8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THCBSDAY. APIUL 1C , 1891. THE CITY. A beautiful complexion Is assured If you use Spanish Court Cream , sold by till druggists. The temperature ns reported by the local Blgnal service olllco la as follows : At 7 n in. , ' 10 ° , at 10 u. in. 60 ° , and nt 1 p. m. , 67 s. Tno Illustrated World for May , con taining Bouguorenu's "Return of Sprint , ' , " ns Injured by Warblnglon , for Bale by all news dealers. Chief Sonvoy received a telegram from Iowa City ashing that SBstcrday bo hold on the charge of forg ery and an olllccr would como alter him us soon ns requisition papers could bo secured , The innrrlapo of Mr. Lester T. Sunder- land nnd Miss Georgia P. Boulter , the favorlto soprano of the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church , was solemnized nt the home of the bride , Thirty-second and Popplolon avenue , yesterday after noon nt 1 o'clock , Kov. Willard Scott oflleiatlng. The third musical entertainment under the auspices of Omaha lodge No. 18 , An cient Order United Workmen , will bo given In their hall , Barker block , corner Fifteenth and Farnam streets , on Thurs day evening , April 10 , nt 8 p. in. No charge will ho made for tulmlsslon , and a general invitation is extended to till. "After a varied experience with many so- called cathartic roiiitillos , I urn convinced that .Aycr's pills give the mott satlsfactoay results" . I rely exclusively on those pills for the cure of liver nnd slomach complaints. " John U. Hull , Sr. , Abilene , Tex. Catch < fc Lauman , special sulo. Tlio ( . rmim llatilc. The German Savings Bank at their stockholders meeting ro-clcctcd the present olllt'ors and directors , ns follows : Frederick Motz Sr. , president ; Charles J. Knrbach , vice president ; L. D. Fowler ler , cashier ; Henry Bolln , managing di rector ; Frederick Krug , Henry Meyer nnd George llelmrod. The cashier sub mitted a statement of the condition of the bank , also a report of earnings and expenditures since Its organization , iilho recommendation as to disposition of Eiimo which was highly satisfactory to nil concerned. The report was accepted and recommendations adopted as fol lows : KAKNINCJS AND r.XI'UNDITUUKS. r.'irnings , $27,101.18. Expenditures , $ ! ) , ! So. 10. Profits from Juno 2 , 1890 , to April 11 , IbOl , $17,010.02. UKCOMMKNDATIONS. Six percent dividend , $0,000.00. Furntturo and fixtures charged off , H.200.00. Carry to surplus , $10,000.00. Carry to undivided proiits , $710.02. Total , $17,010.02. Loans of $1.000 lo $50,000 made on choice improved city property. Low rales. No delay. Central Loan & Trust company , 1203 Farnam st. AIUIY GOSSU' . i'cr.sonal Notes and Pointers on Olll- curs' Movements. Cliiof Clerk Davis of Adjutant Ucncr.il Sheridan's depavtaioat , U again able to ap pear ut his oflleo. He has been III with grip for a week. Colonel Tuppor , who has beoa dangerously 111 for three wuolcs at 1812 Chicago street , Is recovering and will probably bo able to go to his post In a eouplo of weeks. Lieutenant Wilkins , with twenty men , wll leave Fort Onmlia tomorrow for tlio Bollovuc rniiRO , whuro they will establish u camp ami proceed to put the range In tfood oruor for the season of nllo practice , which begins or May 1. Lieutenant Uoc , it Is said , has about tlo cided not to cuter the race for the appoint mcnt as Judge advocate to succeed CapUtr Hay. The opinion Is qulto gouoral among nruiy olllcces that Lieutenant Garlington of the Seventh cavalry , who was shot turoucl : the arm at the Wounded Knee light , wll stand a very good chance of getting the ap pointment. The opinion seems to bo gaining ground , nlso , that Colonel 1'oter K Swaino of the Twenty-second infantry , wil bo made a brigadier gcner.il to succeed General oral Uibbons , und will bo assigned to the department of Dakota. There are a grca many candidates , but Colonel Swain seems ti have considerable favor with the president , nml has many Influential friends In Washing' ton. ton.Advices Advices from Washington are to the offec that Captain Cutloy of the Second iufantrv I likely to bu successful Jfi his request for re Urcmcnt. They ( Jot It of < nurse. JimlohJiml I say , Jimt Youp comin mam ; what's cr matter ) Why baby has go the colic ; run down to drug store and get i bottle of Hallor's pain paralyzer ; quk-lc , now. Fresh pineapples , California fruit store f'OOTI.IVIlHiAXl ) f'O VJRll. The famous United States marine band of Washington will give two grand concerts at the Omaha coliseum on Woducsuay , April 2'3 , mid the sale of scats for the engagement will commence at Myer & Hro.'s Muslo Store to morrow , Thursday morning , where souvenir progrannno books will bo furnished free , livery newspaper reader In the union must- bo familiar with the prominence of the marine band in affairs at the capital , because la nearly every report sent out of an inaug uration , oftlcial reception or ceremony , some allusion Is uuuJo to the entrancing music furnished by the inariun band. There nro very few people , however , who know much about the real worth of the band or why it Is called the inarino band , or even Unit * It Is really the national band of the Untied States. It belongs to the niailno conu which is a part of the navy. This corps con sist ? of about twenty-llvo hundred marine * stationed in Washington , and available * for conlllct In the navy , but ranking afore and entirely independent of the salllnir forces. The Marino band incmborsaro regularly en listed as marines , but classed as musicians , nnd stationed at the barracks at the navy yard. They perform ovorv musical service for the president and the general govoin- incut and give public concerts five two or three times a week , cither at the navy music hall , at tlio canitol or in tlio white house lawn. Since the present conductor , Mr. John Phillip Sousa , was appointed in 1S31 , the band has mndo such progress that It ib iimamuiuii uiu Jinusi iiauuiiiu unnu in exist ence , and a mailer of pride both to the secre tary of the navy and the president. When therefore , a tour was suggested , both of Ihcso oflleiaU decided to gr.mt the baud a leave of absence during iho limo ihe presi dent wus away on his weitorn trip , and thov are mooting with iho most enthusiastic ro- ropllons tiU'rywliero. Mile. Marie Deceit , n marvelous soprano , who is praised as the brightest kind of u exponent of the great Marchcsl method , Is also on the programme. These very popular comedians , Monrooand Illcp , make their second and last appearance bnforo an Omaha iiudlonco , commencing Thursday night and continuing until Sunday night with usuul Saturday matinee. The play , "My Aunt JJrliigut , " is ono of those peculiar , merry plays constructed for laughing purposes only. The singing of the supporting company is of the highest order , while the dancing of Messrs. Kieo and Mack , with Llttlo Rosebud and Miss McDonald U far superior toallfarcu comedy competitors. The reputation loft hero last season by this mnculliccut company is a Milllcicnt guitrantco of its excellency. On Monday , Tuesday nml Wednesday , of next week. Katie Emmett presents her play , "Tho Walts of Now York1 ' for the first time to an Omahu audlcuco nt the Boyd. The play is melodramatic , and the people present ing it ura said to be above the average. Mrs. Wlnso\v' ! & Soothing Syrup for child ren teething , rests the child aud comforts iho mother. U5 cents a Dottle. WILL MANUFACTURE MALT , Prominent Omaha Capitalists Laying Finns for a Big Enterprise. HOME MARKET FOR NEBRASKA BARLEY , Immense Malt House to bo Operated on n New nnd Improved System Details of tlio Scheme. A party of capitalists , with ex-Mayor W. J. Uroatch at the head , have boon for some little time Ugni-Ing on the establishment of a largo matt house In Omaha , Their plans are now nearlng maturity nnd , hero Is almost an absolute certainty that .hoy will bo carried out. Thov are considering two propositions - mo involving the expenditure of 8100,000 and , ho other f . 'iO.OOO on the plant alone. The house will consume ) f > 00,000 bushels of barley annually , which will bo turned Into unit by what is known ns the pneumatic i.vstcin of malting. It will bo the largest malt house west of Chicago , The system proposed Is a now ono and there are now only four plants of the Kind In the United States but there are a largo number n operation In Prance , Holglum , Swit/er- and , Austria und ( tormany. It Is considered as a great improvement over the old method , The 1'abst brewing company of Milwaukee Is now at work on an extensive plant of the kind and another is going up at Walertown , Wls. Wls.Tho The amount of monny required to opor.i * plant is very largo as It is necessary to buy the year's supply of barley during the two months of the fall which lias to bo carried through the balance of the year. Uesldos that iho cost of the plant itself Is consider- crablo nnd the operating expenses quite vo. The local capitalists who are working up the scheme have looked Into the subject care fully and they find that Nebraska barley , both In quality and quantity , will be all that could bo desired. Last year the Nebraska crop was short being only 'J.OOO.UOO bushels In round numbers. The year previous it wus 13,500,000. In quality Nebraska barley grades with Canada No. ii , the Canadian article being the best grown for malting purposes , Mr. Hroach will leave Omaha the last of the week for Chicago , where ho will examine inoro closelv ir.to the methods nf malting. He will also visit the big Milwaukee concern , and It is quite probable that the question whether Omaha is to have a malt house will bo settled dollultely soon after his return. Urlolly stated the process of malting con sists in sprouting tuo grain , nml when the proper stage has been leached the growth of the germ is arrested by placing the gr.iin in a kiln and drying It. after which it is ready for ship ment. The malt is used by the brewers in making beer. A good many brewers make some malt themselves , but It Is said that all of them have to buy more orless from outbldo malt houses. With the enlargement of the Omaha breweries , which is assured , the movers in the malt house enterprise will Una a ready home mantet for all of their product. QIIOPII ol' Hie Miiy. Say ma , the girls say If my face want so speckled up with pimple * , they'd make mo "Queen of the Muy. " What shall I dot Why , get a bottle of Hallor's ' snrsaparllla and burdock , of-courso ; It's the most wonderful blood purifier of the age. l Sale Clinnihor Sets. April 15 to May 1 , special cut , prices on all sots In our stock. Our annual spring sale. All now and dcsirablo { , roods at prices never made in Omaha before. GATCH & LAUMAN. 1514 Furniun. HE STIhti AUU.-iKS HIS WIFE. 1'risoiior C'lampltt.'fi Disregard oftlio liars of the County Jail. Notwithstanding the fact tint John II Clampitt Is safely looked behind the bars of the Douglas county jail , he pursues his wife like an ugly phantom. About a year ago Clampitt was arrested on ho charge of shooting with intent to kill. In company with some friends ho was on n hunting expedition In the country , and while passing n farm house shot a charge of duck shot Into n boy's leg. Ho was arrested on the charge of shooting with Intent to kill. His \\iio , ICato Clampitt , came to his relief , put up some $300 that she had earned bv hard work , and on trial the Jury returned a ver dict of not guilty. To repay her for this act ho assaulted her a few \ \ cons ago and in a drunken rage threat ened to cut her heart out. In currying out his threat , ho bcued a huge knife and drove the members of the family Into the street. Clampitt was arrested on the charge of as sault with Intent to kill and locked in the county jail , where ho has since been sup posed to remain. At the present term of the district court ho was tried on this charge , but the jury failed to agree. Since the trial Clampitt has writ ten letters to his wife , asking her for money and b'igcing her to drop the prosecution , but fearing that If released ho would take her life , she has refused to respond to his plead ings. A tow days ago she applied for a di vorce , alleging cruelty and brutal treatment. Since that tiiuo ho has made her life almost unbearable. First ho sent her threatening letters and then began paying visits to her residence. The last visit was Thursday night. Shortly after 0 o'clock Mrs. Clampitt hoard some ono cry "murder , " and raising the win dow , saw Clampitt standing in front of the house. Ilo called lo her , but the window was closed , after which ho cursed and swore around for several moments , and then went away. Tuesday , while Detective Vaughn , the man who worked up the c-aso against Clam pitt , was standing in the pO'tofllcc , ho claims ihnt Clamnltt approached him and , ustnu the foulest language , accused him of instigating the prosecution , Vaughn was very much surprised ns ho supposed Clampitt was In the county jail. Sometime ago Attorney Sheehan hearing of Clampitt's journeys while in jail , secured tin order to prevent him from visiting his wife , but It failed to have the desired effect , as Mrs. Clampitt states that since that tlmo ho lias been to her residence three times nud upon ono occasion frightened her little child nearly lo death by picking it up and Imprinting a kiss upon Its check. Jailor Horrlgan denies the statements made by Mrs. Clampitt. and states that If the visits were made as she describes , they wore made by Clampltt's ghost or his double , as the prisoner has constantly been confined In Uiu jail and has not boon outside except when ho went with thorn to the store to do a lltto shopping. IIUUIKD THEIR Oinatin Kir men Attend tlio. Funeral oftliofjntn O.iptnlu Carter. The funeral of Captain Michael Carter of No. U englno house took place at 10 o'clock yesterday from St. I'hllomcna's cathedral , and was attended by largo delegations from the police and flro departments , vet eran firemen's organization , Lhirant hose i company , and the South Omaha and Council Uluffs lire departments , as well ns , larco numbers of citizens In private life who i had been Intimately acquainted with the deceased , The various organizations mot nt No. 3 en gine house at 0 o'clock and formed a lengthy and imposing lino. Headed by the Ancient Order of Hibernian b.nid they inarched to the residence , S'-W Hnrney street , where they re ceived the remains of their late comrade nnd escorted them to the cathedral. The casket was berne up the south nlslo to a position near the chancel rail nnd around It were ar ranged the many lloral pieces offered by the various companies. An exceedingly beauti ful emblem was that of the "dates Ajar , " with a white ilovo resting upon the pillars on either side , and the words "Our Comrade" at the base. It was the tribute of the llromen at engine house No , 1. An exquisite lloral pillow , wrought in roses , lilies nnd white carnations , was the offering of chemical No. 8 , truck No. 1 , hose No. U and the linemen. In the center ap peared the familiar "Mike " simple , name , , and at the corners the names of the com panies. No. ! gave a pillow bearing the words "Mtkn Mo. ' , ' . " and No. f > a beautiful pillow over which was a white dove with outstretched wings. No. 0 was represented by a largo cross within a crescent , above which was sup ported a beautiful lloral star. D n runt hose No. 1 offered a cross of whlto roses and lilies. The services were very Impressive , solemn high mass being celebrated by Kov. Father Carroll as deacon and Kov. Father Uruon as sub-deacon. A full choir rendered sweet music. At the conclusion of the services , the line reformed with Chief Oallig.in , Assistant Chiefs Suiter and Barnes nnd Chief Smith of South Omaha in the advance , followed by the band nnd the various companies In the folio wing order : Detail of police , consisting of sixteen men in full uniform , under Cuptiiin Cormack. Veteran Firemen's associationtwenty men led by the president of the association. Harry Taggart. The veterans were attired In their hnmlsomo brown uniforms , nnd wore crupo badges. Durant hose No. 1 , from the Union Pacific shops , consisting of eighteen mm in black aud red uniform , under Caplain Charles Fisher. Next came thirty member. * of the Omaha paid lire department , with delega tions from Sou tli Omaha and Council Bluffs. The llrcmen marched four abreast , and wore under Captains Wludhcim of No. it chemical and Graves of No. ( i hoso. The hoarse was drawn by four black horses , with heavy black trappings , and was followed bv a very lengthy line of carriages. The pall bearersIon In numberwalked beside the hoarse. Thov represented the different organi/ations ami were as follows : Veterans Ex-Councilman Albert Sander and ox-Flro Chief John II. Butler. Fireman Captain Clemens of No. 5 , Cap tain Cormack of No. 1 , John McBrldo and Peter McGulro. Clti/.cns James Connelly and John a Bur- dish , two c.\-membors of the lire department. Duraiits-J. T. McDonald uud'E. U. John son. son.Tho cortege moved west on Fnrnnm street to the cemetery of the Holy Sepuluher , ttho civic bodies marching us far ns Twenty-fourth street. Peter McOuIro , who was ono of the nail bearers , is ono of the members of No. v ! com pany , and was crushed under the falling wall nt the time that Carter sustained fatal In juries , but lie almost miraculously escaped a similar fate. The Benevolent Association of Paid Fire men , of which the deceased was a member , lias paid to the family of the deceased the benefit of $200 provided for by the by-laws of the organisation. A CoiToctlnn. In the account of the flro at the Paxton hotel It was stated that four members of No. 2 were killed at the Grand Central flro on September 5 , 1STS. This Is a mistake. It should have been No. 3. Five men were killed at the time Koekfoldt , Leo , Wilson , Uandall and McNanmra the latter only being from No. 2. HOW CONXOKS WAS Joe Divycr's Murderous WorK Do- Hci-Ihcd In Court. The trial ot Joe Dwyer , for murder , occu pied the entire time in Judge Estello's court yesterday afternoon. Several witnesses , all of whom wore In the lodging house on the night of the murder , were called and testltled. The testimony was substantially ns de tailed nt the inquest. The witness swore to having seen the row In which dishing and Dwyer engaged. They saw Dwycr knock Gushing down , after which Connors acted the part of a peacemaker in trying to separ ate the men. Dwycr thcii went into a side room , remained a moment and returned with a knlfoin his hand. Ho struck nt Cushing several times and th-jn making a rush at him hit Connors , who san K down upon a bench and died Immediately. Dwyer loft the building and was not seen again that night. The witnesses nil Identified him as being the man who was engaged in the light. iu 1'uvor ot the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul lly. The now Pul uco sleopinpr cars of tlio Chicago , MilwaukeeSt. . Paul Ry. , with electric lights in every berth , will continue ; to leave the Union depot , Oinuha , at 0:10 : p. in. , dally. Passengers talcing this train avoid transfer at Coun cil Hluffs , and arrive in Chicago at ! ) :30 : a. ni. , in ample time to mnko all eastern connections. Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam street. R A. NASH , J. E. PHISTONP : , General Agent. City Passenger Agent. Ht.w O d Are You ? Persons eighty years old or over , who nave resided in Omaha for some time , nro respect fully requested to correspond with the under signed. Kcsldonco should bo staled. Sub jects of mutual interest will be discussed and a society of genial spirits miiv bo otvanliod , Addicss H. J. B. , Hoom COO , Buu building , city. I'roHpeutivo liuilifT-i. Although not olllclally announced it is given out today that Frank Salon , Harry Walker and Davy Davis will bo appointed ns bailiffs for the now judges. They will report for duty upon the opening of the May term of court. R I kin _ owder Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard. DR. BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. ' A Full Bet of Teeth on Uubbcr , for HYK UOI.LAIIH. A perfect It iiuuranliHMl , Ti'Hh I'xtracted wllluiul piiln or ilunnor , and without niiKoitliutlcs. Gold nil ullvor nlllugi nt lownn riitos. HrlJti ) and Cronn Work. Teeth . ttltliout ulitt'i. All ivork unr- innluO , OFFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM ' " ' 10th itrctt cloialor. Open | | NEBRASKA. National Bank U. a DEPOSITORS , OMAHA , NK3. Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 1SOO , - Oii.BOO Onicori an < l llrectori--Hcnrr W. Vr > to , I'roilJont ; towli 8. llocil , Vlco-1'rcslJont ; JuinotV HaTa j. W V.Mono. Jobn ti. ColllQj , 1U U Cuiuliu , J. N. 11 1'alrlck. W. II. H. llugneJ , cuitilor. THE IRON BANK. Corner UtU aud farnamSU. A Qeocral Uanklus Iluslncsj Trauiaotol Ccwi tin on tstl. SATURDAY , BOYS' HATS , 25c. On Saturday , all 50c Crush Hats in black , blua Conner 18th and Douglas Streets. and brown , 25c. Lot 1. Boys' Short Pant Suits , sizes 4 to 14 , price $2. 150 suits all wool cassimere , bought recently for less than we can buy the cloth for , on sale this week at $2. Lot 2. Boys' Short Pant Suits , sizes 4 to 14 , price $2.50. Is an expensive imported cheviot- suit , Sold regularly for $5 , We cannot dup licate them in our stock for less ; this week at $2.50. Won't promise any after Saturday. in our show windows. SAMPLES i Don't wait until next week. Goods like these sell at Drs.Betts Betts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14OO GOUGLA.S OJIAIIA , NEU. Tno dlost widely and favorably ltnownspec lullsls In tlio Unftoi States. Their lone ox pcrloncc. remarkable skill and universal sue- cess In the treatment nnd euro ol1 Nervous , Chronic nnd Surgical Diseases , untltlo thcsa eminent phyelulium to the full confidence ot the iilMlctrcl everywhere. Tlioy.punriintpo : A CERTAIN AND I'OSITI.VE OUHE for the nwlul effects of early vice and the numer ous ovlls that follow In Its train. 1'HIVATE. UI.OOI ) AND KKIN DISEASES snRprtlly. completely nnd purniancntlv cuiud. NERVOUS DKHILITY AND SEXUAL DIS ORDERS yield readily to their alclllf ul treat- . FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCERS runrimteec ! cuicd without pain or dotuuUuu from Imslnos't. HVDROOELE AND VARICOOEI.E perma nently find successfully cuicd In o orycase , SYPHILIS. GONORRHEA , GLEET , Spor- nmtorrhcn. bcmluiil Weakness Lost Manhood , Night Emissions , Decayed I'ncultles , Kuniuli Weakness and nil dcllcuto disorders pocullai to cither BOX positively cured , ns well us all functional d Isorders that result from youthful follies or the e\ccssof mature yearn. sTK' IfTl I ] } ] Ounruntcod jiormii n o n t ly O I 1\1 /1 U1\L > unred , removal complete without cutting , caustic cr dilatation. CurU effected at homo by patient without o mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. 9TIRI riJPF T1' ° nwful effects ol OUKLLUKli ( . , irly vleu which brlngj orcnnlo weakness , destiojlne both mind and body , with all its dreaded Ills , permanently cured. II P Q RFTTQ Address those who have 1m- L/1VO. / 1JL.11O patiod tlienn Ives by Im proper Indulgence and solitary nablt * . which ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for business. Htudv or marriage. MARRIED MEN or these entering on that happy life , aware of phyMcal debility , ( ( UlcUy assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is Tinsod upon facts. First Practical experi ence. Second Ex ery cnso Is specially studied , thus Btuitlng right. Third medicines are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each case , thus effecting cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. NEB HOTEL. T/io . t-ttli n\il Ifat'itrti HH , Cor. - < \ , . . . . Htilixt ntl < illtponxtrnctf.il Hotel JttilltliiiH In Ontiiliii. tierernl Itcaru brick /fro iciillH rnnnlni/ from ttttNeiiH'iit to roof. AII the. ci'lllniiH nml lloom lined irltli AttbcNtim flra itroof Inliift , i > i lti < u It tmiiuHultile. to Intrn qii/f/ . ' . t'lreescnpeH nml fire < il < ii' m throntlhoitt the hiiiltllnii. Stfdin ln-dt , . . . . . . hot mill cold trtitcr nml B. SILLOWAY , Prop. HOTEL DELLOHE. Corner 14th and Capitol Avenua. Jvtst completed , has 100 rooms , threi stairways , from the top to the bottom , has fine elevator nnd dinning room sarvlos , I fire proof throughout , tine blllarJ rooms nnd the finest tollst rooms in the city. Largs Sample rooms , Sultos with bath tea. Cor 14th and CauitolAvo. Street oar sorvloo In alld.recttons. Hates , from S2.50 to 1.00 D HIIINTAI : < , . , MotU rntclu , I tosh ami hUn l e\ery bltnibli oil U-iuity , ana iklka .diUctlon. . It hit * LtuuU ' ilia tcct of ( l . anil IB no imhB * MO tustelt to l j mre ills prol > - trly innilc. Am'i t lid coiititirftlt of elmllur nan.f. Dr.L. A. h.iji-i' Hild to a lait ) of ttiulmut-ton ( alinlk'lil ) ; "A ) OU rauU'HCii'im'agllio luisl harmful oCitll the nUn pri'iuira- tloiin. " Foriwleby nil lut'Bi ; ! " ! " nnil 1-nnry Goods ain Ihe Uiiltwl stiMes. C n cl on < l K'1 ' ! * . , , fiillU. T. HOl'Kl.NS.Vroji'r.SJ Unal Junes St. , N. Y. REMEMBER IS THE NAME OF THAT Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH , HAY-FEVER , COLD In the HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , For Sale by leading Druggists. Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Re foody Co , 02 JACKSON ST. , CHICAGO. ILL. BLAKE.BRUCK & CO. MO ORE'S A os HI vn cure fur Mdi oy rnd I.Ivor fonij 1 ilnti nnd nil blood illsejiso * lines It ( my to suitor \\liun you can ! cnrcil hy mini , .Mooru's True of I.lfu tiiotirunt l.lfu Ituinoly' rrlrolor | ) bottlo. Via- pared mid put up by Dr. J II. Mouro. TKSTI.MONIAU „ „ , . . KMKIISO.V. In. , Dco.IO. IR'O. Jly Dear Jlr. Moiuu. I'or many jnars my WHO lias bcon u Kit'iit suirurer fiom tliu vciy woist Uliul of hk'k licadui'lic. nud hus trk'd u Kicut many > o-cullc < l roniLMllos , but wltlumt any Rood result . A nulKliliorliiK inlnlstur. who liiid been sically licnulll led by it hlin- pelf , advised llic usu of your Trco of Life. Hlio at once urocmcd a liottli1. mill now nftor ( I niontlis. can coii'oluntlously rocoiiiinond It as a valuable mcdlclno which nciioidliiK to tlio nature of the case , will ward oil' , Kreatly ro ll vo or radically curohlcUhuniliicho. . J.V. . I'ATIICAKT , Pastor 1'ief.Dyterlan Cliuruh , .J. E. McG-E-EW . . . - , feaTHE THE SPECIALIST. 1C Yo.irs' Experience. PRIVATE DISEASES Cured In 3 toS ( lavs without tlio IO.M of nn hourrtlim from business. The most ubioluto euro for ( iLKi : I' nntt nil annuylni ; dUclmrKcs over known to niodlcil nclcnro. bVl'Illl.lB vnrrnntod curolnlW toW d.iyi The ino"t powerful roinoily yet knoA'n for n pcrma- nuntcura. fe'rulcri.'Uiorpitlnln relluvlnctho bl.al. 6er , cuicd nt homo , \\lthout Instrument ) ; no outtln ; , nopnln , no illlutlnir. IO"s of Manhood or Wotknoti positively cured ; Instant relief , hkln ilUeisoi nnJ femnlo illst'MHOi purnuinontly curo.l l > r Meilroiv'i BIICCOSS In the treatment of 1'rlvntn Dl-euiOf hrn lioverbcon oiiiiilloil | , nnd his irre.it nrmy of pntlontj reaches from tlio Atlnnlloto the I'acltlc. Hooks and Chcul.irs frco. L-idlcs from ' , ' tn 4 only 14th mil i'nrimm ttreols Lhnulim Nob. liiitr.iuco oa vltlior street. A POSITIVE and permanent CURE for all dlseatesottheURlNARY ORGANS. Cures nhcra other treatment tails. Full directions with each bailie. Print , ono dollar. Sco signature of E , U STAHL For Solo By All 1 enialo lleani.the tno t poweiful female regulator I'er. ftcllymfe. Never full , li.ponpahl. Semite ( uimpfoi ) ratll'ulaii. Aildieit LIO.V DRUG CO. , Uuffalo , K. Y. Lot 3 , Boys' Short Pant Suits , sizes 4 to V\ price $3.75 , 100 suits of the best wearing chev iot in our stock , a neat brown mixed check. The regular price is $5.50. We could not sell * * * them at this price if we had made them. These lots were bought from the well known house of King , Hincklcy & Co. , of New York , for just half price. Lot 4. Big Boys , 13 to IS years , price $5.75 , 125 all wool cheviot and cassimere suits , always sold for $8 and $9. At this sale you can buy for $5.75. Corner 15th and Douglas Streets. BUT REFUSE SUDSTITUTES. GENUINE HAS BUFF WRAPPER AROUND BOTTLE. MADE OML.Y BY POND'S EXTRACT CO. , FIFTH AVE.f NEW YORK. NO GUREXr NO PAY. 1S16 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. A rornlir Krnlmlo In modiclno in rtlploimi A perumuont euro iiunr.inlcol for Catarrh PR. IIOHU'S 1TTLE VEGETABLE PILLS BILIOUSNESS , AND ALL nnd Stomach pu blc , belnK ct'mpjunc- , < l of viitctaliles In- dlgcnous to CalifninU Try ilicm. 4o pill * In , each * HI. Sick Headache is nuaotutcly cured uy , llrJebb'iLlltleVegeteHePllli / Co coiil n vlnli It for 05 crn , 'or 6 forvl. KDrnloljydrugiilile , or by mall AuJrcm I HOSE'S MtfllflHE 60. , PIIOP'S. SAH fBASCISOO f4l KOI' SALK IS OMAHA. NIUJ. . BV Kuhn & Co. , Cur. 15lh A DouKlns Slrtcts. J. A. Fuller A Lo , Cor lllli < fc Iluucl it Sirccts. A. D. Foster A : Co Council Illuffe , love. AND CRINCIPAL DHUCQISTS CVCRVWMKnC. H'o Offer I'oii ( i tt-liteh Initurcn Knffty to lAfo of Mother nml Child. ' II 'S Jlolis dotiflnrineiit f its 1'dln , Horror HIK ! Jllsli. AftcrtislnRonnbDltlont "Mnllit-r'H Krli-nil" I BiiltiTi'dhutllttlopnlu.undill liioti'X | > uiluuuutlin ( woaku fH nflerwnnl usual In Rticli cusus.-Jlu. AiiMi ! OAOU , iJinmr , Mo. , Jan. IS h , Ib'Jl. Rent liv exnroi. clmrnot iirepnld , 'i ' receipt of prlucI.WH.r | liolllo. IJonk Ui Uotlitimnalliu free. ATLANTA , CA. SOLI ) 1IY ALL DI'.UUOISTS. PERFECT HEALTH Hlcliuid H. Iloek , Lockpnrt N. Y. , writes tlnitiiftor many JIMIIH' ulIerliiK from Nurvnuu Debility. Slo.'p- . fessnes" , TnltrhlnK.of Miisclcn IHI nun rcxtorvil by four boxes Nnuvr Itr.ASH. " 1 am SO ' lie nys , but -eel Hko n ) mini : m.in " ( I prrbiix.pnatn.ilit. I'aui. Lhlotfrco. NBKVIMIIJANCO. HlWAio , N. Y. gold by ( ioodmon Drut ; Co , 1110 I'urnaiu HI , Omiin With Double Wire Suspensory. fATENTED AUQ. 16,1887. IMPROVED JULY 29,1890 , , nn. fANIC I1OIY I'KNSORY will euro all HhouJ mntlcCotnplalnta I.umbnBO. lion- ornlnndNorvoiH Dcblllly.Costlvo- ness , Kidney llnen e Nory nn nosfl. Tromb- Hnx , Beiunl Kiln - ImustlonVnst - ln of body , llln- ca-oa canted by Indlecretlons In Youth , Age , Mar- rled or BKNT TO nESPossnir. : PAKTIIM ron CEIU TAIN COMl'IjAlNTS ON 30 DAYS' TltlAI * Also nil Klcctrlo Truss nntl Holt Ooinblnoilt Send Be. POSIBKO for FltrE Illtistrntod book. 2M paRCS , which will bo i-ent you In plain coaled onvoU opo. Mention tills pupor. Aildrcus Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co , , SO6 N. Broadway. St. Loulo. Mo. " " lil" nm U "TEHBTrTfTrTAyCT" N ri " > Ho'p V till cure J DK J OTKrUEMStibtuon,0. S3 Cooilycar IVcIt ftll\trti' ' > pd. Suld J Init ihonrlKluul W Mii tin li"st m uli' llcwnroofiml- liliiini I'oallnely i liliK1 imtrss stainpcil nil the tnl , s'MmiuiH.M until CAPTURING THE TOWN WITH Custom-Made Clothing Wide nwako methods nnd low pi-Ices , nlways npprlciatod by the public slnco the Offere-lthG people of Omaha city nnd vicinity the opportunity of buying line custom made clothing n\ half its oriamal vnluo. The wealthy man as well as ho who toils hard lor his dollars , liavo comate to us. They come to us because although our clothing 13 the finest in the land , our prices are always the IrtvnrrtCF . lowest.BARGAINS [ THAT SAVE DOLLARS , : ; PRIOR S LI SO ? SUITS. OVEBCOATS PANTS. 00 Merchant Tailor inadu inaclo ut t3 ! 00 Vft OOMurcliiiiitTulloriiiniloat ! 10 (0 t G 00 Merchant Tailor inudo nl 13 0 OUMiTclinnt Tailor ut tl W ) 10 Morclitmt Tullor Hindu nt Ill W 3) TO Momliaut Tullur made ut U &i t' (0 ( Mmvliunt Tullor inuilo ut 400 00 Mficlmnt Tailor miulo at Ih 25 40 Ml Miiii-li.int Tiillur iniiilo ut 117. ) 10 W ) Murchutit Tullor inuilo ut 6 OjJ U ) Murclmnt Tullor mi.du ut 0 oo 45 ( KMcivlilint ) T.illor iniiilo ut iii OJ 00 MtTclmnt Tnllor liliuh ! ut 13 M . ' 12 IXi Mi > r'hunt Tullor iiiudn ut , , 000 60 CO.Mur-hunt Tullor mutlo ut 2.00 . Tullor inudo 00 .Mutt-hunt at - 01 IS 00 Muruliunt Tullor niaduut OM Muruliunt Tullor niuiiu ut " 0 00 U ) OOMuruhuiit I'ullur iniiilu ut MW 759 OOJluichtuit Tullor mudout ! a 00 70 00 Mvichunt Tailor niuilv lit M W IS Ui.Mt'icliuiit Tullor mudu ut A perfect lit warranted , and till goods sold on their merlin. A punrnntco in every ease juat as represented , at the ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309.