Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1891, Image 7

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'A PWHTIHEMKNT. * for the * * ) column * wilt
. /X In ; taken until 120 p. in. , for thu ovunltiR
edition , nnd until Hi.Op. in. , for tbu morning
edition nnd SUHDAY IlKr.
n'LKMS-Cash In advance ,
T.MTFS Advertisements on this pttKOwlllbo
4 thurred for nt the rate of 14 edits per
voit for t bo first Insert Ion , nnd 1 cent per word
f < r i-neli Mibseqiicnt Insertion , nnd II.M per
, line per n.ontli. Ko ndvcrtlsotncnt taken for
Iw * thnn fi cents for the llrst Insertion.
INITIALS' , figures , Kyinlol.s etc. , countcach.
UK nun word.
riMIl E ndvnrtUements mint run eon ecii-
J tl ely nnd under no circumstances will
1hiy te taken or discontinued by telephone ,
"IJAIil I1.H advertising In thosn columns anil
J having their nnsiM'rsi.ndrevsed ton/'num-
lerrd letter In en roof THE Urn. will reecho a
Jliu * ernl check to cnnhlo tbem to get their
cinrx. Answers will I'e delivered only on
pri-scnlntlon of this check. I.ncloso unswcrs
in ctneloncs propcrlv iiddre ed.
A lil. advertisement * under the bond nf
" .c | > erlal Noticesnro published In Ixith
tin- morn 112 nnd m-enlng edltlonsof Tin : HF.K.
the rlicnlatlon of which aggregates morethan
lO.fOci pnpcrs dally , iind plvcs the adertlser
the buneflt not only of the Inrge. elrculntlon of
Tin : lln : in Oniuhii , but iiNo In Council niulTs ,
1 Incoln nnd other el ties and towns In tbu went
Advertising for these co imns will bo taken
on tinnlovo condition" , at the following bunl-
tiess bou es w ho are authorised to take special
notlcfs. nt tbo same rates as can bo had at tbo
r > tfCI N. Street. Lister HlocK.
" _
"roilN HELL , Phatmaclstf20fiouth Tenth
' street.
_ _ _
T lHAsK & EDDY. Stationers and Printers ,
V. 113 ' iiiltb ICth sticet
II. T'liarmaelst , 2115
( on Ing street
"l\f T liroiIKS , rhurmaclht , C24 North 10th
' st reel.
/ "ir.iTV. . I'AKU. I'biirmaclst. 1713 Lcaven-
V. I worth street.
I.I 1'GIH.s' 1MIAUMACV. 24th and rarnam.
Inrrr-tct.etf. , tte top ofjlnt column on f/ifs / pige.
"V'EW employment iiccncy. bank building ,
410th and DO | -
- < RO , dlier-tly opposite llay-
clcn's , wants neat , eompanlonalilo working
woman , nurse girl , stroniOUIIK Klrl to luilp ,'iUs. | to } 4 Mi ulrln for general house
work. Danish second girl. Ml40 17 *
SITI" VI'ION wnnted l > y energetic young
man ( married ) . fi years experience In
paints , oils and glass : also well posted In cro-
i erics. I'lrst class references. Address J 47 ,
Jlce Mill 1D
VirANTEO 1'oslUonns clerk or other nork
' In stora Itcferences. Address , ,1 45 HIM- .
-V M14.11S *
. - "
"lyANTHD-SItuatlon by man and wife.
' man as coachman , wlfo as cook and gen-
Oral housework. IJ.ines. Address J < o. Io ! > .
M 114-17 *
\\TAN'rni ) I'osltlon ns stenographer and
' typewriter , references given Address
Jllss Anna 1'erry , 1501 West 3d St. , Grand
Island. Neb. 12la *
"l\7 ANTKI > A position us sfUcsmaii ; Sj-eara
' evperlenci't speak Tngllsh , German and
Ilnhemliin : reference furnished. Address J
30 , lleoonice. I > . J. Ilrarda , West 1'olnt. Nob.
M07C 'Jt *
\\TANTii-I'osItlon : In private family as
' ' coachman. Address J. r. , yj32 Soward.av
avio *
" \\7ANTED Situations for eood girls ; my
vailing rooms nro always full from 0 a.
m. to ftp. m. . Cniindlan Employment ollicc.
flll'jS. IStli. Telephone f . IIIO
lor rates , etc. . teetop nf first rolutnn on thisp'ige.
ANTHD Immediately , two persons , w-
col\o Inatructlons , keep book" , KK Now
York life building. Good situations. M 117-18 *
AtiKXTS wanted for Umaha and every town
In Nebraska , llest i < llir In the mnrkot.
$ m iier ' week easily earned. For terms npulv
to 1.I7 ( N. 17th at , Omaha. Neb. M14018 *
T\7ANTI'D Twoor three coed men to rep-
' rnscnt our well known hpnso for town
and city tr.ulu ; and ti-.ivelln.s. $100 and
expenses par month to the right man. Apply
quick , stating ago. L. L. Sluy t Co. . nursory-
incn. florlats and soodiiien , St. 1'aul , Minn.
J1152 17 *
Ready Most wonderful advertising
Jmaehlno HID world has over known ; sells
to every merchant ; steady work ; big pay.
Knc'osu stamp , Arc J. Mfg. ( Jo. , Kaclne , WIs ,
_ _ MHJ18 *
" \\/"ANTF.D Export rip sawyer ; stoadv work
' * for first classman. Omaha Iwx factory
Kant Omaha , t Mll'l 16 *
\\rANTED-Good draughtsman
; must fur-
> nlsh references and sample work. Ad-
orcss Geo. E. McDonald , architect , cGenova.
Noli. 1U2 10 *
\rANTED Hotel cook. AddresII. M.Judd.
' Lyons , N'eb. M78I 21
\\'ANTED At once , a peed blacksmith ,
' Scandinavian pioforred ; steady work.
A ltd i ess box 150 , Newman Grove , Nob. 120-23 *
ETECTIVES wanted In every locality to
x/ork under our Instructions , Experience
necessary , btamp for partlculais. Wash-
Innuin Uetectlvo Agency , Uox"87asliln ton.
Iowa. 1M > Sti *
"WANTED TOO men at People's theater Saturday -
' > urday und Sunday night ; admission free.
l2l10 *
_ _
"V WANTED A good colored coachman :
' must bring city references.O Apply IfiOO
California st ( i63
\\'ANTED Harness
milker. Hohcminn preferred -
' ' ferred who can talk English ; must bo of
sober hiiblts ; permanent jot > to right kind of
111:111. : John Miller. Wilbur. Neb. 1KI 17
TANTKD-An all around butcher ; must
' speak German. Apply to llii.'S. loth.
* 2 15 *
A GENTS wanted every where for newly rut-
Ji enti"l automatic pocket letter copying
nmonlne. I'ortuno forbrlitht men. Send stump
4"r circulars , tfommer , 223 West 4'd st. . Now
iork Maai 3 *
"ti rANTED-Agents to handle the first and
* only machine over Invented for applying
postage stamps to mallablo matter ; can apply
UO stumps per minute ; no licking of stamps ;
p ? tented IVb. 10 , 1MM , tamplu maehlno bv
mull | irt\ Send ntamp for circular. U. S , P.
Stamp Stlekor Co. , D.mvursport , Mass.
" \ \ ANTED Salesman to take line of eof-
' foes , spices , baking powder and syrup.
None but salesman of experience anil ac
quainted with city trade need apply. Kefor-
ence required. Address J 2s , Omaba lice. KJO
AGKNTS wanted for the .Manhattan Llfo
Ins. Co. to represent In all larzo towns In
the states of Nebraska nnd Colorado. Liberal
contracts offered. Address Jjo. IJOG umlJXJs llee
liullillir. , Geo. K Parish , gen. m'g'r. for Ni > -
biaska nnd Colorado. u70
\\t ANTED Men to tnivul foronr
' noserIc . &toieA.Mi. lllngtonMadlsoii\yis
A\ ' ANTED Men with good roferoncoat 5Iet-
T ropolltan M'fV Co. , 1WW llonard st.
Kur > iitt-j. etc. , tte top of first column on this page
\VANTED A good cook. Goo7wagC8 to a
; eqiupotontglrl. Three In faintly.
No.iarthlngton ; Place , near South Tenth
Btrvet , nnar llrowncll hall , 51117 1'j1
TIU1MMKUS. btonclilll's.
. ino is
" \\'ANTED Neat clrl for housework In
' ' small family. N. ICor. . sth and 1'oppk-
ton .
avo. jllW 1'J *
ENOOHAI'UEK. ttonehlirs.
133 18
\\7ANTED-A competent cook nnd Imin-
i dress in small family.reference required.
Southwest corner3Cth and California sts
. 087
\\7 ANTEI > 10 experienced carpet towers.
'i Apply on rlfth floor. The Jlorso Dry
Poods Co. Olb-lS
; sv ANTED-A girl for housework , 604 N. ISUi
sv7 st. IteO-lo
\\7 ANTED A good girl for general house-
ituirk. . Inquire SM3 Howard , bead of'd st.
\\7ANTr.D-Good girl : small family ; SJ2
i ' Goorv'ln uvo. ( S. Wth st. ) , > block south of
Loavenworth. IW4 ior
\V ANTED Girl for goneral.housowork. A.
Hospe , 315 North 17th street. M 911
P QHWINO girls wanted atXll ? Douglas. Apply
qfterAprlllJ. _ 9li 1 ! ) *
\v rANTED-airl for general homowork.
, .st.
, . _ . _ 77
1 -\\/ANTEI > A firstcluss Imly bookk epcrt
' iilsoact as cushlur ; miutRhe licit of
references ; steady employmeiit to the right
] KT > OII. Addrc i iMtk llox LO , Hooper , Neb.
7MIS *
ANLAT girl wanted for Koni-rul hou unork.
Mr w. r. Stouuol , i&'i & yJth kt. cur
For rates , etc. , tttinpof firstcolumn onthti pt ]
- . - KENT April 1ft. one of those elegant
Hats In the I' . E. Her block , cor. IGlh
and JnckMin streets , has all con\enlcnce .
Call at 111''llorncy street. M 013
8-HOOM brick house , all modern conven
iences , J5.uOix month to desirable parties.
11. E. I'ole. Continental Jlock. ) M 73-ia
FOK KENT May 1,10-room hou e.centrally
located , modern Improvements. 1 mini re.
712 N. 13th at.
FOK KENT S rooms , one floor. 1712 Jackson
street , 317
L'OK UENT Several ? -room bouses at 120.00.
.1. H. Tate , K. 15 , Chamber Commerce.
MTUImll *
i < OH 1CKNT-7 room hoiiso 2104 Harnoy
- street. Inriulru A. II. Gladsons,13lO Done-
'ITIOU KENT After April 8 ft-room bouse In
J ? good repair. City and cistern wnter In
cluded ; scwerago ; rent 1-J.OJ per month. 1411
Seventh avenue. 2UI
JIST Your houses for renter sale with J.
O. Cortelyou , 40 Chamber of Commerce.
HENT-Hou cof 8 rooms corner of 25th
and I'rankllp sts. , soft and hard water In
thu kitchen.bathnewly papcred.JJ ) per month.
John llamllnH17S. Uth at. 004
I812 Capitol avenue. 8-room cottage.210 No.
J Mtli. 5-room cottage. Inq. 2518 Capitol avo-
nue. MiD5ml2 *
"I.I Ot"SES-0 to 11 rooms , with all modern eon-
Jlunlenees for rent. J. O. Cortelyou. 40
Chnmber of Commerce. Snoo
irOU ItENT-ltouses ; all kind * . OIvo us a
JL1 call , llundy & Co. . 1C14 Capitol ave. .
] N Urown bnlldlnz , corner 24tb and Cumlnc.
elegant apartnifiits of 7 nnd 8 rooms , bath ,
Kitchens supplied with ranges and boilers.
Ladles are Invited to Inspect these apart
ments. Itofcrenees will bo required. Enquire
Hank. 4.4 ml
"IJ1OU KENT fl and 4 room Mats in the Clowry
JL ? hulldlnz lijth and Chicago st * These flats
are directly opposite JclTcrson square giving
them a line location. Uoucrts IfilS Chicago st.
TEA5I heated flats at 709 8. 10th. Tbos. P.
Hull. 311 Pa.Uun block. 313
HOt'PE for rent It-room bon--e.modern Im-
pro\cmcnt . corner 2"th and Dodge , pos
session given Immediately. Enquire 40J Paxton -
ton bioclf , M. L. lioeder. OS5
FOK KENT Dwelling , 37th and Dodge , * IO.
2 stores , ICth and Lake , each 4JO.
1 stoie , I4tb and Capitol , ix >
Kced & Selby. It. 13. tioard of trade. C78
1OH UENT-Two small cottnces south of "
Ilansconi I'ark.fT.OO each. HIcus.N.V. Life.
FOK KENT Collage barnwell , and several 1
acres of land close to new fair grounds.
Hicks. N. V. Life bldg. 124-1S
FOH KENT-An F-roorn bouse , K2.CO per mo.
Inquire l.CJSiJ. 27th at 77U1C *
Tl'yoi i wish to rent u house or store see H. E.
I Cole , Continental block. ' 311
100 cottage" , tenement houses , flats and
stores wanted for customers list for rent ,
aloor oxehnnpe , with E. ! ' . Klngcr , ground
lloor. 151111'arnam. SSOa2b
FOK KENT One 11-room and ono 7-room
house , near Illch school ; modern con-
\cnlence ! ) . The 0.1' . Davis Co. 36J
IT'OK ' UENT Pour G nnd 7-room flats with
-L bath , bet water , etc. ; paved street ; near
business ; all improvements ; only ftv" > per ma
Itefcrences required. Tbo Meadu Investment
Co. , 44.'llco building. 312
rpllIKTIETH Avenue , between Mason and
JL Pacific , half block from motor , an cloeant
now brick lesldencoof 11 rooms , bath , closets ,
laundry nnd utstcru. largo front and back
plaza , oak lloors and finish , electric lighter
or gas , extra well \cntllatcd and lighted ,
strictly flrst-cliifs throughout , luqulro on
premises or room 442 , lieu building. Ml
Forratu , etc. , KCtop of first rulumnon thli page.
T71OU KENT Two nicely furnished front
JL' rooms. 2d story , for single gentleman.
Apply to 525 S 20th bt. , between St. Mary's ave
and Howard st. Mono E3
T71 URNISHED rooms ; Oil North 18th street.
M 151 17 *
_ _
FOR KENT Large front room , new furni
ture , rround lloor , for 1 or 2 persons , } IO.
627 S. 13th st. , 1st floor. iliul IS *
TJIOII'KENT Newly furnished icom. Gen-
JU tleman only. 1515 Davenport st. M103 10 *
"NT EWLY furnished room , steam heat , sn-s.
i-N bath. 711 a. 10th. id lloor , M&Mi 18 *
/ \NE largo , ono small room tor rent at 2100
\J Douglas street. ! - !
FOU KENT Furnished room ; private
family. Inferences. 2015Casast. 710 10 *
FUKNISIIED room , reference ; 2313 Douglas.
iil3 17 *
I71KONT room with alcove. Inquire 2H01
JL1 Douglas or 214 S. 15th. 770-10 *
"IJpUKNIsHED rooms.llOSo.25thstreet , Lnrzo
E lawn. 7M10 * .
T OK KENT Furnished rooms , 1C07 Douglas
- - JI4
TTIOn KENT-l'urnUhed : ooms. 2215nurtHt.
104-a24 *
Forratcsetc. , reetopofflrtt column on this paoe.
ROOM and board for three young men , pri
vate hoardlni ; * bouse. Inquire Davles
Hros. . 334 N. 18th street , M15B 10 *
EOO.AlS and board suitable for gentleman at
1C1I Dougliiss strent , M llV-2-i *
rpWO-ploasant rooms and KOoJ board 403 X.
JL 10th st. 135-lh *
rp\VO ladles with good references will find a
JL handsomely furnished back parlor with all
modern conveniences and board In private
family. for&Yl per month , with use of piano If
desired ; 515 N. 23d st. W410 *
TilUHNlSIlED front room , east bay window ,
4- modern conveniences , choice location ,
board If desired. 7H ( N. 11th. J1017-18
FOH KENT Handsome front rooms with
board. Mrs , . Churchill's , 111 N. 10th street ,
M 677-1S *
rpHE St. Tlnlr European hotel , cor. 13th and
J. Dodco , will hereafter inaku low rites for
rooms by the wtvk or month , either with or
without board. Tbl
ST. CLA1II hotel will beieafter furnish reg
ular meals by week at moderate prices.
rOK UENT A large , finely furnished room
with board , to a man and wlfo The most
pleasant part of city and private family ; no
other boarders ; references. Address D 47 , Heo.
J TT'UHNlSHnD ? ' rooms and boarn , 11)23 ) Dodge * ,
For rates , etc. , M top of first column on thu page
q MCE rooms. 2512 Harnoy
M100 10 *
IT OU KENT An unfurnished front parlor.
J-1 Address , J SI. Hoc. IWJ 17
171011 KENT 4 unfurnished rooms , suitable
-L ? for housekeeping ; modern Improvement :
low rrnt. 1701 Webster street. Mao
"IJ1OK KENT llooms. unfurnished , over my
-U Btore , fctootzel , 1C21 Howard street. 007
Forratet , etc. , tee top of jirtt eolrmn on tMt page.
T71OK ' UENT Larso storeroom and baso-
- ! nient. 1CH Chicago bt. Apply to H. E.
Koborts at the building. 130-2B'
"C1OH KKNT-A store and
two rooms , 224
JP North Utb st. Inquire 024 S. 2oth avc.
IfOK KENT The throe-story brick buihT
Ing , 1110 nonclasstreet , suitable for whole
sale puriio-es , * I10 per month. Chas. Kauf-
mnnn. I'M Douglas st. - 02
T710U -I-1 KENT The 4-story brick building , with
- - or without power , formerly occupied by the
lieu Publishing Co. , UIO I'lirnuin t. The build
ing bus a llrepnxif cement basement , complcto
steam beatlnc fixtures , waturon all thu lloor : ) .
gas , eto. Apply at the otllce ot The lieu. U15
T71OK KENT-Or sale
my building on Jones
JSU bot. 10th * Uth. O.A. Llndqulst,3lOB15th.
JTOI5ES afTuO P. ICth : steam heat furnished.
JThonias 1' . Hall , 311 Paxton block. 319
T KSK room , (15 ; Star Loan and Trust Pa
for ralrt , etc. , tee top of firtt ccfumn on this
I 1ST your property , for sale or exchange ,
.1-Jwlth tbu lidollly Trust Company , 10141'ar
nam street. 823 17
TJ E. COLL , rental agvnoy.Contluoutal blk.
Forratetetc. , teetop offirst rolumn ontMepjge *
G AKUHN FAKMStorent. T.Murray. .
l orrntt .tte. , tee top of flrtt column on this page.
\VANTF.D to rent A good bouse , 7 too
' rooms , wltli all modern conveniences.
Ad d rpss J 4 ! ' . llco onico. Ml.Wlir
V\7ANTEDto Kont-Hy re | > onslblo party , a
7to 10 room boimo , all modern Improve
ments , nleo yard etc. . must bo Insldn the
3 mlle limit nnd convenient to motor. Ifde-
ulriible would lensn fnrfl or moro years. Kent
must not exceed Jlu. Address IL Anderson.
Auditor Disbursements U. 1' . railway. 1J4-10 *
"V\7ANTEn lly u younir couple , a room or
i sultoof room . with board , In a respect
able family. Answer , stating terms , ctcVAd-
aress , J 31 , llco olllce , BCI IB
s MALL cottajro and barn out any dlstunco
Address 11. O. Todd , caroS. A. Orchard.
AIUIO 19 *
MAY lCor7 room modern cottage , good
condition , bhrh irround. moderate rent ,
ne.ir27thst. und St. Mary's. Address J 35. Heo
olllcu. MU77 18 *
\\rANTED-Thrco nlco unfurnished rooms
for housekeeping. Address J 31 , lice.05Sli
05S-li *
\\rANTED-llyMayl.a9tol2 room house
with modern conveniences ; ono with
Btablu preferred. Near business center. KOMT
bou o not wanted. Address , J. L lirandcls.
114 So. ICtbSt , 8sO
1'orratn , etc. , tec top of fint rolumn onUiM pact.
CHEAPEST and bestntorago for furniture.
Wells , 1111 rarnam st , 327
BEST trarkagij nnd storaso building In
Omaha , I'nltcd States government bonded
warehouse. Household goods stored nnd cared
for. Lowest rates cuaranteod. W. M , Ilusli-
inan , 1013-1015 Leaveiittorth , 320
STOKAOE of lieu i > hold goods ; clean , dry
- place , privately stored.terms modcratowo ;
also store to > es during the summer , wo will
pet them from the houses and deliver them In
the fall In good trim. Tel. COO. 1207 Douglas.
Omaha Slovu Kepalr Works. 719
I'orrates , ctc.xetopof flrit column on tht page.
TT10K SALE Horses and carriages ; horse.
Ju buczy and harness. Valuable 8-year-old
horse , kind , stylish , very strong and smart.
Clothier , grocer , coal dealer or merchant
luaklnc best cash ofler gets Immediate and
probable continued patronage of a cash buy
ing business man. No trade. Address. J 41
lice. MUSIS'
ITiOK SALE A largo excellent family horse.
J Also carriage and harness almost new. In
qulro at livery barn , 2719 LcaenworUi. .
& ! vJ >
FOK SALE-4-blg work teams , complete ,
Inquire at 013 Paxton block. bill 20
Foil SALE Handsome , New York band-
made , square box buugj ; used ono sum
mer. I' . H. Salmon , PaciUo hotel department.
Uth and Jones. GIG
H ItsES for sale. Stallions In service at
Mlllwaterstockfarm. Send for catalogue.
li.J.Kcndull. room 403 llrown building , Omaha.
5C4 Ml
t'orrntes , etc. , tee top of fint rolumn on this page.
HAYB always on hand a lot of first class
milch eows for sale or will trade for dry
ones at barn. S. E. corner lth ! ) and Leaven-
worth. S. J. Montgornory. M430 Mlg *
For rates , etc. , tee top of firtt column on this page.
V7ANTED To soil furniture In scvcn-roon
steam flat ; new. Kooms rented. I'ar
time. Hat for rent. 40C N. ICth street.
street.M15713' '
TJIOIISALE Pitrnlturoof 11 room house.east
JLJ front , all conveniences , good barn , very
low rent , central , nicely furnished , splendid
location for roomer- . Immediate possession.
Snap If taken Quick Wclsbans & Co. . Expo
sition bldg. 5111S-17 *
rnilE furniture of a 5-room flat for sale ; HBf
JL N. 18th. 070 10' '
T71OKSALE Completc'set of drug store fix-
JL tores , show eases , etc. , P. O. box B72. St.
Forratet , etc. , teetop of fint column on thl page.
00 bushels of yellow dent -seed corn on tliu
Jear , two years old. This Is an extra fine se
lected lot of seed corn. For sale at Humphrey
llros. . Lincoln , Neb. ISO21'
T71OK SALE An elegant Ore proof safe will
-I ? burglar chest. Phil Stlmmol , Oil Jones st.
Omaha , Neb.
IF you want to soil or exchange city prop
erty , farms , wild lands , live stock , uank or
other stocks or merchandise , sco E. V , Itlngcr.
ground floor , IJIUParnam. 222u2V
For rates , etc. , tec top of first column on this page.
\v WANTED Cheap forsixit cash , lot In Or
1 chard Hill op Saunders & Helmbaugh' >
addition to Walnut Hill ; must bo well located
Address , with number of lot and price. .1 41
Heo ottlcc. MHO 1
"VVANTED A few first-class farms near
> > Omaha for cash or In exchange for flrst-
classcity property. M. I1. HoysK. 7 , Chamber
ot Commerce. 123 IS
To huy house and lot In rt'alnut
Hill for 2,500 ; will not go west of the Hull
Line : call Immediately. C. K. Harrison , HIN. .
Y. Life OU2-17
B KICK Wanted to buy 1.000.000 good brick.
S. A. Sloman. 1301 Farnam. KW 10
I71UKNITUKE , etc. , bought and sold. Omaba
J ? City Auction Co. , 213 S. 12tb. between Far-
nam and Douglas. 7701C *
F UI'.NITUKE bought , sold , stored. Wells.
1111 Farnam street. II-7
I'or tcrm , etc. , we tup of first column n tliutay.
PEHSONAI1'rank ; Nothing from you slnro
loft "T. H. " to onto llth In "S. 1C. Y. " Ll-avo
here Ifith. 111 bo In "A A" 2Ist to 23d. Write
mo there care "H. O. " P. Iteo 17
HOW Old Are You ? Persons S3 years old or
over , who have resldod In Omaha for
some time , are respectfully requested to cor
respond with thu undersigned. Kesldenco
should bu stated. Subjects of mutual Intciest
will bo discussed and a society of genial
spirits may bo organlzea. Address II. J , I ) ,
Koom GOO. Iteo building city.
For rates , etc. , tee top of first column on Hit * pyge
IOsT Small , white fox terrier , with thrco
Jblack Hpots on body : bad on clack leather
collar ; reward. Address J 3D , Iteo oflice.
000-10 *
rorratct , etc.tc6 top of first rolumn on tliU page.
DK. HATPIELD. S. R cor. 13th and Douglas
sts. Practice limited to diseases of woman.
M W3 M4 *
\7"OUU Putiiro Kavenled Written prediction
JL ol your life , -Vs ; clvo ago and description.
N. Cooper , bo1320 , Denver , Col. UW-li *
A YOUNG gent wonld like a roommiita ; ref
erences exchanged. Inqulru at 715 N. 17th.
"I7U5K door and window hcrcensget Hamilton
JHnis. . prices ; carpenter jobbing done on
short notice ; 414 S IHh street. Tel , 1170.
0 % 1112
rniN work , glitters , rooting , spouting , piping ,
J- valleys , tin shingles , for good work and
cheap. Unto ' City Tin Works , 215 S. 12th. be
tween 1'arnam and Douglas. 77(1 ( lu *
" \\TANTED-Kenewals and subscriptions for
IT The Ladles' ' Homo Journal. 5lls E. C.
Morrcll , 1014-1'arnam street , Oinalm. M3s.V\30
" \rAsSAGEtreatmontelcctro-thcrmal baths ,
I'-LscuIp and hair treatment , manicure and
chiropodUt. Mr8.Po t,310)i ) S. 15th.Wlthncll blk
WILLIS COY. house mover , 513 South 17th
street , and b3 South 25th uvniuio.
! Jii-May25 *
VVTANTED Two copies eaeh of the morning
IT und evening HKB of November 3rd and
ono copy of the morning of December 2nd and
three coplesof tl.u evening of December l.HW ,
ut the Iteo ofllco. P73
yon\itetetc..iee topofflrtt roumu on thii page
: , . . - &
Co. , Heo bulldlnir , Oinnlm. llranch olllcu at 1
Washington , I ) . U Consultation free. XU
For rates , etc , teetoi\af firtt column on this
TJIUF.D Mohlc.fc. ccor. Karnaui & llth.
, etc. , tec top of Qrtf column on this page.
FIK3T mortgages orl racont and Improved
city property , Oounfcygnnd city warrants
wanted , r , M , Klcliutd'yn.SlS N. Y. Life. 3G3
ForratM. ffc. . teettipof fff eoluinn on tfth pay *
FIK8T and second mortgage loans. Alex
Moore. 401 Heo bldg. , ui
MONEY to loan on first mortgage. realVs-
tatu security. lInlt < VP.states Loan and In-
vestiucut company , GDI Iteo building , Omaha.
Neb. SIm'J !
MONEV on unimproved or Improved city
property low rnto of interest from private
Investors. 11. \Vcbstor \ , Ml N. V. LI to.
125-M15 *
MONEV to Loan Omaha nnd outh Omaha ,
from SMO to Oerman Americanbav-
IIES bank , Commercial Iiutloiial bunK bulld-
IIR. 747ms ;
01IEA1' Aloncy-l'l.lln. . Mortgagoand Trust
Co. . wants Kilt cdco loans. Oeo.V. . P.
Coatcs , representative , 7 Board Trade. Ml
M ONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. WJ S. 13th street M.WA30 *
M ONEY to loan on Improved city property
at current nitcj ; funds on hand : noUu-
lay. Oeo. ! ' . lllust A. Co. , 201 Kamgo blu'g.
G E. .V. O. SI. Authony,31S N.Y.LIfo building
_ lend money on farms In choice counties In
Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Omaha resi
dence property : lowest rates ; best terms ; no
delay ; money ready. Titles and values passed
on bore. .SM
BUILDING loans C to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional cbarses for commission or attorney's
fees. W. B. Melkle , 1'trst National bank bld'z.
M ONEY to loan on city property eastern
Nebraska nurt western Iowa farms ; lowest
rates. . . List your property for sale or exchange
wlthE. I' . Hlngcr , ground lloor 151U rarnam.
MONEV to loan. Midland Guarantee nnd
Trust Company. 1614 Farnam street. MTtM
MORTGAGES placed promptly upon Omaha
business property nt lowest rates. Loans
made on appro\ed collateral security. Notes
bought , bchool and municipal bonds negoti
ated upon \cry favorable terms. Klmball ,
Champ & Kyan. 12U3 I'urnam st. iff ) a9
1DKIVATE money to Idan. J. U. Zlttle , 014
± N. Y. Life.
M OHTGAOE loans wanted. McCaguo In-
\cstmcntcompany. 701
MONEY on band to loan on Improved or un
improved property. Chas.V. . Kalnny.
Omaha National bank bid ; ; & 44 M 1 *
0 ' PEIt cent first mortgage loans. It. C. Pattor-
'son , f07 New York Life building. 707ar
MONEY to loan on Omaha property. Vldel
Ity Trust company , 1614 1 arnam.73
Forratet , etc. , tcetop of firtt column on thh page.
/1HATTEL bank , 310 S. 15th st. . loans money
V-Ajn chattels or collateral at reasouublo rates
K7 !
MONEY to loan by II. 1' . Masters on chattel
and collateral securltle- , fur any time from
1 to 12 months , In any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household goods , pianos , or
gans , hordes , mules , houses , leases warehou- * )
receipts , the lowest rates possible with
out publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
a payment ot any amount at any tlmo and
reduce both principal and Interest-
It you owe a balance on your property or
have a loan you want "cll'inged , I will pay It
off and carry It for you. ' If you find It moro
convenient , call up telephone No. ltl ! und
your business will bo arranged at home.
Money always on handi No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates. H. P. Masters ,
Itootn \VlthneIl blk.-1Mb and Harncy sts.3TW
Forrafwetc.teetopof finl column onthli pagf.
i'AItTY"o'f'good "bTiInu r"qi7alYflciitfo'ns > .
either lady or gentleman , to assume the
management and take half Interest In a busi
ness that w 111 pay big m,0noy. An Investment
of but a few hundred dollars required. Tboso
desiring to make money fast are Invited to
Invc-tlgato. No canvasalug or soliciting or
agency. No trlflers , eed call Particu
lars at 322'Soutb 15th srrCot ,' 11 a. m.
and Ip. in. M 075-17
FOK SALU ConfecHpnfery store and rcs-
taurantrcentrallyloeslted andrJuootbesv
stands In city ; paying well. Host of reasons
for selling. Cheap If taken at'onco , Address
J17 , Itee. - ' MI4120 *
T71OH SALE A good paying cigar business :
-JL ? good reason gh-en forselllne. J 4SBCO otllce.
FOll SALE or Trade The patent right on ti
good paving article. Something new. En
quire at the Loirner hotel. M148 1'J *
plOUSALE Half Interest in old established
JL lire. Insurance business. Address J 4. , Heo
oflice. M10J r
FOH PALE Established flro Insuran a bnsl
ness with good will , etc. Address J 43 , Iteo
office. M100 17r
T7TCJH SALE $7,500.00 stock of general mor
J-cbandlse , or will except partner-for hal
Interest .llox 2M. Geneva. Nob. 131191
bualnp-u < ; slimll Capital required. E. 1 <
Soaver , N. Y. Life IO ) 1
TJ1OIUSALE Slock general merchandise ,
JL' best small town location In Nebraska.
Good trade. Stock Invoices 45,000 iX ) . Address
box 13 , Johnson , Neb. 007-17 *
T71OII ' SALE A partnership In a coal and
X' wood business In Oiuaha. Address , J 11 llee.
JIH1.1 17 *
T71OK SALE Lease nnd furniture of 2i-room
JL1 hotel In business part of a town of ten
railroads. Keasons for selling : III health.
Address J 15 , Heo oflice. Council IllulTs. 11941
JALOON for ale , only ono In the city. Ad
5dress M. K. Dunn , Long 1'Ine , Neb. b37 al !
lOU SALE furniture and undertaking
business In u good town , with or without
store building ; part cash , balance gilt edge
paper or clear real estate ; Invoices about
SiOOO. Uox 04C. Lincoln , 463
Forrates , etc. , teetop of first column on this page ,
ware In country town , also now buggy for
safety. Address owner , J48 Heo. M14421 *
FOH EXOHANGE-A trotting stallion ;
want clear land or fast pacer. Prleo
Jl.VXX llox IN3 , Shcnandoah , la. 839-1G'
I71OH ' TKADEt rent , or salesome nlco bouses
Jin Omaba. No second mgts. W. D. Youton.
4C3 Pa.xton blk. 053-10 *
WANTED-1'or good clear olty lot a high
UPO. grade safety or byclcle. Address J. 10.
FOK TRADE or sa'.o The Hawley house ,
North Platte , Neb. , will take clear land or
other property. Address John Hawley. North
PJatte , Neb. w 10 *
Ij'OU TKADEfor Omana rental
property , 0
JL' clear Iowa farms. Will assume
brance. Arnold it Youlcn , 423 Pixton blk.
054-10 *
CLEAN general stoejiof merchandise for
farm and money. Uo VUS , Prankfort , Ind.
T WILL trade good cle r lot Morthf.VW and
J-tako good upright plai)0 ) as part payment.
Address T24 Hoe < 47b
Forratcs , etc. , tet top of ffff column on this pctye
BAKGAINSI Itargalnli-S-Onico
night. Star I.oan'JiHd Trust ,
first floor N. Y. Life bulldjng. company 51111 51IV
IT1OU SALE Tlio besUbnrgaln on 21th st. ,
Jt !
South Omaha. E. K Eavur , N. Y. Llfo.
11 100 10
FOK SALE A flno Iruixrovwj farm of S
acres ; lee under cultivation ; simile trees ,
fruit , windmill , wagon , ules. | etc ; 100 n.lies'
west of Omaha ; { JO perUQre , Addros , U 4 , llee.
, \'X OMJ
17 < OK SALE-QuartorVrji'tion land , two miles
Jrmm Sprlngfleld , S.irpy county ; eighteen
miles from south Oiuabn. John J. ( volley. M ,
Joseph. Mo.
FOK SALF/-LOIS i ajid 2 , ink o. iiriggv
Place add , price MSOU. Enquire of O. H.
Davis , fct , Clalr European hotel. 7o2
T71OH SALE Good honsu and lot close to
J- business center , first-class neighborhood ,
way ; below value ; easy terms. E. F. beaver.
N. V. Life
aY 10
7TOK bALE-Extra barifaln. Choice 00120 ,
- with building rents IllM.OO
; per mo. ; ono
block from now P O. O. L. Uruun , U 30 , Dar
ker block.
J TTIVE-room JiousesJn Orclmra Hill , Jt.500,00
each on monthly payments , Thomas K.
Hall , 311 Paxton blk. .MO
IT you neil or exchange city prop
erty , farms , wild lands , live stock , bunk or
other stocks or merchandise sco E. r' , Itlnzer.
ground lloor. 1519 Kama m. 222n2a'
"IjlOHSoutb Omaha property builnosv track-
Jagoor rosldoneo 10 to the leading real es
tate dealers in South Omuua , Ed Johnson A
Co. , cor 24tb and N U ; M
Forratettte. , tte top of firtl column on this page-
LANDi < PorSale-C'boIco Nebraska farming
lands arc now considered n most profit
able Investment. Large or small farms can
bo H-cured at low prices nnd easy term * . AdOres -
Ores * lleoofllco , South Omaha. M150 ll '
; HALE 100 ncres land 2 miles west of
city limits , to close an estate. Tbo O. F.
Davis Co. OsQMll
Foil SAI < E Southwest corner 2Mb nnd Call-
fornl.i Streets , J.UxK'J feet , opposite t'l-elch-
ton college ; elrgnnl location for store * and
Hals. A. I1. Tukey , New Vork 1,1 fu. tea
"I71OK SAM : A nlco home , < .4th and I < oa\en-
Jwortb ! new fenee. low , and terms accom
modating. Oca W. I' . C'oaU-s , reutvscntatho.
7 , Hoard of Trade. UOO MM
TpOI5HAlE-My line stock farm of l , 49ncro .
JL ? located In the 1'latto valley , two miles from
Kearney , a pliico having 10,1/00 people , three
railroads , maRiillleent water power , cotton
mill and more manufacturing Industries and
better prospects than any town of It.ssl/o In
Nebraska. Such n body ot land near such a
place cannot bo found elsewhere In the west
surface Miiooth , soil excellent , improvements
substantial. All enclosed : has 13 miles of
fence , two windmills , dwelling house.barn.hoj !
bouse , obeds , corrals and half mlle track. Tbo
meadow land , consisting of about 100 acres ,
cannot be excelled : tbo pasture land Is n per
fect net-work of the most luxuriant grasses.
It Is In tbo heart of thu Brent corn belt , where
every cereal adapted to this climate can bo
profitably raised. It will steadily Increase In
value and Is now worth one-third more than I
ask for It. To any ono desirous of farming ex
tensively or of raising stock economically this
desirable property will recommend Itself
hon Inspected. Title perfect. Trancls 0.
Orable , Omaha. Nob. t02 ' . ' 0
I71OU SALE Houses and Lots-
-L No. 20 House 4 rooms , well , cistern and
cellar , lot 45x124 , ; Uth and Patrick uvo. . (1.700 ,
tciuih , b i lance monthly.
Nos. 41-42 Two largo s-room houses , full
lots , 2Mb and I'lnkncy sts , J-,700 ! to K.80J.
No. 53 A very nice 0-room hou e , largo lot.
MxlM. fronting t o streets , Hamilton near 33d
st. , 8.1,500.
No. C2 House 2 rooms , ' lot 24xK feet , 21st
near Center , H.UOU.
No. tw-llouseBrooms , well , etc. , lot ) x30
feet. i105 ! Ohlo.J.V.'OO. '
No. 7a-llousu'l rooms , largo barn , full lot ,
SCth and Cnss , J2.100.
No. KI Hoii'o 7 rooms , lot 25x132 , on Oth.
with trackage. } .T,7iiO. easy terms.
No. SI Three new brick houses 6 rooms each ,
Dorcas and IStb , i.,750 ami up , terms easy.
No. Nl House fi rooms , l.ouoavuand Hamil
ton , ll.soo. and it largo number of vacant lots
from $ . ! 00 up.
Oeo. J. Paul. 1COO 1'arnam st. 122 10
FINE modern residence on Illnnoy street
Kountzo Place. I'lno lawn , good barn , otc.
Also 10-room bouso on Emmet street. Ons ,
water ind b.ith.exerytblng In Hrst-class condi
tion. .Tbeso cleRai.t homes nroolferud at most
reasonable prices and on easy torms. Good
property will bu accepted In exchange as part
.M. 1' . Hoys. It. 7 , Chamber Commerce. 123 13
first class residence properties near
- high school , owned by non-resident , will be
sold before May 1st to thn highest bidder.
I too in 20 , I'ronrer block , opposite P. O. 1UI
T7Km SALi-Lot : 0 , blk 18 , Orchard Hill ;
- * - terms to suit purchaser. Address II. O
Cheyney , box OUSIoux Cltv , la. 127-lfr *
FOKSALE Heautlful aero adjoining Cen
tral Park addition A bargain at tMO , ! 4W
Tour room cottmfo and 30 ft. lot , south front
on i-oward st. $ li50 : , fcJO cash.
Six room cottage , new , finished In bard wood ,
city water , sewer , etc. , east front , well lo
cated , for 2,750. KO e.iih , balance ti" > per
month. Vf. II. [ Ionian , llooina S and 10. I'ren-
? ur block. Mslff 25
AX elegant homo on monthly payments
near 1'arnam street motor. A haraiiln
and must bo sold. Smuuton & Allen , 1C07 Far.
nam street. KU-li )
FINE Stock I'arm for sale 1 have for sale
the finest stock farm In thu west , contain
ing 1,000 acres of very ( Inn land'CO acres un
der cultivation , 60 acres of tame grass 2J )
acres of fenced pasturu with running water.
OCO acres buy and pasture land with plenty of
water , Tlrst-class buildings nearly now and
In good repair. They Include two large dwell
ings , stables for MO head of cattle , with feed
yards attached , fully equipped with feed
troughs uml hay racks , large iiorso barn , corncribs -
cribs , bay sheds , etc. , windmill and water
tanks. Ilulldlngs and food yards are sheltered
bv ulareocottonwood croxuon north nnd west
. Mtuatou in uumine county , TU nines
northwest of Omaha In the famous Elkhorn
valley , S miles north of West Point , the county
tent , and 4 miles east of Ueomer , Prices
and terms sent on application. Address
I' , bonnensclicln. West I'oln *
. . Nebraska. 501-17
SALE Houses and lots , five and ten
JJ acre tracts ; cheap trackage property ;
South Omaha lots on 2th .street , llusluess
property. Hicks , first floor N. V. Life. Otllee
open ovonlngs. 124-ls
SPEriUlT ) Grain and Plock Kami 600 acres ,
3bO acres ( IRQ fenced ) under cultivation ,
200 acres hay nnd pasture , Inntl ,
fenced , 20 acre fruit bearing orchard ;
trees around wtiolo firm , 'J dwelling
houses , 4 largo barns , bay sheas , yards , etc. ,
corn-cribs , granary , &c. . splendid water and
close to market 5 miles to West Point , the
county seat of Cumlng couuty. This Is a rare
chancoto gel ft Hrst-class farm In a locality
that has never bad a failure of crops since the
crasshopper plague. This farm will beold
with or without stock and Implements. Write
for full description and prices , enclosing
stamp to Souncnscboln , West Point. Ne
braska. 501-17
"IT1OK SALE lUlgRs Place lats on motor line.
JL ! Also acre property. 1' . M. lilchardson. 818
N. V. Life bldg. M3
E1O11 A L < K The most comfortable 8 room
JL modern house In the city , every conven
ience , bath , gas , electrlo bolls , furnace , laun
dry , otc , Lar o stable , room for 4 horses , city
wutorln fctablc concrete floor , full lot In half
mile limit , convenient to 4 lines of cant , shadu
trees , eto. Price KID.OX ) . Address F 23 , lieo
ofllco. 4'y '
T71OR SALE Choice conicr24th street , So\4th \
JL1 Omaha ; full business lot , Jackson , near
10th. S. Box 183 M744al7
T7UNEST ' cast front lot In Hanscom Place ;
JL'see owner and sa\o commission , "COO .Sev
an ! st. B0. 10
I 20 acro3 line farming land adjoining good
JLNcbr.iska town ; noarjy oloar.
100 acres finely Improved land 2J ! miles from In Nebraska : Ilchtly cncumbored.
12U acres good land In Nebraska , : } mlliH from
county sent ; 2,500 Inhabltunts.
House and lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nebraska town.
4-room house and lot , barn , well and cistern ,
IBlh street. Omaha ; Hllghtly encumbered ; will
trade for Omaba property and assume encum
brances. . II. E. Cole , Continental blook. UX )
Forratesttt.tcctopof first column on this page.
MHS. DR. DESAN mny bo consulted ut her
parlors on all affairs of life , bho Is a celo
United business modliim and has a reputation
throughout thu world for accurate and truth
ful readings of the past , pro-cut and future
events of your life. Every bidden mystery
revealed ; bolus all who are In trouble ; never
falls ; gives advlcu on all polntt , of Interest ,
business transactions , love ullalrs , family
trouble * , block speculation , lawsuits , absent
friends , lottery numbers , lucky days , Inter I
prets dreams , locates diseases , bidden truas t
ures and stolen goods ; restores lost affections
brines thu separated tojother , makes speedy
and happy marriages with the ono you lovn
by propur advice : tolls If the ono you love Is
t mix or falsu ; gl\es lucky Itoman-Egyutlan
talisman to help all out of trouble ; perfect
satisfaction guaranteed by mall ; Hcnd two
stumps for Illustrated circular. 322 North ICth
street , Omaha. 810 Id *
r1O Know your future satisfactory and for
JL least money , Mrs. Stuver , 400 N. 10th street.
MKS. WALLACE , clairvoyant ; naturally
elfled ; tells past and future , love
troubles , absent friends , changes , travel , busi
' '
ness. I'Jiti 1'arnam stroou an in *
M ASSAGE Madam Delilur , over 010 P. I3th.
B.V3M . 0
MH9. Nannlo V. Warren , clairvoyant , trance
sDcaklng , writing and reliable business
medium , four years in Omaba. 110N. IGlh , 3
/"or nitrt.ttr. , rte tup at fnt column 'inin r > t7i
MISSMInnlck , 17'J Leuvenworth , has jut
returned from thu east with tbu latest
spring and summer styles. C ? ' 2U *
1J > NOAGESinSTS to dodrussinaklng
In film-
JL IlIuj solicited Miss sturdy. 2C1U Harnuy st.
5W mil *
For rnM , etc. , we tnpof first column on IMi fnge.
M ASSAOli-Mudair UeUlur ovurHOS Uth.
O.WM 0 *
MASSAGE bath at Madame Smith's parlors.
; id floor , W S. 15th street. .V.1-lo"
FOrt Ht N T
Fvrratet , etc. , tte top of firtt rulumn on this p ige.
TJ1OU KENT Ilrlck warehouse , two stories ;
JL. blub basement , hydraulic elevator , track
age ; best location In city. A. C. I'owelL IU1
Furrdtetetc. , teetupoffiitt column un thli page.
B ICsT Ifnn hair goods In west ; hair dressing ,
wigs , switches bangs , hair chain * , eto. , a
specialty. Davles , hair goods and milliner ,
opposite pojlotuce , 111 d 15th U , Omaha. Jit
Some Vatnabla Hints HejarUinfe the Grippe
Slgnsoflts Approach and How to Coun
teract Them.
The discussion tin to the cnu o of the Orlppo
Is of o > ur < e Interesting , but Klves llttln siitls-
f act Ion tolls unfortunate victims Whether
caused by microbe or vagaries of the weather.
j Its ratapes continue niul the country still
bcmls under the. scourge. In Chicago , recent
1t ly 1 , the < lentli from tliN cause went so
that 1v tint unlcrtaktiiK facilities ( if tlio city
were liiHiitllclent to meet ttio omorscney.
The ] death rate Is correspondingly high nil
through the Northern run ) Eastern Hlnlcs.
It euimot bo too sttongly Imprt'ssfd on pen-
pie 1 that , In ottler to ward off tlio disease.
warning symptom * must bu regarded and
prompt action taken. It bei'oniei extremely
difficult to dModitr- the dtscaM ! If allowed to
take Its course. Hence Its name. K generally -
ly commences with usllpht head.iehe. or pains
In the stimii of thu back or limbs. It docs not
always give one. oven an plain a bint aslhls-a
feeling of tightness across tlio forehead , biu-
zlns In tlin oars , or peculiar feeling about
thu eves miy be all the emit Ion one pet * . 10 It
li culpable carelessness U ) neglect oven these
slight blsns.
Tlio itmiedy lies In n stimulant , and the
preference should bu Riven to wliNKy. All
the doctors of the country are agreed on this
point , but are \ery careful to Impress on their
n.itlentsthii furl pure- whisky nlomi must
bo taken. IiulTy'.s 1'uro Malt Whisky la the
purest on the market , and can bo readily ob
tained at all druir stores. This preparation ,
which Is endorsed by nil the leadlnc doctors.
scientists and chemists of tin ) present day. ls
tliU ear adding to the tlrst-olnss reputation
which It won during the epidemic of the
Orlppo last year. Theroaro many Imitators
who say tbelr whiskies are "Jusi as good. " Ho
not bo deceived They are nut. DutTy'al'uro
Malt Is thu only medicinal one.
United States
feat * on Snlo nt
-SA.VATIVO' ' the
Wonderful fcpinlih
. If N > M ltha
" \Vrltten
to euro all Ncrroiu 1)H-
cuet , eucb u Wcik
Mrmorr iott ct Drain
1' o w c r , H e ml a c b r ,
WalfcfulceM , Lust Mir-
hooO , .Vcrvou ncM , l i-
Before & After tltudr , all ilr li and
lo * of power of tlio
Photographed from life. Goneratho Orpins , lu
clthir ccz , enured Ity
oTcr-cierUon , } oathful lodescrcUUDi , or tbo cxccscltc
use of tobacco , opium , or ( UinuliuU. which ul'Jciaulr
lead to Infirmity , Consumption and In nnlty I'nt up
In convenient form to carrir In tb vest poekeL 1'rlco
it a p ckaiF , or 6 for a With ever } ' 15 onler we pHo
a written ( ruarantvu to cure or refund the
monur. Sent br mall to any address. Circular true.
.MenUon thli parr. Address.
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , nranch Office for U. S. A.
417 learhorn Rtrret. rillCAOn , IU
Kohn A Co . Cor. 13th A Douttliw Stt.
J A Fuller A Co. . Cor 14th A KoucUaSti.
A. D. Kottcr & Co. . Coini-il Illutt. . U
United States
Scat * on Salont
l'orratettc , , ttetsip of tint column onthtt
GEO. If. Gollcnbeck , tea hcr of the banjo ,
with Hospo , 15i : > .IoiiRlas. 24'J '
{ El'OHE buying a piano e\amlnu the now
'scale Klmball piano. A. Hospo , 15IJ Douglas.
TNSTUUMENT3 placed on record April 16 ,
JL 1&01.
ames Atnscow to L II Klgour. lotsS and
10 , blk 4. Solby's 1st add to South Om
aha t 700
Albright L and L Co to John Pilgrimlot
5 , blk2 , Hqppo's Ilonunzasilb. . . ' 525
oseph and u E Darker and wives to
Frederick Frnhlendorff , lot 1C. blk 1 ,
Sherman ave l'ar ! < 100
' K Carter to G W 1'rlnce , lot 3 , blk 1M ,
KonnUe Place. 13,000
Chris Durkop nnd wlfo to Adolph GeNe ,
lot 4 , blk 3. Arbor I'laeo 1,000
S Hascall to Martha Kltchoir , lots , blk
It , 1st add to Mount Douglas 500
S Hascall to W T Chrlsteifon , lot ti ,
Hascall's sub In Oklahoma 1,500
-odollaml and wlfo to Olof Magunson.
lot 11. blk 4 , W LSclby's 1st 350
Thomas Hague to E A Doten , lot U , blk
12 , Ited ford I'laeo OOD
'cter Jensen and wlfo to W 11 Kuther-
ford , lot SI. blk A Hhrlvor I'Inco 550
J H Levy and wlfo to II II I'eiklns. o ' !
lott ) . blk 0. Summit add 403
Mward Letdcr toO A Kochrlg , lots 21 blk 0. Hello Isle add 1,300
G L Musgrlf to Edward Locdor , lots 21
to 20. Hello Isle add 750
'olm ' McDonald and wlfo to Kotur.ih
Morton , n 10 ft lots U and 10 , blk 0.
Hanscom 1'lacn 7,590
M T Murphy and wlfo to Henry Mllho-
lou , lot 4S Muruhy's add to Washing
ton Hill 300
II H I'crklns to Otto Wclbol , o iiloi-G.
blk 0. Summit add 025
N.I Schmidt to D L Johnson , lot 11 , blk
0 , Melrose Hill 1,000
t' A Saundcrs to J H Dickey , und ' . > lots
6 , 7 and B , blk "D , " Omaha 4,500
ST Welch , ot al. toJosoph Sclults brewIng -
Ing company , lots 1 and 2 , blk 12 , Jet-
ter's add to South Omaha 8,000
J W Williamson and wlfo to 1'otor Olson ,
lot 27 , blk 5 , Lake View 505
E A Hoozhton and wife to ESDundy , ,
Jr Iot2 , Dandy's sub 1
I'ntrlck Ilrosnlhan to I'ubllc plat of
Drosnlhan's .sub of lot 7 , blk 7 , First
add to South Omaha
Total amount of transfers ) 42,000
Tliero Will Io ) a Shnklni ; Up When It
Goes Into KtTV'Ct.
Local pbyslchins are very deeply Interested
the HOW medical law and are anxiously
altlnR Governor Boyd's ' appointment of
tlio four secretaries upon whom devolves
the most of the work of the board. Tlio
board consists of the
governor , attorney gen
eral and superintendent of public instruc
tion. Kour secretaries are to bo appointed
who shall bo physicians of at least seven
years continuous practice. Two shall bo
from the regular school of physicians , ono
homeopathic and one eclectic.
Tbo secretaries nro charged with the duty
of enforcing the law , requiring the rocistni-
tion of physicians and looking nf tor t be en
forcement of the general provisions of ttio
act ,
"Thero will bo n general cleaning up next
September , " said o local physician , "when
the new nnd old physicians are required to bo
properly registered with tbo board. Then
thcro will bo a war on the qu'icks and fakirs
that will bo carried to a successful issue. "
Dr. Blrnov euros catarrh. Ceo bld'g.
TIi Ilonl Kstiito
Tbo member * of the real estate exchange
devoted the time yesterday to dlseusslng
the -visit of President Harrison to Omaba
and the best methods of intertainlnp the dis
tinguished party. Tbo consensus of opinion
seemed In favor of showing the visitors about
thu city and dftrnvarJH holding a reception
at some central point.
Tbo secretary of the exchange report
ed that a number of tillpi had
been prepared showing the population of
Omaha In attractive form. There worn
100,000 of these slips on band fer free dls
trlbution , and the merchant * of the city wore
Invittd to call nnd get a quantity for tbo
I > ur | > oio of enclosing in their correspondence.
llalf a do/eu of tlmso slips may bo enclosed
with a letter without requiring additional
postage , or Afty-tlvo may bo sent , unsealed
for ono ce tit.
Mr. C , 0. Oeorgo. of tbo Potter ft ( Jeorgo
company , announced that thu drive to Has
Omaba and banquet for members of tba ex
cbango would bo glvon early next \vuok 1
the weather uero suitable. Ho also
stated that n mlstnko bail boon m.ido In tne
rotwrt that tbo proposed excursion was to bp
taken under tbo auspices of tbo ( Cost Omaha
laud company. Tlio affair promises to DO n
huge success as nearly every real estate man
In town has announced his Intention of taking
XIMS OP Tin : . \oitTitirisT.
A Ins worth Is the latest town to report a
building boom.
Doth the Madison and Platte county Jails
nro overcrowded.
A camp of Modern Woodmen has been In
stituted ut Ponder.
There nro seven houses In process of con-
strnctton nt I'cndcr.
Experiments m raising tobacco will bo
made by exports near Norfolk who will plant
twenty acres to that crop.
Tbo Republican Vnlluy Association of Con
gregational Churches held an Interesting
meeting at Dladcii this week.
C. N. Pickering's barn near Steele City
was struck by lightning nnd entirely con
sumed , causing n loss of $1,000.
Father Carney , the Plntt-smouth Catholic-
priest , who has been In New York In n feeble
condition , Is ruportod us recovering , und will
return to Plattsmouth shortly.
The twelfth semi-annual t > csslon of the
South Plutto wmforeiico of
Lutheran church was held nt Yutan with
cloven ministers In nttondailco.
Oakland citrons will shortlv bo given an
opportunity to vote on a proposition to Issue
f , lHX for moro water bonds with which to
construct a system of waterworks.
A wedding which was to have occurred at
Ainsworth the other day has been liulcll-
nltcly postponed because iJilly Hrar.igan's In
tended brldo gave him the slip and failed to
nppcar at the critical moment.
Something of a sonsntlon has been created
at llartlngton by tbo filing In the county
clerk's ofllco of articles of reparation of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Honrj Holso , an aged and highly
respected married couple living In tbo
north part of the countv. Tor nearly
forty years they have lived together itnil
reared a largo family of children , all of whom
nro now grown to man and womanhood , nnd
are all v ell known and respected , ono of tbo
sons being an ex-county treasurer of C'edar
county. Tliero is no nopaicnt reason for tbo
unhappy affair nnd friends are at a loss toai'-
eount for It. The property , which is consider
able , Is . divided equally between them , and
without undue publicity or tbo Interference
of divorce court * or lawyers tbo old couple
commence life over again In the twilight of
existence. It is announced that there Is no
hope ot a reconciliation , as the husband and
wife are both llrm in their determination to
live apart.
The Iowa Chautauqua will meet nt Coif.IK
Tbo mayor of ICeokuk will try to i radi Uo
the social evil.
Moro Injunction suits will bo instituted
against Fort Dodge saloon keepers at the
next term of court.
The editor of the LoMars Glebe loskf0 on
tlio street the other day and it was re'turnod
to him within half an hour.
A traveling man says that Burllncton ,
with n light on nearly every street corner ,
reminds him of Dutte , Mont.
Pfaffo Brothers of Keokuk have n three-
legged calf. The left fore leg is missing.
Tbo calf U about four months old nnd peU
arouud , on three legs with apparent ease.
Prank Scougall of l-'ort Dodge , who was in
Jail at Mason City for dealing illegally in or
iginal packages , has been pardoned by Gov
ernor Boies Ho promises to never engage
In the liquor business again and has returned
to the aid of his family , wbo are in destitute
While Minnie Coppers , a well-known Fort
Madison young girl , was returning homo
from church , walking n lew rods behind her
mother and. alone , some unknown mill nil
struck her two hard blows on the bend and
escaped. No cause for tbo assault Is known.
H. Menge , a Burlington laborer , went homo
tbo other evening ni l told his wife to prepare
supper in twenty minutes or ho would shoot
her dead. Ho would have carried out tils
threat but for the interference of neighbors.
A Jury adjudged Mengo insane and bo was
u it tit tn tlmfniitit I lnn niit nui'lurrt
The keeper of n dlmo museum at Burline-
on started out the other day to asset t the su
re nuicy of America over Italy , tud attacked
fruit vender from the shores of sunny Italy ,
le got tbo worst of the encounter , and then
oadcd up with stimulants and a revolver nnd
loclared ho could whip tbo Italians or ony
ther foreign nation on top of tho-cartti. A
> ollccman found him while ho was in the
need of lighting for the American lla < ; and
marched him to the cooler to cool off.
For a number of years I have been subject
to violent attacks of inflammatory rheuma
tism which generally lasted about two
months. On the first of this month I was
attacked in tbo knee anil sutlered severely
'or txvo days , when I procured a bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm nnd It relieved mo
Imost instantly. I therefore most cheerfully
recommend it to these who are similarly
illlictcd everywhere. K. I ) . Wbltlov , Mar-
iniialc , N. C. , February , IbS-J. Mr. Whit ey
s a very prominent man in this placoandlliis
disease was very widulv known as lie sutlered
such sovcio pain.V. . M. Houston < t Co. ,
merchants , Martiniialo , X. U. 60 cent bottles
"or sale by druggists.
) cciH'm in Favor ot the Oilai ! : ' >
MUlvntilcot ! Ai St. I'au.l lly.
The new Pnlnco slcopinf : cars of the
3hicajro , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ,
ivith olcotric lights in cvory berth , will
continue to leave the Union depot ,
Omnha , ut 0:10 : p. in. , dally. Passon era
taking this train'nvoid transfer at Coun
cil Bluffs , and arrive in C'liictigo at 0:30 :
. . m. , in ample time to make all eastern
'onneotions. ' Ticket ofik'o , 1501 Farnatn
street. F. A. NASH ,
J. E. PRESTON , General Agent
City Passenger Agent.
Mayor Ciishini ; Calls n .Mcotlnt ; to
Slake Arran onicntH.
Mayor Cushlnp yesterday sent out no
tlces for a meeting that will bo held nt bis
oftlco Saturday evening to dovlso ways nnd
means forontortalnlntr President Harrison
when bo comes to Otnaba next month.
Tbo board of trade , the real 03 In to ex-
chance , the city council nnd each
of the clubs nro requested to send
ono or moro delegates. Tbo meeting
will consist of from lifteen to twenty-live
representative citizens wbo will bo called
upon to appoint committees and take up the
work of completing arrangements.
Uessler'sMaglo Headache Wafers. Uunxsall
bc.-uU.chci in 20 minutes. At all druggists
Civil Servioo Examination ) * .
Mr. E. D. Halley of the civil service do-
par linen t ut Washington is holding a civil
service examination in the grand jury room
at the government building.
The llrstsesslou began at 0 o'clock yesterday
nnd covered the departmental branches of
work. Tomorrow those who wish lo cuter
the railway mail service will bo examined.
Thcro wore twelve applicants , ten pen-
tlemen and two ladies. Thorn were nine wbo
took tbu examination for clerkships , two for
copyists and ono for the position of topog
raphic aid.
The applicants completed the questions
about H o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Examinations ho ln today at U u , m.
Ktanil Your Cirniind.
When you make up your mind to take
Hood's Harsnparilla , do not bo Induced to buy
some other preparation Instead Clerks may
claim that "ours is as good ns Hood's" nnd
all thut , but the peculiar merit of Hood
xaparilla cannot be equalled. Therefore hnvo
nothing to do with substitutes and Insist UK | > II
having Hood's Sarsupnnlla , tbo best blood
puritior and building up medicine ,
Mr * . Ilrticc'H DlnmniiilH.
Mrs. I'Vink Uruco , wlfo of the safe-blowor ,
now in tbo county Jail , wears dlr.tnor.ds , but
according to a letter received oy Chief Seavoy
from Henry htowart , roarabal of Jackson
county , Missouri , some ono olxo might with
equal ptoprioty wear the same lowols ,
The Kansas City ofllror wutcs that Mrs.
Uruco has a couple of elegant solitaire rings ,
and hints that the lawful owner may bo a
resident , of Omaha , One of. these rings can
bo very casllv identified and tbo marshal can
furnish the description.
Holler's barb wlro HnlmontbM mot with.
extraordinary favor , and cases pronounced
iiicurablo have been treated with success.
Kvory farmer should keep a bottle of this
jimly celebrated remedy ; ready for Instant