THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SATURDAY APlttL 11 , 1891-TWELVE PAGES. SOCIETY THROUGH THE STATE Dohgs of the Gay World in Oar Beautiful Commonwealth , PLEASURES OF NEBRASKA'S ' " 400 , " r Lincoln , Fremont , JInMltiK' .Nobrnska City , Hiition , Osccoln , Contribute IntcrcMlni ; News of Well Known Men ami Women. The post-Lenten season in the social clr- clw of Nebraska promises to bo exceedingly gay as you will tiotlco by reference to the do ings of the beau monde In tbo cities below : Lincoln. ' Foroy MooroleftSaturdny for Hot Springs , Ark. Ark.Ocorgo Irwln left Saturday for DCS Molnes. - Mrs. Alsdorf entertained the 1C Street club Wednesday evening ; Mrs. Hcnton entertained tho. Kensington club Friday afternoon , Mrs. J , C. Yntcs Is visiting her daughter Mrs. O. O. Hallcy In Tecumsch. Miss Xelllo Mullen 1ms loft for Now York city where she will tnko a course In music. On Snturdav Mr. Frank Ilruco and family took the train for Delaware , O. , their old aomo. Dr. A. O. Warner has ono to Washington to aisuino the duties of his position as super intendent of charities. The F Street Eucliro club moots this oven- T\K \ at the rcsldcnco of Airs , Ucnton , Six teenth and F streets. Mrs. T. II. Hcnton , Mrs. Hard and Miss Mken were In DCS Molnes last week , the guests of Mrs , J. A. Urown. 1'rof. Hogcnow' * violin students of the con servatory will give n recital at the opera liouso about the -1st of the present month. The fourth term of the school year of the conservatory opened Monday , A largo num ber of new students have registered for the fourth term. The Women's dub mot Wednesday after noon at the residence of Mrs. M. B. Wheeler , 1420 M street. "Much Ado About Nothing" was the play discussed. The silver anniversary of the Grand Army of the Hepubllo was celebrated In the senate efczmbor , state capital , Monday evening. A til ndltl programme was presented. fiTlio military band of the Wcslyan unlvers- Vty , directed by Mr. William O'Hhoa ' , jr. , Is tipldlv coining to the front. Preparations ro uclng mndo f or n public conceit this term. On Friday evening the faculty of the con servatory gave n conceit which was one of the most attractive ptogrammes yet given by them. The house was crowded to Its utmost capacity. Prof. L , A. Sherman of the state university spent Wednesday evening with the ICast rtncoln Chautauijua circle at the house of KOV. and Mrs. Stuff , 105 North Twenty-fifth trcct. The subject was ono of Shakespeare's plays. Nov. Henry A. Buchtol and family of Den ver , Colo. , arrived in the city Saturday afternoon. They are the guests of Mr. and Mw. S. U. Elliott , llev. Uuchtcl preached at tfto St. Pniil Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morning. The following young ladles of the conservatory vatory of music left Saturday for u week's ' vacation and rest at tholr homes : Misses Nelllo Taylor und Jesse Hcnton , Central City ; Misses Llllio and Lottlo Jaoyor , Loup City ; Miss Ulna Clark , Bennett ; and Miss Alice Hyatt , \Vcstern , Neb. Hon. John 'Stccn of Wadoo , cx-corcmls- ( loner of nubile lands and buildings , was in town Saturday and looked Into his old quar ters at the state houso. Ho was accompanied by Ins daughter , Miss Nora , who is enjoying the spring vacation from her studies at Mt. Vcrnon , < Ia. Miss Efflo Stccn accompanied them to Wunoo to visit over Sunday. Friends of Hon. A. R. Humphrey , land commissioner , and his ostlmablo wife wcro grieved to learn of the death at 'J a. m. Sat urday of their Infant son Earl , aged tighfccn months , from membraneous croup , at the homo of the parents at Sixteenth and Bycamoro streets. The remains wcro taken to liroltou How , the family homo , Sunday for Interment. The Women's Farrngut corps No. 10 had a iplcndld meeting Saturday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Davis at lUiOH street. Fifteen of the society Wore royally enter tained and accomplished much good work in A good cause , oacti lady present being cntnu- ilastlo In her work. Another meeting will bo held at the residence of some of tue mem bers in the near future. The residence of Mr. George Bassotman , 1025 K strcut , was the scene of a pleasant so cial gathering on Wednesday evening. High five was the order of the evening. These participating in the games wcroMr. and Mrs. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perkins , Mr. and Mrs. Patrick , Mr. and Mrs. Allsdorf , Mr. and Mrs. Preston , Mr. and Mrs. Bassel- man , Misses Carmody and Enio Stein. Miss Venice Bigolow entertained n party of friends at her homo in Lincoln Heights Friday evening. The time was spent in so cial games and music until a late nour. Light refreshments of ice cream , cakes and fruits were.'served by the hostess and the last olec- tie car downward carried nwav a happy erowd. These present were : Misses .May Klmincror , Jennie Stewart , Maud Hawley , Hlancho'Fuller , Florence Mosarooy , Messrs. Hay HUssong , Clarence Scott , Burton Clongh , 1 Lou HUssong , Hey Stewart and Tlipmus Hitchcock. Tuesday was Miss Clara Smith's birthday. She hud not thought much about the clay ex cept to thinktbat every year wo nro so much olilcr. Her many friends were not forgetful of the date , and proposed that she should have cause to long remember It. AccordIng - Ing a few minutes after the young lady hud concluded thatsho was sleepy , her filonds to the number of thirty swooped down on the house at Thirteenth und N streets , and callIng - Ing her downstairs , proceeded to congratulate her. The evening was very pleasantly spent at social amusements , and the young lady \vos presented with a handsome rocking chair. An elegant supper was prepared and was duly enjoyed. The ladles of the First Presbyterian church gave n conccrt.Monduy evening at thochurch , at which Mrs , \Vadsworth , Mr , Troynor of Council Bluffs , Prof , llnguall , Mrs. I * . W. PJnnk and Miss Julia F , Smith participated. if < 1j tb uaUM for ho May music festival have .boon "lived-and superior soloists have been en- , \-agfd _ Qn "May 11 , "The Uruisadors , " byOuncfwlll uo.glven ; on the 12th a miscel laneous cbncc.fl.with a chorus of misses us a spoclnl feature , and on the Kith the festival will close With a splendid production of "Tho Creation. " r John H. Ulchanls , well known In Lincoln ns u member of the llrui of Richards Broth ers , owners of Ilia Kichnrds block at the cor ner of Eleventh and O streets , died Saturday nt Seattle , Wash. , of congestion of the lungs. About four weeks since the deceased , accom panied by his brother , L. C. Hlcharas , loft In apparently good health for a trip to Cali fornia and the announcement of his death wai therefore entirely unanticipated aua in dicted atorrillo'sbock upon his family. De ceased was lifty-tuno years of ago "and hail lived In Lincoln about twelve years , being recognized ns one of lha city's foremost anil most respected buslno s men. Ills homo was on tbo southwest corner of Sixteenth and P itroots. The "romulns wcro brought to the city for Interment on Thursday. A choice company of Intinuio friends gath ered at the homo of Mrs , Clara Marino in ICasl Lincoln Sunday afternoon , the occasion being tbo marriage of Miss Jennie Marino nod Mr. C. E. Sanderson. Miss Marino is a well known young laayj having bcea li charge of the inuslo In "ho Lincoln public ' 6chools daring'tbo past two years. She has won universal esteem. Mr , Sanderson is ono of Lincoln's rising young merchants. A pleasing feature , of the occasion was the pros cncoof Itov , Henry Uuchtel , D. D. , and fain lly pf Denver , who are old-time frionda. Or lluchtcl performed the ceremony. Warn friendship for the younc couple was ex l > rosscd.ln the many tokens left as" mcmcn teas of the occasion. Mrs. Sundorsou wll continue her work In the schools for the pros cut , The nisldcuco of the newly marriet couple will bo at COO North Twenty-seventh | trcot . v _ , The mehibtirrf-of the Nebraska Alpha of th I'hl Doltu TbdtAfratornlty tendered u recop lion t tholr lady friends on Friday evening 'J'tio Phi hall was tastefully decorated and presented a scene of merriment whoa th fair Kuests bait assembled around the tables 'te ' j ? rlIc'l > ttU6n lu progressive Ulfih live iftcrcard * refreshments wc'ro served and he remainder of theolcmng was passed in onvcrsntlon and daRclrtg. The royal prize , beautiful souvonrf In the form.of u prcscn- atlon volume , was cnplurcit by Misn wnlsh. rtio consolntlon , n box of bonbon * , fell to tbo ot of Miss Helena Lnu. ' Those present were : * ll cs Hammond , Frcdnati , Do Puo , Man- oy , Lnu , Nelllo Lau , Tuttlc , Llndloy , Wcs- on , Underwood , Jury , Wuhh ana Shrcvo of "rurnont : Mcsdamrs Harrio and Lyman ; Messrs. Hardy , Gullmettc , Pllsbury , Fife , : dmlston , Payne , Montmorenc.v , Harris , Clng , Welch , Lymun , Haggard. Emory. Taylor , Chapm of Council Bluffs , Dorsoy of. Icatnco , Palmer of Omaha , Gerwlg of Pitts- mrg , C. W. Lyman. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. .yinnn actca as chareroncs ) The reception of the East Lincoln social tub given by Miss Lulu B , Thomas Friday vcnlng nt her plcasant'homc , OH North Twenty-sixth street , ended a scries of do- Ightfu'l winter evening cntcrtalnmcntfl given iv the ladies of that society. In the tuought- ul arrangement of'dvcry detail Miss Thomas irovcd herself a most agreeable and accom- illshod hostess. The entertainment was as ileasmit ana diversified in character as could veil bo conceived , Irora a quiet tetc-a-tcto In lie alcove to the most amusing and Intricate harudcs. Vocal and Instrumental music dded much to the enjoyment of the evening. At 10 o'clock an elaboratp and tempting unchcon , caicuiatoa to ucmo inu immivs ui ho most lyslhotlc , was served. The evening of the sca- vas declared the most enjoyable on and to bo long tcmembercd by the club. 'lioso present wcro : Mr. and Mrs. S. I'homas , Misses L. and H. Green , Taylor. S. ml L. Hoagland , Uaswcll , Eostcrday , Orr , larlow , Dlnncombc. Messrs. Crlttenden , Orr , Iloaghuid , Love , Cook , Bell , Campbell , Vood , Oscar and Prof. Frank asterday. City. .T. Sterling Morton Is In Now York City. Dr. Nclhnrt Is homo from n visit to Delta. Miss Annie iCorf went to Lincoln Tuesday. Miss' Fannl'o Graves Is visiting her par- ' nts. Joy Morton of Chicago Is in the city on business. Mrs. E. L. Kcoo of Weeping Water Is In ho city. M. B. Duff and three children returned lomo Thursday. Tim daughter of M. B. Davis is suffering rom pneumonia. Miss Fannie WIlcOx returned homo from Lincoln Wednesday. Dr. Tom Grant , wife and son , of Auburn , returned homo Tuesday. Mrs. Klchard Singer is homo from a visit vllli friends nt Omaha. Mrs. Nellie Davis and Miss Holland went o Kansas City Wednesday. Miss Minnie Hawko went up to Omaha Thursday to visit with friends. Mrs. Charles Copcnhnrvo ot Omaha Is vis- ting friemis and relatives hero. George Ogram , father and Mrs. Scott , of Palmyra , wcro lit the city Tuesday. Mrs. Bauer ; mother of Mike and FranU Bauer , is lying nt the point of death. Mr * L. B. Burnett of Lincoln Is the guest of Misses Edna and Georgia Hawko. Mrs. Daniel McCallum has received word of the death of her Mstor In Canada. Mrs. Amy Parr came down from Omnnu Wednesday to vlslt with her mother. Mrs. N. B. Davis and Miss Owen left for Cansas City yesterday on a short visit. Miss Kate Harris , who U teaching school icar Syracuse , will spend Sunday in the city. The family of Mr. Paul Schmlnko are all doing nicely and will bo able to bo out soon. Mrs. Bertha Bonsfield of Auburn who has been In the city , returned homo Wednesday. Mrs. Taylor , an aged and respectable lady , s not expected to live throughout the week. Only two women voted on election day. riioy wcro not the wives or sisters of candi dates , -n. Mrs. Myrtlo'Hargus , after n pleasant visit vitii her parents , returned -to her homo at Jnlon , Mrs. Frank Spencer of Kansas City Is In .ho city visiting her sister , Miss Minnie Hawke. J. H. Monko and family left for Burr , Neb. , Wednesday , where they expect to make their future home. Mrs. Uobert Lorton and daughter com- iloted their visit in Omaha and returned iiomo Wednesday. Jeff Ellis of Salt Lake City , is hero vislt- ng with old friends. Ho was formerly a Nebraska City boy. Alexander Patterson's revival meetings under the auspices of the Young Men's Cnris- .ian association are being largely attended. Mrs. W. IL Buchanan loft Thursday for Pueblo to Join her husband. Her parents , Mr , and Airs. J. S. Turner , live In this city. Mrs. John P. Brown is homo from Omaha , whore she has been attending the bcdsido of nor , Mrs. A. D. Brown , who is dangerously ill. Mrs. John Howe of this city will leave shortly for Idaho , where her husband has been for several years , with the expectation of making her homo there. AIlsscs Horshov , Wright , Ralston , Boyer , Cooley , Homerlck , ' Fraker , Williams , Gulnn , Marnoll and Burgert attended the school teachers' institute at Peru , Hon. John C. Watson Is now homo for good , and ho Is daily 'receiving ' coiiRratulntions from his largo number of friends. There is no more popular gentleman In this section than Mr. Watson. Judge Campbell , clerk of the district court , Is u very sick man. For the last ton days ho lias been nblo to bo out inoro or less , but Thursday ho was taken down with a relapse and Is in'a very critical condition. John A. Koonoy , late assistant private secretary and stenographer to Governor James E. Boyd , is now assisting Hon. John C. Watson in this city , having resigned his former position to accept the ono tendered him by M . Watson. Mr , Uoonoy will receive a hearty welcome In Nebraska City , as ho is an accomplished young man anil a gentle man' . The entertainment given by 'tho Grand Army of the Republic on Monday evening was a very enjoyable affair. These who were on the programme and entertained wcro : The Nebraska City orchestra , Com mander M. L. Hayward. Comrade Bowen , Comrade Moulton , Miss Homcrlck , Mrs. Klepscr , Mlas Alyra Hunter , Halph Hogo , Miss Huttio Parmolco , Comrade Powell , Hon. S. H. Cnihouii , Hov. J. C. Jacoby , Corarado Van \Vyck , Comrade Cop nhaVor , Miss Fannie Wilcox , Miss Pet Hall , J. J. Card- well. S , II. Alorrison and Mrs. Hunter , Com mander C. G. Fischer and T. 1C. Wooster , adjutant. County Superintendent Clary showed through the blind asylum a number of teach er * from Lincoln and Crete who were on their return homo from the meeting of the south ern Nebraska Teachers' .association , which met at Peru a few days ago. Among these who wcro tbero were : Superintendent Ale- Clasky of Lancaster county * , Prof. S. S. Austin and Aliss Alotcalf , Miss Fulton and Allss Loomisof the Lincoln -schools ; Prof , Bear of Waverly ; Superintendent W. II. Skinner of Crete : Prof. IT : N. Clark , West Lincoln , and Prof , McCleory.-Ashliiml. Tha association will meet again at Hastings on Thanksgiving day. , , , * T " " Fremont. Jason Cladln of the St. Paul Phonograph was in the city Weduqsday-a guest of his brother "Claf. " . Mrs. Kick Albor'tson , w6o' has been In the city a guest of her brotUor , J. C. Seely , has returned homo \Vhltowood , Dak. Airs. M. Stephens and her little daughter Carrlo of Dixon , 111. , are In the city , the guests of Airs. Stephens' sister , Airs. John \Volstcud. Eminent Grand ( Jommander L. M. Kccno attended the annual .meeting of the Grant Commandery at iCcarucy , Wednesday and ' ' " " Thursday. F. M , Claflln , formerly publisher of the Herald at Norfolk ; naV roartvrd his family from that city to Fremont , where they will make their residence oncatuoro. Air , Fred Vaughn hfls'lsstlcd Invitation for a reception to bb given by him to hU friends , at the homo of his parents , North Broad street , bit Thursday evening of next week. . ' * " ' . U. u. \ \ est -Perry , la. , ims been in the city diirlni ; the week , a gqest of his brother U. L. West. Ho wn\-rQturiilng homo iron Denver , wbora ho'ittos .ftcou sojourutog for his health. i Allss Ida Wall , daughter of Mr. and Airs George Walt , celubratvd h r sixth birthday Saturday by giving a party to her little friends , at was a liuppj tirtfig | who helped her to honor the event mnj.tho llltlo hostcs entertained most royally. * < > On Friday evening o * thisivock the AIlsso Jessie Balding and NcJJIo AlcPneraon united iu a reception to their young friends , glvcu t the elegant homo of the f ormer on West Hillary avenue. Two sots Of Invitations voro Issued ono from 7 to 0 and the others rom U to 11 , A largo number of guests wcro ircscnt and xvoro splendidly cntcrtajncd by ho two charming young hostesses , , * - Thursday evening Air. mid Airs. W. 11. ilungor entertained nt tholr pleasant homo on Cast Fifth street n largo number of their rtonus at drive whist. It was the first drlvo vhlst party of the social season and proved a most Interesting digression from the high , vo rage. Promptly at 0 o'clock n sumptuous Inner was served to the guests , after which ho tables were cleared nna the card contest vogcd for nearly three hours. Air. and Airs. Munger are royal entertainers mid tlo ) event vas a brilliant social success. The invited tucsts were : Alcssrs. and Alcsdamos W. C. Jrady , Will W. Blackman. D. Crowcll , J. S. Jovrlls , W. J. Davlcs , Gcorgo W. Davy , 'Vank L. Esmay , Hess L. Hnmmotid , ' Alfred lolling , J. S. Hay , Otto Huette , L , > 1. Kcene , B. F. Morehouso , Irving Ale Ccnnon , C. D. Marr , James Alallon , T. J. McKlnnov , 13. P. Alontloth , Kuy Nye , Fred Jyc , Harry H. Pratt , E. A. Pcttlbonc , Jay Joynolds , Gus Schrago , BrUce E. Smith , B. \ Stouffor. C. B. Swan. Gcorgo W. Sellers , C. Al. Stcbbins , Nathan Sampler , G. II. Tny- or. Charles L. West , S. N. Watson..L. L ) . Vhelpley , F. L. Jay ( Chicago ) , J. II , Kog- rs , Airs. Nlcodcmus , Julius Beckman , button. ' . . Grandma Lewis is in town again , Allss HlioJiivadillo Is back to lattcnd " ' * chool. Allss Tllllo Stett of Saronvlllo was In town 'uesdny. Joe Scott of Falrlleld is up for a few days o vlslthls friends. Airs. Hov. Schwab ' is visiting relatives and rleudsln Button. ' Addie Allen of Grafton spent Sabbath with rlends in Sutton. ' "Fred Neumann intends moving his family jack to Wymoro. Allss Brewer came back to her school work ho first of the week. . ' - Allss Anna Bonus of York is Visiting rela- ivcs and friends hero. - , Miss Gear has again token up hcr"work after n week's vacation , . MH. AI. Gray went to York Aloiiday to Islt her relatives there. ( John Ijrcalson of Saronvlllo was In town on business last Saturday. i AHss Ida Silver and a friend visited some friends in Grafton last Sabbath. Aliss Lida Walton returned this week from Lincoln , suffering with the grip , Aliss Chltborg and a friend wcro in town on Saturday doing some shopping. Charlie Brown , son of Editor Brown , is jotno from Lincoln for a short timo. Airs. Wittenberg and her children have jccn quite sick but nro now bettor. Evort Walton who has been in Harvard for some time has returned to this place. Alary Thompson has returned from Fair- leld , where she has been visiting her brother. Allss Alary Stewart in spending some time with her friend , Jessie Kendall , m the coun try. try.Alabol Alabol Garri.son , formerly of Sutton , was up from Grafton to do some shopping on Sat urday last. Allss Darnell of Hastings came down last Sabbath to spend a short time with Air. and Alra. Tolando. Aliss Bray and Allss Ely are new students enrolled In the high school. They come from . "armors' Valley. Little Aliss Inez Nowcrmoynr of Juniata came in on Alonday to make a visit to her sister , Airs. II. V. Clark. Airs. J. W. Johnson took the train last Saturday for Lincoln. Air. Johnson accom- lanlcd her homo to spend Sabbath , Frank Brown of the Kansas City & Omaha depot attended the Easier wedding of his sister in Hastings , returning the first of the week. Aliss Capsoy resumed her duties in the second end gradu department of the Cottage school on Monday and Allss Klttio Honin in the Irst grade. A hunting , party , consisting of Air. Gcorgo Lewis , Air. Tolando , Mr. Chnrllo Brown , Lew Young and Fred Nicoll , went .hunting on Tuesday. AI. L. Luobben , the popular cashier In'tho First National bank is abloto'bo _ but ngaln. EIo has been suffering from quite a s'cycro attack of la grlppo. Wilford Johnson , the bright fourteon-ycar ) ld son of J. W. Johnson , has returned from [ fearnoy. Ho has been visiting n son of Superintendent Alallion of the reform school. The boys had a tine time shooting wild game. A party on Wednesday took place at the lomo of Laura Schwab. The schoolmates Lhat uro most intimate with Laura bad a sUr- prlso for her and invited Alary Goodrich , L'eurl Burr. Allio Jarrott , Eve Jarrott , Susie Nloore , Alice Alooro , Etta Holland , Pearl Stewart. Pot Walther , Clara Stewart , Graeo Silver , Grace Howe , Alamlo Whoailou and Nnnnto Wittenberg. The girls pulled tatty candy nt the party and passed away the limo all too quickly. Tuesday Airs. C. Aloon gave n pleasant tea to a few of her friends. Mr. and Airs. Aloon make everything very pleasant for people they entertain at their homo. Aliss Alary Thompson helped Airs. Aloon wait upon the company. These invited were : Air. and Airs. C. B. Gray , Air. and Airs. I. N. Clark , Air. and Airs. John Roberts , Hov. and Airs. Howe , Air. and Airs. J. AI. Gray. Air. W. H. Tiiomp- son and daughter , and Air. William Hoberts. brown silk ; Airs. Frederick , gray suit ; Aliss Bcllo Wittenberg , pink party dross , with black lace sash ; Altss Anna Merrill , green satin , trimmed with gold lace : Helen Plorcy , black dress ; Ella Croutch , navy' blue with bright scarlet waist ; Llna Schwab , black Iftess , with light front ; Blnnlo Silver , brown silk ; Lottlo Outhwalt , electric blue ; Edlo Briustch , brown costume ; Addle- Scott , light blue cashmere , made with white brocaded silk. silk.Tho younger class of misses have eclipsed everything hero this week , In their parties. Of course it was vacation week.and the girls evidently believed in nutting In the time in having a royal good tiuio. The lea' party given by Eva Jarrett to Etta Holland , Laura Schwab , Nanmo Wittenberg , Molllf ) Cannon , Pearl Stewart , Mamie Whcadon arid jUIce Alooro was quite the fasbfonablo thing In way of entertainment. The Hula ladies took some dainty fancy work , ana When tired of this they were provided all sorts of games. At the delicious tea a tiny bouquet was placed nt each plate , us a souvenir of the ' merry event. ' > Alaud Alollyncaux , the graceful little daughter of the proprietor of the Oakland hotel , received her.littlo. friends at a tea party Wednesday afternoon. The young mUses had n line time in promenading the halls and with music , and games In the largo parlors. It being they first day of April they played good Jokes on each other and had a Jolly timo. A 11 no tea was spread in ( ho dining room and Aluud , with a great deal of dignity , presided. These present wcro ; Alamlo Darling , Gertrude - trudo Merrill , Eva Aleyer , Leila Brown , Ada Gray , Agnes IJobcrts' . Borthu Qarnoy , Grade Howe , Alary Goodrich and Alabol Hocrger. The girls spent a happy afternoon and will long remember Maud's ' boipltallty. It was an enjoyable party ou Wednesday at the opera house. The following.ladles and gentlemen were present. Air.-and , Mrs. To- lando , Dr. and Airs , Vradcnbcrg , Air. and Airs. H. V. Clark , Mr , and Airs. Gcorgo Alerrill , Air. and Airs. Woodruff , Air. nna Airs. Sodorbcrg , Air. and Airs. Frederick , "Air. and Airs. Katzcnsten , Airs. ' F. Kcllar , Air. and Airs. Bert Walton ; Aliases Bcllo Wittenberg Anna Merrill , Helen Piorcy , Ella Crouch , Llna Schwab , Binnlo Silver , bottle Outh- wall , Edlo Briastch. Addle Scott , Alossrs. F. S. Lannlng , AI. L. Luobben , Thomas Stew art , Bert Clark , Frank Brown , Bert Lewis , Gcorgo Lewis , Abe Bishop , Louts Wontz , Clarence Hosa , Elmer Merrill , Fred Nelson , Henry Nelson and Arthur Briastcb. Alost of thO ladies were haudsomo natural flowers and wcro attired as follows : Airs. Dr. Vradonbcrg , dark blue military suit , trimmed with white braid ; Airs. II. V. Clark , navy blue silk ; Airs. G. Alorrlll , combination sull of gray cloth : Airs. Woodruff , rod satin ; Mrs. Pont Lodcrbery , gr.iy sull ; Airs. Kalzenstcli ) , brown t > llk ; Airs. F. Keller , black silk ; Airs. B. Wallon Orioooln. Hon. I. F. Kelly , ox-county clerk , started for Indian territory the first of the week. Ol. lf Tin ahcrin itamiiion wcni. 10 Lincoln on. .1 ucs day , taking Alfred Llnaburg to ' the insane asylum. . O. A. Alyers , who has been deputy count > rlork , with bis family moved to D vU City this week. i Hov. J. W. Soabrook was a visitor to the state capltol this week to looic after Wcs- leyan university mattars. , At the homo of Air. and Mrs. H. A. Scot on Tuesday night about thirty of- the goo < people spent a very pleasant evening. Airs. John P. Hcald , who lias bWa spend CONTINENTAL. . : ' ' " Look in our show windows for samples of Men's All Wool Chev- . . ' ' ' i /I - lot'Sack , Suits at $5 , $6 and $7. 'Dealers would be O dad to close the .j- . ? whole lot at these prices. This- . ! entire lot was bought for 50 cents on the dollar , and are retailed for $10 and $12 all over the country. 'Our sale of $10 Light Weight O.vercoats will be continued Friday and Saturday. Don't be afraid of the quality. You can pay $15 in other stores for no better , Saturday , 250 more of those All Wool Cheviot Knee Pant Suits. # 3.50. ng the winter In the northwestern part of the stale , returned to Osccola last Monday. Allss Anna Alarks has accepted a position ns teacher of music in the Wesleyan univer sity und started to enter ou her duties last Monday. On Wednesday evening Postmaster Blowers at his residence on btnto ers gave a party street , and nttho Alethodist Episcopal church Iho Epworlh league gave a conundrum supper and all report a merry time , Osccola has just cut loose on entertain ments mid parties. There wcro throe in town last Saturday evening. Ono at the homo of and at the homo of J. Hon. John 11. Alickey , U Alakoover , and also at the residence of t'rof. Snodgrass. Hcntrloc. Dr. AI. Kilter of Chicago was in town Tues day. Carlos B. Ellis of Syracuse , N. Y. , is In the cily. cily.Aliss Gortlo Bradt has returned from Hot Springs , Ark. A. A. Kingsbury of Cleveland , O. , was in Iho city Tuesday. Albert Foil , contraclor of Omaha , was in the city Tuesday. W. Harlan of York , Nob. , was a visitor liero Wednesday. AI. V. Nicbolls of San Diego , Cal. , is visit ing friends in the city. Airs. A. W. Bradt is homo again from n visit to Hot Springs , ArK. A. W. POnniman of Fremont , O , , was a Beatrice visitor Aloiiday. R. E. Briges of Denver Is visiting friends hereabouts for a few days. Airs. E. W. AlcCluro ot Topeka , Kan , , is visiting friends in the city. ' 1 , E. Doty of the Falrbury Liberator was a Beatrice1 visitor. Wednesday , > , n Dr. ' Hr 'Allen of Odell- has removed to ! Beatrice to reside permanently. W. A. Wnencr is able to bo out again , after a several weeks' siege of illness. James Heed of Nebraska City was shaking iiands with Beatrice friends Tuesday. Air. and Airs. F. N. .Taynes of Omaha were visillng Bealrlco friends Wednesday. Airs. Harry Lee accompanied Air. and Airs. Strohm upon tholr Porlland , Ore. , trip. VT. T. Flnloy of South AIcAlostcr , I. T. , was In Iho cily during Iho current week. K. K. Lovcll has pone to the Pacific coast , intending to be absent for several months. Horace Scuddcr has rolurncd from Wash- injjlon , and will remain homo all summer. Air. nnd Airs. AI. A. Brown of Kearney nro visiting friends in this city for a few weeks. State Treasurer J. E. Hill came down from Lincoln Tuesday to vote at the cily election. D. L. Knight of the St. Joseph News -was in the city during the week in the interest of that publication. Air , nnd Airs. W. C. Strohm departed Friday last for Portland , Oro. , to bo absent for several weeks. L. L. Davis was called to Cleveland , O. , Saturday by a telegram announcing the seri ous illness of his mother. H. S. Elmoro returned to Beatrice Wednes day from Kansas City , with the Intention ol remaining hero indefinitely. The venerable Airs. S. Kilpatrlck has re turned from her six weeks' visit to Hot Springs , Arlt. , much improved in health. Senator Paddock , wife nnd Allss Fanny , returned hoino lastThursday from Washing ton , and will remain during the summer , Allss Hnndnll , sister of Airs. W. C. Strohm , returned to her homo in Tinin , O. , Friday. Air. and Airs. Strohm's thrco children ac companied her for a visit of several weeks with Ihoir grand paronls In Tiftln. Koiirnoy. B. D. Smllh visited Fullcrton the laticr parl of last week. E. AI. Jiidd has returned from a business * trip to Conneclicul , Q. Kramer of St. Paul visited his Kearney friends on Wednesday. Prof. Harry Hull of .tho Shclton schools spent Sunday In the city. Web Eaton of Lincoln visited his brother , Postmaslor Eaton , this week. Airs. H. Griss and family went to Omaha Wednesday , where they will reside. Allss Nelllo Edwards , deputy postmistress , is laboring with an attack of la grippe. W. AI. Allen , who spent the past blx months In England , has returned to Kearney. The band dances at the city hall are grow ing more In favor with the best people. Airs. Al. E. Young returned to Ccnver on Friday , after visiting with Airs. J. D. Pulls. II. D. Watson spent a few days In Kearney this week , returning to too eusl on Wednes day. Decorators are at work on the opera house and it will bo second to no other opera house in finish. Airs. Amanda B. Tisdcll visltca Grand Island and Frotnont officially for the Wom an's Hellef Corps , Slnco the assurance of springtime is nt hand , work will go on In the construction of the cotton mill , Gcorgo Chamberlain , of the firm of F. J. Carpenter & Co. , Cberokoo , Iu , , called on his friends hero this week. AI. O. Corncttof Elk Crook , visiting his brother , Judge Cornott , nnd will spend the summer in Kearney. James Knarnoy Is In Evansvlllo , Ind. , ' where ho will remain for sovoral'weoks with an agricultural implement houso. A. H. Thompson started on Thursdav for Now York , Boston and other eastern cities. Ho will remain Inline east for six weeks , Allss Vlrgio Shuyo , who spent the winter here the guest of A. L , Graham , returned this week to her homo at Alount Pleasant , I'a. . I'a.Airs. . D. W. Cbonowotu of this city died on Saturday ut Bltsworth , 111. Her husband died last fall. A little girl about two weeks old is the only belli living. Prof. J. A. FlneW In the employ of the bbard of trade orWernon , Tex. , visited on Monday with his friends hero. Ho is on his way to Now York xlty on an advertising tour. Harry Sydcnham has completed a course of buiiness instruction at Wilde Farm college. Alluuesota , and has accepted the position of at instructor in the gymnasium of that instllu- Uon for Iho summer. Herbert Grconman nnd Aliss Pearl Brig- ham. of this city wcro married on Thursday morning , and ibcy wont east on the morning Iraln. They will rcsido in Sioux Cily. The best wishes of u host of young people hero accompany the happy young pair. Bob AlcUoyno'.ds , manager of the Funko opera house in Lincoln , lias leased the Kear ney opera house and will place Kearney in the Lincoln circuit. Ho is well pleased with the Outlook hero mid promises metropolitan attractions as soon as the season comes ngnin. An enjoyable high live party was given by Air. and Airs. E. N. Portcrfield on Wednes day evening. The gucsls were : Air , and Airs. Warren Pratt , Dr. and Airs. C. V. Hasten , Air. nnd Mrs. William Wolf , Air. and Airs. B. O. Hosteller , Air. and Mrs , C. O. Sovnn , Air. and Airs. C. II. Alillcr , Airs. Will J. Scoult and Airs. Frazler. The residence of C. II. Grconman on Tower Hill was filled with gay young people AIon-A day night. About thirly-llvo young ladies and gentlemen were the guests of Allss Alay Grccnman , not Iho inviled guesls , for Iho hoslcss was complcloly surprised as well as delighted at the visit. The usual amount of innocent social enjoyment was found in games and conversation , nnd a feast of good things followed. Before the party broke UP , AInrk Vance in behalf ot these present pre sented Aliss Qrccnman with a beaullful oak chair. Ono of Kcarnev' & pleasanl social clubs mot for the last time tills season at the residence of F. B. Blcknell Tuesday evening. The ovening'was spent over thn card lables in u very pleasant manner. The royal prize was won by Airs. William Wolf and Iho consola tion prize by Airs. Warren Pratt. There were present E. N. Portorflcld nnd wife , Warren Pratt and wife , B. O. Hosteller and wife , Walt Nye and wife , C. O. Swan nnd Wife. William Wolf and wife , C. II. Hender son und wjlo. Airs. Will Scoult and hcv sister , "Mrs. O..B."Frazier. . Alorris Alexander is in Ord , Neb , , this week. John L. Allen of Fremont was in the city Monday. Judge Alorris of Crete was a visitor in Ibis city Alonday. " " Dr. Hilts and J. F , Balliangcr wcro In Omaha Thursday. J. D. Ulley of Anacortcs , Wash , , is iu Iho city vlsitingffriends. . Joe Williams is visillng in Chicago and points in Illinois Ihis week. C. D. Argent nnd J. AI. Tisdalo of Kearney were visitors in this city Tuesday. Airs. L. P. Hose departed Alonday for her old homo in Ohio for a brief vacation. Georeo Slovcr of Verona township is homo from a three month's trip to California. Al Smith nnd a party of horsemen from Syracuse , Nob. , were in this city Alonday. Fred Gamut and wife of Culbcrlson , Nob. , nro visiting their mother in Ihis cily Ihis week. Caplain L. P. Gillollo of Boalricc , Ala sonic leclUrcr , was Iho guest of his Alason friends hs week. Airs. C. L. Jones nas boon selected as cor responding secretary of the stale Women's Christian Temperance Union. Jarboati and Edlo Ellslor will bo the attrac tions at the Kcrr opera house the coming week , and are pritpo favorites hero. The opera libu > e was crowded . Monday evening by members of Iho Grand Army of the Republic to witness the twouty-iiflli an niversary cetobralion. Curt Clnrit Is m Lincoln Ibis week watchIng - Ing thu bicyclu tournament. Clark Is Hast ings' champion bykor und will contest for Iho championship with Iho winner. The beautiful dramatic cantata , "Joseph's Bondage , * ' , will , bo presented soon by Mr. Tyrus Burger of Central AIuslo Hall , under Iho nu piqcs of the Methodist church. Charley Alpine of the Hastings gymna sium , has accepted a position with Wash- burn ft Arlington's Wild Wnst show , Ho loft yesterday to meet the company at At- lanttv.Gn. , ' "Ynrloy Peterson , " a Swede molo-drama , writleu by .Manager A. II. Alurray , was pro duced by local lalcnt al Iho oparn house Tues day evening lo n full house for the benefit of Bethany Homo. It is the boat Swedish pro duction ever scon in this city. ' Grniul iHlainl. C , AtUockovon of this city is reported qutto,8lck irf Chjcago. Air. / . T. Loflwick of St. Paul , Nob. , was a Grand Island visllor Tuesday , Hobert Frcitag Iqft Wednesday on a busi ness trip to Ollumwo. la , , and Chicago. Itoproscntntlvcs Edward J. Hall and Henry Schlolfoldt have relurneu from Llccoln. Airs. 'Ja ' r E , While of Lincoln Is In the cily Iho guest of her slslcr , Airs , Dr. AI. J. Gahan. AUuII. . L. Slanlnn of Vhlparlso , Nob. , is in Iho cily visiting Air. nnd Airs. L. Donald. The Ladles' Guild of St. Stephen's Episco- pal-church raol with Airs. K. H Horth Thurs day , afternoon. * Gus Bchuolzenbach and Albert Brown nro duty for a few days , on account of [ injuries received by falling from their bicycles" . Allss Lulu Hotzcl pleasantly entertained a number of her friends Tuesday evening. Cards'nnd musio were the chief features of the evening. The La'dios' auxiliary of the Young .Men's Chrisllan assoclallon gave a very pleasant putertalnmenl al Iho room Friday evening. The following programme was rendered ; Heading , Airs. A. H. Uohno ; Instrumental solo , Miss Lucy Hay wood ; recitation , Wesley Trosslor : vocuTnlp , Kiofor ; reading , J. H. Aiuj.lln ; dlsCTf'trso.'Siov. . D. C. Foulk. , 0 ; fc. ' The loading social event for some time past was the ulcgiint reception Tuesday evening tendered by Mayor Plait and his ostlma blo wlto to Hon. Genre II. Thuuimol and brldo. The reception was nt- Icndcd by the leading society pcoplo of the city. The floral decorations were superb , and the supper simply ( ilcgant. Prof , Bartltng's orchestra furnished the music , which , with card playing and social conver sation , furnished the mo V pleasant outer- tainmont until a late hour. _ _ * - j-iu TIJ Thotllown Bcaloi , tha only scale with pr tcciod boarliiKJ. No check rods. Catalogue Uj.-an & SMoif. Uj. , ASH. , Caloago , 111 AFTER SHAVING BATHE FACE WITH THE COOLING E4EALINC EXTRACT. DOES NOT SMART NOR STING. REDUCES REDNESS. CHECKS BLEEDING. JUST AS IT REDUCES ANY INFLAMMATION , IT SENDS BACK THE BLOOD WHICH THE RASPING OF THE RAZOR HAS DRAWN NEAR THE SURFACE , SO LEAVES THE FACE WHITE , SOFT AND SMOOTH , WITHOUT THE SHININESS CAUSED BY OTHER LOTIONS. FOR THIS PURPOSE FAR SUPERIOR TO BAY RUM , COLOGNE OR PER FUMED WATER. BEST BARBERS USE IT. YOU HAVE A BOTTLE. WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT ? WHEN PURCHASING , ACCEPT POND'S EXTRACT ONLY. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES , PROBABLY WORTHLESS. POND'S EXTRACT CO. . NEW YORK AND LONDON. NO OUR.K ! NO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. HUMPHREYS DR. IlttMrunETs'brEciFics nroBcli'iitlflrnllynnd carefully prepared prescriptions ; used fur many Tcaralti private praet Ice \ \ 1th nuccess.u nd f or o\er thirty years mod by the people. K\ cry KlURlo bpe- clllu U a npeclnl euro for tiio cllscnso named. . Thrso Specifics euro without clrugKlnk' , purg ing or reducing the sjHtem , mill nrn In fncf nnd deed the HovvruiirnrumvdleHullliuAVorld. ccncs. ruicm. 1 J'l'vom , Congestion , liulnmnmtlon . . ! * .1 U U'orma , Worm Finer , Worm Colic . ' 25 .t CrylHB CollrnrTfCtlilnRofInfants , 'fH 4 IHurruun , of Children ni Ailulta . , , 'lft A DiHpntury , arlplng.lllllousCollo. , , . " > It Ckolora nlorbuo , Vomiting U.I 7 CaualiH , Colil , liroucliltls VC5 8 Ncuralulii , Tootlmc'lic , 1'acmclio , . ' ! . " > H HcnclnehcH , Slckllcailnclia. Vertigo , 'JH IU nyminiiMlii , lllllniw hlonmrli 'ZH II KiiDJiruHHodor J'uliifiil 1'urluux. . ' 2. ' 14 Wuiten , too 1'rofIIKO roilcxls ' 2. 1.1 ( Ironli. Cougb , Dimcultllrratlilne . . . .U. 14 Hnlt Rhuiini , KryklpclBK , Knititlous. . ' . * . ' 15 HIiuiiinntlHin , HliPlimntlo rains ' 1. II ) I'nvor ami ASIIO , CIilllsilularla ,1 ( 17 1'llcn , lillnilorlllcedlng O III IJiuurrli , lutluoiun , Cold In the Head .ISO \Vliooplner Couuh. ViolentCoiiKlia. . .SO til ( Ji-nernl lli-lilllly.l'liyflculWcnkucsa . ,111 ! i7 Klilnoy lllsiiriNc _ * " JH Neion.i llclilllty. . . . 1.00 : 0 Urinary Wcakiiren , Wottlnr Bed. .SO 3' DlneaseH of tlinHeartI'nliiltfttlou 1.00 Bold by Druggists , or sent pogtpnjd on receipt of f price. Dn. Ilum-niiEYB1 MANUAL , (144 ( pngcs ) chly houud In cloth and gold , mailed free. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Cor. William and John Streets , New York. § P E C I F I C S . VOUTlltLRSE IsnKuroponn fneo prcpnrntlon. Impnrts n pcnrly complexion , looks llko nprlnt > Mitur , no lend or dimming Innrvitlent .wnrrnntud tliolii'it In America ti a. packnxe , or II f or f. , . Kent iinywhero prepild on receipt of price. nrC. O I ) . Klnnler DriiK Co , LcMlo A. I.osllo ii.iuKiooiluinn DriiK Co. , Unmha , A. I ) . Foster , Council llluH.i. GOLD MEDAL , FARIS , 1878 , W. BAKER &Co.'s Cocoa from which the excess of oil htis boon removed , Is Absolutely Pure and U ia Soluble. No. Chemicals nro used in" its preparation. It Ims more than -three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or.Sugar , rind is therefore far more economical , costing has than one cent a ci < i > . "It'is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , . KASHA' IHOESTKD , and admirably adapted for invalids as veil as for persona in health. Sold by ° Oro'cors ovorywhoro. W , BAKER & CP , , Dorchester , Mass. kMtar > Knillih IHam.nd Ill 4. ENNYROYAL PILLS , " ' " ' . M x "M 'f"S'Hlfe , win l li rlttoa Take ' H K4lM > Jm ih r.A' ' " 1 'r < > " " " ' . 1" . . . ' ( "nianJ InSillm' Allnuulici.orima-Jn. . ItltluinoUll o4 vtrllcuUn. In MiLmM lor If rllrf Tar l. dlM , " In MM. * > > rt-lurti mH'.OOO ' Tf.llnol ll Mttu ftftr , \\m\\ . . . . , ii , .t rOtcial l f , U.dl. ' jQu.rf Sold \j FRENCH' SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE indpermantnt CURE'or all dlieu.i SlVe U ffl N A R Y O R G AN S. C"f" where othertreitmiMitlii.FulTdirectioniMllhetch bollti , Prl-.nne dollir. See signatured E , U 81AHL F , , )0lBy ) Af " ' A DR. IIOBII'S LITTLE VEGETABLE PILLS jt CURB ilck Ilciwlnclm , C'oi.xtlyutloii , l > } liPl > ln. lncll ( e tlon Avill freer BILIOUSNESS , , /or a'lf'uS 1ND AU. 1 above nj /other dltor * Liver and Men. Tli8jii. Stomach AuffQrroatcd.d . -Jt Urlpe. < rr < Complal U , , ? / . ilnulLCD - y toluL * , .1 / t. T / nd purely ff eta ' blc , t'Klnt compound * . . Hi of TlKl'Uulel In. 'illRtnoui to California. ftry HiMl. 45 plIU I * ° , CBth vliL 4.0 W nboulut ly cured W /orl > for" i' K - . . or by raall Adurekd ) HOEB'S MniriNE 60. , fICF'S. SAB fRIICIlOO ( U FOIl SALE IN OMAHA , NEB , 11Y Kuhn & Co. , Cor. 15th A DouRUu blrccti. J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. Hill & IJoujilm Streets , A. U. KoMcr A Co , . Council Uuft ! . Iowa. CVCHVWHtRr. \ND PRINCIPAL DHUCQIOTB O Hoptytlllcnrid.DB _ J BIErutNB.L.tmoD.O. LYON & MEALY Uoifortru oj . N. Vllclo riulrtj by H nJl Of IVura Corp. , IncUdlnj B | Mi ! HOT ruu , I rmn Coiuli , ImlrurUooi for JAmaUur Uir t , Ll lli ( IDJ l > rum > I 1w'l TirtV * I ' " " ( .UclKlli'tidl tindo nf Callililn cicr widely nihtrllscd. hoUl everywhere. ' 1 lih It IlioorlelnalMhhnc.nnJ tliobeitin ili > . llewHrccflnil tntloni. I'odllvely nunrecu- nine nnlti8i tamicilun | tlio n > lei " , l nmcs Means' 83 hhoc. " J. JIKA.NSACO. FOR SALE. Write for Prices and Samples. LIGHTNER & mCKHUIAUIT , ROSCOE , S. D. REMEMBER BM K LINCR IS THE NAME OF THAT M Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH , HAY-FEVER , COLD In the HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , and BRONCHITIS. , I'rlce 81,00. I lit Ilottl * * For Sale by leading Druggists. ( IT Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co. 02 JACKSON ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. TJLMCB , U I'JJKttJ O ,