THE OMAHA DAILY TWENTIETH YEAK , OMAHA , SATTKDAY MOMNrING , APRIL 11 , 1S91. TWJSIjVJB PAGES. NTBIBEB 202. CHICAGO ELECTION FRAUDS. Warrant * for tlio Arrest of Leading Demo cratic Participants. HARRISON STARTLES THE NATIVES. IIo Wants to Subscribe Tun Tlinuitntul Dollar * to Uncnvor nnil I'nnlsti tlip CcirriiptionlNtH of Ills Tarty , CmoAno , April 10-fSpodil Telegram to fur. IUr.1 Ibooniclul count of Tuesday's election Is npaln dolajed , tbo illness of ono of tbo commissioners necessitating Its post ponement until tomorrow. Meanwhile the republican managers are busily at work un earthing f rauils. A warrant was sworn out today for the arrest ol the democratic Jud&o who smashed the ballot box In onoof the pre cincts of tbo Nineteenth ward In order thnt ho might overhaul the certified tally sheets. Bovcrnl other bench warrants nro out and whether tbo ofllelal count of tbo "doctored" tally sheets elect Mr.Wash - burno or not , the republican cam- pilgn committee will follow every case of fraud. Carter Harrison startled the Crogicritos this morning bj stalking Into the election commission ofllco nnd holding along conference\\lth onoof tils campaign manag ers nnj one of the commissioners It devel oped that Mr. Harrison has ottered to sub- BcrlbolOo < 0 to iimko part of $ JO,000 to bo used for tlio purpose of punishing the fraud nnd corruption practiced by tbo democrats ut the lat election , lltislncss men all over tbo city to whom Mr. linrrlson has appealed personally - sonally nro giving the movement a generous sunnort. nnd Mr Harrison said "I liavo decided not to go out of politics I shall icinnln In this city two jears longer for ihoontiiely disinterested puiposoof see ing tint tbo ring which I Invo smashedsttijs inasboa. I would not acropt the ofllce now even If I should ua counted in. I don't want It. Hut I do w ant to sco this gang utterly routoil , and 1 will , too. Such fraud nnd cor ruption as Ins disgraced this election I never hoard of before , nml when 1 sny this I spcuk from a knowledge of facts. Thousands of votes cast for mow ore counted for Cregler , and wine ono will po to the penitentiary be fore the thin ; , ' is over. ' ' Innddltlonto this president Dvranfurth of tbo Personal RlL'lits longuo called a meeting today ntvblch tno Imminent danger the city Is In by reason of the fraudulent prutices of the gang , was thoroughly olscusscd. A committee was appointed to call a mass meeting to bo held In the near future , and If itlsnot productlvo of peed results , mem- bets of the league will aid it In raising the prosecution fund. jtsojii.VJTJW unitv.ns , \Vreolc Oaiisrd by a l jissoujjcr I3n- s lii ilopciiilonc . v , In , April 10. A pissengor and freight train collldod eight miles west of this city on the Hock Island roul todiy , be cause of the disobedience of orders by tbo passenger onclncor. Hoth engines were wicikcd nud se\cml people seriously Injured Engineer Norton of Hldon and riicninn " \\Mlson of Kltlon nro seilously Injured F.V. . llopo of Uirminghani , postal clerk , is badly biuiscd. 13 , J. liiouii , pO'Uil clcik ; Mrs. Ballarilof Klngslor , Kan. ; OlinilesJudklns of Prince ton , Minn , and Itov. Thomas , colored pi cnrhar. of this city , iccolvoa slight Injuries , Kloitx Ci t j 'H SaloimH. Sioi'x CITY , la. , April 10. [ Special to Tin Bur. ] Tno breaking down of the sur reptitious siloon license law which was en forced heio by the city nnyor tmd the police for two jours has brought about , n new era of the bootlegger nnd the holo-In-the-wall keeper. Under the system of monthly flues about $1,500 to $3,000 , was paid Into the city treasury. A pretty oidcrly system of saloons was established , some of tuom being -well licpt.Three Three weeks ago tbo law and order league , after 11 long period of lethargy , suddenly 'instituted promiscuous prosecutions. The piinclpil siloons were enjoined and heavy \vcioassessod upon the owners of the build ings ns well as upon the saloonkeepers V'lien the city authorities paid that they would keep hands oft as long as the law and order leaxuo assumed to tuko dim go of the enforcement of the law , IVoui that day the bootlegger began to multiply , Thov now swarm in the nllejs. The "loint" nnd the "snenkeisy" niosprlmr- Inir up every \\hcro. 'lliero are half a dozen wholesale donlcrs who organize theao illicit mpthods of Srilgitlon. Homo of the vholo- silodcilcrs 1m o each taken out as high as fifteen or tvvonty government licenses , nnd bonlloggors nnd keepers of "speak oasies" ore moielj tbelr agents. The police ate not intorfoilngnnd the law and order leagun Is powerless to stop the protean evil There nro nowovoi1 ivvo hunctred and llfty lotall govornmeht licenses In foico. fin tlio Sioux CITI , la. , April 10. [ Special to TUB UI.B ] Thcro la lively competition for the location of the federal building fcrbicJi the last congress appropriated $ ' 50,000. , Iho department hiw advortlsotl for olds , and It Isknovvn ttiat already six or eight tenders Imvo been made. There nave been formed pools of [ noputy owners interested iniil - OHS localities. In some cases these pools will offer a locution voiv low , nml It is piobiblo that the government wilt receive odors of u uumbcrof fiee sites. Some of the free sites nro at a great dis tance from the business center , ns these on Twelfth street The couipolltion may be- ronio so hot that down town sites will bo of- fciccfico. . _ Iluiiiod In llcnth. BOOST , Iti , , April 10. [ Spfciul Telegram toTiu : HCE.JA llttlo girl named Maggie Itlcbnrds , six joavi old , wns sitting on the hearth nf a cook steve yesterday w lion her clothing teen tiro. Klio inn out in thu vnrd. and before the llnniea could b < oxtliuiuUhed was so badly burned that she died tbls mom- Ing. Tlio Now York. Tribune Oclobrntrs ltn Hull Coiitury Hlrtlidny. Nnw YOIIK , Apill 10. This was the fiftieth imnlvcisnry of ttio birth ot the Now York Tribune , and the event was fittingly cele brated tonight by a Jubilee at the Metropolitan opoin 1 ouso. The \ nst cdltlco vvosvvoll tilled , and n programme woithy of the occusion ren- dorvd. Addresses \vci-o made by Major Mc- Ktnloy , ChnmiL-oy M. Iopc\v , Unailos A. Dana , Itos\vcll ( j ! . lionnnd Oeorpo William Curtis , Ail oiiglnulpojuiwas icad by j'd- mund Clntcnco Stoman niul an orulic ; > tra of llftv pieces under the direction of Walter Dnunosch rendoix'd sl > c scloctions by Ameri can composers , Among the ninny prominent mon pri'scut were Vice Picsldent Motion , Senators Man-ill , ilawloy , HUcock nnil I'lumb and Secretary of tbo Navv Tmoy. Lot ten were lead from I'rosldent Ilarmou , who said , "tlio paper has been a potent Intlu- cnuo In inoietinin ono Important crisis in our public hlstoiv , " from Sociotary Illalne , who deeply logrcttcil his liuibllity to bo nrcjuut , and oxpi-cssoi the esteem InvbUh ho held nlwajs tbo great nevvspajior In whoso honor the exorcises wore bold ; fiom Senators Khermin , 1M tumuli nudVushburn , J , G , \Vhlttlor , Attornoydoneral Miller , AndroAV Carncgio tmdT. V. I'owderly. Ihn GIliHiin Coimpli-nc ) Onto , Cniauo , April 10 , Thc federal grand Jury UiljuigiuluKrasumealtsInvcatlBaUouluto tuo charge that Gibson , secretary of tbo vvhlsuy trust , conspired to destroy -with dvunmito the Shufeldt dlitillory. Government oftlcinls served nubpoenaea \vltnesscsln I'corla jesterdav , nndvhcn they llnlshcd nearly every man in that city who has had , or over had , nny connection with the whisky trust and Olbson were summoned to appear before the gia-id Jury. The grand Jury examined but one or two tnlr.or witnesses today , I'hllnilrlplila J'fijrulclnn * Deny Tlint Her Oiiiiiniirincnt Irrcmilnr. I'niuftriritii , April 10-Tno story that Anna Dickinson wai n snnu woman when iho-was commit ted to the Dinvlllo Insa-io asylum and that her commitment was Irregu lar , that the stnto lunacy hws were In her caseflaftrnntly violated , and that I'hllad61phla physlchns and oflldals were concerned In the Injustice alone , U ofllelnlly and oarticu- larly denied horo. Tbo letter which Miss Dickinson sns she sent to the chairman nnd sceretiry ot the shto board ol charities Drs. .Morton and Wcthcrlll of this city wns received by Dr Wctherlll , who visited her Immediately in comtany with the nttornov of the boird , Dr. llarlovv. Dr U'othcrlll today said : "Wo found Miss Dickinson Installed m the most comfortable ward of the whole institution The Interview wns necccssnrily bi lof , because she declined to talk to us , or nt least would say very little. When not actually talking to us she wnlked cxcltcdlj up and down the room , giving utterance to incoherent words and phrases and acting In exactly the manner Insanu people arouccustoa-ed to not. Neither Mr Hurlovv , Dr Schult/nor mvsclf had the slightest doubt thnt she was dcrau gcJ From a perusal of her story and from a knowlcdeo of her ciibo 1 think she Is entirely snno now Speaking from what I saw of her only , 1 will suyltlsvorj probable that she is Insane at the present time. Dr. Sevvaid of Now York , 1 see , vouches for the opposite view of the case , nnd In the nbsonoo ot another examina tion of Miss Dickinson , I cannot speak posi tive. ! } of her condition. " "VVIintlUlHlllniit Sujs. Cmcvoo , April 10. Miss Princes K.Vil - lard , president of the national Women's Christian'Iemperanco union , said today that she did not know-what to makoof the report In regard to thounjustinoarcorvtion of Anna Dickinson. She docs know that to her knowledge Susan Dickinson has been a most generous , fuittiful nnd loving sister. She nUvajs has boon icgnrdeJ as n most conscl- entloas , high minJeel Christian woman by all who Jtncw her Miss Wlllard could not bolicvo Susan Dickinson capable of the base conduct nttilbutcd to her nnd docs not see \vhntbbccotild hope to gain bysuchncourao. The plnn for the mud is being raised is tint It should bo placed In tbo hands of trustees , only the iutoicst to bo paid to Anna Dickinson , nnd that it shall bo kept as n per manent fun.1 for the purpose of aiding nny woman who has given her life to the public nnd Is no longer able to cnro for herself. IVllss Wlllard has two letters of recent dito from SUSHI Dickinson , In ono of which she speaks of Anna having suddenly and violently lently turned against her , "us is usual In such eases. " Miss \Vlllnid thinks Anna DicKiu- son Is a victim of baseless delusions. Dickinson Tallci. ScRA7 > Tov , Pa , April 10. Miss Susan Dickinson was in the city today In consulta tion with frioiids relative to the statements innilo by her sister to n reporter in Now York. Miss Dickinson said bba had tclo- graphed Dr. Sevvard that ho would bo hold for damages foi the injury ho is doing her sister's mind In continuing her delusion , nnd nlso that friends in "West Plttston and vicinity will testify that she has devoted her life for years to the welfare nnd Interests of Anna. She answers all the chaigos tnado against her by Anna nnd snvs the latter has been demented for some time , but Itvas onlj when she became vlo'ont ' that sno con cluded to have her placed In an asylum She says that Anna was not roughly tieatetl. In conclusion Susan savB she sees now thnt hcrfiienJs told her truly when they snld she wns foolish to devote her llfo to Anna. Horo- nftor Anna must find fdtbfnl servants \vliero\crshecin. Miss Susan does not ox- phdn why , x\hcn the Scranton Kopubllcnn hrst gave to the world the story of her sister's Insanity , she soub a strongly worded denial of It to over } paper in the region , claiming that the icport was a cruel out rage. Gone to the Inml nrGostion. SKYOIIK , April 10. Annlo Dickinson kit tbo city thh forenoon for Goshen , N Y. , where she will undergo medical tieatment. If.ILL STItr.l.C SEXStAFJUH. . , . . . Wo stern peculator * Cause Excite- inont Among New Yoik Operators. NUM You ic , Apill 10. [ Special Tclegrnrn toTiit Bm.lVnll street gossips are busy Just now with the probable aiiso for the presence in Now York of several well known Chlcnco men who mo identified with Invest ment nnd speculative affairs. Humors have been current for several da vs that western houses have bsen plunging or two on three western stocks \vhieb nro not held In very hlgb favor t > y New York operators nnd tbo statement as made that Union Pacific was being absorbed by botb London and Chicago In big lumps. Another icport bas It tbat a well managed corner in pork and coin I to bo run In a weeks and that the plans for tuo deals liavo been arranged to the satis faction of ttm people -who are back of them. Iho Chicago men , whoso presence Is in a mc.nuio responsible for tlicso statements , were Marshall Field , N. K. rulrbann , nnd Jlr. Porter , nnd It was said that tbev came hero to confer with some ether mon who aio In thociuno deals with them. No reliable Infoimation concerning tbo occasion for their presence in Now York can bo learned , but It Isknovvn that Now \"ork houses made fre quent Inqiihloi of their Chicago cones- pondents for Information. That the replies woio unsatisfactory is evident by the fact that the New Voikcrs uro ns much In the dark as they were a \ % cek ago , and that no corner In anv thing has sprung as yet. Still the New Voikers Imagine all sorts of wicked thliiKs , mid arc. for a chance to hedge when the Chicago men stun to run the market , _ .4 FKinJt 1 1 , * ! M nfvist v.r. . Au Atclilsnn Who Violated tlm Intprstnto Ijaw. Ainti .ov , Ivan. , April 10. [ Special Tele- pram to Tin Uu , ] The Indictment of JM- wait Tlbbotts , foreman of Hovvoll Jo\\ott .t Co.'s ' lumber jaid heie , b } the federal crand Jury In session at St , Joseph for violation lation of the interstate commerce act has been looked for In tbo business circles of Atchlsoix for n week or two. Tlbbets is charged with having bribed the welglnnnster of the rallwnv Inspection association to cer tify to shonclghtb of freight , thus do- fniudlng the ralhoads. Tnis raso nas a his tory , The Indictment Is said to have been caused bv S Ouoriior , a former friend and hus.lno-.s .usoclnto of George \ \ . Hovvell , the head of the firm Involved m 'hocoio. They foil out and the quarrel prow from bad to vvoiso , llnallv Guenlor set about woiklnir up the ilbbetts case ngalnst Hovvell. Neither ( itioriler nor Hovvell is in town today , but ( jiionior's son , George , a voung business man hero , admits that bis father has been at work on the case. The liunber 11 unconcerned is mainly ovvneci by B. U. Hovvnll of Chicago and George W. llovvrll of Atchlson. They have .vnids In Chicago , AtchUou and Omalia , Tirtiru.tTitKit vnii Foi Omnhn and Viutnltjilr ; i'or Abiii r. i > \ f ; u'lmlt s/if/lfng / Io i'ori > uii J"ii/r / In ti'ilfru p ) ilu > iirlirl > i0 fn nml rentml p fliiiii , titatcilu tciiiib ; tciinntr. Far South D < \ otFtifi \ ; idiiiti ihlftlng to ; uanntr , WAS ROBBED OF HER CHILD. The Strange Story Told by Mrs. Jacbby of Ooitlind. INQUIRING INTO A MURDERER'S ' SANITY , Afialsorcr Crushed to Death-Attempt to .Swindle a frcmont Firm Bliot In the Iliolc State Ne\V3. I.tvcoiv , eb , Apill 10.- [ Special toTits Bnr.l Yesterday morning a pretty llttlo \votniindressedln n bocomlnc suit of gray stepped Into the ofllco of the Depot hotel nnd \\roteln a plnla hand on the register the name , "Mary Jacoby , Corlland. " She was apparently not ever twenty-three years of ngc , but had a brisk , uusinoss-liko air about her She was a bright , talkative llttloomaii , nnd to some sjmpattilzlng friends she told what had brought her to Lincoln. Her story Is rather n stranua ono. She suld that three > cars ago she was mar ried to Jacoby. who Is now about thirty-live jcusofago. They lived for a tlmo In tbo eastein part o ! the state , but later moved to the small town of Arcadia , some seventy-five miles-west of ( Irnnd Island. Hero n child nas born to them , hut a year or so after that Interesting' event her husband's love seemed to cool , nnd ono day not long ago ho told het ; that ho guessed ho would leave her nml re turn to Ids other wife , which wns the first In timation that she had that uo was already married when she met him A few dajs bc- fore this , however , she had left tlo bouso to visit a neighbor living about a half mile away , leavirg her eighteen month's old boy asleep In his eridlo. When she returned the child was gouo and her husband did not seem to bovory anxious to llnd It. She was almost wild for a time , but the crowning blow camo-when her husband cooly informed her that ho Intended to desert hor. She then lealizcdthat the abduction of her child wns simply a paitof the plot by which ho sought to got tlio little one without the aid of the law. IIo llnally deserted hor. Her moans wore limited , and she was not able to follow him. She returned to Cortland , near which place her parents reside. Her husband is the son , so she : , njs , of Jacob v , a well knoun resident of Wnverly tor ninny yean , but now llvlngi In Lincoln. She heard recently that the non had returned to Lincoln to live wltti his parents or visit thorn , and she had como to sco if her child was also hero She says that the child was taken cither toCnlo- rado , where her husband Is now living , or to lownhcro he has relatives. She loft tbo hotel to secure the aid of Mar shal Mellck , but an inquiry aimed at that gentleman developed that ho had not jet seen ner fahohnsnn aunt living in the extreme castcra part of tbo city , w Ith whom she Is now stopping Developments are promised In tbo near futuro. A Swindler ToUpd. FIILMOXT , Neb , April 10. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE ] A man who gave his name as H. M. Cook undertook to play a con fidence game with Turner Brothers of tbls city jostciday. Cook gave it out Hint tie was division superintendent of tbo Union Pacific road and wanted to buy some stock on the side , whereupon ho wns diiccted to the Turners. After some dickering Cook closed a deal for two cars of cattle , The stock was driven to the \ards forloadlng. A check was given for thnlr paj incut , but Tur ner , suspecting that ull was iiot right , inves tigated tbo case and found tbat there was no money in the bank , on which the check , was drawn , to Cook's credit. The stock was thoioforo not turned ever to him , but billed to Chicago Dy Turner. The stock wns stopped at tno South Omaha yards b > Cook , who had taken an earlier train out of the city , and this morning Turner received \\ord that they were there and that ono of the Turners -\vns to bo around soon to see to their selling , having concluded not to ship through to Chicago Tumor wired back that the man representing himself as Turner was an Impostor uud to arrest him. Ho then took the llwt train this morning for South Omaha to look after the Ill-fated tav oca ra of cattle and to run down iho swindler who was trj- Ing to get away with them. CriiHhctl toDcith. Neb , April 10. [ ripecml Tele gram to THE BIE ] ibis afternoon a day laboierlio wns engaged in digging a tunnel from the deep gulch beneath the water wheels at the clectrio power s > tatlon was crushed to death by a cave In of earth. Ho had been \vorking alone and was not missed until 2 o'clock. Other workmen at the power house , seeing : tbo condition of the opening at the tunnel , wore aroused with the awful sus- picioa that MeCoughlin was beneath the mass of earth. After digging a few foot the unfortunate man's ' hand was discovered nnd ho was taken out dead. Ho loaves n wife and eight small children , the oldest of whom Is onlv thirteen years old. Tuo family Is nearly destitute and the wife Is almost insane with grief. _ The lum oCKartli. PIATTSMOUTII , Neb , April 10 [ Special Telegram to Tnr BIF ] The remains of the late \Vllllnm Hajes were consigned to tbelr final resting place In Oak Hill cemetery this aftcinoon. The funeral obsequies were per formed by Kov. J , T. Ilalrd nod participated In by the members of the Knights Templar , Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , the Ancient Order of United \Vorkmen nnd the Giand Arm y of the Republic , who attended the funeralin n body , A very Inruo number of relatives and friends followed the mourn ful cortogc , testifying to the great icspcct In \\hlch the deceased \vas held. A Constable ) Kilted. GiiBriEr CnvTEit , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Telegram to THE BKK.JVord reacned hero today that J. P. Paxton , a constable fiom this town had been Itllled at Conway. Ark. , by M. S Good , a former resident of this county and a fugitive from Justlco. Good Is Is wanted bore to answer to the criino of dis posing of mortgaged property , and Paxton \\a3sentto inaico the nrrcst and it Is pre sumed was shot vvbllo attempting to urroit him. The particulars arc not known. Paxton - ton leaves a largo family In poor circum stances. A Mad ! ) . ) KHIoit. OAKiuir , Neb , Apill 10. [ Special toTim Brr.J A dog belonging to James Fields of Oadnlo was recently missed from his homo. Yesterday Mr , Holds received the collar the dog \\oro with tbo owners name thereon from u neighboring township with thu state ment that the dog \v as killed in a lit of hj dro- phohiu The city fathers hive oidered all dogs inuziled or'tled up. A. .Miirdcior'H Sanity cjiiestimird , Huohi's Bow , Xeb , April 10. [ Special to THE Ber ] Ills probable that when the dis trict court meets the Judge will appoint a commission to examine ( lunonstfln , the con demned murderer sentenced to bo hanged Trulay next , ns to his sanity , ns it is tlio opinion of a largo number that ho is unques tionably Insuuo. _ Ono Dollar FA luiitui. Neb. , April 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUBULE , ] II. ClayDawson of En- dlcott brought suit In tbo district court against Colonel C. J. lUlls for KO.OOO datn- aces tor injuring bis llmmclnl reputation , The suit was ended today , the Jury allowing Uawsonfl for the damage of his reputation. n. \\oiiinn. FJUUOKT , Nob. , April 10- | Special to THE Bee , j The preliminary bearing ot Tulton Cramer was bad before County Judge Hun ter , the examination occup ) Ing bulf the day. Cramer is n farmer living near Nickerson and the charge preferred against him was by Mrs. Snanglcr , a resldOntof thosamo neigh borhood , who claimed tmt Cramer had com mitted an assault upon her ; The evidence produced wns considered Itrong enough to warrant the Judge in binding the defendant over to the May term f the district court , his bond being tlxed at 11,000. Shot in the Hack. CMMUI.F , Neb. . April 10. ( Special to TUB Urn. ] Whllo Leonard { Iraudloy nnd Byron Darkdolo , jounp men , aped about eighteen years , were on tholrvny homo from Oakdnlo voung Ilarkdolo received a nistol shot wound between the back nnd hip , the result of which Is > ct uncertain. t Uarkdolo claims that ho received the wound from n revolver In the bauds of his companion whlloon tbo way to nolf hole Young IJranJloy claims that Ilarkuoto shot himself. Thi ) facts < 3nnnot be ascertained till a legal Investigation Is held. 1 rottl tic HiiT80 Krccilct-4. DAVID Cm , Neb , April 10 [ Special Tel egram to Tim Urr.J Iho Xebraski Trot ting Horse Breeders association , held ut the Windsor hotel at Lincoln tbls afternoon , do- cidcd to hold the licit annual mooting nt Daid City next October. David City guar antees the association $2WO , In gate iccolpts , the free use of the track , and grounds and stalls for horses. This IsoxnectoU to ho the best meeting the association Ins over held , there being 2J entries that bavo made the first payment. Iho citizens feel Jubilant over the news tonight. Impanelling the Sheriff. Nn ov , Xob. , April 10. [ Special Telegram to Tnc nrE.1 Sheriff Wnidon's impeach ment trial Is being hold before the commis sioners' court today. The charges of neglect of dutv mid drunkenness were proven today. The alliance people seem anxious to got the oftlco , as the prosecuting witness on being cross questioned admitted that ho was ono of the candidates iccomniended by the alllanco to bo appointed as Warden's successor. The trial may last several da.vs. Held on n ScrloiiH Charge. CiDAii Hvi n > , Neb , Apill 10 [ Special to THE BFE | Adam and Kllzi Cushmg liavo been arrested hew by Sheriff \Villlams on a telegram from Portland , Ore , chaigect with receiving stolen * oods , nnd are being held till an ofllcer arilvcs , who is now on the way. The Cushlnirs arrived hero from Portland about two weeks ago. They were former residents 01 this county. A Itcsldonoo rturnoil , FKEMONT , iS'cb , April 10. [ Special to Tuc Bcrl. A small residence locatort on West Sixth street , belonging to ! Soren Soronsonof Seattle , was burned this forenoon. Iho propcrtv was occupied by Isaac Hritcndall and all tils household goods were lost. Ihc loss on the residence was about $ ' ) OD , with no Insurance , on the contents , Ji9J , Insured for 5-100. A\U8 yh VmPlay. \ \ . rnr.MONT , Tseb , ApUl 10. [ Special to Tun BEI J The coroner's Inquest held jcsterdiv on the body of Martm Lehman of Snvdcr , whoso death and tbo making of his will were suriounrtod with rayptfry , was concluded last night. The verdict loturncd bv " the jury was that Lehman came to , his d"cath through natural causes. _ TJIJE UUliS.Z S J/711'9. ATrnvclcr Who Debs Not Think They Are Persecuted. CHICMOO , April . ,10f { Special Telegram to Tun UKE.J-StophJti Vladimir , bishop 01 the Grace Ruisiun' aurtli1 ; Is in the city. "I am omrtourof investigation of the com- munitlcs thnt nro in orir faith , " said tuo Rus sian. "I intend to see how much nhoad of us in Alaska they are , and' 111 Introduce such improvements up north as I can. " Bishop Vladimir expressed surpiiso when asked about the persecution of the Jews. "Tho Joivs of Russia are not persecuted , " snld ho , "that Is , not by the government. The government and _ the church d\vcll in harmonious sjmpathy. The Jews recog- n\to \ , and la past times , like the picsent , they have publicly proclaimed tbat to the church they are Indebted for assistance In repelling the persecution of Jews bv the peasants. Were the govern ment desirous of per < ecutlii | ? tbo Jews the church would bo called to assist. "Wnat persecution ttjero is of the Jews. " ho went on , "Is by the peasants. It is not a rncical , neither is it a rehcious one. It Is an economical persecution. The Jens nro not producers. They do upt till the soil. They do no manual labor. Thov aio usurers , brokers or saloonkeepers. They charge 400 per cent interest , and the peasants bavin ? no monej to oav are compelled to work for them nil the llmo. If they don't ' vvoik they goto Jail. At the beginning of the eighteenth centuiv n persecution''ended by the peas ants rising and exterminating a million Jews May ho another uprising will occur. There nro too many Jews to emigrate. If they would leave the north nnd eastern Hussla though , for tbo southern and avestorn parts , nil vtould bo well. l3ut the government won't force them. And no jew is nblo to prove that any of his race has been wrong- fullv imprisoned or sent to Siberia. " The dish op thinks the nihilist Influence in liubsln is declining and declares that the coin mon people hatotho nihilists. GOLD FOIl SHU'MCXr. Orders Tor Millions In Ojin fi > r Export to Germany. NEW Void ; , April 10. [ Spcchl Telegram to THE BBF. ] Hcldolbach , Ickelheimer & Co. , hnvo taken ? MO,000 , and Lcadcnburg , 'Ibalman &Co. , ? .V , IK)0 ) of gold coin for ship ment to Berlin. Lazard Freres ordered $1,000,000 , andlCtdeler , Pcabody & Co$250- 000 fore poit , making tbo total for the day $2,250,000. The Post , In Its financial article , sajs "Tho unexpected taking of $2,250,000 of gold for export before 10:30 : o'clock thla morning , iiotv * Ithstandlug tbo cosier conaltlonof the exchange market jo&trrday afternoon , was a surnrlso to tbo street , anil gave the whole stock market a set buck , which loft the ma jority of active stocks J to ? lovvei at 11 o'clock than they dosod.last night. Inquiry nt the various gold exporting houses shows that nt the present rates of exchange the expert - port of gold would not yield a profit on the regular and usual basis. In short it appears thnt ns all this gold goes either direct to Ger many or else goes there via Paris , Germany Is pajlnpr something of a premium to accumu late n few millions of gold. Just what the in centive is for this nccamalatinn Is not quite clear oven to ( ho bankers who nro sending the gold. Possibilities of war may hnvo some influence in that direction , but It m also believed that banker * and financiers In .Ber lin nro strengthening themselves in view of the still unsettled condition of confidence- financial affairs InGorraany gcnorallj- , which has grown out of the Arrontlno nud other losses. _ _ _ _ _ _ Still Shipping Gold to tturnpr * . NLVV YOUK , April 10. Gold coin to the amount of fj,500,000 was ordered today for shipment to Europe. Flvo hundred thousand dollars additional Iti gold coin wus ordered for export , Tlio Death ItccoiiJ. CINCINNVTI , O , April 10. Sister Maty Paul , superior of the Sisters of Charity of the United States , died lost night at the Good Samaritan hospital here. CHICAOO , April IO. ( Jeneral William E. Strong , n well known Culcngoau , provident of the Chicago lumber company , died sud denly In Florence , Italy , today. 1'routor I'aenos riiruuuh Ch cn - , CHICAGO , April 10 , Secretary Proctor arrived today from the west and after taking a look at Fort Sheridan proceeded cast. JUDGE CROUSSE APPOINTED. Ho Succeeds Batchellor as Assistant Secre tary of the Treasury. ANOTHER NEBRASKAN ALSO HONORED. KvGcnoriior Kohcrt W. Punt at Se lected as CoiiiiiiiRsloiict-xt- Ijiirgo to the Columbian Imposition. \VA IIIVOTOV nunn\uTnn Her , 1 Mil rouiirrbsrii STIIKKT , > WASIIIVOTOV , D. C. , April 10. , ) The ptesidont 1ms at last tilled tlio vneincy In the trcasuiy caused by the resignation of General Uatclcllor to accept tha mission to Portugal , and , 03 wan cvcoptcd , Judge Lorenzo Crounso of Nobraski Ins received tbo appointment. Judge Ciounso's illness niul qualifications for the position were first brought to the attention of the president by the senators some live or six weeks nco , ami after ho had made n ciroful Investigation Into Jitdpo Crounso' qunllllcatlous the picsldent decided to npiwlnt him nnd pivo Senator Mandcrson n hint of this cliarnctorhvsttteok. It Is expected that Judge Crounso will tnlco tlio otith of oflko nnd outer upon bis now duties Immediately. fsobiaskn scored another point today when the president appointed ox Governor Uobort \V Funms to bo commisslonor-aHargo to the world's ' fair and Columbian exposition. Ex- Governor FuunsM talked of for n cabinet position and the geographical question wns the enl } thing thnt prevented his appoint ment attbotlmo the cabinet was formed. Tuo iippolntment of ( Jovoinor Furnas to tbls phco Is proof that the ngiicultui il interests nf the unnt. ulll t ninll lnnlfi il nftorin t.ltn exposition of 1S'J ' > . Ur. Wurnorof Lincoln , iccontly appointed siiporlntondcnt of charities for this district , at rived to assume the duties of his new ofllco today. srnni KMtsovs AT THE riKC cciiiMovir * Doputj Inspector \Vllllnm \ S Cloburno of Nobr.iskn , thntv-third depioo Ancient nnd AccoptoJ Scottish Ulto , assisted In the inid- nlcht services of the kadosh held last evenIng - Ing over the remains ot General Albert IMlto Other members of Occidental consistnrv No 1 of Oniatta prcsont wore William 13. Annin. thirty-second degree , r > ' Omnlii ; ox-Major Chnmplon S Chase , thlitj second degree , of Oilman and Milton Hull degree , J. , thlih-second gree , of ISdgar , Neb oeutN MA.II. BEiivicr v swcrss. Another newdcpnituro by the present ad ministration has pro\cd a success. The As sociated ptcss dispitchcs this morning an nounced the arrival of the German steamer Havel at New York with her malls all assorted ready for delivery. In reference to the same subject Postmaster General Wanamaltericcehod iho follow Inir telegram from Postmaster Van Cott at Now York : "Sea post mill per llavol arrived at 8 ! 0 a. m Cltj mnll deliv ered at 8:11. Connection made of distribu tion of mails with 10 a. m trains , a gain of nt least six hours. SOi post appears to bo n success. " There were eighty-fho sacks of mall on board tlio Iliuol , containing 112,500 letters The mail was made up exactly as It would Imvo boon on a postal car sorted , back- stamped nnil tied m fcp.irato packages for tbn different states and largo cities , i'lio mail arrived In Hlmn - for the morning through mull for Chicago and the west. Under the old s tom it could not have ueen dispatched until'J o'clock in the evening. Letters for the city delhory in Now Yoik were able to go out at 8:11) : in the morning. The postal clerks on boird the Havel are P. B Ilolt/ man for this country and Heir Gollnltz foi Germany. The latter had never boon at sea before and the rough \\oittiei of Friday was too much for him , but by uorklng "extra hours the two clerks ciught uplth the work The postmaster general is greatly pleiscd at this news and bcllou-s the success of oican postollkes is secured. Ho has stroiiror ( hopes than over that this first en courogoincnt will lead to the quick extension of this seivlco to all tuo important foreiirn countries. Geortco Madison Di-ake of Tonnessco as today appointed by the postmaster general chief clerk of the foreign molts bureau of the postofllco department. 'Io this ofllco special Interest attaches now onlni ; to the acti\lt\ duo to tbo postal subsidy bill. Mr. Dinko was a private in the confedor.i'oarmv timing most of thowar , nnd in IStil conlidontial secretary to General Bnigg. Ho was recon structed in 1S01 and in 18TO ho edited tl'O ' Jouuial , the republican state organ at Mont gomery , Ala. In lb 8 ho pu bllshed the Chat tanooga Dally Commercial In lb"0 ho was the ropu oilcan candidate for congress In the Third Tennessee dis trict , and fiom 1S > 77 to ISStis a \aluod Uork In various bureaus in the pcHtofllco department. InlSSlno edited the ICnoxville Whig and Chronicle ; In ISSTi ho was a postofllco Inspector until rcmoed by the doinocritlc nanilnlbttation Ho was lately money order dork in tbo Chattanooga post- oOlco. TO CONDUCT lir.CHWTS. First Lieutanant Cluulos n Honostcel of thoTwontj-ilrst infantiy has boon ordered to report in person to the superintendent of the recruiting service in Now' * "ork to con duct recruits to.tho department of the Platto. PBUIIV S. IlK.\rii , AM.1.SM.S AIlIAXCE SCIIK.1IM : . Farmers with a Ililllinnt Idea \Mll nnlld n Itiiltroul. KAXSVS Cirr , Mo , Apill 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB BIT , ) binco thofarmeis' alllancohas taken hold of affairs in Kansas many surprising things hnvo been done , but tbo most unique and daring plan that bos } et been cnvolvod by that body Is a reported schoino tobuilda trtini : railroad line across the state. This proposition v\lll ho made the Issue of tbo next political light in Knnsus by the alliance. The plan Is for the state fo\ernment to construct n trunk line about two hundred and llfty or three hundred miles in longtb , ana for the counties to build a not \\orkof brunches that will touch every Im portant point In tbo state. It is said that the right of way nri\ lieges would be donated In every Instance and that the branches would prob-ibiy uo built on tno section lines Tbero la more railroad inllcnco In Kansas than In any other stnto In the union outsldo of Illinois , and rail road men are Inclined to think that tlio plan will never ho carried out. So far , it is said , tnlk of the scheme has been confined to the leading momucra of the alllanco In the state , nml they refuse to say an } thing on the sub ject. ject.President President Frank McGrnlh of the farmers' alliance in Kansas is In the city to attend the meeting of the fanners'alliance and ho admits that the subject U now being planned out. Thoulllnrco Is radical In thoieforms it undertakes , and among tlio thinking man who ua\ekept apace with Its movoinonU it has been jrencrally believed for some time that its next move would bo a .stop to bccuro control of the railroids. South /vinorlenn Surveying I'uly. Niw YOUK , April 10. The steamship New port , sailed today for Central America , had , airong other pissengers , a survejlng party of American engineers , who go to demonstrate tlio foinbillty of the railway that is proposed to connect tbo United States ultti South nnd Central American republics. The party \\lllbe gene f.vou-ais , Pulled to Th-ot a Urgent. CHICAGO , April 10 At a meeting of the trustees of tbo university of Illinois today tlio appointment of a regent for the coinlifg jear came up. Tbero WM but ono candi date the present regent , Dr , S. H. 1'oa- body , htu servcJ m ( bat capacity sluuo ISS2. Ballot after ballot was taken without result , and when the meeting adjourned the matter had gonaover to the Juno nicotine. Trustees Funk , IcLoan. Sim\\lan nnd Mor gan favored the re-election of Dr. 1'enb.nly , but the other four trustees would neither vote for him nor suggest the nai"fl of another candidate ) . 'Iho trouble lung- * n the dim- CHltlc-s which have occinred av * uulvcr * > ty since Christinas , when sever.itbo cadets In the inilltarv deputment v v * * liscltiltncd for Insubonllnatlon l1oabody\Cl , iciulJ sny ho \ \ 111 bo elected In Juno. \ _ or T/ , ? * H Over tin1 1'iitlr 'oiinlry Still Honortod Sliul > i Voiik , April 10 iSpecli rilegram to Tin Ui'i-.l-U 0 Dun & Co.'s ' , kly ic- v low of trade saj s t ' ' Tt cannot bo snld that the buslmi f the country is expanding \\\\en \ thoio Is n decrease - crease of nearly oiicHthvitlilnaslnnlo | month In the output of pig iron , In neatly all quirtons the admitted slackonlngof tiado Is attributed to mciely temporary causes , but the state of the lion trndo cannot ho thus ex plained , and vvbllo It nmv at am time change for the bettor It Is nt present an unfnvorblo symptom. At Dcholt chiieoil Iron Is of fered at $13 , the lowest price over Known. It Is a hopeful feature , on the other hand , that stocks unsold liavo decreased during the month moro than one-quarter , both of anthracite nnd eoho Iron ntunnnecs Uut the tiade Iscry dull , and at sonio southoin furnaces is weakening ns to price Tlio market for innnufncturcd forms of Iron and steel shows no improvement. It Is snld thnt tbo 01 tiers for rails placed this year do not leach 100,000 tons Another cle ment which may piovo of groit , though tern- . importance is tlio decision of 'i great Corarj. minors to stilko Ma > 1 for eight hours a day. ' 1 ho eastern coil trade is very iiregular Bujcrs are awaiting the effects of the Coxe Interstate decision. Other industucs show1 no material change , though tlio wool market is moio dull Ttio boot and shoo tr.ulu is uncommonly dull , \ \ Ith pi Ices tending rather downward. Tli" sales of liilf a million pounds of lake copper nt 11JH ! cents are ropoi ted Load is weaker , but tin has been advanced bv speculation The outlook for tbo ujllding trade Is gen erally favorable , though labor troubles in some localities mo still t brcatcnoil. Hoports fiom the \arlous contcia of Undo nio about the s uno a- , last week , but iccognlzo the temporal slackening oven moie goncrallv , \vblio It Is attributed mainly to bad weather andthostato of countiy louls Pittsburc repoit-s lower prices for Iron products , but glass prices mo sustained with improving trade. At Cleveland the general trade Is falrlv active , In lumber especially At Cincinnati nmchlnor.v Is \crj bilsk , but othci liade U onlv fair At Chicago wboit , dressed beef and wool show a ronsldcrnblolueicaso over Instjonr , but the snlcs of diy pootls fall below these of last yenr , tbo tirst advoiso re port In that trade foi mnn.v months The clothing and shoo tiado still show gains Business at Detroit is dull , at Milwaukee and Kansas City only fair , ai.d St. Louis not vciy strong , but nt St. Kuil the spilng trndo has been very satisfactory , nnd at Omaha and Denver fait AtNew'Oileans tiado Is quiet. At Memphis caution rules , hut at Savannah the piospcctts blight , and ( hero U an Immoveincut nt .Trv.ksomille. Speculation In bteadstuffs baits , though wheat Is a fraction higher. Corn is Jf cents lower , but oats ' cent higher , and pork 25 cents higher. lint lard and hogs niuasbndo lower. Coffee Is Jf cents lower , nnd notion has declined a sixteenth. lUw.bUgar has advanced a sixteenth under tuo very heavy demand slnco the duty \vas removed , but icllnod gradea nro unchanged as yet In general the speculative niaikets are rather inert , and the goneml average of prices is now 2 per coutlowci thnn it was two \\oeks ago Imports arc fairly maintained In the ag gregate , but the movement of wheat , Hour and corn falls far below lust jear. The 10- turns of foi oign trade for Mmch appears to indicate an excess of about s7,000MU ( in ox- poits over the Imports , but the expoits can not bo expected to enlarge from this time foi ward. The money market hero Is qulto undis turbed , though at all cas > tem markets tbcro is mnre than the usual disposition to loan on call rather than on time , and at Boston theio is consldeiaDle stringency. Phila delphia and I'ittsburgnro easy , but at Cleve land there is some pleasure. Cincinnati Is n llttlo close , and at Chluisjo there Is a good demand at 0 per cent. At other wostcin points general ! ) money markets arocompara- ilvelv easy , and nt the soiftu there Is no ma terial change. Collections nro not , ns a rule , qulto sntlsfne- torv , owing to bad \veathcr and bad country roads. But the treasury has'again put out about W.OOO.OOO in a week moio than it has taken In , nnd no signs appear of heavy gold exports as yet. Tno business failures occurring throughout the country dmlng the last seven days num ber tM't , as comp ired vv 1th a total of ! i 13 1 ist \veek. Tor the corresponding week of last jear the figures were " 09. SlJCCUJIIIllD IO THE Seventeen Wyoming liahiircis Over- conic by tlio hex-pro Weather. CiifcTfvvrVjo \ , April 10. fSpecial Tele gram to Tnr BIT , ] Seventeen men under Jake Parr , who went out from Laramlolast v\cek to construct a road across the mountains to tbo Gold Hill mining camp , \veie brought In ycstcidny In a helpless condition , having succumbed to tbo some storms which raged In tbo mount ilns. AU of the men wcioslck nnd most of them were snow-blind. The snow was ten fi > ct deep nnd but four miles of load \veio constructed. Another outllt will KO out as soon ns the weather will permit. Itiibbcd the .Mails. CIII.II.VNP , Wyo. , April 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tins Bun. ] Gen Hazcloy , alias Kline , wns found guilty in the United States court here toduv of robbing the mills. jiazoloy secreted himself In tne Oliojenno postofflco and wus detected opening icgis- teied letters. _ _ J , J AVJf 1..1 IV IX < HIIO. \ ICcntoii Jlurdcrn-r Taken from Jail and Hanged. IVKMON , 0 , Apiil 10. A mob containing about ono bundled men bung William Dales this morning The mon assembled about 1 o'clock. Tbo side door of the county Jail was battered In and about sovcnty-tlvo men entered. The shcilff was overpowered and llalosvus taken from his toll and bur- lied across the road , A rope % \as put around his nock , thrown ever a limb and hales was pulled from his feet and loft hanging Ho Dcggcd plteously for mercy , but tbo mon woio resolute The mob vvuS an orderly ono and did no further damage. Hales nnd two accomplices , on the night of Mat ob 'It , murdcicd Kdward Harper , a policeman who was attempting to nrri'st Hales The accomplices , Lnko and Noel , were not molested , tialcs was not consldurud strosif mentally. iiu < : \ in. l. Doin nion AecntN llcuartl the Outlook n Very Uii sallsiaotory. BOSTON , .Mass. , April 10 ( Special Tele gram to TUB B"rJA Herald dispatch from Ottawa , Out , says : Your correspondent loams frum im < st rohnblo souixoi that tbo agents of the Dominion government in Great Biltnln undon tlio continent hnvo advised the government hero tint the outlook for oinlk'ration to Canada during the comlnir sea son Is moro tm.satUfnctor ) and dlxcouraglrig than It has boon for several jcars. The un usual efforts of the government to oilng sot- tiers hero dining the coining summer Is likely to moot with signal failure. The cause if , said to bo thesUituof rollglous and politi cal affairs In Canada and the unccitidnty which mirrounds the Domlulon'i ' future Hscal polity , ITALY BECOMING BELLICOSE/ / Wnnla Undo Sara to Banco to the MuiJo of the Hand Orgnn. A SENSATIONAL REPORT FROM ROME , Srattn nt n rnuprnl In * .Mourners Attack a Oiillty ( ouplo Water in ( lie Snlinrn. ' no\tr , April 10It is reported thnt If the Uiiltca States government does not ntmvoy the marquis linpcrlnlo's note by tomoirow , Porter , thoAmoilem minister hero , will bii ordciect to leave Itnly , nnil tlioholo ttnllnii legation In Washington will bo iccnllod ami Itnlhn intcrosU loft In charge of the Urltlsh minister. n L.I i.r. 'to ituin\i. Tlio Sct'rotnrj Has Propni-Ml nit An fmcrtMtlin tiitllnit I'rrmlor. WvwiviTov ; April 10. His know n hero Socrotnry Dliiino has piopmcd nit tvn svvorto tlio message of Premier Itudlnl Thq factof the prop ir.ulon of ScoioUry Minnie's reply Is not only vv ell uiuioi-stooil. but it li stntcil , moreover , Hint the scerotnrv's letter vas submitted to the president mill cabinet nnil found to bo satlsf.ictoiv \lowoi eiicnnistnnccs itls nsscrtod with ioimideiv > nblo t-onlidonce Unit the letter of Sociotnry Ulalno already hat boon sent to HIP MtmpiU Uiullnl. though whothorlt\\ascouiiminlcatoil bj nmll ortoU'-wph Is not known If the former mothoil were adopted thu Itnllim premier , Is Is believed , was nppilscd of the fact. It Is suggested ni < o us very probnblo ttuit intimations have boon convoked of the ndvisnbllltv of conduc-tlng the illploiiMtlc negotiations bo- tvvecn tlio two commies with less publicity. Tor these icnsons It Is thought to bo iilmost iinpossiblo thnt todays rumors In Homo can boe-oiroct No Infoimatlon could bo seemed in ofllelal circles hero tonight iolutl\o to the icport fiom Kotnothnt Italy would close nil iliioct diplnnintlolutcicaiirso with tlio United btitos unless n uply was rcetlvud to the lint message of Premier Kiullnl on ttm N'oxv Or leans It.illin ( midont The Homo dispatch uns shown to both the president nml Sccro- tarj Bl.ilno tonight mid onch ictuinodvord that ho had nothing to sny on the subject * . Tlioioasn genual disposition to discredit the report It unoflieinl clrclci Trial of tlio Iliillaii KoMr , Aptll 10 [ Special Cablegram to Tin BH1 1 Mnla Vita , the imnio berne by the secret socletj , the iiomboii of which are on ttinl at Unri , Is the title of a. onto popular novel Iho trial \vascoiitlnuodntHaiIto- daj and during the proceedings the inform- on disclosed the cmlous inlttntlon iltcs of the ordoi , in the dialect peculiar to inombora of the society The applicants foi member ship must llrst satisfy the ofllcois of the Main Vita that they liavo no\ur boon policemen - men , gcndnimcs or excisemen. Whun the oath is ndmlmstuicd to tlui novices they are requliod to .stand with end foot in tin open gr.vve. They nrd Buoni in the most solcnin mnnnar to nbnndoii all tics of ktndrod for the Interests of the order , and the neophj tea are Infinined that the most fearful penalties \\lll bo Imposed on them for nny tictraynl of the societies' to- cicts or for nnv dit > obcdlonco of Its decrees , especially wnou they visited Judgment on an Intended victim. The booty which the soci ety secured through bilgnndago and ransoms \\i\3tobo divided nmong the members ac cording to inn It. I'antastio nnil obscene tattooing mark the members of thu prndo , "Cammoristo , " the chief of which still con * tlnues toeoncspond with the ptljontrs. Hat-on Kavn Hulls T > dny. Nnu YOUK , April 10. Baron Piun , the 10- called Italian minister , loft his hotel toiil/ht for the steamer La Oascogne mid le.u os for homo tomoirovv. Scone nl a , LONDOV , April 10 ( Special Cnulogrnm to Tun ill r. ] A rotmrlmblo scene wns wit nessed nt Pendlobuig during the funeral of Airs. Fielding Swlnton , wh"so death \vns at tended by circumstances which gnvo rlso to suspicions against her hustmnd. Whllo the burial ntea vvcio in piogross a ciowd of llfty women , who woio in nttondanco ns mouincrs , * attacked a woman who was known to hnvo been cilmlnnlly intlmato with Mi Svvmton and who luid defied public opinion by making her appearance at the funcial of the woman she had wronged. 'J hey diov o her away and pin-sued her down "tho street of the village , pelting her with stones and mud pitherej from the highway. As the nngiy women rushed past the mills , a lingo number of mill bauds , nttiaclcd by the cluuioi , left their work and Joined in the chase. In a moment , however , sonic of the lenders among the men raised tlm ciy thnt they inlirht bettor bo alter the woman's partj nor in Iniquity , who wns the inoro guilty of the tViO. Acting on the suggestion the miiJo portion of- the mob turned their attack upoi\ the husband , who was close at hand ninon the mouiners , who had folio weii the iioters , Ho Hod amid a shower of missiles and ho , as well ns his paiumour , woio driven out of the the tow n. Hoth were lucky to cscnpo groate harm. The wrath of the villagers being appeased , order was soon rcstoiod , and thulntciruptcci funeial rites were decoiouslv completed. It Is doclniod that if the exiled conplo venture ) to return to the plnco proceedings will ho tahon to bring them to trial on a. chaigo ot conspltacy. _ M'atoi- tlio Huliuin. PAIIIS , April 10 , [ Special Cableeiam to Tim BFU.I A dispatch from Oraa sajs tha au enormous reservoir of water 120 feet below the surface has been discovciud nt Ul Oolea , n small caravan station in the midst of the Sahara dcsort. The reservoir \vas discovered W'hllo n number of uoilcmcn were en pit oa in sinking \\ollat Kl Ciole.i. The shaft Minlc alivivlv gives foity gallons of good , clear water per miuutu and It Is ex * pccted that tills amount can rcidlly bo in * creased should It bo found that n largo } quantity Is neccssaty. The discovery Is of the highest Impoitnnco and will undoubtedly tend to dovclop the caravan trade of Kl Golea , which Is one of the , stopping places in the Sab ir.i desert for caravans which tiavcl across that icgion , This Is the first tlino that uator his been found at so slight a depth In the Sahara. IT UndPiOntli to Kill the ( /ar. LOMIOV , April 10. The Telegraph's ' cor respondent at Ht , I'etei-sburg s-av B Hlininol * ken , the man nrrostod Monday on suspicion of being about to inalco an attempt on the cvnr's llfp , belonged to the Bcaovola iluh elf Khailtoff , the niPinbois of which are bound by oath to mulio contlnunl effoiU to murder tno c/ar. Most of the members liavo been airestcd. A number of students have also been arrested nt KlnukolT. It Is femea tlmtj riots will breakout ut the university there. Another Huisntlon bus been caused hero by the suicide of n Hussar olllccr , who , It li runiGicd , wita involved In the plot nfuiiisfi the izar. _ In Iho CoinmoiiH. I.ovnov , Apiil 10. In the commons today on the Tvlili land bill l.abotichrio moved td omit the word "guaranteed" from tno clauap proposlnt ; that advances bo mudo by the issun ot uuaranteod land stoclc , cipial In nomlnul amount to the sum ndvatiu'd. Ho ) dcnoumod 'ho tcopa nnil principle of th bill A long uobalo followed , pai tlrlpated 111 by Hal four , ( Hailstone , Timothy Hcaly nn4 others , llalfour moved thoclosiiip , whlPQ was carried , nud Lnboticbere'r motion wai lojsi'tod. lloyikl Inlinr Loxi > o.v , April 10. William HourSmithj