THE OMAHA DAILY BEJEr FRIDAY , APRIL 10 , 1801. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Weakness iu All Quarters and Prlc a Baled Generally Lower. PROSPECTS FOR THE NEW WHEAT CROP , Incrnnncil Acreage Itoportcd nnrt nn AlJiinilnnt llnrvost Kjcpcotctl Dculino in Provision and Ijlvo Stock Vnlucn. CIIICAOO , AprllO. ISprclal Telegram toTnr. llEK.-Tho board of trade markets had less force than usual this morning. First prices were not rcnlly changed from last night. During tlia early trading , however , weakness developed In all iiuartcrs and prices ruled lower. May sales wore ; Wheat , JI.05M. to II.05K , to SI.04 ? ; ; corn , C7Jjc , tofl7 c , toC7Uc ; oats , Mire , to 51'ic ; pork , H2.70 , to $ l2.52'/t ' ; ribs , IC.22JJ , to M.12' ' , { ) July lard , ! 7.17ii ! to I7.07'i. In the wheat market today trade was bear ish from the Mart , while the news was nearly nil bullish , Thfs gave rise to u zigzag market , with no decided tendency either way. During n greater part of the cession the range for May was limited to ? c , while July was Mild mote featlussly and diopped at one time l ! < c under tlio bent llguto early. The action up to I o'clock wiis as follows ! May. f I.O.V/j. to 11.05 ? ; , tol.oij ? , toji.os'i , to ; , tofl.04 i , totl.03f ! , toJI.CW,1 , , to $1.03 ? ; , standIng - Ing at that hour at U under last night fur May and ! 4c loner for July. An advance dis patch from the 1'rlco Current stated that the winter wheat conditions and prospects were fully as favorable us at any previous time. A Han I'ranclwo dtapatch stated that the acre age ofsheat In California will be much In- L'leiificd , pet haps the largest on iccoid. A Sioux Falls , S. I ) . , dispatch said ; "Seeding Is half ( lone , and wheat is looking well. " This nas Iho sum total of all that could bo con- Mrilcd as bear nous , and the Dakota dispatch must ho omitted from consideration because of Us evident untiulhfulncss. Hull news was plentiful. Kaily Liverpool cables were ! jd up , I'nrls li to 1 frano higher , and London 3d up for prompt MilnniPiit. Lalo cables were also strong. Liverpool was ' , } < ! up for spot wheat , Paris 10 centimes up on wheat and 10 to 20 up on flour. Kvpoit clearances wore very liberal. New Vurk elcaicd 05,000 bushel ? of wheat and 19,000 packages of flour. Baltimore cleared 24.00J bushels of wheat and Now Orleans 115- 000 to France. Minneapolis reported cash wheat qiilculy sold at $ I.OH5 and No. 2 red wheat sold at $1.03 to eastern millers. 1'ltts- huig wired that 40,000 packages of Hour were accepted by cable. 0. K. Clarke , jr. , wired working of 13 boat loads at Now York before noon. William Dunn reported the bales of 23 boat loads today for August shipment of Chicago cage , Duluth and St. Louis wheat. The up turn In prices from the early break uas largely duo to the Dunn sales. The stietigth failed to hold In the face of frco offerings ijy both bulls and beats , and shortly before the close prices woie away below the enrly figures at Jl.Olii for May and 11,1)274 ) lor July and still doclin- 1 ! r ' . Wlicat closed at the lowest point of the day aHl.OHS for May and $ I.OJU for July. Compared with last night this was 1'iu lower for May and 1'Scoff ' for July. April sales were reported at $1.01 ? . and $ i.oi'i. : Tlio receipts of corn were overestimated at 375 cars , hut the market started at ! * o up for May around077 c and already for July around O4'ic. The action later was similar lo that In wheat. May sold at07 c and then oil toGTMc ; July. C4 u iindulT to Cl'io. ' On the rally be fore noon both months sold at the top prices , at 07 { c ami Ur > ? ; c. Later a decline set In with everything else and prices at 1 o'clock were on" toWie for May nndG3.'ic for July , or cto ? o under last night , lie fore the close May corn sold at C0jc ? , the low point of the day , and closed at 07ie ( ! bid , or tie lower for the day. July closed at G3''o to Olc. or J lower. It wns also claimed that on the early market May touched (1813 ( and July OI7 > c. April was minted with May from 08o to OOJic. closing at MJ.'BC. There was little outside news for the pit to consider , The oats market opened strong on reports of unfavorable weather , nt prices ranging from ! Bo to Me above yesterday's closing flg- uics , but after advancing slightly , the market weakened fully * , . ( ( : under thn piessurj of sell ing orders , and closed attho lowest prices of the day. llutcnlnson sold a fair amount of both May and July. May delivery opened at r > Uio. sold up to fil e. nnd from thence declined to file , the closing price. Juno wns nominal and iiuotaule at about -Ue under May. July sold fiom 51J o to fil'je , only ono siile , however , being made at the outside amount , and closed Dually at f > ! l.o. ! August sold froi" : tsSe ? toIW'ic , toIibSJo'at the clos . The last sale of September was made at 35c. ; Tlio provision trade had a moderate day. Ilcavlmss resulting In a slow but general de cline , was the leading feature of the market , At no time did prices reach us high a point as the close yesterday , and at the close the lo's for thu day wns I0i > for ribs. IV ; lor lard , and 22'/5o ' to 27r ! for pork. The opening prices wero'JiSeto 7Uc loner till around , but they were the last llguics of the day. The innrUel was not a Illghty one at any time. There was not a good tally from first to last , simply a slow dragging market , decllng In sympathy with the ceteals , and hoi'nuso of poor support. 1'ork sold at II2.70 to $12.51 for Mil v. $ M.12J ! to $ r.ML"J for July , and closed at II3.40 for September. The closing prices on laid nere $0.75 for May , $7.05 for Jul < and $7.30 for September. Ulbs "closed at Jil.10 , $3.15 and $7.75 , for May , July ami Sep tember. 1'IIICES AT CIIIOAdO. Showing the olllclal report of the range of prices as wheel to Cockroil brothers ; I'ltlCKS AT ST. 1,01113. lOMMQIilTV I Open. I HUh. | I iioio. : I Vest'y WHEAT May 1 I July. , , . . ConsMny Mny tf CCH July til BJM OAT * May. . . . & 4U nnd OOH > > | | ) . Piiliith roeolpts , 20 cars of wheat. Minneapolis rocelpttilS ears of wheat Estimated IIORS atChlcaKoon 1'rld ay , 21,000 Mllwnukrn reeeiuts : Wheat ll.OW , ahlpinonls none ; llonrA.UU ) , shlpiiicntb 18.1U. . . . y Y"rl < .i'l1" ) ranees yesterday : Wheat IMI,05iii corn , C,7t > 8 ; oats. ; Hour , GOJIOS. Clearances at Now York : Whoat. in.OSO bn. cprn.'bti ; oats 73Jbu. ; Hour , J.UO'J bbls. 15,174 Hiieks. The Hock Island reports only 830,000 bushel " ' I)0" ) ' ' , orlw'i ! ' ! . lts ontlro system uiu tOO.OvU bushels of o.ns. St. l.onls reeelptsi Wheat , 30,160 ; corn. 38.1J5 : oats , 27.UVJ. 8 imo day u vuar ugoVhoit. ; , MWil corn , 40ttTOi outs ; 10.-J03. OiiRh wheat Hluppers boiiRht llfteen Inadi o ri'il wheat rorslilpment thin month and early Hay , via out ports partly Now Orleans. Chicago receipts ; Wheat , .VJ ears , 23 No. 3 : corni7\u : : No. . : oats. 204. U'7 No. s. Kstl- niiituil for I'rlday Wheat , : r7 : corn , 2 ; ontH . The 1'rlco Currant says winter wheat nil vlecHtiro fully us favorable an at any Unit previously this souMin. Oats huudlne fiirlhi ) UehiYi'd and nieawlllbu less than expected with a corresponding Caln In eorn If the seiiboi IB favor.tble. - " , " - / * : ' ' tiif it j | viiiij > t i u HI1U. II.IIUl July. II.OUS ; August , f.lOU bid ; Sep tember. n.OJ'i ' asked ; Uetober. * nski-d , ' ' ' " ' " " K Jo' Onts-Ap'ili , woi ? May- lleerbohm'ii cable ; Mvcrpool wheat Ilrm prices Hd higher ; corn Ilrmer. iinotubly uii iMl ; Mark l.ano carioiis oir const stronir \vuUlnB three ; on pabsupoitroni : , prices i-rally ail to Iki hlcher. Weather cold and ot Trench country maiUuts 50 centimes tel frano lilKhor. Kuiiniitt , Ijopklim & fa ! tofi. A. MoWliortor- Wllh n Hood of btillUh news moru startllni , perhaps tlinii any other ilay for the pas iiionth. H In-lit oiieni'il fitroni ; at thu top UIH rlowHl wL-nk nt Iho bottom. It U noticeable that lii-uvy oporaliirs ttllh bnllUh proellvltlo Kunorully n'ltot u day like thin M hen all hull i-atloiiH uru Inloiikuly bullish to unload ptir- I'huhi-M uiuuoiiii | | iu liniakH It wag dotiutle * rnuliilinc ulu of lout ; wheat that clieaktx xUat taiuUcU tu Uu k good bull inarkv nd turned Into a vro.ik ono Cable act- vlcfji wciu uniformly strong and re- elpts mnall. except In whout and Hour ovurtiOO.OOO biiiihcli nnil nil outside nmrUcti fdntlvrly stroiiKor than C'lilcago , The flood > f rcnlUliiR sales wai nunicletit to ovcrcomo lili nnd produced weakness. It foreign ad * vlcci como In ntions tomorrow nnd Iho export lemand continues u active as It hns been to- lay wu mny look for better prices. Possibly ho expectation of a bear government report omorrnw mny liavo nddcd to today's wcuk- ions. Corn and onts woio firm. ThU wet weather Interferes with the movement of 'rain In Interior points and checks the In- llnntlon to noil. Io an tc Co to Toncray It Ilrynn ll lier Kieneh nnd Cngllsh cables , cold , back ward weal her In this country. InrRooxpoits rom thu Atlantic seaboard failed today to ndvam'o the price of whoat. I ach day wo imu sensational ( tU rlcsof ChtciiRooxpnrtoni elltiiK for shipment from Dtiltitli , SI. I.ouls nnd here , till of which are accepted as facts , nnd Iho market spurts up from He to Ic per bushel on them. An advance of ? i was mudo today nn such reports but thn advance was short lived. Wo ute now on a basis of 41s per innrtur of 450.000 against 42x M for 5 0 of Call- ornla , and California cargoes cnn bo pnr- cha-sed nt this price for this month , and for Ivo months In advance , practically buying fhcat fiom .six to nlno months ahund ( roe of storage , Insuraneo or Whllo our whnat , nnd this applies to .Ml Atlantic sea ports , can bo landed In nny port In tlm United vlnuiloni within twenty-onu days. The Call- Urnla cargoes , tire speculatho purchases , vhllo anything wo sell must be for Immediate entitlements. The United Kingdom has miiBlituhoutuU thuy need at present and vlth line weather , which will como soon , wo think lower prices will follow. The growing : iop ofwlnter Is backward but Its condition s pel feet and present prospects nro It will bo i lingo If not the largest ciopovor raised. In- llcatlons for a gooil crop of spring. There 1s til tlio moisture needed , Corn fairly autlvc. W. 0. MeCormlck It Co. to SwartSt Co. The statement that llgiircs never llo hoc-mod oho negative today by the l < 'reicli ; cables. Those received from public sources reported is much as n franc advance , while our private tdvleosspoko of a heavy market and lower. low such contradiction could lumpen In re- lortlng what should bo accurate lltinres Is a nystcry. The outcome proved our pri vate advices to bo correct , as thu latter enhles were weak and lower. The bears were > nly too glad to take advantage of this lo iiinuncr prices , nnd they succeeded In closing he market lowe.r In hplto of some bull news it home. It was reported rell'ibly that twen- y-clght loads of wheat had been worked for llrect i\port from here and Duluth. Clear ances from the various ports : ; i87d. " > 0 bushels it wheat , 77,000 packages of Hour. Itceolpts nt Im cloven primary points were 'JI'J.ou and hhlpmi'itls Uil.ixx ) . Corn and oats liavo been very dull and thu mtii Pet has. shown n decided nek ofoiitsldu trade. The llnctiiatlons were small nnd the trading uninteresting. Wo cnn- Blili'f thu market very heavy and July in both Icals n good short Hale. Provisions were lack- 113 In animation and strength which wnscx- ilblted vesterday. Trailers who hnvu been lanklng on the removal of the German em- jaigoon our hog products were selling thulr ongstillT today. Kvcn should the embargo ) u removed , which seems Improbable for the iresent , It would not render available forox- ) oi t for liormanv for the piesont Hloiks as ho Inspection rules which have been agreed ipon bv tlio United States require that export neiits ihall bo Inspected as soon ns the hogs ire killed , which of coursu shuts out meats ilready mndo. The close of the market Is leary and It would have taken butnfow nero offerings to have broken prices ( minor. CHICAGO blVK STOCK JtAltKET. CHICAGO. AprllO. [ Special Telocjratn to THE lEE.1 UATTMJ A light run Is at last beginning .o liavo n stimulating effect on the general mirket , but today was thu first tlmo this week hat both salesmen and buyers ngrccd that irlccs ruled sttong and steady on big heavy , steers and IOc higher on nice , hundy weights , ind In fact about everything carrying' a fair showing of llesh sold from steady to sluing , . 'at cows and heifers , such as suited the shop trade , wcro rather scarce , and sold quickly at i slight advance , but there was llttlo or no change In either demand or prlco on canning slock , The weather was rainy and stormy which was against tlio Ntoeker ami foedur Undo , hcnco there was only light business nt steady prices. Ono load of sloors , averaging I.S7S pounds sold nt $ ( ! . " " > . nnd other good to choice steers nttV..iQ.'i.DU ; medium. { I.75R.YOO ; common , $1.0 © ! . - " > : cows and helfeis , $2.75 ® 4.50 ; stockers , * . ' .7lK3l.2. > . Iloos lluslness wasonly moderately active , with prices strong and IOc lower all along tlio line. Hut nt the extreme close there wns a iiotter demand and the general market closed steady nt a decline. Hut few loads ot good stock was sold. Uoiigh and common wtirosold at tl.riOi34.GO ; mixed and paokcrs , (4.7.V33.I5 ; iirlmn heavy and butcher weights. $ . 'i.i'0 I'l ght , $ ) to y .15j light-light. $ J.7Mt.2J. ) STOCKS AMt IfOMiS. NEW YottK , April 0. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUB. ] The bull market continued on the boisterous tenor of Its way this morning. Nearly every stock on the list except Itlch- mend Terminal advanced 1 point or so In the first hour of business. Trad In ; was active , the tickets rattled vigorously , new faces were seen down town , stock brokers were smiling. In short , Wall street seemed to have been urousod Into new life. St. I'aul wns ngnln the loader of the market. Thcio was much dis cussion ns to the cause for this. Many things favor St. I'aul at present , ovun moro than the grangers. Hut the reason why St. I'aul Is the leader is because It Is n speculative favorite both abroad and heic. Men like to speculate in It for no special reason o.xoopt that It Is popular. The other grangers pressed St. I'aul linr.l , however , DurMtutim & Qulnoy especi ally. The day of the grangers seems to bo dawning , thanks to better rates , \rtieat and corn prospects and low prices for the stock , although It ndvanccd about 1 per cent. The selling has been of thu sumo character as yes terday , and It Is clearly for long account. Tlio maiket has been fed with the stock as It would tiiku It-am ! In no way to force a decline. The polntois In Chicago gas were that It would have n boom n number ot points today. It did go up about 1 percent early In the dnv. but there was plenty of stoek for sale , and thereafter It gradually declined , although not closing at tlio lowest point. It Is announcca that thu trust bus resolved to disband , assets to bu distributed to stockholders. Wo have had a number of consiilcuous examples of un successful efforts to dissolve trusts nnd It Is quite likely this ono will not meet with Letter luuk than others , and that this alf'ilr may bo tied up In litigation. The general market closed some elf from the highest prices and quiet. It would be only natural for prices to sag oil'sonio under thu circumstances before udvancliu further. Sterling exchange weak. Money easy at IHt-lSS per cent. Total sales. 414,7111 shares. Kennett. Hopkins ft Co. to S. A. McWhortor Gossip about the stock market up town last night was moro bullish than bearish when everybody hnd the tip to sell Northern I'acllle on reports that Vlllard and his friends In the Doittsehu bank of Ilerlln wore to be deposed. Thu denials of these reports nil come from VMIard's friends and Uormun houses who are loaded with stocks and bonds. It Is nevertheless - tholess bollexod that Northern I'uclfle con nection with the Deutsche bank pooulo Is threatened and may terminate. Neverthe less a strung plot was mndo hero tn stendv and It possible , to check tlio decline. Tlio pool In bt. I'.inl has also been revived and be sides buying by Armour and Commnck sov- i-ral of tint sharpest tradorsjn the room have been buying , Including Uccordova , Nlckols and Jones. The market was full of buyers when the ex change opened this morning. Thostrong clos ing of yesterday not only stimulated buying by local traders and supplied commission brokers with moro than they had had In along while , but gave tone to the London market and brought buying or.iers from tliatuuarter. London wns particularly n heavy buyer of St , I'uul and Union I'aclllc. and probably a largo percentage of this buying was to cover shorts in this market , which may have been put against along Interest held In London. In any event , It was Just as eireetlvo as though ft were fresh buying. The disposition of traders since the early orders were executed had been to work for a loaetlon , but the mar ket has shown such great stiength thnt they luivo apputcntly a number ot them covered their safes at a Ions. Transactions have been heavy , and wo Judge the market has ovonu J up , the shorts having covered and longs real- zed uultu freely , Northern 1'aelllo piefoired has again boon a weak feature. London closing prices : Northern I'aolllo ! iv " ' J'Vllo ! ; ! * > ! fcru ! 1U1V ndvnneoil . ' . ; Lake Shore 1K1 > 4. advanced V. Loulsvlllo & Nash- vlllo 7 4 , uilvuiiccd IS : Ht. Paul i . advanced Hi : I'nlon I'aclllo 4- , , advanced 1 ; Atohlson .V'l.udvnnced'i. The London stock market was strong but narrow. The following are the closing quotations : U. S. U reul'tnrud . . Northern I'nclllo 21 It , 8. 4s coupon ! . irjU do preferred ITV IT H \ < 4i rtficlituroil , IW C. . N. .V W , 107 . H. 4 couponi.lUJ Un profit ( oxillTl8 ) | rmllei ! ; of 'W . lit Now VorkCentral. . . , 10JW t'Piitrul 1'aelllc . SO ! ' . , . * an ] riilrnim A Alton , . .IU Ituck Island ; < H ClileKKu , llurllniilon U..M. A St. I- | H Aljulney . 8T1 do preferred 112 H..LAW . isiiw St. I'uul , V Omaha. . . , 2&H Illinois 1'i'ntrnl . U7k iloprnferriiil. , 14 I..II.A.W . . . . Union 1'aclnc 48 Knnint ATiuui . 12 U * | UK Uu prcfcrruil 18X Mlchliinn Central. . . . Vj < Wi'atorn Union bl ) | Mlxourl 1'iH-lllo . TU closed oITeicd at 3 I'IIIIIE MciirA.vnw. I'App.n &a8 per cent. bTKHUNn r.xfiijNtiB-Qulut. uiislur ; sixty- day bills , et.bO'i ! demand ,'j. StookH. SAS niANCiFCO , Onl. . April & [ Special Tele gram to TUB IlKG. ] When thu call opened this morning the milling stockbrokers wwouio- piired for blglior price * , and buylns orders were numerous. Tlio Impression bcoms to bo gaining ground that the market Is going to do bettor. North end btooka still claim the largett tUaro ot uttoiitiou ou the Btrougth o : tha reported flourishing condition of the Con solidated California and Virginia. They wcro largely dealt In this morning at an advr.nco. Upiilr sold up to iflOO ; Mexican nt ; Clould .V Curry , frJ.20 , and Hcjt t Hotelier , J0.75. Trans- net Ions In ConsulIdnted California were heavy. The prlco ranged up to (12.62(4 ( , which wns the llguro bid for any tinrtof a thousand. There wns u gooddcmnnu for I'otosl South , nnd Corn- stocks was fairly nctlvo nnd the tone firm. The demand was dull for outside stocks. The market closed heavy , with prices steady. NEW YOIIK , April 0. ISpoclnl Telegram to THE HUE. ) The following nro thu minim ; stock quotations : Alice Horn Silver 8 Adams Con IK ) Moilrnn . , SW ConCal nnrt Va IKS Plymouth , 190 Gould A Currjr. . . . . . 205 Standard 120 llnloaml Norcross. . im Vollow Jacket 270 Homeitako i. 87.'i CnfTco Options. NEW YOHK , April P. [ Special Telegram to Tun HER. ] Cori'EK Outlons opened steady at 5 points down to 5 points up , nnd closed firm nt I02.i points up. The Bales were 11,150 bags , Including April. { 17.Oi217.IO ; May , $10.1X5 ( R17.05 ; June. ttB.7.vain.80 : July , Iliur.@l0.50 ; August , Jil.l5l | < l,2.i i September. tl.Vfi.ViilA.80t December , $ H.M < ai4.CO. Spot Itlo , dull and steady ; fair cargoes 120.00 ; No. 7 , tlB.OO. A'llOltVCK. CniCAno , April 0. Wheat Clo-o K.isy ; Corn-Steady ; cash.ofl-uaWiic ; ' MnyJ COM ® CO'sOi July , 01'iffifllc. Oats Kasy ; cash , 53cj } May , 5c ( ; July.MJ.ic. Ilyo Me. llarIuy--78JlSOc. I'/ , wiilskv ? l'.l' < l. I'ork-T.asy ; cash , J12.37 ! , ! May. J12.M ; July. Lord Hnsy ; cash , IO.G2ii ! Mny , Jfl.7C > ; July , J7.02'7.o.V ' Short Klbs Easy ; cash , $0.00 ; Siay. $0.10 ® G.IS'i ' ; July. M.45 < ao.4iM. I'loiir Mrni ! dealers in somes onscs nsklng nn ndvnnce ; winter whcnt , Wis consin piralghts. J4.IKHJll.4J ; do cli-nr , JI.10 © 4.20 ; spring wheat , .Minnesota hard patents , ( \UOiV > .10 : soft patent , * l-j\00. Hulk Meats-Sliouldurs , J. " > . ( KXTti 10 ; short cloir , J,14ivrc0.4i : short ribs. SC.OOiit.0i. ( ? Ittittcr Lower ; creamery , 1724c ; dairy , Chcesn Plrm ; full cream ehoddars. 11 © 12iliats. ; . tlffil2c ; Young Americas , 12l2jc. ! Kggs Weaker ; fresh , r.'ai.'lc. Hides Steady ; heavy green salted , Co light green salted , fi'ieSlSo ; gieen hides , 4i/8'i ! ( ; salted bulk , 41c ; green salted calf. Sc ; dry Mint , f < c ; dry salted , 07c ; dry calf. MlOoj dea cons , .r > 2o each. Tallow Steady ; Now solid packed , quotable nt lic. ! Itocolpts. Shipments. Klour 20.000 10.000 Wheat , bu 23,000 IIO.OJO Corn , bu 108,000 00,000 Oats , bt 8.i.OOD 113.00J N'EwYoiiK. April 0. Wheat Hecolpts. 31f-00 bushels ; nxporls. ICi.tOO ; spot lower , closing weak ; No. 2 red , $ I.174 In elevator ; Jl.l'J ' allont ; * 1.18K1.10's f. o. b. Options steady ; declined , closing lUliO ? lower for the day on weak I'nrls cables on better crop ptospects and also on account of Increased amounts on oll'er on the opening of navigation. No. 2 red , May. closed at ( I.K1 ! ( . Corn Receipts,411,100 bushels ; exports , 14,000 bushels ; spot weak ; No. 2 , 77'J7Slio ' In ele vator ; 78SS7l > Mc nJluat ; ungraded mixed , 77 ® 70c. ! Opt Ions comparatively neglected , clos ing lover ; May closing utTU c. Oats Receipts , a , OJO bushels ; exports , 800 bushels ; spot weaker ; No. 2 white , GOlJWHo ; mixed western , 57&fl2c ( : white western , < JlG7o. Options lower ; April , M'jle. Sugar Haw. llrmor ; fair refining , 3 3-KvaiUc ; centrifugals , JU-10c3ic ; rollncn , active and Ilrm. rotroloum United closed , Mny option , 74o. ! Bags Lower ; western , ISc. 1'ork Quiet ; now mess , JIJ.avati.7r : . Lard Much lower ; western steam , JC.90 ; May closing at Jfl.04. Huttor Steady ; western clnliy. 12S22c ; western creamery , 2l2ro ; Kliln. 2iijjc. Ohcoso-l'irm : skims , 0'/ttOc. ST. Louis , AprllO. Wheat Irregular ; cash , SI.OSJ4 : May , tl.OJj. ? Corn Irregular ; cash , 69c ; May , CIO. Oats Lower ; c.ish.15 ! ic ; May , .VJiic. 1'ork Kirm at $12.50. Lard rirm at J0.50. Whlslcy Steady at (1.10. Hutter Steady and unchanged. MINNKAPOMS , April 0. Wheat Strong nnd Hlilo higher ; market n llttln slow. Kccelpls , 100cars ; shipments. HO cnrs. Close : No. 1 hard , April , JI.OO ; on track , II.UG i ; No. 1 northern. Aiirll , J1.02 ; May , JI.02U ; on track , $ l.triK < $ No. a northern , April , JI.01 ; on track , KANSAS CITV. April 0. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 cash , Die ; April , Olc bid ; No. 2. red , caMi , $1.00. Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , GJ' C ; April , 01'/ic. ' Oats-Steady ; No. 2 cash , 5353J ! e ; April , 52e. ! CINCINNATI , April 9. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 rod , Jl.osJf. Corn I'lrmor ; No. 2 mixed. 73i74o. ! O.ts : firm ; No. 2 mixed , SJSJc , Whlsky-81.10. MILWAUKEE , April 0. Wheat Kaslcr ; No. 2. spring and cash , (1.03@t.OS ; May , Jl.uoji. Corn Kirm ; No. a , OsffldS'/lc. Oats Steady ; No. 2. wlilto. 50c. Provisions Eublor ; pork , May , J12.05. LIVCIIPOOL , April 1) ) . Wheat Firm ; demand fair. fair.Corn Corn Firm ; demand fair. ,1VII STOtHC. OiiiCAdO. April 0. Cattle Itooolpts. 11.000 ; market Meudy to strong ; steers , extra , $0.25 ; common to choice , $ J.OOt1500 ( : cowsund helfois , $ ? .751.50 ; stoekers , 2.70I.S5. Hogs Kocolpts , 33.000 ; market moderately active , Ktrong ; lough and common , tl.5J4.0u ; mixed and packers $ l.757&5.1. * > : prime heavy and butcher weights , 8V.55.35 ; light , $1.0055 5.15. 5.15.Sheep Receipts. 10,001 ; market active , higher ; natives$5.0 > ® 5.75 ; westerns$5.25QVSO ; Iambs , & .50&0.40. KANSAS CITV , April 0. Cattle Receipts , 1,100 ; shipments , 3.0JU ; market htrong ; stcer $ .l.75Hlo ; cows. < 1.751.2i ; stockers and fcod- ori.a.25tl.l5. Hogs Receipts. 0,500 ; shipments , 4,000 ; mar ket stiong and higher ; all grades , $3.3 ® 5.05. ST. Louts , April 0. Cattle-Receipts. 803 ; shipments , CJO ; market steady ; fair to fancy ii'itlvo steers , $ I.OO5.U ) ; stookers and feeder ) , $ .1.0034.00. Hogs-Receipts , 4,400 ; shipments , 3,200 ; mar ket stiong ; heavy , $ o.l)0525 ; mixed , $1.00 ® 5.10 ; light. $4.834. 5. O31A H.I / , / ' / ; STOCK. OMAHA , April 0. OATTLE Estimated receipts of cattle 1,000. as compared with 1,834 yesterday and 1,874 Thursday of last week , The market was about steady on the best beovos. and weak and uneven on others. Itutcher' stock was active and fully steady. Feeders were aotlvo and strong. lions ICstlmntca receipts of hoes 3.COO. ns compared with 4.S.W yesterdny nnd 6.DU1 Thursday of lust week. The market wns active and lOo higher. All sold early. Tlio range ot the prices paid wns fl,40i.05 , the bulk selling nt II.75 ® ! IH. I'lgs. J2.00jt3.5j ; light-lights. jaMiJI.2. > ; light , S4.4U < ai.85 ; heavy. J4.805.05 ; mixed , W.7.va4.l'5. ' The nvorago of the prices paid was $4.8.1 as compared with W.74 * yesterday and $1.110 Thursday of last week. I'or the llrst tlmo In two years hogs touuhcd the $5.00 lino. SllEKi1--Estimated receipts of sheep. 307 , ns computed with I,0i4 yesterday nnd l.liWThurs- day of last week. The market was active and Urm. Natives , * . ' .7.ViflVI5 ; westerns , * i5'JI.U5. BTEEIIS AM ) HEIfEltS. n. . en 4 70 cows. 13. , 012 S X > 800 300 8. , IIJ 2 f > Q lli .104.1 315 4. HIT 300 l | " 25 325 3. , 1MK ) 3 110 ' . 1000 325 7. Hl.r > 3 00 Si' .1113 at5 : 7.r 3 00 350 r 050 3 00 8TOCKEIIJ AND FEBDEUR. i. . no a 05 a , , eoo ass 2. . 385 100 1. . HO 3 75 I'KIS AND IIOL'OII. 1 IRO 200 2 20.1 ICO 300 1 100 8 ( K ) 7 107 310 21 M 250 i 8 < o a no 53 82 275 27 119 375 No. Av. I'r. 145 westerns , mixed , tailings U'l $385 40 westerns , mixed , tailings til 250 3 goats lJ ) 350 OJ/.J/M n'llOLKSALE JIAltKKTti. GrncurloK. CFrni-Oroen-Hlo ) : , 2224c ; Java. 27c ; Mocha , 2Sc. Itoasted-Arlosa 20 l-10c ; Mc- ory , 71/tase. NUTS-I'or pound Almonds , 18o ; Hra/lls , iic : ; lllbcrts , 13o ; pec.ins , l.TitUe ; walnuts , 15c ; poanitts. fancy white , ( lo ; roasted , be. fcAi.T-Dalry. 20 Ibs In bbls , bulk , filO ; hest grades , UO r > s. $2,40 ; best grade. 100 3s , ; best grade , 28 Hist , J2.40 ; rock salt , crushed , IIAKINO I'owiiKit Itoynl , dime cans , per dor , OSc ; 'ib cans , $1.45 ; ' /-lbcans. J2.M ; 1-lb cans , $ , - > .00 ; Price's , ' , -lb cans , J1.35lb ; cans , } 2. : > 0 ; l-lb cans , J4.75 ; other kinds , 1-lb cans per do ? , ( WiiAi'i' I'Ai'Kit Per Ib. best straw , 15x18 to33x44.17.e ; dry goods , 4Ve ; extra quality manllla , OHc ; maiillln tea , 12.xlS , Oc , dark rag , hut d ware , 2 ? e. Oits 150 prime white , Bo : 153 water white , ll'.ic ' ; headlUht. 1. c ; 74 gasoline. ll',4e. Oil cans 1 gal. J3.00G3 25 ; 2 gal , $ .1.7 23 80 ; 5 gal , boiiA I'aokascs , 50 Ibs to box , 5'Ic ; kegs. ' TEAS Japan , basket fired , 2K25'Of sun dried. 3.va4ic ; green , 21HV > 0 ; gnnpouder , 2U30u : Ku- gllsh bteakfast , : i.V.v Yuuug Hyson , 20'toc ; OoloiiL' , 2.Vti4"f ; 2-lh package dust , ISo. AXI.E OiiKASi : I'or 'gro'-s ' Frazlcr's large tins. $ M.G ) ; medium tins. M7.0J ; small , J1S.OJ ; other makes , oed , # , ' > .0t@8.50. lli.\CKlNl ( lidoIh hov , 33 < a.7. > o : ladles' shoo drcssiiijt. WuBJI.OO ; stove polish , per gross , lll.uiNO Liquid , 4 oz. .1 dnz In box 0)c ) < 3.$1.7.-i ; 8oz. adoIn box , ? l.j045'.75 ; dry , small , 2Jo : argo , 45C1. | SiucKS Pepper Singapore , sifted , ir > ® lfic ; shot , 2.'c : alKplce , lOo ; cloves Pcniing , select ed , ITfU'Jc ' ; cahslii , ( Jhlni : , 4-lb matsOc ; nut- mogs. No. 1,75c ; nmcai.ior , ( we ; plukllng spices , 10-11) bois,2 ! , " > i ; . i CIIOCOI.ATK. KTC. 12-lb boxes. .llfo'lSc : Ger man sweet,2224o ; cocoa , 3 © 40c ; llroino , 32c. COCOASUT 15-1 b eases , ' .i nnd JJ-lb pnck- nges , per Ib , WS27c ; bulk , 15-lb palls , 25o. OMVKS Quarts , per doi 1.00 ; pints , per do ? . JJ.M ; bulk , per gal , $1.20. Ollvo oil , ! i pints , 2 do ? per ease , $1..W1" > .20. MAi'Mi SUOAII Per ib 5o cakes , ,10-lb boxes , Wo ; lOo cakes , 30-lb IKU'CS , IS o ; 1-lb bricks , 3J Ibs in box , pure , 14c. ' HHOO.MS 5-tlo parlor , $1.00 ; 4-tle , ? 2.75 ; 3-tle , IAI'5 ; 3-tle. plain. 81.80 ; warchousL' * , W.OO ; toy , J1.25 ; wlilsk. * 1.001.25. SOAP -Castile , mottled , per Ib , 10o ; do white , porlb. 14c ; laundry soap , per 100 bars , JU.15 ® 6.00 : shaving soup , per doz ; toilet soap , 3 cakes per box , 50ca.25. I'MtiNACKOus OOODS Harley , 4o ; ftirlna. kegs , $5.03 ; split peas , 2u ; green peas , 2e ; oat- mea' ' , bbls. M.2.V&I1.50 ; half bbls , $ .1.2. 34.40 ; macaroni. 12o ; vermicelli , 12c : sago and tapi oca , OftUiJo ; Lima beans. ; cerealInc.itJ.24 ; llaked hominy , 3io ! ; penrl hominy , JJ.50 per bbl. bbl.LVE Lewis' iierfumed$4 53 ; lied Cross , $4.25 ; American , J3.2o ; Saponlller. $4.25 : Merry War , $2.0J ; Star , scrubbing , $1.75 ; Ulllett's pow- dered , ! H. \ .Mtr.K Condensed Eagle , $7.40 ; Crown , $ n.2."i ; Anirlo Swiss , JU.70 : Amurlcan Swiss , i7.0J ; HUhlaml , Jai5s "Illgl."lf5.,0. ( KXTUAOTS l.emon , 2 oz. 5" > oJiI.80 : 4 or. JI.OO ffi'XDO ; vanilla. 2 o/.funGJ-.tOi 4 oz , SI/rxao.oTi ; Jamaica glngor , 4 oz , JI.S. ) . MATCHES Parlor. 200 and I X ) per box , Jl.Gj ® 1.7ii ; sulphur. SUVai.UJ. CANDY Mixed , ; u-lb palls , 84S8 ! 4'e ; stick , S'/Jc ; twist stickOc : French mixed , WJc ; hoar- hound stlfk , S'jc ' : jar unil case candles , 5-lb boxes. I.va21c : extra line gooils , .V 'fic. lluusiius Shoe , per do/ . * l.2.VBi.tu ) : : daubers. 75c(3ifl.0i ( ( : scrub brushes , tiOc&t..OO. lliitn SKEII Mixed bird , l-lb packages , 3c ; canary , 4ic ! ; hemp , 4''ic ; anise , 15c. UANIIMS : 40 Ibs to box , OSJoj mining , 10 ® lOHcMIX ; , lie. TUIIACCO I'lnociit , ncrlb. 2T > 327o ; plug , 22 Cl'Ho : smoking , 2'HiKic ; fancy brands , OJe © MOLASSES / bbls N . O. fancy , per gal. 4C ® CiiiKlt Per bbl , roflncd , J0. " 0 : half bbl , $11.50. TWINKS , COIIDAHI : . Kic. Cotton twine , "Illbb. " very line , ' -Ib bnles , 22s : cotton twine , XX brand , Ji-ib bales , Ibo ; homi ) twine , ! 4-lb bales , 18c ; sail twine. 2ue : candle wick , 22c ; 40-foot cotton clothes line , SI.40 : 03-foot cot ton clothes Hue , JI.HJ ; ( X-foot ) sisal lines , f 1.73 ; 01-footJntu , ifl.Kij wool twines , bSo ! ; Manilla , roiio , all sl/es from 7-10 to 1 In , llo ; sisal rope , all sizes from 7-10 to 1 In , So ; "new process , " allsl/fs fiom 7-10 to 1 In , 7'/ic ; cotton rope , Ji-ln , 15c. , ViNEnAit Apple elder. lOc ; double cider , ISo ; white wine , I2e : triple strength 1'Jc. ' STAIICII I'or Ib , ( 4iSc. 1'ICKI.ES Medium , bbls , Sfl.OO : small JIO.OO ; gcrknis. $11.00 ; Boston mixed $12.0. ) WoonnswAiiK I'erdo/cn Tubs , No. 1. $7.M ; No. 2. $ < i.50 ; No. II , J'1.53 : heeler , oak grain , 5-ln , best , $1.50 ; white cedar , 4-ln. best , tl.'X ; hoops , No. Istriped , J5.00 ; cedarl ! brass hoops No. 2stilped , ; liorse. extra heavy , No. 1 , $2.73 ; well buckets M.25 , Uutterwnro Tubs , nsh. : i-lnch , per nest , 7'ic : ash. 2-Inch , 2 largo size , tier nest , 4 : > c ; butter ladlns , hard wood , 7lo ; butter paddles or spades. TOe. Wash boards-Single , * 1.402.00 ; double , S2.50a,23 , Clothespins T > gross boxes. HOc. OANNBII rutiiTa ( lallfurnla Apricots , $255 berries , (2.25 ; nispbeifles. $ .1.1)0 ) ; strawberries , $2.VO ; currants. $ , ' .25\'uoosoberrles2.25 ; plums , O/RS , $ | ,85I.i5 ! ; plums , green gages , $1.85 ® 1.1)5. ) 1.astern canned fruit Peaches , secondc , $2.202.)0 ) ; apples , : $ liil.l5 ; gal. K doz In case , $ : i.75 ; gooseberries Kultlmoru standard , 2 Ib , box , llJet cnnants , new , 5'iu ' : Votl/zl currants , e.\tra. In boxes , Ojivj peaches , Cal. . choice , 17'ic ; California ilrlod grapes. In bags , Co ; heedless MilMinas , , wuils : , lUc ; mtiNcatels ( Ic ; now Valencia , 7'lo ; Undura , layer , 8iic : ( Igs , layers. Hlt2Ju ; citron , Leghorn , "Ju ; lemon peel , 15o. ' ' 1'iiKSH MKATS 1'rpOi hams , 20 Ibs. nvg. , 8jc ! ; fri'slihams. 111 Ibs. itvp , 8to ; flesh hams , 12 Ibs. avg. , ll'io ' : fresh shoulder * , Mjoi pork loins , 8e ; pork tenderloins , 13c ; leaf lard , not rendered , 8c ; spare ribs , .V. POIIK AMI llHEK.-lliirrolled Now mess pork , $13.00 ; new nrimu moss pork. $11.50 ; uxtru prime pork. $ ( ; clear back pork , heavy. $13.75 : clear back pork , inmilum , $13.25 : short cut clear pork. $12.5' ) ; pig pork , $13.50 ; new extra moss bi-ef , $7,10 ; extra plato lici-f , faui ) ; iilato beef , tf.Hi ( ; rolled bnnelo-H beef , $ J.OO ; boneless rumps , tU.OO ; shoulder clods. Jil.UO. Dnv SALT MIAI ; > l-'at bucks , ( j'e ' : loan backs , O e ; extra short clears , O' c : bclllrs , 10 to2 > ) lliav , O'.cj Hhort ribsfl'.o ; short eleurs , fi\e ; long elenis , O'gc ' ; nhouldora , 5ofoiler / | baeks , 5He , SMOKED MEATH. Dry Salt Cured Iliicon. long oleurs , li'.ei hhort clrarn , 7c ; extra short clears , fl'so ; bullies , clear stilps , 7Uo , bellies , ulnur wldo , TUo ; hhort ribs. O'io ; Hhoulder , 5'Jo ; fat bucks , 7c ; loan backs , 7'iC. t-MOKKnMEATS Hams , extra light , u to 10 Ihs avor'ige. IOc ; liiims , light. 11 to 12 Ihs aver age , U'4o : ilaniH , medium. 14 to 15 Ibs average , IHic ; heavy. 20 to 22 Ibs inerage. li'io ' ; extra heavy. 23 to U IbH nveruse. B'.c ; Hklnned silo ing , Is to S3 Urn nvorngr. Uo : California plcnlo ha fl'so ; N , Y. Khoulders.U'iCi Hoaton shoul ders , U to 8 Ibs average. fl" o | boneless ham , 7 o ; Hpleed boneless rolls , 7 > ie ; breakfast bacou , clear , B to 7 Ib strips , 6Joi biuuklmt incon , rib , 7' ci beef tongues , ISc t dried beef mm , sots , H c ! dried berf regular , So ; dried jcof olocK 7lic | fancy lonn backs , 7'nc. Spec- al Hams , 12 tu 13 Ibs uvcrngc , lie ; breakfast Daron , He. I'uiin LKAr LAitn-llcst kettle icnncd , tierces , 7'ict bbls. 7 ioj half bbls , 7\e. PITIIE IAltl ) | Tierces , 7c : bbls. 7'o : half bbls. The : .MMb ting. 100 Ibs cases , 7'ici 20-lb tins.0 ( Ihs cases , 7 0 : 10-lb p.ills. W ) Ibs cases , 7Vct 5- Ib palls , GO Ibs cases , 71ic ; 1Mb palls , GO Ibs cases , to. llKKKToxmiES-Swcot pickled , sugar cured , bbls , 200 Ibs. $ KOO | half bbls , lee Ibs , flUfl. POIIK ToNdUKS Sweet pickled , sugar cured , llalf bbls , 100 Ibs , t7.30j quarter bbls , 60 Ibs , LA'MIIS' TONOIT.S Pwi-ot-plcklcd-Ruaar- ctircd half barrels , 100 Ibs , tT.OOi quarter bar rels , M Ibs. $4.00. Hi'icr.D lio.Nia.rsg Pias' llocus-iCookcd ) llalf barrels , M ibs , $4.70 ; quarter barrels , 40 Ibs , $ . ' .00 ; eighth banels , 20 Ibs , $1.53 ; kits , 13 Ibs , $1.03. Si'icr.D Pins' ToNnur.a ( Cooked ) Half hnr- roK SO Ibs , $11.50 ; quarter barrels , 41 Ihs. Kt.00 ! eighth barrels. 20 Ibs , $ .1.00 ; kits. 15 Ibs. $2.50. Hi'lCED LA.Mlis'ToNltlsCooked : Half bbls , Wlbs. ) $ IO.W ! quarter I bK 40 Ibs. $3.50 ; eighth bbls. SO Ibs. $2.Ni : kits , 13 Ills , $2.23. PiCKt.r.i ) Tiiii-K llhls. 'Mi Ibs. $4 23 ; half bbls , = 0 Ibs , $2.00 ; quarter hbls , 40 Ibs , $1.00 ; eighth bbls , 20 Ibs. We ; kits , 15 Ihs. 50t. . I'tCKi.r.u Pins' I < IIT : llbls. 200 Ibs , $ rt.20 ; half hbls 80 Ibs , $2.t5 : ; quarter bbls , 40 Ibs , $1.23 ; eighth bbls , 20 lln : , l.V ; kits. 15 Ihs. 53c , E llologtm , 4c : I'rankfiirts or wlc- ncrwnist , 7cs tongue. 7Ue ; blood , 4jc ! : liver , 44c ; head cheese. 4'icj Polish. 7c ; summer sausage , 12o ; pork sausage , links , Go ; pork sausage meat , In tin palls , 5'Jc. OII.H. TALLOW AMI bTiiAitiNi : Pure noat's- footoll , Me per gallon ; pure neat's-foot oil , 5- sal. cans , iV > e per gallon ; A 1 tallow , 5Jic per Ih ! stcarlno. Scper Ib. Hicn Java , Gc ; choice. Co ; fancy , Gc. ; head G'ic. nary , lvaio. ( Peas-2-lbearly .June. $1.23 ; 2-lb Manow , standard brands , $1.10 ; 2-lb roaked 70c. Trcni'li peas -per cnso of 103 , f'(8'-.00 ! ( liordoz. String beans 2-lb high grade. 85o ; J-lb wax beans. Mo ; 2-lb stilng bo.ins , 60c. Lima beans 2-lb soaked. 8jc. lloston baked lip.ins : i-lb , $1. 3 ® ! , " . Sweet potatoes Il-lb New Jcrsev , 11.31) ) ; D-lb okra and tomatoes. ; il-lb okra , $ l.fii ) ; asparagus. 1Mb , ti-SI ® 1.73 ; rhubarb , U-lb , $1.40 ; .succotasli , $ l.2l)4t ) 1.25. R C. twin flats , per Ib , 12 > Jc ; P 0 loung American , lllc : domestic Swiss , I54c ! : brick. Ho : Kdiiin , in foil , each , $1.03. CiiACiciilts-Soda , fie ; ovster , 5c ! ; cream , 5o ; ginger snaps , 8lc ! ; 20 per cent oil on 10- bolots. . StidAii Granulated , 5c ; ouhcs , 5'ei ' eut oaf. 8'4o ; powdered , standaid , 5jc ! ; XXXX , Kiwdcii'd , c : yellow O. 4'ic : canary , < ? , c ; Ight extra C , Gc ; confectioner ! , ' A. G' c. Country I'rotlucc. The egg market continues weak and a'so tlio butter market. Hay commands htlir ii Ices. n < ws The market yesterday was weak nt I2o , anil with anything like a largo run wouln lavecomo down .still lower. It was lopoitcd that there wassomo cutting under 1-c. HAY liecelpts were light anil some dealers ook to sec H go oven higher. Yesterday good hay wont al $14.0015.00. GAME A good many ducks are ai riving , hut they are still poor in llesh and not much sought after. Some dealers are writing their customers that they do not want thorn. The small and mixed ducks sell right around $1.00 , and mallards $2.00S2.iO. ! PoiJLTitv Hecelpts were not heavy and the market fully steady , l.lvo chickens went at H.50 < iti.75 : ; very choice , $4.91 ; dressed turkeys , 145J15c : ducks and geese , choice , $ ll@l2c. HUTrnii In one way the market hero Is In | ) ccullar. shape. The average receipts do not appear to bo so very heavy , but eastern mar kets are so low as to shut out the packers and shippers and that is weakening the market here. A few of tlio choicest country rolls sell as high as20c , and occasionally u little above thai market. A very largo proportion of the receipts has to bo sold at KV&ifcc. Vosct-iblcn. POTATOES Homo grown stock , fl.23 ; Colorado rado , } li3 : per bu. PII : PLANT Per dor , G1@7ic. : t'AULm.ow EU Per doz , $2.30. SPINACH Per bbl , $ i(0. ( LHTTUCK t'liolco stock , 4043e. ItiiTAiiAOAS Michigan stock , pcrbu , COe. HKETS--Por bbl. $ - ' . . ONiONS Spanlsh. largo crates , $0.30. UAHIIOTS I'or bbl , $2.23. CILIIIY : : Michigan stock , IOS43c ; California , perdofl.OO. . SWEET PoTATons Cholce stock is hold at $4.30 per hbl ; seed potatoes , W.OO per bbl. HADisnr.s Per doz bunches , 45c. PAIISNIPS Per bbl , $ .1.111) ) . OAIIIIAOI : Per lb,2iS.2 c. CucUMlifllS Per doz. $ l.5Xii2.00. ( rnLEUv KOOTS Per dnrv7io. HliANS L'holco stock. $2.00. _ I-'ru.sli ( ' "riiitH. OHANOES Navels. $3 001J5.23 ; Riverside , $ .123 : Duaitoand lUvoias , W.OO ; Uis Angolcb , J2.50 ; I'Moriita rnssot , Ji. ; . " > 0. AITLES Scarce : choice stock , fi.1 OJ10..13. ( JitANiiEituiES Hell & Cherry , $10.00 ; crates , $4.50. UIIAIM : TIIUIT Per box , $4.30. gTUAWUEIlHIES Pcrqt.SOC. Fur- . Haceoon , No. 1 , largo , 73c ; No. 1 medium , 50c : No. 1 , small. 40c : No. 2. 40c. Mink , No. 1 , lurtfe. JI.OO ; No. 1. medium , 73o ; No. 1 , small , 5 c : No. 2. M . Skunk , black , cased. No. 1. laice. $1.00 : No. 1 , medium , 7'ic ; No. 1 , small. GOc. Skunk , short stripe , cased , No. 1 , large , 73c ; No. 1. me dium , 30c ; No 1 , small , 23c. Skunk , narrow stripe , cased , No. 1 , largo , 40c ; No. 1 , medium , 23c. Skunk , broad strlj > o , c.ised , No. 1 , largo. 20e. 1'ox , cross , dark. No. 1 , large , $2.50 ; No. 1 , medium , $2.00 : No. 1 , small. $1.50 ; No. 2 , $1.50. Pox. red. No. 1. large , $1.50 ; No. 1 , medium. $1.00 : No. 1 , small. 75c ; No. 2 , ( Pc. Pox. gray. No 1 , large , 50c ; No. 1 , medium , ! ! 0c ; No. 1 , small , 20c. Wolf , mountain. No. 1 , largo..00 : No. 1 , me dium. $1.25 ; No. 1. small. 73o ; No. 2 , $1 03. Wolf , prattle. No. I. largo , $1.00 ; No. 1. medium , 75e ; No. 1 , sn $1.00. Otter , No. 1 large. $7.00 ; No. 1 medium , 15.00 ; No. 1 small , * J.dO ; No. 2 , $ . ' .50. Lynx. No 1 large , $2.M ( ; No. 1 medium. $1.2" > : No. 1 small 75c ; No. 2. $ I.OJ. Wildcat , No. 1 large , 50c ; No. 1 medium. llo ) ! No. 1 small , lite. Opossum. No. 1 large , U'c : No. I Miiall , .ic. Hadpcr , No. 1 largo , ( iOc ; No. 1 medium. 4'ie ; No. 1 hiniill. 'tOc. Wolverine , No. 1 large , $1,0) ) ; No. 1 medium , $ .1.110 ; No. 1 small. $2.00. Hear , black , No. 1 large , $20.00 ; No. 1 medium , $10.00 ; No. 1 small. $5.00. Hoar , grl/.ly. No. 1 large. $10.00 ; No. 1 medium , $0.0,1 : No. 1 small. $1.00. Hoar , blown. No. 1 large , $1.00 ; No. 1 medium , J2.80 ; No. 1 small. $1.00. Hear , cubs , No. I large. $1.00 ; No 1 medium. $2.5l ! ; No. 1 small , $ IH ( ) . Marten , No 1 lui'L'o. $2.00 ; No. 1 medium. $ ; No. 1 small , fall , per Ib. , No. 1 huge , l.'io to20c. Deer , winter - tor , per Ib. , No. 1 largo , 12o to ISc. Deer , salted , per piece , No. 1 largo , 23c to 73e. Ante- lopo. per Ib. , No. 1 lure. 12ii to l.'c. Klk , per Ib. , No. 1 largo , 80 to lOo. Miihkrat-IU. , W'ls , In. Winter. No. I largo , 17o ; fall. No. 1 mo- illum , 14e ; fall. No. 1 larue , 14c ; fall , No. 1 me dium. lloidamagcd , speared orshot.Oc. Muskrat - rat Southwestern and terrltoiy Winter , No. 1 largo , 14c ; winter. No. 1 medium , lie ; fall , No , 1 large. He ; fall. No. 1 medium. Bo ; dam aged , speared or shot 7e. . vvny will You. mailiclns con'ahiin- ' Continue to rso , msroury and l o a h , when you know ' that it wlll'iuln your hca' ih. Swift's - - | Specific -.S.S. while S. S. S. | i contains iu moi1- . - _ _ Iciirv or nelson of aTjMcnl , it is the only pennnnoat cure for conia ious Jllooil Taint , or Inh i It'd scrofula. 13 Howaro of olicap PURELY Imitations so- tat uti uloc ( ] , , , , ,1(1- , ( i nintoloj : ; ast its good. Tlioio , i nl ( n i - - . - . S. Take nothing else. gjox on DLOOD flo ( sxit Disuses HEE , T l\v ! " i ) i i In ' otanta , Go , VJAWTED Total Uiue of CITIES , COUNTIES. SCHOOL _ _ _ _ DISTRICTS. W/ATER COMPANIES , ST. R.R.COMPANIES.eto. Correspondence lollclttil. N.W.HARRIS &GOMPANYBankcrs. , li .i6S Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. IS V/ell Street , NEW VOIIK 70 BiHtn S BOSTON. "SOUTH OMAHA ! UNION STOCK YARDS CO. . LIMITED. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Oo U-W > Kichanna Ilulldlnz , Boutli Omaha. 8. J. Ooffman , Smiley llunter & Green , ' 80 Kxclianno UullUlnj M Kxcbange llulldlnt Boutli Ouildj * . Boulli Omauii. IttUlUlUlO ( I DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. BIOYOLES. The Branswiok-Balko A. II. Pcrrigo&Co. Oollonrlor Oo. nilllnrJ mcrchrtni1li , All .Mitkoi , Alt I'rlcci , All H.iloon flsturci. 1'atts. 107. Idf H. 10th ilruol , Omnba. ISli DoilBO Street BOOK BINDERS & STATIONERS. Omaha Eopnblican Printing Oo. , LAW brlofi , bank tupplloi , and OTortblag la thft prlntlnK Una. IQIb and Douglni tlroeti. Ackermann Bros. & Hointze , rrlntert , binder * , tlectrotrpers , blank book inanu- fncturors , lllfillotrar.l slroct , Om.iliv BOOTS AND SHOES. Oharlcs A , Ooo & Oo. , Kirkendall , Jonns & 0o , Unnnfaclurer * nnJ Job' Wholoitlo Mnnafactur'i bcrs. Aunnt" for Huston Hub- lirrHhotiOo. . III ; . ' . 1101 , HOT IlownrJ street. niullltW llnrnoy Ht. Williams , Van Aer- W. V. Mono & Oo. , nam & Harte , Bhoo Knctorf , rorncrllth nnil DoitKlat "f. . Onn- 1112 llnrncr utroot , Im. .Merchant * Inrltoil , Neb. tocnll nnil cxnmlno. BOXES. BUTCHERS. John L. Wilkie , LonU Hellor , Oinalmpaper bet factor/ , ntitrheri' Paekeri * 1317.1.119 IK > u Ui. Tinil A Buppllai. llcof , Orders liou.V slicoii rniliitti. promptly tllloL 1llG-lllSJackjon St. CARRIAGES , BUQGIE3 , ETO. VT. . Seaman , Omaha'n J.nrKOSt Variety \VAQO.N3 A.N1I CARPETS. | CLOTHING. Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Oilmoro & Ruhl. Carpets , oil cloths , mil' Manufnctururs A Wholo- tlnu , curtnln Rooila.cto. pnlo CIotlik'M , 1511 Douulivi BtroaL 1109 Hnrnor St. CIGARS. West & Fritschar , B. Tuchniai & Oo- , Manufacturer ! nnoclKin Manufacture ' AKcntt , Jobber * of leaf tobnccoi. Clu.iri. 1011 Farnam etroot. 10JS 13th st. Omalin.N'eb. COAL , COKE , ETC. Omaha Coal , Ooko and Oontant & Squires , Lime Oo. IJiuil nnil toft coal tlilp- Hard nnd soft coat. pcrs , H. R. Cor , IBtb and Uanp 1303 Farnnm reel , Us ttraets. Omnha Hulbort & Blum , P. H. Mahoney & Oo. Ohio lumpHock Sprliui , Hard-Coal-Soft. I'xeclslor , Walnut blosi , - ( crpcnoil nut , anthraclta , OMIrca 81.1 N ITith and cor. tmHIilntt , dtram. OQIC02US. 15th st. 10th and Douglas > ts. American Fuel Oo. Howell & Oo. , Bhlppors and doilnr * la antbraclto and bitu 217 S. Hth street , minous Omnlia , NeD. 5153.15th siren. Nebraska Fuel Oj. , Johnson Bros. , CKKarnnm utroot , Z133.13ti ! treat , Omnlm , Neb. Omaha , Nob. Mount & Griffin , 0. B. Havens & Oo. , 1138. Kthstroot , lCiC2 Farnam street , Omaha , Neb. Omaha. CORNIOB Eagle Cornice Works F. Euemping Manufacture of Oalvan- Galranltcd Iron cornices. IztMl Iron Cornlco. lornur ) wlniloirs , door Window cap4motullcskT < capi * . tlnlals , oto. Tin llKlits etc 1110 and 111 ] Iron and ilnto roofer. DortcoSt. 811 Karnam St. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry Goods OD. . furnishing Dry poodi , . notions cents' goods , notloni. Dry itooils. , furnlihlnz Cor. 11th and Howard sts. Corner lltli and llnrna/ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. Illustrated C'atalo ua free. ICH Capitol Aronuo. FARM MACHINERY , ETC. Parlin , OrendorfF 4s T. Q. Northwall , Martin Oa , , General irostorn agent Corner Jones and 9tU its. Skandla 1'low Co , Onnh. % Neb. 131'J-ir.l Sherman nvo. FLOUR. Broken Bow Eoller E. T. Davis Mill Oo. , Milling Oo. . C. O. UnderwooJ , OrHeo and warehouse , Manager nt Om.ihi. 101 ? N. ICth niroet. Cor. bth and Jacknon ts. S. F. Oilman , Clemens Oskampi ll't'f of re.idy to ralss 1014 N. 10th Btroat. Slnp JncX Meal. Unuit cakttj In tlio world. C.13. Ulaek. - JIanajor. 1207-131J S. 2Jth a Omaha Milling Co. , Murchnnt .Millers. Ofllco and mill , 1913 North ICth Stioot ' Hugh Q , Olnrk. QenlV * trn A tnt Imi.unt's Piortlof < " powder , Atlas hl 6 Plo- Upllln < tlnii cupi.fii'O- HIS llarucr itro U Loo-Olitk-Androoaoa Rcotor&WllholmyOo llardwaw Oo , , Cgr. IQUi mi Jackioa tJ 1103-1110 llnrner tmt. Cmtbt. FjJR\VOOLL HIDES. TAI.LO W. Qco. Oborno & Oo. , J. B , Smith k Oo. , 4133.13th street , 1403-141 } I.e.iTOnirorth ik Onmha. Oranhfk IRON WORKS. Poxtoii & Vierlins Omnha Snfo & Iron IrouWork ? , Works Wroucht nniJ cait Iron , bulldinu work , rnutnoi , Mnnnf'r < nronnil tirim worfc , gunornl proof > nfc' , vniilt , Jail fnunilrjr , nmclilns r ml wurk , Iron iliuttors * Q < ! Mnckvnlth work. U. 1 * . Hro r cni'0l. ( i All * UrccD.UtliA Jncktooit * Acme Iron nnil W5ra Wilson & Drake , Worki , M'f'i tutinlnr nun. nra < ron. wlronnilhr i w'kt box boiler * , tanki , ota. 5ia8. tub slrvet. V. lleohl , 1'roprlotor. I'lerronml loth slrccti. LITHOQRA.PHINQ. Eoos Printing Oo , UthoRrnnhlnir , 1'rlntlni niul ill-ink llooki. HIM nnil llo OILS. | OYSTERS. Consolidated Tank A. Booth Packing Oo , , Line Oo , Oysters , tlih and canned K ° Itcflnod and lubrlcitlni oils , niln Kri-io , olo. 1S03 IxjaTcnwortn. _ j A. U. Illsbop , Jtana/or , i PAPER. | PLATING. Oarpentor Paper Oo. , Western PlitiugWlcs Carry n full utock of Gold , tillvor nnd nickel and platlnK on nil nietali , printing , wrapping tnblownre , ctc.roilatod. | writing papar , card pa rollslilniibrnHi A chnn per , oto. Acllor work , PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Eibbel & Smith , Bchroedor & Oo. , Dealers In country prod Cash liuyeri tnittor nn4 uce , fruit. , vegetables , VKtt * . nn I ironoral com * etc. mlsilun MH-rnlmnti , 1507 Howard utreot. IH Huullillthitroot. M. A , Dislirow & Oo. , Bohn Sab & Door Oo. Manufacturer ! of i h , ManurnctiiroM otmoulJ- diiorn. bllnil * nnil liu , blind i , dojrJ , MouldlMk'i. llrnnoli'jf- oto. neo , 1'Jlh nnd IznrUti. ICth and Cl irk stroati , SYRUPS. STOVES. Parroll & Oompiny , DaffyTrowbridga VVIioloalo minfnrtureri . molauoi nnJ yrup jtantifn'itur'Ktoroianl vlno < iri , tnro iilpi. 217-219 South Stli itreot. ll1-13l'i l.nvunirorthil TEA , COFFEE , SPIOBS , OIQAB3. Consolidated Oaffoi ) Company , 1411 nnd HID llurnoyit Omnlm. Nob. STEAM AND WATQR SCJPPLIB3 U. B , Wind Engine & A , L. 8tnn & Son. % Pump Oo. , KW3-105I Karnim Jlallldarwlml inllli 'JIB - nnd 'M Jonoi ML I ) . V. . Omiihn , Nob. Hum , attlnii nmimitur. TOYS. | TYPE-WRITBRa II. Hardy & Co. , Typo-writora. Tof , l , albutn , f naf oodihouiofurnlililnx 115nnil 131. A.II , 1'errlzo ; ' & Co. , cntnlouuo f ton. lioodi , clilldron'i carriage ' 13IJ Iod.-o Htrcut. riage * . 131'J Furnuuiit- P. T , HUGHES , Wholesale Cash CommlBblon Mt-rohint. Kluln and Wotorn Cri-amory tuttt-r , VKBI anij iluiu lunfjiril. Advunouson lots on track , wnro- houkuur nitJiro at bink raloi. 1313 mil 1300 Ititb. It , Dcnrcr , ColuiaUo.