THE OMAHA DAILY TRIDAY , APRIL 17 , 1891. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. CI HcE : No. 121 I-'AHL ST1U2ET. Delivered by Carrier In nny part of the City. -H. W. TILTON MAXAGEU. TELEPHOXESJ Business Onicc , No. 43. Nil-lit Editor. No. S3. juxrto\ . N. Y. 1 . Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , 204 Sapp block. Genuine Hock Springcoul. Thatcher , 10 Main William E. BrlgRsnud Emma J. Llndtjucst , both of this city , were married Wednesday tiiiiht by Justice Cones , , Miss Joslo Feely has returned to school In this city nftcr spending several weeks ui the country , where she was compelled to go by Illness , Tlio heavy rain of yesterday mornlnp clogged ui ) the sewers at the corner of \ luo street nnd Broadway , and for n tlmu the street was Impassable. According to the report of the public librarian , ttiero have been ! I,715 ! books taken from tlio library during the Dast month ; DUT5 visitors have been In the library. There will bo a special ooncjnve of Ivanhoe Coimnandery Knights Templar No. IT this , Friday , evening for work In the order of the temple , AH visltlrii. Sir Knights cordially invited. Uy order of E. C. Friends , students nnd alumni of the ttnl verslty of Michigan will meet In the writing room of the Hotel Grand thl evening lor the purpose of making arrangements to nttend the concert next Monday evening by the glco club. - Ellen , wife of Thoma < ICellv , died Wednes day from grip , at her ro ldencc , 71 1 Bluff. street , ngcd seventy years. The funeral has not yet been set , us Mr. Kelly Is also very 111 , mid 'there mo fears entertained that ho will not recover. Honiara , son of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Stuov died U cdnesday at the residence of his pa rents In i-owls township of pneumonia , nt the ago of ono year. The funeral will take place at 1 o'clock this afternoon , the Inter ment being In liloomcr cemetery. William Smith , the youngster who was tried before Justice Hammer several days ngo on n charge of assault nnd battery which was preferred against him by a ( laughter of one of his nclghbois , Henry Ilelghtinau , was discharged by the justlto yesterday after noon. .1. F. Lut ? , clerk of Kane township , has called n meeting of the township trustees to select a Justice of the peace In .place of W. F. Pattern , resigned , and n constable In place of J. I. , . Foreman , also resigned. Tbero are n great many applicants for the places , but It Is impossible to tell who will bo the lucky ones. ones.Hob Hob Whiglit , Harry Shaw and John Pilling , who are under arrest for committing nn assault nnd battery on Thomas Capoll , had their hearing sot for tomorrow In police court yesterday. Oscar Bprlnk will have n on the nhariro of larcenv this morn- ing. J. M. Collier was lined s'J.GO ' for drunk enness. A number of executions were Issued yes terday morning in district court to pay the costs in the old liquor cases which were brought some time ago by A. Overtoil. The names of the defendants In the various cases were James Coyle , Mike Klldaro , U. J. Mo- Adams. Hen Miller , James Onlvln , James Fairly , W. A. Hayes ami James Maher. J. P. Allenswirth , ono of the members of the grand jury , was excused from duty yea- to may afternoon on account of slclcncss nnd " J. F."Peterson , who happened to bo in the court room nt the time , was appointed by the court to till tno vacancy. The Jury then went on with the grind , which has been in terrupted for several days past by the Ill ness of ! t.s members , and n report is looked for this morning' . The supreme council , Commercial Pil grims of America , will hold a special com munication in thohnllover Pcngoy&Mooro's store , nearly opposite the Grand hotel , nt 7 : ! ( p. in. sharp Saturday , April 18. All members nnd these who huvo sent In their names are requested to be in attendance The sublime degrees will bo conferred on about forty candidates. A horse was examined day before yester day by Assistant Slate Veterinarian Stewart nnd was found to have the glanders. It was killed. The owner oi the animal , Peter Johnson , who lives on Harrison street , had purchased it from Walter Stephan. Ho Hied nn information charging Stephan with selling n cl a title red horse , nnd Stephan was arrested. He gayo bond and was released pondintr his hearing , which will take place before Judge McUco this morning. In the superior court yesterday n petition was Illed by Muchoft & Pfeffer against , J. W. Lcako. It is allege ! that Leako sold the fixtures of the Initial Point ment market to them , with the agreement that Leako should assign to them the lease on the building , whlsh runs out in six months. They claim that ho fallen to assign the lease , and that they have been damaged to the amount of f 100 thereby. They also ask for the return > of f 100 which they'claim to have paid him as part of the purchase money. Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco tablets. They are delicious. Housekeepers , see our line of table linens Vrom 23c up at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Lace curtains cleaned from 5Uc to 51.25 per pair , at Twin City dye works. Flnocastllo soap , 0 cakes for 3iC , at the Boston store , Council BlutTs. Dr. Scott's plcctrlo corsets , sold every where for f'J.OO a pair , .Boston Store price jl.SIi , Council UlutTs. Every lady ought to have u pair. World renowned. W ) pieces curtain scrim nt the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , forte n yard. Ladles wishing to "lit themselves as tralneil nurses will llnd un excellent opportunity for studying sclentlllo nursing at the Woman's Christian association hospital , corner of Six tl avenue and Ninth street. Hurt In n Ilunnwny. The patrol wagon was called to the transfer for yesterday noon by n telephone message announcing that n man was there who had been severely injured. It was found that th name of the injured man was Prcnty , and that ho hud been hurt in a runaway. His team became frightened while driving nen Imogcno nnd ho had been thrown out. His leg became caught in the wheel nnd was broken between the ankle and the knee. He was taken on board the Wnbash train ant brought to the Bluffs , where ho was mot . the patrol wagon and taken to St. Bernard's ' hospital , where Dr. T. B. Lacey attendee ! him , It was found that the fracture was compound ono and a very serious affair. Dost cured , odorless , hand-picked live ccrsu feathers for TOu at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Shupart & PO. carry largest stock of built Hold , garden nnd Hewer seous In the west Catalogue and samples by mall. 60 pieces curtain scrim at the Boston Store. Council IHuiTs , for -lo a yard. Housekeepers' week at the Boston Store , Couucil DlulTs , la. Marriage ljlceiiRi'8. The following marriage licenses were is sued yesterday : J. M. Smith I'ottuwattamln county Emma Cileslcr I'ottuwuttamto county \VIIliamSlmrt Council Itlutrs Julia Taiiiitiu ; Council Illulta I llonry T. Hull Council IlIulTh 1 Kllzaleth Mitchell Council lllulls Kino castllo soap , 11 calces for 25c , at the r Boston store , Couucil BlutTs. Housekeepers' week at the Boston Store , Council BlutTs , la. _ MHH MM * | Heavy twilled crash toweling nt the Boston Store , Couucil Bluffs , at Uo a yard. J.C. Blxuv , steam nc.itlntr , sanitary en gineer , WJ Murrlnm block , Council Illultu Carpcti , , furniture , stoves , tinwaro , crock- cry , in endless variety ou easy payments at Maude ! & Klein's. NE\YS \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Celebrated Maish Case domes Up in Ita Usual Sensational Etyle. RIVALRY OF THE AFFIDAVIT MAKERS , > ln"orcnt Ilrniulu of Depositions Pre sented Tor Consideration by tlio Court AVImt Kncli Says of tlia Oilier. Yesterday morning the cnso ofV. . F. Cra glo against Charlotte Maish et al was taken up. This case was tried several years ngo In the district court nnd decided In favor of the plaintiff ; then taken to the supreme court , where the decision of the lower court was afllrmcd. Fremont Benjamin , VI"3 nt * tornoy for the plaintiff , had the case reopened some tlmo ngo , on the ground that ho had discovered that the witnesses upon whoso testimony the case had been decided , had not known the facts that they were testify ing to at the tlmo of the trial , but had been Induced to testify on n false statement made to them by the men who dad drawn up their depositions Fllukinger Brothers , the attorneys for the defense , sued out another set uf depositions , nnd these were lllcd in district court a few days ngo , the witnesses referred to , Henry nnd Michael Flueccl , stating that they had been bribed by William L. Coyne , to sign the depositions which Benjamin had sued out. The witness then went on to say that ho had come a "snide" game over Coyne , nnd had gotten possession of the depositions by telling him that ho was n German niul could not understand English very well , be that ho wanted to take tlie papers to a friend of his for translation. IP this way the at torneys for the defendants secured possession of what they supposed was the papers that would prove the fact of a conspiracy , for the purpose of getting possession of the farm which was at the bottom of the original law suit , and which Is now occupied by an old man by the 11111110of Martin , who lives In the east em ! of the coiinty. According to Coyne's statement the doposl tlon was properly signed by the two Ger man ? , and ho has In his possession their testl mony , the answers to the questions belnj , written In Fluegol's handwriting , and this valuable document will bu forthcoming at the proper time , which will probably bo today Ho took the prerautlon of having Fluego write his own answers , ho says , because ho knows him to bo a thoroughly unscrupulou man , who will do niivthlng for money. Coyne also states that ho has a contract which was entered Into between the llrm o Parks & Ploasants of Hock Island , who are the flrm of attorneys wno have attended to the affairs of Mulsh at the eastern end ot the line , and the two Flnegels. at the tlmo the original suit was tried , by whllch the Flucgels were to nave $ WO In cose they tet-tilled to order. They testilled ns they were told , and after the case had been decided nnd the farm had been gotten , hold of by Pants & Plcasants , the Flhegols presented their , con tract saying that they were ready to have their aharo of the spoils. The attorneys , Coyno says , refused to honor the contract , and this so Incensed the two Germans that they were ready to seek revenge In whatever way it should happen to turn up Hint. They mentioned to Coyne , incidentally , that they had the above mentioned contract. This contract also Coyne claims to have In his possession , ready to bo sprung at the proper moment. Yesterday morning a motion was Hied by Flickinger Brothers to supnress the deposi tions which were illcd by Benjamin Wednes day evening , on the ground of nn Informality in tlio tiling. These depositions includes statement bv William L. Coyno that ho par tially took the depositions of Henry and Michael Fluejrel and that they swore to the same before htm , but refused to sign them. lie states also that Michael Fuegel , one day while Coyno was at bis house trying to get him to sign the deposition intended for him , suddenly seized the paper nnd ran out of the room with it. Ho afterword told Coyno .hat ho wanted It for tbo purpose of showing t to n Gorman friend and having Its mean- ng more clearly Interpreted to him and that .vlicn ho had done this ho would sign it anil return It to Coyne. But Coyno never saw ho deposition again. Among the depositions Illed by Benjamin was also ono from Carroll Uouiloy , statine that the deposition given as : us in the case of Mnish against Crangle , out of which the trouble grew , was not true and ivns not the deposition bo thought ho was signing. The attorneys for the plaintiff then Hied n motion for a continuance on the ground of surprise , nnd this motion would very likely have been sustained , and tlie trial of the case put off , had not an agreement been entered nto by the attorneys , by which the depo sition should be treated as though there had ben no informality , and the motion to con tlnuo should bo withdrawn. The trial of the ease pronor will bo taken up the llrat thing this morning. lor ! ) < : e ! Ice ! ! ! If you want-it pure nnd n And at n reasonable pr Follow no now dev ico. But send to us in a tr At our off Mulhollund & Co. , No.I Pearlst. , Tel. 102. Got your wall paper at the Boston Store. Why pay double the price you can get It for nt the Boston Store , Council Bluffs i All the way from 3o n roll. When about to build don't fail to jet prices on lumber of The .ludd & Wells Co. , SK' Broadway. Telephone 287. Dr. Scott's electric corsets , sold every where for $2.00 n pair , Boston Store price * 1.25 , Council Bluffs. Every lady ought to have a pulr. World renowned. Do you want an express wagon or boy Hmg up the A. D. T. Co. , telephone I'D , No , 11 North Main street. Best cured mixed odorless feathers at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , foremen pound Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 3J Pearl strootv next to Grand hotel. Telephone 143. High grade work a mm Get your wall paper at the Boston Store , Why pay double the price you can got It for at the Boston Store , iouucil Bluffs ( AUth way from 9a u roll. Nnt Itoudy for Trln ! . Judge Thorncll was In the city yesterday for the purpose of completing the trial of the liquor Injunction case of L. M. Turne ngnlnst Hink & Schultz , which was corn- meiiccd by P. E. Seabrook at the last term o the district court. Seabrook was ready for trial , but Baldwin , who represented the plaintiffs , was not , ho having cone to Chicago cage on account of a telegram which stated that n second cousin of his was very 111 nnd wanted him to como on nt once. The case was continued once before when thot plain tiffs wore not ready on account of sickness in the family ot Seabrook , and the plaintiffs were willing to bo equally accommodating. There was , no other tlmo mentioned when the trial of the case would Do apt to como off. . Housekeepers , see our line of tnblo linens from 23o up at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs. _ Seed oats , corn , millet and seed potatoes , garden seeds of all kinds , at H. L. Carman's , 600 Main and 601 Pearl streets. Tbo Falrmount 5o cigar at the Fountain. SO pieces curtain scrim at the Boston Store. Council BluOs , for 4o a yard. Our spring stock is now complete. If vou want to bo In style call at Heller's , tbo tailor , blO Broadway. _ Heavy twilled crash toweling ut tbo Boston Store , Council BlutTs , for lie U yard. lllvorco Suit. Tno divorce suit of Emma Seamons against Dr. N. A. Seamons was on tap In the district court yesterday afternoon. Tbo ground upon 1 which the divorce was asked was that of cruel and iuhuiuaa treatment , but a cross. till had been filed by the defendant In which ho alleged that the plaintiff had been guilty of the crime of adultery , nnd on this ground 10 asked that a divorce bo trrantcd him. The rial took nearly all the forenoon , nnd the cose was llnally submitted and taken under advisement. Get the prices on wall paper at the Boston tore , Council Bluffs. Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms1 within ono nnd one-half miles of the P. O. ; all In bearing ; good buildings ; possession ; lvrn ntonco. Cull on D. J , Hutchlusou & Co. , 017 Broadway. Best cured mixed odorless feathers at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , for5ca pound. Best cured , odorless , hand-picked live ? ccso feathers for 7Uo nt the Boston Store , Jouncll Bluffs. _ Housekeepers' week nt the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , In. AJIVSKJ1KXTS. Monroe and Hlco , who have been associ ated In farce comedy ns co-stars for the past live years , began their Html engagement nt the Boyd lost nlpht , their partnership ending with their petfoinmnco Sunday night. "My Aunt Bridget- " which made such n pro nounced hit hero last year Is , If anything , stronger now than then , The ploy , of course , Is nonsense , but what delicious nonsense It Is I It Is crowded with clover specialties , made so by many leading lights In farjo com edy. edy.While While Monroe and Hico are responsible ferment much of the evening's delightful entertain ment , they by no means dim the ability of their excellent companv , the strongest , with the single exception of "The City Directory , " that bos been seen In Omaha the present sea son. George W. Monroe Is almost nlono ns n de lineator of the Irlbh female , and throughout ho gives a broad character study of a typo which of late years has not been overdone on the stage. His humor is unctuous , his laugh infectuous , mid his continued itera tion of the line "Oh , by Gosh , " brings out streams of laughter from the audience. John C. Hlce , ns n "sporty" young mar , dependant - pendant upon his aunt Bridget for a stake , makes the most of his opportunity. An ex cellent dancer , u good singer nnd a first rate comedian , ho ought to make a go of his now play in which 1m will bo seen next season. But , running neck nnd nccK with the stars are Mr. J. Aldtlch Llbby and Andrew Muck , the former seen hero last year In "The Little Tycoon , " playing the part of the sailor lover. Mr. Muck is the possessor of a beautllul tenor voice which ho used to good advantage In that old melodv "Sally In Our Alley " and "Tho , Songs My Mammy Sang to Mo. " Mr. Llbby created a sensation by his rendition of that stronglv descriptive song by Felix M. GufTen , entitled "Comrades , " which won a triple encore. But tbo strength of the company is not con fined to the men alone : Little HobCbud , Miss Sadie McDonald and Miss Dare are a trio of remarkably pretty and thoroughly capable comediennes , giving tbo stars very able sup port.Little Little Rosebud is n Jewel. Petlto , viva- nlmis and a clani-nr of decided nbllitv. her performance of Polly Glider could not bo Im proved. Miss McDonold is a decided acquisition to the cotnpany. A handsome young1 woman to begin with , she has moro than ordinary dra matic ability , which shows to advantage lu her scene with Alton who teaches her the rudiments of actinir. Miss Dare reminds one very much of the picture of Yvotto Guilbert the new fad of Paris. She Is liliao and pretty ana her chic Is charming. OK 'IIIK MGItT. Kvents of Darlccr Hours Put in Para graphs. Gus Dorsoy , a negro , formerly In the em ploy of n Fnrnam street clothing house , was found dead in his bed lu a small room over 115 South Eleventh street , about 0 o'clock last evening. C. H. Anderson discovered the liead man , and nt onca notiQcd Ofllcer Dillon , who telephoned the facts to the police station. The man lay In a miserable bed lu a small room , surrounded by several cups nnd pans. Ho was greatly emaciated , and had evidently been a great and long sufferer. Dorsoy is a grey hairad and bearded old negro , whoso face was often seen upon the streets. As far as can bo learned Dorsoy had no relatives and no ono seems to know anything ubout bis illness or death. The coroner was nottiled , and after viewing the body had it removed to eafoy i ; Hcafoy's , where it now awaits an nqucst. The alarm of lire at 7:40 : o'clock last even- JIB was caused bv a slight blaza at the resi dence of Mrs. U. Heed , 1809 South Eleventh street. Mrs. Heed had sot a hot llatiron on an Ironing board and then put the board in n closet. A small flro was the result. The loss was trilling. An ofllccr from Iowa City , In. , arrived in the city last nvening for the purpose of tak ing Frank Scanlcu back. Seanlcn forged his father's name to some checks in paynient for agricultural implements. Ho will bo taken back today. Charles Facula , Charles Sweetwell , Will- lam Burger nnd William Humford , charged with assaulting Eugene Moore at a dance nt Slioely , had a hearing In police court yester day. All the men with the exception of Swcctwcll wore admitted to bail. Moore , the Inju.'cd man , Is reported as much worse , No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do Witt's Little Early Hisers are taken. Sinai" pill. Safe pill. Best pill. In KnrnrM Tlil.s Time. Quito n number of Thirteenth street prop erty owners held a mooting nt Haskell's hat : last night to take some action lu regard to motor Hue along Thirteenth street to South Omaha. Resolutions were adopted which will bo presented to the motor company asking fo some immediate action on their part in re gard to the establishment of n line. It is claimed by the property owners that If the motor company does not build a line this year they will take hold of the matter1 themselves and build a line of their own. Almost ? 50,000 has been subscribed for this purpose nnd more can bo raised If necessary , The Thirteenth street people say that thoj have been put off by promises long enough and now propose to take some decided action in the matter. lli.w Old Arc You ? Persons eighty years old or over , who hav resided in Omaha for some tlmo , are respect fully requested to correspond with the under signed , Residence should bo stated. Sul Jects of mutual Interest will bo discussed am" a society of genial spirits may bo organied Addiess H. J. B. , Room , GOO , Bee building , city. Still III Mnc. AsniAxn , Wls. , April 10. The fact tha Secretary Noble Issued an order Indefinitely suspending tilings and settlement on Omah lands crea'od considerable excitement hen tonight. None , however , have loft the \\iv \ \ and fully 5.10 nro still there determined t wait until morning , although they can glv no reason why they nro so doing. 'J wo of Tlipm Got Away. KAXKAKKE , III. , April 1(1. ( The cnso of th three braltcmcn arrested and indicted som days ago for getting up an Incipient strike 01 the Chicago & Eastern Illinois came up fo trial today. Two of them decamped , and thi _ third , John Llniie , was found guilty as charged in the indictment. Fatal Cyolonn in Texas. CI.AUHE , Tex. , Aptll 10 , A terrific cyclone passed two miles west of hero vosterday. Ono man was killed nnd another badly hurt. The extent of the dainago is not known , CoflVo OptloiiH. NEW YOIIK , April 10. Ifpoelal Tolojram to TIIK IlBR.1 CortKK Outloii ! ) opened steady at n points doun , and clotfd dull and nn- cliniiRvd to 10 points down , lilies , ! l.V-baes. ) In- olmlliiB April , ; .May. * lU'-ij June. 117,10 ; HcpU'iiilicr , < lil.UOii.M ) : uotnbur. $15.4'i ; Ilci-omluT , tH.ikVifH 7n. -pot Ulo. dull , steady ; fair cargoes , KM.OJ ; NO , 7. ls.ooi6.rji. ! .Minim ; StookM. NKW VOIIK , April 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB IlKK.1 The follo.vln ; are tlm Block quotations ; Alic Hum blhcr , m Kuruktt i S7i Ociturlui . . .i : t * J Iliilo HIM ! Norcrom. . 3"i Plymouth IVJ lluaieitako. 673 Standard l'\ ) Con tin en t&l Hmkley &Co.N. Y.alarge quantity of boys' all wool cheviot and cassimere suits for less than the cost of the cloth alone , and offer them this week at half price. Lot 1 , boys' knee pant suits , ages 4 to 14 , $2. Lot 2 , boys' knee mnt suits , fine all wool cheviot , $2.50 , never sold : br less than $5. Lot 3 , imported cheviot suits , same $2.75 , always sold at $5.50. Lot 4 , long pant suits for boys from 13 to 18 at $5.75 , never shown at less than $8. We won't promise of these lots any -t * * + -i after Saturday.15th CHIC.KIO'S OWIt' , CAFTANS. Twcnty-N f ! vc lleinpstcml Wi H'lhurnon .Majority. Cllictoo , April 10. The olllclal canvass of the election returns for mayor were practi cally completed in twenty-nine of the thirty- four wards in the city. Taking the ofllclul count iu these wards and tho'city hall unof ficial returns for the remaining live wards , the result is a plurality of liOt ; votes for Hempstead WnsUburno , republican , over the democratic Incumbent , Cregior. Iu the ofllclal canvass the llgurcs in several pre cincts nro still subject to revision , but it Is believed that there will bo little or no change from the llgurcs above given. I'liHHCil tilt : AtiHtriiUnit Hill. ST. PKUIMinn. , . , April 10. The house passed the Australian elections bill and It now goes to the governor. K1LLE1) Vale of 'Ilircc Youns Men Wlio Took Shrlter Under n 'lret\ Tnr.XTOX , Mo. , April 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bii : : . I William Hoffman , Willia-n Ferguson and Fred Stinsou sougnt shelter from a storm this morning under a tree. Lightning struck the tree instantly killing Hoffman who was loaning against , tlio tree. Ferguson had his hand on Hoffman's sh'juldcr and was knocked senseless , fulling face down in n pool of water. Stlnson was paraly/ed below the knees but managed to pull Ferguson from the water nnd then crawled a milo to town for assistance. Ferguson is totally paralyzed and will dio. The only mark on Hoilman was n blue spot on his forehead. , o Forgotl n Kicli Widow's Will. Cnic.100 , April 10. After a sensational trial John C. Cosgrovo and James MoElllirott were tonight found guilty of forging a rich woman's will nnd g'ven nine and three years , respectively , iu the penitentiary. Cosgrove , a boot and shoo broker , roomed in a building owned by a wealthy widow , Mrs. Jerome. She consulted him In business matters and he learned the condition of her property. She died about a year ago and no will was found , but three months later Cosgrovo came forward with what purported to bo her will , witnessed by himself and McElllgott , appor tioning her fortune to a large number of rela tives nnd friends nud a legacy of U,000 to Cosgrovo's two minor children , whom it has since been proven she had never seen. The relatives contested the will , alleging forgery , and after some investigation Cosgrovo and McElltsfott were arrested and the trial re sulted tonight as above. Hrnlnnijo Troubles. CIIICAOO , April 10. Oeneral John Newton of Now York , consulting engineer of the Chicago drainage board , resinned todnv. It is said that several of the trustees will also drop out unless the state legislature * will allow a shallower excavation than at first proposed. Accepted a Good Tiling. Puovincxcr , It I. , April 10. Woonsockct's city government voted to grant ten year's Immunity from taxation to Messrs. Lcclnlro of Belgium nnd Legg ot England if they would erect a largo woolen manufactory in that city. The gentlemen have closed with the cffer. > Shot Iliu Chinese Conk. NMI-A. Idaho , April 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Br.i : . ] Ah Keo. head cook at the Interstate hotel nt this place , was shot and fatally wounded bj' Milt uraham , nn as sistant. The bull entered about four inches below the loft breast. Tlio Fire Ilccnrd. New YOIIK , April 10. Fire late tonight de stroyed the IJoss building nnd the Tnggart storage warehouse on Abinguon square. Station C , New York postofllco. was in the building but the malls were saved. Loss , fcWU.OOO. Thrno Killed nnd Kivo Injured. TAMAQUA , Pa. , April 10. A terrible o < c plosion of gas and tire damp occured at No. 10 colliery today by which three men were killed and five seriously injured. Minnlo Palmer AVIII Give Up Melo drama. Minnie Palmer said to a Phlhulolphln reporter that Uor Irofeont starring tour in "A Milo n Mmuto , " would close on April 18 , in Now Y rlc city , wlioro her company will disband. Miss Palmer will 1:0 to London Cor the summer. She is not satisfied withi her experiment In the melodrama and will not piny "A Milo n Minuto" rtguin. She does not expect to bee hot- husband , John K. Rojrors , before hot- departure for Ens- land. "Last woe/c/ho / / came hero , " bho said , "and failed in his" attempt to se cure an interview iivith mo. You know , it Isn't pleasant fount lady to have her life attempted by a foolish man. Mr. Kofjord objected to'&iy appearance in 'A Milo a Minute , ' ltj'l < i true , but his opin ions have very UfA\o \ weight with mo. Ho has not supported mo for a. long time and I a'ii now forced to earn my own living. " THE HYGIENIC TREATMENT OP CONSTIPATION AND ORDIN ARY DYSPEPSIA. Sir John Andrews , the FJiiRllsli professor , be lieves that In the vast majority of cat-es con stipation may bo successfully ovorvomo by taking a teaspooiiful of the xcnulnu Imported Uailsbad bpriidul S.ilt dissolved In a tumbler- fill of water ( half a pint ) , cold or hot , ( arly In tint morning , and , If' nacnsiaiy , on Kotiii ; to bed , United States MRRINE BRND Beau r n Haiti nt MAX Pinley Burke. Thos. E. Oaudj. BURKE & CASADY , Attorneys-at-Law I'UACTlCi : IN TIIK &TATK AND VUDUItAIj COtrilTS. oniccs : J. J. Hrown HulUlltiR , Council IllnlTs. Iowa OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main ami Hrotdwar , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . npalors lu furdt n uuldonoitlo xoh uno Collection mudu unit Interest paid oil tl us deposits NEW OGrDEN HOTEL The New Ogden Hotel , In Council Bin T has boon completsd refurnls loJ an mo le.-a.- Ized throughout , and is nawom ofthobsst hotels In the state. It is located In ths bu ti nes * part of tie city an I th t elejtns mitan pass tha door every four minutss. Firs ei- capos and lire alarm ? throughout th ) U ilU- ing. heat , hot ani cold w-it r ail sunshine in every roam. Table Una jrpw-i j I anywhere. Rates , $ Ii.OO a dny. GEO. M. WHITNEY , Manaior. D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' aidPackers' Supjlijj Market Fixtyres , Casing , Eplces and SiusaKO : Makers' Machinery. 82V KS Main St. , Council UlulTs , la. Also do.ilu n Hides and Ftir.i United States MRRINB BRND t on Hnln nt MA.X MBYEUl'S. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. rpO KENT rurnlshed or unfurnished rooms ; J- references exchanged. 'J17 South 7th st. 171OK UtiXT Good S-rcom house , 29J llenton I-1 stifi-t ; good cistern , cellar , well , Apply , o Mis. K. Newton , : UU llenton street. plrlntitod for General house COMPETENT work. Mrs. w.O lleer , 7IH Willow avenue. irOH * S\I < E A line family horse , 7 years old -I ? this .sprltiK , uoUlii ID.VI pounds , color oriel , llted Uy Unbert MacOrpRor. Address II. R Iliittcnhaiior to UI lourth btreet , Council lllulls. " - of f iiriils-hed looms for rent , 129 Glen su avenue. . flMlllKb Tor P.ilc Catalpn , elm , maple and .L boxalder. Will set out anil cmtr.mtee them to grow , for We ouch. C. II. Meyers , care Hue , ( . 'ouni'll Hltills. FOH KENT A Rood r > 4-ncru farm south of Neohi at tl.OU nn aero. Apply to Leonard Everett. Council HlulTs. la. T710K KENT The residence of J. W. Lain ? , J a3JBtliHtrcet. _ fTIUHNISIIED front room on ground lloor , J- quiet , pleusunt neighborhood , UNO blocks fiotn Muln stieot. Hmglegentleman preferred. AiliU-i-ss r P. lluo ofllee , : $0WJO stock of general inorohandlso to o.\- clijiiigu for a farm lu southwestern louit. M nst bo Rood laud. Johnston & Van 1'atteu HAVE cnsh customer for four lot-s botwetm 21st and aith sts. , between Ave 0 and 4th ave. . ,1. 1' . OrBenslilolds. H1Q Uroadwity. TjIKUlT farm for sale or tr.ido ; well located -Lund all lu bearing ; Keel house and b.irn. Will talxo homo Rood city property , nnd good tlmoKlvci. on balance. C'all on or address 1) ) . J. lliitehluson & Co. . 017 Hroiutwav. T7UHC KENT The Mo.Mulnm block. 3 story J-1 brick , with baiomuut and elevator. J.V , Squire. JOl Pearl street. FOHSALK A bargain ; nuw modern house with all the late Improvements , seven rooms ; will sell on easy payments ; located on the Fifth avenue motor lino. U J. llutohln- son. 617 Hro.tdway. TGIOU SA.LE or Kant Oinlan land , with f houiea , by J. U. llloa. 10) Mala it , Council Bluff * AVK A KB TIIK PliClM' ! ' ? . Never since wo have been in business hnvo we made such Inrpo and low priced contracts for our summer specln ties. The celebrated Hacino , . refrigerators , 65.0 up. All hard wood. The boat value eve offered. O HOllllO SlOVOH. The Oulck Meal Evaporating stovo. The slight defects In last year's now pro cess have been overcome and the Quick Meal is the best ottered. ' over Every ono puai'an- tced. Wo are soiling the old style generator stoves now at ? T.OC ) , 2-burner , and $ 'J.OO a-burners , high steve The Victor , the world's leader , both in beauty and reputation. The innt [ line , Wi.OO to f 1:1.1.00. : Catalogues free. See us at 11 Main slrcot. COLI : it COM : . 1801 , Wnr wltli It.ily. 1HO1. Never , In our thirty years' experience in business in Council Bluffs , hnvo wo made as low contracts for our summer goods , and this insures lower prices for the season. The World's ' best , the North Ktnr and the Leonard , range In prices fiom ยง 1.50 up , All kinds of wood. Gnsnllno ? tnvoM. Tlio Reliable Process Evaporator stove Is the best In the market. No Hub-burner , con sequently burns less gasoline. Old style stoves afmost given away , from > . ( X ) up. A full linn of Uarlnnd stoves and ranges. The World's IJest always on hand. II cyolos. The Columbia Is acknowledged by all wheelmen to be the best In the world , For beauty , durability and absolute perfection of workmanship it has never been excelled. Hoys' and girl a bicycles from f 12.00 to 10.00. I nm the exclusive agent for the Columbia. Catalogues furnished on application. P. 0. UEVOL , Wi BllOAlMVAY A.ND 10 MAIN faT. SATURDAY WILL END IT ! The great fire sale nt Marcus' will positively close on Saturday evening at 1O o'clock. Afier thn' hour there will be no more oppor * tunltles for the multitude to get the great bargains that have been snapped up so eagerly. There are a large number of first class suits for boys , youths an-i men , only slightly damaged by smoke and water. Take them at your1 own price. There are a large number of fine pants entirely uninjured , fine shoes , shirts and underwear ; name your price and take them. The store will be closed for refit ting after Saturday night. MARCUS CLOTHING HOUSE , B4O BROADWAY , COUNCIL , BLUFFS. HENRY H. VAN BRUNT , COUNCIL , BLUFFS , IOWA. IN ' ) HARRE1SS RTO. , . , Gives Better Value for money than any house on Missouri River , j Hamilton Grade Vehicles , Columbia Carriage Co.'s Buggies , Surrles and Phretons , Bonanza Buggies nnd Phcctons , Spring Wagons , all styles , Michigan and Van Brunt Road Wagons , Carts and Harness in great variety. Correspondence solicited and cata logue and prices on application. TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , G. A. Schoesdack , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council Bluffs and 1621 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and refinish goods of every description. Packages received at either office or at the works , Cor. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list. Electric Trussas , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGENTS WANTED. DH , C , B , JUDD. OO6 Broadway , Council Bluffd , la TUIJJIMIONKS. OIT10E. 07. IlEiU > 3N35 Sims & - " ' Saundcrs-ftI.10orrry"ff0tlnHStol'SSi , federal courts. Itoiins II , 4 and 5 Hhuuait lleno block , Council 11 in Us. la. HI flnnihPrC : Attorney at Law , No. 10 . J , bliaillUtli , polir | street , over Hush. null's Man ) . Tulephono No. "VI. HiislnoM hours , b u. in. tot ) p. in. Council UlulTs , la. To Bee-Keepers I curry n full line of Ucokcopcrs' sup- jilloa , including comb foundation , lion. oy IcnivuH , smoUors , sections ami all Hupnlios for the tipiury. M. S. 11OO1' , 6120 E. Broadway , Couucil BlulTd , iowu. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . 8150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 I. A , Miller , R O Qloaion , E. U EhiiKiirt. B. K. Hart , J , L ) KdmumUon , Uhirlo * It. ll.linian bankiut uunl- neis Lar oit capital mill surjilu * ot auy bankln Southwestern low.i. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , Highest cash price paid for raiB and all kinds of eei-ap matnls. Country doulors nnd raorohnnta will find it to their advantage to communi cate wltn UB before disposing of their stocks. GIUNSK.Y HUGS. , Union Broadway Depot , Tol. 301. Council'UlulId , In. .ri. if. 'Ml.\.1lln : ltI rx , .if. it. Kyc , ITnr , No o nnil Throat H | > vdnlUt. Council lllulfK , - lown r-uiu ijro , cro * < 'yo , | pnliifill niul wc.ik vtilnii , unnu-liii , ilnifiu'ii , tlli-i rhnrKui frum tlm uuri , ( ] tnrrli , Imjr fc\t-r , nMlinm niul nil nciitu ami ilironla nHi'i limn ( it tlm tlirout u I'OLlulty ' ( ilnn i < > ui lit- li-il wltlidiil puln. ( ilanKUJ accuratuljr pruirlliod In Ullllcult tftniin , iiftc-ii curliitf clirunlo nuiirnlula nnj luk liunilHcho , HurKlcul opc'rutluiin , wliun nvcoo arj , pnliile > lx ptTfurnicd , umiirlng tu.t ruiulu ) UUlc , bhuKurt-llcau Hock , ruuin I , Cuuucll lllufli , u.