Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA DAILY JJEffi FlilDAY , APH1L 17 , 1891.
Grab Trade Surprisingly Strong and Prices
Much Higher.
Stronu Advance In AVIicnt VnlncH
Corn Hcyoud Any Figures Yet
Itcnclicd tin tlio Crop
Provisions Higher.
CHICAOO , April IS. [ Special Telegram to
Tun llKB.1 Hoard of tr.-ido business opened
brisk , \\ith provisions firm mid u trifle higher ,
nnd tlio grain markets surprisingly strong
and prices much higher over lust night. At
the end of the ( Irst hour wheat for Slnv was
Uio over lust night nt tl.Ai'j. Miy : corn made
mi ciiiial Rain , ( joins to "lUc , with July up to
68ei onto acted with thu loading imiikots nnd
Bold close up to Mo for May mid u fraction
under Mo for July. At tlio sumo thno pork
showed u gain from lust night of flu to 74c ! nt
118.70 for Muy und tl.1.0714 for July.
There was a BUI prise In store for tlio wheat
tradu today. It came Just when It wus least
expected hy tlio licurlsh elomcnron tlio floor.
There was nothing very remarkable about
rarly MOWS hut thuro was Rood buying
rlKhlfroni tlio stait. The low nrlco of tlio
day was Me over the closing prleolmt night ,
nnd tlio mlvimeo later rcnvhoil a point So ever
Inst night. This lifted the market out of the
run of tno tiast week. The action for tlio
lending months was us follows : May , JI.O.V/i.
toji.o.1 , , to 81.00 , toti.oi > ( . toji.oori , to $1.00' , ,
loJI.OT. to 11.011s , , to Jl.Wiy. before 1 o'clack ;
July. JI.OP , . totl.OPi. to Sl.OUi. to Jl.0iy. to
[ I.OIV to JI.MH , to$1.0.V6tol.o : > H at I o'clock.
I.'aily lilv ( > rpool cables were sliniily firm.
London quoted caigocs 1 to.'ld up. The 1'rlco
Current's commontson spring seeding and tlio
condition of winter wheat Is very flattering
nnd encouraged tlio soiling. Hut northern
receipts were moderate at 101 ears at Min
neapolis and 7(1 ( nt Duliith. Chicago car
lots were over tlio estimate , but tlio move
ment yesterday was 81,000 bushels received
und 7.V DO bushels shipped. Cash wheat at
Minneapolis wasiiulekly bousrlit nt $ I.O. i ? ( to
tl.UI. Kurly In the day William Dunn reported
ton boat'oads ' of Clilcuu'o wheat sold for ox-
pot t to move at tlio opening of navigation.
Later thu same parly worked sixteen loads at
Milwaukee on the same conditions. This
news was followed hy llradstreot's llgures on
available stocks , giving a decrease of 2.000,000
bushels enst and west of the Kocklos , The de
crease east was lmi,000 : : bushels. Itwason
this news that prices reached tlio high point
with buying by hulls with ndvanco In
formation , and covering hy shorts who could
not bo found an hour before. Closing cables
came In after there had been a reaction from
the top prices. Liverpool was JJd higher , Lou-
don 3d to4d ! higher , Paris 85 cnntlmes up on
when' , and flour , llorlln slightly higher , and
Antwerp unchanged. l-'or a time- these
pi Ices served only to piovent the reaction
natural after a sharp ndvniieo. Shortly before -
fore the close the market became Intensely
active nnd prices wcio carried to the top
figures again , with May at 11.07 and July at
tl.O.'iVi. The big excitement of the day In
wheat was just at the close. The strong
cables had the trade In a buying mood. Thou
some of the private wlro houses gave It out
that franco was considering the ropea ! of Iho
wheat duty. This sot the undo wild. Tlio
lirlco of May went flying to 81.07 ? or $ l.073i
nnd tlio closing of the ball shut oft the nd-
v.inoc. After the boll May sold In the pit
as high as J1.H5 ( ! , or : ic over the close
last night. July sold to $1.00 , with. Irreg
ular sales as high us JI.OGi. ? April was
( ( noted at the close at } l.07g. ! Many of the
loading houses quoted trades In wheat nftor
the close as high as JI.OJH for May and JI.07
for July. Tlio market would no doubt liayo
reached these prices regular had the session
lasted ton minutes longer. On the curb privil
eges sold at $1.00 for puts and $1.11 for calls.
The corn market took another jump to
higher prices. Many had settled down to the
bolloMhat the prices reached several weeks
ngo would not ngnln ho touched on the ciop.
The advance today carried the market away
beyond any prices before made. May sold ! ic
higher at opening nt 70c , touched V-'io nnd
closed Just He higher at 78 ? . e. July rose from
CCBo to fiO'je ' , and closed at Ofl'ic ' , or about
2c ! up. Other months were up in proportion ,
hut the closing prices were kept no track of.
The market started strong with wheat be
cause of cables which were Id to lJd ! higher.
Late In the day when the sample grade mar
ket got under way , the cash demand was
found to bo enormous , and prices moved up
sharply. No. 3 yellow corn sold at 71c. No. II
straight at Tllo to 74c , and No. 4 at 7lo to ? J'Je' '
This condition of things , the remarkable
stiongth In wheat , and the covering by shorts ,
u'l combined to make a great hull nrirkct On
the curb the trade was In July urlvllogos with
puts In atllSo and calls around 70o.
The oats market was fairly active with
in n range of lo and closed lo under
the top prices of the day. May
delivery opened at fuic , sold up to .VHJc anil
closed at M ' o. Juno ranged from .r > " > o to Ofi'io.
closing at thooulsldo amount. July opened
at yosteiduy'b closing price of 58 > je , advanced
to fillic , and finally settled back to 54'je.
August sold from 39lo ! to 40e. whllo eptcmbor
ranged from 37o to iISc , closing at 377io.
The piovlslon truln ; felt the strength In the
other maikots , especially did the quick up
turn lu all grades of corn affect the prices of
products. There was some outside- buying
also , which started the local houses. Mny
pork sold fiom $12.or > to J18.P5 ; July JI3.031 ! to
HII.3C ; lard , * < 1.S5 to K.CO for'.Mnvand J7.12 ! } to
17.10 to $7.23 for July : ribs , $ ii.ta : tojo.43 for
May and tUfi'-HJ to Jti.77' , for July. This was a
gain finiii last nlirhtof 17ic ! In lurd and rllis ,
und 87SJe to ffilic for pork.
riticr.s AT CIIICAOO.
Showing the range of prices In the loading
options , as repotted by Coekroll Itrotherd.
COMMQIilTV.IOpen. | lllitn. I I.OVT. | ClOio. | Voat.
May 1 1 06' ' , 1 07)t
July 1 IWJ4 1 04
May 70 ? 2 > <
July. . , . , 07 CUM
' July , WM 6136 63)1 )
Mny 12 G.1 1.1 .15 12 (15 ( 12 M 12 to
I.I W 1332 1302 1J32 U IK
It ins
Mny 6 4S B ro C 45 R M
July 077 0 77 7 12
MnT BBS 700 08 > 7 00 027
Julv 7 12 7 25 ; 10 7 25 G 10
coilMoniTY I upon. I llkli. | Ixiw. | Cloie. I Yo t.
May 1 01 10(1 ( 07
July. . . . . 1UO ICO
CoitxMny. . . . . ( 8H CSJS 70
July. . . . CO to CTIl ,
OATSMay. . . . . W' (
July. . . .
Notes and GoHslp.
Dulutli receipts , 70 ears of wheat.
Minneapolis receipts. 103 cars of wheat.
Hoard cable quotes London wheat prompt.
Shipments. US ; being ad advance.
1'rlce Current says : 1'nst week has 1m-
tiroved the general position of spring agricul
tural work.
Bt. Louis Hccolpts : Whunt , &VWI corn. IDS -
SWi outs. 8&.000 , Hhlpments : Wheut , I.WWi
corn , 8KOOOj oats. 10.NM.
Chlcugo recelptsi Winter wheat , M ; spring.
B ; corn , 170 ; outs , 100. Inspected iciriilur
winter wheat , II ; hprlni ; , none ; corn , 10j outs.
01 , Total lecelnts in bushels : Wheat , 8l'j"l ;
Corn , UO.Cillli outs. 110.SV1. Shipments : Wheat.
74,1-8 ; coin. III. Kl | oats. 184.189. Kstlmuted
forlrlday : AS boat. 84 ; corn , ItW ; oats , loft.
Ileeibohin's cablet Liverpool wheat moro
inquliy , prices unchaniedt corn , active and
l4d ! higher. Mtuk Lane prices generally un
changed , Cargoes oil coast nothing otrerlng.
bold hlnco lust ronort. Cargoes on
btroiiKi Ciillfornla wlieut unnnptly to Co
shipped , ltd higher. I'rench country mar
Logan ft Co. to Toneray & Ilryun :
Our wheat has hud u rudlcal ad
vance on rctuullng wenthcrandstrongcables ,
which ( utter ut the close Intimated thu possi
bility of remission of French duties on breud-
htullH , nnd throw the shorts Into u panic , iinJ
If continued Is likely to accelerate thu pace
net today , as without doubt our frog-eating
frlcniU hold the key to the situation , or
rather they hold the wheat. On covering of
Mny coiitriuitii by shoits , who found little for
alc , the corn'iinrket was pushed rapidly up ,
u win outs , and everything , Including pro-
vUliini. cloned itrong and at top prices. Wo
would ndvino closing any short contracts In
May corn or out * or transferring thorn to deferred -
forrod futures , u vrlth these light stocks a
bull by buying n mouthful of 1,000,000 bushels
would havu you cornered.
McPorinlck says ! "May wlicnt will sell nt
11.10 by .Monday , rorelgnerslmvo boiisht nnd
I bollevu own for fiitnru snlu or sliljimcnt the
f.CHKl.tiw ) biiHhelK of wheat In store hero nnd the In storu at Minneapolis. The hoys nro
beclnnlnjj to hollovo that tlio foroltfnrM own
nil our wheat nnd huvc been ( iiilctly buylnff
nnd holding buck thu truth of the damage to
thn foreign crop. I ny ( MA for July by und
hy. liny August uatsi 1 bulluvo they will ion
at 5\- , "
The Commorclat Artvcrtlicr has tlio follow
ing : "t'nrK April IB. The Slcole today says
the Krcnoh government will probably bo com
pelled toask narllnment before August to
sii'iipud duties on coruals. The Sleclo ndds
that the Cierman Bovcrninont Is expected to
ask the rclchstait shortly to take similar no
tion , 1/argo number of calls sold Inst nlRlit
and when this report ciitno that the 1 rencli
porurnment had been asked to icniovo the
duty on wheat , nltlioiiRh It did not really
amount to anything , there was n perfect rusn
to buy and oirerltiKs were very light. .Tlio
prlco was hid up rapidly , but very little
wheat could bo bought. "
Commenting on the serious nature of the
calamity which has overtaken the wheat
Krowers of Kuropc , and the consequent de-
pendcnco upon America of those countries
whldi under the most favorable elrcuin-
stiincos do not produce enoiiKli for their re-
( juliettienls. thu Chicago 1'ostsaysl "Hint
for a year lit least the piano of value which
hud become generally accepted us the meas-
utu of thu worth of wheat must bo readjusted
upon a conslderablv higher level Is clearly
self-ovldunt , and for the producers of and
dealers In grain hero to lose the opportunity
thus presented to them of scouring an ad
equate iccompcnsu for the unrcmuncratlvo
prices nt which the surplii" of former years
had to be parted with would hu a serious ro-
Ili'Ctlon upon their commrrelnl acumen.
Money gives ut present good promlsu of be
coming easy to boirow , and If the nextsca-
ROII'S ciop slinuld tcall7o Its piescnt utomlso
no better Held IH open for It.s prolitablo em-
ploymuut tliiin In assisting llm grain dealers
to hold the surplus back until It shall bo 10-
quired to till the Knropean void , "
W. 0. Mcl'ormlok ft Co. to I' . 0. Fwart/ Co.
A boom was started yesterday In wheat by
the news fiom Now York that eighty loada
had been taken for export for. Till v shipment.
The elleet of this was decldly bullish. In aplto
ot the possibility of this wheat being sold
many times before July comes iiiound. Tho'-o
repoits wein followed up tcday by a largo In-
cieaso In the ( iiiantlty und bulls snoko of thu
amount w ith great looseness as bolng nny-
whoie front 100 to 150 loads , llrndstreot repelled -
polled u deereaso during the past week of
! .U7n.iXH ) . tow bleb must bo added 4M.OUO de
crease west of the I'aclllc slope which was not
reported lust week. A young panic started
ainnng the beat sand the result was a quick
mUnneo of Ilo a bushel. with con
siderable excitement and largo trad
ing. It Is evident that the for
eign situation has conquered and wo
look for exelted murl.els for several days ,
Coin stiong and higher ; turning being quite
largo nnd nt times excited. The market
elo-es strong ut top nrlces. The provision
m , uKel showed a tircat increase In activity
with good buying from several parties who
have been for some days prominent as s-hort
sellers. The close of this market Is very
strong and wo look for higher prices the
balance of the week.
Kciinott. Hopkins ft Co. to S. A. McWhortcr
Wheat opened stronger In sympathy with
better cables , lint did not show much anima
tion until thu posting of Ilrndstrret's report
showing the reduction of stocks , eiihtand west
of thu Hocky mountains , of about 8,000,00
bushels for the weuk. Tlmt was the signal fern
n rush to cover shorts nnd thu prleo quickly
rose to $1.07 for may and $ I.03J ! for July. Heal-
l/lng by longs caused a reaction and prices
held steadily until near the close when n
minor that the 1 rencli government would re
move duty on wheat started It up
again , the price advancing 8c In ten
minutes the final trading holns at
Sl.nsu for May amUl.07'i for July , though the
Olllciul closing was considerable loner. An
opinion on 11 market HUe this Is valueless.
Speculation Knocks prices about like an egg
shell In thu rapids. The mnrket mny open -'o
higher or Unvtr tomorrow , and until outstand
ing short contracts have been covered there
are likely fo bu very wild fluctuations. Thu
corn deal Is In thu hands of the shippers , with
nobtoeks heru to speak of , current receipts are
Insiilllclent to supply the demand. They can
manipulate prices to suit themselves , He-
cently theru were for aduy or two good re
ceipts. Itccolvers then stood aloof and prices
dropped oil'o in a single day. Hut most of
thu time deliveries arc below requirements ,
and this Is taken advantage of to work prices
up Hharplv. The came Is so entirely under
their conttol that It Is dangerous to touch
corn at all. Libeiul lecelpts for . > few days
would depress pr.ccs materially. On the
other hand , If they should continue as light
as at present there Is apparently no limit to
thiilr manipulation. It Is extremely ha/ard-
ous to trade In nnvthlng whenthero is nothing
to trade on. nothing with which to (111 ( short
contracts , and no certainty that theru will be
any Increase In stocks. The situation Is
haidly crltlculbut In a measure the market
Is subject to most nil Influences and shows Its
connection with corn. Stocks shown In pro
visions was merely a reflection from the grain
markets. Considering their oxtraordlnary ad
vance thu ull'cct In provisions was slight. Indi
cating u small or stubborn short Interest. The
olosu wus Una nt top prices.
, April IB. [ Special Telegram to THE
HKK.ICattle The demand wns again active
and prices rather on the up-turn on light and
handy steers thut otherwise. Pome salesmen
quoting values lOc to lee higher on that class ,
and only steidy on big , heavy steers. Cow
stock of nil kinds was In good demand from
the ODOtilng to the close. There was n fair ,
every day business In stockcrs and feeders nt
advancing urlccs of the day , Eight loads of
1,400 to 1,500 pound steers sold at $ . > .40 ® . " > .9" ;
common. Jl.O.VS'i.-'i : stockers nnd yearlings ,
t > ® . " > .Ki ; cows and heifers , $1,0oai.5'j.
Hens There was little or nothing now in
this market as regards tlio demand or prices.
Vet some salesmen rated common stock as a
shadu lower at the close. liough and common ,
Including eoarso packeis. $4.0 © 4.70 : prlnin to
choice puckers , JI.8.VU. " . ! , " ) ; tirlmo heavy and
butcher wchrhts. $ j.'Offl5.IO ; light , Jl.OJ to (5.10 ;
pigs , JJ.7.VB1.50.
NBWOIIK , April 1(1 ( [ Special Telegram to
Tin : HUE. ] Tlio advance of the Hank of Kng-
land minimum rate of discount tofllj percent
today hud n favorable effect on the security
markets. This rather unusual result wns duo
to the belief that thu drain of the Hunk of
England's gold reserve will now bo consider
ably lessened. London prices for Americans
wcru better. Our markets also opened strong
The llzzlo of the railroad meeting In Chicago
spent all Its force for ovll yesterday and u
reaction wns duo. St. 1'uul was the loader of
the morning stock , us it usually Is , A much
better fooling prevailed down Jown. A short-
slg bled contlgentycstcrdny allowed a piece of
bud news to stint oft their vision so that they
i ould not see the groul fuvorublo factors
which nro likely totntluoncu the secinlty of
the markets of the world during the next few
Atchlson was nconsplouously strong block
on lloston buying. The recent strength of
Hock Island J'H caused some buying of thut
stock. I.ackawnnna showed weakness on
selling by manipulators. The Northern
1'aclllcs were weak In the curly
dealings , but recovered Inter. The highest
prlco for the preferred this your wus 74. The
lowest price yesterday wns 00' . The general
market was stronger. Trading was moio
actlvo than It has been recently. It wns
n very unlnteres ting day. It is under
stood that the Manitoba company will
ask the supreme court for a rohoarln ; on cu r-
taln points of the land case recently decided
In favor Of the Northern 1'uclflo. claiming that
mistakes In facts have been in ade. Tins at
last seems to postpone the receipt of the
money bv the Northern i'aelllu which was to
huvo gone to uurchubo uiefericd
stool ; for ciincellutlon. The report
thut the comp.iny has purchased home
of the stock during thu recent depression does
not seem worthy of credence.
Kennutt Hopkins ft Co. to H. A. MoWhortcr
The stock n.arkut has had spoils ot weakness
as well us perlo Is of decided strength during
the day , but tuken as a whole the tone has
beun firm and leading speculative shares ,
with few exceptions , have been putchused
with much confidence. Traders soum to have
concluded thut tlm reaction of the past two or
three days fiom the previous o.xtremu ml-
vnnco wus ubout all thu market wus going to
have and have ag.iln csnoused the long side.
The niiirkiawiiH assisted bv the strength of
London , notwithstanding'thu hank ratuot
discount was advanced ! j per cent. Usually
such advances havu a depressing cllcctln
London and thufact that thu one today did
not WIIH encouraging , Wu.stern stocks have
heon the Imidors In the market. The con
tinued brilliant pnnpocts for the winter
wheat crop are properly a strong hull argu
ment , especially us they uro bucked up by
e\ury reason to believe that other crops will
produce fur In excess of last year's yields.
1 he adjournment of the advisory board with
out accomplishing anything bueauso of thu
absence of Missouri I'aelllu and Union I'aolllo
lupresuntatlvos | IIH : not had the bud ellcct
upon thu market which might huvu been ex
pected. Somehow or other the street Is
Imbued with the Idea that the absence
of Mr. llould U a part of u
plan which In thu end will produce favorable
results , and on the htiengtli of this notion
Atchlson and MUsourl I'lielllo huvo boon tine
tlculurly sttoiiA notwithstanding net earn-
l/l'ili' / ' ' . V Atehlson system show u decrease
of (182,000 for the month of robrimry. Lacka-
wunim husboonthu one notably wcukhtoek on
thoi list. 1 ho market closed wltn a lltml rally.
wuicU carried prices to thu highest points aud
the ending wns strong. Money is easy at
Htocki. | Open , I T. | Cloie. Vest.
It A N < * 78 Vest.ffi
laartTruiit. ml '
N. W 103 los't 107 J
Mo. I'ac *
Union rue , . ( ; > * Ei * 47
N. I'ac. pM.
N I'ac. com , Sill ! J 2J <
C. , 11. A ( J. . . 2J6M <
Hock Islapd 74' <
St. 1'aul CU' ' < 61 , .
Wcit.Union 618i ! < $1 !
It. , L. A W. . -
Atn.SiiK.tif. F ! > H io 8 V.
Nor Kiml'il , 37 M 37 37H
lllch.Tcrm'l 17 $
Atchlson. , , . 80-
Chicago Ua 4S' < 4S <
No. Am. . . . , Ili'l
A. C. OH. . . . 25 M 2(1 ( 25
The following nro the closing quotntlonst
t.4. ) ( . . . Northern 1'ncltlo
U H. l coupons , . . . Vrt do prcfcrroil. . .
It. S. m < rcul leroil 1019 < C. . N. A W 108
U , S. 4 > < coupons. . ! ! > < do prcf'rt ( otdlv ) . . .
I'nrlllotiiof 'tli 112 Now VorkCoutral. . . .
Cuntrnl 1'ncltlc 2-.I P. , 1) . A 1 ! 20 >
Clilcnuo.V Alton 124 Hock Island v '
Chlcnxo , llurllngton U..M , A St. I' til
Agulncy ECU uo prcfcrrcit 112
D.t.tW. . IHftiJ St. Paul A Omaha..i. 23
lllliioln ( Vntrnl W cloprflfcrreil 84
I. , II. AW Union 1'ncltlo 47
Knnsni AToxm U W. , St , I. . A 1' U
I.nkoHhoro IJJ do preferred Hi
Mlchluan Contrnl. . . . W1 Western Union 81 ]
Mlmourll'adHo fill' '
MONEY ON CAi.t < Ensyt closed ofTorctl tit 3
PIT cent. '
1'iiiMc JlKitCANTif.u I'APEtt fi7 per cent.
HTEitt.tNfi KxcitANdK Quiet , uaslcr ; sixty-
day bills , Ji.83J4i duiuiitl. ) (
CiltCAno , April 10. Wliout Clo iO Unset
tled ; cash , ? i.o7ai.07i ? ; Muy. S1.07il.07i ? ;
Corn Steady ; Vasli , 73Ho ; Sluy , TSUuj July ,
'uuts-rirm ; cash , 6Co ; May , 60 ? c ; July ,
Wji' .
1'ork Strong ; cash , $ I2.BO } 18.8. " ! May , tl3.1C ) .
Lurd Httongt cash , $0.87' { ; Muy. ifiJ.97U ®
7.00.Short llibs-StioiiK ; cash , Jj-WiittO-lOi Siay.
Jfl.40.Kyorirm at 80BWC.
llatley.-KIrm at SOc.
riniothy-Klrin at * t. : xai.31.
I'lour I'lriu and unchanged.
Hulk Munti-ShotililiTs , . isavasts : short
clour. $0. iKlO.i ( : > i short rlhs $'i(3li.40. : (
lliittof I'lrtn ; creamery , SOSUJi. ' ! dairy , 18
Uhecso Steady ; full cream Cheddars , ll'i ©
H3oj ( Voting Americas , l'l'Jici ! Hats , ll'/i
© ll'c.
rX'irs-'Stoady : fresh. 13I2'C.
Hides UnL'hanMli ) heavy und light green
salted. rVjCf6.)3i : treen salti-d , 4'icl'a ! salted
bulk , lj'u : k'n'L'ii waited calf , Sc ; dry Hint , to ;
dry wulted. 'iu ' ; tlry culf. b5lOc.
Tallon UnehaiiKcd ; 1. solid packed , 4'.i < - ' ! .
3jo ! ; eake , 4J4u.
Receipts. Shipments.
I'lour . V.I.VOO 8.000
Wheat , hit . 21,000 7 : > .OJO
Coin , hu . 111,000 112,000
Oatshu . 111.000 124.000
NKW YoitK. April 1C. Wheat liccclpts , 49,800
hushels ; nxporta , 170.0UO : pothlsher : No. 2red ,
l.l01i1.20lnelovatortl.2ialloat1.224@I.2i ; : : ! ;
f. o. h. Options steadllv advanced from open
ing , closlnir strong anil l'i'J1-io hluhor on KCH-
erallv linn calilcs and rush of oontlnent huy-
ors ; No. 2 red. Mav , closed atjl.t73 .
Corn Kccolpls,27yoO hushelsexports ; , 24.POO ;
spot I/ ! ' , hlutier and Htroni ; ; No. 2 , 8-Kic
In elevator : KlltSIc alloat ; utiKradod mixed.
SOSSli-ic. Options ran rapidly upward 2'i ®
IPSo and closed Mront ; at hest price * throiiKh
Improved cabli-s nnd full buyltii ! Interests ;
May closed ntTll'io. '
Oats Ueeolpts , W.OOO hushels ; exports , 150 ;
spot l2o hlu'lier and strong ; No. 2 white , C3'i '
® ( i. " > e ; mixed western. fiUaiHe ; wlilto west
ern , ( kiUCt ; ? . Options stionger ; May closed at
Sugar Raw.steady ; rellncu , firmer.
Petroleum iTnlted closed for Muy at7Io.
Kirgs-Klrmer ; western , 14o.
Pork firm.
Lard Higher and strong ; western steam ,
Iluttor Steady ; western dairy. 13S28c ;
western creamery , 18'J7c ; Klgln. 87(33i1/jC. (
Cheese I'Irin ; skims , tii10c. !
ST. Louts , April 10. Wheat Strong ; cash ,
81.07 ; May , $ l.07\I.OSi.
Whisky-Steady nt (1.10.
llutter-Steady and unchanged.
MINNEAPOLIS. April 10. Wheat Cash
wheat In peed demand * market stronger ; bulk
of i sales iTOlii'o ever yesterday. Kocolpts , 10J
cars ; shipments , IM cars. Olosu : No. 1 hard ,
April. fl.tWj on track , * 1.091.0 J ! { ; No. 1 north
ern. April and May , (1.03 ; on track , tl.OUU ®
l.lH'j'4 ; No. i ! northern , April , tl.OI : oil track ,
Jl 04ffll.OJ.
KANSAS CITV. April 10. Wheat Marked ,
strongur ; No. 2 hard , cash , 03o ; April , OGchlu ;
No. 2 red. cash , (1.01O1.07.
Corn Higher ; No. 2 , cash and April , 07i ? ®
Outs-Steady ; No. 3 cash. 52 ! ' c bid.
MIMVAUKKK , April 10. Wheat Excited ; No.
2 spring , eash , J1.071.08 ; May. J1.07.
Corn Higher ; No. 3 , 727Sc.
Oats Higher No. 2. white , 89 Kc.
Provisions Higher ; pork , May , $12.87J. !
CINCINNATI , April 10. Wheat Strong ; No.
2 red. (1.11X31.11.
Corn Higher ; No. 2 mixed , 700.
Of.ts Klrm ; No. 2 mixed. Me.
April 10. Wheat Finn ; do
mand Improving.
Corn StrongdCmand ; good ; mixed Western ,
Cs ltd ? pur cental ,
CtiiCAOn , Aorll 110 Cattle Receipts , 10.000 ;
market steady to strong and higher ; steers ,
top , (9.S3j others. SI.U" > ® . " > 0. ) ; stockcrs and
yearlings , $ .1.0U3.8o ; cows und heifers , J3.0U ®
Hogs-Receipts. 20,000 ; market steady to u
shade lower ; puckers , il.OJ ® . ' ) 15 ; prime heavy
and butcher weights , * 3.20o.40 ; light , J4.UO ®
u. 15.
SIIKEP Receipts , 10,000 ; market active.
steady to strong ; nutlves.itj.50jlu.00 ; westerns ,
J5.IUffi5.'J5 ' ; liimbs. (3.UUIiiU.bO.
ST. Louis , April in. Cuttle Receipts , 1..TOO ;
shipments , COO ; market higher ; fair to fancy
native steers , M.20&0.10 ; stackers und feeders ,
. .
Hogs , Receipts , 5,400 ; shipments , 4,400 ; mar
ket lower ; heavy , * 5.00ia5.23j mixed , S4.70 ®
5.10 ; Hght , $4.bO4. 5.
KANSAS CITV , April -Cattle Receipts
1,003 ; shipments , 1.BOO ; steady to strong ; steers ,
M.7.Viia.l3 ; cows , $1.751.33 ; stockers and feed
ers , (2.aY.64.aO. .
Hogs Receipts , 8,000 ; shipments , l.UOOj nil
grades , $3.Mil5. :
OMAHA , April 10.
OATTLK Odlolal rocolots of cattle 853. as
compared with 1,078 yesterday und 1.047
Thursday of lust week. The murkct wus
active and higher. Good shipping hooves were
10 to 15u higher , other grades of beeves and all
grades of butcher stock were uneven , actlvo
und lOc to 15o higher. All sold early. A bunch
of 1,13'-lb beeves sold at S..80. 1'ecdors were
actlvo and In demand at strong prices.
lloos Olllciul receipts of IIOSTB 3.C1 ! > , as
compared with 2.241 yesterday and 3,013
Thursday of last week. The market
was D to lOo lower. All sold early.
The range of thu prices paid was
( l.7.vafl.uo , the bulk selllnir attl.IWO4.tfl. Light ,
tl.7S.VOO ; heavy. H.005.10 ; mixed , W.KVfU.UT ) .
The avcrugo of the prices paid was M.tW'/t as
compared with ( l.iw'i yesterday and J4.UJ
Thursday of lust wi-ok ,
SiiKBi' Oillclal receipts of sheep 1:0 : , as
compared with 178 yesterday and IhO Thurs
day of lust week. The murket was actlvo
and llrin. Nutlves , I2.75tt5.53 ; westerns , J2.0J ®
PlHposttloii of Stock.
Showing the niimtior ot oattlo , ho i nnd
shco | > bought hy the packers anil other hu vers
on the market as shown hy the boo'cs ' of the
Union block yards comp my ;
lluyors. No.
Swift & Co 319
ThtiO , H , Hammond company 159
The Cndahy packing eomp'iny 81
The Omaha packing company 12
Shippers , feeders ani other buyers 521
Total . 1,004
ThoOudahy packing company 1.20S
The Omaha p icklnx company H59
Swift & Co 623
ThoU II , Hammond company 317
bhlppois , feeders and other buvcrs 1KI
Total . 3 810
Kojircmintatlve Sales ,
No , Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
I. . MO { 4 00 10. . W | 1 00 88. . 1815 } 5 50
1. . MO 4 OJ 1) ) . . 117(1 ( 585 80. ,1881) ) 500
IS. . IISS 440 8. . 1085 585 8. ) . . 1854 50)
S..HM 4 ro 10. 1110 sm : 73..i sn 570
S. . KM 4 CiO 0..1075 540 10..11118 580
Si ) . . b75 410 33..1005 545 30..14'JO ' 5fcO
10. . 007 5 OJ
1 , . 730 1 CO I . IKU 8 75 1..1030 375
8. . DM 880 80. . KC1 8 US 88 ' (71 ( 3 HO
4. . MJO 885 II. . W7 300 88..101HI 400
8mi } 885 7. . KB 335 6..1110 405
U. . H13 8 30
1..1810 IPO 2..1M ) 300 1..15CO 350
1..1WO 885 1..1800 385 a..HJO 4 CO
Cofl'EK Green Rio , SXiStet Java , 27c ;
Jloohu. 2c. . Ro.istod Arlosa , 2.V22CP ! Mc-
Lutighlln , XXX X , .TiOSUc ; llunola. 2.Vl'Jic ! ; :
( k'rinun ' , 2. > He ; Dllworth's,2.i'/ic ' ; Lion , 2.Yi&2Hc ;
Ciiiilnvlu. S.V22IIO ; Mocha. 30t' ! O. u. .luvu , 2Xc.
ColTeo c scncoJi gro. bo\es , $1.3.vai,50 ; chlc-
orv. 7HOM1.
NUTH I'er pound Almonds , 18o ; Hra/.lls ,
lOo ; Illhcrts , ; pecans , il4c : ! ; walnuts , 15e ;
licanuts. fancy white , Co ; toasted , 8c.
SALT Dairy , IN ) Ibs In ubls , built. $2.10 ; host
grades , ( X)5s. ) # . ' .4'J ' ; hest grade. 100 Us , $2.50 ;
best grude. 23 10s , { 2.40 ; lock salt , crushed ,
"llAKlNO I'owncit Royul. dlmo cans , per do ? ,
flSo ; 'i-lb euns , tl.41 ; 4-lh cans , f..ta ; 1-11) cans ,
j.OO ; 1'rlce's H-lb cans. $1,3.'Jlb ; ' eans. $2.50 ;
l-lli cans , $4.75 ; other kinds , 1-lb cans , per do/ : ,
WiiAi'i'lNO I'Al'Blt I'er Ib , best straw , 118 !
to32\4) ) , I'.i'i dry goods , 4'iCi e\tra ( | iialily
manllla , U'.ic ; mantlla tea , 12x18 , Ucdark ; rag ,
hardware , 2' < e.
OILS IM prime vhltc. t > c ; 150 water white ,
IHie ; headlight. 12e : 74 gasoline. ll'Je. ' Oil
cans 1 gal , $ J.OOj.2o ; ; 2 gal. * 3.75a3.bO ; gal , '
SOIIA I'uckages , 50 His to liov. Ti'ie ; kess , 'Jc.
TI.-AS Japan , basket llred,20iaMesiin ; dried ,
3.VJ14JC ! green , 20t6. > 0o ; gunpowiler. 2050c' ; Kn-
gllsh breakfast , l.V(473c ) ; young llyson. SOO33c ;
Oolong , 2 ; > ® l5c ; S-lb package dust , 15c.
A.M.I : ( JllKASE Per gross l''ralcr's largo
tins , WO.CO ; medium tins J T.OO ; small , 115.00 ;
other makes , wood , W,50J.50.
HI.ACKINO ildoz In box , 3C73e ; ladles'shoo
dressing. 45cil.UO ( stove polish , jiur gross ,
82.003.r > 0.
Hi.uiNd-Lliiiild , 4 07. 3 doIn box , 90cfll.75 ( ;
8 or , 3 doz In box , $1.502.73 ; dry , small , 8.r > c ;
large , 45c. .
Hi'tcKs Pepper aingaporp , nltted , l.VJtlGc ;
shot , 22u ; allspice , lOc ; cloves , Tenang , ko-
lectod , 17lJo ! : cassia. China , 4- 'Ib ' mats , Do ;
nutmegs , rso. 1 , 7. > c : macussor , CJu ; pickling
bplces , 10-lb boxes , 85c.
CIIOCOLVTK , IVTO. 12-lb bo\es , 34 > tjt5c : ; Ocr-
man sweet , 88381 o ; cocoa. : i7(340c ( ; Itiomo. 'EJc.
CocoANtfT 15-11)cases , K and 'i-lb packages ,
per Ib , KXQ.87C ; bulk , 15-lb palls , 85 ( ? .
OMVIIS Quurts. per doi , Jl.'io ' ; pints , per doz ,
13.50 ; bulk , per gul. $1.23. Olive oil , ! 4 pints , 8
dopereace , tl.6tK > ? > 1.20.
MAPI.E HlKlAit I'eiIb 5e cakes , 3D-lb boxes ,
13e : lOo cukes , 30-lb boxes , I3jc ( ; 1-lb brleks , 3.1.
His In bopure. . lie.
Hiioo.MS-5-tlo parlor , $1.00 : 4-tlo , 18.7.1 ; 3-tle ,
$2.25 ; 3-tie , plain , JI.8U ; warehouse , $ J.OO ; toy ,
$1.2whisk ; , l.OJl.a.v ,
riOAt' Castile , mottled , pcrXb , lOc ; do white ,
per Ib , 14e ; laundry soap , per 100 bais , $ J.15Q
6.03 ; shaving soap. 5T37io pur doz ; toilet soap ,
3 cukes per box , fidcQT2.25.
KAIUNACKOUS ( ! oops Harley. 4c ; farina ,
kegs , J3.00 ; split p < Mis,2e ; green peas , 'le ; oat
meal , Dills , IV.Ka.V50 ; half bbls , W.2Vi4.40 ( ;
macaroni , 12e : vermicelli. 12c ; sago und tupt-
oca. 0R'Jo ' ; Lima beans , 5'ic ; ecrenllne. $1.24 ;
( hiked hominy , 3c ; pearl hominy , $ .1.75 per
bbl. r
LYE Lewis' pri'fimicd , J4.50 : Red Cross. $4.25 ;
AmorU'un. JJ.2,1 ; Saponlller. W.-i ; Merry War ,
(12'JO ; Star , scrubbing , $1.73 ; Olllett's pow-
Oered , $4.25.
MnK--CondonRcd--Kaglc , $7.40 ; Crown. $0.25 ;
Anglo Swiss , $7.0Q ; HIgJilaud , $0.15 ; "Rlgl , "
K\THACTS"Lemon,2o7,5Jcl.8J ; 4 07 , $1.00
S3.50 ; vanilla , 2 o * . IBctaW.W ) ; 4 Ol , $ l.25a5.30 ;
Jamaica glnxcr , 4 of. $1.83.
MATCHES I'urlor , 2vW and 303 per box , (1.05 ®
1.7.1 ; sulphur , tl.15ftl.30.
OANHV Mixed. 30-lb palls , OH7o ; stick , 7c :
twlststlck , 8c ; French mixed , 12o ; hoarhound
stick , 80 ; Jar and ease candles , 5-lb boxes , 15 ®
2lu ; extra line goods , .WiJfVii' .
Hittisiiils bhou. per doz , tl.SS1tl.30 ; daubers ,
73f$1.00 ; scrub brushes , ( ! 5cffit2.00.
Hutu BKKII Mixed bird. 1-lb packages , 5c ;
canary , 4'So ; hemp , 44c ! ; anise , 15a
CAMi.r.s 40 Ibs to box , O o ; mining , 10 ®
1014c ; wax lie.
TOIIACCO Kino cut , per Ib , 2527o ; plug , 22
2.'i'tOc : blaekstrap , 182Jo ; syrup , 80 grade ,
bills , 20 ; M bbl , 2se4-galkegs$1.242-sal ; ; kits ,
' '
'b'lwai-I'er bbl , rofluod , $0.50 ; half bbl , $3.30.
TWINES. COIUIACE. I TG Cotton twine ,
"lllbb , " very line , ' 4-lb bales , 22o ; cotton
twine , XX brand , U-lbbales , 18c ; hemp twine ,
h-lb bales , ISc ; sutl twine , 20c ; candle wick ,
' . " 'c ; 40-foot cotton clothes line , (1,40 ; 00-foot
cotton ulothes line. $ l.i3 ( ; fid-foot sisal lines ,
$1.75 ; CO-foot Jute. $ i.K'i ; wool twineshiic ; man-
lllu rope , till sizes , from 7-10 to 1 in , lie ; sisal
lope , all sizes from 7G to 1 In. Sc ; "new pio-
cess , " all slcs from 7-10 to 1 In , 7'4c ; cotton
rope , 'i-ln , 15c ,
Vi.vEdAit App'o cider , lOo ; double cider ,
12e ; white wine , 12c ; trlplo strength , lUc.
STAII > It I'er Ih , ( XiJsc.
PICKLES Medium , bbls , JS.OO : small $10.00 ;
gherkins , $11.00 : Itoston mixed $12.00.
WOODEN WAHI : Per dozen Tubs , No. 1 $7.50 ;
No. 2 , $ (1.50 ( ; No. 3 , $3.5u ; keeler , ouk grain , 5-ln.
best , $1.50 ; whlto cedar. 4-In. best. $1.23 ; palls
3-hoop , oak grained , $ t.75 : 2-hoop , $ I.f > 0 ; syrup ,
$1.7ri ; dowoll , $1.83 ; paper , metal hoop , { 2.50 ;
cedar 3 brass hoops. No. 1. all red , $5.50 ; cedar ,
3 brass hoops , No , 2 , red , $5.00 ; cedar 3 brass
hoops , No. I , striped , $3.00 ; cedar , 3 brass hoops
No. 2 , striped , 14.50 ; horse extra heavy , No. 1 ,
$2.73 ; well buckets , tl. > . lluttcrw are Tubs ,
ash. 3-Inch , per nest. 73c ; ash , 2-Inch , 2 largo
size , per nest , 4'ic ; butter ladles , hard wood ,
70o ; butter paddles or spades , 70c. Wash-
bo-irds-Slnglc , $ l.4ll.00 ; double , * . ' .5.i.23. ;
Clothesiilns 3 gross boxes , COe.
CANNED 1'ittiiT California Apricots , $2.55 ©
2.0) ; poaches. $ i732.00 ; pours , $ . ' .502.70 ;
grades $ l.b5I.OO ; cherries , whlto. ti.MHtS.n-
cherries , hlackJ.2-i2.fiOiiulnce.s.42.00 ; : black
berries , $2.25 ; raspberries. J5.00 ; str.iw berries ,
i'.lK ) ! oiirrants. * > > irni > .nlii'rrle.s.f2.25 : nlums.
eggs , $ I.W1,03 ; plums , gtcon gages. JI.Kiift
1.03. Eastern eiinned fruit Peaches , seconds ,
$ ' . ' .202.30 ; apples , 3 Ib , f 1.15 ; gal. ! J doIn faso.
$1.75 ; gooseberries , llaltlmoru standard , 2 Ib.
$1.10 ; strawberries , $1.35 ; raspberries , $1,50 ;
blueberries , $ l.30j rod raspberries. $1.50 ; black-
ben les. ( t.oo : cheriles. $ l.251.05 ; pinoupplcs
sliced , $1.232.40.
DIIIEU I'ltuiTS Tutklsh prunes , less than
lihds 1M10. Ou ; apples , evaporated , now ring
choice. 15e ; upprk'ots , fanny , In sucks , 20o
hluckhorrlcs , now , 80 ; raspberries , 23 Ibs to
box , 30c ; currants , now. fiiio ; Votl7zl entrants
ivxtra , In boxes , ( HJe ; peaches , Cal. , choice
171o ; California dried grapes. In bags , Co
seedless Sultanas , sacks , Oc ; miii-catels Co
now Valencia , 7'ic ; Ondura , layer , 8Jc ! ; llgs ,
layers. 14@20o ; citron , Leghorn , 2lo ) ; lemon
peel , 13c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SMOKED MEATS Hams , sugar cured 12 to
II Ib average , ll'iu ; ihrcaKfaut bacon , sugu
cured , boneless , llo | No , 1 hums , surgar cured
15 to 1 Ih average , USic : No. 1 hams , sugar
cuied. 12 Ib iivuruKtVOSio ; N ° - l hams , suga
cured , 20 Ib a\oruvq ] tic : skinned hams , lot-
No. 2 hams , sugar cured 7c : boneless ham
canvassed or pluln , . bH'i ! Rhouldeis , sngu
cured , CS.c ; breakfast bacon , funey boneless
b'/ie ' ; California or picnic hams , sugar euied
Cs4c ; dried beef hams , sugar cured , lOc ; baroi
short cleat H , 7f o ; bacon clear backs , 7"ie
bacon clear bellies' , fancy light , bo ; bacoi
short ribs , 7ijo ; bt'cf tongues , smoked , lOc.
Ditv HALT Mivm : Short cleats. 7c ; lout ,
cloais. O' c ; short ribs , ( ! ? c ! bellies , 78c !
clear hackB , 7c , , ,
I'onic AND IlKEF less pork ( now ) per bbl
$13.00 ; mess pork , per- half nbl , $ .75 ; family
or back pork , pur hhl. $11.00 ; family or back
pork , per half bbl , > t i.7.1 ; extra mess beef , po
bbl. tu.dfl ; u.xtra mess beef , lior hall bbl , * l.50
boneless pig pork , pur bbl , J14.UO ; bono.ess . pli ,
pork , per liulf bbl , 12,23.
HAiTSAiKS-Ilologna,4io ! ; pork sausage , It
link. 7c ; potT < suiisage. In bulk. 7c ; blooi
suflsage. So ; liver sausage , 5o ; headcheese
5o ; smoked head pieo | e , tl'io ' ; \\nlnnr o
rrankfiirt. 7' e ; Knobluneh sausage , 7'ie
I'olUh suusiigo , 7Sie ; tongue buttsago , 8J" !
summer sausage , 14c. , . _ ,
Thoiiuovu prices uro for lots of SO pound
nnd upwards ; a less quantity 'io more.
I'lCKi.KD UEKF ToNdUKS-llarrels , 800 Ib
each. $1S.OO ; half barrels. 100 Ibs eiicli. * ! > .
quarter lurrels , ftu Ibs uncli , W.8i ; eighth bar
n-ls , 23 Ibs each , M.75.
LAUD Tliin-us. strictly pure , 7ije ; pure and
kettle londored , tierces , c.
Cdiintry rrciUi c.
Thcro was very little now to bo said abou
the market yebti-rdiiy , and aside fiom egg
prices wereiirautlcally unchanged.
IOIH : ( Thu inurl.ut was not strong , and
good ninnv suh-H were renortt'd at 12c , tliougl
a few small lots went us high as 12io. ! fcom
round lots wore sold as low as ll'ic. '
lluiTEit The supply was light and the mar
ket was fully steady. A good nonl of pee
butter Is arriving , hut mill It Is possible to ge
20c and occasionally moro for some of th
choicest of the country rolls.
rouLTitv-Utcsicd chickens were not ver
trona nt CKJIOc. Uood live fowls sell
t t3.75Cill.00 per do7cn. Very few
oeso nnd ilueks nro arriving but
re quotable nt 1012i' . Tttrkpy R arc also about
iluycd out although dressed they sell at llWl'm
hiineDpinand for tlucUs light lit $1.0CI,5)
or mixed , and I2.002.50 for mallnrds , Uccse
old as high as ( .1.00.
HAV Tlio nmrKet was strong , the bcU up-
aud bcltiK quoted at 85.UO ! per tun.
It. T , Davis Mill Co. . hlRh iintrnt. No. 1 nnd
Cream , $2.60 : lllue D , full patent , $ . ' .55 ; llnwk-
yc. half patent , $ . ' .40 ; special royal , imtent ,
> o. 10 , J.I.W ; Minnesota putont. ; Kansas
inrd wheat patent , $2.G5 ; Nebraska spring
when ) patent , $ , ' .na
Oskamp's rendv to rlso buckwhcnt Hour ,
1.25 per case ot M2-1I ) Packages ; buckwheat.
n bbls. N. V. , $ ( U'0 ' ; i\cel3lorbrand : , $5.30 ;
lap-Jack meal , $3.73 per case of 30 2-lb pack-
Omahn Milling Co. , reliance patent. $2.00 ;
nvlndblo patent. (2.75 ; LoneStarHupcrlatlvo ,
2.40 : Hnowllako , $2.03 ; I'aney Kiimlly. tl.M.
H. 1' ' . Oilman's ( lold ) | While.
2.50 : Snowilake , $2 10 ; low grade , tl.GO ; bran ,
POTATOES Homo grown stock , $1.83 ; Colo-
ndo , per hu ,
1'IK I'UNT 1'erdo007.'c. .
CAt' Kit I'er doz. } 2.M.
Hi'lNACIl-l'or bbl. $ i(0. (
LiTTtCK"Cholco : ! stock , 404."c.
RltTAiiAdAS Michigan stock , per bu , COc.
llHKiS'-rer bbl. t..Tfii.WiL :
UNio.,8 Spanish , largo crates , $0.50. .
L'AititoT.s I'er bbl , $ . ' .25.
CKLEitv Mlchlgan stock , 40l.c ; California ,
) irxloSUM. .
SWEET POTATOES fholco slock Is held nt
4.50 per bbl ; seeil potatnep , MlK ) per bbl.
HAI > IRMIS : 1'er doz bunches , 45c ,
I'AHSNII ? 1'ur bbl. $ .1.00.
CAIIIIAOI : I'erlb,2'ia2ic. ' ?
CtJCi'Miii'.its I'cr doz. } l..vxTl,2.00.
CEI.EHV ROOTS I'er do ? . 73o.
llEANS-Cholce stock , $2.00.
' ! ! ! ' .
Raccoon , No. 1 , largo. 75c ; No. 1 medium , fiOc ;
\'o. 1 , small. 40c : No. 2. 40c. Mink. No. 1 , large.
1.00 ; No. 1. medium. ? .1o ; No. I , small , 5dc ; No.
' , 50c. Skunk , black , cased , No. 1 , large. $1.00 ;
No. I , medium. 75c ; No. 1 , small. ( We. Skunk.
short sttlpe. cased , No. 1 , huge , 7.V ; No. I. me-
Iluin , 50ei No I. Hiimll , 2' > e. Skunk , nariow
strlpo. cased. No. 1 , largi1 , 4Dc ; No. I , medium ,
23c. Skunk , broad strljn > , e ispd , No 1 , largo ,
JOc. I'ox , cross , dark , No. 1 , large , tJ.50 : No. I ,
nedliim , $ . ' .00 ; No. 1 , small. $1.50 ; No. 2 , $1.N ) .
'ox , red , No , I , large. ; No. I. medium. $1.00 ;
S'o. 1 , small. 75c ; No. 2 , tUc. I'ox , gray , No 1 ,
urge , Me ; No. 1 , medium , i.Ou ; No. I. small , 20c.
Wolf , mountnln , No. 1 , large.X ( ) ; No. I , nu-
llum. $1 r. ; No. 1. small. 75o ; No. 2 , $1 00. Wolf ,
iratrlo. No. I. largo. $1.00 ; No. 1. medium , 7f't % ;
S'o. 1. small , Me : No. 2 , 4c. ( ) lleavcr , prime , per
skin , No I , inrgc. $7.00 : No. 1. medium , M.UOt No.
[ .small. $ .I.5H. Heaver , No. 2. per skin , No. 1 ,
arge. Jtl.OO ; No. 1 modlum , M.'ii ; No. 1 small , .
! I.W. ( Otter , No 1 large. $ r.OO ; No. 1 modlum ,
r.OO ; No. 1 small , * ; No. 2. Ji.V ) . Lynx. No
I large. $2.0fl ; No. 1 modlum. 1I.21 : No , 1 small
7.V ; No. 2. Wlldc it. No. I large , 50c ; No.
I medium , : ne ; No Ismail. lOc. Opossum , No.
1 large , 12u : No , 1 small , 5c. lladccr , No. 1
large , GOc ; No. 1 medium. 4"c ; No. 1 small. ! Uc.
Wolverine. No. 1 large. Jt.Oi ; No. 1 medium ,
KLUO ; No. 1 sniull , $ . ' .00. Hoar , black ! No. 1
large , ' 20.00 ; No. 1 medium. $10.00 ; No. 1 .small.
$3.00. Hoar. grl7zly. No. I largo. $10.00 ; No. 1
medium , $ < ) .on : No. 1 small , M.OO. Hear , blown ,
No. 1 largo , $4.00 ; No. 1 medium , $2.50 ; No. 1
small , f I.UO. Hear , cubs , No. 1 largo. $1.00 ; No
1 medium. $2.50 ; No. 1 small , JI.IH ) . Marlon , No
1 largo , $2.00 ; No. I medium. $1.00 ; No. 1 small ,
We. I-'Isher , No. 1 larze. $ 'i.OO ; No. I medium ,
$4.00 : No. 1 small , $2.50. Huckskln. Indian
Ircssed , per Ib. , No. 1 large , 50o to 75c. Deer.
summer , per Ib. . No. 1 largo. 20c to 23e. Deer ,
fall , per Ib. . No. 1 largo , He to 20c. Deer , winter -
tor , per Ih. , No. 1 large , I2c to ISc. Doer , green
( Hum , 14c ; fall. No. 1 lame , 14c : fall , No. 1 mo
dlum , llc'.dumagedspeared orshot.Qu. Muskrat -
rat Southwestern and toriltory Winter , No.
I largo , 14c ; winter. No. 1 medium , lie ; full ,
No. 1 huge. He ; fall , No. 1 medium , Sc ; dam
aged , speared 01 shot 7c.
Quotations are for car lots on board cnrs at
Omaliii :
12. 14 &
llift. 18ft 20ft. 22ft , 24ft.
2x4. . . $15 50 $ I0'J ( ! ' $1050 $1700 $1800
JxO. . . . 1500 15 M 1000 1700 1800
Jx8. . . . 15 CO 15 50 1003 1750 1803
'A 10. . . 1500 1550 1C 00 1753 18 < 03
2x12. . . 1000 1GOO 1700 1850 1000
4x4 to
8x8. . 10 00 17 00 18 00 18 GO 10 00
HATTiiNS. WEM , TIMIINO. HTC. O.O. 2W-lnch ,
G5c : H\'l , sis , 3fiu ; 2-Inch well tubing , 1) . & M.
and bov. , $23.00 ; pickets , 1) . & H , Hut. $22.30 ; D.
& . H. square , $22.50.
FJNCING-NO. : 1,0 In. 12 und 14 ft , rf , $10.00 ;
No. ' , ( i In. Hi ft , $10,00 ; 4ln.IU.UOj No. 2 , 0 In ,
12 and 14 ft , rf , $14.10 ; 4 In , $14.00 ; No. 2 , (1 ( In , 1(1 (
ft. $10.00 ; 4 In , $10.00 ; No. 3 , C In. 12 and 14 ft.
$13.00 ; 4 In , $1.1.00 ; No. 3 , 0 In , 1 ft , $13.00 ; 4 In ,
SiniNn-A. 12.14 nnd 10 ft$22.00 ; C. $17.50 ; R ,
12 , 14 und 1C ft , $20.50 ; D , $11.50.
HOARDS No. 1 com , $18.50 ; No. 2 , com , 815.00 ;
No. 3 , com , $13.50 ; No. 4. com. 111.50.
STOCK lloAitDti A. 12 In , sis , $18.00 ; B. IS In ,
sis. $45.00 : C , $40.0 ; I ) . $ r > .UO ; No. 1 common , 12
lu , sis , 10 , 12. und 18 ft , $21.0(1 ( : No. 2. $ lh.50 ; No. 1
common , 12 In , sis , 14 ft. $20.00 : No. 8 , $17.50 :
No. 1 common. 12 In. sis. 10 ft , tIP.BO ; No. 2 ,
$17.00 ; No. 1 common , 12 in , sis , 2J ft , J21.00 ; No.
2 , $18.50.
Sliit'LAl' No. 1 plain , 8 and 10 In. $10.00 ; Noi
2. $10.00 ; No. 1O. tJ. , 8 In-$111.00 ; No. 2. $10.50 ;
10 In , grooved roofing , 12 , 14 and in ft , $ l.30. ! )
FINISHING 1st and 2d , el. , 1 In , s2s , $ I'I.OO ' ; I1. , ,
lii and 2 In , $40.00 ; 3d clear. 1 In , s2s , 145.00 : Hi ,
li ! and 2 In , J47.00 ; A , select , 1 In , s2s , $41.00 : ! . , ,
Hi und 2 In , $15.00 ; It , select. 1 In , s2s , (3I.UO ; 1'4 ,
Ui and 2 In , $10.00 ; 0 , select , 1 In. s2s , $27.00 ; Ih ,
li ! and 8 In. $ .15.00.
A. H or C select , all IC-foot , $1.00 extra.
SOUTHERN Yut.r.ow PINK 1st anil 2d conn
flooring , 13-10 star , $21.00 ; 13-ItIll.OJ ) ; common
lloorlng , 1II-10 , $15.00 ; rift clear. 13-10 , * 2. o :
1st und 2d clear , Jj celling , $14.53 : 1st and 2d
clear. H colling. $1.50 ! ) ; Kt and 2 < l clear , cell
ing. $23.00 ; Island 2d clear , finish. s2s , from 1
Inch , $27.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , finish , s2s. ftomlU
Inch , $ .U.00 ) ; 1st and 2d clear , finish , s2s. fiom 1'i
nnd 2 Inch , $30.00 , 1st and2d clear , y. p * . casings ,
$ .K.UO ) ; base , $ .10.00.
Poi'LAii LuMiinu H-lnch and up , 1st and 2d
clear , 1-Inch s2s , J3MX ) ; h-lneh and up , 1st and
2d clear , ' , , ' Inch panel. JL'H.Wi.
SASH , Dooiis , IT& * Tur boar.l. $1.51 ; sash , rr >
per cU ; doors , f > j per ot. ; blinds , 50 jier ct. ;
moulding , 5'J per ct. : tuned felt , per cwt. .
$ . ' .10 ; straw board , $1.15.
I'l.ooniNd A.lnch ( ! , white pine. J.tR.OO ; O
$20.51) ) ; 11 , C-lnch , white plno , $ MUO ; D , * i0.50 ; 1) )
0-Inch , whlto plno ( self-fencing ) , $17.00 ; diop
siding , 50c per M extra.
SiitNni.r.s. LATH Kxtra "A , " plno , t..Rd ;
standard "A"tt.4-i ; oxttu "A , " cedar , t..Ki ;
C-lnch clear pine , $1.00 ; elear redwood , $1.83 ;
POSTS Whlto cedar , o-lncli , i5s , lie ; 0-Inch
qrs , lie ; whlto cedar , MiInchis ' , Ikj ; F-lnch
qrs , ! tc ; white cedar , 4-Inch round , 15c ; split
oak , 8c : Tcnnchsco red cedar , split , 14c.
As A Rule
Your own feelings will tell
you , when you are in need
of a tonic or Blood purifier ,
A lack of energy , a tired
feeling , depressed spirits are
good indications that the
blood is sluggish and your
system is out of order.
Hooka on Illooil ami Hklu UUeafes free ,
Tiir.swiiT < si'r.riKir cr > . . ATI ANTA. HA.
United States
Kent * ( in Halo nt
t Total Uiuui of CITIES ,
Corr3pondnco rollritrd ,
IPl.iOS Dearborn Street , CHICAGO ,
IS Well Street , NEW YOKK-
70 Ktote S'BOSTON. .
" "
A. D. Boyer & Co
KichnnifO Hulldlnx ,
South Omaha.
8 , J , Gofiman , Bmiloy Hunter & Qraen ,
& 0o , ,
SO Krchango llulUlog
Jd UicUaniia llulldlng
boulli Omih * . Boutb Otuau ,
Hugh 0. Olnrk.
nonl Wotorn Aufnt
Dupont'i Bporllnp U > n
ponder , Atlni hlgli
1218 llsrucy it.'oet.
Bcotor & Wilholtny Oo Loo-Olnrk-Androosoa
IlardwAro Oo. ,
Cor. 10th kn.1 . JacUon ill
11CO-1I10 Harny ilroot ,
Cniaht. Umahk NoU.
Qco. Oborno & Oo. , J. 8. Smith & Co. ,
113S. ISthntroot
, 1I3MH3 r.eavenwotth it
Omnhx Omaha.
Boos Printing Oo.
Llthncrnphlnir , Printing
nnd Illnnk Hooks.
Her & Co. , William Dirst ,
Liquor Mcrolmnti. Wines , Liquors and Ct *
1112 llnnicy street. Kars.
Manufnrtur'ra Kunnujr
Kuitlntlallltturi. 1313 Knrnim St. , Oraah *
R. R. Grotto , Prank Dollono & Co. ,
Imimrtcr nmt Johbir of Liquors and ( Jcnulno.Na"
\Mnos nml U'liiori. '
1020 unit 1022 Fnrnnai Ht. vada ClKnr .
I'rlooMs \ on tii | | > llc.itloa. 1MJ Douiilas Htroct ,
L. Kirsoht & Co. , A. Friok & Oo , ,
Whnlconlo ti IquorDenlci' ' Wliolosnlo MquorDcalCrl
lint PTrinm 'ftrn't. 60 - W3 3 10th St.
G. W. Douglass & Oo. John A. Wnkofiold ,
Imported. American , Port.
It.inlwooil Lumber , ) andCuinpntMllnnuke <
Hdraullc Cement ni\4
1310 North ICth Strait. ( julncy Whlto l.lme.
Oharles R. Lee , WyattBullard Luin
Hardwood lumber ,
carpetn anil pnrquol bor Oo.
lloortn .
6th and Duuglas. Mtti andltardStrcoU ,
Oady & Gray , Louis Bradford ,
Mnio , Coiienc , Ktn. , K' Lumbar , Itmo , cemontet4
Cor. Oth ant Diuttai S3 Houghs atreot.
0. A. Stonobill , I. Oborfelder & Oo , ,
Millinery , Nollonn Importcm and Jobbori In
Cloaki , ito Millinery.
209,510 and SI2
' South lltb
IIG-'HBS. liJthSU , Omilia street.
- X '
J. J. Johnson & Co. ,
2188. 13th Jtrdit ,
Onmlm , Neb.
Oonsolidatod Tank A. Booth Packing Oo. ,
Line Oo. Orators , ash and canno4
Hcnncil and lubricating
oil * , ailc ( .TC.TC , eta 1803 Lcavonworth. J
A. 11. lllshop , Maaagor.
Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
Manufacturing nnl Job-
bersull kinds rubber
1003 Fnrnam stroot.
Emarean Saod Oo. ,
Bcoil growon , ( tailors In
gnrdun. grass , uralnaud
tree tco li ,
MnMonth \ 15th.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Sah & Door Oo ,
Manufacturer ! of ash , Mnnufacturori of mould
doori" . blinds and ing , , blln.lj , doorj ,
Mouldings llranoliof- OU ] .
Ucv , Ktli nnd Inir.l HU. llHh nnd CHrlt itrooti.
Parroll & Oompiny , DafTyTrowbridgo
Whole ilo minfacfirors Stova Minufao'g Oo. ,
> yrup , molasioi und
vlne .irt , Manufa tur'g storoiaat
stnrn plpj.
217-219 South 8th utreot 121:1 : 1215 lonvonworthst.
Consolidated Ooffae
Company ,
llUnn.llllfl Harneyst.
Omnha , Nub ,
. frr
' It Co. , ( iilalottuo freu.
gooili , chlMroii't car-
. 1815 lludtfo Street.
flute * . 1319 Fnrnauiit.
Wholesale Caih Commission Morohant. * v.
Kluln ami Wmtnrn Creamery tiutlcr cugi ani (
iluroluat nnl , Ailvanuoiun lut on track , nnrw
huuiuur nitorcuttmnk ratej. U.j | ioJIJ/O UV\
Duurur. ColuraUo ,