18 TTTV. OMAHA r.ATTfV TtTT.T ? ' CJTTXTrVAV A 13r > TT 10torn mixrTax-M r 20 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUJSD&Y. APRIL 12 , 1891-TWENTY PAGES. SUNDAY'S ' SPORIISC ROUND UP Pertinent Paragraphs Pottaining to the Play and Players , NCWSY 'MISCELLANEOUS GOSSIP. 1 he Wcnrers nf I lie MltH lIoof-BciUB Wheel WliUpcrltiK" > to < l UOB and OIKI nml Ques tions Answered. Milwaukee plajrs at Sioux City thl af tor- noon. Twltchncll will bo In the box this after noon. It ] oo1 < us If ToaU Kanuey Is alro.vly booked for release. Lon Knit/lit will umpire the opening game bcro next Thursday. Shannon mndo the first run of the season mill Twltchell the first hit. Lincoln put It nil over bloux City In tiicir flrst meeting last Wednesday. Vnn Dyke Is fairly shimming over the lines for the lluskers aim Shelbock Is playing finely. Columbus , O. , hns got another strong to-un thli season - like last year's Comlskles too btrotiK to win. AH reserved players who were not tender ed contracts on or'boforo March 15 were freu after that date. The two nillles , Hart anil Kurlc , will ofll- clato as bloux City's Inttery In their open ing game with Denver Thursday. The Lincoln * at MuCortnlck park acnln this afternoon. The batteries will bo Hut- clIfTo and Twitchcll and Trallloy nncl O'Oay. Stolen bases do not figure as a factor In earned runs this season. Hatting nlono counts In this regard under the Interpreta tion of the rules of 1S91. The pitching records contained In the league puldo for ' 91 nro worthy of careful perusal. It Is the most porfcct complliitloti over made nnd Is the \\orlt of Grandpa C'hndwlelc. "Old Cv" Duryea Is again In line with the Cincinnati league team. Whenever the on- poslni ! team gets onto "Old Cy" for keeps ho never falls to develop ? a very sere linger. Orator George Shaffer , who has boon a hip card In nil the major leagues , has at last drifted Into n minor class for rood. The orator must uo nigh on to one hundred years old. old.Sam Sam Morton says that cither Kansas City or Minneapolis will win the pennant this ycnr. Minneapolis Tribune. Yes ; and Sam gald that Danny Nccdham would lick Tommy Hyan. Omaha claims to have signed "Old Cy. " Butcllffo-listed \Vashlngton.-Hen Mill- ford. Claims 1 Why "Old Cy" has been tramping down the giunbo behind the plate out here for three weeks back. Jimmy Canavan is showing up well for the Cincinnati association team , and so Is Cleve land for Columbus. In the first game at St. Louis the other day IClmcr mailu three hits nntl iicccpnd ( eight chances without an error. The indications for a thorough revival of interest In the game here are of the bright est. IMavcrs and clubs nro being critically discussed bv men who last year considered uiisoDitll n boronnd would not oven talk about It. Norman Baker was laid tin in bed for sev eral days after the first game with Lincoln last Sunday with neuralgia of the fnco. Ho Is rounding to nicely , however , nnd will bo ready for active service by the tlmo the gong taps. taps.Uobcrtson Uobcrtson Bros' , cigar store , Just north of the Wabash corner on Fifteenth street , will bo the down-town ticket ofllco for the Omaha club this season. They will also bulletin dally all championship games played In the three big leagues , The thirteen club down at Bean Town pave Jimmy McGarrn farewell reception the night before ho loft for Denver , and "do chiopoy" took n Pullman stateroom for the west. A whole section wasn't big enough. Frank Seloo considers iioldcr Brodlo the greatest player developed by the National Icngiia last season , wnllo Jim Mutrio will put up his last sostcrccco on Whistler , as will old man Anson on our oftn Jimmy Coonoy. Thcro is no doubt nbout the excellence of the Omaha team. It is ono of the best in the Western association. The players can cover ground-tlioy can bat with any In the busi ness , they can run bases nnd are all earnest workcrs.ovcry ono of them. J nek. Crooks got up out of a sick bed to take part in the opening championship game between Columbus and Louisvlllo ; lust Wednesday , and still Columbus couldn't wlun Jack has been installed in his old posi tion as captain of the Buckeye team. Klmer Smith snys ho is confident that Ivan- gas City will again win the pennant , but Elmer has probably overlooked the little matter - tor of umpires. At the clojo ot last soasna u game on the Kansas City grounds was n lead pipe cinch , nnd the umpires furnished the pipe.Milwaukee Milwaukee makes n great roar over Vender dor Aho'8 steal of Hoodlum Griffith , nnd yet , they denounce him ns n shirker nnd say ho built up his reputation last bcuson off of .such weak team * ns Omahn , Lincoln and St. Paul. O consistency , thou nrt n , veritnblo Joweh'y store , a nro I Columbus hns snared Phil Knoll. , The Buckeye capital seems to hnvo n hunkering after Omahn talent. She also has Jack Creoles , Klmer Cleveland and Jack Sliced. Well , as fjist ns wo got through with them this eastern village Is welcome to them. Ja > : k Crooks jumped out of n sick bed to commence the chnmplonshlp season of 'DO nnd lie will have the same tough experience tills year. Ed 1C. Itlfodcclnrcsthnt Jnck must have been born In the dark of the moon , for ill luck purbuos him ilka a township constable nftcra uclimiucnt debtor. There has been n good deal otnlk to the effect that Dave Uowo is not going to play ball this season , but the truth is you couldn't chase him off the diamond with u bulldog. Brother Duvo likes to be heard and seen , and he'll tire John Irwln so quick some day that it will initko his head swim. Omaha's baseball acason opened on Sun day , and Tin : Bin : reports that It "opened with n rrowbor. " What Tin : Br.i : moans , speclllcnlly , is thnt Lincoln came with an alli ance team and captured Omaha rqvorslng the action of the state senate ; vetoing Gov ernor Boyd , ns It were. Sioux City Journal. St. Paul took awoct revenge out of the Cin cinnati litVTUors at Mot Springs last week. They los ne llrstgamo played nnd then tooic three straight. Charllo Abbey plnved llnely In pilch nnntost nml h t.tnil lllcn u llomV In the second game ho made two homo-runs nnd n three-bagger , Say , don't you think the Saints will bear n llttlo wntchlng ! It would bo u glorious reurlsal to sco Shannon's Lnmbi dust off the diamond next Thursday with Cuslimnn's Big Heads. Ln.it Bonbon wo didn't get a game from thorn , not withstanding the fact that the two llrst of the lust hories on the home grounds were fairly and squnroly won. Bnuswlno , the alleged umpire , stole them both , hut It cost him his position. The Philadelphia Times savs that the Ath letics hnvo released Vnn Dyke and Taloux City can keep him. The Tlmoi U too kind , the Corn Huskora Intended to keep thoyoung man release or no r-'leaso. All the American association's guff about respecting phi ) crs un der contract counts for nnught in these dnys. With the wise management It Is mi eye for RII eye , n tootti for u tooth , nnd n pitcher for u pitcher. The Corn Huskcrs hnvo unearthed another phcnom In a young country clodhopper by the immo of Borth. The Journal says : "Ho requested Manaeor Buckonborgor to give him n trial in the box nnd the way ho fanned out tho.profcsh allowed that ho hud the stulT In him to make n mlghly good pitcher after a n little practice. Ho has great speed nnd throws n misty ln-snoot that puzzled the bat ters. ' " The sporting editor of THE lien some time ago gave us the name of Farmers' Alliance , and us nil the papers of the vountiy seem to bo addressing us with " such n title , I suppose wo shnll have to "bo satisfied. Well , why shouldn't wol Haven't the Farmers' Alliance been carrying off all the honors of this state for tto pust low mouths I Why should wo not keep up the good work I 1 say , lot thnt bo our nnmo , by nil menus. Lincoln Correspondence. , , The latest additions to the Cl'iclnnnttl ns. soci tion team are pitcher Kllroy nnd short stop Cnimvnn. The latter was reserved by the Omulm club which tried to cut his sal- nry Times-Star. Omaha didn't try to cut Cannvan's salary , but they did It , and wcro Justified lu the slash , and Canavou accepted. but your pure and righteous Amorloan asso ciation induced him to break his Word. But nobody oaros , wo'Vo got n man worth three of Him. Among the Wcitcrn association plnvers who once played in the league , brotherhood and American association mur bo mentioned Plekelt , Sanders , Wilson , timer Smith , Jluimy Manning , Hick Carpenter , Danny Stearns and Burns , of the Kansas Citys ; George Tebcau. Billy O'Brien. ' Tom Hnmsoy and Keefo , of the Donversj John Irvln , Dave Howe , Tomnoy , Raymond , Hank O'Day ' nnd Burkett , of the Llncolns ; Schrlvcr , Vlckery , Grim and Burkb , of the MllwauKces ; Dell Darling , Howard Earlo , Kid Baldwin , Shu- gort and Bnrtson , of Minneapolis : Twltchell , Shannon , Normnn Baker. McCnuleyand Hal- llgan , of the Omahns ; Billy Enrlo and Schlo- beck , of the Sioux Cltys. Iiitprpstlnjj Atnntciir NHWI. riattsmouth will bo In It. Fremont will have a strong team. Llnahan thinks of going to Seattle. Blair opens the season nbout May 10. The State league appears to bo uo go. Look out. for Biiymor of Missouri Valloy. Lou Camp , third baseman , is still hero , dis engaged. Toner will bo with the Nonpareils and not the West Omahns. The Nonpareils and the West Omahas hnvo suits Just alike. Pitcher Stcphenson will play with the Council Bluffs Models. Jcllen nnd Lncoy will , a usual , bo the bat tery for the Nonpareils. Bradford. McAulllTo and Mahoney will make the best outfield the Nonpareils over had. Jimmy Hart Is looking flue as silk nnd will fool some of the sluggers that claimed his nrm was gono. Jollen Is speedier than ho was last year and should bo able to throw 'em over so fast you can't ' see 'em. The West Omnhas have their eye on a flno catcher who , If secured , will greatly sticngthen the team. Llnahan nnd the Blair management do not agree on terms. Come , Blnlr , hurry up or you will loso'a good man. Bddmgcr hns secured n good shea of advance - vance money from the Appleton , Wis. , team. They get n dnndy twirler In him. Bon Wilson will hold down right field for the West Omahas. TulK about hitters , the rest of them are not In It with Bon. Flynn will hold down batr No. 1 for the Nonpareils and Toner will cover short , Frank Mnhonoy going to the outfield. Gntowoodhas not yet closed with any team for this season. Ho has several offers nnd will likely bo found in the I. nnd I. league. Cnrrlgnn say * Shannon Is not in it with him playing second. Jack has a team that think they can tuko a full out of Shannon's lambs. Martin Nelson will either cover shortstop or third for the West Omahas. Mnrt is n line little player and will hold his end up in good shape. Talk about team work. Just go down to Fifteenth and Vlnton any line evening nml watch the Nonpareil boys nt practice and see how it's done. Lucas nnd Thompson both left to join their tcnms.lust week. They expect to reach the town in nbout two woaks. Thnt is if the walking-Is good. Frank Mahoney will play in the outfield this season for the Nonpareils. Frank cov ered short for them last year and did it in great shape , too. John Patterson in ly bo given a trial at third base by the Nebraska City. They would malto no mistake in signing this man , us ho is u comer. Sam Koyos , Blair's star third baseman , suddenly loft town lust week owing numer ous small bills. Pitcher Wcllbaum also de parted with him. Willlnms , the Crnno company pitcher , would .strengthen some minor league team. His last season's work with Chadrcn and later with the Crauo company team was of the best. " ' The Models of Council Bluffs will have ono of the nicest and complete uniforms of any nmatour team. They consist of dark blue pants and shirt nnd white stockings. They uib rotnilnr "butos. " Jerry Mnhonoy Is the king-pin of third basemen In Omaha , a splendid thrower , quick nnd n grent sticker. Ho is plenty good enough for n minor lenguo team , but ho does not wish to outer the professional ranks. Harry Bowles will surely cover loft fl.old for the West Omahas , and jou bet ho is n corker. Ho is also n first-class backstop und the only man the Crane company's team ever had that could catch Williams successfully. Wo would like to recommend Catcher Frank Mnupln to a team needing n catcher. Maupin played lost season with Hid Lincoln Giants nnd Kansas City "Havcrloys. " Ho is n line backstop , good hitter and n speedy bnso runner nnd wns the most popular man on the Lincoln team. His terms nro reason able nnd ho can be uddressed at 11-3 Eust Eighteenth street , Knnsas City. The Nonparlel team will have a flno park nt Fifteenth and Vinton. The fence Is bohur built und the work on the grand stnnd will soon DO stnrted , The boys will endeavor to secure the best amatucr teams in the city nnd stnto to play thorn und should make a success of the venture. The admission will bo placed at 15 cents. The opening of the grounds will bo nbout the second week in May and besides the ball jrnmo.thcro will bo athletic contests open to all nmntuers. Suitor Suits Swnus. D \XNnimoci , Neb. , April 0. To the Sport ing Editor of Tin : Bin : : A Jolly hunting party , composed of our crack shots , returned yesterday from a stroll up the Loup. In n swamp near St. Michaels , G. B. Sailer , ono of the partv , killed. . three line white swans with two shots' The largest of the birds measured seven feet llvo inches from tip to tip. By his llrst shot ho laid two of the birds out with ono ball ut fifty yards range. shootIng - Ing both through the head. They are splen did specimens nnd will ho mounted by Dr. Saltur , the taxidermist. PCTEII ( jinsos" . < Ti > liiisnn'8 ClialloiiK ; Accepted. If Mr. Johnson of Lincoln means race ho should post n forfeit with the sporting editor of Tin : But" and I will cover It Immediately Jor Mr. T. O'Neill of South Omaha to walk him ono or live miles , square heel and too , for u reasonable amount. Or I , myself , will run Mr. Johnston or iiry other resident of the west from one-half mlle up to twenty-live miles. They can two choice of distance and I choice of track. Any one wishing a rnco can post n forfeit to show thnt they moan business. I had mine posted last fall for a month. TIIOMIS HI.NU.I , 151U Cnpitol Avenue , Olllolnl Cycle Hit letln No.1. . Mr. N. T. FlsU Imvlujr removed his resl- denco from ttio state nnd hla resignation liav- intf been accepted , C. U. Nlcodoimis hus been appointed to lilt the ofllco of secretnry-trens- urur for the balance of tlio year. The following members liavo been np pointed local consuls for their several dis tricts : A. K. Kdmlston , Lincoln ; H. II. Uhotles , Uiiiuun ; A. L , Mojolulcr.Unnnobriiir ; Sam J. Hell , Davlrt City The division oftlcors hnvo decided to hold u meet nbout July I , nnd would bo plonscd to receive bids from cltlos nnd townt thnt do- slro the meet. Address nil conimunicntloiis to A. II. I'errleo , 'chief uansnl , Hull Uodiro street , Omnhu. I'leiiau glvo nil inducements , hotel ncconunodntlon , si/omul kind of tr.ick , if any and rallroid fncllltlos. Fr.itonmlly , II. II. I'Kiiiiuio , Chief Consul. OMVIM , Nob. , April Plb91. from tin When ) . A Indies' bloyclo club , called the National club , has been organiiod by the lady bioy- clists of Rochester. A party of bicyclists will sail from Now York Juno ! t ( ) for n tour through the Hartz Mountains , Germany. Philadelphia , Chicago , Providence , Peorln and Hartford would nil llko to secure the national championship's races. Of the 441 lady members In the L. A. W. , Mussnehusetts contributes SJ ; Now York.flS ; lpiu.sylvnnla | , 2i ; ; Illinois , 41 ; Uho.le Island , ! I7. Stlllman G. Whittaker.tho well known pro- fcsslonal racer , will "attempt to lower nil ex isting snfoty records from ono to twenty-live miles this season. The MlnnenjwUs bievoloelub. the oldest or ganization and the only L. A. W. club In Min neapolis , was disbanded n short time ago , all hut live of the members having been expelled for non-payment of dues. Arrangements hnvo been completed for n six days' ladles' bicycle race to take place In Minneapolis the third week in April. T , W. Kck has the ma tier la charge. The contes tants will bo Armulndo , LT.Ho Williams , Helen Baldwin. Hlldn Julia and Kitty O'Brien. Messrs. E. K. Stevens and O. D. Mitchell of Washington , D. C. , are planning n bicycle tour around the world. They will start In the middle of May nnd will travel from Cork through Ireland , Wales , England , Franco , Swlt7crland , the Tyrol , Turkey , Greece , Asia Minor ami Pnlostlno to Egypt. From thli point their plans nro Indefinite , but the tour will probably Include also India , Ceylon nnd Australia , nnd will ocoupy a year or moro altogether , Apollo Glut ) Notc'i. It Is said th.it Werlz will rldo nn Englo this summer. Denman is looked after the Interests of our boys at Lincoln , Holton will leave for California In n short tlmo for hU health. Flescher Is now chief tinker nt Pcrrlgo's , and Dr. Bell Is assistant. Plxloy did not co to Lincoln last week , Just why no ono seems to know. The roads being In goo J condition the boys will rldo to Blair next Sunday , Smith , our now secretary , Is n la-do-da , nnd has stnrted out llko nn old-timer. There will probably bo several road races ere long to decide who shall bo In the 1891 racing team. At the last regular meeting of the club two now members were admitted , William Schnoll and Archlo Flynn. Porrlgo says ho soils n do/cn safeties to ono ordinary. At this rate the old ordinary will bo out of sight In n few years. Detroit will not run the league champion ships at the annual moot , and Chicago and Philadelphia nro lighting for them. The Apollos hnvo concluded to Join the league , and by the llrst of next month there will nt least bo ono legal club In the city. It Is reported that Lumsdon will rldo a pneumatic tired Safety In the Pullman road race to bo hold In Chicago In Mny. Another good man gone wrong , Thtrty-11 vo miles In two hours on n sixteen- lap track I Well I that is remarkable. This Is what they claim was made at Lincoln the llrst day of the six-day raco. Mr. Baxter , the would-be 100-mile cham pion of Nebraska , will start for Dallas , Tex. , In n few dnvs with n team of picked llyors from the Wild Idciilors to dedicate a new col iseum in that city. Plxloy says tUls senson will bo his Inst ono at bicycle racing. Ho will go to the Detroit and Peoria meets and then retire from the path. Floscher nlso announces this to bo his lust season of racing. The called run for Sunday last was Cres cent City , Iowa. About eleven of the boys started , but , were compelled to return on nc- count of bad roads. Captain Belndorff called n run to the fort in the afternoon , which was greatly enjoyed. What Is the matter with the boys having n friendly race to Bellnvue with the Omaha wheel club I Such n race would bo interest ing , as the wheel club can pick four good men from their ranks nnd the Apollos could run their regular team , Flescher , Denman , Wertz nnd Pixloy. MIscollmuMMii .Spirts Cross country runs are an athletic amuse ment Omaha has never Indulged in. Jimmy Hosan , the Quaker city Kmtnm , has issued n dell add rods to nil 10--i ! > otiml men In the states. " " Weir nnd Griflln "Spider" Johnny are booked to open before , the AJax club of Bos ton April 21. Two big Iowa heavyweights are booked for a finish fight nt Germanln ball on the night of tho2ittt. A training handling stable has been opened nt the now track in tnis city by G. C. Smith , 3.VJO dairies street. W. B.Harmon , Auoiirn , Neb. , has pur chased of B. G. Kendall , Omaha , his I'er- cheron stallion , Tomerairo , 5507. Several of Philadelphia's cricket clubs are coming west this summer. Pittsburg1 , Detroit , Chicago nnd Omaha will bo visited. The Amateur athletic union national cham pionship Ramos will bo held on October U , nnd the nil-round Individual championship on Juno 2. John M. Thurston , Dr. W. J. Galbralth Bob \Vclls and Henry Hainan , leave for Chirks tomorrow for a week's whack nt the ciuivassb.iclc und redhead. At David City , Nab. , is nn Institution almost unknown to fame , which , however , is an attribute of merit in other lines than that ot manufacturing horse clothing. Jack Hlghtower at Germanla hall , South Omaha , next Monday night , will endeavor to knock out Barney Taylor In six rounds. The light Is for J.1J a sldo and the gate recolpts. The proposed prlzo light between Ted Prltchard nnd Bob Kitzslmmons will not be arranged unless the Now Zenlander agrees to Unlit in Pelican or National club , London. J. G. Smith & Son , Fremont. Nob. , have sola to N. J. Uonln , satno place , and owner of Newsboy , Sllvortip , by Mnmbrlno Bashaw , dam Nelly , by Mugnu Chief , slro of Kitty B. , W. H. Qulnn , the Pacific coast champion , Is backed by Billy Hawley to moot Evan Lewis the str.iiiflor. ( If Lewis accepts tin ) match will take place in Omaha or Chicago foriOO a side. Mixed styles will rule. David Miller has won the tltlo of Iowa's "checker king.1 Ho defeated C. A. Merrill In two series for the championslf.p. Out of scventv games Miller won thlrty-nluo , Mer rill sixteen nnd fifteen were draws. Another Nebraska sale , to go back to Illinois , Is the standard-bred colt. Harry \V. , by Chester Chief , by Hambletonlan 10 , sold by II. W. Bowman , Central City. His dam is'owncd oy E. D. Gould , who nlso owns some of her colts by Shadclaml Onward , 2-01 : . The purchaser was Dr. William Will- ortou , Jacksonville , 111. , and the price paid ? lbUO. The third und last match between .T. A. U. Elliott und Captain John Brewer , was also taken by Brewer. In the flrsttnatcli Brewer killed 23 out of ' . ' . " > In the shoot-olt ( against 21 for Elliott , ) after tying at 93. In the second match Brewer klllou Oil to 9J for Elliott. It will thus bo seen thutBrower killed 'MS birds out of ! U3 shot at , leaving 17 scored as "missed , " although several of these dropped dead out of bounds. The conditions wire ! ! 0 yards rise , about 80 yards boundary and \ } { ounces of shot , with No. 12 guns. The scoro- Browor--.J 3 2112:2 : 2 32122 9-00332 2220212232121222122132021210 111221202222232222221122212 ° 2 2 20232222 2 2 23 222 222133232 Elliott 1 3201233 1231212202202 1 2 0 1 0 1 1'2 2 0 I 3 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 12022211322221222101212223 3 3 1 3 022 1222120223312212112. Total kllled-sa Anent Jack Davis' probable second battle with Joe Choylnski before the California athletic elub , the Chronicle has the following to say : "Jack Davis U a man Just now con sidered a formidable opponent for any heavy weight , Sullivan included. Ho flrst came to the Pacllle const shrouded In mystery so far ns our local sport patrons were concerned nnd continued so until nftcr his defeat by Choylnski ; nnd what a defeat ! This wns a contest In which the seconds moulded the re- suit ; for if the Omahn man had been prop erly coached during and after the fourth round the result would undoubtedly have been Just the reverse. That the high opinion of Davis as n lighter is sharnd by hundreds In this city is shown by an interview with" n loading light of the California club n few days after his fight , when Davis' name was suggested as n contestant for the January meeting. Said ho : 'This man Davis is a dangerous man too dangerous for us to book at this tlmo. Ho wastes very little tl.no In fiddling or fancy work , but commences busi ness nt the call nnd keeps it up to the end. While wo should be pleased to see him perform again , wo would undoubtedly jeopardize our interests by matching him for nn early meeting. " "From what you hnvo seen of him would you call him among the lenders ! " was usked. "Most assuredly , " wns the reply , "Tho man who beats him will know ho has been In u hot engagement. True ho lacks u little In science , but thnt is bal anced by his tremendous hitting powers. " Having witnessed Davis In n contest under advcrsti circumstances , 'Friscoans are eager to see him In the ring when the clrcum- are equal. nirl OXUIIA , AnrllS To the Sporting Editor nf Tin : llii : : ; A starts from here nt 4 oVloolc Mtndny inornlnx anil says lin nrrtvul at Dim- vcr the following nl'Jht , What would that refer to Sundy or .Monday night ? 1'loubo Air * . Mr. A referred to Mondny night un questionably , unless ho Intended to make the trip \ > y telegraph , SniNKr , la. , April a To the Editor of Tins lice : I'leasu publish the rnlt'S governing four-haudvd clacss lu Sunday's UEK.Vhtu ono nifin Is choakmatpd can yon stilt take his pieces-M. J. Ilitrtliolomow , Ans , Wo do not see how U would bo pos- ftlblo to piny n fouf-h.indcd trnmo of chess , except by two partio * plavlnst against two others , nnd ns soon'ns onosldo checkmated the other , the gnuia would bo finished. WIIITMOIIK , Neb , April 8. To the Hportlnu Editor of TIIK liGKt What Is the bwt record for n trottlnit lmr ofor one hour und what horse mndo It ? A. 11 , C. Ans. Twenty miloa. by Captnm McGownu In 18(55. ( KANSAS CITV , Apll ft To the Sporting Editor of Tin : HEIB To settle a hot pie IHO plvu Eddie Cuthbert's ba < < o running record urn ! when nnd where made , In Sunday B lieu ? Midland. Aus. Cuthbort ran the bases in 13) ) , seconds ends nt St. Louis In Mnrch , 187r > . J. H. T. nnd W. Mo. , city All bets go with the stnkes unless declared oil by roforco or Judge. Oou.Ncn , Hr.urrs , April 0 , To the Sporting Editor of TUB HKK : 'hi scttlo n small bet nnd n hlRdlHnutn pk-nMi Mule whether Itojjiirdns overkilled 10) ) lilrds straight' Also has lUllutt or Captain Kroner ever accomplished the same feat ? Jny. Ans. Yes , nt Chicago , III. , July 2 , 1809. Brewer accomplished the same feat In Aus tralia in 18S9. Elliott's best Is US. Al Bandlo killed his 100 birds strlght nt Cincinnati last August. OMAHA , April 10. To the Sporting Editor of Tin : IIKK : Is John Irwln. now \\lth Uneoln , the lliotherliooil louder of lust year ? What has become of Emmet Honors , Uneoln's cntuhor , mid Joe Strauss of the Sioux Olty.tV Shortstop. No ; that was Artie. Rogers has not yet reported. Joe Strauss Joined the Huskcrs yesterday. OMAHA. April 11 To the Snorting Editor of TUG HK.E : To dci-ldo n but will you plouso nn- fitter the follott Ing iiucitlon.s In your-Sunday HKK ? In last Sunday's game of bull between thii Omahas nnd Lincoln * , did Lincoln have n luft-hiuuled pitcher In the box ? If s.o. at what Innlnu1 was he retired , und \\hat wns his name , and what position did ho piny utter leaving tlio box7-H. II. Ciunk. Ans. Yes. Houcb. Retired In the third , from the gamo. llhii OAK. In. , April 10.-To the Sporting Ed itor HEK : I'leuso nnswcr In SUMIAY'S IIKI : what cnmol.oniistreet , formerly of Nebraska Ulty , U to pitch for the Umtilm biisnball tfiiiu , 0. Ans. No gome. QVESTIOAS'AXlt .tXSWEltH. WIST POINT , Neb. . April. ! , To the Editor of Tin : HII : : : llo many itvlments of Infantry , rnvulry and aitlllery ate thorn In thu United States uriny , or him there been for ten yeuis past ? J , U. lluins ITho same question comes from J , H. Kount/ , ] Ans.In the United States army there nro 2. ) regiments of Infantry , 10 of cavalry nnd 5 of artillery ; nlso ono butnlllou of engineers. UscKutjA , Nob. , Aprils. To the Editor of TIIK HUB : Will you answer tliioiiKlrTin : HKU the following ( ( iiustlon : Have the lesldents of the District of Columbia United States senators und repiesentatlves. mcmbeisor the cabinet , vice-president and piesldent the right of MilTrtiKC ? If not , why not ? < ' . I' . J. Ans. The residents of the 'District pf Columbia have no vote , except on municipal matters. All the others you mention vote In the various states where they have n pormn- iient residence. TAIIM : KOUK , Neb. , April 4. To the Editor of TIIK HIB : : Will you answer the following < juestlons : 1. Wus there over a lowurd offoruu by this or niiy oilier government for the In- > entlcn of pi-rpetiiul motion ? - If MI , whut amount ami fiat arc.tho conditions icqulicd to obtain this reward ? vu : simple motion or motion with 111010 IMWIT than simply enough to inn the Intention ? 1" A. Klshur. Aus. Wo never honrd of uny rownrd being offered ov this or any other government for the discovery of perpetual motion. Theio have been u numberof'beokers utter a working perpetual motion , butiionoof them hnvo boon successful. CUNTIIAI.CITV , Nub. , Match M. To the Edi tor of Tin : HKK : 1'lu.iso njiiwor through the columns of yoiialuublopiipor | , whether or not 1 am u cltl/en of the United States. If not , am I entitled to vote ? 1 was borfi In Germany , my father took out Ills 11 "simmers wlion I WHS about two years old ; Ills second papers ho se- culed tluuo years uro. Wo have always re sided In thu United t-tutesbliieowellibtlumicd. Ans. Of course , If you uro not a citizen you are not entitled to vote , but if you uro twenty-one years of ago you are a citizen , and , consequently , haves the privilege of voting. CoUf.cn. HI.UFFS , la. , April 5. To tlio Editor of Tins UKU : To settle u dispute would ask you pleuku to ( leeldo the following : A claims that some mountains me hlsher than low clouds Hucli us you sco travellns by on stormy weather. 1J claim * that A is us far olT In his ubsumptlon us the mountain fioiu the clouds. Eu MAKEII. Ans. There are quite n number of moun tains that are hit'licr than clouds , toworinir far uoove them. OMAHA , April : i.-To the Editor of TUB HEK : I'U'iise state In TUB HKK which has the major ity of belleveid In the United State- , the Cath olics or 1'rotestants , all cliurohes combined , and what the difference Is in number. K T. Is Ans. Thcro are ll ! , 150,133 Protestants of all denominations and 8,277,0. ! ' . ) Roman Cath olics In the United States. There are 5,202- 903 moro Protestants than Catholics , actual communicants. UOU.NCU. HMJFFS. la. , April a To the Editor of TIIK HKK : l'leiso answer through the col umns of your paper the following question : W 111 you ploiiso tell me In what state or tictir what states the Creole Million Is and what the tlio population Is ; also their descent ? VIIANK Ans. A Creole Is a native of the West In dies or South America , who is descended from EuroBoans. Tlio term is sometimes in correctly applied to those whoso ancestors , were partly white , and hnvo in their veins some blood of the Indians or negroes. OMAHA , Aprils. To the Editor of Tin : UKU : Plcato aner In your column what jiar Michigan was ouencd for settlement. Ans. Previous to Juno 89. 1S03 , Michigan was Included in Indiana territory , but on that date the latter was divided and Michigan territory was organized. On January 20 , lbU7 , it was formerly declared a state by act of congress. Match UO. To the Editor of Tin : Ilui : : You will please answer tlirouu'li Tin : Wr.untv Ilin : the following : t. Did O rover Cleveland veto tlio HUM Molnes rlviT land and navigation bill , known as thu Wilson billf L1. Did ll.irrlsun vuto the mine billU. . Did Harrison call an o.vtrabcfjlon of congressJ. . 1 < \ FAKN UM. Ans. 1. Yes ; ho did. 2. No ; President Hnrrlson never vetoed tins bill. ,3. No. II'OKT OMAHA , March SI. To the Editor of TUB UEK : Will.you please explain the urln- eiples upon which the Maxim helf-actiiiggun works ; by whom U was In\ented , etc. Ans. The Maxim self-acting gun Is tlio mt vcntlon of Hiram S. Maxim , un Engllshman.- The working Of this gun Is nn enigma to ono who never saw it In action , and wo fear that It will bo but an Imperfect idea of its workIngs - Ings that wo will bo able to convoy within our limited space. First , every round , after the Initial discharge , is exploded by the recoil of the ono previous. Thu cartridges used uro curried in a belt of any length to suit the size oftuoguu ; or , when this Is not taken Into consideration , to suit the whim of the opera tor. Ono end of this cartridge bolt Is placed Into the machinery of the gunwhich is "side- geur. " When the guilds set iu operationund after the first recoilthe cartridges are picked out of the belt by the automatic action of the gun Itself ; the bolt nnd empty shells being ejected after llring. Every recoil of the gun brings the next cartridge Into position , forces it into the barrel , pulls back the hummer and touches the trigger iu n truly human-like manner : all with wonderful rapidity. Hiirh- griuloMuxlui guns have boon known to tire over six bundled shota per minute. The gun may bu turned In any direction by moans of n crank , The rate of.itlschnrgu Is regulated by a "controlling chamber. " which enables the operator to tire ns rapidly or as slowly as ho desires , UAUTMU.V , Nob. , March SO. To the Editor of Tin : lieu : Will you pleuso Inform a sub scriber's daughter from what the weld "to- bogfun" is derived , und how It originated. Ans. The word is from the North Ameri can Indian lunguage'ffrom a trlbo that form erly lived In the vicinity of Quebec , Canada ) , unit signifies n sled. The original word was "adabugan. " As the word Is uow used It docs notoxactly mean a sled.but n very broad board turned up nt ono or both ends , used in coast- Ing. When the word lirst came Into use among English-speaking people it was usually writ ten "tnrbogin. " MihfeOUin VAI.I.EV , la. , March 20. To tlio Editor of Tin : HKK : Who und when was thu lust lii'iiioorntlo governor ot Iowa prior to tlio iiluftlon of .Mr Holes two > ears n at 'J. Mow far Is It from Now York to China , and how lomt will It take to bring the remains of Mr. HullliiBull from Hong Kong-to Amor.ea ? \ * J T Ans. 1. Stephen Hompstend , who won out of ofllco In IbSI , was the lust democratic governor of lown prior to the present In cumbent , 2. Ills nbout eighteen thousand three hundred nnd twonty-llvo miles by the nearest steamship route from Hong Kong to Now York City. The remains will nrrlvo sometime in April , something like nbout forty davs from the date of the death of Mr. Bulflngall. DoWltfs Ltttlo Early Risers ; best llttlo pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath. Don't ' Overlook ; Our new arrivals in Sack and Frock Suits ; they're handsomer thia spring than ever. Prices , $7.50 , $10.00 , $12.50 , and $15.00 New spring shades , dark and medium colors. You can tell a B. K. & Co , suit as far as you can see it , by its perfect fit and neat appearance "It's Economy to buy 'Em , " they're made right , and never lose theil shape. $7.5O , $10.00 , $12.50 and $15.00 , places them within easy reach , try one I " . In Spring Overcoats , our assortment is extra large , you can select any shade you want at $1O.OO , $12,50 , $15.00 and $18.OO , and if you want something par excellent , and don't want to pay the Tailor's price , ' 'We've got 'Em , " at $15 , $18. $2O , 25 , and $30. There's never a mistake made by buying garments well put together , - and there's a world of comfort in.wearing them. Beautiful line of Children's Suits , always on hand , handsome styles , ' $ 2.5O , $3 , $3.50 , $4 and $5. They're very tasty and when seen on the street everybody knows they're from BROWNING , RING & CO. , ' RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , S. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas Streets ! Se.nd for Illustrated Catalogue. Not Fitted for Citizenship. A couple of aspirants from the sunny climes of Italy , now residing in Pliuims county , applied to the superior court for llnul 'papers of citizenship , says the Lusscn , Gal. , Advocate. They were ac companied by the requlHito number of witnesses of the sumo nutionulily. Ono of the applicutits hud been in the coun try six years and the other oiirht , but neither was sulliciontly familiar with the English language to carry on a con versation underptundingly. .ludgo Mas- ton , not being a hyphenated American himself , is deposed to ( jive the natural ization laws at least a fair hearing , and tlio services of an interpreter were called , through whom questions were asked and answered as follows : "Do you know tlio nature of an oath ? " "No. ' ' "Don't you know that you are liable to go to state prison if you swear falsely ? " "No. " ' Are you attached to tlio constitution of the United States ? " "Don't know whether wo are or not. Don't understand tlio nature of the ques tion. " "Did you over read the constitution of the United States ? " "No. Did not know there wns ono. Never heard of it. " "Can you road and write the English language ? " "Who is at the head of the govern ment , a king or a president ? " ' 'Don't know , but gucfes it is n king. " "Who makes the laws of this coun try ? " "Don't know. " "You know that if you become a citi zen you are allowed to vote , don't you1' "O , yes , wo know that. " "Well , don't you know that every voter has a voice in making the laws' ? " "No ; did not know that. ' ' "Aro you willing to foreswear your al legiance to all other countries , and moro particularly that of you nativity , in favor of the United States ? " "Don't understand the question. " "Well , in case of war between the United States and some foreign power , with Italy f&r instance , would you bo willing to fight for this country ? " "Don't know about that. " "Thon what is your reason for wanting to become citi/.ens ? " "Wo have filed on some land and wish to make final proof. " "Well , boys , I sympathize with you under the circumstances , but with the utter ignorance which you have shown of the laws of the country , ! cannot grant you your papers. My advice would bo for you to go homo and study them , and when you know the nature of an oath , whether this is a monarchical or repub lican form of government , have read the constitution understandingly , either in English or in your native language ( it is printed in all civilize'd tongues ) , and learned a few other things highly essen tial for all good citizens to know , come back , and if I am on the bench I will grant your papers. " Kiss or Un Shot. A drunken Italian baker , llorlo Nnrono , In Santa Barbara , Gal , , attempted to kiss his omplycor's ' wlfp. She declined the offer , whercuuon Nurono drew n big revolver and llred nt the woman , but missed her. She Hew into the next room , when Narono fired again through the door. The second shot took effect in her loft hand. Narono was placed under arrest. The affair caused great excitement among the Italian residents. The place where the shooting occurred Is n grocery , saloon , bakery and hotel combined. "Soak clothes that fade over night In water. " That's all right. What do you ad- vlso. now. for clothes thnt fade over dnvl FOR SALE. \Vrlto for Prices nnd Samples. LIGHTNUR & BICKIiLlIAUIT , ROSCOB , S. D. Foil LADIES O.NI.V Dr. l.ciluo' I'orioillcal rills , the Kronen remedy , act on thu menstrual system und euro suppression from whatever cnuiu. I'romolo mvnrtruutlon. Theie pills shoiilil not bo taken ilur- IDK . .eunancy. Am. I'lll Co , lloyiiltjr 1'ropn. . Hpon- ccr Clay Co , in. Genuine by Slum an * .McConnoll , Loiik-oat. . nnar P.O. . Uruahas < - A. .ielcher. SoutU Urnuliai Jl. I1. Kills ; CuuncllIlluirii. _ U , ut > fur < i. inir < ii it UIM urif nowH-flgeu IvuOliiE reiunly for all th i unualuia ! dliKharites an't prlvntedlseaeesof iiieii , A certain euro for tht * deblll * talliiK wealfnesa peculiar to women. KM col ; fc JiirticrlheltuniHeoUnfri THEEy > n CHtMir lCo In rerommetidlDt ; U to II nulTeriTi. 7J SinNER.HO.OlCATUB.Itt No lit by Tnti I'tlU'K 81.00. Dr.n DIIO'N I'orloillcal IMIlH. This r'rcneh remedy acta directly upon tno tener- atlTo organs and cures auppreiiilon of thu menses. I tor three for M , mid can be nmllcwl Should nut be u ed during pregnancy. Jobbum , druvulstri and the public aupplle < l by liooilnmn llrui Co , Umnlm. 1C .1. 1'uykora and Howard Meyer * . Houtli Umaba ) M. B. Kills and A. U. I'oiter , Council llluOi. NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS \ N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnam Sts. DR. KL. . BROWNE ! . Wo are now maKInc a sot of teeth for t4.0l ) . Wo also mulct-the Morris Thin niustlo 1'lute , aj this us caid hoard making It the pluiisuntest jil.ito to ue.ii > .mil Will Not llreuk , In the mouth. I'alnloss i\trietlon. ; : lly our now method teeth nro 1'osllHly oxtraotod Without 1'ulu o | D.inu'er. Ooltl. bllver andltoni' llllliijis. Crown nnd llrldguork at lowest rates. Olllcu open evenings until f.l'.O. Sunday , 10 to 'J. NO GUREX ! NO RA.Y. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen TPirnoxnarl nso. A roulir irrnItiatw Ini iud'clno ' . * n diplomat Blioir. Is * tlll traatlna wttb the inofttcxl nnccoa * . nil Ncrvom. Chrunlc.in I 1'rlvat'j tl ) o isu. . A pjnuinant euro ifuara'itool for CaturrlJ HpormntorrlicE i , Iu t .Mnnliom ! , Seminal Wunknoo. Nlnht Lout's , linpotonur. Srphlllt. SUIcturs , anil nil all * dies of the Illoml.Skln iinrl Urinary OMini. .V n. I uuaritiitoa TV ) for overcaio 1 uudorUka nd fill ti euro. Ciiniultntlon froo. llook ( Mjiturloj of Llfo ) soul fro > . O.llcj houn 9 a. m. to3 p. m. SunJur 10 a. in. to 12 in. DEWEY & STONEFURNITURE CO Draperies and Furniture. OLDEST AND LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WES1 1115-H17 FARM AM STREET , OMAHA , NER Moore's ' Tree of Life. A ( mllhpcurii for Klrtncy nml I.Mor Complaint ? nnilnll blood dlspiniw. Dooi It | injr. to siirtur when you c.ui Lo curoil liy nihiR Moiru'i Tree of l.lfa tholiruitl.lfo Ucniolrl I'rlro II par bottlo. I'ro- pared nnd put up by Dr. .1. II. .Mojru. . TESTIMONIAL ! J.H.MOOHE. Dear Sir Kor nuvural yenp my wife hns been nllltucil by xevoro piilnsln her licad nml a cviu-ral ( U'proislon of UIH whole > 8U'm , cnuiad by fiiactlvo kldnoy and lorplil llvi-r , loci'ihor l.h MIII- ttroko. Two bollli's uf your "Tu-oof Idle. lias helped her very much , anil a permanent euro H ns- lurail. Vnur meillclno hns lull tbu true oluiui-ntiiof a successful remedy , anil Kooinlonco to tl.o cause * ordUe.10. I'llII.AIlKI.l'lllA , Ho. , Nov. Ill , l 33 Pr.J. II. Moore , Chicago . . . . , . Dear MrVour Tree of l.lfocnmoiliily to haul , ami after u direful trlnl of It , I tiiko plfiisuro In Hylnii : It Imill you claim for U. If anyunu cimibti Hils iitiitu- ment , let Iliomwrtlu direct tumn.ltli bent wHIies lor jou ami yitor Treu of IJIo , I inn y''JlA" ' ' ' ' C * * ! K l 1 kit. T. FEI.IX ( inllllAIIII'H OHIIINTAIj OUIAM , on iiAtativi. IIIAIIIII'IIII. : : lovMuthl'ati.lili' . Itusliunilhkln Dutiesonj eury ulunUll ull * " 2 SS3Olufu'lli'in.11 It'lili" $ Wt& MrV- ' " ' 5$3N * & , - i" If feLte ? si { a5ijj v3 W Y try | IIUUIH. Acitt | 1 1 " V jl no luui.tiifilt of flmllni nun e. I > r U A hu tl Milil tu a Uily uf HID haul ton fa patient ) "Avyuu 1 rtfoinmtnd ' ( Jon * riHMr.Cirom'aiillio Iratttinrliiful uf till the Mll puiiiift- tlonn. " Korwloliy all JliVZuM * , ' " ' Jiinry Guoil. Deal- WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP Kor the Skin niiJ Sraln. Preparrd ly a Dcrmitnlislit with So jetri' expennnce. Unmiualrd ( or rctrma , wildhrvl , oily > km , f.Tib worm" , clia | . | i l hand' e\cci- Iv | enplratiou , ugly completion. utc , An unfalllnK rampily for all walp alt > ctoii ! , anil a nre I revent- ivo ut all funui uf nkln diseases. For Salt by DrnggUte or lent ty mill , Prlco CO cents. Hook n p rn a. IIIu Irilt , ) , o > ll lUn > nrl it V > trKll i n. | ll.u Imlni.Ll MH | ( ! I ) fwr ] 0o. Ct riulu lin tr tt fttillivor t > y ltll < r. JOHN 11. AVOoniSiritY , ITmstoloai t. 1 5 IV. 4i.M tit , , Now Ti'ork City. I'KOl'LKwrlln for llluMrtted ( anilly paper on npcrutlunn uj > - Jon tuinum. nmulu , plica , \ tt' . coitle.hrilroti'lfi lirttceit , nppll " ncci fur ilcfurinltli- i Him conn. .ntlttf IMKIH for men. i-xplalulnn wlit . . _ j and i' nnutgit uirtrtof ncclul.iirl- _ i.clironlcdltcapcii.iriiilnalwriucnru.ioiii _ uf inanlicxKl , ( iltct , yplilll , unnntural lr. f .an < l 'rrsulti of HljU8u ur uirriirs wlikli unntall forinHr- rl Ke. linpnlniM or llfe' ilullci. J r. J.lrlilic'i SViinilrriiil Orriuiiii InvlKariilnr < urn nil. 1o pnno in mcrllK. II trUI loule Bl fn-B. llr. J.lriiiK Ai Co. , un W. KlutU itteet , Kaniu liur , "u-uroka irauilM.0 , C'lO. THE SPECIALIST. * 10 Years' Exiorlono9. | PRIVATE DISEASES Cured In 3 to 3 dura without tliolosiofnn houri'llinq from bushiest. The most abjoluto euro for ( H * 154 ! nml all anmiTlrifC dlsctuirifos cmsr known to nmllcnl oclcnco. SVI'IIII.IH , nvrnrrnntoil ciirolii.K ) toW ilnji. Tlio niu't powerful rcnielj yet known for n ponnn- nrtitciiro bTIUUTUUIS or [ mill In rullovliiKtho hlnd- dor , cured nt lioruu , without Imtrumvnti ; no ciUtlntf , no pnln , no diluting. lx > ai of .Manhood or Wo iknoii positively cur oil ; Inatnnt n-llof. Hkln dlneasei anj leinnlo diicinoi permanently cunxl l > r Mcllruw'i BUrcu * * In the Ireiumcnt of J'rlvnto Dlxmio * nil iiovcr boon equalled , nncl his Brest nrnij of patlantl renchea from the Atlantic to tlio I'aclllo. Hooka nnij Cliciilnn free I-mllos from 1 to < onlr. lUh ami Knrnnru Etrcoti Omaha , Nob. Kntranca on cither utreet. mud muuiuiutt INSTITUTE ! . Porlhotroitmontof nllCIIIlOMO ANO SUItniOAt lISICASKllracui. ( ) . Appliances for lleformllles and TruHsoei. Host Kncllltles , Apparatus tnd Itomudloi fursuccoisful trettmnnt ot orory form of dlncasi leiiulrlng Medical or Hurglcnl Treatment. NlNICTl IIOOMS Klt I'ATII'.NIU llonnl and Attendunca lH"t Aecommoilutlons ' .Veil Write for circulars on Duformltlui and llrncei. Trusses , Club Feet , Curva tures of Uptno , IMIos , Tumors , Cancer , Cntnrrh , llronchltls , Inlinlatt.in , Kli-ctrlelty , 1'arnlysls , Kpll' eyiiy , Klilnnys , lllndder. I'.fe. Kur , Hkln and llloo.t iind all Hurnlcnl ( iporntloiu. lllhKArllCS UKVOMld n eppclnlto. Hook os Diseases of Women lrun. W4 hnvo I/Holy / lidded n lying In Dopnrtmunt for W ml llurlng tontlncment ( Htrlctly Private. ) Only Holla. blu.Medlcul InotlluU Making a Bp'Claity of 1'IU- VATK IMSKAHr.H. All lllood ll ) er o siiceeisfully treatod. Medlclni or Inttruments sunt by mall or eipress securel ) packed , no innrki to indicate conlonU or render. Onu persona. Interview preferred Call and consul ! UHoriend hliory of your tasn. nnd wowllljendlo lain wrnpperour IIUUKTO JIK.V FIlKKi upon I'rl. rain , Hpe < lal or Nervous Dlsu.noi , wlthiuaitlon | IliU Address all Utters to Dr. A. T. McLaughlln , President Cith inn ! Ilurnoy btrcutH , Omiilin. I W E9HB I I Will v I have a litive remedy for tha alMiTndiseanoi tylt v uw thousandi of caa a uf th'i worst kind and of loni - > standing bare lir n cured , Indeed 10 rtning Is my f lt lultacttlcacy , that 1 will wind TWO IKJTTI.IS rntK.wlt. aVAI.UAHI.K TIIKATIHK on tliisdlMaM to any suI Ifiar ube will acDd wa thmr Kiprnaa and P.O.addrsis , T. A. Slocuui , fll. ( J , , 181 1'curl Hi. , N , Yi