J1ADE A PRETTY MUSS OF IT. Inconsistencies of tha Ohartor Provisions Regulating Oity Sanitation ! BIG MONEY FOR THE GARBAGEMASTER. ttcjiort I'ropnrcd liy tlio Council Com * milieu Which will Hccominoud Itaillual KoforniH of ( ho 1'rcHiMit Sjstom. La t November n special commlUeo of the council , appointed to Invcitlgato certain al leged frrugulnritlot in the conduct of the ofllcu of garbago-mnstcr , nnd consisting of Councllmon Olson , Mcluarlo , L.owry , Shrlver und Dluincr , made the following ro- part : * * Wo recommend that the two night \-nluliiiiPii I'tiKitRod by resolution of tlio city council n few mouths ago on thu two dumps , bo dispensed with , und wo unbuilt a rcHoliitlnn to that Direct. Thu several enl Ina MCUM covering tbo sanitary commit * nloiicr liitvo not , In the opinion of your ciiuiiulttoo , given iiitlsfactlon and they liavo boon grossly abused to thndlssiitlH- fucuon und detriment of the public and wo submit tlirco dlirurout ordinances , which , In tltc opinion of your eotiiinllteo , will Klvomuch cheaper survive. bo a luvcnuo In place of 1111 oxpcii" ! ) In tlio city and nevertheless bo olll- clout If propurly curried out. to Ueun the city In a liciiltliy nnd clean condition. These ordinances relnto to the cleaning of cos pools , the removal of garbugo nnd dead animals by contract. They propose also to wlna out ilio ofllco of sanitary commissioner , to sub-divide the city it.to sanitary districts nnd to clean cess polls under proper restric tions. This Is aimed at with the hope that "tho work may bo done satisfactorily and without compelling citizens to pay tribute to the sanitary commissioner. The position of sanitary Inspector or com missioner Is filled by Mr. Frank Morrlssoy. JIc was appointed to the place In recognition of his alleged services to the mayor in the last city campaign. Since that time Mr. Morrissey has used his Ofllco mainly ns n monoy-mnkliig position for lilmsclf. Every ordinance whlcn the council has passed rolatlnir to the oflico In the past few months has been written by himself. Everyone of these ordinances has been framed mainly to protect himself. They have > ? iven him almost unlimited power to collect Ins own fees. The garbage man , the vault cleaner , the dead animal hauler , pay him tribute. They pay it in advance , too , by means of the purchase of books of receipts without which they cannot vork and which cost Wm each. These books contain twcuty-fivo checks mid each check Is a permit to haul n load of refuse of some Kind. When a boon Is exhausted another must bo procured before the hauler can hope to deposit u load of refuse , debris or cxcro _ mout at the dump. At the latter place aro" . two watchmen , paid by the cit > , part of whoso duty it is to sco that no scavenger de posits r. load of refuse there who Is unpro vided with the chock which puts a dollar Into Mr. Morrissov's pockets. The Issue of those llttlo books , it might ho thought , would bo made to ovcry scaven ger whoso wages enabled him to carry on his business without offcnso to the public. Hut such Is not the case. John Nelson , ono of the oldest vault cleaners In town , has been roftibod ono of the&o books. As n consequence - quonco , with four iron wagons especially Adapted for the business and the necuss iry teams und Implements , no Is compelled to re main Idlu. Ho refused to pay exorbitant tribute to Morrissey. IIo not only can get no book , but Morrlssoy has enjoined his pay for the work which Niilson did. Tim latter was commissioned bv Iho board of Orclmrd Hill , bU bid boluir tbo lowest , * ! IO IIo performed tbo work satisfactorily. Iorrlssoy doinandod his fee of 10. Nelson thouuht tbo demand oxcosslvo and refused to pay. The ordinances of the city at rbo present time seem to protect Morrlssoy in his ex tortionate demands. * Ho Is aware of this fact did in netting his hautboys In readiness to piake u move all over the sity with an nlltiRcd "sprliiR-oleaiiiiij-necesitv" ( ! order which will put thousands into his pocket. Not contuut , however , with fashioning the Ordinances to protect him lu his pockot-fillliiK cliomo , Morrlssoy baa just recovered from. herculean efforts to amend tbo charter so ns to place him oven beyond the reach of coun- cllincn who may desire to save the people from belnir robbed. The result was the charter provision Xvblcb Tin ; Unn published on Sunday last. It Is likely that no has since discovered that his attempt at legislation has been n fizzle , because ma ofllco is no inoro recognized by the statutes than it bail been before bo com- bionccd work. Ho secured the wiping out of section 30 flnd securing the appointment of a board of health consisting of the mayor , the city ghyblcinn , who Is styled "commissioner of ealth ; " tbo chief of police , "sanitary com missioners" and two members of the council who "aro" chairmen of tbo committees on Btroots and alloys and sewers , respectively. No reference Is made to the creation of the A. - pftlco of "sanitary commissioners , " however , Tjoiiher does the charter specify how many of the same "commissioners" shall bo in the board. The term , however , was intended bo In the singular and to refer to Mr. iMor- rlssey himself , but the charter does not show .With regard to the committee chairmen , the f- charter spooks of them as in the present time put does not refer to the future. The section contains a number of incon sistencies In which the duties of the several Members of the board are pretty badly mixed. for instance , thocommlsslonor of health ( the city physician ) "shall * * enforce all laws cf the state and ordinances Df the city relat ing to matters of health and sanitation. " A couple of Hues further down ono finds the following , Riving practically the same nuthnrlty to what Is styled Uio "sanitary Commission , " something which is not created nd which c.uinot mean any one man ns Mr. Morrissey had Intended : "Tho 'sanitary com mission1 under the direction of tbo board of health shall have tharpo , control nnd supervision - vision of all sanitary nnd health affairs of the i-ity , Including the removal of dead ani mals , the sanitary condition of streets , olloys. * * * wells , cisterns , privies , pre vent the occurrence of nuisances , oto. " In the next paragraph the In- ftfinrtintsi nf innnt. inlllr and food . . . Iliu board of hoaltli. but the position which Mr. Morrlssoy holds , presumably that of nnltnry commlsslonor , Is nincnnblo to no authority. The board of health , In the next para graph. Is allowed to malco rules nnd regula tions ' 'for tlio conduct of tlio affairs nnd of the notion of the commissioner of health , " but nowhcro Is It show \vhoro It may make rules for Mr. Mor- rissoy's position. The board may nlso "from tlmo to time , na required by the council n.sutno . control and direction of tbo Knruago nnd plumblnginspoc- tloti , poimdinastor1 but It may not control the position of Mr. Morrissuy. 1 hero is still n inoro serious dofcctnnd that Is found lu the following : "In casoof the absoiico. disability or In ability to net of the commissioner of health ( the city physician ) , the mayor may nnd Is fioroby authorized nnd empowered to deslp- tiatn anil appoint some other member or urn- plovo thereof to temporarily perform the duties of said commissioner , nnd said npi olntco shall hnvo and cxorclso the same powers nnd authority us said commissioner durlni- the period for which ho Is appointed. " This moans simply that the chief of the police or Mr. Morrlssoy or UicK Hurdlsh or Councilman Bluinor or their successors , may bo cnlled upon to perform the duties of city physician I H will bo soon that Mr. Morrlssoy'a attempt to entrench himself behind the charter has not boon it success. The coundlmen who favor the ordinances which nro calculated to reform the oflleo of ( military commlsslonor nro prepared to show that the people nro paying a great deal too much both ns taxpayers and directly from their pockets for tbo worlc which ho Is al leged to superintend. They will also show how some of the work expense to the city may bo a source of revenue - nuo to It. _ ( 'csslor'sAIagloIIcadacho Wafers. Cures alt Lcaduchcs in M uilnutos. At all druggists Jury 1'or Jwyor. " Tlio lawyers consumed the entire day yesterday - torday lu selecting the Jurors who nro to hoar the testimony In the case of the atato against Jot ) Dvvyor , who is on trial in Judge Kstollo's Aourt , charged with having murilorcd John onnors. At < o'clock twelve mon wore swore In , and In charge of a bailiff , they visited the Eleventh street chop house , the scene of the murder , Dwyer accompanied the Jurj'i but took llt tlo or no Interest In the examination. The taking of testimony will begin this morning. Dr. BIrnov euros catarrh. Bco bld'j ; . ON. Sun ( lay Rclinol Workers Spurred For ward to Mltflitlor DcnilH. The second session of the United Prosby * torian church Sunday school convention con vened at 10 a. in. yesterday In the Park Ave * nuo church. The first half hour was devoted to devo tional exorcises led by Kcv. J. C. Lynu of Ivenrnoy. Then for two hours the quostlon box becimo the subject of in terest. A largo number of questions wore found In the box nnd they were nil practical questions pertaining to the work of the Sunday school. They were discussed ono at n tlmo'nnd were quite satisfactorily nnaworcd. Those who took an active part In discussing nnd answering the contents of the ( ju"3tlo.i box were ! Kov. J. M. French , Dr. Williamson , Ur. Glbbs of the First Church Umnha , Kov. J. A. Henderson of the Park Avenue church , Kov. J C. Lynn of Kearney , Mrs. Hell of Dunbar , Kov. 0. C. ICylo and wlfo of Majors and several others. In the opening sermon yesterday afternoon Kov. J. C. Lynn of Kcnrnoy reviewed hastily the moral nnd spiritual condition of the people - plo of this country nt the present day , nnd then drew from thU a vigorous nnd compre hensive outline of the duty which rests upon the church and upon the ministry. Hu pictured the suhlimo work that the salvation of Christ has tlono und Is doing for the human raco. Ho admonished the nrotlircn present to bo sure they were each perform ing their part In the great work of saving souls. souls.Ask Ask youMolf this question , " said the earnest divine , ' 'If everyoody would do Just what I am doing lu the work of Christianiz ing the world und saving fallen humanity , how much would bo tlono I Would the church und the Sunday school and the mla stonury work nnd the charitable work move grandly forward or would these grand Insti tutions languish and fail if every other pro fessing Christian should do Just as 1 am doing ! " The speaker advised every member of the church to bo n worker and do something for God and humanity. Afti p Mm .iprmmi trin rptrnlnr ntslnpS3 of tno presbytery wns tnucn up. KOV , j.j. . Lynn wns elected moderator to take the place so nbly filled during the past year by Kov. J. M. French of this city. Mr. .1. M. Wustcrllold of South Omaha was elected secretary. This position has been very olllciently tilled by Kov. J. A. Henaer- son of the Pant nvenuo church for nearly four years and ho was strenuously urged to attain accept the position but he positively declined to do so. The hearing of reports from regular nnd special committees then took up a couple of hours. Kncouraging reports from nearly all parts of the district were received nnd the ilcld seems to bo In excellent snapo for the co m I n ff y ea r. Do not take any chance of being poisoned or burned to death with liquid steve polish , paints or enamels In bottles , The "Kismg Sun Steve Polish" is snfe , odorless , brilliant , the cheapest and best steve polish made , and the consumer pays for no extensive tin or glass package with every purchase. Mucli in Excess of Tlmio of a D.sin- tnrcstcd K.vncrU The committee of the board of education appointed to investigate the charges against Superintendent Woolioy , hold n closed ses sion at the board rooms Monday. The com- mlttco was in session all day and confined its investigations to the building on Davenport street , near Thirty-ninth , which cost the board over 51,000. Contractor Hart was the principal wit ness. Ho had been subpoanrcd by the chair man and was unknown to any of the commit tee. Ho testified that ho hnd gene out to the building In company with Messrs. Smyth and Poppleton of the commltteo nnd had made n thorough examination of the building and its surroundings und had prepared de tailed figures on the construction of that or a similar building. In reply to a direct question , ho stated , under oath , that ho could duplicate the build ing , complete , for SI-Co. Further questioning developed that Mr. Hart's figures for the lumber were about JO lower thnn the bill for the same quality nnd Mpount which had boon paid by the board. In the opinion of the committee this amount should bo added to Mr , Hart's ' estimate in justice to Mr Woolioy. Mr. Woolioy was represented at the exam ination by an attorney , nnd every oppor tunity was given to cross exnmino the wit ness. ness.A A continuance was taken until Wednes day morning in order to give Mr. Woolioy an opportunity to produce evidence In his de fense. The matter of the Davenport school Is th o most important under Investigation.although the principle Involved in the mutter of storm windows at Lake street is of considerable importance. Mr. Woolioy reported In writing to the board that _ the storm windows hnd been placed in position on that bulldint : , when ns a matter of fact , the windows were never put up nt nil. The matter of shades nt Farnam school hinges on a quostlon of voracity between Mr. Martin , chairman of the commltteo of the board on building nnd property , nnd Superin tendent Woolioy , nnd Mr. Martin will bo summoned to appear before the committee. Woolioy claims that ho did not push the changing of the bhades because Mr. Martin told him to wait. For years the editor of the Burlington Junction , ( Mo. ) Post , has boon subject to cramp colic or fits of indigestion , which pros trated him f6r several Uours nnd unfitted him for business two or three days. For the past year ho has been using Chamberlain's colic , cholera and diarrhoea remedy whenever oc casion required , and It has invariably given him prompt relief. > and CO cent-bottles for sale by druggists. MAY HAVE I1KKN HUNGRY. Klvo Mou Attempt to Hiirglarizo a Meat Market. An attempt was made Sunday nightto burglarize the market of Hugh & MIchel at Twenty-fourth and IJlnnoy streets. Ono of the proprietors , who lives in the rear of tbo market , was awakened shortly after mid night , and on making an investigation dis covered a man in the net of pushing another through the transom over the front door. The marauders saw him at the same tlmo and Hod precipitately. There were live mon In the party nnd they evidently intended to tnko everything worth currying away. Dr. Mary Strong , who rf- sldes across the street , also saw them , but was unable to give a very close description of any of them. The police have no clue to the would-be burglars. They Got It ol'toiirHO. Jltnt oh Jlml I say , Jim ! Youn comln' , mam ; what's cr matter ! Why baby has got the colic ; run down to drug store nnd get , a bottle of Hallcr's pain paralyzer ; quick , now. Ho Struck n Woman. M. C. Swcener , a stationary engineer , wns lined f35 and costs yesterday afternoon by Judge Hclsloy for striking and knocking down Miss Kosa Cohen , who resides at 1421 Howard street. Judge Hclsloy scored Swccncr roundly when ho made his decision. The Judge said that no mutter what the provocation was , n man was a brute who would strlko a woman. lu 18Sy Swoenor camn to Omaha and ob tained employment of Mr. Frank Karago ns engineer of tno Kamgo building. It hap pened that Swoenor-was not a competent man to have In charge of the elevator nnd steam heating apparatus , and consequently after three months' service , during which tlmo ho was a terror to the inmates of the building , ho was discharged. "After a varied exporlcneo with many so- called cathartic remedies , I am. convinced that Ayor's pills give the most satisfactony results. I rely exclusively on these pills for tbo euro of liver and stomach complaints. " John 13. Uoll , Sr. , Ablloua Tax. HOW IT HURT SOUTH OMAHA , Inwarduesa of the Through Shipment as Ap plied to Local Stock , FORTY PER CENT AGAINST THE PACKERS , Dressed Products Discriminated Af-alnqt Through Dishonest fllanlp- Hint Ion of Hates from FJXV- orccl Points A. Now l > oal. "If you paper representatives are afraid to speak out In matters of public concern anil tell the whole truth , " snld a rcprosonttitlvo nnd well Informed citizen thoroughly farall- Inr with tlio stock nnd stockyards business , "I wish you would quote mo through Tun BEE on tbo present rullroad racket. There is n whole lot of sentimentality , virtuous In- dlcnatlon , deception and hypo U'lsy Just now boiling over.VhiIo Tin : BEK has told much , and considerable of the truth , yet much of greatest Interest to stock raisers and ship- tiers , commission men , the stockyards ofll- cluls , ana mora than alt else , to the packing plants , has boon omitted. "Now I for ono bellovo that the natural surroundings are such that thu South Omaha market only wants a fair and even chance , frco from nil Impediments , advantages and disadvantages , to become the second stock mart of America. I say , thnn , give us a fair deal , and tlio results will bo all wo can expect - pect yes , all wo want. "As suggested In TUB Bnr , In Its first ar ticle exposing ttio questionable doings In freight shipments and freight charges , there Is a deal of crooked work and injurious manipulations going on at this point , that Is inoro detrimental to the Interests of the stockyards andi packing companies , as well as stock ralsars and ship pers thnn all the open abuses or causes for complaint combined. In this matter I wish It distinctly understood , nnd I want you to so emphatically state it that no ono can misun derstand or misconstrue It , that I cast nojro- llcction on the management of the stockyards ur railroads in fact 1 am confidant that they are oitlior Ignorant or hulploss victims. "Ono only of the abuses sugirestod may bo repeated atut followed out in Ita various rural * llcations to civo UVCTV reader , as well as uvui v uusiiius ; * miuLt. : i uu . < ouutii i iuuun , i/u understand tlio cancerous growth gnawing at the vitals of the business here. "Lot mo illustrate : Suppose I am a largo buyer for an eastern house and you nro a local railroad representative. If I bought ! IOO cattle or llftcon car loads n day , and you would keep mo Informed of all favored ship ments , so that my local cattle would get the benefit of the through rates from favored points T , or you and I , nt a very small cost to my custom house , could make more money out of the transaction than the railroad com panies hauling the stock or the farmer who raised it , and this largely , too , at the ex pense , or at least to the disadvantage of South Omaha. "The transaction would bo simply carried out in this way , under former practices , with out danger or detection : You would whisper- in my ear that you had bills of lading for ten cars of through stock bought and slaughtered bore , from n favored point , which point would would bo only 14 cents , while tUo local r.Uu is 22 cents. I then go on the local market and buy stock from n near or less favored point and load the stock in place of the other stock shipped and slaughtered hero and ship it cast. 1 could afford to give you a check for Sl.llflO nr nvrm * .YOX ( ) ovnrv vonr or ovou of- tonov ana cnnrgo it up w expense accouni , for my eastern house would bo getting Jreight rates -10 per cent under other ship pers. This would ho , as it has boon , Just that -10 per cent against local packing house products , nnd has almost cut our houses out of eastern markets. "This too could have been done , nnd every inducement has been offered to have it done , without the least danger of detection. Every paper would bo straight , every billing in form , ovcry charge on its face full and correct , and ovcry freight rate maintained , while , in fact , by substituting other stock and shipping under the through bill of lading , the raihoiuls hnvo boon defrauded , the stock raisers ileoced , local packing houses radically cut out of other markets nnd South Omaha greatly injured for the benefit of eastern dealers. Moro than this , the practice per mitted offers a premium ou dishonest and dishonorable practices. "I want this stopped , and as I believe n full exposure through Tun Bni : will burst It all up , I stand in the breach. " Friendly to South Omnhn. "I wish you would state through THE BEK , " said Fred C. Mnegley , joint agent for the Western Freight association , "that there is no truth in , nor foundation , for the circu lated reports that the railroads centering hero have unfriendly feelings towards this market. These reports doubtless were the result of misrepresentations made because of reform methods lately introduced hero. There is no foundation whatever for such bollef , but , on tbo contrary , the railroads show every consideration to this point as a Hvo stock market nnd extend every privilege consistent with the provisions of law. Wo have simply de vised means , in co-operation with the stockyards company , as wo have a right to expect , nnd even demand , whereby iho identity of stock may be preserved. No privileges attending shipments of Hvo stock through from western points via South Omaha to Chicago have been withdrawn , nor oven modified.1' PAXTON Al'TJjIIMATII. Captain Carter's Funpr.il I'urso For tlio Girls. The funeral of Captain Carter , of No. 2 fire company , will take place nt 10 a. m. tomor row from St. I'hllomonn's cathedral. The firemen , police force , Veteran Firemen's as sociation and Ancient Order of Hibcrluus will attend in a body. The regular boarders of the I'axton hotel have raised n purse of $17fi.OO for the kitchen girh who lost their clothing in the tire ot Sunday night. Mrs. J. D. Dadosman started tlm i'nio , t. mill li.io tlm wni'tf In / linl'rrn Tt. is expected mat nt least 'uu mil oo suo- scribed for the girls. Oxmnu'N Coiijiij-nl Isolations. Joe Oxman , whoso escapades have been chronicled In THE Bin : , returned yesterday morning from Otis , Kan. , in charge of an olll- cer and was taken before Justice Hart , who re leased the defendant's bondsman and Ox man was committed to Jail. The story told by the prosecuting witness , Mary Jensen , is to the effect that Joseph was guilty of certain social irregularities that would shortly culminate in her sorrow and shame unless ho fulfilled his specious prom ises to uiako her his wife. All this happened last July , and she went to him nnd expounded the Nohraskastatutes as she understood them. Joe listened patiently and had nothing to say , but as soon as she had finished ho hastened away and married Cnrrio Fiala. When next Mary pressed her claim Joe do- clurcd that ho was a married man , and ao As a Rule , It Is best not to attempt to remedy costiveness - ness by the uio of snllno or drastic purga tives. When a cp.thartlc medicine is needed , the most 111'jipt and beneficial Is AVer's Tills , iw effect is to re-tore the regular action of .he towels , without \\cnkenlni ; them , llcing sugar-coated , these Tills ictuln their medicinal virtues fer a long time , and are easy to take , " I can recommend Ayer's nils above all others , having long pioved their value ns a c.itluirtlc forinyjelf and family. " J.T. Hess , Lclthsvlllc , la. " In 1808 , hy tlio advice of a friend , I began tiio use of Ayer's rills as a remedy for bit * lousncs- , constipation , high fevers , and colds. They serrctt mo better than any thing I had proi lously tried , and I have used them In attacks of that suit cm- since . " II. W. HeMli , Judsonla , Ark. Ayer's Pills , rnnriniD nr DB. J. O. AYEE < fc CO. , Lowell , Maaa. Sold by all Dealers In Medicines. cording to the laws of the land It would bo Impossible for him 16 think of taking unto himself another wlfo , neither could ho pro vide her with a satisfactory amount of cash , as fortune had not smiled very broadly upon him. Thus It happened that hgal proceed * ings were instituted , and now Mr. Oxman doesn't ' know Just wUcrp ho stand * so far as his conjugal relationship Is concerned. Queen of tlio Mny. Say ma , the girls sny If my face want so speckled up with plraplcs , they'd make mo "Queen of the May1.1' ' What shall I dot Why , pet a bottle of Hdllor's sarsaparllla nnd burdock , of course ; It's the most wonderful blood purlllor of the age. Jlo > v Old 'Aro Yon ? Persons eighty years old or over , who hnvo resided In Omaha for some time , are respect fully requested to correspond with the under signed. Kcsldonco should bo stated , Sub jects of mutual Interest will bo discussed nnd n society of genial spirits may bo organized. Addicss H. J. U. , Koom COO , DCD building , city. Tlio Itcnl Kstato IjxcnatiRC. At the session of the real estate exchange t was announced that hereafter the morning call of listings nnd sales would bo made promptly at 11:110 : o'clock and nil reports must bo lu by that tlmo in order to bo pub lished. Mr. C. C. Ooorgo , on bohnlf of the East Omahaland company , announced that on the llrst pleasant day on which there was a ses sion of the exchange , the East Omaha com pany would provide conveyances and take the members of the exchange and representa tives of the press on n trip to East Omaha and show thorn the remarkable developments of that suburb , the slto for the now brldgo over the Missouri nnd other points of in terest. A banquet will nlso bo provided in East Omaha by the syndicate and a general good time provided. It wns nlso announced that Captain E. B. Marks , who has been in the city some time representing the Arkansaw Traveler , had secured a page of advertisements booming Omaha ntid would proceed to boom the city. Mr. Ooorgo Hicks Is delegated to provide a lunch for the exchange next Saturday morning. DoWitts Llttlo early Kisora : only pill to euro sick headache and regulate the bjival Olll omcei" ) UcKlocteil. The annual mooting of the stockholders of the Gorman savings bank was hold yesterday afternoon nt the bank , corner of Tirtoonth nnd Douglas streets. The statement of the cashier for the ten months during which the bank has been In operation showed profits amounting to $17,019.02. The showing was a highly satisfactory ono to the stockholders. The election of dirce'tors resulted In the choalng of the old directors and they nt once ro-clectcd the old oniccra , tlio ofllcors nnd directors being as follows : Frederick Mot ; ; , president ; C. .T. K&rbach , vice president ; Henry Uolln , managing director ; L. D. Fowler , cashier ; Frederick Krug , Ueorgo Hoimrod nnd Henry Meyer. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for child ren teething , rests thu child and comforts the mother , -o cents h uottlo. She Whipped Her Illv.il. Mrs. Minnie Cross filed a complaint In po lice court late yesterday afternoon charging n Mrs. Trout of North Twentieth street with nssnultnnd battorv. Mrs. Trout. It Is claimed , Is Jealous of Mrs. Cross , who , If the allegation is true , is alto gether too friendly with the husband of Mrs. Trout. i The women met on North Twentieth street yesterday afternoon , and after n war of words proceeded to pull hair ! nnd light it out in the regulation female fashion. The case will bo cnlled In the police court this morning. . . . . „ The delicious fragrance , refreshing coolness and boft boanty imparted to the skin by I'oz- zoni's Powder , commends it to all ladies. Dentil of n Vet. W. K , Elliott , an old soldier , who has been confined in the insane ward at the poor farm , died yesterday. JtKATHS. Nnlicrt of flrt linn or ( MI wirier thtx head , fifty conlne < ich ailitillnnal line ten cent * . STATUMJ-Kdward."at ' 1 p. m. , April 13. asod 'M years. Kuneral 1 p. m , April lf , from rosl- donco of his bioihor. 1GOP Chicago street. In terment at Koroat Lawn. PIUOK Nora , nt family residence. 1514 North Twentieth street , uxo 2 vc.irs and 1 month , Funeral Wednesday afternoon at : i p. in. Interment at Holy fcepulcliro cemetery. A Scroflilous Boy Running1 Sores Covered His Body and Head. Bones Affeotod. Cured by Cutlcura Bamodios. \Vlien-lv months old Iho lufthnnd of our llttlo ( 'rnnilcldld licRiui to nwell , nnd luul ancoof nlareu boll. Wo i > oultlca ovcry nppcmr- < l It. lint nil to no I'Urposo. ' About Hvo month * utter , It bucniuo a run- nlns soro. Boon otlior sores funned , lit ) then hnd two of them on each hum ! , ami , as Ids blood bocniuo moro nnd more Impure , It took less llmo for them to break out , Aero cnmoon the chin , benentli the under Up , which win very of- fiTialvo. Ills head Hits ono solid srah , dlochnrKliig n Rrcat itcnl. This wns hH condition nt ttronty-tno months ohl , nhon I unilorlookthocnruof him , Id * mother luiTlnk'dlid when ho n lltilo moro thnn 11 ycnr old , nt con- umptlonpnifiiln. ( . of eourjiHo ) rould wnlk n lit tle. but could not it-it up If hofcll down , mid could not moru when In bed , Imvlnu no usoof hiImmlx. . I Imniedhdclr commoner ! with the CCTICt'HA ' ItFM- KlilKS , usliiu nil fri't'ly , Ono sere nttfr nnothor liealc'd , n Imny mnttrrforniliiKln cnch ono of thcio flvfldocponon Jiixt before hoallnK , which would mi ldly grow lee u und ncrutukcn out : tlii'ii they would liralnmldlv. Ono of Ih0"0 uzly bnna formntloni I downs eoinplctely cured , anil Is now , al t'uu UKU of six rear * , -irons nnd healthy child. stits. n. s. nitiRcs , . . G12 13. Cnrt. ! . , llloouilnvtun , 111. Mn.yD. IMS. My Rrnnitson remains pcrfectlv woll. N'oIKRS of scrofula and no gores. MRS. K. S. IlltlCRS , Kub. 7 , W. J. lllDuinliiiitoii , 111. Cuticura Resolvent The now lllood I'urlllcr. inlarnnlly ( to clo.in-otlio blued if ) all Inipurltlus find polsonoua clcinont * ) , und tlms remove tlm cniiso ) , and Ci'Tiri'iiA , the ( kin Cure , nnd ' ' ' uroat Ct'TK'L'itA hAi' ( | . un cxnulsllo bkln IluiiutltliT , externally ( toi'leir Hiekin nnil acntpmid resturo tno Inilri. euro every dlroaso nnd liunior of the skin and liloud , irom tiliiiulm to icrof ulii. Bold every where. rrtcctJt > Tici'ii.\.liOri SOAr , S IIKMOI.VB.VT , II 1'repartvJ .hy I'OTTEII JlHUd A OH MICA I. fnlil'oiiATlox , IIUHtun. fj fconil for ' 'Jlow . 16 euro Jllood Olienacs , " . . . DADV'9 ' Skin and Sralppurlfled nnil lioniilinedby DHDI 0 " ' ' " * ' CUTicinixtfoAi' . Abnolutoly puro. RHEUMATIC PAINS CimciTIIA * ANTI PAIN' 1'l.ANTEii rollover rhnumntlo Sci atic , hip , kidney' che't , and muscular pulna and weaknesses , Prlco 25c. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS.n GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , iilUB remedy for all Ihi unnatural dlwtmrge * and private dlsvuses ot men. A certain curn ( or tlie ilchlll- tntlnif weakntu jiacullar to womro. Vrdoolrby I piescrllKlIt nnrt foolsata iTHtEvMttCHtmcuCo In rernmmendlDi ; It to l * uir rora. . , Nolit liy I'UICK 81. OO. Winslow Wilkes , Tha fastast 4-yoar-old pacing stallion In th World , IlM-ord 2:111-3 : , nt rxixlnt'ton , Kr. , Sd lionl.br Black Wllkua , dnm br Ahuunt XI. will make tlio-oainn nf wltli 1K > I at usualroliru ItiOl Vlnton troot , Umatio , Nou. blABoM 100 COLLOI'V. ! Don't ' Overlook O ur new arrivals in Sack and Frock Suits ' ; they're handsomer this spring than ever. Prices , $7.50 , $10.00 , $12.50 , and $15.00 Co. New suit spring shades , dark and medium colors. You can tell a B. K. & " ' as far as you can see it , by its perfect fit and neat appearance. "It's Economy to buy 'Em , " ' they're made right , and never lose their shape. $7.50 , $10.00 , $12.50 and $15.00 , places them within easy reach , try one I In Spring Overcoats , our assortment is extra large , you can select shade you want at $10.00 , $12,50 , $15.00 and $18.0O , and if you want any something par excellent , and don't want to the ' Tailor's ' pay 'We've got 'Emat $15 , $18 , $2O , 25 , and $30. price , There's never a mistake made by buying garments well ' put together , and there's a world of comfort in wearing them. Beautiful line of Children's Suits , always on hand , handsome $2.50 , $3 , $3.50 , $4 and $5. They're very tasty and when seen styles on the , street everybody knows they're from RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , S. W. Cor. 15th and . . . Douglas Streets ! Send for Illustrated Catalogue. 'VETERINARYSPECIFIGS ' For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , Hogs , J ANt ) POULTRY. 000 Pane IlooUnn Treatment of Animals CCTES < Fov-rKnnKcsllonN.Iiiflnninititlon A. A.I Spinal jUi-iiiiiitlllN , 3111k Kover. JI.II---iriilii LnniuneNH. KliL'iiimHlMin. r.C.-.niHteinppr , > 11 ul nl-clmracs. I ) . II. HotH or Grub * , VVoruiH. K.K.--'oiiiliHi ! Ilrnvox , I'licumotiiru V.K. Colic or GrlpCH. Ilullyucbo. ; . ( ; . --IHlHcarrliw. llurnorrlmuvH. II. II. Urlnnry iinu Kidney IMfriiHCg. -.Eruptive lIlsciiHCH , iUiinitc. j.K.--Ji eiiHL'H of Digestion , Paralysis. Single Botllo ( over BO doses ) . - - .60 Stable Onset wllli . BjiocUlM , Manual , . Veterinary Cure Oil nnd Modlcator , B7.0O JnrYolerinury Cure Oil , - - 1.00 Sold by DrnezUt- ; Sent Prepaid onrwhero and In any quantity ou Receipt of Price. HtJMPHHBTS' MEDICINE CO. , Corner William and John Sts. , Now York. HOMEOPATHIC * ' ' .ijHOMEOPATHIC fy-f / .ij ISPECIFIC NO.I In nso 30 years. The only encces-fnl remedy for Nervous Debility , vital Weakness , nd Prostration , from over-work or other cause * . 91 per rial , or G rials and large rial powder , for $3. SOLD UT JlRDooisTS. or sent poxttiald ou receipt orprlco.-HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Oar. William and John Sts. , IT. Y. , Have you a Pittsburgh , Rochester , Duplex , or a'Stu- dent Lamp ? Do they work satisfactorily ? Do your Lamp Chimneys break ? Yougetlhewrongsort ! The RIGHT one's are the "PEAUL GLASS , " made by Geo. A. Macbeth & Co. , Pitts burgh , makers of the cele brated " Pearl-top " lamp chim ney,5 which have given univer- cnrlcfbr-rmn. * 4 4 C t&rrh In a very horl timt ; 0 Hsy Fever 0 from three to fiv 0Q days ; 4 iVottcc. Poalcd proposals will bo recnlvcd by tlio Stiitu 1'rlntliii Hoard , ut ; the olllco nf hucro- taiyofstatu , at any I line before 'I'liosiluy , April -I , IMM. ut - | i. in. , for printing imd Ijlnd- lii ! ? "tlno foiling itni'li nf thn sntmtn mid hniihn Ic'JI. HuniUu und liousu journul.s to bo printed on book pupur , two poundH par qulro , super royul nctuvo form , sninll pica typo , elx-to pica londii butwuon tlio lines , without tinnce- csiiiry liliinUs , biokun liuuos or puriisruph1 * . lilankH butncon procceulnKs of onch day , und hut\U'Cii dlirurunt su.sslons of thu siuno day. not to oxvood four pica llni's , IIIIKOS to ho siunoslzoas journals of ISS-'I slienp. - , binding half Hussion laws to bo printed on two pound book paper , small pica typo , paces to bo sumo Mro and form > thu laws ot INS.I with iniir- glnal nolus and Inilov , hound In full sheep. I'ropoiaH lll aNi ) ho rucplvcd at the name tlino and place for printing tlio Hiiiirumo court rojiorts and court vulundors and for fiirnNli- ItiK nil hlanKs , hlatiK books anil olrciulars , In- cliidliiKrovonuublnnk miuirod by tlio olll- cors of the oxeuiitlvo dupnrtiiicnt of tbo state for a period of two years from tlato of contract. Hampli's and estimates of ltln < ls nnd rjuan- tltly of supplies to bo furnished can bo seen ut tlio olllco of Micit'taryof state. Proposals must , htato for what prlco tlio blddur will finnl.sli all books In thin cla.ss pur paio and for all blanks and circulars per hundred. Kach proposal must bo accompanied by n bond In the Mini of W.OOO with two or moro Burltlos conditional , that the bidder , will. In easeof nwnrd. within IIv < > days after notice enter Into contract to do the work. 13UI.H 10 bo marked " 1'roposals for Public Printing , " cixrosocrotnry of state. ( lalloy and nuge pioof for laws and journals must hu fin nlslicd the Soerotuiy of Stuto , und nil work to bedellvetod In good older froii of cost nt the olllco of the Secretary of l-Uutu within ninety days from the riato of contract. Hlght to reject any or nil bids reserved. ja . K. Hu.i. , State Tii'usuror. ) Htnto jj H. HE.NTON , Auditor of 1 . A. , M-rliillng JOHN 0. ALLKX , Secretary of ytato. ) Hoard , up'Jd lot m GONSUL/TS 322 S. 15th Street , OMAHA , NEB. Ho euros till stubborn lonfflnndliix dli- cases of the blood und iiurvuiin HVhloni , ulso catarrh , all Ktoniacli , liver and Kldnny ( Us- cusos , pilennd ull rci'lul Uoiihlt'x , old sorex ulcorx und ubucimcs , syphilitic ulTiotlona , gcnllo-uilntiry troubles , und nil dlsoidt'rt ) o u private nature. Also ull dUcnsos of wo men. Uallfororaeud stamp for valuable book The Original and Genuine ( WORCESTERSHIRE ) Imparts tlio most delicious tflfcto and zoat EXTRACT SOUI'S ofaLUTTKUfrom . C.UAVIK-S , TLKMAN nt Mod. rns , to hi- brother FISH , nt WOUCESTEn , May. 185L HOT * COLO "Tell TJA fc that their Hauco Is highly ctocmod In India , and Ila my opinion , tlio most palatable , as well ta the iiiont wliolo- UAUUJITS , oine aucu Uiat Is taado. " Beware of Imitations ; eee that you get Lea & Perrins' ' Blgtiature on every bottle of OrlKinnl & Ocnutno. JOHN DDNCAN'S HONSi NKU' YOItK. 13KOI'OSAIS FOR INDIAN SUl'PLIKS AND JTranspoitiitlon Dopartniont of thu Inte rior , Olllco of Indian Alt'alrs. WnshlnRlon , April 4,16U1. Soulod proposals , Indorsed "I'ro- po > iils : for Uoef , ( bids for beef must bo submit ted In separate envelopes ) , bacon , Hour , oloth- Injji or transportation ' , ottV'Ins the easoumy bo ) and directed to tliGCoimnlsslonurof Indian Alfulrs , Nos. . " > nnd 07 Wooster street , Now York , will ho received until I p. in. of Tuesday , Muv5 , 1801 , for fnrnlshliiR for thu Indian scr- vleo about tMO.OOO pounds bacon , ; t4,000.000 pounds boi-f .111 the hoof , lnu,000 pounds not jecf. IUM.OOO pounds boaiis , 81,000pounds unking powder.MUO.OOO pounds corn , rr > 0,000 puuiulH . olTee.10,0.0,001) ) pou nds Hour. 110.X,0 ( pounds feed UOOOpounds hard bread.40,000pounds lioinlny. 10.009 pounds lard , GOO Darrols mobs pork , V. > .000 pounds oatmeal , bOO.OOO pounds oats 110,000 ) oundsrlce , liJ.OOO pounds tea , 117.000 pounds coarse salt. IM.onj pounds line Milt , : iOO,000 ixmndssoup , 1,100,000 pouu < ls .sn ur , nnd 4ia- ) OJ pounds wheat. Also , blankets , woolen and 17KX ( ) yards ; Mumhml oallco , 100,000 yartlsi drilling , 2v',000 yards ; duck , free from all sU- ItiB , 1.000 yards : dcnlins , 20,000 yaids ; ( zinc- liani , U30,0uo ynrds : Kentucky Joans. 14,000 vardsj cheviot , JH.OOO yards ; brown shcotliiB ZiO.OlX ) ynrds : bleached sheotluK , 4.\XJO ( yards ; hickory shirting , lr > .ooo yards ; calico HhlrtlnK , 8.000 yu.ds ; vrlusny , 4,000 ynidn ) ; clolliliiK , Rro- corlos. notions , hiinhvaio , modlcal sup piles school books , etc. , and a long list of nibccllu- neous articles. uch us harness , ploWH , rakos. forks , etc. . and for about 575 wacons runulrod for the service , to bo delivered at I'lilcaRO , Kansas Ulty , and HIoiix City. AI.so , for Much wastons as may ) > o required , adapted tothu rllniato of the Pacific coast , with Cal ifornia linikes , delivered at San I'ranclsco. Also , transportation forsiiebof Iho articles , Koods anil supplies that may not bo contract ed for to bo delivered nt the AKcnclos. J1ID8 MUST HE MAUK OUT ON OOVKHNMKJ.T jii.ANKS. Schedules showing the kinds and nuantltlcs of btib-d.stencu .supplies loqiilrod far each Agency and School , and the. kinds and ijutnitltlc ! , In Krohs. of all othnrRoodH , und articles , together with blank proposals , con ditions to hu obsorvcd by hlddors , tlmo und place of delivery , terms of contract , und pay ment , transportation routes , and all othur nccossiiry Instructions will lie furnished upon application to the Indian Ofllco In Washing ton , or AVi. fij mill 117 H'lioitrr ktcrtt , A'tui l"or/f. / The " Commissaries of SulMlsteiico , U. H. A. at ( "lioyunne. Chlcntio , l.cuvenworth , Omaha , Halnt ' l.onls.Salnt Paul.and tiitn l''rnnclscc ' > ; the I'ostiniistorsat hloux City , Iowa ; YunUton , S , Dakota ; Arkansas Ulty. Calduull , Tnpoka , nnd Wichita , KansaR , nnd Tucsun , Arl/ona. The riulit Is reserved by the Kovoriitiioiit to i eject any and all bids , oriuir P.irt of any bid and thesu proposals uru invited under proviso supplies by concuss , lllds will ho opened at thu hour und day ubovo .stated , and blddors me Invited to bo piescut nt the opening. UKIITIPIKII CIIKCKH. All bids iuu t bo accom panied by eertllled chcoKs or dr.tfts upon homo United States Depository or the I'lr.st National Hunk of Sun 1'rnnclsco. O'al. . for ut least Hvo per cent of thn amount of the posal. T. .1 , ilUKOAN , CoiumlsBlonur. pro A-8d.tin MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO , " the Vundorful bpnntsh Itemed/ nolil Hlin AVrllteniiunrantcu tocuicallNen'ous Dls- USECS , fncli 01 Wnik Memory , ia of Ilraln 1'owrr , llcnilaclic , WnktfulncM , l t Jlor- liooil , NcnousncM , I.i3- Doforo& After Uso. eltuclo. ull drain * nnd 10E3 Of | KWCT Of tllO Photographed from life. Ocneratlio OrKans , lu eltlicr ecz , cnutdl tjy over-exertion , youthful iDdcfcrctlon * . or the rxcetthc ute ot tobacco , opium , or ttlmulauu , which ultimately lead to Innnnlty. Consumption and Insanity , rut up In conrcnltnt form to carry In the > c t pocket. J'rlco ? 1 a pacUaRc , or for W. Vflth every fi order wo irlt o awrlttnn Kiiarantna to euro nr refund the monoy. Bent liy wnd to any addrcw. Circular free. Mention thlo paper. Aildrcta. MADRID CHEmCAL CO. , Branch Office for U. S. A. 417 le rt > nrn Stri-t. f'lllCAOO , H.I 1'OK SALi : IN OMAHA. NKU. , Ui" Knhn & Co. , Cor , 15th & Doiivlan St . J. A. I'lillor A Co. , Cor. 14th < t DiUfla A.D. l-'ostcr & Co. . Council liluti * . 1 . FOR SALE. Write for Prices nnd Samples. LIGHTNER & BICKEI.IIAU1T HOSOOB , S. D. IttMK KliJII'NKK. . \\1II I.uwler. Mnmr.'cr. Uor. lllh und I'arnrun l.o 1'ctlt Freddie , tlio eri'-t child tlmractvr urll-t. A iilicnonicim \VKKK UK AI'lllIiIH \Wml < ) Oil CliiH. u romliilsciifii fiom the sou The Hpanish Troubudurrf. The Mlliiniisi in Inst ritli , Cliiirlos Diamond , burp nololst The ( ilouson Children , SOUK und diinco urtl.stH The J.oiriuiH , comlo HkoUih artists. Dlxoi HroH. und uhostof variety tulciil. HUH dunces ; now faces , BOYD'S. TWO NIGI1T3 OKLY Tuesday nnd Wednesday , April 14 nnd 10. THE KMINKNT AKTIST3 . In tlio foIlnnltiR plnjr * - Tiic-dny uvrnlnir , Mil ' ton Nobles' Init unil k'ronli'Ml | > lny , called FROM SIRE TO SON. All tlio iccnory ii'od In this production li car- iloil by the uoinp.iny Wednesday uvoiiliiit , .Milton Nobles' powerful drama , called LOVErAND LAW. A urec's from ocean to occnn. DOT slicotn < ) ] ion .Monilay nt regular prlco * . 4- NIGHTS. SATITItDAV MATINEE. COMMENCING , \ xr IITITI i , Positively the Inst nppcnranco of the Favor ite Comedian * . MONROE AND EJCE , In tholr pleasing Comedy , Trices as usual. 8alooioim Wednesday. THE GRAND TONIGHT AND EVKUY NIGHT TUTS WEEK. Including Saturday Matlnco , DR. E. B. DAVIS' PSYCHOLOGICAL ENTERTAINMENTS and Wonderful HUiHtratlnns of HYPNOTISM. Popular prices , 15 , 23 and 35 cents , llox offlco pen at 7 p. m. TO-MORROW SEAT SALE OPENS FOR TO : STATI MARINE BAND Authorized by the President of the United Blairs nl COLISEUM WEDNESDAY , APRIL 22. ( , JOHN PHILIP Conductor of U. S. M. C. , MLLE , MRR1E DECCH , MarchesPs Greatest Pupil and Finest Coloratu'ro Soprano In America. Tills Is the finest National Band In the world , sent out from Washington by the Govern ment to show its superiority to the pjoplo and to encour age the bsst music. PniCES--nesorved , 7Bc and $1. Sent sale at Meyer & Dros' . music store tomorrow morn ing. Souvenir programme books mailed froa tc > any ad- dross.