Mattlo Banks left Tuesday for Leaven-
worth , Kan. , to attend the national meeting
of the Daughters of Bethel.
Mrs. Agnes C. Sobnng , mother of Mrs. F.
K. Flske HHI ! N
, street , became eighty years
old on Monday , anil the event was properly
cclobiatud by the family. Among the pres
ents received was n splendid arm chair.
The announcement that Hon. G. L. Laws ,
the congressman , has removed to Lincoln for
the purpose of making his homo hero In the
future , Is gratifying to his legion of friends.
Mr. Laws and tamlly have established them
selves tit Hilt H street.
Judge Field , City Attorney Holmes and
Mr. Boggs of the Lincoln National baiHc ,
who have been cast inspecting the plans of
parks with a view to embodying the most
desirable features of till into the new Lin
coln park , returned to the city the llrst of
the week.
Un Tuesday evening tuo C.itholio Union
club giwo n grand musical entertainment at
Lyceum hull. The presentation was entitled
"A Tour Through "Ireland , " and the mtusio
consisted of popular Irish ballads and mel
odies , each song being illustrated by views
of Irish scenery.
Tlio Knights of the Golden Eagle with
their ladies fair and friends of botn hexes ,
reveled in terpsiehorean pleasures for several
hours' Thursday night at Temple hall. It
was the llrst annual ball of the order and n
most gratifying Initial event It proved to be ,
a well arranged programme , good music and
n congenial company claiming the Joyous co
operation of all present until I : 'M a , m.
On Friday evening the members of the C.
L. S. C. hold their regular bl-weokly meet
ing at the homo of Miss Lutlo Thorium , (114 (
North Twenty-sixth street. In addition to
the regular lesson led by Mrs. Stuob on
churen history mid Miss Alice D. Qrr on
geology , thu society enjuycn a talk on "Cos
mic Dust , " delivered by Prof. J. A. Harrott.
The next regular mooting will bo held Aurll
2-1 nt the residence ol Mrs. D. L. Anderson" .
fcOl North Twenty-seventh street.
PJOn Tuesday evening Mr , and Mrs. John n.
Wright entertained the Young Married Pco-
Tilo's High-live club at the residence of Mrs.
Vales , Sixteenth and N. Tnoso present wore
Messrs. and Mesdames M. K. Whclcor , K. L.
Hetilaepdor. Will Maxwell , LieutenantGrif-
llth , Urnco Coffroth , Mclutosli. John West ,
George Brown , Dr. Holyoke , NisslinMr. . H.
G..Green , Mrs. Thompson. An ulcirnnt lunch
wns served. The prizes were won by Mrs.
M. K. Wheeler mid Lieutenant Griflltii. The
club will bo entertained at Its next meeting ,
Ain-il 2 $ , by Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Nlssloy In
the parlors of the Ltncolh.
A very pleasant farewell surprise party
was Riven on Friday evening in honor of Miss
Carol Churchill , daughter of the county com
missioner nt itOU T street. A dainty'lunch-
con wns served by the ladles present , which
was followed by several finely executed
solos by ; .Miss Churchill. Tliosu present
were : The Misses Town , Honglniut , Stcurns ,
Curtis , Taylor , DoWitt , Churchill , Harnnby ,
Jackson , Harlow and Lymnn , and Messrs.
Taylor , Iloufland , Guild. West. Mnruoll ,
Crlttondon , bhcphonl , Woods , Georpo and
Harry Town , Tom and Geuo Holllstor , 1C.
N. C. Churchill. On Tuesday Miss Churchill
left for Chicago to study vocal music.
A largo party of the members of the F
street club enjoyed to tlio utmost the well
known hospitality of Mr. anil Mrs. Thomas
H , Henton , at KiilT F street , on Saturday
" evening. It wns ncnring the opening hour of
the day of rest when the members of the
party forsook the various pastimes and dis
persed to their homes after partaking of the
Inevitable good cheer from the Itcnton larder.
Thono wcro present : Messrs. and Mesdnmes
Manning , F. A. Drown , Tlplng , A. J. Saw
yer , W. O. Mills. Casobeer , Hlgnell , M. A.
Wnrron. Swan , L. Clark , J. P. Mnu , .1. K.
Klggs , A. H. Talbot. Mrs. Kllncr mid Mrs.
Jlnid. Misses. Coburn of Chicago , Grace
find Gertie Altkin ICllson and Fucst. Messrs.
Hclhvlg , Altkin , Fred Hutching and C. D.
Saturday wns the twenty-fifth anniversary
of the mnrrlugo of Nov. nnd Mrs. O. H. Will-
jams , and tbo members of Unit gentleman's
congregation took ndvautngo of that fuct to
( lomonstrnto their love ahd esteem for tholr
pastor nnd hls.ostlmahlo wife , Early In the
ovenlng about two hundred members of the
congregation assembled nt the residence of
Dr. nnd Mrs , Clark , 133(1 ( L street , and at S
o'clock proceeded to Hor. Williams' residence
nt 1. K street. The pastor nnd his family
were taken completely by surprise , but were
emul to the occiulou and proceeded to cuter-
tain Uiolr guc U. After mhort time had
been spent In social conversation
adjourned to the parlor * of lliochnrrji viltl.0 !
n number of gifts IncludhigfJJDijTnsiivcr and
n dozen sl'vor tc TounTnnd sugar tongs
wcro nro .tcil to Hev. and Mrs. Williams
by Uov. H , C. Woods lii nn appropriate
Bj > occh.
The residence of Mr. mid Mrs. J. H. Cor-
rick , at 520 south Thirteenth street , wns
ruthlessly invaded Friday evening by n band
of noisy nnd mirthful members of charity
ddgreo , ledge No. ' . ' , Daughters of Kobekah.
As Mr. Corrlck was nt work away from homo ,
of eoursb the visitors experienced no
trouble in sccurlnn possession of the house.
A mcssngo by telephone caused him to hasten
home In execution of llndlng his bettor half
seriously ill , The visitors , us usual , had
brought with them n splendid luncheon nnd
n most ngrecublo evening was the result of
the surprise. There were present Messrs.
and -ftlesdnmcs James flcnton. H. W. Han-
dall , T. F. Lnsch , J. D. Fradeiiherg , Albert
Dillon. W. L. Williams , Joseph Bolshaw ,
Mrs. Llda Hall , Mlstes Ada lloaton , Eva
nnd Ida Bolsham. Sadlo Young , Amy Lnsch ,
nnd Mr. William Schultz.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ay res gave nn enjoyable -
able raid unique social Sntimlity night in the
nature of a progressive nnpllng party tit the
residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Tobbotts , 11WI It.
street being the second of a scries of enter
tainments contemplated by tlio woman's
club. It was probably the llrst appearance
in this city of this enjoyable pastime , which
of necessity , could come only from the inven
tive brain of nn Ingenious Frenchwomanand
judging from trio pleasure extracted from
the game Saturday night , It is
destined to become ns popular
here as eUowhero. According to the rules
the irnmo was commenced nt 8 o'clocit , clos
ing with much merriment nt 11 , when the
party wns served with refreshments. Those
present wcro Mr. nnd Mrs , H. L. lllchlaen-
dor , Mr. and Mrs. Myron E. Wheeler , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Frank Ilnrpham , Mr. nnd Mrs. W.
It. Cambridge. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. W. Talc , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hlchnrd O'iNcill ' , Mr. and 'Mrs , H.
A. Tobbetts , Mr. Evcrotts , Miss Wyrick.
The royal prize for feminine skill at the
gnmo fell to Miss VVyrkk. Mrs. Itclncndcr
took the booby trophy. To keep up the
credit of the family Air. Hohlacndcr bore
bore away the gentleman's royal prlzo and
Mr. O'Neill was awarded the booby ptizo.
Mr. A. H. Talbot was detained at his law
ofllco on Friday evening until after S o'clock ,
and , on returning to Ills homont 11W1 F street ,
found that about twcnty-llvo of his gentle
men friends and neighbors had taken posses
sion of the house. Ho was taken completely
by surprise nnd did not understand tuo sig-
nlllcnncoof the gnttcrlng until ho wns in
formed by the Invaders that they had como
to celebrate his thirty-tfcvond anniversary.
It was n merry evening for all present , the
elegant refreshments served by the amiable
wife contributing no small amount to the
pleasure of the guests. After the inner
man had been satlslled , Mr. Bryan , ns toastmaster -
master , called for order , and : i number ot
very happy speeches were made. Mr. W. S.
Hamilton extended u birthday salutation ;
Mr. Frank Hall spoke the sentiments of the
bar. Dr. Lowcry represented the medical
profession ; Hon. Thomas Benton spoke on
"Tho chumps who vote , " and Dr. Casobeer
put in n good word for our better halves.
Mr. Joseph Hoehmer the came forward and
taking Mr. Talbot to task for his many acts
of kindness to his friends and neighbors ,
handed him n beautiful cane , suitably en
graved , assuring him that it was accompa
nied by the high esteem and good wishes of
his fellow citizens. The gathering was an
exceedingly enjoyable one , and will mnko
Air. Talbot's thirty-second anniversary for
ever remembered by the genial host , his
wife nud those participating. Among those
present wcro Messrs. F. A. . Blown , S. J.
Tuttlc , J. W. Dowecsc , Frank Hall , O. D.
Harris , E. H. Slzer , J. E. Itigg * , J. A. Keith.
L. C. Puce , Thomas H. Bcnton , J. E.
Ilontz , J. E. Warren , Edward Bighcll , Lou
Stowert , W. J. Bryan , J. J. Davis , AlvnKcn-
nnrd , George Hastings , Joseph Bochmor , W.
J. Mills , J. C. White , G. E. Hluner , W. S.
Hamilton , F. W. Ilellwig , Drs. Lowcry ,
Cusobeor , Manning , Crim and ilolyoko.
Arthur L. Shutz is visiting nt Remington ,
Mr. F. E. Stringer went to Omaha Wednes
Ilcv. Dr. W. H. PilUbury loft for Columbus
Miss AInry Lanker Is visiting friends nt
Yutnn , Nob.
E. W. Holllns of St. Paul , Nob. , was in the
city Tuosdny.
A. C. Murphy of Wood Ulver was In tbo
city Monday.
II. Al. Lenvltt of Lincoln was a Grand
Island visitor this week.
Airs. Colonel Franklin Sweet returned
Wednesday from a visit to Chirks , Neb.
Mrs. J. H. AloDonald , formerly of this city
but late of Omaha , has returned to Grand Is
Airs. C. B. Knapp and Mrs. C. Zimmor left
for Omaha Wednesday , wbero they will visit
with relatives.
A. O. Faulkner , district deputy head consul
of the Alodcrn Woodmen , is in the city
organizing a second camp of that order.
Aliss Hallle AI. Squire loft for Omaha
Wednesday , where she 1ms accepted a posi
tion us teacher In the public schools.
The ladles of the Immanuel Bantist church
gave a soap bubble social Friday evening.
An interesting programme was rendered and
the affair proved to bo a delightful success.
Aliss Bertha Lodorman whs the recipient
of a pleasant surprise , partv Tuesday evening
at her homo on West Division street. The
hostess was equal to the emergency and en
tertained her guests In an enjoyable manner.
Miss Tina Windolph. was married to Air.
George AI. Bador.nt the Catholic church
Wednesday morning. The ceremony was
performed , by Father U'olf nnd wns wit
nessed by a largo number of friends ot the
contracting parties.
1 lion trice.
I. D. Purccll of Omaha was in the city
Tuesday ,
J. E. Smith Is laid up with n mild attack of
la grippe.
W. B. Thorpe of David City was In town
St. A. D. Balcombo of Omaha was In the
city Saturday.
E. F. Ham of Cleveland , O. , Is visiting
Beatrice friends.
C. L. Itacoy of Chnrlton , la. , was a Beat
rice visitor Tuesday.
Judge A. D. AU'Candless of Wymovo wns
in the city on a professional visit Tuesday.
Air. nnd Mrs. C. E. Atkinson have gene
to Colorado Springs for a visit of two weeks.
Hon. S. A. Hinnkcr departed Wednesday
for n visit for several days at Washington ,
D. C.
William Block , jr. , has gene to Blue
Springs to engage In the ( louring mill biisl-
Jim L. Hnzlctt and Georgn A. Itcmcr have
removed to Lincoln to engage in the coal
W D. Cox wns called to Illinois Monday by
n telegram announcing the serious Illness of
his father.
Colonel John AI. Kellogg was down from
Culbertson on n hriof visit to Beatrice friends
last week.
Mr. nnd Airs. Carl H. Elmoro nro now liv
ing In Now \ ork city , having removed thence
a week ago.
Miss Emma Pasfleld of Springfield , 111. . Is
visiting nt the homo of her uncle , lion , Wat
son Plckrcll. this city.
Airs. S. Deutch and family have removed
to Beatrice from Atchlson , Kan. , nnd wil
mnko their permanent residence hero.
Postmaster C. M , UIgg Is rejoicing over the
ndvi-nuof a young son In his family circle
The auspicious event accurrod Alonday.
Airs. N. J , Hoedey , mother of B. F. Taylor
loft for her home In lowu. Tuesday inoriilnt ,
after n pleasant visit of several we'oks hero
lit. Kpv. Bishop George Wnrthlngton ad
ministered the rite of continuation to n Inrgo
class nt Christ church , this citv. Ihursdav
Dr. F. AI. Homers hns removed to Pueblo
Colo. , where ho will permanently reside li
future , \vltu the Intention of engaging In the
practice of his profession thoro.
Agent L. L. Davis nud wife of the Union
Pacific nro expected homo Sundny fron
Cleveland , O. , whence Mr."Davis had beei
called by the death of his mother a weel
si n co.
Air. and Airs. S. C. Smith started Thurs
dnj morning for Washington , D , C , , to bo
absent several weeks. Whlloonst Air. Smith
will attend the national republican mcctlni
nt Cincinnati ,
Hnrry Axtcll ol Newcastle , Wyo , , who has
been visiting his sister , Mrs , K. O. Hurt , it
Glenover suburb , departed Tuesday for a
brief visit to his old homo In Indiana , ufte
which ho will proceed to Portlnnd , Oro. ,
where ho will engage In business.
Airs. William A. Wolfe and mother , Mrs.
Colt hnvo returned from n sojourn of sovernl
months InFlorida. . The health of both Indies
is much Improved , for which purpose their
visit was taken.
Airs. Dr. Ford Brother lias rejoined her
msbind from Philadelphia , nnd will become
n permanent resident of Beatrice. Dr.
Brother wns on Wcdnesdny appointed county
physician by the county hoard of supervisors.
Frank ltobert oii of Portlnnd , Ore. , nnd
Will T. Kobcrtson of Dendwood , S. D. , wcro
n the cltv this week , called hero on the sad
duty of attending the funeral of tholr father ,
ha vcnernblo John Robertson , who died
Wednesday of last week ,
It. O. Bnrler , U. C. Barker , O. P. Fill-
ton and George W. AInurer returned Monday
ovenlng from n sovernl days' hunt on the
Matte after wild geese. The party brought
back thirty dend geese , but the boys tire
etlcentiiboutwhether they bought or slow
Prof. C E. Bennett , whoso services ns
chorister nt Christ Episcopal church during
ho past year have been aecldodly profitable
to the musical Interests of the church nnd
Ity , departed Tuesday for Oakland. Cal. ,
vhcro ho has accepted n ll'fo position for thu
coming year. Mr. Bennett leaves In Beatrice
i host of warm personal friends.
Kov. John N. Mills returned Saturday from
ho annual meeting of the presbytery at
York , Nob. The honor and dignity of rorro-
cntint ? this body In grand assembly , which
onvenes nt Detroit the last of May , was con
ferred on Air. Alills. As retiring moderator
of the presbytery , Mr. Alills preached the
opening sermon of the meeting Tuesday
Joe Scott made n flying visit to Button this
Airs. Knlzcnstcrcr was quite 111 with grip
his week.
Cashier Luobbon wont to Clay Center
Air. nnd Airs. Floyd Kellnr have gene to
Seneca , Kan.
The Inmlly of C. D. Gray hnvo nil been slik :
vlth the grip.
AInyor Burns and wife of York wcro In
own Tuesday.
Air. and Airs. Ynples have been qulto sick
vith hi grippe.
Superintendent Hursh of Clay Center was
over to attend the contest.
Charlie Glginboth of Hastings wns hero to
Islt his mother on Sunday ,
Will Gnrdncr , cashier of the Clay Center
bank , visited in Sutton this week.
Wednesday the family of Mr. Barrett
noved into the old homo of Grandma Honey.
Al. L. Lucbben , cashier in the First Nn-
lonnl bank , visited in Clay Center on Wed-
Air. GJass , Air. II. Mclloynolds nnd Air. J.
I. Alcltcynolds and Air. Davis came lu from
Air. and Airs. Soderbcrg nnd llttlo soon nro
Isltlng Mr. and Airs. L. D. Fowler of Omaha
his week.
Air. Georiro Conn Is repairing and fixing up
ils homo , giving it n very comfortable nud
lent appearance.
S. C. Thompson , cashier in the First Nn-
lonnl bnnk nt Fall-Hold , visited with his
icoplo on Wednesday.
An excellent programme was elven nt the
chenrsal by Airs. Alattlo Aloyer and her
mplls last Friday evening.
A muslcnlo is to hnppcn here in the near
uturo , nt the opera house , that will bo peed ,
iml what is bettor , it will ba given by homo
Five of Button's fair damsels drove to
jrnfton Inst Sunday , returning in the even-
tig nftcr qulto nn adventure with n fright
ened team nnd the threatening storm.
Airs. J. C. Alorrill , Airs. F. Ilocrgcr , Airs.
3. W. Woodruff , Gertrude Merrill , Lena
Woodruff and Minnie and Alabol Hoerger
went to York last wcok to do some shopping
and visit friends.
The contest nt the opera hotiso on Wednes
day evening was well attended. It wns the
innunl contest nnd three entered. They
ivoro Grace Uowo , Clara Stewart nnd Pet
\Valther. An interesting programme was
rendered. The judges were It. Al. Thomson ,
Prof. J. H. Hursh nnd Aliss Stoplarl Aliss
Pot Wather wus awarded the prize.
The "English Ten , " given nt Airs. Aloon's
this week was n most plensnnt affair , and
English In its way. Mrs. Al. can entertain
iis only English Indies do. The tea wns de
licious , nnd highly npprcclated by the young
ladies. Gnmts and singing wcro interspersed
with conversation. The evening's nttraction
was an English doll , over llfty year's old.
Her face was quaint , but her dress would
nearly correspond with the present styles.
Airs. Aloon were a heavy silk gown , with u
blnck sntm apron richly embroidered in
( lowers with n lace frill around It. Airs. C.
B. Grny , Airs. Dr. Vrndenburg , Alrs.lloberts
and Airs. Pdtchard , assisted Airs. Aloon In
entertaining. Those present were : AIngglo
Hoborts , Emma Peterson , Louie Campbell ,
Lucy Brnun , Alnud Prltchard , Anna Dennis ,
Kittle Honn , Vida Scott , Clara Lake , Allnnlo
Cllft. Alattlo Peterson , Lidn Walton , Alary
Thompson , Emma Bishop , JNovn Longstroth ,
ifinnlo Silver. Alyrtle Jnrrott , Alary Slow-
art , Alllo and Edith Clark.
Ken n %
Airs. T. B. Earloy is visiting relatives in
W isconsln.
C. D. Bessie did business In Lincoln and
Beatrice this week.
J. S. Aduir of the City Nntlonnl bnnk vis
ited Omaha this wcok.
G. F. Dnnlels of Creston , In. , visited his
brother here this week.
J. B. Bcnl went to Tncomn Tuesday even-
ins , whore ho will reside.
John Blattnerof Washington , In. , is calling
on his many friends here.
Airs. Arthur Dickinson of Shelton , was the
guest of Airs. L. P. Alain this week.
A , S. Alaxwell of the Kearney gas com
pany , Is visiting his parents in Dlxon , 111.
Mrs. Potter returned to Broken Bow this
week after visiting her son , A. S. Potter.
Airs. E. B. Pierce went to Holviow , Alien. ,
on Tuesday to attend the funeral of her
sister. .
The Kearney chy guards will command n
place this season among the social organiza
Aliss Lena Barlow went to Kcnton , O. ,
Thursday , where she will remain with her
E. E. Richards , cashier of the Farmers'
bank at Cambridge , 111. , visited friends hero
this week.
Airs. Gorman nnd children of Holdrcgo ,
visited n few days this week with Mrs. W.
A. Downing.
Henry C. Burnett , into county attorney of
Alnryvllle. AIo. , has located in town and will
practice law.
Kov. E. J. Bosworth , the now Bnptist
pnstor , hns nrrivcd with his family from
Shelton , Conn.
Aliss Clem Gllchrlst , one of Kenrnoy's
populnr young ladles , went , to DCS Aloliics
this week fora visit with relatives.
It. Al. Grimes , Hnrry Srnndman nnd Dr.
Bell succeeded In kllllnir twenty-ono gceso
one day this wock at Brady Island. ,
Kov W. S. Barnes , Kov , II , . O. Guotho nnd
J. K. Vnnco attended the presbytery moating
nt Grnnd laland this week ns representatives
of Keurnny Presbyterians.
Airs. Davis Hawley of Cleveland Is visiting
her brother , F. J. Swltz. Afto'r n short visit
bore she will go to California , accompanied
by Airs. Swltz , where they will remain foi
several months ,
Aliss Grnoo Hnnd of St. Josn , 111. , who
spent the winter with her undo John
Harm ) , returned homo. During her stay
hero , Aliss Hand won many friends who re
gretted her leaving.
A pleasing event In which Kearney's social
clement was Interested took place at the resi
dence of C. P. Shur , in Kenwood , on Tues
day evening. It wns a wedding , quiet bul
olegnnt in nil Its appointments. Air. Shur's
bcnutlful daughter , Marlon , becnmo the wife
of Sidney P. Wlloy , the Imndsomo nud popu
lar clerk In tto comity treasurer's ' oftlcc.
Only the relatives of the groom and a few lu
ll mate friends of the brldo witnessed the
simple ceremony. There were present the
three brothers of the groom , II. F. , E. C. am
C. A. Wlloy , Airs. H. F , Wiley , Mrs. K. C.
\ \ Hoy. Air. and Mrs. S. F. Perry , Dr. nnd
Mrs. C. V , Bastcn , Air. and Airs. Iru John
son nnd Miss Mubcl Hoe ,
Airs , C. E. Klunoy is away for a visit in
O. i" . Heath , B. it AJ. ngcnt at Kostcrson ,
Is expected homo next week.
Hon. A. S. Marsh of Kcd Cloud was lu tu <
city on business Wo < lncday , '
Airs. 12. AI. Corrcll Is at Ogdcn , Utah , she
will return in two weeks accompanied by
CJjloncl Correll , who Is nt present editor of
the Ogden Commercial.
Aliss Ednn.Gntcs cntcrtnlncd n number of
friends nt her home Tuesday evening.
Airs. J. H. Stlckcl received n flno English
nug dog cs n present from H. D. Brcono.
Alias Duclln Alurdock nnd Airs. Win Wood
ward nro visiting friends In Endlcott this
Postmaster Fltchpatrlck has changed the
postoftlco from Lincoln avenue to Fourth
H. D. Brccno hns gone to Hot Springs.
Ark. , where no will remain about two
Airs. Al. E. Alnrsh Is building n * V > 00 resl-
lonco' nt the corner of Ollvo nvenuo nnd
seventh street.
C. C. Fletcher nnd John Dnwald wcro
icavlly laden with gccso when they returned
from the Platte.
Amos Shaffer nnd J. D. Boyle have boon
suffering with facial .paralysis for some tlmo
as a result of the "grip"
C. AI. Wothnald and family wcro expected
ionic Wednesday , but owing to tno Illness of
Airs , Wothnnld they will not como until next
J. W. Hughes will soon hnvo the rooms In
ho now part of the Central hotel ready lor
use , and will have m wagonette running to
accommodate ibo traveling public.
C. C. Jones of Sandwich , III. , Is in the city ,
a guest of his brother , W , II. Jones.
Aliss ICntlo Plambcck left this wcok for
Nicholson Springs , 'Uenii. , for n visit with her
B. Ulu menthol , who has been ot El Pnso ,
PCX. , for several weeks , returned homo
Ex-Congressman Dorsoy wns absent during-
the week on n business trip to Now York
and Washington ,
Air. nnd Airs. .Tas. Young have returned
rom n month's visit with friends nnd rein-
ivcs nt Weeping Water.
W. H. Anderson of Llttlo Fnll ? , N. Y. ,
vns In the city the llrst of the week , n guest
of his niece , Airs. Will Al. Blackmail.
Airs. Alark Al. Coad has Issued Invitations
or a pansy party to bo given nt her olegnnt
country sent next Tuesday afternoon from
i to .
Airs. Fred Nye , who hns spent the winter
n this city with relatives , loft Wednesday
or Chicago to Join her husband who has n
icrmnnent position on the editorial slnff of
ho Herald.
Consul Love returned homo this week from
nn extended .our to Washington'and through
cvcral of the southern states. Ho is pro-
luring to leave soon for his now post of duty
it Sun Salvador.
Airs. J. T. AIny nnd Airs. C. Al. Stcbbins
myo Issued Invitations for n series of three
receptions and parties to bo given next week
nt the residence of the former , in honor of
Aliss Lotilso Gcrbcr of Cedar Knpids , In. ,
vho is in the city visiting her sister , Airs.
Aliss Annie Slovcrs gave n pleasant party
Thursday night nt the Central hotel in honor
) f her seventeenth birthday anniversary. A
urge number of her friends were present to
enjoy her hospitality , mid they were royally
entertained. The hostess was the recipient
ofanumborof Imndsomo presents to com-
nemofnto the occasion.
Air. Fred Vnughan gave two parties th K
vcck " , one on Tuesday evening nnd tlio other
in" Thursday evening , both of which were
jrllllant social events. In the early part of
the evening covers were laid for n sumptuous
spread , nfter which the companys tripped
.ho light fantastic. In addition to the danc-
ng the guests were entertained with vocal
and Instrumental music.
Thursday evening Air. and Airs. L. AI.
Keene gave n 0 o'clock tea to n largo number
if their friends , the host and hostess making
t tlio success their social efforts always nro.
The invited guests were : Alessrs. nnd Ales-
dnmes James Balding , II. Torpm , J. F.
Allen , E. II. Barnard , J. D. McDonald , K. C.
McDonald , J. J. Hawthorne , II. C. Alahanua ,
E. C. Usher , Thcron Nve , S. B. Colson ,
Arthur Gibson , L. W. Koynolds , J. F. Koy-
nolds , N. H : G. Flfo , C. A. i'llsbury , C. H.
Veazlo , C. C. Pollard , Dr. Smith , W. D.
Thomas , Comlsh Leo. II. J. Leo , C. H. Per-
rigo , M..AI. Coad , L.J.Abbott. Theodore
H'uetto ; W. H. Turner , Kobort. IClttlo , Wil
son Koynolds , E. It. Vnugunn , UvS. Coman ,
T. C. Blackmail , J. D. Avcry , and'Mesdames
Fowler , Porterfield , , Bugb , Albertson , Har
rington , Tompkins , and Kov. A. B. Spaight.
The Clelnnd hose company has inaugurated
n now social feature -which will consist of
living regular entertainments nt Firemen's
noli. The first 'eno was hold Wednesday
ovenlng , and wns well attended by members
of the company nnd their Indies. T.ho fol
lowing programme wns excellently rendered
nud highly pnjoycdt by all : piano solo , Aliss
Lydia Klein ; address. "Our President , " W.
II. Teolo ; vocal solo , Fred Schmidt ; Instru
mental duet. Allsses Hcrro and Plambcck ;
stump speech , G. W. Stnnford ; pinno solo.
Aliss Eggloston ; Instrumental duet , Cloland
Hose company ; recitation , C. H. Stortnfcldz ,
banjo solo , C. A. Alllgrlm ; piano solo , Aliss
Blanche Turner ; violin solo. August Brclt-
ling ; qunrtctto , Alessrs. Schmiu , Cnrruth-
ers , Kobinson-nnd Alilgrim. After this pro
gramme had been renderedfollowed a season
of delightlul sociability.
Airs. James Cnrdwcll is lying dnngerously
Airs. James Kennedy has returned from
the cast.
Airs. 11. K. Wodehousols home from n visit
to Lincoln.
Air , nnd Airs. Charles Brant went to Osage
Aliss Jennie Frnzlcr of Beatrice , returned
homo Wednesday.
Airs. Sam Wessell of Lincoln , Is in the city
visiting Aliss Wessell.
J. H. Cntron and daughter , Airs. E. 1C.
Bradley are In Omaha.
Aliss Elizabeth Alorton returns to Brown-
ell hall , Omaha , this week.
Mrs. B. A. Hcptior of Sioux City , In. , is
visiting her uncle , S. A. Weimer.
Air. nnd Airs. Hall of Omaha nro In the city
visiting Air. nnd Airs. J. A. Wnro.
Airs. W. S. Hector nnd sister , Alinnah
Hnwko , returned homo from Omaha Satur
Aliss Alary Lorton , who has been spending
the winter In Denver , is expected homo this
Aliss. Evn Crntlon of SIdney , who hns been
visiting Aliss Dora Shannon , returned homo
Charles Dragoo , James Busch nnd Allsses
Cora and Myrtle Hurgus , visited friends tit
Union Sundny.
Air. nnd Airs , Hurt of Cheyenne nro In the
city visiting thu lattor's parents , Air , and
Airs. David O'Brlon.
Airs. M. C. Bonnet , who hns been the guest
of the Alisses HnwKo for n week , returned to
her homo In Lincoln Sunday.
Airs. Taylor and daughter , Aliss Nellie of
Central City uro In the city , the guests of
Airs. Georgu Hnwko and daughters.
Air. and Airs. W. H. Alford , who hnvo
been visiting nt the residence of Airs. Gen
eral Coo , returned to their home In Omaha
Tuesdny ,
, T , J , Urunor , night storekeeper nt the dls-
vlllery , 1ms moved his family hero nnd hns
moved his family hero nnd has gene to house
William Wilson and Aliss Knto Wilsonwho
hnvo been In the city tho'eucsts of Airs.
John Wales , loft for their homo in Omaha
Airs. Alortion nnd daughter , mother and
sister of H. F. Alordcn of the News , who
hnve been visiting in the city returned homo
Wednesday morning.
Airs. John P. Brown Is homo from a visit
to Omnlm. Airs , A. D. Brown of Onmha Is
still very low , but strong hopes are enter-
talncd for her rooovcrv.
William Wilson , onoof the most successful
farmers In Otoo county , accompanied by his
nlcco , Aliss Wilson , left Wednesday lor u
visit to his old homo In Now York. !
A narty wns given Tuesday ovenlng nt the
residence of Air , nud Airs. David O'Brlon ' In
honor of their guoats. Air. nnd Airs. Hart ,
who uro visiting here from Cheyenne , Wyo.
Aliss Alllo Chrlstlu , who hns been the guosl
of the Allsses Huwico for the past week loft
for Omaha Wqdilesday. Aliss Christie
formed a very pleasant circle of acquaint
ances whllo horo.
Air. nnd Mrs. E..H. Wnrren gnvo a dollght-
ful reception a few ovcnlntrs ago to the
tvnchcrs In the public schools. Air. Warren ,
who Is n member of Iho school board , has one
of the most comtortiiblo homes In the city.
Those present werur From the board of edu
cation , Prof , J. J. Kdchstotler nnd wife , Sec
retary D , P. . Kolfo nud wife , and A. P. Staf
ford nnd wife. High schoolProf. . Ostrom
principal , and wlfo and Aliss Owons. Secant
nvenuo school-Prof. Elwangor , prlnclyal
In advertising- immense lines of spring clothes for incus' wear , we possibly have not paid the
attention to the cheaper grades of suits that
' our stock demands , There arc a great many men who
can't afford to pay fifteen or twenty dollars for a suit , no matter how good the suit may be , Again ,
there are men who can't afford to even ten dollars for suit
pay a , simply for lack of the ten dollars ,
Again , there arc men who liny a cheap suit , wear it one season , sell it or give it away , and then buy
another. Buying a CHEAP suit in most stores , means buying a POOR suit. With us its different- .
No matter how low a priced suit you buy of us , the suit will be GOOD. People often wonder where
we get suits to sell so cheap. Perhaps we "pick 'em oft' the trees where they grow , " Perhaps we buy
cheaper than the average merchant. Perhaps we're willing to nnkc smaller profits than most stores ,
and , perhaps well , perhaps you don't care how WE get them. WHERE we get them , nor anything
about US\ \ its 7/0//'and / / WHERE YOU * & them that interests YOU. Our buyer recently "do * d
out several hundred medium-priced suits. They will be placed on sale to-day in two lots. "You never
saw the like before. "
LOT ONE Three hundred and sixty-four Men's Fancy Cheviot Suits , in two handsome shades in
sixes from 3-1 to ' 12 , cut in style , made in shape , and well trimmei : suits worth seven to nine dollars
At Four Dollars and Ninety Cents.
LOT TWO Three hundred and ten hanlsome Fancy All Wool Cheviot Suits , sizes 3-1 to ' 12 , in a _
half dozen handsome styles of strips anl plaids , well cut , well lined , well trimmed , well made , " "
suits worth from nine to eleven dollars , at the low price of
Five Dollars and Ninety Cents.
Corner Fourteenth and Douo-las Streets.
nnd Allsses Lnurn Alnrncll , Hnttlo Gerhnrdt.
Cornelia Pctrlng , Estello llomcrlck , , icsslo
: 'nyne , Myrtle Fraker , Ncttlo Kusscll mid
Dlflo Stevenson. Fourteenth street school
i'rof. Schnfer , principal , nnd Allssos Colin ,
Burcort , Nellie AlcCoy , Bloomey GoUiborg
and Flora Lev ! . Sixth street school Aliss
Lion E. Wright , principal , and Alissea Ida
iinlston , Hello Taylor , Jennie Williams , Aln-
nlo Harris , Lulu Hand , Ella Gumn nnd Alar-
_ ory Hershoy. Grcgirsport school Aliss Nina
ilooth , principal , nnd Alisses Lulu Powell
nnd Clnni Kehso. Kearney school Aliss
Alice Boyer , principal , nnd Aliss Alintio
Cooloy. Bclmont school Aliss Ellen Ware ,
n-lncipal. _ _ _ _ _
M. L. Vnrncy of Omaha spent Sunday In
this city.
A. L.Vlgton of Omaha was In .the city
this week.
Harry Blcnkiron Is visiting in Chicago and
Pckiu , 111.
Mrs. L. Hnhn and children nro visiting in
Nebraska City.
L. B. Palmer is home from a four months'
visit to California.
Dr. U Loda of Salt Lake City , Utan , Is
visiting friends In the city.
Airs. C. II. Paul and daughter visited
'riends In Omaha last week ,
MM. J. A. Keasey of Crete is visiting her
daughter , Mrs. C. E. Goodln.
Mrs. Fred Brenner nnd son nro visiting
relatives In Omaha this week.
It. K. Morlodgo is in Clarlndn , la. , called
ihcro by the death of bis mother.
L. H. Guernsey returned Sunday from
hlcngo , after a siege of lit Grippe.
Mr. nnd Mas. Jnko Barrett returned this
week from n pleasant visit to Denver.
Charles Dlotrick nnd Mayor Clarke were
guests of Senator Coulter last Sunday.
Miss Lou SchaufelberRor of Muncie , Intl. ,
is visiting the family of her brother Charles.
The Junior dancing club entertained their
Mends nt Germanla hall Wednesday even
Miss Grace Plko and horsistcr.Mrs. Frank
Leonard , nro visiting at Perry , In. ' , this
Mrs. J. N. Clarke pravo ono of the prettiest
card parties of the season last Thursday
Mrs. Ed Bexton returned Wednesday
from a pleasant visit to her parents at Au
rora , Nob. '
Mrs. B. F. Kohror of Iowa arrived this
week and will make her future homo in this
city with her son , U. S. Hohrer.
Kov. H. O. Scott , the now minister nt the
First Presbyterian church , will deliver his
initial sermon Sunday morning.
The Young Men's Christian association
gymnasium exhibition Monday evening was
a very creditable affair and wus fairly well
"Tho Farmers' Alliance , " n melodrama
written by A. H. Murray of this city , will
bo produced in Chicago nt an early date. The
nlay Is full of merit and is bound to make n
decided hit.
Tlio first annual ball of the Sons of Veter
ans at Germanla hall Tuesday evening was a
brilliant hffnir. About thirty couples were
In attendance. John Hammond did himself
paoud ns master of ceremonies.
Mrs. F. F. Vogel spent Sunday In York.
J. B. Buckley did Omaha the past week.
II. Weston and family have moved to Lin
Captain Erie Johnson did Lincoln again
this week.
W. M. Orr and family have moved to
North Bend.
Born , Monday , April 13 , to A , J. Weston-
1ns and wife , n boy ,
Hon. II. C , Merrill , with his sou Arthur ,
Sundaycd In the Burg.
Miss EdnnColomnn died Tuesday" and was
burled the following day.
S. C. Woodruff , the News man , has moved
to the eastern part of the city.
Kov. A. C. Milton ronductcd services In
Lancaster county Sundny hist.
Dr. A. Colenmn of Denver , Colo. , spent the
past week with his family nero.
C. Johnson and wife returned last Satur
day from an extended visit to Sweden.
J. A. Frawloy and family nro expected
homo from Sun Antonio , Tox. , next month.
E. Bauman of the Louts Bradford lumber
company , did Grand Island the past week ,
B. J. Moroy and bride of Ulysses visited
the father of the former in the burg this
The ' Young Men's Christian association
hold n reception at their rooms Saturday
evening last.
Mrs. II. M. Marquis has gene to Chicago
for an extended visit. She has resigned her
position In the Stromsburg schools.
E. F. Fanchilo Sundnyed nt homo.
J , K. Bruch was at Lincoln the last of tno
Hon. G. D. Molklejohn wns In town n few
hours Tuesday.
C. W. Hoffman was at Omaha n portion of
this week on business.
W. B. Stocka und wlfo of Albion spent
Sunday with frinds nnd relatives.
Mrs. G. M , Bnor , who has been visiting
friends In Iowa , returned on Wednesday ,
Will Kent nnd Gus Foss of Chicago are
spending n few weeks In Genoa and vicinity
hunting wild s'ceso.
Superintendent Backus loft on Tuesday for
the Cheyenne Indian atrcncy nfter pupils for
the Indian school hero. ,
Miss Turner , muslo teacher nt the Indian
school , spent a portion of the wcolt beneath
the parental roof at Columbus.
Miss Elva Plank , who ha * been visiting
friends In Genoa for several weeks past , re
turned to her homo In Iowa on Monday last ,
L. A. Gadd , who has been employed at the
Indian school for several weeks past , re
turned to his homo In Lincoln on Thursday.
Mr. W. K. Walton , who was summoned to
Washington last week by the alolines * and
death of his Infant son , returned hero Tues
day. Ltttlo Grade , who was very low , Is re
ported bettor.
Wes Fisher loft Wednesday for Kearney.
George F. Corcoran left Tuesday for Chi
Air. and Airs. Dr. Ilvnti went to Omaha
Aliss Gusta Reader arrived homo from Chicago
cage Alonday.
Airs. J. AI. Gardner is visiting her sister in
Betrnnd , Nob.
AIIss Jennie Doty hns been visiting friends
in Hastings- several days.
J. N. Kildow is on the road this ivcck In
the Interest of the marble works.
The Orphan's homo will hereafter bo lu
charge of Air. nnd Airs. Simrlock.
Air. nnd Airs. W. K. Ball loft Tuesday for
Creston , In. , where they will reside.
G , W. Alilles and Lon Kichardson arrived
homo from Seattle , Wash. , Alonday ,
Dr. W. AI. Knapp of Lincoln was shaking
hands with friends in the city Tuesday.
N. A. Sherman is homo from Salt Lnko
Cit3nfter an nbsenco of several months.
Air. A. G. Henderson of St. Paul has pur
chased the photograph studio of J. Al. Lloyd.
Aliss Ella Graves has returned from Chic
ngo , and Is visiting friends In York nnd Brad"
K. A. Hursoy of Chlvwa , Neb. , was the
guest of T. B. Cluwson for several days this
S. C. Grlppon nrrivcd homo frpm Denver ,
Col. , Friday to attend his daughter Winnie's
Tho.AIisscs F.dio hnvo boon entertaining
their friend , Aliss Jennie Cull of Chicago ,
this week.
J. C. Kilnor of Chicago , has been spending
sovernl days this week among his old friends
in the city.
Air. and Airs. T. D. Knnpp , who have been
spending the winter In Kentucky with rela
tive , nro hnine.
Airs. Walter Shamp of Holyoke , Col. , for-
merl1 of York , has been visiting friends in
the city during the week.
A missionary tea was given at the Alctho-
dlst parsonage Thursday evening from llvo
until half past eight o'clock.
Airs. Phillip Mcohuii and Aliss Nellie Men-
ton loft Tuesday for Weston , 111. , where tho.y
will visit friends for several weeks.
Airs. W. A. Miller loft Wednesday for
Springfield. 111. , to join bur liusb-uul. "T.uoy .
will make that city their future home.
The Senior Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congre
gational church mot Tuesday evening nt the
residence of A. Parmelec , Alias Alartin acting
ns hostess.
Mrs. E. K. Turomnn. who hns been visiting
with her sister , Airs. T. D. Aloore , for several
weeks , returned to her home in Taylorville ,
111. , Wednesday.
Airs. Alillerof Champaign , 111.who has boon
visiting her niece , Alrs.C.L. Aloisncr , returned
homo Tuesday. She was accompanied by
Aliss Josie Aloisnort
The operetta , ' 'A Dross , " which
was to have been given by the ladles of the
Y. society Tuesday ovoninir , was postponed
until this evening on account of rainy
Air. E , A. Fonl has resigned the secretary
ship of the Y. M. C. A.- preparatory to
going to the missionary Holds of Africa. The
vacancy will bo llllod by Air. C. A. Powell ,
of Hustings.
The Presbyterian Christian Endeavor so
ciety was handsomely entertained Tue dny
evening at the homo 'of Edwin Hell. After
the routine business was disposed of various
games and other amusements wcro indulged
The city was crowded with strange fncos
last wock. The ministers and their wives la
attendance nt the presbytery meetings nnd
thu ladles of the missionary delegntlon made
York IOOK like n burg where religion was the
principal business of the people.
Airs. Jasper Huffman , assisted by n num
ber of friends , surprised her ! in n
manner that will make him always remember
his birthday , Tuesday When ho wont
homo to dinner ho was Informed that some
parties were awaiting to sco him in the par
lor. Ho went in nnd found himself in the
midst of a merry crowd , who scorned
to enjoy his dlsuomliluro amazingly. Ho was
then invited into the dining room and given
the scat of honor at a table loaded with the
delicacies of the season. Later be wns pro-
seated with sover.1l handsome presents.
Wednesday inornlng'tho parlors of Mr. S.
C. Grlppen's rc.sidenco were fragrant with
beautlfulllowors and the warm sun of April
streaming through the windows lighted up a
scene such as only comes when chains of love
nro riveted nt the marriage altar. It was the
wedding ceremony of Percy A. Kilmer nnd
Wlnnlfrod Grlppen. Kov. E. A. Lconor , in
the presence of the families and near rela
tives , spoke the words that united the young
couple lor their Journey through life. Air.
Kilmer is a young man that In all business
nnd social relations , enjoys the respect nnd
honor of n wldo acquaintance , and the bride
enjoys the happy distinction of being Known
as ono the social lights of the city , where she
has lived ucarlv all her life. They loft at
noon on n tour through the east , and will bo
at homo to their friends after .May llat , their
homo on East Hill.
vTlifii Haliy wim elck , wo gayo her C/istorla ,
When ahowM a C1ilMiliocriuU forCostorla ,
When 'io ' beemnn Mlwi , hc clung to Cnstorla ,
Wlien iho bad CUlUruu , ibo gave them Cutorte ,
\t \ n Kiiropoan fuce prt-purutlon. Imparts n I'earlj '
roinplcilon , luuLi Ilko tprliiK wnlor , no lend or
mmiKlnK InitroOlunU , wniranttxl Ihobosttu Aojurlcu.
Jnpftckiiiro. iirJJor Ji. Hunt 11117 wlicru prepaid on
eceipt of prlca , or < U. I ) . Klniler Unix Cu , . Leilla
A lAllo iiniKJoodcuan Uruif Cu.OiuuIn , A. II. b'uitor ,
Couucll UlulK.
Bsron Leibig
Thpcrent clipinlst pronounced thf
well Known I-olUlu Cuiiipniiy' ! ! Kxtrnof
uf llcef , mnclc i.f . HIM tlni-st UlvM
I'laito cu tlo. Inflnltc-ly miprrlor W
Have rnml qunllt ) loan ? nmoo of cnU
tloKmnn In lluroi'oor elsowlicie , 1J
iintliorUcd tbo uauuf
his OS the
well kuo'n trade mark
signature of
I.EIBIG Extract
| ! IPWS of BEEP -
I'ordc-lli-Ious Tor Improved and
llcef Tea , I'eoiionilo Cookeryi
Sv/eet /
Chocolate ,
The most pop
ular a w o o t
Chocolate in
the market It
la nutritious
and palatable ;
n particular
favorite wltb
children , nnd a
larticle for fam-
y UQO.
Served ns a
drink or oaten as Confectionery ,
it is a dellciouB Chocolate.
The genuine is stamped upon the
wrapper , 3. German , Dorchester ,
Sold by Crocorsovorywhoro. _
W , Baker & Co , , Dorchester , Mass , '
rnulilo tlio dvpcptlo to rut wlwtowr lie
wMir * . Tlii-y c-misn the funil tonnslinllnta
mill iiuiirlxh the lioily , give nppotlti * , und
Office , 39 & 41 Park Place , New Yorlc. '
commit fraud In substi
tuting any other poroui
plaster when IISNSON'3 )
Is nskod for. They do BO
In ordcito mnko tnora
money out of you liy si.-lN"
ln you somctlilrir that
costs them less. Dewnro
-I of worthless Imitations.
Un. iniMriiucya'arECinra oninclvntlllrnlly nuil
carefully | > ri'inriHt | | > nwcrli > tion5 ; ut-ilfiiriiiany
yearn In prlvntn nrnctlcon Ith iuvcMiiiwl ( forovcr
thirty years uii-JliytliGiii'0il | . Ku'ry klnulo Bpo-
Clllc Ix u MiH'Clnl euro for lim ( | | KWO nnint'il.
Till' * ! ) hicclllr | euro \\ilhout ilruxKlnK , purif-
Ineorn-ilucliitftho nyBti-ni , mill nro In fart mul
! rt * in nil i-Hul'l IIP World.
t l'p\nrH , ( . 'iiiiKt-Htlon , Inllniiinmtlon. . . 1
'J U'nriiiH. Worm FOVIT , Worm Oille .
M 'i- > lii ? ( olIi'.orTVilliliiRofliifuiiM , 'Jl
1 ImirrTim , of Chlldri 11 or Adult * . .
A KyMi-nlury."U Collo. . .
( I < ; lioliTii nicirliiiNiiiiilltiiR .
7 CfinnliH , Cold. Jlrniii'liltw . .
H Vituriilvln , ToolliiH'liiMeenoho . 'JlI
H llriHliiiTiri , Sli-klli-ailnclif. Vertigo
111 fljMIHIIIHllI , lllllpllll MllllllM-ll. . . . . . . I
11 NiimirrHirnlor I'ullifiil I'crlodH ,
I-J Wlilli'M , too I'rnfiiM ) I'crloiln
it ; Cronii. CiniKli , Iiinimlt llri-allilnic. . . . ' -5
1 I Miill Itliiiiiin , Krynlpt-liM. Krnptkmi. .US
1.1 KhciiiiiiillNiii , ItliPunmtle rains. , . .
1(1 ( Knvprniul A KIIP , Clillln , Jlalurln. . .
17 I'llfH , llllnd or lllpeilluif . . .1O
II ) Ciilnrrli , Inlluciiia , C'nlillnlliolli-ad .no
\\liooplnir Couulii Violent CniiKh * .
1M ( ii-niTiil IMillliv.l'byilealWraknw *
'it lUclmiy niHimm- .
UN NIT oils Dolilllty .
'ill Urinary \ VmiUnciNV
" "
"fitiM liy IirugKhtii. ornti > oitpal < l on receipt
fif rrlcn. DII HunriiKF.YH' ilAKUiI , ( Ml II KM )
richly Imund In cloth nnd Kold. moiled free.
Cor. William and John btrocU , Now York.
D1 > ll. 'I' . KKI.I.V CDI K.VI I. i > / „ . , . . % I At ,
UKIA.M : , OK JI.UJIOAI , IIK.U i irnit. :
3 KcinovcuTnii , I'lniiiliv , Knck.
IPH , > Mli 1'iiU.liiT. Itutlinmlhkln
t > ilS jt tuo , autl every lilriul li on
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ditu-tlon. It In )
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ruiul'a ( . ' ) i nin1 tli *
l(0tli i infill of All
Ilie fkln prtrara.
tloiu. " KnrmlobT
It lIIILrfpt | | AUlt
I'mii-y Uuu.ll \ > ttif
triliithet'Mltc'IRIalM. ' Can rtn nd Kumi *
VtMO.'t. lI'll'KlNb , I'ruii'r.aHJieotJonnSt. , N. V.
QUIC QUICK. Others la
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nr.AO. Jfmffcrlngtry
It J'tni'Crttt , lt
lluvri , Cure * .
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