Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1891, Page 11, Image 12

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , AP1IIL 18 , 1801 TWlsi\7' 11
News of the Great West. .
Groom of the News of Iho Northwest is herewith presented In rendnblo form. No other paper
makes this news a leading feature. It Is the week's history of the great northwest.
llto I'Mrst Vlgllnnun Cotninlttoc.
. Tlio story of the famous vigilance commit
tee of 1S.10 thnt ruled San Francisco .from
I\lay \ until Soptcmber of that year , Is n well
knoxvn tnlo thnt lias been fully told in the
tinges of Bancroft ; but the story of the llrst
Vigilance committee , thnt of 1S. > 1 , is not so
V-cll known , nnd Its slight record as given by
JJnnerott Is denounced by tlio surviving
executives of San Francisco's first lynch
court us full or errors , Mr. Bancroft , escapIng -
Ing the trouble of Investigation by wnat
, iho survivors term "a heavy draft upon his
Jmnghmllon. "
Thu Portland Oregonlnn relates that whllo
thu vigilance commlttco of 1S.V1 was a mill-
lary organization ( iXXJ ( strong , drilled. dis
ciplined mid oninorod by the loadbig citizens
of San Francisco , whoso chief oxccutlvo was
no Ion than William T. Coloman. Thu llrst
Vigllnnco commlttco was originally com
posed of but forty men. Its origin nnu Its
prox'ocation is worth recalling at this time.
in 18r.0-r > l Han Francisco was composed of
wooden buildings which took flro easily and
burned rapidly. In May. 18.10 , a great part
Of the business portion of the town was dc-
t roved by lire , and again in May nnd Juno.
1S51 , two other great tires loft but llljlo of
the city unburncd. Tlicso disastrous fires
Ivoro generally knoxvn to bo the work of In-
- vcondinrics , among whom a number of es-
cap d Australian convicts wore Included. If
the tlitnvos did not always sot the ilrcs they
always profited by them , for during and after
the disasters they plundered the mores , the
tioiiHPs , and vacant lots where the goods
saved from the ilaincs had been piled. These
criminals wcro partially or niiizod ; had iig-
nul fires on the sand hills by which thov com
municated with each other what to do nnd
When to do It. The courts at that tlmo were
not trustworthy could not bo depended on
to punish crime. Criminals were saved from
lusiico by attorneys whoso favorlto device
was to prove an alibi , which was easily done
through the confederates and comrades of
the prisoners , Judge Lynch dealt with
( hose follows and rid the country of a mur-
tlurous gang.
A hit Matin.
The granting of a now trial to John Koso
nnd John Kdwards of Scaland , Wash. , who
Vere convicted of murder , caused a mob to
lynch them. About midnight the guard at
the Jail was startled by loud knocking on the
outer door of the jail. IIo asked who was
'there , and was commanded , to open the
door. Ho refused to do so. and the leader
6f the mob told him ho nad three minutes
In which to open the door , and if ho
failed to do so In that tlmo the jail would
bo blown up with dynamite. This fright
ened him , and ho fired his pistol , presumably
to give alarm , and n moment afterward
opened the door , when , ho was solzed by three
innn , who curried him to an adjoining build-
Jug , where ho was kept for several minutes.
during which tlmo several shots wcro ilred
In ttio direction of the Jail.
Immediately after the firing ceased ho was
rcloasud and the captors started off. When
he entered ttio Jail the bodies of Hose ana
Kdwards wore found lying on the iloor of
their cage. Everything was conducted In a
Very quiet , orderly manner , and no. unneces
sary noise xvns made. There wro about
forty men In the party , and all of- them wcro
masked so thnt it was impossible Co recognize
Alter the affair was over they nil marched
out toward Shoalwntor bay , tholr tracks
toeing easily distinguished m the soft mud of
the tldo land. Hero all tcaco of them was
lost , but the Itcols of several boats were visi-
bio in the mud , showing thnt the party had
nrrlvcd in boats from up the bay and had de
parted In the same wny , leaving no traces' of
their Identity.
Sheriff Turner was asleep at his house.
( The affair did not take over twenty minutes.
No attempt was made to Jorce the Iron cage ,
tiltbouuh n slodRO hammer was found in tno
jail , where It had been left. It Is supposed
the men wcro shot down In their cells.
pvorything was conducted in a quiet and or
derly manner.
"GrxKl I.UUk. "
H. II. Jones , ono of the clerks employed in
the internal revenue department at Portland ,
Ore. , had an odd experience recently , which
goes far toward proving that fraud taitos
unto itself many disguises to trap the unxvnry.
Mr. Jones resides n't 519 Montgomery nx-o-
nuo. One evening recently his door bell xvaa
violently rung , and when -servant res ponded
to the summons an elderly gentleman ,
" Inquired for the "gentleman o' the house , "
"X using his full name xvlth qulto a show of fa-
Jnlllarity. When Mr. Jones reached the door
lie xvns confronlod by n man about forly-llvo
years of ago , gray haired , sober faced and
flros.sed In Uio ordinary garb of a inechanlc.
"Don't s'poso you kuoxv inel" ho com-
mcneod , coolly.
"Can't sav that I do. "
, "Wull , might's xvell settle It ; I'm n mascot ,
- f am. "
I Several Instances have boon published ro-
ccntlv of clox'or lunntics xvho fmx'o broken
otil of asylums nnd palmed Ihomsolvos off ns
nana peoplo. The recolloclion of such things
\vns not particularly encouraging lo Mr.
Jones nnd ho kept a wary eye on the strang
er's bin pocket. His surprise xvas doubled
when the "mascot" shoved n horseshoe under
hU faco. It xvns an ordinary horseshoe , ex
cepting that It had been highly glided.
'I ' found this 'ero shoo in front o' your
liouso ttio other day ; " said the stranger. "I
nllus picks up horboshoss xvhon I finds 'em.
'They brings good luck xvhon I gives 'em to
( invbody , and I brought yours hack. I'm
fllfcd xvlth luck , Just llko a rog'lor mascot.
I brings It to every ono but myself.
I'm the moV xinforllnnt' devil hoggin" ycr
pnrdiu nllvo , I nm. Huro's ycr shoo ; take
It. I don't xvant it. "
Jones scorned to hesitate , but the mascot
milled In ahurt tone of volco :
"I ain't ' sollln' it , mind ye. Don't want a
cent for It. I'm a pcor man , nnd tbo bard ,
html world's big enough for mo to die in I
rcclion. I nin't'oat nothln' In thrco days , but
1 don't xvant yor money. Take ycr shoo ! "
Seeing no xvay to got rid of ttio sorroxvful
mnsi-ot , Jones look Ibo shoo and gave him GO
Cents lo buy food xvllh.
U xx-us learned subsequently by Mr. Jones
that thu horseshoe mascot had been soiling
good luck" at xvholesalo rates In various
portions of Iho city , one of his victims being
Jr. Mahoney , xvho paid $1.50 for good for
Tlio New D
W. S. Martin has been busy t East lake
Jn outfitting for the TJeon creek country.
Jfo bus txvo horses , weighing about twclx'o
hundred pounds each , n strong farm wngon
With covered bed nnd txvo water barrels ,
xvlth a commissary tc last six xvccks for a
party of four. The outfit xvlll bo Joined at
Stockton by Mr. Martin. The party will
visit Dngxvay , Deep crcok and Cherry creek
mid prospect the country.
\V. M. KUsxvorih nnd Harry Nexvbomh
start for Dugxvay xvlth thrco wagons
loaded xvltli merchandise , a couslder-
nblo portion loaded xvlth xvet goods , They
will llrst pitch tliclr touts in Dugxvnv , but
should the prospects for trade bo bettor
farther xxust will push on to the Deep Creek
country. Tlio country is filling up xvlth men
very fast.Tlio weather thcro Is very pleas
ant. Nearly nil of the Deep Creek country
Is devoid of water , and that Is Its greatest
draxvbac-k outsldo of Isolation from mil-
roads. Mr. Kearney has been solving the
wafer fjuostlou by sinking artesian wells.
JIo lias six of thoao , five of which lloxv
twelve per mlnuto nnd one Hews twenty
gallons per minute. These xvolls nro In
depth nlghly-savon to 1(53 ( foot. Mr. Bagloy
hns a xvoll near which lloxvs sixty gallons per
nilnuto. Fish Springs minors get their water
from thosu xvclls , ttio haul being txvolvo
Wiles. The tv.itr Is very pure and sxvoet.
Ttio stork and xvngons for the Iioon Creole
flago line Lnvo boon going forxvnrd t'.ia past
throe dnys to place ? along- the linn ready to
begin work. This morning . H. Wallace ,
Will Ultima O. i ) . Shnll wl'lstart ' out along
tlic line In opsu the station and get things in
snapo. The line xvill l > o In operation as soon ,
W ull the details mo nrransnd. xvblch xvill
laito ton ixxijlvo day * yst.
Mltrileror l-'HRiiprs.
John , nlUt Hob Piincr , sentenced byJudgo
frl"ti ! nt Oonvor to eight year1 Imprisonment
W inning Tborau Buukuor at * negro tlanca
at Elyrla last September , is a fugitive from
Justice. An hour after being sentenced , In
company xvlth Deputy Sheriff Rooms , ho xvas
allowed to visit the Golden Orajjo saloon , at
Twelfth nnd Market streets , where Kcems
filled un xvlth liquor. Soon after the prisoner
persuaded the deputy to nlloxv him to visit
Jonnlo , his wife , residing at No. 1213 Market
street. Hcoms is said to have boon very
much intoxicated xvhcn they rcnched the
woman's ' abode. Here ho nlloxvcd Fisher ,
unhandcuffcd , to retire to n room xvlth his
wife. Becoming impatient at the delnx' , the
careless deputy called out to Fisher to hurry.
Receiving no reply , ho Investigated nnd
found his prisoner had escaped. Ho took
xvlth him about $ > 00 , xvlth which his \vlfc
had provided him ,
Tlio alarm win quickly glx-on , anJ every
available man In the sheriff's ofllco xvas
sUirtcd out after Fisher.
The negro xvas easily located , having for
some hours boon hiding In H. barn kept by
' Happy Jack , " a colored man nnd n friend of
Fisher. Hy a puculla ? xvlnstlo ho gave the
prisoner the signal that the officer * xvcre on
the track and Fisher took the most desperate
means to escape. In full view of the Olllcers
ho nnd his brother lumped out of the stnulo
window , followed by n volley of shots from
the deputies. The Hoeing prisoner returned
the fire , nnd , aided by the darkness , escaped
despite the fnct that seven deputies xvero in
the Immediate vicinity. Ills xvlfo and Itcema
were locked up. The deputy xxill be tried on
the charge of abetting In Fisher's es > capo.
Cornered Ili-aiidy.
A scheme to corner nil the brandy In the
xvest , unearthed at San Francisco , has cre
ated qulto a discussion among the manufac
turers. Mos.1 of the latter , by personal ex
perience , know of the existence of the youth
ful trust.for many months. In the Interim it
has assumed serious proportions.
The market is heavily stocked xvith xvino
and prices are unusually loxv. On the other
hand , the bonded xvarohousos nro loaded
doxvn xvlth brandy , only a small fraction of
which lias been sold.
It xvas stated by n xvell known manufac
turer that there nro nt least . 1,000,000 gallons
of xxlno unsold , representing surplus ,
which in the croxx'dcd condition of the market
coulu bo dispensed xvith easily by having the
product converted into l.OOU.OUO gallons of
It xvas ascertained that the Cucamonga
xvino company in S.m Bernardino county xvlll
produce much more brandy than was at llrst
supposed. This company Isut the head of the
movement to control the great eastern market.
The "combine" lias a broker In that city xvho
is buying up brandy ns fast as ho can secure it.
In some instances ns high as 00 cents a gallon
has been paid , although the nominal price
ranges from -17 to 50 rents. The cellars in
the city nnd country nro filled , nnd it is ex
pected that xvhon a collapse takes plaeo
lively times xvlll ensue.
The independent manufacturers refuse to
budge an inch from their position. While
they might benefit by a rise in price they
still refuse to join the "combine , " and will
market their oxvn product.
An KiiHtor Whipping.
It xvas nearly dusk. It had been n typical
San Francisco Easter a beautiful , sunshiny
morning. The xvell dressed throng of church
goers on their way to morning service had
stopped again and again among themselves to
comment on the beauty of the day. In the
afternoon It had still been clear , but the fresh
xvcstern xvind had boeun to bloxv. Arid noxv it
xvas groxvlng lato. The fog the cold , damp ,
nasty fog xvns rolling In from the ocean.
The xvind mndo her shiver as she stogd on
the street corner.
She xvas not big enough to bo out at that
tlmo , xvhcn everyone was hurrying home-
xvard , oven if she had been clad to withstand
that western xvind. She couldn't have boon
more than seven.
Ho came xvhlstllng around the corner. Ho
must hnvo been ten , and no cold could got In
through the thick overcoat he xvoro.
"Whatehorcryin1 forl"
"I'm cold. "
Ho came up close , looked around to see
that no ono xvas looking , whipped off the
overcoat nnd put it around tier.
"I've got lots more homo. "
Then ho vanished .into the modest little
homo up the street.
"Whero Is your overcoat ! "
"Lost it. "
. Ho got n whipping for being careless , but
ho xvas a California boy , and he'd ' sooner take
ten whippings than confess to anything llko
Horrible Kxpcrlcncc.
"I heard Stanley talt | about his big snakes
that throxv their venom in the air , and hide
in the packs of nntlvo bearers , " snid Mnjor
W. B. Hooper of Cheyenne , Wyo. "I re
member something llko that years ngo in
Arizona , nftor the rebellion. I x\ras in a
party that xvas crossing ox-or the southxx-est-
orn corner of Dcatli valley , which xvas a reg
ular highway then fo.r people going to Cali
fornia. The days xvoro hotter than the driest
room in the Hammain , but the nights xvcro
terribly cold , especially toward sunrise. Wo
saxv a good many rattlesnakes , and they wcro
all monsters. They called thorn 'sand rat
tlers. ' and though they may bo young ODOS
with only eight or ton rattles , you xvlll find
them long and fat. Well , ono nigtit xx-o xvoro
xvrapDcd In our blankets on the ground when
xvo hoard horrible yells and cries from
ono of the men. Wo seUcd n lire-
brand and rushed to his sldu. Ho'xx'as
struggling xvlth a hugo "sand rattler"
six foot long , with the blood iloxving from
xvounds In the cheeks and neck nnd hands
xvhoro the roptllo had bitten him , Some ono
shot the snake as It tried to slide away , but
the man died In txx-o hours , notxvith-
standlng nil xvo could do for him. It
Is probable that the soako had craxvled out
of the rocks In the man's blanket and that
as the iiinn rolled over In his sleep the ser
pent objected. "
Cosily Frauds.
The seizure by the rox'onuo authorities of
the Oa'logas ' xvino company's property nt
Portlnnd , Ore. , surprised many of the load
ing xvino manufacturers. The Oallegas com
pany has ono of the host trade reputations in
the state and xvas ono oft the largest mnnu-
fttcturios In the United States. Facts xx-oro
learned about the unwritten history of the
seizure xvhich .shows that considerable Jug
gling xvas done In the xvino business n few
years back. Previous to 1S05 not $1 came
Into the revenue coffers as taxes on brandy.
It is stated thnt , in all probability many
small manufacturers evaded tha laxv anil
used untax paid spirits m the fortifi
cation of their Bxx-eet xvlnes. In 1SS3
revenue regime , over { lyx,000 ) xvas gathered
in by the revenue department for taxes on
spirits. The xvido difference In receipts
points to frauds xvhich groxv under the eyes
of sub-agents and Inspectors xvho were
charged xvitU tlio work of touring the state
and ascertaining frauds xx-henox-er any ex
isted. That certain corrupt Inspectors xx'oro
employed at that tlmo Is certain. Hovcnuo
Agent Ktdrldgo and Agents Thomas and
Wilson hax-o proved a Nemesis to xx-rong-
doors in the liquor trunic. The recent seiz
ure at Irvlngton has unpublished features
about It which prove that the old personnel
of the agents was sadly xvantlug in honesty
and diligence.
A Fuijitlvn KotiirnH.
Thonuis J. Ulloy returned to Marysvlilo ,
Colo. , nnd xvas soon nftor arrested on n xvar-
rant sxvorn to by Thomas Farrcll , charging
him xvith embezzlement. TWO years ugo
Farrell xx-as postmaster of Marysvlilo nnd
Klloy xvns his chief deputy. The office xx'as
conducted m n very loose manner , and Ulloy
suddenly sklupod. An examination by n
poitoDlco inspector siioxx cd a doplornblo con
dition of ad'ulrs , Thu shortage xvas variously
estimated nt between $700 and $ 'J,000 , which
Farrell and his bondsmen made good. Other
oftlcos xvero concerned , as Klloy had bor-
roxvod stamps from i'liun City , Oridloy ,
Colma and Ked Bluff.
Illley bRd not been heard of until hw re
turn. Ha said ho wont to Mexico , xvhcro ho
.iteycd some time , and then xvont to lx > *
Angeles. Whllo there he x\u stricken xvlth
paralysis , * nd xvher. t > uffiuloatly recovered ho
ro.solvud to return to Marysvlilo and clonr
himself. He dtmtt taking tuoro than f$5
xvhich , ho savs , was his oxvn money. Ho
says the ofllco"xvns run very loosely nud that
Farrcll xvas In the habit of taking xvhat
monox ho wanted out of the safe xvlthout
making a record , and xx'as utterly Incapable
of conducting the business of the office him
AVns Already Dlvoroeil.
Dlvoreo proceedings that xvould double dis
count a Chicago court In point of tlmo took
the breath of Inxvyoru nnd spectators In Vice
Chancellor Green's chambers In Cheyenne ,
Wyo , , recently. Tlio complainant xvas "do
Kob'rcn" Justus Jolinslng of Bushtown ,
Salem county. " The Uob'ron' Johnsing
xvns called to the stand and his counsel
asked :
"What is your business 1"
"Clo'gvman , snh. "
"Of xvhnt church I"
"Tho Afr'can Moth'dls 'Phcopal , sah. "
"When xvoro you umrriodi"
"In 18C8 , sah. "
"What xx'as your xvlfo's name. "
"Her name xvar Smith , then , but bor
malton ) nnmo war Pu'noll , sah , 'kaso she xx'ar
married 'foro I got hor. "
"Was her first husband dead , or xx-oro they
divorced ! "
"No , Indeed , sab , 'knso 1 seen him about
thrco months ago , nnd hoxvar'llvo theni"
"That settles the case , " said the vice chan
cellor xvlth n txvlnklo , "ho Is already di
vorced. "
A Votf fa I I'M ( > nii.
A shooting took nlnco nt Salt Lake , the
result of xvhicli Is that S. N. Schwartz is in
bed xvlth a bullet In his groin. The cause of
the shooting was over a sale of a one-third
Interest In the Monte Chrlsto mine. It
seems that Schxvartz grub-staked n couple of
men In doing the xx-ork on the mine , and
when the rich strike occurred a foxv dnys
ago ono of the men , being dissatisfied xvith
Schwa rtz , sold out. This did not suit the
latter and ho became very wrathful and
Insulting , the main object of his wrath
being Captain Gcorgo T. Bridges , xvhom ho
blamed for making the sale. Captain Bridges
xx'alkcd into Schxvartz's place nnd bought n
couple of boxes of cigars. While making the
purchase Schxvartz became very olTeiiiivo.
but the captain , an old veteran and Grand
Army man , merely laughed at him. Finally
Schxvartz hccamo very Irate nnd xvont behind
the counter nnd procured n gun. Then ,
nfter xvnlklng out on the street , the old xvar
spirit of Bridges Hushed up , and in self de
fense ho gave it to the threatening Schwartz.
The xvound Is not considered dangerous and
Bridges Is under arrest.
Vnrnoy i * tata Sotllod.
In the superior court at Butte , Mont. , 'bo-
fore Judge tillsxvortn a settlement xvas
effected betxveen Mrs. Gracy Vurnoy-King
nnd the executors of the Thomas Vurnoy
estate by which Mrs , King is to receive ? ! > ' . ' , -
500 , full of all claims ntralnst the cstnta.
Mrs. King is the adopted daughter of
Varnoy , xvho xxrns a wealthy mining man ,
dying about a year ngo , leaving an estate
valued nt about * 700,000. IIo legally adopted
her In her ciiildlfbod , taking her into his
family , she assuming her father's name She
married a young man named English
against her father's xvish , nnd upon his
dentil it xvas found that she had been
given SM.OOO nnd a house in East
Oakland for lifo. This did not satisfy
her. Whllo English xvas nxvay in Honolulu
she divorced herself from him on the ground
of desertion , and ho returned to find this fact
out to ills surprise. She nfterwnrd married
Mr. King and instituted proceedings to have
the xx-ill sot nsido on tlio ground of undue in-
iluonco , and also n null to recover $150,000 as
her Just share of the estate. Negotiations
xvith the heirs and executors.havo baon pend
ing for sorno tlmo.
Tlio Hod Freely Used.
San Francisco's board of education xvill
moot in special session tt > glvo Principal Joseph -
soph O'Connor an opportunity to explain
xvhy , and to xvnat extent , ho thrashed ono of
his pupils in the Valencia grammar school on
Friday morning.
The pupil In question Is Chester Kinsman ,
aged txvolvo vcars , and according to the state
ments of his mother and other rclatlves.ho xvas
most cruelly beaten , his body being one mass
of bruises. Even his face did pot cscaic ) , ono
eye being partially closed by a oloxv from n
rattnn , xvhllo another stroke cut his lip badly ,
and other dlscoloratlons and bruises xvero
produced , ns the box" states , by blows from
the principal's ' fists.
The boy remained nxvay from school for
thrco days , and on returning failed to bring
xvith him the rc.sult of certain xvork in nnth-
malic xvhich ho xvas supposed to have done at
homo. This ommisslon , ho sates , xvas the
canso of his punishment. Principal O'Con '
nor Jerked him violently from his place In
line xvith his folloxv pupils , dragging him
nxvay to his ofllco and there boating him.
Halt Imku IO [ ) < T.
Ah Foy. a Chinese woman afflicted xvlth
leprosy , arrived In San Francisco from Salt
Lako. At. the mooting of the board of health
Secretary Hoesch xvill aubmit the question
of returning the leper to Salt Lake City.
Hoesch says it is bud enough for San Fran
cisco to hax'o to tatto care of the lepers of the
other counties of the state xvlthout having to
keep n hospital for all the states nnd terri
tories of the Pacllic slopo.
Ah Fey is likely to live for ten years.
Hoesch says that the Southern Pacific rail-
xvay company is to blame In the matter.
There is a . laxv against railroads carrying
people afillctcd xvith such diseases. The com
pany's otllcials could not have been blind to
the woman's condition. It xvas apparent
oven to tlio policeman xvho caused her arrest ,
nnd should certainly have been noticed by the
Southern 1'acitlo conductors along the road.
Ho thinus the company should bo compelled
to send the Chinese leper back to Utah , or
else bo fined heavily for violating the ordi
nance forblddlng-nny person or corporation
from bringing n leper into the city. The
board xvill sustain the secretary.
Indian Atrocities.
Great excitement xvns caused at Blackfoot ,
Idaho , over the killing by an Indian of txvo
unkaoxvn xvhtlo omigj-nnts who xvcro camped
tit the xvntor tank a mile boloxv that placo.
Nothing can ho learned as to the cause of the
affair , ns thcro were no eyo-xvltnesses. Their
bodies xvero found by n party nt the tank nnd
a number of Indians xvero seen taking to the
hills cost of licro. An uprisingIs
feared. Indian Agent Fisher , xvho
xvas nt Pocatcllo , xvas telegraphed for
and Wells came up on a special train. Deputy1
ShorllT Hess loft immediately for the sconb
and- took charge of the bodies , leaving un
armed posse on guard. Business Is suspended
and the citizens tire up In arms. About ono
hundred mounted men hax-o loft the city to
demand the surrender of the guilty party.
Should the Indians refuse , trouble is sura to
ensue , as the posse nro nil determined men.
Not an Indian xvas to bo found in the city an
hour after tlio affair. The gox'ornor and
adjutant general , xvcro telegraphed.
. The .Morton
The divorce suit of Mndadoim Morten xs
Christian Morton , cams to trial before
Judge Ellsxx'orth at Sacramento , Col. Mrs.
Morten alleged that her husband had abused
heron ono occasion so that she had fainted ,
and once at Tiburon had threatened to throw
her i to the bay. She produced several letters -
tors , QUO of xvhich xvas written by her step
son , Lyiimn , to bis aunt , saying that Morton
had been very cruel nnd abusive to his stop-
mother. Another loiter xvas xyrlltcn by Mrs. ,
Morton to her husband from a government
clnlm near MIdxvny. She said that she had
xvorn men's clothes and xvorked out In the
fields , suffering much for food and from hard
xvork. Morten at the tlmo was In the city.
Ills other child , Annie , by hi * last xvlfo , xvas
dragged to death by n coxv , the lariat having
caught around the child's body , bho also
charged him xvlth infidelity. Morton denied
the charges of Ills xvifo and alleged that ho
bad only held her once xvhon she showed
symptoms of lnsnnjtyand roinonatratnd when
uhe sulod a sugar boxvl at another xvomao's
bead. Lyiuao , the stopsou , testified that ho
had xvrltton the loiter to his aunt under com
pulsion nnd nt tils stepmother's dictation ,
Judge Ellsworth bollovod Morten's story nnd
denied the xvlfo's uppllrntlon for a divorce.
Ilroko the I'roalntin Ilottlc.
Hanging on the largo mineral cabinet In tba
mining exchange says the Spokane Falls Ho-
view , Is a good sized bullion bag xvhich resem
ble a small mail pouch. It bears this label :
Lake VIoxv , Idaho.
Hold In soak for ono belle of
whisky broken by F. A. Weber -
or on East Eagle creek , Sep
tember , 1337. dl. H. KEMP.
The label recites briefly the standing feud
between Mr. Kemp and' Mr , Weber. They
xvcro old miners toguthcr , nud In 18S7 , In
cluded in n party of six. it [ tiers headed by
Sydenhnm Mills , xvhowas buying property
for the Cujur d'Aleno placer Syndicate , they
made pack horses of tbfemselvcs and beaded
for the diggings on East * Eagle creek , xvhich
hax-o since become not d. In tha oullit xx-as
a half gallon of xvlilnhy. Ono-lmlf of this
they drank before thoy' ' reached Eagle creek ,
Wo bor carried the lost bottlo. Ho froze to
It when they began * to xx-ado Iho crook.
Chilled to the mnrroxv ( hey stood on the op
posite bunk and dripped ; Wobcr made a mis-
Clio and dropped the sacred bottle , it struck
a rock and the red liquid mingled xvlth the
waters of Eagle crook. Thu card on the bul
lion sack explains tno rest ,
Nine prominent Aiualim have been ar
rested and placed in Irons at San Carlos ,
Ariz , under guard. Among Iho prisoners is
old Chief Eskimlzeno , called "Sktlllng , " for
short. The first llvo prisoners xvero arrested
on warrants issued by the civil authorities ,
charging them xvith the murder of xvhlto
men years ago , but Eikimlzoua nnd the other
tlirno xx'oro apprehended for giving help to
"Kid , " n riotous roncgudo nnd murderer
xvho defeated nnd eluded the authorities for
years , and for xvhoso capture thogox-crninont
vainly expended thousands of dollars. All
of the Kid's cloao companions In crime have
been killed , but ho pcoridli-.dly makes his ap-
pcaranco within a foxv miles of San Carlos.
AH soon as his presence Is reported ut the
post n detachment of cavalry and scouts is
soul hi pursuit. Ho appeared lost xvook
xvithln sovcn miles of San Carlos. TrooiH
xvoro sent in pursuit of him but to no effect.
EsklmUcno Is the ablest and craftiest , the
most treacherous and dangerous at the
Apache renegades on the resorvetion.
Noted Character Dead.
Ono of Iho most noted characters In the
mission died last night in the ulmshouso ,
says the Wilcox ( Ariz. ) News. Ho xvas James
Inmnn , moro commonly Icnoxx'n as "Jimmy
the bum. " In man for the past forty years
has been n xvell knoxvn figure in Ihat section
of the city. Heas an Englishman and a
cousin of the owners of the celebrated Inman
line of steamers. Ho had boon xvoll reared In
his youth nndjind Deceived n thorough col-
Icg4iito education.
For some reason that ho xvould never ex
plain ho left his home . and became a xvan-
dorer , finally drifting to this city In the early
days. Ho xvas handy at all trades nnd eked
out a precarious llvllhood by doing odd Jobs
in the neighborhood. His fluency of speech
nud general knowledge of affairs made him n
favorite xvith everyone In the mission , es-
peciallv about the saloons , xvhcro in return
1'or nn hour's chat , ho received his liquor
free. Ho died from a general breaking up of
his .
_ _
Pcnrl Starr
A young xx'dman disguised in mnio clothing
xvns captured by deputy marshals in the
Uiowa and Comanche country in the Indian
territory. She prove'd to bo Pearl Starn
daughter of the noted Belle Starr by Cole
Younger , a member of the Jesse James band
of outlaxx-s. Pearl Starr Is noxv In jail on a
charge of horscstcallnsr. She will doubtless
bnvo to face sox'eral like charges. The young
xvoman is qulto prutty , about eighteen years
of ago , xvlth largo blue qyes and the form of
Diana. She dresses In tbo'gurb of n coxvboy
of the old days , xx'carlng a high-priced Mexi
can sombrero , high-heeled boots and tinkling
silver spurs. Peari Starr is n dead shot xvith
n Winchester or six-shooter , nnd is snid to bo
a superb horsewoman. j-BoJlo Starr hadthreD
husbands , Cole Yoifeijjer , Captain Kced
nnd John Starr. Pearrftsotbo daughter of
Younger , but has taken the name of her step
father. jg
rnlif orii ( nl Coal.
San Francisco coal isviho latest topic for
discussion by unineralQgists. There is not
enough of it mined as yet to cut any llguro in
Iho market , still it is hard to say xvhat in-
flnenco It , may havoon-tho homo trade. To
reach the mine you trot ; off nt the Bnkor's
bcacli slalion of the Cliff House and Ferries
rallxvny nnd xvalk along' the track nearly a-
quarter of u miio toward the tuus
nel until you como to a prcctpltous
bluff looking doxvn on the water
of the Golden Gate. Several tons of noxvly
blasled rock are seen over ono hundred feet
beloxv , nnd it is there that a gang of men are
drilling and blasting an opening to the drive
or tunnel thai Is being made Into the bluff
xvlth the Intention ot exploring the coal vein
nnd seeing xvliut quality of Juci can bo found.
The tunnel xvlll bo driven at least soventy-
flvo feet , and If the indications are favorable
a shaft xvill be sunk nnd the mine xvorked.
A Convlct'n Thrivlm * ISusltm < t .
William Hess , n convict in the San Qucn-
tin , Colo. , prison , found xvith opium in his
| X > sscssion , xvas arraigned before the board.
II xvas chaiged that sold qpium to the
prisoncrs..laklng in payment mattresses , blan
kets , shoos , money , etc. Koss confessed that
ho received the opium from a visitor xvhoso
nnmo he did not knoxv. Ho asked for clem
ency , claiming that this xvas his first olTonso.
Warden Halo said the board xvould perform
n public service in prosecuting the poisons
xvho introduced opium Inlo Iho prison. Owing
to the secrecy exercised in this business it
xvns extremely difficult to find the culprits.
Tbo hoard decided to make Uoss' case nn
example , and flx'O out of eight months' time
credits duo him xvoro canceled. Hess has
served thrco years of a ilvo-yoar term for
grand larceny.
'I In : fiiiui mid Lamb.
The inlercst In the arbor proceedings at
Payson , U. T. , xx-oro heightened by a flag"
raising , xvhich took place at the public school.
It xvas Iho first event of the kind that over
took place at a territorial school In Utah.
The flag xvaa n beauty and xvas purchased by
the pupils buying 10-ccnt shares in it.
The exercises accompanying the raising
xvero of n patriotic character. Principal I ) .
H. Cbristenson , n young Mormon , delivered
a manly nnd patriotic opening address ,
The school building xvas croxvdod xvith pu
pils nnd visitors , Mormons and gentiles
mingling together freely and xvlth muoh so
ciability , showing how fast the lines ot ex
clusion are disappearing.
Ills clnws.
fter n xvcek's chase Sheriff Hall of Wells ,
Nov. , brought In a desperado named Cass
Austin , xvhom ho caught In the Geese CrocK
mountains , Austin nud auolhor desperado
named Dove have for n long tlmo been rob
bing settlers and sheep borders on the bor
ders of Idaho , Utah and Nevada and making
raids Into Tacoma , Foano and other unpro
tected toxvns , terrorizing the inhabitants bv
knocking them doxvn xvlth six-shooters ami
shooting Inlo their liouspa. They xvont into
Tacoma and perfectly ) riddled Bellinger's
hotel xvhllo the proprlotbn nnd thrco of his
children xvoro very lo\v * xvlth pneumonia.
Dove escaped into Montana. The countv
Judge sentenced Austin tp six months In Jnll.
Had Killed OJjuiy .Mori.
At Albuquerque , Arfasf the , cnso of the ter
ritory vs William L. Dux-Is , charged xvlth the
murder of a man named Alblu Johnson at
Gallup about thrco mouths ago , came to a
sudden end. When ttio * 'casa ' xvns culled the
defendant , on the adVftfJ of his attorneys ,
stopped in front of thuiludgo and withdraw
his former plea of not 'guilty ' and pleaded
guilty to the crime , oaHng tha inorcy of the
court. He xvas assessed ) Uio lightest feculence
pojslblo three years InHlio territorial pcnl-
loiitlury nt hard labor.a -
Davis says ho has kllod ) thrco or four men ,
escaping justlco , and now by pleading guilty
ho receives u light sentence. After killing
Jotinaou ho Hod to Sou Francisco , xvas cap
tured there nnd brought back , secured bonds
men nnd again slipped out , recently being captured -
turod In Salt Lnko , U. T. , xvhcn his Identity
became knoxvn by nn attempt ho made to tnko
tbo Ufa of auothar man. lie is a dangerous
Iiint of n. Clan ; ; .
A dispatch from Clifton , A. T. , xvas pub
lished n fexv days ago In which it xvas stilted
that Iho last of the Clan ton family bad been
killed at St. Johns.Graham county , Arizona ,
during n quarrel xvlth Ballard Pearson , says
the San Francisco Chronicle. The Clautons ,
father nnd thrco sons , xvcro among the most
notorious desperadoes that over Infested n
region famed for such characters ns Arizona
xvns eight or ten years ago. They xvero tlio
leaders of n gang of "rusllcrs , " or cattle
thieves , and tholr laxvlcss careers all ended
In n sudden and "bloody death. With the
Clanton family the names of the McLoxvrx-s ,
Ihe Earps and Iho notorious Dee Hollidny
nro mlnglod In ono of the bloodiest chapters
of the history of Arizona.
It Is just ten years slnco the stage from
Tombstone to Benson xvas hold up ono morn
ing by n gang of robbers xvho. xvlthout giv
ing the driver a chance to halt , poured n
volley nt close range into the \-uhlclo , killing
Iho driver nnd txx-o posaencers and severely
wounding several others of the ton who xvcro
on board. The express messenger stopped
tbo team , xvblch had run nxvay , nnd the rob
bers secured nothing for Iholr brutal crlmo.
Much Knom 1'or I'ruHpoctlni ; .
A report of a rich strlko recently made in
the Piuos Altos district ot southern Now
Mexico is n recognition of tlio of ten told story
of how men hnvo for years passed near to
valuable ere bodies xvlthout being axvnro of
their proximity to so much xvcalth. In this
case the strike xvas made xvitliln 200 feet of a
xvngon road over xvhich thousands of men
hax'o traveled. It is ono of the richest strikes
over made in the soutluvost , It bolng said
thai some of the ere is nearly pure silver. It
goes to shoxv the Irulli of xvhat has been
often said , that there is u sreat deal of room
for prospecting In the Uocky mountains.
Millions of dollars xvlll yet be taken out of
mines to bo discovered In localities xvhcro the
existence of any ere at all Is hardly knoxvn nt
Irrigation in Arizona.
The census bureau announces that there
are 1,007 irrigated farms in Arizona , having
n total area of 1)0,821 ) acres. The average cost
of land , Including purchase price , fencing ,
ploxviug and xvuter right , Is SIG.'JJ ' per aero ,
of xvhlch 87.05 represents the cost of xvntcr
right ; and the average valuation placed upon
the land by the oxvnors Is * 1S.W ( per acre , in
cluding buildings. The average annual cost of
xvater Is $1.5.1 per acre , and thu average an
nual value of farm produrts SlU.Oi per aero ,
ranging from $ ! ) .Ut ! In Mnricopa to 831 In county. The ncrcage now under ir
rigation approaches tlio maximum possible
xvith the present xvater supply and methods
of utlllzatlou , but the conservation of the
flood of watcr.4 that noxv mutually runs to
\\-asto xvould largely increase the urea suscep
tible of successful cultix-atlon.
Kiithcr ItotiK'i IC.vpcricnen.
The sailors of the schooner Mattie T.
Dxx-ycr xx'cnt ashore on San Juan point for
xvater snysiho Portland Orogoulan , and xvhllo
on shore ono of them shot n buck , wounding
him. Two of the sailors named Frost and
Bruno folloxx'cd it , and after chasing the an
imal until they xvoro almost exhausted dis
covered that they xx'oro lost. The schooner
xvaltqd for about txvclvo hours , bnt was
forced to Icax'o xvlthout the men. Frost and
Bj-uno xvandored until Ihoy discovered n tel
egraph xvlro , xvhich they folloxvedto this city.
In their travels oxror mountains , valleys and
through snoxv they encountered xvolvcs , '
bears and panthers. They describe the
country ns very rough. They slept In the
snjxv every night and' had to dig axx'ay the
snoxv before they xvero able to light a flro.
The poor felloxx-s looked exceedingly dilapi
dated when they reached hero.
Dorul in a Itnrtior Shop. .
Captain W. P. Kirkhind xvent to Dick
Milllgun's barber shop at Cheyenne to cat
shax'cd , and opening the door found the solo
occupant a woman , sitting upright on the
Iloor , against the xvall , dead. Ho at once
gax'o tha alarm and a * number of persons
gathered and immediately the cry xvas raised
that a murder had been committed. Milligan
was found in tbo back room sound asleep and
when lold of the dead body In the front room
ho xvas as much surprised as any of the
others. The xvoman has bocn In Cheyenne
nearly n year. The report is that the dead
xvoman came hero from Sydney , Nob. , xvhoro
she loft a husband. Dr. Crook says that
slic died from the effect of drink and typhoid
After tlio Hedsklns Are Com * .
An "Oklahoma boocnor" was advertising
thnt section in Denver. "We'll have the
greatest country in all creation out there,1'
ho said , ' -after the redskins are gone , and
tlio blackjack lands are in trim , and the
squatters take bold. The xvogons of the nexv
settlers are rolling up all the time from every
point of the compass , and In some places you
can sco clearings end log shantlos. The
xvhlto men out tbcro xvnnt to raise corn and
xvheat'and cattle , and the negroes mean to
raise cotton and tobacco , all of which things ,
xvlth lots of others , can bo raised a-plenty in
Oklahoma. It's a big territory and I can tell
YOU xvhcro you canasoo scltleuicuts that are
bound to rise like a boom.
A Plucky Woman's Work.
Mrs. Shane , n xvldoxv with txvo children ,
xvont to Wyoming txvo years ago , nnd took
up her residence in Jaxvbono gulch , Silver
Croxx'n mining district , xvhero she took a
claim nnd xvith her oxvn bnnds has kept up
the assessment xvork. The claim promises
to bo a paying ono , and already she hns un
covered a body of rich gold quartz , xvith in
dications of richer ere as depth is gained.
Mrs. Shane is a soldier's xvidcxv. nnd is a
lady of line education and culture. Her
cabin In Jaxvbono gulch bears ovldonco of
refinement , nnd xvhllo it is ono of the most
out of tlio xvny places in the camp , she has
nuy number of visitors , nmong xvliom xvill bo
found the host people of Silver Croxvn and
the surrounding country.
A AVesroru Slcaninr.
Captain Hogg of Denver , xvho Is largely
nlcrcstcd in the noxv steamer bolng built to
run across Utah lake to secure Tiutic pas
senger and freight traffic , xvas In Prove on
business matters. The boat is noxv nearly
completed nnd xvlll bo ready for launching In
o foxv pays , A largo , fiat bottomed barge ,
00x40 feet , is also being built to accommo
date the freight , ' ns it is expected there xvill
bo considerable business xvben the Provo-
Tlntic line via Utah lake Is once fairly in
running order , and arrangements are to bo
made with the railroad companies to make
the round trip from Salt L > ako to Tintio good
ox-or this route cither going or coming back.
llorrllilo .Mmo Acoldcnr.
Tim most borriblo accident that has ever
occurred at Gallup , N. Max. , a coal mining ,
loxvn , happened in Iho Caledonia mino. Three
men , Casslday , Lynch nnd n Frenchman ,
name not known , xvoro in ono of ino cnlrlos
800 feet from the surface , fixing the track ,
xvhon a rock xvclgblug several tons broke
loose and fell on top of them.
Ono of the . men was taken out xvith his
head doxvn botxx'eon his logs and his back and
head crushed. Another had boon caught ns
ho xvas lying on the ground and lie xx'as mash
ed Hat , The third xvas caught under the rock
from the chest doxvn nnd crushed , Deatli
xvas undoubtedly instantaneous to ull.
Tlint Alaska Inland.
Kodiab Island , Alaska , is described as
larger than souio of tbo Nexv England states ,
'xvith a climate similar to that of Maryland , "
and is "capable of supporting a largo agri
cultural population , " It is claimed that n
part of tbo territory can bo made a competi
tor of Washington nnd Oregon in Iho raising
of Iho moro hardy fruits , such as apples and
cherries.Tho next steamer sailing- for
Sltka xvlll carry In her cargo n largo consign
ment of young apple trees , " soj a the San
Francisco Chronicle.
N it an Klopcmom ?
A slxWcn-yoar-old girl named Ethel Tierce ,
xvho had been nn Inmate of tbo county hos-
.pltal at Santa Kosa , Cal , , for some time , sud
denly came into possession of about (3,000 ,
and boa mysteriously disappeared Iroui that
5tltuttnn. She was enamored of a young
mnru named Iloppy and the supposition is
that tiioMrpung couple have eloped. The sup
position Is ? oUlldea on strong circumstances.
A search for the cloplng'par.UosJias been in
A HoRim Doctor' * Methods.
W. F. Lay of Grand Junction xvas arrested
nnd loiters xvoro discovered on him xyhlch ID-
d lea ted that he had boon doing a fraudulent .
business through tbo mails. Ho represented
himself lo bo n doctor , hut his only pracllco
was on pnllents far nxvny. Letters of an ob-
'scene nnturo had boon received by different
parties In loxvn , and Poslofllco Inspector Pal-
lerson of Denver xvas notified.
Secretary Boxvman qf Iho Pueblo board of
Irado has collected numerous statistics by in
terviews xvllh shippers ns to the necessity
for railroad legislation. Ills figures shoxv
thnt Tonvor freight coming that xx-av is han
dled frco over the Intervening 1"0 miles , and
that 1,000'imlo , tickets nro punched thosamo
on a trip from Pueblo lo Lcadvillo ns from
Denver to Londvlllo.
Vnltto of n Human Ijlfo.
Frank Gloncross , xvho beat Martin Koagnn
to death , but xvho xvns found guilty of simply
assaulting him xvilh moans and Intent to do
great bodily harm at Lo ) Angeles , was sen
tenced by Judge Shaxv lo pay n line of $100.
The punishment is rcallcr greater llian It
seems , as Glcncross has boon ruined finan
cially and otherwise as n result of his fatal
encounter with Hcngan.
Struck u Pillow ol' rim. !
While xvorkmen xvoro boring a well In the
Oddfolloxx's' cemetery nt Pleasonion , Colo. ,
and xvcro nt a depth of about ono hundred
they came upon n strong fioxv of nnlural gas.
It xvas ignited nnd burned steadily in a pillar
of llamo ton feet high. It has been extin
guished nnd relighted several times. The
supply shoxvs no signs of exhaustion.
Indian italdnr.- * .
Sheriff Olnoy , just from Solomonville , re
ports the Indians .shooting Into and driving
axvay a party of shcophordcrs at the shciip
tanks , about txvcnty-tivo miles from luoro ,
betxx'oen Bonita and Soloiiionvlllo. Tbo
hfards xvoro abandoned. Victoria and his
band killed seven Mexicans nt thu sumo place
in l&SO.
Pueblo has a300,000 flouring mill.
Borthrond clcclod ils llrst high license
ticket ,
Mrs. J. .1. Lambert , xvlfo of tbo editor of
the Pueblo Chieftain , U do.ul.
Deputy StiorilT L. E. Payuo died at Mon-
iroso on Monday of pneumonia ,
Some agitation is In progress relative lo
Iho coal mines near Villa Grove.
Thrco Chinese doctors have boon held lethe
the district court at Pueblo for practicing
uicdiclno without a license.
Frank Palmer xvas sentenced at Telluride
to n year In the reform school for stealing a
valise belonging to Gus Anderson.
A Union Pncillo conduclor named Mable
xvas badly hurt in n freight xvrock near Trin
idad. Ono leg may have to bo amputated.
Jose Alerez xvas acquitted at Trinidad on a
.charge of nltcmptlng to wreck n Denver &
Hio Grande train on the night of February
Jesus Morcria , n prominenl Mexican clll-
zcn of Monlroso and cx-inturpreter for Chief
Ouray , xvas burled Tuesday. Ho died of
Bob Ford' fho slaver of Jesse James , has
loft Wulsenburg. Ho Is noxv at Colorado
Citv , bnt only on a visit , ns ho xvill go fur
ther xvost in a fexv days. .
Frank arrested at
Fourtecn-yoar-old Holly ,
Pueblo for carrying a revolver and threalen-
Ing lo shoot any one xvho didn't dance for
him , is pronounced Insano.
Warden Smllh look formal chnrgo of Iho
penitentiary at'Canon City. Hotlrlng Warden -
don Lamping xvas presented xvith a f400
silver set by the employes of the prison.
The Pueblo medical society bolda ; meeting
and decided lo proscculo bitterly all un-
hced pracllllonors and mldxvlx'oi , and drug
gists who proscribe over their oxvn counters.
James Muldoon , n miner employed In the
Simpson mine at Lafayette , xvas instantly
killed by n fall of coal. Ho xvas n slugla man
nud his mother nnd sister Indiana ,
wbcro his body xvlll ho shipped.
Thomas W. Burchell , a pioncor nnd ono of
the most prominent citizens of Leadvillo ,
died of pneumonia after nn illness of forty-
eight hours. Ho had boon the receiver for
Iho Loadvillo land ollleo since 1877.
Del Norlo is just n ixv xvorking up a xvool-
cn mill project that promises to do much for
the placo. The schema Is all but completed ,
and the indications Just noxv point to tno con
struction of the mill Ihis season. Ohio par-
lies are at ibo head of Iho movement.
Ten Chinamon xvcro jugged at Durance
for running an opium dive and a regular
kuock-doxvn don. Ono wnshco x\-os struck n
bloxv on the head by a folloxv almond-oyo ,
xvhich cracked his skull and separated his
queue. They xvoro fined $ .100 In police court.
II. H , Ingersoll , one of the oldest employes
of the uonver & Uio Grnndo on the western
slope , Is the possessor of a half interest in a
mica mine near Grand Junction , xvhich prom
ises in the near future to bo a source of reve
nue to him and to his partner , William
Whcolor of Delta county.
William Hort xx'as horribly disfltrurod by
the premature explosion of a blast In the
Smtiirgler mine at Ballarat. The minor bad
blasted a ho'o ' xvhich took too long to oxplodo.
Returning to see xx-hat xx-as the matter , Iho
blast went off , tbroxvlng Iho chnrgo full In
his taco and likely putting out both ayes.
The jury in Iho case of Thomas Hoffnor ,
charged xvllh Iho murder of Jim Lay , a
Chinaman at Denver , rolurnod a x-ordidtof
guilty in Iho first degroo. Hoffnor , on being
informed of Iho verdict , sxvalloxx'od half a
bottle of morphine xvhich ho hnd hidden in
his cell. Tlio txvo prison physicians im
mediately xvont 10 xvork on him xvlth a
stomach pump and the \voulu-uo suicide xvas
iV coxvboy near Lay had a narroxv escape
from death n fexv dnys ago. Ho xvas about a
quarter of a mlle from camp gathering Hrc-
xvood , when ho xvas suddenly pounced upon
by a mountain lion. Ho had no xveapou ex
cept n boxvlo knife , xvhich ho used to good ef
fect. Ills cries attracted the attention of his
partner , xvbo solzed a Winchester and sailed
forth to the rescue. Between the knlfo nnd
Iho gun Iho lion xvns killed , but not before ho
hnd badly bitten and clawed the attacked
Governor Colcord vetoed the bill making
Lincoln's blrlhday a legal holiday.
Tno citizens of Auslln hold n jollification
uiocilng on account of tno passage of the bill
granting a franchise lo Ibo Nox'adu air Hue
There xvns oxlraclcd from the Consolidated
California and Virginia , Ii73 ! Ions , eighty
pounds of ore , xvhich xvas shipped to the.
Eureka mill.
The pumping association of the Comstock
levied nn assessment amounting to ? J3.00 ( ) ,
xvhich xvlll bo apportioned among Ibo Gold
Hill mining campi.
L. Dutcrtrlo did not meet xvlth success In
pumping Iho pulp from the lurgo shaft ho
xvas .sinking at Golconda , the pulp being too
hcux-y lo run , Mr. Dulcrtrio xvlll try some
other process.
Bcrulo , nn Italian sentenced to tbo state
prison for txx'onty-llx'o years on July It ! , ISM ,
for killing a countryman , xvaS committed to
Iho insane asylum at Hcno , he having shown
signs of Insanity.
Gould & Curry xvlll rommonco shipping ere
soon. There are about ono thousand tons of
ere on hand , andKorau ere has been * opened
out from the txvo hundred to the four hundred
level of the mine.
Tlio big and much talked of Indian fandan
go took place at Bnttlo mountain. Quito a
number of big chiefs xvcro present and
presented to the trlbo tlio reason why they
should bo peacoabla and friendly.
The Hcno cloetrie light nnd poxvorcompany
has purchased n right of xx-ay for n ditch and
ono acre nf ground of the Murray Brothera ,
about one mile xxxst of Hcno , for { 1,750 , nnd
xxnll nrocta plant for the commmj utn cast of
Noxv gold ledges are reported to have boon
found near tbo Storllnn district m the south-
xvestorn part of Uio county , Ttio lliko mall
carrier stales that a prospecting company
from Los Anuolos , Cal. . has an onltlt pros
pecting there , which Is fully cqulppoj to
moot the dilllculties of that snctlun.
The vcsidurut ) of George W. Cngxvln In
Carson xvas totullv diutroynd by lire ; total
loss , $ .1,000. Mr. Cug-.vm'K infant son was
locked up in it jmall roam for punlsbinent.
Securing uome tnniuho3 ho not thu puce afire
and xvauted his grandmother to oomo nad too
tbo blozo. When she nrrlvcd the flro had
gained such hoadxvny that the building
burned to the ground before the llro depart
ment reached the scono.
The Territorial Teachers' Institute was erA
In Salt Lnko.
A haiWl.'Kimo man has captured the xvlfo of
'G. Bau'nellofGonlvlllo.
The xx-ool association xvnrobouso at Mantl li
being rapidly pushed ahead.
The Castle Valley rnllrond company ho *
filed articles of incorporation.
The people's party hnvo nn oUl-fnshlonod
political eruption at Payson.
Great mining activity Is foreshadowed on
the Crescent Hill at Park City.
Mall service has boon ordered on the So-
vlcr branch of the Hio Grande Western.
A superior nrtlclo of aspha'll has been
found In Tie Foru of Spanish Fork canyon.
_ The advent of the railroad In Sanpolo nnd
Soviur counties opens up n country rich la
mineral xvcalth.
Mining litigation at Tintic Is assuming
voluminous proportions , fourteen anils hav
ing been commenced.
In the $ l.l.OOO damage suit of Alfred Tom-
lliison against the Union Pacific nt Provo.tlio
Jury gave the plalullIT lOO.
Diamond , secretary of Ihc bogus Salt Lake
accident company , has skipped after fleecing
many In bogus Insurance.
Work on the sugar factory at Lohl Is progressing -
grossing finely ami everything looks lovely
for the Utah sugar company.
The vote on Iho issue of 100,000 In school
bonds for school houses nnd school sites in
Salt LUKO xvas fiSO for the bonds nnd 83
The coroner's Inquest on the death of Frank
Simpson , killed In n giwel bank cave near
Hyatt exonerates those In charge of the xvork
from nil blame.
The noxv Eldorado of Fish Springs contin
ues to excite the attention of mining men and
prospectors. Parties nro leaving Provo dally
for the noxv district.
Fourteen coal minors from Castle Guto ,
mostly Italians , xvoro brought to Provo by
deputy marshals under indictments brought
by tins grand Jury.
The saloonkeepers of Provo have formed a
protective union In order to guard their in
terests and to cinch these drug stores xvhich
nro doing a retail business under n xvholcsalo
The wool clip In the southern counties Is
now commencing , and tbo condition of the
flocks sdioxv that the output Ibis year xvill exceed -
coed Iho ii,000,000 ; pounds of last year by
George V. Schramm of Ogden xx'as struck
on the bridge of the nose , exactly butxvcou
the eyes , by acalibre rillo bullet , but U
flattened itsojf against the skull. Who fired
the shot Is a mystery.
A young xvoman xvns held up at Hnynmrkot
by an unsavory felloxv xvlth a slx-shook-r ,
xvho demanded her money. The xx'oman
shrieked nnd mndo u xvlld dh'o for the nearest
doorxvay , into xvhich she fell fainting.
Utah is losing much by cattle being brand
ed over the ribs. For years It has been Iho
custom of hldu dealers in California lo deduct
one-third from Iho price of the hides xvhoro
the brand xvas on the side , and this system
xvas Introduced hero about txvo months ago.
Deer Ledge has elected n board of school
trustees composed entirely of xvoincn.
Over three hundred xx'oinenotod at the
election for schoof trustees nt IHitte on Sat
'Mario Walnxvrlght's watch and SI5 In
money xx'cro stolen from her dressing room In
Ming's opera house at Helena.
The Plutus mining nnd milling company
has been Incorporatcdixvllh a capital stock ol
$1.000,000. The principal place of business
xvill bo at Bozoinun.
Articles of Incorporation bnvo boon filed
for the Butte consolidated railxvny company ,
the noxv corporation that embraces all the
street railroads of Butto.
SholTolborgor and Hoot , charged xvlth rob
bitig railroad freight cars of Alaskan furs ,
xvoro found guilty at Mlssoula and sentenced
each lo txvo years nt Deer Lodgo.
An oxtensi\-o cave In the Mullen tunnel ,
oighleon miles xx-cst of Butle , has dlx-erloJ all
Irafilc from the main line of Iho Northern Pa
cific around by xx-ay of the Bulto branch.
Ncxx-s from the noxvly developed mining
properties near Woodvillo xvas received xvhon
the Cabbage brothers came in xvlth many fine
specimens of ere , xvhich are found to assay ,
on tbo average , seventy ounces silver.
The Curlew Extension mining company has
filed it-s ccrlillcalo of Incorporation xvitti Ibo
clerk nnd recorder of Mlssouln county. Cap
ital stock , $1,000,000 , divided Into fiOO.OOO
shares nt tbo par value of $2 each. The
principal otllco of tbo company xvlll bo ut
At the election of school trustees at Mls
soula the following xvcro elected : S. E.
Murray , J. S. Booth nnd Mrs. Jacob Hem-
hard for Ihrco years ; C. F. IJavis for txvn
years ; Mrs. John Hankin for ono year. On
Iho proposition la issue ? l."iWK , ) bonds for
school purposes the vote stood --9 in favor
and It against.
Sinking has commenced in the shafts of the
High Ore , Wako-Up-Jlm and Green Mountain
mines of the Chambers syndicate , controlled
by tbo Anaconda company. At the Mountain
Consolidated xvork is progressing lu tbo bottom
tom of the snaft , which is noxv between seven
and eight hundred foot from the surface.
The Northern Pacific through train from
the cost , xvhioh xvas due ut Butte at 2:15 : , did
not nrrix'o until 11 o'clock. The detention
was caused by a hugo slide a short distance
this side of thu Homostako tuunol. A mass
of rock and dirt , aggregating many tons in
weight , became dislodged and slid onto tbo
Mussigbrod nnd Mitchell luivo again secured -
cured Uio contract for the care of the Insane
for a three years' term. In Iho absence ol
Iho gox-ernor , Lieutenant Gox'ornor Hickards
signed the contract along xvlth Secretary
Hotxvit and Attorney General Haskoll. The
contract Is for $1 a day for each inmate , or ix
reduction of $1 a xx'oek from tno lalo contract.
M. A. Guthrlo ot Foley Bros. & Guthrlo ,
xvbo hax'o the contract for building thu Great
Northern branch from Monarch to Noihnrl ,
sayslhat jusl as soon ns the snoxv gees off
xvork on the extension xvlll bo commenced ,
Hailxx'ny officials are rotlcont as to the slalus
of the line from Nelbart lo Barker , but It is
Inferred Hint the same contractors also have
the contract for this xx'ork. Both lines are
expected to bo completed this summer.
The Seven Devils country continues to at1
tract great attention ,
OvorfiO.OOO xvas disbursed In Pocatello by
tbo Union Pacific company on the last pay
The Seattle , Bolso & Salt Lnko rallxvay
company noxv have ibeir surveyors In ibo
There xvcro soventy-ono convicts in the
stale prison xvhen Iba bill nppropriallng $ "ii > , -
000 xvas introduced.
A parly of surveyors xvlll soon begin opora-
llons surveying n railroad line from Wflsor
up Iho Welscr river.
The Hcd Elephant mine has been sold to
Noxv York parlies , nnd incorporated there
xvlth a capital of # 500,000.
Three hundred -JOOiOunco galena 'ore has
lately been struck In Iho Sunday rnlno at
Corto , oxvncil by P. M. Brunor.
Hand Point is flooded xvlth men. Railroad
contractors have taken quito n lot of men to
their first camp , xvhich Is noxv completed , and
nn ) putting un other camps on Iho lino.
'A sinnll bla/o occurred in the laboratory nt
the school hoiisn at Bolso City. A few bottles
containing chemicals xvero suiting In tlioxvln-
( low and the ncatof the sun caused them to
Citizens of Moicow nro much ! ntoro .iod in
the proposed paper factory. The mill will
consume.1,000 tons of strnxv yonrlj , ur.ii T
market will bo created for xvhnt H ao.v do
st royod as worthloss.
Krontoiinl county hns the prospect of be
coming ono of Iho most populous counties In
thu sinio , Tlio Indian iv.sorx'ation recently
ended to the government alone , adds & ,000 lo
its population.
Nearly all the horsemen on that vide of Ibo
Prairie near GrougovlUo bavo suiTored from
Iho raids of horoitlilovcs nnd intoiul urtng
ovry endeavor to suspend these nofnrlouH
operations and bnnir the guilty O K 10 Jus
tice ;
Ed Harrington , ( t man sixty year * of ago ,
was on trial lost xvcuk at O'tborn for tbo
murder of ono Kit Korlti. a man whoso rep.
utntlon xva very bad. Tim Jury dbngrtxid
and the court dhmlssml the cu o on motion
of the district attorney.
Hlch gold Imvrt bncix futind at
Coltopxvood. Tuu dirt ix U'uon up from tha
iloor of tUo old hotel cub'n ' through a Mluca ! <
bar , Thousand * ! nnd thousand * cl
oiiucoa of gold dust were welghvd thof
surly iajr ,