Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1891, Part Three, Page 19, Image 19

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    ntnnwr ATT A T\ATT.V AT > TTT , 19 T > AniTa !
IESUO Joined With Superintendent James on
His School Report ,
Tendency of tlio Times ( o
Discredit tlia Work of tlio
Wcnkcr hex ns 1'rlncl *
of boliools.
OMAHA , Neb. , April 0. To the Editor of
, TiiE HER ! In looking over the annual report
of the O in all a city schools for tUo
year IbOO , I find a chapter In the
superintendent's department devoted to
the topic of women as principals.
This article , comlne as It docs from our high
est school authority , should moot with careful -
ful perusal at the hands of every citizen In
terested In the welfare of our city schools. It
Is rcplota with glaring Inconsistencies. Ono
cannot road it without being conscious of the
fact that It Is the dying retrain over a lost
cause , the final and forced npolocry from the
champion of an unpopular and unsuccessful
Ho starts out with the rnmarkablo state
ment that In all eastern cltles nd In most of
those In the west , it Is deomcd necessary to
employ men for the supervision of lurgo
schools , Thus admitting that his favorlto
policy , of which ho Is the author , Is
n mere experiment , mi experiment that
the guardians of the public schools of Iloston
liavo never had the. temerity to try , and yet
the mngnlllcutit public school system of that
city is tlio host of Now England the pride
of America an experiment the magnitude of
whoso Importance ) the educational fathers of
Chicago have long remained In blissful ig
norance , and yet Chicago leads the west in
the symmetory and effectiveness of her pub
lic school system , Its strong mechanism is
4tnfnanlt r f tin nlIIMnrlpnt fnnr V. NO nVOl *
drawn effort of female gallantry , no philan
thropic notion in regard to woman's ' proper
sphuro ; on the contrary , Its system Is the re
sult of the best thought and"of the best experience -
perionco of tlio host minds that the country
iidords. Notwithstanding the success of
these schools , unexampled and unparalleled
ns It has been , our female champion comes to
the front with the cry , "Give tlio women n
chance. " With his Imito gallantry and Ids
cPTominatozcal , ho would Jeopardize an estab
lished success for n fanciful uncertainty.
Ho sny.s that It Is nature's plan that to
woman should bo committed the training of
the young. If BO , Is It not strange that for
hundreds of yo.irs nnluro should have kept
this benollccnt plan locked up In her lab
oratory of secrets } that for nil those years
man has reversed the course of nature ! that
nil this tlmo tliu childion of our public
'schools have suffered an Injustice by bolng
supervised by men Instead of womenl for it
Is a fact that until within the last few years
tlio spectacle of n female in charge of a
graded school was never oven dreamed of.
If these women are such superior super
visors have not our colleges and high schools
been laboring under great disadvantages
through all these years In consequence of
thuir having oecn manned instead of
Physical force is the ossentlal principle
upon" which every form of government Is
based. It is the sine qua41011 of every order
of society. The pillars of stuto rest upou
it. No matter what moral suasion is used ,
the strong arm of physical force alone
nwcs the ovll-mlndcd Into sub
mission. In the family the love of
mother may reign almost supreme , and yet
there are times when oven that is powerless ,
-flnd the help"of tlio stronger force the gov
ernmental head of the family the father ,
must bu invoked. The school is no exception
to this universal law. In point of government
it is analogous to the family and to society ,
in fact it is a miuiaturo world whoso compo
sition In every particular resembles the
larger one after which It is fashioned. With
in the domain of school arc gathered all
grades and classes ot society. The children
of the devout minister ait sldo by side with
the children of the man who supports his
family by prowling nt night upon his neigh
bors. The sumo inclinations that actuate the
father till the heart of the child. If anything
the child must bo subjected to stronger sur
veillance than the father himself , because ho
1ms an opportunity to receive aid and encour
agement from his congregated companions.
Vet our worthy superintendent says : "Do
nway with physical force ; substitute
moral suasion. " As well apply , this
principle to your municipal affairs.
Disband your police forco. Instead
of this terror to evil doers , substitute loving
female persuaders. Turn your criminal
courts into Sunday schools and pluco them in
charge of women , and then rest assured that
Bociety will ho governed ns effectually as
y6ur schools are governed today.
The learned gentleman says that very few
niOn of force and character engage In edu
cational work , while the brightest women
enter the profession of teaching. To say tlio
least , it is not very complimentary to the
vast number of public educators all over the
country who hold positions , perhaps , us
leumnoniUvouml equally as responsible ns
the one held by the gentleman himself. Nor
docs It H'llect much credit upon the Judg
ment of the boards of education that have
employed these men.
Hut is It true that the brightest women
those v/lio are the best qualified to cducnto
mid govern children enter this profession !
The desire for maternity provados the female
heart. At an early ngo wo see evidences of
this fact. The little girl , with the doll
in her arms , 1ms assumed in inlnlaturo all
the maternal cares and * duties of the
woman of muturor yonrs. The young lady ,
no matter how highly educated or cultivated ,
feels that ho/ fondest hopes can only bo real
ized by the consummation of the marriage re
lation. She , therefore , by ull honorable
means in her power , bends her energies to the
accomplishment of this object. If she is or
dinarily bright and intelligent she is usually
successful. The exceptions are few. With
the marriage relation assumed she enter ; , as
every true \vifo should , upon the perform-
unco of horn ifoly and maternal duties. Toner
nor the profession of teaching is at an end.
The exceptions of this rule remain in the pro
fession. Later In life , when they have as
sumed alt the prerogatives of muldon ladies ,
when they have become sufticlouUy mascu
line , they nro placed In charge of schools.
Their hopes or maternity have become ox-
tlnct. Their love of children has died out ,
nnd In this condition they are deemed quali
fied to tnkcfchnrRO of the government and
education of all grades and classes In our
schools. Living in seclusion , having no
association with children ut homo , no intor-
coursu with men , except with Irate par
ents and into her hands nro Intrusted
the minds and characters of the future men
of this country. Is it to ho wondered nt that
boys subjected to such training are ellomin-
How is it with young men ? Fresh from
colleges , where their minds hnvo been sharp
ened by n thorough course of study , they >
cntor the profession In the full strength of u
vigorous young manhood. Thov see the other
professions crowded to overflowing. They >
see hero a chance to achieve success In n field
with which they are most familiar ; to win
for themselves a name nnd a position of
honor. Their minds are enlarging nnd
strengthening every day as the result of their
experience and contact with the practical
world. They take wart In political matters ,
in .sclentlllo affairs , in fact , they conio In con
tact with men engaged In every vocation nof
IIfo. As tune passes on thuy assume the
marriage relation. This , instead of turning
thorn aside from their chosen profession , acts
ns an Incentive to greater effort. To provide
for the family , to rear and to
bis children furnish an extra Il
ducement and this training of Ills
own sons , which God In his kind
I'rovldenco may give him , brings him Into
closer relation and sympathywith his pupils .
nnd thus the better prepares him for his
work. No , these DoarOs of education tnuo
inado no tnUtnko in the course pursued. Ed
ucated in these schools , east nnd we.'t , Imvo
been the men who have inado our country
what it is. To the cfllclenoy of those strong
nnd able men who have been at the head of
our Institutions of learning wo ewe the
strength nnd solidity of our national ubur-
nclor , irs
Apuln , .ho says : "Ton Influence of n sys
tem that promotes the most competent to she
best positions , stimulates the efforU of the
teachers all along the line , nnd It Is belter to
{ tut ovary position of honor within the reach
or Ml. " Now is this the case under the
Javorlto system of the gonUornaul On the
contrary , It Is , under Its workings , Impossi
ble to attain the and altnod at by him.
Take , for example , the position of superin
tendent , the highest nnd Dost position on the
lUt. No woman can possibly hopes to secure
that. It Is beyond the roach of oven her
"magnetic" leadership.
Stio can never asplro to that. Tills no ono
knows better than tbo superintendent him *
self , nnd perhaps the knowledge of this fact
may stimulate his zeal in her behalf. Thcro
arc no dangerous rivals within the pnlo of
competition. Secure In the possession of his
own ofllco ho can well afford to say ! "Lot
thcro bo promotion all along the rest of the
lino. " If these prlnclpalshlps were filled by' '
men , every position , even the nuporinten-
doncy itself , would then bo brought within
the reach of nil. A healthy rivalry would bo
the result , the effect of which would ucr-
moato the minds of nil , reaching oven the
superintendent himself. Drought into com
petition with minds as strong nnd brilliant
as his own , abilities to orgnnlro nnd govern
equal In every respect to his , ho would then
bo obliged to look well to his laurels lost ono
of these principals along the line should over
shadow nnd crowd him from his place. Ho
could not then , with safety to himself settle
back Into a state of Innocuous desuetude and
with folded hands nnd scrcno composure ex
claim : "Lot there bo promotion all along the
lliio. "
The Influence of thirty-eight strontr , cap
nblo men at the head of o'ur scnools would bo
n blessing to our city. It would rovolutlunlz
our school affairs and totally eradicate the
present weak and vacillating policy. Put
such men In charge nnd the time of
teachers' and principals' meetings will not
thun bu devoted to thordlscusslon of such
questions as ; "What shall wo do with n boy
who will not sit still hi his seat ? or ono who
persists In turning hand-springs while the
female portion of the school is engaged in
n drawing lesson in which the outlines of n
tea pot , a flower vase , or the latest style of n
lady's ' hat demand the undivided attention of
the youth ? " Or.What is the most appro
priate quality of ribbon with which to orna
ment exhibition papers ! " In place of all
this llummcrv and parade wo would have
more of mathematical demonstration ; moro
of analytical reasoning ; moro of actual
business life ; moro history ; more of civil
government. Our hoys would become better
citizens citizens bettor Qualified to perform
their duties , nnd thus would bo attained the
solo and exclusive aim of public schools.
"BomcthliiK .Just nH Good. "
"My horse was badly Injured , I called for
'Hnllor's Unrbcd Wire Liniment , ' my druggist -
gist was out , but sold mo 'something Just ns
good,1 now my horse Is n cripple , while my
neighbor , whoso horse was injured ns badly
ns mine , refused all substitutes nnd bought
n bottle of 'ilnilcr's Harb Wiio Liniment , '
and his horse Is sound and well. "
Insist on getting tlio genuine all druggists
have It.
Jfc Found Kcllgloti nnd liaised Money
for n lilis Drunk.
He was n bleary -looking , weary nnd dirty
ns ho drifted down Sixteenth street , leaving
in his trail an atmosphere pregnant with the
fumes of gin. His eyes were heavy aod
leaden , his nose red and his walk was with
out apparent aim other than to maintain the
half-block that Intervened between him and
a blac-coatod guardtnn of the peace who wns
following In his wake and industriously es
saying to start a illrtatlon with a damsel whew
w us crossing the park.
The Salvation nrmy wus holding ono ofils
rousing religious meetings .at the corner of
Sixteenth and Chicago streets. The bass
drums nnd tambourines were being vigorous-
' worked In an effort to drown the dibcord-
outvoices of the caucts who were wasting
good lung power in an invitation to their un
godly spectators to
"C'omo with ns and bo happy ;
Come with us and find rest.
While the religious enthusiasts warbled of
heaven , the tramp.friondless , groggy nnd forgotten -
gotten , halted , leaned against a convenient
tclogranh polo nnd viewed the scene , giving
an outsider the ImpVcsssion that ho was [ los
ing as n horrible example and thus aiding tbo
peripatetic enthusiasts in Jheir good work.
There were a lot of now recruits in the
ranks of the army , whoso musical education
had evidently boon sadly noglcctea , nnd their
united voices , when raised In song , suggested
the soft sighing of a saw mill when the lum
ber trade IB brisk. Homo of the unmusical
breaks of the singers created amusement
union. ; the spectators and they laughed at the
efforts of the godly singers.
But not so with the tramp. Ho was think
ing. Ills callous bruin was being stirred by
an inspiration , nnd ns he listened a salt
smile appeared illuminating his bcsottcn
features. His smile grow softer as the idea
grow upon him and Dually , after suppressing
tlio incipient symptoms of a hictough , ho
staggered through the crowd nnd took a
prominent position in the ranks of the
singers. The audience' cheoiud , but
the tramp was as unmindful
of their merriment us ho had
u few minutes before J eon of their Jeeis. Ho
joined the little band , and. ns a familiar hymn
was started , raised bis voice in swelling the
unmelodtous chorus. Ho was not n success
from an nrtlstic point of view , but measured
by enthusiasm , volume and staying qualities ,
his-vocal efforts loft nothing to bo desired.
Ho sang of the > bright hereafter , the old , olu
story of unseen and butter things above ,
and when the enthusiasm of his
fellow sold UTS showed signs of fall
ing ho was still there , willing
and apparently prepared to make up for any
of their shortcomings in that respect.
Then they prayed and that tramp knelt
down and chorused 'amen" to every seutl-
inont expressed by the soldiers who were ap
pealing for ' divine blcssingnnd consideration.
And whon'thoy ngain aroso-that gin besotted
outcast's volco was hoard ubovo all the rest
in the glad hallelujuh'tlmt was raised.
One of the army olllccrs of the army began
to talk. Ho pointed the road to hell that so
many of his hearers were rapidly traveling.
Ho blessed the tramp who had discovered the
danger ahead , almost In the last hour and had
had the manhood and the will power to turn
and follow in the straight and narrow path
hat lends to life everlasting and Joy and
peace eternal. That tramp stood there ana
listened to It nil , revelling up inarontly ] in the
ftion and wink
ing rroptltously at a pretty lieutenant cIt
bis side , ulso a recent accession to the army
mules. v Itd
When tbo speaker bccaino pathetic and
told the story of the Prodigal Son , the
tramp's face was a picture for painters to
study. His ppportuinty had come and hu
know it. The crowd was in sympathy with
him and ho it. Tears
saw of Joy gushed from
bis bleary eyes and washed irrigation ditches
through the dirt that encrusted his adaman
tine checks.
The audience was enraptured nnd it was a
critical moment for the trump , but hu was
oquul to the emergency. With the salt dt6ps |
still glistening in his repentant oycs ho left
the little band of godly men and women and
hut in liana , went about in the crowd ol idle I
onlookers. Sciirca a man in the throng but
what contributed something , and the tramp's
hearty ' -Thank you , sir , " "Heaven bless 3ou ,
sir , " as the nickels , dimes nud quarters
dropped into his battered tile was worth :
more than the price required lo bring forth i '
the blessing.
The unity was singing a glad closing | | |
hallelujah nnd the olllccw were watching
with ill-concealed delight" the tesult of the
now recruit's efforts in pulling shekels from
the crowd.
Then , somehow , Just as tlio closing pr.iyor
una being otteredUnit , trump with tl'o happy >
look still In his eye aim tlio
salt drops crystalizing on his rugged
checks , suddenly disappeared. When !
tliu army formed in line for the march to the
barracks the now recruit was not to bo found
uud his loss was mourned and marveled at.
Just n block from the mooting'place as the
nrtuy lussod a lieutenant glanced through
the window of a saloon unu all was la
plain. The prodigal was nt the bar , lie id
just ordered u loan drink and paid for it and
was blowing 'em oil like a high-roller Tor the
first tlmo In tweuty-tivo years.
How many persons who suffer day after
day from hendacbo , know that almost Instant
relief is secured by using Ilullur'd 1'aln
An absolute guarantee gees with each bet
tle. Insist upon having it and don't Jtko
"something Just as good. "
Washington Post : The sense of patriotism
has not yet led the American newspapers toIle
dl spouse with tbo use of Italics.
Do Witt's Little Early iUscrs. Host little
pill over made. Cure constipation every
tlmo. None equal. Use them now.
Heroic Incident In WhloU a Bright Boy
Figured Conspicuously ,
Happed on ills Wny to School In
teresting Ancodntofl of tlio
Uright Hoys nnd G Iris
of tlio Day.
The following Incident was recently wit
nessed on the Thames near Twickenham ,
when the river was swollen by n freshet nnd
therefore very swift nnd dangerous. Two
docs , one n largo animal , the other n little
terrier , were enjoying n swim near the bank ,
but soon the little ono was carried out some
dlstnnco , nnd was unable to get lo shore. By
tills time the big dog had regained the shore ,
nnd seel ng \ \ lint was happening to his com
pnnl on , began running backwards nnd forwards -
wards In the most excited mauncr , nt the
same time whimpering and barking nnd evi
dently not knowing for n moment what to do.
The terrier wns fast losing strength , and ,
although swimming hard , was Doing rapidly
carried down stream , The big dog could con
tain himself no longer. Running some yards
ahead of his struggling friend ho plunged
Into the water nnd swan Algorously straight
out until he tot In n line with the little head
Just appearing behind him. Then ho
allowed himself to bo carried down ,
tail flrst. until ho got tioxt to the
terrier , this Doing accomplished In the
cleverest manner , nnd began to swim hard ,
gradually pushing the little ono nearer and
nearer to the shore , which was gained after
n most oxcltlrig time. The fact of tills canine
hero going so far ahead to allow for the
strong current , nnd the Judgment shown In
getting alongside , and then the pushing , cer
tainly seem to betoken Instinct of u very
high ordor.
M\v < > llcni-H with Unu Gun.
The great hunting roglon back from
Shoholn ! Olon , Pa. , the Erie railroad com
pany's ' excursion resort , Is ilnglnc with the
prowess of Will Schoonover , n sixteen-year-
olla boy , In killing two bears single handed
with his little gun. In passing through n
largo swamp thickly grown with underbrush ,
IK came abruptly upon the winter lair of n
family of hears , two big sized old ones nud
two half grown cubs. Tlio disturuud bears
rose to their foot and growled viciously ,
while the dog stopped at n safe distance and
barked : furiously. Presently the male bear
turned tall and made olT Into the deeper re
cesses ( of the swamp , followed by ono of the
cubs. Hut the mother showed fight In
defence < of her cubs and made n savaco rush
upon tbo boy nnd the yelping hound nt his
feet. The plucky young hunter coolly waited
until tliu savage brute was almost upou them ,
when ho ilrcd u load of buckshot squuie into
the brain of tlio bear , killing It outright.
The cub remained near the carcass of its
| dead mother , simillng savagely at the dog ,
until the boy had an opportunity to reload
his gun and dispatch it. On the boy's ' return
homo several hunters started out in chnso of
the male bear and cub. They overtook mid
killed the youne ono , but the old one made
' good his escape. '
Hew Ho Got Fivctl.
There was n young man in u scat by himself
who betrayed such Impatience every time the
| train ' stopped that the old man in front of
him finally turned and Inquired , says the
Now York Sun :
"Anything special on ycr mind to make yo
net so nnrvousi Heard any bad news ! "
"No , sir. "
"Didn't ' know but somebody was dead "
' . 'No , sir. I'm to bo married at 5 o'clock
this afternoon in Buffalo. "
"Shoo ! You don't-say sol"
"Yes , sir. "
"And it makes , yo nnrvousi"
"Somewhat , I suppose. "
"Good-looking gnli"
"Yes. "
"Lots o' money i"
"No. "
"Then it's ' "
n case o' love ?
"Yes. sir pure uud simple , as 1 am proud
to say. "
"In other words , you hain't got nuthln' ,
she hain't got nuthln' , and you don't either
of you expect nnthin1 from anybody I"
"That's it. "
"Waal , young man , that's the wav with
lots o' folks , and It can't ' bo helped. Started
In that way mjsolf. It hain't nono.o1 my biz-
ness , of course , and probably this "thing has
gone too far to let , you back out , but let mo
glvo yo some advice. I've tried both sorts.
I fust married n gal for love , and lived
fur live years on Johnny cake and
barley coffee. She died , and 1 married
n widow for forty acres of land , six cows ,
three hosses and llfty-four sheep , and I'm
highway commissioner , postmaster at our
corners , school trustee nnd referee of all
Jumpiii' matches in the county. If it hain't
too late when yo git to Buffalo Just move
that the meeting do uow aUJouin , and then
peel yor eyes , fur n widder with a farm.
Love hain't nuthln' ' but a sort of mist , any
how , and I' , pusses off sooner or later , but
when yo kin go out and lay yor hand on land
worth 0 un acre , and hcnr the hosses , cows
nnd sheep cavortin' o'er tlio downy lea , you
know jou'vo got sunthin' solid back of yo in
case yer ooues ncho with ngor. "
Ilo Wns Wn > Off.
Ho was Retting n shine on his boots as ho
leaned up against the postofilco building , and
observing that the bootblack hud a black eye
ho remarked , according to the Now York
"I ain afraid you nro prone to belligerency
mv son. "
"What's them ? " asked tho-lad.
"You have been engaged in a physical con
test. "
"I don't ' catch. "
"In other words , you resorted to muscular
force wliero argument would no doubt have
been far better. "
The boy rubbed nway for a while and tried
to straighten the kinks out of the several ex
pressions , and then suddenly looked up and
quorriod :
"Oh I you mean my black eye , don't youl"
"Of course I do. "
"You mean thnt I've been in n flgutl"
I "Yes "
"And got licked I"
"Perhaps. It is very slid to see ono so
young walking in the path which leads to sin
and disgrace. "
"You're off , old man way off I" replied the
lad , with a good deal of spirit , as ho chucked
his brushes into Ills box. " 1 wasn't scrap-
pin' wid none of do kids. Seven big fellers
was a robblu' of a man on Second avenue do
odder nluht , an' I Jumped in an' saved him
an' his boodle , and got dis eve for mo ro-
ward. "
"Oh , that's ill Then lam sorry to have
said anything. I how | I didn't hurt your feel
ings. Hero's u niclcel extra. "
"My foelm's was hurled sir , but dis makes
it nil right. Scrap wid akldi Never , sir ! "
"That's riant , my boy ! A brave boy will
not light when ho can avoid it ! "
"No , sir , and besides it was his elbow ho
hit mo wid , and all by accident , aud do way .
did lamb do stuflln' outer dat messenger
boy and make him holler would hcv mi'lo nil
your hair climb right up I Thankee , sir ; I'm
ullus open to advice I"
WantrnlVhnt WIIH Due llor.
Jnovostl Dnyn of Kazan reports the follow
ing case ns showing how quickly the minds
of poor children ripen under adverse circum
stances : A servant only twelve years old
found n package of bills amounting to 5,000
roubles. She went directly to the police
headquarters nud reported the find to the
superintendent that ho might trace Its owner.
In a few days the owner of the money was
discovered , u priest from n neighborIng -
Ing village. The little girl was
brought to the oQleo that she might
see tbo money restored to its owner and receive -
ceivo bis thanks. When she was Introduced
to the priest ho spoke to her somo"klnd words
in praise of her honesty , nnd ordered the po-
llco superintendent to give her llvo rouolos
for her trouble. But. to the surprise of nil
present , the little maid.sala to the ofilclal :
"Your honor , I claim my legal remunera
tion ; the third part of tbo sum contained In
the packaso that I hnvo found and restored. "
When asked who had told her about that ,
she protested thnt she had not consulted with
anybody about her adventure , but that she
bad beard long before about the rights of
ono who llnds money nnd returns it to the
owner. The priest remonstrated with her ,
and protustoa against her exorbitant de
mands. Hut she was persistent and deter
"Tho holy father hif nobody to cnro for , "
she snld , "and has tho. loly | church to supply
his needs ; while I hnyjO poor mother and
two sisters to assist , and should Hue to go to
school myself , " . ,
"Aro you not afraid that the holy father
may roluso you his biasing if you persist in
your demand I" asked the police ofllccr.
"I cannot bo In the , "wrong , " snld the plrl ,
"If the law accords my demand ; nnd if the
priest will refuse mo a blessing for that , God
will give mo His blessing. "
The determined child got nil she wnntcd ;
the sum of 1,500 roubles was deposited for
her , nud the balance was at her request
given to her mother.
Irving wns of n very ndvcnturesomo turn
of mind , nnd ono day his mother found that
ho had climbed to the top of a pile of boxes
in the store-room , frightened , she mod !
"Irving , come down , or you'll fall nud break
your head. " To which he cnlmlv Tcplied :
"Then I'll in "
see it.
Nellie , who Is n little over three years old ,
wns watching with great Interest her mamma
making pics , nnd when the up ] > er crust wns
being placed in position she called to her lit
tlo brother : "O Hey , Hey , come quick uud
see mamma put u roof on her pie. "
Little Eddie , who had never eaten straw
berries , saw some strawberry shortcake for
the ilrst time , and exclaimed ; "O ma , see the
emery cake. "
Little Eddlo had tiovor tasted sassafras ten
until ho went to visit his aunt In the country.
Then hu liked It so much thnt ho passed his
cup back , saying solemnly , "Thank you for
more satisfy tea. "
Mamma Johnny , \vhy dan't you come In
to see mamma when she's sick I Don't you
love mo nny moi'ol Johnny O yes , mamma ,
but I didn't know but perhaps it might bo
Koblxtl on Ills U ay to Koliool.
An orphan boy , cloven years old , lives
with Mrs. Porter on L street , Sacramento ,
Cnl. The other morning ho left the house
Just before ' , ) o'clock on his way to the public
school. As ho was passing an alleyway
within n stone's throw of the court house , ho
was seized by two young ruffians , whom ho
JuUiicu to bo of about sixteen years of ngo ,
and d ramrod In under'a platform that runs
along the alley. After n gag , consisting of a
twig nearly two inches long , wns forced be
tween his teeth so that ho could make no
outcry , ho was robbed of his hat , coit
nnd school books , The Juvenile rufllans
also kicked and boat him almost In n state of
insensibility. Husavsho e.innot remember
all that occurred , for upon escaping from his
tormentors at 11 : ; tO o'clock , hu seemed neatly
cra/cd with fear nnd piln and could not tell
his , adopted mother a fully coherent tale.
Mrs. Porter says thnt upon reporting the
affair sue learned thnt another Instance of a
similar imturo had recently happened at the
.same school , wherein a little girl had been
robbed of her lunch and school books.
liny Ivllloii a isnhy.
A little child of Daniel Gillies of Elma ,
J Wash. , was killed In n terrible manner re
cently. The little daughter of n neighbor ob
tained leave of Mrs. Gillies to tuko the child
riding with her own baby sister , nnd hud
placed the tuo together in a buggy and
taken them to her home. Her mother ,
while doing her housework , came across
an old pistol , nnd tlio daughter began to
asK questions about it < A twolvo-year-old
brother responded , "I'll show you , " nnd talc
ing the weapon tie playfully thrust it nt the
baby carriage , exclaiming , "Booh 1" The
pistol was discharged , the bullet entering the
head of the Gillies baby iwlth fnUl effect. It
Is said that the weapon had boon a pln > thing
about the house for some time. A few days
before the father of the household hud taken
It , had it repaired nudJoadcd. The others
know nothing of it. '
Vuunu SmokVr'H tfnlo.
In endeavoring to emulate his father by
smoking n pipe , flftecn-months-old Hobcrt
Dunn of Philudclnhia was severely burned.
lie lighted a pleco of pnpor in the kitchen
atom nnil midniivnrod to transmit the Urn to
, ho tobacco in the pipe' The blazing paper
icorched the infantile digits , compelling him
o drop the torch. Part pi the paper fell on
ils dress , which was in n moment one mass
if flames. The mother ran to the chlld'h ' ros-
luo. but was coinpellcut-to drop him , ns her
iwii dress took flro. She was severely
iiirned about the bands an-l breast , An am- '
bulnnco conveyed the child to the hospital ,
, vhorrfho died ,
tiny Krimlc , *
The Oolga-Vlostnlk reports that a Hussiau
boy of a "phciiomiual' appearance has been
born In Kazan. Ho has two mouths , and
3ach of them Is supplied with its own tongue ,
nnd , ns it appears , Avith its own system of
cssols. When ho cries for food lie Is satls-
: icd if it Is administered throuch either
mouth. Ha has three nostrils ; the middle
ono Is the largest. His eyes nro somewhat
"arther npart than in cnildcen of normal con
struction , und remarkable only for their un
usual " brilliancy. His head aud entire body
"s otherwibO quite normal.
( irnduated.
The story is running the rounds of n little
maid who recently graduated from the infant
class in the Sunday school , the pass cxamlna
tlon being her ability to say the Ten Com
mandments , says the Jewish Messenger. A
while afterward a friend of the family hap
pened lu nnd asked the young lady'if she
could say the Ten Commandments. "No , I
can't say the Ten Commandments , " said Miss
Kose , w'ith n toss of her head. "I've nothing
to do with the Ten Commandments now. I'm '
out of the Infant class. "
to Sec tint
The residence of George W. Cngwin , nt
Carson , Nov , was totally destroyed by flro
last week. The loss was ? ; t,000 with 61,000
insurance. Mr. Cagwin's infant son wns
locked up in a small room for punishment.
Securing some matches the child set tlio
place on flro nnd wanted his grandmother to
see the blaze.
No grllng ) , no miu&cu , no pain when D
Witt's Llttlo Early Hlsors are taken. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pjll.
TurkishTea taken at night
and occasional doses of Quinine ,
will relieve all pains in the
bones , cleanse the system and
makyou feel like a new person.
Sure for'-liver
cure , kidney ,
and nerve affections. 250 pack-
ago. Sampl for 2c stamp.
Turkisk Cougli Cure. The
only cough cure that will re
lieve cough at i once and cure
with a few doses. Take no
substitute ; will'return , money if
it doesn't cure the worst cough
Price 500 bottle ,
Turkish Remedy Co. ,
Omaha , Neb.
early decay , wanting weaincw , lo t manhood , eta.
I wfll iwnJ a valuable trottlse ( u-aledi contalulnt
full particular * for home cure , I'ltilK of cliarxo
A cpU'inlM medical work ) ihould lx > read by ererj
nan vhn U nrrvotii and dobllltatril. Adflrert
I'rof. If. C. rOWfcKH , Mooclu , Coim
tdKuropoan face preparation , Impart ! a poarlr
couiplailun , look * Ilka iprlnu water , no lead or
daraaulng luKrmllpnti. wurnintod the boil In Amorlca.
1 } a package , orS for $4. Kent anrwhero prepaid on
receipt of prlco , or C , 0.1) Klnnlcr Druic Co. , Irfiillu
& . lx > slluandloodIuuiil > ruKt u.tnialia ) , A. I ) , r'uater ,
Council Ilium ,
Max Meyer &Bro.Co.
Sixteenth and Farnam Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Diamond Merchants , Jewelers and
Opticians ,
OUr Grand Ladies'and
Solid Gold
SflLE ,
Of 1,000 , Fine Solid
Gold nud Gold Filled Elgin , WnltlmnilBprlg
American Watches , is field , etc.
Stem winders k set'
Creating tors , front
$25 upward ,
Ladies' and gents'
Finn Gold Filled
American Watches ,
$20 lip.
We carry a full and complete line Finn : Grades of Gold Filled and
Solid Gold Cases , with extra fine Jeweled Movements , ( warranted from 75
lo 25years ) rangingfroin $ r $ to $500.
BRACELETS , LACE PINS , EAXRINGS , and all kinds of Jew-
dry. 5000 Fine Solid Gold Plain , Chased and Set Rings , of every de
scription , from $ i up. Sterling Silver and Fine Quadruple Mated Ware
at greatly reduced prices sec display in show window.
FINE CLOCKS arc going off rapidly. We are selling them at about
HALF REGULAR PRICES , and have them in every style manufac
tured Sec display in show window.
Fine Spectacles and Eye
We probably sell fully NINE-TENTHS of
the SPECTACLES sold in Omaha , as we
handle only the BEST QUALITY , sell very
who fits the eyes SCIENTIFICALLY , for which NO EXTRA
. is
made. Fine Solid Gold Spectacles or1 Eye Glasses from $3.OO .
up ( any style )
Fine Steel Spectacles from $1.OO up. Colored Glasses for
shading the
BOc . . eyes from
up. Spectacles repaired. Glassojr changed.
. .
N. B. If your spectacle or eye glass frame is out of shape we will
straighten it free of . matter
whetheryou bought it of us or not.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tno moat widely nnd fnvorutitr known pec-
Inlists In the Unftol StMcs. Their long ox-
porlence , romnrkalilo skill nnd universal suc
cess In tlio trc.'itinont nnd euro of NerVous ,
Chronic nnd Surgical Dlsnusos. untltlo thoio
eminent pliyslclnns to tlio full cnnlldencoot
tlio iillllctiul every wlioro. Tluiy cimrnntco :
the nwlul effects of ourly vlco nnd the numer
ous nvllg that follow In ItH train.
loedlly , coinnUitoly nnd noriiinnciitly curod.
OHDEHS yield roadlly to their EUlllful troat-
cuarantood cured without pain or detention
from business.
ncntly nnd successfully cured In ovary case.
nmtorrhca. Seminal \Vuaknesn , Lost Manhood ,
Night Emissions , Decayed I'licultlcs , Komiilo
Wonknoo nnd ull delicate disorders peculiar
to either BOX positively cured , MS well ns nil
functional disorders that result from youthful
follies or the excess of mntiiro yean.
< \TP IPTM V I ? Ouarnnleod pormivn e n t ly
O L 1\1U1 UlxL , cured , removal complete ,
without outline , caiittio or dilatation. Cures
effected nt homo by patient without o mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A 'sIIPT' ' TIIRP Tll ° nwful offoets ot
rt. OUAL , l > UI\r. early vk-o which brings
organic weakness , destroying both mind nnd
body , with all Its d raided Ills , permanently
nbC n IJTTC Address those who have Im
UJW. liLtl 10 paired themi Ivcs by Im
proper Indulgence nnd solitary nnhlt . which
ruin both mind arid body , iinllttlnz thorn for
builnpxs. study or nmrrliiKO.
JIAIUUKl ) MKN nr these ontnrlng on that
Imppy life , aware of physical dohlUty , quickly
assisted ,
Is based upon fuels. First 1'ractloal experi
ence. Second Kvery cuso Is specially studied ,
thus starting right. Third medicines nro
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus effecting cures without Injury.
Drs. Be.tts & Betts ,
COLDS IN THE HEAD , bj one application.
CATARRH , iu a very short tims ,
HAY FEVER , in from 3 to 5 day *
EARAOHE , instantly.
Prepared only by the
Darker lllook , Utnnha , U. S. A ,
, A POSITIVE andptrminont CURE far all
whefioth rtre tm ntl lli.FulTdir ctoni ! wllh each
bottle. Prlct. oni dollir. Se * signature ot E. U
ITAHL. For 810 By All Druggists.
Or a Whirl by Rail to Six Ameri
can Pleasure Resorts.
How a Little Effort Will Secure You One
of These Trips.
Arrangements have been effected by the
publishers of TUB HKK which enable us to
make n mvol nnd attractive oiler to par
ties who uro disposed to devote their tlmo
nnd energy toward procuring new ub-
scrjbars for TIIKUMAIK WJEKI.Y HKK or
Tin : SUNDAY HEK between Mils ilato and
t&u HUh day of Juno next ,
Tnis oiler will bo open only to parties
soliciting subscrlbois In Nebraska , lown ,
South Dacota and Kansas.
A careful recorded will be kept of all sub-
Rcrlptlons forward , and the awards uill
bo made without partially.
The European Tour ,
To the person that will pocme the lar
gest number of cash subscribers for'JHK
before June 10,181)1Uli ) bo given free of
cost a round trip Kuiopnau tour ticket.
This ticket will Include Urst class passage
from Now YorK to Kuropo nnd return-
This iucludcR ulso nil traveling , hotel and
eight-seeing expenses. The trip will be
made \\ItU an excursion party gotten up
by Mrs. H. D. I'niznr of Iloaton , and will
bo In charge of competent guides. The
traveler has no cares , whatever. Thotour
covers nil the principal countries of
Europe England , Germany , Switzerland ,
France , llelglum , Italy , and their prlncl-
pulcllloj , including fxmdon. Paris , Urns-
sels , lli'rlln. Home , Florence , Venice ,
Milan , ( ieuoa , etc.
Seventy-Three Days of Sight-Seeirig
The patty Marts from Now York Juno
27 and returns to that city "by September
Taken by any Individual alone , this Eu
ropean tour would Involve un outlay of at
least $ , 'UO.
American and Canadian Tours
For the second largest Hat of subscrib
ers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to
San Vrnnclsco and Lou Angeles ami ro.
turn. Magnificent mountain scenery , the
beautiful Golden ( late , the land of aun-
Bhlne , fruits nnd llouers , "Who has not
neen California will not dlo happy , "
Travel Is an oducitor , and to properly
appreciate the vastnuss of our great coun
try Oiio tniiHt nee IU best features.
Tor the tnird list of subscribers
to'l'HK WpKKi.rorMiNDAY HKK we oiler
a ticket from Omaha to Quebec nnd re
turn. VVhut could be grander than a trip
down the beautiful St 1-uurimco In midsummer
summerTo contemplate tno beauty of
Thousand Inles Is delh'htful. How much
more delightful to visit them vihllu In
verdure clad.
Ana all this pleasure tor obtaining sub
scribers to TlIK WhBKI.f Hllll HU.NDAV
HKK.For the fourth largest list of aubscilb
erswooirorn frco ticket from Omaha to
New YorK , Philadelphia , Wulilnutou nnd
'Ihero nro no points on this continent ot
greater gonerul interest than these three
cities. Ait Amorlcnn bnin cltlron has not
completed his education until he han seen
the boat of gov-vrnment. The persons nud
points of Interest In Washington nro in
numerable nud to the lntulhunt observer
H visit there Is fullof interest. New York
nnd I'nlladclphln us the commerclnl and
llnanclnl centers of tne country are
alwnvs interesting.
All this sight aestng and traveling given
nway for obtaining subsciiLors to Tin
For the llfth largest Hat of mibsrrlbors
wo oirer n free ticket from Omaha to
Nlngarn 1'nlls and return. Kvery hlnce
your childish wonder w as aroused by the
( Inscription fn tliu old xchool readers ot
tLo3o wonderful fulU you hnvo desired tu
dee thorn. Ili-rn Is nil opportunity. A
most delightful excursion and ono with
out oxpeiiso. given for tiourlng subscrib
1'or the Hlxth largest Mac ot subscribers
we oirer a fiee ticket from Omnlin to Salt
Lake City and return. The famous Mor
mon city Is fast bosoming n Uentllo city ,
and will In time loio much ot its Interest ,
Now , this Hummer \\oulil ben good time
to visit the booming city. ( InrlluM bunch
Is of coursa included In the trip. This
tummer retort on the lake \e \ n delightful
jilnce topass a few ot the hot summer
daj-H , why nol fiecuro n number of mil > -
Bcrlhora for TIIK WKKKkvorSUMiAV HUB
and take Atrip ?
For thn seventh largest list of subscrib
ers scoffer a free ticket to Denver and
Manttnu nnd return. While a shorter trip
than aavot the others It combines many
pU'iisnnt feature * . Denver-tho queen
city of the plains Is always worth seeing
whllo the health nnd Hiimmrr resorts of
Mnnltou are delightful Indeed. IleuKrt-
glvlng. Inspiring , restful amid subilmn
tuon'ry what trip could be moro restfull
All this pleasure for securing subscriber !
Now \\hat nro the conditions upon
uhH-h thvso tlckotn are given away ? The
Hecurlnuot the largest list of subscribers
to TIIK Wi iiiu.vor SUNDAY HI-K , No news-
pnparln the wist is so M oil nmf favorably
known and solicitors have nlwiiyo found
it an easy matter to secure luaicrlhers.
Tin ; IUK'H : subscription list has nlwuvtf
kept pace \ltn Hi reputation nnd It desires -
sires to ndii newnnmrx to Its Ions Met of
friends , llttlni ; at nil tlmiis a pHoplo'N pa-
pur it makes frhnds with all clnsses.
The Rubscilptlon prlco of TIIK WKKKI.V
HKK.IH I.HJ per year postpaid to any tilaco
In tbls country or Canada , or K2.UJ if sent
to a foreign country.
TIIK SUNDAY HKK is J-.0) ) per year , but
Omnhasubscribers for TIIK SUS-IHY HKK
will no ; bo taunted lu this competition.
Untupnlli-t Have your friends sub
scribe for the papor. Sample copies forwarded -
warded fri'oon twinnst
Persons deiirlimto compete for one of
theseprl/.uH will please my noliun solid-
Ing In their tint orders.
Komlttnnco in full must accompnny
cvcrv order.
Two six months subscriptions or four
threw mouths siiDscrlptloux will bu coun
ted us onu ordor.
All orders and communications should be addressed to