Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Trade Generally Bearish and Wheat Values
Greatly Unsettled.
Ijlvdy Interest In Provlilnim Cut MR
liiiflnr.HS Active find 1'rlccn tliu
for Uio Week
CnirAno , April tf > . [ "pedal Telegram to
Tun linn. ] Trade Koni'rnlly on 'ehango tills
morning was full very bearish. Tlio bright
went her und the till k of n very favorable ROV-
cniiiieiitruport of wliont tills afternoon wcro
tlio chief cullies. Wlicat .startod ' , jc lower
under free offerings. Corn unil oats nlio wcro
off ' /ie. Provisions started steady , but atonco
declined fdlghtly all nromiil. Tlion tlio si-nil-
ment nml news changed quickly nnd wheat
recovered l'i' , corn J c , oats Ic nnd pork 15c.
At the end of tlio first hour May wiles were !
Vf'lienl II.OCJJi to ! l.0 > ! corn , CO'jo lo r,7'&e ' & ; oats ,
Kl'io ' to M'.c ; pork , $ | 2.47'i to $12.02' ' , : liird
IC.W1 , to ! < ! .M ) ! ribs , WlOto VLSI.
Tlio wlient innrKot wat Broitly unsettled
all dny. Trnilo started out very bear
ish nnd opened prices ! i or more
under lust night. Tliuri things took a
change iin.l prices went up 1'Jc on sentiment
nnd snnio bull news , Tlicu thcro was a break
to tlio low prices of llio morning , nil bofo ro 13
o'clock. This followed by H tlJzW rucov-
rry njjiiln before I o'clock. Tliuilitlon was as
follows : May. } l.oi'i : , to , , J1.3V to ll.rei's. lo
$ i.oi ; * , . to .Inly , si.02'i. ' to ti.ois. : to
II.W.J. toJI.WS.loSI.OS's' ' . Now Vorkdlsiitclics | :
wcro very llcklo. That miirkut opened ! iu tip ,
with foretell homos buying for the continent.
I.ntur C'litrk wired un acceptance ly ) cable of
30 boatloads fir HID United Kingdom and tlio
continent. London wns 1'id ' to ! ld nn , wltli
Mvurpool llrm. Tlio expected got eminent
croi | rcuort was a hear Inllncnca. Kcimrts
frjin California , Onmliii , St. I'uul and ollior
jiolnts were loss encouraging , and oirsut thu
first InlluciK'C. Ilccrbnliii estimated tliu I'runeli
needs nt ever IOO.IU3.UW bushels , llnlulilnson
wns it buyer early. Strliwnrl/ also bough !
forVmltlic. Now Vork cleared r,0,0iO ( bushels
ntid Iliiltlmoru 2I.UOO bushels. Italtlmoro 10-
porlud n very stuiii ' export feeling , with come
bouses tryln ; ; ( o buy hack wheat at Now
York. U wns on this class of uuws that the
prlco went to tl.5. ' ! The ulosla ; ; cables were
all lower. Liverpool wn'id to lid off , llerlln
3 murks on" , I'arlc 10 lo SO centimes lower on
whom nnd ! IO to 10 loweron ( lour. On tins tliu
market lO'iclioil llio low point of the day ut 1
o'clock , at J1.0.1SS for May nnd 11.02'i ' for July.
Wliuut closed with a slight recovery from tlio
bottom prices and 'io lower than ycstorday
for May at fl.Klli , and steady for July at
ll.023 . April sold at tl.Wi and 3101' . ' , , and
closed at ? l.0.t. .Mllwaukeo reported 5" > , OW
bushels of Xo. 2 soring wheat sold for u\poit.
Tliorc nnsKOod Inquiry for cash wheat here ,
but no sales were reported , On tlio curl )
wheat privileges on Mny were Jl.lW ? ; nnd
ll.or > > i.
Tliu corn market was nnicttlod like tlio
othern. Thu rans < > for the day \vas but 3 i' ,
nnd at tlieoloso tirlces ere 'ic lo ' , o ever
those of last nl 'lit. Mny sold at OG'ic ' , to il'P.c ' ,
toor'io ' , to fid'ic ' , toca'kc ' , to the cloio ; July ,
KIVc , toC4J i' . I u IKl 7s v , to M\e , to tlio close.
April nniKud from OG'lo ' to Ki\a , and eloslni ;
with May atliT'iC. ' Tlio receipts were over tlio
estimate , at aw cars. Thu action of the mar
ket at present depends on tliu whims of oper
ators. Tim receipts are not likely to Incieaso
Kreiitly until much later , when the Incro.iso
In ncrcaKo , caused by the latosousoafor.smull
pralu , shall uo more apliari'iit , A break fioin
present prices Is expected , but thee who try
to bring It about , with no stocks hero and re
ceipts only equal to roiiulrcinunts , KOI In
trouble every tlmo they itliort the market.
May corn puts were suld after hours at GGlSo
and calls ( IPjC-
The oats market opened up J-Jo below the
Into limitations , but belli ? stimulated by tbo
net kin In wheat soon scored an advance ot
full Ic , Tlio oloso was made fiom ! io
to ! 4o under the top prices of tlio day.
ceding In the southern part of the
Btnte Is now almost ever , but other portions
are too muddy nt present to inako sowlns
practicable. Sliiy opened at , KlJiC , advanced
to Sl.'ic , but dropped baok to nUsO nt the close.
Juno wns nominal , bolus quoted from IBTiO lo
64o to f > 'lc ! nt tlio close. July sold fromTO'so
to MJ.IC ami o'osod at.'iUic. August closed at
384c ! and September ut Miio. The receipts decreased -
creased to 148 cars , of which lot were crndecl
contract. Inspected shipments aggregated
6,11X1 l.uOioIs.
The provision market showed u llvnly Intor-
cst at time" , with a fair trade most of tbo
session. The opening wns easier , with every
thing else on the Moor , followed by n rally
which gave llio boil prices of llio day , and
Inter tlicro was a general decline ( o the close.
The last prices , compared with yesterday ,
were : Pork unchanged , lard Bo lower and
ribs 2iU ! higher Tliu loading business ati-
Doared to bu In July , Kor that month pork
sold at JU..OO , to J12.87' , , to JI3.07J5 , to $12.9. ! } at
thu close. I.iul ; for I liu month sold at
7. ( ) ' . " , . to $7.10 , to $7.00 at the close. Ulbs. ,
to JiU-.Ms , toJiUrt , toUT ( . Other months ap
pear In tbo table below.
PhowInK the ofllelal report of tbo range of
prices as wlicd toCoukrell Ilrolhcrs :
COMMOIIITV.IOpOII. | Illgll. I I.IJ1T. | ClOSO. | Vest'/
Jtny 1 mil i or , OIKb
COILS Julr littH 1 Wl 1 WM
Mnr. . , , . . . cnw & ; w v
Alny , MH 51 64
Mny. . . 12 40 12 ( W I2 40 12 47 12 U )
July. . . 12 VI. U07 U87 nyz 12 W
Alnr. . . 0 10 0 SO f,07 C 12 0 10
Julr. . . 0 45 026 a 42 e 47 045
C 7S UFO C 70 I7U ! 75
July..I 702 7 IU 7W ) 7 W ) 7 Ui
roMMiiiiiTV I dpun. | High. low. | Close. | Voat'y
July 1 > 7W
AlltlUHt. . 7WH vo
COIIN- vo6a
COIINMnr 6a 65H w
July C3
Dulutb receipts , ( X ) cars of wheat ,
Minneapolis receipts , IIS cars of wheat ,
Ksthnated hogs for Chicago Saturday , 13-
Kansas City receipts : Wheat , 'M ; corn , C2j
oatH , 10.
llerllu cable : AVheitt market declined 5
marks ; holders anxious to sell.
Now VorU clearances four ports yesterday :
Wheat , 75,110 ! corn , "SIO.I ; oats , 15J5 ; Hour ,
The Michigan stain report s.iys : Condition
ofhout 1)7 ) , iiKalnstTO last year at HOiitlioru
points , uudW ugulnst 05 In central portion of
45corn ;
MiCormlok hays : The foreign situation on
wbeiitNhllo bullish , hasbeen fully discounted
in tno price , emp reportsIroin lluroiiu ul | | In. . ,
prove rather than grow HOI-MO from now on.
Our home prospects wore never hotter , Indi
cating the bluest crop over grown.
Liverpool cable ; Cargoes elf coast , wheat
and coin steady. On passase. wheat and corn
nulct , butllrm. Mark I.ano. heat , llimll.h
unit , foielcii hteady ; corn tlrm , Hour llrm. ) ir
VfTi11 A''tt"nu" ' tt1llont- * ' * ° < 'i ' Chilian , 40 fid ;
\ \ allaiillu.tlsUd. . h-pot wheat tlrm , corn In
niodernto demand , Lltcrpool , I ! : ; K ) , wheat
uteiidy. demand Impnivlng. Uecelpts for tliu
past tliiceclayH , 17.VHJOcentals oflilcli mi. .
WO wcro American. Weather line. Market
cloHd steady to SU lower.
-Limnn & Co to Toncray Allryan
\Mieat \ oiiencd with lltieral otter-
Ings nt ll.0iii : for May. The buying hy a
liromlncnt scalper who has done notlilnir for
three niontliH caused a sharp lulvaneotu tl.o\
III * realizing eaiiM'd a deellno which was uu
rnplil nK the advaneo ami tlio market closes
weak with hollcis * l.n.l' , for May. 1'or the
present wu think the highest price bus boon
real-hod , ( tut ) mill Ion and a half U to he
loaded for New York , all of which lumiitl to
growing crop Is of the most prumlNlng char
acter. piortlivri > t needing , however , U late
* ud U uow cl Ujrod bjr wet weather ,
Korernracnt report of winter wlicat Is rx-
itceted to bu of as ngalnat nn averiiRC of 81
limtyonrln conditions. Corn opened weak ,
M y , iiOUd closed at ( IT'io. ' I'ntll wo gel re
ceipts lower prices should not lie looked for.
Provisions In srmpalhy with wlicat and coin
opciicd'ibie'r'o'n tVio'iTccllnc. There KM some
rood btiyliu ? locally and for the outside.
llovetnmnnt report ! Winter wlicat .condi .
tion H5.0. The general average condition Is
highest reported slnco IW. Tlio April rot in us
to tlio department of Agriculture makes tlio
condition of winter whcut two and of rvo KU.
Tho'uason for seeding was favorable mor the
whole witter wheat area. The neil was gen
erally easily worked nnd the seed bed pre
pared with unusual care and sowing was fol
lowed by gentle rains sultlclent to properly
pack theoartn and ItiHiiru prompt nnd perfect
germination. On port Ions if tlio Atlantic ana
tJulf counts the tlmo of seeding was womewhat
prolonged by ocr.islotml rains. The delay was
not serious nnd tlio desired area was planted
In good grow t h. ' 1 ho nil vent of milt ahlownat her
and the H\l \ conditions enabled farmois of
the Ohio valley states lo put In a full breadth
under enllroly unfavorable circumstance * .
and the propei combinations of Minsldno and
mnliture. which continued until cold weather ,
sent the plant Into winter quarters with a
sturdy giowth and good color. In portions of
Kansas and Nebraska the prolonged drouth
of last summer extended Into the period of
seoiliiiiti Intcrfoilmt somewhat nnd tendering
irormlnatlon slow , bill Hcnsomihlo weather
dnrhiK tlio late fall and early winter uas suf
ficient to onset the illsadvantaue of a late
start. The nvetagesiif condition In tlio prin
cipal states are : Now Yoil > , IU | I'onnsyl-
vniila , ( iTiTciiiieiweo. ! M ! K'ontucKy , 0 ? ; Ohio.
! W ; Mlehlgan , U ! ; Inilluna , tci ; Illinois , ! > 7 ; Mls-
Hotirl , IKi ; Kansas , Ul ) ; California , W Oregon ,
in.W. . O. McCormlck A Co. to Swart * k Co.- '
The eiratle movcmentof today's market has
wlilpsnwed our local scalpers badly mid they
( hushed the day's work In anything but good
humor. The early temper of the urunil vas
bearish , tlio only hull feature belli t ; bail
weather In the northwest , which they elalined
would seriously delay the planting of Hpilng
wheat. The result was heavy short selling. A
bulge came Hiipcilndiu'ed liy aslateiiiont that
Iteerhohm quoted the 1'roiu'li markets higher
anil estimated that 1'iance would reiiilro | an
Importation of IUI.WO.000 liusliels during tlio
year. This drove the shorts to cover and
caused a quick advance , followed by a still
more rapid deellno when public cables q noted
Tails lowet for both flour and tt heat , Instead
of higher , and the bulls endcavoied to sell
out. Wo fall to understand wliy cables are so
absurdly contradictory. Thoolosoof thu mar
ket Isery weak and It looks as if the bulls
would ha\u dlfllculty In sustaining pilecs ,
Corn hasbeen dull nnd heavy , although hold-
ersendeavored at one tlmo to advance prices
with a view tohclllngout their longs. Their
clforts wcrn not a success , and the tnaiKet
closes weak and lower. Thn amo may be said
ofoatM. After thu llrst weakness piovlsloiis
advanced In sympathy with the advance In
grain , but the strength did not continue to
the close. Apprehension exists that the -May
deliveries may press upon the mark-et and
cause a bicak. nut our bent Information leads
us lo believe that they have mostly been pro
vided for , und that on this point the beats
will bo disappointed. I'rlecs may go some
what lower , but wo believe that conservntlMi
purchases on the soft spots will piovo pioflt-
Kcnnctt , HaiiUim Si Co. to S. A. McWhortor
In wheat , Inspltoof tlio stroiiR cables there
was a weak opening , This was doubtless
caused by the sunshine and apprehension of
bearish government ciutj reports. ( lood buy
ing absorbed the olTerliiKs anil pi lees worked
upward untllJuly had advanced Hie from tlio
bottom and May ne.uly as much , when closing
cables ciimo In unexpectedly weak. This was
a great sitrprlt.0 . to the trade anil such a Hop
over from eaily Intelligence that ( hero was a
quick rush to soil , followed by a rapid deellno.
Operators wete Inclined to belloxo that Inter
ested parties weio m.inlpulatliiK forolun ad
vices tosult their position In the market The
government iciiort to bo Issued t hlsaftetnoon
Is a bugbear. It been fully discounted
and can scarcely bo more bearish than ex
pected , The weather map showed r.ilns fioin
ilio Atlantic to the I'aeltlc , from the Unit of
Mexico to the Canadian border. Tlio e.vport
Immli-y continues ami It , is said frcl lit loom Is
hclnK engaged fur summer shipments as fast
as possible. H.inl'riiiiclscuiuportscngiigoments
there ahead as far as no.\t Vobrimry. Under
sueh comlllloiis while they last no favor the
lonir side , on good breiks , for continuous ad
vices of this character will turn the market
upward sooner or Inter and possibly fora
sharp advance , I'urclmses by "Hutch , " who
Is cutting mom Haute In ouri arkets than for
some weeks p. ist , kept corn going most of the
day and held oats In sympathy. The back
ward weather Interferes with heeding to con
siderable extent. The provision market con
tinues dull and uninteresting. The present
lack of lutoroit we think Is temporary. Wo
anticipate renewed activity toward tliecloso
of the mouth or sooner.
CHICAGO. April 10. [ Special Telegram to THE
HEU. ] UATTM ; IJuslncsa was more active than
any day this week , atoclt sold out easier una
at the lightest prices for any day this week ,
the advance equalling ir o toMe on anything
at all Hiiltuhlolfor shipping or the dicssed beef
trade. Cow stock of all descriptions also sold
substantially higher , the general market clos
ing strong and with about overythliiH sold.
The top prices for steers were l.'i.SO to $0.00 , but
the quality was not up to the maik ; medium ,
fl.MXitliffi ; common , W.OOO4.M : conaand belt
ers. * . ' .rKXat.U. > ; stookon , * , :
II oflS The market opened active and steady ,
but closed weak and lower , especially on all
classes of packers and more especially on big ,
roiiKh sows and big stock generally. Kvory-
body seemed to have few of these classes , and
nobody wanted .such. Hough and common
may bo quoted at ilii.V3l.70 ; oed to eholeo
paeKers , * ( .soa..l. ) > : prime heavy and butcher
weights. tvWilU ( > . largely at * ' > .W ; prlmn as
sorted light , Ji.uoo.i3 ; light-light , ) ;
pigs , $ LOU ® J.5J.
Nnw VOIIK , April 10. [ Special Telegram lo
Tan HEK. ] Gold cola lo thu amount of $2.500-
000 was engaged this rooming for export to
Hoilln und 1'aris. The knowledge of this was
probably tlio principal reason for the
laok ot support In the early stock
market , although many cnutloua traders wcro
looking for a reaction this morning In any
event. A Market wliloh advanced without 10-
actlons would bo an unpurallcled phenomenon
In ( Inancos. London houses sold the stocks
In which London is Intercsled , Uloveland ,
Ulnelimatl , Ohlcago & St. Louis declined %
to U2j , liurllnitton&Qiiliioy U lo SOU. North
western } & to 10JJJ , St. Paul 5i to GO , Hoolc
Inland s4 tuTJIs , Lackawanna J to loU ; . ( . Lake
bhoio ! to IU' , Louisville & Nasli-
viiio ? i to im , r.tio ; , to j94- ? .
Northern 1'uclflo preferred ? to ( Oil ,
Union 1'nclflc U to 4I7s , and Western Union
> i toMif. Missouri Puuillc show0 < 1 u disposi
tion to resist tbo general early tendency of
the mnrkct , llrst rising ! 1 to 70H- then falling
SI to TO , and lallylng toTO.'j. The Bpcclaltlcs
were Koneially ( Inn and blgbor. Sll-
vor eortflcates sold at 07y , Govern
iiients opened steady nt 102 bill for
the ! ' , , s and ll.'viHGI.-Ws for tlio 4s registered ;
Jt.-'I'i'iil.V,1' ) ' , ; ditto stumped luleiost paid ,
$ --"iWI.--cloox. . July
- - - - coupon , Thorn was a
moderate business , both In American sugar
refinery common und Chicago gas , both tlio
dealings were ucooiupaiilud by a weaker
tone , tbo former declining fi lo IK ) and
the latter Pi to I0i ? , Cotton oil , now common ,
advanced to 'JU'i , ditto preferred to50 , and
national coudaKu common to BS.
A private cahlo announces that $100,000
had been withdraw n from tlio Hank
of l.nglunil for export lo Iliienos Ayics. Tlio
London selling of stocks wu.s ascribed to this ,
Later the local stock market bo un to ad
vance again. Tliu Southwestern railroad
stocks hud their Innings , the feollnz being
that the grangeis can now watt awhile for
the of tlio market to catch tip
with them. All soiirl 1'aclllo reached
figures not touched this brfoic. Alchlson
did not quite attain llio high iiolnt of last Jan
uary , hut WIIH thoiuost promising stock of the
day. t , I'aul earnings for the first week In
April showed an Increase of $ ; i,411.
Many nice things are said about the Amoit-
can cotton oil company. The application for
listing Its shares In thu stock exchange will bo
accompanied by a statement showing
an mor.ifjo not profit for tlio
past sl\ months of $ UX > , OOU per mouth.
It N hardly criMllblu that Hiich a statiment
will bo made , but tlio earnings hau > certainly
boon linprovini ; . The fixed chaws are J.l.l.lH ) > j
per year. The H0cioarj ( : piufuired stock out-
Htandlii ) ; Is entitled to G per cent
of Ib 11 net eiimlui'H. iioii-ciiiiiulatlve.
The oxiiorts for IS'll ' will , It Is said , OM-OIM !
those of IMWliy moio than one hiindiud and
llfty thr.iuand ba'-rols. The nc-nrclty of
' i eorn and the poor quality of box" has advanced -
vanced theprlcu _ . . the ndvnnlauu
of the cotton reed product. Simu one
Htarled today rumors tliat another lemil
attack would be made by the holders of the
old cotton oil trust certificates who did not
come Into tlio reorganization.
Paclllc Mall h. is been taken upaualnon rn-
noils that ( ion Id's recent conference wltli Mr.
wnmnuakcr ' will nhow icsults , Onn of this
company's ' now steamship- , was launched at
Koachu's shipyards yesterday.
Chicago gas nns Inelliied to weakness during
a part of the day. It Is hard to HCO
why this slmiild bo so. The trust
has now been dSsnlvcd and the property Is all
them wallliu ; to ho cared for by a new corpor
ation tii lieorunnl/cd In uu Invulnerable form ,
The Mill-treasury was debtor to the clear
ing house today il.iW.U. This
hum l.s an unusually largo amount
and was caused by the payment at the nib-
trousury of the government draft to
the order to the irorornor of
Ohio for fiVV'OO and one to the governor
of New Jersey for tlf'-VHI , The drafts recom
mend the expending of the Olie.'t tax In ac
cordance with thu measure pasted by the last
Ktmnott , HotiUns fi fa. to 8 , A. MoWhorter
Thu market 1ms been Interest ng and biis
uhiiwn evideiicesof manipulation. The fecl-
lut before the opculug wa thut a reaction
after tlio Rhi\rp advnneo of the past few days
wasdito , ana the llrst prices of the netho
stocks were lower tlrm last night's clos o , some
showing a nlmrit decline , but n special move
was started In Missouri Pacific and Atchlson ,
to account for which a rumor wnsclrulntcd
that an Important deal hud been mnOo be
tween the two companies Thin , however , ca-
tlroly lacks confirmation. The iiinvninciit of
the two stocks which , on Inr e. trHtisactlons ,
carried the price up 1'i percent chocked the
deellno In the balance of the list , rinanclnlly
their strenntn brought trades Into the market
to corner sliorl sales which they Iml
made In atitlclnntlou of a reaction. The whole
list rallied , and hi most cares touched higher
points than yesterday. The market acted ap
parently with Indifference to the engagements
of gold for export London has nold some
storks In the market today , and tlio bank of
KiiKland has lost 1-W.UiO on the balance.
The street Is perplexed In arriving at an
opinion us to the effect upon the price of this
stock of the dissolution of the gas trust.
Sugar refineries have been strong , common
advanclntr almost to a purity with the pre
ferred. The tnnrkdt lit the oloso was more
quiet and fairly steady. Money Inbettcrde-
niand and while call tales on the street are
froin ! ) to 4 per cent , we loam that the banks
have many loans out at call us high as G per
cent. Total sales : ill,81U.
Stocks. | 0 | > 6n. I lllnli. I Low ,
W ( <
us *
ll'H ' KIJA
fnntida So . 6l ( < 6PJ wu
1'aclllr .Mull , : i7' ' < IISM
l.nko Hboro. IIS \\V\ \ \ \ 112
I , A N' 7J7J 7S'n ' 77M
Leml Trust ll'H ' r.'Ki ' III
( ' . t' , L' . . . . ia" ut I.'JI
Nortliu ext'n 10 ; 10.s 107 l lusu
Jio I'.ielllc . 7t 7IJ 70Jj ( , u
tin I'nclllp. . 7t4'J I7JU 47 2
N. I'nc | ifil. Hil (
N. 1'nc coin. 2in
0. II ,10 . . . 7
Hock lnlnnil 74'
St. I'lllll. . . .
St I'nnl nfil I12V4
We l. Union NIVli 8.1
I ) I , . A. W. . .
Suunr Trii't i ) ' < t llllj
Am Sr. Hell HI-- HI hi
.ler'oy Cent. 118 11H Il8 < f - 118
New if tin. , : i * '
IMiliTirm. 17H
iis'4i 4Su' yjl 47
KeuilliiK : u' 3.1 !
Del Ac Hud. ia : H lili : , : ii
I'lillnian . . 1U4 ! nn
No Am . . . . 17 < ( IT ! I'H
Mich. Cent . ! I7 ! , ' , ti-
Silver I7J7 ( 7) . tiH7. ) (
Ill Cent . . . . vi , 7 '
Wh font. . . 21 21 'i-k
.Met. font. . 12 13 '
A. C. Oil. . . ; > = iil'
'I'uxns 14 i
' 1'enn , C. X I. ! 5 : . 14.ill' : a (
N. V C 101 10IU
N. Y ( JiinTH
The following are the closing quotations :
tl.S Is ronl'teroil . . .122 Nortlicrn 1'iiclllc ' i'.1 (
II.H Is co HIM > in . trJH do preferred 106
If S 4HH rivlstereil Mi C.N. Jt W I07'i '
t.S. ; < Hscoiiions..ll | io ! pruf'd ( c.Tillv.ini'j ) !
I'ncllleiinof "J3 . 112 Nonr Vork Central. . . .101
Central 1'nclllc . 2ltJ ( 1' . . I ) . A. U 21
ClilrnKO * Alton . HI Huok Hliiuil 74
Clilcnuo , HiirlliiKton V , .M. A. St. I' fi' " . !
ilo | ir > fcrrcil ll ?
IIi.t W . St. I'atil * Omaha. . . . 211 ;
Illinois Central . ' .17 iln preferrcil lit
I. , II. &W . t'nloii 1'nclllc 4714
KnniiiH ATcxas . 12 W. , St. Ij. K. I" tIKi
I.nkoShorc . HITS clopreferrcil 18 > <
MIclilKiin Contrnl. . . . tUVj Western Union 814
Missouri Tnt'lllo . . . 7UM
MONKV ox CAM , Kasy ; closed offered at 'J',4
1'IIIMR ' JlEltOANTtr.E PAlTIt fi8 per COIlt.
bTiniMNil ICMiiiANOK Qitlot. steady ; sl.xty-
day bills , { l.bG'/i ' ! dciniiiid. t-l.ixS. ' ; ,
"XVa 1 Street Notes.
Bt. Taul earnings : Increase , J.'l,100.
Tlio hunks Rained through the subtreasury
since I'rlday last { 014,731.
Loan mnrkut dull , demand molorato ; all
kinds plenty. "Q. " and Hock Island -i ! per
cent ; othcis mostly I ! percent.
London stocks opened firm , but closed
easier. Consols , W17-IB : account. Wi U-1G.
A Chicago report says : There Is a good deal
of talk about tno collapse of the lake and
rallrond rates , owing to the action of thu
Great Northern. Oillclalsof the "Q" say that
the .situation looks shaky In thu northwest.
Minlii ; ; Slocks.
New VOIIK , April lO.-lSpoclal Telegram to
TUB HUB. ] The following : vro the mining
stock quotations :
Allco iw Horn Silver S'.V >
AiluusCon ISO Mi'xlcnn II.VJ
CnnCnlnnd Va IIII7H I'lymouth 18U
llnlonnil Norcross. . 2UO btnndard 125
Huuiestnkn 875
Wool Itlurkct.
HOSTON , Mass. , April 10. [ Special Telegram
Tin : IHK.j ; The wool market has been dull ,
and sales of all kinds have amounted to only
] , fifiOU03 pounds. In Ohio fleeces there have
been sales of f > 0,000 pounds of mixed at IGo ,
nnd the same prlco has boon bid for other
linos. Most of the holders , however , have been
asking , ' 13c , und one sale was made at 'Cto. !
Ohio X sold In usual lots ntai&Wlc. and No.
latliTc. Michigan X has been \ery quiet at
9c. In combing and delalno llcccc.s there have
been no sales of Importance , and prices have
been steady. Territory wools have been In
fair request at COQtiOe , clean for flue , at&SStKo
for line medium , and at 5."ic for medium.
TexiiH , California and Oregon wools havoboon
dull. Pulled wools have been In steady do-
niand , choice supers selllmr at 404C , fair to
good sillier' * at : XS.'JSe , and extra at 2KKKa.
Australian wools have been qulto active at 114
CJ44c , as to ( iiiallly. Foreign carpet wools hu. vo
been tlrm but quiet.
ColTeo Options.
NEW YonK , April 10. [ Special Tclorarn to
TUB HEE. ] COITUK ODtlons opened steady
and unchanged to 15 points up , and closed
steady at 10 to M points up. The sales were
27roobags , Including April. $17.20 : May , $17.10
OIT.lfl ; June. Jli.f ( > 0ir > . ! > . " > : July , $ lfi.ii.V310.73 ;
Auirust , Jll.3."ill.40 ! ! ; beptomber. tl.'i.lUiiil.'i.ii.'i ;
October , J15.4U ; December , * 14.COU,14.G.'i Spot
Hlo. steady nnd more active ; fair cargoes ,
K'0.00 ; No. 7 , $18.00.
ClitCAno , April 10. Wlioat Clo'e Steady ;
cnsli , $ l.oH61.0J14 ; ; May , JJ.WKftJI.OSJj ; July ,
H.02il.a4 ! .
Corn Htundy ; n cash , fl7C7tO07iC ! ! ; Slay ,
G7K ® 7'o ; July , 648c.
Oats Kasy ; cash , 53.Jc ! ; May , 515e ! ; July ,
fd ( ii51c. !
Kyo-Quiet ; Sflc.
llarlcy TsAtSOc.
Prime TIiiiotliy-ei.2i31.20.
Kliix-iLa. .
Wnlsky $
Pork-Kasy ; Mnj' . $12.50 ; July. JI8.02 { ! Sl2.03.
Lard Knsy ; cash , W.02 ; May. tff.TO&U.T8U ;
Sliort Ittbs Kasy ; cash.'J,10 ' ; Siay ,
tH.12i(3H.iri ! ( ; July , M.4714OI1.TO.
Klnnr Klrni , unchanged ; wjnlnr wlicat. Wis
consin straights. $4.wl.49 : ; do clear , W.lo ®
4.20 ; hprlriK wheat , Minnesota hard patents.
fcl.004tri.10 : soft patent , $ lsr > @ . < i.OO.
Hulk MeatsShoulders.IK1r .10 ; abort
clear. tlUOSO.t.'i ' ; short ribs. $ aOJ.10. !
H n Her Unchanged jeroamery,1724e ; dairy ,
( Jheeso Firm : full oroam Cheddars. II ©
lliie ; Voung Americas , I'JQli.'Uo ; Hats , 11'i
© lUJic.
Kligs Unchanged ; freslj , 1213o.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted. Co
light ureon salted , 51icft < Ju ; green hides , 4i ! < i i
salted bulk , 4'io : greun Halted calf. Bu ; dry
flint , be ; dry salted , 0@7o ; dry calf. 80oj dea
cons , Ko oaeh.
Tallow Unchanged ; Nowsolld packed , quot-
nblo at !
Hocolpts. Shlpmonts.
Klour . 14.000 tl.OiJO
Wheat , bu . 24,000 37.0JO
Corn , bu . 01.000 07,000 . 107,000 78,000
NKwYoiiK. April 10. Wheat Receipts , lfi.000
bushels ; exports , A.IIOO bushels ; spot higher ;
llrm ; No. 2 red , $ l.lfl'ttM.lUi ' ( ! In elevator ;
Jl.l'.i'i ' afloat ; H.-.1liil.lS ( f. o. b. Options
opened lower , fluctuated and closed H& enii
on July deliveries and H5u ! lower on Inter
dcllvciles ; No. 2 red. May. closed at JI.KPi.
t'orn Itecolpts , M.'J."i ( ) bushels ; exports , : i23
hushols ; sjiot closed easier ; No. - ' , 77'/J'it7S140 ' '
la elevator ; THiJcftT'J'ie ' ' ; afloat ; nngrailoil
ml.xuil. ( I'iftT''o ' ' ' , Uptlons closed llrm , May
closing atra'ie.
Oats-ICecelpts , fi'1,000 ' bushels ; exports , W )
bushels ; spot .steady ; No. 2 whlto , Ol'lttMHiai
mixed western. Kl&rtiai white western , W)3tltle. )
Options flimor ; May closed at.WSe.
niigar Haw , firm ; domestic , b'J test , i'iv
refilled , llrm and active.
Potrolonm United closed. May , 72c.
Kags.Steady ; western , 13c.
I'lirk-h'lrm ; now HICSH. ill..wa,14.uO.
Lard Opened llrm ; elosod weak , western
steam , INUU.
Hiittor .Steady ; western dairy , IJii22cj !
western oioamery. i'ltt'JTe ; Klirln.
Chetso I'lrnii skims ,
ST. Louis , Atirll 10. Wheat Lowers cash ,
fl.o.l ; Mnv , l.OI'i.
t'orn Lower ; cash , fiSUm May. C-V'iC.
OnlsLower ; cnsli , .Viy ; May , Me.
I'ork-Stoady at * IASU.
Laid-Steaily at Jl.W.
lluttcr Steady und unchanged ,
April 10. Wheat I'lrm ; No. 2
red. il.U8'itUH ' | > a.
Corn Moderato supply ; No , 2 mixed , 7JG >
Ttl'ie. '
( ) > I'lrm ; No. 2 ml.\ud , 5Sc.
Whisky (1.IU.
Mn.wAitKKK , April 10. Wheat Lower ; No. ! .
Hprhuon truck , eiuh , tlMVtll.VJ.
( . 'oin Hto.idy : No. .t , ( riliu.
Ou IK I'lrm ; No. 2. white. .viSc. !
ProvlsloiibI'lrmi pork. May , { 12.05 ,
, April 10. Wheat Most of tlio
ofTorlngH of namplo wheat were olT grade und
tu null , tipol laugcd woslly litt-c ! over
May. nccelpts. 10.- , cars ! shipments. M cars.
Closnj No. l imril. April. Jl Wl on track.
$1.0(14 ( ! No. I northoin , April anil May , } ltt ) j. ;
on track , tl.amaiailj Ao. 2 northern , April ,
li.oi : on trucMi.oiai Oi
Jio. 2 hard , cn li , WorlNo. 2. red , ensh , (1.00.
Corn-Kaslori No. 3 cash , Met April , 53. % o
Oats-nnslcn No. 2-cnsh , nnd April , f > 3c.
Ltvrnroot , . April lo.-Wlicut-Stcartyj do-
n.atul . Imtirovtng. '
Corn-Quiet ; mixed western. Os lUd per
CiticAtm. April lOMUuttlo-UoeolpK 0,000j
market more actlvo nml blghcri steers , top
prices. $3.8X20.00 ! vuinninn t ( medium utoors ,
tl.XKas.fiOi ( cows and heifers , t2.M > ij4.23 | slock-
ers. &iu ( :
Hogs liecolpts. Urt.oooi market weak and
lower ; roilgb and eommnn , $ I.2.VJ4.70 | good to
choice packets , $ l.80dM.n ; prlino heavy and
biltoher eights , Jvjo.tW,40 . ! light , $4.0085.15.
SheepItocolpts , s.ouji market actlvo nnd
higher ; westerns , J.l.ltKiiO.SO ; nilxail nnd rulls ,
HiV25.M : ; lamb * , $0.uoab.G-'Ki ! Texans , I3.7J ) .
HT. Lofts , April lo.-Cattlo-necolpU , COO ;
shipments , TOO ) murkel strong ; fair to
faney native steers , $3.00(30.23 ( ! Btockers and
( coders , $ l. ! > o < a4.o0.
Hogs-Itecolpts , 4,030 ; shlpinanU , 4,70lj ( mar
ket steady ; lieavy , $ j.oixao.23 ; inl.xed , tl.TOft
4.UO ; light , J4.OOCtl.20.
KANSAS CITY , April lO.-Cattle Kr-colpts ,
1,4'0 ' ; shipments , 7011 ; market sto.uly and
higher ; steois , $ -l.7Villi ( : > ; cows , tl.3 ? l.3i ;
slockors and fenders , * 2.2T > HM.20.
Hogs-Uecelpts , 7.70J ; shipments. B..W1I mar
ket steady and lower all grades , Jl.i5ffl5.15. ;
OMAHA. April 10.
CA.TTLR-Estlmatc'd roeolntsof cattle 1,050. as
oomnatcd with 1,047 yesterday and IKM
1 rlday of ln t week. The market was
active and higher , llest beeves were lOe
higher ; others strong to lOo hlghop. llitteliors'
stouk uL'tlvo ' and steady. Good feodois nro In
demand at Mroiu prices.
llocs-Cstlmateit receipts of boirs HMO. ns
compared with Il.hOO vostenlay and 4,14s
I rlday of last ook. The inarkot wasacllve
and a bk nickel higher. All sold. The
raiiuo of the prices mild was $ I.I135.10 , the
bulk scllliiK at f\.VM\m. \ Pigs. J..OUiia.B ) ;
llKlit-llslits. a305Ji.a-i : light , $1 uvaun ; hoavy.
! UMiruO ; niLicd , J4.HMJI.03. Tlio average of
llio jirlees paid was $ l < i2. ns compared with
$4.H i yoitcrtliiy and JI.C7 Prlday of last wook.
MlKill'-Kstlinated recclnts of slieeii , 18(1. ( us
computed with ; I7 yestorduv and 811 I'rl-
duy of hist wook. Tim market wns actlvo and
stroni : . Natives , $ . ' , TdQi.iri ; westerns , J2M < 3
Imposition of Stnuk.
Showlm ? the numtior ot oittlo , hojs nnd
sheep bought by the packers and cither bit vers
nn thu market as shown by the books of the
Unlou stock yards compiny :
.VCo. . t'12
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "
ThoT ! . II. Mam'moiVii'conipniiy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "is
IhoCuilahy packing ronipiiny : iil
' l . . . . '
Shippers , fe'edcrs anil Vlhur buyers. OKI
Leftover. . 24
Total. , "l,2JO
The Cudahy packlmr company. , Ii07 :
' 1 ho Omaha , paolslng company. . H74
" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
TbutJ. II. IIamininil"cmiVpaiiy..V..V H10
bhippors , feeders and ether buyers 821
Total 3
siier.i * .
Swlft.tCo T ISO
Kcprescntntivo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
! . . r,70ji : M M. 11)114 ) 70 20 .112U J3I10
is. . 070 a nu 20 llff ) 4 . ' 18 .1197 5110
i. nm 4 oo ia 12(11 ( 4 IS .1200 BIB
40. . 1124 4 ! > 0 12.VJ 5 00 iR-jsn SB :
21. . till 4 , r > U L'.i 1228 5 10 L 2..II77 r.i7H ;
I4..iou 4 r > o IS 5 ir > 10. . I2.)7 5 40
H. . 0.13 4 Ki r > 2J 2I..1.IO.I B40
y..l233 4 C3 1221 5 ao L'0.12UJ 540
7. . KB 1 00 1. 1070 1 BO 2..1ir. 310
700 1 ! T > 0. . hUJ J 00 2. . oio nio
040 1 f 0 0. . 070 2 10 I. . 10V ) 23
810 1 f > 0 1 . KO 2 10- 17..10VJ II23
, MW 1 00 4. . ttfl 2 f 0 1..12-0 1123
620 1 CCi 8. . 1000 2 85 1. . 12(10 ( UM
Oil ) 1 75 10. . tm 2 no 1.UX > 440
1. . 050 1 75 j. . wo a oo
. MQi 1 00 1..12JO 225 1..1400 .100
1400 1 73 l.iilO : 2 25 I..IGIO ; i 10
,1240 , 2 oo i. ire 225 1..1410 323
, 1110 2 00 1..16M 2:10 : 1..1.M HM
, 7 < M " 00 1..1GSO 275 1..1470 327W
,1270 2 10
STOcicnns AVD
2 00 2. . GG5 .T 00 75..10M nr > o
23. MS 2 80 5 , . RO a 13 15. . 021 373
4. 007 U 00
5. . 300 1 C5 1. . 100 250
NO.T. AT. Pr.
T. .1. Collins
2 bulls . .1110 J2 00
t cow . . . 710 2 25
2 cows . . .1015 2 110
21 feeders . 3 70
0 steers , tailings . , .1108 2 25
! )4 ) feelers , hayfcd . . 018 3 .V.
0 steers , huyfed . .Kit 4 25
Clark Eldrcdgo
52 steeis. hayfed . .1170 4 50
Marsh & Cooper
42 steer.s , hayfed . .MOfl 375
00 steers , hayfed . .1100 4 15
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
ot ino 240 M 01 60. .210 40 $4 05
en . . .111:1 : M 4 75 41 . : i73 12U 4 03
2 . .178 280 4 75 41GS .273 240 4 V )
( " > 2fi7 240 r.i 70. .231 40 >
C.7. , .202 ( MO r.i r.n. 203 40. 4 & ' .
SS. , .If 2 40 80 71. .sin 60 403
CS. .211 210 to 71.mi. . .234 416
7.1. , .HX ) JMO 80 64. . 10 SO 403
& 'J. , .17(1 ( 60 64.GO .239 1(10 ( 4 03
109 , .1S2 400so 4 SO 70. 2'U ICO 4K >
70. , .180 so 4 80 77. 212 200 403
Kl 120 4 80 75. . .243 120 500
nn. . . .101 4 80 Kl. . 220 500
7.1. . . ,102 llio 4 H5 .530 120 500
ro 218 60 4 85 B 00
.205 4 R- ( A..ZH 500
72 ! .171 4 85 ' 224 SO .100
" ' "
17. .170 4 IK ) Kl. . . : . ! aa 1(10 ( 500
210 4 00 . . . . . .200 N ) 500
it. , .244 4 IX ) CO. . . : t23 SO 500
01. , .172 4 00 1. . . . . .5V ) 500
71. 4 (10 ( 40. . . 502 ! ' ,
44. , . .204 4 ! (0 ( 71 .2.1S 503
: t2. , . .175 4 IW . : iS4 503
Kj , . .241 4 'M .241 503
77.W . .102 4 00 40
( W . .SMI 4 lJi ) ! 70 2G2 5l6'
05 207 4 1)5 )
3 183 - 2 25 10 M 200
7 US - 225 20 08 120 200
tCoiTBE Orcpn Ulp , 2224o ; Java , 27c ;
RUTS' Per notiml Ainiondn. 180 ; Itrazlls.
I'lo ; Illbprts. iio ; ; lieouns , IWtUu ; walnuts , 15o ;
peanuts , fancy white , Uu : roasted. So.
SALT Dairy , * o Ilia In bbls , bulk , J2.10 ; best
prudes , CO Ss. $2,40 | best ur.ulo. 100 3s , $2.50 ;
host grade , 28 10a , fef,40 ; roclc suit , crushed ,
$2.10. i j
1IAKINO I'owiiEHwlloyol , ( llino cans , pordoz ,
" ? : 'i-Ibcmis. tl.45i 'i-lbeiuis. ' 1-lh cans ,
$ , > .00 ; Price's. 'i-Ih cans , Jl.IKi ! J-lb cans. J2.50 ;
l-H'can ! ; , $4.75 ; other kinds , Mb cans per do/ ,
. . 1'Ai'Ktl-Pcr Hi. best straw , 15x18
to.KxU. ilionlry , oAds. 4'4'o : extra quality
manlllii , Hej mailllla tea , ims , Oc , dark rat' .
hardware , 2i'c. >
OILS 15'jjirlmovhlto. . Do : 151 water white ,
jcj headlUlit. lie : 74 KUbollne. ll"e. Oil
U. ! 2 ( jal , * .1.7JS3bO5 ( ; pul.
fo.tHKlv.KU ! * . '
BOKA I'uckuucsl'jio ' Ibstobox , 5ic ? ; kegs.
TB\S Japan , bniiltc't fired , 2) < 35"e ! sun dried.
3.1iai5 j Kri-en , 20ffi.10 : " uniiowder. SO&Stlu ; Kn-
Bllsh breakfast , : wt5 ; ; Voiimt Hyson , 20'Ho ;
Oolune. o ; 2-lbacku ) o d nut , Mo.
. . x V.UKASK ; - cri cross Fruiter's larKC
this , tlO.O ) ; mudliiiiiUiis. $ . ' 7.00 ; small , fl.l.oj ;
other makes , \vood , ! > 1.5'jjsW ( ! ) .
Ill.iCKiNil-3 do/ 111X16751 ! : ladles' shoo
dressing , 43offltl.oO | ttovo polish , per fiross
Hl.uiNfl-Lln.uld , 4 on doz In box 0)c ) < ajl.73t
Soz,3lozln boy , ( l.5oav.7J ; < Iry , small , 23o ;
urge. 45o.
Si'lOKS Pepper ShiBapore , sifted , l.VW.o ;
Hhot.--'c : allspice ioo ; cloves , , select
ed , 17 < rollki ; cassln , China , 4-lbinatHtk2i nut-
IIIOBS. Jsa l,7.r > o ; iini'ttb > > or , Uu ; plcKllngnplces ,
10-lb bo\i'B,23f.
CIIOCOI.ATK. HTO , 12-lb lioxos. 3lli3c : ! Oer-
innii sweetiWf.'io ; cocoa , : i < 5,40c ; llroniD , : r.V.
COCHAMIT 13-lb cases , > { and ! l-lb paek-
ngea , per Ib , K/j27oi ( bulk , l.Vlb palls , 23c.
Oi.ivis : Qnnrts , per doz , M.OO ; plntH , per do/ .
} . ' .Ml bulk ,'O. Ullve oil , H pints , 2
iloz per case , JL.VliJM.20.
MAl'i.u StKiAii Per Ib5e cakes , 'W-lb boxes ,
l.'lo ; lUu cukes , . 'W-lb boxes , K\lo \ ; Mb bricks , : ci
Ibs In box , pure , Me.
lliiooMs-A-tlo iiiirlor , * 1.tO ( : 4-tle , $2.75 ; 3-lle.
$2.23 ; J'ile. plain. tl.K ) ; warobouse , W.OJJ toy ,
$1.25 ; whisk , * l.ooliv ;
NUi'-Castllo , mottled , per Ib. lOc ; do wliltn.
norlb. lie ; laundry soap , per lee liuis.tJ.15 ®
, i.OO : shaving soap , 50r < cto pur doz ; toilet soap ,
: i Pukes per box , ftUoat . ' .2.V
l 'AitiNACKous GooDH-Ilarloy , 4o ; furlnu ,
kegs , Jj.OU | ipllt peas , 2os gioou peas , 2oj out-
nicul , bbls. M-aWM ; h&lf bbls , XlSWUQi
macaroni , ISoj vermicelli , 12c ; sago uiid tap > -
oca , ft31' ' C ! Minn bonni. Viet eoreallnr * . .
flnkrd hominy , U'tci ' pearl liomlny , t.'L.V ) prr
i.VKLewis' Ml HedCrosn , 11.25
American , $3,2.i | S.iioiilllcr. | H. " . ' ) ! MnryWa
! 2.1W ) S-tur , scriibbfiijj , tl.iUlllctt's , \ pow
dered , 11.25.
Mli.K-l'otulcn'wd Kaslc , IMOj Crown , .
Anulo Bwlss , | ( i.70 | American Swiss. | 7.iWj
lllclihind. W.l. 1 "ItlKl. " M.TO.
KxTitAcrrs-I.Diiioii.Vo/.Meatl.SO ! 4 or , IIOJ
ffit.50 : | vanilla , 2 M , CAKjttiH ) ) 4 or. H.Ufna5.ft5 |
Jiiiiialoa ctinrer. 4 or.ll.Kl.
MAifiiiw Parlor. 200 and 1100 per box , ! I.C.VIt
1.70 ; sulphur , Jl.lVill.M.
IHMiv Mixed. JW-lb palls , S'.jaRVei stick ,
twist stick , t ot rroni'h mixed , l.'I'Sc ' ; hour-
hound stick , aHu : jar und ease candles , B-lb
boxes , I.Vi(2lct extra line Roods , KVfiK * ! .
, fiurdo.V'ii.l.wi | ; duubrrn.
scrub lirttslic" . ( WcWf..tM" " .
Hum HK.Kii-.MIxcd blid , 1-lb packaKes , 5c ;
canary , 4 < ict hemp , 4 < ic ; anise , 15c.
CANnt.KH 10 Ibs tU bO.X , UiiO ! lllllllllR , lOli
lOHo : wax , lie.
TOIMCCO rino eut. tier Ib , 25 l27c ! t > luR. 22
< Tl7Mj : KinukluK , 22Q ( > lc ; fancy brands ,
Mot.Assca-U bbls-N. O fnney , pprcnl , 4M&
4 e : eholeo. 4Viiire ( ( ! Kood.ysftWo : Oiiba , liaklni ; ,
2.1 < iiOc | blackslrau. h < ( ttic ! syrup , 60 Krailo.
bhls,2u ( ! ; liibbl , 2cci 4-Kal kegs , tl.Si ; 2-gal
klt , fi7c.
( Per bbl , rcflncd , ! OV > ; half bbl , 1.1.50.
T\VIMS : , ConiiAiii : . ICro. Cotton twine.
"lllbb. " very Hue , ' 4-lbbrtl's,22B ( ; cotton twim1 ,
XX brand , U-lb bales , 1-c ! hemp twine , U-H )
bales , 18u : sail twlnu. 2Jc ; eandlo wlek. ' . ' . 'c ;
40-foot eotton clothes IlnelllU | 00-foot cot
ton clothes lln" . } l.l > .l ; 00-foot sisal MUCH. fl,7.1 :
15.1- foot all .lute . , Jl.tCi ; wool twines , K'jc ' ! Miiiillln ,
whlto wine. I2c : triple sUonKth H'c.
TAIICII I'cr ' 11) ) , fiQt'p. < dlum , bbls W" ; smiill S 10.00 ;
. $11 001 llflslin.liilxt ( > d.ft2.0J
oeilar , ! 1 lirass hoops , No. I. all red. M..V ) ; ci-dar ,
! l brass hoops , No. 2 , red , $ .1011 ; ee'hir , ! 1 Drass
hoops , No. I. striped , J.1.0U ; ( ediir , ! l brass hoops
No. 2strliied , $4. r > ) ; extra heavy. No 1 ,
? 2.75 ; well buckets , M.2.1 , llutterware Tubs ,
ash , 3-ltioh , per nest , 75e ; ash , 2-Inch , 2 lurce
sl/c. Her nest , 45e ; butter ladles , hind wnoil ,
7l'c ; butter puddles or sniulos. 70c. Wash-
boards-Slnu'le , $1.4 ( .2.110 ; doub'.i- , tJ.5' ' 1.2S.
C'lothespliis 5 wross boxes ( We.
t'AKNini I'nuiTS t'allforiila Apricots , } . ' 55
(22.W ( ! pc-aehes , $2.'va VMi pears , H.IW&t.'Oi
crudes JLVvaLlX ) ; cherries , white. * . ' . .r.OP,2.75 :
ehorrles.hlacK , J2,2."i4i2.r > 0 ; iiilnees | , t-MK ) ; black
berries. 12.2 > ; raspljcrrles. JI.'O ' ; strawbcirles ,
t2.)0ciirrantH. ! ) : $ . ' ,2,1 ! Knobelierrlesfplums. ' ! .
ojtcs , fl.sifll.U5i iiliinw. Rlcen Ka cs , } l.85fii
1.115. I. astern eaiimd fruit -Peaches , second" .
W.20SJ2/.0 ; apples , 3 Ib. $1 1.1 ; pal. 'i doIn ease ,
1.7.1 ; uoosohcirh's Baltimore1 standard , 211) ,
$1.10 ; Hliuwhorrlt's , $ I.'L1 ; rasplicrrles $150 ;
blueberries. Jl.IlJj icl raspberries JI.5U ; nhick-
Ixirrles. 1l.uo : chei lies , $1.2oy,1.03 ; pineapples
Hllcud ,'.40.
DIIIKII riiutTS Turkish primps , less than
hhds , Ihiw , tic ; apples , evaporuted , new rhiff.
eholei' . Me : apricots , fancy. In sacks. 20c ;
blackberries , new , Oc ; raspberries , 2.1 Ibs to
lox,3Jc ; currants , new , 5'ie ; Votb/l currants ,
oxtia. In boxes , Meiieaches , Cal. . choice ,
17'ie ' ; California dried grapes In IIIIRI , Oc ;
HCedlP s Sultanas , saels. lOc ; miiseutels fie ;
new Valencia , 7'io ; Onditra , layer , S'iu ' : flUH ,
luyors 142Jc ; cltiou , Leghorn , 20c ; lemon
peel , 15o.
PMOKKD MKATfl-PiiKar Cured Hams U to
Hi Ib average , Il'it'i hams. 20 to 2211) ) nvuniRo.
Oc ; hums. 10 to 12 Ib averase , O' ci skinned
hums , lee ; shoulders , ( i'ic ' ; eh'iir breakfast
bacon , nairow stilps , 6 > ic ; clear breakfast
bacon , wide strips , ti'ie ; California , or plcnlo
hams , < l4'c ; ham. 8c ; dried beef hums
( sets ) , ! > ' ! < ; dried beef elods , e ; short spiced
rolls or ham roulette , 7' . e ; smoked beef
toiiKiiesdierdo/cn ) , H.r > 1 ; special li.ims 12 to 11
Ib inornRc , lie ; speelal boneless breakfast
bacon , 10'ic ' ; selected dried beef hams , Inside
and knuckles , lie ; selected w Ide clear bicalc-
fust bacon , flit. !
imv SALTED MKATS raney light weight
short cleuis. 7'4c ; long eleais. fi'e ' ! short
clems , li'ac ; short ribs d'iv : shoulders. 5ie ! ;
clear bellies. 7e : elear backs. ( i'c.
SMOICKII MKA'is-Pry Salt Cured I'aney
light weight bacon short clears. 7 * e ; liacon
febort ribs , 7a c : bacon short clears 7' e ; bnc.m
IOIIR elears , 7J c : bacon clear backs , 7'Je ;
bacon elenr bellies , 7 0 ; bacon shouldeis , tic.
SWIKT : Pici < i.iii : MUATS , llunis , Heroes OVjc ;
shoulders ( N. V. cut ) , tlerees , 5'4c ; bellies.
tierces. 7yc ! Oallfornlu hums , tierces , Oc ; beef
hums , barrels , $18.00.
I'lcici.Ki ) HKKF TONOUF.S Ilarrels , $20.00 ;
half barrels , KM Ibs , $10.50 : quarter iJJirels , 50
Ibs , $0.00 ; clRhth barrels , 2.1 Ibs $3,50.
LAIII > Compound , per Ib , tleico busts , 5'se ;
loaf , peril ) , tierce basis , 7'ie ; pure lard , per
Ib , tierce basis , 7'o ' : kettle rendered leaf
lard , per Ib , tierce basis. 7J c.
llAitiiEi.KU PoiiKANU ItKEK Jless porknow ( ) ,
per bbl , $12.50 ; family pork , $11,50 ; back pork ,
* 13..V ) ; Cudahy short cut clear ork , (14.00 ;
Sumlerlanasfiortcut clear pork , $12.00 ; 8un-
doriiind prime mess pork , $11.50 ; ( Juduliy
prlino mess pork. $1.1.50 ; Jackson Pete prime
mess pork , $11,00 ! boneless plR pork , fnney ,
$1S.CO ; oxtia mess beef , J.s.50 ; plate beef , i'J.50 ' ;
extra plate beef , $10.50 ; extra family beef ,
boneless , $11.00 : rolled beef , boneless $11.00 ;
rump butts , $11.50 : eholeo boneless family
beef , per bbl , $7.00 ; boneless rolled beef , $7.03 ;
e.xtra family plate buof , ftl.l ) .
J'lO 1'oiiK lloncless It Is i.iudoof the best
cuts of choice plk's. has a bright , fresh color.
Good for baking with bonus or for boiled din
ners. Hbls 200 Ibs , ouch. $15.00 ; half bbls. 100
Ibs , each. $ S.Ou ; quarter bbls. 50 Ibs , each , $4.50 ;
oluhth bbls , 2Ti Ibs. each. $2.75.
SAtlSAun-Snioiicd sausage. 7c ; bolocna , 4'4c :
blood HuusaRc. Sc : liver HIIUSURC , 5c ; head
cheese , 5c ; fresh pork sausage , links. 7'/c ' ;
fresh pork sausage , bulk , 7c ; Binokcd jioik
saiisiiKe , 0ic ! ; I'raiikfurt sausage. 8e ; smoked
head cheese , Ul > o ; Polish sausage , 7'Jc ; Knob
lauch .sausage. 7'ie ; tongue biuisago , Oc ; sum
mer sausage. I2iL' ! .
The above prices are for lots of 50 pounds
and upwards ; a less quantity 'Jo more.
OILS Prime lard rl , winter strained , 65c ;
oMra lard oil. winter strained , ,12c ; extra No. 1
hud oil. 4:10 : ; No. I lard oil. Ilfioi No. 2 lard oil.
32c ; extra ne.itVfoot oil , 4c ! ) ; tallow oil , 4'Jc.
Flour ,
li. T. Davis Mill Co. . high patent. No. I and
Cream , 2.60 ; lllucD. full patent. f'.M ; lluwk-
eye. half patent. $ . ' .40 ; special royul , patent.
No. 10 , $ . ' 1.00 ; Minnesota patent. $ . ' .60 ; Kansas
hard wheat patent , i-.W ; Nebraska spring
\\lieut patent , $2.IA
Osknmp's ready to rise buckwheat Hour ,
$4.2,1 per case of SO 2-llj niiokngcs ; buckwheat.
In bbls. N. Y. . $ ' 1.00 ; n\celslor brand. $5.50 ;
Slap-Jack tnonl , $ X75 per case of JO tl-lb pack
Omaha Milling Co. , reliance patent. $ 'i.OO ;
Invincible patent. $ ' .7.1 ; Lonob'tnr upeilutlve ,
$2.40 ; Snowllakc , J..OO ; Tanov Kamlly. $ l > 5.
8. K. Oilman's Gold Medal , 52.80 ; Snow White ,
$2.50 ; Snowllake , t.MO ; low Krudc , $1.10 ; bran ,
_ _
Country I'roilnee.
The markets yesterday wcro In the mall
sto.idy. Hay wasnotiiioted | qulto so high.
Ktuis The general market yesterday was
12c and the Mipply was not large.
HAY The best upland buy sold yesterday at
GAME A peed many ducks are arriving , but
they are still pnor in llosh and not much
bought after. Some dealers are writing their
customers that they do not want them. The
bimill and mixed ducKs sell right around $1.00 ,
nnd mallards $2.0032.50.
POUI/TIIY Kocclpts were not heavy and the
market fully steady. Live chickens went at
$ ir > ( XJ63.75 ; very choice , $4.0) ) ; diosscd turkeys ,
Hai.r > o ; ducks und geese , choice , $ ll@12c.
IIUTTKU In one wuy the market , hero Is In
peculiar shape. The average receipts do not
appear to be s-o A cry heavy , but eastern mar
kets are so low as to shutout tlio puckeram1
shippers and that Is weakening thu market
heie. A few of the choicest country rolls sell
as high ns20c , and occasionally a little uDovo
tlmt market. A very large iiioportlon of the
receipts has to bo sold
I riiitH ,
OiiANfins Navels $ .1 OOfl.1.25 ; lllverslde , ? : i.2.1
Diiartoand Itlveras , $300 ; Los Ansoles , $2.50
1'lorldu russet , $ . ! .1 ( ) .
Ai'l't. us Scarce ; oholoo stock , tl.l)01in.'iO. ( ) '
nCiiANiiEituius-llell & Cherry , $10.00 ; etutes
I'ositively cured byl '
CARTELS those Little Pill * .
They also relieve DLs- |
tress from Djupcpsla , In
ITTLE digestion and Too Heart j
iVER Eating : A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
PILLS. Drowsiness , Had Taste
In tbo Mouth , Coated
Tongue , Pain in the Side ,
regulate tbo Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
A. D. Boyer & Co
M-W nschungo IhilMInx ,
Boutli Oiuiha.
B. J , GofTman , Smile ? Hunter & Green ,
dc Oo , ,
20 Kicliinue
IJguUi Omiifc
Uneh 0 , Glide.
( Itnt Western A ont
Dnixmt's Hpurttna U n <
powitor. Atlm hlKheiplo
irio,0ln tln < cnp , fillo.
1119 Ilarner street.
Eoolor & Wllholmy Oo Loo-Olark - Androojon
Hardware Oo. S
Oor , 10th n 1 Jackion its ,
Qco. Oborno & Oj. J. S. Smith & Co. ,
113 S. 13lh street ,
t.oaTonvorth lU
Pnxton & Viorline Oniaha Safe & Iron
tt.IrouWorks , Works
lUoiiuht and cnit Iron ,
tiuiMine work , enjlnoi , .Mnnnfri nroanilbiirjlal
| ir < work , Knnoritl proof nfp , Tnults.Jalj
foiuictrr. miclilns nul work , Iron shuttnrs anj
Mick-iniilb work , U. l > . lire o'diioi | ll. An'
llj. nndlilUst. A J cksoiut <
Acme Iron anil Wire Wilson & Drake ,
Works , M'f'C tubnlnr flues , fir *
Iron if. wlrfl H. lilli'troot and bran w'ki. box lifllk'r.i , tnnks , oto ,
ft' , lloolil , Proprlator. rierocim.t UUli streots.
Hecs Printing Oo.
Oonsolidatod Tank A. Booth Packing Oo. }
Line Oo , Orators , flsh and cannoi )
Heflnod nnd Inbrleattnt KOOUS. j
oils , nila Kru'iio , oto. 1303 IxinTonirorth. J
A. 11. lllthop , Manager. ,
Carpenter Paper do. , | Western Plating Wkj
Carry n full dork of Unld , illvor and nlckil
printing wrapping and lilatlnx on all motaH ,
tnlilownro. etc.rpplated >
wrltlnif paper , card pa 1'ollihlnKurMs , Vchaa <
per , etc. teller work , till led i\
Eibbol & Smitb , Bchrooder & Oo , ,
PcnlrTK In coimtrr produce - Cnih linxuri linttrr ant
uco , friilta , TCjiutabloa , vitat , nml cow
eti > . mission merchants ,
r.tlT Howard street. 423 South lllb strcctk
0 , Eosso & Oo. , E. fi. Branch & Oo , ,
foreign , California and I'rortnco , fruits of all
tropical fruits , kllida , oyslors ,
1213 Howard street 1911 IIowiuil ntreat.
Porter Sros. Oo , , Bob art Purvis ,
California , Klorldt nnd 12)7 ) Howard street ,
tmi'lcnl ' fruits. Write for prices on bub
W1I-H1I Jones itroot. tor , Ciftra , poultry and
0.V. . Hulls , MnnnKCr. Kitiio.
Kirschbraun & Sons , Clark & Oo , ,
Duttor era * and pouHrj. Iluttor , rhoi'io. ott\
poultry and Kama ,
1209 Howard itroot. Of. ) South 13th street
Bates & Oo. , Williams & Gross ,
Country produce , fruit , ,
Troiluca and fruits ,
rt-Kulnblos , urocors1
( iieclnlllon. t , i > lcui ,
etc. 417-41BH. lltUHt. 1214 llnruoj 1 1 root
Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
Manufacturing and job-
1003 Farimmstroot.
Emoraon Oo , ,
Bo d urowers , do tlors H
Kiirden , , lirnlnanj
Iron ie , 1 ,
4j-ni | South 15th.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , , Bohn Sa-ih < ! c Door Oo.
Hannfnrtiirors of nasli , Manufactiirori of moull >
il'oor * . bllnili anil liiui , bllnli , doon ,
Aloul'tlnK'i. llranchof- uto.
Hcu , Ulli nnd IianI sti. ICth ami Clark strooti.
Consolidated Ooffoj
Company ,
UU and Kill lUrnor a
Omnlia. Kob ,
TJ. S. Wind Engine & A , L. Strang & Souv
Pump Co. ,
Jlalllilnr wind mills. H 10U2-1W4 Karnum strett ,
and W ) JnnoisL ( I K
. Oniaha , Neb.
HUJI , acting loananer.
II. Hardy & Co. ,
Typo-writers ,
To ) i , dolls , album * , fancr
lioodi , housofurnlshln/ llSumlfa ) . A. II , I'orrUa
' & Co. , riilalouuo free ,
Kood , children's car-
' IS15 \ > ot(0 rtlrcct.
rlauei. 1319 1'arnamit
Wholusalu Cash CornrnUslon Morohnnt.
Ulgln nml Woitern Crcinuorr butter , CKH tn4
diirolt'nt 'aril , Ailraiicun on lots on track , w > re4
liouseur n store at bank rules , 1XU aaj I WO JClb 164
Uouier. ColortJo.