JLU THE OMAHA DAILY BElii : SATUKDAY , APKIL 18 , 1S91-TWELVE PAGES. Uln as cnptnln for the Athletics , nna say tboy nro totally unlit fur the [ xwlUon. Mickey Welch mot with an ovntton at Holyoke on Fast day. Dnrhy O'llrlcn loot's like n scnrcd inonkoy without his miKstncho , Btriuton htu not been suffering from an attack of typhoid fuvcr. Kuohno It still unsigned yothut ho expects n good engagement soon. John Kelly spcms to hnvo gene back on the Association , his first lovo. Gray , the I'hlllleV catcher , needs moro ex- crclso than lie Is likely to get. Hnlpli Johnson is dolnir some nno work nt bat and In the Held for Cleveland. The Ilontoii Association club has fourteen ' Its roll. ex-Players' league men on Joyce of Prince's team made the first homo run for 1891. Who'll make the last. DnvU of Cleveland had the most assists of ull the LcnRiin outlloldcrs last season. The Phillies are running up a record of whitewashes against the amateur olubs. It Is not expected that Ward's men will got down to porlect form much before May 1. In an exhibition game at St , Louis last week Denny Lyons made four homo runs. Oeorgo Smith reported Monday. Ilo xvns a trlllo heavy , but began to pructlro at once. Tommy Hums still sports his marvelous wolsU-ont. Where in the world did tie got HI The Clovelands have six pitchers : Uentlti , Orubcr , ICimuss , young , Lawson and Sow- nrd. nrd.Long wns spiked In the Uostpn-Harvard panic Tuesday mid will bo laid up for some time. Sharrott and Iluruloy would make n peed bauory for tlio I'hlllltu. Also for the Now Vorks. Denny did some great work In his first prnctlco gaino against the Princeton last Bat- urday. "hub" Collins and Ward will make second base a dangerous place for base runnel's tills season. The youngrst player In the Cleveland club is Davis. Von wouldn't think it to see Ului play ball. Baseball prophets are taking Ions chances in predicting last place for the Cincinnati league team. Scward played with u picked nine ncainst Cleveland , and tLado Hvo hits In ttvo times at hat off Viau. Haltlmoro has four good hitters to head the batting list in Welch , Bam Wise , Van Hal- trcn and liny. Viau and Young are showing up in race horse form for the Cleveland club in the spring games , Manager Ward made the first pnt out for his team tit Washington park this year , and It was a beauty. Anson got but ono hit in ton games played in Cincinnati last season. The city Is n hoodoo to the old man. Herman Long is a Duch shoemaker , but ho loves beans better than sauerkraut or any otlicr German dish. The Cincinnati-Columbus games scheduled for Cincinnati April 18 to 21 , have been trans ferred to Columbus. The Cleveland club will fly In the face of luiieratition by opening its new grounds witli a now club on Friday. Mlko Grinin miido a splendid beginning with the Brooklyn team. Ho is bound to bo a great favorite this year. PitUsburg now has Hvo pitcher. * signed , vU Baldu in , Stratton , Stnloy , Ga ivln and Smith They won't all bo retained. Jimmy Canavan made a great start in his lirst game with Cincinnati. Ho cracked out a single , double and homo run. Gus Schmolz had n line out for Jim Knowles and got left. Kuowles is. a speedier all-round man thin ; Cleveland. Of the 110 players under contract with the Association clubs flf ty-thrco were members of the Players' league last season. From the 1S90 record the Cincinnati asso ciation players as a team averaged .253 per cent in batting and 00 iu Holding. Last year the Louisvilles admitted ladies free to every gamo. This year the ladles will bo admitted free but ono day in the week. Billy Daley of the Boston association team , U a very effective pitcher , out like the newlv married Amos Uusio. ho gives too many bases un balls. The generous Boston association people wanted to glvo "Kid" Madden to the Colum bus "club , but the latter refused the gift. Has anybody a yallor dog to trade ? Young lib wd will hardly provo strong enough for the Boston association team , lie Is a willing young blood , but goes after ground balls In an awkward way. A Plttsburg authority says : "Now you can bet your last dollar that .loo Visnor will never get along as the boss of Fred Uuiilao. It takes a remarkable man to captain Fred. " Arthur Whitney Is playing a splendid game at third base for the Cincinnati association team. As far as fielding is concerned , Whit ney is head and shoulders above any third baseman In the American association. Pittsburg cranks are more or less inter ested In the work of Dunlnp this year. Fred did llttlo or nothing for the Smoky city club and received an enormous salary for it. Ho may do hotter when paid less. It Is to bo hoped he will. Morgan Murphy.llko all kid catchers , throws too much to bases when there Is no need of taking such chances. When "Ued Moeglo" pets c'lllod down n few times by "Cap. " Duffy no will not cater so much to the grand stand for applause. Why Is Dan Brouthors such a grcaUjattert Because ho'takes an interest in hU batting record and will smash a ball all day If some man will knelt throwing the ball. Dan should now taKe an interest in his first base play , for It can bo greatly Improved upou. Sports of All Kinds. Brown university has organized n canoe club. club.Kansas Kansas City's ' most famous gun club Is called "Tho O. K. " Boston Is to Indulge In a six-days' pedes trian match next week. Tno Southern Lawn Tennis association moots nt Washington next Saturday. Ynlo and Harvard are to giva an athletic entertainment at Now Haven May 10. Clearwater defeated Powers In a pool match at Butlalo this week aoo to 243. Louis Leo won the sovonty-two-hour walk at San Antonio , Tex. , scorinir 180 miles. The broadsword contest between Captain Graham and "Prof. " Hied was postponed. Captain William T. Foreo , the famous fast yacht builder , died at Koypovt , N. J. , a few days ago. ThoKuclld Atbletlo association at Woodbury - bury , N. J. , Issue a uoat littla paper called "Tho Gym. " The spring meeting of the Western Courv Ing association conlllcLs with basubail In St. Louis today. Bon Copelaml has challenged Matt GIndole to a friendly military match , 100 shots per man , before May 4. Mlko Mooney has been installed ns general Buperlntmidout of the St. Louis gymnasium succeeding Ed Ka Io. John J. Mason and Dick Pierce are to walk a ttvo mile heal and too match at College grounds for $33 a sldo. Dr. Adolfo Longo , the fonclnc champion of Buenos Ayres , has arrived in New York and has challcmicd all American exports. Foxhall ICeono , who Is on his wav from England , has boon entered for the championship - ship of the United States In racquets. Miss K. M Jordan , a Lynn. Mass. , damsel , wants lUcn.ird 1C. Fox to back her for $10,000 to beat Zoo Gaytou's tlrao in walking across the continent. A hand hall match between John Lawlor and McGuru Is among the possible events or the near future. Two games will bo played , ono In Brookyln and the other in Chicago. Edmund J. Maionoy , of the city of BrooU. lyn , has agreed for n jwrso of KI.OOO to jump from the center of the Brooklyn bridge Into the river , on any dnto agreed upon by the makers of the purso. O. F. Barker ays : "Wo have ton first-class checker players In tills country , and I think if lx of the boit woro'chosen and sent across tin ) water to play mntchc * with the lending ( rporl of Great Britain it would bo ft grand ichomo. " AdclbortShaw nf Flshklll , N. Y. , ono of the Harvard university crow , was drmvnml whllu out sculling at Cambridge , III * feet were cmiflit In the strnpi when bin boat capsized and ho was pinned under water , A fouluro of the Now York trout show Is n collodion of hybrid trouta cross between the brooU and nnliuoii trout. They are of lurgo Ixo , running about llvo pounds In wulghtaud Imva a | KM-ullur mottled akin , not uitliko that lit muckorvl , | . \l \ Kill ! RAM. PI.AYki Newsy Gossip from Nebraska and Iowa Towns. THE MAKE-UP OF VARIOUS TEAMS , Missouri Vnlloy's I'rltle-KromoiU's 1'roapcotH AITiiIrs nt Crete , Grand inland utid Council Commencing with today Tun BF.B will glvo n description of the amateur baseball teams of all the most notaolo towns and cities of Nebraska and of the adjacent Iowa towns. A greater Interest than over Is being manifested In the great national sport In the west , andasTiiu BEB Is over ready to on- banco the interests In amateur ranks , this method has been adopted as the ono most potent and satisfactory. These amateur clubs are but tlio preparatory schools , In many Instances , for the big pro fessional arena , and scores of plavors unknown to public fame today , will get their tlrst taste of notoriety through this source , and may llndit thoLtcp- PIIIK stone to great things in the future. Amateur sports , which outside of baseball , nro almost exclusively thu only pure sports embraced in the whole athlotlo category , and nro always deserving of patronage and encouragement. MlHsoiirt Vnlley's Hall MigKoriu VU.I.KT , la. , April 17. ( Special to Tin : Bii.J-Tho : : Missouri Valley basubail association was organized in lUo spring of 1SSS , and slnco then lias been successful iu tbo field and financially. Their record is ono of which they and the citizens of Missouri Valley are proud. In 18S9 the won 2 1 games , losing ? . In 1S90 they won 20 , losing 8 , two of which were with league teams ono with Lincoln and ono with Omaha. This season they havu a stronger team than over and will probably claim the pennant for amateurs for Iowa and Nebraska. Their victories in IS'JO ' wcro notably Juno 29 , with Crane brothers , titol : July 27 , same team , U to 3 ; July 20 , with the City Steams , H to 1 ; July ) ' - ' . with Lincoln Giants , 5 to 'J , and a score of 8 to 2 on the next day ; August 22. with Nebraska City. 0 to ! ( ; August 24 , saino te.im , Otofi ; at Marysvillo , Mo. , Sep tember 9 , tnoy defeated St. Joe ( I to 1 , and September 10 the Huvorlys of Kansas City J to 3 ; Juno 13 they played the Omaha Icacilo team , holding them down ton score of 5 to I , Iu favor of Omaha , giving them but six hits and Bcj mer struck but nine men. The club for Ib'Jl will bo stronger than over , with the following make upC. . II Dour , president. ; B. A. McKay , manager ; W. J. Burke , treas urer ; W. M.'Hnmioii , secretary. The club will contain Frank Boymcr , pitcher ; Elmer Geist , pitcher ; J. L. Graves , catcher ; Jack Cnsiick.ccnter ; Frank Walters , second base ; "Nolllo" Ericson , third base ; H. C. McGoveru , loft ; J. F. BuruotL right ; Lou Koim , tlrst base ( captain ) ; Joss Newton , third and ripht ; - BracKou , short ; Mil- liken , ultornato field. Frank Boymer was born In Afton , la , , in 18(55. ( Ho began his ball-playine in 18S8. In 1869 he first played with Missouri Valloy.and now Is their principal strength. Ho has wonderful speed and control of the ball , as shown by his record. In 1890 , at Sac Cityho pitched 15 innings , with only a hits ; score , 2 to 1. Shenaudoah 13 innings , 4 hits ; score , 2 to 3. On the Fourth of July ho pitched two games against the Eden Museoa , in which the scores wore 3 to 4 and 1 to 2. With the Omaha league team ho gave butO hits and struck out 9 men. Elmer Gelst was born In 18(54 ( and began playing ball in 18st ; played left Hold with North Platte , Neb. ; began pitching with Panama , la. , then to Earllug , la. , Manilla , la. , and Omaha Cranes ; then to Sioux City , with tha Western association ; next with Council Bluffs' Odclls. Ho will pitch a nasty ball for the Valleys this Heason. The western players all know him and are said to bo get ting their tennis bats ready. L. H. Keim was born in 1803 ; began playIng - Ing In 1883 ; he was with the North western state league , Dunlnp , Dow City , Dollauco , Atlantic. Creston , Omaha Cranes , Sterling , 111. , coming to the Valleys with their organ ization. Ho plays a good all-around game , generally holding first and doing the heavy batting ; also having the captaincy of thu club. J. L. Graver saw light first la 180S , began his ball career in 18SO. played with Ottumwa and Ncola until captured by the Valleys ; is the best man behind the but west of Chicago. Lucky Jack Cusack was born Iu IStU and began playing ball the same year. He is an all-around man , fielding being his forte , bat- tlmj sure and running surer. Frank A. Walters , "Our Frankie , " wns born in ISliT , hecan his line went in 183. > with the Lincoln Juniors , was with Council Blurts also ; was ono of the organizers of the Valley team. , As a second baseman wo do not hcsi- tate to say ho cannot bo beaten. Ho plays hard and well , Is a heavy batter , good runner and ono of the pillars of the club. H. C. McGavron came around m 1SCO with a club and ball and has bcbn playing since. Ilo now plays third base and in the Held and docs the heavy batting for the Valleys. J. F. Burkott , born in 1SG4 , was a ball player at the start. Ho is a good all-around man and heavy batter and "will bo relied on this season. J. D. Newton , born In 1S73. His career began with tha Valley team , and they did well when they adopted sucli a hustler in the field and on third base. Ho rarely misses a two-bagtrer , and all the pitchers in the west dread to see him come up. "Nelllo" Ericson , born In ISO. , began play- ins with the Chicago West Ends ; came west in the employ of the railroad and was caught by the Valleys ; plays third base to perfection and cannot bo spurou. M. Mlllikeu , an old-timer from Kansas and southern Nebraska , will keep the field safe this season. He pitched ono season for the Superior , Nob. , team. Bracken is a vouiig player brought out last season by tLo valleys , and gives promise of an unusually bright short. Ills work Is good with the club. Diamond Matters nt Crete. CHKTE , Nob. , April 17. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Crete , had two good hall clubs during the last season , the itockota and the Ed. J. Stoldls. Both clubs will outer the Hold again this season. The Ed. J. Steidls This club was formed last season by the genial , good-hearted pro prietor of Slcldl's pharmacy , mainly ax an advertising medium. The club participated in some of the most hotly contested games over scon in this neck o1 woods , and at the end of the season were declared "champions of Sallno county. * * This is nnlto , an honor when It will bo seen that there are no less than eight clubs in the county. The thrcu most noted victories of last season were with their opponents the Hackots , the scores of which resulted 0 to 4 , 7 to 0 and fi to I , all in favor of the Steldl's. ' The members of this strong club are as follows : Will H. Stoldl , brother of Ed. J. , is the captain and first baseman. Ho was born In Uoekwood , 111. , April 4 , 18(59 ( , stands ttvo feet eight Inch es and weighs 140 pounds. Ho has been playing ball all his llfo and soon developed an extraordinary capacity for controlling the men on tlio Held and was made captain of al most every club in which ho has played. Ilo has already made a immo for himself on the diamond and on QUO occasion last year put out eighteen men on Ih-bt base , Ho is a good bat ter and a vury hard worker for success of his team. Hess House , catcher , is but if kid , standing tlvo feet Hvo Incbps in his cardinal hose and weighing 140 pounds. Ho is n good catcher and base runner and all authorities agree on the fact that ho is a comer. H. C. House , pitcher , Is a young but prom ising player. He stands 5 feet 0 inches and weighs 150 pounds. Ho gives promise of great strength In the box and Is a good man with the stick. G. H. Aller , second baseman , stands 5 foot S Inches and weighs 140 pounds. Ho Is n quiet , gentlemanly follow , a model second baseman and uipro than fair hitter. G. E. Uaavors , third baseman , stands D foot 0 inches and weighs IRQ pounds. He's small , but O. niyl ho can hold down third'with , any ot 'cm , . John Bert , shortstop , b n promblng ycung ball player , standlug 5 feet 8 Inches and weighing ISO poundii. Ho U a fair flilder and a good sticker. ' WalicrB. Green , loft llcWor. stands fi foot 0 inches. Hu U Icau and luulc , but weighs 150 pounds. Ho is oar mainstay for catching files on the grcousward boyornl the diamond , John Wnlklln , oonter Holder , stands ! > foot CU Inches and weighs 1150 pounds. Ho Is a fair man with the stick and n sure catch. At any nito ho gets thcro with both foot. John Brown Is the man who hunts leather In the posoy right garden and he does it well. Ho stands 5 feet 7K Inches and tlus the beam nt 145. The citizens of Crete feel proud of their boys that represot t them In the battles on the green diamond and they have n right to , for there is not n more gentlomnnly , good- looking set of boys that can bo found In this part of the state. The "Kacket club" was formed by Mr. J. C. Barrows of the Now Vork Hackot storo. The individual members and pedigrees nro not .at hand , sufllco to say , however , that the club will not take a back seat for any of tht'in , nn J last season won some victories that wo feel proud of. A llrcc/.y Budget Prom Fremont. FIIBMONT , Neb. , April 17. ( Special to TUB BEE ) . The present season will make the fourth the Dorsoy team of tills city has been In the Hold and U the only ono slnco the dis banding of the .strong organization of the Fremont G rays , n few years ago , which has hung together moro than ono season. Last year tlio Dorsoys played a good many hotly contested games with clubs of neighboring towns , and were usually accorded n good patronago. Ono gnmo with the Schuylor Quills resulted 9 to 7 in favor of Fremont , and was a hard earned victory , several contests were had , both here and at Wahoo with the Dorsoys of tlmt place , this Fremont DoMoy.s winning the series. In one game tlio local team mopped the lloorof the Wahoo Dorseys by a score of 21 to 1. Twice the Dorscys stood up before tlio Cranes of Omaha but went down both times by score * of II to 7 and 8 to 7. Two games with the Models of Council Bluffs , rcmlted Iu a pair of easy wul nways for thu Dorsoys , tlio scores being 18 to'.land 19 to 3. Will Klminell , pitcher and captain , is a man who inspires Mis team by example. Ho is "nervy" and begets conlidenco in all his men. Ho began his baseball career at North Bend four or Hvo years ago when ho and his brother Jim constituted the battery of ll flub which made an enviable record. They were experts at fanning out the amateurs. Kim- mcll U n good all-round player nud frequently covers llrat to good advantage Ho filled several star engagements outside last year wltn McCook , Wallace and other teams. Boyd Palmer plays back stop and is as Ir resistible ns a stono-wall. Ho began his career at Cedar Bluffs. Ho then played with the old Fremont Grays ono season. Last year lie went to Seattle and played a short tlmo In the Oregon state league. Jim Collins occupies lirst for the Dorsoys. Last year ho started out brilliantly but ho fell down before tlio season was through and didn't sustain the record ho promised at the beginning to mako. Ho can wield the willow with telling effect. Jolly Frank Uoberts , the "orator , " Is one of the best known players in Fremont. lie betran his playing in Iowa where ho did some good work for two or thrco leading ama teur teams of that state. Ho plays second well and covers homo-plate to good advant age when occasion demands it. Ho is a good batter and base-runner. Graut Turner Is a strong man at third , Ho is lltlio and willowj and never grows weary or loses his head. Ho is a splendid base- runner and a hard hitter. Frequently ho oc cupies the box with deadly effect , his dowu- shoots colnc like a ball fired out of n cannon. Andy Signer's forte is behind the bat and at third , and when ho is at either of these points are held down to the queen's taste , though n tendency to short throwing to sec- and from homoinakcs him a bettor man for third than under the mask. Platt Haven has won his laurels In rleht Held. Ho Is'a good batter and base-runner and a splendid thrower. Lop Mailer played his points on the In or outfield , just as exigencies demanded , and ho never failed to play them well. Ho never loses his courage and frequently brings vic tory out of defeat through his grit and deter mination. Ho is manager of the team. The John L. Sullivan of the club Ls Jack Davonporttho stalwart in loft garden. Jack's favor'.to sport is , a running catch and n long , unerring base throw. Center Fielder Snydor'a work was highly commended last year , , Ho played only a few games with tbo Dorsoys but these wero' al most without an error. Ed Ludwig Is a player It U safe to bank on. Ho began his semi-professional career Hvo years ago when lie played backstop for the Fremont Grays. Since that tlmo hohns been a main stay in the Arlington club and uccn a valuable reserve for the Dorsoys. 'Gene Baxter plays short with n skill that always wins plaudits with the grand stand. Ho is great on a pick up of hot groundcM and has a good batting record. George Regar is the old man ot the club. Ho alternates between short and field , but usually plays short. Ho Is n strong batter and a sure thrower. Otto Abrams Is probably the best basQ run ner of the team. He pees around the circle like an electric spark and frequently slides ton feet on his Jaw. They Always \Vcur Ornpe. COUNCIL Br.oiTS , In. , April 17. [ Special to THE Bun. ] There are but two ball clubs in Council Bin Us , thd Odclls and the Models. Both are amateur clubs of tbo most amateur ish sort. During the last season the OJells did not cut much of a lleuro in sporting cir cles. The feat of gaining a reputation for Council Bluffs in base ball was loft with the Models , and they did the work with a von- gevnco. Besides meeting clubs trom other towns on their grounds with ditnstrous re sults , they went away from homo and played against scrub nines in a number of country towns. Without a slnglo axcoption they re turned wcar'-ng crapo. Council Bluffs has never had much of a prestlpro In base ball af fairs , and the present Indications do not point to any decided change for the better. flrnnd Island Itelilnd tlio Times. GiiANi ) I-iiASi ) , Nob. , April 17. [ Special to TIIK BBE.J Last year Grand Island had a first rate club that did some excellent work. The boys hero nro talking some of organizing n now club , using some of the old members. This will probably be douo very soon. North IM.itto on Deck. NOIITII PLA.TTK , Neb. , April 17. [ Special to THE BIE. : ] North Platte has ouo local ball club that will bo in the Held this season , and ono willing to moot any amateur club In the state. It was organized in 1837 and has several players who promise to beeomo well known to the profession. Thomas Hoaloy Is captain and business manager. Ho has played three years and is well posted on all matters pertaining to the diamond , The club won two notublo games last season , ono over the Lexingtons and ono over the Cozad boys. The club is composed of the following members : John Kellihor , catcher , eighteen years old , no former experience , but plays llko an old-timer ; H. Hebhansen Is only elgteon years of age , but plays second base in n manner that would do credit to any league player ; John Schatz , pitcher , is about seventeen years of. age , but hurls the sphere in a man ner that dollM the best of batters. Guy Boyer plays first base and Is about twonty- ono years of ago. William McGlono is u promising player about twenty-one years of ago and pluvs third baso. Thomas McGlono , short stop , has plnyoa two seasons and thor oughly 'Understands the work. Dana Will iams , loft fielder , is twonty-throa years old and Is a sure catcher and splendid batter. . Tim Kolllher , center Holder , is twenty-throo years old and a good player. Thomas Honloy. right fielder , is u young man who lias played three years , Is a good fielder , an active sport ing man who is thoroughly conversant with all that is taking place in the line of athletic sports and is u first-class batsman. H. Wood is an active and promising pitcher about nineteen years old. A. U. Shullo , catcher , has caught some of the best pitchers ot Nebraska and Minnesota. James David , twenty-nlno ycara old , has ' . with such men as JoUcn , Dallas and S'.ayod . The team as a whole , although composed of young man , Is considered a very promising one , and North Platte looks to sea them como ufl victorious on many hard fought fields bo- fora tlio season doses. Nlolirurii ifnti the ClmmpH. Nromuiu , Nob. , April 17. ( Special to Tun BEB.J The Nlobraru baseball club bos been organized for the coming suiumer.coinprlsmg tha following : William Barnes , c. ; E. G. Miller , p. ; Charles Towlo , lb. ; W. M. Me- Cllntock , 80.5 Q. W. Chamber , 8b.j 7. . G. Saornmn , ss. : John Sullivan , rf. ; P. P , Poarsall , of. : William Bear , If. ; and M. M. Mititt , assistant 2b. Tlio boya are all good players and expect to wlpo out anything lit this country next season. Ilnso Iln | | In Dakota Clly , DAKOTA Cirr , Nob. , April 17. ( Special to TUP linn. ) The local ball clubs In this sec tion nro tbo clubs belonging to llornor , South Sioux Ulty nud Dakota City. Homer's ball club has disbanded on ntvoutit of some of its members leaving. Thq Soutli Sioux City club will lose their lirst baseman this spring , which will weaken their club. Their battery is Harper , pitcher , and Kirby , catcher. They nro mumbors ot the 1 , X. Ij. club of Sioux City nnd nro n peed nnmlVmr battery , Harper having strurlc out sixteen men In ono guno last year. Dakota City will have almost the snmo club in the Held this year that they did last , except two new men , n pitcher nnd Hrst baseman. Dakota's club won the lirst gnmo from South Sioux City last spring. They played twelve Innings , the game staudlntr 14 to in In favor ot Dakota City. Dakota City won a puna from the Sergeant's HlufT nine , cloven innings , lltol'Jln favor of Dakota City. K. , T. Uaymond is Dakota's catcher and cannot bu bent ns an nuintcur. Ho has caught for Hid club for four seasons. Ha is twenty-three years old , has played both catch and third base. Ills best playcs aro' his throwing to second base , ho having had only 11 vo bases stolen ofl of him in ton game's. M. M. Ucam.and Oeorgo 11. Fnlr are the pitchers for Dakota City. He.im is ono of the old-tlmo piU'hors , and still depends on his speed moru than anything oUo. Hu has great spaed nntt his arm never gives out. Fair is a very rapid pitcher , but has n bad arm. which gives out on him , thereby mak ing him unlit for n whola gainai. Dr. C. II. Maxwell , first base nnd short stop , Is ono of tmrbest of the nine. Ho is a sure catch ami n hard hitter. Ho has held llrat for six seasons mid will play short stop this season for Dakota'Clty. M. O. Ayres is captain of the club and has played second base for years. Ho under stands the game to perfection and has always played good ball at second. Mr. Ayres is nKo ono of the best umpires around Iu northeast Nebraska. Paul Pliuoy is the youngest of the club and plays shortstop and second. Ho ts at present attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln nnd played second oasa and canter Bold for the university nlno last year , Mell A. Sehmeid Is the heavy weight of the club , nnd plays right Held. Ho leads the club In batting nnd is a sure Icft-hnndcd hitter. Ho is twenty-five years old , weighs ! ) 'J4 pounds and has played right Held for three ye.tra , previous to that ho having played third base. J. O. Twohig is the sprinter of the club and plays loft Held. Hois a hard hitter , und is the best b.iso runner of tbo team. Ho is also very good on a lone running catch. As n sprinter ho has made 100 yards in lO1- seconds ends , but is now potting too heavy to run. B. E , Smith and S. A. Stinson are the center - tor Hold nnd third baso. They nro hoth young men und Smith Is second in batting in the team. Dakota City lias two now players this year which will cause a change in the positions of tlio members. W. K. Hoyco will bo our now lirst baseman and C. P. Brennamon Is our new pitcher. Hoth are young men nnd como well iccommemled. Our club will play this year ns follows ; Sehmeid , right Hold ; Smith , M.Maxwell , shortstop ; Twohig , left Held ; Stinson , third base ; Uoyco , Hrst base ; Pizoy , second base ; Uaymond C. Ueani , Fair und Drcnnauion , pitchers. N'rb'rahkii Clly NniiiusKA CITY , Neb. , April 17. [ Special toTiiK BKE.I Owing to the fact that the citizens in general did not scorn to want a good , first-class ball team at this place dur the and did not "chip " ing coining season , up" as liberally as they should have done , those having the matter in charge concluded that it was best to drop the matter bcforo any one became entangled financially. Captain Craw ford and Brooks were informed ot the state of affuirs and took tbo miduiuht train Satur day uipbt for Joplin , Mo. , where they have been offered a good bonus to put In the team. Captain Crawford , however , atated before he left that lie was much pleased with Ne braska City , and if the citizens would ralso a purse of $200 and a monthly guarantee of $151) ) that ho would bring the team here yet. Several of the boya , with this idea In view , nro out today trying to raise the money , and have been , so wo are informed , mectlnu with very good success. Nebraska City is entitled to a good team and should certainly have ono. Through this medium a lie. would derive as much advertising ; w she could hope to got tbiough any other half dozen sources that could bo named. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plensaut and refreshing to tlio tnsto , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nud cures habitual constipation : Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tnste and ac- ceptahlo to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita effects , prepared only from'the most healthy and agreeable substances , ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mndo it the most popular remedy known. byrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAt. 'JWISVIUE. KY. HEW YORK. N V 1'lic f.'ivaf French 1'reni'r liitto n. Cure * playpd out nmnlmod , mnkn noelPtsr n pin- iiuro nnd nmrrled liromitUfiictnry. In uliiirt It ri'i torui tliatrltnllty that tioluiiKJ to n honllliy your num. 13 packiiKO. or 3 for KSnnt pur mull , I a plain caliil pnrclop from otm'rvntlon , on rociili ofprlw. The KlnilPr DriiK ( ' . . MrCiirmlrlt & I.uni Ixistlo It Ixctlli ) , Om-ilia , A. IX r t r Council Illun Before and After La Grippe Fortify the System BY THE USE OF OFS OfPuru Coil Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES OB' I UwTEJ VTTD BOD.A- It Incroasoo the rosistlng power against Disease. Restores - stores to health and strength the debilitated. Hoala the Lungs and.QuroB the Cough. Palatable us Milk. ron HAM : uv AM. Hitr ' E D i ] P * BhUrmapn'a A thn Cure vntr/aili to glt I wi iu l raff t * th * wont uw laiurri ocm-l brtatU > l * < pl fftctt euna nb r * all ctharj lill. AI no I < mnfta Mi neil litptleat. l'/lo , 60 > ' 11.00 , cf l > ro < 3l ti r br mall. 8 > n > U T" JJgjlBR. njJOHITFMANK. f' " - On Spring Suits and Spring Overcoats. Quoted this week in our elegant show windows , glue people to the glass. They ain't use to iff : hcy can't realize the possibility to dress so well , and at so little cost. Our show windows are jut an index , a mere figure mark to what's going on inside. Spring Overcoats The weather is right , the prices arc right , and the assortment the largest ever brought to Omaha $10.00 , $12.50 , $15.00 , $18.00 and $20.O'0. No trouble to select what you want at such price. Our Children's DepartiTient - Grows dearer to the hearts of the public day by day. Novelties constantly arriving. Stock always complete and prices always in keeping with the tiriics. TWO-PIECE SUITS. $2.50. $3.00 , $4.00 and $5.00. N. B. Mr. J. A. Robinson { late with Robinson & Gnrmon ) , hns accepted the position of manager nnd buyer in our extensive Furnishing Goods and Hnt Department , where , on and after April 2Oth , he , together with-his former and able assistant , Mr. E. B. Weeks , will gladly welcome all old custom ers and friends to their new quarters with B. , K. & Co. Money Clicwfully Refunded when BROWNING KING & CO. gjod do not satisfy. , . Send for Illustrated Catalogue. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. BUT REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. GENUINE HAS BUFF WRAPPER AROUND BOTTLE. MADE ONLY BY POND'S EXTRACT CO. , 76 FIFTH AVE. , NEW YORK. MO OUR.EX ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. SOTonteen rears oxuorlenco. A. rotuliruralnato In mMlclno. ai dlplomii ho r. 13 ittll troulntf nlth Ujo laoMC't succc" , nil .Vervoui , Chronic anil 1'rlrato DMe-vvn. A permanent cnre gunranteot for Cittnrrli Hpernmtnrrhrc.i. Ixnt Manliooil , KemlnnlVeaknevi. . N'lxht l-CHics , Impotonujr. Hrphllli. Stricture , and ail all- eases of lht > lilooil.Skln nnd Urinary Orcmi. .V II. I uuiinuiw. ) $ V'j ( or uvurr case I umlorUku ami f.ill to euro. Consultation froo. Book ( Mjaterloj ot Llfesont froj. OOIcohourJ-9a.nl. ted p. m. SunJar ID R. in. toUm. * CURES Gelds in lie Hud by on * applica tion. G&tarrh in a v.ry short time ; Eay Fever fromtKrt.tofivi dayt , Eiraohe Initially. BOo pet Bottle. PklHfttmt MtJlCt * ! C * . WA > JT'R"n AtJonlstoRoll thn Plnlcw W/UN IJiJJ 0/JIM / , , , Lllu. | the OIly , line ever Invented tliat holds tlio clothes with out pins : a porfUL'l success ; putont recently Issued ; sold only by iiKonU , to whom thu ex clusive right. Is jilvmi , On receipt of M cunts wo will send a suinplo line by mull ; also circu lars ; price list and terms to u' otit. Secure your territory at onco. Address THK 1'IN LESS UI.OTIind LINK OO. . 17 Ilormnn n Worcustur M'tsa I Chlrhc.lcr' " KnalUh I > l mon < l llrand. T YROYAL PILLS Original uad Only Genuine. - rc. | K J r < iut > l . L one Uruitxltl for CMtimtir * Kna\tik \ IHa-/ moriJ Uranil lit Krd lixl > 'VU Inf UllloV DIM. inlol .lit blue rlblion. Tnka oollirr. r.tfuil Jaujtroul lulililu- . .onl arid fmffarioKi At Proritil > , or nd 4e. In iumr > . .arlkaUrf , usUnoalAli ftai MUllcf Tur I.o.llr * , " tnltller , bjr return Mall. 1O.UOU TrBlltuooUll Jfan. raptr. . Chic Boll t > / U Ixjc l UruigiiU. 1'hllitilik , 1'iu - . . . r VT..DV ultafii'Mandolins&'zTthers , , In Toltmia and quality of tone a tlmliCHt In tliuirurlil. Warranted to wear In any cllmal * . Hold by aJI lead. tug deilorj , tleaiUUnlly IllutUatrtl. da. K fcrlptlie cat&logne with portrait * ol ? \ lamotut artltt * MAIl.KlT I/KIIK. LYON&HEALY , CHICAGO. rortha treatment of nil CIIIIONIO AND BUUCJlCAt , DlStSAbi : . Draco * . Appllnnrat for DeforiuUlei * Q < I Truiaea * . llott r'nelHtles , Apparatui mil Itomedloi fiirtucconful treatment of OTory form of illinne requiring MoUlcalor Huritlcul TnmlmunU MNIiTV HOOM3 roil I'ATJKNrs , llonrit nnj Attondnnco Hen Accommodation * Weit. Wrlto for circular ! on Ikiformilloj nnd llrncui , Tru o , Club Knot , Curr . turei of tiplno , 1'lliu , Tumor * . Cancer , Catarrh , llronchltU , Inhalation. Klcclrklty , l'araly l > , Kpll- cyay. Kldneyt. IIla.Mur. Kje. Kar , ttklu and lllooJ. and oil HurBlatl tiporatlon. . DISKAHKS Or1 WOMKN napcclalto. Hook ot IM'uniin of Woruim Kreo.Vo hnrolatolr addodnlylnit In Department for\Vomon During condncmcnt ( tilrlctly I'rltato. ) Only Kulli- Ma Mudlcnl InUltuto Making a rjpoclally of 1'UI- VATK DlriHAHKa All lllood ll > oaao tiecunfullr treated. Madlclna or Initrumenti lent by mall or oxproti aecurely packed no murki to indlrald content * or tonJer. Ono porionn' Interview pruferrod. Cull and coniull usorneml lillory of ynur run , nnd wo will aend 111 lain wrapper our HOOK TO MHM r'HKK ; upon I'rl * rato. Hpoclal or Nerroiu Ulauaaoi , wltuquatlloa lilt Addrou all Ittlart to Dr. A. T. McLnuahlln , President ( fib null llarnoy Utrtots , Omuli * . MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE A rfltlvp IIIIP fcr lilfrry pnd I.lver I mil nil blood dlivmoi. I)08 ) ltp-iy to nutli-r when jfou cin bo cured by inlnn Monrti's Tree of J.lfo HID Circuit I.lfo Itcmoly ? 1'rlroll par bottlo. I're- imruil und put up by Dr. .1. II. Mu ro. TKST1JIONIAI. : K.MKIISON , la. , Dee. 10 , ISfO. My Dear Mr. Mooro. 1'or many yivirs my wlfo has boun a reut sutTurcr from thr vury worst Ulnd of sluk houclai'hn. anil has tried a Krout ninny ho-oallud itMiiodlcs , lint , without nuy KOoil ruilts. \ . A nclirhborliiK inlnKtur. who hud been gioatly liuiiullttt'il by It hltu- s lf. advised thu tlio of your Trro of Mfo. Hho atonrn n rot n rod a hottU * . and now aflor 0 months. iun conscliiiitliiu-ily tecommmid It in a valualilp medicine whli'h acroidlnx to the nature of the oaso. will ward oir , ureatly ro- llvo or radically euro sIcUhenilncho. . J. W. OATIICAUT. I'antor 1'iusbylorlan Chuich , THE SPECIALIST. 1 Years' r.xmrlciic.\ | PRIVATE DISEASES Cured tn.1 to5 d.ir wlthuut Hut lost of an liuiirt'tlmi f roiu luuliioi1 * . 'I'bo niot abioluto ruro andallannoyln dlicliarKnt oror known clonco. SVl'llIl.lrf , tnarrantod vurotn.U tnio d tyi Thu inuit powiirful rt > mody jet known for n ( xirma. nur.t euro. HrUHTI'ltKor pulii In rcllevlnxtha Ul d > dor , cured at liiinio , without linlriiniontii no cnlllru , no pain , no dilation , lom of Manliood IxnltUuIr wirud ; Instant r llof. Hkln dltuaiut nnl fcuialodlicaaoi purinnnaully curo.l lr Mrilraw't ucocit In the treatment of I'rlratn Dlirnini Uai nerer boon e < ) uall d , nnd bit uroat army of patl nt < roar-tun from tlio Atlantic to tlitf I'aoltlo. lluoki and Circular * fruo. Iidloj from J In t only llth mil Karnara itruoti Omahi , K U linlr ncu on ultlitr trueu With Double Wire Suspensory. PATENTED AOO. 16,1887. , IMPROVED IDLY 29,1890. nu. „ | KI.ErTflO-OAr/ PANIC HOIY , _ i I'KNSOHY will > 3 - jf&XZcuro n" mailcCnmplalnM : - if-ifVi' ri.I'Umbngo. . Ocn- ernl and Nervous nj fK ft r Debility , Costive- nt53 ? , Kldnoy WjrHAVr"a" . Dl on es. Nerv ousness , TrorubJ y fff f Unrf. Sexunl Ex- hntntlon , Wast1wf \ Inirof body , DIs- onsen cnusoil by ' 'WffS'e ' Indiscretions In Vouth.Ago.Mar- „ ' Vr\ rlod or aintflo I.lfo. HnspeTUOry. SENT TO TtKSl'ONSimK I'AIITIK' ? FOU CER TAIN COMI'LAINTS ON ! ) ( > DAYS' THIAL. Also nil Kloctrlo TruRS anil licit Coinhlnnil. Bend Be. poatnRO for runs Illustrntcrt book. 2M pngea , wblcli will bo rent you In plain tcalixl onvol- opo. Jlcntlon tills pnpor. Addros Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co. , 3O6 N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. "BEGGS' ' BLOOD PURIFIER AND i a n * Is not pleasant to take , as it is Omy-r * * posed of nil the medicinal quail Xoa' thatfjo to make now and rich blood without compelling the consumer to pay $1 A BOTTLE FOR ONE-THIRD SYRUP which can bo bought any where for thirty-flvo cents a gallon , as all Bur- aparillas aro. BEGGS' BLOOD FURIelERa cl BLOOD MAKER ia composed of pure modioluo , and al lows the purchaser to add syrup wh'.oh is advised when given to children. If your ilruKKltt does not kent > It accept no substitute , but order direct from Ilo'ji.s ' Mr t ; Co. , 19V1UT Mlchlaan St. , I'hluiiKo. III. mil they will forward , oxprois prepaid , one hut- tloforil orslx forte A OaiKorii.a Kerve Fog * Makrs Now I'rooh Hlooil 1'ro- KlrHli. Cur i Aniriiilii , .Scrnluln. IIn < l Circulation and all Impurltlen of the Blood as well a-s dm folovflne Norva Diseases , viz : Nrrvona .tiiil rliyilrial l ) lilllly. Vital Kxliiiiitlon , I're- iniitnrii If < ' y , 'IrmnhlliiKi Hyn'tTla , N T- VOIIH Ifxiiilucliii , Loan ul Pouur In .iltlier M-t , Ni-rroimmiiH In air , Inrin. Colil IlamlH nr I'cut. 1'alii In llu > Hack ami other forum ol Ir. "lolib' * NITVO Tonic SMIU bring the rosy tint of henltn to tha nhi.llow chonk. WCJK , norvutit people ilinuld lake thu urenl tlfo Renower. Try ttiHin , anil fim will loin thu thousand * of liuiipr ini'ii and women vtho dally tilctt Dr. Unbti fur hU errat nnrk In thrlr behalf , 'll.ry ar Wear-mated. M cents a till , For Bale by Dn clsU or by mall AddrcM HOSE'S MtDICIKI CO. , PROPS , . SAN FHIHCISM , C1U FOK8AI.K IN OMAHA , HKH. , 1IY Kunn ft Co , Cor. ISlti > V Duiizl'U Sin flu .1 A Puller & fo , Cor Illh A. DoLcurt ftrccti A 1) PiftiT A l.'o Council lliufli linn tun PRINCIPA * rn Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH , HAY-FEVER , COLO In the HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , For Sale by leading Druggists. rncriniD ONLY vt Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co. 02 JACKBON ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. _ BLAK KniUJCK&CO. _ _ BRACE UP ! WenW men , with brain , nervoi nnd oiual nrgnni lini'mrwl , run Und an nlKOluliicuraln NfUVK IIK\ss Thuy iiiuu Hid IIIDII rounK. ulvo ttio and > Ixor to ' liuutludruutli.diiulilollli'i lor fl l > url > uii > oiiliil | I'limphletrruu. NKUVK 1INAN i'O. , ill fKAI.o , N Bold by ( ioodninn llrllll Uo. , II1U Kitrii.im MUm.ihl FRENCH SPECIFIC. JtA POSITIVE a d parman.nl CUR E 'or ' all dlitaiiaollhtURINARY ORGANS , Cur i whart olhar Irtalmtnttalli , FulTdiiactloni wflh each holllo. Prlct , ona dollar. Sea algnaturaol E , U IAHL ForBalc By All ' '